
rickspencer3typo, either00:00
TheMusowoki, I like it.00:00
TheMusoNot far off a wookie.00:00
RAOF“Please update the wookie”.  Got a ring to it.00:01
rickspencer3RAOF, TheMuso, robert_ancell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2010-06-0100:04
rickspencer3go ahead and read it over00:04
* TheMuso reads the wookie... um I mean wiki page. :)00:05
rickspencer3and robert_ancell in case you forgot your activity report, not would be a good time00:05
* TheMuso can't stop laughing.00:05
TheMusonot much there.00:06
rickspencer3TheMuso, right, it was a 20 minute meeting00:06
* TheMuso is done00:07
rickspencer3RAOF, robert_ancell ?00:08
RAOFMy connectivity seems less than wonderful.  Sorry if I lag behind.00:09
robert_ancellRAOF, yeah, I'm getting stalled connections too00:10
rickspencer3ok, so real quick from the meeting00:10
rickspencer3key thing is that we need to start DONEing or POSTPONEDing work items00:10
rickspencer3for A200:10
rickspencer3if you have some done, please mark them as such00:11
* rickspencer3 whip cracking noises00:11
rickspencer3ok, there was one thing not on the agenda that I thought would be useful to bring up here00:11
rickspencer3TheMuso, so did I read that dchen has really and truly stopped maintain audio for Ubuntu?00:12
TheMusorickspencer3: His involvement will decrease once this extra work that he is doing starts. Don't know any more than that myself.00:12
rickspencer3TheMuso, so we need to plan to fill that gap, right?00:13
TheMusorickspencer3: Right, and such a plan was started at UDS.00:13
rickspencer3I see00:13
rickspencer3is there a link or such?00:13
rickspencer3do you have the resources that you need?00:14
TheMusorickspencer3: In the form of Daniel having a session with a few people including myself to do a brain dump of common things that need to be done in terms of getting hda hardware to work.00:14
rickspencer3TheMuso, and are you planning to do that work?00:14
TheMusorickspencer3: resources wise, I really can't say at this point, depends on how many people from the above referred session end up jumping abord to help. I have received one request already to help out, which is good00:14
TheMusorickspencer3: Where I can, and feel comfortable doing so, yes.00:15
rickspencer3I'd feel better if I knew that there was one person on point to make sure that audio keeps getting better00:15
TheMusoUserspace wise, I am committed to doing that. Kernel wise, not sure.00:16
rickspencer3ok, that makes sense00:17
rickspencer3I'll ask the kernel team who is on point there00:17
rickspencer3RAOF, TheMuso, robert_ancell any other business?00:17
TheMusorickspencer3: Brad Figg has been doing audio related stuff from the kernel team00:17
RAOFNo other business here.00:18
rickspencer3TheMuso, ack on bjf, but I'm not sure if he's still on point for desktop in 10.1000:18
TheMusorickspencer3: Gotcha.00:18
* rickspencer3 taps gavel00:19
rickspencer3robert_ancell, thought you might be interested that jono is starting to pull together content for developer.ubuntu.com00:19
bjfrickspencer3, TheMuso, still on point, however, i'm also charged with doing SRU work this cycle00:19
rickspencer3bjf, ack00:20
TheMusobjf: Ok00:20
robert_ancellrickspencer3, oh, cool.00:20
rickspencer3I think jono asked for a drupal instance at developer.ubuntu.com00:21
rickspencer3doesn't seem to be there yet00:21
jonorickspencer3, it will be Wordpress00:21
jonocurrently talking it over with IS00:21
rickspencer3Wordpress then00:21
robert_ancellbratsche, you awake?00:23
bratscherobert_ancell, yeah00:31
robert_ancellbug 584287, happy to apply and take it upstream but why is the patch correct?00:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 584287 in metacity (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Unexpected X error (BadDrawable) causing metacity to abort in maverick (affects: 8) (dups: 1) (heat: 64)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58428700:33
robert_ancellbratsche, ^00:33
bratscherobert_ancell: It's expecting an RGB colormap, and gdk_screen_get_default_colormap() isn't guaranteed to return that.  It should use get_rgb_colormap() or get_system_colormap().00:34
robert_ancellbratsche, ok, thanks00:34
robert_ancellthe documentation on what get_system and get_default does is very basic00:35
bratscherobert_ancell: This will not have any negative effect even without the rgba/csd patches applied to gtk+.00:35
bratscherobert_ancell: Yeah.. gtk+ right now does return an rgb colormap normally with get_default_colormap(), although it's possible to change that at runtime.  But with the csd/rgba patch I'm pushing into gtk+ it will return an rgba colormap by default.00:36
robert_ancellbratsche, so what is the difference between get_rgb and get_system?  Does get_rgb convert the system colormap if it is not in rgb?00:36
bratscherobert_ancell: To be honest, I'm not sure of the practical difference between them.  Maybe we should use get_rgb_colormap().. get_system_colormap() will return whatever Xorg is configured to.00:37
bratscheTo change the colormap to rgba by default we don't want to do this at the Xorg level though (which would then require no change in gtk+) because some apps probably erroneously try to draw black with 000.00:39
bratscheThat's the reason for modifying it from the toolkit level.00:39
bratscherobert_ancell: Actually, I just confirmed in the gtk+ patch.. you should use gdk_screen_get_system_colormap() and not get_rgb_colormap().00:41
bratscheThat's what gtk+ was setting the default colormap to before.00:41
bratscherobert_ancell: And also, thanks very much for taking care of this!00:42
robert_ancellbratsche, np00:42
RAOFOwch.  Shotwell really chews through memory when importing.00:47
LaserJockhmm, I thought somebody (rickspencer maybe) was saying that it hardly used any01:19
RAOFWell, it was consuming 1.2GiB physical here and I wanted my system back.01:21
LaserJockshesh, that's a lot01:22
lifelessRAOF: wheee01:22
rickspencer3LaserJock, I have no idea how much it uses when importing01:22
