
lifelessjam: do you want to talk about parth's patch ?00:01
lifelessjelmer: feed-pqm will take the lp commit message and Just Work00:06
lifelesspoolie: I'm going to mail the bzr list about savannah now, unless you want to?00:06
pooliego for it00:08
GaryvdMlifeless: does it make sense that we should not have to import xml when doing bzr status on a 2a branch, or am I missing something.00:18
jelmerlifeless: I haven't had feed-pqm working yet00:19
* jelmer tries to remember what was wrong last time00:19
GaryvdMlifeless: I cant work out if the inventories are stored in xml or bencode00:19
lifelessjelmer: please give it a shot and file a bug00:20
lifelessjelmer: I want to stabify to death pqm-submit.00:20
lifelessGaryvdM: in 2a? neither.00:20
lifelessGaryvdM: commit objects are stored in bencode I think.00:20
lifelessearly CHK formats used xml commit objects00:20
GaryvdMlifeless: Cool00:21
jelmerlifeless: :-)00:30
jelmerlifeless: will do00:30
GaryvdMMorning igc01:02
igchi GaryvdM01:02
poolie+1 re pqm01:06
pooliehi igc01:06
igchi poolie01:06
poolieigc, can you catch up with jam sometime to hand over windows build stuff?01:06
igcpoolie: sure01:06
lifeless\o/ I'm down to inbox 7201:19
lifelessbbs, grabbing lunch02:05
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eric_fis there a way to "undo" a rename?04:13
eric_fI did bzr mv --auto and it's pretty far off04:13
poolieeric_f, mv --after to put it back the way you want04:14
poolielifeless, does anything else need to happen on 2.1.2 and 2.2b3?04:28
pooliecould you try to push the former into SRUs and backports?04:29
lifelesspoolie: I've put 2.1.2 forward for lucid already04:29
lifelessI haven't done anything for backports, as you say its probably finding the right person to tickle04:30
lifelesspoolie: I put the 2.1.2 lucid SRU forward on friday04:30
pooliethere is a bug asking for a backport...04:31
lifelessI believe so04:33
lifelessyou've commented on it before.04:33
JaearessWhat does an asterisk by a file mean in the 'bzr status' command?04:36
JaearessMy Google search only turned up a bug report that it wasn't documented, but not what it actually means.04:37
mwhudsonit means it's either gained or lost the execute bit since the last commit04:37
JaearessAh, thank you.04:37
JaearessSomeone wielding chmod -R 777 wildly would probably cause that to show up on a lot of files, correct?04:38
spivJaearess: yes04:47
lifelessspiv: sigwinch is done, yes?04:50
spivlifeless: gosh I hope so!04:52
lifelessjust updating kanban04:52
spivThat was odd.05:17
spivMy internet connection mostly dropped out... except I could still reach Google.05:17
lifelessspiv: !05:17
spivThen Mary came home and the rest returned!05:17
lifelessspiv: anyhow, while I'm looking at Kanban05:17
spivSo, you were asking about sigwinch: yes that should be done -- we no longer register a sigwinch handler :)05:18
lifelessdo you want to confirm that you're (removing relocking, doing merge-subdirs)05:18
lifelesswhich are the two things in kanban with your name on them05:18
spivYes, confirmed.05:18
lifelessif you're not doing either, we should put it back in the backlog05:18
spivI'm not actively doing removing relocking.05:19
spivBut it is a background task I nibble at from time to time.05:19
lifelessI don't think we've got a good way to really show 'not significant time' tasks05:19
lifelesswhich I think that that falls under, no ?05:19
lifeless16:18 < bob2> yay, exetel plugged their international link back in05:20
lifelessspiv: ^05:20
spivlifeless: ah, although it affected some .au stuff for me as well!05:21
lifelessprobably peered stuff05:23
lifelesssign MS05:31
lifelessplease, if you're going to make a free virus scanner, don't make it broken.05:31
lifelessyou've got the dang OS source code in front of you.05:31
fullermdSure, but who can read it?05:40
lifelessfullermd: their staff can, one hopes05:43
fullermdAw.  You're so coot when you're optimistic   :)05:45
