
=== Turl1 is now known as Turl
MTecknologynewz2000: hey... they link color "fast and free. You'll have a chance to register  when you login. "04:19
MTecknologyit's purple - but close enoguh to black that I had a VERY hard time figuring out where "login" was.04:19
MTecknologyjust mentioning it.04:20
MTecknologyheh.. After submitting a landscape review I hit a 40404:27
MTecknologyI guess this is canonical - not ubuntu - but same place as far as an employee is concerned :P04:27
MTecknology..... jackass.canonical.com16:57
jpdsMTecknology: What's up?17:05
MTecknologyjpds: just an interesting choice for the name17:05
jpdsMTecknology: Hmm.17:06
MTecknologysorry- just noticed it and had to say something17:06
jpdsMTecknology: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_Penguin may be enlightning.17:06
MTecknologyjpds: ahh... thanks17:08
arrenlexHey, everyone. On the ubuntu.com download page, go to step 2, check USB stick and click Mac. Look at step 9. Is that command missing all its spaces or is it just me?19:28
arrenlexExecute sudoddif=/path/to/downloaded.imgof=/dev/rdiskN bs=1m  (replace /path/to/downloaded.img with the path where the image file is located; for example, ./ubuntu.img or ./ubuntu.dmg).19:28
knomearrenlex, seems to miss the spaces :P20:01
=== arrenlex1 is now known as arrenlex

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