
wernerxwell,guys THANK YOU both.You were very kind guiding me in this scripting jungle.:)00:07
wernerxthe script is working very well00:08
wernerxthank you again00:08
paultagwernerx, don't infalte his ego ;)00:11
paultagwernerx, I'll make sure ibuclaw ( that Brit ) gets the message :)00:12
paultagnhandler, poke00:18
wernerxthank you,and tell him that his solution is working very well.With his help i can now install almost 100 apps grouped in 15 categories.I use those # comments to keep things organized00:18
paultagwernerx, :)00:19
wernerxand I thank drubin as much too00:21
smeag0lHi everybody01:04
duanedesignanyi=one familiar with putting songs on an iphone/ipod using Ubuntu01:28
phillwduanedesign: have you had a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPod ?01:30
collinp#1 suggestion to people in that situation: Get a copy of Windows and run it in a VM.01:31
phillwcollinp: we had ipods working in the beta stage of 10.04, I'm figuring it is still there01:32
* phillw corrects self - was in alpha stage01:35
ibuclawphillw, http://iainbuclaw.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/2010-05-30-002118_1024x600_scrot.png01:54
phillwoooh, how much resources does it take to have the 'snake' on the right?01:55
ibuclawlittle to none01:56
* phillw would like to try that01:56
ibuclawthe 16% you see there is all deadbeef playing music =)01:56
ibuclawphillw, all tis is conky + lua01:56
phillwibuclaw: ahh, so I did finally find you a music player :-p01:57
ibuclawwell I kinda "forced" it on bodhi01:57
phillwI cannot recommend it, it's not in the repos - but, bt heck, it's good01:58
ibuclawit was a constant struggle between ario and xmms201:58
phillwi've forgotten who it was on our mailing list who brought it to our attention. you had input over the things you wanted Aqualung to do obviously, so they went looking further.01:59
phillwI believe they found a nice one & already have a decent chat with the author02:00
phillwis the 'snake' on the right GTK or gnome?02:00
ibuclawconky + lua02:01
ibuclawif anything ... it's xft02:01
ibuclawbut that is just for the font rendering02:01
ibuclaw.conkyrc http://pastebin.com/TJFzdP5J02:02
phillwnot sure if we have conky in lubuntu, I would guess not02:02
ibuclaw.conky/conky_widgets.lua http://pastebin.com/hC7LJNEe02:03
ibuclawnope, but it's tiny =)02:03
ibuclawphillw, and you can get some very visually appeasing effects from it02:05
phillwibuclaw: thanks for the pastebin, but we have I said about it "may as well be in chinese" :-)02:06
kidtphello. i want to get itunes on my laptop again but i completely got rid of windows when i put on ubuntu. does anyone know a way to get a free windows version? 98 or xp even. if not does anyone know a way to get itunes to work on ubuntu?02:34
collinpNo and no. You cannot get Windows for free legally, and I'm not going to get into getting it illegally.02:35
kidtpcollinp: ok, and no way to get itunes to work on ubuntu?02:35
collinpAnd, there's been limited success with running iTunes using WINE - a Windows compatibility layer for Linux - and only with older versions. Even then, it didn't work very well.02:36
kidtpi've been there phillw02:36
kidtpand i have tried rythm box with my ipod touch but the sync didnt work and nearly erased my ipod settings and stuff. i think only itunes is compatible with ipod touch02:37
phillwkidtp: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=141650702:37
collinpI extremely highly doubt that there will ever be any official support for iTunes on Linux, and that there will ever be any good unofficial support for the iPod Touch and iPhone.02:38
phillwas collinp says, unless you can prove you have a hologram sticker on your computer for windows operating system we cannot help.02:38
kidtpphillw: hologram sticker? lol02:39
collinpAye, hologram sticker.02:39
