
ruben23hi guys i have 50 PC unit want to used UNE to install, how to install them on a fastest way and all pc dont have disc drive..any suggestion...?00:26
ruben23hi guys any idea..?00:29
RAOFruben23: Not really a #ubuntu-desktop question, but I think you could probably netboot/netinst those - I'm fairly sure that you can script entirely if you can get the netbooks booting over PXE.  Failing that, UNE is distributed as a USB stick image.00:32
ruben23RAOF:is download and can be installed by default as USB..?00:41
RAOFruben23: You can use “Startup Disk Creator” to create a bootable USB stick from an Ubuntu iso, such as the netbook iso.  Further questions should probably be in a support channel, like #ubuntu00:44
hallynccheney: so the amd64 image i got from clicking 'start download' on http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download never worked for me, but the torrent from alternate downloads on the same page did.  now i'm in business.04:42
pittiGood morning05:36
robert_ancellpitti, I'm not sure how reliably you can split the dconf binaries from the libraries.  /usr/bin/dconf is the equivalent of gconftool.  The other binaries form the daemon part of libdconf - I would expect there to require to be in sync07:33
pittirobert_ancell: then libdconf0 has to depend on it07:33
pittibut we still need to be able to install libdconf{0,1} in parallel07:34
pittiif the dbus backend is supposed to be soname specific as well, it needs to get a soname specific name07:34
robert_ancellpitti, since libexec directories aren't versioned this isn't possible is it?07:34
pittilike /usr/bin/dconf0 and /usr/share/dbus-1/services/dconf0.service07:34
pittibut I'd rather split it into a separate package, FWIW07:35
robert_ancellI don't think we'd achieve anything by splitting it07:35
pittiwell, it's splitting or making file paths soname specific, as you prefer07:35
robert_ancelldesrt, ^^07:35
pittibut the latter looks both ugly and also is against the spirit of library packages07:36
pittiand the dbus API and library ABI can change independently, too07:36
robert_ancellI can see the value of splitting the tool out /usr/bin/dconf but the daemon and d-conf service are going to have to be versioned07:38
pittithat should be discussed with desrt then, before we change file paths on our own07:38
robert_ancellor do we assume the service is always backwards compatible?07:39
pittionce the dbus API changes, it won't; but that could be expressed with normal versioned package dependencies, too07:40
didrocksgood morning08:03
pittibonjour didrocks, how was the weekend?08:07
pittimvo: guten Morgen!08:07
pittimvo: would you mind updating the software-center app database list for maverick? (or did you already?)08:08
mvohey pitti08:08
didrockshey pitti, It was good but tiring (Ubuntu Party in Paris all over the week-end!), and you, did you enjoy your long week-end in Munich?08:08
mvopitti: I trigger this now08:08
didrocksgood morning mvo08:08
mvohey didrocks08:08
pittididrocks: yes, I did (I'm still in Munich)08:09
pittimvo: danke!08:09
didrocksasac: same than the desktop one /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename08:10
mvopitti: is there a problem with the update-manager upload I did some days ago to lucid-proposed? or was there just no time to review it yet?08:31
pittimvo: I guess the latter08:31
pittiSRU processing is a bit slow ATM, with Steve and me being in other teams now08:32
mvook, thanks08:33
seb128hello there08:58
pittibonjour seb12808:59
seb128pitti, hey, good afternoon to you09:00
seb128it must be afternoon for you since you have been reviewed binary new 3 hours ago from now ;-)09:00
* seb128 hugs pitti09:00
pittiseb128: afternoon?09:01
pittiheh, got up at 6 :)09:01
seb128see, 4 work hours = half a day09:01
seb128I'm back in winter sleep mode with this weather09:02
seb128it's windy and rainy and cold09:02
pittihere, too09:02
pittiover the weekend it was quite nice, though09:02
didrockssome sun here :-)09:03
didrocks(a shy one)09:03
slomoseb128: hi :) did you already work on a gtk3 package? ;)09:03
seb128hey slomo09:04
seb128slomo, no, and I've no inted to do that before some weeks, lot to do...09:04
seb128slomo, do you plan to work on those?09:04
slomoseb128: not sure, i don't know what to do with all the gtk module, icons, etc debhelper stuff :) in general the update is easy though09:05
seb128I'm not sure how transitions will be handle09:06
seb128we will need gtk2 and gtk3 builds for lot of libraries09:07
seb128slomo, well doing the packaging of gtk itself would be a first step09:07
seb128would allow people to try it09:07
seb128we can deal with themes, build magic, etc later09:08
slomoseb128: well, the gtk package is easy :) dependencies are not, especially because you can't have both gtks in the same process because gtk upstream doesn't like symbol versioning...09:09
robert_ancellseb128, doing the brasero debian merge, the plugins have moved from brasero to libbrasero-media0, do I just need to make libbrasero-media0 replace brasero?  Do I need to version the replaces09:14
seb128robert_ancell, usually << version_with_change09:15
seb128robert_ancell, have you seen that pitti refused the d-conf binaries?09:15
robert_ancellseb128, does it require the version?09:15
pittiwe discussed it09:15
robert_ancellyup, need to discuss with desrt what his plans are regarding versioning09:15
seb128slomo, btw we will get d-conf uploaded to Debian so no need to duplicate the work09:16
seb128robert_ancell, you want to version the binaries?09:16
robert_ancellno, I don't want to09:16
seb128robert_ancell, usually we use versionned replaces because otherwise you will keep replacing files you might now want next time you do a such error09:16
pitti  telepathy-mission-control-5: Depends: libmission-control-plugins0 (= 5.5.0-1) but it is not installable09:16
pittiE: Broken packages09:16
robert_ancellseb128, ah ok09:17
