
Mamarokcasperii: English, please00:03
casperiizZensursula hola00:03
casperiihola como estan??00:04
casperiiy si no escribo en ingles porque no se?00:04
Walzmyn!es | casperii00:05
ubottucasperii: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:05
Veralixokay, so, I'm a bit of a greenhorn when it comes to linux, but I'm not technically disinclined.  But woo is Linux a bit painful at times. :)  I have a bit of a problem that I can't seem to figure out how to resolve properly.00:46
Veralixis anybody familiar with network bridges?00:48
n8wi keep getin this error after ive tried installin an appz: E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)00:57
n8wthast what sudo apt-get install -f gives me00:57
n8wn this is what apt-get upgrade gives: splashy-themes: Depends: splashy (>= 0.3.12-1) but it is not installed00:58
n8wE: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.00:58
Dragnslcrn8w- if upgrading a package requires a new package that it didn't need before, you have to use apt-get dist-upgrade01:01
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n8wdist-pgrade gives me this: The following packages have unmet dependencies:01:02
n8w  splashy-themes: Depends: splashy (>= 0.3.12-1) but it is not installed01:02
n8wthats just a magic circle...this is so stupid01:02
n8wone complains about another but none of them installs it01:02
n8wDragnslcr:  dist-pgrade gives me this: The following packages have unmet dependencies:  splashy-themes: Depends: splashy (>= 0.3.12-1) but it is not installed01:03
DragnslcrHm, that's weird01:03
n8wnow i cant use anythin to fix it01:04
bulldog98n8w: force01:06
bulldog98apt-get -f dist-upgrade01:06
Dragnslcrn8w- have you tried apt-get install splashy?01:07
bulldog98apt-get --fix-missing01:07
wedoI need help01:07
n8wbulldog98:  doesnt work01:07
n8wDragnslcr:  ye i have01:08
wedothe kickoff menu does not work properly01:08
DragnslcrWhat error did you get from that?01:08
wedothe leave options does not work at ll, Shutdown, reboot,.. etc01:08
bulldog98n8w: killed apt-get before trying?01:08
n8wDragnslcr:  the same as before01:08
n8wbulldog98:  what do u mean?01:09
bulldog98n8w: tip CTRG+C into the console01:09
bulldog98n8w: and then try the commands again01:10
n8wbulldog98:  ohh fcourse i did01:10
bulldog98n8w: ok01:10
bulldog98n8w: mh…01:10
n8wbulldog98:  i keep gettin this E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)01:10
bulldog98n8w: really tryed apt-get -f dist-upgrade?01:11
bulldog98should suppress such things01:11
Dragnslcrn8w- pastebin the entire output when you try to do dist-upgrade01:12
n8wbulldog98:  http://paste-it.net/public/e13dc42/01:12
n8wDragnslcr:  http://paste-it.net/public/e13dc42/01:13
Dragnslcrn8w- those dpkg warning lines are the real problem01:13
DragnslcrDo apt-get update, then try again01:14
wedothe kickoff menu does not work properly01:14
wedothe leave options does not work at ll, Shutdown, reboot,.. etc01:14
n8wDragnslcr:  get update works...01:16
DragnslcrTry dist-upgrade again. If you get the same error, do "sudo apt-get -f install"01:16
n8wDragnslcr:  but when i try sudo apt-get -f dist-upgrade, it gives me the same01:16
n8wDragnslcr:  same01:17
DragnslcrDo "sudo apt-get -f install"01:18
n8wDragnslcr:  E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)01:18
n8wi mean this is crazy01:18
DragnslcrMy guess, based on that error message, is that the package is broken01:19
n8wDragnslcr:  well lets remove it then01:19
n8wDragnslcr:  or just do smth so i can use it again...i cant believe that one wrongly installed application can cause so big damage01:20
DragnslcrI don't think anything is broken other than that one package01:21
n8wDragnslcr:  ye but i cant use apt n kpackage01:21
DragnslcrReally? You should still be able to install other packages, you'll just get the error message afterwards01:22
n8wDragnslcr:  cant i just remove that broken package?01:23
n8wDragnslcr:  hehe u gotta b kiddin me...man i just simply removed the package n everythin is ok01:26
DragnslcrYeah, because apt isn't trying to install the other broken packages anymore01:27
n8wDragnslcr:  :)) weird ....anywai, thx a lot for your help01:27
DragnslcrIf you can get one or two other people to reproduce the problem, it might be worth putting in a bug report01:28
n8wDragnslcr:  aight, i might get bak to it some day this week01:29
n8wDragnslcr:  gtg...cya01:29
wedothe kickoff menu does not work properly01:39
wedothe leave options does not work at ll, Shutdown, reboot,.. etc01:39
wedoany one can help01:39
Veralixokay, I can't seem to figure this out.  I'm trying to connect my xbox to my laptop via my laptops eth0 interface, and my laptop is connected to my wireless router via wlan0.  I'm trying to share the internet connection with my xbox from my laptop, in essence making my laptop a wireless access point.  Bridge utils hasn't panned out: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man5/bridge-utils-interfaces.5.html .01:48
VeralixAnd so far I'm not having luck with firestarter01:48
hagabakais there something like kubuntu-ppa/experimental but working?01:51
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macowhat are you doing?02:55
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:56
macoYAMILET: inglés aquí. para español, va a #ubuntu-es02:56
lionsgateso hmm03:32
lionsgateim on hardy, is there a way to update to lucid? without going to 8.10 and then to 9.10 and then to luid?03:32
shadeslayer!upgrade | lionsgate03:35
ubottulionsgate: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - To upgrade to Karmic (9.10) directly from Hardy (8.04) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KarmicUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading03:35
shadeslayerlionsgate: upgrading from hardy to lucid is supported ;)03:36
shadeslayerlionsgate: i think if you just download the alternate CD and mount it and follow the instructions,you should be fine03:38
