
cmd10noilhi. Anyone got problem with Xubuntu 10 and Acer Notebook. Usb doesnt mount !!00:16
cmd10noilif I try Xubuntu 9, usb works. With Xubuntu 10, not working.00:17
MalkavianManiacplease pastebin the output of tain -n 50 /var/log/syslog00:21
MalkavianManiactail -n 50 /var/log/syslog *00:22
cmd10noilAnyone got usb problems on Xubuntu_10 ????00:32
drizzt_cmd10noil, xubuntu 10 is one big problem00:39
drizzt_even GDM isn';t working there00:39
cmd10noildrizzt_, ok00:40
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FFForeverIs there a simple way to get compiz + xfce without jumping through a load of hoops?01:30
lakeDoes anyone here have experience with Gigolo? I'm having an issue where I can create a connection, but I can never view the directories or files from a connection...02:49
spvenskocan someone here please convince me to switch to xubuntu? i'm about this | | far from switching after gnome driving me crazy for the past few months07:16
Sysi!xubuntu | spvensko07:51
ubottuspvensko: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels07:51
FFForeverHow can I have ubuntu rebuild my menu.lst?08:16
well_laid_lawnFFForever: does   sudo update-grub   do it?08:31
FFForeverwell_laid_lawn, I trashed it and update-grub does not put old items back in09:02
FFForeverI ended up deleting my good copy09:02
well_laid_lawnFFForever: do you dual boot wiyh windows?09:04
FFForeverwindows and chrome os09:05
FFForeverI know ubuntu can/will write the menu file for me... I just don't really want to write it manually09:05
well_laid_lawnif update grub doesn't do it then I don't know how09:06
FFForeverthanks anyways09:07
well_laid_lawnnp :]09:09
well_laid_lawnwhen you get one woking do a backup :]09:09
well_laid_lawnI should watch what I type not the movie...09:10
Balzacola penguinz10:32
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Ongawezyrkeola penguinz10:32
knome!hi | Ongawezyrke10:33
ubottuOngawezyrke: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:33
knomehello, ikonia10:33
erxyzHi, I just discovered Xubuntu and wanted to try it out since my laptop has not much RAM, anyway, just wondering: does most softwares works just like on Ubuntu? For example I want to do some ruby + rails development12:07
Sysirunning programs is similar to ubuntu12:07
Sysisame programs work12:07
erxyzvery good, thank you12:08
adarofCouple of Question from a xfce newbie here12:32
adarofI use the "Keyboards Layout" Applet - but If I logout/login, configuration (like hotkey for switching) is lost. I found same description at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1418047 but wondering if this is a known issue?!12:32
adarofThe other (more annoying) thing is, that xfce needs approximatly 60sec for logout. I think this is, if I had a kde application running during my session, but Im not sure. I found a description of the problem here http://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6342 and are wondering if this "bug" is known by anyone?12:38
knomeadarof, if you have a kde application in your session, xfce needs to load the kde libraries the app needs, so it's taking longer to boot12:41
knomeadarof, do you save the session after you add the kb applet?12:42
adarofknome: Okay, takes time to load....but to logout???12:53
adarofknome: Ah okay, I saved this session now (with well configured keyboard-layout-applet. Will see this evening...thanks for hint!12:55
knomeadarof, right... logout. no idea. is it a clean install?12:56
adarofnot really. The computer itself yes, but I like to hold my $HOME ;-)12:57
adarofThus it could be some config stuff somewhere ...12:57
knomeadarof, yeah, some of those .-folders. i can't remember which were crucial to remove12:58
adarofBut okay. There is another question: I got used (from KDE) to have a bouncing application icon next to mouse, if i start a application and the window isnt yet open12:58
adarofthis indicates e.g. that the hotkey was successfully pressed12:59
knomethere's no such thin in xfce12:59
adarofiis there sth like this in xfce?12:59
adarofBad luck, okay12:59
Sysiit should show some thingy when it's loading something12:59
knomewell that would pretty much be overkill for a light de12:59
knomeSysi, i wouldn't want it to be next to the cursor13:00
knomemaybe in the notification area or sth...13:00
Sysiknome: i mean that there is something almost like that13:00
adarofand the last of my list: If I cycle through my apps using Alt-Tab: Could I have the selected windows to come in front?13:00
knomeSysi, not application-specific13:01
adarofcurrently I just have a boarder, but ...hey - who knows which app isit?13:01
Sysiknome: not, but it shows that you haven't misclicked13:01
adarofknome: Okay, but some idication that _aomething_ is loaded? Does this exist?13:01
adarofSysi, exactly this would be great13:01
erxyzI dont understand, I boot up the CD, choose language then install, then it shows the xubuntu logo, quite bad pixelated then goes black/grey and nothign happends13:02
