
NickyNickQuick question...00:07
NickyNickI've got a directory in the cloud, that just got deleted locally and I want to download back to my local box... how do I do that?00:07
NickyNickno action on that?00:08
NickyNickSharing doesn't seem to work00:10
NickyNicklike is there no one out ther?00:14
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nick_anyone able to offer some assistance?01:02
raphaI just tried to buy something and there's no Paypal option anymore :-/01:29
raphaWhere'd it go?01:29
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Gulopineokay, so i'm having trouble getting this thing set up01:44
Gulopinei have account created, but i can't seem to get ubuntu to connect to it01:44
Gulopinei click "manage account" and the site comes up in firefox, but when i login, i don't get an option to connect it to ubuntu01:47
duanedesignGulopine: hello02:07
Gulopinehi there!02:07
Gulopineany idea what i'm missing? or perhaps what more information i need to provide in order to help?02:08
duanedesignGulopine: does your computer show up under the Devices Tab02:09
Gulopineyes, it is02:16
Gulopine(on the dialog, that is, not on the site anywhere)02:17
duanedesignGulopine: where your computer is listed there should be a connect button02:17
duanedesignhttp://one.ubuntu.com/account/machines  will also show the machines added to your account02:18
Gulopinewhen i click that, nothing happens02:18
duanedesignGulopine: the service is slow right now. That should hopefully be fixed this week02:19
Gulopinedoes "slow" mean "can take more than 24 hours"?02:19
duanedesignGulopine: depends on the number of files02:20
duanedesignGulopine: what does the following command give you in a Terminal.02:20
Gulopinenumber of files? i assumed it was empty by default02:20
duanedesignu1sdtool -s02:20
duanedesignGulopine: what are you wanting it to do?02:20
Gulopinei'm not sure what exactly it all does yet, i'm just trying to set it up so i can see what it can do02:21
duanedesignwell you should drop a test file into your Ubuntu One folder02:21
duanedesignand it will then show up in your online storage at http:one.ubuntu.com/files02:22
Gulopinehrm, okay02:25
duanedesignGulopine: you add additionial computers to your account and those files will appear on all your computers02:26
Gulopinesomehow i doubt it will at the moment, because it looks very much like it's not hooked up yet02:26
Gulopinebut i'll give it some time and see if it hooks up on its own02:27
Gulopinesomehow :)02:27
duanedesigncould you try the command u1sdtool -c02:27
duanedesignGulopine: after running 'u1sdtool -c' give it a minute and run 'u1sdtool -s' again02:28
duanedesignu1sdtool -c is 'connect' and u1sdtool -s is 'Status'02:28
Gulopinelooks mostly the same, except that "queues" is now "WORKING_ON_BOTH" instead of "IDLE"02:30
duanedesignGulopine: and Not User With Network02:30
duanedesignshould be With User With Network02:31
Gulopinenope, still Not User With Network02:31
duanedesignGulopine: is_Connected?02:31
Gulopineyep, False02:31
Gulopineif it helps, i went through https://one.ubuntu.com/support/installation/ and never saw step 702:32
Gulopinemuch less step 802:32
duanedesignGulopine: ahh. OK. So under the Devices Tab it says <local machine>02:33
duanedesignit should read Gulopines-Computer, or whatever your machines name is02:33
duanedesignQuit the Ubuntu One Preferences window02:34
Gulopineyeah, it says local machine02:34
duanedesignopen your terminal02:35
duanedesignand run the command:   u1sdtool -q; killall ubuntuone-login; u1sdtool -c02:35
duanedesignthat should open a browser and put you at step 802:36
Gulopinehey, it did!02:36
duanedesign:) good02:37
Gulopineand yay, now the account/machines/ link shows it on there02:37
duanedesignGulopine: and you would need to do that same thing for all your other computers02:38
duanedesignadding the ones you want to sync02:38
Gulopineawesome, thanks02:40
duanedesignGulopine: np02:41
CuervoDoes Ubuntu one music store have remastered albums on it? Are the albums the originals or the remastered versions for a band such as Rush?04:38
duanedesignCuervo: you might try the 7digital website05:00
duanedesignthats the music provider05:00
Cuervoah thanks05:01
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usherxxxmay i have some help?07:58
dave2010mornin' all08:54
mkarnickimorning xD09:02
fthereseI get "Error Got empty result for devices list."  and I can't figure out how to add a machine - there is no button to do so from the website, which just sends you back to the installation instructions.  I've tried purging and reinstalling - no dice... any ideas?09:57
