
rwwG'day. meoblast001 is ban-evading the following (rather old) ban on #ubuntu-offtopic:00:09
rww1608 -!- 107 - #ubuntu-offtopic: ban *!*meoblast@dynamic*.zoominternet.net [by barjavel.freenode.net, 3667744 secs ago]00:09
rwwit's been long enough that he could do with a second chance in my opinion, but I figure you'd want to talk to him and unban him first :)00:10
* rww throws a tumbleweed at funkyHat and tonyyarusso 00:25
* funkyHat is now trapped in a tumbleweed00:26
* tonyyarusso has a machete00:39
ubottuThe operation succeeded.00:40
tonyyarussomneptok: poke, looks like it's yours00:41
elkyl0de removed from #u for suggesting people be gassed03:45
elkynow i'm getting PMs03:45
elkyscrolling up, he should have been removed long ago. rude sod.03:47
Jordan_Uthe_true_justice in #ubuntu04:54
IdleOneJordan_U: problem with trolls is they leave before we can make them05:07
IdleOnewell the less annoying trolls that is05:07
elkythat's when you mark them in the tracker05:08
IdleOneelky: how with I search for a @mark? @bansearch?05:08
ubottu(mark [<channel>] <nick|hostmask> [<comment>]) -- Creates an entry in the Bantracker as if <nick|hostmask> was kicked from <channel> with the comment <comment>, if <comment> is given it will be uses as the comment on the Bantracker, <channel> is only needed when send in /msg05:09
macowait we can do searchies without opening the web browser? O_O05:09
elkyyou can do it in PM too05:09
elkymaco, sometimes05:09
IdleOnemaco: @bansearch yes05:09
elkydon't assume an empty response is a test negative05:10
IdleOneso the @mark gets entered as a kick and therefor searchable in the same way?05:10
elkyIdleOne, kindof. it's entered as mark afaik05:10
IdleOnewell I am asking how to search for @mark so I can see if a user has been marked and so that i don't repeat the info05:11
elkyIdleOne, ask the people who wrote it i guess. I use the pointy clicky site05:11
IdleOnepointy clicky rocks05:12
elkyyep, especially if your brain is a "needs context right now" kind05:12
IdleOneok I marked the_true_justice for spam05:14
IdleOneand yup @bansearch returns marks with id #05:15
=== jayne_ is now known as jayne
bazhangsean_, not an auspicious start08:36
bazhang<sean_> hey there noobs08:36
sean_oh forgot08:37
bazhangthat was why you were banned in the first place, that, and saying 'haha owned' to people with problems in #ubuntu08:37
sean_oh yeah08:38
sean_soo unban?08:39
bazhangsean_, you immediately do what you were banned for on entering #ubuntu-offtopic08:39
sean_yeah ... forgot...08:39
sean_read the rules tho08:40
bazhangit seems you are not ready to rejoin #ubuntu08:40
sean_one more chance?08:40
sean_one more chance pls?08:42
bazhangsean_, not confident you won't immediately continue the same behaviour08:43
sean_u can keep watch?08:43
sean_just one chance and u can keep watch?08:48
Tm_Tsean_: I think bazhang said no08:49
sean_oh hey08:49
sean_could u reconsider pls08:49
Tm_Tsorry, not at this time08:49
elkysean_, come back in a day or two. Until then, there's ubuntuforums.org08:56
sean_alright thanks08:59
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
ubottuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (i don't know about you, but i am sick and tired of indigo_kjots_com spamming his freaking site)13:43
MenZaPici: mooh.16:18
Guest3966hey guys can someone help me get unbanned from ubuntu21:47

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