
arandSeems like the metacity fix is being pushed finally, (wouldn't be to fun to have that in A1...)01:10
gbillingshow to upgrade to 10.10 prealpha?01:16
arandgbillings: Don't know if do-release-upgrade -d   has been enabled, yet, otherwise, grab a daily build for freshinstall, or edit sources.list. disable PPAs, etc. and use aptitude.01:18
gbillingsarand: gracias!01:18
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/01:19
gnomefreakarand: ~A101:19
gbillingsarand: is there and update-manage flag that I could use to prevent the download of such large file?01:19
arandgnomefreak: The guided updates tends to get enabled around that time?01:20
arandgbillings: such large what?01:20
gnomefreakarand: yes normally right after but deends on how over booked mvo is01:21
gbillingswhat I mean is something like: $ update-manager -x ; a large iSO01:21
arandgbillings: You don't get an iso via update-manager -d (or do-release-upgrade)01:21
gbillingsnever mind i phrased incorectly my bad01:22
* gnomefreak has to update my rsync/zsync srcipts if i ever find out other problem01:23
gnomefreakarand: any chance you know of an app/tool that will mount a drive that cant be mounted normally?01:24
arandgnomefreak: mounted *unnormally* in what way exactly? (I probably don't know..)01:24
* gnomefreak thinking on how to put it01:26
arandI mean, you could use foresic tools to extract data, I guess..01:26
gnomefreakarand: it seems it is a currupt part./format and at best i can get the data or even format drive would be the best01:26
* gnomefreak doesnt have 3billon dollar microscope01:27
* arand has used photorec with some success on corrupted filesystems.01:28
gnomefreakarand: on Linux?01:28
gnomefreaktestdisk :)01:28
gnomefreakat least that is what a search for photorec showed from our repos01:29
arandI've head that sleuth-toolkit is supposed to be something similar as well...01:29
arandgnomefreak: Yep, that's the one, testdisk is a partition table recovery utility/rewriter01:30
gnomefreakall this for a damn USB stick well 2 of them01:30
arandOne of a couple of apps from cgsecurity01:30
* gnomefreak hopes for GUI i dont want to think anymore today01:30
arandphotorec is ncurses, but it's fairly straightforward.01:31
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gnomefreakncurses is fine as long as i dont have to think ;)01:32
arandIt will make a terrible organisatory mess of the files it recovers though, but that's unavoidable I guess, since it doesn't recover directory structures, afaik01:32
* gnomefreak doesnt care if it splits all text files into 15 piences as long as the stick becomes useful again01:33
arandgnomefreak: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec_Step_By_Step has a nice guide...01:33
gnomefreakarand: thanks01:34
arandgnomefreak: but for the stick to become useful again...? That's just a reformat isn't it?01:34
gnomefreakarand: yeah if i cant get data back but i think something just happened that hasnt happened in days be back in a few01:35
* arand is slightly compfused by that sentance01:36
gnomefreakarand: one of the drives mounted but not the one i had hoped for01:38
* gnomefreak wonder what changed. be back in a few see if i cant get other one to work01:41
arandI've had issues with usb stick suddenly not mounting and seemingly loosing partition tabe or something, but I figured it was because it was old a worn...01:42
gnomefreakthis one is the one with the data on it and its the one not working and my luck continues01:42
gnomefreakarand: it seems that the usb stick has to be mounted for testdisk to work it seems01:43
arandUm, no, it needs a device sdX though.01:44
gnomefreakyeah see that now. just have to remember what it "should" be, but hell im looking01:46
gnomefreakthis i have it :)01:47
aranddmesg would show what it turns up as presumably01:47
* gnomefreak would have thought it was sdd1 but seems im wrong01:52
gnomefreakUnable to open file or device /dev/sdd with or without the 1 at the end01:53
gnomefreakEXT3 FS on sdd1, internal journal  it is on sdd101:55
arandguess: sudo?01:55
gnomefreakarand: not even sure if it is sdd1 now dmesg is showing sdd1 and sdb1 as removable drives01:58
gnomefreaksda and sdb are hard disks so sdc or sdd would be right01:59
arandtestdisk works on drives, not partitions ( since it's a partition table recovery tool) photorec works on either, I think, or just on a dd-copy01:59
gnomefreakdmesgt is still showing the lexar that i dont have plugged in02:02
gnomefreakerror -110 is popular from dmesg :)02:03
mininessiei upgraded to ubuntu 10.10 now i don't have my minimize maximize close buttons02:05
