[00:00] billybigrigger: Easiest is to simply download individual debs from fta's ppa [00:01] billybigrigger: But for the debdiff, yea, just "patch -p1 < ../debdiff" from within the metacity source dir, and then rebuild package (debuild & pbuilder, in my case) [00:01] hmm, that new kernel isn't there for armel. [00:02] arand, fair enough [00:13] oh yeah, something else I noticed (on ARM): no scsi support. not even for usb-as-scsi. [00:13] So, you can't use scsiadd to eject a usb hard drive. [00:15] has it got USB mass storage? [00:15] (although I thought that was based on SCSI) [00:16] Yeah, it does have that. [00:17] nite [00:20] also: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/linux-ti-omap/+bug/563650 [00:20] Ubuntu bug 563650 in linux-ti-omap (Ubuntu Lucid) "DSS2 oops when shutting down while DPMS is active" [Medium,Confirmed] [00:20] That patch there is a bit silly... if screen is asleep, wake it before rebooting? [00:20] How about just making it so if screen is asleep, you don't try to turn it off? [00:24] is it so it's awake during the reboot so you can see any boot messages? [00:28] arand, for that metacity patch, i have to install all the patched debs yeah? does it matter what order? [00:29] i tried installing the main metacity deb, hoping it would pick up all the dependant debs in the same folder and install them too, but it didn't [00:29] billybigrigger: dunno, I tend to just dpkg -i *.deb to be suer [00:30] Install the all at once. [00:30] *them [00:30] Errors were encountered while processing: [00:30] libmetacity-dev [00:30] Errors were encountered while processing: [00:30] libmetacity-dev [00:31] whoops [00:31] sorry for the double past [00:31] paste [00:31] libmetacity-dev: [00:31] Installed: 1:2.30.1-0ubuntu1+fta2 [00:31] Candidate: 1:2.30.1-0ubuntu1+fta2 [00:46] anyone know what's up with this apt error i keep getting in a new terminal? [00:49] yeh, it's a n extra ; somewhere [00:50] 546794 [00:50] bug 546794 [00:50] Launchpad bug 546794 in bash-completion (Ubuntu) "[revert, causes errors] Smarter lib* aware autocompletion?" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/546794 [07:55] smplayer: Depends: mplayer but it is not going to be installed [07:55] mplayer: Depends: libdirectfb-1.2-0 but it is not going to be installed [07:56] libdirectfb is deprecated no? [07:56] or am i wrong? [07:57] There's a new version. [07:57] But mplayer seems to depend on the old version. [10:15] rhythmbox segmentation fault? [11:31] morning :) [11:43] is rhythmbox working for all of you? [12:40] knittl: yea segfault, got a report to confirm? [12:40] arand: no, i haven't found a report yet [12:41] plugged my mp3player to the speakers for the meanwhile :D [13:23] are libdirectfb-dev safe to remove? [13:24] somethings holding back another bunch of updates [13:30] knittl: its -dev [13:30] should be safe :D [13:31] The following packages will be REMOVED: libdirectfb-dev* libsdl-mixer1.2-dev* libsdl1.2-dev* libsmpeg-dev* [13:31] hm… [13:32] means i will not be able to compile some apps [13:32] nevermind :D === zniavre__ is now known as zniavre [13:39] hm, something is still preventing the upgrade [14:35] this is not maverick specific, but has anybody ever noticed, that the cpu clock speed won't change when load is too high? [14:39] knittl: You mean it won't go faster when you load it up? [14:39] knittl: What are you looking at the frequency with and what CPU do you have? [14:39] i have a c2d [14:39] and i use the gnome frequency scaling applet [14:40] knittl: Have you got one of those setup for each core? [14:40] nope, both cores usually scale at the same time [14:41] mine don't I don't think [14:41] i'm watching an hd move now, i'll try to find the exact steps to reproduce it after the movie [14:42] make sure you've got it set to 'ondemand' [14:42] but maybe it has to do with cpu temperature (or is related) [14:42] penguin42: yes, ondemand is the default [14:42] but when load is too high it doesn't even change when i set it to performance or userspace (2.5 ghz) [14:44] even with simple CPU heavy load - something like md5sum /dev/zero & [14:45] hm, it scaled down again [14:45] even with performance [14:47] $ uptime; sudo cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu[01]/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq 15:47:03 up 1:21, 4 users, load average: 0.87, 0.97, 0.97 [14:47] 800000 [14:47] 800000 [14:47] heat problem? [14:47] 56 °C [14:47] odd [14:48] md5sum wasn't running yet [14:48] now it is [14:48] cpus are 100 % in use [14:48] $ uptime; sudo cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu[01]/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq 15:48:17 up 1:22, 6 users, load average: 1.66, 1.16, 1.03 [14:48] 1200000 [14:48] hm, 1.2 ghz [14:48] 1200000 [14:49] 2.0 … they are scaling again [14:49] 2.5 [14:49] 75 °C [14:50] $ uptime; sudo cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu[01]/cpufreq/scaling_{cur_freq,governor} 15:50:20 up 1:24, 6 users, load average: 2.25, 1.56, 1.19 [14:50] 2000000 [14:50] 2000000 [14:50] ondemand [14:50] ondemand [14:51] 1.2 that might be heatrelated now [14:54] 800 mhz, 59 °C [14:54] load 3 [14:54] definitely not a heat issue [14:55] remember heat!=cpu usage [14:55] sorry, load!=cpu usage [14:55] yes, i know [14:55] cpu usage was 100 % :P [14:55] but i think it's related to load [14:55] scaling doesn't get cpu time maybe? [14:56] don't think it needs to, maybe I'm wrong [14:57] i'm no kernel dev :D [14:57] only guessing from my side [14:58] knittl: Any news regarding rhbox? [14:58] arand: nope [14:59] I'm installing -dbg and gonna see if the backtrace is of any use, at least material for a bug report I guess... [14:59] i tried renaming all rhythmbox folders in my home dir [14:59] didn't help, so it's not plugins i guess [15:00] Or default plugins... [15:00] are there default plugins? [15:00] I think so. [15:02] i tried strace, but there's too much information for me to understand [15:03] backtrace from gdb has rb_plugins_engine_activate_plugin in it [15:03] but there's too much information for me to understand [15:04] Ah, whoops [15:04] xD [15:04] 0x00184f2c in rb_python_module_load_with_gil (module=0x82be350) [15:04] (gdb) bt [15:04] #0 0x00184f2c in ?? () from /usr/lib/librhythmbox-core.so.0 [15:04] #1 0x00d75720 in g_type_module_use () from /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.0 [15:04] #2 0x00183381 in rb_plugins_engine_activate_plugin () from /usr/lib/librhythmbox-core.so.0 [15:05] knittl: Yea, that's without the -dbg package with debug info though [15:05] i just run default rhythmbox [15:05] * ran [15:06] helps a little bit most of the time ;) [15:06] Yea, installing rhythmobox-dbg anf then running it again, gives a bit more I would think [15:06] i'll try [15:06] That's where I got ↑ that from [15:07] we should get the same output [15:07] i can test in 30 s [15:08] http://pastebin.com/cDyUNQdi [15:08] the binary is sitll called rhythmbox? [15:08] Yea [15:09] http://paste2.org/p/857698 [15:09] I have no real idea how these things go, but there were less question marks in the output, so I guess that's a good sign [15:09] function names are usually optimized out by the compiler [15:10] debug builds still have them in them [15:10] and some other additional information [15:10] Yea, our out seems to be pretty much identical.. [15:10] seems to be exactly the same output [15:10] ^^ [15:11] I'm reporting a bug now [15:12] ok, let me know its number then [15:13] Hmm, I wonder if "366 rb-python-module.c: No such file or directory" ... [15:13] hmmm, might be a good starting point [15:17] Bug #587534 [15:17] Launchpad bug 587534 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "rhythmbox segfault on launch [maverick]" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/587534 [15:20] i clicked the »it affects me too« button [15:20] ^^ [15:20] Yea I reckon it could be confirmed as well. [15:24] have you got any music players plugged in? [15:25] nope [15:25] i don't [15:25] Nope, virtual machine, first ever execution of RB [16:22] Is there some known brokenness with the Lucid -> Maverick upgrade at the moment? It errors out with a complaint about upgrading linux-generic when I try at the moment [16:22] (Although I'm upgrading a VM that has linux-image-virtual installed) [16:23] only firefox etc is broken due to metacity, but there are fixed debs in a ppa [16:24] Uh, looking at the apt.log, I see "Package linux-image-generic has broken Depends on linux-image-2.6.34-5-generic" and "Package linux-generic has broken Depends on linux-image-generic" [16:25] that just sounds broken [16:25] I guess I should mention in the interests of disclosure that I'm not using an official mirror, but I help maintain it and I know it's up to date [16:26] well, linux-generic->linux-image-generic->linux-image-2.6.xx-x-generic sounds normal [16:26] perhaps linux-image-generic now depends on a version of linux-image-...