kidtpcollinp: which is....02:40
phillwthe bit that has the microsoft 16 digit alpha-numric string02:41
kidtpnvm. what is lucid lynx or alpha 3? in the forum you showed me phillw it says both but what are they and how do i get them?02:41
phillwkidtp: you can also have allok over at http://www.winehq.org/ which *may* provide an alternative02:41
collinpThey look like this: http://www.technibble.com/articlecontent/2007/11/cod-sticker.jpg02:41
collinpUbuntu 10.04LTS Lucid Lynx has already been released.02:42
kidtpcollinp: it also says alpha 3?02:42
collinpUh, wait, what?02:43
phillwkidtp: I have not altered my staus, as I'm about to start with 10.10 development02:43
collinpAlpha 3 would had been Lucid Lynx Alpha 3, which is long gone.02:43
phillwkidtp: that was when the lynx had 1st been found to have ipod capability02:43
phillwI'm still not sure about naming a version of ubuntu after a carnivore, it ate the fox (Fire Fox), and a few other things along its way - hopefully the Meercat will not go out killing as much ;-)02:45
kidtpphillw: if i have an activation key can you help me?02:48
phillwidk, i do not want to get banned, let me ask - if I do, you will require the activation key to be accepted by Microsoft. I just so do *not* do pircay02:52
collinpAny and all discussion of piracy is banned in this channel.02:53
collinpAnd I will enforce that.02:54
kidtpcollinp: ok i have changed my mind. no more piracy. i have a windows 7 disc. but there is a problem...it is a windows 7 upgrade disc for xp or vista. when i put it in i cant figure out waht to do in order to install it new. is it possible or am i wasting my time?03:00
collinpYou have to have an existing install of XP or Vista on the hard drive to use a Windows 7 upgrade disc.03:01
kidtpcollinp: oh ok. is there any linux OS that is able to use itunes?03:02
phillwkidtp: is a private chat okay with you?03:03
collinpNo. iTunes is only officially supported by Apple on Windows and Mac OS, and running iTunes using WINE on Linux does not work very well.03:03
kidtpphillw: yes03:03
duanedesignthanks phillw  for the ipod suggestions03:07
duanedesignitunes on WineHQ^^03:09
duanedesignhavent tried it but i/503:10
phillwduanedesign: they've been spending some time on it03:11
kidtpcollinp: i have a second laptop with windows on it. if i back up that computer with a cd it should be just like a windows 7 livecd, correct? if so could i just put it in this laptop after resizing the partitions and install windows that way?03:46
mohi2911HAPPY B'DAY PEDRO#))%03:59
mohi2911erm pedro300504:00
pedro3005mohi2911, failure04:00
pedro3005you fail04:00
* mohi2911 wished pedro3005 IDIOT on his b'day. thats all :/04:00
pedro3005mohi2911, :D04:00
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collinpdanLe: Glad you made it.05:26
danLeis this server more useful?05:27
danLei have a question05:27
collinpdanLe is a user that I brought over from the utterly dead #ubuntu channel on UnderNet. They're having issues with installing Ubuntu on their netbook using a USB drive.05:27
danLei need help installing ubuntu05:27
danLenicely summed! thanks again!05:28
collinpThis server is oriented towards Open Source Software like Ubuntu. Every official Ubuntu channel is located on this network.05:28
danLeeweird i my irc froze05:30
danLeebut im back now05:31
somethingintereswhat 'issues' specifically?05:31
danLeeone sec05:32
collinpFrom what they explained, Ubuntu is freezing while booting from the USB drive.05:32
collinpAfter the selection menu.05:32
collinpI couldn't be of very much help, as they are using Ubuntu Netbook and I have little experience with it.05:33
somethinginteresare you running the latest usb-creator (0.2.22)? There was some bugs with it before05:35
danLeei used05:35
danLeeUniversal-usb-installer v1.5.805:36
somethinginteresI've not used that before05:37
