
snadgeis there an faq about what things you can buy that will run ubuntu arm?06:29
DanaGBeagleboard is nice... but wait for the xM.06:35
snadgeyeah i've been looking at that06:42
snadgealso heard a few things about the HP Airlife 10006:42
snadgesure thats an android device but whatever06:42
snadgeim sure if it were to actually get sold somewhere other than spain06:42
snadgepeople might run ubuntu on it ;)06:43
snadgethe xm is a nokia phone?06:43
tmztairlife is snapdragon based isn't it?06:47
DanaGairlife has weird touchpad buttons.06:54
tmztrequired by android I think06:55
DanaGI hope they still register as 1, 2, 3.06:55
tmztextra cortex06:55
tmztcould that hub by a switch (vlan enabled)?06:55
tmztoh it's a usb hub06:56
DanaGSMSC LAN9514.06:56
DanaGUSB hub + ethernet in one chip.06:57
kblinI wonder what that means for ethernet to usb hdd performance07:04
DanaGwell, if it's ntfs-3g, it's Le Suck, any way you slice it.07:06
DanaGNTFS-3G is Le Suck even on eSATA.07:07
kblinwhy would I use NTFS on a linux box?07:08
kblinI mean, a filesystem with full windows ACL support would be nice for running a samba file server, but I don't think the ntfs-3g code can do that, even if ntfs supports that07:09
snadgei want to get an arm netbook or tablet.. im kind of waiting for google to make it a reality07:23
zygagood morning everyone07:59
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tmztsnadge: chrome os?08:09
tmztwhat's the difference between that and meego+chrome or ubuntu lite+chrome?08:09
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snadgei wouldn't say theres much difference apart from chromeos has a chance of succeeding.. the others probably dont08:22
snadgeby succeed i mean, gain a meaningful percentage of the market share08:22
snadgebeyond 3 hobbyist geeks08:22
snadgemost of the arm stuff so far is aimed at tinkerers who dont care if stuff is broken08:23
snadgeexcluding the new apple products which are closed and completely useless from the perspective of most people in here08:24
tmztsnadge: I'm wondering, I think having the OS featues of Chrome is a big win, but being able to alt-tab to a traditional desktop has it's benifits08:37
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hrwasac: http://cgit.openembedded.org/cgit.cgi/openembedded/tree/recipes/u-boot/u-boot-git/beagleboard contains patches for bbxm u-boot15:15
neurewhich network things were supported by the installer?15:15
hrwho neure15:15
neuresomething that i can turn usb to ethernet?15:15
neurethe adapter that i have is not supported :/15:16
ograhrw, is there anything thats not in sarkomans branch ? (i'm currently working on updating the u-boot packages)15:16
hrwogra: no idea - I know that this patchset is maintained by Koen Kooi and used on bbxm15:17
ograi know that the XM patches entered the sarkoman branch short before lucid released15:18
ograi wonder which are better/newer15:18
hrwXm rev A was added today15:19
neurehrw, do you - or anyone - know if the apple usb to ethernet adapter is supported by the installer?15:22
rcn-ee_lptand they work on my xm board... those zippy (expansion board) patches are nice too.. ;)15:22
hrwneure: I use dm9601 cheap adapters15:22
ograhrw, hmm, i really perfer to keep building the package from one upstream branch15:22
hrw but I did not used15:23
hrwneure: but I did not used them during installation15:23
neurei want to try ubuntu but i cant until i get adapter that works during installation15:23
hrwI used netbook install15:24
neureyou installed to usb? well for me, installing to usb doesnt work :/15:25
hrwI did15:26
hrwyou have C2/C3?15:26
neurei tried with two different powered usb hubs and two different usb sticks15:27
hrwmy C3 works better after 0.22uF capacitor hack15:28
amitkGCC begins move to C++http://lwn.net/Articles/390016/rss15:44
ograasac, i'll update u-boot-omap3 from http://www.sakoman.com/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=u-boot.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/omap3-v2010.3 FYI16:02
xorAxAxneure: i have problems with usb hubs as well16:45
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mpoirieramitk ?18:50

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