RAOFOn the plus side, it now has minimal support for RAW formats.01:23
rickspencer3sounds like basically "whatever you've got"01:23
rickspencer3RAOF, is it worth logging a bug on that?01:23
RAOFAt least, as long as it's reproducible.  I'll give it another whirl.01:24
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
robert_ancellRAOF, bug 510426 - do you have any idea which binary package the Everything and GIMarshallingTests modules should go?  I added them to the glib packages, after reading your bug report don't know if they should go into the -dev package04:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 510426 in gobject-introspection (Debian) (and 1 other project) "Everything-1.0.typelib not built in libgirepository1.0-dev (affects: 1) (heat: 4)" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51042604:26
robert_ancellTheMuso, can you sponsor metacity for me?04:28
TheMusorobert_ancell: Sure. Does it have a fix that we need for alpha 1?04:28
robert_ancellTheMuso, I think so, it's a crasher due to interaction with CSD, and the patch is very simple (and already been tested)04:29
TheMusoah ok.04:29
TheMusowill go ahead and take care of it.04:29
robert_ancellit's in bzr04:30
TheMusoyep gotcha04:30
TheMusorobert_ancell: uploaded04:48
robert_ancellTheMuso, thanks04:51
robert_ancellbratsche, ^^04:51
RAOFrobert_ancell: I'd probably stick it in the -dev package, as per patch on the linked Debian bug.  Everything is only used in testsuites AFAICT, so -dev makes sense there.  Less certain about GIMarshallingTests, but the same logic probably applies.05:16
robert_ancellRAOF, there is a versioning issue putting libraries in -dev though05:17
RAOFI don't quite see how - if they're only used in testsuites, then they're basically only really used at build time, and we don't version the -dev package.05:18
robert_ancellRAOF, yeah, I guess we need to know if they're only used for testsuites (probably).  My gut feel is they'll disappear once GI stabilises05:20
RAOFWell, they're obviously not used for anything but testsuites in the archive at the moment :)05:21
robert_ancellpygi is the only thing I know of :) but that's not in the archive yet05:22
pittiGood morning05:23
ccheneyugh OOo 3.2.1 rules merge is particularly ugly, have to be careful not to screw it up :-\05:42
jonoccheney, good luck!05:43
BalSakhi guys. does anyone know how to address ubuntu's frequent lock-up's?05:47
ccheneybzr merge is not my friend, heh05:47
ccheneyBalSak: do a memory test05:48
BalSak...not only FireFox (although it happens most frequently in FF, since it's the single app I use the most)05:48
ccheneyBalSak: if its frequently hanging and not coming back its probably hardware05:48
BalSakccheney: memtest @ boot? will do, but it happens on many of my systems05:48
ccheneyBalSak: oh hmm05:49
BalSak ccheney: it's only single apps that hang (& grey out), and then come back after a stretch. quite random05:49
BalSakvery frustrating05:49
ccheneyBalSak: hmm maybe ask in the user channel or forum with details about your system05:49
BalSak#ubuntu ?05:50
BalSakloads of noise &  this seems the appropriate channel to deal with desktop-related issues...05:51
TheMusoThis channel is used for desktop development.05:54
BalSakdev. ok. thnx06:01
* ccheney gone to bed, will fight with bzr merge in the morning06:03
dupondjerobert_ancell: thx for the patch of metacity :)06:30
robert_ancelldupondje, np06:32
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
didrocksgood morning08:12
didrocksRAOF: hey, my computer is a world of pain this morning, is there a way to install the nvidia blob driver on maverick?08:13
RAOFdidrocks: The one from jockey worked last time I checked.08:14
pittibonjour didrocks08:14
didrocksRAOF: wasn't the case two weeks ago. I'm trying it now (current?)08:15
didrocksGuten Morgen pitti08:16
didrockssweet, jockey list me anything anymore (but well, as I had to install the nvidia driver manually, can be related)08:16
RAOFOh!  I know what your problem is going to be - metacity has decided to die, right?08:17
didrocksRAOF: right, no more metacity because of csd/rgba I guess (and no compiz/mutter as no more GL with my last update).08:18
didrocksjust a tty with weechat ;)08:20
didrocksbut I don't see how this can influence jockey-gtk to not show the nvidia driver08:20
pittididrocks: is that a fresh install?08:20
pittididrocks: also, is nvidia-current-modaliases installed?08:20
didrockspitti: definitively not a fresh install at all :)08:22
didrockspitti: let me check08:23
didrockspitti: not installed, let me try this08:24
pittididrocks: hm, it's installed by default08:24
seb128hello didrocks pitti08:25
robert_ancelldidrocks, RAOF: I just uploaded a fix for metacity08:25
didrockspitti: I guess a dist-upgrade can have broken it, but as I wasn't able to launch08:25
didrockss/launch/use the nvidia integrated driver 2 weeks before, can be related to that08:25
didrockssalut seb12808:26
didrocksrobert_ancell: sweet! I'll try as soon as I get it08:26
pittibonjour seb12808:28
seb128pitti, hey, how are you?08:28
pittiwell enough :) we just got the first maverick alpha-1 desktop images08:28
didrocksrebooting, brb08:28
pittinow with non-crashing kernel :)08:28
pittihappy testing08:28
seb128pitti, you decided that sleep was overrated it seems? ;-)08:28
pittiah, I'm getting used to 6 AM :)08:29
robert_ancellseb128, do you have any thoughts on gobject-introspection? (see email)08:29
seb128robert_ancell, let me check emails08:29
didrocksrobert_ancell: your metacity fix works, thanks :)08:32
robert_ancelldidrocks, i just pushed the patch :)08:32
seb128robert_ancell, the changes you did are fine with me for upload08:33
didrockspitti: well, for jockey-gtk, still listing anything, but again, my install is crap from karmic. So, I think it's a local issue and will reinstall with the alpha1 image this week-end08:33
pittididrocks: we just got fresh alpha-1 desktop images, feel free to use those :)08:33
didrockspitti: ok, will do it once the "morning tasks" are done :)08:34