slomoseb128: i know :) thanks for packaging it09:17
seb128slomo, np09:17
seb128robert_ancell, pitti: ok, I'm not sure why we just don't get a -bin09:17
robert_ancellI'm not sure if it makes sense to split the binaries and library - I think they are effectively the same thing09:17
seb128you could say the same for gconf09:17
robert_ancellI need to ask desrt if it will be possible to run two versions in the future09:17
seb128it's fine to have a -bin09:18
pittias I said, the d-bus API and library ABI (SONAME) could change independently09:18
seb128you just need to make the depends strict09:18
pittiso a libdconf-bin seems fine09:18
robert_ancellI don't get it09:18
robert_ancellok, I'm starting to get it09:18
pittiwe need to allow installing libdconf{0,1} in parallel09:19
seb128not putting the binaries in the library avoid binary conflicts on rename09:19
seb128so you don't have to uninstall everything which depends on the old soname when installing one rebuild for the transition09:19
robert_ancelland this requires that the binaries will support older versions of the libraries09:19
seb128it allows nice transitions09:19
seb128otherwise everything need to be rebuilt together09:19
seb128no it doesn't09:20
seb128well it sort of does, but even if that's buggy you don't land in a situations were you need to rebuild everything in one upload run09:20
robert_ancellbut you can never have two binary packages installed at the same time09:20
seb128well you assume that a soname change will break communication between deamon and server09:21
seb128it could just be changing parameters in a api of the library09:21
seb128if it does break the protocole it makes no difference09:22
seb128you have this installability period issue09:22
seb128but if you doesn't you avoid having to rebuild GNOME in one hour09:22
seb128since you can rebuild things over time without having to install everything not rebuilt09:23
seb128so having a -bin might be of no use but is often a win09:23
pittiah, mission-control was a main/universe problem, promoted09:23
seb128pitti, danke09:23
robert_ancellare you talking about upgrading the lib package and the binary package at different times?09:23
seb128I'm speaking about having 60 GNOME binaries depending on libdconf-109:24
seb128then having libdconf-2 coming because desrt changed abi09:24
seb128in one case both libraries can't be installed together09:24
seb128since they have same binaries09:24
seb128so when you get 1 binary rebuild the 59 others will be to uninstall09:25
seb128or you need to wait for the 60 to be rebuilt to upgrade09:25
* robert_ancell draws this out09:25
seb128if both libraries can be installed together you don't have that issue09:25
seb128you can rebuild over time09:25
seb128since libdconf-1 is still there nothing need to be uninstalled09:25
seb128well takes09:26
seb128source1 Depends libdconf-109:26
seb128source2 Depends libdconf-109:26
seb128source3 Depends libdconf-109:26
seb128you rebuild source1 so it depends on -209:26
seb128if -2 conflicts with -109:26
seb128(which it has to do if they have the same binaries)09:26
robert_ancellok, but this sounds like desirable behaviour to me (rebuilding them all) *if* dconf does not support both libraries at once09:26
seb128as said you win nothing if it doesn't09:27
seb128but if it does you win09:27
robert_ancellwhich is why I want to as desrt before making this change09:27
seb128it might just be that the customer api change09:27
seb128but the d-conf protocol doesn't09:27
robert_ancellbecause if he doesn't provide multi-versions support you could have 1 package installed using dconf-2 and 59 packages using dconf-1 and not working09:27
seb128I'm not sure why09:27
seb128it's either a no difference change or a win09:28
seb128in which case we could use a Breaks09:28
seb128and would have to rebuild everything09:28
robert_ancellbut if we don't split it the one package would be held back until all 60 could be installed09:28
seb128but usually libraries soname changes because one function parameter is added or something09:28
seb128which doesn't break the backend communication09:29
seb128robert_ancell, if we split that would be the same, we would just have to libdconf-1 breaks libdconf-209:29
seb128or the other way around09:29
robert_ancellwhich would force only one to be installed right?09:30
robert_ancellok, sure09:30
seb128but as said by experience often the client api is what change09:30
robert_ancellso where does /usr/bin/gconf go (the equivalent of gconftool) - it's not the same sort of binary as the others09:30
glatzormorning mvo!09:31
glatzormvo, I cleaned up the backend code of updatemanager in the glatzor branch today09:31
seb128robert_ancell, in a d-conf binary? or ask desrt to version it with the soname09:31
seb128robert_ancell, so it can go in the library09:31
robert_ancellseb128, then it should have a symlink right?  How do you have a symlink that points to the latest version09:32
seb128no symlink please09:32
seb128I'm not sure to understand the question there09:32
seb128ship it in libdconf-bin?09:32
seb128or d-conf09:33
robert_ancellseb128, there is no d-conf package currently, it would just contain this one binary09:34
mvohey glatzor09:34
mvoglatzor: sweet09:34
mvoglatzor: did you manage to catch the hang?09:34
robert_ancellseb128, so the dconf project provides a command-line tool which is dependant on a library (which other apps use) which is dependent on a d-bus daemon09:35
seb128robert_ancell, usually there is libdconf<soname> libdconf-dev libdconf-bin09:35
seb128you have the lib in libdconf and all the binaries in the bin09:35
robert_ancellseb128, yeah, I'm not sure where the tool should go, it feels more like a libdconf-backend and libdconf-bin09:35
seb128yeah, maybe better to talk to desrt ;-)09:36
seb128I'm not sure either09:36
seb128I think I would do a d-conf binary with the server09:37
