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rayuihey guys - having a problem configuring jack i've not come across before. i am in audio group and have set up both /etc/security/limits.conf and /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf to no avail20:00
rayuiam on kernel 2.6.33-1-realtime20:00
rayuievery time i launch it i get this error: "JACK is running in realtime mode, but you are not allowed to use realtime scheduling."20:01
rayuiany ideas?20:01
rayui(also am on lucid 10.04)20:01
Pablowhat is the output of "ulimit -r"?20:01
rayuiwhat does that mean?20:02
Pabloso you don't have realtime scheduling privilege20:02
Pabloto begin with, you shouldn't edit two files20:03
rayuiwell, initially i ran dpkg-reconfigure -p high jackd20:03
Pablofor these limits20:03
rayuiwhat is your recommendation?20:04
PabloI would delete the lines in /etc/security/limits.conf20:04
Pablothen /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf20:04
Pablocan you show the lines there?20:04
rayui@audio   -  rtprio     9920:05
rayui@audio   -  memlock    unlimited20:05
rayui@audio   -  nice      -1920:05
Pablolately, jack recommends memlock 75% of your RAM, but this is a side note20:05
rayuiokay, i can fix that if i can get jack running as a regular user20:06
Pabloare you in the audio group?20:06
rayuiuid=1000(ray) gid=1000(ray) groups=4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),29(audio),44(video),46(plugdev),104(fuse),105(lpadmin),112(netdev),119(admin),122(sambashare),1000(ray)20:06
PabloRestart the computer?20:06
PabloIt seems fine20:07
rayuithat's what i thought20:07
rayuibut still the same problem20:07
rayuii have followed lots of how-tos, same way as i did on jaunty20:07
rayuibut nothing i do seems to have an effect20:07
rayuii will restart now and be back in a few minutes20:08
rayuithanks... c u in a mo20:08
rayuihi pablo. same result, i'm afraid20:12
Pablowhat kernell are you running?20:12
Pablooh yes you said20:13
Pablois it the same with other kernels?20:13
rayuii know jackd can run because i can run it as root20:14
rayuiand that is fine20:14
PabloThe point is that the user can't gain those privileges and I don't know why20:15
rayuiyes, exactly. i am sure this is a permissions issue20:15
Pablocould it be that you don't have that pam_limits PAM module in your kernel?20:16
rayuipossibly...! let me check20:17
rayuialthough that would be odd seeing as i am using the stock realtime kernel20:17
PabloI didn't know ubuntu had a 2.6.33-rt kernel20:18
Pabloi am running karmic, anyway20:18
rayuiweird. i can't find anything about PAM in the lucid kernel source20:19
PabloThis problem is beyond my knowledge20:20
rayuiokay, thanks anyway mate20:20
rayuiit is a very odd one20:20
Pabloyou are welcome!20:20
Pablolocate pam_limits.so20:22
Pablosame as me20:23
PabloI don't have a clue, sorry20:23
rayuii wonder if it is for the right kernel20:23
rayuiwhat was that ulimit command again?20:25
Pabloulimit -r20:25
Pabloulimit -a shows all20:25
Pablofor jack, the important ones are ulimit-r and ulimit -l20:25
rayuiulimit -r still gives me 020:26
Pablothat is the issue20:26
rayuiit is like it is ignoring the .conf file20:27
Pablohave you tried with another kernel?20:28
Pablo A generic one, even20:28
rayuinot a generic one, no20:28
rayuimay give that a shot20:28
rayuihey Pablo, i found out what's happening22:21
rayuiand i have 'fixed' it22:21
rayuisort of22:21
Pablowhat happoened?22:22
rayuii am using the slim login manager which does not support PAM22:22
rayuii accidentally logged in using gdm and found it worked. i knew it was a problem with pam, so i did a search and immediately found this: http://meandubuntu.wordpress.com/2008/09/06/xfce-slim-pam-and-jack/22:23
rayuiman, it was driving me crazy!22:23
rayuibut now the solution is clear so... yay!22:23
rayuii never twigged what the problem was cause i installed slim about 3 weeks ago and haven't done any audio work since22:24

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