=== Nigel_ is now known as G [06:35] vish: poke [06:36] nigelbabu: hey o/ [06:36] vish: you know about user days right? [06:36] hmm , not sure [06:36] It is supposed to be this weekend but we might postpone to some time next month [06:37] I was wondering you'd be interested in taking a class about using launchpad [06:37] I took it last time, so most of the stuff is there and you can add a few if you'd like [06:37] oh , I'm bad at teaching :( [06:37] oh come on! [06:37] I'm not going to leave you alone :D [06:37] vish: I'm not that great either, you'll learn with time how to teach ;) [06:38] nigelb: no , seriously.. somehow i have never been able to do that, in real and it is worse on irc :( [06:38] its the other way around. Trust me. [06:38] I've never been able to stand in front of 5 people, learned slowly after IRC-ing [06:39] nigelbabu: nope , i can stand in front and talk , but remote somehow remote i totally fail , realtime phone or anything like that :s [06:40] vish: well, learn for this one. [06:40] its a small crowd [06:40] nigelbabu: sorry dude , i'm gonna -1 that . ;p [06:41] vish: No -1-ing this ;) [06:41] I'll hunt your down till you agree! [06:54] I wonder what happened to persia, his server seems down too. [07:38] good morning [10:38] dholbach: how did the script go? [10:41] nigelbabu: exploded again, but now I let it write a list of bugs to the disk which it touched already [10:41] dholbach: awesome! [10:41] nigelbabu: so it should skip a lot more bugs before touching them, so speeds everything up [10:41] At what point did it explode? [10:41] I have a sneaking suspicion it was at the subscriber thing [10:41] unfortunately it didn't get very far [10:42] oh, no [10:42] again it was something to do with invalid accounts [10:42] but I have a try: except: there now [10:42] yep, the subscriber try catch that we removed [10:42] I'll show you later on - need to dash now [10:42] sure :) [10:42] it's running again :) [10:42] \o/ [10:42] see you in a bit === effie_jayx is now known as window === window is now known as effie_jayx [11:48] names [11:48] ? sorry [11:54] nigelbabu: script is running through nicely now, subscribing lots of bugs [11:55] dholbach: yay! [11:57] nigelbabu: something has been modified with the bot? [11:57] BlackZ: the script? [11:57] nigelbabu: yeah [11:57] BlackZ: yep, daniel is running it now. Should be subscribing aggresssively [11:58] dholbach: \o [11:58] hi BlackZ [11:58] * dholbach goes and makes some more tea [11:58] heh [12:01] nigelbabu: I'll re-run the script once it is done, just to make sure it's all fine [12:02] dholbach: awesome thanks! [12:06] LP read-only now :) [12:08] oh yeah, grr [12:08] how many hours more to go? [12:08] not much I think [12:09] oh, maybe it will be a bit longer: http://identi.ca/launchpadstatus :) [12:09] hm, if we can kick of by friday, I'll be jumping with joby [12:09] joy [12:09] yeah, we'll figure it out :) [12:11] 5 hours.. sigh [12:12] nigelbabu: 2h45m [12:19] dholbach: can you have a text file have the total number of bugs in cleansweep queue every hour? In that case we could probably have a plugin to ubot to give the number on the channels [12:20] I talked to jussi and the coding part is not that hard. should take only some hacking time tonight [12:23] if there is a way to access that number via the LP API, it should be a simple plugin to write... [12:23] there is, but thats going to take more time [12:23] oh, wait, no [12:24] there is a simple way to do it! [12:24] :D [12:24] I talk to you folks in the evening when I get home about getting that number :) [12:25] Its easier to get folks to review when I say !foo is the number of patches in review queue ;) [12:32] nigelbabu: likely it can be modelled on another plugin. [12:32] jussi: you already have something like this? [12:34] nigelbabu: isn't this what we do in one of the scripts already? [12:35] nigelbabu: you just want something like http://project-babu.org/in-the-queue.txt to read 1523? [12:35] nigelbabu1: you just want something like http://project-babu.org/in-the-queue.txt to read 1523? [12:35] dholbach: no, no. jussi says we don't have to go via text file [12:36] nigelbabu1: it'd be trivial to spit it out as part of the countdown script [12:36] actually I want something like "!numberpatches" to give out exact number of patches remaining [12:36] nigelbabu1: so the bot just needs to read that file from urllib [12:36] I can make the change easily [12:36] dholbach: we can either have the bot do it from a text file or a wadl representation [12:37] nigelbabu1: I'll make the change in countdown.py to write out a file [12:37] awesome! [12:39] nigelbabu1: I'll test it in 2h21m :) [12:39] dholbach: haha [12:39] lol [13:36] dholbach: is the script that you use to generate the countdown in the ubuntu-review-overview branch? [13:37] yes [13:37] I'll push a new branch up once LP is read-write again [13:38] dholbach: m4v is looking at generating the data directly from LP live instead of using a text file. Lets see where it goes. [13:39] considering that it's just a import urllib; number = urllib.urlopen(url).read().strip() I wouldn't try putting a lot of work into it [13:40] but that's just me :) [13:40] hehe [13:58] nigelbabu: sent merge proposal [13:58] dholbach: I'll look at it as soon as I get home [13:59] btw, the bot thing, can be done directly by the bot, so we don't have to do it. [13:59] nigelbabu: and the script is rerunning now - I'll let you know how it goes [13:59] I'll poke at it today and let you know how it goes ;) [13:59] the code is written, it'll just write out a tiny text file [14:04] I know. m4v thinks its better to do this via a supybot plugin querying LP directly [14:05] dholbach: Also, you need to modify the coutdown.py - hang on, I'll modify and propose a merge you can take a look at today [14:08] nigelbabu: [14:08] http://daniel.holba.ch/review/meter.png [14:08] http://daniel.holba.ch/review/in-the-queue.txt [14:09] nigelb: proposed the merge [16:47] dholbach: pushed [16:47] err.. merged [16:47] nigelb: awesome [16:50] dholbach: so 2017 looks like the right number? [16:50] * nigelb gulps [16:51] nigelb: I'll run it again, just to be sure :) [16:51] dholbach: ok :) [16:51] I like the new improvements [16:51] great [16:51] glad you like it [16:51] it only looks for ones without the tag so its a smaller queue :) [16:53] dholbach: can you get the image to point to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.subscriber=ubuntu-reviewers&orderby=datecreated&&ield.tag=-patch-needswork+-patch-forwarded-upstream+-patch-forwarded-debian+-patch-accepted-upstream+-patch-accepted-debian+-patch-rejected-upstream+-patch-rejected-debian+-patch-rejected&field.tags_combinator=ALL ? [16:53] Its a big query, but I think it makes ssnese [16:53] this gives us a better idea of if we've worked on the bug [16:54] it's the countdown.py script [16:54] what needs to be changed there? [16:54] lemme take a peak [16:55] *peek [16:55] dholbach: apparently you already rock ;) Its already in :) [16:56] ok good :) === yofel_ is now known as yofel