
MenZaI don't have my hostmask on, do I?00:08
MenZaI don't! Could someone fix this silliness?00:08
MenZaI'm looking at you, Pici00:08
MenZaPici, nhandler, tsimpson, jussi?00:21
rwweveryone always forget someone :(00:23
Tm_TMenZa: any idea why it's lost?00:24
MenZaNot a clue, Tm_T00:24
MenZatopyli isn't around, rww.00:24
rwwMenZa: have you tried logging out of nickserv and back in?00:24
MenZaAt least, he doesn't tabcomplete for me.00:24
MenZaSo he's not here.00:24
rwwoh. good point :(00:24
jpdsSome form of ubertroll.00:24
MenZaI haven't, rww. I should try this.00:24
MenZaStill nothing.00:25
MenZaI wonder if the good staffers would accept my membership in ~ubuntu-cloaked-people on Launchpad as enough proof.00:28
Tm_Tyou are ubuntu member too so it should be all fine00:31
MenZaTm_T: indeed00:33
Tm_Tonly reason why you shouldn't be cloaked I could figure out is if you violate freenode rules (;00:35
rwwI think it's a subtle hint that he should switch to KDE and start working on Kubuntu membership00:36
Tm_Trww: ...which wouldn't change the fact that he would be ubuntu member and have ubuntu member cloak00:37
rwwTm_T: aren't there kubuntu/member/ cloaks? or am I getting confused with email addresses00:37
Tm_Trww: yes you are00:37
PiciMenZa: Please ask a staffer why your cloak was removed. Martinp23 is on /stats p right now00:56
MenZaPici: Shall do.00:56
PiciMenZa: If they don't know why, poke me and I'll talk to the rest of the ircc about it.00:56
nhandlerI can help MenZa00:56
MenZaPici: Sure :)00:56
MenZaPici, nhandler: Sorted.01:02
nhandlerWhat do you mean MenZa ?01:03
PiciMenZa: could you share your findings?01:03
MenZanhandler: I spoke to Martinp23, and he's just poking one of you two to have it confirmed.01:03
MenZaIt's because my pdpc donator status ran out01:03
nhandlerlol, ok01:03
MenZaSo it'll have been reset to no cloak at all.01:03
MenZa[2010-06-04 01:03:01 BST]  <Martinp23> I've just asked an Ubuntu GC I know to be active to okay me to re-cloak (even though it's our mistake, it's just a formality really).01:03
Tm_TI remember seen similar before01:04
Tm_Ton another note, sun is rising in this very moment01:05
=== IdleOne_ is now known as MaverickOne
nanotubehey guys... would anyone be able to tell me how the "granting temporary access" in #ubuntu-proxy-users works?04:55
nanotubei know how to set a redirect-ban for gateway... but how does the 'temporary access' thing work?04:55
nanotubewould like to set something like this up for another channel...04:55
rwwnanotube: the floodbot checks for bans against the user and sets a +e ban-exemption if there isn't one04:56
nanotube+e ban exemption eh... /me goes to read freenode docs... :)04:56
ubot4nanotube: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:56
rwwand then (theoretically) removes it again when the user leaves04:56
rww!modes | nanotube04:56
ubottunanotube: There are many different channel and user modes on !freenode. Here's a list: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml04:56
nanotuberww: thanks - will take a looksie :)04:57
ubottufreenode is the IRC network that you're on! See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml. Freenode has policies that govern how people should use the network which can be read at http://freenode.net/policy.shtml. The ubuntu channels on Freenode also have their own !guidelines05:00
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines05:02
rwwGryllida: try /msg ubottu !factoidhere05:02
GryllidaI don't need any more of them now as it seems05:03
nanotuberww: is the floodbot code available somewhere?05:15
rwwnanotube: not that I know of05:17
nanotuberww: hrm too bad. was hoping to save some effort. :)05:18
Gryllidathe thing you're trying to make is fairly easy to code05:23
Gryllidaonce you have the debugger05:23
nanotubeGryllida: yes i know. but i like to avoid duplication of effort, if possible.05:23
Gryllidananotube, I see05:24
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mahdi162can any one help me?12:46
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trotskiihi all18:05
trotskiii'm a newbie in this place18:05

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