newnewfaghi all13:02
knomeadarof, i don't think you can bring the windows on front on alt+tab. you can disable the border, though.13:02
Sysiyou can disable border13:02
newnewfagwhat's the way to change gdm configuration on xubuntu 10.04?13:02
newnewfagi tried to copy a corresponding .desktop-file to gdm-autostart as it is done on ubuntu13:03
newnewfagbut that didnt work for me13:03
Sysiadarof: but you can't get windows to move on top during browsing, watch icons on popup-window :)13:03
Sysiknome: or is it possible, during pressing alt+tab?13:04
Sysierxyz: what graphichs card do you have?13:05
erxyzNot sure actually, some integrated laptop one13:05
adarofSysi, well - there might be 10 firefox icons ...13:05
knomeSysi, no13:05
erxyzThe PC is actually "Designed for Windows", but Ubuntu runs on it, even tho its slow13:05
adarofenxyz: type "lspci" within a terminal13:05
adarofenxyz: remove this silly label - could help ;-)13:06
Sysiadarof: use tabs :P13:06
adarofSysi, LOL13:07
adarofgeneral question: Whats your prefered IM application? I need Jabber + ICQ (directly since my jabberserver13:07
adarof's transport to icq isnt stable enough13:08
knomeadarof, bitlbee :P13:08
adarofknome, Rotfl - i'll give it a try13:08
Sysipidgin is installed by default13:09
xubuntu426please i need install java in xubuntu ...14:18
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.14:20
Sysixubuntu-restricted-extras has some browser-java too14:20
xubuntu426ok tks...14:20
Devilsprey99I want to change default file manager to pcman and remove thunar if its okey ? can anyone help14:53
CarlosZhola estamos tratando de instalar java en xubuntu pero tenemos problemas alguien que nos pueda ayudar somos totalmente novatos14:57
Devilsprey99can anyone help me with changing default file manager15:03
CarlosZalguien que hable español15:03
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:04
bazhangde nada15:05
stannercould someone tell me where i can find the menu.xml file to edit the right click menu for the desktop?15:09
stannercould someone tell me where i can find the menu.xml file to edit the right click menu for the desktop?15:16
Devilsprey99could someone tell me how to change default file manager15:16
Devilsprey99from thunar to pcman15:17
stannerwhat happened to the menu editor application?15:33
Sysithere isn't any for new xfce15:34
stannerthere has to be some way to edit the right click menu for the desktop15:34
Sysi/etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu/menus/xfce-applications.menu has something15:37
stannerthats the applications menu15:37
stannerwhich is a sub-menu to the right click one that i want to edit15:38
stanneri already edited that one15:38
Sysi/etc/xdg/menus/ ?15:39
stannernothing there15:39
stanneri mean15:40
sagarcan anyone help me change default filemanager from thunar  to pcman15:40
stannernothing there that does it.15:41
Sysitry those15:41
sagarSysi, it gives me an option doesnot change thunar to pcmanfm15:47
Sysiwhat do you mean by changing?15:48
sagari want pcmanfm  to work as default file manager and remove thunar15:56
sagarSysi, i want pcmanfm  to work as default file manager and remove thunar15:59
Sysithose instructions don't do it as way you want?16:03
sagarSysi, no they dont16:07
lightadoes xubuntu have PAM integrated?16:49
Pres-Gaslighta, yes, most Linux-es use the PAM stack to authenticate/authorize users.17:37
Pres-Gas*ubu uses a front end called auth-client-config that writes to most of the PAM/nsswitch config files, lighta.  So manual editing can be tricky.17:39
Sysithat's why my friend broke that xubu..17:41
* Pres-Gas scrolls up17:41
lightathx Pres-Gas i'll check this more in details so17:57
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realityanyone use hf18:32
charlie-tcaWhat is hf?18:35
likemindeadHowdy, slow-motion.20:24
slow-motionhi likemindead20:25
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AzhHey guys, how long is too long for the xubuntu installation to start from the install screen, on a Pentium 4 1.6 256 ram?23:51
charlie-tcaon the live cd?23:52
charlie-tcait is probably about 2-5 minutes23:52
Azhit was stuck in the install screen for about 8 minutes23:52
Azhbut the cd light was on the whole time23:53
charlie-tcasomething went wrong23:53
charlie-tcaIt takes me about 13 minutes to get to the desktop, then I right click the install icon, left click execute, 2-5 minutes to start23:54
Azhyou know when you choose the languange and then you go on to the menu with install xubuntu, check cd and try xubuntu without installing, when I click install xubuntu thats where it was stuck for like 5 to 8 minutes23:55
Azhi remember 9.04 installation started pretty fast, so i rebooted after like 5 minutes23:56
Azhhmmm, maybe is my orinoco card23:57

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