-generic that isn't on the mirrors yet [16:28] I guess I could kick off a sync of the mirror by hand and see if it helps [16:28] Meh, rhythmbox is even FTBFS. [16:32] arand, no crash upon launch here [16:33] billybigrigger_: Hmm, arch? any other mods to RB? [16:33] vanilla rb [16:33] amd64 [16:34] 2.6.34-4-generic [16:34] knittl: Are you on 32bit as well? [16:34] fresh upgrade from lucid>maverick yesterday [16:34] I'm on 32bit vbox [16:34] rhythmbox: [16:34] Installed: 0.12.8-0ubuntu4 [16:34] Candidate: 0.12.8-0ubuntu4 [16:34] ahhhhh [16:34] :P [16:35] bug number? === JanC_ is now known as JanC [16:42] arand: yep, 32 bit [16:42] billybigrigger_: Bug #587534 [16:42] Launchpad bug 587534 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "rhythmbox segfault on launch [maverick]" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/587534 [16:43] knittl: So might be 32bit-related then... [16:43] looks like it [16:55] arand, any point of me sending a backtrack of the working application? [16:55] backtrace [16:56] I have no idea, to be honest [17:30] $ kmail [17:30] kmail: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libkmailprivate.so.4: undefined symbol: _ZN13KCMultiDialog16staticMetaObjectE === jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna [17:43] hi, i'm use maverick. after yesterday update i can't start rhytmbox. SEGFAULT. Anybodies know? [17:43] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+bug/587534 [17:43] Ubuntu bug 587534 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "rhythmbox segfault on launch [maverick]" [Undecided,Confirmed] [17:43] DsXack: 32 bit system? [17:44] yes [17:44] DsXack: Bug #587534 [17:44] Launchpad bug 587534 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "rhythmbox segfault on launch [maverick]" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/587534 [17:44] Oops, already done :) [17:44] sank [17:45] arand: i added comment about 32 bit systems [17:45] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=240120 [17:45] KDE bug 240120 in general "kmail: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libkmailprivate so 4: undefined symbol: _ZN13KCMultiDialog16staticMetaObjectE" [Crash,Unconfirmed] [17:49] knittl: Yea, feel like I should report the failed build as well, I guess... [17:49] sorry, and this http://paste.pocoo.org/show/220048/ bag in conky. i not find in launchpad === arand_ is now known as arand === ripps_ is now known as ripps === yofel_ is now known as yofel [20:22] Evening folks :) [20:24] hey hey yofel [20:26] howdy === BUGabundo is now known as BUGabundo_fewd [20:51] anyone know how to track changes made to the default un-updated lucid install, that are made after release? Hibernation stopped working for me, and I am trying to track down which changed caused it. [20:58] ChogyDan: Are you running Lucid or Maverick? [20:58] lucid [20:59] This channel is only for Maverick discussion/troubleshooting. Hop over to #ubuntu-bugs and we'll continue the conversation. === BUGabundo_fewd is now known as BUGabundo === dmarkey_ is now known as dmarkey [22:07] Has anyone running 10.10 received this error in their terminal? bash: /etc/bash_completion.d/apt: line 32: syntax error near unexpected token `;' [22:07] bash: /etc/bash_completion.d/apt: line 32: ` 2> /dev/null ); $( apt-cache --no-generate pkgnames "lib$cur" \' [22:07] bash: /etc/bash_completion.d/apt: line 33: syntax error near unexpected token `)' [22:07] bash: /etc/bash_completion.d/apt: line 33: ` 2> /dev/null); )' [22:08] IDWMaster: remove the semicolons and it will work again [22:08] OK. Thanks. [22:09] That fixed it. === marienz is now known as sabbie === sabbie is now known as marienz