
=== cbone_work is now known as cbone
pietro10Why is VirtualBox limiting me to 800x600 and how do I increase the resolution?00:00
sodbricky, some laptops have support for reading the temp of specific parts (e.g. thinkpads) but I cant find anything for that model00:00
timposeytribelb:  try this link http://www.ubuntugeek.com/mount-isos-easely-in-gnome-nautilus.html00:00
dakirapietro10: you need to install the guest additions00:00
eNTROcan does anyone know how to configure an intel HDA internal soundcard , to digitally output 4 channel audio? it used to work wirth windows00:00
pietro10dakira: how do I do that?00:01
cody__has anyone here connected an xbox to xbox live through their xbox using ubuntu?00:01
RickyWhis there a way for apache2 to email me if my server gets overwhelmed with traffic?00:01
eNTROi tried everything , edited  /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf , no use00:01
eNTROi swear it used to work T_T00:01
tripelbplouffe, I did and afaikansee nothing happened.00:01
Ebuntupietro: click ".install guest additions00:01
Ebuntuin one of the menus00:01
sodbricky, you might find some info by having a look at the various files under /proc/acpi00:02
brickysod: its funny cuz grub stated it reached critical of 94c00:02
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brickyand than i hit enter, and it continued to boot just fine00:02
plouffetripelb, then maybe try the other method. It works for me with archive manager, so I'm not sure why you are having problems00:02
sodbricky, ouch, at grub, nasty, try going into the bios, some models give detailed readouts in there00:02
brickyalthough windows and bios it shuts down00:02
brickynot mine00:02
eNTROanyone? *puppy eyes* =(00:02
brickybut yeah, funny eh?00:02
RiiiisWhy cant i see this harddrive: from "lspci" i get (copied by hand): IDE Interface: Intel Corporation 82801DB (ICH4) IDE Controller00:03
brickythanks for your help I will try to sift through and see whats going on00:03
sodbricky, can you hear the fan? It could be that its clogged or broken, had an older laptop where that happened, opened it up, cleared all the crud off the fan and that fixed it00:03
tripelbplouffe, I got it. Choosing "open with archive manager">nothing. Choosing OPEN> then With Archive Manager, that worked.00:03
brickysod: no the fan is not working00:03
plouffetripelb, ok good00:03
brickynow that you mention it00:03
* eNTRO assumes no on knows 00:03
cody__are you able to forward IP's through a laptop to an xbox?00:03
sodbricky, well thats your problem then, you either need to ungunk it or replace it00:04
W3ird_N3rdRhythmbox is driving me crazy! :'( I can select Mp3 for an output format and it creates Mp3's, but any changes to the gstreamer pipeline are happily ignored and all I can get is 128kbps00:04
sodbricky, if the temp readout is right, running it without the fan could cause permanent damadge00:04
bastidrazor!ics | cody__00:04
ubottucody__: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php00:04
sodbricky, does the laptop actually feel hot?00:04
bastidrazorcody__: but it would be easier to let your router do it.00:04
brickyokay, ill do that, taking apart my laptop is somewhat  iffy but I ll just get some air and spray it in00:04
sodbricky, good idea, good luck00:05
brickysod: sometimes the fan spins up  or did at least, but not now00:05
cody__bastidrazor: ive been talking to someone on linksys live support and we havent been able to get it to work00:05
brickysod: yes its burning my leg lolz00:05
sodbricky, in that case, try to avoid running it until the fan is fixed00:05
sodbricky, you could do permanent damadge00:05
brickysod: okay, understood00:06
brickysod: is there a way to00:06
brickytest if the fan works properly?00:06
HeTaLHello, can someone help me to install the ubuntu wireless driverS?00:06
tripelbLooking at a DVD's files. It can play in 2 kinds of dolby and two languages subtitled and 2 languages dubbed. How can I pick just some files to see it in Japanese with english subs in the simple dolby. -- Or is there some way to make it smaller? Change it to .avi?  ---- If this is the wrong channel then please suggest one to me. Thanks!!00:06
brickylike a toggle or something00:06
W3ird_N3rdafter attempting to rip and opening up preferences Rhythmbox just randomly selects a profile.. why..00:06
HeTaLHello, can someone help me to install the ubuntu wireless drivers? How can I find out what wireless card I have>?00:06
sodbricky, there usually is a way to manually control it, but it varies wildly from laptop to laptop, I have no idea how to do it with your model, and a quick google did not find anything00:07
sodbricky, maybe if you hunt you will find a tool00:07
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thevorHi. I downloaded a version of parallels desktop to run in Ubuntu 10.04, and when I try to open the file to install, I get a window telling me that "gedit has not been able to detect the character encoding". I was just wondering if anyone has any experience with parallels. The extension of the file is .run, which I have not seen before00:07
brickysod: no universal tools ? ;(00:07
brickysod: thanks for your help00:08
sodbricky, not that I know of00:08
valentino_tugahi. anyone knows how to reinstall the original bootloader and session manager graphics?00:08
sodbricky, np00:08
brickysod: :)00:08
GuyCanadahey guys im trying to build a home server, anyone around that can give me a hand?00:08
bastidrazorGuyCanada: #ubuntu-server may be a great place to get help.00:08
thevor@Hetal I think lspci will output a bunch of info about your machine, including your wireless card. If not, you can try looking online.00:09
GuyCanadaahh, thanks bastidrazor00:09
BedManthevor: .run files are typicaly shell scripts (also called shar archives)00:10
BedManthevor: try chmod'ing the file to +x then executing it.00:10
thevor@BedMan Do you know where I cna read up oh how to chmod something to +x?00:10
bastidrazorthevor: man chmod00:11
thevor@BedMan, Bastidrazor Thank you00:11
Typos_Kingthevor:    sudo chmod a+x FILE;00:12
BedManthevor: chmod +x <filename>00:12
Typos_King!es | Obito00:12
ubottuObito: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:12
tripelbI want to put the "file listing" that Archive Manager gives me (from the iso) into a text file, IE copy it. Not the files, just the listing in nautilus. How can I do that?00:13
hiexpoevening all00:13
GuyCanadanot finding much support in #ubuntu-server does anyone have any experience seting up a server that wouldnt mind talking?00:14
BedManthevor: btw, @user connotates the user is an op in IRC - that syntax is frowned uppon.00:14
thevorBedman: Oh sorry00:14
thevorBedMan: Good to know00:14
thevorBedman: I'm never sure how to reply. When people speak to me it pops up bright red, how do I create that effect when replying?00:15
tripelbhow can I copy the text in a file browser directory listing to keep it in a text file. Please.00:15
BedManthevor: your IRC client is responsible for that feature.  Your name shows up highlighted in Yellow for me when you just put my nic in front.00:16
thevorBedMan: Oh ok cool. Thanks again.00:16
BedManthevor: but it's client specific (I use IRSSI and a shell window)00:16
Typos_Kingtripelb:   this is for an .iso file listing?00:16
tripelbBedman, mine is in Red. I use xchat. Can I chage that? Oh irssi, the client of mystery. lol00:16
tripelbTypos_King, yes. the window comes from archive manager.00:17
BedMantripelb: I'm sure you can change it, but I have no idea how :-)00:17
thevorBedMan: Oh ok. So I did the chmod and now when I try to open it says that it is an executable text file, and doesn't end up opening00:17
BedMantripelb: irssi is no mystery - it's really straightforward if you know perl...00:17
tripelbBedman can I just copy the list of files, size, type, name00:17
Typos_Kingtripelb:   doesn't your archive manager has an option for that?00:17
BedManthevor: you probably should do it in a command prompt window00:18
tripelbTypos_King, maybe I should look at the menu. I'm thinking windows does not allow...00:18
vaagohHow can I add a command to launch an application (i.e.: sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd start) in such a way that this is launched at boot00:18
BedManthevor: or shell window as most call it... I like xterm, but that's been replace with gnoterm or something like that...00:18
Typos_Kingtripelb:   I don't think is OS dependent, so much as app dependent00:18
vaagoh(my desktop is set to auto-login)00:19
tripelbTypos_King, No. It doesnt. Can you do it from Nautilus?00:19
bastidrazor!boot | vaagoh00:19
ubottuvaagoh: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto00:19
tripelbthe terminal cant see inside the iso00:19
bastidrazorvaagoh: add the full path to /etc/rc.local00:19
vaagohthank you for that fast reply, I will take a look00:19
Typos_Kingtripelb:   I don't use nautilus... ahem00:20
bastidrazorvaagoh: you won't need sudo. /etc/rc.local is executed with root permissions00:20
* Typos_King check his archiver options00:20
tripelbtimposey, my problem is that I scratched the original dvd and the iso is too big to burn, is 7.3 gigs.00:20
vaagohbastidrazor, is that executed at root level or user level ?00:21
Jordan_U!iso | tripelb00:21
ubottutripelb: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.00:21
Typos_Kingtripelb:   so, how is the listing going to help you with the burning?00:21
thevorBedMan: So I just did xterm from a terminal and it opened another window. So now should I just sudo install?00:22
vaagohthat should do the trick00:23
tripelbTypos_King, the listing will help me communicate to someone else who can help me cut down the size of the whole. (It has ponyo, in 2 kinds of dolby, 2 kinds of subtitles or none, and in Japanese or dubbed in Chinese. I am sure I can lose some of it. Or else chop it to a smaller avi. Tho I have no clue on how to do that. -- YET)00:23
Typos_Kingtripelb:   so, is a movie?00:24
DILdual layer dvd00:24
tripelbTypos_King, yes. I luckily copied it to a HD _before_ I stepped on it and trashed the disk.00:25
Typos_Kingtripelb:   sounds to me you just need a good movie editor or ripper for that00:25
tripelbTypos_King, meanwhile it is on a WUBI partition that I can only get to by booting from this partition. If I can create some free filespace on another drive I will free it.00:26
tripelbTypos_King, is there an opensource ubuntu program for that?00:26
vaagohHATSA it works like a charm, thanks again00:27
tripelbI'll google it Typos_King00:27
Typos_Kingtripelb:   I've ripped dvds, with k9copy, which allows skipping subtitles and other audios and chapters, but haven't done it from a file, just from a dvd media, however it does have the option to use a file for ripping00:27
tripelbTypos_King, oh yes there are.00:28
Typos_King!handbrake | tripelb00:28
ubottutripelb: handbrake is a an open-source, GPL-licensed, multiplatform, multithreaded video transcoder, available for MacOS X, Linux and Windows. - http://handbrake.fr00:28
tripelbTypos_King, thanks all. I can look at the file names and that is an accomplishment. I am on my way.00:28
Typos_Kingtripelb:   btw, I was poking around with my archiver, Peazip, it does have a way to get the listing00:30
tripelbTypos_King, still here. I save the good advice in a text file.00:31
tripelbwhat did you find? Typos_King00:32
tripelbTypos_King, I will look at peazip. that's all I need. and thanks for your time, attention.00:32
maturin1_Hello ChanServ00:33
maturin1_Welcome to #aoi, marcc00:33
HeTaLAnyone that can help me install wireless drivers on ubuntu?00:35
orangeglobastidrazor: have you hooked up a computer through your laptop to the internet before?00:36
bastidrazororangeglo: no, i have enough cat5 and routers to do the job.00:36
orangeglobastidrazor: do you think hooking up an xbox would be any different than another computer?00:38
[V13]Axelbastidrazor: Just so you know, you don't just need cat5, you need a crossover cable. This is a cable with the transmit and receive pins switched, meant for two similar devices, such as PC to PC or PC to XBOX.00:39
bastidrazororangeglo: i use static routes in my routers via MAC addresses. get the MAC address from the Xbox and set a static IP. it is how i have it for all my networkable devices00:39
bastidrazor[V13]Axel: if i'm connecting to a router?00:40
bastidrazor[V13]Axel: :)00:41
tripelbTypos_King, wanting to install peazip -- sudo apt-get install peazip cant find the program. I see the webpage but nothing has ever installed for me except from terminal. there are 2 linux choices on the page. ????00:41
orangeglobastidrazor: did  you have to change any settings on your laptop for it to work?00:41
[V13]Axelbastidrazor: If you're connecting via another computer with internet connection sharing, yes. But not if you're connecting straight to the router.00:41
bastidrazororangeglo: i have nothing routed from my laptop to anything else. everything goes from router to device  .. did you follow the instructions from ubottu ?00:41
tripelbHow do I find if peazip is in a repository?  If I want to use apt-get to install something then it must be in a repository, right?00:41
bastidrazortripelb: apt-cache policy packagename00:42
LogicalDashtripelb, Synaptic Package Manager also searches.00:42
DasEitripelb: or apt-cache search (or show, more extended)00:42
DasEi!hi | jacob_00:43
ubottujacob_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:43
orangeglobastidrazor: i changed my settings so it allows my comp to share the internet. ive put the IP on my xbox to a static one, but im still unable to get it to work00:43
* tripelb saves all advice in a fine and THANK YOUZZZ!00:43
Typos_Kingtripelb:   in case you missed ubottu's line, you can just mount the .iso and list it from there -> sudo mount -o loop MYFILE.iso  /mnt; cd /mnt; ls -R * > ~/LISTING.txt; less ~/LISTING.txt; umount /mnt;       :)00:44
bastidrazororangeglo: i have never done what you're trying to do.00:44
orangeglobastidrazor: damn :\00:44
Typos_Kingtripelb:   but peazip is in the repositories, that much I know00:44
RegressLessJust installed Ubuntu 10.04 on a friend's PC and he gets a black screen with only a flashing mouse cursor and two separate drum sounds. Then, the screen goes completely black and doesn't change. I set this up at my house originally on my 32" HDTV and now it's on a 20" LCD monitor. He has onboard video only and I think that's the problem, but I do not know how to fix it. Any help?00:45
vaagohquestion regarding the User switch menu in the upper right of X desktop... How can I remove a user from its screen (but keep the user account)00:45
bastidrazor!info peazip00:45
ubottuPackage peazip does not exist in lucid00:45
vaagohso that user won't get displayed00:45
DasEiRegressLess: can you get  a cmd-line ?00:45
DasEiRegressLess: (alt-ctrl-F2)00:46
RegressLessDasEi: I have about 5 seconds before this happens00:46
mintIm trying to install Lucid, but the partitioning is thinking im doing RAID. That is not so. I have disabled RAID in my bios. Any suggestions_00:46
green_d44Hey -- I need to find a video/audio capture card similar to this one - http://www.provantage.com/ads-technologies-usbav-192-ef~7ADST055.htm - that will work out of the box on Ubuntu. It needs to be under $75. I just want to record video/audio from my Xbox 360, I don't need anything too fancy. Any suggestions?00:46
RegressLessDasEi: so no, probably not00:46
DasEiRegressLess: after that drumsound, tried alt-ctrl-f2 ?00:47
RegressLessDasEi: will try00:47
minimecRegressLess: Can you open a terminal and give us the output of lspci | grep VGA ?00:47
minimecRegressLess: <ctrl><alt>F100:48
SuperMiguelcan i install ubuntu on a SD card the same way i do on a regular drive?00:48
RegressLessDasEi: after boot-up I hit ctrl-alt-f2 and I get a command line00:49
barcodealright so i let my girlfriend borrow my laptop, well shes digging through my personal files from /home/barcode is there a way i can make it start with the shell instead of the x server?00:49
DasEiRegressLess: fine..00:49
minimecRegressLess: ok. login and type lspci | grep VGA00:49
DasEiRegressLess: nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf            << anything there ?00:50
mkquist 00:50
green_d44Anyone here know how to video capture from an Xbox 360 to Ubuntu?00:50
barcodehow do i prevent gnome from starting at boot?00:50
barcodei want the shell instead of gnome00:51
DasEibarcode : system > loginscreen00:51
banishedHi, is there some way to get a VIA Chrome 9 working with Lucid (3d acceleration, etc)?00:51
green_d44barcode: sudo apt-get purge gnome.*00:51
barcodewithout root :( i dont want to give her my root password00:52
freezwayYesterday I tried to compile my kernel. To make a long story short, my graphics drivers got messed up. So I did a reinstall, completely wiping the drive, and I STILL can't get my native resolution. (1920x1080) and am stuck at 1360x768... HELP. I am using the 195 nvidia driver. Before this all happened I had the native resolution00:52
RegressLessminimec: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE00:52
RegressLesshipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03)00:52
Craig_DemYou could disable gdm by removing it from startup deamons.00:53
freezwayxrandr cant set it either....00:53
DasEibarcode: you can set it to log into xterm only00:53
christhecoolboyhello al00:53
Craig_DemWhich would boot to shell, but keep gnome.00:53
christhecoolboyI am going to install Ubuntu to virtualbox00:53
christhecoolboyI am new to Ubuntu00:53
Craig_DemOr edit .xinitrc to boot into xterm.00:53
ExavionIs anyone having problems suspending on a thinkpad or intel chip and fixed it somehow?00:54
minimecRegressLess: Ok. Tha device should be handled by the system without configuration. On that console, do you have some small font or a rather big font?00:54
urthmoverso whats up with gnome-system-log application taking up all the CPU....is that a bug for everyone?00:54
arand!hi | christhecoolboy00:54
ubottuchristhecoolboy: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:54
R3cur51v3Does Ubuntu have GParted on the LiveCD/00:54
arandR3cur51v3: yes00:54
green_d44Nobody knows anything about basic video capture? :(00:54
R3cur51v3arand, thanks00:55
bastidrazorbarcode: sudo mv /etc/init.d/gdm /etc/init.d/gdm-disable00:55
DasEiRegressLess: xorg.conf has content ?00:55
christhecoolboyI tried installing ubuntu on Virtual PC but it was horrible, it did not even install...00:55
RegressLessDasEi: RegressLess: nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf            << anything there ?00:55
RegressLessUh, I don't know what that did. I've got something that says GNU nano 2.2.2 and the file name, blinking cursor, the words New File at the bottom and a bunch of menu options.00:55
christhecoolboy*Microsoft Virtual PC00:55
freezwayExavion, i did but im not sure how... I had to compile a kernel, but i did that again recently and screwed stuff up... not recomended00:55
freezwayYesterday I tried to compile my kernel. To make a long story short, my graphics drivers got messed up. So I did a reinstall, completely wiping the drive, and I STILL can't get my native resolution. (1920x1080) and am stuck at 1360x768... HELP. I am using the 195 nvidia driver. Before this all happened I had the native resolution00:55
urthmoverchristhecoolboy: its because Virtual PC sucks00:55
christhecoolboyyeah, urthmover, your right00:55
DasEiRegressLess: sorry for confusing, command is :00:55
DasEiRegressLess: nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:55
urthmoverchristhecoolboy: vmware or maybe vbox  are the way to go when virtualizing00:55
christhecoolboyurthmover, I am going to try Virtualbox for now...00:56
muyoxI've encountered tons of issues with 64-bit ubuntu, and am thinking of installing 32-bit version. I have two partitions, one for /home and / for everything else. When I install 32-bit ubuntu, how do I go about installing everything under root / again and not affect my /home partition?00:56
venikmy gnome top panel froze (not the first time).  I can no longer add or move applications... How do I fix it?00:56
DasEiRegressLess: so you got a blank file, close nano by ctrl+x  , don't save00:56
R3cur51v3freezway, Try installing the closed-source drivers.00:56
bastidrazorbarcode: i mispoke... sudo mv /etc/init/gdm.conf /etc/init/gdm.conf-disable00:56
freezwayR3cur51v3, I have00:56
minimecRegressLess: That is may be something ... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=144868400:56
R3cur51v3freezway, I am unsure then00:56
green_d44Maybe I should just use Windows XP if nobody can help me... :(00:56
urthmovermuyox: 64bit OS is perfectly acceptable...unless there are specific problems with your necessary 32bit apps running on a 64bit architecture00:57
ratatimWhen I plug in an external Sony DVDr burner ubuntu won't recognize it. what should I do?00:57
venikactually, I CAN move icons, but I cannot add new applications to the top panel00:57
freezwayR3cur51v3, dang.... =(00:57
R3cur51v3freezway, you have tried all the obvious stuff like the display preference pane, I assume?00:57
freezwayR3cur51v3, yeah...00:57
DasEiRegressLess: back on cmd-line ?00:57
freezwayR3cur51v3, i can00:57
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urthmovermuyox: as for the partitionsing  during gparted  just assign / to one partition and /home to the other and you are all set00:57
freezwayR3cur51v3, sorry, hit enter by accident... i cant even set it with xrandr00:57
christhecoolboythere is one thing that I do not like about Linux00:57
muyoxurthmover, full-screen flash on youtube is extremely choppy.. 100% CPU util00:57
R3cur51v3freezway, sorry I can't help you then, though if you stick around someone on the chan might be able to.00:58
urthmoveryeah I agree full screen flash sucks....good point...I just avoid using it00:58
* freezway is in need of a gfx guru00:58
green_d44Sigh... :/ I just want to use a video capture card on Ubuntu to record my Xbox 360. Is there any way to do that without spending over $75?00:58
venikIs tehre a limit on how manny applications can be placed on the top panel in gnome?00:58
christhecoolboyThe one thing I dont like about any linux, there are not that much software for it when compared to Mac and Windows00:58
AaronMuse the x64 flash, it dosent suck as much00:58
venikI have ubuntu 10.0400:59
muyoxurthmover, if I choose /home again during installation, will it delete everything under home? It will definitely delete everything under the root partition, but wondering how it will handle the /home partition....00:59
RegressLessDasEi: ok, I had two of you talking to me and, yes, got confused. I'm back at command line.00:59
mkquistchristhecoolboy: why not just use wubi?00:59
* green_d44 might as well go back to Windows -- I can't get anything to work on Ubuntu :/00:59
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christhecoolboywhats wubi?00:59
R3cur51v3Full screen flash works in Google Chrome.00:59
DasEiRegressLess: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg00:59
DasEi!wubi | christhecoolboy00:59
ubottuchristhecoolboy: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.00:59
urthmovermuyox: make sure you don't check the format checkbox on gparted and it will leave /home alone and just create the appropriate /etc/fstab for your partitions01:00
DasEiRegressLess: sudo reboot01:00
muyoxurthmover, when you say gparted, do I need to run it before I run the ubuntu installer? or does it run as part of the installer?01:00
hiexpoIdleOne,  - how it goesmate?01:01
chriscoolboywhat is the latest version of Ubuntu?01:01
arandchristhecoolboy: However, wubi will *act* as a dual-boot, whereas if you installed in virtualbox you would run the simultaneously (but with the limitations of emulation)01:01
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com01:01
DasEichriscoolboy: lucid, 10.0401:01
chriscoolboywhen is 10.08?01:01
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »01:01
chriscoolboyhiexpo, I dont have Ubuntu yet01:01
mintcat /issue01:01
* freezway is in need of a gfx guru01:01
mintcat /etc/issue01:01
hiexpoits 10.0401:02
chriscoolboywhen is 10.09?01:02
arandchristhecoolboy: never, only .04 and .10 normally happens01:02
DasEiRegressLess: get a screen now ?01:02
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urthmovermuyox: the installer actually uses gparted during installation01:02
hiexpobut 9.14 i think is betta i use01:02
chriscoolboywhen is 10.0?01:02
muyoxexcellent, thanks so much!01:02
banishedit's year.month01:02
RegressLessDasEi: um, so far, so good01:02
banishedso, obviously, in october01:02
DasEiRegressLess: that means ?01:02
arandchristhecoolboy: it's 2010-1001:02
RegressLessDasEi: sorry, it booted and hasn't had any problems yet01:03
freezwayso 20.04 will be apri;l01:03
hiexpowell guess theres 14 months then considering 9.1401:03
DasEiRegressLess: so you're answered ?01:03
arandhiexpo: That version doesn't exist.01:03
* freezway is in need of a gfx guru01:03
chriscoolboyfreezway, April has already gone, xD01:03
RegressLessDasEi: still no problems, so yes, I am. Thanks.01:03
green_d44Hey -- I need to find a video/audio capture card similar to this one - http://www.provantage.com/ads-technologies-usbav-192-ef~7ADST055.htm - that will work out of the box on Ubuntu. It needs to be under $75. I just want to record video/audio from my Xbox 360, I don't need anything too fancy. Any suggestions?01:03
DasEiRegressLess: have fun :)01:03
hiexpooops mean 9.1001:04
venikany ideas on how to allow me to add applications to the top gnome panel?  I get no error message, but it simply ignores my requests-- I HATE THAT!01:04
* freezway is in need of a gfx guru01:04
hiexpogot retarted01:04
kzmanwhere I have to untar *.tar.* files, in the root directory("/") or in /opt?01:04
DasEivenik : right click ??!01:04
chriscoolboyok downloading ubuntu01:05
Exavionkzman, you can untar them anywhere?01:05
chriscoolboywhat RAM would your recommend?01:05
mkquistvenik: you mean the upper panel?01:05
Mark````I've got some booting issues. is it possible to get grub to boot off a bootable DVD? There are some hdd configuration issues that grub does that is now screwing up my windows repair dvd01:05
hiexpokzman, i always untar them to my home easier that way01:05
DasEifreezway: I'm no gfx guru; what's your orininal request ?01:05
arandchriscoolboy: minimum is 256 afaik...01:05
=== Chazz is now known as Guest12713
venikyes, the upper panel01:05
DasEivenik: right click it, add to panel..01:06
mkquistvenik: right click does nothing?01:06
venikwhen I right click an application and choose to add it to the panel, it simply ignores me01:06
freezwayYesterday I tried to compile my kernel. To make a long story short, my graphics drivers got messed up. So I did a reinstall, completely wiping the drive, and I STILL can't get my native resolution. (1920x1080) and am stuck at 1360x768... HELP. I am using the 195 nvidia driver. Before this all happened I had the native resolution01:06
DasEivenik: click the panel right01:06
hiexpokzman no special commands that way my fingers get tired of typing01:06
Jordan_UMark````: Most BIOSs only expose CD/DVD drives to the bootloader if you actually booted from CD/DVD. What do you mean by "There are some hdd configuration issues that grub does that is now screwing up my windows  repair dvd01:06
chriscoolboyhow is this, Ubuntu 10.04, 100GB hard drive, 1.5GB Ram01:06
venikDas-- what is the Right Panel?01:07
Mark````Jordan_U: grub switches the position of the hdd's01:07
mkquistchriscoolboy: fine01:07
minimecRegressLess: read that article (the last part). It's about a bug with your card (and possible solution)01:07
=== Guest12713 is now known as dabomb69
DasEichriscoolboy: sounds fine, processor ?01:07
nathanhelpWhat SVN progs are available for Ubuntu ...oh wait...01:07
Jordan_UMark````: Grub isn't started when you boot from the windows repair DVD.01:08
mkquistMark````: what do you mean 'switches the position'?01:08
eveningskyYay! My printer works.01:08
Mark````Jordan_U: hd0 to hd1 and then hd1 to hd001:08
DasEivenik: right click the upper panel, choose add to panel01:08
venikAs I said a few times-- IT IGNORES ME01:08
green_d44Nobody knows how to set up simple audio/video capture that works in Ubuntu for under $75? Do I have to use Windows for this? :(01:08
mkquistvenik: tried deleting the panel and adding a new one?01:09
freezwayDasEi, do you know how to fix my problem01:09
venikI have done it that way, and several applications do show up on the panel, but now I can no longer add new applications to the upper panel01:09
iantloppgreen_d44: what are you planning to pay for? the hardware?01:09
mkquistvenik: how many do you have up there anyway?01:09
venikI was hoping to NOT have to delete it...01:09
DasEifreezway: sry, i missed your response of my last question01:09
iantloppas there is some software freely available.01:09
DasEifreezway: I'm no gfx guru; what's your orininal request ?01:09
venikI have 14 applications01:10
green_d44iantlopp, $75 or less. I just need something simple that will let me record from my Xbox 360.01:10
freezwayDasEi,  Yesterday I tried to compile my kernel. To make a long story short, my graphics drivers got messed up. So I did a reinstall, completely wiping the drive, and I STILL can't get my native resolution. (1920x1080) and am stuck at 1360x768... HELP. I am using the 195 nvidia driver. Before this all happened I had the native resolution01:10
Jordan_Ugreen_d44: Try asking in #mythtv-users01:10
green_d44iantlopp, I found this card, which looks great but its for Windows only. http://www.provantage.com/ads-technologies-usbav-192-ef~7ADST055.htm01:10
DasEifreezway: ah, I see, you tried the nvidia-settings, I assume ?01:10
chriscoolboywhats the best video memory for Ubuntu on Virtualbox?01:11
freezwayDasEi, yes01:11
Craig_DemIf you are caping a 360. Get at least a HD capture card.01:11
veniktried to delete it, but that request was ignored, too01:11
swathanthrani was on an old 8.04 these days and just changed to archlinux.. to my surprise, du -hsc is taking just a second in new archlinux compared to just about a minute or more in old ubuntu... has there been an equivalent change with du or something was real bad with that ubuntu configuration?01:11
venikI think I have to revive something in gconf-editor, but it has so many options that I cannot recall what I need to do01:11
RegressLessDasEi: Um, not answered. The problem happened again upon logging into Facebook via Firefox. My friend says THAT is what he was doing the first time it happened also.01:11
DasEichriscoolboy: best is a hard claim;; I use 64 /w no acceleration01:11
acerimmer_chriscoolboy: you mean video memory setting?  I usually set mine to half of what's available01:12
iantloppgreen_d44, the problem I have with that unit is the resolution... it's all composite video, both s-video and red,white,yellow, and the effective resolution of that type of video is only 720x480... recording anything else is kind of pointless.01:12
ZykoticK9"Movie Player" default video player has a blue ting to flesh tones.  "mplayer -vo xv" also displays the same incorrect colours.  How do you change the "video output" in Totem?01:12
]]FOXITO[[hola a todossssssssssss01:12
DasEifreezway: is your monitor detected correctly ?01:12
]]FOXITO[[aa nu español la sala01:12
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:12
iantloppdo you need to record 480p, or would you prefer 720p or 1080p?01:12
DasEi!es | ]]FOXITO[[01:12
ubottu]]FOXITO[[: please see above01:12
JoesephI'm using ubuntu on a new toshiba a505... And I plugged in a usb drive, and it does not power... Any ideas?01:12
freezwayDasEi, how do I tell01:12
chriscoolboywhat is NAT?01:13
DasEifreezway: nvidia setings tells you01:13
]]FOXITO[[alguna sala en español ?01:13
hiexpols \ usb01:13
JoesephLike, I can't get to my usb flash drive.01:13
acerimmer_venik: just dropped in - seems you're having panel setting issues?01:13
KaOSoFt]]FOXITO[[, ve a #ubuntu-es01:13
DasEiRegressLess: which videocard ?01:13
venikyes, I do-- cannot add applications to the upper panel01:13
]]FOXITO[[Graciasss !01:13
dbreddyupdate my g++ on ubuntu01:14
Mark````found it, Jordan_U, mkquist: the command is map (hd0) (hd1) ;\ map (hd1) (hd0)01:14
dbreddyhow to do that01:14
acerimmer_venik: any chance you're running ubuntu tweak?  cuz there's  change lockout setting there..01:14
chriscoolboyI am going to try a video memory of 128, if that fails I will try 6401:14
freezwayDasEi, where?!01:14
RegressLessDasEi: run it by me how to tell which video card, please.01:14
minimecRegressLess: read that article (the last part). It's about a bug with your card (and possible solution) http://resa.linux-hardcore.com/?p=50301:14
mkquistMark````: but that shouldnt affect the windows recovery cd01:14
venikdon't think I am-- not knowingly, anyway01:14
dbreddyhow to update my g++ on ubuntu01:14
dbreddyon set the env variables01:14
dbreddyplease help01:14
Jordan_Umkquist: Like I said, grub isn't started when you boot from the windows recovery disk01:14
DasEiRegressLess: open a terminal ...01:14
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:14
iantloppgreen_d44, go to http://www.videohelp.com/capturecards and just start changing the settings to suit your needs.. you'll find several units work with Linux.01:15
DasEifreezway: sudo nvidia-settings in trml01:15
mkquistJordan_U: i was just repeating what you told him earlier01:15
acerimmer_venik: this will reset your panels back to default.  You can then reset and repopulate the panels as you please.01:15
acerimmer_rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity01:15
acerimmer_"sudo" of course01:15
gbillingsHow do I update to 10.10 pre-alpha?01:15
Jordan_Umkquist: Sorry, I meant to say that to Mark```` :)01:15
mkquistJordan_U: np01:15
venikAcerimmer-- how do I reset the panel to default?01:15
acerimmer_venik: sudo rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity01:16
dbreddysomeone help01:16
nimbusHello. Anyone know what might be causing all browsers to render font on all embedded youtube videos in this manner? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/525416/Screenshot-HORSE-WATER%20-%20Google%20Chrome.png01:16
DasEigbillings: #ubuntu+1 will help01:16
Mark````mkquist: the position of the partition with the windows OS has changed and therefore, it is trying to still boot to the C: drive when in fact the windows drive is D: when I boot from the windows dvd01:16
gbillingsDasEi: thanks01:16
ubottudbreddy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:16
freezwayDasEi, it seems to think it 1024x768, but i can set it to 1360x768... I need 1920x108001:16
venikof course-- why didn't I think of that?  That is SOOO obvious...;-)01:16
mc__dbreddy, try to be patient please, everyone is doing their best to help you.01:16
Mark````mkquist: when I boot with grub, it switches the hdd's around such that it appears to be the first hdd because the drive is virtually mapped to the first position01:17
DasEifreezway: if you go   xserver-configuration,  is your monitor detected right ?01:17
veniknice try, Acerimmer-- but no sigar01:17
venikI got no error message when I did the reset, but the problem persists01:18
Mark````mkquist: trying to repair the bootrec of the windows 7 partition is impossible atm because it can't find a corresponding entry from the bootrec, which resides on a separate partition from the windows 7 partition01:18
venikAce-- this is what worked: gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel01:19
freezwayDasEi, yes, but incorrectly01:19
venikI had it written somewhere, and found it now01:19
DasEifreezway: as in model or just as in resolution ?01:19
Jordan_UMark````: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/bootinfoscript/index.php?title=Boot_Problems:01:19
acerimmer_venik: what it didn't reset??01:19
venikall is well, but it is annoying that it keeps happening01:19
venikyour sudo failed01:19
venikI had to do: gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel01:19
hiexpohp let 9000 people go   :(01:19
venikthat killed the panel01:20
veniknow it all works01:20
venik(until next freeze)01:20
acerimmer_venik: good luck01:20
freezwayDasEi, it just says CRT-001:20
Jordan_UMark````: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/bootinfoscript/index.php?title=Boot_Problems:Boot_Sector01:20
freezwaybeam me up Sc0tty-01:20
DasEifreezway: ic,,  detect display ?01:20
KaOSoFtI'm really pissed off. First, if I use the default video drivers that come when I install Ubuntu (10.04), the color gamut is perfect, but then Avant Window Navigator transparency doesn't work. Second, if I install nVidia proprietary drivers, AWN transparency will work, but the color gamut will be screwed. What can I do?01:20
freezwayDasEi, what?01:21
freezwayDasEi, is that under nvidia-settings?01:21
KaOSoFtWith a screwed color gamut I mean that the difference between whites and close-to-white colors is shit.01:21
DasEifreezway: at the bottom of the gui, yes01:21
freezwayDasEi, ah! ty... it does nothing01:22
gbillingsDoes anybody know a possible cause of the error? gpg: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/lib/libreadline.so.6: undefined symbol: PC01:22
DaijoubuHow to setup Japanese input in 10.04? I have installed Japanese support, but in keybolard layouts there's only kana?!01:23
mc__gbillings, yes you are missing that library01:23
acerimmer_Daijoubu: did you install the nihongo language packs?01:24
j2daoshhey all. i need some help. i just installed arping, but it removed network-manager. I now have no access to the internet. what can i do?01:24
DjDarkhow do i check the status o eth0 using terminal?01:24
gbillingsmc__: how can i install it?01:24
mc__gbillings, try installing the package libreadline6 let me know if that fixed it01:24
Daijoubuacerimmer_ installed the Japanese from System>admin>Language support01:24
bstarekdjDark, ifconfig i believe01:25
freezwayDjDark, ifconfig < run it in trmnl01:25
=== Zi is now known as Zhwazi
acerimmer_Daijoubu: ...and applied system wide?01:25
Daijoubuacerimmer_ Japanese is installed with Translations and imput methods and extra fonts selected01:25
j2daoshifconfig eth001:25
DjDarkty got it01:25
gbillingssudo apt-get install libreadline6 returns libreadline6 is already the newest version.01:25
bstarekfreezway, same timing :)01:25
Daijoubuacerimmer_ i need to apply it systemwide O-o i want my interface to be in english still :) o-o ?01:25
j2daoshhow can i get wifi back if i removed network-manager?01:26
freezwaybstarek, mine was longer =)01:26
DjDarknow lets say i want to connect to a windows machine using Xover cable01:26
bstarekfreezway, true lol01:26
DasEifreezway: so it seems dpms doesn't work then, what a monitor is it ?01:26
acerimmer_Daijoubu: try it.  If it doesn't fly change it back to english?01:26
mc__gbillings, could it be that you are on a 64bit system you are trying to run a 32 bit app?01:26
Daijoubuacerimmer_ ok thanks01:26
brickyis there a way when I alt-tab and select a program to make everything else disappear from desktop except for the one I selected, too many windows;)01:27
KaOSoFtI'm really pissed off. First, if I use the default video drivers that come when I install Ubuntu (10.04), the color gamut is perfect, but then Avant Window Navigator transparency doesn't work (no compiz). Second, if I install nVidia proprietary drivers, AWN transparency will work, but the color gamut will be screwed. I can no longer differentiate white from close-to-white colors. What can I do?01:27
gbillingsi am on an i686 and I am trying to run gpg01:27
freezwayDasEi, what is dpms01:27
DasEifreezway: an autoconfig to detect monitors01:27
freezwayDasEi, how do i run it?01:27
mc__gbillings, is libreadline5 installed too?01:27
DasEifreezway: no this time, what a monitor is it ?01:28
brickyheres a weird problem, without Ac running on the battery it tends to be underpowered,01:28
blue_annahow do I ask gnome not to manage the wallpaper any more?01:28
freezwayDasEi, its a 1920x1080 viewsonic lcd01:29
Mahjongghi all, I have done a secure shell connection to a remote system. Is it possible to initiate a gnome-session remotely on display:0. I do not intend to see the the session01:29
gbillingsmc__: sudo apt-get install libreadline5 returns http://pastebay.com/10164601:29
Mark_Jordan_U: ok, I'm following that wiki but on the 'Sixth screen' it tells me to do 'BackupBS', but there is no option. The only options I have are 'List' 'Rebuild BS' 'Repair MFT' and 'Dump'01:29
imperfect-Been asking for a few days about enabling compositing extension with X1101:30
imperfect-Any ideas?01:30
Mark_Jordan_U: err, nvm, it says that "I might have a different problem"01:30
shan3Hi all. How can I prevent bash from loading /etc/bash.bashrc when I use the option --rcfile <filename> ? It does not load when I use the option --norc but then I can't load my own file...01:30
KaOSoFtUbuntu 10.04 default video driver is noveau? I have an nVidia video card. I need to know if what makes it display information to me is noveau and not a generic driver.01:31
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
nimbusWhen I compile and install software, how do I find out how to start the program?01:31
muyoxI'm going to go crazy. I'm really suffering from my ATI HD5850 card. Lots of tearing when playing videos/flash/moving windows. It's 2010 and desktop linux support is dismal.01:32
KaOSoFtnimbus, read the program's documentation. It generally is a command (e.g. writing on the terminal "programname <commands>").01:32
=== Lord_Devi_ is now known as Lord_Devi
j2daoshi cant freaking believe that linux would uninstall a core application that manages the network01:33
j2daoshi mean relaly? that is just f***ing retarded01:33
brickyI love Wabi :D01:33
j2daoshhow am i supposed to get online and fix it now?01:34
Mark_j2daosh: live cd01:34
brickyany time i screw up my OS.. i install it and everythings like new01:34
j2daoshMark_: how can i grab a package off another install?01:34
brickyI highly recommend Wubi or wabi or whatever lol01:34
RegressLessDasEi: the videocard is this one: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device. This page refers to it about a third of the way down: http://resa.linux-hardcore.com/?p=503 Can you look at this and help me make sense of it?01:34
j2daoshi need to get the network-manager package back on this laptop so i can have network01:35
freezwaybricky, that didn'y work for me... my software problem persisted though a reinstall01:35
gbillingsmc__: sudo apt-get install libreadline5 yields http://pastebay.com/10164601:35
softturnipHi everyone! I have a weird question. When I locked my screen, it used to fade to black but now it simply goes black. Is there something I can do to bring back the fading?01:35
g0stwhat channel can i goto to get help with streaming video?01:35
hiexpo!language \ j2daosh01:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:35
mc__gbillings, got it, looks like there is something misssing in ubuntus version of readling01:35
brickyfreezway: huh? did you format or did you have that issue from the beginning with it01:36
gbillingssoftturnip: did you change appearance settings?01:36
brickywhen you first installed wabi01:36
j2daoshhiexpo: do you have any helpful information?01:36
Typos_Kingj2daosh:    http://blog.tplus1.com/index.php/2008/06/13/how-to-connect-to-a-wireless-network-from-the-ubuntu-command-line/01:36
[CM]I got a question........ I have 2 profiles that failed for some reason to be created now they're stuck signed on how do I kill them off so I can delete them?01:36
g0stanyone know a good work around for megavideo?01:36
mc__gbillings, some guy here had the same problem, he said manually building readline fixes it01:36
freezwaybricky, the gfx resolution was working... stopped working... reinstall... still isn't working01:36
hiexpoj2daosh, what do you need?01:36
nimbusthanks KaOSoFt01:36
softturnipgbillings: Only the backgroung yesterday, but that's all01:36
gbillingsmc__: thats the strange thing... thats how i installed it in the first place01:36
brickyfreezway: wow, I had driver problems mine are fixed thank god01:36
j2daoshTypos_King: i will give that a shot and hope i can restore internet01:36
brickyfreeway: fresh format when you installed?01:37
belly012Can I disable visualbell on tilda?01:37
mc__gbillings, did you reboot since then?01:37
freezwayDasEi, u thr?01:37
gbillingsmc__ i will do that now.... i will be back in 4 minutes01:37
NucWin_hey ive managed to get ubuntu installed to my fakeraid but the grub install failed (due to trying to goto the wrong drive) how do i manually install grub to the fakeraid linux partition01:38
brickyfreezway: although mine is somehow different also01:38
brickyafter I installed it again, it takes me to debian channel01:38
DasEiRegressLess: that's an onboard, with no propitary driver, but well supported, I'm busy right now, but you will find, if not here info in ubuntuforums.org about it01:38
belly012Can I disable visualbell on tilda?01:38
hiexpoj2daosh, my 10 year old daughter likes hearing that kinda language im sure your children do to   ?01:38
DasEifreezway: sudo apt-get install pastebinit01:39
acerimmer_NucWin_: during installation, you can choose where the bootloader goes.  it's an advanced settings01:39
j2daoshhiexpo: , troll someone else, i'm really really not in the mood01:39
DasEifreezway: pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:39
NucWin_i used alternate cd and it never seemed to give me the option01:39
DasEifreezway: give url from lst cmd here01:39
brickyDasEi: what would that do?01:40
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:40
NucWin_after it came up error i chose install without bootloader as i couldnt find where to change /dev/sda101:40
acerimmer_NucWin_: alternate CD definitely give you bootloader configuration options.01:40
freezwayDasEi, i tried editting that... do u want my current or my backup01:40
RegressLessminimec: that last link referred to a Master bug report. can you help me decipher what it's telling me to do?01:40
NucWin_gave me partition options but never saw bootloader01:40
gbillingsmc__: i still have the same issue after restarting01:40
ubottunucwin_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub201:41
DasEifreezway: just run the command and give url01:41
acerimmer_NucWin_: here's a fix: just install grub2 to exactly where you need it.01:41
hiexpoj2daosh,  i am not trolling anyone / i am just trying to keep this a friendly family site / and we could care less of your mood / so keep it to yourself please01:41
mc__gbillings, okay, at this point I'm just guessing really, but for some people sudo apt-get install ubuntu-keyring  seemed to have fixed a similar problem01:41
Gulopineokay, so i'm having trouble getting ubuntu one set up01:42
DasEifreezway: I got it, but please mind01:42
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:42
gbillingsmc__: same strange error...01:42
ubottuUbuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone01:42
Gulopinethans hiexpo01:43
hiexpoGulopine,  _ no prob01:43
orangeglohas anyone hooked up an xbox to the internet through their laptop before??01:43
mc__gbillings, I'm sorry you could try asking for help via launchpad answerss01:43
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brickyhmm nothing is working ahh01:44
orangeglobastidrazor: i found my MAC address, where should i apply this information?01:44
brickywow that was weird01:44
brickyeverything stopped respoonding for like 2 minutes01:44
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:44
gbillingsmc__: do you know how to fix [Install these packages without verification [y/N]?] it apears on all packages ever from regular repositories?01:44
minimecRegressLess: I am just reading through follow the Bug thread from #35 on. They are trying different things with /etc/xorg.conf and disabeling kms01:45
DasEifreezway: call that link in your browser yourself, see line 45 ?01:45
gbillingsmc__: it says gpgv cannot be executed... may be related to the other error?01:46
ZykoticK9"Movie Player" default video player has a blue ting to flesh tones.  "mplayer -vo xv" also displays the same incorrect colours.  How do you change the "video output" in Totem?01:46
freezwayDasEi, yes01:46
johnnathanhi all01:46
RegressLessminimec: this is all over my head. I tried the patch mentioned at the top and the repository no longer exists.01:47
DasEifreezway: we shall try to comment it out, if that doesn't work, also insert metamodes, so ... (terminal) :01:47
mc__gbillings, I'm sorry i do not know and I have to go now, I really hope that somebody else can help you01:47
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Mark_j2daosh: you can point to the repositories on the live cd01:47
DasEifreezway: (close nvidia settings before )01:47
gbillingsmc__: thanks for your help01:47
mc__gbillings, you're welcome01:47
NucWin_thanks acerimmer_ the url seems to be helping just found out installing to partition is bad idea so going to risk breaking my win7 install :)01:47
DasEifreezway: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:47
acerimmer_NucWin_: take your time.01:48
j2daoshMark_: how would one go about doing that? im using the article you gave, but it appears that much more then just the network-manager was blown away.01:48
DasEifreezway put a "#" without quotes in front of that line, save the file, close it01:48
Mark_j2daosh: I didn't suggest any manual ;) maybe it was someone eles01:48
stevenCan someone give me some help?01:48
Erik218how do i get youtube videos to work01:48
minimecRegressLess: That is a clean install right? I would step back to jaunty 9.04. There seem to be a lot of problems with intel drivers and the newer xservers...01:48
DasEi!flash | Erik21801:49
ubottuErik218: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash01:49
acerimmer_Erik218: install flash01:49
gbillingsI am having strange issues wit gpgv and it seems to be related to this error: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/lib/libreadline.so.6: undefined symbol: PC; anybody know a fix?01:49
DasEi!ask | steve01:49
ubottusteve: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:49
Erik218thank you01:49
freezwayDasEi, ok done01:49
Mark_j2daosh: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Offline/Repository01:49
minimecRegressLess: Means... Do a new clean jaunty install.01:49
j2daoshnevermind, that was typos_that did01:49
RegressLessminimec: is there an easy way to "step back"?01:49
shan3Hi all. How can I prevent bash from loading /etc/bash.bashrc when I use the option --rcfile <filename> ? It does not load when I use the option --norc but then I can't load my own file...01:49
DasEifreezway: restart gdm or reboot01:49
RegressLessminimec: make a jaunty cd and start fresh?01:49
minimecRegressLess: No. You need to install a new clean jaunty01:49
freezwayDasEi, ok will do... bb soon01:49
minimecRegressLess: Yes,01:49
stevenSometimes when I boot Ubuntu 10.04, my trackpad comes on, so I turn it off. When I do, the keyboard stops working and the shell freezes.01:50
RegressLessminimec: windows 7 bootleg it is01:50
aosyshello everyone, i have tried to install Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit from a bootable USB drive and ran into serious problems which I have documented here: http://superuser.com/questions/147854/problem-installing-ubuntu-10-04-64-bit-side-by-side-with-vista-by-using-a-bootabl01:50
stevenWow. I'm just one of hundreds of noobs here.01:50
stevenSo, can anyone help?01:50
gbillingssteven, you are no alone01:51
j2daoshwhats the command to find the ubuntu version im using?01:51
aosyscan anyone help me rememdy my current issue and get me to install Ubuntu 10.04 safely and securly?01:51
minimecRegressLess: Hmmm... I don't have much wxperience with dual boot, and no experience with win701:51
safeHow can I apply nautiil01:51
stevenSometimes when I boot Ubuntu 10.04, my trackpad comes on, so I turn it off. When I do, the keyboard stops working and the shell freezes.01:51
stevenThen I have to reboot a few times.01:51
DasEi!version | j2daosh01:52
ubottuj2daosh: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »01:52
stevenAnd a few times my speakers cut out.01:52
gbillingssteven: have you tried not turning it off?01:52
stevenTurning what off?01:52
RegressLessminimec: I'm just saying that I have a copy of win7 here as a last option and since I want to go home, get laid, and go to bed, I'm going that route. I don't have all night.01:52
safeWhops, I mean nautilus-open-terminal to nautilus-elementary?01:52
minimecRegressLess: OK ;)01:52
DILshell wait01:52
stevenOh, the trackpad.01:52
stevenBut it's the principal.01:52
DasEisteven: not too easy to answer, I'd have a look in /var/log/syslog  and /var/log/Xorg.0.log for it after the freeze01:53
stevenI want to fix the problem at its roots.01:53
dfgaswhat is the best way to record some video from my tv tuner to my hard drive?01:53
gbillingsI am having strange issues wit gpgv and it seems to be related to this error: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/lib/libreadline.so.6: undefined symbol: PC; anybody know a fix?01:53
sorush20hi is there a channel for ubuntu server?01:53
safeIs there some other way to force it?01:53
dfgasi want awesome quality01:53
freezwayDasEi: ok im back, that didn't fix it or make it worse... I am now running irssi so restarting x doesn't close the chat01:53
DasEidfgas: a vdr solution, apt-cache search vdr01:53
stevenWhat would you look for?01:54
norrec is there a way to limit the amount of bandwidth an ethernet interface can use?01:54
hiexpoanything worth doing is not easy and reaSon being you'll learn:)01:54
mc__sorush20, yes #ubuntu-server01:54
stevenI mean, I'm relativeley intelligent. If I know what to look for maybe I can do something.01:54
freezwayrandom question, is there a way to hide everyone joining and leaving?01:54
acerimmer_aosys: dual booting causes lots of confusion .  suggest you start over, DO NOT import your windows accounts01:54
aosyscan anyone help me with major Ubuntu 10.04 install issues?01:54
gbillingsfreezway: whats your IRC client01:55
freezwaygbillings: irssi01:55
hiexpo\!ask | aosys01:55
aosysacerimmer: I thought that was the problem01:55
staviHave a problem on 8.04 - apt-get upgrade returns "dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/dpkg_1.14.16.6ubuntu4.1_amd64.deb (--unpack):   subprocess dpkg-split killed by signal (Segmentation fault)"  my googling has gotten me nowhwere so far.  Running dpkg-split does indeed segfault every time.  But I can't reinstall it!01:55
mc__someone should put "please do not ask to ask" into the topic01:55
DasEifreezway:    Option         "metamodes" "CRT: 1024x768 +0+0, DFP: 1920x1080 +1920+0"01:55
MACscranyone else have issues with youtube where sometimes you cant do fullscreen on a video or cant pause, etc?01:55
MACscrdrives me nuts01:55
DasEifreezway: copy that line to clipboard01:55
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:56
acerimmer_aosys: dual booting is a natural setup.  unlikely to cause probs beyond operator confusion01:56
aosysacerimmer: so you suggest that I should go back and reinstall and just skip that import account part?01:56
DasEifreezway: gksudo gedit   /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:56
freezwayhow i scroll up in a terminal01:56
acerimmer_aosys: you should have 2 windows partitions.  One restore part and athe normal system part.  Delete all other parts01:57
gbillingsPage UP freezway01:57
stevenSo there's no way to tell whats wrong without looking at the log files?01:57
aosysacerimmer: how do i delete partitions? what software should i use?01:57
stevenI mean, is it a common problem?01:57
DasEireplace line 62 with that line, freezway01:57
gbillingsaosys: gparted01:57
hiexpothe log files are your best friend01:57
DasEihttp://pastebin.com/EtgcCivA, freezway01:57
acerimmer_aosys: it's on the ubuntu usb01:57
DasEihmm ?01:58
freezwayDasEi: ok im there...01:58
gbillingsaosys, just purn gparted to a cd or its on ubuntu 10.04 live cd/usb01:58
aosysacerimmer: are you talking about gparted?01:58
acerimmer_aosys: yes me and gbillings01:58
stevenFound something:01:58
steveninput0 lost sync at byte 101:58
stevenJun  1 20:41:06 HP-Pavillion-dv9000 kernel: [  321.080623] psmouse.c: TouchPad at isa0060/serio1/input0 lost sync at byte 101:58
stevenJun  1 20:41:06 HP-Pavillion-dv9000 kernel: [  321.082183] psmouse.c: TouchPad at isa0060/serio1/input0 lost sync at byte 101:58
stevenJun  1 20:41:06 HP-Pavillion-dv9000 kernel: [  321.093916] psmouse.c: TouchPad at isa0060/serio1/input0 - driver resynched.01:58
FloodBot1steven: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:58
stevenJun  1 20:42:22 HP-Pavillion-dv9000 AptDaemon: INFO: Quiting due to inactivity01:58
aosysacerimmer & gbillings: ok thanks a lot.01:59
norrec is there a way to limit the amount of bandwidth an ethernet interface can use?01:59
gbillingsaosys: it is bundled in with the live CD under system > Administration01:59
CaptainTrek!pastebin | steven01:59
ubottusteven: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:59
stevenSorry about that.01:59
stevenIt slipped my mind.01:59
iantlopphmm... for some strange reason, after I demux a particular video file that plays just fine (before demuxxing) the video doesn't work, and the system sees it as mpeg 2 audio instead of video.01:59
Mark_Jordan_U: have any other ideas?01:59
Mark_j2daosh: how's it going?01:59
aosysgbillings: ok, so i just start it up and it is pretty staright forward?01:59
shadyhey alle01:59
gbillingsyes, extremely simple aosys01:59
hiexpogood movis on night of the comet01:59
iantloppanyone have any experience demuxxing with ffmpeg?02:00
Jordan_UMark_: What exactly happened to the boot sector?02:00
aosysgbilligns: thanks again!02:00
acerimmer_aosys: when you get to the partitioning step, just don't touch those windows parts.02:00
NDPTAL85My install of Ubuntu can't seem to access any USB thumb drives.02:00
DasEifreezway: replace, safe, close, restart gdm02:00
NDPTAL85Anyone else have this problem? 10.x here.02:00
aosysacerimmer: ok, so all i do is delete the ubuntu ones?02:00
hiexpols | usb02:00
Mark_Jordan_U: I didn't do any changes according to that guide you linked because the guide said that since I didn't get one of the options available on the screen, that I probably had a 'different problem'02:00
freezwayDasEi: replace what with what02:00
acerimmer_aosys: right.02:00
DasEifreezway:    Option         "metamodes" "CRT: 1024x768 +0+0, DFP: 1920x1080 +1920+0"02:00
gbillingsaosys, be careful because you can me up your harddrive; make sure yourun chkdsk /f in windows first02:01
DasEifreezway: copy that line to clipboard02:01
DasEihttp://pastebin.com/EtgcCivA, freezway02:01
gbillingsmess up my bad02:01
=== Spawn is now known as Deathspawn
aosysacerimmer: ok thanks02:01
freezwayDasEi: One sec02:01
aosysgbillings: should i run that now or after?02:01
DasEifreezway:   line 6202:01
acerimmer_gbillings: chkdsk ran when he rebooted vista but good advice02:01
stavidpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/dpkg_1.14.16.6ubuntu4.1_amd64.deb (--unpack):   subprocess dpkg-split killed by signal (Segmentation fault)"  my googling has gotten me nowhwere so far.  Running dpkg-split does indeed segfault every time.  But I can't reinstall it!02:01
Jordan_UMark_: I mean what made you want to use the windows recovery CD in the first place?02:01
DasEifreezway: replace, safe, close, restart gdm02:01
shadycan somebody help me? im on mint 9 and miss the useful ubuntu IM and Email panel at the top an dont know how i can get it on this distribution02:01
gbillingsacerimmer_ what do you mean?02:02
acerimmer_shady: suggest you ask in the mint forums/irc.02:02
ldlework_Hey I'm using the keyboard control panel in gnome to swap caps-lock and ctrl but this has seemingly zero effect anywhere. Has anyone seen this before?02:02
=== freezway_ is now known as freezway
aosysgbillings: i just ran 'chkdsk /f' and a window popped up fast and disappeared02:02
BaconI have a question about Broadcom drivers for Ubuntu 10.04. When I activate the Broadcom STA wireless drivers that come with the distro, my wireless begins to work (bcm4311). However, upon reboot, it says the drivers are installed, but not activated. It isn't until I uninstall the drivers then reinstall that the wireless works again.02:02
|sanchez|anyone else having problems with virtualbox 3.1/3.2 installing guest OS's02:02
ldlework_Also I'm on jaunty02:02
acerimmer_gbillings: he stated that when he finally fixed vista and rebooted it checked the HDD.  no prob if he does it again though02:02
shady@acerimmer, yes they or he couldnt help me and suggested to ask in ubuntu02:02
j2daoshits not.02:02
|sanchez|on ubuntu 9.10 and lower i never had an issue with doing a windows or linux based guest OS install and now 10.04 ubuntu and vbox 3.2 I cannot get any install to go successfully02:02
freezwayDasEi, ok... one more time, im back in a gui now02:02
gbillingsacerimmer_, gotcha, i should have read more closely :)02:03
Mark_Jordan_U: I'm getting a 'BOOTMGR not found' error and the guides indicated to me that I needed to use the windows repair dvd to either do it automatically (that failed) or do it manually through the window's command line utility (which also failed). my first thought was that the positions of the hdd's were not correct because of the hdd mapping that grub does02:03
j2daoshtrying to get all this stuff copied to a flash drive, but i can't find a USB port on my computer that i can connect to02:03
aosysgbillings & acerimmer: so i am good to go then i assume?02:03
je__acerimmer_: I told him to come over here for that, mint has the indicator session applet installed but it behaves different02:03
infidwhen using rsync to do backups, should i still create a tarball before rsyncing it to improve network performance, or is the delta transfering stuff rsync does generally fast enough for data transfers?02:03
gbillingsaosys: i say yes02:03
ldlework_Hey I'm using the keyboard control panel in gnome to swap caps-lock and ctrl but this has seemingly zero effect on Jaunty. Can anyone give me a clue?02:03
aosysgbillings: ok great02:03
shady@ acerimmer_, yes they or he couldnt help me and suggested to ask in ubuntu02:03
Mark_j2daosh: you can just burn a dvd or cd as well02:03
acerimmer_|sanchez|: virtual box with guest additions?02:04
shadyacerimmer_: do you know if its possible02:04
acerimmer_shady: understood.  don't have any input sorry02:04
j2daoshthe laptop with the issue is a netbook. no optical drives :(02:04
shadymh okay02:04
gbillingsMark_ inless he doing it for a netbbok02:04
nimbusHello. Anyone know what might be causing all browsers to render font on all embedded youtube videos in this manner? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/525416/Screenshot-HORSE-WATER%20-%20Google%20Chrome.png02:04
|sanchez|acerimmer_: i just cannot get a guest OS to install, windows 7 x64 reports memory errors and blue screen and i just did a fedora 12 x64 install and it goes through fine but on reboot fails to boot from vdi02:04
shadyanyone else a few minutes time?02:04
j2daoshill just have to get it figured out at home02:04
brickyhmm wonder if ubuntu could do some games02:04
BaconI have a question about Broadcom drivers for Ubuntu 10.04. When I activate the Broadcom STA wireless drivers that come with the distro, my wireless begins to work (bcm4311). However, upon reboot, it says the drivers are installed, but not activated. It isn't until I uninstall the drivers then reinstall that the wireless works again.02:04
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:04
Jordan_UMark_: Does "sudo os-prober" from within Ubuntu list windows? If it does then you do have bootmgr.02:05
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx02:05
freezwayDasEi, i also dont know what dfp is?02:05
acerimmer_|sanchez|: just to be clear, ubuntu is the host and you're trying to run win7 as a guest in vbox?02:05
Mark_Jordan_U: yes02:05
Mark_Jordan_U: although it looks like it's just reading from the grub entry02:05
DasEihttp://pastebin.com/LGg9gG4U, freezway02:05
Jordan_UMark_: It's not, os-prober is what's used to create the grub entry02:06
gbillingsDoes anybody know how to fix this error:I am having strange issues wit gpgv and it seems to be related to this error: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/lib/libreadline.so.6: undefined symbol: PC; anybody know a fix?02:06
Jordan_UMark_: Try running "sudo update-grub" and see if windows boots after that.02:06
LogicalDashBacon, you need to add ndiswrapper to your /etc/modules.d, the help page above should have some instructions02:07
Mark_Jordan_U: the issue isn't related to grub, it's a windows corruption issue02:07
Mark_Jordan_U: windows hardlocked while I was using it02:07
acerimmer_|sanchez|: vbox 32 or 64 on a 32 or 64 machine??02:07
Jordan_UMark_: Have you tried a simple chkdsk?02:07
carutsudoes anybody know where can I get xlibs-dev?02:08
Mark_Jordan_U: it's not chkdsk, files are corrupted and because of the hdd ordering scheme I can't run system file checker (sfc) or bootrec fixes etc.02:08
brickyHow can see the temperature of my hardware?02:09
acerimmer_Mark_: boot windows dvd and run repair optios02:09
|sanchez|acerimmer_: this is a ubuntu 10.04 x64 host os and im trying to run x64 guest OSs, i have vbox runing at work on fedora 12 with no problems and have ubuntu 9.10 x64 host os running my virtual machines no problem02:09
DasEibricky: open a terminal ..02:09
acerimmer_birkcy there's an applet for that02:09
brickyDeEi: okay02:09
FirefisheI am currently running Ubuntu/Kubuntu 9.10 (32bit). My system is stable.  My question is:  Is there any prevalent reason for me to upgrade at this time.  The system is a laptop that receives regular use.02:09
brickyIll write this command down.02:09
DasEibricky: sudo apt-get install lm-sensors02:09
Mark_acerimmer_: that was step 102:09
DasEibricky: sudo sensors-detect02:10
gbillings_Ubuntu 10.04 works out of box for Dell Latitude D520.02:10
DasEibricky : answer yes.y...y...and write to /etc/modules02:10
freezwayDasEi: ok... that didn;t work... X gives error parsing file... i have resorted to ctrl-Alt-F102:10
Mark_Firefishe: you can upgrade now rather than waiting until the support on 9.10 runs out02:10
acerimmer_|sanchez|: I suggest doing a terminal reinstallation of the correct distro of vbox on your machine.  here's the source  http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads02:11
brickyDesEI: Thank you very much..02:11
DasEifreezway: need the original line back ?02:11
brickymy laptop was running at 94C02:11
FirefisheMark:  A highly germaine consideration.  When does support on 9.10 run out?02:11
brickynow I blew some canned air into it and it seems to be better02:11
gbillingsanybody need help with dell latitude D520?02:11
freezwayDasEi: yes... but how do i copy and paste from terminal... I have no gui02:11
brickyDesEi: is there any widgets or active apps that tell me this in real time02:12
mark66jFirefishe: 10.4 seems faster to me02:12
carutsudoes anybody know where can I get xlibs-dev?02:12
DasEibricky: sometimes this gives wrong temps, on a c2d of mine it showed + 10° C too high, verify by bios02:12
acerimmer_|sanchez|: be aware that  this will mean reinstalling the guest additions.02:12
gbillingssudo apt-get install xlibs-dev carutsu02:12
brickyDasEi: my bios is primitive, this is my only chance, it seems linux knows fairly well02:12
DasEibricky : yes, gnome-applets it was I think, then can add it to the panel02:12
carutsugbillings: tried02:12
carutsugbillings: it isn't there02:13
brickyDasEi: Super elite :D02:13
Mark_Firefishe: 18 months?02:13
Firefishemark66j:  My system is an Asus G50V laptop, 512K on an Nvidia GeForce 9800M GS graphics chipset.  It's got the standard 4GB of memory, although I think I can only access 3gb of it, actually.02:13
DasEifreezway: no prob, short line :02:13
DasEifreezway: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:13
mark66jFirefishe: That is odd02:14
gbillingscautsu sudo apt-get install xorg-dev02:14
freezwayDasEi: ok...02:14
DasEi    Option         "metamodes" "1920x1080 +0+0"02:14
gbillingscarutso sudo apt-get install xorg-dev maybe?02:14
DasEifreezway: ^02:14
FirefisheMark_:  so pretty soon, then.  Probably a good idea to do the upgrade, although the last time I did it--from 9.04 to 9.10--the upgrade failed and I had to do it manually--read:  the hard way ;) hee.02:14
carutsugbillings: thanks!02:14
militantquick question, what do you fine folks use to set/calibrate gamepads/joysticks?  joy2key is too obtuse and i have no idea what my dualshock3 axis identifiers are, something GUI would be nifty02:14
|sanchez|acerimmer_: i did not see your message if you sent one im running irssi at the moment sorry if i missed a message02:14
Firefishemark66j:  What is odd?02:15
acerimmer_|sanchez|: I suggest doing a terminal reinstallation of the correct distro of vbox on your machine.  here's the source  http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads02:15
gbillingscarutso: no prob02:15
acerimmer_|sanchez|: be aware that  this will mean reinstalling the guest additions.02:15
FirefisheThe 3gb issue?02:15
FloodBot1acerimmer_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:15
freezwayDasEi: ok what now...02:15
DasEifreezway: re-replaced ? ctrl-o to save, then ctrl-x to quit02:15
mark66jFirefishe: Yes only heard of that with xp02:15
Mark_Firefishe: just don't do this http://xkcd.com/349/02:16
DasEifreezway: restart x02:16
|sanchez|acerimmer_: what gets me is i did just that, goto that link and add vbox to the repository02:17
|sanchez|im not sure what you mean by reinstalling guest adidtions though ? as of now i have no VMs02:17
|sanchez|i install guest additions after i get a host installed02:17
freezwayDasEi: Ok... i will be back soon, i have to eat02:17
FirefisheMark_:  That was funny.02:18
DasEifreezway: I got a viewsonic here, too, in which I onced purged pred the nvidia via synaptic and re-installed it by jockey-gtk to get a fix, but it might be that your kernel lacks dpms, so a look in..02:18
SakamotoKazumais there any way to upgrade my php installation from php 5.3.1 to 5.3.2 if it's installed through lampp?02:18
acerimmer_|sanchez|: i learned something when i actually read teh manual.  So you install vbox, creat a VM then add your OS.  Basically that gets you started02:18
Firefishemark66j:  I really wish I could use 64 bit, but I have a palm pre and the palm sdk and the emulator are really set up for 32 bit architecture.02:18
gbillingsHelp with this: gpgv: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/lib/libreadline.so.6: undefined symbol: PC02:19
ostcarhi, is anyone online right now?02:19
onetinsoldierhello Firefishe :-)02:19
acerimmer_|sanchez|: on about page 60 of teh manual it talks about guest additions that smooth and enhance your new virtual OS machine02:19
gbillingsostcat: 1488 people are online02:19
Firefisheonetinsoldier:  Greetings, good friend :-).  How are you today?02:19
gbillingsostcar: 1488 people are online02:19
acerimmer_|sanchez|: smooth mousing, native resolution, all that goodness02:19
onetinsoldierFirefishe: good thanks. how are you doing?02:19
Firefisheonetinsoldier:  I am contemplating upgrading Karmic to Lucid, and I am fielding questions.02:19
ostcarwow, in germany it is night right now02:19
|sanchez|acerimmer_: i am familiar with that, i cant install guest additions until i install the guest OS02:19
onetinsoldierFirefishe: ahh, roger02:19
cody__how can i check to see if my WLAN interface is set to wlan0 and LAN to eth0?02:20
ostcarbye, good night02:20
Firefisheonetinsoldier:  Otherwise, in need of work.    (We can also take other talk to offtopic if you desire.)02:20
acerimmer_|sanchez|: right.  thought you had and was *silly* advising on that assumption.02:20
gbillingswhat is the key diference between APT and RPM02:20
mark66jFirefishe: Dont think x64 gives you much on that hdware02:20
DasEicody__: ifconfig02:20
DasEigbillings: different paketmanagers02:21
acerimmer_gbillings: different package management.  you can use rpm in ubuntu with the "alien" command02:21
qiyongcvsd[]: bind() failed: Address already in use02:21
Firefishemark66j:  I've already got the Ubuntu and Kubuntu cd .iso's (64bit) burned, and they seem to work well.  Aside from loading the .deb databases seemingly faster, I don't notice much of a difference.02:21
DasEi!rpm | gbillings02:21
gbillingsaccreimmer_: which one is *faster*02:21
ubottugbillings: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)02:21
|sanchez|thanks though02:21
DasEigbillings: but source is always more reliable, if apt doesn't provide a software02:22
Mark_how do i find the hd'X' device for my CDROM/DVD drive?02:22
gbillingsDesEi: so if only an RPM is available how should I *safely* install the package?02:22
DasEigbillings: you can get source code , in almost all cases under gpl02:23
mark66jFirefishe: I see better response in ui when switching from VMware session to native apps02:23
DasEi!compile | gbillings02:23
ubottugbillings: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)02:23
acerimmer_gbillings: by definition, importing alien packages is risky.  you can test with a virtualbox without risking your main system02:23
gbillingsDasEi: i know what compiling is :(02:23
cody__im trying to configure my iptables, and is there anyway to route info from my wirless card, to my ethernet cable, which is connected to my xbox??02:24
DasEigbillings: I agreed with acerimmer_02:24
gbillingsDasEi: ty any ways02:24
cody__gbillings: how would i go about doing that?02:25
gbillingscody__: are you just trying to get on live using your laptops wifi card?02:25
cody__gbillings: yes02:25
Firefishemark66j:  You think vmware is faster?02:25
iantloppI tried demuxing some vob files using ffmpeg. The first two of the movie created some .mp2 video files that work flawlessly, the second two, however, act as if they're .mp2 audio files and won't load in vlc, movieplayer, or cinelerra... I used the exact same command for all .vob files with the difference in file names. anyone give a hint as to what might be going wrong?02:25
^HikariCan I ask a question here?02:26
Firefishemark66j:  My chipset does support vertualization, although I've never worked with it02:26
iantloppall .vob files play fine before demuxxing.02:26
FirefisheHIkari:  Don't ask to ask, just ask away :)02:26
^HikariYes, sir!02:26
gbillingscody__:go to system > prefrences > network connections02:26
gbillingsgo to the wireless tab02:26
Firefishe^Hikari:  I'm not an op, just a user.  Sir is for knights, I'm just a wannabe stable boy/coder ;) lol02:27
gbillingsdouble click your current wifi connection auto xxxx02:27
cody__gbillings: and change my auto eth0 to share with other computers?02:27
^HikariYes, boy!02:27
cody__gbillings: ok02:27
^HikariI wanted to install Ubuntu in my usb thumb drive but not just as a liveusb so that it would save any settings I made and any apps I got.02:28
mark66jFirefishe: I also do have a later VMware so that may be part02:28
^HikariI was told to burn a cd with the iso, and I did, and ran it, and now I'm supposed to install Ubuntu on the usb thumb drive, but I'm not entirely sure how02:28
gbillingscody__: i am currently doind the same thing right now one sec while i double check my settings02:28
Firefishemark66j:  I can't afford vmware at this time, so virtualbox may have to suffice.02:28
^HikariFreakishly noob question, I know.02:28
cody__gbillings: ok cool :)02:28
Firefishe^Hikari:  usb installs are a bit out of my experience vector.  I've only been successful with one, and that was an old copy of slax ;)02:29
^Hikari: (02:29
Firefisheall my ubuntu ones failed.02:29
DasEi^Hikari: you could try by just disconnecting any other drive, but safer approach is pendrivelinux02:29
^HikariI'm helpless then.02:29
^HikariI did that02:29
mark66jFirefishe: I want to try virtual box too02:30
^HikariBut it only works as a liveusb02:30
^HikariDoesn't save any settings or apps I install02:30
^HikariIt's frustrating02:30
IMTheNachoMananyone here use selinux?02:30
shadyanyone online in the linuxmint forum?02:30
gbillingsok cody__ go to the IPv4 tab and click shared to other computers02:31
DasEi^Hikari: nah, visit : http://www.pendrivelinux.com/category/usb-installs-from-linux/02:31
gbillingsif im not clear cody__ see http://pastebay.com/10164902:31
DasEi^Hikari: size of the usb ?02:31
cody__gbillings: did you change any settings on your xbox?02:31
DasEi!who | ^Hikari02:31
ubottu^Hikari: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:31
^HikariIt should work perfectly fine as far as I know02:31
=== freezway_ is now known as freezway
DasEi^Hikari: np, yes, will do fine, scroll down the given link, select a distro, will do fine and easy02:32
freezwayDasEi, Ok, im back... I have X back02:32
cody__gbillings: brb, restarting comp02:32
ubottujuca: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:32
DasEifreezway: I got a viewsonic here, too, in which I onced purged pred the nvidia via synaptic and re-installed it by jockey-gtk to get a fix, but it might be that your kernel lacks dpms, so a look in..02:32
DasEifreezway: /var/log/Xorg.0.log might tell you more about it's initialisation02:33
gbillings_cody__: did it work?02:33
pnemaNewbie question: "ubuntu software center" had a button to upgrade to 10.04 LTS.  I prev pressed it but had to cancel it.  Now I don't see the button.  How to I get that button back! :)02:33
^Hikaricody__, Are you sure this will work?  I tried doing it with the UUI and it only gave me a liveusb that didn't save any settings or anything at all.  It was quite frustrating.02:33
EruditeHermithey, does anyone know how to set GDM theme in Lucid?02:33
EruditeHermitafter my upgrade I got stuck with the old theme02:34
freezwayDasEi, so purge anything that looks related? also when do i reboot? after purging? after reinstalling?02:34
gbillings_cody__: did is work?02:34
acerimmer_EruditeHermit: System>Preferences>Appearance02:34
FirefisheShould I use gnome to upgrade from karmic to lucid, or is using the kde tool okay?  Or is using gnome's synaptic tool from within kde all right, too?02:34
pnemayup, was a very newbie. found my answer02:34