somethinginteresgenerally the best results for booting from a USB are when using usb-creator on from a linux box05:37
danLeethe strange thing is05:38
danLeethe usb boot works fine on my desk top05:38
somethinginteresoh you mean it boots Ubuntu fine?05:39
danLeeon desktop05:39
somethingintereswhat model is your netbook?05:40
danLeetoshiba Satellite T115-S110005:41
somethinginteresyou've done all the usual setting the USB as first-boot dev and that?05:42
somethinginterestry starting from square one using the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick#From%20Windows05:45
somethinginteresso mount the ubuntu iso and extract usb-creator.exe and try using that05:46
somethinginteresI think you might have more luck b/c that's Ubuntu's official program05:46
somethinginteresah yes sorrry you'll have to use unetbootin05:48
somethinginteresthe usb-creator.exe doesn't exist on distro ISO post 9.1005:49
pedro3005if you have internet access, http://www.netboot.me/ is an option05:49
danLeeill try both05:51
somethingintereslet us know if both fail :)05:52
somethinginteresor you succeed of course05:52
somethinginteresanyone got any idea how to close a single window in a 'window group'06:13
somethinginteresright click just seems to bring the clicked window into focus06:13
somethinginteresI was hoping for a context menu to be able to close the clicked window06:13
hobgoblinmorning aluex07:47
aluexhobgoblin, actually time here is afternoon. :D07:48
hobgoblinmornafterevight then ;)07:48
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drakehullo all09:59
hobgoblinhi drake10:00
drakeI'm not really sure if this is an appropriate channel to ask my question,  I consider myself a 'beginner' but the question itself may not be.10:01
hobgoblinfire it off - if I can help I will - if not there are others in here - whether they are awake or not is another matter10:02
drakeI'm using ubuntu server with no gui, I can navigate the command line fairly well at this point however....10:03
drakeI have a device mounted via fstab as /dev/sdb1 /media/terabyte  defaults 0 0.  I want to make a folder '/media/terabyte/shared' sharable and accessible across the network.  I am able to share the entire drive via the smb.conf usering xam's guide located here http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu-home-fileserver-p3 however I do not wish the entire drive accessed.  Someone mentioned symbolic links and sharing only that but I'm not sure how10:03
drakeand yes....I pre-typed that earlier.  *grin*10:03
hobgoblinln -s /path/to/real/file /path/to/non-existent/file10:05
hobgoblinlike that10:05
drakeThank you!  I'm going to study this for a moment....  So ln -s /media/terabyte/Shared /home/name/Shared   Then in my fstab replace /media/terabyte with /home/name/shared ?  That looks like it should work10:09
drakeOf course, I think I may have to chmod the link (if you can do that) or would that be lchmod it to 77710:09
drakeBeautiful, so far so good, I was able to make the link, now I'm going to attempt to share that link with my network!  You rock10:20
ibuclawyou know what I love about Openbox ?10:29
ibuclawdoesn't cause the CPU and Hard disk to run hot. :P10:29
ibuclawunlike Mutter, which constantly runs at 20% CPU10:30
lukjad86ibuclaw OpenBox is like GNOME, right?10:32
ibuclawit's freedesktop.org compliant, but that is where it ends.10:33
ibuclaw(one is a WM, the other a DE)10:33
ibuclawif you meant to say: "ibuclaw OpenBox is like Metacity, right?"10:34
ibuclawthe answer is still no10:34
lukjad86ibuclaw Could you explain a bit to me the different between a DE and a WM. I never really was that clear10:34
ibuclawDesktop Environment = WM + UI Toolkit + Userland Applications10:36
ibuclawGNOME = Metacity + GTK + GNOME Applications10:37
lukjad86Okay, so can openbox become part of GNOME, or would that require changing GTK and and GNOME Applications?10:38
