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Kangarooohello my FF is crashing when has CPU loading a lot and a lot gif tabs open. but crashes all X(org/server/video) and fives login screen. and after logging back theres no crash report.00:22
Kangaroooah apport i have enabled to be on start. so when crash happened should i thrue ssh come and make ubuntu-bug ?00:22
micahgKangarooo: try the X debugging techniques00:28
Kangarooohttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Debugging ?00:30
micahgKangarooo: yes00:30
micahgKangarooo: if you end up finding an issue with firefox, let me know, but xorg shouldn't allow an app to crash it :)00:31
penguin42Kangarooo: When you say a lot of GIF tags are they big really high res ones - is it possible you are running out of RAM and swap?00:32
Kangarooomicahg: mm i dont think firefox should be able to make X(org/video/smthn/server) to crash. but this happens only when having a lot gif tabs loading in FF or having something else use a lot CPU and only 5 gif in FF loading. or even already loaded in FF and showing but on somehing starting using CPU a lot makes then all disapear and give login. if CPU used a lot and not open or FF open without gif tabs then all is fine00:34
Kangarooopenguin42: no i now opened System Load monitor in panel and swap is 0 and ram doesnt get bigger then 300mb (total is 1gb ram)00:35
penguin42ok, 300mb is actually surprisingly small!00:35
Kangarooopenguin42: at least right before crashes it could be possible that ram goes really high or somtehing finaly gets put in swap but i havent jet be able to see that change right before crash. ill try reproduce and ill take a closer look00:36
Kangarooopenguin42: ah they are not really big res. about 100x100 till 250x250 and size varies from 1/2mb to 3 mb00:37
penguin42oh ok, tiny00:37
Kangaroooim now reproducing and looking at big sys-mon00:38
Kangarooowhen FF not open ram now with pigdin and some terminals is 179mb. swap 0. CPU 31%-46% sys mon refresh rate 5 sec. (couse if 1 sec then it shows all the time 100cpu%). opened ff and swap no change ram 207. cpu ~43. opening 10 gif tabs 247mb ram cpu 74 swap 0. now ill open more and crash will happen then ill be back00:42
Kangaroooi just opened also CPU graph in panel and switched from one to another gif tabs and this again happened. cpu got till 95 and finally on faster switching i believe it was 100 but ram didnt go nay bigger and swap 000:47
LLStarkshi. how do i tag a bug requesting a package update?01:16
micahgLLStarks: what do you mena?01:22
LLStarksmark a package to be updated for maverick01:23
micahgLLStarks: usually wishlist -> New01:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 587700 in ktorrent (Ubuntu) "Update package to KTorrent 4.0 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]01:23
LLStarksmaverick repo has 3.301:23
micahgLLStarks: change to merge request01:24
micahgLLStarks: 4.0 is in unstable01:24
LLStarkshow do i do that?01:25
micahgLLStarks: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Merging#File%20a%20merge%20bug01:27
stentenCan anyone tell me what the "ubuntu-unity" tag means? I can't find it anywhere.01:29
stentenUnity's the new netbook UI, right?01:29
stentenApport tagged Bug #587656 with it, but the user's using a notebook on Lucid, so I have no idea why it'd be tagged as using Unity.01:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 587656 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[Lucid] Screen corruption using Intel Driver (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58765601:30
stentenWhat package should panel applets go?01:41
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stentenCould someone please mark Bug #587136 Medium, Triaged?08:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 587136 in linux (Ubuntu) "2nd Resume from Suspend results in reboot on Toshiba Satellite U400. Fixed in 2.6.34 Mainline. (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 20)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58713608:17
stentenIt has a detailed and reproducible description, relevant logs, and has been tested against the mainline kernel per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/KernelTeamBugPolicies.08:18
stentenActually, it might be High, based on the other triaged linux bugs.08:21
BUGabundo_remotebu dia!09:14
xteejxHey guys. Been asked to provide information which I don't think I'm able to at the moment, i.e. Maverick. Bug 560654 please advise.12:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 560654 in arista (Ubuntu) "arista-gtk crashed with SIGSEGV (affects: 2) (heat: 16)" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56065412:10
