
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
dholbachgood morning07:38
MooDoohrllo all07:47
dholbachhi MooDoo07:48
MooDooHi Daniel, are there plans for a first meeting?  or you waiting to get more members?07:50
dholbachMooDoo: we did a couple of meetings already07:52
dholbachMooDoo: czajkowski was planning the next meeting07:53
* MooDoo ah sorry, was just looking at the wiki :)07:55
* MooDoo puts glasses back on07:55
czajkowskiit's updated on the wiki... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NGO/Meeting08:34
czajkowskijust not in the header as no idea why it's not pulling the info in08:34
dholbachczajkowski: fixed it - just need to update NGO/NextMeeting08:40
dholbachczajkowski: and it'll update both08:40
czajkowskiahhh ok08:40
czajkowskidholbach: *hugs* thank you08:41
* dholbach hugs you back08:41
* MooDoo waits for a hug too08:41
txwikingerMorning folks13:09
txwikingerhi MooDoo13:09
HanifBalochi have problem with my gnome pppp20:19
MooDoohello all20:30

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