arandmininessie: Whole window decorations gone?02:05
mininessieyes all i have is the menus like file edir view etc02:06
gnomefreakmininessie: disable compiz02:06
gnomefreaksee if that helps (it should)02:06
gnomefreakbe back smoke and think02:06
mininessiegnomefreak: i don't have compiz i don't think02:07
arandgnomefreak: mininessie Actually enabling compiz is what might work...02:07
mininessiearand: i tried it didn't work02:07
arandmininessie: Is the whole window border gone, and this happens when you start firefox?02:07
mininessiearand: it affects all my windows02:09
mininessiearand: yes02:10
arandmininessie: than install metaciy metacity-common and libmetacity-private0 from https://edge.launchpad.net/~fta/+archive/sandbox/+packages02:10
arandmininessie: This should get updated soon, but it's the same fix as will be pushed through the normal updates I think02:11
gnomefreakthere was a bug on compiz causing that problem at least a few weeks ago02:12
gnomefreakmaybe light-themes?02:12
gnomefreakok 100% sure it is sdd02:12
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arandUm, maybe no.02:12
arandBug #58428702:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 584287 in metacity (Ubuntu) "Unexpected X error (BadDrawable) causing metacity to abort in maverick" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58428702:13
gnomefreaksda sda are both hard disks sdc IIRC is usb mouse02:13
gnomefreaki dont think that is the bug he is seeing02:13
arandDo you have a sdX device name for your mouse? freaky...02:13
arandI think it is02:14
gnomefreakatnot sure02:14
gnomefreakarand: not sure evenm02:14
gnomefreaksifting through dmesg is not fun or fast02:15
arandAnd "nessie" might be a she, even.02:15
gnomefreak[    0.373923] input: Macintosh mouse button emulation as /devices/virtual/input/input202:15
arandgnomefreak: grep sd02:15
arandwith some -C# I guess02:15
mininessiearand: okay i installed them now what02:16
gnomefreak[    6.671451] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdc] Attached SCSI removable disk02:16
gnomefreakthan what is sdd02:16
arandmininessie: Either relogin, or run metacity --replace &disown in a treminal02:16
gnomefreakthats why fta has been busy02:17
mininessiearand: thanks for the fix02:17
arandmininessie: worked well?02:17
mininessiearand: yes02:18
gnomefreak[ 1878.905976] EXT3 FS on sdd1, internal journal tells me it is sdd1 for usb stick. no doubt in my mind02:18
arandgnomefreak: THe fix was posted a while ago, no one sponsored it 'till now :(02:18
gnomefreakand i still cant get testdisk running using a /dev/*02:19
* gnomefreak goes to look at bug report02:19
mininessiewhat will be changed visually in ubuntu 10.10 without upgrading to gnome 3 or gnome shell02:19
arandmininessie: Windicators, seems to be a main thing, maybe new ubuntu font02:20
mininessiearand: okay02:20
* gnomefreak tried 10.10 to get usb stick working and fiesty/karmic/lucid and maverick and win. atm on Lucid for this try again02:20
gnomefreakthat explains why i didnt get a GUI :)02:21
gnomefreakarand: yes i remember that bug02:22
arandAnd the Client-Side-Decorations (enabling windicators) is what made this bug in metacity crop up :D02:22
* gnomefreak misses the days when i was able to log in once in LP02:23
mininessiei bet conanical is already working on 11.0402:24
gnomefreakmininessie: give us some time we just got out of gates for 10.1002:24
gnomefreakwe(them) havent picked a name yet02:25
mininessiegnomefreak: well how can they have an alpha already02:25
arandmininessie: It's planned, but all work goes into 10.10 atm.02:25
arandmininessie: There's no alpha for 11.04 ...02:25
mininessiearand: okay will 10.10 have a dock02:26
gnomefreakarand: what do you make of this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/443068/02:26
arandmininessie: I would guess not02:26
gnomefreaknot likely02:26
gnomefreakUDS just finished a couple of weeks ago so there is nothing set in stone yet02:26
arandmininessie: ubuntu unity will have a sidebar though, and a pretty different, mutter/clutter-something interface02:26
mininessiearand: well the global menu is like mac02:27
arandI'm not completely sure if unity is supposed to replace netbook edition or whatever02:27
gnomefreakoh you have got to be kidding me with unity :(02:28
arandYea, but grobal menu is only happening on unity (NBE) I think02:28
arandgnomefreak: Whatso?02:28
arand*unity, (and NBE?)02:28
gnomefreakIIRC Unity is Ubuntu+-M$02:28
gnomefreakbut reading02:29
arandgnomefreak: Well unity isn't ubuntu light (which is supposed to use unity) is02:29
arand"A dual-boot in every home"02:30
