
ChrisWoollardYay, I like Ubuntu forums. They just wished me happy birhtday.00:19
c7pif it's your birthday, best wishes Chris :D00:29
c7pnight all00:29
ChrisWoollardit is :)00:29
c7phave a nice day ;)00:30
humphreybcsomeone's torrenting our manual, and it has 21 seeders!06:19
humphreybcwhen you search "ubuntu" on the pirate bay, it's the 5th result if organized by number of seeders06:20
godbykI figured as small as it was, it wasn't worth torrenting.06:28
* ubuntujenkins wonders why 5mb is worth torrenting07:26
humphreybcgodbyk, flan!09:31
Surst1hey ho :)11:30
Surst1@humphreybc, i've got two question about the style of the manual12:01
manualbotSurst1: Error: "humphreybc," is not a valid command.12:01
humphreybcSurst1: sure12:01
Surst1don't know if you remember, last time i told you, that the \application-command uses wrong quotation-marks12:02
Surst1i was wrong, it's the \window-command12:02
Surst1is it possible to fix it?12:03
humphreybcyou'll have to talk to godbyk12:03
Surst1ok, I will12:03
Surst1the second: is there a reason, why the digits in ethX are in mathematical-mode, for example eth$0$?12:04
Surst1doesn't look good, in my opinion12:04
humphreybcnot sure, another one to ask godbyk12:07
Surst1ok :)12:08
Surst1thank you so far, going to write an E-Mail^^12:08
nisshhhumphreybc: i have an idea12:27
humphreybcnisshh: an idea to help me with f**king python?12:27
nisshhhumphreybc: no, hehe, its to do with how much i contribute (or will be) since my chapter is getting taken out12:28
nisshhof the manual12:28
humphreybcoh rihgt12:29
nisshhhumphreybc: i assume its still getting taken out for maverick?12:29
humphreybcthe terminal stuff, right?12:29
nisshhyes, chapter 612:29
nisshhhumphreybc: well, iv been thinking really hard about ways in which i can contribute, currently iv chosen to be the "maintainer" of the glossary and index12:31
nisshhbut id like to do more12:31
nisshhsince the glossary and index take barely any time at all12:31
nisshhnow, i dont know any other languages so thats out of the question12:32
nisshhi have no grammatical skills to speak of so editing is not for me either12:32
nisshhBUT, i have been watching what godbyk has been doing with latex, and iv noticed that he is ALWAYS busy12:33
humphreybche is always busy12:33
nisshhmaybe i could learn from godbyk, and become proficient with latex12:34
nisshhthat way, godbyk would not always be swamped by latex related stuff12:35
humphreybclatex is okay, tex is what he writes in12:35
humphreybcyou could always ask :)12:35
nisshhyes, tex12:35
humphreybcor maybe do all the easy tasks that he does, like bug triaging and fixing12:35
nisshhyea maybe12:35
nisshhthere are alot of bugs arent there12:35
nisshhhumphreybc: yea, ok, ill fix bugs in the manual12:37
humphreybcyou could always learn python12:37
humphreybcthen you'd know how it feels...12:37
* nisshh knows python already12:37
* nisshh is not THAT good with python12:38
nisshhi looked at the quickshots code and could not understand it much12:38
nisshhheres an example of what i can do: https://edge.launchpad.net/pytask12:39
humphreybchelp me with this shit: http://paste.ubuntu.com/441722/12:40
nisshh^^^^^^ uses couchdb12:40
nisshhwhats wrong with it?12:41
humphreybcit doesn't work?12:41
nisshhah, i think there is heaps of stuff like this in the python docs12:41
humphreybcnisshh: this is my new project https://launchpad.net/about-ubuntu12:41
nisshhhumphreybc: and this code is for that is it?12:42
humphreybcno, this is study for a lab test tomorrow12:42
* nisshh wonders if he should help humphreybc with his uni stuff...12:43
nisshhgive me a minute and ill grab some info from the python docs for you, there is a whole section on string manipulation in there12:44
humphreybcI have so much of this shit to work through that i'm being tested on tomorrow12:46
humphreybcand because I went to UDS I missed all the freakin' labs for this stuff12:46
nisshhaw, thats bad12:47
* nisshh takes pity on humphreybc 12:48
nisshhhumphreybc: so which part of that code doesnt work, it looks ok to me apart from the last few lines12:48
humphreybcit fails the last two doctests12:49
nisshhyour going to have to explain it better, i dont even know what a doctest IS12:50
humphreybcso a doctest just parses in some shit, and an expected result12:52
humphreybcgood for testing functions12:52
humphreybcso it gives you some examples if you will12:52
humphreybcit's very good for testing students, coz they can give you some stuff and expected results, and you have to write the function to make it pass12:52
nisshhah, ok, so if they give you the word apple, and an expected result of 'aple' then you have to write a function that will give you that result?12:55
