cjwatson | cwj: I'd suggest looking at the server logs to see which URL is 403ing | 09:45 |
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ogra | cjwatson, which installer part generates fstab, is that partman or something later (before i search my butt off) | 10:48 |
ogra | (i dont want to write new code for the preinstalled images if something exists already) | 10:49 |
ogra | ah, rootskel | 10:54 |
ogra | hmm, no, that seems to be d-i only | 10:56 |
cjwatson | partman-target | 11:00 |
ogra | yeah, found it by grepping through ubiquity source now | 11:00 |
cjwatson | you can't really run it in isolation from partman, if that's what you're thinking | 11:00 |
ogra | nope, i just wanted to see the code to get an idea for jasper (the initramfs tool for preinstalled images) | 11:01 |
CIA-4 | pkgsel: cjwatson * r161 ubuntu/debian/ (changelog postinst): | 11:44 |
CIA-4 | pkgsel: Install tasksel before doing anything else. This means that we can take | 11:44 |
CIA-4 | pkgsel: it out of the base system, thus saving space on the live CD. | 11:44 |
ogra | hmm, what part of the installer adds the default system groups ? (adm, dialout etc) | 11:48 |
cjwatson | user-setup | 11:48 |
ogra | ah, i was looking at user-setup-apply :) | 11:48 |
CIA-4 | pkgsel: cjwatson * r162 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 0.25ubuntu8 | 11:49 |
cjwatson | ev: this works out as about 2MB off the .deb size contributing to the live CD | 12:00 |
cjwatson | so not quite as big as I'd hoped, but not to be sneezed at either | 12:00 |
cjwatson | it takes 10MB off minimal; 7MB just moves out to standard, and another MB or so to desktop | 12:01 |
ev | so, usb-creator is 1.9 MB :). Mind if I steal that 2 MB away, or would you prefer it go somewhere else? | 12:02 |
cjwatson | (methodology: two germinate runs with tasksel+aptitude moved from minimal/standard to d-i-requirements in the second run, and with a modified germinate that ignores the dependencies on those from ubuntu-minimal and ubuntu-standard; then diff -bru on the two outputs and scan visually) | 12:02 |
cjwatson | seems a reasonable use for it | 12:02 |
cjwatson | I have some other savings in mind anyway | 12:03 |
ogra | hmm, does oem-config make any use of the passwd/user-default-groups value ? or is it expected that this is already set when oem-config runs | 12:03 |
ev | awesome, thanks | 12:03 |
ev | thanks for elaborating as well. Always good to know these things | 12:04 |
cjwatson | ogra: it uses the value, in that the first user will be created with those groups; it doesn't set the value though, it's typically just the value from the debconf template unless somebody preseeds it | 12:05 |
ogra | ah, cool, so i dont need to bother as long as i run oem-config ? | 12:05 |
cjwatson | right | 12:06 |
ogra | perfect | 12:06 |
ogra | my work gets easier every day :) | 12:06 |
twb` | Minor gripe: hardy's netboot.tar.gz includes a pxelinux.cfg/default.9600, but lucid's doesn't. | 12:59 |
twb` | Hm, interesting. I have two four-port cards, and lucid has managed to assign eth[0247] to one card and eth[1356] to the other. Hardy at least had the four ports of each card in a row. | 13:01 |
cjwatson | pxelinux.9600> removed upstream, by the look of it. | 13:07 |
cjwatson | * Note that the pxelinux config file for serial terminals has been dropped, | 13:07 |
cjwatson | at least for now, since the split config files made it too difficult to | 13:07 |
cjwatson | set up. | 13:07 |
twb` | upstream meaning debian? | 13:07 |
cjwatson | yes, that's as far upstream as the installer goes. | 13:09 |
ogra | cjwatson, am i right to assume that oem-config also sets up sudoers properly for me ? | 13:11 |
cjwatson | user-setup does, yes | 13:11 |
ogra | heh, my jasper-setup sctip boiled down to two functions :) | 13:11 |
ogra | *script | 13:11 |
ogra | great | 13:11 |
* ogra cant really belive he only needs to setup fstab and /etc/network/interfaces ... but i dont seem to find anything beyond that | 13:12 | |
twb` | ogra: the latter should be magicked by NM for desktops | 13:14 |
ogra | twb`, not for loopback | 13:14 |
twb` | Ah. | 13:14 |
ogra | actually i guess i also need to create /etc/hosts but that should be it | 13:15 |
twb` | There's now a pam_thingyhost | 13:16 |
twb` | Make that libnss-myhostname - nss module providing falback resolution for the current hostname | 13:16 |
