
tenseI just set up a vpn server using the pptpd server but I'm having troubles to configuring the iptables to do NAT00:28
tensewith ubuntu server 10.0400:29
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JohnDoytense: Why not use Vyatta, easier to config.00:59
tensei will try this01:05
jeeves_Mosscan someone tell me why hotmail would be giving me this error when I'm trying to send to my domain?  http://pastebin.ca/187410002:24
WiebeHi, im failing atm wondered if you know how to solve it :)02:32
Wiebetrying stuff with SSH keys :)02:32
Wiebebut now i get this:02:32
WiebeReceived disconnect from 2: Too many authentication failures for wiebe02:32
Wiebecan i get the SSH server to let me connect again (i can login from other accounts).02:32
Wieberestarting the SSH server doesnt help.02:32
Wiebeor do i have to wait x minutes..02:33
steven_thello :)02:51
steven_thow would i find on my own what the proper file is to run a script after the server boots up?02:52
cxoHow do you figure which device node corresponds to ataX in the kernel log?03:11
cxoI have a hard drive that looks like its going to fail, the kernel log keeps saying ata7 is hard resetting. I want to know which /dev/sdaX it corresponds to so i can change the drive03:12
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Psi-JackWell, this is annoying as heck.09:48
Psi-JackWhy is it, when I setup a vm in virt-manager to use a more usable VNC display than the default automagic one, it completely fails to let me manage it anymore in virt-manager, throwing python exceptions about character devices and such?09:49
twbpastebin the transcript, including what you changed and the new error message09:51
twbMight also be worth telling #libvirt (or is it #virt?)09:51
Psi-JackHeh, not sure. :)09:52
Psi-JackI'll set up another vm and do that, cause I want to be able to not have to use Xmingwin's Xlaunch from my windows workstation & laptop just to get to the console of a vm.09:52
drakeHello all.09:53
drakeis that Ken1 from last night?09:54
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corpsequick easy question, how do i make samba run on start up?10:40
RoyKcorpse: iirc it'll start on boot when it's installed - that's default10:44
RoyKhttps://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/installing-samba.html is a good place to start10:45
corpseyeah thats what i thought but when i reboot my server i need to run /etc/init.d/smbd restart  before i can connect with my other computers10:48
corpsewhich isnt not a big deal, i just thought there might be somthing i could do quick to make that unessesary10:49
RoyKcd /etc/rc2.d10:50
RoyKln -s ../init.d/samba S95samba10:50
RoyKor something10:50
RoyKisn't there any S*samba in /etc/rc2.d ?10:51
corpsenope =\ all of my other server apps are there but no samba10:52
RoyKjust make one10:52
RoyKsymlink to the init script10:52
RoyKlook at what's there10:53
RoyKthere's a "proper" ubuntu way to do this, some command, but I don't remember - that command just makes the symlink anyway10:53
corpseworking on it =P10:54
RoyKman update-rc.d10:55
RoyKthat's the 'proper' command10:55
corpselol think i ran the wrong command10:59
RoyK[11:50]  <RoyK> cd /etc/rc2.d11:00
RoyK[11:50]  <RoyK> ln -s ../init.d/samba S95samba11:00
RoyKthat'll work11:00
corpselol ok ill run it if a can get the server up again11:01
corpsei ran update rc.d smbd start | stop   it ran a bunch of errors now the server will not mount any of my drives or give me access to a comand line11:03
corpsei guess i have to learn some how11:04
corpseRoyK: thanks man that did it, very much appreciated11:13
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m_tadeuhi everyone13:04
m_tadeuI just installed ubuntu server but the console history is not active13:05
m_tadeummm...guess the cursors are not working at all in the command line...can it be because it's running on a virtual machine?13:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #587548 in samba (main) "Samba fails to share printer in 10.04 " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58754816:17