ibuclawIt can integrate well, yes.10:38
ibuclawbut the overall look isn't really managed by Openbox10:40
lukjad86ibuclaw I know that if I try and run a KDE app while in GNOME, it basically starts up KDE running within GNOME. Will the same thing happen with openbox, or do running programs only access openbox and will not be affected either way?10:42
lukjad86ibuclaw also: "It can be used either as a replacement for the default Gnome window manager -- Metacity -- or as a standalone desktop environment. "10:43
lukjad86So... it's both?10:43
ibuclawlukjad86, that's a certain session configuration iirc10:44
ibuclawselecatable from the login screen10:44
ibuclawno clue what the difference is between Openbox and Openbox/GNOME  or /KDE10:44
lukjad86ibuclaw If I use it within GNOME, will I notice a difference, or will it just work better generally?10:46
ibuclawYou will most likely notice a huge difference :)10:46
ibuclawright-click menus, switching desktops, window decoration...10:46
lukjad86Openbox is configured for 4 desktops, but the current session has 5.  Overriding the Openbox configuration.10:46
lukjad86Openbox-Message: Unable to find a valid menu file "debian-menu.xml"10:47
ibuclawapt-get install menu10:47
lukjad86The prompt is not coming back though10:47
ibuclawapt-get install obconf10:47
ibuclawright-click -> reconfigure10:48
lukjad86dear me, looks like the whole thing has crashed10:48
lukjad86I can't switch windows :\10:48
lukjad86 /exec -o is my friend :)10:49
ibuclawno clue what you are on about ... never happened to me. :-*10:49
lukjad86Or maybe not the -o10:49
lukjad86ibuclaw See, what happened was that when I pasted that error, the command prompt would not change10:50
lukjad86*release itself10:50
lukjad86It is still running10:50
lukjad86So I Ctrl+C'd it, and crashed openbox. So I could not switch10:50
lukjad86ibuclaw sweet10:53
lukjad86Nifty little background with the CPU10:53
lukjad86ibuclaw Do I have to keep that terminal open forever?10:53
ibuclawwhat terminal ?10:54
lukjad86Because when I try and close it, openbox crashes10:54
ibuclawyour ****10:54
ibuclawlukjad86, openbox &10:54
ibuclawthen you can close it10:54
lukjad86ibuclaw Err.. but how to get the prompt to recognize that without killing openbox?10:55
ibuclawlukjad86, oh, it is still running ?10:55
ibuclawthen you can close it10:56
* lukjad86 hugs ibuclaw 10:56
lukjad86ibuclaw Great! now more cycles for F@H :D10:56
ibuclawlukjad86, you should look into configuring openbox though...10:57
lukjad86I wonder if it's my imagination or if the windows really do switch faster :)10:57
ibuclawmkdir -p ~/.config/openbox10:57
lukjad86ibuclaw okay10:57
ibuclaw~/.config/openbox/rc.xml is the desktop configuration file10:58
ibuclaw~/.config/openbox/menu.xml is the right-click menu10:58
ibuclaw~/.config/openbox/autostart.sh is the autostart applications10:58
ibuclaw(be sure to chmod +x autostart.sh)10:58
lukjad86ibuclaw any way to port the startups from GNOME?10:58
ibuclawlukjad86, look at the commands run, and put it in that file11:00
ibuclawam not sure what the Openbox/GNOME session does tbh11:00
ibuclawlukjad86, look in /etc/xdg/autostart/11:01
lukjad86ibuclaw Just so you know, /home/lukjad007/.config/openbox is blank. So I just need to create those files?11:04
lukjad86Hi hobgoblin11:33
hobgoblinhi lukjad8611:35
lukjad86hobgoblin Long time no see11:35
hobgoblinI'm often in and out of here - though more out than in11:35
lukjad86hobgoblin Yeah, me too, sadly11:39
hobgoblinwell as much as is available is more than enough I think11:40
aluexhobgoblin, how to find some new applets for the panel?11:51
hobgoblinright click add to panel11:51
aluexI meant to add a sound controlling applet11:52
aluexi mean the volume11:52
aluexit used to be there but not now11:52