lionsgatebut i dont have any spare blank cd's :(03:40
shadeslayerlionsgate: no need for a CD..03:41
shadeslayerlionsgate: you can mount it inside the hd itself03:41
shadeslayerlionsgate: just follow the upgrade instructions03:42
lionsgatehmm i see03:44
lionsgateok gonna do it, see how it goes03:45
lionsgatety shadeslayer :D03:46
shadeslayerlionsgate: np03:49
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deokanoncan somebody help me with this desktop cube issue i seem to be having please? screen turns dark when initiated and i have no idea how to fix this problem :(.... complete nOOb here04:42
bucketheadHi guys. How can I set up a script to run when an external disk with a certain UUID is connected?05:00
ceefourwill Kubuntu 10.10 use KDE 4.4 or 4.5 ?05:10
EnjackahAnyone using kubuntu via wubi?06:33
NakkelExperimental PPA pushed some nifty upgrades, KDE4.5 beta but also killed my Kontact :(06:41
Nakkelkontact: error while loading shared libraries: libkontactinterface.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory06:41
NakkelAny ideas how to fix or should I just downgrade back to 4.4=06:41
NakkelAh, nvm, seems that kdepim isnt updated on ppa just yet.06:47
RazionAnyone have experience dealing with the whole ALSA/Pulse not wanting to let more than one application use sound issue?07:26
RazionAnyone have experience dealing with the whole ALSA/Pulse not wanting to let more than one application use sound issue?07:33
SkEmOCan I turn of the scroll thing on the trackpad thing on a laptop in ubuntu?07:34
oxymoronMamarok: You know that Kopete Kwallet and password login thing, it still doesnt work ....07:48
chelzanyone know of a good way or plugin to get autosaving features enabled in Kate?07:52
kerimI need to help07:56
kerimI am using UBNTU07:56
kerimMy touch pad working on loginscreen07:57
kerimwhen ı logged its not work07:57
kerimI was ıntall touchpad program but its enable07:57
kerimand not work07:58
FlakeparadigmWhere would I find KDE headers for the kde3 remix (lucid) - I'm running a ./configure for something I wish to compile and get this error. http://pastebin.ca/187472308:14
bucketheadFlakeparadigm: That would be something better asked to the trinity project. I don't believe the community as a whole has supported kde 3 in a while.08:20
Flakeparadigmah, okay.08:21
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - To upgrade to Karmic (9.10) directly from Hardy (8.04) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KarmicUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading08:39
martin___moin moin09:01
skamsterhello all.. my second try here, the german peobles seems to sleeping yet :)09:36
skamsteri've changed this weekend from sidux to kubuntu.. i wanted to port all my kde-settings, so i copied the .kde-folder..09:36
jussiskamster: so whats the issue?09:37
skamsterthe most things also working fine, except one: kmail tells me always, that the imap-folder "entwürfe" isn't exist on my local system09:37
skamsterso, that's ok, every message would be recived and i could send also my e-mails.. but on every mail-check about 4-5 messages, that's not my dream ;)09:38
skamsterhow could i make them away? i deleted already the entw?rfe-folder (wrong encoding, i think..)09:39
skamsterand i rebuilded the cache.09:39
skamsterboth won't work09:39
skamsterFehler beim Öffnen von /home/skamster/.kde/share/apps/kmail/dimap/579360910. Dieser Ordner ist nicht vorhanden.09:39
skamsterFehler beim Öffnen von /home/skamster/.kde/share/apps/kmail/dimap/.1615970296.directory/Entw?rfe/new. Dieser Ordner ist nicht vorhanden.09:40
skamsterthere's messages like that09:40
lyhana8hello, my firefox doesn't launch anymore. I tried from konsole on kubuntu 10.04 and got nothing09:40
lyhana8I tried to purge, reinstall but nothing09:40
jussiskamster: Im not sure I can help you with that, and seems folks here are still asleep also. please stick around and be patient.09:40
lyhana8I remove the whole ~/.mozilla, and still same issue09:40
lyhana8neither -safe-mode nor -ProfileManager do anything09:40
jussilyhana8: please run firefox from a terminal and tell me the output09:41
lyhana8jussi: none09:41
jussilyhana8: just exits?09:41
llutzskamster: ls -ld /home/skamster/.kde/share/apps/kmail/dimap/57936091009:42
jussilyhana8: Youve pretty much done what I would have suggested...09:42
chelzlyhana8: do you get any output from:  firefox -v09:51
lyhana8chelz: yep09:51
lyhana8I can also launch the debug mode, but have no idea how to use it09:52
skamsterls: Zugriff auf /home/skamster/.kde/share/apps/kmail/dimap/579360910 nicht möglich: No such file or directory09:52
llutzskamster: how did you copy your .kde-folder?09:52
skamsterjust show in dolphin all hidden files, catch it by mouse and put it to the harddisk09:53
skamsterand the same back..09:53
llutzskamster: same uid as in sidux?09:53
skamstermaybe, it isn't copy some messages or so, but i've thinked it could regenerate (because it's imap)09:53
skamsteruid = username? then yes09:53
llutzskamster: uid= numerical id    not username09:54
ubottuGoogle Talk (GTalk) is an instant messaging program from Google. Currently, Google does not have an official standalone GTalk client for Linux, but supports connections from third-party clients such as !Pidgin and !Kopete | See http://www.google.com/talk/otherclients.html for more information09:54
skamsteri don't know, if the numerical id is the same.. but with other files, i've got no problems..09:54
skamsteri just set up the whole system new and create a user with the same name..09:55
llutzskamster: 1st ubuntu user created has uid=1000, not sure what sidux uses09:55
skamsterhow could i look this?09:56
llutzskamster: do you still have your sidux-home?09:56
skamsteralso 100009:56
skamsterno, not anymore..09:56
llutzskamster: seems dolphin hasn't copied all you need. next time better use cp, rsync or tar09:57