quintenhey, what's the best "ubuntu" way to set up a central file server? there may be some windows clients, for now just other unbuntu systems02:34
EruditeHermitacerimmer_, where in there sets the GDM theme?02:35
acerimmer_EruditeHermit: Appearance>Theme02:35
DasEifreezway: under system > admin.., you got a tab saying hardwaredrivers ?02:35
EruditeHermitacerimmer_, that sets the theme once logged in, not the GDM theme02:35
freezwayDasEi, yeah, but take a look at my log file... http://pastebin.com/yy3Y4Y3j02:36
blue_annahow can I get mplayer to play in the background? I'm using xwinwrap but the video still comes out on top of everything02:36
acerimmer_EruditeHermit: so you want to change login screen??02:36
acerimmer_EruditeHermit: wait one02:36
IpainCould someone please help me? https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/11216202:36
EruditeHermitacerimmer_, lucid seems to have removed the way you did it in earlier versions of Ubuntu02:37
acerimmer_EruditeHermit: true.  you do change it with ubuntu tweak02:38
gbillings__cody__: you can see my blob post about sharing your ubuntu wifi with and XBOX http://thegbill.wordpress.com/2010/06/01/share-internet-with-xbox/02:38
blue_annaIpain: when you first go to log in, when you click on your name, there are options that appear at the bottom -- have you tried selecting Gnome (failsafe)02:38
gbillings__cody__: please tell me if it worked02:38
EruditeHermitacerimmer_, what package is that or can you link me to how to get it?02:38
IpainNope.. Does that usually work?02:39
acerimmer_EruditeHermit: OR my suggestion is to use THIS  http://maketecheasier.com/change-login-and-boot-screen-in-ubuntu-lucid/2010/05/1302:39
DasEifreezway: nothin uncommon in log; gksudo synaptic, search for nvidia1...02:39
EruditeHermitacerimmer_, ah thanks I'll try that02:39
freezwayDasEi, ok02:39
swathanthrani am on arch now, would it work if i chroot to my ubuntu partition and do apt-get there?02:39
gbillings__Is there a way to google from terminal without lynx?02:39
l0dehello, is there anyone here interested in anti-captcha tactics02:40
CaptainTrekgbillings__:  install w3m02:40
blue_annaIpain: tell you the truth, usually you never have this freezing problem to begin with ...02:40
CaptainTrekgbillings__:  without a terminal based browser, then no02:40
gbillings__CaptainTrek: thanks02:40
orangeglogbillings: i was able to get my xbox to go through my pc, then it was searching for my PC but i dont think it was connected to the internet. when i had my wirless options set to share with computers i was unable to get online on my laptop02:40
IpainHmm.. Did I do something wrong when I set it up possibly?02:40
DasEifreezway: choose to completly remove the current driver(s)02:41
orangeglogbillings: have you successfully gotten onto xbox live?02:41
freezwayDasEi, there are a number of packages, also, gtk-jockey or w/e wants an upgraf02:41
jamesd2is it just me or does the floodbots and chanserv generate a flood all on there own.. probably worse than most users do....02:41
blue_annaIpain: I hav no idea .. if you can log in fail safe, come back and ask someone to walk you through gathering the Xorg log and update your ticket with that info02:41
freezwayDasEi, upgrade*02:41
DasEifreezway: apply upgrades first02:42
EruditeHermitacerimmer_, btw, any ideas why it didn't update my GDM theme on the upgrade?02:42
IpainAlright will do thanks.02:42
FirefisheI'm using karmic.  How do I make CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE work?02:42
freezwayDasEi, ok.... upgrading... may take a while on my internet....02:42
freezwayDasEi, yeah.... 13 min remaining02:42
acerimmer_EruditeHermit: sorry, no idea.  probably something with the upgrade method, i.e clean install vs. synaptic or something02:43
DasEifreezway: caffeine fine here02:43
blue_annado any window managers use SVG objects for all windows parts yet?02:43
gbillings__blue_anna: not that i know of02:44
freezwayin the mean time, how do you hide the numerous joining and leaving of people in xchat &&/|| or irssi02:44
EruditeHermitacerimmer_, thanks for your help02:45
EruditeHermiti'm going to try it now bbl02:45
acerimmer_EruditeHermit: hope that works.  I played with all of the options and eventually went with ubuntu studio defaults02:45
Ebuntu!info karmic02:47
ubottuPackage karmic does not exist in lucid02:47
freezway!info xjump02:47
ubottuxjump (source: xjump): A jumping game for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7.5-6 (lucid), package size 21 kB, installed size 152 kB02:47
gbillings__freezway: did you ask that already?02:47
gbillings__freezway: just curious02:48
gbillings__deja vu02:48
gbillings__anybody know how to hide signins and signouts in smuxi02:50
DasEifreezway: /ignore -channels #mwsf * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS02:50
miliiiihi folks.  i got my dualshock 3 working mostly good, but the d-pad isn't very sensitive, takes a full press to get directions to register.  any way to adjust that?02:51
freezwayDasEi, http://pastebin.com/zm5XZkLh02:51
Tauhey, my sound stopped for working, i guess i must installed some either newer or older version of packages, it may be having conflits, how can I do to fix the common packages versions which are suited to the most packages which are installed ?02:51
k-radwhy would my default ubuntu packages tell me some of them cannot be authenticated, install at own risk02:52
gbillings__k-rad: i am having the same weird issue02:52
cody__gbillings: any luck connecting to live?02:52
gbillings__k-rad: paste the output if you type gpg02:53
gbillings__cody__ i connected fine02:53
mark66jk-rad: I have seen that too02:53
cody__gbillings: i switched my wirless to share to computers, but then i wasnt able to connect to the internet on my laptop02:53
Zed`hey there, I just installed 10.4 on a stinkpad A31p - I can't get it to see the wifi, where did device list go? hehe02:55
aknagiIs anyone here running KDE + Gnome on the same box? Are the menu's still "cluttered" in both?02:55
freezwayaknagi, yes... they are02:55
safeHow can I run nautilus from a console without detaching it?02:56
aknagiOh well. I'll wait untill I get a machine capable of running VMs before trying kubuntu.02:56
aknagiI'm in love with gnome anyway, so it would be like cheating.02:57
gbillings__cody__ you have to reconnect your wireless signal02:57
gbillings__mark66j: what does does typing gpg in terminal yield?02:57
gbillings__k-rad mark66j if you type in... gpgv ... in a terminal, what is returned02:57
DasEifreezway: /ignore -channels * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS MODES            a better hit ?02:57
k-radi get a file open error when i type that02:58
the_true_justicethe new exploit version of israel ubuntu : http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&sl=ar&tl=en&u=http://www.almanar.com.lb/NewsSite/NewsDetails.aspx%3Fid%3D140017%26language%3Dar&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&twu=1&usg=ALkJrhgUhrb_XaUZxQUkWU-BVnxhBGJGqA02:58
gbillingscody__: i have the same result sudenly02:58
freezwayDasEi, http://pastebin.com/LC6bBTbP02:58
Lichteis there a way to keep NetworkManager from overwriting my /etc/resolv.conf file ???02:58
gbillingsk-rad is it gpg: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/lib/libreadline.so.6: undefined symbol: PC?02:58
k-radgpgv: keyblock resource `/home/bobcat/.gnupg/trustedkeys.gpg': file open error02:59
gbillingsk-rad did you try sudo gpgv02:59
k-radsame result02:59
cody__gbillings: ive restarted my computer a couple of times, and im still unable to connect. so for wireless you have it set to share to computers, and for auto eth0 you have it set to automatic??03:00
mark66jLichte: Do you have a fixed IP?03:00
DasEifreezway: so I don't know from irssi-line then, it does via the config, #irrsi might know better, I'm using it too seldom03:00
DjDarkhey i'm literally 6 feet from my router (same room obviously) and i'm just getting 70% reception03:01
Lichtemark66j: I can have03:01
gbillingsmark66j what happens when you type gpgv in terminal03:01
segfaultis it possible to make the window buttons bigger on gnome themes03:01
kygaoThis is my first use,what is it?03:01
* freezway is away: laxitives 0_003:02
gbillingscody__ does you xbox connect to live tho?03:02
FyreFoXis it possible to see the raw disk size from cli without sudo ?03:02
blue_annahow can I get mplayer to play in the background? I'm using xwinwrap but the video still comes out on top of everything03:02
mark66jLichte: I found Network Manager must be removed for reliable fixed ip03:02
R3cur51v3I'm separating my / and my /home partitions; is 20 GB enough for /?03:02
kygaois it a chart room?03:02
trelayneHi all, just installed Lucid Linux and switched to nvidia  proprietary driver to use compiz. But everything seems slower than what I had in 9.04 (i.e. alt-tab motion are  sluggies ). Any ideas what might be going on?03:02
R3cur51v3I'm going to be installing lots of software, but I never went over 13GB on Fedora, so I'm guessing Ubuntu can't possibly take much more space.03:03
DasEiFyreFoX: raw ?  try df -h , if that's what you need03:03
cody__gbillings: no it doesnt connect.03:03
Lichtemark66j: so just uninstall it eh ?03:03
FyreFoXDasEi: as in how big the disk is.. ie 40G or whatever03:03
segfaultR3cur51v3, it depends on the amount of sofware, yes, but you can always adjust it later03:03
mark66jgbillings: Cant check now not on that syst03:03
R3cur51v3segfault: I'm using XFS for the home partition, which cannot be shrunk03:03
R3cur51v3So increasing size later will mean I have to backup and restore03:04
DjDarklinksys wmp54g v.4 pci card and linksys wrt160n router03:04
mark66jLichte: If you dont need dhcp yes03:04
* freezway is back (gone 00:02:13)03:04
R3cur51v3segfault: thanks though03:04
gbillingscody__ it worked for me i dont knoww try reading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing03:04
Lichtemark66j: I sure don't need dhcp03:04
cody__gbillings: i tried that. im confused because when i set my wireless to share with computers, my laptop is unable to connect to the internet03:05
segfaultR3cur51v3, sure. keep in mind that ubuntu is quite a large install03:05
cody__gbillings: are you still able to access the internet when your wireless is set to share?03:05
k-radis there a chipset of linmodem that tends to just work ?03:05
goddardHow do you disable the keyring from asking me for my password everytime i login to activate my chat accounts?03:05
swathanthrank-rad: conexant modems are heard to be working03:05
gbillingscody__ it used to but now it dosent; i can connect to a wifi network but i cant do anything in a browser03:05
k-radswathanthran, you don't have to pay for a driver do you ?03:06
cody__gbillings: is eth0 set to auto?03:06
swathanthrank-rad: conexant modems themselves give out drivers.. well oh yeah i heard they have that damn thing, like its half speed for that.. i don't have any first hand info..03:06
venomhow do i become root in the console03:06
gbillingsgbillings: yes03:06
gbillingscody__ yes03:06
rsouthardvenom su -03:06
jrib!sudo > venom03:07
ubottuvenom, please see my private message03:07
tritiumrsouthard: sudo -i03:07
swathanthrank-rad: i mean half speed for the driver they have it with the device or something..03:07
DasEiFyreFoX: raw ?  try df -h , but that wiil only show mounted drives with read access03:07
swathanthrank-rad: btw people still use dialup?03:07
mark66jLichte: Just make sure you get all the fixed setting in place. Also think u must disable dhcpd from stsrtin03:07
gbillingsswathanthran: language pls03:07
k-radswathanthran, i wanted to be able to fax from my ubuntu box03:07
venomhow do i edit the sudoers file03:07
swathanthrangbillings: ?03:07
rsouthardyour right sorry. was thinking of rhel.03:07
greezmunkeygbillings: try to ping - if that works try pinging google.com. If the first works, and the second fails it's a dns issue.03:07
blue_annasudovi I think03:07
jribvenom: why do you want to?03:07
FyreFoXDasEi: yes, wont show me the disk size unfortunately only mounted partitions03:08
venomits says im  not in it03:08
swathanthrank-rad: oh that sounds cool..03:08
onetinsoldierhi. when setting up ftp server, people login on port #21? is that correct?03:08
jribvenom: is this the first user you created during install?03:08
swathanthrangbillings: i just wanted to know if people still use dialup!:)03:08
k-radswathanthran, its nice to be able to print to fax03:08
jribonetinsoldier: by default, yeah03:08
venomyes..and my pass isnt working03:08
onetinsoldierjrib: roger. thank you03:08
venomim screwed03:08
DasEiFyreFoX: I just viewed /proc, but I think fdisk -l is only way then03:08
blue_annavenom: visudo03:08
jribvenom: what do you mean your pass isn't working?  Are you logged in now?03:08
blue_annavenom: you are in the thing right?03:09
gbillingsgreezmunkey: neither work03:09
jrib!who | venom03:09
ubottuvenom: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:09
rsouthardvenom: just do.... sudo su - root to become root03:09
wise_cryptonetinsoldier: yes if the server port is still in default03:09
FyreFoXDasEi: thanks. was hoping to do it without sudo/root. Thanks for helping though03:09
gbillingscody__: try to ping - if that works try pinging google.com. If the first works, and the second fails it's a dns issue. as says greezmunkey03:09
orangeglogbillings: is your xbox set to automatic? or did you manually input the information?03:09
swathanthrank-rad: but can internal modem do that? like say an internal modem can't work with asterisk .. oh but ability to send AT commands should be enough right.. hmm..03:10
gbillingsorangeglo: automatic03:10
wise_cryptgbillings, : ping
blue_annavenom: sudo visudo /etc/sudoers will edit it -- now, having said that. don't03:10
k-radswathanthran, indeed it can, if supported03:10
DasEiFyreFoX: ah, found a way :03:10
onetinsoldierwise_crypt: thanks03:10
cody__gbillings: how do i "ping"?03:10
blue_annavenom: sudo -i to be root for a bit, when yuo need that03:10
DasEiFyreFoX: gnome-device-manager03:10
jribvenom: you can reset your password if you need to, but we cannot help you if you do not answer our questions03:10
DasEiFyreFoX: so for sure there is a cmd-line versin, too03:11
greezmunkeywise_crypt: he couldn't ping, or google.com...03:11
rsouthardvenom: there really isnt any reason to edit your sudoers file.03:11
gbillingswise_crypt: nope03:11
venomit asks for pass but my pass doesnt work....the one i always use03:11
jribvenom: what do you mean your pass isn't working?  Are you logged in now?  Please use my nick if you are replying to me03:11
AudicaLiveHello everyone, JC here, different name (yay)03:11
FyreFoXDasEi: Oo.. mm03:11
rsouthardvenom: try sudo passwd root03:11
cody__well i pinged and im getting a steady stream of 64 bytes03:11
jribrsouthard: stop suggesting silly things please03:11
gbillingscody__ try google.com03:11
swathanthrank-rad: oh thats big news for me. i thought they are just two different hardwares.. my laptop has a phone socket, and its internal modem is wired with soundcard if i get it working with soundmodem(i saw some similar package on linmodem), i can make it work with asterisk?03:12
rsouthardjrib: that isnt silly. that will reset his root pword if that is what he needs.03:12
cody__to see if im able to open it??03:12
greezmunkeygbillings: heh, It looked like you were in trouble! My bad!03:12
gbillingscody__ that will check if you have access to the outside world03:12
k-radswathanthran, if its powerful enough, i'm pretty sure that may work.  i've never investigated asterisk just seen it mentioned alot03:12
jribrsouthard: it is silly.  Why would he need to reset a password that isn't set by default?  And he's asking about sudo, not a root account03:12
gbillingsgreezmunkey: i am confused03:12
gbillingsgreezmunkey: im helping somebody elses03:13
rsouthardjrib: if he cant become root then it probably needs to be reset.03:13
AudicaLiveJust out of curiosity, anyone using the KDE netbook interface? Giving it a try now, and I quite like it, the only exception is that I can't figure out how to see some kind of taskbar while using Pidgin or any other application. Any way to change that? Maybe a OSX like doc, or Win7 type pinnable taskbar that's always on the bottom.03:13
greezmunkeygbillings: I get that now :)03:13
* swathanthran rushes to #asterisk03:13
jribrsouthard: no.03:13
FyreFoXDasEi: have to go out, will check back thanks again03:13
k-radi thought no one needs root on ubuntu03:13
jrib!root > rsouthard03:13
ubottursouthard, please see my private message03:13
DasEiFyreFoX: np03:13
AudicaLivek-rad you should barely ever use the root account directly, using sudo will suffice and is much less dangerous generally.03:14
acerimmer_AudicaLive: what you're asking for is probably there.  KDE has all kinds lf littel tweaks like that.  there 's always cairo dock03:14
gbillingsgreezmunkey: im glad we're not confused any more03:14
gbillingscody__: were u able to ping google.com03:14
BuUzdoes a presario v5000 have a cam built in?03:14
jribBuUz: ask compaq?03:14
greezmunkeygbillings: so it is cody__ that is having the problem, he could ping, but hasn't tried ping google.com yet afaik...03:15
k-radnamebench is the name of a utility that is really useful in finding the fastest free dns servers03:15
BuUzi was going to buy one for my ubuntu but not sure if it has a cam i can use03:15
k-radits hosted by those google projects03:15
gbillingsgreezmunkey: he is trying right now but whenever he enables ipv4 sharing he loses his connection03:16
orangeglogbillings: when i had my wireless set to share i was unable to ping
DasEifreezway: still around ?03:16
gbillingsorangeglo: did you restart?03:16
AudicaLiveThanks acerimmer, i'll look into it. I've never used KDE before, but I've heard that about it. Just out of curiosity, is it supposed to be slower than GNOME at default?03:16
rahdukei deleted the time/date from my panel, and I dunno what i should add back to get it to re-appear....03:16
orangeglogbillings: no i just restarted the connection03:16
DasEifreezway: purge the current nvidia drivers by synaptic, then re-install recommended via jockey (hardwaredrivers), I gtg soon03:17
rahdukewhy isn't there just a time and date panel object?03:17
gbillingsorangeglo: you must restart your computer after changing the settingsd03:17
ldlework_Does anyone want to help me understand xmodmap's commands?03:17
orangeglogbillings: ok03:17
jribldlework_: just ask y our real question03:17
MaT-dgMy google chrome launcher disappears from the main menu after each reboot.03:17
faisal_hi everyone03:18
gbillingsMat-dgL you can run it by google-chrome03:18
acerimmer_AudicaLive: don't know the numbers but it is gpu intensive especially as compared to gnome.  You can either sudo apt-get install kubuntu for the interface or install virtual box, download kubuntu and try it on a virtual machine03:18
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faisal_quick question is how do i install the wireless drive on my ubuntu on my laptop03:18
faisal_i tried the lspci doesnt explain much03:18
acerimmer_audicalive: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop03:18
MaletorWhy might I be able to access a samba share from mydomain.com (from inside mydomain.com's LAN) but not from outside it?03:18
greezmunkeygbillings: when you share internet, the *shared* interface takes on its own subnet, 10.42.43.X I believe. If the othermachines connected to that interface are statically assigned they will lose connectivity even though the interface looks up and ready. Devices connected to a shared interface (the secondary interface) should be set to get ip address via dhcp.03:18
MaT-dggbillings: I know, but it's just a workarround isn't it?03:18
faisal_but i have downloaded the file tgz how do i extract it in firmware folder03:18
ldlework_jrib, okay I do 'clear Control'  'keycode 64 = Control_L'  'keycode 108 =Control_R'  'add Control = Control_L Control_R'  and in emacs keycode 64 produces C-S-c-s  what am I not understanding about xmodmap?03:19
gbillingsfaisal_ lspci -v | less              -- will tell u which card you have03:19
faisal_any help03:19
jribldlework_: (ask the channel)03:19
ldlework_In xmodmap I do 'clear Control'  'keycode 64 = Control_L'  'keycode 108 =Control_R'  'add Control = Control_L Control_R'  and in emacs keycode 64 produces C-S-c-s  what am I not understanding about xmodmap?03:19
mark66jMaletor: Likely a firewall03:20
MaletorThat is to say port scanning an external domain internal to the LAN yields different ports than from outside the LAN. Oh, but why?03:20
jrib!wifi > faisal_03:20
ubottufaisal_, please see my private message03:20
Maletormark66j: I'm looking at the firewall. The ports are forwarded.03:20
faisal_yeah jrib wifi03:20
gbillingsfaisal_: keep scrolling until u find something related to wireless03:20
gbillings!wifi > gbillings03:21
ubottugbillings, please see my private message03:21
gbillingswhere can i find a list of these [!] commands?03:21
AudicaLiveacerimmer, thanks, i'm already using it hahaha. I've got the plasma netbook interface up. On a desktop, it's still actually practical, and will be awesome when I get it hooked back up to the big tv back home03:21
jrib!ubottu > gbillings03:21
ubottugbillings, please see my private message03:21
greezmunkeygbillings: they are secret03:21
AudicaLiveI'm still having a very pleasant resolution issue though. Can't get above 800x600.03:21
gbillingsthanks jrib man03:22
cody__gbillings: ok i restarted, and i was unable to ping
faisal_gbillings didnt find related things03:22
swathanthranubuntu takes for ever to calculate du while archlinux does it instantenously why is that?03:22
faisal_greezmunky hi .. has it goin i am still having same issue to configure wireless card on my laptop03:22
MaletorCan someone port scan and tell me what they get?03:23
swathanthransay for a directory >2gb du -hsc . in ubuntu takes about a minute03:23
greezmunkeyfaisal_: that howto failed you?03:23
gbillingslagged out03:23
cfeddeswathanthran: same hosts? same cache state?03:23
jamesd2swathanthran, are you sure they are on the same sze filesystem and same group of files.. are the filesystem more fragmented on ubuntu, most likely the same code is used to build du in each version.03:24
gbillingswho needed help with wifi03:24
faisal_like i said i am new to ubuntu03:24
faisal_dont know command and functions03:25
lii am green hand03:25
ubottufaisal: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/03:25
cody__gbillings: how can i check to see if all my settings are correct? it doesnt seem right that this process isnt working for me, but it easily worked for you :\03:25
AudicaLiveAnyone know how to raise resolution? Mine's locked at 800x600. It sucks.03:25
faisal_ubottu you seem smart why dont you take over my laptop and install it for me the wirelless03:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:25
gbillingscody__: specify what u need to check.,,03:25
FloodBot2li: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:25
gbillingsFloodBot2 lol03:26
R3cur51v3Why does the bot chastise someone who makes two posts in a row?03:26
R3cur51v3That's ridiculous.03:26
cody__gbillings: im not sure, i mean i checked my ifconfig and everything looked ok. I've set wireless to share, and eth0 to auto, restarted, and im still unable to connect to live :\03:26
acerimmer_bot has not feelings at all03:26
ubottuli: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk03:27
Jordan_UR3cur51v3: It was more than two posts03:27
Tauhey, my sound isn't working, how can I do to fix it ? it was working for some days ago but it stopped when i tried to install some packages.03:27
gbillingspastw what happens when you enter ifconfig on a pastebin03:27
Tauhow can I do to fix it ?03:27
ubottulin: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい03:27
Taui don't know much about linux.03:27
gbillingsle: ingles please!03:27
Taui tried in the google but it didn't help much.03:27
faisal_anyone speak hindi or urdu É03:28
greezmunkeycody__: is it like this?:: clientcomputer >> ubuntu >> wifi Internet03:28
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:28
CAPcaphey i cant install themes or open the tar.gz archives they are in. im getting an error message from archive manager "03:28
CAPcapgzip: stdin: not in gzip format03:28
CAPcaptar: Child returned status 103:28
CAPcaptar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors03:28
CAPcap" Im running Lucid03:28
FloodBot2CAPcap: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:28
AudicaLiveLi speaks chinese everyone03:28
swathanthranfaisal_: kya chahtha hey bhai? hindi thodasa malum muche03:28
Tauplease, help me, i want to watch porn movies , it doesn't have fun when no there is sounds.03:28
AudicaLiveHahahaha Tau, wow.03:29
R3cur51v3Tau go away troll.03:29
jamesd2i watched the indy 500 on sunday and understood the announcers for the most part.... does that count?03:29
cody__greezmunkey: well im just trying to spit internet out of my wifi laptop. thats pretty much it03:29
TauAudicaLive:  hey03:29
faisal_yaar mere ko wirelss install karne ka hai aur maloom nahi kaisa karna hai instal03:29
AudicaLiveThanks Gib.03:29
acerimmer_Tau: that is so original and clever!03:29
KB1JWQlet us be civil.03:29
Tauacerimmer_:  i know. thank you.03:29
cody__greezmunkey: i have internet on my laptop, im just unable to get my xbox to receive it03:29
gbillingsgreezmunkey: hes trying to share his wifi connection via ethernet03:29
swathanthrancfedde: jamesd2 its the same directory.. i donno about "cache state" what to check about that?03:29
AudicaLiveFaisal, screenshot what you want to do, use your mouse or draw errors in GIMP or something. I should be able to try to help you03:29
Tauacerimmer_:  so, tell me how i can fix it ?03:30
greezmunkeycody__: set you xbox to get it's address from dhcp first, ok.03:30
gbillingscody__: idk whats wrong mine just stopped working 2day it was working before03:30
swathanthrancfedde: jamesd2: and same system.03:30
acerimmer_Tau: sorry.  going to pass on this one.03:30
cfeddeswathanthran: I'm a bit confused about how two different oses can have access to the same directory at the same time. via nfs?03:30
CAPcaphey i cant install themes or open the tar.gz archives they are in. im getting an error message from archive manager http://paste.ubuntu.com/443090/    im running lucid. sorry for pasting in here03:30
Tauacerimmer_:  sure.03:30
z1yHi. What is the purpose of the package openssl-blacklist? is it often used by system?03:30
k-radwould those packages from ubuntu that tell me they cannot be authenticated have anything to do with AppArmor ?03:30
gbillingsCAPcap: give a download link for the theme03:31
swathanthrancfedde: sorry not the same time but at different time.. but it was very common, every du took a long time in ubuntu and almost instantenous on arch03:31
jamesd2swathanthran, i assume that archlinux isn't runing   kde or gnome thus is probably the difference since both use a lot of ram as does X in general...03:31
AudicaLiveCapcap, can you put up a pastebin of the error?03:31
CAPcapAudicaLive, i did03:31
swathanthranjamesd2: no, i used stumpwm on ubuntu03:31
faisal_swathanthran bahi mei help kar do .. mere ko wirelless card kaisa install karne ka hai laptop main03:31
AudicaLivegood this resolution is awful, all of the messages look too similar, sorry capcap03:31
User33does anyone know how to find an exploit in a kereln to gain root access03:31
R3cur51v3Does Ubuntu set the clock to UTC by default?03:32
AudicaLiveFaisal, you want Wifi on your Laptop?\03:32
R3cur51v3Or does it use the local time?03:32
Random832R3cur51v3: what clock?03:32
faisal_audiclalive yes i do03:32
R3cur51v3The HW clock03:32
CaptainTrekR3cur51v3:  depends on what you chose when you installed from the livecd03:32
Random832i think everything sets the HW clock to utc now03:32
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R3cur51v3CaptainTrek: I'm on the LiveCD right now and it didn't give me the option03:32
Random832CaptainTrek: you're tihnking of something different03:32
R3cur51v3Random832: Windows doesn't03:32
Random832he's not talking about the user timezone setting03:33
Random832R3cur51v3: i think XP and later does actually03:33
CaptainTrekRandom832:  ah03:33
CAPcaphttp://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Gruppled+Cursors?content=86081    http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Gruppled+Glow?content=87297  http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Gruppled+mod+zinn+%28emerald%29?content=9901303:33
R3cur51v3Random832: the HW clock has to be set to local time in order to have compatibility with Windows03:33
durtR3cur51v3, unix standard is UTC03:33
cody__greezmunkey: it is set to auto03:33
Random832R3cur51v3: that was written back when the current version of windows was like 9503:33
Random832or 9803:33
swathanthranjamesd2: cfedde: damnn i missed to say that:) its ubuntu 8.04 and latest arch:) (but does it matter?)03:33
greezmunkeycody__: on your laptop...is that how you are chatting here?03:33
cfeddeswathanthran: I suppose I'd have to chalk it up to unknown details. If you're realy serious about investigating this then setting up a repeatable measureable test would be critical.03:33
cody__greezmunkey: yes i am on my laptop03:34
greezmunkeycody__: ok, good are you using network manager?03:34
gbillings_ndiswrapper guide03:34
swathanthrancfedde: okay, i'll try it on newer ubuntu .. i just wanted to see if its just about missing some config some where on ubuntu so that i can make it faster on ubuntu too..03:34
gbillings_cody__: good luck03:34
greezmunkeycody__: ??03:35
swathanthrancfedde: what configs can there be around du regarding cache? btw where can i read more about du and disk cache?(searching a bit didn't turn up what i wanted)03:35
RemoteAssistancemy Ubuntu one account isn't working!!!!!!!!!!!!03:35
cody__greezmunkey: yes i think i am. im right clicking on my wirless connections and it is in a managable GUI03:35
faisal_can someone take over my pc and install the wifi wireless for me please03:35
AndrewX192What ccsm class does gksu fall in?03:35
greezmunkeycody__: good, right click network manager, edit connections - let me know when you are there.03:36
cfeddeswathanthran: the source for du is available.  I suspect that most linuxes use the same code.03:36
CAPcapFF is such a hog. Midori is better ^_^ (sorry for the randomness just really liking how light it is running)03:36
gbillings_greezmunkey: what are u telling cody__ 2 do?03:37
faisal_i think no one is ready to help me ...03:37
AlloeishusWhen starting a lot of different programs including games/recipe/others I get an error msg "DCOP com error. There was an error setting up inter-process communications for KDE. The message returned by the system was: Could not read network connection list. /home/joseph/.DCOPserver_Acer_0" Any ideas?03:37
cody__greezmunkey: is network manager under applications?03:37
greezmunkeygbillings_: how to share his Internet connection03:37
faisal_i been writing here and everyone directs me to a different website or pdf file03:37
RemoteAssistancecan you tell me how to share internet connection03:37
greezmunkeycody__: you see the networking icon thingy upper right had side of your screen in the panel?03:38
faisal_simple task for you guys .. install the wifi card to my pc03:38
gbillings_greezmunkey: by changin ipv4 settings? we tried that03:38
cody__greezmunkey: ah ok. yes i am there03:38
greezmunkeycody__: ok, good03:38
acerimmer_faisal_: no.  your computer your responsibility.03:38
greezmunkeycody__: now select your eth0, and choose edit03:38
CAPcaphey i cant install themes or open the tar.gz archives they are in. im getting an error message from archive manager http://paste.ubuntu.com/443090/    im running lucid.03:38
faisal_acerimmer certainly but asking for help is not a crime here sir03:38
swathanthrancfedde: oh btw, is this a general problem?(does du -hsc . on a directory >20gb on an average laptop take more than 10 seconds on ubuntu?)03:38
cody__greezmunkey: kk03:39
CAPcap themes are: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Gruppled+Cursors?content=86081    http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Gruppled+Glow?content=87297  http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Gruppled+mod+zinn+%28emerald%29?content=9901303:39
gbillings_CAPcap: thats for emerald03:39
acerimmer_faisal_: true.  and if a little bit of reading is required on your part to get YOUR system running, don't complain03:39
greezmunkeycody__: next, in ipv4 select shared to other computers under "method"03:39
l0dehello, can someone do me a favor and request that I get an unaffiliated cloak in #freenode03:39
RemoteAssistanceswathanthran is it possible to share remote desktop over internet?03:39
cfeddeswathanthran: I've not seen that problem.  I'd expect the time for du to complete would depend on the complexity of the filesystem traversed and the state of filebuffers in ram.03:40
l0dewhenever I try to chat there it says "cannot send to channel"03:40
CAPcapone of them... really what im peeved about is the mouse theme.03:40
l0deis that worth being peeved about CAPcap03:40
cody__greezmunkey: ive tried setting it to share03:40
gbillings_CAPcap you have to unzip that second one and it contains 2 themes03:40
CAPcapmy issue is that the tar.gz archives seem not to be openable... and they should be03:40
Black_Phantomfaisal_, are you running the latest ubuntu ?03:40
l0deI mean, some israelis shot out someone's eye today and killed a bunch of other people03:40
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:40
cfeddeswathanthran: perhaps also on which filesystem is in use.   but you claim that they are the same in your case.03:40
l0deseems like a rather small thing to find irksome in the face of such tragedy03:40
greezmunkeycody__: did you do it this time?03:41
faisal_balck phantom yes i am running latest laptop version03:41
xangual0de: please stop that03:41
l0destop what03:41
CAPcapi cant unzip them. archive manager spits out this pop up error  http://paste.ubuntu.com/443090/03:41
swathanthrancfedde: yeah both are ext3 and same directory03:41
Black_Phantomfaisal_, what is your laptop's type and model ?03:41
cody__greezmunkey: i just set it to share now. i had it on automatic a moment ago03:41
Alloeishusnobody has a clue on my issue?03:41
faisal_acer timeline 5810tz03:41
swathanthrancfedde: well say it doesn't vary with directory03:41
l0dewhat is your issue alloe03:41
swathanthrancfedde: i mean the difference is seen every time..03:41
l0deit's impossible to see with all the join/part spam03:41
=== jesse__ is now known as Guest85559
Alloeishusim going to spam but :When starting a lot of different programs including games/recipe/others I get an error msg "DCOP com error. There was an error setting up inter-process communications for KDE. The message returned by the system was: Could not read network connection list. /home/joseph/.DCOPserver_Acer_0" Any ideas?03:41
gbillings_CAPcap join me in private chat03:41
swathanthrancfedde: anyway i'll try myself a newer version..03:42
l0deyeah you fucked it up Alloeishus03:42
faisal_black phantom its acer timeline 5810tz03:42
Alloeishushow do I unfuck it up?03:42
greezmunkeycody__: ok, how are you connecting between you xbox and your ubuntu box, ethernet cable, or are you using a switch?03:42
l0deonesec, let me figure out how to fix your dumb boner03:42
ubottu10de: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:42
AudicaLiveCapcap how the hell do you have midori?03:42
F4RR4RI have a Syba usb to serial adapter I can't get to work in windows.  Anyone know if I can get it to work with Ubuntu?03:42
cody__greezmunkey: im using an ethernet cable03:42
l0dechrist, can I communicate without a bunch of idiots using ! commands at me03:42
l0deit's very rude03:42
greezmunkeycody__: you know the differance between a crossover, and straight cable?03:43
CAPcapAudicaLive, what do you mean?03:43
Alloeishussorry bot script, thought it was linux lingo03:43
l0deat least get my damn name right03:43
AudicaLiveCapcap you made a comment about FF vs Midori, Midori is supposedly the commercial implementation of MS's Singularity os. How did you get it:?03:43
l0dedelete and recreate your network connections03:43
l0deproblem solved03:43
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:43
swathanthrancfedde: gotta go, thanks for the help:)03:44
cody__greezmunkey: no i do not03:44
CAPcapAudicaLive, its in the software center...03:44
yaaanganybody know why 'apt-get install maven' tries to pull in gcj when i already have openjdk? any way to provide this?03:44
gbillings_l0de: i hate that 203:44
Alloeishusim not going to delete my network connections. it took me a week to randomly turn things on and off in order for me to get a connection in the first place03:44
l0deyeah man, those people should be gassed and put in an oven03:44
Alloeishus(newb to linux)03:44
l0delisten do you want to fix this or not03:44
l0deyou created it wrong03:44
CAPcapi think you are thinking of something else... its just a browser03:44
yakubl0de: how is the radio hour going03:44
l0deyou'll never get it right with it set up wrong in the first place03:44
Alloeishuswell it didnt start happening until today.03:45
AudicaLiveCapcap we are. i was thinking of the OS not the browser03:45
AlloeishusI think its because I turn off my computer by unplkugging it03:45
greezmunkeycody__: get the cable you are using, get one connector in each hand with the golden metallic parts facing up. look through the plastic, at the colors of the wires at the far left side of each conector. Are they the same color?03:45
Alloeishusmaybe it will fix itself if I reboot03:45
Black_Phantomfaisal_, did you check under Admin > Hardware drivers03:46
Black_PhantomIf it was disabled03:46
Black_Phantomor not ?03:46
=== Guest85559 is now known as Flare-Laptop
Alloeishusl0de doesnt ubuntu do an auto configure on my net connections somehow?03:46
=== harbor_ is now known as harbor
cody__greezmunkey: yeah they are the same colors03:46
greezmunkeycody__: that is a straight through cable and will not work for your application. do you have a switch or hub, and another one of those cables available?03:47
gbillings_How do i checksum in ubuntu03:48
Alloeishusgreezmunkey he can cross them over if he wants to spend some time at it :)03:48
Alloeishusi did it back in my poor days03:48
cody__greezmunkey: nah i dont :\ what does a crossover cable look like?03:48
ubottugbillings: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows03:48
gbillings_greezmunkey: its not working for me either; try doing the same thing on yours it DOSENT WORK!03:48
yaaanganybody know why 'apt-get install maven' tries to pull in gcj when i already have openjdk? any way to provide this?03:48
cody__alloeishus: how can i do it??03:49
greezmunkeycody__: the way you had the connectors in your hads before...the colors on the left side of one connector will be on pins 3 and 6 on the other connector, like this 1>3, 2>6, and vice versa03:49
Alloeishuscody__ just move them around03:50
Alloeishusbetter idea: buy the correct cable :)03:50
cody__lol yeah03:51
greezmunkeycody__: if you are feeling adventurous, and are good with a knife, you can hack that ethernet cable into a crossover.03:51
cody__ill just buy one03:51
greezmunkeycody__: good plan :)03:51
cody__thanks for the help greez!03:51
cody__and gbillings :)03:51
Alloeishusoh its just an eth.... easy one and if you screw it up it wont hurt much anyway03:51
greezmunkeygbillings_: I'm running a shared connection right now.03:51
gbillings_greezmunkey: to ur xbox?03:52
Alloeishusgreezmunkey hes trying to connect two computers together or what?03:52
Black_Phantomfaisal_, your wireless driver is from Atheros, and it seems to true thats its not enabled by ubuntu03:52
greezmunkeygbillings_: no, to another pc - same thing ethernet-wise though.03:52
gbillings_greezmunkey: i did it without a crossover03:53
gbillings_greezmunkey: once03:53
greezmunkeygbillings_: some ethernet ports on computers are autoMDX but not all.03:53
Alloeishusgreezmunkey couldnt he just splice and crossover from the wires or must it be within the connector?03:53
Black_Phantomfaisal_, consider: http://www.stchman.com/ath_drv.html03:53
MikeChelenanyone know a streaming video player for podcasts?03:54
gbillings_MikeChelen: iTunes03:54
Alloeishussee: www.littlewhitedog.com/content-8.html03:54
greezmunkeyAlloeishus: he could, as a temporary solution - but if the connections are not well done he could get corrupted data, retransmit issues, etc.03:55
gbillings_MikeChelen: jk Miro worked for me03:55
gbillings_MikeChelen: sudo apt-get install miro03:55
Alloeishusyeah I guess the easy solution is to buy the overpriced cable03:55
CAPcapwhy do my mouse themes only apply inside of programs but not on my desktop and inside of system tools? in those places i still have the original mouse theme03:55
greezmunkeyAlloeishus: when I need a crossover, I grab my tool kit and just make one :)03:55
MikeChelengbillings_: miro is great, but can it stream playback?03:55
MaT-dgHow can I prevent certain programs from stealing focus and jumping to the active workspace?03:55
gbillings_cody__ or the $90 wifi adapter :)03:56
Alloeishusgreezmunkey not everybody has an ethernet crimper under their bed03:56
yaaanganybody know why 'apt-get install maven' tries to pull in gcj when i already have openjdk? any way to provide this?03:56
greezmunkeyAlloeishus: how did you know...???03:56
cody__id rather buy the $10 crossover cable ;)03:56
Keelanalright, so I have a question. Have any of you managed to get Lucid Lynx running on an acer aspire?03:56
AlloeishusI dont think its $1003:56
jribyaaang: maven doesn't even seem to be in lucid repositories03:57
gbillings_MikeChelen: what do u mean "playback"03:57
gbillings_cody__ lol03:57
MikeChelengbillings_: playing the video03:57
gbillings_MikeChelen: yeah it worked, but it took 10 minutes to buffer03:57
corigoHi, I believe that my upgrade did not complete and now I have no access (wired or wireless). How can I manually force an update (not a re-install) from a CD source?03:57
greezmunkeycody__: If you have friends come over from time to time, you can get a 4 or 5 port hub/switch, and connect the pcs, and xbox together with that, and share your Internet multiple ways.03:57
gbillings_corigo you cant03:57
jribcorigo: why do you have that belief?03:58
greezmunkeygotta go for a bit...03:58
AlloeishusIRC people have friends that come over? Guess im from the old days03:58
corigojrib: partially because my system has suddenly lost any memory/knowledge of its' NICs03:58
gbillings_corigo you can burn a cd and upgrade from that i believe03:58
MikeChelengbillings_: dont see how, the only videos with "play" option are the ones fully downloaded03:58
corigogbillings_: Yes, exactly my question03:59
jribcorigo: I don't understand though, did you witness update-manager do something strange?03:59
Dfw214hey guys i am having a pretty big issue with my wifes comp03:59
corigoWas not present during the finalisation of the update, but it did take an inordinately long period of time03:59
gbillings_MikeChelen: oh i get it you put in the cd and ad the cd as a source03:59
Dfw214when i boot it up it doesn't go to the login screen04:00
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jribDfw214: where does it go?04:00
Dfw214it loads up with a black screen asking for her login information04:00
yaaangjrib: it seems to be there in mine and i also just checked on my friend's lucid system04:00
Dfw214no gui at all04:00
Keelanhey, is it an error with GRUB if i get a blinking cursor after BIOS finishes?04:00
jrib!info maven04:00
ubottuPackage maven does not exist in lucid04:00
hitmanWillyso X isn't loading04:00
yaaangjrib: we have no additional apt repos04:00
jribyaaang: apt-cache policy maven04:00
gbillings_MikeChelen: you can add a cd as a source by going to software sources in administration04:00
yaaangjrib: it's maven2 not maven04:00
Dfw214jrib: it stays in command prompt mode04:00
hitmanWillyok, log in like normal and try running startx from the cmd line04:01
jribDfw214: what do you actually see?04:01
Dfw214jrib: a black screen that asks for her login name and password, then the command prompt04:01
acerimmer__Keelan: ONLYblinking cursor, no boot04:01
Dfw214jrib: it's like i'm stuck in the terminal04:01
jribcorigo: you can use the alternate cd to do what you asked, but I think you are better off debugging your network issue04:01
CAPcapwhy do my mouse themes only apply inside of programs but not on my desktop and inside of system tools? in those places i still have the original mouse theme04:01
gbillings_!info maven204:01
jribDfw214: can you login?04:01
ubottumaven2 (source: maven2): Java software project management and comprehension tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.1-2 (lucid), package size 3131 kB, installed size 3648 kB04:01
gbillings_maven2 showed up04:02
MikeChelengbillings_: that was meant for corigo right?04:02
Dfw214jrib: it accepts the password but she can't use the OS04:02
yaaangalso, when my friend tries to install maven, apt doesn't try to pull in gcj; this only happens to me, and we both have openjdk installed04:02
Keelanacerimmer_: yeah, only a blinking cursor. Its happened with 9.10 but i got it to work, but now 10.04 is doing it too04:02
jribDfw214: do you get a shell prompt?04:02
hitmanWillyDfw214: you know how to use pastebin?04:02
Dfw214jrib: yeah it's just like that04:02
gbillings_yes the maven2 was04:02
Dfw214hitmanWilly: no04:02
jribyaaang: what package *exactly* does it want to pull in and what package *exactly* do you think already satisfies the requirement?  Hint: apt-cache depends maven204:03
Zeldachannel description Dfw21404:03
hitmanWillyok, log in and type startx at the cmd line04:03
acerimmer__Keelan: might be some issue with splashes on boot.  ask about silent/no splash commands04:03
acerimmer__sorry i don't know them04:03
Dfw214channel description04:03
yaaangjrib: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=149361004:03
ZeldaPastes to http://ubuntu.pastebin.com04:03
jribyaaang: this doesn't answer my question04:04
Keelanacerimmer_: i can't even input anything. Its not like a command prompt that i could enter commands. It just sits there and blinks04:04
Dfw214that fixed it!!!04:04
jribDfw214: that's not a fix.  You need to figure out why gdm is not starting04:04
ZeldaI think he was being ...04:04
corigojrib: can you help with that?04:04
acerimmer__Keelan: during boot hit <esc> and see if you get dropped to the grub prompt.  BTW how did u upgrade from 9 to 10?  clean install or ...?04:04
hitmanWillyDfw214: you could always try re-installing gdm to see if that fixes the issue04:05
gbillings_any fix for this:[gpg: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/lib/libreadline.so.6: undefined symbol: PC]04:05
yaaangjrib: you asked what exact packages it's pulling in, and what i think already satsfies it...04:05
yaaangjrib: both are listed in my post04:05
Zeldagdm = gnome desktop manager?04:05
jribgbillings_: don't compile things to /usr/local/ that you shouldn't need to compile?04:05
Dfw214jrib: it isn't a fix but it gives my wife a chance to use her computer for right now while i troubleshoot it04:05
heaven_my display resolution is not working properly, i mean i cant set my resolution to my monitors default resolution04:06
jribyaaang: I'm trying to understand what /you/ believe the issue to be, thus why I emphasized *exactly* in my question two times04:06
Dfw214what would cause that to happen though?04:06
gbillings_whenever i try to download anything from apt i get this gpg: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/lib/libreadline.so.6: undefined symbol: P04:06
Keelanacerimmer_: no, i can't get 10.04 to install from a flash drive, but i can get 9.10 so i was updating through that and it completed fine but after the restart it broke again.04:06
jribDfw214: exit X and see if « sudo service gdm start » gives you gdm04:06
jribgbillings_: did you miss my reply?04:06
acerimmer__Keelan: dual?  wubi?04:07
gbillings_jrib: what does that mean?04:07
jribgbillings_: you didn't compile something?04:07
Keelanacerimmer_: eh? dual? i didn't use wubi anywhere, i know that.04:07
heaven_keelan: i just installed , no probs here. used an old 9.10 usb and ran live and then used startup disk creator and used the 10.04 iso and presto04:07
gbillings_no im just trying to update my distro04:07
yaaangjrib: the issue is that i have what i thought was a satisfactory set of dependencies (see the openjdk list at the bottom), but apt disagrees (see the install confirmations), and i don't know why04:07
acerimmer__Keelan: see heaven_ idea04:07
jribgbillings_: I am asking you: did you ever compile something?04:07
Dfw214jrib: so you mean shut it down and start over?04:07
drknzzHelp! My mic is not working04:08
heaven_can any body help me with display resolution prob, having it for a long time and its irritating me04:08
jribyaaang: what exactly is are the packages in question.  You believe every single package listed there is unnecessary?04:08
alice123neither is my sound ;p04:08
R3cur51v3How do I find the fastest mirror for apt-get?04:08
jribDfw214: no, just log out04:08
Keelanheaven_: huh. I don't have an optical drive on my netbook, nor do I have an external drive handy04:08
MTecknologyR3cur51v3: synaptic04:08
Keelanthats why ive been having so many problems04:08
Keelani may just wait for 10.1004:08
gbillings_jrib let me start over: whenever i type in gpg at a terminal i get gpg: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/lib/libreadline.so.6: undefined symbol: PC04:08
yaaangjrib: of course not, i think that gcj is unnecessary04:09
MTecknologyR3cur51v3: up top there's a menu item for repositories - you in there there's a button for it04:09
heaven_keelan: do u have bootable usb of 9.10? and even i dont have any physical cd drives..04:09
R3cur51v3MTecknology: thanks04:09
jribgbillings_: I know your question.  It's because you compiled things to /usr/local/ and are now using libraries that you compiled and are probably old because you didn't maintain them.  You never needed to compile them.  Uninstall what you compiled to /usr/local/04:09
CAPcapwhy do my mouse themes only apply inside of programs but not on my desktop and inside of system tools? in those places i still have the original mouse theme04:09
Zelda^ ?04:09
Keelanheaven_: yeah, i do. It doesn't have persistence, but i don't think that matters.04:09
jribyaaang: you're making it harder for me to help you...04:10
Dfw214jrib: it says job is already running, but when i logged out it sent me to the shell area again04:10
yaaangjrib: please! let me know how i can help you help me :)04:10
gbillings_jrib: i love you thank you so so much!04:10
yaaangjrib: i'm *happy* to provide any additional information04:10
yaaangjrib: i honestly have no clue what you need that i'm not providing04:10
jribyaaang: it would help me if you give me the exact name of the package you think is unecessar.  gcj-4.4-base for example?04:10
JellyfishAnyone knows how to set socks proxy for some applications on linux, not set global proxy?04:10
Keelanwell now the problem gets weirder. I just attempted to get dropped to shell, but in the command line three "^]"'s popped up.04:11
heaven_keelan: can u boot into ubuntu and use it(using the flash drive containing the 9.10) in live mode.?04:11
corigoHow can I troubleshoot my NIC?04:11
jribDfw214: press ctrl-alt-f8, what do you see?04:11
Keelanheaven_: yeah, i can04:11
R3cur51v3MTecknology: will it also update the preferences for apt-get?04:11
MTecknologyR3cur51v3: it edits /etc/apt/sources.list - any apt based tool will use that - synaptic is an apt based tool :)04:11
yaaangjrib: ah, now i understand what you mean. yes, gcj-4.4-base is one of them. i believe there are others but i'm not certain. however, i believe that if i can figure out what's behind the pull of gcj-4.4-base, then that may get me in the clear.04:12
heaven_keelan: and do u have a ubuntu 10.04 iso in one of your hard drives? and do u have a spare flash drive?04:12
R3cur51v3MTecknology: thanks04:12
Dfw214jrib: it goes back to the regular screen04:12
MTecknologyR3cur51v3: I wish I knew of a cli equiv to the mirror scan04:12
jribDfw214: what does "regular screen" mean?04:12
Keelanheaven_:  i do have a spare flash drive, but i don't currently have a 10.04 .iso. I don't think. I can check real quick04:12
Dfw214jrib: it's not at the shell screen anymore04:12
Dfw214it's back to the gui04:12
yaaangjrib: another one is gcj-4.4-jre-lib04:12
Keelanheaven_: well hey, i do have a 10.04 iso, in fact04:13
yaaangjrib: here's the output of apt-cache depends maven2: http://pastebin.com/MAcYAVMR04:13
jason6a 04:14
Keelanoh god, thats a new one. I held excape and my internal speaker went into a loop04:14
heaven_keelan: that makes things easier. ok now boot into ubuntu using the 9.10 flash bootable in live mode. then plug your spare flash drive in and then go to ----->"Administration" then----> Start up Disk Creator.04:15
Keelangive me a sec04:15
AudicaLiveanyone know how to use hsync and vrefresh?04:15
Keelanheaven_: i don't actually have it on my netbook, sorry, its sitting on my desktop.04:15
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CAPcapalright one last try. why do my mouse themes only apply inside of programs but not on my desktop and inside of system tools? in those places i still have the original mouse theme04:16
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jribDfw214: can you see if gdm is displayed after ctrl-alt-f8 after a reboot?04:16
xanguaCAPcap: open a terminal> nautilus -q04:17
heaven_keelan: if you have another computer with internet connection, things got a lot easier(windows will do fine) if u want to create a usb bootable ubuntu 10.0404:17
Dfw214jrib: okay one sec04:17
Keelanheaven_: I've attempted to create a bootable flashdrive and it works fine, but i cna't get it to install right04:17
CAPcapxangua, that didnt do anything...04:18
heaven_Keelan: whats the prob?04:18
Keelanwhen i try to install it i get some weird firmware error04:18
jribyaaang: for kicks, tried installing without recommends to see if it still requires those packages?04:18
heaven_keelan: does it show error when installing?04:18
Keelanand then it seems to install right but when it reboots it gives me all kinds of errores04:18
Keelanheaven_: it shows the error right before installing, then proceeds to install04:18
Keelanthen breaks04:18
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jribyaaang: also try "aptitude why ..." and see if it says anything interesting04:19
heaven_Keelan: u need to check the integrity of the iso(source from where u created the usb bootable) it may be corrupt04:19
CAPcapxangua, perhaps you meant some other command because all -q does is quit it right away...04:19
Keelanheaven_: I downloaded it from a the torrent of the ubuntu site04:19
jribyaaang: hmm, but to use "why" maybe you need to install04:19
acerimmer__Keelan: still need to check it04:20
Dfw214jrib: no it didn't work man, it went to the shell area04:20
jribDfw214: and ctrl-alt-f8 does what?04:20
DerekCBdoes anyone now anything about the HTC HERO04:20
Keelanacerimmer_: how exactly do I do that? I've downloaded it multiple times and all give me the same problems04:20
CaptainTrek!ot | DerekCB04:20
ubottuDerekCB: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:20
ubottukeelan: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:21
acerimmer__instructions are there04:21
yaaangjrib: interestingly, installing without recommends *doesn't* pull in gcj (again, though, my friend's system doesn't pull in gcj in the first place, and he doesn't have gcj)04:21
Keelanacerimmer_: ill be back in a few04:21
DerekCBthank u04:21
yaaangjrib: pasting the results of 'why'04:21
Dfw214jrib: it didn't do anything04:21
Ryu2khelp edubuntu04:21
jribyaaang: that's a start I guess, try installing the recommends one by one and see if you can find the culprit that way04:21
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.04:21
IdleOne!details | Ryu2k04:22
ubottuRyu2k: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:22
jribDfw214: and the result of « sudo service gdm start »?04:22
yaaangjrib: 'why' for gcj-4.4* pasted here: http://pastebin.com/SNASNhGB04:22
AudicaLive_Any idea where to get the ATI graphics drivers for Rage XL?04:22
Dfw214jrib: yeah it started the gui04:22
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yaaangjrib: here are install --no-install-recommends and install side-by-side: http://pastebin.com/W0fWESpg04:23
heaven_keelan: there is a chance it may be corrupt, like if there was a power failure when downloading or pausing etc, lots of variables, u can check the integrity using any tool, i used this "LinuxLive USB Creator 2.5" it creates usb bootable linux and checks the iso for integrity issues before creating, all automatic and easy :)04:23
jribDfw214: interesting, so it didn't say it was already started then?  Now of course we have the issue that I have no clue where upstart jobs log to.  What does your /etc/init/gdm.conf look like?04:23
Dfw214hold on my wife jumped on the computer and bogarded it from me04:24
trollboyok.. bareFTP is really nice04:24
heaven_acerimmer__: can u help me with a display resolution problem i have?04:25
trollboyI, until about 15 seconds ago, was a gftp user04:25
trollboybut bareftp is pretty awesome04:25
acerimmer__heaven_: i'll try = not my area of expertise04:25
Keelanheaven_: I'm using the pendrivelinux bootable drive tool, and it checks integrity as well04:25
pukekohow can i change my console resolution to say 1280x800 without messing with grub ( just temp whilst sitting in front of it ) ?04:27
heaven_acerimmer__: my ubuntu 10.04 will not display at my full resolution, it shows only till 1360 x 768, and mine is 1680 x 1050, had this same problem with 9.10 a couple of days back(but during previous installations of 9.10 there was no probs, suddenly appeared now)04:27
yaaangjrib: interesting, the recommended packages that are pulling in gcj-4.4-* are all the libmaven-* packages04:27
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heaven_keelan: sorry i couldnt be of more help, i aint the wxpert in this stuff04:28
AudicaLive_anyone know anything about gksudo?04:28
yaaangjrib: libmaven-jar-plugin-java, libmaven-install-plugin-java, libmaven-clean-plugin-java, etc.04:28
yaaangjrib: attempting to install them pulls in gcj-4.4-*04:28
acerimmer__heaven_: what gpu?04:28
xangua!gksu | AudicaLive_04:28
ubottuAudicaLive_: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)04:28
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arbirhow can i change my current run level ?04:28
heaven_acerimmer__:nvidia 9600gt04:29
jribarbir: why do you want to?04:29
arbirjrib: i dont want to mess with runlevel 2 that comes default. i will stop my services that i dont need at runlevel 3 and point my runlevel to 304:29
yaaangjrib: e.g., http://pastebin.com/51Bp70c4 for libmaven-jar-plugin-java04:29
acerimmer__heaven_: noveau conflicts?04:30
arbirjrib: i see bluetooth starting up, cupsd and so many more things, that i dont need.04:30
acerimmer__i.e. nvidia drivers in 10.04?04:30
jribarbir: ubuntu uses upstart so the concept of runlevels is no longer appropriate afaict04:30
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arbirjrib: i also see postfix starting up. i just dont need it.04:30
jrib!upstart > arbir04:30
ubottuarbir, please see my private message04:30
arbirjrib: ok thanks . let me see that. :-)04:31
AudicaLive_gksu still doesn't start a gui based menu like it should. It just returns a new line in the terminal, like I didn't type anything04:31
heaven_acerimmer__: i had some help from people here, told me to edit my xconfig, and stuff, nothig worked!! they gave up!! like 4 people here gave up!! never happned, i did pastebin of my xconfig and the editted and still nothing happed.. its a disaster, i mean its so darn simple but no body is able to fix it..----->> looks with great hope to <acerimmer__>04:31
pukekochange console resolution without rebooting or messing with grub anyone ?04:32
AudicaLive_heaven I'm having a similar issue. My res is stuck at 800x600. it makes me want to kick a baby.04:32
brickywow the power of linux is just amazing,04:33
jribyaaang: I suppose you could keep going like this (checking the dependencies of libmaven-jar-plugin-java)....  The only easier way is "aptitude why" that I know of, but then you would have to install04:33
brickyhow could windows 7 even try 'snap feature' lol04:33
brickyspecial key + w = awesome ;D04:33
Jordan_UKeelan: What happens if you boot holding shift?04:33
CaptainTrekokay, new questions.  I'm trying to install a program using WINE, but the thing says the executable bit doesn't exist.  how can i fix it?04:33
deadmaushi. i installed ubuntu 10.04 last night and then installed the chromium browser. but it takes up 100% cpu. is that a known thing?04:33
heaven_see a lot of people are having the same prob!! i just hate it when ubuntu is destroying my beautiful display and makes it look ugly(at low resolutions) and i am big fan of eye candy04:34
IzinucsWhat's the easiest way of identifying different IP's on my LAN.04:34
acerimmer__heaven_: put down the uttter knife kid.  I'm immune to flattery(?).  Anyway, as I understand it, nvidia and 10.04 have some unresolved issues with the neauvea drivers.  if that's what you're running into, I suppose using the previous drivers is the workaround, but please ask more on IRC and forums for advice.  As I said, NOT MY AREA of expertise.04:34
jribarbir: basically, for the jobs that are still sysv-init based, you can use something like sysv-rc-conf and for the others that have migrated to upstart you can either rename the corresponding .conf file in /etc/init to something not ending in .conf or add "never" as a condition for the job to start04:34
arbirjrib where can i add never ?04:35
arbirjrib: i just commented out the lines to disable my unwanted terminals04:35
CuervoDoes Ubuntu one music store have remastered albums on it? Are the albums the originals or the remastered versions for a band such as Rush?04:35
jribarbir: commented out what lines?04:35
heaven_acerimmer__: well flattery is worth a try right, i mean it dosnt hurt now, does it? :)  *sigh: i guess ill try my options04:35
arbirjrib: something like this http://pastie.org/98858104:36
jribarbir: I do this for gdm: http://pastebin.com/aUQKAW7c04:36
jribarbir: I guess that works too... though you might as well just rename the thing04:36
arbirjrib: i see tons of services that i wont need . and they are in /etc/rc2.d/04:36
arbirjrib: things like bluetooth , cupsd, postfix. i dont use bluetooth04:37
jribarbir: use sysv-rc-conf (make sure you know what you are doing)04:37
arbirjrib: yeah i am reading its man page :-)04:37
IdleOneCuervo: try asking in #ubuntuone04:37
jribarbir: you could also just uninstall the things you don't want.  You don't really need the man page, it's curses based04:37
heaven_acerimmer__: should i go to synapic application manager to download the drivers or is it like avilable in hardware drivers section only? or should i go for like really old vintage legacy drivers?04:37
deadmauscant you turn on/off the services using update-rc.d?04:37
CuervoIdleOne: Brilliant, thanks04:37
arbirjrib: you mean uninstall cups and bluetooth ?04:38
jribarbir: if you don't want them, why not?04:38
arbirjrib: alright... sounds good to me. let me try04:38
macodeadmaus: only if the service you're modifying is still sysv-init based04:38
macodeadmaus: ubuntu uses upstart though04:38
maco!upstart | deadmaus04:38
ubottudeadmaus: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/04:38
GuyCanadahey guys so i saw a build for a machine using mythbuntu, it had 2 tv tuner cards and im trying to figure out what possible purpose that could serve04:39
GuyCanadaanyone have any ideas?04:39
arbirjrib:  will this script stop tty6 from spawning ? http://pastie.org/98858104:39
macodeadmaus: also, update-rc.d was never meant for human usage. its a helper script for the maintainer scripts inside packages04:39
IdleOneGuyCanada: recording more then one channel at a time?04:39
IzinucsGuyCanada: recording 2 different channels at the same time04:39
jribarbir: what I said before about not having runlevels anymore may be incorrect though after reading /usr/share/doc/upstart/README.Debian.gz a bit (everything else I said is ok though)04:39
macoGuyCanada: watch one tv show while recording another on a different channel04:39
antonio_alguien m puede ayudar04:39
maco!es | antonio_04:40
ubottuantonio_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:40
IdleOne!es | antonio_04:40
jribarbir: no, that won't work.  You can just rename tty6.conf to tty6.conf.disabled is what I meant04:40
deadmausmaco: hm, i used to use it earlier to remove services i didnt need. didnt know an alternative existed. a GUI would be nicer, i guess04:40
IdleOnemaco: to fast for me :)04:40
GuyCanadais that the only perceivably purpose? because thats a non issue for me but it would seem to me that a normal PVR has onyl one cable input and it can record seperate channels to watching yes?04:40
arbirjrib: alright :-) thanks!04:40
macodeadmaus: there used to be one, but not since the switch to upstart04:40
GuyCanada also what would be the best way to port video to TV from a pc since vga and HDMI seem not to display proper resolutions on TVs in my experience04:40
IzinucsGuyCanada: one input but 2 tuners.. perhaps 2 cards provided 4 tuners04:41
IdleOneGuyCanada: the PVR can only record one channel at a specific time afaik04:41
macoGuyCanada: 1 tuner = 1 channel04:41
macoGuyCanada: if you want a tivo to watch one and record another, you install another tuner in it too04:41
IzinucsWhat's the easiest way of identifying different IP's on my LAN.04:41
macoIzinucs: looking at the dhcp table on your router?04:42
GuyCanadaahh interesting, thanks guys i was unaware04:42
GuyCanada what about displaying the video properly on an HDTV?04:42
Izinucsmaco: not all machines are running dhcp04:42
macoIzinucs: ping broadcast04:42
Izinucsmaco: that'll identify active ip's but not the machines they belong to.. ie .. windows, linux, printer etc04:43
jribarbir: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/getting-started.html does an ok job if you are interested in more details04:43
macoIzinucs: hrmph.  install snmp on all of them and then run some queries? if they all have services running, avahi might find them. itll find network printers, daap shares, etc04:44
arbirjrib: i saw that, but i need more examples.. man pages are good for reference.. generally i find a walkthrough is easier to understand.. but thanks anyways04:44
jribarbir: it talks about how upstart emits runlevel X events04:44
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arbirjrib: hmm.....04:45
AudicaLive_anyone know a new tool for displayconfig-gtk ?04:45
GuyCanadaanyone? what kind of output will create a good HD image at proper resolution on a TV that isnt also a computer monitor04:45
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jribarbir: (this isn't important for what you want to do, it's just related to my misinformation before)04:45
arbirjrib: i am nearly done stopping my services.. :-) and then i am fighting a battle with compiz.04:45
Izinucsmaco: perhaps.. nmap04:45
antonio_alguien q hable enespañol q m pueda ayudar ¿¿¿¿04:46
deadmauswhat do you guys use to sync your bookmarks and browser passwords across multiple machines? im using xmarks but is seems to have problems with firefox04:46
jribdeadmaus: I use unison :/04:46
deadmausjrib: is that a firefox addon?04:47
jribdeadmaus: no, it lets me sync important stuff between my laptop and desktop04:47
deadmausi can do without the bookmarks, cos they work fine via delicious, but i need something for the passwords04:47
deadmausjrib: let me check04:47
FluxDAnyone know what option I use in audacity to record from speakers ?04:47
antonio_no hay alguien q hable español04:48
dj_segfaultHi, all.  I just upgraded my Dell Mini 10 from UNR 9.10 to 10.04.  I'm having this big problem where whenever I launch an application, a second later it goes to the background.  If I alt-tab to it, or click on the icon on the taskbar, I see it then it goes into the background again.  So I can't access any applications.  Any ideas?  Thanks.04:48
AudicaLive_FluxD speakers don't have recording devices... Be more specific what do you want to do?04:48
phoenix__hello everyone04:48
=== Thomas6342 is now known as Thomas6332
Thomas6332wow, my sound card actually works with this version of ubuntu!04:49
Thomas6332thanks ubuntu04:49
AudicaLive_Hey pheonix. good to see you're back04:49
deadmausjrib: is unison like a frontend to rsync?04:49
IdleOne!es | antonio_04:49
jribdeadmaus: sort of04:49
FluxDAudicaLive_, ok then how would I record what I hear from my speakers04:49
IdleOneantonio_: tienes que entrar en el canal en español. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:49
jribdeadmaus: I don't think it actually uses rsync, but it's similar04:49
Izinucsmaco: nmap with the zenmap front end worked.. ping scanned 256 addresses in 3.5 secs..04:49
antonio_ya pero no hay nadie ahi04:50
gbillingshablas ingles?04:50
GuyCanadafluxd this might be  really roundabout solution but the first thing that comes to my mind would be run an audio cable from your output to your input04:50
deadmausjrib: ok. cos i saw "synchronise large bunches of data" with unision04:50
arbirwhat is the role of the saned daemon ?04:50
phoenix__i am using ubuntu for the past 3 weeks, previously i was using kubuntu, i am very much satisfied with the os except, the sound. it sometime crashes or i hear some chirping noise.04:50
deadmausif you have a scanner device attached04:50
antonio_por eso ando buscando alguien aqui q m asesore04:50
gbillingsenglish please!04:50
deadmausturn it off, arbir04:50
macoantonio_: va a #ubuntu-es por favor04:50
AudicaLive_FluxD, you need to take a double male ended 8th inch stereo cord, and connect one end to your audio out (headphone) jack, and one to your line in (mic) jack. Then press play in whatever program is playing through your speakers, and record in audacity04:50
phoenix__my sound card is creative sb live 24bit04:50
AudicaLive_8th inch is your standard headphone cable size.04:50
dj_segfaultarbir: It's for scanners04:50
macoarbir: its for if you want to be a scanner server04:51
arbirdeadmaus: what about pppd-dns ?04:51
FluxDAudicaLive_, GuyCanada, on windows I use audacity and I dont have to use any of this Its the stereo or line out option I think04:51
phoenix__i even checked the cpu priority given to the pulse audio module, its high04:51
arbirmaco: weird that this would be installed by default..04:51
IdleOneantonio_: lo siento pero aqui tienes que ablar en ingles04:51
phoenix__can anyone help me04:51
AudicaLive_FluxD that's because it's recording directly from your built in Mic, which is gonna sound like crap04:51
AudicaLive_phoenix, do an lspci and a pastebin.04:51
deadmausarbir: install this software - apt-get install bum - boot up manager. you'll see what each of the servies is for04:51
antonio_pues ayudame tu04:52
FluxDAudicaLive_, audacity on windows records from mic ?04:52
antonio_tu si hablas español04:52
macoarbir: not really. youve got a printer/scanner multifunction thingy attached to your computer. you're on a network. someone else on the network wants to print/scan... between cupsd and saned, they can, without having to unplug things04:52
arbirdeadmaus: super ! :-) just what i wanted.. i am so used to the rc.conf style scripts... i find it hard to manage it this way04:52
IdleOneantonio_: entra en el canal por favor04:52
faisalgreezmunkey hello04:52
macoantonio_: inglés aquí. para español, va a #ubuntu-es04:53
the_true_justicethe new exploit version of israel ubuntu : http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&sl=ar&tl=en&u=http://www.almanar.com.lb/NewsSite/NewsDetails.aspx%3Fid%3D140017%26language%3Dar&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&twu=1&usg=ALkJrhgUhrb_XaUZxQUkWU-BVnxhBGJGqA04:53
faisalafter reading all that .. this is the error it come up with04:53
Sheshikðóññêèå åñòü?04:53
antonio_simon ya entre04:53
faisalgbillings the error04:53
faisal/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-ath_pci.conf:# which ath5k cannot recover. To prevent this condition, sto04:53
AudicaLive_FluxD, first off, Audacity Sucks. I'm a recording engineer, I do this daily.  What are you trying to record from your speakers? And yes, by default Audacity in Windows will record from the built in mic because nothing is plugged into your line in Jack. The (Windows version of audacity at least ) program runs a check when you start it if anything is plugged in, and if not, it defaults to the mic.04:53
the_true_justicethe new exploit version of israel ubuntu : http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&sl=ar&tl=en&u=http://www.almanar.com.lb/NewsSite/NewsDetails.aspx%3Fid%3D140017%26language%3Dar&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&twu=1&usg=ALkJrhgUhrb_XaUZxQUkWU-BVnxhBGJGqA04:53
gbillingsfaisal: what?04:54
faisal/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-ath_pci.conf:# which ath5k cannot recover. To prevent this condition, stop04:54
phoenix__can anyone troubleshoot my soundcard peoblem04:54
FluxDAudicaLive_, whats an alternative to audacity on linux then ?04:54
arbiris speech-dispatcher required ?04:54
FluxDAudicaLive_, I am trying to record a music from a flash stream04:54
faisalgbillngs i went to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Atheros   and read everything and followed thru04:54
deadmausdidnt you get bum which tells you what each of them is for?04:55
faisalgbillings faisal@ubuntu:~$ grep -r "ath5k" /etc/modprobe.d/04:55
faisal/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist:blacklist ath5k04:55
faisal/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist:blacklist ath5k04:55
faisal/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-ath_pci.conf:# which ath5k cannot recover. To prevent this condition, stop04:55
FloodBot1faisal: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:55
AudicaLive_FluxD, this is gonna give you a very airy, distorted sound, it'll sound like you're on an old cell phone. If you absolutely have to use Audacity, record using the cable I mentioned earlier. It's the only way to get remotely clear audio from what would normally be coming from your speakers. My guess is you're trying to record from an internet radio or youtube. If so (watch whether or not this is legal, which varies upon different04:55
AudicaLive_ sites) that's the way you'd get the best quality04:55
faisalso help plz04:56
FluxDAudicaLive_, an alternative to audacity on linux ?04:56
deadmausstill dont get it why the folks at mozilla decided to go with sqlite :( reason for most of the hangups04:56
gbillingsfaisal: what error i am seriously confuse04:57
Jordan_UFluxD: Pulseaudio can let you save the sound output from applications, /join #pulseaudio for help with that04:57
AudicaLive_FluxD, that's what I figured. Audacity would suffice for that. though I would use  Ardour 2 if you're ok with using something kinda complicated. It's an equivalent to ProTools on Windows or OSX (to a degree.)04:57
faisalgbillings etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-ath_pci.conf:# which ath5k cannot recover. To prevent this condition, stop04:57
faisal/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist~:blacklist ath5k04:57
yaaangjrib: argh, this is impossible... the set of packages to be dug through is substantial04:57
FluxDAudicaLive_, GuyCanada thanks04:58
faisalgbillings its for the install the wifi wireless on laptop04:58
AudicaLive_FluxD no wories04:58
ExpertOrBustCan anyone tell me how to enable moderwrite04:58
jribyaaang: sorry, --recurse will probably help04:58
ExpertOrBustIve updated the default site file04:58
GuyCanadafluxd no problem04:58
ExpertOrBustAllowOverride all04:58
ExpertOrBustno luck04:58
gbillingsohhhhh ok i got mine working ipw394504:59
mike36454whats the path for desktop?05:00
corigoNIC shows proper connection lights, ping in terminal produces the message: Network is unreachable ... can not get any connection physical or wireless05:00
tucemiuxmike36454, /home/username/Desktop05:00
ExpertOrBustanyone have a howto article on enabling mod_rewrite on 10.04 LTS?05:01
jribyaaang: or just install it, use aptitude why, remove it?05:01
Thomas6332I'm trying to set up my microphone in the sound preferences box but I'm having no luck05:02
mike36454how do i figure out if USB drive is sdb sdb2, sda1, or sda2, etc05:02
arbirmike36454: dmesg05:02
corigonetwork manager does not register any device plugged in, even though the hardware appears to be functioning normally05:03
greezmunkeyExpertOrBust: start here: http://www.freelinuxtutorials.com/quick-tips-and-tricks/automatic-unlimited-subdomains-via-apache-mod_rewrite/05:04
mike36454arbir: wall of text :-(05:04
danne88All, I have a 17" unibody and want to install the new 10.04 64 Bit on it. Has anyone here got any experiance with how it works? any issues i should know about?05:04
ExpertOrBustThanks a million greezmunkey!!05:04
arbirmike36454: dmesg|grep sd05:04
arbiror try a df -H05:04
greezmunkeyExpertOrBust: It's from the Internet, so don't thanks me yet ;)05:04
arbirit will show you each partitions and you can tell right away by the size of ur usb, the exact device05:04
Thomas6332I'm trying to get my microphone working with mumble and I have a HTO claro soundcard... I'm not sure what I'm doing05:05
Thomas6332do I need to set the input device to ALSA or OSS or pulse audio?05:06
arbiri have configured the animations in the compiz config manager . and somehow they wont show. i have checked all the random animations to come up when i minimize/maximize windows.. but nothing works.. did i miss out anything  ?05:06
yaaangjrib: i stand corrected. my friend's system had gcj-4.4-base et al after all. this really does appear to be the dependency chain, for whatever reason. i also checked on an entirely different lucid box and found the same thing. quite annoying that installing any java packages will pull in gcj stuff, but i guess that's how things stand.05:07
