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fabrice_spHi. I have to do a SRU to rebuild a package in Lucid that has no revision for ubuntu yet. I was going to use build0.1 as version extension, but the security wiki page recommends using ubuntu1. My concern is that this package may not be automatically synced if I use ubuntu1, whereas no changes has been done in Ubuntu. Any opinion?05:09
lifelessan SRU isn't the right tool for a simple rebuild05:10
macothough i think build is the right syntax05:10
fabrice_spif a SRU is not the right tool, how should I request a rebuild of a package in Lucid? I have to bump the version so that people get the latest rebult package, so it has to go throught the -proposed queue. Or am I wrong?05:15
lifelessI'd check with the sru team05:15
fabrice_spfyi, it's for bug 57146105:16
lifelessI'm pretty sure that rebuilds haven't been considered in the SRU process05:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 571461 in gle-graphics (Ubuntu) "qgle fails due to undefined symbol _ZN9QHashData13detach_helperEPFvPNS_4NodeEPvEPFvS1_Ei" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57146105:16
fabrice_spand I can confirm that a rebuild fixes it05:16
fabrice_spjdong, any opinion on that ?05:17
jdong*looks up*05:30
jdonglifeless / fabrice_sp: We've done rebuilds as a part of the SRU process before.05:30
jdongI don't have any numbers off the top of my head.05:30
lifelessjdong: how are they named05:31
fabrice_spok. and about the version scheme? ubuntu0.1 or build0.1?05:31
jdongI prefer standard SRU X.Y versions05:31
fabrice_spso ubuntu0.1. ok05:31
jdongbut just remark that it's a no source change rebuild to pick up _____05:31
fabrice_spyeah: this is what I've put in my changelog entry05:31
* jdong just commented05:32
fabrice_spwill change the version number, and I'll upload it05:32
fabrice_spohh: cool05:32
jdongsure thing!05:34
jdongand I'll take this chance to catch up on the rest of the SRU queue too :)05:34
jdongjust started work at evil empire and am figuring out my sleep and work schedule on this coast05:34
arandIn Bug #588519 I've mnaged to "fix" a FTBFS by just replacing "ld -E -shared" with "gcc -shared" in the configure(.ac), Is this a sane change? Should it be done in debian/rules instead? This only broke on i386 and powerpc, would this change affect the other archs (which doesn't fail) in a negative way?07:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 588519 in steam (Ubuntu) "[FTBFS] on i368 with "xslt.c:(.text+0x1bb4): undefined reference to `__stack_chk_fail_local'"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58851907:32
dholbachgood morning07:38
iulianHiya Daniel.08:26
BlackZcould someone sponsor bug #554823 ? thanks09:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 554823 in logrotate (Ubuntu) "Please merge logrotate 3.7.8-6 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55482309:32
AnAntHello, can I do source-only uploads to upload.ubuntu.com ?10:25
maxbAnAnt: AFAIK you can *ONLY* do source-only uploads to there10:31
RhondaI would like to know what I can do to get bug 570609 moved further along.10:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570609 in Karmic Backports "Please backport wesnoth-1.8 (1:1.8-3ubuntu1/universe)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57060910:39
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RhondaIs there anything I could do about "https://launchpad.net/~wesnoth-unstable" - I consider it highly distracting and misleading, especially there was no contact made about it with anyone involved in wesnoth?11:59
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arandIn Bug #588519 I've mnaged to "fix" a FTBFS by just replacing "ld -E -shared" with "gcc -shared" in the configure(.ac), Is this a sane change? Should it be done in debian/rules instead? This only broke on i386 and powerpc, would this change affect the other archs (which doesn't fail) in a negative way?12:31
ubottu'Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: HTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable\nResponse headers:\n---\nconnection: close\ncontent-length: 5384\ncontent-type: text/html;charset=utf-8\ndate: Wed, 02 Jun 2010 11:31:39 GMT\nserver: zope.server.http (HTTP)\nstatus: 503\nvary: Accept-Encoding\nvia: 1.1 wildcard.edge.launchpad.net\nx-powered-by: Zope (www.zope.org), Python (www.python.org)\n---\nResponse body:\n---\n<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//12:31
LaneyRhonda: You could ping a backporter12:38
Laneyand about that team, I don't think so, short of negotiating with them12:38
