
JanCthey also have an IRC channel: #omg!ubuntu!00:05
czajkowskiblog post on the masters students doing their thesis on Ubutnu community http://www.lczajkowski.com/2010/06/01/the-motivational-drivers-and-barriers-of-volunteers-in-open-source-communities/00:24
nhandlerakgraner: That is the real issue imo. Why are people choosing to send these tips to OMG instead of to the news team?00:46
akgranernhandler, nods00:48
akgranerbbiab and we can brainstorm that00:48
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
dholbachgood morning07:38
ddecatormorning dholbach07:40
dholbachhi ddecator07:40
dholbachhola dpm!07:43
dpmhey dholbach!07:43
dpmgood morning everyone07:43
aragood morning dholbach, dpm!07:44
dholbachhey ara07:45
dpmbuenos días ara!07:45
aramorning ddecator07:45
dholbachhow are you all doing?07:45
ddecatormorning ara07:45
dholbachI think I'm not quite awake yet… I just tried to make coffee and forgot to put in the actual coffee08:23
ddecatoroh no, just thinking about going to grab coffee and being greeted with water makes me sad08:24
dholbachddecator: that's very much what happened :)08:25
ddecatordholbach: you know it's gonna be a long day when you need to drink coffee in order to be able to make coffee ;)08:26
ddecatorheya czajkowski08:35
dholbachhey czajkowski08:39
randa_morning czajkowski09:24
dholbachhola randa_09:32
dpmdholbach, thanks for fixing those two translations blueprints, I had not noticed the "Work items:" part was missing!10:19
dholbachdpm: I got a mail about it :)10:20
dpmdholbach, wait a sec, that means I've now got more things to do! Forget about the thanking part! :P10:20
dholbachand the chart will explode again10:21
dpmanyway, here's a nice review I've just caught on a tweet: http://voices.washingtonpost.com/fasterforward/2010/05/ubuntu_linux_1004_review.html10:36
nigelbabumorning EU! ;)10:43
highvoltagemorning nigelbabu :)10:46
nigelbabuhighvoltage: more like evening for me already10:46
highvoltagewell good evening to you then!10:47
nigelbabuhehe :)10:47
bencrisfordevening nigelbabu :)11:30
nigelbabuheya bencrisford :)11:30
bencrisfordis it really evening there?  I'm still eating my breakfast :S11:30
bencrisfordwell I was, until my cat decided to steal it11:31
nigelbabubencrisford: just to prove the point, I'll paste what you just typed11:53
nigelbabu(04:00:50  IST) bencrisford: is it really evening there?  I'm still eating my breakfast :S11:53
* popey hugs date -u11:54
bencrisfordnigelbabu: wow :):11:59
bencrisford(11:30:50) bencrisford: is it really evening there?  I'm still eating my breakfast :S11:59
bencrisfordpopey: :D lol11:59
nigelbabubencrisford: ah, its vacation for you.12:00
bencrisfordyeah :) not /that/ early12:00
bencrisfordim just lazy *yawn*12:00
nigelbabujussi: whats the bot devel channel again?12:09
jussinigelbabu: which one?=12:09
jussi#ubuntu-bots-team or #ubuntu-bots-devel ?12:09
nigelbabujussi: err, where you folks will be helping those who want to develop bots12:09
nigelbabujussi: thanks12:10
jussiteam is for those who want it in their channel or general management12:10
dholbachjcastro, dpm: I think we should restart the work items script again13:17
dholbachor at least restart "the line"13:17
dpmdholbach, most definitely, yes. Even if we could restart the time axis to the first bump in new actions, that'd be an improvement13:19
dholbachgenerally I think we're doing great, given the time we're into the release13:20
nigelbabu1also, in case someone forgot, this cycle is shorter ;)13:21
dholbachI think I'd always make the script draw the line from [0,number-of-work-items] → [end-of-cycle,0]13:21
dholbachso have a semi-fixed line that doesn't need to be restarted13:21
jcastrodholbach: sounds good to me13:24
dpmdholbach, yeah, that sounds good to me too, so basically restart the line, as you were saying13:25
dholbachdpm: I'll file a bug once LP is back13:26
dholbachdpm: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-work-items-tracker/+bug/58869513:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 588695 in launchpad-work-items-tracker ""Fix" burn-down line in graph (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]13:55
dpmdholbach, subscribed, thanks!13:56
czajkowskijussi: darling are you around14:22
jussiczajkowski: vaguely14:28
czajkowskijussi: dont sound so worried14:28
jussio/ highvoltage14:41
highvoltagehow are things jussi?14:41
jussihighvoltage: Im somewhat tired, but going ok.14:42
dholbachjcastro, dpm: call in 11m?15:49
dpmdholbach, jcastro, I guess so15:49
dpmwe've no agenda yet, though15:49
czajkowskiwaffle waffle waffle blueprints! waffle waffle action items :)15:52
dpmwaffle waffle blueprint spam!15:52
dholbachwaffle blueprint stalkers waffle waffle waffle15:53
czajkowskiwaffle waffle add action items to dholbach make everyone happy15:53
dpmalthough I've heard the wiki stalkers are the worst15:53
dholbachworrying, really15:53
dholbachhola jono15:55
jonohey all!15:55
jonohey dholbach15:55
czajkowskijono: peeka boo15:55
jonohey czajkowski15:56
czajkowskijono: was educating my dad today on shotofjaq listened to the physical device episode, he found it interesting, he loves his usb sticks and carries god knows how many and none of them boot to an OS15:57