jribyaaang: agree with it being annoying05:07
gbillingsHow do i install arm-elf-gcc in ubuntu 10.04?05:07
yaaangjrib: thanks for all your help anyway05:07
mikubuntuanybody having sound issues?  i seem to have lost sound ... flash video is working, but no sound .. was fine yesterday05:08
jribyaaang: no problem, I learned about apt-cache dotty05:08
brickyhey any screenlets that detect the temps of my sensors?05:08
=== ldlework_ is now known as ldlework
deadmausi use gkrellm which has support for lmsensors for temperatures05:09
PootermanAre there any known issues with the top task bar using 10.04? Shutdown menu disappears, date doubles up?05:09
gbillingsHow do i install arm-elf-gcc in ubuntu 10.04?05:11
cellofellowI sometimes wonder why I bother with wifi; 100baseT is so much faster.05:11
jribgbillings: did you read the documentation I linked you to this morning?05:11
gbillingscellofellow: wifi is mobile05:11
gbillingsjrib: i didnt work05:11
gbillingsjrib: it didnt work05:11
jrib!doesn't work | gbillings05:11
ubottugbillings: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.05:11
cellofellowgbillings: your furst was truer,05:11
cellofellowgah, can't type on tiny netbook05:12
Thomas6332I'm trying to get my microphone working yeah... any help?05:12
gbillingsjrib: which documentation did u send me?05:12
TheoI was wondering if somebody could help me with an external hard drive problem05:12
cellofellowTheo: sure05:13
jribgbillings: first page when you type "arm-elf-gcc" in google.  http://www.gnuarm.org/support.html  .  And you only need to read the first line too.05:13
PootermanAre there any known issues with the top task bar using 10.04? Shutdown menu disappears, date doubles up?05:14
=== harbor is now known as harbor_
gbillingsjrib: is does not make any sense to me05:14
cellofellowPooterman: never heard of that. Did you try removing the extra clock applet and readding the MeMenu applet?05:14
danne88any macbook pro unibody tutorials or documentation around for use with ubuntu>?05:15
=== harbor_ is now known as harbor
Theocellowfellow: Thanks! I have a seagate that I'm trying to get hooked up, and it's plugged in and everything, but the whole "mounting" process that I read was very confusing for me.  http://www.seagate.com/www/en-us/products/external/freeagent/freeagent_desk/ <---That's the HD for reference05:15
gbillingsjrib: all i know is i am trying to compile a programand it requires arm-elf-gcc in order to compile...05:15
jribgbillings: what program?05:15
gbillingsjrib: the greenp0ison iphone toolkit05:16
cellofellowTheo: normally with external (USB) hard drives it just automatically mounts and appears on the desktop. Is it a USB drive?05:16
Pootermancellofellow: the fix is to open properties and move task bar to the right side then back to the top and it will fix the whole thing.  It is a glitch with my task bar.  The bar has to be moved to the right, neither left or bottom will fix.05:16
arbirjrib: i have another annoyingly common question.05:16
Pootermancellowfellow: I have no custom settings and did a clean install, not an upgrade.05:16
arbirjrib: is there a way i can turn off notifications ?05:16
Theocellofellow: It plugs through USB, yes, but it has not appeared on the desktop05:16
arbirjrib: it sucks to be bothered by it all the time05:17
cellofellowTheo: ok, what does typing the command "lsusb" in the Terminal show?05:17
cellofellowPooterman: weird05:17
jribarbir: I don't know the right way.  I wrote my own notifications daemon that catches them and sends them to a fifo a while ago though, you could always do something like that for the kludge way05:17
arbirjrib: alright.. thanks.. let me look into it05:18
Pootermancellowfellow: ya, that's what I have been thinking.  what is the name of the config file that acts like a windows registry but for linux?  How do I basically reset it?05:18
GuyCanadaso my mythbuntu is installing and it says "did you know you can record multiple programs with a single digital tuner" so i think that rules out the previous suggestion of why 2 would be nescessary05:19
brickyhey guys, whats up05:19
TheoBus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub05:19
TheoBus 004 Device 006: ID 0556:0001 Asahi Kasei Microsystems Co., Ltd AK5370 I/F A/D Converter05:19
TheoBus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub05:19
HauntGreetings. Does anyone know of high quality gaming headsets that work well using a Linux-based software distribution and/or if the World of Warcraft gaming headset from creative works well, if at all? Also, please do not make fun of me for playing WoW and/or for playing games in a Linux-based distribution. That seems to be the norm in Linux channels, lol.05:19
FloodBot1Theo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:19
TheoBus 003 Device 004: ID 413c:5106 Dell Computer Corp.05:19
TheoBus 003 Device 003: ID 413c:5105 Dell Computer Corp. AIO Printer A92005:19
gbillingsPooterman: gconf-editor?05:19
jribgbillings: heh building iphone toolkit was such a mess when I tried...  it worked in the end, but it wasn't straightforward.  If you're still stuck tomorrow, I'll give you more details.  Going to sleep now05:19
cellofellow!pastebin | Theo05:19
ubottuTheo: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:19
brickyflooding woow05:19
TheoHaha, my bad05:19
gbillingsalright see you in the morning jrib05:19
greezmunkeyarbir: check this, is it what you want? :: http://my.opera.com/linuxonlinehelp/blog/ubuntu-9-10-disable-notify-popup05:20
brickyhey anybody know if they got a sensors widget that displays temps on here?05:20
greezmunkeyarbir: I checked, and the directory noted is in 10.04 as well...05:20
jribgbillings: if you can figure out why my ssh input is slow, I'll hold your hand to the best of my ability tomorrow :P05:20
GuyCanadahey bricky there re definitely dozens of temp widgets, what exactly are you looking for?05:20
heaven_hey can some body tell me how to edit my x config file?05:20
Pootermangbillings: that might be what I am thinking of, I will try to research it a bit.  Is there a command to reset it?05:20
arbirgreezmunkey: i saw that too.. but somwhere i read that this can cause hiccups05:20
deadmausbricky: i told you already. install lmsensors and then use any frontend. gkrellm has sensors for monitoring temperatures. then gdesklets, etc etc05:20
heaven_i need to add a new resolution to it05:20
brickyGuyCanada: something that works I havnt got one that worked for me05:20
arbirgreezmunkey: i was not sure, if this is the proper way or just a hack05:20
cellofellowTheo: so, where's that pastebin link?05:20
brickydeadmaus: did that05:21
topangeaCan anyone tell me what /dev/xconsole is?05:21
gbillingsjrib: is your device jb'd?05:21
deadmausbricky: and?05:21
jribgbillings: it's a 1st gen ipod touch05:21
gbillingsjrib: ssh over usb05:21
jribgbillings: (yes)05:21
brickydeadmaus: then I went through the yes yes yes, it found some sensors05:21
heaven_hey can some body tell me how to edit my x config file?05:21
HauntDid anyone have any information regarding my question, or did it get lost to the flooding? lol.05:21
jribgbillings: nah, this is just regular ssh, but I'll debug it tomorrow05:21
Theocellofellow: http://paste.ubuntu.com/443115/05:21
deadmausbricky: install gdesklets-data. it will give you some more sensors.05:21
arbirgreezmunkey: alright.. i am rebooting now . lets see if it works or not.05:21
GuyCanadaive used gdesklets, it has lots of different ones bricky. often its a general gague and the standard output is cpu usage but you can change the options to display something else, such as temperature05:21
greezmunkeyarbir: I didn't find anything that stated that it was the "right" way, so why not this? Keep a not of what you did, and undo it if it causes problems05:21
deadmauser, UI for the sensors05:21
gbillingsjrib: so when u ssh over wifi its slow?05:22
heaven_hey can some body tell me how to edit my x config file?05:22
brickyhmm , thanks deadmaus and GuyCanada, I will05:22
heaven_hey can some body tell me how to edit my x config file?05:22
jribgbillings: yes, laptop -> desktop05:22
cellofellowTheo: I don't see it in there.05:22
brickyI fixed my overheating issue at least :)P05:22
jribgbillings: in the sense that I type and a letter appears a second later.  I don't think it's a network issue, only connections were to freenode05:22
bricky94 C is like nuts, lol05:22
cellofellowTheo: must not be connected properly, or the kernel doesn't recognize it (worst case scenario)05:22
gbillingsjrib: mine is the same way05:22
deadmausbricky: what did you do to fi?05:22
greezmunkeyheaven_: gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf will get you into it, what you do from there depends on your system05:23
brickyI just got some air blew it through the fan and exhaust, and instantly never had a shut off since05:23
heaven_thanks a lot05:23
jribgbillings: I seem to recall it being more responsive, maybe I'll check it out on an older debian install on the same mahine05:23
brickyi used to get them every 8 seconds if i didnt boot up an OS quick enough05:23
Theocellofellow: hang on05:23
deadmausbricky: ah, maybe dust on the fan blades. better open it up and give it a good blow05:23
gbillingsjrib: what firmware is your iTouch at?05:23
brickydeadmaus: yeah I know but its a laptop ;O05:24
arbirgreezmunkey: did you say something.. i logged out just as ur typed a message05:24
brickydeadmaus: not quite that brave myself05:24
deadmausbricky: heh05:24
greezmunkeyarbir: I didn't find anything that stated that it was the "right" way, so why not this? Keep a not of what you did, and undo it if it causes problems05:24
dj_segfaultHi, all.  I just upgraded my Dell Mini 10 from UNR 9.10 to 10.04.  I'm having this big problem where whenever I launch an application, a second later it goes to the background.  If I alt-tab to it, or click on the icon on the taskbar, I see it then it goes into the background again.  So I can't access any applications.  Any ideas?  Thanks.05:24
arbirgreezmunkey: yeah.. i have done that... lets see what happends now.05:24
greezmunkeyarbir: that's all :)05:24
arbirgreezmunkey: thanks a ton.05:24
greezmunkeyarbir: let the group know if it works :)05:25
gbillingsjrib: http://git.marcansoft.com/?p=usbmuxd.git allows u to ssh over usb 2 ipod05:25
jribgbillings 3.1.205:25
arbiralso i am getting a weird boot up error message, says , unreadahead process 260 terminated with exit code 505:25
cellofellowdj_segfault: sounds like your window focusing settings are mixed up. Try poking around System -> Preferences -> Windows.05:25
gbillingsjrib 3.1.3 jailbreak using spirit-linux05:25
deadmauswhen you do apt-get install package name in 10.04, does it happen sometimes that the same package shows in the Get: 5-6 times?05:25
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
arbirgbillings: how do you do that ?05:26
gbillingsjrib:  i did a full restore on my itouch 2g mc model to 3.1.3 firmware05:26
gbillingsarbir: do what?05:26
dj_segfaultcellofellow: I can't do that because when I launch ANYTHING it goes to the background.  Including that preferences dialog box.05:26
Theocellofellow: Alright, how about now http://paste.ubuntu.com/443116/05:26
arbirgbillings: jailbreak.. ever since i moved to 3.1.3 on my 3gs, damn i am stuck with Steve Jobs radicalism05:27
cellofellowTheo: it's in there this time05:27
cellofellowdj_segfault: you just said you could alt+tab to it.05:27
cellofellowTheo: but no mount?05:27
gbillingsarbir: i made a guide at http://thegbill.wordpress.com/2010/05/29/linux-jb/ if anything fails to work just leave a comment05:28
cellofellowTheo: check the command dmesg.05:28
dj_segfaultcellofellow: I said if I alt-tab it goes to it but then it goes back in the background before I can do anything.05:28
gbillingsarbir: untethered05:28
arbirgbillings: whats untethered ? i dont quite get it05:28
Thomas6332Can someone point me in the right direction for setting up my microphone?05:28
greezmunkeyarbir: unreadahead or ureadahead ??05:29
arbirgreezmunkey: ureadahead05:29
cellofellowdj_segfault: weird. Maybe open a Failsafe Xterm session from the login screen. (The session box at the bottom of the screen after you select your username.05:29
jribgbillings: night05:29
dj_segfaultcellofellow: OK, will try05:29
greezmunkeyarib did you upgrade or install clean?05:29
gbillingsarbir: on 3.1.3 firmware w/ redsn0w or blackra1n you had to jailbreak it and you couldnt turn it off or else it killed the bootchain; in orded to correct it you would have 2 plug it in to ur computer05:29
arbirgbillings: in that guide of yours, is that a dash after python-dev  ? or is something missing ?05:29
gbillingsno thats just the beginning of my comments05:30
Thomas6332can you guys read my text?05:30
gbillingsarbir - r u doing it rite now?05:30
arbirgbillings: so does this jailbreak cause that same issue? if my iphone reboots, then i will have to jail break again ?05:30
brickyare we talking about Iphones in here? lol ;)05:30
arbirgbillings: yes, i will do it right away, if you are around..05:30
Thomas6332:S - I hate being a linux noob.05:30
gbillingsarbir: it solves the bootchain issue; u are safe 2 reboot05:30
arbirbricky: what to do , steve jobs has turned out iphones into bricks05:31
arbirgbillings: here goes then, i am following your guide :-)05:31
brickyarbir: really, mine works fine with 3.1.305:31
=== Thomas6332 is now known as Thomas_H
gbillingsarbir: thats the first guide on the net05:31
arbirgbillings: :-) i am trying....05:32
arbirif I die, then I am a goner.. all my data would be lost :-(05:32
Thomas_Hcan everyone read this?05:32
brickywhats going on with iphones being bricked anyway?05:32
brickyI thought that was not possible05:32
arbiror else, i let me try and backup my stuff.05:32
arbirbricky: i was just teasing you as ur nick is also bricky  ;-)05:33
brickylol, ohh :)05:33
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo05:33
arbirbricky: sorry mate, if i offended you. just kiddin05:33
arbirgbillings: let me first take a backup with that goddamned itunes05:33
Thomas_HRight, I think that something was messed up before - If anyone could give me a hand in regards to helping me set up my microphone it would be greatly appreciated05:33
brickyarbir: no probelm,05:33
chiquesWhen the hell is Nokia going to support the N900 on linux?05:34
Thomas_HI'm in the sound preferences area - everything is connected properly.  I have my sound card selected, yet I don't get any audio response05:34
dj_segfaultcellofellow: I started up in regular Gnome.  That seems to be working, so it must be an UNR problem.  Gnome is kinda half-configured, though, which is prolly due to I installed it as UNR.  But at least I can use it now.  Thanks.05:34
obert-hi.i'm going to try to install ubuntu 6.6 on a new sata hd (not sure if the hd will works anyway) is there something very basic that i could forget to do before i'll reboot and install it,please?05:34
obert-like grub,i mean05:35
gbillings_sorry i have a crap connection05:35
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gbillings_still there?05:35
zcat[1]obert-:  why 6.06? That's ages old and no longer has any support05:35
brickyyeah thank god for linux I cant believe how fast it runs on 800 mhz :)05:35
obert-because i have no cd and no time to download linux05:36
obert-doin an upgrade after isnt the same?05:36
gbillings_bricky: is that other guy still here who i was talking to about the iphone?05:36
Semitoneshello, can I get some help reformatting an SD card using gparted? I can't seem to get it to work.05:36
brickygbillings_: he should be05:36
zcat[1]obert-:  doing an upgrade after will take much longer than just downloading 10.04 and installing that05:36
Doctehobert-: upgrades have a chance of going wrong, better off going direct.05:36
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obert-uff no cd to burn linux05:37
gbillings_obert: use a usb05:37
obert-gbillings_ got just less than 1gb of usb05:37
=== cece is now known as harbor
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent05:37
gbillings_use the net install image05:38
Doctehnetwork install image rocks05:38
zcat[1]Or install from a PXE boot ;)05:38
obert-256MB usb05:38
gbillings_obert: try the network install image its really small05:38
Doctehobert-: network install is less than 30mb05:38
* zcat[1] has installed ubuntu and debian via PXE without ever touching the console05:38
gbillings_obert: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso05:39
gbillings_its 13 mb05:39
Doctehhmm oh its my diskless nodes that are 30mb whoops05:39
Thomas_Hwhy the heck is it so difficult to get my microphone working, this should be easy.. >:(05:39
NbuhÂñåì äîáðîãî âðåìåíè ñóòîê05:40
gbillings_Thomas_H: welcome to linux05:40
Nbuhðóññêîãîâîðÿùèå åñòü?05:40
DoctehNbuh: try #ubuntu-<country code>05:40
GuyCanadacan anyone tell me how you output to a tv when using a tv tuner? do you output from the computer or does the signal go straight through? whats the best way of outputting to  tv if the output istn straight though as HDMI and VGA seem not to be proper resolutions or not display the whole imge in my experience05:40
Thomas_HThe problem is that I don't even know if it is possible, I'm can't find anything using google05:41
obert-then i'll just put it in this 256MB usb pen,shutdown pc,uncable this hd,insert usb pen,launch pc with the sata hd and try to install it?05:41
DoctehGuyCanada: "TV tuner" is just an input05:41
Semitonesnvm i figured out how05:41
gbillings_obert: why dont u just change the boot order?05:41
zcat[1]obert-:  you can cat the ISO to the usb device (ugly) or you can make a bootable usb with unetbootin...05:41
GuyCanadathanks doctech, do you have any suggestions for output? as i said ive output to tvs in the past with VGA and hdmi and the picture is usually too big for the screen and not clear05:41
obert-because i want to dont loose data05:41
Doctehzcat[1]: hah that works05:42
Serephis there any way to make ubuntu use pidgin as chat instead of emphathy?05:42
DoctehGuyCanada: HDMI should be clear :-/05:42
Serephobert-: you won't lose anything05:42
obert-weak hardwares05:42
DoctehSereph: just remove empathy from the panel and pretend it doesn't exist? lalala05:42
zcat[1]Docteh:  apparently you can just dump the ISO on the USB drive.. I've never done it that way though05:42
gbillings_obert: it just boots the usb no lost data unless you format the HD-- you can only do that if ur not paying attention05:42
obert-and i'm just awake since minutes.everytime can goes wrong at this time05:43
GuyCanadawell perhaps its becasue i hdmi out from a working laptop? when i alt f8 to change output the HDAMI that goes to tv is larger than the television( when i move the mouse to a screen edge it moves to other portions of the image)05:43
SerephDocteh: the little chat thing next to my name on the panel uses empathy... can i change it to pidgin or not05:43
GuyCanadadoctech the video also seems poor or slightly offset from itself or soemthing05:43
DoctehGuyCanada: ick05:43
bullgard4Does Ubuntu provide client software to access The Wide Area Information Server (see RFC2151)?05:44
DoctehSereph: dunno, probably not05:44
Serephthats not very open source like :(05:44
GuyCanadait could be a number of things, my card, my tv etc. im more concerned if i get a new graphics card with an HDMI output and a tv tuner if my tv will come thruough properly. they will be in a new box not part of my laptop doctech05:44
Doctehopen source is heres the source, not "everything works with everything"05:45
DoctehGuyCanada: well are you trying a supported rez for hdmi?05:45
SerephDocteh: I know that but most open source things have a way to choose how to set it up without recompiling the entire thing05:45
Docteh1280x720 or 1920x108005:45
MikeChelenSeraph: some of the features work ok with pidgin05:46
DoctehSereph: those have to get coded in, i dont remember seeing that drop down work like that with karmic, so i'm assuming its new05:46
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GuyCanadanot sure, i know ive spent lots of time messing around trying to get things to play nice with my tv in the past tho to no avail. if i go 1280x720 and output my laptop to HDMI it should come through clear?05:47
RazionI'm getting errors with Mono. "System.TypeLoadException: A type load exception has occurred". What gives? I know this .exe works in Kubuntu...I just installed Ubuntu instead.05:47
obert-mm i'll try now.05:47
obert-and thanks for now.05:47
DoctehGuyCanada: yea, well possibly double check the resolution, i'm going for 720p there05:47
=== ggg is now known as harbor
mneptokRazion: Mono does not run Windows executables.05:48
mneptokRazion: you will probably need to install WINE.05:48
RazionMneptok: I'm aware. It's a .exe that's designed to work with mono.05:48
SerephRazion: try wine05:48
GuyCanadathanks doctech, im goign to give it a whirl right now see what happens, how would i change to 720p or other formats? on my pc is that possible?05:49
RazionMneptok, Sereph: I've used mono to open it before. I'm getting a "could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.VisualBasic...etc.05:49
SerephRazion: maybe you had wine then?05:49
brickyhmm I cant open gdesklets lol, ;)05:49
RazionSereph: http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/showthread.php?t=2588305:50
RazionSereph: Read the first two sentences of the "installation" section.05:50
dj_segfaultI just upgraded to 10.04 and I don't see a panel applet to control the volume or mixer.  Surely they didn't remove that, so what am I missing?05:51
SerephRazion: and did you read the notes regarding running it with linux?05:51
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GuyCanadadoctech ? would i need to change to 720p on my pc and how would i go about doing that?05:52
mikubuntui seem to have lost sound ... flash video is working, but no sound .. was fine yesterday .. i uninstalled and reinstalled pulseaudio, still nothing.  running ubuntu 10.04 on acer laptop.05:52
Doctehsee if xrandr lists it05:53
SanctusoriumWhats a good program to use with Ubuntu to recover data on a broken partition?  I want to grab a folder and all of its subfolders.05:53
DoctehGuyCanada: I always get lost trying to use guis :-/05:53
RazionSereph: Ahh. That's how I got it to work. Should've figured installing every mono package would miss the three I actually need. xD05:53
GuyCanadawell do you know offhand how to change hdmi output with the CLI? i could do that doctech05:54
GuyCanadai think05:54
Doctehwell type xrandr and see if it lists the right resolution05:54
Led-Hedis there a way to change the apt sources durring install.  I have a package that is taking 2 hrs to download.05:54
itheosanybody knows where the config of document reader is stored in ubuntu lucid? everytime it starts, it has the same initial configuration :(05:55
DoctehLed-Hed: i know you can in the text mode installer05:55
greezmunkeyGuyCanada: 720p HDTV is 1280 x 72005:55
Led-HedDocteh, where?05:55
itheosdocument viewer*05:55
Led-HedI'm using the Alt CD05:55
DoctehLed-Hed: alt+f2 and vi the file, its under /target like /target/etc/....05:55
Led-HedDocteh, thanks05:56
Zeu5i need some help with bash scripts on a linux server that is installed with ubuntu05:56
GuyCanadadoctech thanks for all the help . im in nvidia x server settings right now and it says my screens native rez is 1360x76805:56
Thomas_His there a way to know if my microphone is even recogized / plugged in?05:57
DoctehGuyCanada: can you add the HDMI as another monitor maybe?05:57
brickyto install screenlets, where can I find $HOME/.screenlets05:57
wildbat_laptop!recover | Sanctusorium05:57
ubottuSanctusorium: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel05:57
Doctehbricky: might not exist yet05:57
Led-HedDocteh, is there a way ti cause the installer to restart the download?05:58
Doctehbricky: /home/yourdude05:58
brickydocteh: okay cuz I was searching for it05:58
DoctehLed-Hed: kill the download process and then restart the step when it dumps you to a list of steps05:58
brickyDocteh: so &HOME is my main user?05:58
Led-Hedhow would I restart the step.05:58
brickyerr $HOME*05:58
Zeu5i wrote this bash script but it keeps complaining about the incorrect database name05:58
GuyCanadadoctech, im not even sure how to go about that with nvidia. suggestions?05:59
Serephbricky: $HOME is a variable meaning the same as ~ which is currentusers home directoryu05:59
Doctehbricky: its the home directory of the current user, so if I log in its /home/docteh05:59
Zeu5i put the command directly in the ssh, it worked. but not in a script05:59
Zeu5does anyone know?05:59
SerephZeu5: try asking in #bash05:59
brickyahhh.. gotcha, so just make .screenlets  folder ?05:59
Doctehbricky: yes06:00
brickyinteresting , Thanks06:00
brickydocteh: the folder already exists I cant see it ><06:01
Zeu5okay sereph, thanks06:01
Doctehbricky: ls -la shows dot directorys like .firefox etc06:01
brickydocteh:oh wow,06:01
brickydocteh: theres alot of hidden folders06:01
brickylol :)06:01
brickyI was wondering where all the stuff was I like the layout so much06:02
the_fileis there a postsql channel?06:02
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Loshkithe_file: I see a #postgresql...06:03
Sereph!hi | Semperfi3006:04
ubottuSemperfi30: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!06:04
Semperfi30I have an issue with my sound.06:04
Semperfi30I was here last night but not very many people were on so I wasn't able to get much help06:04
Semperfi30But in my sound output it says theres a dummy output06:04
GuyCanadaanyone know off hand how to restart nvidia xserver?06:04
kian_is there any software helps me to make a astronomical linux?06:05
fluvvellGuyCanada, alt+sysreq+k06:05
Semperfi30I think it has something to do with ALSA or something? So I've read on forums but I'm not sure what to do. Is there any information I need to gather to better help you guys understand my issue?06:05
GuyCanadaoh kian_ you need to be soooo much more specific06:05
GuyCanadafluvvell which key is sysreq06:06
Semperfi30Sereph: Any clues?06:06
kian_GuyCanada, can I do it?06:06
Serephkian_: do what06:06
fluvvellGuyCanada, also has prtscn  or printscreen on it usually.06:06
Thomas_Hhow do I open up my volume control preferences...06:06
Thomas_Hdoes anyone know?06:06
kian_is there any software helps me to make an astronomical linux?06:06
GuyCanadakian_ what do you mean buy astronomical, yes id say you can06:06
Semperfi30Actually it says "Dummy Output Stereo"06:07
fluvvellkian_, kstars ?06:07
Semperfi30Is there any way I can check the status of my sound or turn sound on and off through the terminal or some how scan to see if Ubuntu is picking up my soundcards?06:07
Gravitronanyone had any luck with an apple wireless keyboard and ubuntu 10.04?06:07
kian_I wan make a linux that astronomycal software be on it by custom06:07
SerephSemperfi30: you can try lsusb or lspci06:08
Thomas_HSemperfi30: I'm trying to get help on something similar and I'm about to give up, what kind of sound card do you have?06:08
fluvvellkian_ http://howto.astronomy.net/howto/software.html#AEN14706:08
Semperfi30Thomas_H: Mine is Real tek06:08
Semperfi30I don't have a PCI soundcard06:08
Semperfi30it's onboard06:08
SerephI know but it shows up there06:08
Semperfi30I tried downloading he driver from Realtek but I don't understand the installation instructions06:08
Semperfi30I think I need a compiler but I don't know what kind to download06:09
Thomas_HI think that ubuntu does that automatically for you06:09
chiquesSemperfi30, if your sound card is not working then you might have a bad linux install06:09
Semperfi30Sereph: do those commands require sudo?06:09
Semperfi30chiques: No because it's work in the past on the same installation06:09
chiquesSemperfi30, something might have hosed it recently06:09
Thomas_HIt recognises my soundcard, but for the life of me I cannot get it working06:09
chiquesSemperfi30, I'm saying this because I was trying to install my modem a while back and I did the same thing.06:10
Serephgah I gotta get to bed its later than I thought it was06:10
DoctehSemperfi30: build-essential metapackage should go a long way for compiling drivers06:10
Semperfi30Docteh: I thought I read on the Wiki that Realtek is supposed to work OOB?06:10
Semperfi30It worked on install06:10
Semperfi30then I've restarted a couple times and sometimes on restart it works othertimes it doesn't06:11
Semperfi30Docteh: sudo install build-essential metapackage?06:11
=== harbor is now known as some
Semperfi30*** Is there anyway I can make X-Chat hide all the disconnects and reconnect notifications ?06:12
LoshkiSemperfi30: yes, click on the channel name tab and look for 'show join/leave messages' and untick it...06:13
Doctehsudo apt-get install build-essential06:13
Semperfi30Loshki: Thanks :)06:13
unopSemperfi30, "Hide Join/Part Messages" under channel settings06:13
Semperfi30Loshki: Makes it hard to follow the conversations sometimes06:13
Semperfi30Docteh: Downloading06:14
obert-sorry.cannot arrive to type CLI after reboot. the sata hd is formatted ntfs because i've no idea how to format it as fat32. mini.iso is in the root of usb pen. then i reboot,press f8 boot from usb,then i'll get a black screen with blinking _ sign but seems it is stopped at that point06:14
LoshkiSemperfi30: on busy nights, even without join/part messages it can be hard to follow conversations...06:14
Semperfi30Loshki: Yeah06:15
=== karthik is now known as Guest24499
Semperfi30Docteh: It's done installing, should I restart? Or will the effects be immediate if any drivers were installed or updated?06:16
Semperfi30Docteh: It still shows as being "Dummy Output Stereo"06:16
=== mezquitale is now known as tucemiux_
obert-what could i do06:18
sreejui have installed kmobiletools from s/w centre but i cannot connect my nokia phone to it06:19
sreejuplease help06:19
DoctehSemperfi30: theres probably instructions to disable the old driver06:19
Doctehi guess do "lspci -k" and see what module is driving the sound card right now, make a note of that06:20
sreejuplease anyone answer me06:21
=== Guest24499 is now known as kkumar
Firefishesreeju:  Please ask your question.06:21
Nick__videos not wrking in fireffox ubunut 9.1006:22
Nick__somebody help?06:22
FirefisheNick__:  You need the flash plugin, probably.06:22
Semperfi30Docteh: But wouldn't the most latest driver be installed when installing Lucid Lynx? I tried installing the newest driver for Realtek. I didn't understand the installation instructions though. Because it referred to files that didn't exist :/06:22
sreejuhow to connect my nokia phone to kmobiletools?06:22
Nick__i installed that06:22
Firefishesreeju:  Beyond my ability06:22
Nick__still it doesnt just a balck box06:22
ActionParsnipYo yo yo06:22
Nick__when you open a video06:22
Nick__and it stops06:22
Firefishesreeju:  Each phone is so different.  You may need to do a bit of research about your phone and that particular connection software.06:23
Firefishesreeju:  I have a hard enough time with my palm pre06:23
DoctehSemperfi30: the kernel doesn't come with non open source drivers, which might be what you're installing, got a url for what you're looking at?06:23
ActionParsnipNick__: tried a different player?06:24
Semperfi30Docteh: I was reading your other things you typed I was about to send it.06:24
Semperfi30Docteh: You'll have to download it though to see the readme.06:24
Semperfi30Docteh: http://www.realtek.com/downloads/downloadsview.aspx?langid=1&pfid=24&level=4&conn=3&downtypeid=306:24
=== harbor is now known as Guest17804
bullgard4Network Manager Applet 0.8 shows 4 upward waves together with an exclamation mark. What does the exclamation mark emblem mean?06:25
Nick__diffrent player as in different browser..coz it doesn wrk on firefox nly i guess06:25
ActionParsnipnick__: so you are getting no flash video?06:25
mneptokSemperfi30: have you checked System > Admin > Hardware drivers ?06:25
sreejui have downloaded kmplayer from website (tar.bz) in that there is a file describes how to install ,but i couldnt please help06:26
Semperfi30menptok: No one sec I'll check. What am I checking for specifically?06:26
Nick__ya no flash videos are playing there06:26
=== Guest17804 is now known as harbor
Semperfi30Docteh: I'm going to send you a pastebin for the audio device output via "lspci -k"06:26
ActionParsnipNick__: ok then can you please use: http://pastebin.com to give the output of: dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf; uname -a06:26
Semperfi30Docteh: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/fgPPyLWy06:27
sreejuQuickly installing kmplayer06:27
Semperfi30Docteh: Were you able to download the driver and locate the readme?06:27
sreejuUntar the source package06:27
sreeju  tar xfj kmplayer-<version>.tar.bz206:27
sreejuCreate a build directory, eg /tmp/kmplayer-build and enter this directory06:27
sreejuSet your environment for building KDE4 apps06:27
sreeju  export QTDIR=path-to-qt406:27
FloodBot4sreeju: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:27
sreejuplease tell how to do it?06:28
Semperfi30menptok: Repeating: What exactly am I looking for in "System > Admin > Hardware drivers ?06:28
Semperfi30mneptok: ^06:28
ActionParsnipSreeju: those are step by step instructions dude06:28
Semperfi30Docteh: What?06:28
=== Zed` is now known as Zed
sreejuhow to do it?06:28
mneptokSemperfi30: ckick the icon, see of proprietary drivers are avaialble for your hardware06:29
sreejuplease help06:29
Semperfi30mneptok: Roger. Brb06:29
DoctehSemperfi30: the install script trashes the existing alsa modules, so i guess a reboot would do it, but if it doesn't work you're screwed :-/06:29
Doctehto quote google: "Thats evil"06:29
ActionParsnipNick__: run the command and copy the output, visit the paste site, paste the output there, click submit then copy the new address in the address bar and paste that in here06:29
Semperfi30Docteh: What install script are you refering to?06:29
* mneptok has never heard of proprietary Relatek audio drivers, but you never know06:29
Semperfi30Docteh: And what about the realtek driver I showed you ?06:30
Doctehthe one in the main directory of the download06:30
Semperfi30Docteh: the "essential-package" ?06:30
ActionParsnipMneptok: +1 dude06:30
Semperfi30Docteh: I never was able to install the Realtek driver... If thats what you're referring to06:30
sreejuplease answer me06:31
Semperfi30Docteh: I couldn't do it becuase I didn't understand the installation instructions I told you to look at the readme to see if you could make sense of it06:31
Doctehoops i read the install script instead06:32
Semperfi30Docteh: Wouldn't I rather have the Realtek driver and not the ALSA driver because my Mobo uses the Realtek onboard sound driver anyways not ALSA...Wouldn't that perform better?06:32
ActionParsnipSreeju: what you flooded the channel with are step by step instructions, if anyone were to tell you anything they would be copy/pasting from the text you pasted. Kmplayer is on the repo so I have no idea why you are compiling06:32
bullgard4Network Manager Applet 0.8 shows 4 upward waves together with an exclamation mark. What does the exclamation mark emblem mean?06:33
Semperfi30Docteh: I meant Readme.txt not Installation >.<06:33
=== Olli-93_ is now known as Olli-93
ActionParsnipBullguard4: wireless access points in range (possibly unencrypted)06:33
ActionParsnipBullguard4: give it a click06:34
sreejuit is of high size to install from s/w centre06:34
DoctehSemperfi30: this package is just odd06:34
R3cur51v3I have two keyrings, "default" and "login". As I understand it, the "login" keyring is unlocked at login. So, I want to move all of my passwords into it, from the "default" keyring. How do I do this?06:34
sreejuthen which is the good multimedia player i can install?06:34
DoctehSemperfi30: also it looks like it trashes the current alsa and compiles its own, alsa is an api for doing sound cards so its kind of useful ;)06:35
R3cur51v3sreeju, use Totem; it works well06:35
GuyCanada hey guys, so i just set up a seperate screen with my HDTV using my laptops HDMI. its saying the resolution is 1280x800 even tho native HD is 1280x720 why is this and why cant i select 1280x720 as an option06:35
pat5starany hpodder users here? I just noticed it's missing after my upgrade to lucid. did that happen to others or just me?06:35
Semperfi30Docteh: How do I check to make sure Buntu is still using ALSA?06:35
ActionParsnipNick__: remove all 3 of those packages. You have 3 plugins and they are conflicting. I will give a link for 64bit flash. Works great06:35
Semperfi30Docteh: To make sure it hasn't been deleted06:35
sreejutotem ,is it playes all formats06:35
Nick__ActionParnship ..How to remove those packages?06:36
tsm_ice9hi guys.. I have a severely broken package... wondering if anyone could help me figure out how to fix it?06:36
ActionParsnipNick__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash06:36
sreejuwhat is its approx size06:36
DoctehSemperfi30: I dont have an answer for that :(06:36
ActionParsnipNick__: use software-centre or: sudo apt-get --purge remove packagename1 packagename2 etc06:37
ActionParsnipNick__: I'm on a g1 phone, if I was on a proper PC I'd give the full command, sorry dude06:37
pat5starcan someone that's using 64bit lucid run apt-cache search hpodder and tell me if you get anything?06:38
ActionParsnipNick__: you get the idea though. Remove the packages in your output then use the link to run the one command for 64bit flash06:38
tsm_ice9every time I run the package manager, it tries and fails to configure this unsuccessfully installed set of packages... sudo apt-get autoremove doesn't work.. sudo apt-get install -f doesn't work.. nothing works :(06:38
pat5starit's not even showing up in my repos!06:38
pk__ubuntu wubi is trying to download ubuntu amd64 iso torrent and while installing on xp06:39
tsm_ice9hmmm... maybe I have it fixed now.06:39
Semperfi30Docteh: Hmm wellll what do you suggest I do?06:39
Semperfi30Docteh: Is there anyway I can uninstall the ALSA API and Re-Install it?06:39
Semperfi30Docteh: Realtek is used in a lot of motherboards so...If I'm having this issue there must be others with the same problem...More with solutions than with problems...06:40
pk__why doesn't it simply install from the existing setup in the cd?06:40
sreejuwhich is the best multimedia player?06:40
Doctehwell uh where did you start off today? was sound working or no?06:40
Semperfi30Docteh: Nope06:40
Doctehsreeju: vlc 4 lyfe06:40
Semperfi30Docteh: I've been working all day sooo tonight...At around midnight06:40
Semperfi30Docteh: It worked when I installed Lucid for the first time a couple of days ago06:41
sreejuany other?06:41
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Semperfi30sreeju: No, theres no need to use any other...06:41
Semperfi30Docteh: is it possible that advanced power management, mixed with suspending Ubuntu, and then turning it back on after suspension, caused a corruption in the alsa API?06:41
Doctehsreeju: i think you were having trouble with mplayer earlier, i'm not a fan of gstreamer06:41
pat5starplease, could someone using lucid check their repos for hpodder for me? apt-cache search hpodder06:42
CaptainTrekpat5star:  nothing06:42
DoctehSemperfi30: well sometimes waking up from sleep the hardware doesn't wake up, so a reboot has to get done :(06:42
Jordan_Upat5star: Not there for me, but it is there in 64 bit debian unstable06:42
pat5starCaptainTrek: ty06:42
pat5starJordan_U: ty06:42
Semperfi30Docteh: Yeah but this is built into the motherboard...06:42
Jordan_Upat5star: You're welcome.06:42
pat5starweird, I wonder what happened to it06:43
pat5starit's such an awesome program and I wouldn't have upgraded if I knew :(06:43
Semperfi30Docteh: I think I'm never using sleep mode again, it gives me issues in Ubuntu, and Windows06:43
=== GhostEyes is now known as RainbowEyes
pk__wubi is downloading ubuntu amd64 iso torrent while installing on xp...........why doesn't it simply install from the existing setup in the cd?06:43
carlos_hola alguna chica interezante e inteligente???????????????????????????06:43
DoctehSemperfi30: that just means the chip is on the motherboard unless its part of the north/southbridge06:43
Semperfi30Docteh: in WIndows I get blue screen dialog boxes upon hard reboots (Because it wouldn't wake the computer06:43
Flannelcarlos_: This channel is english only.  It is also a support channel, not a social channel.06:44
Semperfi30Docteh: Did I mention, that sometimes when I tell ubuntu to restart, it won't...it sends me to the login screen. Same with shutting down, I have to use the terminal. And then if it does work (Via the GUI) it will freeze on the Ubuntu logo.06:44
carlos_hola alguna chica interezante e inteligente???????????????????????????06:45
Doctehhaha ouch, ubuntu really hates that computer06:45
Flannelcarlos_: English only, thanks.06:45
Semperfi30Calors_: Habla engles?06:45
bullgard4!es | carlos06:45
ubottucarlos: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.06:45
carlos_no mucho06:45
pat5star1 last question that probably doesn't really belong here, but you're all such a great group! </ass-kissing> ;) anyone using tweetdeck on ubuntu lucid know how to view your last tweet without having to do a search on your profile?06:45
Semperfi30Docteh: Why can't anyone explain these anomalies06:46
pat5starwhen I say 'last tweet', I guess I mean what your current twitter status is06:46
Semperfi30Docteh: Ubuntu doesn't hate my computer, it has to be something with Ubuntu...06:47
Doctehwell ubuntu works fine on the computers i run it on, i've had problems in the past with nvidia's drivers but thats about it06:48
Jordan_Upat5star: Interesting, the source package exists in lucid, but not the binary package.06:48
pat5starnothing, hmmm....I guess there probably ain't many *buntu users that would bother installing tweetdeck, which results in installing adobe air. Can't say I blame anyone.06:49
Semperfi30Docteh: DId you look at my pastebin. It showed Ubuntu was using Intel drivers for audio...And that can't be possible...I'm running AMD...AMD mobo, AMD processor....06:49
pat5starJordan_U: yeah, this is very weird. In all my upgrades I've never seen anything like this happen. I'm googling it right now but haven't found any info yet06:49
pat5starJordan_U: I was shocked when I just went to update some podcasts and hpodder wasn't there anymore!06:50
DoctehSemperfi30: its similar to using amb64 packages on my Intel Quad core06:51
obertcannot install mini anywhere.sata hd got errors, ide hd wont be helpfull06:51
pat5starJordan_U: I'm wondering if this is some sort of problem with a dependency of hpodder, because as far as I know, it's a fairly popular package and has decent support and interest06:51
Semperfi30Docteh: ....I want this fixed -.-06:51
Jordan_Upat5star: Try "sudo apt-get build-dep hpodder && apt-get source --build hpodder"06:52
DoctehSemperfi30: so if you run a music player does it whine about lack of sound hardware or you just dont hear anything?06:52
jc_Hi.  When I click Places, Connect to Server, there is an option to bookmark the location.  Where are these bookmarks exactly?  Thanks!06:52
Doctehcould be something as simple as its outputting to the wrong audio jack :-/06:53
Jordan_Upat5star: The source will be downloaded to and built in the current directory, so you may want to cd somewhere first.06:53
pat5starJordan_U: ok, giving it a try, ty :)06:53
Jordan_Upat5star: You're welcome.06:53
Semperfi30Docteh: One sec06:53
jc_Nevermind... :)06:54
Semperfi30Docteh: Rythmnbox is letting me play stuff but it's not complaining, Sound Preferences shows it as having audio output in the applications tab...Other than that...nothing sound wise.06:55
pat5starJordan_U: woah! Got this...06:56
pat5starJordan_U: The following NEW packages will be installed: <snip> 0 upgraded, 78 newly installed, 0 to remove and 30 not upgraded. Need to get 304MB of archives. After this operation, 868MB of additional disk space will be used.06:56
pat5starJordan_U: I'm on a crappy satellite connection, live in a very rural area. It would take me awhile to d/l that even if I wanted too :(06:57
Jordan_Upat5star: That's not abnormal when installing build dependencies, especially if you don't compile software often.06:57
pat5starJordan_U: I never compile software on this computer, I certainly wasn't expecting that!06:57
Doctehwow thats a lot06:58
pat5starJordan_U: a good chunk of those packages are texlive*, which I don't know what that is06:59
Jordan_Upat5star: I'll try compiling it for you since I have most of the dependencies already, though it likely will fail (or else it would be in the repos).06:59
pat5starJordan_U: ty, but don't worry about it. I have to go soon and I'd rather google it and find out what's going on...07:00
pat5starJordan_U: I really appreciate the offer07:00
Semperfi30Docteh: Sooo yeah I guess I'm just screwed >.>07:00
pat5starJordan_U: I have another computer that I haven't upgraded yet still running karmic07:01
pat5starJordan_U: that I can use hpodder on to get the podcasts I want07:01
Doctehso hpodder is in karmic but not lucid?07:02
Doctehmaybe theres just no maintainer for the package, hey Jordan_U step up to the plate ;)07:02
pat5starDocteh: lol, tomorrow I'll look into more and I'd be very surprised to find that nobody is maintaining it. if you like podcasts, it's a great podcatcher. I'll take it over myself if it comes to it!07:03
Semperfi30Docteh: Look at this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147518507:04
rubydiamondguys "gpg: requesting key 7DAAC99C from hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com" this never works on my machine07:06
rubydiamondis there any solution to this07:06
maurer_Any idea how I can get 32-bit libbz2 on 64 bit lucid?07:08
rubydiamondanybody here07:08
rubydiamondstuck at gpg: requesting key 7DAAC99C from hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com07:08
=== ani_ is now known as super_aniX
rubydiamondget this Executing: gpg --ignore-time-conflict --no-options --no-default-keyring --secret-keyring /etc/apt/secring.gpg --trustdb-name /etc/apt/trustdb.gpg --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg --primary-keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 008940D610E4CD892340AB0A4CE987B57DAAC99C07:08
rubydiamondgpg: requesting key 7DAAC99C from hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com07:08
rubydiamondgpgkeys: HTTP fetch error 7: couldn't connect to host07:08
rubydiamondgpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.07:08
rubydiamondgpg: Total number processed: 007:09
FloodBot4rubydiamond: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:09
Semperfi30Docteh: I tried doing some of the things in that link but I had no success :-/07:09
ActionParsnipYo yo yo07:09
shimmr7What can anyone recommend for a great Twitter client for Ubuntu?07:10
ActionParsnip!info gwibber07:10
ubottugwibber (source: gwibber): Open source social networking client for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 312 kB, installed size 2640 kB07:10
Semperfi30shimr7: Theres already one built into Lucid Lynx. Just use that07:10
Doctehshimmr7: bitlbee ;)07:10
Doctehoh there is?07:10
Doctehwhats it called Semperfi3007:10
rubydiamondanybody have solution for this stuck at gpg: requesting key 7DAAC99C from hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com07:10
R3cur51v3How do I shutdown the computer from the command line without root privleges?07:11
shimmr7Docteh and Semperfi30: thanks, i will give those both a shot. :)07:11
ActionParsnipR3cur51v3: you'll need to mess with sudoers07:11
Semperfi30shimr7: if you are on Lucid it will be in Applications > Internet > Gwibber07:11
rubydiamondanybody have solution for this stuck at gpg: requesting key 7DAAC99C from hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com07:12
Semperfi30!info Sudoers07:12
ubottuPackage Sudoers does not exist in lucid07:12
rubydiamondGwibber does not work07:12
DoctehSemperfi30: sudoers has a man page btw07:12
Doctehoh, wasn't paying attention07:12
mneptoksudoers is not an application, it's a file07:12
Semperfi30Docteh: You check that page out :P07:13
maurer_Anyone know how to grab a 32-bit bz2 for ubuntu?07:13
maurer_err, for 64 bit?07:13
DoctehSemperfi30: its a wall of text and its late07:13
Semperfi30Docteh: I'm gonna keep buggin' the **** out of people until someone fixes my issue07:13
Doctehmaurer_: thats a crap question btw07:13
ActionParsnipRubydiamond: top 2 commands in first reply: http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=30501407:13
mneptokmaurer_: uhhh ... the default install has it07:13
apriluswho know where is plugin's path in tomboy? i build it in ~/.tomboy/Plugins but not work07:14
maurer_Doctech: Why? At the moment, I have libbz2 installed, and a binary linked against a 32-bit libbz2 cannot find one.07:14
ActionParsnipMaurer_: can you define "grab"07:14
ActionParsnipAprilus: try a lowercase p for plugins. Linux is very case sensitive07:14
rubydiamondActionParsnip: even that command does not work07:14
rubydiamondit gets stuck07:15
maurer_Specifically, ldd reports07:15
maurer_        libbz2.so.1 => not found07:15
maurer_While 64 bit apps linked against the same library are fine.07:15
R3cur51v3What is the easiest way to add a scripts folder to the path?07:15
Doctehmaurer_: do a search on packages.ubuntu.com it'll suggest like lib32 or something worded close07:15
ActionParsnipRubydiamond: change the keyserver to pgp.mit.edu07:15
maurer_Docteh: ia32-libs, which I have installed?07:16
Doctehi should get a local mirror of that i use it so much07:16
waltercoolhow can i have fully 3d experience with an ATI legacy?07:16
R3cur51v3ActionParsnip, when I click shutdown in the menu, what does it do?07:16
R3cur51v3Shouldn't I be able to duplicate that without mucking around with sudoers?07:16
waltercoolfglrx-installer seems not working07:17
maurer_Docteh: Nevermind, I'm an idiot, found the problem.07:17
mneptokmaurer_: sudo apt-get install libbz2-dev07:17
rubydiamondActionParsnip: it gets stuck for pgp.mit.edu too07:17
maurer_Docteh: For some reason, the 32 bit version doesn't get the .1 symlink07:17
maurer_just the .1.0 one07:17
Doctehah, thats odd07:17
rubydiamondgpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv 4CE987B57DAAC99C07:17
rubydiamondgpg: requesting key 7DAAC99C from hkp server pgp.mit.edu07:17
rubydiamondgpgkeys: HTTP fetch error 7: couldn't connect to host07:17
rubydiamondgpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.07:17
CaptainTrekis it possible to just encrypt one folder and not an entire filesystem?07:17
FloodBot4rubydiamond: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:17
rubydiamondgpg: Total number processed: 007:17
rubydiamondActionParsnip: ^07:17
ActionParsnipR3cur51v3: export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/folder07:17
aprilusActionParsnip: i changed P to p but not work07:18
CaptainTrek!pastebin | rubydiamond07:18
ubotturubydiamond: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:18
ActionParsnipRubydiamond: keep trying. Its just busy. Try both07:18
Doctehmaurer_: i'd file a bug about that maybe :-/07:18
maurer_Doctech: Yeah, I prolly will. Worst case it'll get flagged WONTFIX or similar.07:18
ActionParsnipAprilus: ok but do bear in mind case sensitivity in your OS in future07:18
R3cur51v3ActionParsnip, thanks07:19
ActionParsnipAprilus: is there the channel #tomboy ?07:19
ActionParsnipR3cur51v3: to make it permanent add it to $HOME/.bashrc07:20
CaptainTrekis it possible to just encrypt one folder and not an entire filesystem?07:20
ActionParsnipR3cur51v3: then it will be in all shells, not just the current one07:20
mneptokActionParsnip: not all. i use zsh. ;)07:20
ActionParsnipCaptaintrek: if you use chmod and chown you can make so that only your username has access07:21
ActionParsnipMneptok :=P07:21
=== hfinity is now known as zz_hfinity
ActionParsnipIf I drop off my battery has died07:22
=== zz_hfinity is now known as hfinity
ActionParsnipA doon haf the pooer capn07:23
rubydiamonddoes it work for anybody curl -I keyserver.ubuntu.com07:25
rubydiamondIt does not work for me07:25
waltercoolati legacy binary = dead on lucid?07:27
ActionParsnipRubydiamond: go to http://pgp.mit.edu and search for the key you need. You can then download text. Put it into a file and use: sudo add-apt-key file07:28
CaptainTrekActionParsnip:  i'm asking whether it can actually be encrypted and require decryption keys to gain access to the data, not if I can restrict access to just myself07:28
rubydiamondActionParsnip: what string should I add there07:28
ActionParsnipRubydiamond: e.g. here is the one for chromium daily ppa; http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x5A9BF3BB4E5E17B507:28
ActionParsnipRubydiamond: the hex code you gave earlier07:29
ActionParsnipRubydiamond: don't copy the title of the page, just from the start code delimeter to the end07:30
rubydiamondActionParsnip: it's not finding this hex code string 7DAAC99C07:30
rubydiamondor 008940D610E4CD892340AB0A4CE987B57DAAC99C too07:30
ActionParsnipRubydiamond: notice how the link I gave looks like the code you gave (use the last 16 digits)0 should be ok07:31
brickyhey, whats up, anybody used AtiPower07:34
wizzhi all. i have some questions, how to back up my email in evolution mail or how to do that? is it does automaticly?07:35
brickyI cant get my GPU temp working heh07:35
brickyi already did  sudo apt-get install lm-sensors07:36
tedybarelook mom im on ubuntu!!!07:37
brickyand sudo sensors-detect07:37
brickymy GPU needs to be underclocked using ATIpower it has a makefile but when I type make it wont install,07:37
bullgard4Network Manager Applet 0.8 shows 4 upward waves together with an exclamation mark. What does the exclamation mark emblem mean?07:39
arandbullgard4: Not connected, I think normally...07:41
bullgard4wizz: You can back up your e-mails in evolution by clicking File > Settings > <filename> and transferring or copying this file of <filename> to a safe location.07:43
bullgard4arand: I do not know what you mean by "I think normally...". Please say it in other words.07:44
wizzbullgard4, thanks07:46
arandbullgard4: I think the exclamation mark means "not connected" (But I don't know if it can mean other things in other cases)07:46
TheoCould somebody help me with an external hard drive problem?07:46
wildbat_laptop!anyone | Theo07:47
ubottuTheo: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:47
=== wildbat_laptop is now known as wildbat
imprintI just installed the new Ubuntu 10 and seemed to have accidently deleted the part of the (lower left hand corner of screen) workspace where a screen is minimized, can I restore this feature?07:48
TheoI have a seagate (http://www.seagate.com/www/en-us/products/external/freeagent/freeagent_desk/) external harddrive plugged into my computer and is not showing up on my desktop as somebody previously said it should. The process of manually mounting it confused me, so I'm asking if anybody can clarify07:48
alonso¿Who speak spanish?07:48
wildbat!panels | imprint07:48
ubottuimprint: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »07:48
bullgard4arand: No, your explanation is wrong. I am connected to the Internet and still this exclamation mark appears.07:49
wildbat!es | alonso07:49
ubottualonso: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.07:49
alonsomuchisimas gracias!07:49
imprintThanks ubottu!07:50
alonsois a bot xD07:50
CaptainTrekanyone got any recommendations as to encrypting a folder?07:51
bychello everyone07:51
TheoAnyone help me with my external hard drive? It's plugged in and hasn't automounted, and the process of manually mounting it has confused me07:52
wise_crypt!info ecryptfs-utils | CaptainTrek07:53
ubottuCaptainTrek: ecryptfs-utils (source: ecryptfs-utils): ecryptfs cryptographic filesystem (utilities). In component main, is optional. Version 83-0ubuntu3 (lucid), package size 102 kB, installed size 508 kB07:53
bullgard4Theo: An icon should normally appear on your desktop. Check to see if you can find the name of your USB hard disk in Nautilus.07:53
CaptainTrekwise_crypt:  i'm not sure how to use it, got any documentations anywhere?07:53
wvHello, I have ubuntu 10.04 installed on a IMX5107:53
wise_cryptCaptainTrek: after install mkdir ~/Personal07:54
wvbut want gnome to use a resolution of 1536x38407:54
viliny_http://wiki.maemo.org/OTA_to_PR1.1_troubleshooting#Not_Enough_Free_Space ~flashing07:54
viliny_wrong link, sorry07:54
wvfor some reason it always jumps back to 1536x76807:54
wise_cryptCaptainTrek: then chmod 700 ~/Personal07:54
wvSomebody knows how I can change this?07:54
wise_cryptCaptainTrek: after that Mount the ecryptfs to the Personal folder using the following command07:55
bullgard4Theo: Yes, in Nautilus.07:55
wise_cryptCaptainTrek: sudo mount -t ecryptfs ~/Personal ~/Personal07:55
=== bigbrovar__ is now known as bigbrovar
CaptainTrekwise_crypt:  sudo chmod 700?07:55
wise_cryptCaptainTrek: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-create-a-private-encrypted-folder-on-ubuntu-810-intrepid.html07:56
CaptainTrekwise_crypt:  or no sudo07:56
wise_cryptCaptainTrek: its in your ~ so no sudo07:56
=== PhilippeD_ is now known as PhilippeD
CaptainTrekwise_crypt:  best cipher is...?07:57
Theobullgard4: no luck07:58
=== jayne_ is now known as jayne
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.07:58
wise_cryptCaptainTrek: just followed the instruction on the link you 'll be alrite07:59
deathnight114uhh, i have a question, is there any way to get back the hard drive space i partitioned on windows so that i could install ubuntu?07:59
deathnight114When i partitioned my hard drive, i took 100GB for ubuntu to install on, i want to get that back so it's still usable on windows, would that be something that would have to be done in windows?08:00
deathnight114Or can it be done in ubuntu?08:00
wildbatdeathnight114, resize the ntfs partition08:00
wildbatdeathnight114, yes08:00
deathnight114I don't know how D:08:00
deathnight114It can be done in ubuntu?08:00
wildbatdeathnight114, use gparted08:00
deathnight114Tell me what command to type in terminal08:01
wildbatdeathnight114, yup ~ start the live CD and Alt-f2 then gparted08:01
deathnight114I can't do that right now, i'll have to do it later08:01
deathnight114Because i don't have the live CD ATM08:01
deathnight114lent it to a friend so he could get linux08:01
wildbatdeathnight114, you can do it if yu are in linux already08:02
deathnight114I'm already in linux08:02
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.08:02
wildbatdeathnight114, just in alt-f2/terminal  : gparted08:02
wildbatdeathnight114, if you need to install gparted do this : sud apt-get install gparted08:02
wvwildbat, deathnight114, I think it's not a very good idea to edit a partition you're on08:03
deathnight114kk, gparted is installing08:03
bullgard4Theo: Please nopaste the output of '~$ df -h' when your USB hard disk is inserted.08:03
deathnight114I took 100GB for linux to install08:04
deathnight114I want to mix the partitions together08:04
deathnight114I still want my TB To be used for both OS's08:04
wildbatwv, he just resizing the ntfs one so it is fine08:04
Jordan_Upat5star: I figured out the problem, it's detailed here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/431527/ambiguous-type-variable-error-msg . I simply replaced Exception with OldException and you can get the package I built here: http://jordanu.dyndns.org/hpodder_1.1.5.0_amd64.deb Eventually OldException will be depricated so this is not a long term solution, but it should work fine.08:04
deathnight114I don't want one to be extracted08:04
deathnight114now it's installing, i didn't realize i had to type y08:04
puserhello, does anybody know virtualbox irc channel?08:04
deathnight114What do i do, just type gparted in terminal?08:05
well_laid_lawnpuser: #vbox08:05
puserwell_laid_lawn: thanx08:05
deathnight114I have it installed, what do i do now?08:06
wildbatdeathnight114, hmm? just run it ~ it is user-friend gui tools08:07
Theobullgard4: http://nopaste.ns-linux.org/?YzM4NT08:07
wvwildbat, deathnight114, I don't get it, he says he took 100GB for linux to install, doesn't he just want to delete his linux partition and attach it to his ntfs again?08:07
pat5starJordan_U: AWESOME! I've been working on another problem I have right now and I'm going to finish that up first, but I've downloaded your package and I've bookmarked that link you provided. I'll get to it first thing in the morning...08:07
deathnight114I just want it so that windows can use that 100GB again08:07
wildbatwv, hmmm <deathnight114> uhh, i have a question, is there any way to get back the hard drive space i partitioned on windows so that i could install ubuntu?08:07
deathnight114And linux to have access to it all too08:07
pat5starJordan_U: and I'll look for you here afterwards, or some other time, and let you know how I made out. I really, really appreciate your help! :)08:08
deathnight114I already have ubuntu08:08
deathnight114I just was typing too fast LOL08:08
wildbatdeathnight114, hold on ... you wanna have windows partitions resize or the ubuntu partitions?08:08
deathnight114I want the partitions to fuse08:08
deathnight114pretty much08:08
deathnight114so that there is only one08:09
deathnight114And they are both on it08:09
wvfusing partitions? will not work08:09
wvthen you must use the windows-install method (forgot the name)08:09
wvthen ubuntu is installed in a folder instead of a partition08:09
deathnight114So, i gotta do this in windows then?08:09
deathnight114I already have ubuntu installed08:09
deathnight114Believe me, i tried that LOL i could never get it to work08:10
wvyes, but you installed ubuntu on a (ext4?) seperate partition08:10
bullgard4Theo: Your USB hard disk is not mounted.08:10
wvof 100GB08:10
wvand your windows is on a ntfs partition08:10
deathnight114But, my windows OS Can't access that at all08:10
deathnight114I want it to be able to08:10
wvyou can not merge them08:10
wildbatdeathnight114, and you wanna resize that 100GB ubuntu ?08:10
deathnight114So it has 1TB08:10
oCean_deathnight114: please, ease up on the enter key, try to keep your descriptions/answers on one line08:11
deathnight114I want to merge them08:11
Theobullgard4: Yes, I was hoping to get help with that08:11
deathnight114Sorry oCean_08:11
deathnight114it's a really bad habbit08:11
bullgard4Theo: Please nopaste the output of '~$ lsusb'.08:11
wvdeathnight114, what you want is not possible08:12
wildbatdeathnight114, you can't merge ext4 and a ntfs partition ...... windows run on ntfs, your ubuntu need ext4 ~08:12
Jordan_Upat5star: Please file a bug report if one hasn't been filed already. For someone who knows the code a permanent fix will probably be just as easy to find as the temporary one was for me, and debian will be hit by this as well once they upgrade to a newer version of GHC (if I understand correctly).08:12
deathnight114Then why is ubuntu able to read the stuff on my windows partition?08:12
CaptainTrekwise_crypt:  how do I know if it worked...?08:12
wvdeathnight114, because ubuntu has ntfs-drivers08:13
wildbatdeathnight114, what you CAN do is that you have 3 partition ~ A) ext4 for ubuntu B) NTFS fr windows system C) NTFS for others stuff08:13
wvbut windows has no ext4 drivers08:13
temporarytao_hello, need help with grub208:13
pat5starJordan_U: sure, I will. What language is the source code in, did you notice?08:13
Jordan_Upat5star: Haskell08:13
temporarytao_messed grub2 up with startup manager08:13
Theobullgard4: http://nopaste.ns-linux.org/?MTk1YW08:13
deathnight114So is there no possible way to allow windows to read the stuff on my ubuntu partition?08:13
temporarytao_now the menu only comes up for a second and then disappers08:13
wildbatdeathnight114, OR ~ you wanna do a wubi install that put ubuntu in a NTFS file08:14
pat5starJordan_U: ugh, well I won't be doing any serious coding on it myself then08:14
wvYes, Wubi, that was what I meant by installing ubuntu from within windows08:14
deathnight114I can't do any more OS Installs right now08:14
deathnight114I don't want to uninstall it08:14
deathnight114I'm a noobie, would be a pain08:14
pat5starJordan_U: like I said, I'll get to it first thing in the morning, let you know afterwards how I made out, and if needed, I'll file appropriate bug reports....thanks so much again for all your help :)08:14
wvthen you'll have to stick with what you have...08:14
wise_cryptCaptainTrek: open it with diff user08:14
nataraj_stemporarytao_, maybe you just need to increase the timeout limit.08:14
Jordan_Upat5star: You're welcome.08:15
bullgard4Theo: Please do the same after having unplugged your USB hard drive.08:15
deathnight114Well, thanks anyways, i g2g D: cya08:15
temporarytao_nataraj_s, did that already. i even put in -1 (which was supposed to make it wait indefinitely)08:15
temporarytao_no luck08:15
CaptainTrekwise_crypt: does that include superuser?08:15
temporarytao_nataraj_s, does the timeout entry need to be surrounded by quotation marks?08:15
wise_cryptCaptainTrek: yup08:16
nataraj_stemporarytao_, did you do, sudo update-grub after changing the timelimit?08:16
CaptainTrekwise_crypt:  erm...08:16
nataraj_stemporarytao_, which file did you edit?08:16
CaptainTreki think something is borked somewhere...08:16
CaptainTrekwise_crypt:  its not working, superuser can see past it08:16
temporarytao_ /etc/default/grub08:16
Theobullgard4: http://nopaste.ns-linux.org/?NTY5OD08:16
wise_cryptCaptainTrek: did you read all of them08:16
CaptainTrekwise_crypt:  yeah i'll try again but...08:17
wise_cryptCaptainTrek: no chmod using sudo in ~ ok08:17
temporarytao_nataraj_s, i also tried holding down the shift key but that does not work either08:18
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Jordan_Utemporarytao_: Can you pastebin your /etc/default/grub?08:18
CaptainTrekwise_crypt:  yeah that might be the reason xD08:18
temporarytao_Jordan_U, will do08:18
wise_cryptCaptainTrek: remove the ~/personal08:18
bullgard4Theo: So your kernel's USB subsystem recognizes your hard drive as "Seagate RSS LLC".  -- Now you need to mount this hard drive.08:19
wise_cryptCaptainTrek: remove the ~/personal *using sudo again08:19
CaptainTrekwise_crypt:  remove with sudo?  i did rm -rf on it without sudo and it worked08:19
CaptainTreki'm recreating now08:19
Theobullgard4: Ok, so I'm guessing I'm gonna want to replug it...then what?08:19
wise_cryptCaptainTrek: ok08:19
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bullgard4Theo: Yes. Please re-plug it. Then look in Nautilus if you can find a device /dev/sdb or similar.08:21
temporarytao__Jordan_U, this is the link: http://pastebin.com/e1Sm8aud08:23
temporarytao__sorry for the delay08:23
temporarytao__bad network08:23
vivianCan anyone help quick with an absolute noob? Me?08:23
Theobullgard4: There is no "sdb", but there is "shm" and "snd"08:24
suboneCan someone tell me how to trace a file-types icon to its location on my system, i want to set another filetype to the same icon08:24
nataraj_stemporarytao_, hmm, update-grub should have made the change permanent. You can always re-install grub2 using the CD if nothing else works.08:24
temporarytao__nataraj_s, i'd rather not do that. i can still boot to ubuntu but  i can't boot to windows which i need atm08:24
pat5star!ask | vivian08:25
ubottuvivian: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:25
bullgard4Theo: "snd" stands for "sound" and is not what we want. --  Let me see what shm stands for.08:25
Jordan_Utemporarytao__: Can you pastebin your /boot/grub/grub.cfg?08:25
zipperhi can i know whats the directory of our dvd drive?08:25
temporarytao__Jordan_U, okay08:25
vivianHi Pat, how can I change to a channel?08:25
vivianspecifically, do I have to join another server08:25
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pat5starvivian: no no, you're good here, you're in the ubuntu channel (#ubuntu). Go ahead, ask :)08:26
vivianPat, what I mean is that I want to join a channel: irc://irc.quakenet.org/#assaultcube08:26
temporarytao__Jordan_U, here's the link: http://pastebin.com/ULSuZBwD08:26
vivianHow do I do that?08:27
tyler_d8I have finished using disk-utility to create a raid-5 array(/dev/md0) and would like to auto-start it and mount it on startup -- this is not my primary drive, I have my OS on a single disk08:27
rocket16Hello again, respected members08:27
bullgard4Theo: "shm" probably stands for "shared memory" and is nto what we want either.08:27
pat5starvivian: connect to the quakenet server and type /join #assaultcube08:27
nataraj_stemporarytao__, you would be able to boot to both Ubuntu and Windows even after re-installing grub from the Live CD. You only need to run sudo update-grub once in Ubuntu after re-installing grub.08:27
wildbatTheo, do "sudo fdisk -l" see if it listed08:28
vivianPat, thank you plenty!! Have a nice day!08:28
pat5starvivian: yw, u208:28
temporarytao__nataraj_s, i was able to earlier. but then, i used "startup manager" to set the timeout to 0 because i rarely use windows and i want to boot directly to ubuntu08:28
rocket16temporarytao__: Yes, and you can replace the existing grub2 installation with a new one, with same entries (automatically set)08:28
tdnHow do I get desktop effects to work in 10.04 with the new nouveau driver?08:28
rocket16temporarytao__: Well, which version of Ubuntu are you using? 10.04?08:29
Jordan_Utemporarytao__: Odd, that grub.cfg looks correct (the menu should never time out). Could you pastebin the output of this script: http://sourceforge.net/projects/bootinfoscript/  ? It may be that you have another grub.cfg somewhere that is actually being read.08:29
temporarytao__now, i need to boot to windows and i can't access the grub menu any longer. it appears only for an instant no matter what timeout value i give08:29
Theowildbat: http://nopaste.ns-linux.org/?YjFmZD Yes, it's listed08:29
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:29
temporarytao__rocket16, 10.0408:29
CaptainTrekwise_crypt:  superuser can still see it08:29
subonehow do i set an icon for a specified mimetype?08:29
rocket16temporarytao__: If so, StartUp manager won't work. It is made for Grub, and from 9.10, Grub2 is the latest one. So, StartUp manager won't work, and will create only a mess.08:29
CaptainTrekwise_crypt: ahhhh.... nevermind08:30
CaptainTrekwise_crypt:  the filenames are visible... but the data is encrypted08:30
rocket16temporarytao__: StartUp manager is only upto 9.04,08:30
temporarytao__rocket16, yeah, i think i messed that up08:30
Jordan_Urocket16: statup manager supports grub2, just not particularly well.08:30
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temporarytao__Jordan_U, +1 on that, definitely08:30
NorthwoodsWhich is the best font for XChat , which is easliy readable ?08:31
rocket16temporarytao__: You need to reinstall Grub2 from Livecd08:31
NorthwoodsXchat on ubuntu08:31
Northwoodsrocket16,  ?08:31
temporarytao__rocket16, i'd rather not go that far just yet08:31
rocket16Northwoods: To me, it is Comic Sans MS08:31
Northwoodsok thankyou , any other suggestions ?08:32
rocket16temporarytao__: Ok, then just reinstall it using apt-get, that will work too.08:32
CaptainTrekwise_crypt:  how do I create a launcher though?  it doesn't accept the options when i type it all in08:32
slavdoes irssi have setiing to disable loging (ex. ...joined... quit etc.)?08:32
wildbatTheo,  there you go /dev/sdb1 is your drive to mount then you can mount it with mount command.08:32
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit08:32
bazhang!quietirssi | slav08:32
ubottuslav: To ignore joins, parts, quits in irssi:  /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS08:32
wise_cryptCaptainTrek: what desktop ?08:33
slavubottu: ty :)08:33
CaptainTrekwise_crypt:  yeah a desktop launcher08:33
CaptainTrekwise_crypt:  to mount it08:33
wise_cryptCaptainTrek: if in gnome on top of panel08:33
CaptainTrekwise_crypt:  yeah i tried that08:33
CaptainTrekthe launcher didnt work08:34
NitzchONotHello guys, i have a question about automounting a disk08:34
wise_cryptCaptainTrek: right click create launcher08:34
NorthwoodsI have a message saying , Important updates available for software on this computer on my ubuntu , should i go and update all of them ?08:34
CaptainTrekwise_crypt:  it didn't pass the arguments to the mount08:34
CaptainTrekwise_crypt:  i know HOW to make a launcher, but it just didnt do it is all08:34
Theowildbat: so I would tell it to mount /dev/sdb1/  ?08:34
halflingI accidentally hit some key combination and now ubuntu's color scheme is completely inverted, color-wise08:35
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Northwoodsrocket16, are there any inbuilt wallpapers for ubuntu ?08:35
wise_cryptCaptainTrek: which arg08:35
NitzchONotif i do "fdisk -l" i see the disk, and the system is "Linux Swap / Solaris" what do i type to my fstab file ?08:35
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wise_cryptCaptainTrek:  Application in Terminal08:36
CaptainTrekwise_crypt:  this one: key=passphrase,ecryptfs_cipher=aes,ecryptfs_key_bytes=16,ecryptfs_passthrough=n08:36
rocket16Northwoods: Sure, many are there. Along with Bisigi, many are provided, also you can get many others.08:36
CaptainTrekwise_crypt:  I KNOW HOW TO MAKE A FREAKING LAUNCHER!  I've mande them before08:36
Northwoodsrocket16, i cannot find any on the installed version , do i need to download08:36
halflingWhat is the Super button?08:36
wise_cryptCaptainTrek:  no need to use caps08:36
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CaptainTrekwise_crypt:  the QUESTION is: why is it not passing said args through?08:36
wildbatTheo, simpliest thing to do is "sudo mkdir /media/1TBUSB; sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/1TBUSB08:36
well_laid_lawnNitzchONot: something like   /dev/hda7       none            swap    sw              0       008:36
rocket16Northwoods: Surely you can, go to synaptic and search for the term wallpaper, and that will show you a list of wallpaper-packages08:37
plouffeI did a test install on a small partition and the livecd overwrote my grub on the MBR. Now I'm back on my main ubuntu install. How can I restore my grub without messing things up? Should I use grub-install.08:37
Northwoodsrocket16, ok thankyou08:37
NitzchONotwell_laid_lawn, "none" ? oO08:37
rocket16Northwoods: My pleasure, :)08:37
Northwoodsand there is message for me to update my software on ubuntu08:37
wise_cryptCaptainTrek:  but it works in terminal right ?08:37
nataraj_stemporarytao_, If all else fails, hope http://pastebin.com/ky0m2jDK helps :)08:37
Northwoodsits about 200 mb for all files08:37
Northwoods116 files08:37
Northwoodsshould i update it ?08:37
Northwoodsrocket16,  ?08:37
well_laid_lawnNitzchONot: none is the mountpoint08:38
nataraj_stemporarytao_, you probably know how to do it thought08:38
CaptainTrekwise_crypt:  o.O  didnt think to pass it into terminal directly08:38
CaptainTreklemme check08:38
rocket16Northwoods: Any problem there friend?08:38
well_laid_lawnNitzchONot: swap doesn't get mounted to a file08:38
Theowildbat: Thank you! :D08:38
Northwoodsrocket16, yes , my ubuntu is asknig me to update my software , its about 116 files08:39
EL_N3cioi neded  help08:39
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AliPartowho can help me in BackTrack408:40
CaptainTrekwise_crypt:  i typed it into terminal, kicked me to the mount helpscreen08:40
CaptainTreker help page08:40
NitzchONotwell_laid_lawn, aham well cant i mount it to a folder then? What i do, it's to automount it when the system starts. in my other PC, what i did whas to define the disk by UUID and mount it to a folder i created "/media/disk2mount"08:40
AliPartoi wanna install yahoo messenger08:40
NitzchONot(Sorry, wall of text :) )08:40
rocket16Northwoods: Oh, sure. You can prevent those updates too, although better to keep System updated for better efficiency,08:40
Northwoodsshould i update it ?08:41
Northwoods"UPdate Manager"08:41
well_laid_lawnNitzchONot: why? - if it is labeled swap and uses the sw filesystem in fstab that's all you need afaik08:41
Northwoodsrocket16, ok thanks08:41
piyushmishra1AliParto: use evolution or pidgin instead08:43
EL_N3ciowho are spanish here ?08:43
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.08:43
CaptainTrekwise_crypt:  any ideas?08:43
wise_cryptCaptainTrek:  working on it08:44
CaptainTrekwise_crypt:  mmkay, its 4:00 AM here so I need sleep is all08:44
wise_cryptCaptainTrek:  ok08:44
Northwoodsrocket16, one last question , when i tried to played mp3 , it started downloading some packages (searched for suitable plugin ) , i did download them , they were gstreamer-ffmpeg , gstreamer-fluendo-mp3 , gstreamer-plugin-ugly , when i clicked install , it said check if your country needs license , do i need license to play mp3 ?08:45
NitzchONotwell_laid_lawn, can i bother you in private ? :)08:45
Jordan_UNorthwoods: What country?08:45
NorthwoodsJordan_U, India08:45
rocket16Northwoods: No problem. Just install them. In India, no such obligation is there, as I am from India too.08:46
sid3khi all, I'm having trouble with oss4-base, synaptic gives this error message during installation: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/man/man1/ossinfo.1.gz', which is also in package oss-linux 0:4.2-2003, dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)08:46
Northwoodsrocket16, allright , thankyou08:46
rocket16Northwoods: My pleasure08:46
sid3kI've no idea about this error, moved ossinfo.1.gz file but still same error08:46
well_laid_lawnNitzchONot: keep it in the channel pls :] - i don't know everything08:47
sid3kany suggestions? google returns 0 results for the error. I can't believe how much is to use oss08:48
CaptainTrekwise_crypt: i'm goin to sleep, use memoserv to get me the solution if you find one08:49
wise_cryptCaptainTrek:  sudo mount -t ecryptfs ~/Personal ~/Personal08:50
sje46hey, I can't find my sound control08:51
sid3k*BUMP* !08:51
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rocket16sje46: That is possibly due to Sound applet error. Reset the panels, and it will help.08:58