aluexnor in the dialog after clicking 'add to' menu11:53
hobgoblintry this in a terminal sudo apt-get install indicator-sound11:53
hobgoblinit should be in the indicator-applet11:54
hobgoblinaluex: does that sort it?11:59
aluexwhat is "sort"11:59
hobgoblinis it there now?12:00
aluexvolume controlling applet?12:00
aluexno,it isn't there now12:00
hobgoblindid you do as I say?12:01
hobgoblinyou might need to right click panel and add indicator applet12:01
aluexis it the same as Notifier Area?12:04
hobgoblinno - they do different thins at the moment - the notification area will be going in the future12:05
hobgoblinit is not the same12:06
aluexoh,i see12:06
aluex^^,thank you12:06
aluexthen i can listen to the music12:07
aluexWhat's the differences between notification area and indicator applet?12:07
aluexOh, i see12:08
aluexi used to think they are the same12:09
hobgoblinthey sort of do the saem thing at the moment for different indicators - one will in the end disappear12:10
aluexThank you~12:11
vangelisI am running 64bit 10.04. Cheese freezes every time I try to record video (works ok for pics). I know the camera works because I use it in skype. Any ideas? Or any suggestions about alternative applications?12:35
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Angushi can anyone help me with a problem on my network13:12
Angusif i go to nautilus and select network13:12
Angusthen windows network13:12
Angusit returns an error saying "Unable to mount location"13:13
Angus"Failed to retrieve share list from server"13:13
Angussometimes i get further but i never get the the files I want13:13
Anguscan any one help?13:21
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aluexhelp: (gedit:5984): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: g_converter_convert: assertion `outbuf_size > 0' failed14:15
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aluexhow to add a prefix to every file in current folder?14:46
aluexi mean "to every file's name"14:46
aluexrename 's/.*/prefix.*/' *  <- OK??14:48
paultag_aluex, Ohhh, a puzzle :)14:56
paultag_aluex, let me see if I can do this without checking in my terminal14:56
aluex...i m confused14:57
paultag_for x in `ls`; do mv $x "prefix-$x"; done14:57
paultag_try that aluex14:57
aluexoh thank you14:57
paultag_aluex, I did not test that, but it should work14:57
aluexand how to use regular expr?14:57
paultag_yeah that works aluex14:57
aluexi want to learn14:58
paultag_aluex, Oh, well that's the hard way :P14:58
paultag_aluex, I'm not sure on rename's syntax14:58
paultag_ibuclaw, poke14:58
paultag_aluex, hang around, someone will read this and get back to you :)14:58
ibuclawpaultag_, ?14:59
aluexpaultag_, ok15:00
paultag_ibuclaw, can you help aluex with regexps + rename? I've forgotten my regexps and you know perl15:00
paultag_<3 ibuclaw15:00
ibuclawaluex, you can - iirc - use:  rename 's/^/prefix/' *15:01
aluexaha,that's it15:01
paultag_thanks ibuclaw, you rock :)15:01
aluexanother question : what is write-protected regular file15:02
ibuclawpaultag_, did you know that gdm no longer depends on metacity ? :)15:02
paultag_ibuclaw, w00t!15:02
ibuclawpaultag_, am currently putting together a zenix-artwork pack15:02
ibuclawhave gdm setup ... sorta15:02
ibuclawaluex, a file that you don't have write permissions for15:03
paultag_ibuclaw, awesome15:03
ibuclawaluex, usually because: 1) it is set as read-only, or 2) you are not the owner of it.15:03
aluexi c15:04
ibuclawaluex, where are you trying to write to ?15:04
ibuclawls -l # is your friend :)15:05
aluexikonia, that's a file i copied from other computer. :)15:06
aluex..i m sorry15:07
aluextyped wrong name..15:07
aluexAnyway to search my folder faster?15:12
aluexI mean if there's an approch to building a index15:13
aluexor something like that15:13
paultag_aluex, find . -type f > manifest15:13
