
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
the-dudecjwatson: if you are interested im using Ubuntu preseesing to deploy desktops in a hostpital10:58
cjwatsonnice, I like being socially useful :)11:11
the-dudewe already won best business case :)11:13
evOf course this also makes us socially responsible. ;) "Bug in the Ubuntu installer leaves 23 dead."11:13
evPerhaps that humor was a bit too dark11:14
the-dudeev: we don't use them for critical stuff (yet)11:15
* ev breathes a sigh of relief11:15
the-dude*beep beep beep kernel panic*11:15
utenteI have problem whit wubi on vista home12:04
utenteYou have a solution?12:04
utenteI usa ubuntu 10.4 32bit ISO12:05
xnoxev, so foundation team meetings are at 15:00UTC during Summer time in Britain? http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=UTC+time says it's 16:00UTC now but the meeting has finished.... =( missed half of it17:02
evxnox: the meetings are at 4pm BST, yes17:05
evit's always 5pm UTC17:05
xnoxgreat =) I'll update the wiki then17:05
evdoes it say otherwise on a wiki page somewhere?17:05
evah, please do17:06
xnoxyes & on the fridge calendar =)17:06
* xnox reading logs17:06
cjwatson4pm BST is 3pm UTC not 5pm17:06
evfor what it's worth, you can normally catch what you missed by reading the mootbot logs, but alas I forgot to do a #startmeeting17:06
everr whoops17:07
xnoxso is the meeting set in UK time or UTC time. Eg do you meet at 4pm UK during winter?17:08
cjwatsonI think it's been 4pm UK time for quite a while now, inc. during winter17:10
xnoxnothing interesting really happened =) just lightning rounds and I've been there for the i686 issue =)17:15
evour meetings tend to be a bit dry17:46
evxnox: I don't know if I'll get to your branch proposal today.  Definitely tomorrow though.  How's the CLI frontend coming along?17:47
xnoxev, it's brain dead right now. It can do a stick without persistence and if both --iso & --dev is supplied17:57
xnoxbut currently it's an extension on-top of gtk interface =) cause it was easier for me to test that17:57
xnoxso I need to clean it up to make it not depend on python-gtk2 ;-)17:57
xnoxev, about the package rename. Are we renaming source package as well? (Consequences being that we will end up with _two_ packages to track in lp.net/ubuntu/+source/$package)17:58
evI think so17:59
* xnox "ugly but works" is general advice on the gsoc-students private mailing list18:00
evbut perhaps we should check with them18:00
xnoxev, "them" debian or foundations team18:00
evif we can avoid it, great18:00
xnoxcause if we rename source package as well then we will need to adjust package-sets in ubuntu for all the cd's18:00
evif not, I won't put up a fight18:00
evjust mutter under my breath ;)18:00
evxnox: that's easy - I can sort out the seeds18:01
evhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeedManagement if you're curious18:01
xnox=) read that long time ago. Didn't play around with command line tools18:01
evnot renaming the source package saves us having to migrate the bugs18:01
xnoxev, ok but we will not rename the lp.net/usb-creator?18:01
evcjwatson: didn't you automate that for oem-config, by the way?18:01
evI don't suppose you still have the code?18:02
xnoxev, yeah i really don't want to rename source package18:02
evxnox: I don't know how easy it is to rename projects.  If we have to cross that bridge, we can talk to the launchpad guys18:02
xnoxev, i did renaming projects on launchpad18:03
evbut yeah, ideally I'd like to do the bare minimum here18:03
xnoxafter you are happy & migrated bits you want. LOSA wipe the old project and set it as alias to new one18:03
cjwatsonI think I just wrote a dodgy throwaway launchpadlib script, sorry18:03
evno worries18:03
xnoxsee "gnomesword" -> "xiphos" & "bzr-rebase" -> "bzr-rewrite"18:03
cjwatsonit didn't take all that long18:03
evokay, so here's what I think:18:03
evlets see if Debian really want us to rename the source package18:04
xnoxev, are you gonna do that? =)))))18:04
evif they do, we'll do that and migrate all the bugs using some dodgy lplib code18:04
evbut we'll leave the project name alone (we can change the title)18:04
xnoxsounds good =)18:05
eveither way, we'll change the seeds to use startup-disk-creator-gtk-my-god-this-is-a-bit-silly-isn't-it18:05
evcjwatson: noted; thanks18:05
xnoxev, I can write really cunning debian/control generating code using m4 (reusing gcc packaging stuff) to keep debian at random names they want & keep ours as it is18:06
xnoxand add nasty easter eggs when the package is build with DEB_VENDOR=Debian =)))))18:06
evI'm just happy that Alexander is okay with startup-disk-creator18:06
eva few more rounds of bikeshedding would've drove me insane18:07
* xnox not sure how that will help with "improving" Debian-Ubuntu relationship though18:07
evby the way, I'm on vacation all next week18:08
xnoxev, but we don't really want transitional packages to appear in Debian. So some debian/control mangling will be needed18:08
evI'll still be contactable via email though18:08
evhmm, good point18:08
xnox=) read the meeting log. Doing something nice =) or just horizontal-position 24x7 in front of TV with laptop, tablet and a few other cool gadgets?18:09
evmy dad is visiting from the states18:10
evso I'm going to take the opportunity to do some more proper exploration of London18:10
evwhich I only seem to get around to when I have guests18:10
xnoxcool =) love London =)  i live in Hull, Yorkshire but i've been to almost every corner of london18:10
evplus he loves Colin Dexter, so we'll head up to Oxford18:11
xnoxmy sister might be moving to London if she gets the job =) and I might be moving in with her, just to live in London ;-)18:11
evxnox: you must forgive my generally lack of British geography skills, but if you're in London at any point, we shouldn't pass on the opportunity to meet up for a drink18:12
xnoxev, Oxford's a complete dump =)18:12
evnever been, but it's more for the ability for him to have a clearer image when he's reading :)18:13
xnoxev, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKuHYO9TM5A18:14
xnox=)))) the only reason I'm proud to be in University of Hull =)18:14
xnoxI referee National Volleyball League so I have been around England a lot =)18:15
evlove Fry and Laurie, hate Atkinson.18:15
* xnox +118:15
xnoxwell off to program cause Britain's got talent is soon =)18:16
evsee ya18:16
xnoxev, updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam & fixed time on fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar it should now display correct UTC time during winter & summer18:39
xnoxthere is a joke about why it's UK time on the wiki page =)18:39
evhaha, nice one18:43
evright, I'm out for the evening18:44
evhave a good one!18:44

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