
hggdher. TB 3.0 -- why can't I change the server type (IMAP, POP, etc)?00:07
yofelerm, you can, somewhere in the menu when you *create* the account00:08
yofeltook me like 6 attempts until I found it...00:08
hggdh*only* when you create the bloody account?00:09
yofelnot sure, that's the first place I found it, searched for ages and couldn't find it00:10
hggdhin my case I reinstalled TB on Lucid, and it decided all my accounts were imap -- which is soooo wrong00:10
hggdhand I cannot find a place (except in about:config) to change some of them back to POP300:10
Kangaroooone strange bug. cpu showing 100% but nothing else then System monitor doesnt show is using CPU00:31
Kangarooohttp://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot729.php heres proof00:33
arandKangarooo: momitor set to show all processes?00:33
Kangaroooarand: ok all proceses show also apport http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-263.php but why in my proceses theres no apport? usually i see apport in my proceses. also here i dont understand how virtual memory is so much while swap is 0? http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-1107.php swap = 000:37
Kangaroooouh that image wrongly shooted. http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-347.php is showing all00:40
arandKangarooo: Since it not owned by you? Because virtual memory is not swap?00:40
Kangaroooarand: but who else? on this comp theres only one user me. and when apport comes it was allways in my processes. and its already 10min using all cpu.00:41
arandKangarooo: root?00:42
Kangarooobut nothing crashed. actually FF crashed 20 times today but didnt gave apport pop up.00:42
Kangarooohmm arand in root i put this : sudo -i and then put gdb to check xorg for crash. im tryng to reproduce one crash but cant. so gdb has crashed? in var/crash last crash was 1h 30 min ago00:45
Kangaroooops. to reproduce Xorg crash i needed to run gdb as the same user who runs Xorg ?00:46
arandKangarooo: No idea, I don't do gdb much.00:49
Kangaroooi looked when that process started it started 30min ago. apport dont need to go so long00:50
arandKangarooo: Presumably no, and possibly it might be proper to report a bug against it (process ID) if that is possible.00:53
Kangaroooarand: how to ubuntu-bug and the pid ?00:56
arandKangarooo: ubuntu-bug -P ####00:57
arandKangarooo: ps -A | grep apport   will get you the pid   (pidof seems to fail in this case, dunno why)00:58
Kangaroooyes thx working00:58
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stentenCould someone please mark Bug #587136 High, Triaged?01:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 587136 in linux (Ubuntu) "2nd Resume from Suspend results in reboot on Toshiba Satellite U400. Fixed in 2.6.34 Mainline. (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 20)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58713601:44
stentenI doublechecked the Importance with smb from the kernel team.01:45
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stentenIf you get a freeze and then hard reboot, aren't dmesg and Xorg.0.log recorded starting from the reboot, and therefore not relevant for debugging?08:00
ddecatori'm honestly not sure. is this in regards to the bug 587136 you mentioned earlier?08:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 587136 in linux (Ubuntu) "2nd Resume from Suspend results in reboot on Toshiba Satellite U400. Fixed in 2.6.34 Mainline. (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 20)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58713608:04
ddecatorstenten: ^08:06
stentenddecator: No, it's in regards to debugging procedures on the X wiki.08:08
ddecatorstenten: ok. unfortunately i don't have an answer for you there. however, i did see that nobody marked that bug as triaged/high yet. you said you talked to someone on the kernel team aobut the importance, did they say the report had enough information for them to work on a fix? i haven't worked much with kernel bugs, so i'm not sure how much information they need08:09