seb128and a libdconf-bin with other random tools if there is some of those09:37
seb128similar to gvfs09:38
seb128lib, gvfs, gvfs-bin09:38
robert_ancellseb128, and you were always telling me not to make too many additional packages ;)09:39
seb128you convinced me otherwise ;-)09:39
pitti(and perhaps the d-bus service?)09:40
seb128would be with the d-conf binary09:42
seb128robert_ancell, btw do you work on pygi as well?09:45
seb128do you need some help with some update?09:46
robert_ancellseb128, haven't got it working yet.  Any spare cycles are welcome :)09:48
glatzormvo, I haven't seen any hangs09:48
mvoglatzor: ok, even better. maybe its just somehting odd on my system or a tranient failure. I give it a try this morning09:49
robert_ancellseb128, sorry, have to go, I've pushed pygi into my +junk if you want to play09:51
seb128robert_ancell, ok thanks09:51
seb128robert_ancell, have fun, see you tomorrow!09:52
robert_ancellseb128, I'll fix up dconf tomorrow morning, but it's in ~ubuntu-desktop/dconf/ubuntu if you want that too09:52
seb128I would do it but seems we might have different opinions on it09:52
seb128since you did the work I will let you change this one as you want rather09:53
robert_ancelland take the responsibility :)09:53
seb128see you!09:53
robert_ancellok, really must go09:53
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|errand
mvoglatzor: hm, if I run  a "check for updates" and it returns from the installbackend the UI hangs afterwards. does that work for you?10:06
mvoglatzor: and in a strange way, in a futex()10:07
didrocksseb128: I'm remerging evo on debian, they have a fix for the crasher, apparently10:25
seb128didrocks, ok, nice!10:25
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone10:26
pittihey chrisccoulson, how are you?10:28
chrisccoulsonpitti - i'm good thanks, how are you?10:28
pittiI'm great, thanks10:29
arachrisccoulson, I am preparing the call for testing for the firefox upgrade10:31
chrisccoulsonhi ara - thanks10:31
arachrisccoulson, hey10:31
chrisccoulsonara - mozilla pushed back the release date for firefox 3.6.4 btw (to 7th june i think)10:32
chrisccoulsonwhich is good for us :)10:32
arachrisccoulson, I have seen that only hardy seems more or less complete in terms of extensions (in the ppa)10:32
arachrisccoulson, indeed :)10:32
chrisccoulsonara - yeah, that's right. we discussed on friday and decided that we will do hardy as a priority, and then we have to do karmic and jaunty at the same time too10:33
arachrisccoulson, OK, when do you want people to start testing (and reporting back) in hardy? is hardy ready to go?10:33
chrisccoulsonwe were initially going to wait until we upgraded karmic, as firefox 3.5 is still supported, but we realised we would break jaunty -> karmic upgrades if we did that10:33
chrisccoulsonhardy is pretty much ready to go, with the exception of a few extensions, so i think people can start testing it10:34
arachrisccoulson, what about the apps depending on xulrunner 1.9?10:35
chrisccoulsonara - i've still got to port most of those yet (epiphany is done but not uploaded yet, as i've got to upload things in a specific order to make that work, and the builders were taking a long time on friday)10:37
chrisccoulsonbit firefox is ready to test now10:37
arachrisccoulson, OK, I think that I will then concentrate on hardy firefox + extensions. I will finish preparing it and I will pass it to you for review10:38
arachrisccoulson, np10:38
chrisccoulsonara - jdstrand would also like to be involved in any discussions too10:38
pittichrisccoulson, seb128: for the record, I checked the g-p-m merge with Debian, and there's nothing worth merging10:39
arachrisccoulson, OK10:39
pittiwe'll just keep it as ubuntu packaging10:39
chrisccoulsonpitti - ok, cool. i've not started looking at maverick merges yet ;)10:39
seb128hey chrisccoulson, how are you?10:39
chrisccoulsonhey seb128 - i'm good thanks, but a little sore from gardening yesterday. how are you?10:40
seb128I'm great!10:40
seb128had a relaxing weekend ;-)10:40
pittiseb128: I just have three main merges left now (just did a few), I'll see to getting them done10:40
seb128chrisccoulson, could you let me know when the hardy ppa is ready for testing?10:40
seb128pitti, ok, nice, thanks!10:41
seb128pitti, I "stole" some of yours previous week10:41
pittiah, merci10:41
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, can do. did you look at the scrollback too?10:41
seb128chrisccoulson, reading10:41
seb128chrisccoulson, rick asked me to send the announce email when things are ready10:41
seb128chrisccoulson, so basically hardy is ready for testing?10:42
chrisccoulsonseb128 - ok. firefox and most of the extensions are ready to test, but there's still a handful of extensions to upload, and i still need to do most of the xulrunner rdepends too10:42
seb128things which didn't get build yet can come over time right?10:42
seb128ie we still keep the old xulrunner binaries?10:42
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, the new one installs in parallel10:43
chrisccoulsonand then once hardy is done, i will get karmic and jaunty done too10:43
seb128I'm not sure what to do with the announce now10:44
seb128should we send it when hardy is ready for testing saying that karmic and jaunty will come later?10:44
seb128or wait for everything to be there?10:44
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, we should announce hardy first, and people can test that whilst i'm doing karmic and jaunty10:45
didrocksseb128: you should have a look at dh-autoreconf package. It seems to do automatically what we want on calling autoreconf for us10:47
didrocksseb128: new e-d-s debian version is using it, I won't add it right now (it's in universe)10:47
seb128didrocks, is that dh7?10:47
didrocksseb128: from the description, dh7 (not sure of 5), and cdbs integrated10:48
seb128oh, nice10:48