rocket16!resetpanel | sje4608:58
ubottusje46: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »08:58
sje46thank you!08:58
NorthwoodsMy screen automatically locks itself when inactive for about 15 mins , and my update manager stops , how can leave my system on , so that my screen doens't lock and download continues ?08:58
Northwoodsrocket16,  ?08:59
Northwoodsany idea ?08:59
rocket16sje46: You are most welcome, :)08:59
rocket16Northwoods: Sorry friend, I was afk. What was the question?09:00
NorthwoodsMy screen automatically locks itself when inactive for about 15 mins , and my update manager stops , how can leave my system on , so that my screen doens't lock and download continues ?09:00
bazhangNorthwoods, checked screensaver preferences? uncheck lock screen when inactive, and set the timeout to longer09:00
Northwoodsbazhang, ok , let me try , thankyou09:01
rocket16Northwoods: Go to System-Prefrerences-Screensaver, and there, drag the panel to 2 hours.09:01
bazhangNorthwoods, you can also check Power Management (accessible from SS preferences)09:01
NorthwoodsIf i set the screensaver on , will that let my downloads continue ?09:01
bazhangNorthwoods, should do, I'd check the Power Management, to be honest09:02
rocket16Northwoods: Yes,09:02
Northwoodsok , yes i have configured power management09:02
Northwoodsas well09:02
brickysome themes are so hard to instlal hahaa09:06
bazhangbricky, from the theme manager?09:07
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy09:07
dupondjehttp://dupondje.be/DSCF1025.JPG => Any idea's ? System crashes after that :s09:07
brickywhich one do you use?09:07
bazhangbricky, which one did you have trouble with? got a link?09:08
rocket16bricky: You can get several nice themes at Bisigi project at http://www.bisigi-project.org/?page_id=6&lang=en09:08
brickyyes im looking for it as we speak :)09:08
Jordan_Udupondje: Could you try using an untainted upstream kernel from: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/  ?09:10
sburjanHello. can someone tell me a decent photo editor ?  I need it for taking screenshots, and then selectong only a part of the screenshot for further use. I think Gimp is actually too complex for this09:10
dupondjeJordan_U: a 2.6.33 ? or daily ? or .34 ? :)09:11
gauravi am facing problem in internet09:11
tyler__sburjan: Ubuntu comes with it's own screenshot utility.09:12
tyler__Applications - Accessories - Take Screenshot.09:12
Jordan_Udupondje: 2.6.34 is probabl most likely not to kernel panic, 2.6.32 will have the most relevance to Ubuntu 10.04's shipping kernel.09:13
tyler__sburjan: It also has an option to take a screenshot of only part of your screen.09:13
sburjani know. but I'll only need a part from that screenshot.. I'll have to cut out a part from the middle of it09:13
sburjanah.. okay09:13
sburjanI'll try that09:13
tyler__sburjan: Also, GIMP isn't that hard to use for simple cropping and a 'crop job' can be done in a few minutes (probably less).09:14
dupondjeinstalling linux-image-2.6.34-020634-generic_2.6.34-020634_amd64.deb09:14
shimmr7can anyone tell me how to set chrome (for example) as my default web browser?  i still have applications launching firefox09:16
sburjanis t here any shortcut in taking the screenshot ?09:16
rocket16shimmr7: Go to System-Prefrecnes-preferred applications, and set chrome as default browser.09:16
tyler__sburjan: I don't think so, I think the best bet would be to hotkey the screenshot utility and just roll with that.09:17
shimmr7rocket16: thank you! much obliged!09:17
madjoecan anyone point me to a good tutorial on how to use SVN?09:17
rocket16sburjan: Go to System-Prefrecnes-Keyboard Shortcuts, and set a new shortcut there, making hotkey of this command: gnome-screenshot --interactive09:17
rocket16shimmr7: You are most welcome, :)09:18
gauravmy internet is not working i think that some files r been croupted09:18
gauravplz help09:18
wildbat!details | gaurav09:20
ubottugaurav: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:20
dupondjeJordan_U: booted, lets see if we can reproduce it now09:20
Taugaurav:  how can you be accessing the irc without internet09:20
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dupondjeJordan_U: now it locked up, without stacktrace09:23
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dupondjeow, it says 'BUG: cpu soft lockup ...'09:24
Jordan_Udupondje: Can you file a bug report with "ubuntu-bug linux"? (if you're able to boot far enough to do so)09:25
tyler__sburjan: Actually, yeah, you can hotkey the gnome screenshot utility to take a shot directly. After pressing the hotkey, the utility will take a screenshot and then open a GUI that asks you where to save the picture (and what format).09:25
tyler__sburjan: If you need help setting up a hotkey don't hesitate to ask.09:26
dupondjeJordan_U: on the .32 stock kernel or the 2.6.34 one ?09:26
gauravi am gaurav i am using ubuntu 10.04 yesterday i updated my computer but after that my internet connection in not working fine it is very slow in firefox i raerly works help09:27
Rurd2di[ON3]anyone know why vnc wuld open, bring up pw box, then close off and not even login09:28
Rurd2di[ON3]like it accepts pw09:28
Rurd2di[ON3]but nuthn happens09:28
bgsmithgreetings channel, when I boot my ubuntu 9.10 box, I am greeted with a busybox shell, I have RAID with lvm on it and the error I get is similar to this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/444563. What are my options ?09:29
temporarytaoanyone know why i can'te09:29
Jordan_Udupondje: I'd submit it against the untainted .32, because an untainted report is more usefull to upstream, but mention that you can reproduce it with Ubuntu's kernel and untainted 34-020634.09:30
shelanIn my hp pavilion6 laptopt with ubuntu 10.04 64 bit  , always show 100% battery ,an on AC power . any fixes ?09:31
gauravi am gaurav i am using ubuntu 10.04 yesterday i updated my computer but after that my internet connection in not working fine it is very slow in firefox i raerly works  error dosent comes it dont do any thing09:31
Rurd2di[ON3]anyone know why vnc wuld open, bring up pw box, then close off and not even login09:31
Rurd2di[ON3]did all the configs etc09:32
Rurd2di[ON3]but no luck09:32
gauravcan any one help me regarding this09:32
gauravcan any body help me09:33
Rurd2di[ON3]i need vnc help09:33
Rurd2di[ON3]and im still waitin b4 u09:33
rocket16gaurav: What is the problem?09:33
rocket16Rurd2di[ON3]: To make VNC active, go to Applications-Internet-Remote Desktop Viewer, and click connect. enter the IP Address of host. Then, click connect,09:34
Rurd2di[ON3]tryin to connect from windows 7 to ubuntu mate09:34
rocket16Rurd2di[ON3]: That is possible, only because of IP address error, or slow connection.09:35
shelanis there a power management problem in 10.04?09:35
Rurd2di[ON3]but its local gbit09:35
gauravmy internet connection is working very slow .....last time i installed the webmin very slow dear i cant understand why all this is happening any web pages r not opening09:35
rocket16Rurd2di[ON3]: I see. Then, you need to get the VNC service in Windows too. Also, I think you should keep the Ubuntu VNC running before attempting connection from win7,09:35
gauravrocket16 help me09:36
rocket16gaurav: I see. No problem, use a Light-weight browser, like ELINKS. Also, connection will work I think.09:36
Rurd2di[ON3]i cant connect in09:36
simplexioRurd2di[ON3]: ifconfig tell you if you have errors etc in connection09:37
Rurd2di[ON3]just seems to hang09:37
Rurd2di[ON3]          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:109:37
Rurd2di[ON3]          RX packets:20 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:009:37
Rurd2di[ON3]          TX packets:20 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:009:37
Rurd2di[ON3]          collisions:0 txqueuelen:009:37
Rurd2di[ON3]          RX bytes:1200 (1.2 KB)  TX bytes:1200 (1.2 KB)09:37
FloodBot1Rurd2di[ON3]: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:37
DamasceneI can't get firefox out of offline state09:37
rocket16Hello Damascene, welcome to Ubuntu09:37
rocket16Damascene: Click the File menu, and uncheck Work Offline.09:37
gauravwhy this all is happening wright now before all works correctly09:37
DamasceneI did, didn't work rocket1609:38
rocket16gaurav: I think it is a browser problem. Also, is the Internet connection active?09:38
gauravi am sure about that internet connection is active09:38
Damascenethat happened after using the hibernate command but I'm not sure that this is the cause09:38
gauravthat why irc working09:39
DamasceneI'm using 3g connection and it's connected as I'm talking to you now09:39
rocket16Damascene: Restarting firefox might help09:39
simplexioRurd2di[ON3]: thats loopback connection09:39
Rurd2di[ON3]i know09:39
Rurd2di[ON3]posted wrong09:39
Rurd2di[ON3]but it all seems fine09:39
Rurd2di[ON3]is there a better way to get vncserver workin in ubuntu 1009:39
brickyanybody want to recommend a decent dvd creating app or does the normal one work for data, iso, movie, etc,09:39
Damascenerocket16, no09:40
gauravrocket this time my updation is not aslo working09:40
rocket16gaurav: I think, then it is certainly a software problem. Install a new lightweight browser, and it will help.09:40
simplexioRurd2di[ON3]: well, i have had some problems with my 1G eth after i have tried use high MTU, with 1500 it work ok09:41
gauravhow can i know that my net is giving what speed and it is active or not09:41
rocket16gaurav: Go to Terminal, and type: killall -user username (username is your username there). And you'll return to login. Login again, and connect to Internet. This might work then.09:41
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moosheany heavy netbook users here? i need suggestion meego or ubuntu netbook edition09:42
brickynever tried meego09:43
mooshetried ubuntu netbook?09:43
brickyubuntu netbook is decent,09:43
mooshewould it be better to just run a full linux desktop09:43
brickybut there are some things that well are odd09:43
xruby|\ ......._,,,---,,,_09:43
xruby../ , `.-'`'..,,,-....;-;;,_09:43
xruby.| ,4- .) )-,_...;\ ( ..`'-'09:43
xruby'----'' (_/--' ..`-'\_)09:43
FloodBot1xruby: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:43
brickymooshe: yeah09:43
mooshei was thinking of going with a light os in that case09:44
mooshei was thinking crunchbang but i dont know09:44
brickymooshe: get ubuntu and you can also get the netbook edition its only 8 mbs if you have the full os.09:44
c_nickis there a community for mobile09:44
rocket16mooshe: Well, Lubuntu is a decent Lightweight OS09:44
c_nicklike hash hardware where i get all the hardware details09:44
rocket16c_nick: As long as it is related to Ubuntu, you can ask here, v:)09:44
mooshewhich gui does it run09:44
rocket16mooshe: It runs LXDE as Desktop Manager, and is faster09:45
Rurd2di[ON3]bahah installed xd11server09:45
Rurd2di[ON3]works sweet now09:45
brickywats that?09:45
tyler__mooshe: I have a netbook. UNR is pretty cool. I wouldn't go with MeeGo since it's a bit stunted as an OS (no easy way to install codecs, limited software repository).09:45
rocket16mooshe: It nearly takes half of the Memory used by GNOME Ubuntu.09:45
tyler__mooshe: If you want to do a lot of compiling then you could bring MeeGo up to speed but It'll require work.09:46
brickyI have a 5 year old laptop 2.0 ghz 1 gb ram ubuntu runs great09:46
tyler__That said, the boot speed is around 8 seconds.09:46
mooshei dont feel like doing a lot of work09:46
brickymooshe: id say just get ubuntu if you have windows create another partition and get a wubi install09:46
mooshei guess i will put unr on my flash now09:46
mooshealso the doc said something try with flash drive then use cd09:46
mooshebut there is an option to install from flash right?09:47
brickyyou can install a full ubuntu right from a windows exe09:47
mooshesince i have no cd drive09:47
brickymooshe: install it from wubi09:47
brickythat way if something happens to get messed up its super easy to re-install09:47
Galerienmooshe: You can use wubi, but that's not a really clean instalation...09:47
mooshei have not used wubi before09:47
brickymooshe: one click no settings no menus09:48
mooshecan i not just install from usb drive?09:48
GalerienIf you want to use a usb floppy... wait a sec09:48
theholderWondering if anyone could help me with a huawei u7150 as a mobile modem in ubuntu09:48
bolsterQuick Question: Any one know a compiz keyboard shortcut for moving a window between multiple monitors?09:48
untmdsprthello, I'm using Lubuntu and I can't get it to display the "settings" and "system" menus in the main menu. Is there something that I can do? I've already tried going into the main menu panel, and they're checked to show up.09:48
Galerienbolster: ctrl + alt + arrow09:48
brickybolster: special key + w or tab09:49
brickyoh wait09:49
bolstergalerien: switches between virtual desktops09:49
bolsterbricky:does a very nice but utterly pointless rotary window switch09:50
brickybolster maybe pointless but I use like using it :) my favorite ones :D09:50
Galerienmooshe: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick09:50
brickythe win+w key comes in handy all the time09:51
bolsterbricky:I know, it is pretty :D but it switches between using left or right screen on focus and gets a bit distracting.09:51
dupondjeJordan_U: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/58864309:51
bolsterbricky:yeah i use that too along with ctrl+alt+down09:51
mooshethanks Galerien09:51
Rurd2di[ON3]and i need to install these drivers http://driverscollection.com/?file_cid=40732965273550a3e8da146717309:51
Rurd2di[ON3]is it easy to install from this?09:52
brickybolster: my special + tab had the rotating circular windows, (not the box)09:53
brickythe box was distracting, indeed  lol09:53
brickyi did a new install recently havnt configured that hotkey09:53
mooshetyler__ does UNR have plenty of programs to install mainly i need pidgin, an irc client, nicotine(the soulseek client)  the rest will be web, can you check on these programs  mainly just nicotine09:53
brickybolster: you know a good cd burning app?09:53
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kiaasUNR is normal ubuntu with a different UI, mooshe09:53
tyler__mooshe: Yeah, it has the same repositories as Ubuntu.09:54
brickynow that my computer can burn cds im stoked09:54
moosheoh nice09:54
mooshethen i shall put it on my usb now and give it a spin09:54
Galerienmooshe: you know what a partition is, right?09:54
Rurd2di[ON3]whats best way to install those drivers into ubuntu09:54
mooshebut i am getting rid of my netbooks xp install09:54
Rurd2di[ON3]link above09:54
Galerienmooshe: ok then :D09:54
bolsterbricky: found it hidden in the compizconfig unser extra wm actions called "Move Window To Next Output", thanks for the help09:54
moosheso i dont need one09:55
brickybolster you could install 'ccsm' if you havnt done that too09:56
tyler__mooshe: You might also want to try some light weight distributions like 'Peppermint,' 'Crunchbang,' or 'Elive.'09:56
mooshehmm i put  meego on my 2gb usb drive now windows 7 will not format the usb09:56
mooshei was considering crunchbang09:56
mooshebut i really want a tiny cute interface09:57
mooshesince it has such a tiny mouse09:57
moosheand i wont be plugging one in09:57
tyler__But, keep in mind that Elive costs money but if you wanted to try another enlightenment desktop PCLinuxOS has an E17 v.09:57
tyler__mooshe: Then I guess UNR is the best for your situation.09:57
VigoTry Lubuntu?09:57
|_ockejust install e17 on a normal setup :P09:58
|_ockecustomize it09:58
|_ockeit's fun09:58
wkingWho can tell me some message about  nginx php?09:58
mooshei have ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso  do ijust copy this to the usb or do i need a program09:58
skoefmooshe: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download09:59
|ns|nR8mooshe, you need ot use startup disc creator09:59
Vigo!install | mooshe09:59
ubottumooshe: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate09:59
Stokenjoin #ubuntu-de-offtopic10:00
tyler__mooshe: Try unetbootin.10:02
mooshesorry for so many questions it is 4am, this is going to make a live cd basically right10:02
moosheto try it out through usb10:02
mooshei dont want it to install right off10:02
rocket16!unetbootin | mooshe10:03
ubottumooshe: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent10:03
mooshei hope its somewhat as quick as meego, i hit the power button, blinked and it was up and running10:03
Galerienmooshe: no problem, just pay attention to what we give you, because I already gave you a link explaining how to install with a usbstick10:03
moosheyes i opened and bookmarked10:04
mooshei was just making sure what i am doing now is not going to install right off the bat10:04
Galerienmooshe: my ubuntu need 14 to 16 seconds to start...10:04
mooshesince i still need to backup the hdd10:04
Galerienmooshe: no problem, you just have to boot on you usbstick and chose "try ubuntu", that won't touch your hdd10:04
mooshewhat does persisnt live install mean10:05
Hans_Henrikunless you got a linux-swap partition. :p10:05
moosheis that similar to live cd when you click install10:05
brickyis there a way to perhaps write data files and a bootable image on one disk?10:06
Galerienmooshe: the live cd can install ubuntu or let you use ubuntu from the cd10:06
bgsmithgreetings channel, when I boot my ubuntu 9.10 box, it waits for about 5 mins with a console screen showing udev-work: rename(/dev//.udev-tmp,/dev//) failed. invalid cross-device link ... then after a long time it shows the ubuntu icon in white in the middle of the screen and then drops me to a busybox prompt ... could someone help me with recovering this box ?10:06
brickybgsmith: download wubi 10.04 and do it from windows10:07
brickyif you want to that is10:07
bgsmithI dont have windows on that box10:08
moosheis 99 proof alcohol on a cotton swab okay to clean your monitor10:08
brickyoh, snap.10:08
Vigobgsmith: Have you ran the Recovery option?10:08
moosheit looks like a brushed my teeth next to it10:08
bgsmithThe recovery option does not come up10:08
mooshevery nice i like this UNR10:08
bgsmithI see "grub loading" on a console screen10:08
wvQuestion, I have a Freescale IMX51 board (arm cortex A8) with custom ubuntu. The framebuffer always starts in 1024x768, but I want it to be 1536x384. Where can I change this?10:09
bgsmithand then three udev-work errors on a console screen10:09
Vigobgsmith: I think it Esc at boot, but let me check the docs.10:09
well_laid_lawnbgsmith: hold the right shift key during the boot10:09
brickyI put a DVD dl in my drive and it claims theres not enough free space10:10
Rurd2di[ON3]why the hell is vnc so laggy on lan10:10
elturcinhello, anyone here using vmware workstation with ubuntu 64bit and a ati card drivers? I got windows 7 running and as soon as I turn on Aero mode the image becomes all scramled and I can't see anything10:10
bgsmithokay cool got into recovery mode10:10
well_laid_lawn!wtf | Rurd2di[ON3]10:10
ubottuRurd2di[ON3]: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:10
bgsmithwith shift during boot10:10
bgsmithit freezes at the same udevd-work errors10:11
Rurd2di[ON3]now i just need to figure out how to install raid card drivers10:11
Rurd2di[ON3]i need help10:12
Rurd2di[ON3]they are in a .gz10:12
bgsmithhowever just before that it says md0; detected capacity change from 0 to 50010515046410:12
well_laid_lawn!raid | Rurd2di[ON3]10:12
ubottuRurd2di[ON3]: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto10:12
bgsmithand md0: unknown partition table10:12
Rurd2di[ON3]no i need to install the drivers10:12
GalerienDid anyone ever installed OTRS here?10:12
Galerien!ask | Rurd2di[ON3]10:12
ubottuRurd2di[ON3]: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:12
well_laid_lawnGalerien: he did ask10:13
Galerienwell_laid_lawn: "please" "i need help" "please"....10:13
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Beefcakesweird I'm unable to join #PHP10:14
oCean_Beefcakes: ask #freenode10:15
GalerienBeefcakes: try ##php10:15
well_laid_lawnBeefcakes: tried #php instead of #PHP10:15
bgsmithworker[141] unexpectedly returned with status 0x010010:15
bgsmithand worker[141] failed while handline '/devices/virtual/block/md0'10:16
Beefcakes#php is invite only, I didn't know there was a difference between #PHP and #php10:16
Chriistimy ubuntu is verry crazy this pid 1700 what is?10:16
Rurd2di[ON3]where do you put driver files in ubunut?10:16
well_laid_lawnBeefcakes: you might need to be registered for #php - I just joined it10:16
GalerienBeefcakes: http://hashphp.org/10:17
BeefcakesI just registered, haven't irc'd in a while.10:17
oCean_Beefcakes: again, ask in #freenode, not here10:17
Beefcakescool. there we go;) sorry for the hassle.10:17
VigoRurd2di[ON3]: Restricted Drivers?10:17
moosheshould i be seeing  ubuntu restricted extras in the ubuntu software center10:17
brickyalright jesus, time to watch some cartoons all this ubuntu is getting to me :P10:17
Rurd2di[ON3]Vigo: no for my highpoint 2340 raid card10:18
well_laid_lawnRurd2di[ON3]: raid needs to be set up early - follow the link ubottu told you10:18
Rurd2di[ON3]i dont need to setup raid10:18
Rurd2di[ON3]i need to install my raid card drives10:18
Rurd2di[ON3]so i can access all my drives10:18
|_ockeRurd2di[ON3], you need to install them in the proper manner for the driver10:19
|_ockethey need to be configured for whatever device they're for10:19
|_ockeread the instructions10:19
|_ockethere's probably a file called README or INSTALL10:19
|_ockeread em10:19
FloodBot1|_ocke: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:19
Vigomooshe: They are there by default, sorta, so yes, they should be.10:19
moosheits not there, and flash isnt installed already on UNR10:20
moosheor is it not one package10:20
Vigomooshe: Have you enabled Restricted?10:20
Vigo!restricted | mooshe10:21
ubottumooshe: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:21
oCean_Rurd2di[ON3]: did you download the driver?10:21
Rurd2di[ON3]oCean_: YES10:22
Rurd2di[ON3]oops caps10:22
oCean_Rurd2di[ON3]: what's it called, is it .tgz ?10:22
oCean_Rurd2di[ON3]: first, get the ubuntu version, not freebsd10:23
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)10:23
xrubyanyone use flux desktop10:23
oCean_Rurd2di[ON3]: then, unpack the archive (gunzip blah.gz) - most likely there's a .sh file like install.sh10:23
bgsmithwhat are my options when I get to the busybox shell?10:24
well_laid_lawnxruby: what do you want to know about it10:24
xrubyi need to know i love that look anylook better then that i love 3 d effect or cute desk..10:25
oCean_Rurd2di[ON3]: http://tinyurl.com/39p4krw10:25
wildbatbgsmith, check dmesg for errors10:28
moosheVigo: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras  E: couldnt find package, could this have to do with me running live cd and not the OS off HDD10:28
kiaasmooshe, could also be not having sudo apt-get update'd first10:29
jopieUsing Pthread_join seems to cause a segmentation fault on my system... Could it be ubuntu-related or related to VirtualBox (it's running as a guest)?10:29
GalerienHey, does someone here knows how to purge some installation with tasksel ?????10:29
Vigomooshe: Yes10:29
Galerienmooshe: the live cd won't change anything10:30
mooshevigo yes update worked10:30
Galerienso you can't install anything10:30
Galerienupdate doesn't install anything, just look for what can be installed10:30
mooshemy netbook installs software while running off usb and doesnt afraid of anything10:31
Galerien!apt | mooshe10:31
ubottumooshe: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)10:31
bgsmithmmm I dmesg at the busybox prompt and I dont see any errors ... the last few lines show "raidx personality registered for level x"10:31
mooshewell before package not found, after apt-get update it now found it and is installing it or running off ram or whatever it does10:31
JediMasterI need a good reason to stay with firefox as my primary browser, as chrome/chromium is far faster and more stable with flash under Linux, I'm a web developer and I tend to have 40+ tabs open, and firefox 3.6 is better than previous version but still slow compared to chrome.10:31
wildbatGalerien, deselect it in tasksel10:31
mooshei dont need all those help files10:32
mooshei just need a hint10:32
|ns|nR8chrome doesnt scale down large images automatically10:32
Galerienwildbat: that's doesn't purge...10:32
oCean_Galerien: tasksel remove?10:33
GalerienJediMaster: all the add-on...10:33
GalerienoCean_: just remove, not purge10:33
kiaasYou -can- install to a live-cd. But it installs to a ramdisk that will be erased upon next reboot.10:33
oCean_Galerien: what do you need purged?10:34
moosheif i happen to click install to hdd while on live cd, will my installed stuff/changes be saved for the install it is doing10:34
daedaluzthis can't be right.. I want to install unrar, apt wants to uninstall loads of stuff http://pastebin.ca/187588110:34
JediMasterGalerien, chrome has a lot of addons, the main ones on FF I use are firebug (chrome has google developer tools), webmaster tools (there's an official chrome port), and XMarks (also has an official chrome port)10:34
wildbatGalerien, then use apt-get purge then10:34
moosheor will that have to be done again10:34
GalerienI want to completely removes a package and the associated configuration files10:34
daedaluzGalerien: purge10:35
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Galerienwildbat: yes, but I might miss some package10:35
Foloexhello world !10:35
Galeriendaedaluz: I don't have the packet list10:35
well_laid_lawnmooshe: it won't add what you've d/loaded to the install10:35
euanGalerien: sudoa apt-get purge <package>10:35
euanGalerien: sudo apt-get purge <package>10:35
oCean_Galerien: i'd suggest to use tasksel to remove, then dpkg -l |grep ^rc to list packages with configurationfiles that can be purged10:35
mooshewell_laid_lawn: well that certainly needs to be fixed10:35
mooshemaybe i will code that feature in10:36
GalerienoCean_: ok, i'll look into that10:36
wildbatGalerien, sudo apt-get purge `tasksel --task-packages <task>`10:36
GalerienJediMaster: then change :D10:36
oCean_Galerien: this'll do the trick: dpkg -l | grep ^rc | cut -d' ' -f3 | xargs dpkg -P10:36
GalerienoCean_: is there a "test" option?10:36
Sinisterdoes anyone know the pic viewing program that lets you make web pages or html from the jpgs ? i forget if its in kde or gnome10:36
oCean_Galerien: to tasksel? yes; to dpkg? don't think so10:37
GalerienoCean_: ok then, thanks10:37
FoloexI've installed OpenVPN on my server and I successfully connected to it. The problem I'm facing is that the distant machin cannot "see" the machines of the remote network. I did enable the "client-to-client" option in the server and pushed the road (though I'm not sure of this last part).10:37
Vigomooshe: What version?10:37
Foloexcan someone help me on finalising the configuration ?10:38
|ns|nR8Foloex, try #openvpn10:38
Foloex|ns|nR8: I didn't know this chan existed, thanks ;)10:39
lost_hibernate doesnt work in ubuntu 10.04 why10:40
moosheon your laptop?10:41
lost_on desktop10:41
mooshei should of tested that before hitting install :D10:41
kiaasit works for me lost_10:41
mooshei hope it sleeps when i close the lid10:41
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.10:41
lost_it doesnt come alive a black screen after then monitor turns to sleep10:42
VigoThat slayed me, good one oCean_:10:42
GalerienoCean_: well, that was an impressive line command :D10:44
lost_i hope the dev team is working on it10:44
oCean_lost_: you may want to search launchpad for similar bugs10:44
lost_tks ocean10:44
jopiesorry :)10:44
=== jasdevan is now known as Guest86130
lost_jopie it is not terminal10:45
oCean_lost_: there are several open issues I can see at first search. Create an account and add your comment(s). That will help solve the issue10:45
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oCean_!afk > ozziem|away10:46
ubottuozziem|away, please see my private message10:46
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bgsmithwildbat:  ... dmesg doesnt give much of a clue :(10:50
superbinsideciao a tutti10:50
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wildbatbgsmith, it must have error towards the end or else you shouldn't be in busybox10:52
superbinsidecome si scarica10:52
superbinsidesono nuovo10:52
oCean_!it | superbinside10:52
ubottusuperbinside: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:52
rocket16!en | superbinside10:52
ubottusuperbinside: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat10:52
anonymous3I have a strange problem ubuntu 10.04 server with two network cards10:53
Galerienrocket16: that was italian ;)10:53
rocket16Galerien: I know, so I reminded him that this channel is English only10:54
oCean_anonymous3: just describe your issue here to the channel, try to keep description in one single line10:54
rocket16Galerien: Because somebody already uses !it10:54
bgsmithwildbat: tried once again, this time around got usplash:421 freing invalid memtype fffffffe00000000-ffffffffe100000010:55
bgsmithas the last line10:55
anonymous3I have a strange problem ubuntu 10.04 server with two network cards. Both of them configured as static address. The problem: sometimes the external netwok ip(on eth0) unaccessible however if I access the internal address  then the other address live again for some time. This happens many times a day. Usually I try the connection with ssh however with http is the same. Do you have any idea what coulkd be the problem?10:56
rocket16Friends, whenever I start Rhythmbox, it asks for a ID3 Tag Mixer Plugin and when I select it to install, it says "No such plugin found.". Although I select Cancel, it works nicely. But doing that everytime is irritating, any way out?10:57
Galerienrocket16: I have nearly the same problem and didn't managed to fix it10:57
rocket16Galerien: Well, so I have started to use Exaile, but problem for exaile is that, it takes more memory, and the current playlist isn't detected by Pidgin, :( Which Rhythmbox does,10:59
oCean_anonymous3: it might be related to routes and/or routing setup. What might be happening is, that traffic goes IN one interface, and leaves through another10:59
oCean_anonymous3: you could use "tcpdump" utility to verify this.11:00
Galerienrocket16: I use rhytmbox anyway... just hit "escape" :D11:00
mooshewhat is a swap partition for exactly11:00
rocket16Galerien: Lol, nice, :) I do the same, :D11:00
mooshecan someone explain in easy to understand terms11:00
oCean_selina24: don't pm uninvited please11:00
hateballmooshe: when RAM gets full swap is used instead11:00
rocket16!swap | mooshe11:00
ubottumooshe: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info11:00
moosheoh i see11:01
mooshedoes windows not use swap?11:01
hateballIt does, a _lot_11:01
wildbatmooshe, they call it pagefile in windows11:01
pdaniis there a backport package django1.2 for hardy"?11:01
pls_vic_mehello! I think I'm experiencing a regression on my toshiba laptop regarding my graphic card11:02
rocket16mooshe: Windows system needs that too. And one such system is readyboost.11:02
pls_vic_mecould you help me on how to proceed on posting a bug report, or what should I do11:02
pls_vic_methank you11:02
oCean_!bug | pls_vic_me11:02
ubottupls_vic_me: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots11:02
pls_vic_meI had 9.10 no problems with 2d/3d accel11:02
brickydamn linux runs like a best ;)11:03
pls_vic_mebut 10.04 is not working11:03
pls_vic_meI mean it's very slow, cannot enable accel11:03
Galerien!enter | pls_vic_me11:03
ubottupls_vic_me: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:03
moosheon UNR there is a way to get rid of that social networking thing in the top right, correct? the online offline away thing11:03
Galerien:D, and what is you graphic card.11:03
pls_vic_me1 min11:03
pls_vic_meVGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller [8086:2592] (rev 03)11:04
pls_vic_mesomebody has eepc with rev 04, no problem in ubuntu 10.0411:04
Galerienpls_vic_me: Intel... that's weird, Lucid and clean update11:04
Galerien(that's a question)11:04
tsvihii need development packages for soprano11:04
tsvitrying to compile kde from src11:05
pls_vic_meI'm right now on 10.04, from USB stick11:05
tsviwhich pkg should i get?11:05
pls_vic_meit wasn't working since alpha 2, first time I tried11:05
pls_vic_meI hoped it will be fixed by the time of final release (i had same experiene with 9.10 beta)11:06
genewitchon a stock ubuntu install what package is it that if you type like wget it says "wget is not installed, you can install it by typing sudo apt-get install wget"11:06
Galerienpls_vic_me: ok, so you did an upgrade, and before the last release/.... ?11:06
genewitchlike what package provides that bash handler functionality11:06
dominicdinada where the heck is my mod rewrite. I know it is in Apache but I ofcourse have php and mysql installed so there is 4 or so copies of the confs and which one would be controlling the config11:06
pls_vic_meOkay: I had 9.10, upgrade -> Alpha 2 -> graphics very slow11:06
tsvino this is dev pkg11:06
pls_vic_mereinstall 9.10 -> Upgrade 10.04 final release , same problem11:06
dominicdinadaso there is configs in apache/php5/mysql/phpmyadmin so what controls what11:06
tsvineed header files for compilation11:06
pls_vic_meso now I have again 9.10 , but writing from 10.04 off an USB stick11:07
mrvnmoin. I need some help with automounter. Could it be that it doesn't support YP in lucid?11:07
oCean_pls_vic_me: submit/comment on bugs at launchpad, not here11:07
Galerienpls_vic_me: yeah, that's a problem of missing library, I have that too, and I know how to fix it for ATI, but not intel, sorry... can't help you here11:07
Galerien(but a cleen install from 10.04 should clean this up)11:07
pls_vic_meokay, can you please tell me what category I should fill the bug in?11:07
pls_vic_meLive cd should work, no?11:08
Bibzhi guys11:08
Galerienpls_vic_me: I guess11:08
oCean_pls_vic_me: first search for related bugs. There probably are suitable threads you can comment on11:08
dominicdinada where the heck is my mod rewrite. I know it is in Apache but I ofcourse have php and mysql installed so there is 4 or so copies of the confs and which one would be controlling the config11:08
psycho_oreoswhat was the program that you can run to make it auto build new packages for you? not checkinstall but something similar.. its some tool that can allow ease of installing unsupported packages11:09
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anonymous3ok, thank you, I will use tcpdump. The other problem is the following: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9393736 I have exactly the same problem(When ubuntu starts the kvm video screen goes black or green) and I have exactly the same VGA card. Matrox Graphics, Inc. MGA G200e [Pilot] ServerEngines (SEP1) (rev 02) Do you think if there is a solution to make RMM3 to work with Ubuntu 10.04 64bit server?11:09
=== Galerien is now known as galfk
daedaluzthis can't be right.. I want to install unrar, apt wants to uninstall loads of stuff http://pastebin.ca/187588111:11
mooshedoes a company own ubuntu? it seems so professional and they offer cloud and sell music surely this cannot just be the work of the public11:11
rocket16mooshe: Well, Ubuntu is backed by Cannonical, a non-profit organization of UK, but it is given rise to, only by Community Support and Company support combined together11:12
Shinydanmooshe - welcome to the world of Open Source. 8)11:12
oCean_dominicdinada: did you enable rewrite module (a2enmod) ? further help in #httpd11:13
Roderickmooshe - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canonical_Ltd.11:13
oCean_mooshe: this is not the channel for that discussion. Welcome to join #ubuntu-offtopic though11:13
rocket16mooshe: But, Open-Source is not possessed by a single person or company. The GPL gives you the right to be a part of the community.11:13
dominicdinadaocean yes i did but errors with phpmyadmin/blah11:14
wildbatdominicdinada, wrong channel ^^; but y don't you just use .htaccess?11:14
=== logankoe1ter is now known as logankoester
TheThingHello All11:15
TheThingI need help to set up php on my server11:15
rocket16Hello TheThing, welcome to ubuntu irc11:15
TheThingThankyou, rocket1611:15
rocket16TheThing: You're welcome, :)11:15
TheThingSo what should I do?11:16
TheThingI need help to set up php on my server11:16
daedaluzTheThing: google, have you heard of it?11:16
TheThingdaedaluz, yes i have but I rather more personalised help11:16
wildbat!LAMP | TheThing11:17
ubottuTheThing: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)11:17
rocket16TheThing: You can get help from http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_debian_lamp_server11:17
daedaluzTheThing: IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines11:17
TheThingrocket16: what is the ubuntu apt-get package called?11:17
dominicdinada!tasksel | TheThing11:18
TheThingSorry, I do not understand...11:18
Iowahchy there. I want to use a regex program to get a value from a program output11:18
oCean_TheThing: "sudo tasksel install lamp" will provide you with all necessary apache/mysql/php packages11:18
TheThingok thanks11:19
Iowahchttp://paste.ubuntu.com/443251/ <-- The output looks like this11:19
TheThingso to install LAMP, i type in "apt-get install LAMP"?11:19
erUSULIowahc: grep11:19
IowahcI want to get the count behind the values11:19
kamil_hi, what ubuntu (x,flux etc.) haven't problem with high using cpu ?11:19
oCean_TheThing: wait, it's "lamp-server, not just lamp"11:19
oCean_TheThing: no11:19
oCean_TheThing: "sudo tasksel install lamp-server"11:20
IowahcerUSUL: with regex i can only match the KEY VALUE Pair11:20
rocket16TheThing: It is sudo tasksel install lamp-server11:20
TheThingwhat does tasksel do?11:20
Iowahccan I select the VALUE?11:20
erUSULIowahc: awk11:20
TheThingi have never heard of it.11:20
oCean_TheThing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tasksel11:20
kamil_xubuntu 8.04 is better that xubuntu 9.10 ?11:20
erUSULIowahc: awk '/KEY/ { print $2 }' file11:20
IowahcerUSUL:  Thanks :)11:21
oCean_kamil_: this is not the channel for "what is better" discussions11:21
erUSULIowahc: or use a while read loop over the file in pure bash11:21
rocket16!best | kamil_11:21
ubottukamil_: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.11:21
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erUSULIowahc: grep + cut etc11:21
xrubyubuntu 10 is better than 9??11:21
TheThingi gotta install tasksel11:21
TheThingi am now11:22
rocket16xruby: It definitely is,11:22
icerootxruby: find out with a live-cd11:22
TheThingSo more or less what tasksel does is installs software, and installs others it thinks will be needed?11:22
kamil_ok sorry i want to ask because ubu studio 10.04 lucid have problem with cpu deb stable and testing too and now xubu 9.10, but is a little better11:22
zauberIs there someway stuff can be eating up disk space outside of '/'?!11:23
kamil_i going down with versions of ubuntu(debian) and i hope that 8.04 will be great for my vaio pcg-f707 (very old_11:23
psycho_oreosanyone recall that tool that tries to grab the latest version, and its necessary deps, builds it and then gives you the .deb file? someone said it here awhile back ago but the word escapes me :/11:24
icerootkamil_: you have a support-question?11:24
TheThingMore or less what tasksel does is installs software, and installs others it thinks will be needed?11:24
oCean_zauber: it all depends on your disk/partition layout. Tell your issue here in the channel11:25
xrubyiceroot ty11:25
kamil_i looking inn google why cpu usage is thah high11:25
psycho_oreosTheThing, I don't think it was called tasksel, someone said it and you had to download the software from the repository first.. I can't remember the tool off my head.11:25
kamil_but i don't find anything interessting11:25
=== galfk is now known as Galerien
TheThing[20:20] <oCean_>  TheThing: "sudo tasksel install lamp-server"11:26
[m364n0]is there a site that can practice linux online?11:26
zauberoCean_: ok, thanks:   My partition for / (/dev/sda1) is apparently low on space. Analyzing the partition (only that partition) with disk usage analyzer says: "Total filesystem capacity 18.3 GB (used: 16.8 GB available 1.5 GB)" HOWEVER: the scan reports that / only contains 2.7 GB.11:26
kamil_no one know's ?11:28
kamil_ok thx11:28
icerootkamil_: what about looking into "top"?11:28
psycho_oreosTheThing, ah I thought you were referring to my question, my bad11:29
[m364n0]@iceroot: do you know any website that's offer linux practice online?11:29
TheThingnp probs ;)11:29
wildbatzauber, try df =h see what it read11:29
iceroot[m364n0]: what about LPI? and please remove the [ form your nick11:29
coonyhow to add a new gdm menu thems on ubuntu9.4?11:30
=== [m364n0] is now known as m364n0
taui am plaining to install the ubuntu but i don`t know what is the file system to use either ext4 or ext3.11:30
tauwhat is the better system since i am new in linux11:31
rocket16tau: Ext4 is better, since it is a bit faster.11:31
zauberwildbat: it says  /dev/sda1 has size 19G, used 17G avail 610M Use 97%, mounted on /11:31
taurocket16:  hmm. sure, i will use it.11:31
zauberproblem is: what to delete? esp since baobab says there's only 2.7 Gb in /11:31
taui am going to install it, i return again.11:31
rocket16tau: Ok, goodluck11:31
tauthank you rocket1611:31
zeroKill3dsup all11:32
wildbatzauber, ok you are low on disk space, now do this cd /; du -ms * | sort -n11:32
=== lin is now known as archmatrix
pierre_I recently installed ubuntu 10.0411:33
pierre_since today, I have this ver annoying problem11:33
pierre_gnome panel kinda crashes11:33
pierre_in the first few seconds, every time I restart11:34
Galerien!enter | pierre_11:34
ubottupierre_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:34
Galerien:D, explain what you might have done before you saw that...11:34
Lewiishello, i've installed ubuntu without a GUI and am trying to get mplayer to work but no sound comes out11:35
pierre_actually, I don't know, maybe there were some updates yesterday, but besides that I did not do anything special11:35
zauberwildbat: running now... taking a while (obviously :) )11:35
L65DruidA jerk on Craigslist submitted my email to a bunch of adult websites, & they e-mailed me his IP#.  What should I do with it?11:35
pierre_it just started this morning and had never happened before11:35
wildbatzauber, it will if you have large drives11:36
L65DruidCan I find his ISP using his IP#, & report him?11:36
LewiisL65Druid - learn from your mistake and don't post your e-mail address on craigslist?11:36
L65DruidI was being reasonable, he's a nutjob11:36
LewiisL65Druid - you can, google whois11:36
Galerienpierre_: well, I've never experienced that problem and I don't know how to fix it.. Maybe reinstal11:36
L65Druidlewiis, thanks11:36
Lewiisbasically, there are some whois servers, you put in the IP address and it'll tell you who it is registered to.  If your lucky you might even get his name, address and pho no out of it11:37
MrChrisI got this message installing LAMP on my server11:37
MrChrisConfiguration file `/etc/apache2/apache2.conf'11:37
MrChris ==> File on system created by you or by a script.11:37
MrChris ==> File also in package provided by package maintainer.11:37
MrChris   What would you like to do about it ?  Your options are:11:37
MrChris    Y or I  : install the package maintainer's version11:37
FloodBot1MrChris: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:37
Lewiisanyone able to help me with my mplayer problem?  it gives no errors, no sound comes out11:38
jribMrChris: what's your question?11:38
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:38
ct529hi everybody! I have the new ubuntu 1004 installed and I am having serious problems in using empaty. In particular, I cannot configure the sip account properly. If I use Ekiga, it works perfectly well.11:38
ct529In practice empaty does not register with the provider.11:39
MrChrisjrib: I got this message installing LAMP11:39
redboyi have some problems in web server11:39
MrChrisWhat should I select?11:39
jribMrChris: I understand, but what aren't you sure about?11:39
coonyhow can i add a new menu themes on ubuntu9.4?11:39
MrChrisI am not sure what is the best one to pick11:39
zauberwildbat: afaik the command you suggested will scan all mounted partitions as well. I have a large partition for backups (lots of hardlinks) /dev/sda3. So this could take a while. Will you be around?11:39
jribMrChris: that's up to you.  View the differences and select the one you want.  If you have no clue, take the new one11:40
ct529MrChris: you should first of all go for D, to see what the real differences are11:40
MrChristoo late11:40
redboysome one here know some thing about cluser?11:40
jribredboy: what's your question about it?11:40
MrChrisI had done nothing to apache yet after installing ubuntu, so it should not make a difference?11:40
jribMrChris: right11:41
wildbatzauber, may be ~ but what you d is just hunt down where the space gone to  you don't really need me ~ ^^;11:41
ct529MrChris: did you use the update from a previous deistribution11:41
redboyi wan to make live backup of web server11:41
MrChrisi did a fresh install and ran "aptitude install lamp-server11:42
=== zer_ is now known as zeroKill3d
dragoneyeTrying to install ubuntu but installer and gparted insist that my hardrives are in RAID 0 (striped). In BIOS its not set as RAID and my dualboot with two hardrives works great. I have WinXP and ubuntu Felicia. Trying to install Isadora...  help :-)11:42
GalerienMrChris: then if you didn't do anything special, overwrite with what apache2 gives you11:42
zauberwildbat: well, honestly -- I've done this hunt already, and that's the bizarre part. The root folder, excepting other partion mounts, contains only 2.7 GB. Yet df says it's near full. Hence my original question: can something be eating up disk space outside of the root folder.11:42
MrChrisYeah I did.11:42
manhunterhi,is it possible to hide email address when i create a blogspot?11:43
ct529MrChris: that is strange, because the system is finding an existsing apache configuration file11:43
MrChrisi dont know11:43
ct529did you install apache first and then LAMP?11:43
MrChrisi did nothing11:43
zeroKill3d_/mode $me +x11:44
MrChrisi installed nothing except build-essential and htop11:44
ct529MrChris: then you shold anser Y11:44
MrChrisI did already11:44
wildbatzauber, that's couldn't be ~ unless you have a a corrupt fs ~ you may need a fsck11:44
ct529MrChris: OK, so what is the problem now?11:44
MrChrisnothing now11:44
MrChrisi was not sure what to pick11:44
MrChrisits on now thanks.11:44
zauberwildbat: well file system corruption is certainly a possibility. Don't know how else to explain it. Will try fsck11:45
ct529MrChris: np11:45
Damascenegod^, are you happy?11:46
JigSaw-2how to use the :fast-user-switching-applet" from the command line ?11:46
unopJigSaw-2, gdmflexiserver11:46
dragoneyeTrying to install ubuntu Lucid but installer and gparted insist that my hardrives are in RAID 0 (striped). In BIOS its not set as RAID and my dualboot with two hardrives works great. I have WinXP and ubuntu Intrepid. Trying to install ether Karmic or Lucid but both see my harddrives as RAID...  help :-)11:46
MrChrisI have another question. How do i set up my own nameservers so i could point a domain name to http://myservername.com/~subfolder11:47
MrChrisor would it be easier to set up url forwarding?11:47
JigSaw-2unop, I want to use from console, and want to run it in interactive mode.11:47
unopMrChris, nameservers have nothing to do with urls - just domain names11:47
MrChrisI know that11:48
raffaironhi, i cannot make "manual feeder" works with my hp laserjet 101011:48
unopMrChris, so why ask that question?11:48
jpdsMrChris: You point the domain at an Apache instance which 301s people to that URL.11:48
raffaironi use hplip 3.10.511:48
MrChrisjpds, I do not understand.11:48
JigSaw-2unop, ?11:49
MrChrishow do i set up multiple instances?11:49
unopJigSaw-2, I'm not sure what you mean by "interactive mode". have you tried gdmflexiserver from the command line?11:49
jpdsMrChris: No, just a Redirect from a virtual host.11:49
JigSaw-2unop, yeah. But it opens the window, from which we have to select the desired username and display. And I want that to be set from command line itself.11:50
nalcomisall, I recently upgraded my system software on my laptop and now my WLAN card isn't working.  I am running Ubuntu 10.4 on a macbook pro.  The syslog has a "link not ready" error in it.  The NIC still works under Mac OS.  Has anyone seen this?11:50
unopJigSaw-2, I have no idea then.11:50
Vigodragoneye: So it would be a triple boot?11:52
MrChrisI am now installing phpMyAdmin and it is asking me "Please choose the web server that should be automatically configured to run phpMyAdmin."11:54
KB1JWQMrChris: Apache's httpd is a popular choice.11:54
MrChrisit has apache2 and lighttpd11:55
MrChriswhich one do i need to pick?11:55
m364n0we're using proxy server and when I try to use xchat it won't connect, I already put the ip add of the proxy but still it won't work.  Any suggestions?11:56
MrChrism364n0: Is there a special port the proxy runs on?11:57
|ns|nR8m364n0, not all proxies are configured to accept irc connections11:57
m364n0MrChris: yes there is11:57
jpdsMrChris: Whichever one you want to run.11:57
m364n0|ns|nR8: how will I know?11:58
|ns|nR8it wont work11:58
|ns|nR8or it will11:58
m364n0|ns|nR8: the proxy server is running on Windows11:58
|ns|nR8does the proxy require authentication ?11:58
MrChris|ns_nr8: proxies sometimes run on a special port.11:58
m364n0|ns|nR8: No!11:58
NorthwoodsHow do we pronounce ubuntu , its sort of weired name , what language is it ?11:58
MrChrisNorthwoods: you-bun-too11:59
NorthwoodsMrChris, thankyou :)11:59
|ns|nR8if you have the correct port, the correct type of proxy set, correct proxy ip and it doesnt work..its not going to11:59
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
|ns|nR8tried socks 4, 5 and http proxy ?11:59
|ns|nR8sure its the correct port ?11:59
NorthwoodsMrChris, what does it mean , ubuntu ?12:00
m364n0|ns|nR8: I tried that already but still it doesn't work12:00
|ns|nR8its south african for ' i cant configure debian'12:00
MrChrisNorthwoods: Ubuntu is an ethic or humanist philosophy focusing on people's allegiances and relations with each other.12:01
MrChrisNorthwoods: That was from http://www.google.com.au/url?q=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_(philosophy)&ei=3jkGTN6XPNegkQXv6NWZCw&sa=X&oi=define&ct=&cd=1&ved=0CBoQpAMoAQ&usg=AFQjCNHx089KqyMDBvEyy8idMONxNeUqIQ12:01
MrChrissorry, wrong address12:01
utenteI have a proble whit wubi qhen I install on Vista Home12:02
MrChrisNorthwoods: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_(philosophy)12:02
m364n0|ns|nR8: because I want to download mp3 files from mp3channels whos running undernet server12:02
vakhi all12:02
bastidrazorNorthwoods: http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu   with the proper pronounciation12:03
vakmy sound now sounds like 32bps! what could have happened ?..12:03
vakall was OK untill today...12:03
vakI can't listen any music with such an ugly quality...12:04
krishgwibbers broadcast accounts dont work after the machine is back from hibernate12:05
=== zeroKill3d_ is now known as zeroKill3d
krishanyone faced the same?12:06
krishon 10.0412:06
=== fx is now known as Guest25638
anonymous3Do you think if it is normal in the route table? I have two eth cards both of them have static ip in the interface file. localnet        *        U     0      0        0 eth012:06
anonymous3192.168.0.0     *        U     0      0        0 eth112:06
anonymous3default         empty          UG    100    0        0 eth012:06
m4ticSteve Jobs bashes flash again  http://aatechno.blogspot.com/2010/06/steve-jobs-further-emphasises-no-flash.html12:07
NorthwoodsI just moved my media player to "shift to right work space" and now i cannot find it , even though its still playing ?12:08
zonylHi.  I upgraded to Lucid and found that running mplayer in a shell causes all sorts of random keys to be thrown at it.  This only happens on my original user account and not on any new accounts I create. Anyone have a guess as to what is going on?12:08
VigoNorthwoods: Look on the Panels.12:08
NorthwoodsPanels ?12:09
VigoNorthwoods: The Panels are the Border or Edges12:09
NorthwoodsYes , got it , thankyou Vigo12:09
VigoNorthwoods: Neato12:09
ravenamazon mp3-downloader: libboost-filesystem1.34.1 missing - ubuntu 10.04 - any solution?12:14
=== Northwoods is now known as Northwoods|Away
=== pinto is now known as Guest41934
=== Northwoods|Away is now known as Northwoods
jrib!away > Northwoods12:20
ubottuNorthwoods, please see my private message12:20
neurehow do i switch between different desktops?12:20
neurei have ubuntu-netbook now and i want to try xfce412:20
NorthwoodsWhich flash player is good for firefox in ubuntu , Adobe flash player or SWFdec  swf player or Gnash SWF player ?12:20
Northwoodsjrib,  ?12:20
jpds!best | Northwoods12:20
ubottuNorthwoods: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.12:20
neurecan i have both installed and switch between them somehow?12:20
jribneure: install xubuntu-desktop, there should be an option at the login screen then12:20
jribNorthwoods: did you read ubottu's message?12:21
Avaszis there any command to remove all recently installed packages?12:21
jribAvasz: no12:21
neurejrib, i dont want xubuntu-desktop12:21
jribneure: why not?12:21
jribNorthwoods: why the "?"12:21
Northwoodsjrib , which is best flash player ?12:21
neurejrib, im running on beagleboard and ubuntu-netbook is sluggish so i want something pretty minimal12:21
Northwoods!best > Northwoods12:21
ubottuNorthwoods, please see my private message12:21
jribneure: ok, so why wouldn't you want xubuntu-desktop?12:21
Avaszi installed kubuntu desktop yesterday.. and it has installed other packages too.. now i want to remove the kubuntu as well as the packages it installed... any way to do that?12:21
Astyxneure, i dont really think there is something that can replace adobeflashplayer12:21
neurei was told xubuntu-desktop is pretty much as bad as ubuntu-netbook12:22
jribNorthwoods: adobe's if you want it to work with as many things as possible, one of the others if you prefer it be Free12:22
* neure is not having anything to do with flash12:22
Astyxi mean Northwoods , sorry12:22
jribneure: why not try it and see?12:22
jribneure: that's how you use xfce and its related apps12:22
neurewell i wantedt to try xfce4 first :)12:22
jribneure: xfce is just the window manager that gets used with xubuntu-desktop12:23
neurewell i dont want any 'desktop'12:23
neurejust window manager :)12:23
jribneure: then instal xfce4 then though I doubt your window manager is the issue...12:23
Astyxuse openbox neure12:24
jribneure: How much ram do you have?12:24
neureopenbox? hmm12:24
AstyxJUST Windowmanager nothing else12:24
neurejrib, 256MB12:24
jribneure: I think xubuntu-desktop should be fine on that.  If you want really minimal use one of the *boxes.  openbox and fluxbox are popular12:25
Astyxxface is not really as lightweigt as it supposed to be12:25
jribneure: but after that, you need to use light apps as well...12:25
AstyxLXDE is much lighter faster and nicer12:26
AstyxLXDE=Openbox+LXPannle and some other LXConfig Apps12:26
neureis there metapackeg for that?12:27
airtonixneure, i'd also stay away from apps the are coded in python if you're strapped for system resources12:27
airtonixneure, large apps that is.. small scripts should be fine.12:27
neurewell i need this to develop my own apps12:28
airtonixneure, be prepared for many coffee breaks12:28
neurebasically i need just X11, shell window and some nice code editor, possibly scite12:28
Astyxneure, if you need some tipps for lightweight Apps just look here: http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Lightweight_Applications12:29
Astyxim using openbox and geany as codeeditor12:29
neurenever heard of12:29
Astyxyeah very nice, userfriendly and lightweight12:30
neurehow do i  turn off ubuntu-netbook X11 login?12:31
fluxboxHey guys, I just installed fluxbox but I'm not sure how I change my window manager for a certain user, can anyone help?12:31
neurei want to get back to text console12:31
fluxboxneure: Do CTRL+X12:31
jribneure: does it use gdm?12:31
Astyxneure, ctr+alt+F1 ;)12:31
Bibzor CTRL+F112:31
Astyxand kill Xorg or X12:31
jribfluxbox: select it at the login window12:31
neureis killing xorg really the best way?12:31
fluxboxjrib: I was gonna do that, but there's no option.12:32
jribfluxbox: are you using gdm12:32
fluxboxjrib: How do i get it12:32
jribfluxbox: what ubuntu did you install?12:32
fluxboxjrib: 10.412:32
jribfluxbox: ubuntu 10.04?  Not like kubuntu, etc?12:33
testuser937is there an alpha for 10.10 yet?12:33
fluxboxjrib: Ubuntu 10.412:33
Astyxneure, i think what you whant is not ubuntu ;)12:33
jrib!maverick | testuser93712:33
ubottutestuser937: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - See http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/336 for announcement - Developer summit: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS12:33
testuser937jrib: thanks12:33
jribtestuser937: but #ubuntu+1 in the future :)12:33
=== Prof_BiG_BanG is now known as prof_away
fluxboxjrib: I saw the option in the bottom bar one time but i havent seen it since...12:34
Astyxneure, you probably may want to take a look at www.archlinux.org12:34
jribfluxbox: since what?12:34
fluxboxjrib: I havent done anything durastic since then either.12:34
fluxboxjrib: Since i saw it the first time.12:34
jribfluxbox: check that you are still using gdm12:34
fluxboxjrib: I may be using compiz12:34
fluxboxjrib: How do i check?12:34
jribfluxbox: ps -ef | grep gdm   would be one way12:35
fluxboxjrib: Where do i put that?12:35
jribfluxbox: in a terminal12:35
neureAstyx, does it run on beagleboard?12:35
fluxboxjrib: Ok now what?12:36
jribfluxbox: what was the output?12:36
fluxboxjrib: Lots of stuff, a few lines like this: root     12028   908  0 12:28 ?        00:00:00 /usr/lib/gdm/gdm-simple-slave -- but some of them are different.12:36
jribfluxbox: pastebin12:36
OrigenAnyone tested Ubuntu on a new sony i7 Z series laptop?12:37
Astyxneure, i think it will even run  on your Toaster, just look into wiki or ask in Forum; and if ubuntu runs on this plattform so will arch too12:37
fluxboxjrib: http://pastebin.com/YkxH3EAr12:37
jribfluxbox: you're using gdm.  What /do/ you see at the login screen?12:38
fluxboxjrib: The login box in the middle with the users, and a bar at the bottom with a blue (i) and the power off button.12:39
neureAstyx, i got the imppression that archlinux is only for pc12:39
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jribfluxbox: and when you select a user?12:39
fluxboxjrib: It logs in to the user.12:39
jribfluxbox: do you have auto-login then?12:39
Astyxneure, http://www.archmobile.org/ should work just fine12:39
fluxboxjrib: Maybe i should change it so it asks for a password?12:39
fluxboxjrib: Yeah12:39
jribfluxbox: yeah12:39
fluxboxjrib: Ok I'll give that a shot thanks.12:40
jribfluxbox: you can also edit ~/.dmrc by hand if you prefer12:40
apparlehelp me with this guys http://paste.ubuntu.com/443282/12:40
BibzIs Arch Debian based?12:40
jribBibz: no...12:40
fluxboxjrib: How do i change it so it doesn't auto login?12:40
jribfluxbox: if you go to Users and Groups I think there is a setting there.  I don't remember where exactly12:41
fluxboxjrib: Cant find it12:41
Bibzapparle: running another apt-get in the background? (update)12:41
fluxboxjrib: Wait, got it.12:41
apparleBibz: no12:41
fluxboxjrib: Ok brb.12:41
apparleanyways I managed it, aptitue fixed it12:42
neurenow i have ubuntu-netbook, xfce and lxde installed .. how do i choose which one starts?12:42
JigSaw-2how to switch user from command line ?12:43
neureJigSaw-2, ssh -l <username> localhost ?12:43
jribJigSaw-2: su - USER12:43
Bibzor you change terminal with CTRL+ALT+F112:43
JigSaw-2and to switch to session12:43
jribJigSaw-2: click on the button in the panel12:43
JigSaw-2jrib, no I want from command line12:44
neureJigSaw-2, man su12:44
BibzThen open up new Terminal or Logout with "disconnect" or CTRL+D12:44
jribJigSaw-2: you want to switch to a new user in X?12:44
JigSaw-2jrib, yes12:45
jribJigSaw-2: k, don't know12:45
JigSaw-2like fast-user-switch-applet12:45
utentePlease help me wiht wubi on Vista Home12:45
jrib!ask | utente12:45
ubottuutente: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:45
utenteError when I install Ubuntu with Wubi on Vista Home, how I solve it?12:46
neureanyone, how to choose desktop? some reconfigure something perhaps?12:46
jributente: we would have to know the error to have a chance at answering that, no?12:46
jribneure: at the login screen12:46
Bibzthe answer to your questions is written in the stars.12:47
utenteyes: the system restart when I reboot vista12:47
jrib!it | utente12:47
ubottuutente: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:47
utenteIt say: error on installation... reboot12:47
Bibzyou mean it reboots when you boot up vista?12:47
Bibzwhen you try to start vista, it reboots?12:47
Bibzdo you get to the GRUB Part?12:47
utentevista and ubuntu12:48
utenteI select ubuntu12:48
Bibzcan you see the black screen wich allows you to choose the operating system12:48
Bibzah ok12:48
Bibzand vista boots?12:48
JigSaw-2so none knows the fast-user-switching-applet12:48
JigSaw-2or perhaps how to use gdmflexiserver nono-interactively12:48
BibzJigSaw woot?12:48
utenteubuntu proceed just fine wiht installation juto to splash screern12:48
utentebau it stop with the error on installation12:49
JigSaw-2or perhaps how to use gdmflexiserver non-interactively12:49
utenteand need restart the system12:49
JigSaw-2Bibz, ^12:49
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
jribJigSaw-2: erm, what do you want to accomplish exactly?  What's your issue with gdmflexiserver?12:49
JigSaw-2jrib, I want to do the same thing which  fast-user-switching-applet do. But I WANT TO RUN THAT FROM A SCRIPT SO I NEED EXACT COMMAND FOR THE SAME12:50
jribJigSaw-2: I don't need the caps12:51
jribJigSaw-2: does fast-user-switch-applet use gdmflexiserver?12:51
JigSaw-2jrib, not sure12:51
jribJigSaw-2: it doesn't afaik.  Thus my question about how you want to use it12:52
utentehave you a solution?12:52
Bibznope sorry.12:52
Bibzafk lunch12:52
jribJigSaw-2: let's try this way: does « gdmflexiserver -ls » do what you want?12:52
JigSaw-2jrib, afaik, fusa need the tty number, display ID and the user name to switch.12:53
JigSaw-2which I can have to pass the fusa12:53
funkyweaselMorning.  I'm having bad problems with Open Office 3.1.1 Calc in Ubuntu Karmic - it keeps crashing every 30 mins or so.12:53
funkyweaselSometimes more frequently.12:54
=== root is now known as Guest27937
reign2gnome-power-manager doesnt show the hibernate option in lucid; only the suspend option is there. any ideas why?12:54
JigSaw-2jrib, no it does not. It gives me fresh login12:54
xorwhyIs there any way to disable mouse animations, such that no events (loading, etc) change the cursor?12:54
jribJigSaw-2: what do you want it to do?12:54
* jrib does not use fast-user-switch-applet12:55
xorwhypreferably not making copies of one cursor image having respective filenames, since it would likely cause flicker12:55
JigSaw-2jrib, I want to switch the user with X from command line.12:55
jribJigSaw-2: you want to actually login?12:55
JigSaw-2jrib, yes12:56
jribJigSaw-2: but it would still prompt you for a password right?12:56
scottussanyone else having problems changing lcd brightness in lucid?12:56
neureJigSaw-2, interactively or with script?12:56
JigSaw-2neure, with script only12:56
xorwhyscottuss: brightness on my laptop works ok using fn key12:57
neureyou want to run some commands with a different user?12:57
scottussxorwhy, for some reason it doesn't work on my laptop. there is a bug report but no real solutions12:57
jribJigSaw-2: I'd probably go dig into what fast-user-switch-applet does exactly12:57
funkyweaselDoes Open Office 3.1.1 need more than 1gb memory to run in Karmic?12:58
airtonixfunkyweasel, at least12:58
scottussfunkyweasel, I'd say more like 212:58
JigSaw-2jrib, I want to do the same thing, but do not know how to do that12:58
airtonixfunkyweasel, thats just so the splash screen loads... you need 4gb to type words12:58
JigSaw-2neure, yes12:59
jribJigSaw-2: do you know what package provides it?12:59
xorwhyscottuss: just a random hacky thought here but, if there is an alternative application for adjusting brightness that works you may be able to map the key combo to it12:59
scottussfunkyweasel, try abiword if you want something lighter12:59
airtonixfunkyweasel, joking, 1gb should be fine12:59
JigSaw-2jrib, fast-user-switch-applet12:59
funkyweaselOdd - it was stable on hardy12:59
neureJigSaw-2, su will do12:59
scottussxorwhy, thanks, that was a last resort thought but looks like I may need to do that12:59
neureJigSaw-2, but you need to figure out what to do with passwords12:59
funkyweaselBut it's unusably flakey12:59
airtonixfunkyweasel, but you want 4gb so your not waiting to alt tab12:59
jribJigSaw-2: what version of ubuntu is this? (that package doesn't exist in lucid)12:59
airtonixfunkyweasel, thats because its made in java12:59
xSodiaHello World !12:59
JigSaw-2ohh jrib I am on jaunty 9.0413:00
funkyweaselOh damn, is it because I am using the wrong java?13:00
neurejrib, currently when i boot i get ubuntu-netbook x11 login and it does not offer alternative desktops13:00
airtonixfunkyweasel, no. every java is flakey13:00
xorwhyscottuss: maybe check to see if changing power profiles causes proper functionality of brightness changes in power options. if it does function, it's probably the keymap, and not the kernel module that needs a fix13:00
neureso the question is, how do i switch from ubuntu-netbook to lxde ?13:00
funkyweaselSaddening.  Yet OO is stable in every other environment I've tried it in13:00
jribJigSaw-2: ok.  Well: « dpkg -L fast-user-swich-applet » and « apt-get source fast-user-switch-applet », go explore13:00
funkyweaselIs it known to be bad in Karmic?13:01
JigSaw-2jrib, did that . But no information worth of work13:01
airtonixfunkyweasel, its just my opinion, i run openoffice on a atom 280 with 3gbs of ddr3 ram. i can run fine with at least 10 documents open13:01
scottussxorwhy: Thanks, I'll have a look :)13:01
jribJigSaw-2: well that's what you have to do if no one knows :)13:01
funkyweaselairtonix: What version, and on which distro please?13:01
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JigSaw-2jrib, I mean I did that both command, but nothing is helpful there13:02
airtonixfunkyweasel, i used it on karmic and lucid. think im using open-office from the ppa13:02
xorwhyscottuss: np, i'm in the same boat as you, but with volume. unfortunately for me, the default mixer for ubuntu does not function at all, so i need to map the hotkeys to some other mixer13:02
jribJigSaw-2: that's impossible.  The second command gave you the source for it...13:02
airtonixfunkyweasel, openoffice 3.2.0 build 984313:02
funkyweaselairtonix: That's a good idea.  I've tried totally removing OO and ~/.open-office, reinstalling from repo.  PPA sounds like the next step.13:03
brickyError: Dependency is not satisfiable: sun-java6-jre|icedtea-java7-jre|sun-java6-jdk|icedtea-java7-jdk13:03
JigSaw-2jrib, ok..downloading the source from svn now.13:03
reign2do I need 4gb of free space in order tohave the hibernate option appear in gpm if I have 4gb of ram?13:03
jribJigSaw-2: you already downloaded the source with the command I gave you13:03
airtonixreign2, you will if all your ram is filled with data.13:03
JigSaw-2jrib, i delete that13:03
Taevhey I just installed the new Ubuntu version, and now my boot loader is fracked, I'm getting Error 1513:04
TaevGRUB Loading, Please Wait:13:04
xSodiaPlease ! I have problem ! ~ I want to install *.gz & *.gz2 Files ! But i don't know the command for install !13:04
TaevError 1513:04
airtonixreign2, and then if some of your swap is also filled up too, then you'll want to have space for that plus 4gbs13:04
Dr_WillisxSodia:  totally depends on what is in the files. those are just 'archives' they could be anything13:04
reign2airtonix: even though me ram is not filled; the hibernate option does not appear with 3.1gb free13:04
xSodiaNo there is not archive !13:05
airtonixreign2, i think that your bios might need tweaking to provide the indicator that it can do this .13:05
reign2does gpm check for a min space req before idsplaying the option?13:05
Taevmy entire PC is whosed because of this damn ubuntu install, I can't access Win 7 WinXP or my Ubuntu install13:05
llutzreign2: you don't need 4gb free space, you need a swap-partition of a size >= your RAM13:05
airtonixreign2, no i believe that it looks for a flag it discovers when probing your bios at boot up13:06
SmokeyDhey everyone, while booting my ubuntu, I am dropped into initramfs because of an error in /etc/fstab because of which the / filesystem can't be mounted. Is there an editor in initramfs I can use to edit /etc/fstab. vi, pico, nano, etc are not available.13:06
Dr_WillisxSodia:  a .gz is an archive.13:06
JigSaw-2jrib, ok..done. Where to start in source code ?13:06
scottussTaev: what happens when you boot13:06
TaevGrub Loading13:06
TaevError 1513:06
jribJigSaw-2: no idea13:06
Dr_WillisxSodia:  or a compressed file. So what IS it eactly you are trying to install?13:06
Taevi may have fixed it13:06
Taevit assigned grub to the wrong HD13:06
Taever the MBR13:06
Taevto the wrong disk13:07
reign2airtonix, llutz: I run the latest efi bios (on a mbp) which is reportedly capable of hibernating out of the box on lucid lynx; I dont have a separate swap partition13:07
scottussTaev: it asks you where you want to put the bootloader13:07
airtonixreign2, there is your first problem. you need a swap partition13:07
llutzreign2: hibernation using pm-utils needs a swap-partition13:07
guest3456525Hi, in case anybody wants i855 bug stats for Ubuntu 10.4 (Bug 541511 / 568779) ... i915.modeset=1 or DRI off did not help for me, but updating X as explained in Lucidi8xxFreezes did. Also, UXA rendering helped and (of course) VESA worked but had bad performance. I always get extreme flicker on VGA but not on the built-in screen, by the way. Did not test kernel update. I recommend making UXA the default for i855 :-)13:07
TaevI assumed it would put the boot loader on the same place as the ubuntu 8 installation i was upgrading13:08
reign2aitonix, llutz; I see. can I create one now?13:08
Taevbut it put it on another HD13:08
llutzreign2: sure13:08
brickyanybody know what this means? rror: Dependency is not satisfiable: sun-java6-jre|icedtea-java7-jre|sun-java6-jdk|icedtea-java7-jdk13:08
theadminbricky: Add the partner repo.13:08
LjLbricky: Java has been moved to Partner, so you probably need to enable that repository13:08
LjL!partner > bricky13:08
ubottubricky, please see my private message13:08
reign2llutz: okay then I will simply tack on a partition onto the end of my drive; but Im afraid it could mess up my triple boot arrangement13:08
xSodiaDr_willis : That is archive but i have download from official website IT's application "bittorrent"13:09
brickytheadmin: wanna give me some background?13:10
guest3456525I wonder... does anybody know how to avoid the extreme flicker on the VGA out for i855 in 10.4?13:10
theadminbricky: Welp, thing you're installing needs Java, which has been moved to partner repo13:10
airtonixllutz, would swap file work for hibernation instead of a partition ?13:11
xorwhymy install is almost perfected, beyond any other previous attempt. so citing13:11
theadminbricky: sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" && sudo apt-get update13:11
brickypartner repo.. ok13:11
xorwhythe beta nvidia driver 25x.xx made it possible, though i suspect the only thing that fixed the problem was the new nvidia-xconfig13:11
guest3456525well, so far for that news on i855 :) bye!13:12
Picitheadmin: hmm.. good idea using lsb_release there, I think I'll update the !partner factoid accordingly.13:12
=== miliiii is now known as militant
theadminPici: Not exactly right :/ "sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" where RELEASE is lucid/karmic/etc"... No "RELEASE" there anymore so... :D13:14
Guest27937Hey guys, I just installed fluxbox but when i use it it makes the window decorations all horrible. How can i choose window decors?13:14
theadminPici: Ah there you fixed it13:14
Picitheadmin: yeah, was in the middle of fixing it when you checked :)13:14
neurewhat is update-apt-xapi ?13:15
neureit seems to be using all my cpu13:15
reign2airtonix: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=104294613:16
llutzairtonix: afaik only tuxonice can hibernate to swap-files, all other methods need a partition13:16
saulbuenas necesito una mano13:17
saulpara instalar una antena de wifi13:17
SmokeyDah, I found that I can use sed in the initramfs shell to replace stuff in fstab13:17
saulmodelo belkim13:17
theadminAvasz: No such factoid, stop the bot abuse please13:18
Avaszyea.. i got it.13:18
theadminubottu: it | saul13:18
ubottusaul: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:18
Pici!es | saul13:18
ubottusaul: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:18
LjL!es | saul13:18
file_zeri can not go to youtube :( i use opendns but it is just loading...13:19
theadminfile_zer: What about other sites?13:21
arunkumar413HI friends,i cant install new themes the error is get is "you cant move directory over directory13:21
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file_zertheadmin: they are working. but youtube works with ktunnel or vtunnel.13:21
theadminarunkumar413: ...are you using english Ubuntu? That error looks ridiculous.13:22
arunkumar413theadmin: the error is "cant move directory over directory"13:22
Guest27937Hey guys, I'm using fluxbox and when i right click on the desktop the normal thing comes up instead of the fluxbox thing13:23
Dr_WillisGuest27937:  read up on the fluxbox docs. it has its own themes/settings13:23
jribGuest27937: if you use nautilus, you must start it with --no-desktop13:23
Guest27937jrib: Ohh thats why13:23
Xzil0arunkumar413 have you checked the permissions ? I never seen that error!13:24
Guest27937jrib: So now how do i fix it?13:24
Dr_WillisGuest27937:  i recall a way to put the fluxbox menu on middle click, and gnomes menu on right click13:24
Guest27937Dr_Willis: That would be awesome13:24
jribGuest27937: kill nautilus, start it with --no-deskotp in the future?13:24
Guest27937jrib: How do i kill nautilus?13:24
jribGuest27937: pkill nautilus13:24
theadminGuest27937: killall nautilus13:24
theadminOr pkill, same thing imo :/13:24
Guest27937Yaaaay thanks =]13:25
PipWhere is the locale.gen file on ubuntu ?13:25
arunkumar413Xzil0: the complete error message is "installaltion for theme 'clearlooks-fonky' failed."  "cant move directory over directory"13:25
=== Eulerkid_ is now known as Eulerkid
theadminPip: Couldn't find it, meaning no such file at all13:26
Dr_WillisGuest27937:  seriously however.. you may want to go to the fluxbox homepage and read up on its ussage and how to customize it13:26
Piptheadmin, are you sure ?13:26
PipThen there is no file holding the locale.gen contents ?13:27
theadminPip: "locate locale.gen" returns nothing13:27
llutzpip /etc/locale.gen13:27
Pipllutz, are you sure ?13:27
Xzil0arunkumar413 Im not on ubuntu now but you can try deleting directry of clearlooks-fonky theme and then coping the new one.13:27
Guest27937Dr_Willis: Will do now thanks.13:27
llutzPip: nearly, at least debian uses this ;)13:28
Pipllutz, Are you a ubuntu user ?13:28
llutzPip: on some pcs, yes13:28
arunkumar413Xzil0: i did not get u13:29
Guest27937Another thing, To open Terminatorl i right clicked and did it. Now when i try that to open another Terminator it doesnt show in the menu :S13:29
PipAnyone knows where the locale.gen file is ?13:30
jribPip: why do you want it?13:30
PipI want to configure the locale13:31
jrib!locale | Pip13:31
ubottuPip: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf13:31
Xzil0arunkumar413 there should be a folder .themes in your home dir. go there and delete the directory that has same name as the name of your new theme which you want to use. Then try to install that theme you want.13:31
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
theadminIs it true that Ubuntu software center is written in Python?13:32
jribtheadmin: probably, check13:33
Dr_Willisload it up in a text editor and look :)13:33
theadminDr_Willis: Not like I have it's source lol13:33
Guest27937Hey guys, how can i change my willis nevermind13:33
Dr_Willistheadmin:  err.. if its in python.. yes you do.13:33
jribtheadmin: what Dr_Willis is suggesting is that if it is python then you can just inspect the executable for software center13:34
Dr_Willistheadmin:  the binary is actually a python  file (text)13:34
theadminjrib: Seems so: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter - "If you're a python programmer"...13:34
arunkumar413Xzil0: there is no .theme folder in my home folder13:34
theadminDr_Willis: Ah right13:34
Twain_32how to remove anything from applications ?13:34
theadminDr_Willis: stupid of me13:34
theadminTwain_32: sudo apt-get remove packagename, basically13:34
Xzil0arunkumar413 you are using ubuntu?13:34
Dr_Willistheadmin:  so yes. its python13:34
arunkumar413Xzil0: yes13:35
theadminarunkumar413: Hit Ctrl+H13:35
=== Ernest is now known as Galerien
arunkumar413Xzil0: 10.413:35
theadminDr_Willis: ...hardcoded crunchbang. Bad from what I know :D13:35
Taevhey im trying to run the Update Manager and everytime I get "unable to get exclusive lock"13:35
Taevbut there are no other package installer programs running13:35
Dr_WillisMost scripts i see are that way13:35
Taevi even logged out/logged in13:35
Taevand still get it13:35
Xzil0arunkumar413 its hidden file. press ctrl+h to be able to see it13:36
