[16:14] Hello, I have this in /etc/init/usb-blaster.conf: [16:15] script exec mount --bind /dev/bus /proc/bus ln -s /sys/kernel/debug/usb/devices /proc/bus/usb/devices [16:15] end script [16:15] erm, bad pasting [16:15] exec & ln -s are in different lines [16:15] now, when I do sudo start usb-blaster, only the mount is done, but not the ln -s, why is that ? [16:17] nevermind, it worked [18:25] Keybuk: have you ever looked at the wayland source? === Md_ is now known as Md [20:46] sadmac: no, why? [21:04] Keybuk: He does some marshalling stuff a lot like what nih_dbus does, but with libffi instead of generated code [23:18] sadmac: are you thinking of my branch of wayland? [23:18] i don't think that ever landed on krh's branch [23:19] (that stuff is here http://cgit.freedesktop.org/~halfline/wayland/log/?h=dbus-attempt) [23:20] halfline: its not dbus itself. Some aspects of his implementation of the wayland internal protocol could be applied to nih_dbus to remove some of the generated code though. [23:20] oh yeah, and I should publish my wayland branch [23:20] oh i see what you mean [23:21] halfline: actually libnih might be something I suggest to him to get rid of things like wl_hash and the linked list stuff. [23:22] halfline: right now I'm just plastering the source with documentation to get familiar [23:22] gotta go catch a bus [23:22] do that :)