didrocks"For CDBS users, a rule is provided to call the dh-autoreconf programs at the right time."10:48
didrocksthey just add it as a build-dep and include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/autoreconf.mk10:48
seb128didrocks, seems a good one to try10:58
seb128didrocks, could you drop an email to robert-ancell about it?10:58
seb128he might be interested10:58
didrocksseb128: sure, and we have then an example with e-d-s retaking what upstream does :)10:58
didrocksseb128: do you want me to make the MIR and try with e-d-s, or let robert_ancell doing it?10:59
didrocks(I'll be in favor of uploading e-d-s now, and then, change the packaging once the tool is MIRED)10:59
seb128you can do it if you have time10:59
seb128do the upload now11:00
didrocksok, I'll see if I have some time today to make the MIR. The changes will be easy to do + dropping an email to robert_ancell11:00
seb128then it's up to you to see who between you guys want to do the mir etc11:00
glatzormvo; do you have got a local link to the aptdaemon package inside of your source tree?11:00
mvoglatzor: not sure, I don't think so11:00
glatzormvo, do you have got any plans regarding the Debian fork of update-manager?11:00
didrocksseb128: sweet, thanks :)11:00
seb128didrocks, thank you!11:01
mvoglatzor: no plans right now, I would love to use it, but its currently a bit of a time problem11:01
mvoglatzor: and it needs work11:01
glatzormvo, there is now also an aptdaemon backend lp:~glatzor/+junk/update-manager-aptdaemon11:01
mvoglatzor: oh, cool11:01
glatzorfor the debian fork11:01
mvoglatzor: if sp helps with the missing bits (like meta-release support) then I think we can get somewhere11:02
glatzormvo, but the terminal is not yet supported. requires some API changes since Debian's u-m only allows forking11:02
mvoglatzor: no luck with the hang? it just works for you?11:02
mvoglatzor: aha, ok. does it still need to run as root (I assume no?)?11:02
glatzormvo, no problems here when I run u-m from my local source tree11:02
mvoglatzor: odd, I really wonder whats wrong on my side then11:03
glatzorno need to run as root11:03
glatzormvo, by the way I added downloads sub progress support to aptdaemon and the gtkwidgets11:04
mvoglatzor: I check it out after lunch (the debian port of it)11:04
glatzormvo, you have to currently hard code the aptdaemon backend, since the backendloader is not yet working in update-manager11:05
didrocksmvo: oh btw, I've implemented the dbus backend (just have to handle errors now) for oneconf between two runs. So now the CLI can access to both: direct module inclusion or dbus activated service. (I have to add some cache as some part too)11:05
=== MacSlow|errand is now known as MacSlow
mvodidrocks: nice11:06
* mvo is away for lunch11:07
didrocksmvo: enjoy11:07
glatzormvo, see you!11:07
mvothanks glatzor!11:07
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=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
seb128is update-manager known to be broken in maverick right now?13:04
seb128mvo, ^ do you know?13:04
seb128it exit on a KeyError: 'days_go' there13:04
mvoseb128: let me check13:14
mvoseb128: not known to be broken13:14
desrtseb128: interesting question13:14
mvoseb128: can you give me the full backtrace please?13:14
desrtseb128: i suppose it makes sense to have the service in /usr/lib/dconf0/...13:14
desrtseb128: since i intend for the protocol to change13:14
seb128desrt, so you would ship the library and service in the same binary?13:16
seb128hey desrt btw13:16
seb128mvo, http://paste.ubuntu.com/442247/13:17
seb128mvo, np13:18
seb128mvo, do you want a bug on launchpad about it?13:18
mvoseb128: no, thanks13:18
mvoseb128: I fix it here13:18
seb128mvo, you rock!13:20
mvoseb128: thanks, btw, is maverick more usable now? for me libgtk in there was a bit unstable and caused all sorts of grief with metacity13:20
mvoI had to downgrade that to the lucid version13:20
seb128there was no change in this regard no13:20
seb128I'm using compiz which doesn't have those issues13:21
=== almaisan-away is now known as almaisan
mvoglatzor: it may well be a libglib2.0-0 problem, I'm downgrading that now13:35
mvoglatzor: the hang I see13:35
mvoglatzor: btw, I would like to add support to aptadmon to read/write /etc/apt/auth.conf for key storage. is that ok with you?13:35
glatzormvo, I would accept a patch.13:39
mvoglatzor: cool, thanks. I will work on it probably this week13:41
seb128chrisccoulson, ara_: how is the hardy update and call for testing going? Do you think we should send the announce email?13:46
* pitti glares at shotwell in disbelief13:51
pittiyes, ~/2010/05/31 is an excellent path to store my downloaded photos in13:52
RAOFDoes the new shotwell handle RAW at all?13:53
seb128pitti, seems your xdg photo dir is not set correctly?13:53
RAOFHm.  Why is shotwell priority:extra?13:53
seb128RAOF, I've read a bug report saying it will in next version13:53
seb128not sure, does the priority makes any practical difference?13:53
pittiseb128: probably13:54
RAOFseb128: I don't think it makes a particular difference.13:56
ara_seb128, apparently the packages are more or less ready to go. I will try to finish infrastructure for testing today. I will let you know13:58
=== ara_ is now known as ara
seb128ara, thanks13:59
desrtseb128: yes.14:01
desrtseb128: but i'm not sure how the service could be versioned14:01
desrtseb128: unless we also version the dbus name, which doesn't make sense14:01
pittidesrt: only if it's also going to be changed14:01
seb128desrt, seems we want a different binary for the service14:01
pittiit certainly shouldn't change together with the soname14:01
seb128I mean d-conf binary with the server and dbus service14:02
pittiI really wouldn't like to see the dbus backend in the libdconf0 package, it just doesn't make sense14:02
mvoglatzor: yeah, u-m hang fixed, looks like it was a unneeded gtk.gdk.threads_init()14:04