theadminTaev: I think you'll need to delete the lockfile manually (anybody remember what it is? :/)13:36
stenchmastersounds like the process is already runninng13:36
stenchmasteror the lck file is in /var13:36
theadminTaev: /var/lib/dpkg/lock IIRC13:36
Taevit said it was /var/cache/apt/archive13:36
Taevand I did delete it13:36
Taevill try that13:36
arunkumar413theadmin: yes i can see the theme which i tried to install in .themes dir.13:37
eeerishi guys!!!13:37
stenchmasteri don't think that's the file, do a find on lock files in /var13:37
theadmineeeris: Hello.13:37
rocket16Hello eeeris13:37
Xzil0arunkumar413 delete that folder in .themes dir13:37
Xzil0and install your theme13:37
Taevok that worked13:37
Taevthanks guys13:38
Pici!aptfix | Taev13:38
ubottuTaev: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »13:38
xorwhyI'm trying to change the section of the icon theme that defines folders, without changing anything else. the theme to alter uses svg formatted icons, and the folders i would like to use are .png icons13:38
rocket16Hello gilax, welcome to Ubuntu IRC13:38
Guest27937How do i terminate natulius?13:39
xorwhyCan I do this without converting each icon image format indiviaully13:39
eeerishow can i install jaunty over lucid? can i install it without repartitioning my drive and use the existing partitions that i have created when i first install jaunty before?? plese help me.13:39
xorwhyGuest27937: pkill nautilus13:39
Pipis there such command like : apt-cache installed  ?13:39
=== Mrcheesenips[Win is now known as Mrcheesenips
arunkumar413Xzil0: ya,now tried to install,it said the theme installed correctly.but i cant see the theme in the themes tab13:39
llutzPip: to do what?13:39
kaiokenI connected a kingston pendrive to ubuntu13:39
eeerisi mean lucid over jaunty?13:39
eeerisi mean lucid over jaunty?13:39
llutzPip: dpkg -l|grep ^ii13:39
jribeeeris: yes, you can install as you said (or you could just do an upgrade)13:39
PipI want to check if a specific package is installed or not13:39
kaiokenWhen I tried to paste something into it13:39
llutzPip: dpkg -l package13:40
PipNot dpkg, I want to use apt13:40
kaiokenit gives and error saying readonly filesystem13:40
Xzil0arunkumar413 enable some othere theme then enable the theme you want. it should fix it13:40
PipThis is Ubuntu13:40
jribPip: apt-cache policy PACKAGE13:40
xorwhyLucid is jaunty after eye and hip surgery13:40
llutzPip: apt-cache policy13:40
jribPip: nothing wrong with dpkg13:40
kaiokenWhats the problem?13:40
llutzPip: you donÄt know what youre talking13:40
kaiokenHow do I rectify it?13:40
Pipllutz, dpkg is complicated to use13:40
arunkumar413Xzil0: i cant see the theme which i installed13:40
llutzPip: dpkg -l package            really complicated13:40
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:40
eeerishow can i install lucid over jaunty? can i install it without repartitioning my drive and use the existing partitions that i have created when i first install jaunty before?? plese help me.13:40
theadmineeeris: You can use the existing partition, you'll have to format it, though, I guess.13:41
jribeeeris: yes, you can install as you said (or you could just do an upgrade)13:41
Xzil0arunkumar413 Have you installed id with theme chooser?13:41
theadminjrib: No updates from 9.04 to 10.04, from 9.10 to 10.04 allright, but...13:41
Xzil0installed it*13:41
arunkumar413Xzil0: yes13:41
SuperMiguelhow do i enable html email in claws?13:42
Xzil0check arunkumar413 check the .themes folder if there is your theme.13:42
arunkumar413Xzil0: yes,it is there13:42
shawazai1st time xplore xchat13:43
eeerisso if i do install 10.04 it will automatically format or wipe out the old 9.04, right?13:43
file_zeroi can not go with any browser on youtube. i use opendns. it is always loading.13:43
Xzil0arunkumar413 exit theme chooser and open it again13:43
theadmineeeris: Welp, you'll have to either erase your Jaunty or install on another partition, no third way13:43
quietoneI've setup a virtual host but how do I get the other machines (win) on the home network to resolve a virtual host adr? this is just for home.13:43
Xzil0arunkumar413 its maybe called custom theme.13:43
arunkumar413Xzil0: open what?13:44
Xzil0open theme chooser13:44
arunkumar413Xzil0: k13:44
Xzil0arunkumar413 that theme is maybe called custom theme13:44
eeeristheadmin: how will i erase my jaunty?13:44
kaiokenanyone?Pendrive readonly disc error?13:44
theadmineeeris: By installing on same partition13:44
arunkumar413Xzil0: there is no custom theme13:45
Xzil0arunkumar413 can you find theme you want?13:45
rocket16eeeris: Use the next version, and start from bootup. Now, overwrite the partition in which the 9.04 is installed, and format it, then install the next version in the same partition.13:45
arunkumar413Xzil0: no13:45
labeaupro and cons to upgrade to 10.04 frrom 9.10 ?????13:46
Xzil0arunkumar413 its named like the one you deleted before13:46
arunkumar413Xzil0: no13:46
Xzil0arunkumar413 :S13:46
Pipllutz, so dpkg -l package   means to check a package is installed or not ?13:46
Xzil0arunkumar413 try some other theme13:47
pallgonelabeau: your system may break, 10.04 is very buggy IME13:47
ubudomciao a tutti13:47
llutzPip it shows you the state of a package13:47
xompanyone here know how I can setup a cronjob to check if fastcgi daemon is running, if not have it started?13:47
Xzil0arunkumar413 i need to go lunch so send me private message if other theme wont work13:47
labeauhow long should we wait be4 10.04 not so bugy 6 8 months13:47
Pipllutz, I want to change the locale to add another language support to my system13:47
star314Anyone here who runs different openvpn client setups on one machine?13:48
PipBut let the old language setting remain13:48
godricbrutushi all. i enjoy being a member of the mailing list, but i really only want to see replies to my messages. my inbox is being flooded by messages from everyone on the mailing list. i’ve been looking for a setting to change that, but have had no luck. thanks in advance for any help.13:48
eeerisrocket16: hmmmm so what u mean is , i have to install 9.10 then after that install the 10.04..correct?13:48
llutzPip: follow ubottu link given to you before13:48
rocket16eeeris: No, any LiveCd of any  higher version of Ubuntu, :)13:49
Pipllutz, what does this do--->  sudo dpkg-reconfigure localeconf13:49
llutzPip: should reconfiugre your locale-settings13:49
sipiorgodricbrutus: you may consider seeing if the mailing list supports a digest mode. at any rate, mildly off-topic for this channel.13:50
=== ratIh is now known as jogja
godricbrutussipior: thanks13:50
=== jogja is now known as jabrix
blue_annahow do I turn down the sensativity of my wacom tablet in lucid? right now my tablet is so sensative it detects my hand13:53
theadminAlpha 1 is coming soon :D13:53
eeerisrocket16: ahmm ok..so i have to boot from the livecd i mean from my usb thumb drive cause im using a netbook eeepc, to be exact..so from there, how will i overwrite and format it? im sorry newbie here..13:54
kermithow do i disable the screen blanking when idle?  one time it wouldnt unblank and i had to reboot.13:54
kermitin 9.1013:54
rocket16eeeris: No problem, we all were newbies sometimes. No problem will be there.13:55
theadmineeeris: Install Ubuntu, when you get to partitioning, choose "Specify partitions manually", choose the partition on which you install Ubuntu to, format as ext4, set "/" as mount point13:55
theadmineeeris: For all others, set some folders under /media as mount points13:55
llutzkermit: try "xset -dpms"13:55
Dr_Williskermit:  check the screensaver and power settings  - settings.13:55
arunkumar413i downloaded a new icon set from gnome artwork webiste. help me how to install the icons set13:55
Dr_Willisarunkumar413:  drag/drop it into the appearances 'tool' window where you set your themes. and it should install it..  then youmay need to select customize to actually use the icon theme13:56
arunkumar413Dr_Willis: but the icon set is not getting activated13:57
Dr_Willisarunkumar413:  try the customize button. It could also be its not a full icon theme set.13:57
eeeristhanx guys!!13:58
eeeriswill try it now...13:58
arunkumar413Dr_Willis: ya,it seems that it's not a complete icon set13:59
kermitllutz: will that be stored anywhere or do i have to do it every login?14:01
lateniteHi folks, Id like to have UMTS/HSDPA whic cards are supported by linux? It need to be an mini-pci-e card.14:03
rocket16Hello again, respected members/14:04
krwlnghi r14:04
llutzkermit: it won't be stored. you have to check what otherssetting14:05
llutzresets it14:05
xompanyone here know how I can setup a cronjob to check if fastcgi daemon is running, if not have it started?14:06
jribxomp: heh, you gave up?14:07
LjLxomp: well, i guess something like   if ! pidof name-of-executable >/dev/null; then name-of-executable; fi14:07
llutzxomp: something like  "pgrep fastcgi || fastcgi"14:07
jribxomp: there's some sort of daemon dedicated to this task, I don't remember the name though14:08
xompjrib, I got a bug report filled :)14:08
jribxomp: monit comes up on google, but there was something lighter14:08
xompjrib, but they say it could take months, years or never get fixed heh so I need to hack things together to get it working I guess14:09
jribxomp: the easy way is to just start your program in some infinite loop, but if it crashes a lot, that may be a pain (maybe sleep a bit).  Something like while true; do COMMAND; done14:10
xompjrib, ok thanks :) I'll look into it.14:11
jribxomp: looks really interesting http://code.alexreisner.com/articles/upstart.html14:11
xompholy smokes thanks jrib hah14:11
sammacbookhi guys.  im having a problem with sound on a macbook.  Can anyone help?  ~~ Sound Problems....  :)14:11
xorwhyIs there a way to blacklist a PCI bus, (in my case 02:00.0) before x is started?14:12
rocket16sammacbook: You should be asking in a MAc channel, since this is an Ubuntu channel.14:14
sammacbooki rocket 16 ~~ im using ubuntu 10.04. i doubt very much they can help.14:14
rocket16sammacbook: I see, sorry. I thought it differently.14:14
jungliwhat is virtualbox and what is vnc ?14:15
rocket16sammacbook: Well, what is problem?14:15
LogicalDashGwibber won't launch. The error message is ambiguous.14:15
sammacbookhaha  thats why im here.  my sounds are not working in ubuntu.  when i boot it gives me a load of sounds but when i play mp3s when im logged in or if i play youtube vids  it has no sound at all...14:15
rocket16!vnc | jungli14:15
ubottujungli: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX14:15
theadminjungli: VNC is a remote control system, Virtualbox is a virtualizer.14:15
theadminjungli: For remote control, however, I recommend TeamViewer (simplier in general :/)14:15
sammacbookit worked before.  the speakers. i plugged in the headphones and it didnt work. when i unplugged it  it all stopped working14:16
jribxomp: restartd, launchtool, and daemontools (I think this is the one I remembered) are the alternatives to monit.  Upstart seems like a nice solution too.  the while loop is the simplest...14:16
tflgen2__is this a good channel to discuss multimonitor/multi graphics card issues?14:16
sammacbooki moved the settings around to see if it will work but nothing. i still get no sound.14:16
junglithanks theadmin14:16
xompjrib, yeah I'm looking over this upstart right now, although I would have no idea how to use it or what I'm even looking at haha14:17
LogicalDashActually, scratch that: when I try to launch Gwibber, it keeps trying and failing to launch CouchDB. But it doesn't tell me what's failing.14:17
jribxomp: yeah, you would have to create an upstart job for spawn-fastcgi I suppose14:17
tauhey, i am using ubuntu just with gnoma, what is the software to set the monitor resolution ?14:18
xompjrib, do you think you understand how to get upstart going? heh I could really use a hand holding for this if you know how :P14:18
rocket161jungli: VNC is a remote desktop viewer system, which allows you to operate and view PCS remotely over networks. Windows, Mac and Linux, all types of platforms can be controlled. Also, VirtualBox is a Programme, which allows you to install a seperate OS within one.14:19
rocket161tau: If that means gnome, go to System-Preferences-Monitors,14:19
jribxomp: how often is it crashing?14:19
junglirocket161: cool man14:19
orangeMechaniquehi, I was looking forward to put an already configured webserver + php + database on a ubuntu livecd or ubuntu memory stick, so that they can be run without installing in a machine. Is that possible? when googling for livecd customization, I mainly found information on choosing packets to be pre-installed, but not on pre-configuration of files, etc14:19
junglivnc is super cool14:19
xompjrib, at least 5 times a day but it's random really.14:19
jribxomp: use the while loop14:19
taurocket161:  all right, thank you.14:19
rocket161tau: No problem, :)14:20
junglihow can i install vnc in ubuntu ?14:20
jribxomp: maybe sleep for like a second before starting a new process14:20
sammacbookAnyone here know how to fix the macbook sound issue in ubuntu 10.04?14:20
taurocket161:  ohh, that's nice.14:20
xompjrib, I have no idea what a while loop even is heh14:20
xompjrib, I already sleep for 1 second as it is :P14:20
rocket161jungli: VNC is installed already, go to Applications-Internet-Remote desktop viewer, and click connect. Then enter IP of the host, and click connect.14:20
jribxomp: try this: while true; do gedit; done14:21
tauso it is better.14:21
=== rocket161 is now known as rocket16
xompjrib, do I put that in the console?14:21
jribxomp: yeah.  The advantage to using upstart or some other tool is that you can make sure the thing isn't restarting like 100 times in a minute14:21
maurizio_anyone can help me with sis graphic card drivers?14:22
orangeMechaniquehi, I was looking forward to put an already configured webserver + php + database on a ubuntu livecd or ubuntu memory stick, so that they can be run without installing in a machine. Is that possible? when googling for livecd customization, I mainly found information on choosing packets to be pre-installed, but not on pre-configuration of files, etc14:22
=== david_brent is now known as halfmanhalfmonke
ikoniaorangeMechanique: that doesn't sound like a good idea as unless you are happy to accept the peformance hit of running from a CD14:23
orangeMechaniqueyeap i am14:23
junglirocket16: cool i get it thank you very much14:23
jribxomp: if you want some sort of monitoring going on, then use one of the 4 tools I mentioned probably14:23
orangeMechaniqueit is just for a small demo14:23
=== halfmanhalfmonke is now known as yorick
* jungli hugs rocket16 14:23
rocket16jungli: You are most welcome, :)14:23
=== yorick is now known as doofus
ikoniaorangeMechanique: sounds ok then, I'd use a USB stick if you can14:23
xompjrib, what does while true; do gedit; done do exactly? Or how could I use this to do the fastcgi thing? I'm using this:- /usr/bin/spawn-fcgi -a -p 9000 -u www-data -g www-data -f /usr/bin/php5-cgi -P /var/run/fastcgi-php.pi to spawn fastcgi when it crashes heh14:23
* rocket16 hugs jungli back most dearly,\ :)14:23
jribxomp: if you try it, you will understand14:24
junglihehehhe :)14:24
ikoniaorangeMechanique: use the guide you've found to make sure the packages you want are installed and then preconfigure the config files, such as apache to listen on localhost (or what ever you want)14:24
tauhey, i would like to know another thing, is it necessary to install kde to have a quit system ? so, to play games etc ? could I play games which were maked for kde without installing kde ?14:24
taurocket16:  thank you too, i got that.14:25
jribtau: don't know what a "quit system" is.  Yes, to your third question14:25
xompjrib, looks like it spams the console with -bash: gedit: command not found14:25
xomp heh14:25
rocket16tau: Sure, you can. But the KDE Libraries are to be downloaded and installed for that. And, the games using KDE libraries won't run so fast in gnome.14:25
tauhenriquelm:  a quit system it would be as a complete system i guess.14:25
jribxomp: I'm guessing you aren't using ubuntu now then14:25
xompjrib, I am, it's a minimal install (ubuntu VPS)14:25
taurocket16:  hmm, do you have kde too ?14:25
orangeMechaniqueikonia, would you recommend a special edition of ubuntu for runnin on the stick?14:25
jribxomp: anyway, it just starts the program, and if it dies for whatever reason, starts it again.  (I mean with a gui, etc)14:25
henriquelmtau, What?14:26
ikoniaorangeMechanique: nope, just ubuntu14:26
PipHow to be root on ubuntu ?14:26
rocket16tau: Yes, I have KDE on Gentoo, installed on my desktop.14:26
taurocket16:  so, i think i prefer gnome against kde.14:26
jrib!root | Pip14:26
ubottuPip: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo14:26
ikonia!sudo | Pip14:26
ubottuPip: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo14:26
taurocket16:  could I install kde just to use those libraries without having to login in kde ?14:26
LjLtau: yes14:26
xompjrib, cool so I could do something like while true; do /usr/bin/spawn-fcgi -a -p 9000 -u www-data -g www-data -f /usr/bin/php5-cgi -P /var/run/fastcgi-php.pid; done14:26
tauLjL: sure.14:26
tauthank you all.14:26
rocket16Pip: Use the sudo command to gain root permissions. Or, use gksudo nautilus to start root filebrowser.14:26
jribxomp: yeah, just make sure you understand the possible issues with it14:27
orangeMechaniqueikonia, thanks, i think ill give a try =)14:27
rocket16tau: Yes, you can. Just install those apps, which you wish to. And then, the dependencies will be installed automatically.14:27
xompjrib, what are the possible issues with it? :314:27
taurocket16:  if i were using gnome with the libraries for kde installed but logged in gnome, would it run so fast like i had logged in kde ?14:28
LjLxomp: that it gets restarted continuously if it keeps crashing, and that if you put that into a crontab, it won't check whether it's already running so it'll keep restarting (in other words, that's not to be put in a crontab)14:28
taurocket16:  for the games.14:28
rocket16pip: Or else, you can set root password yourself, using sudo passwd root command in terminal. Also, then you can log in graphically too, from GDM.14:28
Guest27937Hey guys, how do i add a custom fluxbox theme??????????????/14:28
jribxomp: just that if your app starts crashing all the time, you'll get it restarted over and over (you may want it to give up if it crashes like 10 times in 10 seconds or something)14:28
taurocket16:  or i need necessarily to be logged in kde to play fastly the games developed for kde ?14:28
henriquelmHow can I change my primary nic card from eth1 to eth0? I don't have a /etc/iftab here.14:28
xompoh ok14:29
rocket16tau: No, KDE games in GNOME will not run that fast, :( So, you'll need to login to KDE14:29
reign2is it normal for the ubuntu software center to have so many missing category thumbnails?14:29
LjLrocket16: uh?14:29
Dr_Willis Guest27937  #fluxbox - the official fluxbox irc-channel14:29
taurocket16:  sure, thank you.14:29
rocket16tau: But the integration between KDE and Gnome is increasing. So, most such games and programmes are nicely playable.14:29
sipiorrocket16: tau: shouldn't make a great deal of difference, either way.14:29
rocket16tau: I mean, nicely playable in gnome.14:29
LjLrocket16: why would KDE programs run slower in GNOME? i can imagine that at worst they'd take longer to startup, if the KDE libraries aren't already loaded, but that's it14:29
rocket16tau: My pleasure,14:29
=== krish is now known as Guest8800
taui think why the developers of kde and gnome don't develop a unifield interface to have all facilates like gnome and kde have but less complex in terms of dependences14:30
Terinjokeswhy does Ubuntu documentation say that installing libapache2-mod-passenger will uninstall php5 and libapache2-mod-php5?14:30
rocket16LjL They aren't properly integrated with the Gnome desktop environment too, so dragging or moving such windows will take longer time too.14:30
PipIf there is no locale.gen file on ubuntu, can I create one ?14:30
Dr_WillisGuest27937:  http://fluxbox-wiki.org/index.php?title=How_to_change_window_buttons14:30
taurocket16:  sure.14:30
LjLrocket16: i haven't experienced that14:30
natefoocould someone point me at what in karmic is responsible for the really fast suspend/resume?  i'm having trouble figuring out what exactly does it.14:31
rocket16tau: :)14:31
taurocket16:  :)14:31
rocket16natefoo: The ext4 partition used in 9.10 is one of the main reasons,14:31
xorwhyI have two graphics cards in my laptop, both of which send an interrupt when starting X. if the right one interrupts first, everything works fine. If the wrong one interrupts first, reboot and try again.14:31
jribrocket16: please don't recommend that14:31
xorwhyAny suggestions would be like, super awesome14:32
NorthwoodsIs it safe to use Empathy IM client for yahoo , google , msn etc accounts ?14:32
allguru1hello , we are building a site and #joomla isn't so active , please help with this simple thing , why is the arabic text broken on our site ? http://www.3dkernel.com/3dkj/ , top menu at the right ... , it's kind of urgent14:32
jribrocket16: (logging in graphically as root)14:32
rocket16jrib: Recommend what??14:32
natefoorocket16: okay.  that i can do.  i assume it's not using s2[ram|disk|both] though?14:32
laegffmpeg isn't installed properly from the ubuntu 9.10 repo because when i execute the command | ffmpeg -i test.flv -vn -acodec libmp3lame test.mp3 | it returns "Unknown encoder 'libmp3lame'" even though i can see that it's installed from synamptic. i'm told i need to recompile, where can i find a guide on this?14:32
Dr_WillisIve never noticed any real speed issues with mixing kde and gnome apps on kde/gnome - You do get some more system ram ussed. but its not really noticeable speed differance14:32
Northwoodsallguru1, try #joomla ?14:32
sammacbookok just noticed another problem.  Does the OS control how a laptop is charged?  i just installed UBUNTU 10.04 on my macbook and before it was charging ok, now in ubuntu it wont charge at all and if the plug falls out it turns off.  Any ideas anyone?14:32
taujrib:  don't you like ext4 ?14:32
allguru1Northwoods: there's no one there :(14:33
jribtau: I wasn't talking about ext414:33
reign2are hte category thumbnails missing in the software center in lucid for anyone else?14:33
Guest27937Whats that program called that i ned to terminate for fluxbox to work properlty?????????14:33
taujrib:  sorry14:33
Dr_Willislaeg:  theres different ffmpeg ppa's I recall following some guide to just compile the latest.14:33
jribtau: my fault, I was scrolled up, so wasn't specific14:33
Northwoodsallguru1, ##php14:33
rocket16jrib: Well, that is a literal answer. Also, most malwares won't even run in root. For example, Puppy Linux uses root, still no malwares won't run. Aditionally, I answered to the point.14:33
Dr_WillisGuest27937:  clarify the question.14:33
taujrib: sure.14:33
Northwoodsrocket16, Is it safe to use Empathy IM client for yahoo , google , msn etc accounts ?14:33
laegDr_Willis: can you do a little more than recall? :)14:33
natefoorocket16: any other pointers?14:33
Guest27937Dr_Willis: It began with a N and i needed to do pkill something14:33
jatthow do I move a file without changing its modification date and permissions.14:33
Dr_Willislaeg:  it was at webupd8 or omgubuntu14:33
jattmv -p ?14:34
Northwoodsallguru1, i can see lot of people in #joomla14:34
rocket16Northwoods: Surely it is, :) Empathy is a nice client for all those. Another one is Pidgin.14:34
laegDr_Willis: and is this addinga ubuntu repo or an ffmpeg one?14:34
sammacbookAnyone know how to deal with macbook charging issues in ubuntu 10.04?14:34
Northwoodsrocket16, which one do you use ?14:34
Dr_WillisGuest27937:  you mean nautilus ? You may want to looking using some other file maanger if its causing you issues14:34
allguru1Northwoods: what is the difference between ##php and #php ?14:34
=== Skywalker is now known as Guest35426
Northwoods#php has been shifted to ##php , both are same14:34
Piciallguru1: See http://freenode.net/policy.shtml#channelnaming for further explanation14:34
rocket16Northwoods: I use Pidgin, since it has more extensible plugin library, and more IRC support (like adding irc contacts)14:34
taujatt:  if you do man mv -p you will encounter all options for that command.14:34
Dr_Willislaeg:  I used some script from webupd8.com (i think) that got the latest source, compiled, and installed it into /opt with 1 command. :)14:34
=== derek_ is now known as LHoT10820
laegDr_Willis: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/04/script-to-automatically-download-and.html14:35
jribrocket16: just give the root and sudo factoids please.  Logging in graphically as root is a security risk, especially for users who are asking that type of question14:35
rocket16Hello feder welcome to Ubuntu14:35
federhow to change the color of vim line number14:35
laegDr_Willis: do i need to remove ffmpeg that i have already14:35
Guest27937Dr_Willis: Where can i get another file manager and how can i add it to the fluxbox menu?14:35
Northwoodsrocket16, i was sort of afraid giving away my google account to Empathy14:35
rocket16jrib: I understand. I was just going to specify the risks too.14:35
Dr_Willislaeg:  http://www.webupd8.org/2009/08/upgrade-to-latest-ffmpeg-and-x264-in.html14:35
sipiorPici: thank you for that pointer; i had always wondered about the doubled hash marks.14:35
rocket16Northwoods: I don't think any problem will occur. I use my account on Pidgin, and nothing bad happened.14:35
allguru1it says you need to be identified with +r service :(14:35
allguru1i will google it14:36
Dr_WillisGuest27937:  theres dozens of file managers out there. Or you could use one like 'mc' that runs in a terminal window.14:36
Pici!register > allguru114:36
ubottuallguru1, please see my private message14:36
Guest27937Dr_Willis: How do i use 'mc'?14:36
taukrachny:  what could it happen to someone who is logging as root graphically ?14:36
Northwoodsrocket16, does my account information go to ubuntu developers through empathy ?14:36
laegDr_Willis: ty, do i need to remove the ffmpeg i have already14:36
TerinjokesDr_Willis: or you can dd from one block to another block14:36
Dr_WillisGuest27937:  install it.. open terminal.. run 'mc'14:36
tauops, jrib14:36
Dr_Willislaeg:  proberly a good idea14:36
g0mib0yDr_Willis: u could always use Thuna14:36
Dr_Willisg0mib0y:  I hate thunar :)14:36
taujrib:  it was directed you but my tab didn't want it to happen :P14:36
Guest27937Dr_Willis: ok14:36
rocket16Northwoods: No no, it will be stored locally. And the password will be encrypted too, so no security risk is there.14:36
Dr_Willis!info rox-filer | Guest2793714:36
ubottuGuest27937: rox-filer (source: rox): A simple graphical file manager for X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.5-1build1 (lucid), package size 1436 kB, installed size 3992 kB14:36
Guest27937mc is sweet14:37
Guest27937but is there any way i can change the horrible gui?14:37
sammacbook~~ can someone tell me what controls the charge on a laptop  is it the OS or the computer itself???14:37
krachnytau: why do you ask me?14:37
Dr_WillisGuest27937:  theres other more graphical 2 pane type file managers out also.14:37
laegDr_Willis: your guide is for jaunty and intrepid, i'm 9.10 karmic koala14:37
laegdoes it matter?14:37
Guest27937Dr_Willis:  got it14:37
g0mib0yDr_Willis: oki fine. then use mc.14:37
Dr_WillisGuest27937:  be a bit more verbose in what you are refering to.14:37
Dr_Willislaeg:  no idea.14:37
taukrachny:  it is because i used tab, it wasn't what i wanted to do.14:37
rocket16Guest27937: Use Tux-Commander,14:37
laegDr_Willis: k ty14:37
g0mib0yDr_Willis: or just use Gnome14:38
Guest27937Dr_Willis: Well in my terminal it looks like a big blue box with white writing in, is there any way i can change the colour?14:38
llutzsammacbook: usually charging is a hardware-thing14:38
=== root is now known as Guest31581
Guest27937Dr_Willis: Nvm got it14:38
sammacbookllutz  and same on a macbook?14:38
Dr_WillisGuest27937:  probelly. i alwyas use a terminal with a black background so it looks fine to me14:38
rocket16sammacbook: You can click the power applet, and specify the preferences there.14:38
llutzsammacbook: idk, i never will have apple-stuff14:38
tauis the problem to use a system as root in all time just to make mistakes so to broke the system or there is a way to be owned by some hacker ? :P14:38
Guest27937Dr_Willis: But i can set the background colour to black, is there any way i can make it transparent? That would be awesome.14:38
sipiortau: both.14:39
Dr_Willistau:  the biggest danger is not from some 'hacker' but from the user doing somthing that breaks the system i find.14:39
krachnytau: ah okay, but I can't answer you, don't know, i think you get problems with some sessions files14:39
tausipior:  sure.14:39
reign2does the software center contain every package available through apt-get?14:39
sammacbookActually guys its not even showing as charging.  it just says its using the cable.14:39
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allguru1i can see ##php now , thanks !!!14:39
Dr_WillisGuest27937:  no idea. Depends on your terminal program  and if fluxbox can handle it. i find transparent terminal windows.. rather pointless.14:39
tausure, Dr_Willis , sipior , krachny , thank you.14:39
rocket16tau: If it is connected to Internet, then there might be acute hacking problem (acute, because ufw is running all the time, and Ubuntu is virus-proof). But breaking the system might be there, although using sudo command does the same thing too.14:39
Guest27937Dr_Willis: Im using terminator terminal14:40
Dr_WillisGuest27937:  thats the same as gnome-terminal basically.14:40
Northwoodsoh , yes important question , rocket16 what antivirus should i use for ubuntu ?14:40
Dr_WillisGuest27937:  check its menus and preferances/profiles I guess.14:40
Northwoodsand malware/spyware ?14:40
salilwhat privileges does sudo lift you to? Is it admin or less than admin?14:40
Dr_WillisNorthwoods:  most tools scan file for windows viruses/malware :) not linux ones.14:41
tabaskohi, is there any sense about upgrading xubuntu karmic to lucid?14:41
llutzsalil: root (uid 0)14:41
sipiorrocket16: it would probably be more accurate to say that ubuntu (and unices in general) are virus-resistant, not immune. that invites a dangerous complacency.14:41
Guest27937Dr_Willis: I have, thats where i can change the colours but i cant make the actual MC transparent...14:41
Dr_Willistabasko:  if you want/ned the new versions/features - yes.14:41
Northwoodswhat should be sue14:41
TTilusive got an unbootable box, it complains about missing roofs.  if i boot from installation disk /dev/disk/by-uuid/ doesnt contain rootfs's uuid, but /dev/sda4 (root) is there and i can mount it if i specify -t ext4.  without -t mount complains "you need to specify file system type" or something along that line.  home mounts without -t.  alredy tried to reboot with other kernels and rewrite partition table with cfdisk + reboot, no avail.14:41
TTilusany ideas?14:41
Northwoodswhat should be used for ubuntu Antivirus ?14:41
Dr_WillisGuest27937:  you make the terminal transparent. mc just prints to the terminal window.14:41
TTilusor should i just go buy mac...14:41
salilllutz: In that case, why aren't some things still accessible (for example plugging out a cpu in /sys/devices)?14:41
tabaskokarmic install is working very well, and Im afraid that upgrading only brokes my gf:s laptop14:41
ikonia!virus | Northwoods14:41
ubottuNorthwoods: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2114:41
Guest27937Dr_Willis: Thats what i mean14:41
rocket16Northwoods: Most malwares aren't effective in Linux. As for windows malwares, use ClamAV and ClamTk. Also, some commercial AV have released free versions, like Avast and avira.14:41
tabaskoDr_Willis, but I have heard that xubuntu lucid doesnt really have nothing new compared to karmic14:42
Northwoodsok let me put it this way , what should i install for my UBUNTU Security >?14:42
rocket16sipior: Ubuntu is virus immune, because no such cases have been reported yet. Also, Only 800 malwares have been reported for Linux, and none of them can "infect" a System from Net.14:42
Sir_KonradTTilus: just buy a Mac.14:42
Dr_WillisGuest27937:  terminator here has a setting for a 'transparent' background.14:42
LjLreign2: no, only the ones with a GUI14:43
aso824Help... I'm have sound chipset Realtek ALC888, and I probe install drivers from CDROM (from motherboard producer), and script delete my old sound drivers (from install ubuntu, default drivers work propely). Any ideas to back sound?14:43
Dr_Willistabasko:  then dont bother I guess.. you answered your own question. :)14:43
rocket16sipior: In 1997, Bliss virus was a nice example of how secure Linux is. Only thing that can trouble, is forkbomb, although that can be prevented too.14:43
Guest27937Dr_Willis: Yeah i have it transparent, but the actual MC menu wont go transparent.14:43
icerootrocket16: 800 is a very high number, wikipedia is saying 514:43
Dr_Willis795 other variants of the 5 ? :)14:43
BibzLinux is imune against viruses? lolz?14:43
reign2ljl: thanks, is it normal for their to be so man missing thumbnails?14:43
salilI have written the other 795 ;)14:43
llutzrocket16: people will do the malware-infection themselve14:43
iceroot!virus | Bibz14:43
ubottuBibz: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2114:43
Dr_Willisdepends on how you define 'virus'  :)14:44
reign2ljl: many*14:44
Bibzeven if a OS would be ever imune against viruses... the problem sits in front of the computer14:44
Guest35426Hello to everybody,i am working backtrack 4 final through vmware and i have a problem with command "iwconfig".Anybody help me?14:44
rocket16iceroot: Not so, because 5 might be successful ones, and others might not be.14:44
LjLreign2: i don't know, i don't really use it14:44
icerootrocket16: yes, i am talking about working ones :)14:44
rocket16Bibz: User's folly and virus aren't same14:44
Dr_Willis!backtrack | Guest3542614:44
ubottuGuest35426: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)14:44
TTilusSir_Konrad: thought about that really, everybody else already have one here14:44
sipiorrocket16: that's simply nonsense. you're immune to MRSA because you haven't caught it yet? like i said, "dangerous complacency".14:44
Bibzrocket I wanted to say that if it would be secure - the OS itself, the Problem would still be in front of the computer.14:44
rocket16iceroot: I don't believe that anyone is active. I haven't heard or seen anybody having his/her linux infected.14:44
BibzThe human.14:44
BibzThe weakest part in a chain is human.14:45
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:45
icerootrocket16: ah sorry, i mean worked years before but not now14:45
BibzArt of deception by Kevin Mitnick - awesome book.14:45
Sir_KonradTTilus: I love mine. Great computer.14:45
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rocket16iceroot: No problem14:45
schlaftierI love my Mac too, running Ubuntu on it ;)14:46
Guest27937How do i take a screenshot using fluxbox?14:46
marccc^_Guest27937: you can use gimp14:47
Sir_Konradschlaftier: does it run well?14:47
erUSULGuest27937: puedes usar import de imagmagick o algun otro programa (como gimp) que saque screenshots14:47
livingdaylighterUSUL: lol14:48
Guest27937marccc^_: How?14:48
Northwoodsrocket16, so no need to install any antivirus or software for protection ?14:48
tomoyat1how about this thread  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=11170914:48
erUSULGuest27937: you can use import from imagemagick o other programs like gimp tat can take screenshots14:48
rocket16Guest27937: Also, gnome-screenshot is nice too. You can install it, and then use it using: gnome-screenshot --interactive14:48
erUSULlivingdaylight: indeed14:48
schlaftierSir_Konrad: all the hardware is supported, though screen brightness, iSight, and the Apple remote needed a little tinkering. Also, the whole install process is not trivial. I'm now dualbooting, but mostly on Ubuntu.14:48
Guest27937I know that -__- i mean when i prest print screen nothing happens!!!!14:48
Salvad1Hello. I have a Geforce 6100 integrated GPU and does not seem to work with the proprietary Nvidia drivers that came in 10.04.14:49
rocket16Northwoods: If you use only Linux, then no need. Else, if you use Windows PCs too, then you might want to scan files for Windows malwares. So, if you download files for windows using ubuntu, or share files with windows users, then it is needed.14:49
microbalrogwhat is the command needed to install Konqui or a similar browser via terminal?14:50
Salvad1Is there some known incompatibility with it?14:50
Northwoodsrocket16,  i do mount my windows drives sometimes , what should i install on ubuntu for that ?14:50
schlaftierSir_Konrad: Suspend works, which is great. It's an iMac 5,1 (late 2006) by the way14:50
microbalroganybody here?14:50
rocket16Northwoods: For that, you can install ClamAV and ClamTk, for virus-scanning.14:50
Northwoodsrocket16, thankyou very much14:51
Sir_Konradschlaftier: white?14:51
rocket16Hello kaushal14:51
server_how I can configure my video card "I using a compaq presario v6000"?14:51
rocket16Northwoods: You are most welcome14:51
Omertaguys, do i need to install fglrx drivers to play games over wine14:51
schlaftierSir_Konrad: yes, white. 2,16 GHz Core Duo, 1 GB RAM, 250 GB HDD14:52
kaushalrocket16: hi14:52
kaushalrocket16: I get the error in dmesg running 10.04 Desktop,[ 3164.724958] [drm:drm_mode_getfb] *ERROR* invalid framebuffer id14:52
rocket16Omerta: Sure, go to Synaptic, and search for fglrx there. And install the package suitable for your System.14:52
Dr_WillisGuest27937:  perhaps you should go  read at ----> http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net/docs/en/newdoc.starting.php#top   Fluxbox is not commonly used in this channel. There is the #fluxbox channel also.. I imagine they will point you to the docs first.14:53
server_how I can configure my video card "I using a compaq presario v6000"?14:53
Omertathank you rocket1614:53
Sir_Konradschlaftier: does the Core Duo have heating problems?14:53
Dr_Willisserver_:  #1 - determine what chipset your video card is.14:53
Omertai never get a game working under wine though :)14:53
Dr_WillisOmerta:  proper 3d drivers are  proberly a must for any decent game speeds.14:54
schlaftierSir_Konrad: no problems at all, I believe the firmware controls the temperature14:54
s4z3nwhen I try to install using wubi I get a windows "no disk error" that doesn't go awy until I restart the computer. This started to happen after I tried to upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 through upgrade manager. It failed at memstat and crashed. Then I tried to open ubuntu and it wouldn't allow me to open. Then I removed it and re-tried wubi when it started to give me that no disk error.14:54
Omertai even messed up my fresh ubuntu install trying to play counter-strike14:55
Omertanow i'm installing again :D14:55
sipiorOmerta: save yourself a lot of trouble and dual-boot for games :-)14:55
Dr_WillisOmerta:  you did pretty good at breaking a whole os - by installing one game in wine...14:55
server_how I can configure my video card "I using a compaq presario v6000"?14:56
aso824help... how I can install all defaults sound drivers and alsa? (sorry, but I lost my internet connection)14:56
zubin71hi, id like to install a plugin "Class Browser" for my gedit code editor. I have extracted the tar.gz of the file into the ~/.gnome/gedit folder; what do i do now?14:56
Dr_Willisserver_:  #1 - determine what chipset your video card is. #2 run that hardware-drivers tool in the system-admin menu and see what it says14:56
s4z3ncould someone help me with that14:57
schlaftierzubin71: I think you have to put it in ~/.gnome2/gedit/plugins in order to have gedit find it14:58
Dr_Williss4z3n:  you may want to try a regular type install not using wubi at all.14:58
s4z3nI did14:58
kaushalrocket16: Any clue ?14:58
Mrcheesenipss4z3n, is the computer an older computer?14:58
MrcheesenipsHow old?14:58
Omertasipior: i just dont want to install windows just for 2 games and a software14:58
Dr_Williss4z3n:  you made no mention of trying a 'normal' type install.. only wubi.14:58
schlaftierSir_Konrad: are you planning to install Ubuntu on an Intel Mac?14:58
MrcheesenipsI had the same problem on an older computer14:58
sipiorOmerta: well, two *working* games is the point, i think :-)14:59
s4z3nyeah I tried it but I dont like it  chopped up my HDD14:59
maitreyHi I'll need to help with an bsnl ev-do connection in ubuntu 10.04. Is there someone who has experience with this?14:59
Dr_Willisserver_:  lspci should give you a clue as to what video card you have and what chipset its using.. or just see what that hardware-drivers tool says about it.14:59
Sir_Konradschlaftier: nah, I run Ubuntu on a VM. I'm happy with OS X (not to mention I need it) as my primary OS.15:00
Dr_Williss4z3n:  given ths issues i see people have in here  every day with wubi in one form or another.. Id  still reccomend doing a 'normal' install and forgeting that wubi ever existed.15:00
Dr_Willisserver_:  if you are using ubuntu server. then why does teh video card drivers matter? You installed X on  the server? (chat in the channel, not in private please)15:01
Omertathat's right :)15:02
erUSULs4z3n: Dr_Willis is right wubi is way to fragile becouse the whole system is in a big file inside a ntfs partition and it is quite easy for that big file to get corrupted one way or the other. while using windows or while using ubuntu15:02
s4z3nyeah you're right. The normal installation is probally a better learning tool anyways instead of having something do the all the work for you.15:02
zubin71schlaftier, thankx :)15:02
nagchampais it possible to create a network connection for my lan connection without a default gateway in network manager?15:02
erUSUL!wubi | s4z3n15:02
ubottus4z3n: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.15:02
valinuxi have some problems with my server running ubuntu is this the right channel?15:02
server_my knowledges are no too good15:02
sipiorvalinux: absolutely15:02
theadminvalinux: It is15:02
s4z3nyeah I know what it is guy15:02
nagchampamy isp is currenlty donw, so i'm trying to connect via my phone, but it doesn't work unless i disable my ethernet connection15:03
Dr_Williss4z3n:    with wubi you soon learn about wubi that its a pain to learn about wubi..15:03
FailPowahanyway to get dreamweaver cs3 to work in ubuntu x64?15:03
voglstervalinux, yup right channel whats the problem?15:03
ahmedhi there15:03
=== ahmed is now known as Guest65814
Dr_Willis!appdb | FailPowah15:03
ubottuFailPowah: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help15:03
theadmins4z3n: WUBI is evil, really, I dunno why did they even make that, altough it helps to switch over (I started with a WUBI Interpid install...)15:03
valinuxvoglster, dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting: malloc failed (8192 bytes): Cannot allocate memory E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)A package failed to install.  Trying to recover:dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting: malloc failed (8192 bytes): Cannot allocate memory15:03
FailPowahDr_Willis: "doesnt work" already tried wine, it just wont start :/15:03
Dr_Williss4z3n:  instead of wubi - you MAY want to try ubuntu in virtualbox.15:03
s4z3nexactly I started with it too but now I guess its time to move on15:03
Dr_WillisFailPowah:  see the wine appdatebase for possible fix's15:04
voglstervalinux, out of memory my guess?15:04
Guest65814plz can someone tell me hoiw i can install my webcam on ubuntu15:04
s4z3nthanks guys15:04
erUSUL!webcam | Guest6581415:04
ubottuGuest65814: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras15:04
Dr_WillisGuest65814:  i just plug mine in.. and use whatever webcam app i like.15:04
Dr_WillisGuest65814:  the grandson loves to play with Cheese :)15:05
Dr_Willis!info cheese15:05
ubottucheese (source: cheese): A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component main, is optional. Version 2.30.1-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 62 kB, installed size 244 kB15:05
FailPowahDr_Willis: i tried all possible things i could find thru google, appdb says v8 works, didnt for me15:05
nagchampaanyone know how to configure network manager to use my 3g connection over my ethernet connection?15:05
Dr_WillisFailPowah:  see the wine forums and channel i guess.15:05
FailPowahDr_Willis: ok..15:06
microbalrogwhat is the command needed to install Konqueror or a similar browser via terminal?15:06
valinuxvoglster, so should i cache my ram clean?15:06
voglstervalinux, try 'top' in your terminal and read the memory entries15:06
allguru1look what i have done with blender !!  , here is my new animation workshop , http://www.3dkernel.com/qemum/q-images/render_result05.png , i just started yesterday , it's a story of a robot that tries to hang some lefts and the owl is annoying him and ruin his day15:06
Dr_Willismicrobalrog:  sudo apt-get install WHATEVER15:06
LjLmicrobalrog: sudo apt-get install browsername15:06
Dr_WillisIs opera in the partners repos yet?15:06
voglstervalinux, how much ram is in the machine? are you running x? how old is the computer etc...15:07
tomoyat1i dont think opera is in partners15:07
theadminDr_Willis: Let me seek it15:07
VigoHow does one apply a different Background/Wallpaper to each Workspace. like Workspace 1 is Tux picture and Workspace 2 is a Sailing boat and so on?15:07
valinuxvoglster, the server is running on 256ram15:07
valinuxvoglster, with only ssh running15:07
FailPowahin linux. is KompoZer the closest thing one can get to dreamweaver?15:07
voglstervalinux, what distro?15:08
federthank you15:08
voglstervalinux, err version of ubuntu15:08
theadminDr_Willis: Oh gosh, apt-cache search opera returns a TON of stuff15:08
VigoFailPowah: Naw, there are many others.15:08
mithridateshey guys15:08
valinuxvoglster, Ubuntu 9.10 32bit15:08
mithridateshow do I install pidgin without gstreamer by apt-get ?15:08
FailPowahVigo: wysiwyg styles?15:08
theadminmithridates: ...gstreamer? since when does Pidgin require that15:09
voglstervalinux, run top see what it says on the memory line and see whats using all your ram15:09
gbillingsCan anybody help me compile & install arm-elf-gcc in 10.10?15:09
VigoFailPowah: Yes, Bluefish is a popular one. Let me pull that page up.15:09
voglstervalinux, thats a very small amount of ram fyi15:09
JanhouseI have installed Ubuntu Server on USB flash but I have old crappy computer and it seems like it doesn't know how to boot. Can I somehow boot using installation cd?15:09
theadminDr_Willis: But nope, no luck, can't find Opera in the repos15:09
mithridatestheadmin: pidgin 2.7.1 for sound features use gstreamer15:10
theadminmithridates: 2.7.1? Latest in their PPA is 2.7.0 IIRC15:10
tomoyat1Does anyone know an good DTP app?15:10
FailPowahVigo: i have looked on bluefish before.. but what i could tell from the screenshots, its not wysiwyg,  seems to be code only15:10
mithridatestheadmin: http://pidgin.im/15:11
theadminmithridates: Anyhoo, Pidgin depends on gstreamer. No way to install without it15:11
llutzToaday: scribus15:11
llutztomoyat1: ^15:11
mithridatestheadmin: but it has a bug that makes some conflict when I use firefox too15:11
gandhijeehey, how can i see what version of ubuntu i am running?15:11
mithridatestheadmin: because firefox uses gstreamer to play sound and video15:12
gandhijeeis there a file on the disk i can read?15:12
theadmingandhijee: lsb_release -r15:12
jake1hey room im getting libcups2 (>= 1.4.0) dependanncy error installing a printer driver15:12
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JigSaw-2hi gandhijee15:12
mithridatestheadmin: so when I use firefox or gstreamer anywhere in my computer is run pidgin closes itself automatically15:12
piggy-fetgrisim having problem with installing ubundo on a system with a radeon 583015:12
piggy-fetgrisany hints?15:13
JigSaw-2gandhijee, for what ?15:13
sipiorpiggy-fetgris: depends on what problem you're having, surely?15:13
VigoFailPowah: It can be both, I have used it in many modes. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Programming15:13
maitreyis there some user from India?15:13
piggy-fetgrismy screen turns black15:13
theadminubottu: in | maitrey15:13
ubottumaitrey: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India15:13
piggy-fetgrisafter i see the first ubuntu loading screen15:13
piggy-fetgrisits the same if i start from cd or install it in windows first15:14
solerhey all, i got an old disk with fedora on it ext3 I bought external usb case i'm connecting it to my comp and there no detection how can know if it's being detected or can you help me to mount it ? thank you15:14
mithridateshey guys, how can I give apt-get ./configure commands ?15:14
Picimithridates: You can't.15:14
maitreyonce more hi! I would like to ask you weather you know something about the bsnl evdo connection.15:14
VigoFailPowah: The idea is to find what you like and what works for you, even FireFox/Mozilla has one.15:14
gbillingssoler: what distro are you curently running?15:14
theadminmithridates: Uhm... you can't do that, ./configure is a compile-time script15:14
Picimithridates: apt-get downloads binaries, not source.15:14
solerubuntu lucid15:14
maitreyexperiences with connecting it to 10.0415:14
mithridatesI don't wanna install pidgin with gstreamer feature15:15
jake1can someone help me upgrade my cups it doesn't seem to want to upgrade15:15
mithridatesso what do I have to do?15:15
FailPowahVigo: so far, nothing can beat dreamweaver 8 ;( sometimes its just so much easier to redecorate something quickly in the gui-part then try to find the correct code line and test 50 times to make it work ;(15:15
piggy-fetgrisanyone knows anything about my prob?15:16
solergbillings: 10.0415:16
gbillingsHow do I setup up a Dell 1815dn printer for wireless printing in Ubuntu;n15:16
theadminmithridates: You'd have to recompile it, I'm afraid, also see !checkinstall15:16
gbillingswhere can I get the drivers?15:16
gbillings!info checkinstall15:16
ubottucheckinstall (source: checkinstall): installation tracker. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.1-10 (lucid), package size 121 kB, installed size 560 kB15:16
jrib!source > mithridates15:17
ubottumithridates, please see my private message15:17
theadmin"installation tracker", pfft, what a confusing description15:17
jribmithridates: make your changes to debian/rules before rebuilding the package15:17
VigoFailPowah: Have you ever tried or used Aranchnophelia?15:18
reign2wav files play way too fast by the os; for instance goutte.wav (played when volume changes) is really fast. any ideas?15:18
gbillingsjrib: can u help me with cross-compiling?15:18
FailPowahVigo: no, its the first time in my life i heard of it :D15:18
coonyhow can i add a new menu themes on ubuntu 9.4?15:18
jribgbillings: you're still wanting to install arm gcc?15:18
gbillingsjrib: ill do anything to setup that toolkit15:19
Dr_Williscoony:  'menu themes' ? ive never seen a menu theme befor.15:19
VigoFailPowah: http://www.arachnoid.com/ <: main Paul Lutus page,15:19
soleranybody ? pls ?15:19
jribgbillings: where are you obtaining the toolkit from?15:19
FailPowahVigo: their only screenshot looks like code editor only..15:20
VigoFailPowah: Here is the link to the Java program: http://www.arachnoid.com/arachnophilia/index.php15:20
Slartreign2: all wav files? or  just some?15:21
VigoFailPowah: You can even try and use it in a browser, but we are getting off-topic here,15:21
reign2Slarl: all wav files; I can play them fine in vlc/mplayer with alsa output, but if I use one in pommed for instance, the wav plays fast15:22
Slartreign2: does the same thing happen with mp3 files or ogg files? there is an ogg file in the examples folder I think15:22
reign2Slarl: I will try and report back15:22
Slartreign2: ah.. so it's just in one app? then I think it might be a bug in that player of some kind15:22
blue_annahow can I add an "unmaximize horizontally" menu uption to my window çtitle bars?15:23
reign2Slarl: it is possible I suppose; but I can duplicate the issue by choosing oss output in those programs; its almost like ubuntu is using oss when it should be using alsa15:23
coonyDr_Willis, from a gnome-look there is a session of  Themes and i dowload one of this but now i don't know how to install it.15:23
lwellshey volodyuka15:25
Slartreign2: well.. once again I have to go with the "the app is broken" guess.. it might be designed for some other distro that does things differently or assume things about the system that isn't true.. I don't think ubuntu decides which sound system to use..15:25
reign2Slarl: alright; thanks15:25
Slartcoony: try opening the system, preference, appearance and drag'n'drop the packed file to it15:25
Slartreign2: you're welcome15:25
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totalnubcould anyone help with a thread i've started on the forums, rather post here the link than all the details, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148792115:27
talcitehi. I'm setting up a webapp and it's having trouble writing to a folder in /usr/local/ The folder is 777'd for www-data and the folder is symlinked to /var/www15:28
talcitewould someone be able to help me out?15:28
coz_totalnub,  oooo   well  I would try the #nvidia channel also15:28
blue_annatotalnub: wow, what's your application?15:28
coonyslart, i dont find this voice "drag n drop"Where can i find it on sistem-apperarance?15:28
totalnubcoz_: nvidia channel is quiet15:28
totalnubblue_anna: my application is trading related15:29
Slartcoony: ah.. I mean click the file and drag it to the appearance window.. just like you would move a file on the desktop15:29
mnemontalcite: what is the webapp made with?15:29
talcitemnemon: it's built mostly on perl15:29
coz_totalnub,  seems like you might have to use xgl  for that  but not sure   I have seen 6 monitors running but again it used xgl15:29
mnemontalcite: so you're running it with cgi?15:29
Slartcoony: you can also click the "Install" button and select the zip-file from there.. the end result is the same15:29
blue_annatotalnub: try nv instead of nvidia with the xcinemajig and see if it is still eating up all the ram ? I dunno how to do that :)15:29
talcitemnemon: yup15:29
totalnubcoz_:  how much overhead would the xgl cause?15:29
tintinHello. I have configured my Ubuntu 10.04 with LDAP. At logon, appear a list of users who have previously logged. How can I remove these "cached" users?15:29
mnemontalcite: hmm, are you sure it runs as www-user?15:30
totalnubblue_anna: nv is the opensource preinstalled driver no? if so, xinerama doesn't work15:30
tintinHello. I have configured my Ubuntu 10.04 with LDAP. At logon, appear a list of users who have previously logged. How can I remove these "cached" users? I only want to appear the box tu write the username and password.15:30
coonyslart ok15:30
talcitemnemon: well it should. How can I verify that it is?15:30
coz_totalnub,  well not sure since I havent used it for some years  and it is not really supported any longer   I would still suggest hangin out in  #nvidia or go to nvnews and post there... there may even be a few posts about this on nvnews already15:30
talciteI tried 'watch ps aux | grep perl' but nothing showed up15:30
coz_totalnub,  I did know of one fellow with a similar set up   but I havent seen him for a few months now15:31
totalnubcoz_: thanks for the tip, i'll keep trying15:31
mnemontalcite: write a file with perl cgi script15:31
allguru1using ubuntu 9.0.4 , so if i updated to 9.10 , will i lose the Drivers ?15:31
LinuxAdminhi guys15:32
Gravitrondoes ubuntu have any problems finding a blueooth usb adapter?15:32
LinuxAdminI'm configuring kvm and I'm getting some troubles.15:32
coz_totalnub,  yeah dont give up... just hang out in the channel..  I am googling now for some of the ones I have already seen15:32
talcitemnemon: hmm yeah, it's www-data15:32
LinuxAdminI created a VM and I've configured bridge network interface15:32
blue_annatotalnub: yea that's right -- ok, I was just thinking nv is the one that comes with the system so it might work better with xinerama :P -- good luck15:32
LinuxAdminalthough I can ping the host from a VM and ping a VM from the host, I can't ping the  internet.15:32
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talcitemnemon: is it possible that it's having trouble creating the directory?15:32
coz_totalnub,  here is a post with 6 monitors... I believe they used xgl for this as well  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88416115:33
LinuxAdmindo I have to configure tun/tap interface to get it working?15:33
ikoniaLinuxAdmin: look at the vm's default route, then look at what that route is15:33
yotta911Folks, there is any command line tool that print pdf files?15:33
LinuxAdminwhere can I see that?15:33
talcitemnemon: the file I'm trying to write, say foo, is like this: /usr/local/project/data/foo15:33
LinuxAdmindefault route is the same of the host15:34
ikoniaLinuxAdmin: do you know how to check a machine's route/networking configuration ?15:34
mnemontalcite: and the directory tree exists?15:34
ikoniaLinuxAdmin: so can it get to the default route ?15:34
gbillings_jrib: sorry i lost my connection15:34
talcitemnemon: part of it. usr/local/project does. Data doesn't exist yet15:34
ikoniaLinuxAdmin: what is the default route ?15:34
LinuxAdminyou mean default gateway, wright?15:34
ikoniaLinuxAdmin: as in, is it a router15:34
ikoniaLinuxAdmin: yes, default gateway15:34
talcitemnemon: it needs to create a new directory each day15:34
SlartGravitron: it shouldn't have.. unless it's a very odd one.. most of the "normal" stuff you can buy works out of the box in my experience15:34
mnemontalcite: well you need to make a script that creates the folders15:35
LinuxAdmindefault gateway is the same of the host15:35
mnemontalcite: just trying to write into nonexistent folder doesn't work15:35
LinuxAdminI can ping default gw from the host15:35
ikoniaLinuxAdmin: but what is the gateway, is it a router/modem/server ?15:35
LinuxAdmina router15:35
ikoniaLinuxAdmin: can you ping the default gateway from the vm ?15:35
ikoniaLinuxAdmin: ok - so there is the problem, you have no route out onto that network15:36
talcitemnemon: it's not my script. I'm installing a software package onto the server. The bug wasn't present in the previous installation either15:36
LinuxAdminbut I can ping the host machine from the VM15:36
ikoniaLinuxAdmin: that doesn't mean anything15:36
mnemontalcite: have you verified that you can write files to the existing folder?15:36
mnemontalcite: with perl cgi scripts?15:36
allguru1how can i update firefox ?15:36
ikoniaallguru1: ubuntu update manager will offer you an update when once is available15:37
LinuxAdminas long as I understand I don't have to configure routing or nat on the host, because I'm using bridge15:37
allguru1ikonia: where to get ubuntu update manager ?15:37
ikoniaLinuxAdmin: doesn't sound like you've created the bridge correctly then15:37
coonyslart, on this archive tar.gz i have a file called "themedata.xml" i want to change e imagine og menu wthin this file tha i dowload.15:37
allguru1ikonia: found it15:38
ikoniaallguru1: it's already installed, when you login or use the tool system -> administration -> update manager it will offer updates available15:38
talcitemnemon: yup. If I create the data folder beforehand and chown to the proper ownership, then it works15:38
LinuxAdminthe bridge is working fine, I can ping the bridge interface from the outside world15:38
Slartcoony: I have no idea what files are in a theme..can't help you, sorry15:38
talcitemnemon: it just seems to not be able to create the data folder?15:38
allguru1ikonia: if i updated everything , will i lose sound drivers ?15:38
mnemontalcite: is the parent folder chowned/chmodded to correct permission?15:38
ikoniaallguru1: shouldn't15:38
talcitemnemon: yeah. it's 777'd15:38
ikoniaLinuxAdmin: then the bridge is not working15:39
allguru1ikonia: if i updated to 9.10 , running 9.04 here ... would i lose the drivers ?15:39
LinuxAdminI've googled a lot about this on the web and it seams a common problem with everybody using ubuntu 9.1015:39
theadminallguru1: No, unless update goes wrong (which does happen, but "shouldn't")15:39
ikoniaallguru1: depends on if the drivers are from outside the ubuntu packages and if they are compatible with the 9.10 kernel15:39
ikoniaLinuxAdmin: not me15:39
LinuxAdminwhat do you mean?15:39
urosQUESTION: is it possible to surf anonymously on 10.04(sorry for the caps..)15:39
LinuxAdminhow can you teste is bridge is well configured?15:40
theadminuros: TOR.15:40
jpdsuros: No.15:40
ikoniaLinuxAdmin: by connecting to a session such as the internet to see if it has sucessfully bridged yours and the vm's network15:40
LinuxAdminif I can ping it from the outside world is not enough to assume that it is ok?15:40
mnemontalcite: you mentioned symlinks, the symlink points to the parent folder right?15:40
urosI am unable to set, or for that matter download tor15:40
allguru1ikonia: there's a check mark on all options , is there a button to disable all but firefox ?15:40
Gravitrondoes ubuntu have any problems with wireless keyboards/mice?15:40
Slarturos: just like it's possible to surf anonymously in any operating system.. yes.. by using a proxy you trust15:40
ikoniaallguru1: uncheck what you don't want, however why not apply all updates ?15:41
allguru1ikonia: there are more than 10015:41
ikoniaallguru1: so ?15:41
LinuxAdminI can ssh into the host bridge interface, so it has to be working well, otherwise it wouldn't connect at all15:41
talcitemnemon: yeah. The symlinks are a bit strange. The index file and cgis are symlinked. The data directory is not. The script writes to it through relative paths afaik. the error message complains about ../data/foo not being writable (before I manually create data)15:42
ikoniaLinuxAdmin: no, that is not the bridge, that is showing a bridge interface is up15:42
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urosSo how do I know which proxy is trustwordy? and for that matter, is it just a matter of setting mozilla to use that proxy?15:42
LinuxAdminI can connect from the internet into the bridge public ip address15:42
allguru1ikonia: all of the 100+ are checked , uncheking all of this not effiecnt ,is there an update button in firefox15:42
ikoniaallguru1: there is not - download all 100+ updates as you need them15:42
Si-BorgHello Ubuntu people, I've just upgraded my ubuntu and I need help, it seems my bootloader has broken and now my windows partition will not work15:42
Guest86555hola que tal15:42
LinuxAdminare you kidding with me?15:42
llutzallguru1: "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install firefox"15:42
allguru1ikonia: install Updates or Upgrade to 9.10 ?15:42
mnemontalcite: and it creates new data folder(data1..datan) each day?15:43
ikoniaallguru1: either, which ever is your long term goal15:43
totalnubcoz_: thanks for the link, looks like there are still some issues with it though. looked at pg 70 and yea... I have successfully setup xinerama on another computer with similar graphics cards but only 3 monitors. This setup with the 9 monitors is a bit more extreme.15:43
ikoniaLinuxAdmin: no15:43
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Guest86555como puedo montar sdb115:43
allguru1ikonia: do the system stop when updating to 9.10 ?15:43
ikoniaallguru1: what ?15:43
talcitemnemon: I can't tell. It seems like it hasn't been doing that. It only creates them on days where the script has been accessed15:43
allguru1ikonia: i mean do it pauses till process is finished ?15:43
allguru1ikonia: or update in the background  ?15:44
inconsiderableGood day all , Humble have done steps in ASP.NET 2.0 AutoHosting on Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron part in this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ModMono but while opening test page there is an error > http://pastebin.com/ZrK07mtf , how to solve it ?15:44
Guest86555alguien habla mi idioma15:44
coz_totalnub,  ah ok... then the hangout in #nvidia and posting on nvnews would be the best approach  in case someone has solved some of the issues :)15:44
LinuxAdminI define my public ip address on the bridge interface (br0) not in eth0, so when I connect to the host I'm connecting to the ip address defined on the br0 interface15:44
LinuxAdminthat is a fact15:44
inconsiderableam in ubuntu9.0415:44
jake1can someone help me please im having problem sw/ my cups printer instalation it says Dependency is not satisfiable: libcups2 (>= 1.4.0)15:44
allguru1llutz: i'm trying your method .15:44
LinuxAdminSo, I assume the bridge is working fine15:44
Guest86555tampoco puedo instalar una impresora lexmark serie 120015:45
obozy_21i use ubuntu 10.04 and i have did all updates. but it use 1 gb from ram. what is the problem ?15:45
mnemontalcite: well sounds like there a bug in the script then15:45
Guest86555quien me puede ayudar15:45
blue_annahow can I undo "maximize vertically" ?15:45
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LinuxAdminas long as br0 (bridge interface) is communicating with the outside world, what should I do more to make sure the bridge is well defined?15:46
blue_annadouble-click sets it, but it doesn not unset it15:46
tauhey, when i do man stdio i get the manpage reference for functions that are within stdio.h how can I do to see the manpages for all functions that are within /usr/include ? i get nothing when i do man ulimit etc.15:46
talcitemnemon: ah I was hoping that was not the case. I'm going to have to file a support request with the company =/15:46
talcitemnemon: thanks for helping me isolate the bug though15:46
DrknzzHi guys! I just installed kubunut-desktop on my lucid gnome install, and my sound isnt working :S15:46
tintinHello. I have configured my Ubuntu 10.04 with LDAP. At logon, appear a list of users who have previously logged. How can I remove these "cached" users? I only want to appear the box to write the username and password.15:47
mnemontalcite: np, you could try making sure that you can write into the parent folder with perl cgi if you haven't already done so15:47
allguru1is there a way to upgrade to ubuntu 10 , using 9.1015:47
coonybye bye15:47
Slarttau: there are some packages with man pages.. have you installed those?15:47
Slart!upgrade | allguru115:47
ubottuallguru1: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade15:47
Slartallguru1: short answer, yes it's possible15:48
Vigo!upgrade | allguru115:48
taustar314:  well, i guess i didn't. but how can I obtain such list of packages ?15:48
voglstertintin, google is your friend http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-remove-hide-users-list-at-login-screen-in-ubuntu-9-10-karmic.html15:48
taustar314:  can you help ?15:48
LinuxAdminis there anybody that can help me with the kvm bridge configuration?15:49
Slarttau: apt-cache search -n manpages    should give you a list15:49
inconsiderableany opinion ?15:49
Slarttau: or search in synaptic15:49
taustar314:  thank you.15:49
Vigoblue_anna: A window?15:49
BlackBishopwhere can I get a lil' bit of help for a powerpc issue ?15:49
blue_annaVigo: yup15:50
bcessahi there, I'm about to setup a new ubuntu server with a basic LAMP enviroment, however I'm interested in security and performance of the services. Right now I'm between Apache, nginx or Cherokee as the main webserver, can someone give some advice about which one is best?15:50
BlackBishopI've finished installed 10.04 on my powerbook g4 and .. yaboot doesn't want me to get into macosx ! :|15:50
Slarttua: you're welcome15:50
BlackBishopall I see is a blue screen with intermitent lines on it :|15:50
merxedessalve a tutti!!!15:50
Vigoblue_anna: Right click top, oh wait, on a netbook?15:51
blue_annaVigo no.. but my theme doesn't have maximize vertically in the menu15:51
Pici!it | merxedes15:51
ubottumerxedes: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:51
obozy_21 i use ubuntu 10.04 and i have did all updates. but it use 1 gb from ram. what is the problem ?15:51
SlartMemory Size(MB)102415:51
Slartoops.. sorry about that15:52
X-Sleepy-XWhat's the difference between apt-get install and tasksel install?15:52
inconsiderableHumble have done steps in ASP.NET 2.0 AutoHosting on Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron part in this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ModMono but while opening test page there is an error > http://pastebin.com/ZrK07mtf , how to solve it ? is it cause of that system also has PHP now ?15:52
Vigoblue_anna: Compiz?15:52
PiciX-Sleepy-X: tasksel installs tasks (i.e, groups of packages). They both use the apt backend though.15:52
igi69hello, I have ubuntu 8.04 problems with mic, alreday posted in ubuntuforums, someone wanted to help?15:52
blue_annaVigo: nop15:52
obozy_21 i use ubuntu 10.04 and i have did all updates. but it use 1 gb from ram. what is the problem ?15:52
blue_annaVigo: it is maximized from a system->preferences->windows settings15:53
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ikoniainconsiderable: it means your backend application is either unavailable or you have not configured ubuntu to have any listening threads15:53
icerootobozy_21: used ram != real used ram15:53
ZenWalkerVigo: are you from vigo - galicia - spain ?15:53
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Slartobozy_21: the more memory your system uses the faster it will be15:53
blue_annaVigo: but for some god-awful reason, they didn't impliment the undo state from the same double-click :P15:53
Slartobozy_21: don't confuse memory used as cache with the memory that is used by applications15:53
obozy_21Slart: yes but why 1 gb ? it is a problem i think...15:53
obozy_21iceroot: ? so ?15:54
mnemonbcessa: apache is old and stable and has huge amount of features, the new ones are faster but lack the features15:54
Slartobozy_21: it's to low? to high?15:54
iceroot!ram | obozy_2115:54
ubottuobozy_21: A short primer on linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html15:54
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Slartobozy_21: my system uses 6GB of memory..15:54
X-Sleepy-XPici: So for instance, if I were to install openssh-server on my desktop with tasksel it would only install the openssh-server package since the two other packages in that suite is already installed, but what would then happen if I were to tasksel remove openssh-server, would it still keep those two packages that were there in the first place?15:54
switchgirlhi i am running ubuntu 10.04 and wish to add Liferea to the indicator applet how might i do this?15:54
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bcessamnemon: basically I only need basic stuff: virtual hosts, htaccess file support and PHP, nothing fancy really, I'm reading about cherokee right now, looks very impressive so far15:55
obozy_21Slart: but you have open many software. i have not open anything.. now...15:56
orangejuiceHello I've been trying to install the latest ubuntu 10.04 from USB stick and from CD and my PC hangs at the boot up screen, pressing escape shows me: "GLib-WARNING **: getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0)" any idea what I can do about this?15:56
X-Sleepy-XPici: What I guess I'm trying to find out is if it is any dis-/advantage using tasksel.15:56
inconsiderableikonia:  maybe this be useful http://pastebin.com/Vid0PNd615:56
urosas far as I know tor and privoxy are no longer working, so they cannot be used to achieve anonimity15:56
VigoZenWalker: Not really.15:56
llutzbcessa: consider using lighttpd too15:56
ikoniainconsiderable: looks like your application has bugs in it15:57
llutzuros: tor works fine15:57
mnemonbcessa: well i haven't used cherokee but htaccess is apache config file ...15:57
urosI can't even install it on 10.04...15:57
Slartobozy_21: oh.. I have many applications open? please tell me what I'm running.. I could have sworn I was only using irssi and my music player.. ;)15:57
PiciX-Sleepy-X: I'm not sure if tasksel recognizes or follows whether a package has been manually or automatically installed.15:57
inconsiderableikonia:  which app ?15:57
llutzuros: http://torproject.org15:57
X-Sleepy-XPici: Perhaps I should try it out?15:57
urosmaybe has to do sth because I'm in China, and the censhorship here is unbelievable15:57
ikoniainconsiderable: the web app you're trying to serve15:58
bcessallutz: thnx, I'll read about it :)15:58
blue_annauros: tell me about it15:58
Slartobozy_21: but.. no, seriously.. I didn't mean to get snarky.. let start over.. how did you measure your memory usage?15:58
Galerienuros: and tor doesn't help?15:58
llutzbcessa: it won't support htaccess files, but has a similar feature15:58
Vigoblue_anna: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=277283 <: maybe15:58
inconsiderableikonia: used test code here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ModMono15:58
urosI cant even install it15:58
PiciX-Sleepy-X: Sounds like a good idea.15:58
jiffehow do I allow dovecot to do core dumps when it segfaults?15:59
obozy_21Slart:  system monitor and conky writes like that.15:59
X-Sleepy-XPici: I'll do that now and let you know what happens... ;)15:59
blue_annaVigo: I have to change windows managers in order to change the tile state of a window? :D oooh man15:59
Zed`Anyone have some tips on getting thet wireless adaptor on a stinkpad A31p working?15:59
ikoniainconsiderable: then you have either made mistakes copying the code, or the module is not configured correctly15:59
obozy_21when i restrt the pc it returns good. it use 600 mb it is ntomal for me.15:59
blue_annaVigo: there's got to be another way15:59
blue_annaVigo: thanks though15:59
obozy_21Slart:  when i restrt the pc it returns good. it use 600 mb it is ntomal for me.15:59
obozy_21when i restrt the pc it returns good. it use 600 mb it is ntomal for me.15:59
PiciX-Sleepy-X: Yeah, I'm curious as to how it will behave.15:59
obozy_21Slart but sometimes it use 1 gb if he wants :)16:00
urosor maybe I haven't tried every option for installing tor.. however the simpler ones, like apt-get don't work16:00
Slartobozy_21: hang on.. let me check something16:00
Vigoblue_anna: No, look at that date, that is a 5 or 6 year old thread, I am still searching for the most recent one.16:01
X-Sleepy-XPici: OMG16:01
X-Sleepy-XPici: Preparing removal of gdm16:01
manihey guys just installed ubuntu 10.04 gnome session crashes..pls help...running on failsafe gnome now...newbie pls help16:01
llutzuros: http://torproject.org/doc/debian.html.en16:01
llutzuros: http://torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en16:01
X-Sleepy-XHOLY SMOKES16:01
blue_annaVigo: I think I might be able to find a work around with keyboard shortcuts.. trying that now16:01
clint-hey all16:01
PiciX-Sleepy-X: What task did you try to remove?16:01
X-Sleepy-XPici: sudo tasksel remove openssh-server and now it removes plenty of packages16:02
Galerienuros: I guess you can't acces that : http://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en16:02
mani hey guys just installed ubuntu 10.04 gnome session crashes..pls help...running on failsafe gnome now...newbie pls help16:02
urossee the problem is, that the great chinese firewall is not allowing me to connect to that site16:02
X-Sleepy-XPici: And now I have no idea of what it removed...16:02
X-Sleepy-XPici: FFS...16:02
Galerienthe GFW16:02
X-Sleepy-XPici: Not well, not well at all16:03
orangejuiceI managed to get the partition manager on a new 10.04 install, I have three hard drives but only sdb and sdc are showing up. And I want to install on sda, I'm not sure why it's not showing me /dev/sda, I have opensuse on it and would like to over write it.16:03
inconsiderableikonia: how to be sure AutoHosting Instructions are ok ?16:03
mnemonuros: what are you trying to do?16:03
clint-orangejuice:  ;)16:03
blue_annaVigo: it worked :) setting it to Alt+keypad-0 , then pressing it toggles between vertically maximized and a version where it is as if maximized but not locked in taht state. I can resize it from there16:03
urossimply trying to access youtube and facebook in china.. more advanced trying to achieve a good level of anonimity online16:04
mnemonuros: and tor isn't working?16:04
urosI can't install it16:04
mnemonwhy not?16:04
Galerienuros: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130883216:05
PiciX-Sleepy-X: Well, it looks like the openssh-server task includes libwrap0, which is a dependency of gdm a bunch of other services.16:05
Galerienmnemon: he is from China16:05
inconsiderableHow do you have ASP on 9.04 ?16:05
urosfirst of all, the simple apt-get commands arent working.. and any site connected to tor is blocked by default in china16:05
Galerienmnemon: and they have the GFW16:05
mnemoni know16:05
Vigoblue_anna: We call that a solution then?16:05
orangejuiceSo ... do I have to format the drive in order for it to be seen by the partition manager?16:05
bcessathnx everybody, see ya' guys around16:05
mnemonuros: what distro?16:05
X-Sleepy-XPici: So, tasksel for removal is a no no16:06
mnemonuros: i can dl the .deb for you16:06
torres09hey everybody just installed lucid lynx...gnome session crashed16:06
blue_annaVigo: it is for me -- I'd call the symptom a bug still though because it isn't toggling on double click, just going into max. vert. but I can handle16:06
PiciX-Sleepy-X: Yeah :(16:06
chat91080hi there16:06
Galerienmnemon: if you do so, encrypt it and rename it before you send it16:06
chat91080any guys here 29 up???16:06
blue_annaVigo: I guess I'll go write it up on launchpad16:06
urosthat would really help me!16:06
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ikoniachat91080: what do you need ?16:06
mnemonGalerien: https is enough16:06
urosplease do it if you have the time16:06
X-Sleepy-XPici: Any idea where I can see what got removed? The terminal doesn't say anything about it.16:06