stentenddecator: Suspend/Resume issues don't really have a good way of generating helpful information in logs. They're all there though. There's a crazy way to store debug info in the RTC, but the OP has good reasons not to try it and I'm at a loss of what other information to ask for.08:13
stentenlet me check the other triaged suspend/resume bugs real quick as a guideline.08:14
ddecatorstenten: ok, well since you talked with them about the importance, i am comfortable setting that, but i'd prefer someone else who is more familiar with kernel bugs to see if it's ready to be marked triaged or not. thanks for all of the great work :)08:14
stentenI was going to suggest that as well. Thanks :).08:15
* stenten will go bug the kernel team about it again later today.08:15
ddecatorhaha, sounds good. i just know the kernel team has a different workflow and they require a lot of info, so i want to make sure it's all there08:16
ddecatoralright, marked it as high08:17
ddecatorno problem :)08:19
BUGabundo_remotetear your eyes out :O09:12
jpdsNo thanks.09:14
=== cwillu_ is now known as cwillu
Paddy_NIHey what is an efficient way of sifting through bugs to see if one that I have in mind is not already reported?11:12
BUGabundo_remotesearch for dupes?11:15
BUGabundo_remoteyou describe your bug and see if it is reported11:15
BUGabundo_remoteand PLEASE don't go look at latest bugs, or else you will believe you also have them all11:15
Paddy_NIBUGabundo_remote, well what I want to report a bug against is the autorun dialogues "open folder" icon11:17
Paddy_NIIts uses the Nautilus seashell logo which is hard for anyone but those in the know to recognise initially as a folder11:17
Paddy_NIthe only other times you see this icon is if you are using one of the stock gtk icon themes or open the about dialogue for nautilus11:18
Paddy_NII see no obvious way of reporting a bug on LP11:19
Paddy_NII must be blind11:19
BUGabundo_remoteyou got me confused now :\11:21
Paddy_NInever mind found the project I think :P11:21
Paddy_NIBUGabundo_remote, Umm.. why am I getting a chromium bug report :P11:22
Paddy_NIthis is what I want https://launchpad.net/umenu11:22
BUGabundo_remotePaddy_NI: it wasn't for you ! :)11:23
Paddy_NIBUGabundo_remote, would this summary cut it "Open folder, Nautilus icon vague"11:23
Paddy_NIOr perhaps "Open folder (Nautilus) icon vague"11:24
xelisterkmail crashes11:24
xelisterALWAYS in 10 seconds since starting it11:24
xelisterthis makes me cry. Years pass, and ubuntu can't provide a non constanlty crashing good GUI email client11:24
BUGabundo_remotexelister: here too. second start works11:26
BUGabundo_remotedo you mind filling upstream with a crash log, and cc me ?11:26
BUGabundo_remotexelister: gdb --args kmail --nofork11:27
Paddy_NIBUGabundo_remote, Is this okay https://bugs.launchpad.net/umenu/+bug/58866611:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 588666 in umenu "Open folder (Nautilus) icon vague (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New]11:27
seb128Paddy_NI, why didn't you open that bug against nautilus?11:28
xelisterIm filling it now11:28
Paddy_NIseb128, its for the autorun dialogue11:28
Paddy_NIseb128, nautilus can keep its branding if it wants11:28
Paddy_NInothing wrong there11:29
xelisterhmm I probably should tell #KDE  what I think about Nepomuku and what it's developers can do <_<11:29
xelisteroh, at least I can join #kde-devel11:29
BUGabundo_remotexelister: #kontact and #kubuntu-devel its your place11:29
seb128Paddy_NI, the dialog is a nautilus one11:30
seb128nautilus does autorun11:30
Paddy_NIseb128, seems not from that project page11:30
seb128what project?11:30
seb128could you make a screenshot of your issue?11:30
Paddy_NIIs there a way to include a screenshot on LP?11:31
Paddy_NIoh dear I filled it in the wrong place11:31
Paddy_NIHow do I remove that bug report or possibly move it11:33
BUGabundo_remotemove it where?11:34
BUGabundo_remoteyou need to reasing11:34
Paddy_NIunder nautilus.. seems seb128 was spot on11:34
Paddy_NIwhere I reported the bug was in completely the wrong place11:35
BUGabundo_remotegive me a sec11:35
