
=== radoe_ is now known as radoe
czajkowskihi just wondering who to ask re getting the factoid bot into a channel11:30
erUSULczajkowski: probably pinging jpds or tsimpson ?11:31
erUSULyou are wellcome11:32
czajkowskijpds: tsimpson are you around the factoid bot needs to be added to the ubuntu-il channel if you get a chance please. Thanks11:32
Tm_Tczajkowski: -il is what region?11:32
jpdsTm_T: Israel.11:33
czajkowskiit was there before.11:33
Tm_Tthen it's lubotu3 that should be there, right?11:34
Tm_Taccording to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots11:34
Tm_Tso that's jussi or tsimpson11:34
jpdsczajkowski: My droids aren't set up to be in there.11:34
czajkowskiTm_T: loggin bot is there, but not the facotid bot11:35
Tm_Tczajkowski: I'm talking about factoidbot (:11:35
czajkowskiwell it's not there or not working, how's that :)11:35
Tm_Tczajkowski: apparently not there, perhaps forgot in transition11:36
czajkowskiTm_T: ok, just I needed to call ops in there a while ago and I noticed it11:38
Tm_Tczajkowski: ye, poke jussi or tsimpson, possibly in #ubuntu-bots-team if nothing happens here11:39
czajkowskiTm_T: cheers11:39
czajkowskiand getting an op to idle in -il ?11:40
Tm_Tthey're well hilighter now so ...11:40
Tm_Tczajkowski: what do you mean?11:40
erUSULczajkowski: loco channels have its own operator teams afaik ... you meant someone from irc council ?11:41
czajkowskijust an op11:41
czajkowskithough I think the guy has stopped now11:42
czajkowskitis fine11:42
erUSULczajkowski: you have access there11:43
jussilubotu3: join #ubuntu-il11:45
* Tm_T huggles jussi11:45
=== k1l_ is now known as k1l
sconklincould someone please set up a cloak for me? thanks! https://launchpad.net/~sconklin17:08
vishsconklin: an ubuntu cloak?17:15
sconklinvish: yes, please17:15
vishtsimpson , jussi , topyli ^^^17:16
* marienz looks up17:16
marienzI'll set it once one of those three confirms (and tells me exactly what the cloak should be)17:16
vishsconklin: what marienz said :) , so when they are free they will respond17:17
sconklinno worries, thanks!17:18
tsimpsonhi marienz, can you please give sconklin an @ubuntu/member/sconklin cloak? :)17:18
tsimpsonand congratulations to sconklin17:19
marienzsconklin: you are now cloaked17:19
sconklinsweet., Thanks all!17:20
duster1959ppl, does anybody know where is ubuntu-ru chan?20:20
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:21
Piciduster1959: Didn't you just answer your own question? #ubuntu-ru20:21
duster1959arara.. in search i mised it20:22
PiciIts okay :)20:22

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