nisshhhumphreybc: ^^^^12:56
nisshhah, this is easy12:56
nisshhtheres an example in the python docs that does exactly this im pretty sure12:57
humphreybci'm about to kill myself so you better find that example quick!13:02
nisshhhumphreybc: arrhharhahrhar, hang on i cant find it, iv gotta eat something, in the meantime (i mean, so you dont kill yourself) have a look here: http://www.devshed.com/c/a/Python/String-Manipulation/13:05
nisshhill be back in 5 minutes13:06
humphreybcnisshh: i finally got it working with the help of the people in #python, 40 minutes later, http://paste.ubuntu.com/441734/13:08
* nisshh was going to suggest that exact code anyway :)13:11
humphreybcnisshh: what about these ones13:12
humphreybci've got the first and last functions going okay13:12
humphreybcthe middle two, "common_elements" and "remove_section" I don't know what to do with though13:12
nisshhhumphreybc: ok, hang on sec im getting swamped trying to talk to 8 people at the same time13:13
humphreybcwell aren't we Mr popular13:13
nisshhhaha ver funny13:13
humphreybcI think i'm going to have to call it a night13:15
humphreybchave a look at my about ubuntu window thing13:17
nisshhi did, its interesting, but why wouldnt you just try and get it into ubuntu?13:24
nisshhhumphreybc: since it looks like you are just trying to improve whats in ubuntu already, thats what i would do13:28
nisshhd0od: are you the d0od from omgubuntu?13:31
d0odnisshh: I am13:39
d0odnisshh: don't throw rotten fruit at me xP13:39
* humphreybc is trying to find some more nice themes... but nothing's coming close to what i've currently got13:43
nisshhd0od: no, i read omgubuntu every day13:45
nisshhhumphreybc: what do you currently have?13:45
humphreybcanyone know how to get rid of that crappy arrow thing that appears over the gnome menu icon?13:51
d0odif you use Shutter you can choose whether to have the cursor show or not13:52
humphreybci know13:52
humphreybcyou know how there are two main menus13:53
humphreybcthere is the default one that has "Applications Places System"13:53
humphreybcand then there is another13:53
humphreybcthe one with just the ubuntu logo13:53
d0odi see13:53
humphreybcbut it has a big fat fugly drop-down arrow13:53
humphreybcI don't want that crap, I just want the icon13:53
d0odis the arrow on the icon image itself y'think?13:54
humphreybcI don't think so :(13:54
humphreybcI think it's part of the applet13:54
humphreybclove it13:54
humphreybcyou have to re build gnome-panel from source?13:55
d0odgo to last page13:55
humphreybcif there is a will, there's a way13:56
humphreybcor, if it can be done, someone would have done it before you and it'll be on the internet...13:56
d0odlemme know if it works cos that's a tip dying for a post13:56
humphreybcwhere's .gtk-rc?13:57
humphreybcI can't find it13:57
humphreybcis it in a new folder or some shit13:57
humphreybcI can't find it14:01
nisshhhumphreybc: do you hate buttons on the left?14:02
humphreybcnisshh: No, I just don't see any need for them there right now.14:03
humphreybcd0od: Okay, I just created my own .gtkrc-2.0 file and added that shit in, did a killall gnome-panel and it worked. But now I have some other funky block in my panel.14:03
nisshhhumphreybc: you know its way more intuintive to have them on the left, if your right handed apparently thats the way your hand wants to go14:04
humphreybcI tried it for a while, never worked14:04
nisshhyea, i love them on the left to be honest, although i dont really like the idea of windicators14:04
nisshhreminds me of why one reason windows is so shit: crap on the desktop14:05
d0odi, too, love left-handed... but windicators seem like a recipe for FAIL.14:06
humphreybcd0od: okay, it works fine for Ambiance14:06
* nisshh just finished *purchasing* robin hood movie14:06
humphreybcbut read post #6214:06
humphreybcand that panel applet doesn't have an actual "clicked" depressed state14:07
nisshhd0od: im hoping windicators will be running as a service so you can just kill it and not have it start at boot14:07
vishnisshh: ++++++114:09
humphreybcd0od: I want something like this14:09
humphreybcthe newer version of that thing doesn't have a "view" tab at all14:09
humphreybcI tried installing it14:09
humphreybcI want a nice search bar like in Unity14:10
humphreybcwtf, has nobody created something that has a text field in the panel  to search for shit?14:13
humphreybcthat sucks!14:16
humphreybcnisshh: you should make one14:16
humphreybcd0od: A great post would be how to add custom locations and weather information to the weather applet if your city isn't listed14:17