desrtthe library has basically zero stability at this point14:05
desrtbut i guess by the stable release it will14:05
desrtthe dbus protocol has no reason to ever be stable14:06
desrtsort of the same story with glib/gvfs i guess14:06
seb128desrt, which means we want a d-conf and a libdconf tied to the same versions14:10
desrtis d-conf the /usr/bin one?14:10
desrtwhat is that package called?14:11
seb128which will have the dbus service14:11
seb128well I'm thinking d-conf14:11
desrtno.  that doesn't make sense to me, at all14:11
seb128which is the server and service14:11
seb128why not?14:11
desrti'd put the library and the libexec in the same package14:11
desrtwith 'dconf-bin' or 'dconf-tools' (containing /usr/bin/d-conf) separate14:12
seb128is the binary versioned with the soname?14:12
desrtalternatively: throw it all into one big package14:12
pitti^ can't14:12
pittiwe need to be able to install two sonames in parallel14:12
seb128we need library to not conflict on soname change14:12
desrtoh ya.  that.14:12
desrtwell, you have trouble with respect to the gsettings backend anyway i guess14:13
pitti /usr/bin/dconf makes sense to have in a separate d-conf package, IMHO14:13
desrtthat's definitely unversioned14:13
seb128but what is the issue having the d-conf with the server and dbus dervice?14:13
desrtbecause /usr/bin/dconf should not normally be installed14:13
seb128having a d-conf binary14:13
seb128well dconf would be in libdconf-bin14:13
desrtok.  that makes sense.14:14
desrtwhy don't you just version the libexec?14:14
seb128d-conf would be equivalent to gvfs14:14
seb128where would be put the dbus service?14:14
seb128be -> "we"14:14
seb128I think it makes sense to have it with the actual binary14:15
seb128we can tight libdconf and d-conf together with depends14:15
pittidesrt: we could, but then we'd also need to version the .service file14:15
seb128we can tight libdconf and d-conf together with depends14:15
mvoglatzor: you rock, new u-m with aptdaemon as default is comming now14:15
desrtpitti: hum.14:15
pittiseb128: but then you again break parallel installability14:15
* mvo hugs glatzor14:15
desrtdoes gvfs have dbus api stability?14:15
seb128pitti, well I mean the lib could depends on a d-conf recent enough14:16
seb128desrt, dunno, in practice so far etc, not sure it's a garanty though14:16
pittiseb128: I mean, the old lib wouldn't work any more with a changed dbus api14:16
seb128etc -> yes14:16
desrtwhat if you just blurred your eyes?14:16
seb128pitti, we would use a Breaks then?14:16
seb128pitti, there is no way around it if the dbus api changes14:17
desrtvery few applications will be using dconf, in the end14:17
pittiseb128: right, but then you again defeat the purpose of parallel installability; we can just as well have everything in libdbusX and have the various X conflicts: each other14:17
pittierm, libdconfX, of course14:17
seb128pitti, what I was saying this morning, we do it in a way were we could change the soname and have installability for both14:17
* glatzor hugs mvo14:17
seb128pitti, it pratice over time we could run in both situations14:18
pittiseb128: well, but installability != 'it actually works'14:18
seb128pitti, no14:18
pittiif there is zero guarantee for dbus api stability, then we have to ship per-soname dbus backends14:18
seb128we would use a Breaks in that doesn't work14:18
pittior don't support parallel installability14:18
desrtpitti: that might not be so bad14:18
seb128but that allow us to do it nicely if soname change but dbus not14:18
seb128I would start on the basis that the dbus compatibility will stay14:19
desrtpitti: the only two apps that i know of that will use dconf will be part of the dconf source package14:19
seb128we can use a breaks if required14:19
desrti guess a more pressing concern is how to deal with glib<->dconf compatibility breaks14:20
seb128pitti, so you could do a libdconf without soname?14:20
pittino, we need the soname14:20
desrti don't think we do14:20
pittiwe still need to ensure proper dependencies on soname changes14:20
seb128desrt, we need to know what needs a rebuild on soname change14:20
pittii. e. we still need to bump it when the soname changes, and rebuild reverse dependencies14:20
pittiwe just need to rebuild everything in lockstep14:20
pittiwhere "everything" is not that much apparently14:21
desrt"everything" is actually "nothing"14:21
pittigsettings presumably?14:21
desrtno.  the dependency is the other way around there14:21
seb128desrt, well, same difference, we handle libraries in a coherent way14:21
desrtglib defines the API and dconf implements it14:21
pittithat makes it easier14:21
desrtnot really14:22
desrtthe glib API is unstable :)14:22
seb128it shouldn't once you get 2.2614:22
pittiok, then new soname -> libdconf1 Conflicts: libdconf0 would be bearable14:22
desrtstill unstable14:22
seb128since when is glib not api and abi stable?14:22
desrtit's under a header guard14:22
seb128I'm not sure that's a path we should go14:23
seb128we being GNOME14:23
seb128breaking glib compatibility over time14:23
desrtthis is not application compatibility14:23
desrtthis is similar to how gtk theme engine api changes over time14:23
seb128they version the directory where those are installed14:23
seb128and make clear when compatibility change14:23
seb128ie they have an abi version in the directory14:24
desrtright.  we only have one gio modules directory, unfortunately :/14:24
seb128so what about libconf<soname> d-conf libdconf-bin14:26
seb128the first one has the library only14:26
seb128d-conf the service and server14:26
seb128the bin the utility14:27
desrtand we really really really require the soname?14:27
seb128it's how libraries are packaged over the archive, I'm not sure why you want to change that14:27
araseb128, I am trying to get IS to point me to the new machine for the ISO tracker. It was moved during Lucid release testing, and it wasn't moved back. I was expecting to track testing there14:27
