
BUGabundoVLC does not support the audio or video format "XVID". Unfortunately there is no way for you to fix this.00:08
BUGabundogreat.... gstream went wanky00:09
BUGabundoif videos don't play00:10
BUGabundoI better go to bed00:10
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litropyHi, peeps. I followed this guide http://www.webupd8.org/2010/05/how-to-upgrade-to-ubuntu-1010-maverick.html and get an "upgrade-broken" error upon sudo do-release-upgrade -d. See paste: http://pastebin.com/TneSwbih06:29
KurtKrautWhat is the proper way to propose a feature for next Ubuntu release?08:55
BUGabundo_remotebu dia!09:14
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vishKurtKraut: depends.. what feature?09:40
KurtKrautvish, this one: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/dns-cache-by-default09:41
vishKurtKraut: for inclusion of a package by default you can bring it up in the desktop or devel-discuss mailing lists09:43
vishKurtKraut: i bet very few have even seen/noticed that BP09:44
KurtKrautvish, okay, I'll do that. Thanks!09:45
KurtKrautvish, I've been trying to promote this since Jaunty. Never got any sort of reply.09:45
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vishKurtKraut: promote? how? was this discussed in the mailing lists already?09:45
KurtKrautvish, the only place I didn't mentioned it was through mailing list. Even in Ideastorm I've added it: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/20842/09:46
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vishKurtKraut: fyi, bah , rarely those get looked into ;p09:48
KurtKrautvish, indeed :P09:48
vishKurtKraut: best chance is the relevant mailing lists09:48
KurtKrautvish, If my idea got an approval, is there a chance of being implemented on 10.10?09:49
vishKurtKraut: brainstorm is a huge pool and there are way too many ideas , which makes it difficult for the good ones to get attention ;)09:49
vishKurtKraut: i doubt it , we already had the UDS 2 weeks ago , but give it a shot and maybe 11.04? :)09:49
vishin the uds most of the discussion about inclusion takes place09:50
KurtKrautvish, ... I'm sad to hear that :/09:50
vishKurtKraut: there are always exceptions ;)  and the earlier you start discussing it the bettr chances for inclusion in 11.04 ;)09:51
vishKurtKraut: and it helps to file a bug about it too. bp are not really the place for such issues09:54
KurtKrautvish, so I'll file a bug too. But against what?10:00
vishKurtKraut: the package you want included by default , or was it network manager?10:01
vishfwiw , we *might* move to conman for 11.0410:01
visherr..  connman10:01
KurtKrautvish, there are 3 possible packages that would do the job (DNS cache by default): dnsmasq (my prefered), nscd (used by openSUSE) or bind itself.10:02
KurtKrautvish, DNS cache doesn't depend or need to rely on network-manager.10:02
vishKurtKraut: hmm , then better off discussing in the ML10:03
joaopintoKurtKraut, try sending a mail to the ubuntu-devel-discuss ML10:03
KurtKrautOk, I intend to post an email today about it.10:04
gl0wurm3wEwhen ubuntu 10.10 Alpha 1 comes out what kernel will it have?10:40
hifi2.6.34 atm10:41
BUGabundo_remoteI love to see apps take control, over OUR preferences :S10:44
hifior does it10:44
hifiI have 2.6.34 but it might be from the xorg-edgers PPA10:44
BUGabundo_remoteMaverick is expected to ship with .3510:44
BUGabundo_remote!info linux10:44
ubottulinux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component main, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)10:44
gl0wurm3wEcool, how stable is the .34 kernel and are changes in .35 very critical?10:45
hifi.35 is not released yet10:45
gl0wurm3wE!info gnome10:54
ubottugnome (source: meta-gnome2): The GNOME Desktop Environment, with extra components. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.28+1ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 16 kB, installed size 56 kB10:54
gl0wurm3wE!info Dependency10:56
ubottuPackage Dependency does not exist in maverick10:56
gl0wurm3wE!info maverick10:57
ubottuPackage maverick does not exist in maverick10:57
BUGabundo_remotegl0wurm3wE: please stop abusing the bot :)10:58
BUGabundo_remoteuse packages.ubuntu.com instead10:59
David-Tor at the very least, /msg11:01
gl0wurm3wEwill do11:02
gl0wurm3wEso if 10.10 will ship with .35, then will the work done on .34 be ported to .35? Is that the standard procedure to target odd kernel releases on odd numbered releases?11:19
gl0wurm3wEJust curious11:20