twb` | Meaning that you don't need to put yourself into /etc/hosts anymore | 13:16 |
ogra | well, i'm talking about a preinstalled oem image | 13:17 |
ogra | and localhost needs to be resolved | 13:17 |
ogra | the tool i'm writing is run from initramfs to do the basic setup before oem-config runs | 13:17 |
ogra | netcfg in ubiquity relies on the squashfs to have /etc/network/interfaces /etc/networks /etc/hostname /etc/resolv.conf /etc/hosts and copies them over, i need to check which of these i need to manually create on boot | 13:18 |
ogra | hmm | 13:20 |
ogra | i should probably just run netcfg in oem-config and let it do its job :) | 13:20 |
cjwatson | netcfg can be awkward to run directly for one reason or another | 13:20 |
twb` | Huh. Last time I looked, casper/live-initramfs generated resolv.conf on the fly iff there isn't one in a module. | 13:20 |
ogra | cjwatson, but oem-config can run the network part of ubiquity, no ? | 13:21 |
ogra | shouldnt that run netcfg-common and create loopback and friends ? | 13:21 |
cjwatson | look at the network bit of ubiquity, it actually does it itself with a comment about how it would be nice not to need to | 13:22 |
ogra | ah, great | 13:22 |
ogra | heh, that only leaves fstab then | 13:24 |
ogra | which i sadly have to handle in my script since i change the UUID during boot and partition resizing | 13:24 |
twb` | BTW, why does priority=low now prompt me to choose locales "#" and "#" in addition to the usual ones (such as aa_DJ.UTF-8)? | 13:39 |
ev | cjwatson: what would be a good time for you to talk through this debconf stuff? I'm free the rest of the day. | 13:59 |
cjwatson | twb`: moderately-long-standing localechooser bug, sorry | 14:00 |
cjwatson | it's been filed | 14:00 |
cjwatson | ev: about 20 minutes? | 14:00 |
ev | surely | 14:00 |
twb` | cjwatson: OK, it's not bothering me. So long as someone knows about it. | 14:00 |
cjwatson | I think it'll be fixed by a merge, it's just a big ugly complex merge | 14:01 |
cjwatson | bug 465120 | 14:01 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 465120 in localechooser (Ubuntu) ""Choose language" dialog to select additional locales has two "#" locales (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/465120 | 14:01 |
twb` | Does d-i use "PXEClient" as its vendor string in DHCP requests? | 14:02 |
twb` | Because I told dnsmasq to only respond to that vendor, but it was hijacking d-i's DHCP requests | 14:02 |
cjwatson | "d-i", I believe | 14:02 |
cjwatson | ./dhcp.c:186: fprintf(dc, "send vendor-class-identifier \"d-i\";\n" ); | 14:03 |
twb` | That's what I thought | 14:03 |
twb` | Obviously I messed up, or dnsmasq is buggy. Most likely I messed up. | 14:03 |
twb` | Hm. As well as being able to opt-in to some udebs (e.g. sshd), I should be able to opt out of udebs like xfsprogs. | 14:06 |
twb` | "Based on your present physical location, your time zone is None." | 14:08 |
twb` | I'm pretty sure I told it I was in Australia already. | 14:08 |
twb` | I don't like the new chooser where I have to scroll down lots instead of just picking "australia" and "melbourne" separately. | 14:09 |
ev | twb`: can you put set -x at the top of /usr/sbin/tzsetup, run through the timezone step, and attach syslog to a new bug report? | 14:47 |
twb` | ev: unfortunately, not right now. This is my precious new mission-critical router. | 14:48 |
ev | twb`: no worries | 14:48 |
twb` | Unless it's acceptable to manually re-run tzsetup after I get to the "hit enter to reboot" step? | 14:48 |
twb` | I can do that fine, because at that point I don't give a damn what happens in the tmpfs | 14:48 |
twb` | WTF? I passed pkgsel/language-pack-patterns= pkgsel/install-language-support= tasks=standard, but it's installing language-pack-en-base | 15:09 |
cjwatson | that'd be pkgsel/install-language-support=false - it's a boolean | 15:10 |
twb` | I used what the pxelinux.cfg default was | 15:10 |
cjwatson | (don't know if that's the problem) | 15:10 |
twb` | Looks like it's =false in text.cfg, I just mis-copied it into my notebook. | 15:12 |
twb` | I suppose I must have fat-fingered it when I was adding in console=ttyS0 and friends. | 15:12 |
twb` | Grmph | 15:14 |
twb` | It's installing ppp now | 15:14 |
twb` | Once upon a time the minimal install was actually minimal | 15:14 |
twb` | I should've bothered to write a preseed file. | 15:16 |
twb` | Is extlinux gonna get into d-i now that pantera wrote kernel.conf.d hooks for it? | 15:17 |
