
akgranerI meant to post this earlier this week - can someone review it - http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/205003:07
akgraneralso here is another one from devel-announce - can someone review it to please  - Thanks!   http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/205103:57
akgraneralso this one http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/2052 on Call for Testing: Hardy Firefox Users (or willing to install Hardy in a VM)  - Please and thank you!04:20
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ZachK_akgraner: i'd love to review the fridge stuff you're posting but i can't for some reason05:40
highvoltagewould it be ok if I write a welcome note to new members voted in by the EMEA council on the fridge?12:09
akgranerhighvoltage, I was told we only add those to the newsletter :-/  Though I am not opposed that just means that all new members will get posted to the Fridge.  I need to step our for an hour or so - if you all want to discuss it please do :-)12:43
highvoltageakgraner: ok. I meant per meeting as apposed to per-member, but you're right, newsletter is really sufficient12:47
ZachK_akgraner: did you get my message earlier?13:04
akgranerZachK_, yep I see it now :-)14:33
akgranerZachK_, Fridge Editors are the ones who can see it - I ask them to review for formating issues as they have been posting things longer than I.14:34
akgranerCheck it out - Linaro: Accelerating Linux on ARM - http://fridge.ubuntu.com/16:24
akgranernhandler, ping17:55
nhandlerakgraner: pong17:55
akgranersomething broke on the Forums17:55
nhandlerakgraner: What do you mean?17:55
akgranersorry enter key fail17:56
akgranertake a look at - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=150069617:56
akgraneron the Fridge you see the full article17:56
akgranerbut on the forums you don't17:56
akgranerknow anything about that?  We can always edit it - but I don't know enough about the forward from the fridge to the forums to know what broke it17:57
nhandlerakgraner: Interesting. I know the script shortens certain posts, but I've not seen it do it like this before. I don't have access to the script either to do anything.17:57
akgranerahh do you have access to modify a forum post?17:57
nhandlerLet me talk to some people. We really need a better script to handle this17:57
nhandlerakgraner: No, but I know some people who can. Let me poke someone17:58
akgranernods - well we will get a new one I think with the new fridge so I think we can live with another 6 weeks or so :-)17:58
akgranernhandler, thanks! :-)17:58
nhandlerakgraner: Probably not. I think this is just an rss->forum type script, so it would just need to be updated.17:58
akgranerthanks for checking on that - I really appreciate it18:00
akgranerwe are getting some really good feedback on the Fridge18:01
akgranernhandler, thanks for getting the alpha one announcement up - :-)  he would have sent that the hour I had to step away :-P18:04
MikeDKså der maverick alpha122:38
akgranerwoo hoo - hopefully I stay connected23:05
akgranerI am using my n900 to connect to the internet :-)23:05
Pendulumakgraner: laptop problems?23:06
Pendulumakgraner: have you actually been resting as ordered at all? :P23:06
akgranerPendulum, yep - i have been23:10
akgranerwe are on our way to a retirement function and my usb verizon dongle wasn't working :-(  i'm hoping i can stay online at least til after the meeting tonight23:12
akgranerso I had to switch to my phone23:13
akgranerPendulum, I tried to go without my brace and sling - you know for vanity sake - but I can't :-(23:14
Pendulumakgraner: better to be comfortable and not cause more damage *hugs*23:16
akgranerme and my hard-headed self are learning :-)23:16
akgranerNews Team meeting here in about 10 mins :-)23:47
ZachK_MEETING SOON!!!!23:47
ZachK_t-minus five minutes23:56

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