
kaushalI did added JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xms512m -Xmx4500m -XX:+HeapDumpOnCtrlBreak -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError"13:38
kaushaland did export $JAVA_OPTIONS13:38
kaushalbut on ps aux | grep tomcat it does not show the JAVA options13:38
kaushalAny clue please ?13:38
nthykierkaushal: did you set these options in /etc/default/tomcat ? Alternatively are you running a "per user" instance of tomcat?13:44
kaushalnthykier: i did added on the init script of tomcat13:44
kaushalthe init script is a customized script13:44
nthykierWell, by default we use JAVA_OPTS and not JAVA_OPTIONS in our script - also by default /etc/default/tomcat6 will set the value of JAVA_OPTS13:45
nthykierAt least this is the case in 6.0.26-213:46
kaushalUnrecognized VM option '+HeapDumpOnCtrlBreak'13:47
kaushalJAVA_OPTS="-Xms512m -Xmx4500m -XX:+HeapDumpOnCtrlBreak -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError"13:47
kaushalI am running tomcat 5.5.2713:47
nthykierguess your VM doesn't support that option, what VM are you using?13:48
kaushalnthykier: is it java -version ?13:49
kaushalI mean VM ?13:49
kaushaljava version "1.5.0_15"13:49
nthykierkaushal: No, the actual implementation (e.g. Openjdk-6, GCJ or Sun-java)13:55
kaushalnthykier: ok13:56
kaushalshall i pastebin the configs ?13:56
kaushalI am using sun java13:57
nthykierkaushal: Okay, then sun-java does not support the option (or you wrote it wrong) in that version13:57
nthykier-X (and -XX) are nonstandard options13:58
kaushalnthykier: ok please suggest me the correct options13:58
nthykierkaushal: I do not know them, I usually do not need to pass this kind of option to my JVM.14:00
nthykierperhaps your source for those options may know more about which JVM (or/and version) support those options14:01
=== doko__ is now known as doko
SpamapSHello everyone. I'm trying to package Antlr3 .. and its very confusing where to find certain pieces of software and how to assemble them... for instance, antlr3-maven-plugin .. the only place I find the "release" files is http://grepcode.com/snapshot/repo1.maven.org/maven2/org.antlr/antlr3-maven-plugin/3.1.2-118:37
SpamapSThere's a jar with the class files and pom.xml ..18:39
SpamapSand another with the src18:39
SpamapSso do we always have to download both, and then assemble them into a .orig?18:39
nthykierSpamapS: I thought antlr3 was packed already ?18:42
SpamapSnthykier: 3.0 is, but 3.1 changed to a pure maven build18:43
SpamapSthey seem to have the same affliction as the php world.. changing huge swaths of code in minor releases. :-/18:43
nthykierah 3.118:44
SpamapSI'm working on packaging Cassandra18:44
SpamapSwhich ships antlr3-3.1.2.jar in their source distribution. :-/18:45
nthykierSpamapS: Okay, I am afraid I am not sure how the antlr3 orig.tar is/should be generated. The Debian side seems to be lacking some love as well18:46
SpamapSseems like there should be a uniform way to say "grab this maven based source and make it into a debian source"18:47
SpamapSsort of like dh-make-perl18:48
nthykierfile a bug against the maven helper in Debian perhaps :P18:51
nthykierSpamapS: perhaps I could have you send an email to debian-java@lists.debian.org - perhaps there are some people there who knows more about antlr3 and how to package it18:54
nthykierI recall someone bringing it up a few months back18:55
SpamapSprobably ttx :)18:56
SpamapSugh.. boostrap.. fun.. antlr3 depends on antl3-maven-plugin depends on antlr3......19:49
nthykierSpamapS: guess you have to break that circle :P19:56
SpamapSAccording to Thierry's java lib packaging guide (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JavaTeam/LibraryPackaging) its ok to start out with a binary upload to multiverse if this is the case19:57

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