
akgranerI think everyone started Blogging on Thursday - wow00:01
cjohnstonI'm out00:01
akgranercjohnston, did you see any glaring that needed to be changed?00:03
cjohnstonI fixed spelling issues00:03
akgranerother than the Intel thing00:03
cjohnstonreading now00:03
akgranerscott_ev, are you editing now00:03
cjohnstonakgraner: what is it to unwiki link a word?00:10
akgranerbetween the capital letters00:11
scott_evakgraner: no, just reading00:12
akgranercjohnston, your're in the wiki now right?00:13
cjohnstonjust got out.. akgraner ubuntu foundations needs help.... titles are bulletted...00:13
akgranerokie dokie00:14
akgranerlet me long in now brb00:15
cjohnstonatleast the wiki page is still missing the americas results00:21
akgranerI just added them00:21
cjohnstonshould the Ubuntu NC LoCo thing be <i>?00:22
cjohnstonmust go for a bit.. not sure if ill make it back prior to release00:24
akgranerno looking at that now '' instead of `` got added00:31
akgranercjohnston, thanks for all your help today!00:31
akgranerahh who was in the wiki  gotta luv edit conflicts00:41
akgranerscott_ev, I'm out of the wiki now - let me know when you are finished00:58
scott_evkk, thanks01:08
scott_evOK, I'm out01:15
akgranerscott thanks01:16
scott_evOK, I think I'm going to duck out now.  Gotta lie down.01:21
akgranerscott_ev, thank you again :-)01:22
akgranerI'll finish up and get it published01:23
akgranerGreat Job today!01:23
cjohnstonakgraner: need anymore help?03:50
akgranercjohnston, maco is doing a final proof from me03:51
akgranerthen it will go out03:51
akgranerthis one is the first issue without john, craig, and dave :-( - I am being extra critical - and typing one handed doesn't help either but  - it's all good03:52
akgranerbut scott_ev is still with us :-D03:53
Pendulumakgraner: let me know if you need anything from me as well04:04
akgranerThe new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here:04:57
holsteinand i helped :)04:57
* ZachK_ read04:57
ZachK_akgraner: yet another well done release04:58
akgraner:-) thanks everyone!04:58
akgranerZachK_, thanks04:59
ZachK_akgraner: well i didn't do much..just offered morale support I guess...04:59
akgranerthat helps more than you know :-D05:00
akgranerholstein, I'm sorry  - I knew there was someone I forgot to add to the credits - I just added you to the 195 wiki page05:02
holsteinakgraner: im not sweatin any props05:03
holsteinjust glad to be on the team :)05:03
akgranerholstein, I am glad you are too - I appreciate everyone's contributions more that I can tell ya...05:03
ZachK_I didn't get credited?!?!?!05:04
holsteinlike wise akgraner, your efforts are apprecitated05:04
ZachK_holstein: lol05:04
holsteinZachK_: hehe05:05
ZachK_holstein: i do wiki....05:05
holsteinfor real though05:05
ZachK_I do wiki...for real05:05
ZachK_I'm a wiki lead05:05
akgranerholstein, when will you be playing at Barley's again?05:05
akgranerBecca was asking05:05
holsteinjune 19th05:06
holsteinwith a nice trio05:06
akgranerholstein, if you aren't busy the last Wednesday of the month you should head there - Becca will be playing05:06
holsteinlike mind trio05:06
holsteinakgraner: i'll mark my calendar05:06
* ZachK_ goes back to wiki since nobody is talking to him05:07
akgranerand she said  - "I want someone who is, no offense mommy, but not you or daddy.  I want *real* feedback"05:07
akgranerZachK_, sorry05:07
akgranerI can't type fast with one hand though I am getting pretty good at it05:08
ZachK_akgraner: how old is your "daughter" i'm assuming?05:08
akgraneralmost 1505:08
ZachK_ah cool05:08
ZachK_the teen years05:08
* ZachK_ is 19 going on 205:09
ZachK_oh wait did i type that outloud?05:09
ZachK_it's 19 going on "20"05:09
akgranerhehe - I think what you type first is more fitting 90% of the teenagers I am around ;-P05:15
ZachK_yeah unfortunately i'm not that way05:17
ZachK_for example...i was reading HUGE novels at like 13 1405:17
akgranerAny Fridge editors up and awake? - if so can someone proof this UWN post to the Fridge, please and thank you! - http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/204705:35
nhandlerakgraner: Go ahead and post05:37
akgranersladen, svaksha ^^^ :-D05:37
akgranernhandler, hey  - didn't know you were awake - thanks!05:39
nhandlerakgraner: I'm heading to bed soon. Just working on a package05:39
akgranerahhh  - well Thank you!  I am going to find some zzzz's soon myself...05:40
akgranerThank again everyone for another great issue - I'll have the google doc ready for people to work on in the morning - However, the newsletter has been sent to -news, news-teams, Forums, and Fridge - so have a good night - laters :-)06:13
akgranerthanks even  - *sigh* spelling fail06:14
holsteinGN akgraner06:14
svakshaakgraner: sorry for not responding...was doing some gsoc stuff and it seems i found a bug  *grin*06:25
MTecknologywanna make your system hate you?06:55
MTecknologycd(){ cd;}; cd06:56
sladenakgraner: somebody beat me to it!08:43

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