ryeftherese, hi, i believe the syncdaemon fails to remove ubuntuone token from keyring - Applications / Accessories / Passwords and Encryption Keys09:58
ryestill doing SERVER_RESCAN. I really hope that db will be tweaked exactly today w/o rescheduling09:59
fthereserye: yup... looks like there is a key stuck in there... I'm going to re-try it10:00
fthereserye: that solved it... now just to see if it actually starts syncing - btw, does a folder have to exist in the cloud before it can sync?  or can you start syncing from a folder that doesn't exist in the cloud yet?10:02
fthereseI am trying to sync a folder from my desktop, for example, and the "Synchronization in progress..." just sits there - is there a long delay?10:04
ryeftherese, yes, there was a plan to reconfigure the service yesterday but it got rescheduled for today morning (US time), currently file sync service is painfully slow10:05
fthereseok... I am just experimenting with the service, if ever it works well I will recommend it to people I know... - thanks for the help btw10:06
ryeftherese, you are welcome. I feel that once the speed is back to normal and web UI does not timeout and CouchDB replication is re-enabled then the service can be recommended to others.10:10
ryeand with speed improvements in Maverick (and later on backported to Lucid) it should shine.10:11
* rye is waiting for shining10:11
raphaso er10:22
raphaabout my question from last night10:22
raphaIS there simply no paypal anymore?10:22
* rapha pokes rye 10:22
ryerapha, are you talking about music store?10:23
raphayes rye10:24
rapha(no credit card and not planning on getting one, and i bet there's more ppl like us)10:25
rapharye: also, the u1 applet has got to come back - i was on 3G for a month now and kept having to manually kill the sync daemon - it's just stupid not having any sort of UI for it10:27
rapharye: right now i'm the first time on broadband again but have to do work which i cant properly do because now U1 keeps my CPU and HDD terribly busy, thus slowing down the machine to a creep :-(10:29
ryeaquarius, ping - is there any reason behind removal of paypal payment method?10:29
ryerapha, how many files do you have in Ubuntu One folders?10:29
raphanone at all10:29
raphathe only thing i could imagine it might be doing is syncing the firefox bookmarks10:30
ryerapha, could you please pastebin the contents of ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log ?10:30
raphasure, second10:30
rapharye: http://pastie.org/private/whnkimowidlw5r04yi5rzg10:31
ryerapha, could you please doublecheck what process is consuming CPU time now?10:33
raphajust stopped :-( - but when i looked 5 mins ago it was some python process10:33
raphawhich i guess doesnt help much if all of U1 is written in python :/10:34
aquariusrye, it was broken. 7digital are testing the fix now.10:36
ryerapha, there are only 2 ubuntuone-specific processes that may be running atm - ubuntuone-syncdaemon and desktopcouch-service; re: paypal ^10:38
raphaah okay10:41
raphaaquarius: cool, thanks ... means i can finally get myself another Andrés Segovia CD :-)10:42
rapharye: then it was definitely ubuntuone-syncdaemon; i do remember seeing something about "sync"10:42
rapharye: wierd is it not? i got no files in the Ubuntu\ One folder but the syncdaemon keeps my CPU busy for minutes?10:43
ryerapha, could you please tell the output of " find ~/.ubuntuone -type f | wc -l " ?10:44
raphazero, rye10:56
ryerapha, weird10:57
raphawell i'll just see if it happens again and then try to get as much info as possible10:57
raphayou've told me now what to look for, so that might help10:57
raphai do have to say though, not being able to easily see some info about what u1 is doing does make me a bit uncomfy at times. my guess is you want it to be as unintrusive as possible...10:59
rapharye: about the 3G thing. i dont know if you can easily detect the capacity of the current internet connection and to what degree that capacity is needed or whether or not bandwidth costs money or stuff like that. but given the obvious complexities, would it not really be better to have some sort of notification area icon for U1 with which you can pause it?11:08
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gnomefreakwhat is the name of the add-on that allows you to sync thunderbird address book to ubuntu-one?12:18
ryegnomefreak, i believe it is https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/8616/12:20
ryeFunambol Mozilla Sync Client12:20
gnomefreakrye: thats it thanks12:21
