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Bachstelzenvidia kernel module won't load on boot :/02:01
Bachstelzejdong: ping02:16
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Bachstelzeew, wrong channel actually :|02:52
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micahgRoAkSoAx: ping04:57
RoAkSoAxmicahg: pong05:49
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micahgRoAkSoAx: was the testdrive fix for vbox 3.2 just a packaging change or were there internal changes as well?05:51
RoAkSoAxmicahg: there were internal changes only actually05:52
micahgRoAkSoAx: oh, because in lucid, you can't install testdrive + vbox 3.2 because of conflicts05:53
RoAkSoAxmicahg: that's weird. I'm using testdrive and vbox3.2 and didn't get the conflicts05:53
micahgRoAkSoAx: Lucid or Maverick?05:54
micahgRoAkSoAx: http://pastebin.com/bbjuWCUp05:54
RoAkSoAxmicahg: lucid! I now know what you mean though :). I', using vbox-ose you are prolly using vbox itself?05:54
micahgRoAkSoAx: ah, yes05:54
micahgRoAkSoAx: I was wondering if I added | virtualbox-3.2 if it would work in Lucid05:55
RoAkSoAxmicahg: just give it a try :)05:55
RoAkSoAxmicahg: i'm pretty sure that's why05:56
micahgRoAkSoAx: k, if it works, can I SRU it?05:56
RoAkSoAxmicahg: sure thing, though we could do a backport that includes the new features of testdrive05:57
micahgRoAkSoAx: k, I guess that would work too05:57
RoAkSoAxmicahg: indeed. I'll push that to the trunk tomorrow since I'm about to go to bed and please, if you have the time test the packaging fix to see if you still have the issue please :)05:59
RoAkSoAxmicahg: and if you'd like, submit a patch and I'll merge it06:00
RoAkSoAxto the trunk06:00
micahgRoAkSoAx: I'm test building now, I'll let you know, can I just update the bug?06:00
RoAkSoAxmicahg: sure06:00
micahgRoAkSoAx: k, thanks for your time, I have to go to sleep soon as well :)06:00
RoAkSoAxmicahg: oki, have a good one. Nighty :)06:01
micahgnight RoAkSoAx06:02
micahgRoAkSoAx: oh, one more thing, I made my original bug a dupe of yours, should the packaging changes be a different bug?06:05
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dholbachgood morning07:56
ajmitchmorning dholbach07:57
dholbachhey ajmitch07:58
asacwho is maintaining http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ ?10:00
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geserasac: wgrant and me10:12
geserasac: it's about the broken links, right?10:13
asacgeser: no ... its about zyga who works on dashboards for QA for us in linaro ... i will send him here ;)10:13
asacbe nice to thim ;)10:14
geserasac: aren't we always nice?10:14
asacyes ;)10:15
* ajmitch hasn't seen any flames in here for days10:19
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filiphi, I have a problem with python distutils: root@tefnet:~# grep egg /usr/lib/python2.6/distutils/command/bdist.py12:13
filipand I have no idea how I could solve this...12:13
\shhmm...where does mk-sbuild now holds the build-chroots when creating one with --type=file?12:16
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spivw/in 2813:22
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mok0remind me how to get rmadison to look in Debian's archive14:46
jpds-u deb14:46
mok0jpds: thanks!14:47
Njhdoes anyone know how to run a script after a deb package was installed?15:03
dyfetNjh: you can have a "postinst" script as part of a package, and it is of course ran during dpkg after the package has been installed.  The $1 argument passed to the script tells you whether it is a new install, an upgrade, etc.  Is this what you mean and are asking?15:08
Njhdyfet: kind of, im confused on how to run a script post installation, what i have is a metapackage pointing to the most updated version of my program, and when i install the metapackage, i want to be able to create a symlink between the metapackage name and the most updated version15:10
dyfetNjh: Well, if you have created a debian package, "foo", you can have a "foo.postinst" shell script in your package's debian directory, and it will be ran after install of foo.  It is a shell script, so ultimately it can do anything, including setting symlinks as you suggest.  You expect to have multiple versions of this package simultaneously installed?15:11
Njhdyfet: yah, i need to be able to have multiple versions, but i want the meta pointing to the most updated version, is the file called "foo.postinst" or "postinst.ex" ... i have tried creating posinst.ex and just echo hello, but i cant seem to get that to work15:13