seb128robert_ancell, did you get pygi working with those?08:34
RAOFfor my part, it seems like the nvidia-current drivers work fine.08:34
robert_ancellseb128, RAOF suggested they should  be in -dev (and that is what the Debian bug is proposing)08:34
seb128robert_ancell, do we need pygobject rebuilt with it?08:34
seb128robert_ancell, ok, can do that08:34
robert_ancellseb128, only if we want pygobject to use pygi as a backend (I believe)08:34
seb128pitti, yes I can confirm the hang is due to udisks, see stacktrace on the bug report08:34
pittiseb128: ah, thanks08:35
robert_ancellI got a PyGI GTK+ demo app working, doesn't need the pygobject recompile08:35
seb128oh, nice08:35
seb128is there good documentation?08:35
didrocksRAOF: can be more than possible, but as I had to install during the lucid dev cycle (before alpha3 I guess) and at the beginning of this cycle manually the nvidia one, I don't trust at all my setup :)08:35
robert_ancellseb128, nope, I just guessed and used what I knew from the C API.  I'm going to blog a little demo to get people started when it hits maverick08:35
seb128you consider it ready for sponsoring?08:36
seb128could you push to a non junk location if that's the case?08:36
robert_ancellseb128, I'm just changing it from pygi1 to pygi0, will push08:37
robert_ancell(I think that's the correct name right?08:37
seb128pitti, gnome-session starts without issue it's just gnome-panel and nautilus hanging08:37
seb128pitti, "just" which leads you on an empty background08:37
seb128I can switch workspaces though08:37
seb128the login sound is played as well08:37
seb128robert_ancell, I didn't check the packaging yet so I can't tell08:37
pittiseb128: ok, let me check something in udisks08:39
pittiseb128: for now, please feel free to reassign to udisks08:39
pitti(still need to fiddle release bits in parallel)08:40
seb128pitti, ok, sorry for the lag to provide infos on the bug but I don't have the box at home so not access to it during the day08:44
pittiseb128: np08:44
seb128I often can access it in evenings though08:44
robert_ancellseb128, no, the packaging needs some work.  I'll do it tomorrow.  gtg08:45
robert_ancellseb128, if you could get gobject-introspection done that would speed it up, thanks!08:46
seb128robert_ancell, ok, see you08:46
seb128will do08:46
RAOFHm.  Who's able to view bug #585871 , and why can't I?08:47
ubot2RAOF: Bug 585871 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/585871 is private08:47
seb128RAOF, I can't08:50
seb128pitti, if jdong ack a sru bug is some ubuntu-archive members supposed to accept it still?08:50
seb128bug #55324108:50
pittiseb128: they can, yes08:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 553241 in papyon (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 2 other projects) "No contacts displayed in Empathy, still able to chat (affects: 3) (heat: 18)" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55324108:50
seb128bug #27329408:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 273294 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 6 other projects) "Rhythmbox can not use smb:// as library location (affects: 28) (dups: 8) (heat: 230)" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27329408:51
seb128pitti, he acked those08:51
pittiRAOF: I can't as either pitti or apport, sorry08:51
seb128pitti, if you could run your sru-accept on those or whatever script you use which does the stock comment etc08:51
pittiseb128: can do08:51
seb128pitti, danke08:51
seb128pitti, if you teach me what you do I can do that myself next time ;-)08:51
pittiseb128: let's08:52
seb128or should I let that to the sru team?08:52
pittifirst, open https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+queue?queue_state=108:52
pittiseb128: no, it's fine for you to do08:52
pittirhythmbox is in there08:52
pitti2. check http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html08:52
pittiseb128: is there an RB already in -proposed?08:52
pittiseb128: I give instructions, you run them?08:53
seb128pitti, ok08:53
seb128I've papyon open right now so doing that one first08:53
pittiok, fine08:53
pittiseb128: make sure your ubuntu-archive-tools checkout is up to date, I updated queuediff yesterday08:54
pittito work with the shiny new queue diffs generated by LP08:54
pittiseb128: (tell me whey you updated branch and checked pending-sru for already existing SRUs for those packages)08:55
seb128pitti, I'm checking something, the diff on the queue seems weird08:56
pittiseb128: that'd be the next step actually :)08:56
pittiqueuediff -b papyon |less08:56
pitti- find the papyon upload in lucid-proposed08:56
pitti- parse out the bugs and open them in the browser08:56
pitti- show the uploaded debdiff to stdout08:56
pittiyou need to check debdiff and bugs for sanity08:57
pittibugs need to have a lucid task and a reasonable description08:57
seb128pitti, ok sorry, so I've an updated checkout, trying that08:58
seb128pitti, ok so I reviewed the diff using queuediff, checked pending-sru08:59
* mvo hugs slomo for the #584114 upload08:59
seb128there is no papyon in the current proposed and the diff is correct08:59
pittiseb128: queuediff will print an appropriate sru-accept command08:59
pittiseb128: so if everything is alright, first accept the upload from the queue08:59
* desrt hugs mvo for no reason at all08:59
pittiseb128: and if that worked, run the sru-accept command09:00
pittiseb128: that's it09:00
* mvo hugs desrt back because he is desrt09:00
* pitti hugs desrt and mvo for rocking09:00
* mvo wonders if bzr merge should have a alias "bzr hug"09:00
seb128pitti, ok, easy, thanks09:00
pittiseb128: queuediff and sru-accept.py handle all the boring details :)09:00
desrtpitti: :)09:00
seb128pitti, ok, fail09:01
mvopitti: heh :) hugfest!09:01
seb128" Sorry, you don't have permission to access this page. "09:01
seb128pitti, ^ I get that when I tried to accept something, can you try on rhythmbox if it works for you?09:01
pittiseb128: ah, LP sometimes does that for packages you uploaded yourself or so09:01