torres09hey everybody just installed lucid lynx...gnome session crashes every 10s running on failsafe gnome now...pls help...16:06
inconsiderableikonia:  what is this line for ? DirectoryIndex index.aspx16:06
Vigoblue_anna: That is a yipee! Please post it to Launchpad and the Forums so that others can use it.16:07
chat91080any guys here using msn or ym??? send me a messege im online aika_suarez16:07
chat91080any guys here using msn or ym??? send me a messege im online aika_suarez16:07
Galerienmnemon: just saying...16:07
chat91080any guys here using msn or ym??? send me a messege im online aika_suarez16:07
FloodBot1chat91080: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:07
ikoniainconsiderable: it means index.aspx will be shown as a index page16:07
ikoniaChris___: please stop16:07
mnemonGalerien: :)16:07
ikoniaChris___: sorry - not you16:07
obozy_21 16:07
PiciX-Sleepy-X: It should be listed in /var/log/dpkg.log16:07
star314How can I adjust the kde4 apps like kile to look similar to gtk. Once, the was a qt-package to fake the gtk look.16:07
jiffedo standard startup scripts disable core dumps?16:07
mnemonuros: x86 or x86_64?16:07
torres09hey everybody just installed lucid lynx...gnome session crashes every 10s running on failsafe gnome now...pls help.....16:07
inconsiderableikonia:  humble have changed root dir in apache for php before so will root dir of ASp be there ?16:08
torres09hey everybody just installed lucid lynx...gnome session crashes every 10s running on failsafe gnome now...pls help.....16:08
Vigotorres09: MD5 check out?16:08
torres09vigo: meaning?16:09
ikoniainconsiderable: the Documentroot parameter ?16:09
voglstertorres09, did you md5 sum the iso you downloaded16:09
Vigo!MD5 | torres0916:09
ubottutorres09: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:09
ct529is there a way to stop becoming a skype supernode under ubuntu 1004?16:09
torres09will try that...16:09
nodybtw, if i put KDE does it affect anything?16:09
nodyi have gnome now16:10
Galeriennody: nop16:10
nodyGalerien: so its safe to try ?16:10
Galerienjust you can pick one at startup16:10
Galeriennody: i did, no problem16:10
inconsiderableikonia: yes16:10
Galeriennody: sudo apt-get install kde16:10
ikoniainconsiderable: you shouldn't need to change that16:10
voglsterGalerien, kubuntu-desktop package might be better?16:11
s4z3nhelp... Im getting this error at start up "error - unknown file system grubrescue>"16:11
Galerienvoglster: don't know, I just know that "kde" woks :D16:11
voglsterGalerien, good point ;-)16:11
Exia1Hello, does anyone know any program that acts like a Application Firewall? I don't want some apps to access internet16:11
nodyGalerien: will this affect matroska playback?16:12
nodyGalerien: oh well i'll saty with gnome ;)16:12
s4z3nIt started to show after attempted to remove a useless partition16:12
ikoniainconsiderable: you should leave the DocumentRoot directory as it was when you installed16:13
X-Sleepy-XPici: I found it in /var/log/apt/history.log and there were alot of packages that got removed, perhaps it will be easier for me to just reinstall Ubuntu....16:14
voglsters4z3n pastebin your fstab file16:14
sullehow do i install Lucid lynx through terminal when i have Linux netbookremix installed?16:14
PiciX-Sleepy-X: You could try reinstalling the ubuntu-desktop task16:14
sullei mean ubuntu netbookremix :p16:14
ikoniasulle: you don't - you need to boot from a 10.04 media, or use update manager to install16:14
aeon-ltdsulle: you can't, but you can just get regular gnome and use that, and that would pratically be stock ubunut16:15
llutzExia1: simply remove those apps or read about layer-7 filtering16:15
X-Sleepy-XPici: But then I will still have to compare the installed packages...16:15
voglsterwhy is there a netboot remix in the first place? ;-)16:15
s4z3nand what would that do?16:15
sulleikonia,  so what can i type then?. how do i do that in update manageR?16:16
PiciX-Sleepy-X: Well, ubuntu-desktop includes everything that is normally installed on a fresh install.16:16
ikoniasulle: gksudo update-manager16:16
X-Sleepy-XPici: Yeah, ok. I'll try that.16:16
voglsters4z3n, put my name in your messages if you want to talk to me i may miss what you type otherwise... and /etc/fstab lists all your partition you mount and boot time16:16
voglsters4z3n, my guess from the limited information you have given me is that you have an error there16:17
Exia1llutz: ok thanks16:17
tintinHi!  i have an ubuntu 10.04 installation and i have a problem. At logon i select the language i want to work but when start i see that some programs take effect and appears with the language i select, but the system menus does not have the language, any ideas? i see that if i select the language after login on system --> language support everything goes ok16:17
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sulleikonia, i dont understand how updating my current distro is going to help me installing Lucid lynx ?16:18
ikoniasulle: you can use it to update to the next distro version16:18
xomphello, how would I upgrade Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu) Server to latest stable?16:18
sulleOkok thank you!.16:18
mostbluntedhallo, kann ich unter ubuntu 10.04 "normale" Windows Freigaben automatisch (nach dem Anmelden direkt) einhängen lassen?16:19
ikoniaxomp: ubuntu packages up the latest version it offers for you in the repo16:19
ikonia!de | mostblunted16:19
ubottumostblunted: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.16:19
mostbluntedsry wrong channel16:19
ikonianot a problem16:19
xompikonia, I'm sorry but I don't understand.16:19
ikoniaxomp: ubuntu builds packages and offers them in the software repo, using the latest package from the ubunut repo's will give you the latest version available for ubuntu16:20
Travis-42the ubuntu wiki suggests that most webcams work fine with ubuntu. are there any that don't?16:20
hacimi just started up and network manager is not showing16:20
ikoniaTravis-42: yes a few16:20
Travis-42ikonia: how do I find out?16:21
hacimnetwork manager was working a few hours ago16:21
ikoniaTravis-42: resarch16:21
hacimand it is currently running16:21
ikonia!hcl | Travis-4216:21
ubottuTravis-42: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection16:21
xompikonia, ok, are you familiar with Linode VPS' at all? They have a LAMP Stackscript that I used today and it looks like it has this version of Apache, how can I upgrade it to the latest?16:21
mbeierlgetting an error setting up a printer: SystemError: Failed to fetch http://www.openprinting.org/download/printdriver/debian/dists/lsb3.2/main/binary-amd64/openprinting-ppds-postscript-ricoh_20100531-1lsb3.2_all.deb Size mismatch.  I can download the deb fine... is it jockey that's complaining about the size or ...?16:21
Travis-42thanks ikonia16:21
ikoniaxomp: why do you need to upgrade to the latest ?16:21
ikoniaxomp: ubuntu packages the versions available and supported for you16:22
xompikonia, most support places require you to at minimum be at the latest stable release.16:22
ikoniaxomp: name one ?16:22
voglsters4z3n, in a terminal type cat /etc/fstab and put it in a pastebin please16:22
s4z3nvolgster: ok16:22
ikoniaxomp: support places require you to be on a supported version, in which case the current ubuntu package is fully supported16:23
xompikonia, thanks for your help16:23
ikoniaxomp: please show me the output of "uname -a" on your linode vps16:23
X-Sleepy-XPici: http://paste.ubuntu.com/443413/16:23
X-Sleepy-XPici: Those packages were romved16:23
ikoniaxomp: I may have some interesting information for you to keep in mind16:23
xompikonia, Linux li134-58 #1 SMP Wed Apr 28 19:25:11 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux16:23
SomelauwI'm wrestling with the archiver since it doesn't seem to allow me to unzip files in a hidden directory.16:24
avg_guyWas wondering if I would like to rip the audio from a dvd (that I own) what is the best app to do so with?16:24
ikoniaxomp: ok - so for your information, that is a customised version of ubuntu with custom packages that is only supported by linode16:24
s4z3nvolgster: do you want me to PM you the link16:24
xompikonia, ok16:24
s4z3nvoglster: do you want me to PM you the link16:24
voglsters4z3n, just link it here16:24
=== gerlosgm is now known as gerlos
xompikonia, #ubuntu refuses to support this and I must speak with Linode's support for any questions related to it.16:25
voglsters4z3n, if you type the first part of my name you can probably hit tab to finish it ;-)16:25
SomelauwHow to unzip to a hidden directory?16:25
s4z3nyeah that works in mIRC not in Xchat16:25
ikoniaxomp: that seems like the best idea, they are making custom distro images, they support the packages16:25
xompikonia, ok, sorry to be a bother.16:25
ikoniaxomp: it's no bother, just trying to help you get the right help16:25
s4z3nvoglster,  ignore that last comment16:25
xompikonia, :)16:25
YoJackWhich channel should I go to for creating debian packages ?16:25
voglsters4z3n, what the exact error you are getting?16:26
PiciYoJack: #ubuntu-packaging16:26
ZenMastaanyone here familiar with universal usb installer or unetbootin?I've tried both and neither will boot up16:26
tintinHi!  i have an ubuntu 10.04 installation and i have a problem. At logon i select the language i want to work but when start i see that some programs take effect and appears with the language i select, but the system menus does not have the language, any ideas? i see that if i select the language after login on system --> language support everything goes ok16:26
s4z3nvoglster,  the comp boots up then instead of going straight to grub it just says "error unknown file system" "grubrescue>"16:27
voglsters4z3n, are you botted from a usb drive at the moment?16:27
s4z3nvoglster, Im using a livecd right now16:27
voglsters4z3n, booted*16:27
voglsters4z3n, then the fstab you are looking at is the one on the live cd16:28
voglsters4z3n, mount your hard drive and look at the fstab in the /{your mount point}/etc/fstab16:28
s4z3nvoglster, would it be possible to log into my account from the cd16:28
a5h15hhow can give my account administrative rights16:29
voglsters4z3n, when did this happen?16:29
voglster!sudo | a5h15h16:29
ubottua5h15h: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo16:29
s4z3nvoglster,  to day after I tried removing what I thought was a useless partition16:30
Galerien!gksu | a5h15h16:30
ubottua5h15h: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)16:30
voglsters4z3n, what partition did you remove? ;-)16:30
YoJackNo one responds in the packaging session, Pici you got any tutorial links ?16:31
llutzvoglster: appearantly the one holding grub16:31
jmkgreenI've just installed a minimal cd image onto a dell poweredge. It works, but after installing the linux-server package and rebooting, I can get past fsck telling me my disk is clean. It's just stuck.16:31
Pici!packaging | YoJack take a look16:31
ubottuYoJack take a look: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports16:31
blue_annaanyone here know redshift?16:31
jakesomehow my libcups2 got screwed up and now gnome won't load is there a fix for this16:31
s4z3nvoglster,  just an empty one that I had originally setup for use of the ubuntu, but I decided it was pointless and went for the swap installation option after I had already set it up16:31
voglsterllutz, grub actually sits in the mbr of the hd you cant remove it ;-) you could have remove the /boot partition... what version of ubuntu are you running?16:31
rand2is there any way to burn a bootable macos dvd on ubuntu?16:31
orangejuiceI've made just one large linux partition of my first hard drive, but the ubuntu partitioner still doesn't see it ... it sees only my 1TB ext4 and 320GB Windows drives ... both of whcih I DO NOt want to install on. Any ideas?16:32
llutzvoglster: grubs br resides in the mbr, it needs some files more to work properly. if you remove them, you have a problem16:32
blue_annaorangejuice: gparted doesn't see the drive?16:32
voglsterllutz, ;-) i know16:32
jakehow do ui boot into like single user mode16:33
orangejuiceblue_anna: gparted does in fact see all three as it should16:33
orangejuiceblue_anna: I just don't get the option to install on /dev/sda from the installer16:33
s4z3nvoglster, what version am I running? 10.0416:34
blue_annaorangejuice: ok, and you made the partition with gparted?16:34
voglsters4z3n, you issue is a little out of my realm to support might want to hit up someone better than me...16:34
X-Sleepy-XPici: It seems like if sudo tasksel install ubuntu-desktop got the most of it, I'm going to compare the outputs now.16:34
PiciX-Sleepy-X: Okay, sounds good.16:34
s4z3nbut its not letting me get to winXP16:34
voglsters4z3n, should be fixable lemme see what the partition info looks like on my 10.04 box... did you choose lvm for the install?16:34
voglsters4z3n, can you boot linux just not xp?16:35
llutzs4z3n: do you have a xp-installcd? boot rescuemode and use "fixmbr"16:35
kaushal[ 3164.724958] [drm:drm_mode_getfb] *ERROR* invalid framebuffer id,00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)16:35
kaushalAny ideas ?16:35
orangejuiceblue_anna: Ah right, I think it's going to work now I had just made the partition not the file system (using fdisk)16:35
s4z3nvoglster, I can't boot to anything without the corresponding CD16:35
s4z3nno linux and no XP16:36
blue_annaorangejuice: :)16:36
X-Sleepy-XPici: It reinstalled the old kernel...16:36
voglsters4z3n, hang on imma give you some commands to manually boot xp from the grub menu16:36
s4z3nok thanks16:36
tintinHi!  i have an ubuntu 10.04 installation and i have a problem. At logon i select the language i want to work but when start i see that some programs take effect and appears with the language i select, but the system menus does not have the language, any ideas? i see that if i select the language after login on system --> language support everything goes ok16:37
jakedoes ubuntu have single user mode?16:38
recon69_laphave a problem with a mirco sd card, can view it but am unable to write to it? it worked one but no more16:38
voglsters4z3n, try this: rootnoverify (hd0,0) {enter} chainloader +1 {enter} boot16:39
voglsters4z3n, {enter} means hit the enter key dont type it... and hit enter after you type boot16:39
recon69_lapjake, I'm sure it does, not sure how exactly16:40
biebany recomendations for a good sftp server??16:40
s4z3nvoglster, If this wors Im check you guys in a couple of mins16:40
llutzbieb: openssh-server16:40
s4z3nvoglster,  thanks for the help16:40
voglsters4z3n, figured as much ;-)16:40
jakedoes anyone know how to get into single user mode in ubunut.16:41
voglsters4z3n, see you in a bit... though sadly im having you boot windows16:41
recon69_lapanyone know why i cant write to a mirco sd card?16:41
kaushalchecking in again for my query?16:41
biebllutz: standard package? or apt-get?16:41
llutzbieb: apt-get16:41
SomelauwWhen I disconnect the plug from the powerpoint and let my laptop run from my accu, it dims the display.16:41
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gbillingsSomelauw: sounds like a power saving feature16:42
s4z3nvoglster, If I can get there I can at least edit the MBR16:42
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recon69_lapsd card showing up as read only??16:42
Somelauwgbillings Yes, but it doesn't lighten up when I plug it to my powerpoint again.16:43
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a5h15hvoglster, my account does not belong to the sudo group16:43
llutza5h15h: then ask your administrator to add you16:43
eighty4Trying to get sound over hdmi working on an asrock 330 (ion) but just cant get it to work, any tips I should try?16:44
a5h15hllutz, i myself am the admin..when i try to add it says..invalid usermane16:44
fangazI installed ubuntu 9.1 and tried to have it installed to usb drive. this worked but then after reformatting laptop i can't boot into ubuntu anymore. I have tried to uninstall and install version 10,, as it wasn't available at the time of first install. i also should have stated that this is a dual boot inside of Windows Vista. After uninstall and reinstall, I get an error that no GRLDR and ubuntu wont boot. Any help to fix this and have u16:44
voglstera5h15h, use the account you installed from or you broke sudo16:44
llutza5h15h: as root: "adduser <yourusername> admin"16:45
voglsterllutz, the issue is a5h15h doesnt have root priveledges ;-)16:45
llutzvoglster: [17:44:47] <a5h15h> llutz, i myself am the admin.16:45
voglsterllutz, <shrug>16:45
gbillingsvolgester: why dosent he just sudo su?16:46
sulleikonia,  i cant find out how to update to the lucid lynx through the update manager. What do i search for?16:46
gbillingssulle update-manager -d16:46
JorkHello. I am using intel x3500 onboard graphic card. Is this graphic card compatible with ubuntu 10.04 and compiz?16:46
voglstergbillings, "voglster, my account does not belong to the sudo group"16:46
funkyweaselDamn.  Even with Open Office 3.2 from the PPA it still regularly crashes on Karmic.16:47
llutza5h15h: and btw, the "sudo group" is called "admin"16:47
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funkyweaselCan anyone help, or at least suggest why Open Office is behaving so flakily?16:47
sullegbillings, i dont understand, wont that just update my current OS ?16:47
gbillingsvolgester: my bad16:47
RyanPGwibber doesn't want to start for me. From the command line I get the messages here: http://pastebin.com/65YzgZdP Could someone please help me figure out what's going on?16:48
Picigbillings: Please do not suggest using update-manager -d to upgrade to a production release of Ubuntu.16:48
voglsterllutz, <-- old freebsd guy.. renamed it to wheel lol16:48
gbillingsPici: ok my bad16:48
a5h15hllutz, thanks a lot ...it worked16:48
a5h15hvoglster, thanks a lot16:48
Picigbillings: --proposed should be used instead.  -d refers to upgrading to the latest development release.16:48
gbillingsPici: got it , i learned something today16:49
sulleI am so confused, is there or is there not a possible way to install the Lucid Lynx OS through the terminal or the update manager? I am using Ubuntu Netbookremix.16:49
trelaynehi all, when in twinview using nvidia, when I maximize a window, it maximized between both monitors.. Anyone know how to make it maximize only on one?16:49
voglsterPici, lol i missed that16:49
gbillingssulle: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop16:49
gbillingssulle: are u trying to update the netbook remix or are you trying to install the desktop?16:50
sulleinstall the desktop16:50
gbillingssulle: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop16:50
sulleOk thnx =)16:50
Kangaroootrelayne: i think that should be possible to change in sysyem or settings-> nvidia settings16:50
gbillingssulle: that will install dekstop 10.0416:50
sullegbillings, ok, thank you for your time and help :)16:50
trelayneKangarooo,  yeah can't seem to find that.. but will check harder... thanks!16:50
anyonebutmeKangarooo, yeah can't seem to find that.. but will check harder... thanks!16:50
anyonebutme[#ubuntu] Welcome to #ubuntu! Please read the channel topic and consider spending some time on the FAQ mentioned there - This channel is officially logged at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/16:50
=== sulle is now known as Sulle\a
gbillingssulle: no problem16:50
anyonebutmesulle: no problem16:50
FloodBot1anyonebutme: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:51
trelayneKangarooo,  I mean can't seem to find where to set that in the nvidia settings..16:51
anyonebutmeYou can now speak again. Please ask your question, giving the relevant Pastebin URL.16:51
recon69_laplol, guess I try reboot, been a long time since I tried this as a soultion16:51
anyonebutmelol, guess I try reboot, been a long time since I tried this as a soultion16:51
gbillingswho keeps echoing16:51
anyonebutmewho keeps echoing16:51
enriqhi. How can I have data transfer statistics16:51
anyonebutmehi. How can I have data transfer statistics16:51
anyonebutme[#ubuntu] Welcome to #ubuntu! Please read the channel topic and consider spending some time on the FAQ mentioned there - This channel is officially logged at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/16:51
gbillingsis that a bot16:52
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voglsterhad to be16:52
s4z3nvoglster, well that didn't work. It said it doesnt recognize the commands16:52
enriqhe's either a boot or an idiot16:52
Kangaroootrelayne: if u have installed nvidia with system hardware drivers then u should have system -> nvidia x serve settings16:52
gbillingsthats anoying16:52
ZenMastai'd say a boot16:52
anyonebutmei'd say a boot16:52
anyonebutme[#ubuntu] Welcome to #ubuntu! Please read the channel topic and consider spending some time on the FAQ mentioned there - This channel is officially logged at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/16:52
FloodBot1anyonebutme: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:52
voglsters4z3n, boot the windows cd f3 recovery mode... then once you get to a c prompt type fixmbr or fixboot i cant remember... that will remove grub and should let you boot windows16:53
qm7my pc keeps completely freezing every 20 minutes or so, for the duration of 45 seconds or so. Is anyone else encountering this problem?16:53
enriqhere we go again without the echo:. How can I have data transfer statistics16:53
trelayneKangarooo,  yes I have it, but there does not seems to be a setting that obviously fixes that problem... thanks..16:53
voglsters4z3n, then you can fix it after16:53
fangazI am having trouble getting ubuntu to boot after reformatting laptop. Installed to USB drive and now when I choose ubuntu to boot instead of windows I get no GLDR. How do I resolve this?16:53
gbillingsqm7: what ubuntu release are you running, 10.04, 9.10..16:53
Kangaroootrelayne: then u can try asking in #ubuntu-x they should know16:53
antonio_hi, installed samba on ubuntu 10.04, i want to restart /etc/init.d/samba, but there is no samba16:54
trelaynethanks Kangarooo !16:54
qm7gbillings: lucid16:54
s4z3nvoglster, ok. What would happen if I try to reinstall ubuntu16:54
gbillingsqm7:i am having no such issues16:54
enriqI need to buy a mobile data plan and I need to estimate how data I much transfer per "normal day" from my ubuntu machine16:54
voglsters4z3n, should fix it but you will lose your home folder and all the files you have in ubuntu16:54
s4z3nwell I had just recently installed it so there wouldn16:54
s4z3nto much lost16:55
yuzhanhello world16:55
qm7my pc keeps completely freezing every 20 minutes or so, for the duration of 45 seconds or so. Can anyone help me with this?16:55
voglsterqm7 first generation solid state drive?16:55
brickywell I do say it's time to reformat yes yes16:55
brickyYes yes.16:55
llutzenriq: watch "ifconfig"16:55
s4z3nvoglster,  I should be able to install over the existing linux partition?16:55
qm7voglster: no16:55
gbillingsenriq: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/bandwidth-monitoring-tools-for-ubuntu-users.html16:55
stuardohi everyone16:56
stuardowhat's an equivalent of KRegExpEditor   for Gnome?16:56
voglsters4z3n, yup and it should fix your boot loader problem... if there is stuff to save and you have a usb stick you can probably mount your old system and copy the data before you do it16:56
llutzenriq: RX/TX Bytes of your external interface might be interesting16:56
stuardoI'm looking for an regex GUI editor16:56
magnenanyone need a dev for a python-gtk app? I am a java dev wanting to learn python :)16:56
stuardoanyone has any idea?16:56
s4z3nok cool16:56
|Novais gparted shrinking a partition supposed to take ages?16:56
steffanHi. I thought that root was disabled by default on Ubuntu, however I just bought a dedicated server and it is allowing me to SSH to root@server?16:57
Pici|Nova: Yes, it can take a very long time.16:57
qm7my pc keeps completely freezing every 20 minutes or so, for the duration of 45 seconds or so. Can anyone help me with this?16:57
voglster|Nova, depends how full the partition is16:57
s4z3nvoglster, thanks man. I was worried I would loose more space or something16:57
|Nova15gb used of 250gb16:57
voglster|Nova, and what type of partition16:57
|Novashrinking to 30gb16:57
voglsters4z3n, nope16:57
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gbillingsis there any software that lets u edit your wordpress.com for ubuntu?16:57
s4z3nvoglster,  I'll let you know if all goes well.16:57
llutzsteffan: should be the 1st thing you change16:57
voglsters4z3n, once you are up and running again hit me up and we can loot at your partition layout16:57
|Novagparted says ext416:57
Picisteffan: root is not a disabled user in the default sshd config, but no password or key will ever let someone in.16:57
magnen|Nova, that could take a while ;) Depends on how fragmented the data is etc.16:58
|Novai'm on ubuntu from usb boot atm16:58
|Novausing gparted16:58
a5h15h how is it that one user(having admin rights..not root) view/modify  files of another user?16:58
enriqgbillings, thanks. It's not really bandwidth, I need amount of data, I'll take a look anyway16:58
qm7my pc keeps completely freezing every 20 minutes or so, for the duration of 45 seconds or so. Can anyone help me with this?16:59
magnena5h15h, it all depends on what rights the other user has, and which permissions is on the modified file16:59
voglstera5h15h, what do you mean? if you need 2 users to view/edit a file put them in the same group.. put the file in that group and give the group rw privs to the file16:59
steffanPici: I'm using a password to login as root@server and it is allowing me. The host must have set a password to enable it?16:59
enriqllutz, thanks... it says 1.9Gb but since when?16:59
llutzenriq: since that inferface was brought up17:00
killermaskhay guys i need help ,,, when i type airodump-ng eth1 an errpr appears ,, and i would like to invite someone to remote my pc and fix it plzzzzzzzzzzzzz17:00
voglstersteffan, did you set a password to root?17:00
steffanvoglster: Guessing that my host did.17:00
Picisteffan: If you weren't the person to install Ubuntu onto that server then it is possible that the people who did had a root password set.  My VPS came like that as well.17:00
voglstersteffan, edit sshd and disable root?17:00
Dave___Can someone explain why when i extract something from an archive i have to close and reopen the folder to make it show up please (using the default Archive Manager).17:01
qm7my pc keeps completely freezing every 20 minutes or so, for the duration of 45 seconds or so. Can anyone help me with this?17:01
|NovaDave___:  it appears the folder doesn't auto-refresh17:01
|NovaDave___: is that so big of a problem, though?17:01
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voglsteris there anyway to reset the root password to nothing again? just curious17:01
X-Sleepy-XPici: Ok, this is a list of what has changed http://paste.ubuntu.com/443431/17:01
X-Sleepy-XPici: I think ubuntu-restricted-extras might have been affected.17:02
Dave___|Nova:  Not really but its just more convinient if it does17:02
magnenqm7, you using gnome or kde? lucid? you running any form of composition? which gfx card do you have? which driver are you using for your gfx card?17:02
a5h15hvoglster, magnen, there are 2 user accounts so 2 home directories..both dir can be viewed /modified from each account17:02
inckiehi, i just installed ubuntu server, but i won't boot, it starts up in the grub minimal bash-like console17:02
inckiewhat can i do?17:02
MAREK_BENCAnione know how to get steam working on ubuntu?17:02
llutzvoglster: usermod -L17:02
|NovaDave___:  alright :) , mine works though. I have no idea why it doesn't for you :(17:02
Zed`Anyone have some tips on getting thet wireless adaptor on a stinkpad A31p working?17:02
qm7magnen: just a sec I'll rephrase my question with that information included17:03
melioHeh Linux17:03
voglstera5h15h, thats how it is now or thats how you want to set it up?17:03
Dave___It was working until yesterday, |Nova17:03
=== |Nova is now known as Nova
eichihello, why can it happen, that ubuntu does not boot from live-cd with a maybe demaged hdd?17:03
sinosoidalhi everyone17:03
silencetonyhi,i'm a newer here17:03
sinosoidalis anyone having problems with libc segfaults in almost every basic thing of ubuntu?17:03
a5h15hvoglster, thats how it is now ..and i want it changed17:04
jakein ubuntu is there anyway to boot into single user mode?17:04
magnena5h15h, what are the permissions on the two folders? Are the users both in the same group?17:04
MAREK_BENCmelio what is so funny on that name17:04
qm7my pc keeps completely freezing every 20 minutes or so, for the duration of 45 seconds or so. I'm using gnome, lucid, no visual effects, nvidia graphics card and am using the proprietary driver. Can anyone help me with this?17:04
sinosoidalsince the last update i cant have gnome session, gnome-panel, synaptic and a lot of more thing working because of segfaults in libc17:04
fructoseAnyone know how to get a free shell account without having to mail anything? I'm not a spammer. I just want to cheat in a text-based game.17:04
voglstera5h15h, ls -Fla on the /home folder pastebin it if you dont know how to read the permissions17:04
killermaskguys i need help17:05
ZenMastawhen I try to use universal usb installer or unetbootin, I am unable to boot into ubuntu. instead the first screen I see is asking to install. but if I do try to install it prompts for the cd17:05
oCean_killermask: your perseverance is commendable. It amazes me, even17:05
inckiei just installed ubuntu server, but it won't boot, it starts up in the grub minimal bash-like console17:05
qm7fructose: that's impossible17:05
jakelibcups library is scrwed up and now i cannot boot ubunut17:06
voglsterfructose, cheater ;-)17:06
fructoseqm7: what's impossible?17:06
oCean_sinosoidal: on what version? On 10.04 no problems after latest updates17:06
killermaskwhen i type airodump-ng eth1 on the terminal an error appears ,,, somthing that i have to enable RFMON17:06
fructosevoglster: sshhh, the game is like 20 years old17:06
qm7fructose: finding a free shell. so please take it elsewhere.17:07
sinosoidaloCean_: yes, really akward. it is messing me the whole system17:07
earilmadith\join #ubuntu-nl17:07
killermaskwhen i type airodump-ng eth1 on the terminal an error appears ,,, somthing that i have to enable RFMON17:07
fructoseqm7: not impossible, thanks17:07
oCean_fructose: are you aware of the topic of this channel?17:07
qm7my pc keeps completely freezing every 20 minutes or so, for the duration of 45 seconds or so. I'm using gnome, lucid, no visual effects, nvidia graphics card and am using the proprietary driver. Can anyone help me with this?17:07
magnenqm7, when the freeze occur, does your logs (/var/log/messages, /var/log/syslog, /var/log/dmesg) give you any hint to why?17:07
sinosoidaloCean_: example: Jun  2 17:07:42 EDG-BRG-PC24 kernel: [27094.456375] gnome-panel[4862]: segfault at 4 ip 080ad2f9 sp bfbd4810 error 4 in gnome-panel[8048000+83000]17:07
killermaskwhen i type airodump-ng eth1 on the terminal an error appears ,,, somthing that i have to enable RFMON17:07
kenshiroHi all. Do you know if there is a low-latency kernel for ubuntu 10.04 ? I have linux-rt but I can't found linux-lowlatency17:08
llutz!repeat > killermask17:08
sinosoidali have already tried to downgrade the libc packages but the problem remains17:08
ubottukillermask, please see my private message17:08
sinosoidali just want to avoid to all cost to install a fresh ubuntu17:08
oCean_killermask: what are you even trying to accomplish? Illegal activities are not supported here17:08
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.17:10
voglsteroCean_, hes trying to hack his "own" protected wifi for testing "his" networks security (note definition of his and own may be different than yours)17:10
magnenlol voglster xD17:10
silencetonycan pidgin support audio & video call?17:11
silencetonyi wonder17:11
Galeriensilencetony: audio yes, video don't know17:11
RyanPvoglster: It's possible. The only time I've used aircrack was against networks I have rights to.17:11
MAREK_BENCcan anione tell me how to get steam working under Ubuntu?17:11
kenshiroHi all. Do you know if there is a low-latency kernel for ubuntu 10.04 ? I have linux-rt but I can't found linux-lowlatency17:11
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* kost{a}s_thess is away: Gone away for now17:11
magnenMAREK_BENC, I think there is just a matter of time before it is officially supported17:11
Galerienvoglster: we used it at school as an exemple of a bad security17:11
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oCean_!afk > kost{a}s_thess17:12
qm7magnen: Unrecovered read error - auto reallocate failed17:12
* kostas_thess__ is back.17:12
voglsterRyanP, true ;-) but probable?17:12
voglsterGalerien, so did i :-)17:12
wieshkahi everyone - what uses ubuntu - splashy or usplash ?17:12
MAREK_BENCmagnen , so I must wait, or not?17:12
voglsterGalerien, ahhh the time when all the wifi was wep17:12
wieshkai wnated to chnage that violet load screen to mine17:12
magnenMAREK_BENC, well, there are allot of guides to it, try googeling "linux steam" ;-)17:12
Galerienvoglster: and we tried to mess with the teacher's wifi.... and succeded17:12
Galerienvoglster: I don't know about your place, but it's easy to find in france17:13
dijonhi guys..  im having some trouble getting a cronjob to run under a user account.  whats odd is that of the 3 user accounts i have, only one isnt running. the other 2 have cron jobs that run just fine17:13
zegewieshka: which release?17:13
zegewieshka: 10.04 uses plymouth17:13
dijonany suggestions to point me in?17:13
RyanPvoglster: No.17:13
wieshkazege: whats that - something new ?17:13
magnenqm7, sounds like a HDD problem.. which would point to getting a new HDD17:13
wieshkais there easy way for modifications ?17:13
MAREK_BENCmagnen O.K. >8-)17:13
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jakeubunut will not boot completley17:13
wieshkayes it is 10.04 - with earlier versions i know how to :)17:13
zegewieshka: thats new for ubuntu, comes from redhat/fedora17:13
MACscrwow, anyone else had issues with flash on a web page almost crashing xorg? Whats odd is that it says its using 100% cpu, which make my system pretty much unusable, but i have a quad core server, so the other 3 cpu's should still have been available. Right?17:14
steffanWhat is the command to make it default so that when a new user is added, that user's home folder can only be seen by that user? I believe by default there are world read/execute permissions.17:14
wieshkazege: whats correct name to package ?17:14
qm7That's too bad magnen17:14
MACscrer, other cores17:14
zegewieshka: mom17:14
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wieshkaok zege thx - i will check out :)17:14
dan2hey guys I need some help here.  I've got a laptop with an nvidia card that has multiple outs, vga, and hdmi.  When I plug a screen into the HDMI port, it tries to make my HDMI screen my second screen17:14
lucid_lynxdoes anyone know why Java won't work in Opera 10.53?17:14
qm7magnen: how do you check to see that your hdd is healthy again?17:14
dan2how do I get my laptop to do normal behavior of one screen on and one screen off?17:15
zegewieshka: the packagename is plymouth, and there are some other packages for the themes17:15
llutzsteffan: look at /etc/adduser.conf17:15
wieshkadan2: use nvidia control panel :)17:15
Novacould anyone help me with making a bootable USB stick on ubuntu (not for ubuntu install)  ?  (pm me)17:15
dan2wieshka, I've tried every possible option in there it doesn't help17:15
voglsterGalerien, lol17:15
a5h15hvoglster, my connection disconnected17:15
steffanllutz: 0750 is what?17:15
magnenqm7, its hard, there are ways to make it test itself using SMART, but its not always good...17:15
llutzsteffan: man chmod17:16
guntbert!pm | Nova17:16
ubottuNova: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:16
voglstera5h15h, ok.....17:16
llutzsteffan: drwxr-x---17:16
Novacould you help me then, though?17:16
magnenqm7, by good i of course mean that SMART self test it is crap :P17:16
voglsterNova, take a look at unetbootin it works in windows and linux17:16
Novaok :)17:16
steffanllutz: What is the number so that only the person's /home can be seen by that user himself? No others users can see/write/execute17:17
voglsterNova, oh nevermind you want one that has persistence in it17:17
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:17
voglsterNova, hang on one sec17:17
zegedan2: try using the nvidia-screen.config tool (if you have the nvidia-driver)17:17
guntbertsteffan: 0700, but really have a look at the man page of chmod17:18
Novai have an iso with wXP which i want to dual boot and i have a 8GB usb stick17:18
llutzsteffan: 070017:18
Novaand ubuntu 10.4 lucid lynx installed17:18
llutzsteffan: man chmod         <- read it if you run a server17:18
voglsterNova, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:18
magnenqm7, http://www.howtoforge.com/checking-hard-disk-sanity-with-smartmontools-debian-ubuntu <-- could help, not sure though17:18
steffanguntbert: Is 0700 generally a good setting if you have multiple users on a server? I don't think it is required to be able to list/view/execute any other users files17:19
Novavoglster: I don't want to install ubuntu , i already have ubuntu :) i want to dual boot it with xp17:19
a5h15hvoglster, can we fix it?..also my computer turns off all of sudden ..any reason?17:19
llutzsteffan: its not" better" than 0750, depends on your owner/group settings17:19
steffanllutz: Where are those?17:20
magnenAnyone know of a (java/python/python-gtk) project in need of a dev? i am a Java dev with to much spare time :)17:20
guntbert!ot | magnen17:20
ubottumagnen: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:20
voglstera5h15h, can we fix what? sorry ive answered alot of questions, as for the system turning off could be alot of things most probably overheating ;-) at least thats what mine does17:20
llutzsteffan: ls -l /home     tells you.do yourself a favour,  read some basics17:20
Novamagnen go to #java17:20
voglstermagnen, or #python i would hazard a guess hehe17:21
steffanllutz: By default though, using 0700 then adding a ton of users would stop each one from seeing eachothers files?17:21
a5h15hvoglster, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/kv4XeEry17:21
llutzsteffan: yes17:21
* magnen slaps himself across the face with a trout and hides in a corner17:22
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voglstera5h15h, looks like only ashish has write privs to those files but all have read... execpt the Ubuntu One directory17:23
a5h15hvoglster, can we change the read permissions to not accessible?17:24
dan2this is fucking retarded17:25
dan2there's no competent way of doing dual screens with nvidia-xconfig17:25
voglstera5h15h, yes... the program you want to use is chmod try typing man chmod and reading a bit17:25
dan2where one screen is the laptop screen and the other is the main screen17:25
BluesKaj!language |dan217:25
ubottudan2: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:25
soreaudan2: The nvidia driver is retarded ;) doesn't even support xrandr1.217:26
X-Sleepy-XPici: Could you check if you have both linux-headers-generic and linux-headers-generic-pae installed?17:26
dan2soreau, I have a laptop that has hdmi ports and vga ports... and when I plug something into it, the driver wants to make it so that it's dual head rather than displaying on the attached screen17:26
X-Sleepy-XPici: It's the last piece of the puzzel...17:27
voglstera5h15h, i think you would want to cd /home17:27
Dantixhi all, I just installed a 9.1 as test on my new netbook, needed to compile the wifi usb adapter module (realtek 8188). After load the module wlan0 setups correctly but when I tryed to connect to a WPA protected AP the authentication windows comes backs again and again and never authenticates. What could be the problem?17:27
soreaudan2: Well that's a typical behavior.. the driver doesn't want to just disable the primary monitor17:27
voglsterand do a chmod o-r -R ./Ashish17:27
dan2soreau, maybe that's what it's supposed to do, but every way I try to configure it, my screen is offset on the connection coming over HDMI, and the smaller display is cut off17:28
voglsterthat should remove read privs from everything in the Ashish dir for everyone not in the Ashish group or actually Ashish17:28
blue_annahow do I search for a driver for a usb device?17:28
voglstera5h15h, look up forgot to add your name17:28
llutzblue_anna: use vendor/prod-id and google17:28
soreaudan2: obvious driver issue. maybe nouveau has support for hdmi outputs?17:29
a5h15hvoglster, what would this do?17:29
X-Sleepy-Xafter a normal installation of ubuntu i386 desktop i believe that you end up with only linux-headers-generic-pae. is this true or do you end up with linux-headers-generic or both of them?17:29
kevinluikensalthough this isn't ubuntu specific, if I get an error message "Buffer I/O error on device sdb, logical block 1" -- does that mean the hard drive is bad? My problems started when I restarted the machine and got back "GRUB read error" yesterday17:30
kevinluikensi can't even boot a live cd when the drive is plugged in anymore17:30
dan2soreau, but then I can't play back movies17:30
soreaudan2: Why not?17:30
dan2soreau, vdpau obviously will only work with the nvidia driver17:30
voglstera5h15h, chmod o-r will remove read privileges to a file from the "everyone" group as in anyone on the system17:30
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edbiankevinluikens, That means that there is an input/output (read / writing error) on the very first block of the hard drive.17:31
tintinHi!  i have an ubuntu 10.04 installation and i have a problem. At logon i select the language i want to work but when start i see that some programs take effect and appears with the language i select, but the system menus does not have the language, any ideas? i see that if i select the language after login on system --> language support everything goes ok17:31
soreaudan2: That is to say, with nouveau the outputs are correctly displayed?17:31
eichihow to see more infos while booting ubuntu 9.10 ?17:31
X-Sleepy-Xcould anyone check it for me?17:31
eichiit seems to boot without any ending17:31
kevinluikensedbian: Okay, it continues through the fourth block. Is there a way to fix this?17:31
X-Sleepy-Xin synaptics or something17:31
dan2soreau, what's really annoying me is that ubuntu doesn't honor the function key to switch screens turning one on and off17:31
blue_annallutz: thanks17:31
edbiankevinluikens, Is that your /  ?  How is /dev/sdb partitioned?17:32
RyanPGwibber doesn't want to start for me. From the command line I get the messages here: http://pastebin.com/65YzgZdP Could someone please help me figure out what's going on?17:32
soreaudan2: That is all virtually automated whenthe driver supports randr1.217:32
dan2soreau, ok, how do I test out nouveau?17:32
kevinluikensedbian: nope, it's a drive pulled from another machine17:32
soreaudan2: nouveau is the default in 10.04 before the nvidia driver is installed17:33
blue_annaanyone here understand argyll ?17:33
kevinluikensedbian: it should just a single partition, as 'ls /dev' only lists 'sdb17:33
voglsterRyanP, do you own the couchdb cache in your home dir? ;-)17:33
edbiankevinluikens, You should install gparted and take a look with that.  Do you know how to do that?17:33
dan2soreau, how do I undo it?17:33
soreaudan2: Depends on how you 'did' it ;)17:33
voglsterRyanP, line 19 should be a clue17:33
kevinluikensedbian: well, i've burnt gparted to a cd but i can't get that to boot17:34
edbiankevinluikens, /dev/sdb  represents the entire drive.  If it was 1 partition you'd see /dev/sdb1 and nothing else.  What you see means it's not mounted (probably because of these errors)17:34
kevinluikensi'll install it now17:34
kevinluikensedbian: ah okay17:34
edbiankevinluikens, You can run it on that drive because it's secondary.  No need to burn it to a CD.17:34
edbiankevinluikens, You can run gparted on a drive that isn't mounted.17:34
dan2soreau, now after uninstalling through the menu it's twice as screwed up17:35
a5h15hvoglster, thanks a lot..have a nice day17:35
voglstera5h15h, anytime ;-)17:35
soreaudan2: Just use a radeon card already ;)17:35
Dave___Whats a better GUI based archive program than the default archive manager ubuntu comes with?17:36
* voglster feels happy when he can actually help someone and give back to the irc community that has helped him so much17:36
eichihello, how can i see bootmessage on livecd? tried it with nosplash instead if splash17:36
magik_Hey guys, I'm wondering how i can make my ubuntu 10.4 menu bar fully transparent?17:36
soreaumagik_: menu bar?17:36
wieshka_zege: thx - figured out - already made my own theme :)17:36
magik_soreau: Nevermind, got it.17:36
dan2soreau, how do I regenerate xconfig?17:37
soreaueichi: probably want to omit 'quiet' too17:37
soreaudan2: Sometimes it has a command to regenerate it in xorg.conf or at least tell you who generated it17:38
voglsternewy1, yes your keyboard works17:38
soreaudan2: of course when switching graphics drivers you generally need to reboot the machine to reset the card17:38
=== wieshka__ is now known as wieshka
jakemy computer will not boot all the way into gnome and i cannot access run level 1 however playing w/ the initial boots and stuff i did manage to get to a prompt (not grub) but liek a run level prompt and now i cannot reproduce it17:39
voglsternewy1, guessing thats supposed to say no it does not17:39
soreaujake: You should be able to boot into recovery mode17:39
jakesoreau how do i do that?17:40
riboti have changed my motd file a few times, and the message is reverted somehow17:40
RyanPvoglster: I sure seem to. I have to admit that I don't know the precise file, but everything in my home directory is owned by me.17:40
soreaujake: In the grub menu entry, it should have at least two entries, one being recovery mode17:40
voglsterRyanP, lets reset all your couchdb files one sec17:41
X-Sleepy-XIs it normal to have both linux-headers-generic and linux-headers-generic-pae installed? Is it the default way or not?17:41
jakei have ubuntu -i386-standard-v2_(hd0,0)17:41
jakeand thats it17:41
jakethen i have17:41
dan2soreau, nouveau driver doesn't even bother to display on the other screen17:42
jakesoreau root, kernak..., and initrd17:42
voglsterRyanP, kill gwibber and gwibber-service, run a rm -fr ~/.cache/desktop-couch ~/.config/desktop-couch and ~/.local/share/desktop-couch, then run gwibber-service -d -o and pastebin the output17:42
soreaudan2: Can you pastebin the output of xrandr?17:43
dan2soreau, not easily, is there something in particular you're looking for17:43
soreaujake: Then on the kernel line, you would replace quiet with single17:43
soreaudan2: Yes, to see if it recognizes the monitor and weather it thinks it's using it17:44
dan2soreau, it says the hdmi connection is disconnected17:44
ribotis there some way to edit the motd without it reverting back?17:44
voglsterribot, chmod it so it cant be written to?17:44
soreaudan2: Ok, but I need to see the output to know the output names.. it would be something like 'xrandr --output $OUTPUT --auto'17:44
voglsterribot, chmod a-w /etc/motd17:44
X-Sleepy-XDoesn't anyone know the answer?17:45
voglsterribot, sudo chmod a-w /etc/motd17:45
soreaudan2: If the output name is 'hdmi' just use that in place of $OUTPUT17:45
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onetinsoldierX-Sleepy-X: sounds normal to me17:45
ribotok good idea voglster ... do you know why it would revert though17:45
voglsterribot, nope17:45
dan2soreau, that didn't do anything17:46
X-Sleepy-Xonetinsoldier: ok, well if you check in synaptic, do you have both or not?17:46
kevinluikensedbian: so gparted just finished scanning for devices, and i saw it say 'confirming /dev/sdb...' but it seems to be ignoring it?17:46
soreaudan2: Is there an * next to any of the modes for hdmi output?17:46
dan2soreau, there are no modes because it doesn't detect the connection17:46
dan2soreau, it's clearly plugged in17:46
soreaudan2: Ah ok sec17:46
edbiankevinluikens, Can you look at sdb?  Can you mount it?  Does it have a little orange triangle?  Can you "repair" it ?17:46
RyanPvoglster: Well.. that seems to work, now.17:47
onetinsoldierX-Sleepy-X: on my system...   dpkg -l linux-image* | grep ^ii  -->  linux-image-generic  -and-  linux-image-2.6.32-22-generic17:47
jakesoreau, that put a whole bunch of stuff up on the screeen as it booted then it died it is a black screeen w/ no promop17:47
voglsterRyanP, i dunno man when in doubt kill it all and start from scratch lol ;-)17:47
kevinluikensedbian: no, i don't seem to be able to look at it. i'm using the gui and it's not listed in the drop down list for devices. only /dev/sda is.17:47
soreaudan2: This works with radeon driver, not sure if nouveau implements it the same way or at all: xrandr --output $OUTPUT --set load_detection 117:47
onetinsoldierX-Sleepy-X: sorry. let me do the headers17:47
X-Sleepy-Xonetinsoldier: ;)17:48
RyanPvoglster: Yeah. Thanks for your help.17:48
voglsterRyanP, anytime17:48
soreaujake: that sucks man. How did this start happening?17:48
dan2soreau, doesn't work17:48
* voglster thinks its quakelive time17:48
edbiankevinluikens, Did gparted take a very long time to start up claiming it was "scanning devices" ??  Does /dev/sdb show up in the output of sudo fdisk -l  ?17:48
soreaudan2: Well I guess nouveau is to premature and nvidia driver too stubborn. radeon driver is much easier to work with17:49
kevinluikensedbian: i thought it took a while, but i have nothing to measure against.17:49
onetinsoldierX-Sleepy-X: on mine...    dpkg -l linux-head* | grep ^ii -->  linux-headers-generic , linux-headers-2.6.32-22, and linux-headers-2.6.32-22-generic17:49
jakesoreau my libcups2 was updating and the computer turned off and now im in the state17:49
dan2soreau, for your info, pressing function and screen swap key translates to the letter p in ubuntu17:49
matmati have 3 devices being listed by aplay -l, but alsamixer only gives me one to choose from17:49
soreaujake: Do you know how to boot a live cd and chroot into the file system?17:49
edbiankevinluikens, I'll put it this way, when I start gparted on my machine (with no errors on my hdd's) it starts in about 3 seconds17:50
matmathow can i make it let me choose another one?17:50
nmvictoris their a command to retrieve the CD_LABEL from while mounting a CD from the terminal, so that i would make the CD_LABEL the mount point of the CD?17:50
X-Sleepy-Xonetinsoldier: ok, so you don't have -pae ?17:50
kevinluikensedbian: ah, then yes very slow. fdisk got through the sda partitions immediately and is now "hanging"17:50
X-Sleepy-Xonetinsoldier: because i believe i only had -pae and now i have both after doing sudo tasksel install ubuntu-desktop17:50
edbiankevinluikens, You have a problem with this hdd17:50
xompmy issue with the debian download: http://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/5.0.4/i386/bt-cd/17:50
onetinsoldierX-Sleepy-X: no, becuase i'm not using a pea kernel. you must be running a 32-bit system and wanted to take advantage of 4 GB or more of ram, is my guess17:51
edbiankevinluikens, ha ha, in case that wasn't obvious.  Now maybe we can figure out what it is.  Let fdisk work...17:51
xompwhy isn't that all the cd images?17:51
jakesoreau i got it so i have a promtp17:51
kevinluikensedbian: okay, any suggestions/ideas on how to recover some data?17:51
nmvictorkevinluikens: is that a complaint or what, in about 3 secs is first enough17:51
kevinluikensedbian: haha, yeah..17:51
ElbNerdHey y'all! I want to change the path, a symbolic link points to, WITHOUT deleting the link. Somehow it failes. I tried this http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/398435/ <- Do you folks have an idea?17:51
soreaujake: Ok now first thing to do is 'apt-get update && apt-get upgrade'17:51
tintinHi!  i have an ubuntu 10.04 installation and i have a problem. At logon i select the language i want to work but when start i see that some programs take effect and appears with the language i select, but the system menus does not have the language, any ideas? i see that if i select the language after login on system --> language support everything goes ok17:51
X-Sleepy-Xonetinsoldier: Ok, thank you for helping me out! :)17:51
edbiankevinluikens, I've never done that sort of thing.  All I can say is that dd might be helpful because it works a the bit level and you don't have to explicitly mount the device.  There are other tools specifically for that sort of thing though.17:51
soreaujake: Make sure that returns without error17:51
onetinsoldierX-Sleepy-X: sorry, not typing very well yet, just woke up here ;-)17:51
onetinsoldierX-Sleepy-X: sure, you're welcome17:52
kevinluikensnmvictor: a complaint about fdisk? no -- just an indication that the other disk is not functioning properly, hence the hanging17:52
microbalrogI have a small problem with the unrar program17:52
jakehow do i do an IFup for wireless?17:52
nmvictorkevinluikens: ok17:52
kevinluikensedbian: that's true and might work, thanks. i'll update when fdisk finishes if there's anything to report17:52
soreaujake: ifconfig $IFACE up17:53
microbalrogit claims that any .rar files it tries to open are empty17:53
edbiankevinluikens, Ok.  Good luck!17:53
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sulleikonia, I still dont get it, i downloaded ubuntu-desktop through the terminal, and it still looks like ubuntu netbookremix, the only diffrence is that i got more programs.17:53
microbalrogand when it is ordered to extract them just creates an empty folder17:53
microbalrogand names it after the file17:53
soreaujake: Replace $IFACE with the real name of the interface (as reported by ifconfig)17:53
microbalrogwhat to do, what to do?17:53
nmvictoris their a way i could install truecrypt in ubuntu powerpc17:53
jakeit  says gnoring unknowninterface wlan017:53
kevinluikensedbian: thanks for your help!17:54
soreaujake: what says that?17:54
jakeifup wlan017:54
soreaujake: use ifconfig wlan0 up17:54
edbiankevinluikens, No problem!  (shot in the dark here: sometimes it helps a lot if you can get the HDD cooled off)17:54
nmvictorcan i use irssi behind a proxy?17:54
comagmicrobalrog: maybe the unrar shipped with ubuntu is unable to read your rars17:55
sulleI just installed ubuntu-desktop through the terminal, and nothing happened, i only got more programs on my ubuntu netbookremix, what to dooo ?17:55
microbalrog<comag> microbalrog: maybe the unrar shipped with ubuntu is unable to read your rars <- it didn't ship with Ubuntu17:55
microbalrogI installed it17:55
Doctehsulle: did you log out and then log back in?17:55
comagmicrobalrog: then you installed the wrong ;)17:55
brianlI am trying to get my wireless working, im have a bcm4311 network card and i need to install the drivers, what is the best way to go about doing this?17:55
microbalrogwhich is the right, then?17:56
sulleDocteh, yes i restarted the whole thing17:56
RyanPsulle: You probably have to select "Ubuntu" when you log on, rather than netbook, or whatever it's called.17:56
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jakeit just returns to the prompt17:56
soreaujake: that indicates success17:56
BluesKajbrianl, network manager should work with that card17:56
sulleRyanP, i dont get to choose, it logs in automatic.17:56
comagmicrobalrog: there are an open source implementation and a closed source binary which is better17:56
brianlBluesKaj: i just installed ubuntu, im running all the updates in update manager, and then it should see it in network manager?17:56
BluesKajbrianl, yes17:57
jakenetwork is unreachable it says17:57
sullebrb restarting one more time17:57
soreaujake: What command is giving you that message? kinda hard for us to guess :P17:57
microbalrogis  sudo apt-get install unrar the right one?17:57
jakehaha sorry about that i did an ifup wlan0 up17:57
brianlBluesKaj: okay.. I will try. Thank you17:57
soreaumicrobalrog: That will attempt install unrar17:58
soreau!info unrar17:58
ubottuunrar (source: unrar-nonfree): Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.9.3-1 (lucid), package size 100 kB, installed size 248 kB17:58
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nmvictor!info irssi17:58
ubottuirssi (source: irssi): terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.14-1ubuntu4 (lucid), package size 1064 kB, installed size 2872 kB17:58
jakeit returns to the prompt then i did a ping (that is my router) then i tried a which is another computer on the network here17:58
microbalrogI installed that soreau17:58
RyanPsulle: Select System -> Administration -> Login Screen. Unlock it and select "GNOME as default session."17:58
lucid_lynxhow do I install the C/C++ version of Eclipse in Lucid?17:58
comagmicrobalrog: http://rarlab.com/download.htm17:58
kevinluikensedbian: all fdisk ended up telling me was to gparted because fdisk GUID Partition Table17:58
soreaujake: Why are you trying to use ifup? The iface should already be up if 'ifconfig wlan0 up' succeeded17:58
kevinluikensedbian: fdisk doesn't support *17:58
duryhi there channel :)17:59
soreaumicrobalrog: Good for you, now you can extract rar archives17:59
edbiankevinluikens, Interesting.  What format is /dev/sdb1 ??17:59
BluesKajbrianl, if it doesn't show up, try ,sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source , then reboot.17:59
onetinsoldier!hi | dury17:59
ubottudury: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:59
jakei did an ifconfig wlan0 up sorry17:59
kevinluikensedbian: you mean the filesystem? ext2.17:59
helois there a good fraps-like screen capture program for X?17:59
microbalrogsoreau: and yet I can't actually install rar archives17:59
edbiankevinluikens, Yeah something is wrong.  fdisk should be able to read that.18:00
brianlBluesKaj: Okay thanks18:00
edbiankevinluikens, How did you format it originally?  Using gparteD?18:00
helothe term i should have used is "video capture"18:00
brianlBluesKaj: can i use yum with ubuntu? or would apt-get be the best option?(most up-to-date)18:00
Pici!screencast | helo18:00
ubottuhelo: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.18:00
duryonetinsoldier: what's up over there... first of all. how do you doing?18:00
BluesKaj!apt \brianl18:00
soreaumicrobalrog: What do you mean 'install rar archives'? You should be able to extract or decompress them..18:00
onetinsoldierhelo: i don't know how good it is, but there's recordmydesktop18:00
edbianbrianl, apt-get is the best option.  yum would be a mess so unbelievably large it would boggle your mind.18:01
microbalrogyes that's what I meant18:01
BluesKaj!apt |brianl18:01
ubottubrianl: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)18:01
kevinluikensedbian: that i'm not sure about. i said this was my drive for simplicity, but i'm actually trying to recover it for a co-worker. so, not sure and he probably won't remember.18:01
Ast001I can't connect to Ubuntu server via ssh without password. I got this error > PEM_read_PrivateKey failed18:01
voglsteredbian, i 2nd that18:01
microbalrogsorau: what I mean is I already installed unrar, or at least Terminal is telling me that18:01
brianlokay, i was told by somone that apt was outdated or something, but it from someone using fedora ;\18:01
soreaujake: I assume you're trying to connect to the wireless ap. Does iwconfig show wlan9 iface?18:01
microbalrogsorau: and yet clicking on any .rar files just claims the archives have no files in them18:01
BluesKajbrianl, ubuntu doesn't use yum for it's sources]18:01
microbalrogsoreau: which is untrue as I have several different archives tht several other people have used them successfully18:02
comagmicrobalrog: try it via command line18:02
duryis there a package or application to edit pdf files?18:02
onetinsoldierdury: good, thanks how are you? keep in mind this is a support channel for Ubuntu OS. if desire to just chat, need to join #ubuntu-offtopic or we can get kicked ;-)18:02
soreaumicrobalrog: How are you trying to extract them exactly?18:02
microbalrogsoreau: by opening the directory the .rar files are in18:02
onetinsoldier!info recordmydesktop18:02
ubotturecordmydesktop (source: recordmydesktop): Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop session. In component universe, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 54 kB, installed size 152 kB18:02
edbiankevinluikens, You LIAR!  ha ha.  Doesn't matter.  I'm curious what program would format ext2 with a partition table not supported by fdisk.  I suspect it was some goofy windows app.18:03
microbalrogsoreau: clicking extract18:03
microbalrogsoreau: or just clicking on the files18:03
microbalrogsame result18:03
duryonetinsoldier: ok I will consider what you said... don't you worry!18:03
kevinluikensedbian: haha :) and  i could see that being the case.18:03
onetinsoldierdury: cheers :)18:03
soreaumicrobalrog: Can you try opening one with file-roller?18:04
duryonetinsoldier: by the way... is there any application or package I can install to edit pdf files?18:05
Ast001scribus ?18:05
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mkanyicyi changed the hostname now everytime i boot the gnome keyring manager makes the system to hang, I have to resort to going to virtual console CTRL+ALT+F1 and do a killall -9 there18:06
mkanyicyi changed the hostname now everytime i boot the gnome keyring manager makes the system to hang, I have to resort to going to virtual console CTRL+ALT+F1 and do a killall -9 there. How can i fix this issue?18:06
onetinsoldierdury: http://live.gnome.org/PdfMod  -  http://ubuntu-tweak.com/source/pdfmod-team-ppa/18:06
Doctehmkanyicy: did you edit /etc/hosts18:06
Ast001sorry scribus can't edit pdf read this http://www.scribus.net/?q=faq/pdfsurgery18:07
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash18:07
mkanyicyDocteh, yes both /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname18:07
soreaumicrobalrog: Please keep it in this room18:07
nmvictori LOVE IRSeekBot18:07
soreaumicrobalrog: Try unrar --help18:07
microbalrogthat gives me a list of commands18:08
microbalrogfive miles long18:08
onetinsoldierAst001: try pdfmod...  http://live.gnome.org/PdfMod  -  http://ubuntu-tweak.com/source/pdfmod-team-ppa/18:08
soreaumkanyicy: have you tried remove --purge gnome-keyring and reinstall it?18:08
Doctehmkanyicy: i'd double check that, if hostname is swordy.sword you need that under the line, not just swordy18:08
jakesoreau i got an IP and im doing the updates now18:09
soreaumicrobalrog: It's a very short list and if you just read it you'd see unrar e /path/to/file.rar....18:09
mkanyicysoreau, i'vent tried that, let me try it18:10
mozaHi, i was advised to use forticlient ssl vpn to connect to one vpn network and i was wondering if there was any alternative that was more fitted to ubuntu for SSL VPN connections?18:10
soreaujake: cool18:10
theadminWhere are default wallpapers saved?18:10
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mkanyicyDocteh, I've been changing hostnames like that for years without problem, I suggest ubuntu come up with a simple-minded way to click and change a hostname18:11
soreautheadmin: you mean the gnome wallpapers?18:11
Ast001for pdf edit you can do this sudo apt-get install pdfedit18:11
theadminsoreau: yah18:11
jakemy ubuntu now wants to start into KDE instead of gnome but it has error18:12
mwensalut tout le monde18:12
PrototypeX29Ahi, when i use ctrl-e in evolution to expunge my deleted mail, i will get the Message "Error while Expunging folder.18:12
PrototypeX29AConnection reset by peer"18:12
soreautheadmin: Tip: try hovering over one of the images in the appearance dialog18:12
LjL!fr | mwen18:12
ubottumwen: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:12
Doctehmkanyicy: file a bug at launchpad?18:12
guntbert!hostname | mkanyicy18:13
ubottumkanyicy: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.18:13
soreaujake: What's the error?18:13
ikoniasoreau: just the man, can I dump a quick pm your way ?18:13
dubbegood evening18:13
mkanyicysoreau, no I cant do that, it will remove update-manager* update-notifier* network-manager-gnome* etc18:13
soreauikonia: dump?18:13
theadminsoreau: Seems it's /usr/share/backgrounds/18:13
ikoniasoreau: send18:13
soreautheadmin: Hey, there it is ;)18:13
mweni love console, but i wanna know how to connect to an other computer through console18:14
soreauikonia: sure..18:14
theadminmwen: ssh18:14
mwenjust type : ssh computer_name?18:14
mkanyicyguntbert, did just that18:14
dubbemwen: ssh?18:14
Pici!ask | newy118:14
ubottunewy1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:14
jakekwin is unstable18:14
theadminmwen: meh it's more complicated then this and I'm not using ssh so dunno, ask someone else18:15
soreaumkanyicy: Doesn't matter. Just copy the list of everything it's going to remove then just reinstall gnome-keyring should pull it all back in and you can check with the list you copied of everything in removed18:15
mecoWhy do I get this: sudo: update-flashplugin: command not found18:15
onetinsoldiermkanyicy: clickable method to change hostname is... System --> Administration --> Network18:15
mkanyicyonetinsoldier, ok, thanks very much18:16
onetinsoldiermkanyicy: you're welcome18:16
zleapis there any software that can help manage room hire18:16
mwenhow to use combination key for special letter on ubuntu like windows18:16
s4z3nvoglster: it worked18:16
kristehallo, my ubuntu stops mount usb drive (drive is working) what to change to continue joy.18:16
zleapi.e room number / name,  whos hiring, and time / date18:16
voglsters4z3n, wonderful18:16
mkanyicyonetinsoldier, there is only Network Tools and it doesnt have that feature18:17
ecolitani want to run virtual machines under on my desktop, intel 64 bit. what is the best way to go?18:17
dubbeecolitan, have you tried vbox?18:17
ecolitannot yet, have tried installing xen but failed18:17
mecoI'm following the instructions for installing Flash at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash. Now I'm getting this error:  "sudo: update-flashplugin: command not found" What should I do?18:18
dubbeecolitan, i've only tired vmware and vbox, i like vbox more... havn't tried it on intel 64 bit thou18:18
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wadHi, folks. I've plugged in a USB Plantronics headset dongle, but it doesn't do anything. I checked "lsusb" and something shows up there: "C-Media Electronics, Inc.". But nothing shows up in the audio hardware devices dialog, or anywhere else. And of course, the headphones and mic don't do anything. What sorts of things should I try?18:19
onetinsoldiermkanyicy: ok, give me a few moments18:19
Somelauw:join #friendlycoders18:19
onetinsoldiermkanyicy: do you have this package installed? --> gnome-nettool18:21
fillayyHello, I was wondering if anyone could help me with my mobile broadband?18:21
kristehallo, my ubuntu stops mount usb drive (drive is working). how to make it working again???18:21
brianlBluesKaj: Okay i installed b43fwcutter, its still not working...18:21
Dr_Willismeco:  to ibnstall flash on 10.04 i normally just install teh flashplugin-installer package and thats it..18:21
mkanyicyonetinsoldier, yes its the one that is called Network Tools18:21
fillayyHello, I was wondering if anyone could help me with my mobile broadband?18:22
mecoDr_Willis: It's 8.0418:22
Dr_Willis!info flashplugin-installer18:22
ubottuflashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 19 kB, installed size 184 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)18:22
guntbertmeco: I looked through that page- further down there is an instruction to install libflash-mozplugin, maybe you need that for update-flashplugin to exist18:22
Dr_Willismeco:  that makes it harder then. Good Luck.18:22
mecoguntbert: I'll try that18:22
BluesKajbrianl, in the terminal, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart18:22
mecoDr_Willis: ;-)18:22
brianlBluesKaj: still no...18:24
dubbeIs there no way to make the volume notification a bit nicer in ubuntu 10.04, it feels like it doesn't fit in18:24
fillayyHello, I was wondering if anyone could help me with my mobile broadband?18:24
dubbeask! | fillayy18:24
guntbert!details | fillayy18:24
ubottufillayy: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:24
fillayyI apologize.18:24
BluesKajbrianl, in the terminal, sudo dhclient wlan018:24
dominicdinadaonetinsoldier: hey bud, have you worked with LAMP ?18:25
brianlBluesKaj: okay its doing some stuff...18:25
fillayyI am running Ubuntu version 10.04. I currently have the Sprint network on an HP mini. Since I installed Ubuntu, I have no clue as to how to get things rolling.18:25
guntbertfillayy: don't apology, but the help you can get depends greatly on what we know about your problem :-)18:25
onetinsoldiermkanyicy: go here... System --> Preferences --> Main Menu  ...on the left bottom click on 'Administration', then look on the right and see if 'Network' is enabled18:26
brianlBluesKaj: Okay, that is done?18:26
atrusis it possible/useful to use network-manager on a headless system? i'm looking for a solution that will just enable whatever wired interfaces are available, without me having to list them in /etc/network/interfaces18:26
onetinsoldierdominicdinada: no... know next to nothing about it. only know what it is18:26
BluesKajbrianl, in the terminal, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart , again18:27
atrus(specifically, i'm in a virtualization setting, where the mac address can change, so the interfaces get renumbered frequently)18:27
fillayyI am running Ubuntu version 10.04. I currently have the Sprint network on an HP mini. Since I installed Ubuntu, I have no clue as to how to get things rolling.18:27
jakewhat is the comand so that i can see all hidden files in terminal?18:27
dominicdinada:( stupid LAMP install I cant figure out my problem i mean XAMPP, Apachefriends builds work flawlessly but since i switched to the aptitude packages I can18:27
brianlBluesKaj: Okay, what im doing is looking in network connections and under the wireless tab i dont see any networks?18:27
dominicdinadaCant figure out what the default settings are that are different that causes everything to break18:28
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mkanyicyonetinsoldier, alacarte crashes with this message: 'IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/mkanyicy/.config/menus/applications.menu''18:28
onetinsoldiermkanyicy: strange. don't know18:28
mkanyicyonetinsoldier, but when I use sudo alacarte it shows up18:28
guntbertjake: ls -a18:29
brianlBluesKaj: do i need to restart my computer?18:29
looki have a probelm with ubuntu enterprise server, im trying to set it up with Eucalyptus but my Node does not see the Cluster. Ive checked to see if they are on the same subnet and they have there own class B ip18:29
guntbertlook: there is #ubuntu-server specially for server problems18:30
onetinsoldiermkanyicy: sounds like you got something not configured quite right with your regular user there. i can only think the user is not part of the admin/adm groups? don't know tho really18:30
BluesKajbrianl, does any info show in WLAN0 ,try,  iwconfig18:30
brianlBluesKaj: yeah18:30
fillayyI am running 10.04 on an HP mini. I am using a built in Sim card, not USB for the broadband. My computer does not recognize that I even have mobile broadband, what do I do?!18:30
mkanyicyonetinsoldier, 'uid=1000(mkanyicy) gid=1000(mkanyicy) groups=4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),46(plugdev),106(lpadmin),121(admin),122(sambashare),1000(mkanyicy)'18:31
onetinsoldiermkanyicy: roger. that looks correct. strange18:31
Dr_Willisfillayy:  i would check the forums for your exact brand card. Its possible it has no linux support..18:31
onetinsoldiermkanyicy: when i type 'id', i get the same thing18:31
BluesKajyeah, brianl ?18:32
brianlBluesKaj: yes info does show.. IEEE 802.11bg  ESSID:off/any18:32
brianland some other stuff18:32
isam_When I access http://localhost/~myusername/info.php Firefix tries to download the unparsed file. But this is working perfectly: http://localhost/info.php... please help.18:32
guntbertisam_: probably #httpd will be more helpful in such a case18:33
brianlBluesKaj: is it because my eth0 is connected?18:33
jakethansk and how do i make it so that its less like i can see everythign and need to hit space to scroll down18:33
BluesKajuhm brianl , yeah, that could be it18:34
brianlOkay, i will try.18:34
guntbertjake: ls -a | less18:34
guntbert!cli | jake18:34
ubottujake: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro18:34
jakei only have termainal at the moment my X is dead18:35
onetinsoldiermkanyicy: i would ask thr room why your having trouble with alacarte18:35
jribHi, when I ssh between two lucid systems, typing seems sluggish in the sense that when i type a character at the shell prompt it takes almost a second to appear.  How can I stop this from happening?18:36
totalnubaudio issues, sound plays fine for a bit, then cuts out....happens in vlc and audacious. flash player also plays for 30sec, then "fastforwards" and loses audio. running 10.04 32bit nv drivers18:37
newy1What to do keys that do not work: \sdgh,vbm Shift I'm on a acer aspire laptop with ubuntu 10.04?18:37
brianlBluesKaj: Okay, i restarted the computer, and it works now. Thank you18:38
Dr_Willisnewy1:  rephrase/clarify the problem.18:38
BluesKajbrianl, good :)18:39
mithridatesI wanna set my user as the default user for login in ubuntu18:39
Dr_WillisAstyx:  yes?18:39
brianlBluesKaj: is there anything else i need to update, since i just installed ubuntu?18:39
mithridateshow do I do that?18:39
PiciAstyx: Please stop.18:39
Dr_Willismithridates:   system -> admin -> login   config tool18:39
Dr_WillisWas that test a success or a phail? :)18:39
mithridatesDr_Willis: thanks18:39
voglsterDr_Willis, both imo18:40
Dr_Williswell im gone for the day - i have to go study for my blood test.18:40
Loshkijrib: could be client, server, or the network in between. Can you eliminate any of the candidates?18:41
BluesKajbrianl, one thing you should do is edit your /etc/apt/sources.list to include the repositories that are commented out for legal reasons , and if you are into media /video /music etc then after updating (sudo apt-get update) your sources, then run sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras.18:43
tripelbI do declare, 10.04 took 10 minutes to get going from the liveCD. Is this normal? (Dell 4600)18:43
SorrellHey guys, Does anyone know if you can use compiz with 3 monitors?18:43
jribLoshki: pinging the server takes about 300ms, so I don't think it's the connection. Let me go try a different system to the same server to figure out where to explore further18:43
brianlBluesKaj: okay, thank you18:43
Nadleyhi everybody18:44
guntbertjrib: top on the server could tell you if it is under heavy load18:44
NadleyI'll looking for help to use vdpau on Lucid18:44
isam_thumbs: the lines already exists :(18:45
massimobuona sera18:45
Loshkijrib: 300ms ping time is acceptable so that's not it. Standing by...18:45
guntbert!it | massimo18:46
ubottumassimo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:46
mguyguntbert: top can be a heavy load by itself18:46
tripelbIs this true? -> all Ubuntu since 8 has compiz and it runs all the time.  (or dont I? - I've noted that I cannot choose to do any of the "special effects".)18:46
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guntbertmguy: really?18:47
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jribLoshki, guntbert: load is okay on the server.  It appears to be a client issue as it's very responsive if I connect to the server on an OS X machine in my office18:47
pgpkeystripelb ~ no that is not true18:47
soreautripelb: Which gpu do you have?18:47
soreauIf it's intel you're probably screwed18:47
Loshkijrib: That's progress at least. Something special about the client?18:47
guntbertjrib: next test: ssh localhost18:47
Prometheshi, i have lucid lynx and i experience problems with rhythmbox - slow collection scrolling (jerky) when using slider and when using mouse wheel. Anyone knows how to fix this?18:47
jribguntbert: but that requires me to install the server on my laptop :(  okay, I will do so, one sec18:48
tripelbpgpkeys, hi. I have it or I dont?  (I just looked up - what is compiz. Totally curiosity. I dont know if I have a need to know but I have heard the term in here.)18:48
soreautripelb: The special effects == compiz in ubuntu18:48
pgpkeysdpkg -l | grep compiz (look for ii in the very first column)18:48
newy1\sdgh,vbm Space   keys  do nothing I'm on a acer aspire laptop with ubuntu 10.04. I type in open office with "insert special key" and paste in irc.18:48
jribLoshki: not that I can think of.  All I have in ~/.ssh/config is host definitions18:49
KdESalut les Linuxiens, y aurait-t-il quelqu'un qui puisse m'aider ?18:49
guntbert!fr | KdE18:49
Loshki!fr | KdE18:49
ubottuKdE: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:49
pgpkeysand apt-cache search compiz and see what the small description says (I am using grep there because I don't know if its compiz-bin or some other package name and that will grab ANY compiz related package that is installed and display its status18:49
jribguntbert, Loshki: ssh localhost does not exhibit the unresponsive behavior18:50
Promethesmy ubuntu 10.4 hangs up sometimes on boot time, splash screen stays forever. Anyone knows something about that?18:51
pgpkeyswhat happens if you modify your grub.cfg to remove the splash and reboot a few times. see where it's hanging18:51
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guntbertjrib: strange ... hmmm ... did you start the ssh session to the remote server from CLI?18:51
pgpkeysrerun grub-install /dev/yourdev (whatever your device is)18:51
pgpkeysonce you modify the /boot/grub/grub.cfg that is18:52
jribguntbert: yes, I am just running ssh host18:52
Promethespgpkeys: thanx, i will try that. Logs says nothing so far so i don't know what causes this hang up18:53