lifelessfullermd: http://preachsecurity.blogspot.com/2009/06/microsoft-security-essentials-road-test.html05:47
lifelessfullermd: "Overall some things that I noticed is that the engine's real time protection is a little lacking, as it rarely (only once) caught the piece of malware as it was being unzipped, and typically only when I attempted to actually run the file."05:47
lifelessoh and https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/forum/1/54229405:56
lifelessfor added value 'ms virus scanner breaks firefox. Yay.'05:57
mneptoklifeless: most clergy have their holy books right in front of them, and really can't decipher them in any meaningful way, either. ;)06:00
lifelessmneptok: I'm not sure fiction counts as source code ;P06:00
mneptoklifeless: tell that to HURD developers.06:01
vilahi all07:23
vilapoolie: ping, quick chat ?07:23
lifelesspoolie just popped out for a bit07:24
lifelesstry him again in 2007:24
vilalifeless: thks, g'night07:25
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pooliehi vila08:25
NET||abusehey guys,, had a weird thing just happpen10:16
NET||abusei was changing permissions for access to a bzr repo/working copy to run on a server, the two users in question were in the same group, so i rann chmod -R 775 bzrrep/  where the working copy and standalone repo is on the server,10:18
NET||abusethen as the second user i tried bzr up(i'd just pushed up a change from my local machine) but i'd failed to update permisisons .bzr.log, it ran the update and also gave an error saying permissino denied on that log file,,, problem is nwo when i run bzr st as either user in the working copy, everything is marked as modified.10:18
NET||abusei don't think it was doing that before now, though i didn't happen to check10:19
fullermdWell, you set the +x flag on every file in the WT; presumably most of them didn't have it before, so that WOULD be a modification...10:19
NET||abuseohh, format: pack-0.92   is that out of date.10:19
NET||abusefullermd, of course, duh10:19
NET||abuseso ye, it's got that change marked,, any wya to get it to disregard that change?10:20
fullermdDisregard?  No.  You could use revert (or another chmod) to undo it.10:20
NET||abuseor would i be better checking it out to a parallel directory location as the new user i want to switch over to using?10:20
flamis there a command to update bazaar to a newer version? i'm using windows10:51
flambzr help commands didn't show it, neither did few minutes of googling:p10:52
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mgzflam: no, windows doesn't work like that. download and run the new msi. or a debiant install cd.14:17
starenka__hi, sorry for silly question, but i have problems w/ group permissions while using bzr+ssh14:42
starenka__i set umask in /etc/profile to 002 and it works in shell, but while pushing repo to server the repo is rw-r--r--  any clue?14:43
TresEquisstarenka__: google points to this: https://lists.canonical.com/archives/bazaar/2007q3/027560.html15:10
starenka__thanks. i made a "wrapper" script in /usr/bin/local/bzr which sets umask and runs bzr15:11
starenka__it works like a charm15:11
parthmjam: ping17:12
jamhi parthm17:17
parthmjam: hi, i was thinking some more about the `bzr st` bad ignore pattern17:17
parthmi am somewhat divided between warning / error but am leaning towards error. if we have a bad pattern other commands like `add` and `ignored` would fail anyway.17:18
parthmi am not sure if there are others. so it may be better to fail quickly and have the user fix it sooner than later.17:19
parthmthere could also be a case that a user ends up pushing a bad pattern to their server/lp. as .bzrignore is already added. its just a `bzr ci` and `bzr push`.17:21
parthmso failing on `st` may be a good idea.17:21
jamparthm: why would add and ignore have to fail?17:22
jamthe point is that, especially right now, people may have a bad config17:22