Paddy_NII thought it was the autorun prompt that comes up when you insert media in ubuntu, it turns out its the autorun dialogue options launched under windows with the livecd that I reported it under11:36
Paddy_NIfirst bug I have ever tried to file and I make a pigs ear of it11:36
Paddy_NIperhaps I will try cutting peoples hair next11:36
BUGabundo_remoteshould be fine now11:37
Paddy_NIBUGabundo_remote, you're a gent11:37
Paddy_NIand cheers for the double check seb12811:38
Paddy_NInow should I add a screenshot?11:38
BUGabundo_remoteplease do11:39
BUGabundo_remotealso, you may want to file it upstream, if seb128 feels that's better11:40
Paddy_NIah sure thing.. actually I will be right back, need to get some milk :)11:42
Paddy_NII think I am in the wrong place for filing a nautilus upstream bug http://live.gnome.org/Nautilus/Development/Bugs12:12
BUGabundo_remotePaddy_NI: bugs.gnome.org12:21
BUGabundo_remotethen link both12:22
BUGabundo_remotealso, run $ apport-cli 58866612:22
Paddy_NIBUGabundo_remote, Hey thanks12:22
BUGabundo_remotethat will add your system settings to the LP bug12:22
yofelPaddy_NI: generally, if you search for upstreams, start searching here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Upstream ;)12:22
Paddy_NIah LP is in read-only mode12:23
genux_lo.. my nickname is genux << and I was going to go through a bug with micahg at 13:00 UTC.. but I am unable to do it now.. if micahg comes online could someone say thanks and I shall try again later.12:25
bencrisfordgenux_: sure12:32
genux_thanks bencrisford12:33
bencrisfordno problem ;)12:33
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xelistercool, I can't use email on Ubuntu 10.04.12:50
bencrisfordxelister: ?12:53
BUGabundo_remoteits a bit messy in maverick12:53
BUGabundo_remotewas fine in lucid12:53
xelisterBUGabundo_remote: Im talking about lucid12:54
xelister100% reproducable: kmail hangs in first minute after lunching it12:54
bencrisfordxelister: have you reported it as a bug or found an existing bug yet?12:55
xelisterlp is now in maintaince, bencrisford12:55
bencrisfordxelister: oh yeah :/ another 2 hours or something ?12:56
bencrisfordI think I read it on identica12:56
BUGabundo_remotejust go upstream13:01
xompI submitted a bug yesterday that was triaged to php5 (ubuntu). I'm just curious as to how long something like this takes for something like this to fix? I'm having to babysit my webserver to make sure that PHP issue hasn't cropped up again.13:40
xompjust curious :)13:41
aburchxomp: Depending on the type of the bug, the maintainer and the weather it could be fixed in hours, days, weeks, years or never ;)13:43
xompaburch, ok thanks :) I guess I need to find alternative ways to doctor this up or look into switching back to 8.04 where this problem didn't exist heh13:44
EricJxomp: you can always just downgrade php.13:44
EricJProbably easier than switching distro :)13:45
xompEricJ, it's the same php package that was used in 8.04 heh13:45
xompsomeone suggested setting up a cronjob to check if fastcgi was running and if not, start it back up again, I may do that.13:46
aburch*If* downgrading works.  Its neither supported nor will it even work.13:46
aburchs,\., always.,13:46
BUGabundo_remoteEricJ: since php is so intrinscly linked to the web server13:49
BUGabundo_remoteit won't be so easy13:49
BUGabundo_remoteplus, old version might not receive proper updates, and certanely won't, after EOL13:50
BUGabundo_remotexomp: you got services to do that.13:50
xompBUGabundo_remote, I'm afraid I'm so very green to linux that I don't know how or what can do it :(13:51
EricJsysadmin'ing (in a good way) is hard. :|13:52
BUGabundo_remoteI know13:54
BUGabundo_remoteour balancer decided to act up tonight13:54
BUGabundo_remoteso its throwing requests to wrong servers13:54
BUGabundo_remoteand retirning 404s13:54
BUGabundo_remotegor figure13:54
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PiciWhats the proper package or project to file bugs regarding wiki.ubuntu.com against? Its more of a techincal issue than it is a problem with a specific wiki page's content.14:46
