
nigelbabueww, while we were not watching, review queue jumped from 50s to 60s to 29305:43
hyperairthat's large.05:47
nigelbabuwell, compared to cleansweep project, no05:47
nigelbabutotal number of patches awaiting review by ubuntu-reviewers is 195505:48
nigelbabu1955 patches to be reviewed in 6 months - possible/05:49
hyperairwell, if we try very hard...05:50
hyperairi think...?05:50
nigelbabuI think if we can go 1 patch a day and gather lots of people to do that05:50
nigelbabuentirely possible05:50
hyperaironce i get my new kernel and btrfs working, i'll start poking the review queue05:50
hyperairyaeh it's possible.05:50
hyperairbut the queue will also grow.05:50
nigelbabuThere has been really steady growth this month.05:51
nigelbabuI'll be keeping track of new patches coming in, so we can get the exact progress05:51
nigelbabuhyperair: oh joy! I'm PM-ing myself to keep track of things to do05:55
hyperairnigelbabu: lol!05:56
hyperairuse tomboy notes =p05:57
hyperairor some todo list or other, say gtg, evolution's calendar, rainlendar, or sunbird/lightning05:57
nigelbabuand sync them? No thanks05:57
nigelbabuThis is easier, whatever I have to do in the evening, PM my usual nick05:57
ajmitchnigelbabu: that's quite a few new patches06:15
nigelbabuajmitch: we're having project clean sweep - to clean all the old patches against ubuntu06:15
nigelbabuso one patch a day and mobilize large number to do it06:16
nigelbabubefore maverick release, we want the 1955 number to 006:16
ajmitchgood luck with that :)06:16
nigelbabuajmitch: well, obviously, I want you to help out too06:16
ajmitchtrying to check that old patches can be applied to newer versions can be tedious06:16
nigelbabuajmitch: well, then patch-needswork and move on ;)06:17
ajmitchbut that requires me to do work :P06:17
nigelbabustep 1 though is to make sure that the bug is reproducible06:17
ajmitchyou may end up with a lot in patch-needswork, and noone willing to refresh the patch06:18
ajmitchif someone submitted a patch 3 years ago & we're only just getting to it, they probably won't be motivated to pick it up again06:18
nigelbabuyes, have to write a lot of standard replies for a lot of use cases06:19
nigelbabuajmitch: I just saw a patch workflow which might help us07:04
nigelbabuwant to take a look at it07:04
nigelbabuIts the workflow used by the drupal community for their patches.  I just saw it when I was opening a ticket there for some issues I was facing http://drupal.org/node/15611907:04
dholbachgood morning08:08
nigelbabudholbach: also, I'd like to show you http://drupal.org/node/15611908:20
nigelbabuthis is what drupal community uses for their patch review thing08:20
dholbachlooks a bit like what we'd have if we had proper patch statuses in Launchpad :)08:21
dholbachbut at least we have it for code reviews08:21
nigelbabuyup ;)08:21
nigelbabuvish: can you modify my time from 16:30 to 15:30 UTC? 1530 = 2000 IST right?10:51
nigelbabu(I'm at work, can't play with wiki10:51
nigelbabuddecator: poke12:03
vishnigelbabu: 15:30 = 21:00 IST13:16
nigelbabuvish: no, I want it to be 2000 to 0000 UTC13:17
vishnigelbabu: IST - 5:30 UTC13:17
visherr , +13:17
nigelbabuon UTC, its +4:3013:18
vishhmm , oh well , IST = +5:30 GMT13:18
vishutc you can figure out ;p13:18
nigelbabuoh, I wish there was a desktop TZ converter13:19
vishnigelbabu: see , +5:30 ;p13:21
nigelbabuvish: agreed, but whole of uds, i calculated +430 and thats what worked13:21
nigelbabuok, then I've calculated correct right?13:21
nigelbabuI mean on the wiki13:21
vishnigelbabu: nope , 16:30 - 20:30 UTC = 22:00 - 02:00 IST13:33
nigelbabuvish: ewww.. change that to 2000 to 0000 IST please?13:34
vishnigelbabu: k13:34
dholbachI always use: "date; date -u" to check :)13:34
dholbachnigelbabu: is there anything we should get done from the blueprints before the announce?13:35
dholbachnigelbabu: or just go and do it=?13:35
dholbach(probably rather the other way around :-))13:35
nigelbabudholbach: publish the workflow perhaps? wiki.ubuntu.com/OperationCleansweep13:36
dholbachnigelbabu: publish in which way? what did you have in mind?13:36
nigelbabuwell, there's nothing there, we have to write13:36
nigelbabusame as the workflow in reviewguide, except there won't be a patch tahg13:36
nigelbabuAlso, need to work on standard replies for use cases that we hit13:37
dholbachnigelbabu: I included the graph on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OperationCleansweep13:40
dholbachnigelbabu: I personally wouldn't copy the docs again13:40
dholbacheither link to it very prominently or use Include()s13:40
nigelbabudholbach: just linking up would be fine13:40
dholbachok great13:40
nigelbabudholbach: Also, can you make the image horizontal instead of vertical?13:40
nigelbabuA lot of people would be putting it on the side bar of their blog, its nicer if its horizontal13:41
dholbachnigelbabu: I'll have a look into it13:44
nigelbabudholbach: nothing urgent.  Just came across it when I was looking into putting it on my blog13:44
nigelbabudholbach: you can't merge into the ubuntu-review-overview trunk?13:54
dholbachnigelbabu: I prefer to use merge proposals13:54
dholbachI think there's a lot of worth others looking over my changes :)13:54
nigelbabubut you know python and launchpadlib better than me :)13:55
vishdholbach: nigelbabu : is there some way to make/review papercut patches faster?  could we ping here to get them through quicker?13:55
vishdo note , those would be smaller/simpler patches13:55
nigelbabuvish: *glee* or your could do them youself13:55
dholbachstill, if there's stuff in there where you go "what the hell? this doesn't make any sense! none of the variable names make sense", etc. then that's useful13:55
nigelbabudholbach: haha13:56
vishnigelbabu: well , i dont know all the packages do i ;)13:56
dholbachvish: what do you mean by "get them through"?13:56
vishdholbach: getting the review done for those bugs faster13:57
vishclearing them out of review queue13:57
dholbachvish: so get them upstream and stuff?13:57
dholbachvish: then yes13:57
vishdholbach: cool , thanks :)13:57
dholbachI hope the reviewers team can help with that once we have a few more people on board13:57
dholbachand make cleansweep happen13:58
nigelbabuyeah, we need to work on getting the patches that we carry back to upstream and debian too13:58
dholbachfirst let's get cleansweep done :)13:58
nigelbabuwell, first lets get it started!13:59
dholbachnigelbabu: proposed the merge14:03
nigelbabudholbach: awesome, i'll look at it when I get home14:03
nigelbabuits raining like crazy today though, so it might be some time :/14:03
dholbachtake it easy14:04
dholbachnigelbabu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OperationCleansweep14:05
nigelbabudholbach: yay!14:06
dholbachglad you like it :)14:06
nigelbabuAlso, I need to correct a lot of stuff on that wiki page.  I've but in a lot of blunders14:07
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ddecatornigelb: ouch15:52
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