Rhondajdong, ScottK, siretart? :)12:42
Laney(please approve my pinta backport at the same time ;)12:47
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RhondaLaney: (copycat) :P12:55
sebnerLaney: great lucid has debsrc3 support, hmm? ^_^12:55
sebnerRhonda: now going with a backport? :)12:56
Rhondasebner: For karmic I don't see any other chance.12:56
RhondaThat's a completely different area/topic.12:56
sebnerRhonda: pff, karmic is oooold. lucid lts ftw!12:57
RhondaUsers still use karmic and do request packages.12:57
sebnerRhonda: users don't know what's best for them :P12:57
siretartRhonda: yes?12:58
Rhondasebner: "most users choose convenience over security, and that's reflected in the choice of the current default" - you mean like that?12:59
Rhondasebner: … even upstream doesn't know what's best for them in that case, mind you.13:00
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Rhondasiretart: You are listed in the backporter team, may I interest you in bug 57060913:00
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/570609)13:01
Rhonda… when launchpad is behaving again. ;)13:02
siretartyeah, looks indeed good to me so far, but I'm currently in the middle of something else :(13:06
Rhondasiretart: Sure, no rush. :)13:09
netshinehey all :-013:09
dupondjenetshine: you can start with checking merges.13:17
dupondjecheck if they can be synced / merged13:17
netshinei was thought to think with new packing.13:17
netshineto find some need to be pack and work on it.13:18
azeemnetshine: AIUI, fixing/working on current packages which need help is preferred to packaging new stuff13:20
netshineazeem, i really dont know about what you talking about , sry ;-(13:22
azeemnever mind, then13:23
netshineim new in all of this:-013:23
dupondjenetshine: this means we don't really need new packages, but we need current packages in ubuntu patched13:30
dupondjelike bugfixing, updates, merges etc13:30
netshinedupondje, do you mean the fixing the current packages is more priority?13:31
dupondjemost software is packaged anyway.13:33
netshineill start working and learning it right now, tnx for advice.13:33
ScottKRhonda: LP id down for maintenance right now.  I'll be glad to look at the backport when it's up if siretart can't.13:36
Laneyit's back up now13:37
siretartScottK: please do13:40
BlackZwhy am I getting W: apt-p2p source: missing-debian-source-format ? I have created the debian/source/format file with 3.0 (quilt)13:41
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ScottKRhonda: I approved it.  Now it needs to wait for an archive admin with shell access to process the actual backport.13:42
BlackZnevermind, fixed13:48
RhondaScottK: cheers!13:57
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jpdsDesktop examples.desktop Pictures14:47
gesernothing interesting :(14:48
* sebner is sure jpds hides the interesting stuff :P14:49
RhondaWhat does the added tag story-better-bug-notification in a LP bug usually mean?15:03
RhondaOr are the LP bug tags a freeform?15:03
effie_jayxAmpelbei-: ping?15:03
slytherinRhonda: yes they are free form.15:04
Rhondaslytherin: I see, thanks.15:06
arandIn Bug #588519 I've mnaged to "fix" a FTBFS by just replacing "ld -E -shared" with "gcc -shared" in the configure(.ac), Is this a sane change? Should it be done in debian/rules instead? This only broke on i386 and powerpc, would this change affect the other archs (which doesn't fail) in a negative way?15:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 588519 in steam (Ubuntu) "[FTBFS] on i368 with "xslt.c:(.text+0x1bb4): undefined reference to `__stack_chk_fail_local'"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58851915:18
arandgeser: picked it up after you mentioned yesterday, you got any opinions on it?15:20
geserarand: I saw it, but I don't know enough about linking to judge if dropping the -E from the ld call is acceptable or not15:28
netshinehey all, iam new here, and i bugsquad accept my request to be a member,15:28
netshinewhat now?15:28
netshinei am reading the wiki, and its little bit "mess" (for me)15:28
dupondjenetshine: what you want to do exactly ? :)15:30
netshinejoin ubuntu as a motu, and for that i was reading that i need to do some contribute action.15:31
netshineand , i am more the fine with it, and really like to help., and as you say before, fixing current packages it in better priority from create a new one15:32
netshineso i would like to help in Preparing Patches.15:32
netshinei hope i clear enough :-\15:32
dupondjenetshine: find a bug, find out whats broken, and make a patch ?15:41
netshineok, how can i find a bug, that first15:42