pittiseb128: you can use q -s lucid-proposed -Q unapproved accept09:02
pittiseb128: rb accepted09:02
seb128pitti, ok thanks09:02
seb128pitti, can you sru-accept it as well?09:02
seb128I will do papyon sshing the box09:02
pittiseb128: you don't have the sru-accept command?09:04
pittiI didn't run queuediff09:04
seb128pitti, ok, will do it09:04
pittiseb128: if not, what's the bug number? (.changes is already gone)09:04
seb128pitti, I've access but since you accepted it I figured you maybe wanted to run it as well09:04
pittiseb128: nah, that's fine09:04
seb128pitti, 27329409:04
seb128it's running for papyon right now09:05
mvopitti: have you seen a bt like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/443208/ in apport? is that a known issue?09:05
pittijust run it yourself, that's fine09:05
pittiseb128: you can run them in parallel, too09:05
seb128pitti, ok thanks09:05
seb128that worked \o/09:05
seb128pitti, danke09:05
pittimvo: hm, it should try both the one and two arg form09:05
* pitti hugs seb12809:06
* seb128 hugs pitti09:06
pittimvo: what did you select?09:06
mvopitti: happens on a lucid system, I have not tried to reproduce yet. he selected "don't know"09:06
mvopitti: just got a mail from a friend of mine about problems with umounting usb-devices09:06
pittimvo: so, that happens if the linux package hook errors with a genuine TypeError exception09:07
mvopitti: it may well be some package that he has installed that keep it busy, so the problem itself may not be a real bug as such (but I'm not sure yet)09:07
pittimvo: it just looks confusing09:07
mvoaha, so its not a error at all?09:07
pittimvo: well, it's a bug in the source_linux.py hook09:07
pittimvo: I fixed one instance of that in 1.13.2-0ubuntu109:08
pittibut that's way before lucid09:08
pittimvo: running ubuntu-bug linux might help09:08
seb128pitti, ok, so I'm a bit hesitant what to do with bug #57928109:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 579281 in telepathy-butterfly (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "http method for msn protocoll does not work when behind a proxy (affects: 2) (heat: 20)" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57928109:08
mvothanks pitti09:08
pittimvo: i. e. help to see the real exception09:09
seb128pitti, I've the feeling I will not get a verification-done on it09:09
* mvo tries to reproduce09:09
seb128pitti, but the update is mainly no change if you don't install python-proxy from universe09:09
seb128pitti, and I did it to allow people who need to proxy to get it and to enable updates to newer versions which have fixes as well09:10
pittiseb128: can we at least test that MSN still works without a proxy?09:10
seb128pitti, yes, would that be enough for you?09:10
pittimy biggest concern is about regressions09:10
seb128pitti, I will try to get some acks that it doesn't break anything09:10
pittiif the bug isn't fixed, or fully fixed, we can do another SRU09:10
seb128ok good09:10
pittibut we mustn't break existing working stuff09:10
seb128right, agreed09:10
seb128as said I doubt it breaks anything but it seems like I will not get a verification-done for the bug I picked to list in the changelog09:11
seb128I will get some people to ack it's still working09:11
pittiseb128: ok, I see one open() call in udisks-daemon which could potentially be responsible for this09:59
pittiseb128: I'll try a patch and upload it to a PPA for testing09:59
seb128pitti, ok, I can test after work today10:00
seb128I guess other users can test a ppa version as well on this bug10:00
pittiseb128: argh, I messed up the retracer chroots last time, fixing10:32
didrockspitti: ok, reinstalled maverick and seems fine. I saw that my modification on the notify script in weechat we spoke about at UDS has been broken by subsequent changes, making "smart_notification" (which is off by default) not working anymore, hence the fact you aren't spammed with notification in a pv.11:00
pittididrocks: maverick> good to hear, thanks11:01
pittididrocks: smart notification> right, I don't seem to get _any_ notification for PMs right now11:01
didrockspitti: yeah, someone made an upstream change and broke it11:02
pittiseb128: yay, got a first positive test result for my PPA udisk for bug 539515 \o/11:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 539515 in udisks (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 2 other projects) "probing a non-existing floppy causes long boot delays (affects: 70) (dups: 13) (heat: 424)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53951511:03
seb128pitti, yeah you!11:04
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
seb128slomo, hi11:19
seb128slomo, do you think you could get http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=550478 fixed in debian?11:19
ubot2Debian bug 550478 in gobject-introspection "gobject-introspection: Please include the Everything-1.0 typelib" [Minor,Open]11:19
pittididrocks: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/daily-live/20100602.3/ ready for testing, if you want to give it a spin11:23
* pitti rsyncs11:23
pittididrocks: it's quite a bit bigger than lucid, had to chop off some langpacks11:25
pittididrocks: when I boot the current maverick netbook in kvm, I get a GNOME desktop?!?11:29
pittishouldn't I get a 2D launcher?11:29
* pitti tries on real iron11:29
BUGabundo_remotekenvandine: can I nag I a bit, about douchdb?11:32
pittiBUGabundo_remote: just FYI, he's currently asleep (western US time zone)11:34
BUGabundo_remotethanks pitti11:34
BUGabundo_remoteanyone else working in the desktop couch db?11:35
BUGabundo_remotebroken in maverick, can't find any dupes for my bug11:35
pittithe online services folks, but they are mostly in south america, too11:35
pittiBUGabundo_remote: rodrigo_ might know11:36
rodrigo_BUGabundo_remote, what's broken?11:36
seb128slomo, see lp:~robert-ancell/gobject-introspection/add-everything-and-gimarshalling-tests which has the changes11:37
pittididrocks: ah, works (2D launcher) with -vga vmware11:37
BUGabundo_remoterodrigo_: hi. let me get the bug id11:38
