
mhall119I don't get people who decide it's okay to criticize me for not including parental controls in Qimo22:23
HedgeMagemhall119: Maybe one day I'll write up my speech on why parental controls are counterproductive as a blog post and you can link them ;)22:26
mhall119I'll link to it22:29
mhall119but people are seriously telling me that Qimo is useless because it doesn't have it22:29
mhall119saying it's just "wallpapers and some other stuff"22:29
mhall119that "other stuff" being, you know, the education games that make it what it is22:29
mhall119you know, I use parental controls when my kids go online, it's called "daddy", and he sits in the same room as the computer while they use it22:30
mhall119highvoltage: stgraber: do you guys get nasty comments about edubuntu not having an internet filter built in?22:31
highvoltagemhall119: there's been lots of requests (and some work being done on it at some point), but not necessarily nasty comments no.22:38
HedgeMagemhall119: I understand the need for it, as many schools, libraries, and other institutions are required by law to have them, but I don't see them as valuable in and of themselves.22:39

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