
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up (this is a test, and might not detect a full banlist correctly, please report problems to LjL): 8603)00:19
ThingNeuro_ObamaI don't know about you guys, but knowing that gay marriage exists here now has hurt marriage. Whenever I try and fuck my wife, all I can think about is two sweaty, heaving male bodies joined together in government sanctioned disgusting decadent man sex with large calloused hands grasping and moist gasping lips joined with giant throbbing cocks ohh yeah02:16
MquinBsd_ProcOh u FUCkIn RaCISt BItCh Dont b TalkIn To mA Kuzin LIKE DAt. u FUCkIN TRiFoLIn IrISh diCK SUCkER...~N~ 1st of all i dont Why u tALkIn ABOut pEopLe WHen UR Azz Iz ugLy Azz FUCk..1st U NeeD 2 b CheckIn ur Self den Talk BOut PeopLe..! Dont hate Juz BEcause oTha PEOple COuld Eat MOre Than u Can n not get F-A-T .. n because people are Prettier dan U..!02:17
ubottuhey Christel, Dave2, Gary, KB1JWQ, Levia, Martinp23, Pricey, SportsChick, VorTechS, jayne, jenda, marienz, nalioth, niko, nhandler, rob, stew or tomaw, I could use a bit of your time :)02:17
solarisSvnGitWhat did the recycling bin say to the garbage can? "YOU'RE A PILE OF FAGGOT TRASH!" , because the garbage was filled with gay porn mags. To which the garbage can replied, " You are a bucket of thoroughly-washed juice and milk containers, populated by an eco-friendly mid-20's socialist/liberal democratic couple who no one will ever listen to"02:19
cvsm68kLinux Is your wife, I swear. I stride nude in your computer room ; yet you dont care. Transfixed with penguins on the screen. This Open Source makes me scream. Im tossing your computer in the trash. RMS is whose genitals you tongue lash. Enemy of Our Freedom you say? I dont care. You're just gay.02:19
ubottuIn ubottu, IdleOne said: ot is #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please type /join #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:18
dtcrshrhello, we have an annyoing user bothering our users in #ubuntu-br channel. i got a pvt from freenode_bot with lots of version requests03:32
dtcrshrthe user is yutaka03:32
elkydtcrshr, i believe she is 12, so she might need some introducing to channel rules03:34
dtcrshri bet03:34
dtcrshrits for  some days she/he (?) is trolling on the channel, only today that started this bot issue03:35
dtcrshrhope that she quit this annyoing attitude03:35
elkyshe's claiming she's being harrassed by them03:42
IdleOneelky: not sure how to respond to her on the issue of her being mis-treated03:42
IdleOneI think I will let you take this :/03:42
elkyIdleOne, we look at logs, i think03:42
IdleOnedo we refer to -ops?03:42
elkywith someone who understands brasilian portuguese03:43
IdleOneof course03:43
elkywe are in -ops, you mean -irc?03:43
macowho is offline just now :(03:44
IdleOneno I meant refer yutake to this channel03:44
IdleOneand ask her to explain and then we take it from there?03:44
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ubottuonetinsoldier called the ops in #ubuntu (rubin110 please)07:56
=== popey_ is now known as popey
MenZafunkyHat: I'm only half watching, so he's all yours if he keeps it up.14:02
funkyHatMenZa: ok14:02
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))15:22
temporary Good day all17:00
temporaryikonia why don't you remove ban from my user  ??17:00
temporaryyou've told it will last 1 week but it is more than 117:00
MenZatemporary: Please don't ban avert in #ubuntu-offtopic.17:03
MenZatemporary: Do you understand what you did wrong?17:05
temporaryMenZa: when ?17:06
MenZahen you were banned.17:06
temporaryyes he/she said cause of cross posting and told it will last 1 week17:07
MenZaYou would have been instructed to return a week later to appeal your ban. You're here now, so we can deal with it.17:07
temporarydo you want spread ubuntu all over the world with this activities ?17:07
MenZaYou have been banned and removed a large number of times for cross-posting. Do you understand that?17:07
temporaryMenZa: my user is ALABD17:08
MenZatemporary: I'm aware who you are. Answer my question -- you know you've been removed several times for cross-posting, right?17:09
temporaryonly one time it has been banned17:09
MenZatemporary: Either you have a faulty weekend, because on my list, you've been removed on the 18th, 22nd and 26th of April.17:10
funkyHatHe thinks you mean he's been banned multiple times17:10
temporarytold you it is more than 1 month that humble could not enter channels17:10
temporaryam writing a complete train ubuntu book in persian language in iran17:11
MenZaThat's still irrelevant for this discussion. You agree to have, continuously, and ignoring all warnings, cross-posted in Ubuntu channels, correct?17:11
temporaryand in this way you want to spread ubuntu ?17:11