paultag_aluex, and you can even do something even fun(er)15:13
paultag_aluex, echo "" > manifest; md5sum `find . -type f` >> manifest15:14
paultag_aluex, all the files + md5 sums15:14
aluexoh,i mean if there is a dynamic-updated index15:14
aluex: )15:14
paultag_aluex, you could make a really cool FUSE util that would make a few "files" that would be the output of a program15:15
aluexpaultag_, my english is not very well.. :P15:16
aluexi thought something can do this in former version of ubuntu15:16
paultag_aluex, what are you trying to do?15:17
aluexi have a folder that i searched frequently15:17
aluexjust like a lib15:17
aluex: )15:17
paultag_aluex, Ahhh, very cool idea. There might be something built in with the find tool in Ubuntu15:17
paultag_aluex, you want to make it yourself?15:19
aluex...maybe not.15:19
paultag_Oh, too bad15:19
paultag_aluex, you could do something really cool if you wanted to make it yourself15:19
ibuclawpaultag_, http://iainbuclaw.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/2010-05-30-140549_1024x600_scrot.png15:20
paultag_I saw that ibuclaw15:20
ibuclawthat's gdm =)15:20
paultag_ibuclaw, P.S. I thought scrot was like scrotum ( balls )15:20
paultag_ibuclaw, might want to change that15:20
paultag_aluex, there is something called "Zeitgeist" and something called "FUSE"15:20
paultag_aluex, you could try and merge those to create a folder full of links to the most used files15:20
ibuclawpaultag_, I thought Lynx was the webbrowser ... but they ain't changing that either...15:20
aluexpaultag_, i will google it15:21
paultag_ibuclaw, well, it looks awesome15:21
paultag_aluex, :D, let me know how it goes, I'd LOVE to check it out15:21
ibuclawpaultag_, this is the rc.xml used to make it possible : http://pastebin.com/2BqaFeXp15:22
ibuclawnote there is no right-click function. ;)15:22
aluexgnome-do sounds nice15:22
paultag_ibuclaw, :)15:23
paultag_aluex, gnome-do rocks15:23
paultag_ibuclaw, looks awesom15:23
aluexand so is beagle15:23
paultag_ibuclaw, as usual, you rock my socks off :)15:23
aluexare you roommate?15:25
aluexpaultag_,  i mean " you and ibuclaw "15:26
paultag_aluex, haha! roommates == someone you live with :D15:26
paultag_aluex, I am doing quite well :)15:27
paultag_aluex, how are you?15:27
aluexyou mean "stand with" or "bear"15:27
aluexpaultag_, find,i m installing gnome-do15:27
paultag_aluex, roommate is someone that you live with in a house that is not in your family15:27
aluexoh, i know15:27
paultag_OK, I'm doing very well :)15:28
aluexyou just said your socks were rocked off15:28
paultag_Oh ahahahaha15:28
paultag_aluex, it's an American expression that means "That is awesome"15:28
aluex: ) thank you15:29
aluexi have taken it down in my notebook15:29
aluexhow to call systom-monitor to show up?15:32
aluexany shortcut key?15:32
aluexAbout dialog of gnome-do cannot be closed ... :(15:32
ibuclawaluex, not yet is all I can say...15:32
aluexYou are so warm-hearted. I feel nice using ubuntu (together with learning English)~15:37
paultag_aluex, haha, well thank you :)15:42
aluex: D15:43
CtrlAlthey guys,problems with samba here.17:28
ibuclawpaultag is gone... curse him17:35
ibuclawCtrlAlt, o/17:35
switchgirlhi :) please can someone help me firefox is playing up - cpu usage = 60-75%18:58
shredder12switchgirl, it could be because of flash, video playing, high number of webpages opened with dynamic content (also mostly flash).19:05
switchgirliplayer is playing a tv programme19:05
switchgirlor trying to19:05
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Jaspe1I have a pretty basic yet impossible question for any Ubuntu freaks out there :)19:19
Jaspe1ill just ask, Why cant my flash work. I'v tried everything19:22
phillwhi Jaspe1 head over to http://firefox-tutorials.blogspot.com/2010/05/flash-optimization.html and see how you get on.19:28