arandI don't really think the idea is that bad per see, since it's what everyone does the first time they get onto ubuntu anyways, I would guess02:31
* gnomefreak didnt but yes i see what you mean02:31
arandAnd possibly a way to sneak into the resellers market... it makes bucketloads of sense from canonicals point of view, whether or not it's FSF or Boycottnovell, or loathe-M$ -friendly, that's a whole nother matter.. and likely something which canonical doesn't care too much about.02:34
mininessiearand: can i get the new gnome main menu without upgrading to gnome shell or gnome 302:37
gnomefreaki dont think so but havent tried02:38
* gnomefreak thinks PhotoRec is great in theory but it still only is useful for hard disks but still playing with it02:39
gnomefreakdoesnt gnome-shell give you an option on to load gnoem or gnome-shell from login screen02:44
mininessiepunch me03:15
bukayooflash crashing on chromium..any idea? fresh install03:23
Volkodavvery early marriage03:31
knittlbug #58428706:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 584287 in gtk+2.0 (Ubuntu) "Unexpected X error (BadDrawable) causing metacity to abort in maverick" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58428706:31
knittlThis bug was fixed in the package metacity - 1:2.30.1-1ubuntu206:31
dupondjeI know :)06:32
knittlah, you're still awake :>06:33
knittlah, you commented with the diff and gtk+ assumption06:34
knittldupondje: but the new packages haven't made it to the repos yet?06:37
dupondjethere is always some delay :(06:51
dupondjenow I gonne look to fix my other system :s07:21
dupondjesince I replaced cpu, it segfaults @ random :s07:22
dupondjeI have no idea :s07:22
dupondjedid that, works fine :s07:31
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dupondjeDanaG: http://dupondje.be/DSCF1025.JPG :P09:09
DanaGHardware name: Syatem Product Name.09:10
DanaGSystem Product Name.09:10
DanaGSounds similar to the "To Be Filled By O.E.M. To Be Filled By O.E.M."09:12
BUGabundo_remotetear your eyes out :O09:12
BUGabundo_remoteohh I got LOADs of those messages in my BIOS09:12
DanaGmost awesome thing on my laptop: serial-over-lan.09:14
DanaGHandy for grabbing full stacktraces.09:14
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BUGabundo_remoteanyone else can reproduce with chromium dialy?11:21
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gnomefreakmvo: have you enabled -d in update-manager yet?13:22
mvognomefreak: yes, but it will only work if the user sets "release-upgrades" to "normal" in /etc/update-manager/ release-upgrades13:23
gnomefreakmvo: thanks13:23
gnomefreakmvo: i dont see a way of changing the settings for "normal" i am guessing just removing the #'s at "normal"13:33
gnomefreakmvo: here is what i am seeing http://paste.ubuntu.com/443302/13:36
mvognomefreak: there is a gui for it in software-properties-gtk (that is installed by default)13:38
gnomefreakmvo: thanks13:39
mvognomefreak: under "update" and release upgrades13:39
dupondjeupdate-manager -d works since some time? I did upgrade from lucid to maverick with it already :)13:39
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gnomefreakmine was set to LTS and really shouldnt have been IMO since this box is Lucid13:57
yofelerm, lucid is lts?13:59
yofeland lts->lts upgrades are the default there14:00
yofelok, got the kde mess sorted out on my other pc, guess I'll upgrade this later14:00
BUGabundo_remotecome one gnomefreak.... what a fail :)14:00
* gnomefreak wonders why i cant launch anything from "Favorites" wonders why they are there 14:03
* gnomefreak gets the feeling gnome3 will not make it in 10.1014:16
gnomefreakok off for a bit.14:20
jmfthevciJust upgraded 10.04 > 10.10. Module recompiles fail as /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.34-5-generic/includes/linux has incomplete contents. autoconf.h is missing and version.h does not appear correct.  Anyone else seen this?15:31
jmfthevciUpgrade was othewise OK. No issues. Running on VMware. Re-comple of VMware Tools is failing because of this issue.15:32
jmfthevciIs this worth a bug report or not?15:33
jmfthevciSorted. autoconf.h and utsrelease have been moved to includes/generated. This will mess up VMware and their tools scripts (vmware-config.pl)15:41
jmfthevci(bit of a one-sided conversation that...)15:44
yofelwould be a bug in vmware then IMHO15:45
jmfthevciYup, a bug in vmware but only because the kernel team moved the file? Why? Found the comment in here: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-maverick-misc15:46
jmfthevciThis move might impact various "stand-alone" items that need post-install compilation. Not just VMware15:47