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desperate_manhello. i am looking for someone who got time in PM. got problem with sysv/ startup script server 10.0417:58
xperiahello to all. how can i test if a connection to a specific port inside the lan is open ? example
very-desperate-mhello. i am looking for assistance with server 10.04 to start script18:05
desperate-manhello. i try to find someone who can help me with an automated startup script problem on 10.0418:13
desperate-mangot anyone time or ideas?18:14
cloakableGive me a moment and I'll get my crystal ball18:15
desperate-mandone that. didn't workout18:15
desperate-manDoes someone know OpenKM?18:17
steven_tok so this is my plan on how to backup my vm: in the vm, mount a shared folder so host:~/grvm == guest:/mnt/shared and then inside the guest, cron a script that will rsync from guest:~/ to guest:/mnt/shared every N minutes .... what do you guys think?18:25
desperate-manDoes Ubuntu 10.04 use upstart or sysv?18:29
qman__desperate-man, ubuntu uses upstart, but it has sysv emulation, so scripts in /etc/init.d/ should still work18:34
gyrehi...i have a q...im troubleshooting apache a little be and in tcpdump I can see ipv6 packets...instead of ipv4....when I check network settings I can see that ipv6 is disabled so what am I missing out ?18:49
gyrethe problem im experiencing is related to apache2ctl command18:50
gyreis it using ipv6 procol and somehow bypassing network settings ??18:50
RoyKgyre: I'd recommend using wireshark instead - far simpler and way better19:05
gyreRoyK yeah true19:13
gyrebut it gives the same results :)19:13
gyreso the problem is not in capturing process19:13
gyreproblem is that i dont understand why is apache2ctl using ipv6 when querying apache2 status19:13
RoyKperhaps it defaults to trying on the best protocol?19:14
RoyKshouldn't matter much if it were using ipx, so long it does its job19:14
gyreRoyK how do I force it to use ipv4 ?19:24
gyrei dont want it to use ipv619:24
gyrebecaue obviously that's causing the troubles when retrieving the apache status on the commandline19:24
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gyreRoyK im not talking about apache2 config...apache2 is set to be using ipv4 in my config19:27
gyremy questions is19:27
gyrewhy is APACHE2CTL using ipv6 when querying apache for the status19:27
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RoyKdo you use ipv6?19:29
gyrethats the weirdest thing19:32
RoyKjust checked two ubuntu boxes, one with hardy and one with lucid, and it doesn't look like any of them uses ipv6 for apache2ctl19:32
gyrei have ipv6 disabled19:32
gyrei made few tcpdumps19:32
gyreand can see that it does19:32
gyredid you tcpdumped apache2ctl status ?19:33
RoyKjust did an strace, and I see no traces of ipv6 there19:33
gyrecheck out my screenshots...i attached them to my post on ubuntuforums; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9384371#post938437119:34
qman__gyre, what method did you use to disable ipv6?19:45
RoyKgyre: did you try to allow ::1 ?19:46
qman__I guess more to the point, if you disable ipv6 by blacklisting the kernel module, the software can't very well use ipv6 even if it wants to19:47
qman__as opposed to just blocking it all in the firewall or not configuring addresses19:47
RoyKI don't see a big point in disabling ipv619:51
gyreqman_ i didnt try anything yet19:59
gyrei dont know how to do that19:59
gyrei only checked the network settings20:00
gyrethats it20:00
yuristubuntu newbie needs some help with disc partition20:02
yuristgparted sais No devices detected20:02
gyreyurist can you run sudo fdisk -l ?20:25
seanrI added an SSL certificate to my box and configured apache to use it.  When I attempt to restart apache, it fails, but no errors show in error_log.  Why wouldn't it print out the error anywhere?  How can I tell what's tripping it up?20:40
seanrAs soon as I remove the keys from default-ssl, apache starts, but I obviously need those keys to work.20:41
guntbertseanr: does the key have a passphrase set? that could be a reason..20:42
seanrguntbert, yes, but I have an sh script to output it and have apache pointed at it.20:43
RoyKremove the passphrase20:44