dyfetit would be pkgname.postinst.  It should have execute permission, and start with #!/bin/sh of course...you will also need to add a special tag, #DEBHELPER#, into the script, as this will insert additional required code into your script.  You can usually do it before the final exit.  It should exit 0 on success, so that dpkg knows whatever the postinst script did was successfull15:16
Njhdo i need any other bits of code besides the #!/ and DEBHELPER ?15:16
dyfetYou may want to do a case block on "$1", so you know whether the package is being installed or upgraded, though maybe knowing that is not essential in your use case15:17
NjhRight, i just want it to echo hello for now, and if i can get that then ill be good to go,  but the code should look like  #!/bin/sh  set -e  #DEBHELPER#  echo hello exit 015:19
dyfetThat could work, or having the echo before #DEBHELPER#.  I think that usually should be last...15:20
dyfet(well last before the exit 0 :)15:20
Njhlol, ok, im going to try after debhelper right now and see if that works15:20
dyfetI think the idea is that if the user added code to the postinst script fails, it should exit with a non-zero status before #DEBHELPER# stuff is called, since if the package is not going to install successfully the default part of the script should be bypassed15:22
dyfetAt least that would make sense to me :)15:22
Njhah ok, cause ya after the debhelper didnt work15:23
Njhthat didnt work either :/15:25
dyfetDoes lintian say anything about your package?15:26
Njhwhat do you mean? ... it creates fine15:27
dyfetwhat's the name of the binary package(s) produced in the control file?15:27
Njhthere is no binary produced in the meta, right?15:28
dyfetIt still has a Package: entry in control15:30
Njhyah i have a package name in the control file15:30
Njhis that what you are asking?15:33
dyfetI think since there is one package in your control you can also use debian/postinst15:33
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dyfetYour package is basically a meta with a control, a simple rules file, and just a postinst script you want to run?15:34
Njhyah thats exactly what it is15:35
dyfetHmm...I could create a test case for this to try quickly here then :)15:36
Njhsounds good to me!15:36
dyfetNjh: since I normally do not build pure metas I had to try this...but this is what I got for my postinst....Unpacking testit (from testit.deb) ...15:45
dyfetSetting up testit (0.1) ...15:45
dyfet**** TESTIT!! **********15:45
Njh.......... y cant mine lol15:45
dyfetIn testit, I have just a DEBIAN/control, and DEBIAN/postinst15:45
Njhwhats in both files15:46
Njhill try to just run that15:46
dyfetand the control is in http://pastebin.com/vYWqAAU915:47
Njhok thanks, give me a second15:48
Njhwhat did u use to make the deb15:48
dyfetdpkg-deb -b testit testit.deb15:48
Njhok thats what i use too15:49
dyfetBut I wanted to see why this did not work for you...It was dirty, no changelog, etc :)15:50
Njhhaha, im going to try it now15:50
Njhif i just have postinst, i get bad permissions 64415:52
dyfetYes, it has to have execute permission15:52
dyfet(chmod +x)15:52
Njhdo i need to specify what fuke15:52
Njhive enver used chmod15:52
dyfetNjh: well, in my case, I just used "chmod +x testit/DEBIAN/postinst"15:53
Njhok, thanks, hold on15:53
dyfetNjh: this is of course not really a proper way to do a meta, but if it's something you just need to do for your own use, and to answer your question why your postinst did not run, I think it is sufficient15:54
Njhi know why it wasnt working15:55
Njhit was never an executable15:55
Njhthe chmod is what did it15:55
dyfetah...yes :) that is needed15:56
Njhthank you so much!15:56
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Njhdyfet: is there any specifc way to run terminal commands in the postins16:06
dyfetNjh: what do you mean by terminal commands?  Do you mean like menus?  You can use something like dialog of course to create a user selection16:07
Njhdyfet: like if i just want to run ls -la  from the postinst16:08
Njhor cp,mv, etc ...16:09
dyfetNjh: You could do things like that, too16:09
Njhdyfet: right, how would i do that16:09
dyfetNjh: pretty much the same as with any other shell script.  Just add the commands you need to do.  If you use some command that is not part of a minimal install, you can add a Depends: entry to your meta to make sure it is installed first16:11