skamsteryes, you're right.. but for now, what's the best? delete all acounts and create them new? (on kmail..)09:58
llutzskamster: i think so09:58
skamsterok, thanks anyway :)09:58
llutzskamster: what filesystem have you copied the sidux-stuff to?09:59
skamsterext4->ext3(external hd)->ext409:59
llutzskamster: "should have worked"...10:00
epimethhas anybody got starcraft II working in ubuntu?  The wine patch that is supposed to fix the issue I'm having isn't working so I think I might have done something wrong....10:00
Mehrabhi, I've installed awn on my kubuntu, after that gnome desktop will show up instead of KDE, how can I bring KDE back?10:30
SpaceManat the login screen select KDE / KDM instead of Gnome / GDM10:32
MehrabSpaceMan: I set it not to show login page before, so I can't do that10:33
epimethhas anybody got starcraft II working in ubuntu? The wine patch that is supposed to fix the issue I'm having isn't working so I think I might have done something wrong....10:40
Mehrab_hi, I've installed awn on my kubuntu, after rebooting it will come up with gnome desktop, how can I bring back KDE?10:43
SkEmOdoes anyone gets the "update bios or forcestart" when initializing Lucid?11:03
moetunesSkEmO: nothing on google about it...11:09
SkEmOi just installed lucid on a VM and before the Kubuntu loading screen appears, i get that msg11:10
moetuneswhen does it show up?11:10
SkEmOlemme get a screencap11:11
moetunesSkEmO: using vbox?11:11
moetunesthere the vbox channel since it is the vm bios11:13
moetunesthere is*11:13
moetunes #vbox11:13
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n8whow do i set s2disk as a defualt hibernation mode in kubuntu?12:20
n8wi remember that when i had 9.10 i had to change one parameter in one of the cfg files12:22
HazamonzoHey folks. What a quick way to empty a text file on the command line? I remember doing something like... textfile.log >12:30
HazamonzoSound familiar to anyone?12:30
TorchHazamonzo: cat /dev/null > file12:33
HazamonzoTorch: Thank you :)12:33
alessandro_hi guys12:36
alessandro_someone from rome?^12:37
bazhangalessandro_, perhaps in #ubuntu-it12:37
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jaimehi, hand faster than brain error. can somebody please pastebin a 10.4 /boot/grub/grub.conf ?13:09
n8whow do i set s2disk as a defualt hibernation mode in kubuntu?13:11
jaimen8w: sorry, no idea. but could you please pastebin a 10.4 /boot/grub/grub.conf for me? i'm between a brick and a wall and nobody seems awake here13:14
n8wjaime:  hang on13:15
n8wjaime:  man i cant find it13:17
jaimegrub.cfg that is13:17
n8wjaime:  locate grub.conf doesnt return anythin13:17
jaimemy brain is still stuck on grub1. /boot/grub/grub.cfg13:18
Walzmynjaime: you can't google up an example?13:19
jaimeit is totally ubuntified13:19
jaime1st hit on google. blush.13:20
n8wjaime:  this one? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub213:21
n8wjaime:  mine looks pretty much alike....13:21
jaimeright. i'll be fine. thx anyway13:21
n8wis it possible that ive got nothin in /etc/pm/config.d/ ?? namely "00sleep_module"13:27
n8wim usin kubuntu 10.0413:27
n8was long as i remember, 9.10 had that file13:28
SkEmOwhy i cant move the desktop panel to the left?13:33
SkEmOdamn it13:33
WalzmynSkEmO: you gotta move those little tabs that look like margin indicators in a word processor13:33
BluesKaj'Morning folks13:41
Walzmynmornin' BluesKaj13:42
BluesKajhi Walzmyn13:43
Walzmynin dolphin I'm using the "remember folder options" setting. How can I set the defaut for uninitialized folders (such as an SD card)13:45
n8wis it possible that ive got nothin in /etc/pm/config.d/ ?? namely "00sleep_module"13:51
n8wim tryin to make s2disk default mechanism for hibernation, but i cant find the cfg to define it in13:51
ZENerdmy screen locks and does not except the password on the new system. I tried disabling it and it still happens13:52
BluesKajWalzmyn, do you mean, "remember view properties for each folder" ?13:53
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WalzmynBluesKaj: yes14:29
WalzmynSorry, was cooking breakfast14:30
jussiis there a program that open .psd (photoshop) files?14:30
BluesKajWalzmyn, and your sd card doesn't show folder content in dolphin?14:30
Walzmynjussi: it's been a while since tried that, but I didn't find anything14:30
WalzmynBluesKaj: yes it does, but it comes up in detail view. I want it to default to icon view14:31
WalzmynDolphin is defaulting to detail view in anyfolder that's not been manually switched over, BluesKaj14:31
BluesKajWalzmyn, ckick on view in dolphin / view mode/ , choose icons14:34
jussiWalzmyn: wow, I just found out you can insert into open office...14:35
Walzmynyeah, BluesKaj, that's going to set it for the current folder. Somewhere there's got to be a .conf file that tells it what to do with a folder it's never encoutered before14:36
Walzmynjussi: really? interesting14:36
jussiWalzmyn: yeah, just insert -> picture and choose the file.14:37
BluesKajWalzmyn, try settings/configure dolphin/viewmodes14:38
Walzmyni've looked there. I don't see anything to set the default view modes14:39
WalzmynBluesKaj: thanks for looking. I gotta run play taxi14:40
BluesKajWalzmyn, well, I assume the settings you choose become the defaults in configure dolphin14:42
WalzmynThose are just setting the defaults if you click on the icon or detail button. not which one comes up automagically14:46
Walzmynlooks like the wife is playing taxi :)14:46
Mutantcan anybody tell me how to install KDE in Ubuntu 10.0414:53
WalzmynMutant: sudo apt-get install kde14:53
redaany one tell me how to install theme on kde14:53
tsimpsonMutant: just install the "kubuntu-desktop" package, not the "kde" package14:53
WalzmynMutant: but if you're wanting to run KDE full time, I'd reinstall with a kubuntu CD14:53
Walzmyndoh, he's right, sorry14:54
Mutantok but is it good to run it parallel along with GNOme14:54
redaany one tell me how to install theme on kde14:54