seb128ara, ok14:27
seb128ara: thanks for letting me know14:27
seb128desrt, why do you install a public library if that's not one?14:27
desrtit is14:28
desrtit's just used by nothing so far :)14:28
seb128so why don't you want to be shipped as one?14:28
desrtcall it dconf-service14:29
desrtand lock it to the version of the lib?14:29
seb128what would you call dconf-service?14:30
seb128the library binary?14:30
desrtno.  the dbus service executable and desktop file14:30
seb128that's what I suggested calling d-conf14:30
desrtthat would work too i guess14:30
seb128but I'm fine with dconf-service as well14:30
* desrt prefers the more descriptive name14:31
seb128I'm just not sure what is your concern with have it14:31
desrtno.  it seems fine14:31
seb128libdconf<soname> dconf-service14:31
desrtand dconf-bin14:31
seb128tied together with the depends14:31
desrtor -tools or whatever14:31
seb128and libdconf-bin14:31
seb128with the tools14:31
desrti guess 'lib' should be dropped there14:31
desrtbut otherwise i guess it makes sense14:31
desrtit just means i need to learn so versioning :)14:31
seb128ok, thanks14:32
seb128pitti, ^14:32
desrteditor can go in dconf-bin, i guess?14:32
desrt(once it merges in-tree)14:32
seb128the bin can ship anything which is not the lib and service14:32
seb128by service I mean server and dbus service14:33
pittiseb128: if the .so is in /usr/lib/dconf/ instead of /usr/lib/, that'd be fine; but how do other apps talk to it then?14:33
seb128pitti, that's not what I suggested14:33
seb128<seb128> libdconf<soname> dconf-service14:33
seb128<seb128> tied together with the depends14:33
desrtpitti; if we call it libdconf0 and i learn to do proper versioning it can go in /usr/lib14:33
seb128<seb128> and libdconf-bin14:33
pittiseb128: I see little point in packaging dconf-service separately if it doesn't have other consumers than the library and no stable dbus API, TBH14:34
pittisince it again breaks parallel installability14:34
* desrt head explode14:34
desrtjust so you guys are clear: i'm happy with either way :D14:34
pittidesrt: :)14:35
desrtas long as 'apt-get install dconf-bin' gets /usr/bin/dconf and the editor14:35
seb128pitti, well, how would you package those?14:35
pittithe big question is just how much we want and need to support more than one dconf version at the same time14:35
desrtpitti: not.14:35
seb128pitti, do you suggest using one libdconf<soname> with the non versioned binaries and use conflicts?14:36
pittiif we have "unstable dbus API" + "few rdepends", then we can just ship the dbus stuff in libdconf0 and have the libdconfX conflicts each other; and /usr/bin/dconf could either go into libdconf-bin (if it has reverse rdepends) or just into the lib as well14:36
seb128pitti, ok, let's do that then14:39
seb128I don't like much having "Conflicts: libsoname1 libsoname2 libsoname3 etc" ;-)14:40
desrtdconf-editor will depend gtk14:40
desrtso probably we need a separate dconf-bin package14:40
seb128but with some luck desrt will not change the soname every week14:40
seb128desrt, right, I will do libdconf<soname> libdconf-dev (lib)dconf-bin14:40
desrtseb128: i'm actively breaking API/ABI without bumping soname as we speak14:40
desrtjust so you know :)14:40
seb128as long as nothing else depends on this abi14:40
desrtnothing yet14:40
desrtonce things do, i'll behave14:40
desrtthis is part of why i want to get dconf-editor in-tree ASAP :)14:41
seb128what do you expect will depends on it?14:41
seb128ok, let's do that14:41
seb128dconf-bin or libdconf-bin?14:41
seb128dconf-bin I guess14:41
seb128desrt, pitti: thanks14:41
desrtseb128: thanks to you :)14:41
* pitti hugs seb128 and desrt, thanks14:42
pittidconf-bin sounds strange, but at this point it's nitpicking :)14:42
* seb128 hugs desrt and pitti14:42
seb128pitti, you like libdconf-bin better?14:42
* desrt doesn't like that name :p14:42
pittithat or just d-conf14:42
desrtdconf-tools works for me14:42
pittior that14:42
pittidconf-tools -> editor and /usr/bin/dconf CLI tool?14:43
desrtdid you manage the other /usr/bin/dconf, btw?14:43
desrtpitti: yes14:43
desrtwhat of the filename conflict?14:48
pittiwe could either rename our's to /usr/bin/d-conf or just conflicts: to the old crappy other dconf14:49
desrtsecond sounds good14:49
* desrt needs to pack14:52
seb128desrt, pitti: we conflict14:54
desrtit becomes extra funny when you decide that you want dconf-editor hard-depended on by ubuntu-desktop :)15:01
didrocksseb128: FYI bug #587908, the code is pretty simple and seems to do the right thing :)15:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 587908 in dh-autoreconf (Ubuntu) "[MIR] dh-autoreconf (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58790815:15
seb128didrocks, nice15:16
didrocksseb128: can you please new libedataserver1.2-13 (soname bump)?15:16
didrocksI'll send evolution then15:16
didrocksa non crashy one \o/15:17
seb128didrocks, ok15:17
didrocksthanks :)15:17
* didrocks hugs seb12815:17
* seb128 hugs didrocks ;-)15:17
=== \vish is now known as vish
araseb128, would you mind reviewing https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Firefox3.6.4Upgrade? I will send the call when you're done16:08
seb128chrisccoulson, ^16:09
seb128ara, I'm reading it now as well16:09
seb128ara, should be have somewhat a special tag or something to track bugs on launchpad about this upgrade?16:12
seb128ara, or do we count on the qa tracker to be enough?16:12
araseb128, mmm, the qatracker is good to track bugs, but we could add a tag if you wish16:13
seb128ara, ok, let's use the tracker then16:15
seb128we can watch new bugs as well16:15
seb128there is no special need for a tag16:15
araseb128, mmm, but if they are filing bugs against the ppa, the usual way wouldn't work, would it?16:16
ara(like ubuntu-bug firefox)16:16
seb128no that wouldn't16:16