BUGabundo_remoterodrigo_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/58847811:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 588478 in couchdb (Ubuntu) "RuntimeError: Can not find port of couchdb. (affects: 3) (heat: 16)" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:39
rodrigo_BUGabundo_remote, is desktopcouch-service running?11:40
BUGabundo_remoterodrigo_: $ psx couch | pastebinit http://paste.ubuntu.com/443258/11:41
rodrigo_BUGabundo_remote, if not, move the bug to desktopcouch project11:41
rodrigo_it seems you have 2 instances running11:42
BUGabundo_remoteshould I kill it11:42
rodrigo_BUGabundo_remote, killall -9 beam.smp and try again11:42
BUGabundo_remoteand then restart gwibber11:42
rodrigo_and yeah, desktopcouch-service is not running, so gwibber is failing to get the port11:42
BUGabundo_remotestarting gwibber-service -d -o11:43
BUGabundo_remoteand it dies11:43
BUGabundo_remoteI see some instances of desktop-couch again11:43
rodrigo_yeah, but not  desktopcouch-service, right?11:43
rodrigo_that's the service giving the port via dbus, which is what gwibber is trying to do11:44
BUGabundo_remoterodrigo_: $ psx desktopcouch-service | pastebinit http://paste.ubuntu.com/443261/11:44
BUGabundo_remoteits there11:44
didrockspitti: I'll have a look (sorry, in the middle of fighting reinstalling all my dev tools :))11:44
rodrigo_BUGabundo_remote, it was there before, right? Does gwibber work now?11:45
didrockspitti: normally, boot in KVM -> launch netbook-launcher -> fallback on n-l-efl11:45
BUGabundo_remoteRuntimeError: Unable to find listening port11:46
BUGabundo_remoterodrigo_: nope :(11:46
rodrigo_BUGabundo_remote, move the bug to desktopcouch, so that chad sees it11:46
rodrigo_BUGabundo_remote, do you have d-feet installed?11:46
rodrigo_if so, go to the Session bus tab and look for org.desktopcouch.CouchDB service11:47
pittididrocks: yes, it does work indeed, also 3D launcher on real iron11:47
pittididrocks: sorry for the noise11:47
rodrigo_if it's there, try running the getPort method from d-feet11:47
BUGabundo_remote  Installed: (none)11:47
pittididrocks: I do have something to complain, though: favourites are empty in both 2d and 3d; known or want me to file a bug?11:47
* BUGabundo_remote installs11:48
rodrigo_BUGabundo_remote, (just double click on the method's name in the right-hand list, and click Execute on the dialog that shows up)11:48
BUGabundo_remoterodrigo_: should I move the bug,. or add desktopcouch ?11:48
rodrigo_BUGabundo_remote, move it, it's either gwibber or desktopcouch11:49
didrockspitti: urgh, that's weird. Not sure if this is really important as post alpha1, we will transition to unity which have other keys. What do you think?11:50
didrocks(sync in progress, will test afterwards)11:50
pittididrocks: ah, I see11:50
pittididrocks: I'll just release-note it them11:50
didrockspitti: well, I can have a quick look but if it's the only issue, it doesn't worth a respin IMHO11:50
pittididrocks: no, don't worry11:51
BUGabundo_remoterodrigo_: d-feed doesn't show org.desktopcouch.CouchDB11:51
pittididrocks: I was only asking for the purposes of documenting11:51
pittididrocks: this is that <---------------------> far away from being RC for alpha-1 :)11:51
rodrigo_BUGabundo_remote, ok, then it's desktopcouch, so move the bug to it11:51
BUGabundo_remotealready did11:51
didrockspitti: sure :)11:52
didrockspitti: thanks for the notice, I'll still have a look11:52
BUGabundo_remotethanks for the help rodrigo_. you may ping me in #-bugs or #-+1 if something comes up11:52
pittididrocks: oh, I guess it'll still be relevant for the 2D launcher, no?11:53
pittididrocks: I'll just file a formal bug for now for the release notes11:54
didrockspitti: yeah, against nebook-launcher-efl and ubuntu-netbook-default-settings please11:54
didrocks(that's the two packages which contains those settings)11:54
pittididrocks: bug 588675  FTR11:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 588675 in ubuntu-netbook-default-settings (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "[Maverick Alpha-1] Empty favourites (affects: 1)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58867511:57
didrockspitti: thanks :)11:57
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didrockspitti: we also got the two panels and not the dedicated applets. Do you know what changed so that the postinst of ubuntu-netbook-default-settings doesn't seem to have been executed? (I don't remember to add anything to casper about that)12:20
didrockswell, mkdir seems to have worked, but not update-gconf-defaults12:22
didrocksif I execute it manually, I get /var/lib/gconf/une.* and all is fine (favorites, panel and default applets)12:24
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pittididrocks: I don't know of any change there, but admittedly I was quite disconnected from maverick development so far12:53
pittididrocks: you could check the livefs build logs for any errors that the postinst might have spat out?12:54
didrockspitti: do you have any pointer to it please? I can't find it and it's always the issue, I should add a bookmark for them (looked from qa.ubuntu.com…)12:58
pittididrocks: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/ is the root of all the logs12:59
didrockspitti: thanks, bookmarking it12:59
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pittididrocks: so you figure that empty favourites and GNOME-like panel configuation is the same root cause?13:17
pittididrocks: I updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickMeerkat/TechnicalOverview accordingly13:18
pitti(wrong panels was just confirmed by ara)13:18
didrockspitti: right13:18
pittididrocks: merci13:18
didrockspitti: I'm trying another iso build to see if something happened. Don't see anything in the livefs log13:18
didrockspitti: you're welcome13:18
didrocksI'm just worrying now :)13:18
asachola ... any good/clean cdbs packaging example that does a two run build (e.g. two ./configure etc.)13:28