SwedeMikegl0wurm3wE: there is nothing magical about odd or even numbered releases.11:21
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gl0wurm3wEi didn't think it was magical, i was just trying to figure out the kernel number for the next long term support release11:36
gl0wurm3wEkind of like how there will never be a supported .33 ubuntu kernel11:39
gl0wurm3wEit also shows that development of ubuntu takes twice as long to release then a stable kernel dose11:47
gl0wurm3wEit also makes sense to dev. on a stable kernel and target the dev. kernel to be released11:51
arandLiveCDs \o/12:28
funkyHatgstreamer is complaining about wma8 and wmv8 files, but when I click on the "look for a package that has the right decoder" button it says it can't find one15:46
bjsniderfunkyHat, where are the video samples you're looking at?15:57
funkyHatbjsnider: just some of the stuff in my music folder15:58
funkyHatTypically I can't find any examples now...16:00
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BUGabundo_remotebjsnider: I got that yesterday16:26
BUGabundo_remoteboth wma, divx,xvid, etc16:26
BUGabundo_remotegstreamer is busted16:27
bjsnideryeah but i'm just wondering if my version isn't16:29
bjsnideri'd need a sample of the content first16:29
BUGabundo_remoteget any current tv show rip16:33
BUGabundo_remoteor I can run it in debug here, if you want16:33
BUGabundo_remotetotem totem-common totem-dbg totem-mozilla totem-plugins16:34
BUGabundo_remotesome updates16:34
BUGabundo_remotelet me see if its fixed16:34
BUGabundo_remoteThe following packages are BROKEN:  gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad kdelibs5-plugins mplayer update-manager16:36
BUGabundo_remoteThe following NEW packages will be installed:  libdirectfb-1.2-9{a}16:36
BUGabundo_remoteThe following packages will be REMOVED:  libdirectfb-1.2-0{a}16:36
BUGabundo_remoteThe following packages will be upgraded:  kdelibs5-data libsdl1.2debian libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio16:36
BUGabundo_remoteThe following packages have unmet dependencies:16:36
BUGabundo_remote  gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad: Depends: libdirectfb-1.2-0 but it is not installable  mplayer: Depends: libdirectfb-1.2-0 but it is not installable  update-manager: Depends: update-manager-core (= 1:0.141) but 1:0.140 is installed kdelibs5-plugins: Depends: kdelibs5-data (= 4:4.4.80-0ubuntu2) but 4:4.4.80-0ubuntu3 is to be installed.16:36
bjsnideri mean specifically the wmv8 codec16:39
BUGabundo_remotedarn NX17:01
Ian_Corneanyonelse getting this: Unpacking replacement ffmpeg ...17:07
Ian_Cornedpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/ffmpeg_4%3a0.6~svn20100505-1ubuntu1_i386.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite '/usr/share/ffmpeg/libx264-baseline.ffpreset', which is also in package libavcodec52 4:0.5.1-1ubuntu117:07
Ian_Cornedpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)17:07
bjsniderIan_Corne, your ffmpeg and libavcodec packages don't match17:09
Ian_Corneand I can't remove any of them17:09
Ian_Cornenor will aptitude or apt do it17:09
bjsniderlibavcodec might not be published in the archive yet17:10
funkyHatIan_Corne: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ffmpeg/+bug/58736917:55
ubottuUbuntu bug 587369 in ffmpeg (Ubuntu) "package ffmpeg 4:0.5.1-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/ffmpeg/libx264-baseline.ffpreset', which is also in package libavcodec52 4:0.5.1-1ubuntu1" [High,Triaged]17:55
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BUGabundogreat :( gwibber is broken20:44
dupondjehéhé BUGabundo  :)20:47
dupondjethats alpha life20:47
BUGabundogstream is broken, kdelibs are broken, now gwibber20:47
BUGabundoand we aren't even in A1 :\20:47
dupondjewell its now that it starts to break :)20:48
BUGabundo$ mplayer20:49
BUGabundomplayer: error while loading shared libraries: libavutil.so.49: cannot open shared object file: No such file or direct20:49
BUGabundodamn it20:49
dupondjewasnt it FTBFS20:52
dupondjeits on  the MoM list20:54
dupondjelets check if we can sync/merge20:58
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=== BUGabundo_fews is now known as BUGabundo_fewd
chrisccoulsonyour issue is that the libavutil binary is empty21:01
dupondjehttp://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/m/mplayer/current/changelog => contains ubuntu changelog .. is there any specific reason for that ?21:02
knittlwah, metacity is crashing again21:12