dupondjelaunchpad.net, its FULL of it15:43
netshineim there.15:43
BlackZarand: an hint: don't confirm your own bugs15:45
lfaraoneFor some reason, python-sugar-toolkit-0.88 is supposed to have a bunch of files installed ( see http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/i386/python-sugar-toolkit-0.88/filelist ), but when I install it in  VM dpkg -L gives me a much smaller list: http://sprunge.us/IVIB15:46
BlackZlfaraone: hmm... that's strange15:51
lfaraoneBlackZ: yep. there was a bug in debian about other problems with python-sugar-toolkit's files being misinstalled, but it was closed as unreproducable. http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=57627015:52
ubottuDebian bug 576270 in python-central "python-sugar-toolkit-0.88: python module not installed correctly" [Grave,Open]15:52
lfaraone( ubottu lies, the bug is marked "Done")15:53
BlackZlfaraone: I can't reproduce it - lucid 64bit15:57
BlackZit works, for me15:57
lfaraoneBlackZ: huh...15:57
BlackZlfaraone: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/443394/15:58
lfaraoneBlackZ: tell me what happens when you do "python -c 'from sugar import env'".15:59
BlackZno-output command16:00
lfaraoneBlackZ: right, so it works. that produces a traceback for me, and for the user in the bug I referencd.16:00
arandBlackZ: Well, I figured since geser had already pointed it out before, and that the failed build is pretty obvious since it's on LP, and the same error cropped up whe I tried it. I figured it justified.16:09
BlackZarand: sure but let confirm it from others16:09
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* hyperair wonders if there's any motu-sru folk around who is willing to take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/banshee/+bug/585761 17:06
ubottuUbuntu bug 585761 in banshee (Ubuntu Lucid) "[SRU] Banshee 1.6.1-1 New upstream bugfix release" [Undecided,New]17:06
hyperairand the accompanying podsleuth SRU.17:07
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dupondjeseems there is some lagg on accepting sync's :)18:18
dupondjegot some sync requests open .. that havent been acked yet18:20
hyperairi asked, where?18:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 587824 in fxload (Ubuntu) "Please merge fxload 0.0.20081013-1 from debian unstable" [Undecided,New]18:28
dupondjerest seems to be main packages :)18:28
sebnerdupondje: merge != sync ;)18:28
RunePhilosofhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/EnableProposed contain a proposal for the apt preferences file18:33
RunePhilosofhowever, with the suggestion of 990 to security and 900 to updates, doesn't that mean that you won't get any regular updates to packages that has been updated through security18:34
RunePhilosoffurthermore, having security and updates to higher than 500 also means that packages from ppas that also appear in updates or security won't get installed from the ppas.18:36
RunePhilosofUnless I interpreted apt_preferences wrong :)18:37
RunePhilosofShouldn't the apt preferences suggestion only contain the proposed at pin 400, and not the others. Since that wiki page only concerns enabling proposed and shouldn't set other stuff that someone finds better than the default.18:39
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vishhrm , seems we are have a bug day clash!21:04
vishkernel and compiz are both on the same day :s21:04
vishoops , wrong tab ! :/21:05
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askhl_Hi.  I'm trying to release an update to a python program I have in a ppa.  One of the users has trouble.  It appears he has files in python2.5/site-packages, python2.6/dist-packages *and* /usr/share/pyshared.  On my system, everything is in pyshared.  What could cause this, and how should I solve it?23:46
RunePhilosofHow do I execute step four in the sru procedure? Upload the fixed package to release-proposed? Is it dput lp:ubuntu/lucid-proposed/packagename ?23:50
arandRunePhilosof: I think it's dput ubuntu:lucid-proposed rather, but you need uplod right for it.23:53
arandRunePhilosof: If you don't have that, you need to wait for someone to sponsor it who has.23:54
LaneyNo, you just upload it to upload.ubuntu.com. The target release is determined from the changesfile (which comes from the changelog)23:54
Laneybut if you don't have upload rights then you need sponsoring indeed23:54
arandAh, right, so with the normal dput.cf it would simply be "dput ubuntu"?23:55
wgrantYou can use 'dput lp:ubuntu/lucid-proposed' to override the changelog (same with PPAs), but it's discouraged.23:57

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