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lfaraonebdrung: hey, I tried to use your ack-sru script as follows: "ack-sync 587229", but I got the following error: "ack-sync 587229". Any idea the source?03:39
lfaraonebdrung: * ValueError: You tried to access a resource that you don't have the server-side permission to see.03:39
lfaraonebdrung: hm. this seems to happen if the user's email address is not provided.03:45
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aalexDktrKranz, eh! I figured out you're mentoring my first package! That's nice! :)05:12
ari-tczewdebfx: ping10:55
debfxari-tczew: pong10:55
ari-tczewdebfx: why did you this change: Add build-dep on libqt4-webkit-dev. in kadu?10:56
debfxari-tczew: QtWebkit has been seperated from libqt4-dev into an own package10:57
ari-tczewdebfx: could you send changes to debian?10:58
debfxari-tczew: they don't have this seperation yet10:58
dupondjecrimsun: you want to sponsor another thing for me ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/librapi2/+bug/58734611:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 587346 in librapi2 (Ubuntu) "Please merge librapi2 0.15-1 (universe) from Debian unstable" [Wishlist,In progress]11:36
dupondjeusing requestsync, that makes a bug right ?12:00
dupondjeok :) it does12:02
dupondjecrimsun: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pidgin-sipe/+bug/587467 another :P12:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 587467 in pidgin-sipe (Ubuntu) "Sync pidgin-sipe 1.9.0-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New]12:02
ari-tczewdupondje: are you talking alone with themselve?12:07
ari-tczewdupondje: my irc: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/Shdvzh8s12:08
dupondjeelse its so silent here :)12:08
ari-tczewI don't see answers from crimsun, so I guess that you're talking to himself12:09
iuliandupondje: I can do that for you.12:09
iulian(sponsoring the merge)12:09
dupondjefeel free :)12:09
* iulian looks12:10
iulianHey mok0.12:10
ari-tczewI'm glad that Ubuntu development has got a new supporters12:12
DktrKranzaalex: :)12:12
ari-tczewDktrKranz: could you check whether package raul is ready to sync?12:13
DktrKranzari-tczew: yes (together with patchage and flowcanvas)12:15
dupondjeiulian: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libopensync-plugin-evolution2/+bug/587479 another one :)12:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 587479 in libopensync-plugin-evolution2 (Ubuntu) "Sync libopensync-plugin-evolution2 0.39-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New]12:16
ari-tczewDktrKranz: but are you sure about this change: python (>= 2.5) ? not 2.6?12:17
DktrKranzari-tczew: yes. embedded waf supports python versions from 2.5 onwards12:18
iuliandupondje: librapi2 uploaded.12:19
dupondjeiulian: thx!12:19
iulianlibopensync-plugin-evolution2 ack'd.12:27
iulianI'm now looking at pidgin-sipe.12:28
* iulian hopes that's all for now.12:28
dupondjeoops :)12:30
dupondjehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/burn/+bug/587491 this is the last :P12:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 587491 in burn (Ubuntu) "Sync burn 0.4.6-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New]12:34
iuliandupondje: pidgin-sipe ack'd as well.12:40
dupondjethx alot :)12:40
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iuliandupondje: No problem.12:42
mok0iulian: hey12:51
Rhonda** Tags added: canonical-losa-lp14:03
RhondaWhat's that?14:03
ari-tczewdoes someone got an idea for overtaking orphaned packages.ubuntu.com?14:30
geser??? -EPARSEERROR14:36
jpdsRhonda: A tag?14:46
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Rhondajpds: Yes, but what does it mean?15:28
Rhondageser: If you had the uderstanding issues about ari's message: packages.ubuntu.com still doesn't mention maverick, even though I did commit the required change to the git repository a month ago.15:29
Rhondageser: From what I was told is that a single person is able to do that and that canonical doesn't seem to care enough to fix that given that that person is busy for well over half a year now already, at least.15:31
geserRhonda: that seems to match what I've heard (http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/05/21/%23ubuntu-motu.html#t14:11)15:35