kenvandinerodrigo_, i reproduced that desktopcouch bug too... seems completely broken for me as well13:28
* kenvandine will nag chad when he shows up :)13:28
rodrigo_kenvandine, :(13:29
kenvandinerodrigo_, also reproduced it in a pretty clean VM13:29
rodrigo_kenvandine, btw, the 2 branches for couchdb-glib and evo-couchdb are now done (with introspection and docs), so merge when you wish13:29
kenvandinerodrigo_, yeah, saw that... bzr is upset with one of them13:29
rodrigo_kenvandine, yeah, poke chad about it13:29
kenvandinewill figure that out today13:30
rodrigo_kenvandine, oh, which one?13:30
kenvandinei think it was couchdb-glib13:30
kenvandinebzr is complaining about format or something13:30
kenvandinebut it isn't the usual upgrade to 2a thing13:30
kenvandinelike i can't even checkout the ~ubuntu-desktop branch13:30
chrisccoulsonasac - i'm not sure now, but cheese used to do that a few releases ago13:31
seb128asac, there is no really clean way to it with cdbs13:31
seb128asac, you can look to gnome-menus for example13:31
rodrigo_kenvandine, hmm13:31
kenvandinerodrigo_, i am wondering if it is a bug in the bzr version in maverick13:32
kenvandinei haven't tried it on a lucid box yet13:32
rodrigo_kenvandine, it might be, my branch was created and pushed on lucid, from the ~ubuntu-desktop one13:33
kenvandinei figured13:34
kenvandinei have a dusty lucid VM i'll boot up in a bit :)13:34
asacseb128: chrisccoulson: thanks13:36
pittiyay, LP is back \o/13:38
didrockspitti: ok, if I launch the postinst manually, I get no error and the %gconf-tree.xml are generated. Is it allowed to make an upload with set -ex + some debug info in the postinst script and make a respin and have more logs? I'm kinda stuck TBH13:39
rodrigo_bug #58847813:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 588478 in desktopcouch (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "RuntimeError: Can not find port of couchdb. (affects: 3) (heat: 18)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58847813:39
pittididrocks: sounds fine to me, sure; you can then look at the dailies13:40
didrockspitti: thanks, making the change now13:40
pittididrocks: note that we probably won't re-enable the daily cronjobs before Friday or Monday13:40
pittibut it's not that urgent anyway13:41
didrockspitti: not a problem, thanks :)13:41
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pittididrocks: on the bright side, standard netbook OEM install works just fine here :) (except the issue above)13:49
didrockspitti: I'm just able to reproduce it installing ubuntu-netbook-default-settings manually here, will be easier to debug13:50
pittiah, nice13:50
didrocksonce installed "sudo var/lib/dpkg/info/ubuntu-netbook-default-settings.postinst configure" works like a charm though13:50
aquariusseb128, pygobject bug filed at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pygobject/+bug/588694 -- I'm not sure how to link it to upstream https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=589253, and I'm not sure that the test case is useful (I'd do a pure pygobject test case that doesn't involve Rhythmbox but I don't really understand the problem well enough to do that). Feel free to change it any way you thi13:55
aquariusnk necessary.13:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 588694 in pygobject (Ubuntu) "null-ok parameter annotation not correctly handled for virtual methods (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]13:55
ccheneygood morning13:55
seb128aquarius, hey, thank you!13:56
didrockspitti: clearly turning mad: http://paste.ubuntu.com/443328/13:57
pittididrocks: urgh13:58
pittididrocks: does the "default" call somehow overwrite the "mandatory" one?13:59
pittididrocks: perhaps add an ls in between in the postinst?13:59
didrockspitti: hum, good idea, it shouldn't, but let's check13:59
pittididrocks: personally, my next step would be to wrap the calls into strace -fvvo /tmp/update-gconf.$$.log14:00
pittididrocks: and/or annotate /usr/bin/update-gconf-defaults with debugging stuff14:01
* pitti wants a "sh -x" like option for python14:01
didrockspitti: that makes sense. Maybe a recent change of update-gconf-defaults make it doesn't like using it twice in a row. Thanks for the suggestion14:02
didrocksI'll have a look at recent update-gconf-defaults change too (I confirm that none of the file are never ever created in the postinst)14:05
seb128the schemas registration got moved to triggers14:06
seb128there is maybe a bug there14:06
didrocksseb128: well, this is just default with update-gconf-defaults, not schemas, right?14:07
seb128but maybe the schemas defaults registration changes as well14:07
seb128I didn't check14:07
didrockshum, I'll have a look14:08
didrocks  * update-gconf-defaults, gconf-schemas: do nothing when called from14:09
didrocks    dpkg, except from gconf2.postinst itself.14:09
didrocksin 2.28.1-214:09
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seb128it's a trigger now14:10
didrockshum, not nice at all for me that :)14:10
seb128can't you just use the trigger?14:10
didrocksyeah, adding it to the corresponding directories for une14:11
Laneydidrocks: banshee-meego is in experimental now, fyi14:12
didrocksLaney: 1.7.1-1, sweet, thanks. I'll check the banshee release as I don't know if we will go with 1.8 (if they use gsettings and so on) :)14:13
seb128didrocks, we can go with 1.814:15
seb128we get the platform updated14:15
seb128shouldn't be an issue for random applications to update14:16
seb128we need to be careful for things which use shared keys etc though14:16
pedro_seb128, bonjour, how are you?14:18
seb128hey pedro_14:18
seb128I'm fine thanks14:18
seb128what about you?14:18
pedro_seb128, I'm good too, thanks ;-)14:18
seb128pedro_, could you test the telepathy-butterfly update and confirm msn is still working btw?14:18
seb128no need to confirm that proxy works14:18
seb128but we need at least to confirm it doesn't break other things14:19
pedro_seb128, can we have gnome-terminal 2.30.1 into lucid ? the upstream maintainer is complaining about the version we're shipping there said it's buggy14:19