tsimpsonreda: from System Setting -> Appearance14:55
redayes i downlaoded some theme from kde look14:55
Mutant Walzmyn: I have KDE installed by default in Ubuntu 10.04  but the desktop didn't appear.14:56
tsimpsonthemes are separated in to sections, like icons, colors and styles14:56
redabut when i tried to install them14:56
redait doesent work14:56
tsimpsonMutant: you need to select "KDE" from the login menu before you login14:56
WalzmynMutant: what do you meant didn't appear?14:56
redait say soemthing about compile or something like that14:56
MutantWalzmyn: when i select it from login screen, then some loading occurs & then the screen goes black14:57
Mutant tsimpson:  when i select it from login screen, then some loading occurs & then the screen goes black14:57
tsimpsonreda: for some themes you need to compile and install, you should install the "kdebase-workspace-dev" package and "build-essential" package, and follow the instructions to compile14:58
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javier_i made easy so14:58
WalzmynMutant: if i had to guess KDE is trying to use the 3d accelerated settings and you don't have the propriatary driver set up14:58
WalzmynMutant: i had that once before14:58
javier_first downloand this14:58
MutantWalzmyn: I have the latest drivers installed from Ubuntu software package for my NVIDIA.14:59
redathank you man14:59
redai ll try it*14:59
javier_and after i active Gnome Menu -Extended14:59
WalzmynMutant: ok, start at the beginning. You installed from a ubuntu or kubuntu CD?14:59
javier_and next i download this14:59
javier_sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop15:00
MutantWalzmyn: ubuntu 10.04 cd15:00
javier_sudo aptitude install language-pack-kde-es15:00
javier_sorry this for language15:00
redaso and than,15:00
WalzmynMutant: ok, then you installed the kde-desktop package?15:01
redaafter installing these package15:01
javier_sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports15:01
javier_sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:01
javier_sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop15:01
MutantWalzmyn: no, i didn't. it already appeared as a option in my login screen.15:01
javier_for change of kde to gnome15:02
javier_sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm15:02
MutantWalzmyn: to login with KDE.15:02
WalzmynMutant: ah. well, I'm not exactly sure what is the problem, but I'd start with making sure everything for KDE is installed15:02
WalzmynMutant: try installing that kde-desktop package and letting it pull all it's dependencies in15:03
MutantWalzmyn: thanks & tell me what is needed15:03
tsimpsonreda: there should be instructions with the theme you downloaded15:03
MutantWalzmyn: will is run safely alongwith GNOME15:03
WalzmynMutant: are you going to be switching back and forth between gnome and KDE or just using KDE?15:03
MutantWalzmyn: i want to taste both from my login screen. :)15:04
WalzmynMutant: should. You'll end up with most of the libraries for each installed anyway to run apps that depend on them15:04
WalzmynMutant: ok15:04
WalzmynMutant: if you dind't purposly install kde i'm thining you've got a left over config file or something telling you that you can log into KDE but you don't really have KDE installed15:05
WalzmynMutant: I'd grab that kde-desktop package and install it15:05
tsimpsonreda: look in the archive you extracted, there should be some instructions in a readme or install file15:05
MutantWalzmyn: ok15:05
MutantWalzmyn: and how to do it. My Ubuntu software center does give me option to install KDE15:06
redaok thank15:06
MutantWalzmyn: sorry. it does not give me option15:06
WalzmynMutant: use synaptic15:06
redaand iam sorry for my language i speak frensh15:06
apparle!info kubuntu-default-settings15:06
ubottukubuntu-default-settings (source: kubuntu-default-settings): Default settings and artwork for the Kubuntu desktop. In component main, is optional. Version 1:10.04ubuntu23.1 (lucid), package size 102 kB, installed size 1180 kB15:06
apparleguys what is this package?15:07
tsimpsonreda: which theme did you download, from where?15:07
tdnichogood morning15:09
MutantWalzmyn: can u tell me a terminal command to do it15:09
tdnichousing kubuntu (actually ubuntu with kubuntu-desktop installed....is there a difference?) windows will maximize normally and fill the screen if maximized on the the first display....if maximized on the "extended" display, the windows revert back to the original display15:10
MutantWalzmyn: is this the highlighted option for it in screen shot15:11
WalzmynMutant: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop15:11
tdnichothis is not the desired action...i want the windows to maximize in their parent display....any ideas?15:11
MutantWalzmyn: can u plz check the screenshot15:11
WalzmynMutant: what screenshot?15:13
MutantWalzmyn: i am sending you the screenshot.png file. it is giving me option to install KDE-standard.15:13
tsimpsonreda: which download link did you use?15:13
tdnichousing kubuntu (actually ubuntu with kubuntu-desktop installed....is there a difference?) windows will maximize normally and fill the screen if maximized on the the first display....if maximized on the "extended" display, the windows revert back to the original display15:15
tdnichothis is not the desired action...i want the windows to maximize in their parent display....any ideas?15:15
n8whow can i bypass insertin my password every time i use kpackage?15:16
WalzmynMutant: i'm not seeing any screenshot, sorry. But the package is kubuntu-desktop15:16
n8wive got no policy entry in my sys settings15:16
tsimpsonreda: when you extract the archive, you should see a "HowTo.pdf" that should guide you in stalling the themes15:19
redaok thank15:19
MutantWalzmyn: Thanks brother for the help. I appreciate it! www.doctorahsan.net15:19
redaan other kestion plz15:20