beunognomefreak, also see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/PhoneSync12:21
beunohas tb2 and tb312:21
gnomefreakbeuno: thanks12:21
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duanedesignmorning everyone12:57
ryemike131313, hi!14:22
mike131313greets rye - how are you?14:22
ryemike131313, i am fine and closely watching the development of the story that promises to speed-up file sync service dramatically14:24
mike131313is rye a human? i had issues getting tomboy sync working with ubuntuone. i saw an old blog post that stated it was temporarily disabled, but was unable to ascertain the latest status, any news?14:25
beunomike131313, yes, rye is a human14:26
beunoit is not disabled14:26
mike131313right - no offense intended rye. glad to see the enthusiasm :)14:28
mike131313bueno - i guess the problem is local to my machine then.  i'll try to log in and out - i don't think i had my ubuntuone account associated with my session before, perhaps it needs to start up with the session?14:29
ryemike131313, if you start tomboy from the commandline with --debug switch and try syncing - what do you get?14:32
* rye is a human but I have extremely high desire to bring here a companion bot that would ask for more details and answer with hm.....14:33
mike131313heh :)  It says: [ERROR 10:36:19.833] Synchronization failed with the following exception: The remote server returned an error: (500) INTERNAL SERVER ERROR.14:37
mike131313i'm reading the other bits trying to see what the exact issue is14:39
ryemike131313, this is server-side, pinged admins.14:39
ryethe automatic detection is disabled due to replication being disabled14:39
ryeand i really hope that it is going to be re-enabled today, however file sync has higher preferences14:40
mike131313alright, i'll keep it configured, but shut down auto sync, and try again tomorrow14:40
ryemike131313, please wait...14:41
mike131313ok doke14:41
ryemike131313, could you please re-try ?14:44
* rye thinks that re should not have a dash14:44
mike131313The first error line is: Stack trace for previous exception:   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.CheckFinalStatus (System.Net.WebAsyncResult result) [0x00000]14:45
mike131313  at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.SetResponseData (System.Net.WebConnectionData data) [0x00000]14:45
mike131313the second is a continuation of the stack trace14:45
mike131313and the next line is the one I sent before14:45
mike131313500 error14:45
ryemike131313, when did it start? Does it ask for note renaming?14:46
mike131313it asked me for nothing.  i get the gui Failed to synchronize dialogue with an empty Details pane14:46
mike131313i executed it with a right click on tomboy Synchronize click14:47
mike131313the first lines are:14:48
mike131313[DEBUG 10:37:13.835] BackgroundSyncChecker: Checking server for updates14:48
mike131313[DEBUG 10:37:13.835] Building web request for URL: https://one.ubuntu.com/notes//api/1.0/14:48
mike131313[DEBUG 10:37:16.272] Building web request for URL: https://one.ubuntu.com/notes/api/1.0/user/14:48
mike131313(i really should have just sent it all together, sorry for the jigsaw puzzle)14:48
ryemike131313, you can use paste.ubuntu.com to paste such kind of lines14:48
mike131313ah ha, thanks14:48
ryemike131313, how many notes do you have?14:52
mike131313quite a few, i've been bringing them around with me for a few upgrades now14:53
mike131313do you need a more accurate count?14:53
ryemike131313, no, are you using lucid ?14:56
slowspeedIRC newbie, does anyone know if the Ubuntu one service is really up and synchronising? I look at the status for files and it has a May24th message still posted.14:57
mike131313clean install14:57
ryeslowspeed, we are expecting the service to return back to normal today (while it looks that there is something blocking that), but currently file sync is extremely slow15:01
slowspeedThanks for the information rye, I was concerned that I blew my upgrade from Karmic on my work desktop. I will just check the wiki.ubuntu.com~status page. and trust the status message. Regards.15:04
mike131313rye - I have an hour meeting, i'll check back after. thanks for the help15:16
ryemike131313, thanks, checking how can i fix tomboy to provide more info15:17
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mike131313rye - i'm back, still no success synchronizing.  fyi it's not urgent.  i'll be around - i'm at work working here in the background. cheers16:10
