
detrateScottL: I will be doing some wordpress work this weekend that I will be able to duplicate over to ubuntu studio's new webiste02:13
holsteinhey guys02:40
holsteinim going to be helping out with the newsletter02:41
holsteinthe ubuntu news letter02:41
holsteinid really like to use this to help the studio project02:41
holsteinif anyone has any links to news02:41
holsteinor any ideas02:41
holsteinsend them my way02:41
* holstein will try to remember to send a message like this VIA the email list02:42
ScottLdetrate, that rocks!  i'm pretty excited to see what you came up with :)03:25
ScottLholstein, which newsletter?  helping ubuntu studio would be awesome though03:26
holsteinhey ScottL :)03:26
holsteinmy recruiter says that there has to be a link to the news03:27
holsteinfor reference i guess03:27
holsteinother than that03:27
holsteini think its wide open03:27
* holstein cant believe bogani didnt get membership03:29
holsteinor ppu status or whatever03:30
detrateScottL: no design yet, I'm working on technical stuff, tying plugins together and building on a strong theme foundation, building a base application for wordpress as a custom CMS, so we'll just have to restyle, change user names for social media sites and make minor changes03:30
ScottLholstein, i think he's trying to get ppu rights for a very, very select item, i.e. kernel03:36
ScottLi think it's just going to be hard because of the limited people involved03:36
ScottLdetrate, oh, heh   i was getting excited for nothing then ;)03:37
detrateoh, it's not nothing ;)03:37
ScottLoh, and holstein, that's pretty wicked that you are going to helping out with *that* newsletter03:49
holsteinmy friend akgraner is in charge of it04:01
holsteinand has asked a few folks for help04:01
holsteini think we should make some new up04:01
holsteinfabricate some new04:01
holsteinabout what we need for ubuntustudio04:01
holsteinas long as its on a web page04:02
holsteinnot even fabricate really04:02
holsteinjust get the right info out to hopefully the right folks in the community04:02
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging17:53

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