knittlafter new updates21:12
=== BUGabundo_fewd is now known as BUGabundo
dupondjenot here :)21:23
knittlmy x was frozen so i had to magic-reisub my pc21:23
knittlnow it's crashing again21:23
knittlwhen trying to install the .debs i get »a newer version is already installed«21:23
knittlis there an alternate wm i can use for now?21:24
knittlok, kwin works for now xD21:26
dupondjeBUGabundo: seems like we have to wait :) mplayer in unstable has no gui atm21:26
dupondjethere is new package in NEW21:27
dupondjegonne wait for that21:27
BUGabundodupondje: if it was only mplayer I would survive21:28
BUGabundono codecs for ANY player, not so much21:28
BUGabundoalready missing the HOG gwibber21:28
BUGabundo$ gwibber-service -o -d21:30
BUGabundoTraceback (most recent call last):21:30
BUGabundo  File "/usr/bin/gwibber-service", line 43, in <module>21:30
dupondjeBUGabundo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ffmpeg-extra/+bug/58742421:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 587424 in ffmpeg-extra (Ubuntu) "libavutil-extra-49 is empty (except /usr/share/doc)" [High,Triaged]21:35
Ian_CorneThat's not the main problem yet I think :D21:35
BUGabundoIan_Corne: I agree21:37
BUGabundothere's something causeing all this codec/gstreamer probs21:37
dupondjeBUGabundo: well all the codecs are empty21:38
dupondjetitlte is not correct ... :D21:38
dupondjetry appling the debdiff included21:38
dupondjebuild it21:38
dupondjetry it :D21:38
dupondje"This is … what you might have expected to happen when you delete the dh_install line from debian/rules."21:40
Ian_Cornei've also been getting bash: /etc/bash_completion.d/apt: line 32: syntax error near unexpected token `;'21:41
Ian_Corneanyone else21:41
arandIan_Corne: everyone.21:41
knittlIan_Corne: 2 extraneous semicolons21:41
Ian_CorneI've been looking at the file21:41
Ian_Corneoh must have missed it21:41
Ian_Corneah yes21:42
BUGabundoIan_Corne: me too21:43
BUGabundoim on that bug21:43
BUGabundobut don't have it on hand21:43
BUGabundocan't start KMail to check email now either21:43
BUGabundoso no help from me21:43
Ian_CorneYou don't have any backup lucid system? :D21:43
Ian_Corneor run a vm with lucid in your maverick? :D21:44
arandbug 54679421:44
BUGabundoI got all the systems21:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 546794 in bash-completion (Ubuntu) "[revert, causes errors] Smarter lib* aware autocompletion?" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54679421:44
BUGabundoI got VMs for karmic and lucid21:44
BUGabundoa laptop in karmic21:44
BUGabundoand a bunch of pendrives on all  lucid versions21:45
BUGabundo23 and 64 bits21:45
BUGabundothanks arand21:45
BUGabundoIan_Corne: but I'm a die hard , hard core21:45
BUGabundoFIXIT cause I'll be here nagging about it not working21:45
BUGabundoanyone wants to look at douch desktop?21:45
BUGabundobroken too21:45
arandI just started migrating to Lucid :> With the hopeful prospect of replacinging my kk install once (if ever) we get btrfs in mm..21:46
Ken8521when is the ISO gonna be out again? june 3?22:02
arandKen8521: First daily live came today, alternate some days ago, alpha will be when alpha is scheduled ↑↑ topic.22:05
Ken8521arand, the topic doesn't say anything about when the ISO's is or were released22:06
arandKen8521: It has a release schedule.22:06
Ken8521yeah, but it doesn't really say when the ISO's were released22:07
arandKen8521: Nope. But it's implied that one will get released for alphas/betas at least.22:08
Ken8521arand, do you think i didn't read it before asking the question? "implied".. is not an answer.22:09
Ken8521as you said.22:09
arandI'm not sure if the non-announcing of the start of liveCD building is intentional..22:09
Ken8521arand, if you didn't have an answer, why did you even bother responding w/ completely irrelevant babble?22:09
arandKen8521: Sorry, but I did say that an iso was out today, which I figured was an answer.22:11
Ken8521then you pointed me at the topic like i'm some kind of retard and didn't read it.. and it(nor any of the links) say anything about when the iso was released22:11
arandKen8521: Sorry, wrong of me, it was rather rude I admit.22:13
BUGabundoThe following packages will be REMOVED:22:50
BUGabundo  freepats{u} libcdaudio1{u} libdc1394-22{u} libdirac-encoder0{u} libfftw3-3{u} libflite1{u} libgme0{u} libgsm1{u}libiptcdata0{u} libkate1{u}  libmimic0{u} libofa0{u} liborc-0.4-0{u} libwildmidi0{u}22:50
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