justin_I was having trouble with Ubuntu One so I did this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Bugs#Files (ubuntuone-client) now I can't add a computer. I have tried  "u1sdtool -q; killall ubuntuone-login; u1sdtool -c" and loging out & back in. Please help.16:35
ryejustin_, hi, what happens when you open ubuntuone from MeMenu ?16:37
justin_Got empty result for devices list.16:38
justin_      29363 justin    20   0 42128  27m 4232 S   72  2.7   0:46.33 ubuntuone-syncd  this is from top16:40
ryejustin_, could you please check whether there is Ubuntu One token for http://ubuntuone.com in Applications / Accessories / Passwords & Encryption Keys ? If there is - could you please remove it.16:47
ryestrange, i thought it should be removed by syncdaemon in this case16:47
ryeno it is not because it is not syncdaemon's method...16:47
justin_fixed, thank you so much.16:50
thenriques45Hi. I'm having problems with mi account. I sent an email to the support but they informed that i should try the IRC channel17:10
mike131313rye - i just checked the debug terminal i'd left open and it seems the sync finally worked out.  thanks for your attention. best of luck!17:11
thenriques45My problem is that my files disappeared altough my folder structure is intact... I mean, for no reason at all, even on the web interface, I have the backuped folders but the files inside disappeared.17:14
thenriques45The strange thing is I manged to recover these files from there more then one time but after a clean reinstall of Lucid, I setup the Ubuntu One again and although it downloaded the folder structures, the files inside it are gone.17:16
ryethenriques45, could you please double check that the files on the web interface in your folders are there?17:17
thenriques45rye I already did that and my files are gone. I'm having this problems for two weeks now, I know that sometimes the web interface take some times to show the files.17:19
ryethenriques45, the web interface now does not load the files separately from folders so if there are only folders and not files then this is alarming17:20
thenriques45rye the strange thing is that the files that aren't inside any folder are still there, but the files inside the folders are gone17:20
ryethenriques45, could you please archive the logs from ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log and create a bug report, make it private and attach this log file then report the bug number17:20
ryei don't think the logs would contain anything now but if they do then that might be extremely helpful17:21
ryethenriques45, could you please describe the original issue in more details, as in when you started noticing file removal, what was the pattern, how was reinstall performed, etc, is Ubuntu One a linked folder to anywhere else17:22
thenriques45I'm using the Ubuntu One since the previously version of Ubuntu withput problems. I had a problem with my internal HD and my external backup HD. I bought a new internal HD and instaled Lucid. After that I configured the Ubuntu One17:24
thenriques45It started to sync, downloaded the files that are not inside the folders and the folders structure, but never downloaded the files inside the folders17:24
thenriques45The strange thing is during the time that I was without am functional HD I used Ubuntu trough a live CD and accessed some important files fron the web interface of Ubuntu One without problems.17:25
thenriques45The problem came after I configured Ubuntu One on my new Lucid instalation17:26
thenriques45I had approximate 300mb backuped with Ubuntu One. Now the web interface are showing onle 1.8mb so it really appears that the files disappeared.17:31
thenriques45I can confirm that before configure Ubuntu One on Lucid, all the files could be accessed trough the web interface. After configured the software just downloaded the folder structure and never the files, that disappeared even fron the web interface.17:33
thenriques45And please, sorry my bad english. It's not my native language.17:33
Nhdbhi, my u1sdtool --status is 'description: waiting before try connecting again' for a while now, are there problems or is it me?17:53
Nhdbthe log sais: "Connection lost, reason: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ConnectionDone'>: Connection was closed cleanly."17:54
ryethenriques45, when you were using livecd were the files downloaded to your RAM ?17:59
thenriques45rye no. During the use of the Live cd I just accessed the files trough the web interface18:00
thenriques45rye I created the bug report. The number is 58882418:07
ryethenriques45, could you please archive all ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/18:10