jamhaving it fall over when it used to work is bad17:23
jamhaving it fall over *in general* is bad17:23
jamI don't feel super strongly17:23
jambut we've done the 'error early' in the past17:23
jamand generally it has provided worse user experience17:23
jamas a minor misconfiguration in X17:24
jamsuddenly blocks Y and Z from working at all17:24
parthmjam: `ignore` works, it issues a warning and discards the bad pattern.17:25
jameven if the pattern was already in the file?17:26
parthm`ignored` fails as we compile all ignored patterns (99 at a time) into one pattern. so we cant selectively ignore.17:26
jamyou certainly *could*17:27
parthmjam: yes. if  a file has a bad pattern, `ignore` would still work. so it issues a warning about the pattern on the command line. if the tree is processed, then a followup error is shown about the existing bad pattern.17:27
jamparthm: the problem is that if we filter out the bad pattern from the disk content we make it harder to get the right pattern17:28
jamsince the old one is gone17:28
jamit may be a fair trade17:28
jambut something to be thought about17:28
parthmjam: we don't filter out the bad pattern from the file. filtering is only for the command like. we display an error message for the pattern in file.17:28
parthmjam: http://pastebin.com/fMWtEUjc17:30
jamso for compiling, we could certainly attempt the 100-way compile and if it fails rollback17:30
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parthmjam: i am not sure i understand. are you talking about `ignored`?17:31
jambut also statu17:31
jamadd, etc17:31
parthmjam: what do you mean by try the compile and rollback?17:32
jamparthm: try to compile all 100, if it fails, compile them individually to find the one that failed17:40
parthmjam: thats whats done in the current patch. the current patch allow the operation to happen, if there is an exception, it processes the file to find the bad pattern and displays it along with the error message.17:41
jamso why does ignored *have* to fail?17:41
parthmjam: so are you suggesting we retry after filtering out the bad pattern at runtime?17:42
jamThat is what I've been suggesting, yes17:42
parthmjam: IMO once the user has a bad pattern in the file he would sooner or later end up with a problem so it may be better to just error out pointing to the pattern.17:44
parthmi don't think existing installation would have a bad pattern as it would make bzr crash.17:44
jamparthm: the difference is whether someone can still finish what they were trying to do17:44
jam*before* they have to fix everything17:44
jamor if they have to drop their train of thought17:44
jamand go handle this thing17:45
parthmjam: i agree with your point on 'train of thought' but the results of a command e.g. `ignored` may not be what the user expects due to the skipped pattern.17:46
jamparthm: that is why we give a big warning17:47
parthmjam: i suppose being a ui thing there is no obviously right answer :)17:49
parthmjam: i will paste this chat on the merge proposal and probably others can chime in with their views.17:50
C-SHow can I add stuff to the bzr wiki?17:58
parthmC-S: You should be able to create a login and edit it.17:59
parthmC-S: What do you have in mind?17:59
C-Sparthm: I just added qbzr and bzr-explorer to the FreeBSD port system. That needs to be reflected in the downloads sections of qbzr and bzr-explorer.18:00
parthmC-S: cool :)18:00
C-Sparthm: indeed. bzr-git and bzr-svn are under way :-)18:01
parthmC-S: yay!18:01
C-Sparthm: which means we will have all necessary tools easily installable on FreeBSD!18:01
C-Sparthm: here is an example: http://www.freshports.org/devel/bzr-explorer/18:02
parthmC-S: thats pretty neat. it should make things very convenient for a lot of users. the plugins you mention have dependencies and not the most convenient to install.18:02