seanrOr at least I did, not sure which config file it was in.  Let me see if I can find it with a grep.20:44
guntbertseanr: crazy idea :-)  if the passphrase  is on the system anyway - why not remove it (if only for a test)20:44
seanrguntbert, I found it and removed it from mods-available/ssl.conf, tried to start apache, got fail and never did get the passphrase prompt.20:46
seanrWhy doesn't apache give me any more info?20:47
guntbertseanr: increase the log level20:47
seanrguntbert, set it to debug and only got this: [Sun May 30 15:49:05 2010] [info] Init: Seeding PRNG with 648 bytes of entropy20:49
seanrNothing else, still failed.20:49
RoyKit's no point of having a passphrase for ssl keys on a server20:50
seanrOK, I'll regenerate them without then.20:50
RoyKseanr: you can remove it20:50
RoyKdon't remember the command, but still20:50
RoyKgoogle for it :รพ20:50
RoyKusually it's the last step in ssl howtos20:51
RoyKor one of the last steps20:51
guntbertseanr: you can remove the passphrase - look at the manpage of openssl search for passphrase -- you can always alter it so you can leave it empty too20:51
seanrOK, completely regenerated the keys, re-keyed it on Godaddy, and uploaded the new crt files from them and it still won't start.21:02
seanrguntbert, the old certificate that worked was just a regular one, but the new one is a wildcard certificate - is there anything special about that that could be causing this to fail?  I still don't get why it won't tell me what the bleeding error is even with LogLevel set to debug.  WTF?21:03
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:04
guntbertseanr: I know nothing about wildcard certs -- sorry21:04
RoyKwtf is this !language stuff? is ubuntu a christian channel?21:05
guntbert!coc | RoyK21:06
ubottuRoyK: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .21:06
RoyKguntbert: there is nothing in there about using the English language in full21:07
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guntbertRoyK: but swear words (even obfuscated ones) are definitely unwanted21:09
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines21:16
RoyKguntbert: no, I'm wondering about why, not some guidelines21:17
RoyKI was a little worried about how ubuntu would work on this 16 core box, but it's performed well with 100% cpu load over two weeks+21:18
guntbertRoyK: that is the way it is :-) I didn't make them ...21:18
RoyKthat's rather totalistic - obey the rules, they are there, without a reason21:18
guntbertRoyK: the reasons are there - please read the guidelines21:19
RoyKI've read them21:19
RoyKthey don't make sense21:19
guntbertRoyK: I don't want to discuss rules this evening to be honest21:20
RoyKseems noone really want to discuss them - totalist regimes should be quite little compatible with an open system like ubuntu21:21
seanrWhat do you guys know about an issue with openssl in ubuntu/debian?21:41
seanrSomeone in #httpd just told me to ask.21:41
MTecknologyHow do I setup a master/slave for MySQL? Any idiots guide to it?21:44
MTecknologyRoyK: I'll discuss - but I have a rather set view and we'll simply be battling the whole time21:46
binBASHMTecknology: You can find a lot tutorials for that kind of setup via google21:48
MTecknologybinBASH: I figured - where there's a lot of info I usually like asking here because somebody usually has a link for the best way to do it in ubuntu :)21:50
MTecknologynice nick21:50
binBASHso you're lazy it seems :p21:50
binBASHanyways, I'm off. cya tomorrow21:51
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chrismsnzhey guys, does anybody here have experience with varnish?22:53
MTecknologychrismsnz: i'm just starting to look into it22:54
chrismsnzI have a strange problem with it - the thing throws a 503 when I have firebug enabled :\22:54
uvirtbotNew bug: #433764 in clamav (main) "After upgrade, clamav's clamd gives "ERROR: initgroups() failed."" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43376423:17
uvirtbotNew bug: #587684 in munin (main) "Inexplicable green line towards the top of graphs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58768423:35
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