n8wheh isnt a weird day today,no matter what i ask nobody answers:))15:20
* Walzmyn nods15:20
Walzmynsomeone helped me long ago too15:20
redai didnt find color15:20
Simone89Hi all15:23
Simone89i've got a problem with my wireless connection15:24
keepitsimpleSimone89: can you describe more accurately what your specific problem is with the wireless connection?15:25
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Simone89then i have an atheros wireless card ( AR2425 chip) and it doesn't find any connection15:27
Simone89wlan0     IEEE 802.11bg  ESSID:off/any15:28
Simone89          Mode:Managed  Access Point: Not-Associated   Tx-Power=off15:28
Simone89          Retry  long limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off15:28
Simone89          Encryption key:off15:28
Simone89          Power Management:off15:28
FloodBotK2Simone89: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:28
keepitsimpleSimone89: please use the paste service suggested and post the output of the following command: sudo lshw -C network15:31
Simone89like that is ok?15:34
keepitsimpleSimone89: Yes, it's ok. Some Atheros chipsets have problem with the default module loaded into the kernel so you might check http://madwifi-project.org/15:35
ubuntuuser42hiho, just upgraded to 10.04, my bootsplash doesn't seem to work, which package is it?15:35
keepitsimpleSimone89: I have to restart, brb15:35
keepitsimpleubuntuuser42: please update your system15:36
ubuntuuser42it is...15:36
ubuntuuser42which package contains the boot splash in lucid lynx?15:38
JontheEchidnaubuntuuser42: plymouth-theme-kubuntu-logo15:39
ubuntuuser42seems it simply was not installed15:40
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Kash-753 packages just for a softphone ... linux still need to change a lot of things ..16:14
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lyhana8hi, is it ok to use kubuntu-ppa/experimental for desktop usage ?16:17
lyhana8otherwise oh do I downgrade ? XD16:18
ner0xAnyone use kdevelop?16:34
psychoholic_I've been having problems with sound out of youtube and such it all just comes out as a blur but then it just stop or freezes on one word..16:35
=== sysadmin is now known as Guest6806
thomas__hi all17:06
thomas__i have a fresh 64 bit system installed but i can't get audio to work17:07
thomas__what can i do?17:07
Walzmyn!audio | thomas__17:08
ubottuthomas__: If you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP317:08
thomas__ok, hang on17:09
Morbiushi, is this a good place to ask about my confusion with the export command in Kubuntu?17:26
DarthFrogMorbius: Probably better than most.17:35
DarthFrogTho' answers may not be forthcoming quickly.17:36
rich hello, i have a weired problem concerning openoffice in linux. i used openoffice in ubuntu for a long time, but now i switched to KDE and some macros stopped working on my maschine. It is complaining about  runtime error 35. can somebody help me?17:38
markus_Morbius: This is a general linux question I think.18:02
=== amogorkon2 is now known as amogorkon
sleepwlkerHello Kubuntu community18:23
arcadeHmf.  alt+f2 to launch stuff has really, really deteriorated in kubuntu/ubuntu.  while great in 8.04 and previous, 9.10 and 10.04 sucks.18:25
sleepwlkerWhat does Alt-F2 do exactly?18:25
sleepwlker(This is my first time using Linux)18:25
Torchsleepwlker: in kde it's the default shortcut to open krunner.18:26
Torchsleepwlker: and krunner lets you do lost of stuff, among other thins run commands directly18:27
sleepwlkerI'm working on learning all this Linux stuff18:27
sleepwlkerThere is a slight bit of a learning curve after having used windows all my life18:27
sleepwlkerQuick question18:32
sleepwlkerwhat is the easiest/best way to add to the "favorites" list18:32
sleepwlkerin KDE18:32
Torchsleepwlker: in the menu? right click the entry and "add to favorites"18:33
sleepwlkerWhat if it's something like18:35
sleepwlkerthat isn't in the menu, but rather in a seperate folder18:35
Torchsleepwlker: you need to make a menu entry for it first.18:35
Torchsleepwlker: right click on the menu button and select "menu editor"18:35
Torchsleepwlker: also, firefox should be in the menu if you installed it from regular packages.18:36
Torchsleepwlker: if you installed a tarball for firefox, think again if that is really a wise choice18:36
sleepwlkerSo if I installed it froma regular package18:37
sleepwlkerit would make it's own menu entry?18:37
Torchsleepwlker: the package would do that, yes18:37
sleepwlkerNow where do I find packages?18:37
Torchsleepwlker: inegration is one of the reasons packages exist18:37
tsimpsoninstall it with the package manager18:37
tsimpsonKMenu -> System -> KPackageKit18:37
SonseeHi all. I have kubuntu 10.04 and glassified theme on kde4.4.3. Now a have set in windows behavior "group similiar windows" so if open two terminals then it looks like two tabs in browser. Two question - can I in the same way group the titles on the panel bellow and when I do switch the window like a tab (not on panel) both tabs are locked up until I minimize and mazimize. Can anyone help?18:38
sleepwlkerAre there packages for pretty much everything18:39
Torchsleepwlker: yes.18:40
sleepwlkerOk, thats a useful tidbit to know then xD18:40
Torchsleepwlker: as a normal user, there should never be a reason to install anything from any other source18:40
Sonseeno one? :/18:42
sleepwlkerI searched firefox in the KPackageKit18:43
sleepwlkerand I got like 2343243242343 results18:43
Torchsleepwlker: if you're brave enough you can use the shell (many find that easier, i am among those).18:44
Torchsleepwlker: sudo apt-get install firefox will do what you want.18:44
sleepwlkerYeah, this seems 100x easier lol18:45
sleepwlkerSo would a shell command such as18:46
sleepwlkersudo apt-get install Netbeans work? xD18:46
Torchsleepwlker: apt-cache search <whatever> will tell you what you can install18:47