C-Sparthm: right, that makes it much easier. bzr-svn requires subvertpy for example and bzr-git dulwich. The FreeBSD ports system installs them automatically as needed18:03
C-Sparthm: I had to port subvertpy too, of course.18:03
parthmC-S: you can probably mention this on the bzr mailing list. there may be interested parties there too.18:04
C-Sparthm: You can have a look at the respective Makefile where all the dependencies are mentioned: http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/ports/devel/bzr-explorer/Makefile?rev=1.1;content-type=text%2Fplain18:04
C-Sparthm: good idea. I am not on these lists though. Do you have a link?18:05
parthmC-S: i was a FreeBSD user for quite some time. been on ubuntu for about 2 years now.18:05
C-Sparthm: FreeBSD is a beauty. You should consider a switch :-)18:05
mgzparthm: I'm massacring bzr-grep for fun, please review when I'm done18:06
C-Sparthm: cool. I am already working on a port for bzr-grep. Are you the maintainer?18:06
parthmmgz: sounds good :)18:06
parthmC-S: yes. i am the maintainer for bzr-grep18:06
C-Sparthm: if yes. please post your releases on launchpad. that makes it much easier for me to grab the latest copy.18:07
C-Sparthm: otherwise, I have to download via bzr and release 0.3.0 myself.18:07
C-Sparthm: that is annoying.18:07
C-Sparthm: second, that way, I'll have a second backup download site18:07
parthmC-S: do you mean a tarball?18:08
C-Sparthm: right18:08
C-Sparthm: by the way. bzr-grep is absolutely great18:08
parthmC-S: will do.18:08
parthmC-S: good to know :)18:08
C-Sparthm: cool. Many many thanks. You make my life easier.18:08
C-Sparthm: as you know, people of FreeBSD don't want to release updates via bzr or some VCS. It just doesn't make sense for the average user18:09
C-Sparthm: so, tarball would be great :-)18:09
parthmC-S: i agree.18:09
C-Sparthm: Great. So, I wait for your tarball and will then continue on the port.18:10
mgzwhile I have you right here:18:10
mgz    line = line.decode(_te, 'replace')18:10
mgzand... wha?18:10
mgzthis is a raw line from a file we're greping through,18:10
parthmC-S: when i was a casual bzr user i myself preferred installing it via apt-get on ubuntu. have been thinking of creating a ppa.18:10
mgzthat we want to print *to* the terminal18:10
mgzwhy are we *de*coding it in the terminal encoding?18:10
C-Sparthm: sorry, but what is a ppa?18:10
C-Sparthm: something like a package?18:11
parthmC-S: ppa is the package system for ubuntu.18:11
C-Sparthm: Ok. Sure, I agree, packages/ports are so much easier for most people.18:11
parthmmgz: thats probably a bug then. my unicode-fu is not the best :( ... could you file a bug?18:12
C-Sparthm: and you usually have bugs in development, so it makes sense to stay with the official release as long as posible.18:12
C-Sparthm: anyway. many thanks.18:12
mgzI'll just fix it when I'm done with this consolidation18:12
parthmC-S: thanks for the freebsd ports :)18:12
C-Sparthm: sure. Its a pleasure.18:13
mgzI might break some things, am touching a lot of code branches, but if I do, it's your tests fault :P18:13
parthmmgz: great :)18:13
parthmmgz: yes ... i think the tests should be sufficient. if not will add some more :)18:13
parthmmgz: what are you looking into regarding bzr-grep?18:18
mgzwell, what I *started* looking at and what I'm doing are... nothing like each other18:19
mgzI'm currently deleting code.18:19
mgzI wanted to do some unicode things.18:19
mgza = '\x1b[35m\x1b[35mfile0.txt\x1b[0m\x1b[1;36m:\x1b[0m\x1b[1;31mfoo\x1b[0m is \18:19
mgzb = '\x1b[35mfile0.txt\x1b[0m\x1b[1;36m:\x1b[0m\x1b[1;31mfoo\x1b[0m is \x1b[1;3118:19
mgzI think I better go back to longer ansi sequences for the moment, to avoid confusing the tests18:20
LeoNerdCan't you use an  \e  to help those18:20
mgzoo, but I've duped the lead in.18:20
* mgz fixes that18:20
parthmmgz: the unicode support is probably not the best in bzr-grep. this was before i really actually understood unicode :P .. not that i get it fully yet.18:21