yofeljmfthevci: well, I'm not sure if they did it or the upstream kernel devs did the change, but you can find the kernel team in #ubuntu-kernel if you want to ask them15:50
jmfthevciI'll go ask.15:50
patdk-wkhmm, my vmware just downloaded new tools for linux16:03
bukayooupgraded libgtk2.0-0 didn't fix the flash crashing in chrome..had to downgrade to lucid version to work16:05
jmfthevcipatdk-wk: This is VMware vSphere 4.0 (update1) and all current patches. Says that VMware tools is uptodate for this VM.16:13
patdk-wkthis was vmware workstations16:14
patdk-wkI could check my vshphere16:14
patdk-wkwell, esx16:14
jmfthevcipatdk-wk: I got round the issue. I'm sure someone in VMware will find out soon enough.16:15
patdk-wkya, they normally do, a few weeks after I run into it :)16:15
jmfthevciMy ESX patch is to 27-May-2010 ESXi400-2010050402-BG Updates VMware Tools.16:16
jmfthevciI just thought, as I have the VM handy, that I'd try the upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10. It worked fine, no issues.16:17
jmfthevci(except the subsequent VMware module recompiles)16:17
patdk-wkhmm, this vmwar eworkstation tools update is under 2weeks old16:22
yofelhm, apport doesn't correctly parse the .crash info anymore. I uses the old package version instead of the new one in the 'Package:' field, even though the .crash fine has the correct one16:39
dp_I can't install pidgin under maverick because it depends (at some level) on both gstreamer-plugins-bad and gstream-plugins-good, which can't be installed together16:40
dp_granted, I'm using the maverick ppa for pidgin, but still16:40
yofelgstreamer-plugins is broken here too16:42
dp_ok, so it's not just me?16:44
yofelnope, if I try to update good it wants to remove -bad16:45
dp_ok.  where would I go to look for a bug report?16:45
yofelgst-plugins-good0.10 or gst-plugins-bad0.10 on LP, I'll look myself later once I'm finished upgrading16:47
Ian_Corneany idea when ppa's will support changelogs?16:47
jpdsIan_Corne: #launchpad.16:48
yofelIan_Corne: you mean in aptitude or on LP?16:48
Ian_Cornethanks :)16:48
Ian_Cornei mean in update-manager, so I guess in aptitude?16:49
yofeloh, UM16:49
yofelmvo_: ^16:49
jpdsThat would be considerably harder.16:49
yofelok, upgrade finished... brb16:51
* patdk-wk wonders16:53
patdk-wkusing flashcache on linux, inside vmware16:53
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shishireAlpha 1 is still scheduled for tomorrow?  Will there be an iso?19:32
arandshishire: presumably (there are already !untested! daily isos...)19:39
shishirearand, where would I go to get one of these isos?19:39
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/19:40
shishireah, ty19:40
shishireinc vm install :D  good to be back on the bug hunt19:40
arandBut the A1 iso will probably be *somewhat* more tested, and then again, what is currently the daily, will likely become the A1 iso if no major _major_ issues warrants a resping...19:41
arandshishire: Indeed, stable is boooring!19:42
shishirearand, will I get the A1 from the cdimage.ubunut.com site?  or somewhere else?19:42
arandI think it will crop up under releases.ubuntu.com, sometime tomorrow when it's done19:43
shishireoh goodie :D19:43
arandBut one could always use zsync to just download the delta (if any) if you already have an iso.19:44
* arand wonders how much of a delta lucid-maverick liveCD would be...19:45
stentenarand: About 1/3 of the ISO differs :)19:47
arandHeh "Target 54.6% complete." that's way more than I expected.19:53
stentenheh, guess they changed even more of it yesterday.19:54
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BUGabundoevening everyone23:23
billybigriggerBUGabundo, howdy23:32
BUGabundohey hey bil23:33
hggdhyo BUGabundo23:35
BUGabundoolá hggdh23:36
billybigriggerwhats new in +123:36
arandbillybigrigger: Both rhythmbox and metacity was fixed :)23:51
BUGabundoon nice23:52
BUGabundobut desktop couch still hasn't23:52
BUGabundoand I need to upstream another kmail bug23:52
BUGabundoand no action on my chromium bug :\23:52
BUGabundoanyone seen crimsun?23:52
timboysometimes when I boot my laptop i don't have the option to suspend. What can I check to see why that would be happening?23:56
yofeloh nice, someone broke ffmpeg *-.- /usr/bin/mplayer: relocation error: /usr/bin/mplayer: symbol codec_wav_tags, version LIBAVFORMAT_52 not defined in file libavformat.so.52 with link time reference23:56
arandBUGabundo: When you login on a VT, you get an error with apt and python, could that be related to the "dtcouch thing" and implying that the bug is in python rather?23:57
BUGabundodon't think so23:57

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