seb128I was rather thinking on how we keep tracking things once the security updates land16:17
araseb128, ah, ok, but how do we tell people to add bugs if they are testing the ppa?16:17
seb128those using the ppa can use the tracker, they will probably read instructions16:18
araOK, so, only the tracker, not launchpad at all?16:18
arayes, what? :D16:19
seb128yes only the tracker16:19
seb128sorry ;-)16:19
seb128let's use the tracker for the call for testing16:19
seb128ie your wikipage looks great16:19
araseb128, OK, then we need to change the part of filing bugs16:19
araseb128, I'll change that16:20
seb128you can let it for the users who want but I guess most will use the tracker16:20
araseb128, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Firefox3.6.4Upgrade?action=diff&rev2=2&rev1=116:24
seb128ara, thanks16:25
seb128chrisccoulson, ^ works for you?16:25
pittiseb128: do you know how much libpango1.0-0 really needs defoma? I removed it on my small xfce box, and it works just fine; IOW, would you mind if I drop it to recommends?16:44
seb128pitti, I would prefer not add diff over debian for that16:44
seb128pitti, otherwise I don't know no16:45
pittiseb128: ok, fine; thanks16:45
seb128pitti, but could you open a bug on the bts if you do the change?16:45
seb128pitti, I'm fine having the diff for now16:45
seb128I would just like to avoid being out of sync for ever due to it16:45
pittiseb128: I can also just file it in debian, and not touch it in maverick16:45
seb128change it in maverick I would say16:46
pittiit's not urgent, I'm just trying to be a good downstream16:46
seb128will make easier to run without it for testing16:46
seb128pitti, hum16:46
seb128libpango1.0-common.install:debian/defoma/pango.conf etc/defoma/config16:47
seb128libpango1.0-common.install:debian/pango.defoma usr/share/defoma/scripts16:47
ccheneyhmm it appears OOo wants to kick their 3.3 release out by Aug which is < 2mo from their planned branch date, in the past they had trouble doing that without large amount of bugs in < 5 months, hopefully the release won't be a disaster16:50
araseb128, I need to go out now. I will reconnect in about 3 hours. Please, send me an email with what you decide with chrisccoulson16:50
seb128ara, ok, thanks16:50
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|dinner
chrisccoulsonhi ara / seb128 - sorry, it's been a public holiday here today so i've not been around much17:16
chrisccoulsonjust checking the scrollback17:16
vishseb128: hi , for the humanity SRU , is there anything else that needs to be done?17:19
chrisccoulsonb'ah. i just uploaded the backported epiphany-browser to the PPA, and it doesn't build because it depends on the gnome-keyring version in hardy-updates17:21
seb128vish, no, it's waiting for somebody to review the queue17:21
seb128vish, try maybe pinged jdong, slangasek, cjwatson tomorrow17:21
vishseb128: oh , ok , thanks.17:21
vishwill do17:21
seb128chrisccoulson, hey17:21
chrisccoulsonhi seb12817:22
seb128vish, thanks17:22
seb128chrisccoulson, so tell me, what is the status for those updates?17:22
chrisccoulsonseb128 - firefox and nearly all of the extensions are ready to test, and i started uploading some xulrunner rdepends (blam and the mono bindings are uploaded, and epiphany is uploaded but doesn't build in the PPA). micahg has been working on some other packages which i'm just about to review before i upload them17:25
chrisccoulsonbut i don't think there's any reason for people not to start testing it now17:25
seb128chrisccoulson, ok, nice, I will probably send the announcement email tomorrow since ara didn't send the call for testing yet17:27
chrisccoulsonseb128 - thanks, i should have even more of it ready by then17:28
seb128chrisccoulson, you said mozilla delayed the update right?17:28
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, it was announced on one of their mailing lists last week, although they haven't updated https://wiki.mozilla.org/Releases/ just yet17:29
seb128ok, so it gives us some margin for testing17:29
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm quite glad too ;)17:30
chrisccoulsoni was going to work today, but i thought i could do with a rest when i woke up this morning ;)17:30
seb128chrisccoulson, did you look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Firefox3.6.4Upgrade?17:31
seb128chrisccoulson, could you check if it's ok with you?17:32
seb128pitti, could you reset the desktop team maverick workitems database?17:35
chrisccoulsonseb128 - it looks mostly ok. there's a couple of minor errors which i can fix (we're also rolling it out to jaunty and karmic rather than jaunty and lucid, and 3.0.6 should be 3.6.4)17:35
seb128pitti, the trend line is not really well adjusted but it should be fine starting now17:35
seb128chrisccoulson, if you could fix the errors that would be nice, thanks!17:36
seb128TheMuso, should https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-maverick-gnome3-accessibility-readiness be tracked for maverick or not?17:38
seb128chrisccoulson, not for today but tomorrow when it's a work day, I've added a comment on https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-maverick-chromium17:39
chrisccoulsonseb128 - thanks17:39
seb128chrisccoulson, ie we decided to review the decision at alpha3? (not sure now)17:39
seb128would be nice to have that in the spec17:40
seb128chrisccoulson, thank *you* ;-)17:40
seb128didrocks, hey17:43
didrocksseb128: hey17:43
seb128didrocks, is getting the new mutter in maverick on your todolist?17:43
didrocksseb128: no, but it can be :)17:43
seb128didrocks, ok, so it should be now ;-)17:43
didrocksand I guess it is now :)17:43
seb128didrocks, thanks!17:43
didrocksheh, no pb seb12817:43
seb128didrocks, we will need it to update gnome-shell17:44
seb128didrocks, I figured you are best placed to try if it doesn't break other things17:44