Jaspe1Oh sorry haha. thanks ill check it out real quick.19:39
Jaspe1ok that didnt work T.T19:42
Jaspe1jasper@jasper-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get purge adobe-flashplugin19:42
Jaspe1Reading package lists... Done19:42
Jaspe1Building dependency tree19:42
Jaspe1Reading state information... Done19:42
Jaspe1E: Couldn't find package adobe-flashplugin19:42
ChesamoJaspe1: No need to paste the apt output19:42
phillwJaspe1: that's okay, it just menas you don't have it installed19:43
Jaspe1Sorry. I'v just been workin on it for 3 day's and have not gotten any answers haha.19:43
Chesamoflashplugin-nonfree ?19:43
Chesamosudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree19:43
Jaspe1o upgraded 0 installed 0 to remove and 0 uprgade19:44
phillwJaspe1: what lovinglinux is doing in those instructions is ensuring you do not have variants of flash installed, prior to installing the flash-nonfree one.19:44
Chesamophillw: Oh, he's following directions. :headdesk:19:44
phillwChesamo: http://firefox-tutorials.blogspot.com/2010/05/flash-optimization.html19:45
Jaspe1Im sorry, im new to ubuntu19:45
Jaspe1I'm loving it, its just flash has been giving me problems19:45
phillwloving linux's notes on tidting up flash19:45
Chesamophillw: Well I'm no use; I don't use Forefox19:45
phillwChesamo: i used those instructions for my chromium - works a treat :-D19:45
Jaspe1I keep getting " Dependency is not satisfiable  Libpango 1.0-0....thats where thsi all started19:45
Chesamophillw: Don't use that either ;-)19:46
Jaspe1im gonna keep on this "instructions" and ill get back to you.19:46
Jaspe1thanks for the patience :D19:46
phillwyou're welcome19:46
Jaspe1we have progress19:47
Jaspe1negative process19:47
Jaspe1I was following the directions and then did the rm-f$home/mozilla/plugins ect ect and nothing happened19:48
ChesamoJaspe1: That's good19:48
Jaspe1so i did the final one, the flashplugin-nonfree and it said "Failed"19:48
ChesamoJaspe1: rm will return nothing if it did something19:48
Jaspe1haha, 404 not found.19:48
ChesamoJaspe1: the wget command? I'll go look for the new URL19:48
ChesamoCan someone confirm for me that this is the right package? I'm not convinced it is, and I'm not on Linux at the moment to check. http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz19:50
Jaspe1Ok just a quick thing here19:51
Jaspe1i went ahead and did the purge's and what not again to be safe, and the the RM's19:52
Jaspe1and you said when the RM's say nothing back "they did something?"19:52
ChesamoJaspe1: Yes, if an rm command is issued and it just drops you back to the command line without an output, that means the operation completed successfully.19:52
ChesamoJaspe1: If there's an error then it'll give output. Otherwise, it worked.19:53
Jaspe1ok lol19:53
Jaspe1Well im trying th 64 bit one because non of the 32's have ever worked.19:53
Jaspe1so i did everything on the 64 bit one, and went to youtube, and it gives me the additional plugins are required, which is better than. . .nothing19:55
ChesamoJaspe1: What system do you have installed...? That's not how it works19:55
Jaspe1Honestly, i used to know. But im not sure now.19:56
Jaspe1I cant remember if my desktop or lasptop was 64 bit19:56
ChesamoJaspe1: in Terminal, type uname -a (that's "uname <space> -a") and post the output19:56
Jaspe1 2.6.24-16-generic #1 SMP Thu Apr 10 13:23:42 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux19:57
ChesamoJaspe1: You're running 32-bit. Don't try to use 32-bit19:58
Jaspe1well thats a confusing statment. lol.19:58
ChesamoJaspe1: My bad19:58
ChesamoDon't use 64-bit19:58
Jaspe1haha it's all good.19:58
Jaspe1Ill start on the 32 bit again, but once i got to the install-nonfree it got all the way down the tree and said 404 not found19:59
phillwJaspe1: I'll go check also for the 32bit version19:59
phillwsudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree20:01
phillwis the correct command, what does it say when you try?20:01
Jaspe1Ok im about to put in this ___sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree20:01
Jaspe1its says. . .alot20:01
Jaspe1the basic gist, http request sent20:01
ChesamoWait, you're wgetting?20:02
Jaspe1awaiting response20:02
Chesamoapt-get shouldn't send an http response20:02
Jaspe1idk, it why but it does20:02
Chesamotry sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree20:02
Jaspe1it's removing something?20:03
Jaspe1says the following packages are unused and will be removed20:03
Chesamothat's fine20:03
Chesamoaptitude is a little different than apt-get20:03
Jaspe1say's Done20:04
ChesamoWell there you go.20:04
Jaspe1so should i try youtube or something?20:04
phillwwhat does ls /usr/lib/flash*  give you?20:04
phillwls /ust/lib/flash*20:04
phillwls /usr/lib/flash*20:05
Jaspe1no such file or directory20:05
Jaspe1ls cannot open20:05
Chesamouh oh20:05
Jaspe1yeah, see what im dealing with T.T20:05
phillwhmm, that indicates flash is not installed :-\20:06
Jaspe1I just updated from 7.10 to 8.04 thinking it would help but guess not.20:06
ChesamoSuch an old version20:07
Jaspe1yeah i still have the 7.10 disk20:07
Jaspe1I have no way of getting a newer verson at the moment i dont beleive20:07
Jaspe1I guess i could get it from a torrent or something20:07
Jaspe1whats the newest version if i may ask?20:07
Jaspe1does that look like an ok way to go about it?20:09
phillwJaspe1: yes, you'd be at the part https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades#Upgrade from 8.04 LTS to 10.04 LTS20:09
Jaspe1oh wow, yesterday i had this open and upgraded to 8.04, but never said 10.04.20:10
Jaspe1this manager20:10
Jaspe1well im gonna update :)20:10
Jaspe1thanks for this so far if i dont catch you guy's again20:10
Jaspe1First time i'v gotten help20:10
phillw7.10 cannot update to 10.04, but 8.04 can :-)20:10
Jaspe1yeah im at 8.04 right now20:10
Jaspe1uh oh20:12
Jaspe1support for some applications ended, theres a whole list T.T20:13
Jaspe1should i just continue?20:13
phillwyes, you will get new versions of some programmes, like firefox20:13
Jaspe1well i guess ill be back in 1hour and 27 minutes :(....I miss the work T1 connection.20:14
Jaspe1anyone still active in here, i just had a quick question while this is downloading :)20:50
ChesamoJaspe1: Yes20:51
Jaspe1I have a wireless card in this laptop, do you think ill be able to find the software to use it ?20:56
=== shankar is now known as mohi2911
ChesamoJaspe1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported20:58
CtrlAltok, so my computer isn't shown on my home network.... i'm theoretically sharing folders and a printer, but it's just not there...20:58
ChesamoCtrlAlt: What are you using to share?21:02
ChesamoCtrlAlt: What clients are you serving to?21:03
CtrlAltsome pc's with windows21:06
CtrlAltand ubuntu21:07
CtrlAltChesamo, in karmic, i also had to manually edit smb.conf to share some directories21:11
CtrlAlti hoped it would work again with lucid - and it did, until now21:11
ChesamoCtrlAlt: What changed?21:14
CtrlAltChesamo, do you mean after installing lucid? well nothing, but a clean install is a clean install :D21:17
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ChesamoCtrlAlt: Were you using a giude?21:17
CtrlAltno,  I did it with nautilus21:19
CtrlAltright click and bla bla bla ;)21:22
ChesamoCtrlAlt: http://reformedmusings.wordpress.com/2010/05/22/samba-file-sharing-in-ubuntu-lucid-10-04-lts/ ?21:23
CtrlAltChesamo, thanks, I'll try that21:34
Jaspe1As for my wifi, i think im just going to install madwifi21:44
Jaspe1i heard that will work21:44
mohi2911night all22:01
Jaspe1anyone still alive ?23:06

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