Torchsleepwlker: there are tutorials en masse. google will guide your way.18:47
Morbiusso not a kubuntu problem, but while I'm here... would a virtual machine have a different router_network for ipx_route than the machine it is running on?18:49
sleepwlkerI'm definitely gonna miss MS VisualStudio18:51
sleepwlkerAny of you guys ever used Linux for internet connection sharing(like on Windows)18:53
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sleepwlkerJust installed Netbeans :D18:55
tsimpson!ics | sleepwlker18:57
ubottusleepwlker: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php18:57
sleepwlkerWould it work if I was sharing the connection from my Linux machine to a Microsoft Machine(My Xbox 360)18:57
tsimpsonit will work with any machine, windows, linux, mac, nintendo, ...18:58
tsimpsonwell, any machine as long as it has networking capabilities18:59
sleepwlkerCause I need my internet from my computer for my 360 otherwise my 360 can't get internets18:59
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wil_Pretty much a newb, so please be patient. Has anyone used kubuntu as a caching proxy server?19:30
daedaluzwhat package to install to make GTK apps to show Dolphin in "open file" dialogues?19:30
moetunes!squid | wil_19:33
ubottuwil_: squid is a caching proxy for the Web.  See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SquidGuard  See: http://www.squid-cache.org19:33
wil_Thanks a lot ubottu! I will start there.19:33
SpaceManI'm trying to list the contents of a 3.6 GB tar.gz file, I've entered in the console  tar -t stuff.tar.gz  but nothing has happened after 30 minutes how long does tar/gzip take to decompress an archive?19:41
n8wanyone usin s2disk for hibernation/suspend to ram?19:41
wil_ubottu: Just to be sure, I will have to install apache2 also?19:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:47
moetunesSpaceMan: you need the   f   option to name the file - so   tar -tf stuff.tar.gz19:47
SpaceManmoetunes: I now have a very long list of the contents19:50
SpaceManmoetunes: thank you19:50
BluesKajSpaceMan, 3.6G is pretty large compressed file19:50
SpaceManit's not as large as sruff_2 which is 9.4GB :(19:50
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Tecumsehcould someone help me with kickoff? I can't get new programs listed in it, running a fresh install of lucid amd6420:31
daedaluzany ideas how to get GTK programs to use Dolphin in file dialogues? openSUSE did it by default so never looked into configs there20:33
BluesKajTecumseh,   pls explain 'can't get new programs '20:36
TecumsehI have installed kdegames and it doesn't appear in kickoff20:38
TecumsehI've tried to manually add a shortcut with the menueditor and that also doesn't appear20:38
daedaluzTecumseh: kdegames is a package of games20:38
danielhi, i have a problem with the videos, when i got others process behind the video looks like with lag20:38
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Tecumsehdaedaluz: that I know, it would be nice if I could also have the starters to play the games20:40
daedaluzok, dunno then20:41
solovoyhi, i have a problem with the videos, when i got others process behind the video looks like with lag20:41
delighti got different kubuntu lucid boxes where the network stopped working ... only on some ... pretty occassional ... usual after a standby or a crash20:42
delightand its not comming back20:42
delightis this error known to somebody20:42
TecumsehBluesKaj: do you have any clue?20:43
BluesKajTecumseh, try  kdegames in the run command/krunner , alt+f220:44
TecumsehBluesKaj: does nothing, also not with the seperate games that are in the kdegames metapackage. From konsole I can start them with bash completion though20:46
BluesKajTecumseh, well at least you can launch them from the terminal...strange , lemme install them and see what happens here20:51
Tecumsehtried installing kdegames on a different machine and there is shows up, so it's not in the package20:52
Tecumsehkickoff itself is broken somehow here, just don't know how to fix it20:52
solovoyI have a problem with the video, when I'm playing one and there is some process running behind the video tends to lag20:52
BluesKajTecumseh, right click on the kmenu /menu editor , try to configure the games there20:59
BluesKajok, bbl ... bbq time here ...gotta get myself in gear21:00
n8whow do i run /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches as a nonroot?21:01
TecumsehAdded menuitems are not saved either21:01
TecumsehCan someone help me with a broken kickoff menu? New programs are not added and also manually added programs (added with the menu editor) are not saved.21:03
=== tecumseh is now known as Tecumseh
TecumsehCan someone help me with a broken kickoff menu? New programs are not added and also manually added programs (added with the menu editor) are not saved. Tried renaming kickoffrc configfile but that also didn't work21:10
n8whow do i run /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches as a nonroot?21:12
n8wjust with sudo21:12
draikAnyone here know about streaming from VLC (on home server) to PS3 on same network?21:24
nerdy_kidif i removed kubuntu-default-settings would i get a vanilla kde install?  thus removing a lot of kubuntu bugs?21:24
Mehrabhi, I was working with kde network manager without any problem since 10.04, but today for some reasons I made a connection with pppoeconf, from that time I can't connect through kde network manager, it doesn't give any respond21:26
RazionAnyone know how to deal with Pulseaudio not letting multiple applications use sound at the same time?21:29
nerdy_kidMehrab killall knetworkmanager && knetworkmanager ?21:29
nerdy_kidRazion paususpender i think...or maybe its pasuspender21:30
Razionnerdy_kid: No luck.21:31
Razionnerdy_kid: Other ideas?21:32
Mehrab_nerdy_kid: nope, didn't work, knetwork manager gives no respond at all21:32
nerdy_kidMehrab killall -s KILL knetworkmanager21:33