Rhondageser: In what respect does it list maverick? Wasn't aware of that?15:38
RhondaI think it maybe only got part of the commit incorporated.15:39
RhondaFound what you mean.15:39
geserpackages.ubuntu.com has a link to maverick and options in the select fields for maverick, but it's broken when one tries to use them.15:39
Rhondageser: Unfortunately I'm unable to investigate that closer, I proofread my commit again and can only guess that it was applied only in parts.15:44
RhondaNo access to the machine, that's still only up to Frank. At least it looks like he pulled in my changes.15:45
Rhonda… or parts of it, no clue.15:45
geserno problem15:45
RhondaWell, actually I see it as a problem. But none that I can fix and from what I perceived, none that canonical seems to be worried about.15:46
geserthat's what I meant15:46
dupondjeis there some 'tool' to make merges easier ?15:58
dupondjelike already preparing the changelog ?15:58
lfaraonecrimsun: do you think bug 544910 should be SRUd?16:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 544910 in aiccu (Debian) "Upgrade to 10.04 beta1 blocked by aiccu" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54491016:00
lfaraonedupondje: not really. use bzr.16:00
lfaraonedupondje: but to handle the changelog, no.16:00
ScottKdupondje: Use grab-merge from ubuntu-dev-tools.16:02
ScottKlfaraone: The bzr UDD stuff is really much more complicated and less mature.16:03
ScottKPeople are certainly welcome to use it, but I don't think it's appropriate to be pushing it as "the" way to do stuff.16:03
lfaraoneUnrelated, I'm considering dropping http://launchpadlibrarian.net/38436778/burn_0.4.5-1_0.4.5-1ubuntu1.diff.gz with a sync, but I don't really understand the rationale behind the change. The package builds fine without it, as docutils-writer-manpage is provided by python-docutils. Am I missing something?16:08
RhondaThere is some changelog merging hook script for git, no clue if that would be possible to port to bzr.16:10
dupondjelfaraone: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/burn/+bug/51250916:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 512509 in burn (Ubuntu) "ftbfs in Lucid" [Undecided,Fix released]16:11
lfaraonedupondje: I saw that, but what's changed?16:11
dupondjedocutils-writer-manpage is dropped in maverick now, and is a virtual package for python-docutils16:11
lfaraonedupondje: rmadison tells me it wasn't in lucid either.16:12
geserRhonda: bzr-builddeb should already have a script (for bzr hooks) to do it16:13
dupondjelfaraone: weird, seems like it failed in some stage to build in lucid16:13
dupondjeanyway a sync should be safe (it builds for sure)16:13
geserand ubuntu-dev-tools has also a script for it (merge-changelog)16:13
Rhondageser: dupondje was looking for such a script :)16:14
dupondjelfaraone: did also made an upstream bugreport, as it just should be removed, its a virtual package in debian also16:14
ScottKlfaraone: If it builds fine without it, then I'd drop it.16:15
lfaraonedupondje: okay, looks fine. uploading.16:15
geserlfaraone: lucid had docutils-writer-manpage until 2010-02-03 when it got removed from lucid16:15
lfaraonegeser: ah, that makes sense.16:15
ScottKlfaraone: I do think it's better to just file the sync request and not upload them all yourself.16:16
lfaraoneScottK: I've been using ack-sync from lp:~ubuntu-dev/+junk/ack-sync.16:16
lfaraoneScottK: From what I can tell, the only issue raised with using `syncpackage' and the like was lack of a record. With `ack-sync', you're still closing a bug.16:17
Rhondageser: Now I understand. I changed config.sh.sed.in but the file that needs to get changed on packages.ubuntu.com is config.sh itself. That one though is generated and not in git, so it needs to get done manually.16:17
lfaraoneScottK: is there another reason I'm missing?16:18
dupondjehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hardware-monitor/+bug/587524 => can be done also :)16:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 587524 in hardware-monitor (Ubuntu) "Sync hardware-monitor 1.4.2-1.1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]16:35
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RunePhilosofHow do I get debuild to only build one of the binary packages?17:04
dupondjehttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/iw/+changelog => version 0.9.19 was uploaded directly into ubuntu because debian didn't had 0.9.19 yet. Now 0.9.19-1 is in debian, should that be a direct sync or ?17:21
blue_annadoes anyone here work on the powerpc architecture?17:25
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ScottKlfaraone: Generally it's safer to let the archive admin script do it.  Although the risk is low, there's always a chance when you touch the package manually something gets mistaken.17:35
ScottKAt this point in the cycle virtually none of the syncs are urgent.17:35
ScottKblue_anna: powerpc is community supported and there are a few of us that work on it.17:35
blue_annaScottK: ok, hi -- thank you .. I use your product17:37
ScottKYou're welcome.17:37
geserRunePhilosof: you can't. And what would be the benefit of it as you have to compile the whole upstream code anyways.17:38
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dupondjesomebody can tell their opinion on the 'iw' package ? sync or no sync ? :)17:44
geserdupondje: what did your analysis of it shown?17:45
dupondjeas debian missed the 0.9.19 version, they just took source directly into ubuntu, without any changes17:46
dupondjenow 0.9.19 is in debian, so I think it should be no problem to sync it ...17:46
crimsunit's syncable.17:47
dupondjetought so :D17:50
dupondjegot 3 syncs in the queue now :P17:52
ScottLthere are some significant bug fixes for Ubuntu Studio that I would like to ensure they get in 10.04.1, can someone explain how i would effect this?17:58
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates18:10
ScottLgeser, thanks18:20
ScottLpersia had mentioned getting these into -proposed and this ties into the link that you gave :)18:21
ScottLthis will greatly improve the user experience in an lts release18:22
lfaraoneIf a package does not release source tarballs, but only binaries, can I use debian/watch to at least track their new releases?18:41
lfaraoneScottK: in https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pytrainer/1.7.1-1.1ubuntu1 , I was keeping over an older change from quadispro for the "python-glade2 -> gtkbuilder" transition. Is this still occuring? (new debian version without dep change builds fine)18:51
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RunePhilosofgeser, well. I was kind of hoping to limit the compilation of the upstream code19:27
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geserRunePhilosof: that could only work if upstream supports it21:09
dupondjebleh, I can't get debuild to make use of my key as default, always need to add -k :(21:13
geserhave you tried DEBSIGN_KEYID=0x... in ~/.devscripts?21:16
dupondjedoesn't seem to work21:24
dupondjeanyway :)21:24
dupondjegrab-merge seems to create a patch into debian/patches for the merge changes21:24
dupondjeis that a better way of doing ?21:24
micahgdupondje: is your address in the changelog in your key and keyring?21:25
dupondjeemail is changed :)21:26
geserI've configured debuild to not sign at all by default (-us -uc) and only sign (with debsign) what I really want to upload21:28
micahggeser: it's the exact same thing, right?21:28
geserthe same like?21:29
dupondjeanyway :) patch better or direct changes better ? grab-merge seems to make a patch automaticly :)21:29
geserI did look at grab-merge for some time, but it should depend on what the package already uses21:32
geserno patch system -> direct changes, a patch system -> use the patch system21:32
dupondjethere are already some patches in it yea :) but previous merges were directly21:32
micahggeser: no practical difference between signing at creation or later?21:36
geserno differences21:38
dupondjethe patch contains comment like '+ This patch has been created by dpkg-source during the package build.', needed to include ?21:39
geseris this a v3 source package perhaps?21:39
dupondjedpkg-source: info: using source format `3.0 (quilt)'21:40
dupondjeyea :P21:40
geserthen the changes got applied directly but converted into a quilt patch by debuild/dpkg-source21:41
dupondjehmz :s21:42
dupondjeso it needs to be filled in or ?21:43
ScottKlfaraone: I'm not sure.  I don't keep close track on gtk/gnome stuff.21:51
dupondjeI fill it in, do debuild, and it gets overwritten :( wtf :s21:54
RunePhilosof7j #wesnoth21:55
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