twb` | Heh, I like how the "grub legacy or 2?" prompt says "don't use 2 in production" but defaults to 2. | 15:18 |
twb` | ev: looks like geoip.ubuntu.com/lookup gives <TimeZone>Australia/Victoria</TimeZone> for, but it should be Australia/Melbourne. | 15:27 |
cjwatson | we're on the point of getting down to a single boot loader - not wild about introducing extlinux to the mix | 15:30 |
cjwatson | yeah, the prompt text needs to be updated | 15:31 |
twb` | Grmpg | 15:31 |
twb` | grub sucks | 15:31 |
twb` | It's too complicated and flaky to be doing something as low-level as bootstrapping the kernel | 15:32 |
cody-somerville | cjwatson, Can grub do isohybrid images? | 15:32 |
twb` | Anyway, my router is now booting 10.04, so I'm A-OK. | 15:33 |
twb` | cody-somerville: hybrid as in multi-track? | 15:33 |
cody-somerville | twb`, http://syslinux.zytor.com/wiki/index.php/Doc/isolinux#HYBRID_CD-ROM.2FHARD_DISK_MODE | 15:34 |
twb` | Oh, http://syslinux.zytor.com/wiki/index.php/Doc/isolinux (the BIOS pretends the CD is a ZIP/HDD) | 15:34 |
twb` | Oh! It means a single file is both an ISO 9660 .iso and a bootable USB mass storage .img. | 15:35 |
twb` | That's neat | 15:35 |
cody-somerville | Very neat. | 15:36 |
cjwatson | cody-somerville: yes, in fact if you install grub-rescue-pc you'll find it's already done | 15:36 |
cody-somerville | schweet | 15:36 |
cody-somerville | cjwatson, so I don't have to post-process the iso like I do with isolinux? | 15:37 |
cjwatson | we need the complexity of grub in many places (sure, most people only need 10%, but they're different 10%s all over the place ...), and it's better to use the same code everywhere to reduce maintenance costs | 15:37 |
cjwatson | speaking as the muggins who gets to do most of the maintenance, at least in Ubuntu, I think I'm not unqualified to comment :) | 15:37 |
cjwatson | cody-somerville: grub-mkrescue does it out of the box | 15:37 |
cjwatson | put another way: I'm fed up of all the different boot loaders working in four out of five situations. I want to concentrate on one thing and make it work everywhere. | 15:39 |
twb` | Yeah, I understand. | 15:40 |
twb` | It's just annoying that when one drive in my md RAID1 dies, the systems fails to even BOOT because grub is trying to load (hd1,0) | 15:40 |
ev | twb`: ah, nice catch! I'll file a bug for that now. | 15:41 |
twb` | Or when I can't install a new kernel because update-grub is trying to scan a CD drive that doesn't exist for Windows dual-boot partitions | 15:41 |
cjwatson | yes, obviously those kinds of things are stupid and I want to get them fixed | 15:41 |
cjwatson | but the difference I've found is that I generally actually can fix them with grub2. with everything else I generally had to give up. | 15:42 |
twb` | The other awesome one was when I asked it to install the dos disk label, raid1, ext3 and lvm modules into the MBR, and it exploded because they didn't all fit | 15:42 |
cjwatson | yes, well, not much to be done about that except use a bigger embedding area (which in fact we do, if you partition from scratch with >=lucid) or use GPT and a BIOS Boot Partition | 15:43 |
twb` | It's a PITA to use GPT with a conventional BIOS | 15:43 |
ev | right, bug 589708 created | 15:44 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 589708 in tzsetup (Ubuntu) "Wrong timezone location: Victoria (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/589708 | 15:44 |
twb` | ev: ty | 15:45 |
* twb` wonders what the lp-shell equivalent of "bts subscribe" is. | 15:45 | |
twb` | Urk, lp-shell just opens w3m | 15:45 |
cjwatson | though that said the collection of modules you listed seems to work fine right noow | 15:46 |
cjwatson | now | 15:46 |
twb` | Goddamn web-based apps :-/ | 15:46 |
cjwatson | $ ./grub-mkimage -O i386-pc -d . -o cjwtest.img biosdisk ext2 part_msdos lvm raid search_fs_uuid | 15:46 |
cjwatson | $ ls -l cjwtest.img | 15:46 |
cjwatson | -rw-r--r-- 1 cjwatson cjwatson 29463 2010-06-04 15:45 cjwtest.img | 15:46 |
twb` | cjwatson: yes, I got that particular failure back around 2005 :-) | 15:46 |
cjwatson | I wasn't under the impression that GPT was that hard to use with a normal BIOS. You just need a protective MBR with an active partition in it, which is part of the GPT spec anyway. | 15:46 |
cjwatson | the problem is more that people usually have some other OS installed already and it set things up with MBR | 15:47 |