xelisterBUGabundo_remote: http://pastebin.ca/187597414:59
xelisterxomp: what problem?15:00
BUGabundo_remoteLoaded symbols for /lib/libnss_dns.so.215:04
BUGabundo_remoteI had that long ago15:04
BUGabundo_remoteit was fixed15:04
BUGabundo_remotePici: ubuntu-website ?15:04
PiciBUGabundo_remote: Maybe.  I've asked in #ubuntu-doc first15:05
jpdsPici: RT.15:06
xompxelister, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/+bug/588506/+activity15:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 588506 in php5 (Ubuntu) "fastcgi daemon failing (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New]15:10
nigelbpedro_: you around?16:43
pedro_nigelb, yeap16:44
nigelbI need some help convincing someone, can join in?16:44
pedro_nigelb, sure, where?16:44
nigelbpedro_: I *tried* to ask vish to take a class about how to report bugs for UUD.  He feels he can't do it. Can join me in encouraging him to go for it?16:44
nigelbUUD = Ubuntu user days16:45
pedro_vish, that's a joke right? ;-)16:45
pedro_vish, you're a core member of the bugsquad and bugcontrol, why you feel you can't do that class?16:46
pedro_vish, we can even publicity those with the current students we have at the mentoring program and ask them to attend your class there ;-)16:47
nigelb+1 :)16:48
pedro_that'd be great, seriously :-)16:48
nigelbvish: Absolutely no reason to get worked about a class.  You don't even have to look at a large hall of people.  Just look into your irc client ;)16:49
pedro_vish, i'm sure a lot of people from the bugsquad will be there to support you :-)16:49
vishoh , oh! i'm away for 5mins and nigelb runs a campaign against me ;p16:55
pedro_vish, to support you i'd say ;-)16:55
nigelbvish: If yu'd like more petitioners, I can get them16:56
vishnigelb: dont make me come and kick ya!16:56
pedro_vish, you're up to do it then? ;-)16:57
pedro_vish, you can kick nigelb after the session :-P16:57
nigelbOnly if you think you can't do it again ;)16:57
cjohnstonwhat are we convincing16:58
vishpedro_: hmm , i cant really type fast or ans Q very qucik :(16:58
nigelbcjohnston: we're convincing vish to take the using launchpad class for uud16:58
vishand have typos , like that :/16:58
cjohnstonvish: write it up before hand16:58
nigelbvish: protip - keep everything written before hand16:58
cjohnstonthen paste it in16:58
pedro_vish, you can always use the old copy & paste method :-)16:58
cjohnstonlunch time16:59
pedro_vish, and someone else can help you to moderate the questions as well16:59
vishnigelb: you a^^&* h#16:59
pedro_see you can type fast :-P16:59
* vish doesnt like denying pedro_ but has to decline this time :(16:59
vishpedro_: sorry :s17:00
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thekornnigelb, when is the next uud?17:34
xelisteroh my god I'm so irritated at Ubuntu Lucid right now... spent many hours on getting kmail to work.. fixed like 2 problems there (and reproted 1 genuine new bug)17:46
xelisterand now again kmail doesnt work17:46
xelister(and when it did worked it worked badly, with address auto-completion bugs)17:46
xelisterso there where like.. 3 bugs in kmail, which I personally hit and they block kmail usage fully17:47
pedro_Folks: QA Meeting in ~3 minutes at #ubuntu-meeting17:57
=== BUGabundo_remote is now known as BUGa_at_GYM
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yofelwhat should I file a bug against if display brightness can't be changed? The hotkeys work and /proc/acpi/video/VID1/LCD0/brightness is properly set, it's just that nothing happens. Kernel or video driver?19:17
arandyofel: I *think* kernel, acpi-related is the correct domain (but they did talk about those things in the X-as-regular-user-sessions I watched from UDS, so I guess I might be wrong...)19:29
yofelI'll file it against the kernel, someone can reassign it later19:39
charlie-tcaAccording to this - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hotkeys/Troubleshooting , it is probably gnome-power-manager19:42
yofelI'm using KDE19:43
charlie-tcaI guess that is not it, then, huh?19:44
yofeland using /proc should work regardless of DE19:44
elopiopedro_: I'm available now.20:00
