
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
scrambledi am trying to connect to my wireless WEP network, I entered the key but i can not connect.  iwconfig  shows the ESSID field scrambled, that is a long of string of garbage characters02:54
scrambledit may be related to: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/57596002:55
mikubuntucould somebody help me fix some broken files on my system?  i forgot how03:48
mikubuntui seem to have fixed the 'broken packages' in synaptic, but open office presentation still will not launch, and i get this when i try to use the update manager: http://imagebin.ca/view/fwgZERo.html03:58
=== __Anthony is now known as _Anthony
EJay_Napoleonmoin moin07:56
EJay_Napoleonsind ja doch viel mehr da als ich jetzt erwartet hätte07:56
EJay_Napoleonich dachte da is son chanel woe die neuen erstma rein kommen und wenn die lück haben kommt mal irrgend einer daher gelaufen und gibt mal nen rat07:57
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.07:57
EJay_Napoleonalso ich hab erstmal garnichts eingegeben07:58
EJay_Napoleonich installiere gerade xubuntu07:58
EJay_Napoleones stand auch nicht dabei das die chanels nach sprachen sortiert werden08:01
EJay_Napoleonmuss neustart machen bye08:01
=== schlaftier is now known as schlaftier_
xubuntu540Hi, I have booted Xubuntu from Live-USB, made a hdd-install, not rebooted into the hdd-installation. I want to change the grub-installation from mbr to bootsector of the system partition. Afterwards booting from NT-Bootloader. I need only the grub commands for grub-installing/updating. My hdd-installation is on /dev/sda7. Any help much appriciated.13:20
xubuntu450 Hi, I have booted Xubuntu from Live-USB, made a hdd-install, not rebooted into the hdd-installation. I want to change the grub-installation from mbr to bootsector of the system partition. Afterwards booting from NT-Bootloader. I need only the grub commands for grub-installing/updating. My hdd-installation is on /dev/sda7. Any help much appriciated.13:33
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.13:34
val_alsp try #ubuntu13:34
Sysi/join #ubuntu13:36
tmobileukhi, i am a complete newbie to xubuntu and would like to have internet access via my T Mobile Huawei Mobile  Connect Model E160 usb modem stick. can anyone help me?13:54
Arpad2what is winbind daemon?15:31
tomasparkswinbind is use by wine   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wine_%28software%2915:37
Arpad2ok, thx15:39
joe_cHi all!  Is the current Xubuntu 10.04 an LTS or regular version?15:52
tomasparksbased on the website it should be LTS version16:01
tmobileukhi, i am a complete newbie to xubuntu and would like to have internet access via my T Mobile Huawei Mobile  Connect Model E160 usb modem stick. can anyone help me?17:10
tmobileuki installed usb-modeswitch but whenever i execute the application i get the error:  No default vendor/product ID given. Aborting17:11
=== Laserbeak431 is now known as Laserbeak43
stevenI had to install Empathy on Xubuntu myself.  When I do that...does it automatically install the Telepathy Connection Manager components as well.22:00
owen1i added a command (xmodmap -e 'clear Lock' -e 'keycode 0x42 = Escape') to .xinitrc but it's not being executed on boot. why?22:39
hawkalxubuntu 10.04 livecd is asking for login details. Anyone know what they are?23:12
knomeubuntu:ubuntu ?23:18
hawkaltried that get an authentication failure23:21
knomehave you tried to just press enter? :P23:22
knomewhat about ubuntu and no pw?23:22
hawkaland that23:22
knomethen no idea23:22
hawkalthanks anyway23:23
knomehawkal, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=149711823:25
knomehawkal, should relate to xubuntu as well - have you checked the cd integrity?23:25
hawkalThank you. No I didn't check the cd integrity.23:27

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