thenriques45rye File by file? Or i should make a rar with everything inside?18:11
ryethenriques45, i'd suggest greating an archive - rar, zip, tar - anything will do18:14
Nhdbnow a python backtrace appeared in my log, the same as bug #58446118:16
ubot4Launchpad bug 584461 in ubuntuone-client "refuses to sync (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58446118:16
thenriques45rye I uploaded a tar file with all the logs18:16
ryeNhdb, currently file sync is extremely slow so client disconnects due to server not responding. I have the info that tomorrow the code that would make it fly again will be tested on staging environment. And if it definitely flies then it will go to production18:27
rye+ 1 day of non-syncing service :-/18:27
Nhdbrye: cool, I'll check it out this week18:28
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ryethenriques45, do you have the backups of the files?19:23
thenriques45Some of them, but not of everything19:24
thenriques45As I said, I had the bad lucky to lose my internal HD and my backup HD at the same time19:24
ryethenriques45, could you please run http://people.canonical.com/~roman.yepishev/ubuntuone-scripts/ubuntuone-account-info script and paste me (privately) the output of that script?19:25
thenriques45I could save something tough, but there are files that the only copy was on Ubuntu One19:25
ryerye = roman yepishev19:25
thenriques45This is the output19:27
thenriques45Acount Info: Username: thenriques45 OpenID: https://login.launchpad.net/+id/FCKGkQQ First Name: Thiago Henrique Last Name: Santos E-Mail: thenriques45@gmail.com Nickname: Thiago Henrique Santos Id: 3294319:27
thenriques45rye sorry, I didn't notice that I should post the output privately for you. My bad...19:30
ryethenriques45, i passed your info to the developer who has the access to the recovery procedure19:30
ryethenriques45, unfortunately the logs were rotated and there are no file removals logged there19:31
thenriques45rye the removals itself is strange since I never ask to remove anything. Do you think it's possible to recover something?19:32
joshuahooverrye: ping19:50
ryejoshuahoover, pong19:50
joshuahooverrye: can you reply to the following question? https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-storage-common/+question/11253719:50
thenriques45rye Sorry, this answer was for me? If I can reply the question that you linked? My problem seems similar to this one, for sure, but I lost ordinary files, not bought songs...19:54
ryethenriques45, the music files are located in UDF - User Designated Folder, so for synchronization service they are the same objects19:57
thenriques45I see... Well, I'm reply to that bug saying that I have similar problem19:58
ryejoshuahoover, "They are still in my local .ubuntuone/Purchased from Ubuntu One folder" - this is definitely server-side19:58
joshuahooverrye: right, i haven't heard of this before...wasn't sure if you had and if you had ideas on next steps19:59
ryejoshuahoover, i believe this needs to be investigated with server-side logs, though I am not really good at navigating them now, i'll try20:00
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ryethenriques45, ping21:48
ryethenriques45, could you please check your web interface to see whether removed objects are there21:50
thenriques45Sorry make you wait21:56
thenriques45Yes, there is a folder called recovery that contains my files. Also, the web interface is now show my usage as 362mb21:57
thenriques45So, yes, my files are back21:57
thenriques45Do you think it's safe to reconfigure the Ubuntu One account on Lucid and wait the sync process? Or it's better to download all the files one by one?21:59
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ryethenriques45, based on the info I have the sync performance improvements will be tested tomorrow on the staging environment22:15
thenriques45So it's better wait for now and donwload the files that I need one by one then...22:15
ryethenriques45, so the files may take a very long time to sync. I suggest you to download the files that you do not have the back up of from the web interface (if there is a finite amount of them)22:16
thenriques45Ok rye, thanks very much for the help. I'm very happy that I have my files back22:17
SamizdataAnyone around who might be able to give me a tip on restoring my UbuntuOne address book in Evolution correctly?22:34
SamizdataIt mysteriously disappeared on my netbook.22:36
mkarnickijoin ubuntu-launchpad22:57
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