tripelbthe old X in the "taskbar" for XCHAT was easy to distinguish and choose. Now there's some vague nubbin. Can I get the X back?18:53
pgpkeyspromethes ~ nothing in dmesg or /var/log/lastlog ?18:53
brianlHow can i get flash installed to work with firefox?18:54
brianlIt says its already installed, but its not working18:54
guntbertjrib: last idea (before going to eat) - open a second connection -- same unresponsiveness or not?  (just fishing in dark water :-))18:54
pgpkeysdmesg | less  && tail -n 300 -f /var/log/lastlog18:54
jribguntbert: same (tried before)18:54
pgpkeys9so when you hit enter at the last line of the dmesgt output it automatically will launch looking at the lastlog18:54
pgpkeysyeah I can SO not type today18:54
axythi, anyone using ubuntu on eee 1000h?18:54
tripelbpgpkeys, I see the ii in several lines. Now I'm playing with something I read in technomania and it's loading drivers. I put some chinese video card that someone gave me in - and it seems like it is an Nvidia card. At present, trying to load the driver/s.18:55
Loshkijrib: so, not the network, not the client, and not the server? Which client os and which server os (clutching at straws...)...18:55
guntbertjrib: pity -- well I'm off for now - Good luck :-)18:55
jribLoshki: both ubuntu lucid18:55
jribguntbert: thanks :)18:55
pgpkeystripelb ~ got ya. I use ATI (almost as bad) so can't help with the nvidia but it should be pretty much loading the related nvidia driver from non-free if its a newer card18:55
jribLoshki: I'll have to try with a new user maybe18:56
tripelbI do declare, 10.04 took 10 minutes to get going from the liveCD. Is this normal? (Dell 4600)18:56
jenue2is 10.04 good?18:56
jribjenue2: i like it, try it out and see if you do too :)18:56
tripelbHow do I make some chars bold in here? This 10.04 xchat doesnt do it with control-B18:56
jribLoshki: thanks, I also have to step out for a bit18:56
pgpkeyserrr don't do bold.18:56
jribtripelb: this channel doesn't allow it18:56
pgpkeysthat's nasty18:56
Loshkijrib: understood. Best of luck...18:57
henriquelmHello there18:57
jribtripelb: you can use *asterisks* or bold and /slashes/ for italic :)18:57
tripelbpgpkeys, ok I wont do it in here. jrib - will it work in another server?18:57
jribtripelb: it will work in a channel that isn't +c18:58
cdh473I have a question.18:58
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:58
tripelbjrib, _good plan_18:58
jribtripelb: :)18:58
actionparsnipyo yo yo18:58
henriquelmI'm setting up a ldap server with ubuntu 10.04 according to ubuntu's documentation, but I'm getting an error msg when I try to use the command ldap search "ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)". What should I do?18:58
mabayHello. I have successfully installed Lucid Lynx Netbook remix on my eePC. Now I would like to view the "classic" Ubuntu desktop environment, like on the Desktop version. How do I achieve that?18:59
tripelbLIVECD, first time ever with 10.04 - it took 10 minutes to get going from the liveCD. Is this normal? (Dell 4600)18:59
Doctehmabay: have to install it, ubuntu-desktop also need to set it as the default session if you're automatically logging in, but i dont know the answer to that19:00
cdh473I'm wanting to install BackTrack 4 off the liveCD, it's a DVD+R if that helps any. I want to set it up to dual boot with ubuntu, but I need to resize the sda1 partition. How would one go about doing this without erasing any data accidentally?19:00
BluesKajcdh473, ask your question19:00
isam_does ubuntu come with ftp client?19:00
xangua!backtrack | cdh47319:00
ubottucdh473: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)19:00
cdh473okay :)19:00
cdh473thank you, I'm quite new to linux19:01
mguytripelb: How much ram/cpu?19:01
xanguaisam_: id doesn't i believe, if not you can install it from the repository19:01
mabayDocteh: No I mean that gui, I don't want the netbook-ish guy19:01
mabayDocteh: I just want the normal desktop19:01
Doctehif you just installed the netbook remix there is no normal desktop installed, or did you install it already?19:02
mawstI don't understand why you would dualboot backtrack and ubuntu cdh473. The same tools are available in ubuntu19:03
cdh473I've got my own personal reasons :)19:03
voglsterany suggestions fora python ide in linux?19:03
cdh473voglster: IDLE19:03
mawstVery well.19:03
cdh473voglster: If you havent tried that yet19:03
thankyoucan somebody help me? i want to "cd" on a dir which is shared on a windows server19:04
voglstercdh473, nope havent ;-)19:04
mguythankyou: over the network using samba?19:04
BluesKajcdh473, try the gparted live cd iso  partition editor19:05
thankyouehm i can mount it using samba gui, but i can't get it working in a terminal19:05
cdh473Ahh, thank you. I already have a copy of that19:05
kriss3dmawst,  not all the same tools are available19:06
bonkgrHello...I need some major help please!19:06
mawstYou can use the sources, but I guess I'm old fashioned that way.19:06
mawstI don't really use anything beyond aircrack and macchanger19:06
mawstand iw19:07
bonkgrWhen I try to boot into netbook remix, I get a display error...19:07
actionparsnipbonkgr: is that on an installed system or the liveCD?19:08
bonkgran installed system...19:08
bonkgrIt was working fine, and I was trying to install a usb network device...19:09
faissalyou damn niggers19:09
actionparsnipbonkgr: a new install or an upgrade or a long standing install?19:09
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actionparsnip!ohmy | faissal19:09
ubottufaissal: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.19:09
madjoeis anyone familiar with LAMP on Ubuntu? I'd like to set /var/www/myfolder/ as a default folder if accessed with the domain name... I need a hint...19:09
bonkgrLong standing...happened after I reinstalled Network Manager...19:09
actionparsnipbonkgr: if you press ALT+F2 do you get the run bo? If so you could launch the gui from there19:10
boingis vbox a good program for running a virtual machine19:10
bonkgrYou lost me...ALT+F2 from where?19:10
burninhello, I have a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.04 32bit on a system with an Nvidia GeForce 5900 GPU, all was looking good until I installed the 173xx Nvidia driver package and rebooted, I now get an Ubuntu splash screen, then the monitor goes out of sync and the systems appears to be locked up.19:12
J_Phi all19:12
burninDo I need to boot a rescue image to remove the nvidia package?19:12
bonkgrI can get to a command line...what is the command to run gui from there?19:12
J_PAre there a good virtual keyboard on ubuntu 10.4?19:12
|jonathan|i wnna set up ubuntu in my c drive and dont want to formt the d drive.. how can i do that19:13
|jonathan|tell me some one19:13
isam_how can i install tahoma font?19:13
actionparsnipburnin: try booting to recovery root console and running: nvidia-xconfig   then reboot19:13
actionparsnip!font | isam_19:13
ubottuisam_: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer19:13
bonkgrljonathan:  shouldn't have to format d: drive...19:14
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burninactionparsnip: is the recovery root console on the install iso? or is there a keyboard sequence needed during the boot process from the hard drive?19:14
|jonathan|bonkgr how can i install ubuntu in only c drive and use it with the whole d drive19:14
magik__Hey guys, I was working on a peice of art in gimp and I think i pressed something by accident and then it just dissapeared. I'm not sure where it has gone but i check all workstations and checked the processes list and its not there. Have i lost it forever!? :(19:14
actionparsnipburnin: hold shift at boot, choose recovery mode, then choose root19:15
burninactionparsnip: will do, thanks19:15
well_laid_lawn|jonathan|: after you install ubuntu you mount the d drive19:15
magik__Can anyone help me???????????????????????????/19:16
well_laid_lawn!fstab | |jonathan|19:16
ubottu|jonathan|: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions19:16
bonkgrDo you want to use D as storage, or as part of the os?  If just storage, just install on C: and the os will allow you to mount D: and do what you want...19:16
|jonathan|well_laid_lawn lemme see that19:16
|jonathan|well_laid_lawn do u hav any illustrate copy .. which shows the installing process?19:16
magik__Please somebody help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!19:16
boingmagik__, patience19:16
faissalwhats the issue19:17
well_laid_lawn|jonathan|: no - the partitioner will let you just install to c and do nothing to d19:17
bonkgranyone know how to open the gui from command line?19:17
llutzbonkgr: startx19:17
Guest52362what is the command that shows you the path for a command?19:18
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Guest52362thanks :D19:18
llutzGuest52362: whereis/which19:18
|jonathan|well_laid_lawn okk lemme see19:18
magik__Come on guys i really need help!19:18
magik__Please help me!19:18
pgpkeyswell doing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 isn't going to endear anyone TO help you19:18
llutz"Multiple exclamation (and question) marks are a sure sign of a diseased mind." [Terry Pratchett]19:19
magik__pgpkeys: Well what is?19:19
magik__Fuck sake19:19
well_laid_lawnmagik__: sounds like you lost it19:19
Picimagik__: Please mind your language here.19:19
magik__:( :(19:19
pgpkeysit is.. ask your question with details of the problem and what it is or is not doing that you think it should be, and then waiting for an answer. if someone knows they will answer. if not then no one will19:19
mabayHow to activate the normal GNOME desktop under lucid lynx netbook remix?19:19
walkahHey, anyone have issues with intel wifi link 6000 series wifi cards in lucid?19:19
walkahrfkill claims it is hard blocked19:20
magik__This sucks hard...19:20
hata205I have a question. How can you write so fast?19:20
hata205I can hardly read them.19:20
PrototypeX29Athe skills you learn after your first Police Quest speed run19:21
|jonathan|dont understand anything19:23
|jonathan|so complicated19:23
|jonathan|those partition system19:23
|jonathan|dont u hav any illustrated pdf or something where can i see those stuff19:24
gp5stso, i have a computer i'm trying to install 10.04 on, and the boot cd boots no problem, I do the install, no errors, then boot the computer and i just come to a black screen after POST, no errors or messages. any help?19:24
jakeif i delete my xorg.conf shouldn't ubuntu write a new one for me?19:25
xanguamabay: install ubuntu-desktop , log out your session, select gnome in the log in screen19:25
xangua!manual | |jonathan|19:25
ubottu|jonathan|: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/19:25
helojake: X doesn't need xorg.conf, it will just use default values19:26
|jonathan|ubottu i wanan install ubuntu keeping my d drive alive when i have so many songs and movies.. so i only use c drive to set up ubuntu like i setup with xp19:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:26
helojake: there are programs that can create a config file for you if you need to add a custom setting19:26
|jonathan| i wana install ubuntu keeping my d drive alive when i have so many songs and movies.. so i only use c drive to set up ubuntu like i setup with xp19:26
xangua|jonathan|: if you want to install ubuntu in widnows try wubi, is incluided in the live cd19:26
boingJohn hide the other partition19:27
|jonathan|no o only want to use ubuntu19:27
|jonathan|without formating my d drive19:27
|jonathan|i wanna use d drive in ubuntu19:27
gp5st|jonathan|: is the d: drive a seperate drive or is it a partition?19:27
sjmjonathon: check the sizes of the partitions and keep that in mind.  In Linux there are no "c" or "d" drives.19:28
|jonathan|partition gp5st19:28
J_Panyone can tell me a good virtual keyboard?19:28
xangua|jonathan|: you need to make a partition for ubuntu19:28
J_Pfor touchscren...?19:28
sjmjonathon: in the installer, make sure you leave the "d" drive partition alone and only use the other one to install.19:28
gp5st|jonathan|: no :(, so how much free space is on your disk?19:28
|jonathan|ohh my19:28
gp5st|jonathan|: did you want to overwrite windows or did you want to dual boot?19:29
stenchmasteruse fdisk to tell on the total disk19:29
|jonathan|sjm cud i use those d drive songs after installing my ubuntu in c drive19:29
|jonathan|gp5st overwrite windows19:29
sjmjonathon.  yes.19:29
gp5stso, |jonathan| do you have the live cd on now?19:29
|jonathan|gp5st no19:30
gp5st|jonathan|: can you boot into it?19:30
ActionParsnipYo yo yo19:30
sjmjonathon: after installation (leaving your partition of music alone) you can "mount" that partition to have access to the data on it.19:30
gp5stsjm: i think his issue is leaving it alone19:30
tintinHi!  i have an ubuntu 10.04 installation and i have a problem. At logon i select the language i want to work but when start i see that some programs take effect and appears with the language i select, but the system menus does not have the language, any ideas? i see that if i select the language after login on system --> language support everything goes ok19:30
gp5st|jonathan|: can you boot into the live cd?19:30
|jonathan|gp5st i can boot the cd19:31
bonkgrOk...netbok remix, I get an error on boot:  Ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode...how do I fix this?19:31
|jonathan|then what should i do19:31
ActionParsnipTintin: i'd log a bug19:31
xanguatintin: system> administration> language support , have you already installed the languajes you want yo use¿19:31
drizzt_tintin, what's your LANG and LC_ALL are after login?19:31
ActionParsnipBonkgr: did nvidia-xconfig not sort it?19:31
gp5st|jonathan|: then you should go to gparted (system>admistration>gparted)19:32
hata205I will attend a PHP web server course but I don't know anything on servers or PHP. Where should I begin?19:32
gp5st|jonathan|: windows will be the first partition on the disk19:32
gp5st|jonathan|: double check the sized to make sure that is true, though19:32
|jonathan|jokk lemme try19:32
bonkgrAP:  haven't tried it...where do I run it from?  Command line?19:32
gp5st|jonathan|: then you can delete that partition (right click on it) then apply (green checkmark)19:33
gp5st|jonathan|: at this point you have no more windows, then in the installer you can select use the largest available free space option19:33
ActionParsnipHata205: i'd start with: what is a server19:33
gp5st|jonathan| from there the install with proceed as normal and will be written to the same area you use to have window stored19:33
|jonathan|gp5st i did it before and i lost the whole data of my harddisk and 40 gp harddisk become 2 gb :D19:34
hata205this is a two step course I think19:34
ActionParsnipBonkgr: yeah, then reboot19:34
hata205the first one is Linux Server19:34
Oysterhi every119:34
hata205and then PHP19:34
gp5st|jonathan|: you have to select the correct partition and the harddisk doesn't change size, just the partitions19:34
|jonathan|gp5st okk19:35
Oysteris there a total commander like FM for gnome/xfce?19:35
ActionParsnipHata205: then install a server and have a little play19:35
gp5st|jonathan|: now, linux doesn't have c: d: &c, there are just partitions and disks, once ubuntu is installed, you can then just mount your music partition19:35
|jonathan|gp5st how can i use linux with my xp can u tell me the process if u dont mind19:35
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bonkgrAP: nvidia-xconfig:  command not found19:35
gp5st|jonathan|: to dual boot? use wasabi (i think) on the live cd, or you need to have enough free space (a few gigs) on the hard disk that are free. from there, the installer takes care of the rest19:36
ActionParsnipBonkgr: then i'd say the driver wasnt' installed19:36
hata205ActionParsnip: Do I need to learn any programming language for PHP19:36
Halitechgp5st, |jonathan| its WUBI19:36
gp5styou can select the side-by-side option if you don't have unparitionted space19:36
|jonathan|gp5st i hav some free space in my d drive19:36
gp5stHalitech: thanks:)19:36
ActionParsnipHata2005: php is a language. I'd ask about it in #php for some basic php stuff19:37
gp5st|jonathan|: then you should be able to select the side-by-side option and tell it how much space you want to use for ubuntu. the installer won't delete data in the side-by-side option19:37
w1nt3rI need help. I was updating from 8.04 LTS to Lucid. Since the download was taking time I left my desk for a while when I came back it the system was frozen and the numlock and capslock keys were blinking19:37
|jonathan|gp5st i have 5 gb space in my d drive but d drive has my songs and movies19:38
|jonathan|i dont wanna lose them19:38
aganicehey, my lucid machine freezes daily (unresponsive to mouse movement, all keypresses including ctrl+alt+del/ctrl+alt+bksp/alt+f2/other keypresses suggested here). I'd like to submit a usable bug report but i'm not sure how to collect extra information19:38
w1nt3rI tried to restart, I booted into Ubuntu19:38
gp5st|jonathan|: the side-by-side or wubi options will not delete any data on the disk, just resize them to give ubuntu freespace with the side-by-side, or just as a file in windows with wubi19:39
Halitech|jonathan|, honestly 5 gig will not be enough to actually use Ubuntu, yes you can install in that but you will be severly limited what you can install19:39
bonkgris there a way to repair an ubuntu installation from the install or upgrade files?19:39
|jonathan|Halitech lolz19:40
kjelebonkgr: What is borked?19:40
|jonathan|what should i do now19:40
freezzyi can not go to youtube with ubuntu 10. but windows can. with both OS i use opendns. but windows works fine. can you please help me. i try with opera and firefox too :(19:40
gp5stHalitech: |jonathan| this is true. if you're just testing it out it may not be bad, but for everyday use it will be squeezing things a little19:40
bonkgrdisplay drivers, battery detection, and networking in netbook remix19:40
Halitech|jonathan|, is your d: drive a partition on a master drive or is it an actual drive?19:40
gp5st|jonathan|: if you don't want windows, figure out which partition it is and remove it and put ubuntu there19:40
ActionParsnipFreezzy: what windows does is moot19:40
|jonathan|Halitech partition19:40
LaereshHey all19:41
w1nt3rHelp ??19:41
Halitech|jonathan|, ok, do you know if your system uses IDE or SATA drives?19:41
freezzyActionParsnip: windows can go to youtube.com . but ubuntu can not...19:41
|jonathan|hata205 i dont how how to know that19:41
ActionParsnipFrezzy: can you give the output of: uname -a; dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf19:41
kjelebonkgr: You can reinstall the respected packages. But kinda hard when network is not working. What did you do to break it?19:41
gp5st|jonathan|: when you open gparted what do you see19:41
ActionParsnipfrezzy: can you ping the site name?19:41
LaereshHalitech, why cant ubuntu go to youtube ? im using it right now ( ofcourse why else would i be here ) and i can watch vids fine19:41
ActionParsnipFrezzy: does it return the same ip as the win boot (I can't test here as I can't ping)19:42
Laereshmeant for freezzy*19:42
freezzyActionParsnip: Linux yusuf-desktop 2.6.32-22-generic #33-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 28 13:27:30 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux19:42
bonkgrWell, I was trying to install a usb wifi device...that screwed up Network Manager, tried reinstalling that, and now it won't boot properly...19:42
ActionParsnipFrezzy: have you tried the google dns:,
freezzyActionParsnip:  i can not ping. i dont know how to do it :(19:42
pvl1anyone know of a good music organizer for ubuntu? my music is way messy, lots of id3 tags to fix, and lots of moving files/dirs19:43
gp5stpvl1: amarok?19:43
bonkgrI still have network connectivity through a hard line using dhclient19:43
ActionParsnipFrezzy: same as in any os: in a terminal type: ping www.youtube.com19:43
kjelebonkgr: Can you remove the usb wifi driver?19:43
bastidrazorActionParsnip: freezzy is youtubes ip19:43
pvl1gp5st, i tried with it a few times, only once have i gotten to work right. is there some set up that im missing19:43
ActionParsnipBastidrazor: thanks19:43
pvl1gp5st, it would be exactly what i need if i could get it to work right19:43
gp5stpvl1: depends. i don't know what you mean by get it to work right19:43
freezzyActionParsnip: the terminal writes just :PING youtube-ui.l.google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.19:44
xanguapvl1: try easytag19:44
bonkgrI was trying, but there was no uninstall file...and I was afraid to start deleting files out of the kernal dir.19:44
bonkgrNow, the whole thing seems fubar...19:44
pvl1gp5st, well, i wanted to move around my music, and it just wouldnt. then i tried to set up a mysql db, and it didnt seem to access it, but gave no errors19:44
freezzyActionParsnip: i dont want to use googles dns. please :( dont make me use it..19:44
pvl1xangua, ill check it out19:44
xanguathere is also musicbrainz pvl119:44
nmvictorI have two network connections: a university wireless network and my GSM broadband connection.the university wireless is through a proxy while the GSM broadband is not. I am running irssi which i use to chat with you guys through the broadband(unproxy) connection. Is it possible to restrict irssi to the broadband connection  then have the rest of my system use the university wireless? Please help19:44
ActionParsnipFrezzy: that's not the right ip, try the google dns servers instead. Just to test19:44
freezzyActionParsnip: also i have to understand why windows can but ubuntu not...19:44
dubbedoes anyone know a program for linux to make crosswords-pussles?19:44
pvl1xangua, is that in the repos19:45
xanguaand a lot of more tools in the software center ;)19:45
bastidrazorActionParsnip: freezzy adding www. goes change the IP to what freezzy stated19:45
gp5stpvl1: you mean retag? and for mysql you need to create a user for it19:45
DrknezzHi guys! I have a problem with sound, it was working like a charm, but suddenly, it wont work, and some weird audio devices show in the K Control panel19:45
pvl1gp5st, did that19:45
kjelebonkgr: Well if you are that afraid. May you boot into the system? And please reply with my nick in front. Makes it easier to read.19:45
bastidrazorActionParsnip: is what i get as the www.youtube.com ip19:45
ActionParsnipFrezzy: not sure, the drivers are different and the network implementation is different. If you put the ip that bastidrazor gave in your browser, do you get the site?19:46
gp5stpvl1: just checking;) i've never had issues retagging music with it :-\ sorry19:46
freezzyActionParsnip: my ip is changing by ISS when they want. (i mean sometimes - once a week)19:46
w1nt3rHelp --- I was doing a distro upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04 when my power was interrupted.  I'm a such a  n00b. can someone please help?19:46
freezzyActionParsnip: i did not had any probelm. it starts today :(19:46
pvl1gp5st, its fine. idk ima give it another try tho, i did like amarok when i got it running correctly19:46
gp5stw1nt3r: so, does it boot?19:46
bonkgrkjele:  I can boot into command line or recovery mode right now and that's about it...19:46
kjelebonkgr: Good.19:46
DrknezzHi guys! I have a problem with sound, it was working like a charm, but suddenly, it wont work, and some weird audio devices show in the K Control panel19:46
ActionParsnipW1nt3r: boot to livecd and chroot to the internal partition. You can then use: sudo apt-get -f install19:47
w1nt3rgp5st -- yes19:47
piglitare there free Command & Conquer like games for ubuntu?19:47
gp5stw1nt3r: to? does it give errors?19:47
ActionParsnipFrezzy: tried rebooting you router and then your pc?19:47
kjelebonkgr: Can you go to the terminal?19:47
bastidrazor!games | piglit19:47
ubottupiglit: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php19:47
bonkgrkjele:  I'm already there...19:47
ActionParsnipPiglit: warzone210019:47
freezzyActionParsnip:  yes i try it.19:47
nmvictoris it possible to route my irc connections to a mobile broadband connection and have the rest of my system use the wireless?19:47
kjelebonkgr: Can you remember the wifi drivers name?19:48
nmvictorsomeone please help with my issue19:49
w1nt3rgp5st -- yes it tried to run the update manager again, but tells me that it can only run a partial upgrade. When I try to do that it give an error message that an upgrade from 10.04 to 8.04 is not supported.19:49
bonkgrKjele:  The onboard (which was working fine) is a Broadcomm...The USB that I was working (for wireless N speeds) was using a Realtek driver RTL819219:49
zleapnmvictor, not sure you probably have to direct the irc client via a proxy or something i really don't know19:49
gp5stw1nt3r: hmm, can you take it to 9.04 first?  there is a dpkg command to finish an interrupted apt install, though I forget what it is19:50
jribgp5st, w1nt3r dpkg --configure -a19:50
gp5stthanks jrib:)19:50
nmvictorso is it possible to chat on irssi behind a proxy?19:50
w1nt3rIt did upgrade the theme... and now it says my version is 10.04 --but I know its incomplete19:51
junglianimesh: chutoye19:51
junglianimesh: chutiye19:51
zleapback later19:51
phisher1nmvictor: run an sshd on port 80 or 443..19:51
phisher1or find another port they allow through19:51
vltHello. I upgraded my koala installation to lucid and now my video driver isn't active anymore. When I choose "Hardware drivers" from the System menu it says that the recommended nvidia-173 is acitve and used. Any idea how to really activate it?19:51
kjelebonkgr: can you plug in the wifi and type "lsusb" in the terminal19:51
w1nt3rgp5st- and now it cannot connect to wireless network when running ubuntu (all settings are correct)19:52
keyhivedoes anyone know how I can stop the red <!> update notifier icon from appearing?19:52
vltkeyhive: By updating?19:52
kjelebonkgr: If you can give me a link to where you download the driver it would be nice too19:52
keyhivevlt: that's the thing, I have no pending updates!19:52
keyhivevlt: it shows up randomly19:52
gp5stw1nt3r: hmmm, you might be able to boot off of a boot cd, chroot and then do the dpkg command to try to finish it out? sorry, i really need to catch a bus19:52
sjmkeyhive: stopping the update manager from running?19:53
keyhivesjm: that'll do it.  Thanks :)19:53
nmvictorphisher1: i have been here severally regarding this issue and usually someone suggested something like that, do you mind takin my hand through this, I am quite new to that and I really wanna make this work19:53
w1nt3rthanks gp5st19:53
junglihello how can i connect yahoo chat via terminal ?19:53
ScoobyDooI know my Tower is from Packard bell, But how can I find out which specific model it is?19:53
HalitechScoobyDoo, look for a sticker on the front or the back of the tower?19:54
w1nt3rHow can I create a 10.04 upgrade cd?19:54
vltScoobyDoo: Is "Tower" your pc case?19:54
junglihello how can i connect yahoo chat via terminal ?19:54
nmvictorphisher1: infact: sshd : command not found19:54
totalnubhey all, does anyone have problems with flash on 32bit lucid? runs for a bit and then "fast forwards" and the audio drops out. Just did a full reinstall because of this (amongst other things) and it still persists19:54
ScoobyDoovit it does have a serial key, But not the name of the PC19:55
bastidrazorjungli: finch is a command line IM19:55
Halitechw1nt3r, there is no 'upgrade' cd19:55
jungliok bastidrazor19:55
jribw1nt3r: did you run the command I suggested?19:55
phisher1nmvictor: sudo apt-get intall openssh-server19:55
fowlduckso, we have some intermittent ec2 worker launching issues that i'm trying to diagnose. as part of that i'm trying to understand the relationship between upstart jobs and /etc/rcX.d19:55
vltjungli: centericq is one of them19:55
phisher1then configure /etc/ssh/sshd_config to listen on ports like 80, 44319:56
fowlduckdoes anyone happen to understand that relationship?19:56
sjmw1nt3r: the "alternate" cd has the upgrader on it.19:56
jungliok vlt19:56
rocket16Hello all, nice to see you again,19:56
jribfowlduck: upstart runs throught the sysv-init scripts for backwards compatibility19:56
jungliand any application to litsen songs via terminal ?19:56
edbianjungli, mplayer is cli I think19:56
sjmjungli: mplayer19:56
rocket16jungli: Use mplayer, it can play songs in terminal19:56
fixxxerm1tI was running do-release-upgrade via ssh.  My ssh connection timed out.  The upgrader is still running (I have the pid).  How can I resume it?19:57
fowlduckjrib: does it respect the info blocks at the top of the init scripts?19:57
jribjungli: use mpd, you will thank my later...19:57
nmvictorjungli: i like mocp19:57
nikogmplayer is a gtk player with mplayer behind19:57
jribfowlduck: I am not aware19:57
fowlduckk, thanks19:57
nmvictorjungli: i like mocp (Music on Console Player)19:57
rocket16jungli: Use: sudo apt-get install mplayer to install it. Then, go to the Folder using cd command, and type: mplayer songname.mp3 (or any other extension)19:57
bonkgrkjele:  I was trying to find the link again (I'm on a diff computer) and I don't remember where I found it...19:57
junglithanks edbian sjm rocket16 nmvictor19:58
w1nt3rjrib -- i'll login to ubuntu again to try it.19:58
sensaeI have two screens running with xinerama and I'm trying to get compositing running.19:58
rocket16jungli: Our pleasure, :)19:58
YurtleTheTurtleThe package texlive-pictures in lucid has the circuitikz package, but i'm currently running karmic and it appears circuitikz isn't included in the karmic version. Do I have any option other then to upgrade to lucid?19:59
vltHow can I find out which driver to use for a GeForce FX 5200 video card?19:59
kjelebonkgr: ok. But do you have th usb wifi plugged in?19:59
nmvictorjungli: you could also give mp3-blaster a thought, but its quite geekish19:59
DrMrHorsemy grub 2 somehow ended up with a splash image. how do i remove it?19:59
vltjungli: mplayer is fine for playing single files, mocd is great for organizing playlists too19:59
nmvictorphisher1: sshd 8020:00
Cyber-lifeHey guys, :)20:00
nmvictorsshd re-exec requires execution with an absolute path20:00
Doctehnmvictor: so give it what it wants20:00
rocket16Hello Cyber-life, welcome to Ubuntu IRC, :)20:00
Docteh /usr/sbin/sshd20:00
junglithnks nmvictor  & vlt20:00
nmvictorphisher1: sshd 80: sshd re-exec requires execution with an absolute path20:00
bonkgrkjele:  lsusb comes back with 8172 from Realtek.  Also, tried using ndiswrapper when that driver didn't work...and that started up when I inserted the usb wireless...but it can't load properly because of a conflict with the Realtek driver (I think)20:00
nmvictorDocteh: whats that, i beg your pardon. I am damn new in this20:01
tripelbmguy, re slow 10.04 there's over a gig of ram but I dont know how to find out exactly.20:01
Cyber-lifeHow to launch Gnome configuration editor?20:01
bonkgrkjele: I was getting it when you posted last...20:01
rocket16cyber-life: Use Alt+F2, and then type gconf-editor to load Gconf Editor.20:01
jribjungli: i gave you the best one and you didn't even thank me :P  just kidding, but mpd really is what you want if you want to play music from a terminal20:01
Cyber-liferocket16, Thank you! :D20:01
kjelebonkgr: can you type "dmesg | tail" and see what the module name is?20:02
rocket16Cyber-life: My pleasure, :)20:02
junglijrib: sorry20:02
nmvictorDocteh: please help20:02
rafaeki put in my /etc/resolv.conf two lines nameserver and nameserver, is a internal DNS server, but the internet stay very slow, anyone know any method i can put before
junglibut mplayer is awesome now i am litsening songs via terminal20:02
rafaekput after20:02
FloodBot1rafaek: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:02
phisher1rafaek: , yes, just put it before20:02
Doctehnmvictor: it wants you to do /usr/sbin/sshd stuff instead of just sshd stuff20:02
junglijrib: sorry but i try i that one too thanks :)20:03
jake1hey roomi am trying to install a printer and it says :Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libcups2 (>= 1.4.0)20:03
phisher1don't run sshd manually20:03
Cyber-liferocket16, How to shotdown computer after a time?20:03
phisher1use the init script20:03
FloodBot1phisher1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:03
rocket16Cyber-life: In terminal, type: sudo shutdown +m (m = no. of mins)20:03
kjelebonkgr: I think it is named rtl* something20:03
phisher1oh hush20:03
Cyber-liferocket16, Cool!20:03
nmvictorDocteh: i did that, i get :: Extra argument 8020:04
sjmrafaek: only list the local dns and put the other in as a forwarder in your local nameserver20:04
bonkgrkjele:  It came up with multiple ndiswrapper stuff, and no RTL entry...20:04
Cyber-lifeHey rocket16, can i ask another question?20:04
DanicI want to send an email with another domain name than my hostname. How can i do that from console?20:04
w1nt3rjrib --what was that command again?20:04
rocket16Cyber-life: Sure20:04
rafaeksjm: how to i do that config?20:04
jribw1nt3r: sudo dpkg --configure -a20:04
HanifBalochhay guyss this HanifBaloch20:04
w1nt3rJrib- Thanks!20:05
bonkgrkjele:  it should be rtl8192, I think...but ndiswrapper came up with net8192su20:05
Cyber-liferocket16, How to install several .deb files in a folder? i clicked all of them, and hanged.20:05
freezzyI can not go from Ubuntu on youtube. But from the same pc windows  can go to youtube. can  you please help me. ı try with opera and firefox too.20:05
vltHello. Is there anything I can do to start over installing a video driver after upgrading to lucid?20:05
bonkgrkjele:  ...as the driver, not module..20:05
rocket16Cyber-life: First cd to folder, then type: sudo dpkg -i *.deb20:05
drizzt_i'm trying to open file in gtk app but random one is opened instead WTF???!!!20:05
kjelebonkgr: Then we just need to remove ndiswrapper. "sudo apt-get remove --purge ndiswrapper-common"20:05
sjmrafaek: only have the local nameserver in your /etc/resolv.conf  put any external ones in the configuration of your local nameserver (192.168.x.x) for it to look up when it doesn't have the answer.20:05
Cyber-liferocket16, You are rocking! :D20:05
=== nperry-work is now known as nperry
sjmrafaek:  the configuration of your local nameserver depends on what it is.20:06
bonkgrkjele: ok...I'll let you know when it's done...20:06
rocket16Cyber-life: :D20:06
tripelbwhat's a keyring? empathy doesnt do IRC so I loaded xchat. On the other hand I want to try the default client. (I am on the liveCD of 10.04 for the first time.) I could use pidgin. I'd like to learn whatever is now "just in case".20:06
rafaeksjm: a k20:06
jribtripelb: empathy does irc, just not very well20:07
HanifBalochhelloo there20:07
jungliOpening audio decoder: [mp3lib] MPEG layer-2, layer-320:07
jungliAUDIO: 44100 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 128.0 kbit/9.07% (ratio: 16000->176400)20:07
jungliSelected audio codec: [mp3] afm: mp3lib (mp3lib MPEG layer-2, layer-3)20:07
FloodBot1jungli: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:07
useronei 20 eps files which i need to convert into pdf. i can use epstopdf in the cl but do i need to convert each file individually or can i use something like epstopdf *.eps *.pdf ?20:07
tripelbjrib I didnt see a choice for it.20:07
jribuserone: for file in *.eps; do epstopdf $file; done    something like that...20:07
HanifBalochhow to start working with empathy20:07
Cyber-liferocket16, I need a small programming environment, eclipse and netbean is large20:07
m4tici hate having to enter passwords20:07
bonkgrkjele:  ok...removed...20:07
rocket16Cyber-life: USe Geany, :)20:08
orangeglo im trying to connect my xbox to my laptop, in hopes of sharing the internet with it. i just went and bought a cross over cable, but im still having trouble connecting my xbox to the internet. can anyone help me??20:08
jribtripelb: no matter, it's almost unusable as an irc client20:08
kjelebonkgr: you might want to type "aptitude search ndiswrapper" to find all related packages.20:08
freezzyplease can you help me to go to youtube from my pc :(20:08
kjelebonkgr: Try a reboot then20:08
Cyber-liferocket16, Small?20:08
jribCyber-life: nano, vim...20:08
lupin012345orangeglo : Did you checked IPV4 connection on ubuntu ?20:08
rocket16Cyber-life: Yes, :) Geany is great, :) I personally use it20:08
sjmuserone: for FILE in *.eps; do epstopdf $FILE; done  (or something like that: look at "bash scripting"20:08
Halitechorangeglo, do you have 2 network cards in your computer?20:08
kjelebonkgr: Without the usb wifi connected20:08
Cyber-lifeThanks rocket16! :) Thanks to jrib too, :)20:08
orangeglohalitech: how can i check to see if i do??20:08
HanifBalochHanif Baloch need HELP ON GNOME PPP CAN ANY BODY TELL ME WHAT TO DO?20:08
useronejrib: thanks..let me try that20:09
lupin012345orangelo : ifconfig20:09
Halitechorangeglo, look at the back of your computer20:09
Cyber-lifeBye rocket16, thanks for your help, :)20:09
jrib!caps  | HanifBaloch20:09
ubottuHanifBaloch: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.20:09
orangeglohalitech: im using a laptop20:09
bonkgrkjele:  search came up with common, modules-1.9, and utils1.9...should I remove the others first?20:09
tripelbempathy has a dropdown starting with "facebook chat" and IRC is not one of the options on it. So it seems to me that Empathy does not do IRC.  Fill me in on how I am wrong please.20:09
rocket16Cyber-life: Bye, see you again20:09
kjelebonkgr: Only if they have a "i" in front20:09
Halitechorangeglo, then chances are you don't, do you use wireless on the laptop?20:09
tripelbjrib, OK will take your advice20:09
jribtripelb: http://live.gnome.org/Empathy/FAQ#IRC20:10
bonkgrkjele: ok...no "i"...rebooting...20:10
orangeglohalitech: yes i am using wifi on my laptop right now.20:10
xanguatripelb: it does IRC, but i think you need to install something20:10
HanifBalochWELL I AM sorry there please help20:10
freezzyi can not go to youtube with opendns. can you please help me!...20:10
useroneorangeglo: try using a router if you have one apre. that may be easier20:10
rocket16tripelb: It supports IRC,but the support is minimal in Empathy. For example, you can not add contacts there,20:10
sjmfreezzy: this isn't an opendns support channel.  Check the web for configuration.20:11
nmvictorphisher1: are you still gonna help me?20:11
rocket16tripelb: If you want real IRC support, use Xchat. If you want a Single app, for all communications, use Pidgin, :)20:11
freezzysjm: my problem is not opendns probelm is a ubuntu problem. because windows can.20:11
bonkgrkjele:  Still the same error:  Ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode...Your screen, graphics card, and input device settings could not be detected correctly.  You will need to configure these yourself...20:12
Halitechorangeglo, there is info here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1493927&highlight=xbox20:12
lupin012345orangeglo : it's quite easy , i'm doing it with my xbox , just go to the "network connections" panel and in the page : IPV4 check that the "Shared with other computers" is selected in ur connection propreties20:12
pletis there something more light-weight that syslog-ng ?20:12
kjelebonkgr: But you can run gnome now?20:12
ActionParsnipYo yo yo20:13
Halitechfreezzy, is it you can't get there at all or the videos don't load?20:13
RettawHello, I have several accounts on my ubuntu 10.04 box, and I can't change between them without logging out, any ideas of why?20:13
walkahanyone have any clue why rfkill keeps disabling wifi (intel 6200 - iwlagn) on my thinkpad x201?20:13
bonkgrkjele:  It won't boot into gnome...I can only start it from command line...20:13
sjmfreezzy: dns is dns.  check the dns configuration between the two clients.  (are you sure windows is using opendns?20:13
rocket16Rettaw: Is fast-user switching disabled?20:13
freezzyHalitech: no page is not logind on firefox or opera. and after 1-2 minutes it writes site not found :(20:13
kjelebonkgr: What graphic card do you use?20:14
mezquitaleRettaw, you kinda need to lock your account first and then try switching the user20:14
bonkgrkjele:  It's all onboard...Lenovo S10 Netbook...20:14
freezzysjm: yes i am exatkly sure that i am using both of OS openDNS i check billion times :(20:14
ActionParsnipFreezzy: did you try google's dns service just to test?20:14
sjmfreezzy:  do you have connectivity?  (ping)20:14
rocket16Rettaw: Reinstall fast-user-switch-applet.20:15
freezzysjm: yes i have.20:15
kjelebonkgr: Can you locate /etc/X11 and see if you have any xorg.conf file?20:15
bonkgrkjele:  boot problems started after removing and re-installing Network Manager through Synaptic...if that helps...20:15
bonkgrkjele:  Just a minute...20:15
ActionParsnipFreezzy: can you give a pastebin of: cat /etc/resolv.conf ,please20:15
freezzyActionParsnip: i rest my mode as you told me five minutes before and i come back. now it is not working sagain. i dont want to use goole dns. i have to use opendns. and windows can20:16
sjmfreezzy:  and  of:    dig youtube.com20:16
freezzynameserver ActionParsnip:20:17
ActionParsnipFreezzy: you may not want to use googles dns but if we know if a DIFFERENT dns works or not will help us diagnose20:17
mezquitalerocket16,  if it doesnt work, you might want to ask how they are using it, then recommend to reinstall if you believe there is a fault with the software, most users will tend to blame the software right away20:17
freezzysjm: http://textsnip.com/8dbdb020:17
HanifBalochguys please help me or i will your room20:18
Danilihi everybody i have a problem there is specified here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1498469 anyways i might have found a solution to the problem and that's change my network diver to the madwifi drivers and try'ed that but then i got a new problem and that's i only had wired connection in my network manager :s so i switched back to the ath5k driver again... my question now is: do anyone have any idea why the switch to th20:18
Danilie madwifi drivers failed?? i followed this guide: http://petejcullen.wordpress.com/2009/12/10/fixing-the-madwifi-driver-on-ubuntu-9-04-jaunty-netbook-remix/20:18
kjelebonkgr: Doesn't the machine have a wired connection?20:18
bonkgrkjele:  No xorg.conf...only xorg.conf-backup-100602120033, a few .dist-upgrade versions, a .failsafe...20:18
Rettawrocket16: I don't think so. I've have tried to solve this before a while ago20:18
sjmfreezzy: and you can ping ?20:18
freezzyActionParsnip:  i can go with vtunnel to ... maybe google dns will work but i can not use it. and i ant to learn why ubuntu can not. :( it is realy important..20:18
rocket16mezquitale: I am not blaming the software. That can be a configuration error, so reinstalling might help.20:18
bonkgrkjele:  If you mean wired network, yes...hooked up right now...20:18
=== user__ is now known as Whammo
sjmfreezzy: are you sure you don't have a proxy configured for your browsers?20:19
freezzysjm: no.20:19
_PicAssO_someone out there who uses mpd and has also this "pause-continue-bug"?20:19
freezzysjm: no for proxy and ping.20:19
kjelebonkgr: You have a connection?20:19
Rettawmezquitale: well, switching user via the menu provided by the default ubuntu install works well on another box I have20:19
freezzysjm: i am not suing a proxy on brosers .20:19
bonkgrkjele:  Yes, through dhclient20:19
ActionParsnipFreezzy: do other applications work ok online?20:19
sjmno for ping?  You can't ping Youtube?  (freezzy)20:19
kjelebonkgr: Do you have network-manager installed now?20:20
freezzyActionParsnip: yes they are working fine. like pidgin. and firefox works fine. i dont have any problem also on my ubuntu.20:20
freezzysjm: i can not ping.20:20
mezquitaleRettaw, have you tried reinstalling  fast-user-switch-applet like rocket16 recommended?20:20
freezzysjm: i can not ping also youtube now....20:21
ActionParsnipFreezzy: do you have a firewall configured at all?20:21
Rettawmezquitale: no, I'm not sure how I would do that20:21
bonkgrkjele:  Tried reinstall through synaptic, it claimed to be successful, but I wanted to reboot first, so no test...20:21
freezzyActionParsnip:  no firewalll or something like that...20:21
Rettawsynaptic doesn't list it as far as I can see20:21
freezzyActionParsnip:  i was going youtube two days vefore but now not :(20:21
ScoobyDooI've plugged my usb dvd drive in, And I need to mount it wine so I can burn dvds, But how do I find out where it's mounted too?20:21
ActionParsnipFreezzy: if you boot to an older kernel is it ok?20:22
sjmfreezzy:  if you can't ping it you can't get there.20:22
kjelebonkgr: Do not try a reinstallation. Remove it first then install it again.20:22
freezzyActionParsnip: i did not try. but i have did all updates now on ubuntu.20:22
kjelebonkgr: "apt-get remove --purge network-manager && apt-get install network-manager"20:22
ActionParsnipScoobydoo: there are native burning apps for linux. I'm not sure you will be able to burn due to how burners are accessed raw and not via mount points20:23
DrMrHorsemy grub 2 somehow ended up with a splash image. how do i remove it?20:23
ActionParsnipScoobydoo: i'd ask in #winehq but I think you will be disappointed20:23
freezzyActionParsnip: but i have a live cd (with remastersys 25 days before) i try with it and now it is not working too. it is umbelieveble! :(20:23
bonkgrkjele;  reboot in between?  What about xorg.conf file?20:23
Kullyguys any idea how i can get my hotmail.co.uk account to authenticate with empathy?20:23
freezzyActionParsnip: impossible!20:23
HadiHey . is there any option to see what programs run on ubuntu20:23
Whammodoes anybody know how to get rid of (purge) screensaver for KDE?20:23
freezzysjm: can youtube clokc me to go from linux :)20:23
rocket16Kully: Is the username and password entered correctly?20:24
anodesniHadi, in terminal 'ps -u username'20:24
mezquitaleRettaw, apparently rocket16  knows how to do this, if you ask kindly he might show you how20:24
ActionParsnipFreezzy: its software, nothing is impossible with enough knowhow20:24
ScoobyDooThat's twice I've left miliseconds before someone said something to me20:24
kjelebonkgr: we could use the failsafe xorg.conf. It has vesa driver but it should not really matter.20:24
ScoobyDooWho ever that was could you repeat yourself please?20:24
ActionParsnipHadi: search software centre,  those apps all run20:24
sjm!zh | jyy20:24
ubottujyy: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk20:24
HadiActionParsnip , A link please "if you would"20:24
kjelebonkgr: You do not need to reboot20:24
Freud_Hi all20:24
ActionParsnipHadi: click applications -> software centre20:25
rocket16Hello Freud_20:25
HadiActionParsnip i dont have it right now , i wanna know before i install it20:25
DjDarkbah! my emerald theme keeps dissappearing...much like disableing decorations in compiz.....any ideas how to fix this20:25
ActionParsnipHadi: if you want the runnING apps then use: ps -ef | less ,those are the processes running now20:25
orangeglohas anyone here hooked up an xbox to their laptop and been able to get onto xbox live?20:25
freezzyActionParsnip:  yes but it is not possible to crash firefox and opera from live cd :) i remember that i go many times with this cd to youtube ...20:25
ActionParsnip!applications | hadi20:25
Kouenhow can i check the strings that appears when loading ubuntu, there is some log... i have a problem it says that i have a missing file20:26
bonkgrkjele: ok...removing now...got a message about un-needed packages not being removed...should I use apt-get autoremove after uninstall?20:26
Kullyhi rocket16 i am entering username@hotmail.co.uk and the password but just says authentication failed i think its to do with the .co.uk part it might want a .com any ideas20:26
Rettawrocket16: how do I reinstall the applet? It does not appear to be listed in synaptic.20:26
kjelebonkgr: Do not remove them20:26
ubottuA general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents20:26
guntbertScoobyDoo: try if your irc client supports /lastlog     -- /lastlog scoobydoo20:26
edbianbonkgr, That is your choice but that is how to get rid of those packages yes.  Alternatively use aptitude20:26
ActionParsnip!equivalents | hadi20:26
ubottuhadi: A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant - Try also joining #ubuntu-bots and asking BestBot20:26
bonkgrkjele:  ok20:26
tkrnI just installed ubuntu, which i tried an early version and i love it now! I converted over from Fedora,20:26
tkrnreally enjoy my experiance with ubuntu!20:26
HadiThanks ActionParsnip20:26
edbiantkrn, Why do you like ubuntu more than Fedora?20:27
Freud_Newbie question about remote desktoping into Ubuntu, wtaht's the "real" way to do it? I can "jump into" an active session via VNC, but cold start won't do that...20:27
ActionParsnipFreezzy: until you try a different dns I am unsure why there is an issue20:27
anodesnitkrn, only one step closer to Arch20:27
kjelebonkgr: When you are finished installing it restart the service by issuing "service network-manager restart"20:27
DjDarkemerald theme disables, title bars dissappear...just seconds after putting "emeralrd--replace" in terminal. ideas?20:27
edbiananodesni, Arch is great20:27
tkrnedbian: it seems like more details are thought out20:27
tkrnit is a single cohesive working os20:27
edbiantkrn, Mhmm I can agree with that.20:27
xanguaDjDark: do you have compiz enabled¿20:27
anodesniedbian, it's Ubuntu without the headages20:27
ActionParsnip!emerald | djdark20:27
ubottudjdark: emerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.20:27
tkrnin short, things just work!20:27
edbiananodesni, What is a headage ??20:27
sjmActionParsnip:  he can't ping the Youtube IPs.  He can't get there.20:27
kjelebonkgr: To be honest the easiest thing to do is to reinstall Ubuntu while keeping user settings. But this way you will learn something too :)20:28
freezzy ActionParsnip: thank you for helping me but i have to.. maybe we will talk it next time..20:28
sim29hi how r u?20:28
tkrnpackage manager is way better too!20:28
guntbert!ot | edbian20:28
ubottuedbian: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:28
ActionParsnipSjm: could earlier though, its weird20:28
DjDarkxangua, yes i do20:28
anodesniedbian, I'm sorry I mean headache20:28
edbiananodesni, Thanks20:28
tkrnI have a test in a half hour, but i thought ide hop in to tell let everyone i enjoy using ubuntu20:28
ActionParsnipTkrn: many linux distros just work too20:28
HanifBalochphilw this is HanifBaloch are you here20:29
HadiHow to know if i can run NewCamd on Ubuntu ?20:29
Kyle__I'm trying to get some ubuntu boxes to authenticate via ldap.  ldapsearch works, but it's not reading the server or base dn from /etc/ldap.conf.  Any ideas how to fix it?20:29
ActionParsnip!info newcamd20:29
ubottuPackage newcamd does not exist in lucid20:29
bonkgrkjele:  got an error message:  restart:  Unknown instance...reinstall the os?20:30
ActionParsnipHadi: if its a windows app it may run in wine. Check the appdb for compatibility20:30
Rettawmezquitale: well, tried that, doesn't work20:30
CaptainTrekKyle__:  you might check with #ubuntu-server for that20:30
ActionParsnipHadi: or there may be an equivelant20:30
bonkgrkjele:  sorry...the second part was my question, not part of the message...20:30
kjelebonkgr: check /etc/init.d/ and see if there is a file called network manager20:30
Kyle__CaptainTrek: This is the client end, not the server end.20:30
CaptainTrekKyle__:  ah.  okay.20:30
Kyle__CaptainTrek: unless you're just thinking folks may have done this before.20:30
bonkgrkjele:  there is...20:31
kyle_anyone know if I can do asp in my ubuntu enviroment20:31
CaptainTrekKyle__:  most likely its been done by people, and most likely the #ubuntu-server people have done it and can help you figure it out.  otherwise, wait here for someone to help you, i havent touched LDAP yet on any of my servers20:31
drizzt_what should I install so Python apps could check spelling?20:31
rocket16Rettaw: You need to reinstall the gnome-applets package, not the fast user switch one,20:31
nmvictor=D :P ;D :>:P =D=)=) :) =):D :D =D :D=) :> =D =D =)=)=D =) ;D:>;D=D:):P :P:D :D =):P;D:D :):> :>;D=) :);D =D ;D:D =D :>;D:) ;D :) =D:>:P :D:>=) :):P :) =)=) ;D:P:) :D20:32
Picinmvictor: Please don't do that.20:32
Freud_Is there a awy to make sure Ubuntu desktop starts new session "by itself" from cold start? I can join existing session from VNC, but w/o kbd or monitor i can't start the session at it's designated place in the building...20:32
kjelebonkgr: "sh network-manager restart"20:32
Kyle__CaptainTrek: I sometimes try and avoid ldap, but it's actually a good thing, so I souldn't20:32
ActionParsnipDrizzt_: maybe: apt-cache search python | grep -i spell20:32
rocket16!flood | nmvictor20:32
ubottunmvictor: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:32
nmvictorPici: sorry, im headed straight to #test20:32
drizzt_bah it's python-enchant what a fool i am, it's in recommnds )20:33
guntbertkyle_: thats a server question, isn't it?20:33
ActionParsnipDrizzt_: apt-cache is badass :)20:33
=== amee2k is now known as _a2k
Kyle__guntbert: I'm working on the client end of it now though20:33
_PicAssO_someone out there who uses mpd and has also this "pause-continue-bug"?20:34
guntbertKyle__:  I didn't mean you - there is kyle_  too ...20:34
kyle_might be server. - i write ASP, i have online servers20:34
kyle_But i like an offline area for building.20:35
bonkgrkjele:  "Rather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8) utility, e.g. service network-manager restart20:35
kjelebonkgr: Don't care about that20:35
guntbertkyle_: then you better ask in #ubuntu-server I think20:35
Kyle__guntbert: Ah, sorry.20:35
rocket16_PicAssO_: Although offtopic, mplayer is better in many ways, if you wish to have a terminal player, :D20:35
kjelecan you exit the terminal and resume boot?20:35
kjelebonkgr: Can you exit the terminal and resume boot?20:36
bsmith093i have an amd64 computer, but im running i386 lucid. is it possible to run an amd64 program without reinstalling with the amd64 ubuntu?20:36
_PicAssO_rocket16, thx i know your point, but i personally like mpd best - if it works ;)20:36
=== _a2k is now known as _a2k_
rocket16_PicAssO_: No problem, :)20:36
bonkgrkjele: Not sure how...20:36
guntbertKyle__: no problem,  it took me some time to recognize that there are two different people  :-)20:36
kyle_i didn't write Ah, sorry.  but it said I did20:36
Monotokobsmith093, no sorry20:37
bonkgrkjele: I can reboot...20:37
kyle_we got two nicks almost the same or something?20:37
Monotoko32bit ubuntu just sees your computer as a 32bit system20:37
jribbsmith093: no20:37
kjelebonkgr: bah then reboot :) or just type exit20:37
guntbertkyle_: yes, you and Kyle__20:37
bonkgrkjele:  exit didn't work...20:37
kyle_Caps makes a diffrence?20:37
bsmith093can i recompile it to run on i386 or would that be so difficult as to be basically impossible?20:37
kjelebonkgr: aren't you in recovery mode?20:38
jribbsmith093: deepends on "it" I imagine20:38
bonkgrkjele:  no, not recovery...20:38
guntbertkyle_: no, the additional underscore :-)20:38
kjelebonkgr: restart the system then. "sudo shutdown -r now"20:38
bonkgrkjele:  just typed sudo reboot...20:39
Halitechbsmith093, why not look for a 32bit version of the app?20:39
orangeglohas anyone been successful in sharing internet with another computer,game console, w/e using a crossover cable??20:39
=== xerox1 is now known as _PicAssO_
ounedhi. Im using a Terratec Cinergy Hybrid XS FM tv card ( em28xx driver ) with ubuntu 10.04 ( 2.6.32 ) and as you can see in this picture http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/3121/93024142.png the screen is working.. but the sound is not. the "Volume" controle is greyed out as you can see...20:39
resnoorangeglo: how are you setting it up?20:39
kjelebonkgr: Sometimes I find that program does not sync my disk20:40
orangegloresno: well i have my xbox hooked up to my laptop using a crossover cable. ive set my eth0 settings to "share", but i am still unable to connect to the internet on my xbox20:40
bonkgrkjele:  stopped during boot...last thing it says is "checking battery state"20:40
philwHanifBaloch: i am here now, but don't know about gnome-ppp, sorry20:40
sjefen6is mubi far off?20:40
Halitechorangeglo, did you check the link I sent you earlier?20:40
resnoorangeglo: does the xbox have an ip address?20:40
kjelebonkgr: Then nothing?20:40
kyle_kv102t: HI20:41
orangegloresno: i set it to automatic20:41
bonkgrkjele:  [ok] on the right side, then nothing...20:41
orangeglohalitech: no i didnt see the link you sent me. ive looked on the ubuntu site, and ive followed the instructions. ive gone onto youtube, and ive done everything that was demonstrated20:41
resnoorangeglo: do you know if the xbox has an ip address?20:41
kjelebonkgr: Do you have a live cd there?20:41
Danilihi everybody i have a problem there is specified here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1498469 anyways i might have found a solution to the problem and that's change my network diver to the madwifi drivers and try'ed that but then i got a new problem and that's i only had wired connection in my network manager :s so i switched back to the ath5k driver again... my question now is: do anyone have any idea why the switch to th20:41
Danilie madwifi drivers failed?? i followed this guide: http://petejcullen.wordpress.com/2009/12/10/fixing-the-madwifi-driver-on-ubuntu-9-04-jaunty-netbook-remix/20:41
bonkgrkjele:  No, and the netbook doesn't have an optical drive...20:42
orangegloresno: well it doesnt have a static IP. i think the router is supposed to assign it one when it tries to connect to it. or i could be wrong...20:42
guntbertubuntu:  Do you have an ubuntu support question?20:42
kjelebonkgr: No usb drive?20:42
Halitechorangeglo, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1493927&highlight=xbox20:42
bonkgrkjele:  I installed off of a USB flash drive...20:43
Freud_how do I remotely log into ubuntu from cold start?20:43
jribFreud_: use ssh?20:43
kyle_I got a usb key in the post for windows. Put into ubuntu and nothing.20:44
kyle_can i force mount?20:44
bsmith093is there a good dvd cloner besides k3b? it drags most of kde with it and im running gnome, so thats a huge waste of disk space, also is there a way to sort all installed packages by how much space they take up, dependencies included?20:44
DonaldShimodasomebody experiment freeze with actual version?20:44
kjelebonkgr: Then use that20:44
=== _a2k_ is now known as amee2k
Freud_jrib: I guess i'll google that...any hints? i'm VPN -ing into my company intranet from windows machine, any software needed?20:44
vince_hi guys, I have a question about compiz. When I use Kubuntu, there is an effect that resizes all your windows and displays them on the same plan when you bring the cursor on the top left corner of the screen...I don't know how to enable that effect using Ubuntu20:45
bonkgrkjele:  That was 8.04, and I've since wiped the drive...I can make a new one, but it'll take a while...20:45
Freud_or the ssh-thing20:45
Rettawrocket16: still nothing. However I noticed I can switch freely between two of the tree users I have20:45
DonaldShimodasomebody experiments cpu load increments and finnaly totally blocked the system???20:45
kjelebonkgr: Go ahead. Hope you have a fast connection20:45
bonkgrkjele:  Will I have to do a full fresh install, or will it repair the OS?20:45
SomelauwOkay, I released the fish. How to catch it again?20:45
jrib!ssh | Freud_20:45
ubottuFreud_: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)20:45
rocket16Rettaw: I seem I think an update of the system is needed20:45
kjelebonkgr: You select manual partition.20:45
DonaldShimodasomebody experiments cpu load increments and finnaly totally blocked the system???20:46
kjelebonkgr: How many patitions do you have?20:46
kjelebonkgr: "fdisk -l" should list partitions20:46
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SomelauwHow to kill the fish20:46
tflgen22anyone have audio issues as of late?20:47
vince_drown it20:47
mkanyicyI used isomaster to put some .deb software on an ubuntu iso but now I cannot access them, how can I do that20:47
tflgen22i just installed all the current updates20:47
HalitechSomelauw, take it out of the water?20:47
kjelebonkgr: If you only have one then mount that partiotn to / and DO NOT format the disk and proceed with installation.20:47
bonkgrkjele:  something like 4 or 5...It came with a recovery partition, and I added linux, swap, and os partition for linux, plus windows partiton...20:47
orangeglohow can you purge iptables?20:47
guntbertorangeglo: you "flush" them with -F20:48
orangeglo-F iptables?20:48
kjelebonkgr: You have a separate /home ?20:48
Rettawrocket16: how do you mean? 10.04 is the latest stable afaik. Also I had this in 9.* versions too : (20:48
DonaldShimodasomebody experiments cpu load increments and finnaly totally blocked the system???20:49
tflgen22my audio will play for about 30sec and then crackle out and go away. it happens with streaming audio and flash20:49
kyle_anyone using irssi ??20:49
BaughnWhich kernel is used in the latest installation CD?20:49
Baughnkyle_: Er.. yeah, what of it?20:49
bonkgrkjele:  no...20:49
kyle_Baughn: How do I move up to view posts that have popped of the top of terminal20:50
kjelebonkgr: When you can boot into the live disk tell me.20:50
Freud_ubottu: will this work from cold start, seeing as i've setup ubuntu to login automatically and still get refused connection from vnc unless i actually do something on the actual desktop(using kvm-switch)20:50
Baughnkyle_: First off, they're not "posts".20:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:50
Baughnkyle_: ..try page up.20:50
j2daoshok, back again20:50
bonkgrkjele: ok...it'll be a while...20:50
kyle_yeh, sorry20:50
rocket16Rettaw: I meant, update the packages of your 10.04 installation, not upgradation to another version.20:50
kyle_LOL, very simple !!!!!!!!  am i the fool20:51
kjelebonkgr: How fast is your connection?20:51
jribFreud_: is your home encrypted?20:51
guntbertorangeglo: no, iptables -F    :-)20:51
Kyle__Does anyone here know how to get ldap-users to appear in the login screen on 10.4?20:51
bonkgrIt's fast...comcast high speed...20:51
j2daoshso im trying to do the offline repo thing so i can reinstall network-manager and get my internet back up on my netbook. I have downloaded all the repos for main/universe/multiverse, added the location to my sources.list file, did the apt-get update and it sees the location and reads in the packages, but when i do 'apt-get install network-manager' it says it can't find the file. I thought the...20:52
j2daosh...repos are supposed to contain the files?20:52
Freud_jrib: hmm? see the noob flag on my hat when i talk to bots.... :)20:52
kyle_Kyle_: Did you build yourself a LDAP server or use a package?20:52
jribFreud_: during install you were given the option to encrypt your home directory20:52
nmvictorI am using the sript url.pl in irssi  and i have set the browse_command as `w3m %u` which open the url on the same window i am chating on. IS their a way I could make it open the page in a nother terminal tab/window so i would keep chatting  on my window?20:53
Freud_jrib:  don't think so, how to tell?20:53
jribFreud_: not sure20:53
Kyle__kyle_, are you speaking of the binary, or the data on it?  I used a package for the binary, and made my own very simple directory on it (which is sufficient for console login).20:53
Rob_Zare there known issues with apt no longer listening to certain environmental variables after upgrading to 10.04?  After I upgraded 10.04 doesn't seem to recognized the http_proxy variable. It's set but I don't see packets getting to the squid server. They now try to connect to the internet/sites directly.20:54
jribRob_Z: bugs.ubuntu.com is really the place to check for known issues20:54
kyle_Kyle_ Binary i guess.  what was the package name?20:54
Freud_Gotta catch a bus, i'l just leave the comp on for now and go home and google some...thx20:54
timposeyDoes anyone know of an openoffice irc channel where they actually will answer questions?  I have tried here on freenode.20:56
* nmvictor 20:56
jribtimposey: try other support options, check their website20:57
Mike1949I upgraded to 10.04 and now window colors (Gnome) are wrong.  Things like the grid lines in openoffice spreadsheet are too dim to see.  Has anyone else found this?20:57
SquideshiDoes the following mean that I need to install a different kernel before I can get a batchbuffer dump? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/Freeze#How%20to%20Get%20a%20Batchbuffer%20Dump%20%28-intel%20only%2920:57
guntbertRob_Z: apt and proxies is often a source of confusion, there is a setting somewhere (?) but it is not always followed, sometimes we had even to reboot the machines20:57
hadi57hi, any body can help me fix my flash hardisk, it shows disk failure is imminent20:58
blumMike1949: yeah, i have the same problem with audacity20:58
timposeyjrib I have tried the forum but that is all I see.  I just can't understand why you have 60+ people on a channel and no one will say anything to you at all when you have a problem... it kinda defeats the purpose of the channel.20:59
guntberttimposey:   #openoffice.org  is the place, you will need a little patience though20:59
docgnome_i've got ubuntu 10.04 installed on a machine, getting no sound out of it. also not getting any errors. all channels are unmuted20:59
Mike1949Not just openoffice, but firefox and everything.  It was fine with Ubuntu 920:59
jribtimposey: you usually need to wait longer on channels not as active as #ubuntu, wait at least a couple of hours, try different times of the day maybe20:59
francoops sry21:00
mkanyicytimposey: what's your problem?21:00
docgnome_everything seems to be working just fine. but no audio comes out21:00
docgnome_known good headphones21:00
adncdoes someone know if there is a sort of newsticker application does can scroll rss feed titles somehow on a panel?21:00
vltHello. After upgrade to 10.04 openoffice won't start, complaining it couldn't detect the UI language. Any idea?21:01
docgnome_weird thing is that the mic works just fine21:02
frxstremis it possible to download files with the mms:// protocol?21:02
docgnome_just not audio output21:02
mkanyicyfrxstrem: maybe trying to 'record' it may work21:03
kjelebonkgr: What is the progress?21:03
hiexpohello all21:03
timposeymkanyicy merge will not work, it will not open the database source to see the field names to import.21:03
frxstremmkanyicy: well, that would just take too long (I am talking about around three hours of video, and I won't just play back all that video just to record it)21:03
panfisti was under the impression that a 64 bit ubuntu installation was compatible with 32 bit packages...i got a message that this package is targeted at the wrong architecture (i386)21:04
Mike1949can I use a video driver from 9 in 10.04?21:04
skulskiis there a reason why the single, text, S kernel parameters don't seem to work on 10.04?21:05
hiexpo32 bit  will work on 64 bit system21:05
skulskiam i mistaken? X crashes, and i need to install a new kernel, so i need to get to the console.21:05
panfisti'm in the package installer and it says status: wrong architecutre 'i386'21:05
hiexpowhich is the better way to go21:06
skulskiis this possible? (crtl+alt+f1 does not work)21:06
timposeyI waited an hour and reposted, then one of the users came on and told me to stop reposting.  in all the time that I had been on, not a single person had posted anything... I told them I could understand that this was causing problems due to the huge number of questions and responses on the channel.  At least here someone will say, I don't have a clue if they don't know.21:06
grimlyHello Is it possible that ubuntu bug more than windows?21:06
grimlymy ubuntu has a lots of bugs21:06
mkanyicyfrxstrem: do the googling first - http://ubuntuhowtos.com/howtos/download_mms_stream21:07
CaptainTrekgrimly:  what version of ubuntu21:07
grimlyubuntu 10.0421:07
CaptainTrekgrimly:  clean install, or an upgrade?21:07
hiexpomagine that21:07
timposeygrimly is this a clean install or an upgrade? and what are you calling bugs21:07
CaptainTrekgrimly: interesting...21:07
grimlyits a clean install21:07
panfistis there any way to force installation of an i386 package in a 64 bit installation?21:07
grimlyi've downloaded it from the website21:08
grimlyburn it on cd21:08
grimlyand installed it21:08
grimlywell the types of bugs i have are more related to gnome21:08
hiexpogrimly, did you do a md5sum on it?21:08
grimlysometimes the computer freezes21:08
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »21:08
j2daoshwhere can i get the network-manager install files21:08
grimlymd5sum? when i was burning the cd?21:09
hiexposudo apt-get install network-manager21:09
grimlywell i did all that from windows21:09
j2daoshyeah, that would work... if i had internet21:09
timposeygrimly what speed did you burn the cd at... it is recommended to burn at the lowest possible speed to insure less errors21:10
bsmith093how do i force sync the applications menu to the main menu thing in preferences, i have some entries that i deleted using the main menu in preferences but they have not dissappeared from the menu when i open it>21:10
hiexpoj2daosh,  well it shoulda been in the cd on install than21:10
hadi57any body can help me fix my flash hardisk, it shows disk failure is imminent21:10
j2daoshnetbook, no cd-rom21:10
etotheipido I have to use the alternate ISO to make a bootable flash drive with the alternate installer, or can I use the desktop version?21:10
j2daoshhadi57: you dont fix that21:10
hiexpo!ask | Hadi21:11
ubottuHadi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:11
j2daoshyou buy a new flash drive21:11
timposeygrimly  that usually only causes the install to not function at all or stop in the middle of install21:11
friTTe|anyone know anything about UbuntuOne? havent been able to sync21:11
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bsmith093hadi57: SMART data says the disk is failing? if so you're screwed backup to somethin buy a new drive21:11
hiexpo!ubuntuone | friTTe|21:12
ubottufriTTe|: Ubuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone21:12
hadi57no data, i was deleting the partition prior to install ubuntu21:12
grimlyWell im using right now without problems but sometimes when i use skype it freezes21:12
friTTe|yeah got it all setup and stuff but doesnt seems to sync my Evolution contacts21:12
hadi57no problem the data21:12
hadi57hardisk cant be fixed?21:12
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moonwatchersay, has there been any changes to nfs server or autfs lately, like in the last few weeks? My Mac system is having issues with nfs mounts from 10.0421:12
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grimly<timposey> do you have bugs sometimes?21:13
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moonwatcheranyone? has no one else complained about it? that would be valuable information too...21:15
grimlytimposey is there a way to verify systems errors? and auto fix it?21:15
iWaldoDamn, I think my hard drive might be failing21:17
bastidrazoretotheipi: you can use the desktop version to make a usb bootable21:17
iWaldoOr worse21:17
vikiubuntu 10.04 udev errors at bootup21:17
etotheipibastidrazor: right. I was just wondering if that bootable will be the 'alternate' or 'desktop' flavour21:18
bonkgrkjele:  Download has 30 min remaining, and by the time it finishes, I have to go and come back later...21:18
etotheipiI guess it depends on the version I use to make it21:18
kjelebonkgr: By that time I might have felt asleep21:18
bastidrazoretotheipi: if you use the desktop iso it will be the desktop version21:18
bonkgrkjele:  so, I should be able to reinstall os to the partition without reformatting, right?21:19
kjelebonkgr: yes21:19
bonkgrkjele:  and that's all I should have to do?21:19
bastidrazoretotheipi: the cool thing about using a USB stick is you can make a persistant install on the USB21:19
cesuraseanive copied an existing debian /etc/network/interfaces file for my ubuntu installation, but no luck in getting the VM image to work correctly?21:19
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cesuraseanno internet connection21:20
inconsiderableGood day all , How to draw straight lines in gimp ?21:20
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dancekinconsiderable, try #gimp21:20
kjelebonkgr: you select advance mode on the partition. Select the month point to / do not format and everything should go fine21:20
inconsiderabledancek:  tried before21:21
kjelebonkgr: mount*21:21
mcl0vini am trying to unzip filename.LOG.gz so i did gunzip filename.LOG.gz but then i got gunzip:  filename.LOG: Read-only file system21:21
tripelbier10.04 liveCD: I have 2 hard drives, one is good. The other is imminent-failure.  How do I tell which is the good, the bad?21:21
dancekinconsiderable, well, don't they answer?21:21
etotheipiinconsiderable: hold shift.21:21
bonkgrkjele:  I imagine I will lose settings...anything else?21:21
etotheipiit even says that in the status bar21:21
tripelbier10.04 liveCD: I have 2 hard drives, one is good. The other is imminent-failure.  How do I tell which is the good, the bad?  (WD, Quantum)21:22
etotheipiand lo and behold, there's an entire section devoted to it in the manual: http://docs.gimp.org/2.6/en/gimp-tutorial-straight-lines.html21:22
etotheipiI'm not surprised they didn't answer.21:22
kjelebonkgr: if you do correctly you will keep you user settings but system-wide settings will be lost. Same with programs21:22
tripelbieris there a way to look at the hard drive brand in Ubuntu?21:22
MikeH_Do I need to do anything special to get the proprietary nvidia drivers in Ubuntu these days21:23
VCooliomcl0vin: cp to your home folder, apparantly it can't write the extracted files in the folder it is in now21:23
tripelbiermikeh nope21:23
hiexpoanyone heard anything about getdeb?21:23
mcl0vinVCoolio: even when i am root21:23
f00brHi, I screwed up my harddrive and broke GRUB. Now I'm running a 10.04 live cd, and it's not finding any of my partitions (/dev/hda1, /dev/hda2, etc). Does anyone know how to fix this?21:24
bonkgrkjele:  ok...thanks for your help!  Btw...where are you that you are going to sleep now?21:24
MikeH_tripelbier: Do proprietary drivers are there by default, including vdpau support?21:24
tripelbierMikeH_, you have to choose something like special effects in appearances that demands it then ubuntu will get the drivers21:24
VCooliomcl0vin: where is that file now? if it is on a different partition disk that is mounted read-only even root is powerless21:24
kjelebonkgr: eu21:24
cesuraseanive copied an existing debian /etc/network/interfaces file for my ubuntu installation, but no luck in getting the VM image's internet to work correctly? ive even tried ifconfig up eth0
tripelbierMikeH_, more I do not know. ask that to the general audience21:24
bonkgrkjele:  cool...I'm in IL, US...good night...21:24
mcl0vinVCoolio: how would i know that, every one here have access to this system21:25
kjelebonkgr: nite21:25
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tripelbierhi kjele, do you know if I can tell what brand a HD is on my system?21:25
VCooliomcl0vin: if it is a small file, just copy to a folder you own and extract there21:26
dancektripelbier, i think 'hdparm -i' might tell that but can't test now21:26
panfistis there any way to force installation of an i386 package in a 64 bit installation?21:27
fnawothnigcurious, is there a way to manually trigger media discovery? (there was no filesystem when i plugged it in - there is now - and i shouldn't have to replug it in...)21:27
cloudThreeHello there everybody. I'm on ubuntu 10.4 in a MSI AE 1900 ... touchscreen doesnt works properly. when I move to the right it goes to the left, any fix to that ? thanks21:28
SerephcloudThree: turn it upside down ;)21:28
guntberttripelbier: sudo lshw -class disk will tell you a lot about your disks21:28
cloudThreeSereph, besides that ? xD21:28
chazcoHi... i'm trying to downgrade from 10.04 to 9.10... i've cleared out most of the ".*" folders from my home directory... if I reinstall over the old installation will that be enough to make it work okay?21:28
vince_downgrading is a clever move21:29
guntbertvince_: irony is not in place here21:30
chazcocloudThree - I had some luck compiling an application called xinput_calibrator. Seems to detect swapped axes. There is a thread on ubuntuforums about it if you're looking for it21:30
chazcoNot got much choice but to downgrade... broken graphics, broken boot process, broken sound, broken video playback...21:31
KuraiouHi. I'm having some serious problems getting mysql 5.1 working under Lucid Lynx...21:31
dancekpanfist, i dunno if that even could work, but if you wanna force it you could download the .deb manually and 'dpkg -i' it21:31
Kuraiouit seems to be in a weird half-installed state where I can neither start nor stop it21:31
thinkstuI installed Lubuntu21:31
tripelbierdancek get nothing. thanks for trying21:31
thinkstubut after that I can't boot to vista21:31
Kuraiouand because the uninstall/reinstall/install scripts all call sudo start/stop mysql, they continually freeze and nothing can be done.21:31
KuraiouA quick google search tells me that this problem is somewhat widespread, so has anyone figured out how to quash this?21:31
arandthinkstu: Try running "sudo update-grub" in lubintu21:32
thinkstuafter I installed Lubuntu, I'm not able to boot from vista21:32
tripelbierI have 2 hd's mounted. one is good one is bad. How can I tell which physical HD is which. One is Quantum, One is Western Digital, IRL21:32
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thinkstuAragon, vista is listed in the Grup menu, but when I select it it just gives a curser21:32
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panfistdancek well i was under the impression that a default 64 bit ubuntu still had a good capability to run i386 programs. this package doesn't tell me it's missing any libraries, just that it's the wrong architecture, period.21:32