elopiojust let me know when you are ready.20:00
pedro_elopio, awesome, sorry i was having lunch ;-)20:09
dgtombshey all, could someone set <https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/376793> to Triaged? it's been mainline tested and works in mainline, doesn't work in ubuntu20:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 376793 in linux (Fedora) (and 2 other projects) "HP 2140 Lid Close Not Detected (affects: 16) (heat: 110)" [Unknown,Unknown]20:14
charlie-tcadgtombs: done20:19
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vishhrm , seems we are have a bug day clash! kernel and compiz are both on the same day :S21:05
vishJFo , pedro_  are gonna slug it out ;p21:06
JFohi vish, no problem, the Kernel days are scheduled by me21:07
JFoso I don't generally check to see what is going on the calendar21:07
pedro_there's enough bugs for all of us :-)21:07
JFopedro_, true :-/21:07
JFothat and more21:07
vishaw , no death match , my money was on JFo  ;)21:07
JFohah, nah pedro_ is my friend21:08
* micahg shudders at the idea of triaging either set of bugs21:08
JFowe'd never slug it out :)21:08
bencrisfordmicahg: Earlier genux asked me to tell you he wouldnt be able to go through a bug with you at 13:00 UTC which was scheduled?  I didn't see you online around that time hence why I am only just telling you, sorry!21:08
pedro_JFo, didn't you scheduled the kernel bug days on Tuesday ?21:08
micahgbencrisford: np, overslept :)21:08
JFopedro_, normally yes21:08
bencrisfordmicahg: I wouldnt worry, launchpad was in read only mode anyway :)21:08
JFobut I had to pass on that due to holidays21:09
pedro_JFo, so tomorrow is just an exception?21:09
micahgbencrisford: oh, right21:09
pedro_JFo, ah ok i see :-)21:09
JFothe normal day will be Tuesdays :)21:09
JFosorry for the trouble :)21:09
pedro_JFo, just wondering because the KDE folks are trying to schedule their bug days on Mondays21:09
pedro_no worries ;-)21:09
pedro_just wanted to see which days are still available21:09
JFoyep, Tuesdays are alll miiiiinde ;-)21:10
JFoerr mine that is21:10
micahgpedro_: I'd like to do a Firefox bug day later this summer once I revamp the Wiki docs on how to triage21:10
vishJFo: now that we have your attention , could you update your time available for mentoring: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors , no need to worry about the ordering21:11
pedro_micahg, summer? that's like at the end of the year here!21:11
micahgpedro_: sorry, forgot about the bottom half of the world ;)21:12
micahgpedro_: late july, early august21:12
vishJFo: ogasawara seems to have mentioned you were taking over for kernel bugs21:12
pedro_JFo, the bugsquad mentoring program, leann suggest me to put your name there instead since you're the one in charge of the kernel now ;-)21:12
pedro_JFo, mentoring program = free contributors for kernel bugs triage21:12
pedro_micahg, hehe , that'd be great!, could you add it to the planning page ?21:14
micahgpedro_: link?21:14
pedro_https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/Planning <- micahg21:14
pedro_no need to put the "exact" date for now though21:14
micahgpedro_: done21:16
pedro_micahg, thanks!21:16
JFovish / pedro_ page is updated21:17
vishJFo: thanks21:17
JFonp :)21:17
micahgpedoshould bugsquad be subscribed to UbuntuBugDay pages?21:17
micahgpedro_: ^^21:17
pedro_JFo, thank you!21:18
JFomy pleasure :)21:18
pedro_micahg, ugh to some maybe, but not to all the UbuntuBugDay/* since lot of changes are coming during bug days21:18
micahgpedro_: k, hggdh can set that up for whichever pages you think should be subscribed21:19
pedro_hggdh, may you subscribe the bugsquad there?21:19
pedro_hggdh, UbuntuBugDay, UbuntuBugDay/Planning and UbuntuBugDay/Organizing would be nice to have the bugsquad subscribed , please ;-)21:20
pedro_omg banshee is so slow for doing searches...21:20
hggdhpedro_, micahg K, looking into it21:21
vishthekorn: hi ,  the "by day european time" , would be 09:00 - 21:00 UTC or.. any specific time?21:23
vish*time available for mentoring: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors21:24