jussiin case it hasnt got to you all yet, this is really awesome! :D  http://is.gd/czIRI15:58
czajkowskijono: not really he doesnt think this booting from usb will ever last15:58
czajkowskiwe have loud debtes15:58
jonodpm, jcastro, dholbach team call in a min?15:59
dholbachjono: dpm and I are chatting already - we're almost done with the call15:59
jcastroI need a minute!16:00
jcastrorunning late, sorry!16:00
jonono worries, lets start in a few mins16:00
jcastrook all set16:02
jonodpm, dholbach you guys ready?16:03
dpmjono, we're done with the call, we've already fixed the world16:04
dholbachjono: we're all there, waiting for you16:04
jonodholbach, ahhh ok16:04
dholbachdpm: pitti invalidated the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/588695 :-(16:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 588695 in launchpad-work-items-tracker ""Fix" burn-down line in graph (affects: 2) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,Invalid]16:05
jcastronow we are behind!16:06
dpmdholbach, let me comment on the bug16:06
dholbachdpm: it seems like we could reset the line ourselves though16:07
* dholbach shrugs16:07
dpmyeah, on the cfg file16:07
dholbachI have no idea where to do it, on people.c.c?16:07
dholbachlet's talk about it in the call16:07
dholbachonce Mr Metal turns up :)16:07
dpmok, sounds good16:07
cjohnstonjono, don't know if you saw the email I sent you a few days ago.. We have decided to postpone User Days, so don't worry about a blog post. :-)16:21
nigelbdholbach: Mr. metal = jono?16:23
dholbachnigelb: of course :)16:24
jonodholbach, jcastro, dpm https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PostReleaseApps/Process16:30
dholbachjono: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/CodeReviews16:35
dholbachjono: has a check list16:35
jonodholbach, dpm, jcastro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperStackTour16:37
jcastrodholbach: if you cheat and make it go higher I won't complain! :p16:57
dpmyeah it looked more like a 400 in the graph to me17:00
* dholbach calls it a day17:01
dholbachsee you guys tomorrow!17:01
* dholbach hugs you all17:01
dpmsee you all tomorrow as well, need to leave punctual today17:02
dpmsee you!17:02
jcastrojono: http://bit.ly/dhug0o18:08
jcastrojono: that is GOLD ^18:08
jonojcastro, comedy!18:12
jonovideocast in 30 at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/at-home-with-jono-bacon18:35
jonodo tweet :)18:35
cjohnstonDid you tweet it already jono? if so I'll just RT18:35
jonoI did18:35
cjohnstonboo for 140 chars18:37
arajussi, hello18:44
jussihi ara18:44
arahey jussi, do you know how long would it take to have a meeting bot in #ubuntu-quality ?18:45
jussiara: not sure, you need to grab daviey or AlanBell18:46
jussiif they are active, fairly shortly. if not...18:46
AlanBelldaviey is the one to grab18:46
jussiAlanBell: ahh, thanks18:46
AlanBellara: daviey will be about later, in #ubuntu-uk and #ubuntu-uk-meeting18:47
araAlanBell, later, when exactly?18:48
AlanBell20:00 utc we have a meeting, 2hrs 10 minutes from now18:48
AlanBellara: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NorthCarolinaTeam/Mootbot-UKHowTo18:51
araAlanBell, thanks!18:52
jonohey cjohnston :)20:35
jonojcastro, can you send me those messaging menu links?20:35
cjohnstonjono: do you want to try to schedule a little time next week to talk about u.c/community?20:36
jonocjohnston, sounds good20:37
jonocjohnston, mon at 3.30pm Pacific?20:37
jonocjohnston, actually20:37
jonoTues at 3pm PAcific?20:38
cjohnstonI can't do monday or thursday20:38
cjohnstonworks for me20:38
AlanBellafaict there is no longer anything on www.ubuntu.com about the Ubuntu Membership thing20:38
jcastrojono: links?20:44
jcastrojono: https://lists.launchpad.net/ayatana/msg02634.html20:45
jonojcastro, you said you would mail me links to all the apps that are using the messaging menu20:46
jcastrohttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MessagingMenu/Applications <-- new spot20:47
jcastrosorry I don't remember the mailing part.20:47
jcastrojono: a more jonoized version of my post to ayatana would do the trick20:48
* jcastro invents a word20:48
AlanBellword of the day . . ah never mind20:49
jonocjohnston, lol20:49
jcastrorally the troops20:49
jcastroform the line!20:49
jonojcastro, consider it done :)20:49
Technovikingcrap, the Fedora folks just invent the word dejonoized :)21:15
akgranerjono, jcastro , - dev week, app dev week, and open week added to the Fridge Calendar21:25
jcastroakgraner: please stop working when you are hurt!21:27
jcastroI will get jussi to ban you from irc!21:27
akgranerjcastro, ok :-/  I don't want a ban :-)21:29
jonothanks akgraner :)21:36
JFodude, she'll keep working... she just won't say anything22:06
PendulumJFo: so do you have a better way to get her to stop?22:29
JFoPendulum, not really22:30
JFoalthough I do give her a constant line of grief about it22:30
PendulumJFo: you're not the only one :)22:30
JFoI confiscated her laptop one evening and she didn't get it back until the next day. 'round lunch22:30
JFothat worked for a bit22:31
PendulumI think she just needs more of the good pain meds that also knock her out22:31
JFoor give pete a rubber mallet22:41

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