temporaryhumble asked question in other channels when has not answer in first channel17:12
temporaryso it is not cross posting17:12
temporaryis there anyone here from canonical ?17:12
MenZaIt is crossposting. Keep whatever topic you're discussing in the relevant channel.17:12
MenZai.e. #ubuntu-offtopic for offtopic queries, #ubuntu for support, etc.17:13
MenZaDo you understand that?17:13
temporaryyes it is simple but one thing humble don't understand17:13
MenZaWhat is that?17:13
temporarywhy it is more than 1 month ?17:13
MenZaBecause you haven't come in here to ask us to remove it, and have this discussion beforehand :)17:14
temporaryand why humble should repeat asking to remove bann17:14
PiciI don't think you're using the word 'humble' correctly.17:14
temporarywhen someone say it will last 1 week it should last 1 week17:14
MenZaMeh, I get the meaning. :)17:14
MenZatemporary: So why weren't you in here a week after you were banned?17:14
temporaryPici: humble = i17:14
Picitemporary: okay :)17:15
temporaryhumble asked from ikonia multi times in weeks before17:15
MenZaThat I wouldn't know about -- the point us, we can solve this issue right here and right now.17:15
MenZaIn fact, Pici, could you stay around?17:15
temporarybut ikonia has not remove it17:16
temporaryin this way ,should someone do this behavior ?17:16
MenZaI agree that if you have spoken to ikonia and he has refused to remove your ban, that is not acceptable conduct.17:17
MenZaHowever, I don't know if that's the case -- but I see no reason why you'd be lying to me. :)17:17
temporaryso ask him/her why ?17:17
temporaryask to be sure17:18
temporaryanyway am writing a book and require channel and it is more than week remove ban17:18
temporaryand humble should go17:18
MenZaI'm willing to remove your bans17:18
temporaryis these channels for canonical co. ?17:18
MenZaProvided you give me your word that you won't crosspost again. :)17:18
MenZaNo, these are community-managed channels.17:18
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from Phillip)17:19
temporaryMenZa: thanks17:19
MenZatemporary: One more thing.17:20
MenZatemporary: Please do not enter any channels you are banned from with another hostmask. That's ban evasion, and could make us very, very angry.17:20
MenZaI'll have your bans removed, alright?17:20
MenZaHave a good day. :)17:20
temporaryhumble was enforced to enter with another user name because ikonia have not remove ban more than 1 month17:21
temporaryhumble asked him in pm17:21
MenZaThen you're allowed to enter here, #ubuntu-ops -- not the other channels.17:21
temporarybut no result17:21
tsimpsontemporary: bans are never automatically removed, you must always discuss bans here to have them removed17:22
temporarywho select ops ?17:22
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!17:22
ubottuMenZa called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()17:22
MenZa...no, that's not the one I wanted.17:22
MenZatsimpson, remind me17:22
ubottuThe Ubuntu IRC Council is the team governance council for the the Ubuntu IRC channels on the freenode network - For serious inquiries please join #ubuntu-irc-council - See also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcCouncil17:22
MenZaThat's the one.17:22
PiciMenZa: good job17:23
MenZaIndeed :P17:23
jpdsMenZa: Brilliant.17:23
macoMenZa: trying to keep us on our toes or what?17:23
temporarywho select ops ?17:24
tsimpsonthe IRC Council17:24
temporary thank you bye 4 now God peace you17:24
MenZamaco: Something like that. ;)17:25
charlie-tca"Now that I have you all together..."17:31
* ikonia returns17:34
ikoniafor the record teporary/alanb/incosdiderable has not spoke to me about removing the ban and I did not say "it would last 1 week"17:34
ikoniathe only interaction I've had with him was removing him when he was ban evading17:35
ikoniathe girl who wants to talk about self halm, I have sent her private messages suggesting she seek proessional help from her local area or phone advice from a national guidence help line18:26
ikoniafor the record18:26
ubottuuse @login18:47
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:48
jpdsLogin to BT succeeded.18:52
funkyHat"initiate intelligent conversations" =~ "troll" ?20:25
funkyHatikonia: magicianlord said he "initiates intelligent conversations" after spouting some nonsense about why Linux exists... and it sounds like a justification I've heard from trolls in the past ;)20:28
ubottuIn ubottu, mkarnicki said: !status is <reply>https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Status22:19
mkarnickiignore that last request22:19
mkarnickiI was testing ubottu, there's an issue with it22:19
mkarnickireported to ubuntu-bot-team anyway22:20

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