pedro_seb128, yeap i'll have a look into that14:19
seb128didrocks, mvo: ^14:19
seb128pedro_, thanks14:19
pedro_you're welcome14:20
didrocksseb128: ok for banshee14:21
seb128didrocks, let me know if we should sync the new version, you might want to check with the banshee Debian,Ubuntu maintainers though14:22
didrocksseb128: do you need hands for gnome-terminal update (not sure about the second hilight)14:22
seb128didrocks, would be nice if you or mvo could do it14:22
seb128I'm doing 80% of the desktop srus atm and still have quite some on my list14:22
didrocksseb128: trying to fix the ubuntu-netbook-settings-blabla think first and on it then14:22
seb128I would be happy to let this one to somebody who do work on the package usually14:22
LaneyI've no problem with you syncing it14:23
seb128I try to not work on packages I don't touch usually14:23
didrocksseb128: yeah, I'll check the banshee diff, IIRC we are in sync14:23
seb128Laney, do you have an opinion on 1.8 for this cycle?14:23
seb128Laney, stability, coming changes, gsettings14:23
seb128Laney, I've no doubt we can sync I'm rather wondering if we should think about going for 1.814:24
LaneyNot sure what they are doing with regard to the platform, but yes I think that aiming for the next stable is the right thing14:24
jcastroanyone have a link to the "push my new awesome app I just wrote in quickly into the software center for the stable release" spec?14:24
seb128jcastro, https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-maverick-opportunistic-apps-stable-release14:25
seb128you're welcome14:26
didrockspitti: ok, I've a fix, do you think it will worth a respin?14:40
pittididrocks: nah, it's fine; it's just alpha-1, the main point of which is to test the merged installer and new kernel14:41
pittididrocks: what was it? great that you figured it out!14:41
pittididrocks: also, folks can just dist-upgrade to get the fix14:41
pittiat this point, only major installation failures are worth a respin14:41
didrockspitti: gconf is now using a trigger (kudos to seb128 for mentionning it :)) and so, update-gconf-defaults doesn't work from dpkg14:42
rodrigo_kenvandine, that bug (bug #588478), you see it on maverick, right?14:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 588478 in desktopcouch (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "RuntimeError: Can not find port of couchdb. (affects: 3) (heat: 18)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58847814:53
rickspencer3kenvandine, hi15:16
kenvandinehey rickspencer315:16
rickspencer3kenvandine, is there an API for identi.ca?15:16
rickspencer3thinking about using it for the sample app for the developer manual15:17
kenvandinei don't know much about it15:18
kenvandinethat is segphault's area of expertise15:18
rickspencer3kenvandine, do you know where the API is?15:18
rickspencer3or is it all form posts?15:18
kenvandinenot sure15:18
kenvandinei think they have something REST15:18
kenvandinebut anything i know about it is from talking to ryan15:18
rickspencer3so it's all urllib2?15:19
kenvandinethink so15:19
kenvandinegwibber uses pycurl though15:20
rickspencer3I guess he needs that to handle auth15:20
kenvandinewe switched to pycurl to fix some bugs15:21
kenvandineurllib2 was causing hangs on facebook15:21
kenvandinenever figured out why, but pycurl worked reliably15:21
kenvandinewith facebook urllib2 would just never finish getting the result15:21
kenvandinelooks like gwibber does a post to submit a status update15:22
kenvandineit was weird15:22
kenvandinebut the rest of the methods are downloading json15:22
kenvandinebut i think there is something better15:22
kenvandinejust requires oauth or xauth15:22
kenvandinei think15:22
kenvandinewhich we will move to15:22
kenvandinerickspencer3, http://status.net/docs/api/index.html15:24
rickspencer3thanks kenvandine15:25
kenvandineso that is post15:25
kenvandinelooks like they have plans to write a "native API"15:25
kenvandinewhatever that means :)15:26
kenvandinethey also have a twitter compatible api http://status.net/wiki/Twitter-compatible_API15:26
kenvandinethat document seems to have much more in it15:26
kenvandinemight be a better reference15:26
rickspencer3kenvandine, I think I'll just start with getting a public feed from identi.ca using urllib2, parse that with beautifulsoup, and then stuff it into a DictionaryGrid15:29
rickspencer3that should get things going quickly15:29
rickspencer3later we can use gio to get the data asynchronously, maybe15:30
didrocksseb128: hum, new gnome-terminal needs a new libvte, not sure we want to update that into an SRU15:31
seb128didrocks, tricky15:32
seb128I think the new version doesn't build15:32
seb128udeb build issue15:32
seb128pedro_, ^15:32
didrocksseb128: yeah, it's not there was only one rdepends :)15:33
tintinHello. I have configured my Ubuntu 10.04 with LDAP. At logon, appear a list of users who have previously logged. How can I remove these "cached" users? I only want to appear the box to write the username and password.15:35
seb128tintin, hi, try #ubuntu15:36
tintinseb128, thanks, i have tried but im trying in others because anyone knows15:36
seb128look to open gdm bugs15:37
seb128there is one about it with the gconftool command15:37
pedro_seb128, ok, thanks15:41
pedro_i hate when they do that, put new lib requirements so late during the cycle...15:41
didrocksjames_w: waow, when you have a git/svn version bzr bd -e will download the distribution home made tarball, that rocks!16:12
james_wdidrocks: thank jelmer :-)16:13
seb128didrocks, using the deb-src you mean to get the source?16:13
didrocksjames_w: I'll for sure :-)16:13
didrocksseb128: it seems to have taken that, not sure of the internal16:13
seb128that's not really new is it?16:14
seb128it does that since I use bzr bd16:14
seb128seems the logical way to get the current source ;-)16:14
didrocksmaybe, I just never noticed it as most of the time I do "$bzr bd -e -r <…>" and it looks at debian/watch16:14