d0odthat would require me knowing how to do that?14:19
d0odwhat's the plan with the weather applet come indicator-datetime in 10.10?14:19
humphreybcno idea14:19
nisshhhumphreybc: why cant you? :)14:22
humphreybccan you write them in python?14:22
humphreybcew, http://projects.gnome.org/ORBit2/appletstutorial.html14:22
nisshhyea, i agree , ew14:28
humphreybci wonder if gnome shell is any better14:30
humphreybcthat was a disaster. i'll try the PPA.14:32
humphreybcPPA provides a bit more of a stable version14:37
humphreybcbut it's sooo dark14:37
nisshhits slow on my P4 too14:37
nisshhand uses alot of CPU14:37
humphreybcit's not exactly fast on core 2 duo14:38
nisshhbut apparently 2.32.2 has performance improvements14:38
humphreybcI've got 2.32.114:38
nisshhdo you like gnome-shell?14:39
humphreybci don't see the point14:39
nisshhwell, i like the getting rid of the traditional panels14:39
nisshhbut apart from that yea i dont see the point14:39
humphreybcbut I don't really want to press activities every time I want to change an application14:40
humphreybca dock is much more efficient14:40
nisshhhumphreybc: you dont have to, you can still alt-tab and switch worspaces with a shortcut key14:40
humphreybcyeah i can see that14:40
nisshhi do find it annoying that you have to open activities EVERY time you want to open a new app though14:41
nisshhbut i suppose thats what gnome-do + docky is for14:41
humphreybcoh docky does work14:42
nisshhbut hopefully it will get better once its released and people start brainstorming better ideas14:42
humphreybcI don't like the white on black14:42
nisshhurh me neither14:43
nisshhhumphreybc: werent we having a meeting this weekend?14:43
humphreybci dunno14:43
nisshhmaybe next, i think godbyk wanted to have one14:44
humphreybcI like Ubuntu's notification system a lot better than gnome shell14:44
nisshhor said we should i something14:44
humphreybcI hope shotwell isn't copying all my photos over to somewhere when it's importing14:44
d0odpictures > photos > [folders[14:45
humphreybcoh what thje fuck14:46
humphreybcstupid shotwell14:46
humphreybcthat's what I hated F Spot for!14:47
d0odif it had a preferences you could probably disable it ;)14:47
humphreybcwhat a dumb application14:47
humphreybcwhy did we choose that for maverick?14:47
d0odcos it's not f-spot :D14:47
d0odit's just as crap as f-spot but faster14:48
humphreybcso what happens to compiz when gnome shell is released?14:48
d0odit dies?14:49
humphreybcgood luck trying to pry wobbly windows away from everyone14:49
humphreybcit's the one reason most people use linux for14:49
d0odgnome-shell is gonna fail anyway14:50
humphreybcgnome shell is destined for failure14:50
d0odit could do a KDE 4.0 (hell it'll need to...)14:50
d0odin that it's shit.. but then get's a bit better14:50
humphreybcit's written javascript?14:51
d0odnope. it's written in FAIL.14:52
manualbotPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:53
manualbotFactoid 'digest' not found14:53
d0odwow manualbot sucks.14:53
manualbotFactoid 'chucknorris' not found14:53
manualbotFactoid 'helo' not found14:54
manualbotHi! Welcome to #ubuntu-manual! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:55
manualbotFactoid 'hell' not found14:55
d0odthe OMGbot in our IRC is really slick14:55
nisshhubuntujenkins: iv figured out why my app didnt work with the setup.py file16:56
ubuntujenkinsnisshh: what was it?18:04
nisshhubuntujenkins: the setup.py file that quickly generates is designed to work with packages, not source tarball installs18:25
ubuntujenkinsI see, makes sense18:25
nisshhyea, so for now its not an option but it may be sometime later18:26
nisshhubuntujenkins: its almost ready for release and iv fixed a bunch of bugs so you wont have to wait much longer to get your hands on a ppa package18:27
nisshhitll be ready sometime in june18:27
ubuntujenkinsyey \o/18:27
nisshhprobably before the 10th18:27
* dutchie is tired :(20:04
ubuntujenkinshello dutchie20:05
* ubuntujenkins has been doing lots of revision so is also tired20:05
dutchiei have spent the weekend loitering at the NWSC by Nottingham20:05
dutchieunfortunately not racing due to being rubbish :(20:05
ubuntujenkinsI have never been, you should have come to loughborough you were so close to me20:06
dutchiei had little/no free time20:07
dutchieor transport20:07
ubuntujenkinsfair enough we will meet some time :)20:07
dutchieprobably over the summer20:07
ubuntujenkinsI am back home soon so we are further apart then :(20:08
dutchiei'm quite sunburnt20:11
ubuntujenkinsdid you wear sun cream ?20:12
dutchienot really, no20:12
ubuntujenkinsself inflicted sunburn :P20:13
dutchietoo much american football20:13