mgzwell, it's largely not your fault anyway, you're kinda stuffed on knowing what the file contents are18:21
mgzanyway, so what I'm doing currently is making bzr-grep a bit slower so I can delete some code, and make it faster18:22
mgzwhat it comes out the other end like, I have no idea18:22
parthmmgz: i am glad to have another pair of eyeballs on bzr-grep. thanks.18:22
mgzokay, I'm just gonna change the test on that bit, saves an ansi switch18:23
mgzbom ta dom ta dom18:23
parthmwell, its getting late here. goodnight.18:24
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vilamgz: ping19:25
mgzvila: any fun progress on leaks?19:27
vilayeah, a robust socket server in a thread, with fresh tests19:27
vilaOh, and clear road ahead to turn my experiments into production19:28
vilamgz: see my pm ?19:28
ompaulcan anyone tell me how to dig around in a bzr .pack file19:46
jamompaul: in general, the contents aren't going to be very friendly to generic digging, is there something specific you are trying to do?20:21
ompauljust curious to see what happened historically20:25
jamompaul: trying to see the history of individual files?20:25
ompauljam, I have a 30 meg pack file20:25
ompaulout of 42megs20:26
ompaulkind of like s2n :)20:26
jamompaul: you might be interested in https://edge.launchpad.net/bzr-repodetails20:26
jamompaul: we collapse pack files over time20:26
jamso that 30M is probably the bulk of your history20:27
ompaulit is since day one20:27
ompauljam, thank you for that20:27
* ompaul wanders off to share this new clue file 20:28
lifelessvila: hi20:53
lifelessvila: what did you find to be the cause of the leaks?20:54
* vila waves20:54
vilathe cause was known for a long time: http server threads,20:54
vilaI've found some server in the sftp area20:54
vilaThe main source of problems was uncaught exceptions in these threads especially when I started closing their socket from *another* socket20:55
jamhi vila, go to bed :)20:56
vilajam: hey ! Yeah, yeah, bed, good20:57
lifelessvila: ok cool20:57
lifelessvila: uhm, the paste web server has code to kill threads20:57
lifelesshi jam20:57
jamlifeless: ouch, somebody creamed you in bym20:57
vilalifeless: *kill* threads ? Via a C extension ?20:57
lifelesstook them 6 waves of 48 ichis20:57
lifelessand then 2 more waves to get resources20:58
lifelessvila: ctypes; have a look at it20:58
jamlifeless: yeah, I find that putting ProjectX in there actually helps a lot20:58
jam2 X's is as much dps as the other 41 Ichis, and if you stagger them correctly, they usually help to take out a tower or two20:58
vilalifeless: that would complement what I just did quite nicely.. I'll check20:58
jam(if a snipe focuses them they go down in 2 hits, though)20:58
lifelessjam: i think she was pissed that in 4 waves I made a pretty deep dent in her yard20:59
jamlifeless: who?20:59
lifelessthe person who attacked me [just a random neighbour]20:59
jamsorry, can't help, not in my neighbor list :)20:59
lifelessjam: I was looking at kanban21:00
lifelessyesterday; I'm wondering if its a little stale21:00
lifelessare you stil working on win32 installer scripts, historydb, fetch perf and annotation caches ?21:01
jamlifeless: the historydb stuff is pretty much done, so I moved it over21:02
jamthe rest, yes21:02
james_wabentley: do you know how to deal with "bzr: ERROR: Format Checkout reference format 1 cannot be initialised by this version of bzr." and a broken branch when using reconfigure-pipeline?21:07
james_wwell, I've got my branch back, but I have no idea what the error was telling me to start with21:08
james_wah, API issues due to colo change21:13
james_wfixed by pulling bzr-pipeline, thanks abentley21:14
abentleyjames_w, happy to help :-)21:20
bendjI logged into a client's box to try to un-fubar some of their recent work.  @ a 'bzr pull' I get "bzr: ERROR: exceptions.ImportError: cannot import name LogicalLockResult" ( more -> http://pastebin.com/EbC5jCf5)21:34