skulskiI am experience https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/554569 and trying to install new drivers. Does anyone know how I can boot into the console without switching to X first? Recovery mode still tries to switch to X which crashes my computer.21:32
tripelbierok I'll disconnect one and reboot. fie.21:33
stondcan someone tell if there is a way that I can turn my powerpc64 machine into a wireless router so I can connect online line with my video game consoles21:33
thinkstuarand, vista is listed in the Grup menu, but when I select it it just gives a curser21:33
guntberttripelbier: did you run sudo lshw -class disk ? that should tell you all you need21:33
cloudThreechazco yeah ... I've been looking a lot. But without any look... i've tried with Xorgs configs ... with no chance =(21:33
thinkstuAragon, the command didn't work21:33
WhitorrHi all. I'm on a fesh (two day old) ground up install of Lucid. I just installed VLC and I'm trying to associate it with wmv files.  (and avi and mpg ...) So I right click on one of those file types, and I choose "Open with other application..." and a nother window pops up with a list of my apps in it... So I choose VLC (making sure that the "Remember this application..." is checked) but the next timeI double click on that file ... it o21:33
Whitorrpens in Totem movie player again... Any ideas? This used to work fine on my 9..04 bix21:33
bastidrazortripelbier: sudo lshw -C disk21:33
chazcotripelbier - You might be able to get some info from the Disk Utility in the Admin menu...21:34
dancekpanfist, might be, anyway the tip i gave should work though it's not fun to do more than once21:34
panfistahh i see21:34
tripelbierguntbert, glad it took me so long bastidrazor chazCO i'LL TRY THAT first.21:34
bastidrazortripelbier: you've been told this before.21:34
chazcocloudThree - which way are the axes wrong? (e.g. horizontal or vertical or both)21:34
panfistwell the package was for a printer driver, and i've tried using a driver for a similar printer that's supported in ubuntu by default, and so far i haven't had any problems21:34
cloudThreechazco, both .... all is inverted21:35
thinkstuafter install Lubuntu I wasn't able to boot from vista, does anyone knows why ?21:35
cloudThreechazco, turn it upside down is the nearest solution ... I've been in this like a week... =(21:35
chazcoSounds like the xinput_calibrator ought to be able to solve that... everythings done on the fly now for it, no xorg.confs21:35
tripelbierchazco thanks a lot. twas easy. I now know which disk to label TRASH. And thanks all.21:36
bastidrazorcloudThree: System > Preferences > Monitors  .. you have the option to rotate the display21:37
arandthinkstu: I am guessing that the vista partition bootcode might've gone missing, would you mind running the bootinfo script detailed here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebinning (pastebin.org) the output?21:37
cloudThreebastidrazor, I know ... but I wont use the monitor turned =S21:37
thinkstuarand, let me try it one minute21:38
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bastidrazorcloudThree: you won't use the monitor turned? meaning what?21:38
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cloudThreebastidrazor, how do mantain the monitor standed ?21:40
ghoulsbladehi all, question about dolphin, i formatted a big usb drive to have a small fat32 and a big ext4 partition, dolphin only auto-detects the first it seems =(    added it to ftab, but don't wanna dismount via console all the time, how do i get dolphin to recognize it as removable drive ?21:40
bastidrazorcloudThree: i can not interpret your english.21:40
Jerry1Er, hi. Where do I go for help?21:40
Whitorrask away21:41
guntbertJerry1: help for ubuntu: here21:41
KuraiouOh my god, mysqld.21:41
Jerry1Ok, well here's the issue. :I My stuff won't minimize.21:41
barry_join #lublin21:41
VigoWhitorr: Did you try in Nautilus?21:42
thinkstuarand, this is the code http://pastebin.org/30166521:42
cloudThreebastidrazor, If i turn the monitor it won't continue standing ...21:42
thinkstuthe result *21:42
Jerry1And it's quite annoying. T: I'm not entirely sure what to do.21:42
guntbertJerry1: about what are you talking?21:43
thinkstuarand, .....21:43
Jerry1I can't minimize my windows or they disappear.21:43
skulskidoes single/text mode kernel parameter not work for anyone else?21:43
Jerry1They don't minimize to anywhere. They just go kaput!21:43
bastidrazorcloudThree: that is not an #ubuntu issue.21:43
arandthinkstu: Ok, if you look at sda2 there, you see that grub is installed to the bootcode of the ntfs partition ...21:43
Jordan_Uthinkstu: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/bootinfoscript/index.php?title=Boot_Problems:Boot_Sector21:43
arandthinkstu: Where you should have the windows bootcode instead21:44
VigoJerry1: I had that error, changed the Theme , fixed.21:44
arandJordan_U: Already used bootinfoscript, and that page is empty...21:44
Jerry1It's just a theme issue? Let me see.21:44
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WhitorVigo, it is bizzare... this used to work for me in older installes ...21:45
Jordan_Uarand: Copy the link, your client is simply parsing it incorrectly21:45
arandJordan_U: Ahh.. oops21:45
thinkstuarand, I don't know21:45
thinkstuwhere ?21:45
cloudThreebastidrazor, the cursor goes to the left when you move it to the right ...21:45
X-59Hi I need help ;P21:46
X-59Hi someone want to help me? ñ_____ñ21:46
Jerry1Vigo: It's not a theme issue.21:46
VigoWhitor: Yes, I just looked it up on Launchpad, one moment: is from 2007, so I am still looking. https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vlc/+question/1678921:46
arandthinkstu: Ah, the wiki page linked by Jordan_U details all you need.21:46
X-59Hello help me :D21:47
Jerry1At least it doesn't seem to be. The best I can think of is it might be caused since I deleted the panels, then replaced them back in.21:47
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X-59Someoe help me :D21:47
animeshhello x-5921:47
Jerry1But I don't understand why that would cause it to stop being able to minimize.21:47
X-59Hi animesh :D21:47
arand!help | X-5921:47
ubottuX-59: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:47
Whitorthaks Vigo looking too21:47
thinkstuarand, is there any fast solution cause I have some work to finish on windows21:47
thinkstuarand, please21:47
arandthinkstu: The solution is at the wiki.21:48
animeshX-59: whats ur problem21:48
VigoJerry1: It was with me, I changed to Clearbooks , it worked. That is not the fix or a solution, but it was a workaround for me at the time.21:48
bastidrazor!panels | Jerry1 try this21:48
ubottuJerry1 try this: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »21:48
X-59My problem is that when i install ubuntu like a program on windows appear the logo and start but later appear a black window and nothing happen :D21:48
Jordan_Uarand: thinkstu: In addition to what is stated in the link I gave you should also run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" and when asked to select install devices make sure that *no* partitions are selected, only whole drives. If you don't do this then grub will be written to the windows bootsector again when there are package upgrades. That command will also ask other questions, just leave them at their defaults (some will be blan21:48
arandJordan_U: you got cut off at "(some will be blan"21:49
Jerry1ubottu: That worked.21:49
Jerry1I have no idea why. But it worked.21:49
Jordan_Uarand: thinkstu: ... (some will be blank, that is normal)21:50
FeedHunteranyone know of a good IPTV app21:50
Jerry1Thanks bastidrazor.21:50
thinkstuJordan_U, thank you21:50
thinkstujust let me test it21:50
Bisu[Shield]is there a json filter for gedit?21:50
Jordan_Uthinkstu: You're welcome.21:50
animeshx-59: google black screen after bot21:51
NicI have just downloaded/installed a PPA to upgrade pidgin messenger and now when booting my ubuntu 10.04 will not load any further than the purple booting screen just before the login window... does anyone know how I could correct this?21:51
bastidrazorJerry1: glad i could help.21:51
thinkstuJordan_U, let me restart the computer to check21:51
X-59black screen after bot21:52
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X-59Tnks ñ____ñ21:53
Appetiteis there any reason i can use an external screen on my laptop, but everything except certain videos show up on the external screen? for example, some videos only show up on the build-in screen, and not on the external, even though everything else is showing21:53
yikesyI'm getting "400 Bad Request"s when I try sudo apt-get update or installing packages. But if I paste the URL into Firefox, I can load the file. Any ideas?21:53
Chachohello everyone21:53
guntbertNic: I cannot imagine how those two things are related ...21:53
platzhirschI forgot how to run makefiles, how does it work?21:53
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ChachoI am trying to get some help in installing the b43 broadcomm drivers....21:54
WhitorrVigo, I just went into gnome-default-applications-properties (per the link you provided) and to the multimedia tab... I chose custom, and put /usr/bin/vlc  (also tried just vlc)  and even though that setting remains... Nautilus still opens multimedia files in totem...21:54
Nicguntbert, apart from anything else that was in the Upgrade Manager after I downloaded the PPA pidgin had emailed me the link to get for a ubuntu upgrade I have no made any changes that I could think would cause this... and its sorta suck when you can turn ur comp on but not load the os :(21:54
guntbertplatzhirsch: in the directory where the file is, type make21:54
ChachoI entered 'lspci -vnn' in termina21:55
platzhirschguntbert: No Targets.. damn what the..21:55
ChachoI get the information for my wireless card21:55
VigoWhitorr: Hrm, a conflict resolution?21:55
guntbertplatzhirsch: what are you trying to compile?21:55
RayzrShrpgreetings everyone!21:55
platzhirschguntbert: alternativly how to run install?21:55
ChachoI have a BCM4318 card21:55
WhitorrVigo, what is that ?21:55
platzhirschguntbert: well, some simulation stuff written in java, install and makefiles are there21:55
RayzrShrpI came back to ubuntu from Debian21:55
NativeAngelshas anyone here installed ubuntu on a sunfire v10021:56
VigoWhitorr: Still looking ,,,,21:56
j2daoshok, im going to reinstall ubuntu since i cant figure out how to get network-manager back on my system. When i'm done with the reinstall, how cna i make a repo of ALL the packages to keep on a spare partition should i need them at a later date?21:56
WhitorrRayzrShrp, I thik of Ubuntu as a well configured debian21:56
biharii cant able to install apt-get -y install linux-headers-`uname -r`21:56
WhitorrVigo, don't kill yourself. this isn't critical21:57
guntbertplatzhirsch: usually there is a README or INSTALL file, read them, the last step will always be: sudo make install  (but only the *last* step)21:57
RayzrShrpWhitorr: I agree. I checked out Fedora 13 but getting the nvidia drivers was too big a pita for me21:57
bastidrazorj2daosh: when you install them they are downloaded to /var/cache/apt/archives .. you can get the .debs from there.21:57
gp5stso, i have a member:computer i'm trying to install 10.04 on, and the boot cd boots no problem, I do the install, no errors, then boot the member:computer and i just come to a black screen after POST, no errors or messages. any help?21:57
Whitorrthanks though, much appreciated. Vigo21:57
bihariany one here21:57
RayzrShrpWhitorr: not to mention flash etc. etc. etc.21:57
bihariwho can plz help me21:57
Chachoif  i type 'sudo apt-get  install b43-fwcutter' should that be enough to make it work21:57
platzhirschguntbert: well seems they used non-generic paths for javac etc. I have to edit21:57
ratowhat is the meaning of TLS in some Ubuntu version ?! (i'm noob.)21:57
WhitorrRayzrShrp, exactly... Ubuntu just seems to have it all.21:57
yikesyany ideas why "sudo apt-get update" fails?21:58
biharii need a help21:58
bastidrazor!clone | j2daosh .. to get what applications/packages back you have now21:58
ubottuj2daosh .. to get what applications/packages back you have now: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate21:58
ghoulsbladehi all, rsync : is there a way to display total progress rather than per-file progress ?21:58
guntbertNic: so it was some upgrade -- try to boot with an older kernel21:58
biharitell me how can i install apt-get -y install sysvconfig21:58
Whitorrrato, LTS ??? Long time Support21:58
RayzrShrpWhitorr: don't get me wrong debian is nice but ubuntu is flashy and just works without configuring stuff21:58
Whitorrrato, TLS ... no idea21:58
bastidrazorj2daosh: that will allow you to run that and download everything you had before with one command.21:58
NicI cannot boot into an older kernel it keeps saying unable to mount :S21:58
drhodesghoulsblade: I do rsync -avP21:58
Whitorrdebian is the guts of ubuntu21:58
Chachoif  i type 'sudo apt-get  install b43-fwcutter' should that be enough to make it work21:59
KuraiouYeah, I still can't get mysql-server-5.1 to install/uninstall properly. Does anyone have ANY clue?21:59
WhitorrDo Debian and Ubuntu parallel themselves with versiona ta ll ?21:59
yikesyKauraiou: me too!21:59
Whitorror kernels ?21:59
j2daoshbastidrazor: so i could make make a cron task '0 0 * * * cp /var/cache/apt/archives/* /spare/drive/ 2&>1' and then what? how can i then reinstall if need be?21:59
guntbert!ot | Whitorr21:59
ubottuWhitorr: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:59
ghoulsbladedrhodes, which displays per file, but not really useful when transferring lots of files, but i guess rsync might not know how many files are left21:59
Chachoif  i type 'sudo apt-get  install b43-fwcutter' should that be enough to make it work21:59
Whitorrguntbert, thanks21:59
Kuraiouyikesy: yeah, I'm seeing a lot of comments about it online... I figured I wouldn't be the onlyo ne here.21:59
Kuraiouwhat have you tried?22:00
=== xfact is now known as OmgBot
WhitorrRayzrShrp, we belong in #ubuntu-offtopic with that dialong22:00
yikesyi tried installing 5.1 and "sudo apt-get update", neither work22:00
j2daoshdpkg -i /spare/drive/{package_name}?22:00
yikesythere are tons of bad requests, but my internet connection is fine22:00
RayzrShrpWhitorr: nah that's all I had to say22:00
RayzrShrpWhitorr: :)22:00
yikesyi pasted some of the files in Firefox and they load, too22:00
thinkstuJordan_U,  it didn't work22:01
biharii need a help22:01
bihariany one22:01
j2daoshbihari: what do you need22:01
NewWorld!ask | bihari22:01
ubottubihari: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:01
Chachoif  i type 'sudo apt-get  install b43-fwcutter' should that be enough to make it work22:01
WhitorrSo... just curious... has anyone here gotten VLC to be their default media player in lucid?22:01
RayzrShrpChacho: that should be enough to install whateber that is22:02
j2daoshok, to all of you people typing !ask... stop. its pointless.22:02
bihariapt-get -y install sysvconfig << i am trying this22:02
biharibut not able to install22:02
Nicis there a way to restore a previous setup before an upgrade without internet access from the shell?!! I cant login to ubuntu 10.04 and have no net in the shell to upgrade or anything :S22:02
slimjimflimhow to install opera on lucid22:02
ChachoI am having problems in setting up this wireless card22:02
j2daoshtry 'sudo apt-get install sysvconfig'22:02
KuraiouI have mysqld running by running from inside a terminal22:02
bihariapt-get -y install sysvconfig << i am trying this command but i cant able to install it22:02
Kuraioubut start and stop do not work.22:02
Chachoand from what I have been reading this should work....i just looking for a little more insight into this22:03
j2daoshwhat does it say bihari?22:03
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thinkstuI need help, after I installed Lubutnu I'm not able to boot from Vista, when I select Vista from Grub menu it just give curser and nothing else :( anyone can help please22:03
bihariCould not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)22:03
bihariE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?22:03
Whitorrslimjimflim, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser22:03
j2daoshuse 'sudo'22:03
j2daosh'sudo apt-get install sysvconfig'22:03
RayzrShrpbihari: try using su -22:03
RayzrShrpbihari: then try running it22:03
=== thomasn_ is now known as iAmerikan
guntbertRayzrShrp: don't recommend su -, use sudo -i instead22:04
Appetiteis there any reason i can use an external screen on my laptop, but everything except certain videos show up on the external screen? for example, some videos only show up on the build-in screen, and not on the external, even though everything else is showing22:04
Nicwhen trying an apt-get install sysvconfig i get the result no installation candidate22:04
j2daoshRayzrShrp: don't give him any ideas. clearly, he needs to stick with sudo for now22:04
guntbertRayzrShrp: and in this case there should be no need for that anyway22:05
biharithanks it working22:05
j2daoshyour welcome22:05
iAmerikanHow can I tell what source my package was updated from?22:05
thinkstu no one can help me "(22:05
RayzrShrpso just out of my lust for knowledge when would it be needed to run su -?22:05
Nicj2daosh, Ive tried that with sudo also; no help... am stuck on the purple boot screen unable to load the login window!22:06
bastidrazoriAmerikan: apt-cache policy packagename ..will tell which repo it came from22:06
freezwayNic, can u get a terminal login?22:06
guntbertRayzrShrp: never - really   -- if you really need a root shell you use sudo -i22:06
NicI can get into shell via the system restore option on the kernel in boot menu but this has no net to do any apt-get action online and im not sure how else to fix the issue22:06
iAmerikanTY much bastidrazor22:06
j2daoshthinkstu: u will need to edit the grub manually22:06
bihariapt-get -y install xinetd      ## why not. ? what does this command means?22:06
Nicfreezway, Yes...22:06
petrusAppetite: the reason is that you driver/X windows cannot allocate enough memory for the external (secondary) screen22:06
bastidrazoriAmerikan: you're welcome.22:06
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.22:07
guntbert!root | RayzrShrp22:07
ubottuRayzrShrp: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo22:07
thinkstuj2daosh, I did but nothing happened :(22:07
Appetitepetrus: ah ok, what is the best way to completely disable the built-in screen whenever a secondary gets plugged in? this way i wont run into this type of issue?22:07
RayzrShrpubottu: thanks for the newsflash but i'm well aware of ubuntu and it's treatment of the root account22:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:07
bastidrazorRayzrShrp: in my opinion.. never22:07
hsa2i have just installed 10.0422:07
hsa2and i removed one of software sources, can you help me?22:08
WhitorrVigo, Right click -> properties -> openwith     *** did work***22:08
RayzrShrpso sudo -i is what?22:08
Whitorrthanks for oyur help22:08
thinkstuj2daosh, the problem it goto vista parttion, but then it did nothing22:08
freezwaycan anyone help with my nvidia gfx card resolutions? worked fine out-of-the-box with the close driver the first time I installed, now it doesn't22:08
guntbertRayzrShrp: su always needs an enabled root password - so my hint was well deserved :-)22:08
j2daoshthinkstu, i dont use vista so im not sure about the boot. i know vista has a new boot menu22:08
hsa2here are my sources: http://omploader.org/vNGhnaQ22:08
yikesykuraiou, how do you start it? /etc/init.d/mysql start?22:08
bastidrazorRayzrShrp: it gives you a root shell22:08
hsa2one of defaults is deleted22:09
Kuraiouyikesy: sudo /usr/sbin/mysqld22:09
petrusAppetite: some times just a fresh start (immediately after login) is enough, so the memory allocated to the primary screen can be reallocated22:09
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RayzrShrpguntbert: ah ok i'll own that one :)22:09
j2daoshim sure grub can handle it, but i have never tried so i dont know what is different22:09
Nicnow when trying to load the system restore option in the kernel I am getting fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2 /dev/sda6 has been mounted 35 toimes without being checked, check forced. - but I do not get any further once it has said this...22:09
VigoWhitorr: Still looking at the Nautilus part, but if that worked, YIPEE! please post it to the Forums and Launchpad. Thank you.22:09
Kuraioubut while running mysql-repair --all-databases with it going I got "Got error: 2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query when executing 'REPAIR TABLE ... "22:09
Kuraiouwhich is an error I was getting a lot back when it WAS working22:09
j2daoshnic: that means its doing a disk check22:09
Kuraioumysql in LL is just plain messed up22:09
Appetitepetrus: i just want to disable the primary (built in) screen and only use the external, how do i do that?22:09
guntbertRayzrShrp: :-)22:09
Bigbangthe nerdy chat..22:09
j2daoshbecause it has been more then 35 days22:09
j2daoshso just let that run and finish, the bigger the drive the longer it takes22:10
Nicj2daosh, but its not doing anything it just freezes22:10
freezway!who | j2daosh22:10
ubottuj2daosh: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:10
yikesyKuraiou i am changing my software source via System->Admin->Software sources22:10
yikesydon't know if it'll work yet22:10
j2daoshfreeway, the person i was speaking with knows how it is22:11
iAmerikanSo I just updated and my fglrx broke, it won't confiure, so anytime I try to use apt to reinstall it from another source, it first tries to configure, fails, then doesn't start apt22:11
petrusAppetite: otherwise, depending on your driver and hardware try to turn off your primary monitor: system --> preferences --> monitor22:11
RayzrShrphey guntbert what makes your whois show you as using a secure connection?22:11
j2daoshNic, if you still have the live cd, use that to scan22:11
petrusAppetite: and/or if you are on a laptop some function key can do this too22:11
Appetitepetrus: i am on a laptop.22:11
j2daoshit looks like you might have a bad handle or something isn't getting mounted and its getting stuck22:11
iAmerikanSo I just updated and my fglrx broke, it won't configure, so anytime I try to use apt to reinstall it from another source, it first tries to configure, fails, then doesn't start apt. How can I downgrade my fglrx?22:12
guntbertRayzrShrp: because I do - if you want to know more about how freenode works please ask in #freenode22:12
petrusAppetite: usually <Fn><F7>, that works on my laptop22:12
Nicj2daosh, I do not have a cd at all I upgraded ubuntu via gnome so I dont actually have the dist burnt to disk ... and I am currently sitting in a terminal login unsure of what to do now as I cant login to grub as it doesnt make it to the login window and i am unsure how to repair this via terminal22:12
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Appetitepetrus: it isn't working on mine, the CRT/LCD is over f8 but that doesn't work either22:12
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KalElhello, i am going to by a 500gb hard disk and reinstall ubuntu. any recommendation on how much space i should leavce for ubuntu 10.04 desktop?22:13
cloudThreeplease can anybody help me ?22:13
j2daoshNic, well you could always reboot, go into the older version, and try doing the upgrade again?22:13
cloudThreeI'm on ubuntu 10.4 in a MSI AE 1900 ... touchscreen doesnt works properly. when I move to the right it goes to the left, any fix to that ? thanks22:13
freezwaycloudThree, just ask the question, dont ask to ask22:14
j2daosheither that, or get a live disk from somewhere to use22:14
NicI only have 2 kernels in the menu.lst file to select from and the oldest one doesn't load anything at all :S22:14
williamgeorgegarI have a windows 7 PC and an Ubuntu unit, I want to set the Ubuntu box up as a server with iits internet running adhoc from the desktop how would i go aboutdoing this22:14
kyle_is there a terminal based web browser22:14
Appetitekyle_: elinks22:14
Kuraiouokay, I think I got it working22:14
freezwaycan anyone help with my nvidia gfx card resolutions? worked fine out-of-the-box with the close driver the first time I installed, now it doesn't22:14
Kuraiouvia sudo apt-get remove mysql-server-5.1; sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.122:14
cloudThreefreezway, my touchsreen has the cursor direction inverted. Is a MSI AE1900 ...22:15
j2daoshok, so you did an upgrade, and now you cant get logged in because booting up hangs at the disk check right?22:15
guntbertkyle_: w3m, lynx,...22:15
Kuraiouthe problem I think might've been in the synaptic manager22:15
williamgeorgegar I have a windows 7 PC and an Ubuntu unit, I want to set the Ubuntu box up as a server with iits internet running adhoc from the desktop how would i go aboutdoing this22:15
Kuraioubut I have to ask: what is with this debian_start mysql check crap?22:15
petrusAppetite: well, google for your specifics: laptop, OS version etc -- as a last resort you can create a special xconfig file, but it is a pain in the butt22:15
Nicannoying as!!22:15
freezwaycloudThree, try google? I am no touchscreen guru...22:15
cloudThreefreezway, I did it already22:15
mwencan i get IRC on consolo?22:15
Nicthis was an upgrade using the file you download from pidgin.im/ubuntu to upgrade pidgin22:16
freezwaycloudThree, Sorry. =| i can't help...22:16
KalElany recommendation if i should install 32bit or 64bit for my home computer?22:16
j2daoshnic, do you didn't upgrade the system, you just tried to upgrade pidgen?22:16
bastidrazorRayzrShrp: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2010/01/30/accessing-freenode-irc-network-via-ssl-secure-connection/  may help you22:16
kyle_LOL, that is amazing.22:16
NicI just downloaded the PPA file from the url I listed before, clicked Upgrade Manager, check then upgrade22:17
j2daoshare you using the computer right now?22:17
Nicthen rebooted.22:17
guntbert!google | freezway22:17
ubottufreezway: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.22:17
j2daoshso you did upgrade the whole system22:17
Nicwell there was nothing else to upgrade22:17
petrusAppetite: once again, try the fresh start method: log out then log in, start the video, move the app to the external monitor, maximize it, chances are that'll work22:17
bihariwhat is nisdomin name?22:17
Nicit was last updated via the upgrade manager 2 days ago so i have not even opened the application since until today when i was attempting to upgrade pidgin22:17
kyle_OK, so can someone let me why you would use terminal web browsing22:17
mwenadministrator_ can i get IRC on console? i´ll prefer!22:18
j2daoshyeah, i know. ok. well lets try bypassing the disk check and see what happens22:18
Kuraioustill getting mysql crashing all the freaking time...22:18
petrusAppetite: the video should be the first and only app to start, once you moved it, you can start other apps22:18
* Kuraiou sighs.22:18
guntbertkyle_: asking for discussions in a support channel?  - please don't22:18
j2daoshi want you to do a 'more /etc/fstab'22:18
Nicok then22:18
Nicsudo or just general22:19
guntbertmwen: irssi22:19
j2daoshand tell me the /dev/hd* lines22:19
j2daoshor the /dev/sd* lines22:19
j2daoshmore should work22:19
j2daoshif not, sudo more /etc/fstab22:19
KalElhi... is there any expected drawback if i install the 64bit ubuntu? (i have 64 bit processor)22:19
mwenguntbert: like : apt-get install irssi?22:19
guntbertmwen: with sudo, yes22:20
KuraiouGeneral error: 2006 MySQL server has gone away22:20
Kuraiouthis keeps happening22:20
Nicwe have /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf , iso9660 usrer, noauto, exec, utf8 0 022:20
Kuraiouover and over and over22:20
haibaneSo I was curious if anyoine could link me to or tell me a decent way to add ubuntu as a second OS to my MacBook Pro22:20
RayzrShrpsimple enough thanks22:20
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mwenguntbert: thanks. i gonna try.22:20
KalElit says in the download site - "64-bit - Not recommended for daily desktop usage" - why is it not recommended?22:20
guntbertmwen: have fun :-)22:20
j2daoshim only interested in lines starting with '/dev/hd' or '/dev/sd'22:20
Femaqits kind of risky ;)22:21
guntbertKalEl: please give me the link to that page22:21
j2daoshsomething like /dev/hdb3       /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       122:21
KalElguntbert sure - http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download22:21
Femaqflash in 64 not god.. ;(22:21
j2daoshwhatever one has the '         /        '22:21
Nicok we have a # / was on /dev/sda6 during installation22:21
Nicand dev/scd0 with the other line i pasted before22:21
Nicno other results22:21
haibaneAnybody have a good article on Mac installation of Ubuntu?22:22
j2daoshpastebin it for me22:22
mwenguntbert: where r u?22:22
j2daosh!pastebin > Nic22:22
haibaneas a second system22:22
ubottuNic, please see my private message22:22
guntbertmwen: here22:22
Jordan_UNic: What happens when you try to login?22:22
haibaneGood talking to you guys. I've got to run22:22
RayzrShrphaibane: I seem to remember a while ago I downloaded a live version of ubuntu that could be booted on a powerbook22:22
aikonivhey I'm having a weird issue but I'm not sure what search terms I would use to find a related bug in launchpad or to report it:22:22
mwenguntbert: funny! i mean country.22:23
NicJordan_U,  i dont get to the login screen to try,22:23
RayzrShrphaibane: is it a powerpc or intel powerbook22:23
j2daoshaikoniv: easy way would be to sttart by searching the application name with the bug in it22:23
haibaneRayzrShrp I'm working with intel based chips22:23
NicJordan_U, the best I can do is a terminal login22:23
RayzrShrphaibane: oh my powerbook was a ppc22:23
haibaneRayzrShrp its a macbook not a powerbook.22:23
RayzrShrphaibane: gotcha22:23
guntbertKalEl: I see that the first time - no idea why they say that22:23
KalElguntbert thanks22:23
RayzrShrphaibane: well then you should be able to boot the live i386 of ubuntu22:24
aikonivwhen I use my laptop with an external monitor, often (but not always) several types of video, including the webcam display in Skype and Cheese, the Rhythmbox visualization, and Totem video, are only visible in a 1-pixel strip at the top of the screen22:24
haibaneRayzrShrp I'm running snow leopard, but would like to dual boot if possible more so as toy22:24
guntbertmwen: keep to support please22:24
aikonivif I disable either the LVDS or the external display, it works fine22:24
Nicj2daosh, I cant do any of that I told you I dont have internet from the terminal login and im typing command results from a different machine22:24
KalElhow big a root partition should i reserve for working comfortably? i want to keep a separate very large partition for multimedia - which will be the rest of the hard disk22:24
j2daoshwell crap22:24
haibaneRayzrShrp I know I can, but its the dual booting that gets me on an already established system22:24
RayzrShrphaibane: i know nothing about dual booting a mac but i'm sure there is a how-to somewhere out there22:24
j2daoshwhat is the command for finding your drives again?22:24
guntbertKalEl: I'v been  using the 64bit version for 3 years now - nothing bad happened22:24
mwenguntbert: ok. how i beggin?22:24
Jordan_Uhaibane: You install Ubuntu the same on a mac as on windows, with the the exception that you need to either hold option during boot to boot into Ubuntu after installing it or install rEFIt.22:25
Jordan_Uhaibane: s/on windows/on a standard PC/22:25
j2daoshNic: sudo fdick -l22:25
j2daoshsudo fdisk -l22:25
bihari NIS domainname  what it is?22:25
KalElguntbert, i heard there are some problems with flash, and "lack of completeness for 64 bit packages especially codecs" - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40306422:25
=== juju2143 is now known as [J]
haibaneJordan_U I'm not familiar with installing windows on a mac as I've never had the need for it.22:26
KalElguntbert did you face any such issue?22:26
freezwaycan anyone help with my nvidia gfx card resolutions? worked fine out-of-the-box with the close driver the first time I installed, now it doesn't22:26
Nicfuck i think a format would be better this 10.04 is shit.22:26
haibaneThanks guys, but I have to run. I guess I didn't allow enough time. I'll be back later tonight22:26
Jordan_Uhaibane: I meant installing Ubuntu on a mac is the same as installing Ubuntu to a standard PC. The "windows" bit was a typo.22:26
bolsterfreezway: what errors are you getting?22:26
j2daoshi think your gonna end up having to do that22:27
Nicnew operating system time22:27
j2daoshi dont have my laptop booted into linux right now because im reformatting so im trying to do it from memory22:27
RayzrShrpanybody here running irssi22:27
jakexksprobably many people22:28
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RayzrShrpis there a shell to cli on irssi without having screen running?22:28
RayzrShrpi know ot but dont really wanna go join #irssi22:28
=== Prodego_ is now known as Prodego
jakexks/exec ?22:28
draodKalEl: on a spare system, give all disk space to root partition, install all the apps you know/care about, measure the used space with df -h, and double that22:28
freezwaybolster, none, just not the correct resloution22:29
RayzrShrpjakexks: thanks22:29
dominicdinadahaving a problem removing LAMP i get this code di@di:~$ sudo tasksel22:29
dominicdinadatasksel: aptitude failed (100)22:29
iantloppI installed deluge in Ubuntu. it opens just fine, and I can double click a .torrent file and have it load deluge, but when I try to download and auto open a torrent file using firefox it doesn't show up as a selectable program... has it not installed properly, or is there something else I need to do?22:29
freezwaybolster, i did a reinstall and the problem persists22:29
KalEldraod ahh thanks - last i measured it was about 8gb - so 16gb should be enough then (i will reinstall)22:29
bolsterfreezway: what resolution are you looking for and whar are you getting?22:29
freezwaybolster, 1920x1080... i can get 1360x768'22:30
dominicdinadawhat is this refering to it cant remove LAMP ????? tasksel: aptitude failed (100)22:30
iantloppI should clarify that if I right click a .torrent file and choose open with other app, Deluge does not show up, either.22:30
freezwayquick question... do you need to restart the computer or just X to install a driver...22:31
bolsterfreezway: single monitor or duals? Try setting up a custom metamode in xorg.conf22:31
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bolsterneed complete restart as its the easiest way to inject the kernel module that the installer compiles22:31
freezwaybolster, single... I don't know how... Someone (DasEi) i think walked me through that yesterday, but to no avail22:32
dominicdinadawhat is this refering to it cant remove LAMP ????? tasksel: aptitude failed (100)22:33
bolsterok, so youve done the 'NVidia Installer_xxx.xxx.xxx' jazz, it walked through a few questions, probably complained about kernel stuff etc?22:33
freezwaybolster, i have only installed drivers from "hardware drivers" and they CLAIM to have installed correctly...22:34
Chachoi did 'sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter' to install the drivers for my wireless card yet i still cant get it to work22:34
bolsterok, do you have 'NVidia X Server Settings' in the System>Admin menu?22:35
=== Guest787 is now known as evilchazz
SomethingElsehow do I run a file browser as root?22:35
krysisSomethingElse, just do alt+f222:36
krysisthen type in22:36
krysis"gksu nautilus"22:36
freezwaybolster, yes, also plz add my name to you speaking... i need the ping sound22:36
krysisand enter ur password and it will open a root file manager22:36
krysis(assuming you have a admin user)22:36
DjDarkanyone know about changing the splash screen?22:37
LoshkiKalEl: I've personally never, ever gone over 5G... 10G should be plenty....22:37
Chachocan anyone help with the installation for a broadcomm wireless apater22:37
KalElLoshki thanks a lot - i was beginning to thinking 16gb would be too much22:37
bolsterfreezway: The nvidia drivers in the package manager are a bit outdated, I'd suggest getting the latest drivers (I have a notion they released new ones this week, but dont quote me) This is a great walkthrough of some of the usual pitfalls: freezway After that if should go sweet.22:38
vince_Chacho, what do you need ?22:38
EvaLuaTehello world22:38
b3n4dd1\join #java22:38
bolsterfreezway Copied wrong thing : http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-nvidia-drivers-manually-on-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html22:38
krysisChacho, have you updated your computer? Best way is to connect via Ethernet cable, do a refresh of cache and update via update manager. Then go into System>Administration>Hardware Drivers and it will be there to install22:38
AndrewX192What ccsm window class does gksu fall in?22:38
Chachowell I cant get the adapter to be recognized22:39
vince_+1 krysis22:39
Jon--I have issues with xbindkeys, doesn't start on startup, I have to rerun it randomly... How can I fix this?22:39
LoshkiKalEl: well these days with 1,5TB disks, it hardly matters. I do find it handy to keep a spare 10G root partition pre-allocated, for backups/upgrades...22:39
ChachoI I have updated already22:39
krysisvince_,  whats the plus one for :P22:39
freezwaybolster, do i need to reboot, or just restart X for the new drivers?22:40
Chacho'ok krysis let me try to go to System>Administration>Hardware Drivers22:40
krysisChacho, tell me what you see22:40
bastidrazorfreezway: restart of X .. log out then back in22:41
bolsterFreezway:Definite reboot this time: Easier than trying to do it live. Scribble down some notes from the site incase you forget22:41
Chachook I see a window with Broadcom b43 wireless driver info22:41
freezwaybastidrazor, bolster ok... i got two different answers....22:41
ChachoIt says that the driver is active and currently in use22:42
bastidrazorfreezway: you only need a restart of X. you can do a full reboot if you want.22:42
vince_Krysis, your solution for the broadcom thing22:42
krysisdid you just activate it Chacho?22:42
krysisvince_, ah ty :P new to this system haha22:42
bolsterbastidrazor freezway IANAE but for all the time it takes to reboot, I'd personally consider it safer22:42
bsmith093is it possible to manually change i386 lucid to amd64 lucid? my laptop is amd64, but im running i386 lucid and i want to run a 64bit-only linux game22:42
Chachoi just installed ubuntu 10.422:43
bolsterbsmith093:short answer no, needs reinstall22:43
Jon--I have issues with xbindkeys, doesn't start on startup, I have to rerun it randomly... How can I fix this?22:43
freezwaybolster, k... reboot it is22:43
arandbsmith093: No, backup and reinstalling is ususally the _easiest_ way.22:43
bsmith093on a related note, is there a reliable adobe flash plugin nonfree for amd64 or is it still crap22:43
Super_Cat_Frog1hi - does anybody know of a script that will go through my music directory and make multiple cd's from it?22:43
krysisChacho, ok, when u click on the wireless icon in the top right what do you see pop down?22:43
Super_Cat_Frog1i have a few cd's worth of music that I want to span multiple disks, without doing it manually preferably22:43
iantlopphow do you remove Transmission?22:43
bolsterbsmith093 better than it was so its upgraded from shit to fugly22:44
=== Prodego__ is now known as Prodego
vince_Chacho,  there are two broadcom drivers22:44
krysisiantlopp, go into Applications > Ubuntu Software Center > Search for Transmission > Remove22:44
Chachothe wireless icon on the top right has a red exclamation point22:44
isam_does ubuntu come with SSH client?22:44
krysisChacho, if you click on it do you see wireless networks available?22:44
bsmith093does the flash plugin exist for amd64?22:44
bastidrazorisam_: client yes but the server requires openssh-server22:44
iantloppkrysis: Synaptic and aptitude both say that transmission is not installed.22:44
Loshkiisam_: it does. /usr/bin/ssh22:44
vince_Chacho, I think it means the driver detects a wireless connection22:44
sjmisam_: openssh-client22:44
Chachook guys I got it22:45
isam_i mean ssh client like putty for windows22:45
Chachothanx you guys very much22:45
krysisChacho, cool, enjoy ubuntu =)22:45
hiexposudo apt-get remove rm transmission but the other waqy is easier willremove all un needed apps also22:45
Chachofor some reason I couldnt get this to work earlier22:45
krysisiantlopp, is it still in the Application > Internet  menu?22:45
vince_Chacho,  :)22:45
bastidrazorisam_: ssh from command line is your client and nothing like putty.22:45
iantlopphiexpo: I did sudo apt-get purge transmission, also went to synaptic, doesn't show up.22:45
iantloppkrysis, yes, and it still loads up as if installed.22:45
Chachothought maybe there was more to it22:45
bolsterisam_ sudo apt-get install putty22:45
ChachoI appreciate the help22:45
Chachoone more thing....22:46
krysisiantlopp, open up a terminal, then put in: whereis transmission22:46
krysisiantlopp, tell me what comes up22:46
Chachodo u guys know how to setup irc in Empathy22:46
bsmith093is there a "repair install" (like in windows) for ubuntu yet?22:46
bsmith093chacho use pidgin its much easier22:46
sjmchacho: sudo apt-get install x-chat  (it's better)22:46
iantlopptransmission: /usr/bin/transmission /usr/share/transmission /usr/share/man/man1/transmission.1.gz22:47
KalEldoes the ubuntu live cd or default installtion include an irc client which i can use to log in to #ubuntu?22:47
krysisbsmith093, what do you mean repair install? there are many methods of doing so but im not sure what feature of windows this is22:47
krysisKalEl, nope22:47
KalElkrysis wow22:47
krysisKalEl, you can use empathy though22:47
ActionParsnipyo yo yo22:47
bolsterbsmith093 yes there is (as in boot from livecd repair installation menu item)22:47
Chachook let me check both of those out and see which one I like best22:47
KalElkrysis alright... thanks22:47
ActionParsnipyo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo22:47
bsmith093is there an option on the livecd, or is there a seperate iso, that will detect a ubuntu install and try to fix it?22:47
sjmchacho: actually it's xchat (without the hyphen)22:48
iantloppActionParsnip... stop repeating yourself22:48
ubottuchina_chenjie: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk22:48
ActionParsnipbsmith093: you can chroot to the installed system and repair from there22:48
bastidrazoriantlopp: interesting.. possibly install it then uninstall it?22:48
isam_thanks guys22:48
bastidrazorActionParsnip: one 'yo' less and no linewrap would have occured, here22:49
iantlopprather annoying as I can't get deluge to work right, but can't get rid of Transmission22:49
Chachobsmith093 and sjm can I get those thru ubuntu software center or synaptic package mnager22:49
krysisiantlopp, if you do sudo apt-get remove transmission  it tells you that it doesnt exist?22:49
SomethingElsehow do I shut down my raid to get it ready for moving??22:49
sjmiantlopp: was it running when you tried to uninstall it?22:49
iantloppsjm: no22:49
ActionParsnipbastidrazor: thought i'd mix it up, its usually 3 ;)22:49
s3aCould someone please tell me how to install grub to a usb hard drive through my live cd? (10.04) I'm trying to do "grub-install /dev/sda1" but that doesn't work22:49
bsmith093chacho yes sudo apt-get install pidgin22:49
bastidrazoriantlopp: i see the same weirdness here.22:49
iantloppkrysis, getting a strager one now... one moment.22:49
bastidrazorActionParsnip: :)22:49
sjmchacho: synaptic or apt-get  (I haven't really used the software center)22:49
PurpleyWhen I try to run sudo aptitude install  build-essential linux-headers-’uname -r’ I get This aptitude does not have Super Cow Powers. What do I do?22:49
krysisiantlopp, talk to me on private chan22:49
Chachook thanx22:49
bsmith093and sudo apt-get autoremove --purge empathy will purge empathy and all its dependencies22:50
s3aPurpley, is this not the first account created on that system?22:50
FloodBot1china_chenjie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:50
Purpleys3a, No it is22:50
drizzt_`uname -r`you meat?22:50
bsmith093s3a grub-install /dev/sda22:50
ActionParsnipbsmith093: not its dependancies, you need to run: sudo apt-get --purge autoremove22:50
Purpleydrizzt_, It says its going to remove packages not install them22:51
SomethingElsehow do I shut down my raid to get it ready for moving??22:51
bsmith093it works both ways/22:51
Chachook xchat is irc only and pidgin is universal?22:51
s3aPurpley, so you can't do sudo anything?22:51
Purpleydrizzt_, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-setup-linksys-wusb54g-v4-wireless-in-ubuntu-gusty.html Im following that because im having trouble22:51
bolsterSomethingelse: can you clarify?22:51
sjmchacho: I think so.  I use xchat for irc and pidgin for all other IMs22:52
drizzt_Purpley, wow, you've got Linux Dependancy Hell then22:52
bsmith093chacho im not sure about xchat, but yes pidgin runs practically every protocol22:52
hiexpohow do i re athinicate in freenode what is the link22:52
freezwaybolster: could i have that link again?22:52
bolsterfreezway: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-nvidia-drivers-manually-on-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html22:52
china_chenjieoh no22:52
Purpleydrizzt_, What do i do?22:52
bastidrazorPurpley: backticks.. `  ` beside the  1 key22:52
s3absmith093, http://pastebin.com/jLKGJvsp22:52
Chachook i researched  both of them really quick and that is what I got from the quick look22:52
SomethingElseI'm moving my raid 5 to another computer. How do I stop the raid so I can move it??22:52
drizzt_Purpley, could you paste athe aptitude output?22:52
vince_Chacho, true, xchat for IRC is pretty good, and pidgin does msn, icq, aim and things22:53
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete22:53
iantloppvince_ is pidgin better than Empathy?22:53
Purpleydrizzt_, Yeah sure give me a moment22:53
vince_iantlopp, well in my opinion it is22:53
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:53
iantloppvince_ as it's not a support related question, want to pm me why you feel so?22:54
ActionParsnipiantlopp: its a personal thig, some like empathy, some like pidgin22:54
vince_iantlopp, empathy is still buggy, less options than pidgin22:54
iantloppreally enjoying empathy, but having some... issues with it.22:54
ChachoI think Im going to try pidgin22:54
Purpleydrizzt_, Can I use this instead http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=rt257022:54
vince_pidgin used to be the "official" client shipped with ubuntu22:54
hiexpoworks with all nots so buggy in my opion22:54
ruffleSguys i need help. my plymouth bootsplash is gone after i installed startupmanager. how can i put it back?22:54
bolstersomethingelse:sorry dude, not a clue; in theory you should be able to keep the raid5 volume intact by just swapping the disks to the new mashine22:55
SomethingElseK, thanks..22:55
Chachowell now it is shipping with empathy22:55
ActionParsnipruffleS: do you use an nvidia video card?22:55
Chachojust couldnt get irc to go22:55
ruffleSActionParsnip, unfortunately yes22:56
AppetiteI am needing to convert .flv to .mp4, .mp3, and .m4v... i am apparently missing the codecs, but i have ffmpeg installed... how should i install the codecs that i am missing?22:56
drizzt_Purpley, I have no idea, it's your hardware after all22:56
Purpleydrizzt_, Alright22:56
ActionParsnipruffleS: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Fix-the-Big-and-Ugly-Plymouth-Logo-in-Ubuntu-10-04-140810.shtml22:56
ruffleSActionParsnip, thanks buddy22:56
Chachowhat sound good about Empathy is that it does video conferencing as weel22:56
nimbusAnyone know how to help me fix my font problem? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/525416/badfontScreenshot.png22:56
Chachowell even22:56
=== squiddy is now known as Guest78821
freezwaybolster: when i run the installer I get "The distrobution-provided pre-install script failed! Continue Installation anyway? (Yes/No_22:58
freezwayHELLO? the irc is really quiet...22:59
Therstriumeveryone in central time must be going home... =p23:00
freezwayi've never seen it like this...23:00
Dave__can someone help me unpack a password protected archive please / a better archive manager than the default one which comes with ubuntu23:00
madaraHey guys when I try to add a new user and hit add it does nothing no windows come up or anything23:01
X-59My problem is when i install ubuntu as a program and i restart the computer appear the ubuntu logo and appear black the windows :D How i can resolve the problem?23:01
freezwayDave__: how good are you w/a terminal23:01
DinkHello. The "groups" command, the first group that shows up will that always be your GID "primary group" ?23:01
MonotokoDave__ you'll need to use the command prompt version...google "tar"23:01
bolsterfreezway:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9337945 someone else has23:01
Dave__freezway: Not the best, im quite a new user23:01
X-59My problem is when i install ubuntu as a program and i restart the computer appear the ubuntu logo and appear black the windows :D How i can resolve the problem?23:01
AppetiteI am needing to convert .flv to .mp4, .mp3, and .m4v... i am apparently missing the codecs, but i have ffmpeg installed... how should i install the codecs that i am missing?23:01
Dave__Monotoko: ill take a look at that thanks23:02
draodDave__: what format is the archive?23:02
etotheipiI have an 80GB HDD, and I want a separate partition for /home. how much do I realistically need to allocate to "not /home"? does it really grow that quickly?23:02
bastidrazorAppetite: ubuntu-restricted-extras may be the package you need.23:02
draodDave__: ok, forget the "tar"23:02
X-59Hello ? ;P23:02
Dave__alright ill take a look thanks23:02
IanBaliadJretotheipi: 10-15G23:02
Chachowhat sound good about Empathy is that it does video conferencing as weel23:02
X-59Someone to help me here please ñ___ñ23:02
X-59My problem is when i install ubuntu as a program and i restart the computer appear the ubuntu logo and appear black the windows :D How i can resolve the problem?23:02
acroporasis there anyone around that can help me with a mdadm raid5 that has gone belly up?23:02
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.23:02
bastidrazoretotheipi: 15GB is what i use for / then the rest for /home23:03
Chachodoes pidgin offer anything like that23:03
X-59Helllo ñ_____________ñ23:03
X-59My problem is when i install ubuntu as a program and i restart the computer appear the ubuntu logo and appear black the windows :D How i can resolve the problem?23:03
nadeemhi guys i have a problem with my touchpad it make my ubuntu hang when i enable it. it was working but after updating my ubuntu this problem happen i had ubuntu 10.4 on hp dv600023:03
ActionParsnipChacho: i believe so, yes23:03
drizzt_X-59, press Esc23:03
johnnyji'm seeing errors using the latest e2fsprogs in Karmic - http://pastebin.com/byA3AZJd23:03
Appetitebastidrazor: ok, but when i install 'w32codecs' it says it has no installation cantidate, what should i be installing?23:03
drizzt_drizzt_, or hold shift during booting23:03
madaraWhenever I try to add a new user and click add user no window for it pops up. I also noticed if I am trying to install applications it does the same thing23:04
etotheipibastidrazor, IanBaliadJr: thanks ;-)23:04
X-59<drizzt_> And it should works?23:04
draodDave__: unrar x -p'MySecretPass' archive.rar23:04
ActionParsnipnadeem: try adding the i8024.reset boot option23:04
sjmchacho, if you are only looking because IRC doesn't work with empathy, you could run empathy/xchat combination, too.23:04
nadeemhow to do so???23:04
drizzt_X-59, remove quiet and splash keywords from command line and tell us what you see23:04
johnnyjwhen i reboot to a thumbdrive using Lucid to check the drive there's no errors found23:04
Dave__draod: im guessing thats without the ' '23:04
X-59Ok Wait :D23:04
draodDave__: no, with.23:04
ActionParsnipnadeem: add it in /etc/default/grub23:05
draodDave__: but it'll break if MySecretPass itself contains a '23:05
Dave__na it doesnt23:05
draodDave__: lucky you :)23:05
isam_ I do a lot of online banking... do i need a firewall or antivirus with ubuntu?23:05
nadeemActionParsnip can you put the line that i shoudl add23:05
iantloppmiserable worthless pile of crap... I can't get rid of Transmission to save my life :(23:05
ActionParsnipnadeem: add it in the quotes on this file: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"23:05
Chachowell empathy does run irc....just cant get it to go23:05
ActionParsnipnadeem: then run: sudo update-grub23:05
Appetitebastidrazor: also, after installing that packe you told me, i still get the error23:06
ChachoI think sjm is right....should just get xchat23:06
iantloppChacho: never use an IM program for IRC... you'll only hate yourself in the end.23:06
Dave__draod: it says : unrar: invalid option -- 'S' (The start of the password is S23:06
iantloppXchat is so much smoother23:06
Dave__draod:  it also asks me to enter the password when i run the command23:06
drizzt_isam_, antivirus are quite useless in Linux because most Linux malware are targeted scripts23:06
iantloppof course that's just my opinion, but you'll find it's a lot of other people's opinion too.23:06
ActionParsnipiantlopp: i've bee using pidgin for IRC since mandrake 7 was out and it was called gaim23:07
draodDave__: mhh. leave out the -p... part and use the interactive mode23:07
iantloppActionParsnip, to each their own... I just can't stand the feel of IRC in an IM client23:07
AppetiteAnyone know why w32codecs has no installation candidate if i ttry to install it? what should i be installing instead?23:07
Dave__what do you mean interactive mode? draod23:07
iantloppdoes anyone know how to get rid of transmission properly? ubuntu is hating me right now.23:08
ActionParsnipiantlopp: indeed, works here, doesn't feel like an IM client, and infact it is an irc client too ;)23:08
draodDave__: i mean when it asks for the password, enter it23:08
=== thb|Ou7 is now known as thibow
isam_drizzt_: what about firewall & anti-spyware?23:08
bastidrazorAppetite: non-free-codecs from the medibuntu repository23:08
MyWayAppetite: i think you have to enable some repository23:08
ActionParsnipiantlopp: sudo apt-get --purge remove transmission; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove23:08
Dave__draod: unrar: invalid archive 'x': Bad address23:08
Appetitebastidrazor: what sources.list line should i add?23:08
iantloppActionParsnip, but that's like saying Firefox with chatzilla is an IRC client... while technically true... shooting myself in the foot is technically a way to relieve the pain of a stubbed toe, as well.23:08
bastidrazor!medibuntu | Appetite23:09
ubottuAppetite: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org23:09
nadeemActionParsnip thx i did that but what is the relation between grub and this problem if you can answer me?23:09
ActionParsnipiantlopp: a client is defined as connecting to a server to use the service, its an irc client23:09
johnnyjwow it's busy in here - is there a better place to pursue assistance with upgrading e2fsprogs on karmic?23:09
jrluzettiAlguem sabe como deixar as janelas transparentes23:09
draodDave__: type only unrar  what's the first line of output?23:09
drizzt_isam_, i believe the standard firewall setting is block everything incoming like in windows23:09
PwrSurgehi, anyone here know how to resolve the lockup issue with intel graphics?23:09
ubottujrluzetti: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:09
iantloppActionParsnip, that's what I said... but it doesn't mean it's a healthy one ;-p23:09
ActionParsnipnadeem: it adds an extra option which may make the touchpad nice23:09
Loshki!pt | jrluzetti23:09
ubottujrluzetti: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.23:09
Dave__draod: unrar: Archive not specified23:09
ActionParsnipiantlopp: "healthy" or not, its still an irc client, the fact it can also chat on other protocols is moot23:10
iantloppActionParsnip, the purge didn't work... I tried to remove, purge, install then remove, get rid of it in Synaptic, etc... but it doesn't go byebye23:10
madaraHey guys when I try to add a new user and hit add it does nothing no windows come up or anything23:10
isam_drizzt_: thanks for the info23:10
ActionParsnipiantlopp: run: dpkg -l | grep transmission23:10
draodDave__: you *need* to get Roshal's unrar, the real one. i guess you've got an "unrar-free" or something. this is bogus23:10
bastidrazormadara: try from a terminal: sudo adduser newusername23:10
nrgok, i HAVE to solve this issue23:10
Dave__yes draod i have, ill download the one you suggested and get back to you if i have more problems. Thanks23:11
iantloppit shows up transmission-cli transmission-common and transmission-gtk23:11
madaraOkay and what about applications it does the same thing to that too when I hit install not windows come up23:11
ActionParsnipnadeem: grub boots the kernel and passes the options you give it, sometimes that option makes touchpads nice23:11
iantloppbut it doesn't show the actual transmission package23:11
nrgeverytime i go to http://www.windmobile.ca using firefox 3.6.x under lucid, my laptop freezes HARD23:11
ActionParsnipiantlopp: ok, remove those :)23:11
nrgonly thing that still works is moving the mouse cursor23:11
nadeemActionParsnip thx for your help23:12
webPragmatistnrg: flash?23:12
nrgeither it locks up before the site still loads23:12
bastidrazoriantlopp: found it.. transmission-common transmission-gtk are the two packages you need to uninstall23:12
nrgor it locks up after a few minutes23:12
|littlebear|nrg: try using a proxy23:12
johnnyjanother time then23:12
webPragmatistnrg: no it's probably flash23:12
|littlebear|nrg: http://proxy.littlebearz.com see if it freeeze up23:12
webPragmatistnrg: go download flashblock23:12
nrgi tried with the new 2.6.34 kernel23:12
nrgsame thing23:12
nrgi even tried disabling flash23:13
nrgit still locks up23:13
nrgso it23:13
nrgit's not flash related23:13
FloodBot1nrg: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:13
webPragmatistnrg: are you sure?23:13
iantloppyay! transmission byebye23:13
iantloppnow to get deluge workin23:13
norreci screwed up the smb.conf for samba and forgot to back up the orig and i'm trying to reinstall samba and cant get it to regenerate a new config, i even deleted /etc/samba after doing sudo apt-get purge samba23:13
nrgI had the flash plugin disabled in firefox23:13
bastidrazoriantlopp: in synaptic i did a search for tranmission. then looked for what was installed.23:14
nrgand my machine still locked up eventually23:14
ActionParsnipnrg: can you give a pastebin of: uname -a; dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf23:14
=== nrg is now known as PwrSurge
iantloppbastidrazor: I thought if the actual package - transmission, wasn't there, then the others were just libraries or dependencies, and not the actual program itself.23:14
PwrSurgethat was my laptop that froze23:14
PwrSurgei'm on my PC right now23:14
PwrSurgewill boot again23:14
norreci screwed up the smb.conf for samba and forgot to back up the orig and i'm trying to reinstall samba and cant get it to regenerate a new config, i even deleted /etc/samba after doing sudo apt-get purge samba so where can i find a default smb.conf or get samba to regenerate the files in /etc/samba23:15
madara@bastidrazor what about applications it does the same thing to that too when I hit install not windows to install any program come u23:15
Appetitebastidrazor: i'm still getting a failed conversion23:15
Appetitebastidrazor: is there anything i may be missingg?23:15
bsmith093im trying to help someone over remote desktop connection can anyone give me a quick rundown of how to connect with that23:15
ActionParsnipnorrec: http://pastebin.com/FArtgb37   untouched and unused23:16
bastidrazorAppetite: i have not a clue.23:16
ActionParsnipnorrec: ALWAYS ALWAYS backup the original BEFORE messing with conf files23:16
bastidrazoriantlopp: well tranmission-gtk is the graphical version.23:16
bastidrazormadara: uh, what?23:16
owenll!hi | sergiorcfzx23:16
ubottusergiorcfzx: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:16
PwrSurgeok booted23:17
iantloppbastidrazor: that would about figure - heh23:17
iantloppwell it's gone, deluge is now properly installed, and all is right with the world (well, most anyway - heh)23:17
madaraWhen I try to install any application the install button wont work it doesn't pop up a window installing the file23:17
ActionParsnipmadara: can you use http://pastebin.com to give the output of: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade23:18
madaraSorry what was that I clicked out23:19
LinuxPhreakI have some dos.img files and I want to add a program to the image. I don't know how to do this. I'm hoping their is a program like ISOMaster for img files. Any help would be great23:19
owenllmadara: ActionParsnip asked you  - can you use http://pastebin.com to give the output of: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade23:20
etotheipiif I'm hyperparanoid, should I encrypt my swap partition?23:21
IdleOneetotheipi: there is such a thing as to much security23:22
PwrSurgeActionParsnip, : i'm currently using kernel 2.6.34-5-generic, Adobe Flash 64 bit v 10.0 r45, no gnash installed and no swf installed23:22
ActionParsnipPwrSurge: worth a check though23:22
etotheipiIdleOne: is everything in swap erased on shutdown?23:23
madaraHere you go http://pastebin.com/at6GJVbv23:23
PwrSurgeI did check with your command23:23
IdleOneetotheipi: I would think so23:23
PwrSurgeit only returns adobe flash23:23
etotheipiwell, if that's the case... maybe it's too much trouble to encrypt it23:23
PwrSurgeas the flash plugin installed23:23
ActionParsnipPwrSurge: ok as long as nothing outputted thats ok (unless you have the flashplugin-installer64 package installed)23:23
bob_I'm having a networking problem. It's not really a Ubuntu problem, maybe someone could help or point me to some help.....23:24
draodetotheipi: of course it's not erased. but something might overwrite it eventually. or not23:24
moonwatcherhow do i make mountd and nlockmgr use privalged ports?23:25
=== carlos__ is now known as dtcrshr
chachosjm what was the terminal command to get xchat23:25
bsmith093can anyone help me out with remote desktop connection23:25
PwrSurgesomething I notice though with flash enabled is that I get an error message when I load a page with flash when I run firefox from the console23:25
PwrSurgeGdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead23:25
PwrSurgeI get this message repeating non-stop23:25
PwrSurgein the console23:25
bsmith093how do i connect to someone im trying to help?23:25
bsmith093i have their ip but the screen i sblack23:26
madara@ActionParsnip http://pastebin.com/at6GJVbv23:26
PwrSurgeand when I disable the flash plugin and try again, I don't get this message anymore23:27
ActionParsnipmadara: what about: sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get --reinstall install gedit23:27
madaraOh I'll check that too23:27
PwrSurgelets see if I can still make the machine lock up with flash disabled under the new 2.6.34 kernel23:28
sjmchacho: sudo apt-get install xchat23:29
chachook i just got it installed23:29
etotheipidraod: isn't it better to encrypt it, then? just in case something personal ends up there.23:29
bob_I'm having a networking problem. It's not really a Ubuntu problem, maybe someone could help or point me to some help.....23:29
ActionParsnipbob_: if you give some details we may e able to help. Simply saying "i have a problem"  won't get you any help at all23:30
IdleOnebob_: #networking might be a good place to ask23:30
bob_IdleOne: Ill check that out. Thanks23:31
madara@ActionParsnip http://pastebin.com/qjLwS3np23:31
draodetotheipi: yes, i would think so23:31
inco6does anybody here keep getting abused by the freenode opers?23:31
ActionParsnipmadara: sudo apt-get --purge autoremove    will remove the packages you no longer needed23:32
SWFuHas anyone tried out 10.04 on an Alienware m11x?23:32
IdleOneinco6: #freenode for help with that. this is #ubuntu (ubuntu support)23:32
madara@ActionParsnip then should I restart the computer?23:32
norrechow can i get samba to regenerate the files in /etc/samba?23:32
ActionParsnipmadara: no need dude23:32
Fixmypc956hello sjm this is chacho23:33
ActionParsnipnorrec: i can give you mine if you want23:33
SWFuI'm downloading it now and wonder if I'll have any issues23:33
ActionParsnipSWFu: the livecd will show you any possible issues, you can also check the hcl23:33
sjmfixmypc956: you're in xchat now?23:33
Fixmypc956yes sir....works pretty good23:34
bob_I'm having a networking problem. On my wireless network I have a Windows box and a Ubuntu laptop. I reserected an old Win XP box and when I try to log in it says it wasn't able to authorize?!?!?! Any ideas?23:34
norrecActionParsnip: if u wouldnt mind pastebining ur default files, i would appreciate it23:35
bastidrazorbob_: possibly ##windows is a good channel to check23:35
sjmfixmypc956: That's what I use for IRC.  Hope you like it.  (you can choose you're nickname in the setup or per network, if you want to change it to default to chacho)23:35
ActionParsnipnorrec: sure, the 1st is dhcp.conf23:35
bob_bastidrazor: Thanks!23:35
ActionParsnipnorrec: and is empty23:35
AkiraaIs it possible to use grub/grub2 to boot from an iso file stored locally?23:36
bastidrazorbob_: good luck23:36
Fixmypc956ok how do i do that23:36
ActionParsnipnorrec: the 2nd is gdbcommands23:36
ActionParsnipnorrec: http://pastebin.com/e1vj7JZZ23:36
sjmor you can use the /nick command on irc to change it manually23:36
bastidrazorAkiraa: yes, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 will explain how23:37
ActionParsnipnorrec: the last is smb.conf    http://pastebin.com/CvztwPiC23:37
sjmfixmypc956: or you can use the /nick command on irc to change it manually23:37
Fixmypc956I also see that when u are talking too me it highlites23:37
mwenguntbert: u still there?23:37
ActionParsnipnorrec: the files are owned by root:root and are chmodded 64423:38
sjmfixmypc956: menu: XChat>Network List23:38
sjmfixmypc956: yes, the highlight helps on busy channels.23:38
DougieI'm having some issues with my notebooks wireless, it seems like it's pausing and then starting again randomly23:39
MikeH_is there a fix for the stalling bootloader with grub2 yet?23:39
Fixmypc956is that using the '/msg' command23:39
redsherpaAre there very many curl users out there?  I have been having trouble finding support for curl on my Ubuntu Server.23:40
ActionParsnipDougie: when it pauses then resumes, run: dmesg | tail -n 15   see if it gives any clues23:40
robin_Hi. I run vanilla ubuntu 10.04 x64 with 2 monitors. I use the proprietary ati drivers for my card (v10.5) and have compiz running. My right monitor is the monitor I use daily, and left monitor I use when I need extra space (i.e. right monitor is *my* default). Thing is, when I launch an application it will open on the left monitor. Also applies to full screen flash videos (yes I know flash sucks) and pop up windows from within chr23:40
robin_omium. Anyone have any suggestions on how to get everything to run on the right monitor?23:40
sjmfixmypc956: for what? (/msg)23:40
FloodBot1robin_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:40
Fixmypc956for the highlighting23:40
DougieActionParsnips, ok as soon as the upgrade finishes I'll put it back on wifi and see23:40
sjmfixmypc956: no. /msg is private messages.  xchat recognizes your nick on the line and automatically highlights it.23:41
Dougiexchat is da shit23:41
sjmfixmypc956: It wouldn't if I didn't put your nick in the line I type.23:41
IdleOne!language | Dougie23:41
ubottuDougie: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:41
Dougieah yeah sorry lol23:41
Fixmypc956sjm so this is highlighted for u23:42
sjmfixmypc956: (I don't see it highlighted when you don't use "sjm" in the line of typing.23:42
sjmfixmypc956: yes23:42
AndorinSomebody wanna help me with the startup disk creator? I'm trying to create an installer for 64-bit Lucid on my flash drive, but it's consistently refusing to create the installer.23:42
Fixmypc956i see23:42
Fixmypc956sjm: i see23:42
sjmfixmypc956:  :)23:42
redsherpaI would like recommendations of places to go to get support for curl.  The mailing list is not responsive.23:43
Fixmypc956sjm: ok for nick...how can i change it so I keep it23:43
hiexpoAndorin,  what os system u tring to use to create it?23:43
AndorinNever mind, there we go. Choosing "erase disk" for the flash drive did it.23:43
Fixmypc956sjm: /nick <nick>23:43
sjmfixmypc956:  to always have it start with your nick, look in menu: XChat>Network Settings23:43
IdleOne!register | Fixmypc95623:44
ubottuFixmypc956: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode23:44
sjmfixmypc956: to have it assigned to you:  see what idleone sent you.23:44
hiexpo!hiexpo /associate23:44
AkiraaHow do you navigate the filesystem folder structure from the grub2 CLI?23:44
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub223:45
IdleOne!cli | Akiraa23:45
ubottuAkiraa: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro23:45
greezmunkeywhat's the command to force security updates wiht apt, please23:45
AkiraaIdleOne: error: command unknown `cd'23:45
Dave__draod: Ive got the roshal unrar and i ran the original command you told me (unrar x -p'pass' archive.rar) but it says: myrar.rar is not a RAR archive23:46
suprengrHi folks - anyone any good at XChat basics ??23:46
Fixmypc956!register | chacho23:46
ubottuchacho: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode23:46
greezmunkeyIs it just sudo apt-get update $$ sudo apt-get install update ??23:46
bastidrazorsuprengr: #chat is23:47
IdleOneFixmypc956: go to the link and read :)23:47
drizzt_Dave__, does it start with !Rar?23:47
robb_sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y23:47
Fixmypc956ok cool i will do that23:47
Dave__drizzt_:  does what start with !Rar?23:47
DougieActionParsnip, I don't see anything really..... it's mainly when downloading a file it seems to pause then start again and go pretty slow. The signal is strong (100%) so not sure what's going on23:47
greezmunkeyrobb_: ok, thanks :)23:47
drizzt_Dave__, your archive obviously23:47
vltHello. After upgrade to Ubuntu 10.04 OpenOffice won't start, complaining it couldn't detect the UI language. Any idea?23:47
Dave__on, no23:47
dxtrvlt: It starts for me :)23:48
drizzt_Dave__, so what it's first bytes are?23:48
robb_any clamfs users?23:48
suprengrhi bastidrazor -simply tringto find out how to get it to reload the channels I 'add to favorites'23:48
genfool_suprengr,   /join #sabayon  will fix your issues23:48
Dave__drizzt_:  i dont understand what you mean23:48
Dougiedoes Lucid not like WPA much?23:48
Jon--I have issues with xbindkeys, doesn't start on startup, I have to rerun it randomly... How can I fix this?23:48
vltdxtr: Fine :)  Any idea what to try first?23:48
bastidrazorsuprengr: i do not know. i use irssi23:49
Dave__are you asking what the filename is?23:49
dxtrvlt: I'd go with re-installing. Other than that I have no idea23:49
drizzt_is it you the guy with rar archive?23:49
suprengrcheers bastidrazor23:49
vltdxtr: Is there an apt(itude) re-install command?23:49
Dave__yes, i need to learn how to unpack a password protected archive23:49
AkiraaHow do you locate a file on a hard drive using the grub2 CLI? I'm not sure what (hd0), (hd0,1), (hd1,5) mean nor how I would navigate the folder structure if that were even possible23:50
robin_Dougie: I had a lot of issues with WPA/WPA2 and lucid. After a bit of trial and error I managed to get WPA working using AES23:50
dxtrvlt: Not that I know of23:50
Jon--I have issues with xbindkeys, doesn't start on startup, I have to rerun it randomly... How can I fix this?23:50
drizzt_hd0 is sda, hd1,5 is sdb6 etc23:50
hiexpogo to file system and search {file name}23:50
vltAkiraa: (hd0,1) is first partition now.23:50
Dave__drizzt_:  yes its me, i need to learn how to unpack a password protected rar archive23:51
Dougiewell think I'll just set it up as WEP or use mac filtering if that's the case23:51
vltAkiraa: formerly known as (hd0,0). You should be able to acces files using the (hd0,1):/boot/... syntax23:51
robb_if you install unrar and use file roller it should ask you for the password23:52
hiexpoDave__,  right click on it on and exract here23:52
drizzt_Dave__, so what are first bytes of that file? or what 'file' is saying about it?23:52
hiexporar is windows though23:52
suprengrDave__ if am'just listien into' various Ubuntu channels atm..and xchat is currently fav option.  It would be nice to retrieve my selected channels23:52
robb_unrar is install via synaptic or sudo apt-get install unrar23:52
robb_rar is not just for windows23:53
=== noel is now known as Guest26683
Dave__i have unrar already23:53
hiexposudo apt-get unrar-free23:53
robb_right.. :)23:53
Dougieswitching to WEP doesn't seem to have cured anything23:53
Dave__drizzt_: the filename is The_Feeder.part1.rar23:53
hiexposudo apt-get install unrar-free23:53
MikeH_Anyone on the grub2 issue? I just get a flashing cursor...23:53
robb_unrar works too.23:54
_nicolas_hermano: our names is near. it´s sound like23:54
robb_apt-cache search unrar23:54
Akiraavlt: the command 'ls' outputs: "(hd0) (hd0,5) (hd0,1)" on a default ubuntu install box23:54
drizzt_Dave__, type in terminal od -x The_Feeder* | head 5 -23:54
Guest26683do you know a program that record online tv streaming inside firefox browser? thnaks23:54
hiexporobb_, ya but limited unrar free is  better23:54
Dougiedoesn't appear to be due to wireless security....hmm I think it may be a driver issue23:55
robb_good to know... thanks :)23:55
simpsHi all. I have a little problem with my wireless usb adapter. I'm using Ubuntu Lucid. It works properly, however, sometimes it just disconnects and stops working. And I cannot find wlan0 in ifconfig. This usually happens when I have high traffic. It also happened the other day when i had my external HD connected. And it stopped recognizing the external HD too. I can fix it with rmmod ndiswrapper. then modprobe ndiswrapper. But I w23:55
simpsas wondering if there was a way to just not have it happen at all23:55
drizzt_anyone knows what happened to Lilo?23:55
kandinskiI want to install some locales on 10.04, but when I do #dpkg-reconfigure locales it just regenerates the ones I have already installed, instead of coming up with a list of new locales to install23:55
MikeH_Surely I'm not the only person who has had this issue with grub? I've had it on two machines now?23:55
acerimmer_MikeH_: you're not alone23:56
Dave__drizzt_: head: cannot open `5-' for reading: No such file or directory23:56
Jon--I have issues with xbindkeys, doesn't start on startup, I have to rerun it randomly... How can I fix this?23:56
drizzt_kandinski, you should add them manually in some file23:56
MikeH_acerimmer_: Thats good to know, I'm getting quite frustrated trying to google for it.23:56
_nicolas_hey! i can´t see any computer on my network23:56
acerimmer_MikeH_: not to suggest for a second that I actually have a solution...23:56
drizzt_Dave__, space between 5 and -23:56
MikeH_acerimmer_: Is there a fix anywhere? Perhaps instructions on how to install original grub?23:56
hiexpoMikeH_,  - grub223:56
axxithello all, I was wondering if i could get some help configuring my wireless bcm4312?23:56
MikeH_hiexpo: ?23:56
acerimmer_MikeH_: "grub legacy"  and yes you can use that instead of grub223:57
ubottuMikeH_, please see my private message23:57
MikeH_just grub legacy at command line?23:57
hiexpo!mikeh | grub223:57
Dave__drizzt_: http://pastebin.com/8MNeC2Fi23:57
acerimmer_MikeH_: see the link I sent.23:57
hiexposworry 1 sec23:57
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub223:58
=== Charlie_ is now known as AmgJesus
AmgJesusSUP BITCHES23:58
PhillipSechure is gay23:58
IdleOne!language | AmgJesus23:58
ubottuAmgJesus: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:58
hiexpo!language | amgarchIn923:58
ubottuamgarchIn9: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:58
axxitI installed and configured the STA driver but nothing is showing up under network manager...soo frustrating!23:58
PhillipHey guys I have a problem with my ubuntu.23:58
drizzt_kandinski, /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local23:58
kandinskidrizzt_: add them manually?23:58
MikeH_acerimmer_: I have no idea what parts of those documents are relevant to removing grub2 and installing original grub.23:58
zleaphow can i set up a scanner in ubuntu to xsane knows where to look for my scanner23:59
Dougiehow can I see what driver my wireless card is using?23:59
Dougiebeen a while since I used ubuntu lol23:59
fuzzybunny69yhey everyone for some reason compiz doesn't load when i startup my computer. If I switch my desktop effects to normal it loads but then if i logout and back in it gets reset to metacity or something else. I think it might have something to do with the fact that I installed Unity but I have since removed it and the problem persists. Any help would be great ;)23:59
drizzt_kandinski, yeap23:59
Guest26683hello.  do you know a program that record online tv streaming inside firefox browser? thnak23:59
acerimmer_MikeH_: i'm ALMOST certain that installing legacy will kill grub 2.  wait one and i'll track the tutorial23:59
hiexpo!ask | Philip23:59
ubottuPhilip: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:59
nimbusAnyone know why my fonts render this way? non superuser: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/525416/Screenshot-Calculator%20-%20Scientific.png as a superuser http://dl.dropbox.com/u/525416/gksu-Screenshot-Calculator%20-%20Scientific.png23:59
PhillipI just installed ubuntu on my Macbook pro and recently i dropped it. Everytime i open the terminal on ubuntu my fans spin really fast and the battery goes down really fast can anyone help?23:59

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