didrocksseb128: sure, I have to see about the patches we have, and so on… so maybe tomorrow morning with a fresh brain and not ubuntu-party+1 day brain state will fit better :)17:44
seb128no hurry, whenever you want during the week17:45
LaserJockdidrocks: still around?18:09
didrocksLaserJock: not for long, but still there :)18:09
didrocksLaserJock: how are you btw?18:10
LaserJockdidrocks: good thanks18:10
LaserJockdidrocks: so I just rebooted my computer and .... netbook-launcher is way slicker18:10
LaserJockwas that from an SRU?18:11
didrocksLaserJock: yeah, I've added CLUTTER_VBLANK=none18:11
didrocksLaserJock: http://www.clutter-project.org/docs/clutter/stable/running-clutter.html18:12
LaserJockwell it's sweet!18:12
didrocksLaserJock: well, that's because netbook-launcher doesn't use any fancy clutter effects :)18:12
didrocksLaserJock: but at least, a lot of people using compiz with netbook-launcher can now without too many issues18:12
LaserJockinteresting, so all of that is just from CLUTTER_VBLANK18:13
ftathe new python2.6 makes rhythmbox crash in maverick: bug 587589, known?18:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 587589 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "rhythmbox crashed with SIGSEGV in rb_python_module_load_with_gil() after last python2.6 upgrade in maverick (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58758918:14
didrocksLaserJock: exactly18:15
LaserJockdidrocks: scrolling is interesting18:16
didrocksLaserJock: do you get some bugs with it?18:16
=== MacSlow|dinner is now known as MacSlow
LaserJockwell, when I drag the scrollbar it goes opposite18:17
LaserJockit makes sense for a drag-to-scroll18:17
LaserJockbut when I drag the scrollbar itself down it goes up18:18
LaserJockbasically it looks like the scrollbar doesn't do anything, it just shows you where you're at18:19
didrockshum, I should have a deeper look there. I don't really see what you are describing, you mean about the left or right scrollbar?18:20
LaserJockI don't have a left scrollbar18:21
didrocksso, what you drag the scrollbar down, it scroll to show you the items which are in the bottom, right?18:21
LaserJockit goes up18:22
didrocksyour current items goes up and you see those which are downside? (anyway, I'll give it a look tomorrow), almost time for dinner :)18:23
LaserJockwell, the scrollbar follows the items18:24
LaserJockbut when I drag down the scrollbar goes up18:25
LaserJockand vice versa18:25
didrocksLaserJock: ok, will be nice to fix :)18:26
* didrocks goes to get some dinner, see you!18:26
LaserJockdidrocks: see ya18:26
didrocksLaserJock: see you ;)18:27
* rickspencer3 throws gtk.TreeView to floor, stomps with boots, pulls out hair19:06
ftadidrocks, does your last evolution-data-server include the fix for the attchment crash?19:14
ftadidrocks, n-m, 2.30.1-5ubuntu1 < :(19:18
arachrisccoulson, hey, thanks for the caught typos in the call for testing wiki20:17
arachrisccoulson, so, finally, it is going to be tomorrow, isn't it?20:17
chrisccoulsonara - no worries. i added another item to the testing instructions too20:18
arachrisccoulson, cool, thanks20:18
chrisccoulsoni spotted that because the epiphany upload i did depends on a package in hardy-updates, which we're not allowed to do in -security20:19
arachrisccoulson, nice20:20
arachrisccoulson, I will coordinate tomorrow with seb128 to send the call for testing20:21
arawell, then I call it a day, I just reconnected to see how things were looking20:23
arachrisccoulson, cheers!20:23
* ara doesn't put a face to chrisccoulson and hopes he will update his profile in the directory soon...20:24
chrisccoulsonheh, i keep being reminded about that ;)20:24
chrisccoulsoni must get someone to take a photograph of me this week20:24
aragood night!20:25
Sarvattis there any reason netbook-launcher draws to a window 1 pixel wider than the actual screen dimensions or is it just done to to work around drivers that assume drawing to a window the size of the screen is fullscreen so netbook-launcher gets priority always? one of the intel devs was trying UNE out and had problems with that and asked me about it20:58
asacchrisccoulson: usually self-cell-shot photos are the best ;)21:09
=== almaisan is now known as almaisan-away
didrocksfta: evolution includes the fix, right22:24
didrocksfta: not evolution-data-server22:24
didrocksfta: more exactly, it's a workaround currently, not a proper fix22:24
ftadidrocks, i see debian has a patch22:25
ftathe workaround was to disable large-file, right?22:25
didrocksfta: yeah, I've integrated both (remerged from debian on e-d-s and evolution for taking it)22:25
didrocksfta: no, it's just checking for NULL pointer22:25
didrocksfta: but that doesn't fix that the pointer is NULL and shouldn't22:26
ftadidrocks, ok so the debian bug shouldn't be closed either then22:26
didrocksat least, you can open your emails now without any crash22:26
didrocksfta: right, I've just followed debian closing this bug, I'll still track upstream22:26
ftadidrocks, good, thanks22:28
ftadidrocks, do you know anything about rhythmbox crashing on startup since the new python landed?22:29
ftadidrocks, bug 58758922:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 587589 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "rhythmbox crashed with SIGSEGV in rb_python_module_load_with_gil() after last python2.6 upgrade in maverick (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58758922:29
Sarvattwell at any rate, netbook-launcher using a window 1 pixel larger than the screen resolution kills performance on intel because it makes it allocate buffers 2x larger than otherwise, and he suggested this was a bad choice - "<ickle> using a full 2D gaussian blur instead of 2x1D guassians, and an RLE blur will probably be better with the computer generated elements anyway..."22:55

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