nerdy_kidRazion well...you could just temporaraly disable pulseaudio: sudo chmod -x /usr/bin/pulseaudio21:34
nerdy_kidRazion then killall pulseaudio21:34
nerdy_kidRazion sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/pulseaudio && pulseaudio will reenable it btw21:35
Razionnerdy_kid: Still locking to one app.21:35
Razionnerdy_kid: Locking to Firefox at the moment, but it's generally whatever I turn on first when I boot my system.21:36
Razionnerdy_kid: I've had it stuck on Amarok, Games, etc...21:36
nerdy_kidRazion well disable pulseaudio and log out/back in, just to get pulse out of the way.21:37
RazionOnce it's disabled, it should stay off until I manually turn it back on, Yes?21:37
Mehrabnerdy_kid: the command kills KNM, but again when I activate it, it wouldn't connect21:39
nerdy_kidMehrab reboot?21:39
Mehrabnerdy_kid: does removing pppoeconf package make any problem, and would it be helpful?21:40
Mehrabnerdy_kid: should I reboot after killing it?21:40
nerdy_kidMehrab idk, if it just suddenly stopped working then maybe something interal froze, so just reboot the whole system and see if it still happens21:40
nerdy_kidRazion yeah once its disabled it cant run, that command removes executing privileges from the pulseaudio binary :D21:40
Razionnerdy_kid: Locked to Amarok this time. First thing I started.21:40
RazionAlso, I find it odd that I can still open pavucontrol with PA disabled.21:42
nerdy_kidRazion nothing else works?  speaker-test from terminal doesnt work?21:42
nerdy_kidRazion if you open the pulse volume control it should say "connection refused"21:42
Mehrabnerdy_kid: no, I couldn't run KDE desktop so made a pppoeconf connection in console mode, and after that it's like this, and I rebooted many times since then21:43
Razionnerdy_kid: It "should". It doesn't. Also, sound test from system settings can run while another app has it locked.21:43
Razionnerdy_kid: Odd, that the sound test can get through it when nothing else can.21:43
Mehrabnerdy_kid: and now I,m connected with pppoeconf connection, I think I should get rid of that somehow21:44
nerdy_kidRazion what about another Phonon app?  such as dragon player?21:44
Razionnerdy_kid: Freakin' odd. Dragon player can run while Amarok is.21:45
nerdy_kidRazion aha, so we have a phonon issue... what device is set to play under multimedia settings?21:45
RazionMy Plantronics USB headset.21:45
RazionEr. Well. It's at the top of the "preferred" list, anyways.21:46
nerdy_kiddrat i have to go, Mehrab sorry i really dont know anything more :-|  Razion i would mess with the devices in the multimedia settings.  Somehow phonon is screwed up....21:47
Razionnerdy_kid: Alright. Thanks for the help. Take care.21:47
nerdy_kidhope i helped you a little :)21:47
nerdy_kidRazion good luck :)21:47
adilalpmanhi all21:48
RazionAnyone know how to kill the process for firefox?21:48
adilalpmanmay be u can use21:48
stefan___killall firefox21:48
RazionTried it.21:48
adilalpmanps aux | grep firefox21:49
adilalpmanthen copy process id and it might be 4 digit21:49
Mehrabsorry to repeat:  I can't connect through knetworkmanager since I made connection with console (pppoeconf) what should I do to make KNM work?21:49
adilalpmanthen killall -9 processid21:49
RazionAll three PSID's it shows up under report "xxxx: no process found" when killing.21:50
adilalpman ucan use wrong id21:50
howlymowlyhi poeple..  so i just installed google chrome browser on my systemm..  but there is one thing I am missing:  the gecko media plugin does not work..  i have isntalled it already and in firefow it works without a flaw.. so any idea, what could be the problem? i googled around and it seems that under "normal" circumstances it should work automatically..  why not on my system (I use kubuntu 10.04)21:51
adilalpmanu used21:51
adilalpmanwrong id21:51
daedaluzgoddamit, Kubuntu. I've tried editing Gnome default file manager and inserting some random stuff into about:config, no help. I just can't get Firefox/GIMP to use Dolphin as file manager21:55
adilalpmani like dolphin21:56
daedaluzyes, everybody does. any ideas?21:57
howlymowlyworks automatically on my system..21:58
daedaluzkubuntu 10.04 here, installed with kubuntu-desktop from ubuntu22:02
howlymowlymaybe you're missing some extensions?22:02
howlymowlyi mean...  some debian packages which itnergrate firefox into kde22:02
daedaluzI was thinking that too..22:03
howlymowlydaedaluz: did you install ubuntu firefox extensions?22:04
jaimehi, on a fresh 10.4 with an nv6800 i get an ugly 800x600x8 or so kubuntu loading screen (the blue one before kdm). i want proper 1280 like the livecd did. i tried GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX to no avail. did i not try hard enough or am i doing it wrong?22:06
howlymowlyhmm. sorry daedaluz i have no idea  how it works on my system22:07
daedaluzhowlymowly: tried to check synaptic for extensions, didn't spot anything suitable22:09
howlymowlyyeah, i just did that, too..  didn't see anything...22:10
howlymowlyseems like it just works out of the box on my kubuntu22:10
daedaluzyou installed from CD?22:10
* daedaluz thinks google should have had created Chromium in Qt22:12
kolo_dobry den22:15
Torchdaedaluz: they should have started out with Qt right from day one. but they only had cheap windows coders that knew nothing else but windows api...22:15
daedaluzwhoops my ketai overcharged.. any inputs regarding dolphin+firefox integration meanwhile?22:24
adilalpmanhi all22:27
adilalpmani have still problem with my creative sb-5.1-vx soundcard i cant resolve it never22:28
adilalpmani have sent post all mailists22:29
adilalpmanall forums about ubuntu and kubuntu22:29
adilalpmanbut nobody can help me22:29
howlymowlyalright guys22:29
daedaluzwat problem22:31
howlymowlyi got the solution for mediaplayer plugin not working in chrome:  just deinstall mozplugger22:31
howlymowlyit interferes with it..22:31
adilalpmandaedaluz: did u ask to me?22:32