penguin42xteejx: That does seem a bit unfair, maverick is very very unstable, I've got it in a VM and wouldn't want to install it onto a desktop yet12:14
penguin42and it's not got a proper upgrade mechanism yet12:14
xteejxI don't normally start asking users to test Maverick until around the 4th alpha, bit pointless before...and tbh I don't even know how I'd upgrade to it lol!12:15
penguin42I'd reply saying that, if he wants to provide you a backport ppa to try on lucid fine12:16
xteejxlol I think he can damn well wait until I'm able to upgrade to a semi stable version which I normally do at alpha 2-312:18
penguin42except won't it expire it since it'll have been incomplete for so long?12:19
xteejxthat's not a problem I normally keep an eye on my subscribed bugs anyway :)12:20
arandxteejx: As soon as the LiveCDs get's out you might be able to test it from a live system?12:24
arandxteejx: Which incidentally are right now ;) (Provided the CD boots etc. of course)12:25
xteejxarand: Really???12:25
arandxteejx: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/12:25
xteejxohhh dailys...d'oh!12:25
xteejxwhy didn't i think of that12:26
xteejxWill try that later or tomorrow, thanks arand :)12:28
kermiacseb128: hi seb. bug 582253 - do you want me to package the hook/ add the hook to a branch? If yes, would I grab https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/gedit/ubuntu, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/gedit/master or something else?13:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 582253 in gedit (Ubuntu) "Apport hook for gedit (affects: 1) (heat: 11)" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58225313:04
seb128kermiac, you are welcome to do that, it's the first one listed there which is correct13:04
seb128see control file in the srcdir or apt-get source log13:05
kermiacseb128: ok, thanks :)13:05
seb128thank you for working on those!13:05
kermiacnp, I'm just waiting on some more feedback from tedg before I can do any more work on the indicator-applet hook, but it's coming along nicely13:06
Kangarooothere is no dbg package for xserver-xorg-video-<package>-dbg for nvidia ?13:07
xelisteranother thing that sucks in Nepomuk, the unwanted "socaill search" stuff forced on poor users, is that it slowns 2 GHz sometimes to a crawl13:39
xelisterdo we aim to be as bloated as windows or what13:40
xelisterhow about not enabling this all by default?13:41
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vishhmm , are all the students listed here recent too? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors15:22
charlie-tcavish: I believe that is what is happening now. I thought the mentors were going to stay on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors to make it easier to find them.15:46
vishyeah , there was one pepe who as already in BC , so had to clean that up. rest seems fine15:47
vishgreg-g: do you have a link to your student's lp id?  [Dave Walker]15:51
vishthis is the only https://edge.launchpad.net/~davewalker one i see and he is in BC15:53
vishand i'm not sure Daviey really needs a mentor :D15:56
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mach1723https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rapidsvn/+bug/112866 - it seems that this bug should be marked "Invalid", since the bug seems fixed, or would it be marked "Fix Released"?17:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 112866 in rapidsvn (Ubuntu) "[apport] rapidsvn crashed with SIGSEGV while checking out new working copy (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Medium,New]17:25
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simarhey i'm not able to increase or decrease the brightness of my laptop . I have nvidia graphics card and ubuntu 10.04 installed ... whenever i try to inc or dec brighness from the func keys a brightness pannel appers and it moves also to show decresing/incres brightness but actually nothing happens ...  now the only idea i'm left with to inc or dec brightness is from the nvidia configration (nvidia x server)   .. .. . plz help me19:07
anotengAny bug-controllers here willing to look at my bug control application? I sent it a month ago, and so far only my mentor and C de-Avillez has looked at it. it's here: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bugcontrol/msg02219.html19:08
stentensimar: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hotkeys/Troubleshooting19:14
micahganoteng: at first glance, you don't have 5 bugs with importance listed19:14
Kangarooosimar: im also now tryng to resolve nvidia related bugs witch i have a lot :)19:22
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