twb` | Back then I also had to patch the C code to not think LVM was a physical device | 15:47 |
cjwatson | we couldn't reasonably have used grub2 in 2005 (we did look), but it's come on massively since then | 15:47 |
twb` | The CD scanning thing, though, that happened a month ago | 15:48 |
cjwatson | bug? | 15:48 |
cjwatson | bug#, I mean | 15:48 |
twb` | Um, I was in a hurry so I just dpkg-diverted the "look for other OSes" script | 15:48 |
cjwatson | so probably not even grub2 - it'll be a bug in os-prober | 15:48 |
twb` | That's true | 15:49 |
cjwatson | p.s. GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true in /etc/default/grub is easier | 15:49 |
cjwatson | (and will be documented in 'info grub' with the next upload) | 15:49 |
twb` | Or just uninstall os-prober | 15:49 |
cjwatson | whatever | 15:49 |
cwj | cjwatson: i don't control the apt repo i am trying to preseed into my install, so i can't reasonably get at the logs. can i turn up the debug in d-i somehow? | 16:06 |
cjwatson | cwj: DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer is sometimes useful but I don't know if it will show this | 16:06 |
cjwatson | you could try that though | 16:07 |
cwj | ok | 16:08 |
cwj | i did review the apt-cacher-ng logs, nothing stood out there | 16:08 |
ogra | cjwatson, do you think it would do any harm if i added a dep on oem-config to jasper ? | 17:17 |
ogra | that will definately make sure its removed with oem-config | 17:17 |
cwj | cjwatson: now that i look at the installer syslog again, it appears that the 403 error is happening before the preseed configuration is retrieved. https://gist.github.com/8cdc39663420d986f7bd | 17:18 |
cjwatson | ogra: sounds ok | 17:19 |
ogra | great | 17:19 |
ogra | i think then i have the core done :) | 17:19 |
ogra | just need to test it | 17:19 |
cjwatson | cwj: yeah, but it was happening during apt-setup too | 17:19 |
cjwatson | I didn't even look at that part of your log earlier - I searched for 'apt-setup (leading apostrophe intentional) and went from there | 17:20 |
cwj | well i am going to have to address this via preseed/late_command for now, running out of time to debug | 17:38 |
cwj | which question do i need to preseed to avoid being prompted about how much of the disk to use? i think its LVM that is asking. here's what i have now: http://gist.github.com/425636 | 17:51 |
cwj | size of volume group to be used | 17:55 |
cjwatson | partman-auto-lvm/guided_size | 17:56 |
cwj | thanks | 17:56 |
CIA-4 | cdrom-detect: cjwatson * r462 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.32ubuntu5 | 18:25 |
CIA-4 | cdrom-detect: cjwatson * r462 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.32ubuntu5 | 18:32 |
cjwatson | whoops, sorry for the dup there | 18:32 |
CIA-4 | cdrom-detect: cjwatson * r459 ubuntu.lucid/debian/ (cdrom-detect.postinst changelog): | 18:34 |
CIA-4 | cdrom-detect: usb-storage sometimes seems to take a while to settle to the point of | 18:34 |
CIA-4 | cdrom-detect: actually exposing block devices, despite the 'udevadm settle' in | 18:34 |
CIA-4 | cdrom-detect: hw-detect. I don't see an easy way to solve this, so, with | 18:34 |
CIA-4 | cdrom-detect: reservations, retry the detection loop three times with a 'sleep 3' in | 18:34 |
CIA-4 | cdrom-detect: between in the event that no devices are found, in the hope that that | 18:34 |
CIA-4 | cdrom-detect: improves matters (LP: #586036). | 18:34 |
CIA-4 | cdrom-detect: cjwatson * r460 ubuntu.lucid/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.32ubuntu3.10.04 | 18:36 |
CIA-4 | cdrom-detect: cjwatson * r452 ubuntu.karmic/debian/ (cdrom-detect.postinst changelog): | 18:44 |
CIA-4 | cdrom-detect: usb-storage sometimes seems to take a while to settle to the point of | 18:44 |
CIA-4 | cdrom-detect: actually exposing block devices, despite the 'udevadm settle' in | 18:44 |
CIA-4 | cdrom-detect: hw-detect. I don't see an easy way to solve this, so, with | 18:44 |
CIA-4 | cdrom-detect: reservations, retry the detection loop three times with a 'sleep 3' in | 18:44 |
CIA-4 | cdrom-detect: between in the event that no devices are found, in the hope that that | 18:44 |
CIA-4 | cdrom-detect: improves matters (LP: #586036). | 18:44 |
CIA-4 | cdrom-detect: cjwatson * r453 ubuntu.karmic/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.31ubuntu3.9.10 | 18:44 |
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