adilalpmank bro22:33
adilalpman1 min pls22:33
adilalpmani will describe22:33
adilalpmani am searching the post22:33
adilalpmanthat i sent to mailists22:33
daedaluzif you have any relevant pastebin already please provide22:34
adilalpmancan i use ur im22:35
adilalpmanpls look here if possible22:36
adilalpmanmy old post about it is here bro22:36
Torchadilalpman: please do not use new lines as interpuction. write all you want to say on one line if possible.22:37
Torchadilalpman: easier to read for all others.22:38
adilalpmansorry :S22:38
daedaluzadilalpman: settings > system settings > multimedia, you'll see which sound system you use there22:41
daedaluzadilalpman: also, devices22:41
adilalpmani use default sound system that kubuntu 10.04 provide me22:42
adilalpmanand kmix and alsa i think22:43
daedaluzwhat device is set on default?22:43
adilalpmani am at home and my pc at the office i must check it tomorrow bro22:43
daedaluzk, sounds like you have something like spdif or digital audio set as default device22:44
adilalpmanbut if dont remember wrong it was see as creative audigy22:44
daedaluzpay attention there, even though it says audigy it may also say something like spdif or digital instead of analog there22:45
adilalpmanok dead, if u will be in here tomorrow and if u let me we can chck it tomorrow better22:46
daedaluzworking evening shift tomorrow22:46
adilalpmanomg :(22:46
adilalpmanso may be on day later22:47
adilalpmanone day later22:47
adilalpmansee u one ay later22:47
adilalpmanthnx from now on22:48
daedaluzmake sure you're on that computer tho22:48
adilalpmanok bro22:48
SkEmOwhere can i check what the error codes mean?22:50
=== emma_ is now known as emma
SkEmOdamn it23:27
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - To upgrade to Karmic (9.10) directly from Hardy (8.04) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KarmicUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading23:27
epimethanybody home?23:28
epimethI'd appreciate some help with compiling wine myself...23:29
WindPowerI can help with that I suppose23:31
epimethWindPower: great, thanks23:31
epimethI'm following the instructions on http://www.thehelper.net/forums/showthread.php?t=147567 , which is copied exactly on winehq's starcraft howto23:32
epimethhowever, once I finish Starcraft dies at the same place it says that the patch is supposed to fix23:32
epimethso I'm thinking that it isn't installing correctly?23:33
WindPowerDid you remove the wine package beforehand if you had it installed?23:33
epimethI did also apt-get remove wine23:33
epimethbut neglected to check that wine indeed was removed...23:33
epimethshould I attempt that again?23:33
WindPowerRemove wine, then sudo make install again23:34
epimethPackage wine is not installed, so not removed23:34
FloodBotK2epimeth: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:34
WindPowerWell then the problem isn't there23:35
epimethsilly floodbot, that was an accident :-p23:35
WindPowerTry wine --version to see if that's indeed the one you just downloaded and compiled23:35
WindPowerYeah that does sound like the latest23:35
WindPowerWhat did the patch command say?23:35
SkEmOWhy!!? why it wont upgrade/update!?23:36
epimethWindPower: heh... konsole doesn't scroll that far, but I got the impression it was successful23:36
WindPowerWhat's wrong SkEmO23:36
WindPowerWell, try it again, it should tell you if the patch has already been applied23:37
WindPowerAnd if it does then say no23:37
SkEmOWindPower my distro wont upgrade to lucid :(23:37
WindPowerI can't help you with that sadly SkEmO, because I too never got an upgrade to work so I always install from scratch now23:37
SkEmOit wont show in adept and on terminal i tried sudo apt-get dist-update23:37
SkEmOand i got an error msg23:37
WindPowerIt's not that much of a pain really, compared to all the fixes you have to do after an upgrade if it even works23:38
WindPowerYeah epimeth so patching did succeed, so I guess that patch simply doesn't work anymore23:38
WindPowerYou should contact the guy who wrote the patch23:39
epimethSkEmO... you aren't supposed to upgrade that way... give me a second I'll see if I can find the command23:39
WindPowerOr ask in #winehq23:39
WindPowerBecause it doesn't look like a compiling problem to me23:39
epimethWindPower: I'm there... some guy who seemed to be knowledgable was going to help me but I had to go and now he's gone and nobody else seems to be in....23:39
epimethWindPower: he also said that its working for him, so I'm at a loss :-(23:39
SkEmOepimeth well if i go to add and remove software, i see the distro update but, it gives me "distribution upgrade process exited with code 127·23:40
WindPowerWell, Starcraft II is a nerdy game, so you can expect it to be working with the patches included in the next release23:40
epimethSkEmO: try "update-manager -d"23:41
SkEmOwhere? command line?23:41
WindPowerYou know, just like they get Left 4 Dead 2 working a few days after its windows release yet leave other games rot because they don't play them, hehehe23:41
WindPowerYes SkEmO23:42
epimethWindPower: amen, but by then it'll probably be out of Beta... And anyway, I wanna play now </whine>23:42
SkEmOit does nothing23:43
SkEmOthe command line just sits there23:43
epimethSkEmO: no quotes... ?23:43
SkEmOno quotes23:44
SkEmOdoes it need the quotes?23:44
WindPowerNo it doesn't23:45
WindPowerActually update-manager is not in kubuntu by default23:46
WindPowerI think it's because it's the Gnome update thing23:46
SkEmOok what does it mean i need to fork?23:47
WindPowerMaybe this thread might help: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3108676.023:48
espsfwhats linux releases are free? or are good to work on networks, easy an light??23:49
epimethSkEmO: you should try installing update-manager-core and then running what I said earlier23:49

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