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: ping21:21
godbykubuntujenkins: pong21:22
* c7p it's ping time21:22
ubuntujenkinsyou know my headset stuff you helped with last wee well it utrns out that all the pulse audio stuff has to be run as the current user so i have http://paste.ubuntu.com/441905/ but I can't get this to run properly  .the order in what everything runs is wrong. Could you have a look please :)21:23
ubuntujenkinsthanks, the bit in the $() is the bit you did which returns a number.21:24
godbykso what's the actual problem?21:24
godbykIt's going to run a command like:21:25
ubuntujenkinsthe udev rule runs as root but, all the pacmd commands must be run as the current user21:25
godbyksu luke-jennings pacmd set-default-source 221:25
godbyk(or whatever index number that works out to)21:25
ubuntujenkinsyea thats the idea21:25
godbykoh, put a -c after your username21:26
godbyksu luke-jennings -c pacmd set-default-source 221:27
dutchiedoesn't sudo -u exist to specify user?21:27
ubuntujenkinsthat doen't work ifor got to type that Home directory /home/luke-jennings not ours.21:27
ubuntujenkinsNo PulseAudio daemon running, or not running as session daemon.21:27
ubuntujenkinsWelcome to PulseAudio! Use "help" for usage information.21:27
ubuntujenkins is the error21:27
godbykdutchie: yeah, that'd work, too, I suspect.21:27
ubuntujenkinsnope sudo -u gives the same error. I thnik we must ahev to get the pacmd set-default-source $(pacmd list-sources | grep "alsa_input.usb-Logitech_Logitech_USB_Headset-00-Headset.analog-mono" -B1 | grep index | awk '{ print $2;}') bit to run as me as well21:29
godbyktry: sudo -u luke-jennings -c "pacmd set-default-source $(pacmd list-sources | grep "alsa_input.usb-Logitech_Logitech_USB_Headset-00-Headset.analog-mono" -B1 | grep index | awk '{ print $2;}')"21:30
godbyksee what that breaks.21:30
godbykapparently your pulse-audio daemon isn't running...?21:32
godbykthe user's session pulseaudio daemon, that is.21:33
ubuntujenkinsI tried su luke-jennings -c "pacmd set-default-source $(su luke-jennings -c pacmd list-sources | grep "alsa_input.usb-Logitech_Logitech_USB_Headset-00-Headset.analog-mono" -B1 | grep index | awk '{ print $2;}')" . but it doesn't work it just leaves a flashing terminal.21:33
ubuntujenkinsIf i run the command as my self in the terminal it works, so pulseaudio should be working21:33
godbykI think the whole command I gave you is crap. :)21:33
ubuntujenkinsI think I am making this very complex21:34
godbykmaybe put it in a shell script.  ensure the script works properly.21:35
godbykthen have su or sudo run that script as your user.  (I think you have to be logged in already, otherwise you won't have your session pulseaudio daemon running.)21:35
godbykthere's probably better way, anyway.21:35
godbykisn't pulseaudio supposed to handle all that stuff automagically?21:35
ubuntujenkinsIf i run http://fpaste.org/tL3U/ by pressing alt+f2 it works its when doing it as root thats hard21:36
godbykI think you should be able to do that within a pulseaudio config, right?21:36
godbykI have to run to campus to meet with someone about some C++ code.21:37
godbykI'll be back later (if you haven't gone to bed already.)21:37
ubuntujenkins#pulseaduio suggested that but we got know where. thanks godbyk I think you have solved it. I will have a go21:37
ubuntujenkinssomething you said21:37
godbykBest of luck!21:37
c7pIs there anyone who know something about shell scripting ? (actually bash)21:39
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: is the best whats your question we can try it21:40
ubuntujenkinsc7p: ^21:40
ubuntujenkinsI can make my script run as root by making a script called "callheadset" all it contains is #!/bin/bash, su luke-jennings -c headset . Now i can't get the udev rule to work hmmm. I haven't changed anything21:47
c7pI din't understand the last two periods but it's ok :d, i don't have even moderate knowledge on shell scripting21:53
* ubuntujenkins hmm now the problem lies with the script working as root but not when the udev rule runs21:54
* ubuntujenkins made probably the longest post on the ubuntuforums the thread is basically me talking to my self about this silly udev rule http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9385103#post9385103 :)22:05
ubuntujenkinsI really don't understand why the udev running doen't make it work22:05
c7pubuntujenkins: wow you talk to you through a forum ! maybe it's a charisma :P (kidding)22:09
ubuntujenkinsI had to look that up :)22:11
c7pnight all22:23
ubuntujenkinsnigth c7p22:23
ubuntujenkinsnight all22:26
* godbyk is back now22:54

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