pedro_thank you hggdh!21:24
hggdhpedro_: UbuntuBugDay/* instead of ./Planning and ./Organising is OK?21:25
pedro_hggdh, the other way around21:26
micahghggdh: otherwise we get all the bugday individual updates21:26
pedro_hggdh, Muito obrigado!21:28
charlie-tcapedro_: brain dump here! Are we supposed to set a time limit on mentees when approving them?21:29
pedro_charlie-tca, i'm approving them with a 3 months limit, does that sounds ok to you or it's too short/long ?21:31
pedro_hggdh, vish ^21:31
charlie-tcaSounds good to me. I will do that21:32
vishyup , sounds good21:32
pedro_charlie-tca, seems we can configure that to be the default on the launchpad team page, i'll look to it21:32
charlie-tcaGreat! I have appoved a few in this week, just trying to catch the new ones as they sign up21:33
hggdhsounds good21:34
hggdhpedro_: de nada21:35
hggdhnow, if I can only stop the wiki from logging me in automagically :-(21:35
micahghggdh: log out?21:36
hggdhmicahg: yes, but when you log back in, it goes straight into the user you were logged in under (all hail OpenId), and does not allow me to specify the user21:36
vishcrimsun: maco: could you update/add your time to the mentors wiki : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors21:37
vishmaco: is desperadopaul still being mentored? there seems to be no lp activity from the user21:37
macovish: no. i was asked to be his mentor but he never sent me any questions or anything, just kinda disappeared21:38
vishmaco: ok , we can remove him for now.. and assign new mentees soonish21:39
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arandI would consider Bug #574287 quite serious, is it correctly reported against tasksel? Is there any more steps that I could take towards polishing the report?21:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 574287 in tasksel (Ubuntu) "tasksel uninstalled my system! (affects: 2) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57428721:53
thekornvish, hey, yes, that's ok22:04
vishthekorn: ok , so i'll just add it as 09:00 -21:00 , wil be easier to keep track , thnks :)22:04
thekorngreat, thank you22:05
hggdharand: I agree...23:07
arandhggdh: So tasksel is at least correct?23:07
hggdharand: sounds like it. You might try to run 'sudo tasksel --test remove <whatever>', and add the output in the bug23:09
arandhggdh: Should I try to take it upstream? (I tried briefly on debian before but I did not see the issue, so it may be related to the fact that we've got the ubuntu-desktop task installed by default... maybe)23:09
hggdharand: if you tried on a pure Debian, add a comment stating it, and what Debian version (and tasksel version) you were running23:10
hggdhthis is good data23:10
hggdharand: and *may* pin it to an Ubuntu-specific change23:10
arandhggdh: The --test does not tell much, only: "debconf-apt-progress -- apt-get -q -y install libwrap0- tcpd- openssh-server."23:13
hggdharand: this is for a tasksel remove?23:17
arandStill if run without --test. it did this: http://pastebin.com/UUWQvkBD23:17
arandhggdh: ↑ This was for "sudo tasksel remove openssh-server" on a ubuntu-desktop where I previously had installed openssh-server23:18
hggdharand: please add this (and the pastebin output to the bug. It is clear, then... ;-)23:19
arandhggdh: but does this indicate the bug in apt, rather?23:20
hggdharand: it *might*. Or, perhaps, dpkg. I do not know the internals of tasksel, but I would expect it to use either one23:21
hggdhbut, OTOH, if you run 'sudo apt-get remove openssh-server', only openssh-server gets removed23:21
arandhggdh: Yes, but if you run apt-get remove openssh-server^   (with caret) it uses tasks, and goes horribly wrong as well, iirc23:25
hggdharand: you might add a task for apt, then. I do not know, though, if tasksel and apt use the same package sets23:27
zusgood evening everyone23:51
BUGabundozus: o/23:51
BUGabundowhat can we do for you tonight?23:52
zusi was saying hello,23:52
BUGabundothen a top of the evening for you too zus23:54
* zus nods23:55
zusaye thank you23:55

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