tintinHi!  i have an ubuntu 10.04 installation and i have a problem. At logon i select the language i want to work but when start i see that some programs take effect and appears with the language i select, but the system menus does not have the language, any ideas? i see that if i select the language after login on system --> language support everything goes ok16:18
rickspencer3tintin, hiya16:19
rickspencer3fyi ... this channel is where developers who are developing the desktop hang out16:19
rickspencer3we're not much equipped for support questions16:19
rickspencer3that's generally in #ubuntu16:19
rickspencer3you're welcome to hang out here, of course16:20
rickspencer3if you are debugging the code so that you can produce a patch or etc..., then we are equipped to help you with that16:20
tintinrickspencer3, ok, sorry and thanks16:21
rickspencer3tintin, no apologies necessary, I just didn't want you to suffer waiting for an16:22
rickspencer3like I say, you are welcome to hang out16:22
pittibye everyone, see you all on Monday!16:40
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Amaranthchrisccoulson: Sorry everyone started jumping on gnome-session for compiz not starting. I _told_ them at least some of the cases of this problem are because compiz.real is gone17:20
chrisccoulsonAmaranth - yes, that breaks sessions after upgrading for users that use session saving17:21
AmaranthBut apparently adding a compiz.real symlink doesn't help for these people either so they just duped the bug I was commenting on to bug 467668 and dropped the compiz part17:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 467668 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[regression-release] Neither compiz nor metacity nor nautilus are run at start (affects: 37) (dups: 3) (heat: 196)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46766817:21
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AmaranthAlthough honestly I'd say gnome-session not handling compiz.real going away is a bug too ;)17:22
chrisccoulsongnome-session could probably handle that better17:24
AmaranthWow, just realized that broke karmic->lucid upgrades and hardy->lucid upgrades17:25
AmaranthThat kind of thing should probably be added to the standard QA testing before release17:25
vishAmaranth: that is bug 498203 , chrisccoulson remember this one? found it early in lucid17:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 498203 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Session starts without any window manager , if saved session is broken (affects: 6) (heat: 28)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49820317:26
chrisccoulsonit should only be broken for people using session saving though, and that didn't even work in hardy IIRC17:26
chrisccoulsonvish - yeah, that's the one17:26
Amaranthchrisccoulson: I thought the gnome-session that broke it was in intrepid17:27
Amaranths/broke it/dropped it as a useless feature without user input/17:27
chrisccoulsonAmaranth - yeah, that's right actually. but the session management worked quite differently in hardy, i wouldn't expect that problem to break hardy -> lucid upgrades17:28
Amaranthchrisccoulson: That depends, does the new gnome-session have code to read from ~/.gnome2/session?17:29
chrisccoulsonAmaranth - it doesn't. and it doesn't have the concept of X-GNOME-Provides either IIRC, which is what breaks it17:30
vuntzchrisccoulson: huh? The new gnome-session definitely knows about X-GNOME-Provides17:30
chrisccoulsonoh, maybe it does17:30
chrisccoulsonvuntz - i'm talking about the old one ;)17:30
bjfon maverick (an upgrade from lucid) I just tried to "sudo apt-get install mplayer" and got: "mplayer: Depends: libdirectfb-1.2-0 but it is not going to be installed"17:31
bjfwhat's the right thing to do here?17:31
vuntzchrisccoulson: hrm, okay, I guess I should read more carefully the discussion, then ;-)17:31
chrisccoulsonvuntz - some users have a saved session which doesn't work after upgrading, because compiz binary got renamed17:31
chrisccoulsonso the desktop file with X-GNOME-Provides=windowmanager in the saved session doesn't actually work17:32
chrisccoulsonand users end up without a window manager17:32
vuntzchrisccoulson: bug in gnome-session17:32
AmaranthYou guys figured out this bug like 2 weeks after I made the change that got rid of compiz.real17:32
AmaranthAnd I didn't hear about it until like a month before release and only recently figured it out17:32
chrisccoulsonvuntz - yeah, i think i might have mentioned it to you already17:32
chrisccoulsoni would work on a patch, but i don't really work on gnome stuff atm ;)17:32
vuntzI had a patch to rework the provides stuff17:33
vuntzit's a bit broken for another reason (forgot which reason, but well...)17:33
ccheneyanyone happen to be processing sync requests today that can do a couple for me? 588812, 58881317:55
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mvo_hey seb12821:50
mvo_seb128: is there no gnome-session-remove anymore? I have gnome-session trying to start metacity for me currently (but xfwm4 is running because metacity is so crashy on maverick)21:51
seb128not for some cycle no21:57
seb128the crashy issue should have been fixed today21:57
seb128robert_ancell did an upgrade21:57
seb128mvo_, ^22:02
mvo_aha, cool22:02
seb128asac, you should be sleeping by now!22:37
mvo_hey asac - what TZ are you currently in?22:37
seb128speaking of which time to go to bed ;-)22:37
mvo_here too22:37
seb128'night mvo_22:37
seb128enjoy your weekend22:37
mvo_you too22:37
* mvo_ waves22:37
asacmvo_: i finally moved to antarctica ... there i can easily switch timezones by walking a few meters ;)22:38
mvo_asac: I knew it ;)22:39
mvo_asac: longer days too22:40
mvo_so its easier to get more done22:40
ajmitchit's a bit cold there at this time of year22:41
mvo_s/at this time/at any time/22:42
* mvo_ really should go to bed now before he becomes even more silly22:42
asac'night mvo_22:44
mvo_night asac and ajmitch22:46

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