bendjNew one on me ... though I notice they've bzr 2.2b3.  Sound familiar to anyone?21:34
jambendj: sounds like api skew, where some of there modules are up to date, and some are not.21:42
jamSince 2.2b3 isn't packaged yet (I believe) you might try deleting the existing install, and installing from scratch again.21:42
bendjjam: k. brb ...21:43
lifelesssome to overhaul branch cloning a it21:55
bendjjam: cleaned house, dropped back to a 2.1.0 tarball, up'd to 2.2b3 trunk, reinstalled modules.  back in business ... except for one plugin: dulwich21:55
bendjPulling /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/bzrlib/plugins/dulwich from bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/dulwich/trunk/21:56
bendjNot a branch: "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/dulwich/trunk/".21:56
jambendj: "bzr pull --remember lp:dulwich"21:56
jamI'm guessing the trunk location moved21:57
bendjjam bingo.  thanks!  now back to our regularly schedule un-fubaring ...21:58
jelmerlifeless: hi22:15
jelmerlifeless: are you aware of a good way to store version info in a single file?22:16
lifelessyou mean like bzr version-info ?22:16
jelmerlifeless: I'd like it to be available from both __init__.py and setup.py22:16
jelmerbut there doesn't seem to be a good way to do that that doesn't break BZR_PLUGINS_AT and 'bzr plugin-info'22:17
exarkunjelmer: The least terrible option I've heard is to keep it in package/version.txt and read it from setup.py and __init__.py.  But clearly there are plenty of pitfalls there.22:17
jelmerexarkun: yuck :-(22:18
lifelessjelmer: how does it break things?22:18
jelmerlifeless: they don't support relative imports22:18
jelmerso 'import info' from __init__.py doesn't work22:18
lifelessit sure should22:18
jelmerit doesn't work when using BZR_PLUGINS_AT22:19
lifelesssounds like a bug in BZR_PLUGINS_AT22:19
lifelesstheres no reason it shouldn't work22:19
jelmerok, that's easy then22:19
vilalifeless: there is one: it's a bug :-(22:19
lifelessI fixed a bug in plugin-info a short while back to permit doing this22:20
lifelessso it *was* working22:20
lifelessvila: sounds like BZR_PLUGINS_AT isn't finished then.22:20
jelmerit works when not using BZR_PLUGINS_AT22:20
vilathe problem is that during the import of the plugin's __init__.py the module path is not set, so plugins that are fully lazy work (the module path *is* set *after* the __init__.py file load :-/22:21
jelmerI've been using it for quite some time and I remembered 'bzr plugin-info' was broken22:21
jelmerbut it works now :)22:21
vilalifeless: it escaped the tests... I have some idea about a possible workaround but no time to investigate22:22
vilanamely: force a dummy module with the right path into sys.modules22:22
vilabut I don't know if python will like that...22:22
jelmervila: should I file a bug?22:22
vilajelmer: sure22:22
lifelessvila: I have no idea what BZR_PLUGINS_AT is doing, but I suspect its about 1000 time more complex than needed22:22
vilalifeless: if you can cut the number of lines by 1000, I'll give you a bottle of champagne :)22:23
lifelessvila: :P22:23
vilalifeless: I went with the lightest way I could think of relying on... some python provided load_module which obviously doesn't address this "detail" :-)22:24
lifelessvila: load_module in plugin.py ?22:26
vilalifeless: yeah, it uses imp.locad_module and then set the mod._path__, this 'mod' is then inserted into sys.modules by python I think22:27
lifelessvila: do you need help with it22:50
vilalifeless: to try that ? No, I need time :-/22:50
vilaI thought I was the only one blocked by it and went with creating a symlink in bzrlib/plugins instead (temporary :-/)22:51
vilayeah, I know, I should have filed a bug, bad vila22:51
lifelessgo sleep22:52

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