Njhdyfet: yah, im kinda new at all of this haha, how would i do that .16:12
dyfetI would suggest starting with a basic reference on shell scripting, etc.  I do not know of a good one offhand, but I am sure if you ask others will have something to recommend.16:13
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* ari-tczew has got 1st place in maverick bug fixing \o/17:28
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nigelbari-tczew: congrats :)17:29
ari-tczewhehe :P17:29
micahgari-tczew: where is that?17:34
micahgari-tczew: thanks17:37
ari-tczewyou're welcome17:37
dupondjejean-louis@dupond.be has 2 fixes => i'm even in the list17:48
dupondjesick :D17:48
dupondjeoh, and with my old email adress also 2 fixes17:49
dupondjegreat :p17:49
l3onHi all.. does someone of you know the meaning of "kj-triage" tag in LP?18:06
dupondjei'm checking http://launchpadlibrarian.net/48423954/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-i386.synce-kpm_0.15-1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz atm18:38
dupondjeits creating: creating /build/buildd/synce-kpm-0.15/debian/synce-kpm/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/synceKPM18:38
dupondjewhile it should be creating /build/buildd/synce-kpm-0.15/debian/synce-kpm/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/synceKPM18:38
dupondjeany idea what causes this ?18:38
ari-tczewcheck debian/rules18:38
dupondjepython setup.py install \ --root=$(CURDIR)/debian/synce-kpm \ --single-version-externally-managed \18:40
blue_annadoes nvidia provide no binaries drivers for powerpc architecture? -- I was going to search for Scott and ask if he'd compile nvidia-glx-185 for us but I just read that it is binary18:57
blue_annaand the nvidia website is crashing to much to browse it :P18:57
carstenhblue_anna: as far as i know, they do not19:03
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geserdupondje: using dist-packages for python 2.6 is correct, but I also see that it installs to /usr/local which is bad19:18
geserdupondje: please coordinate a fix with the Debian Python team in #debian-python@OFTC. They can tell you how to fix it best.19:19
micahgRoAkSoAx: it gives me an error w/just the packaging change :)  Are you changes in individual commits in bzr?19:35
shadeslayeri call upon the power of the MOTU :P19:55
shadeslayerlooks like the MOTU have a day off :P19:58
micahg!ask | shadeslayer19:59
ubottushadeslayer: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:59
shadeslayerare there any packaging jobs that i can look at to contribute to MOTU and eventually become one myself?20:00
shadeslayer( i need specific stuff that i can work upon,not just a wiki page describing what i can do )20:00
micahgshadeslayer: merges?20:01
shadeslayermicahg: hmm.. ive heard of those,is there a list of outstanding merges?20:01
* shadeslayer wonders if any are left20:01
micahgshadeslayer: https://merges.ubuntu.com/20:03
shadeslayerwhat do you mean by outstanding merges? Merges to be done i.e. worked upon or merges that have been worked upon and are pending  approval20:03
gesershadeslayer: https://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html and my merges are free to take20:04
shadeslayergeser: :P20:04
shadeslayerwhich ones have to be done? the red ones?20:04
micahgshadeslayer: there you go :)20:04
gesershadeslayer: all20:04
shadeslayerso what do the colors represent?20:05
shadeslayergeser: where do i upload a package once i work  upon it?20:06
geserthe Priority of a package, you can safely ignore it20:06
shadeslayeroh the color20:06
gesershadeslayer: file a bug, attach the debdiff, and subscribe the ubuntu-sponsors team20:07
* shadeslayer goes to read more about debdiff and merging before starting20:07
shadeslayerall of geser's packages are mine :P20:07
* micahg already has a list of merges to do :)20:07
* micahg is just waiting for upload rights and time to do them :)20:08
* shadeslayer counts 16 packages in all 20:08
shadeslayermicahg: same here.. will do merges from 11th onwards20:08
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shadeslayer_micahg: btw how much time does it take to become a MOTU?21:06
shadeslayer_like whats the period of time that i have to lear before i can apply for MOTU21:06
micahgshadeslayer_: depends, I'm not there yet :)  usually when others say you're ready21:06
shadeslayer_micahg: hmm awesome :D21:07
micahg1SpamapS: were there any issues with xulrunner and mongodb?21:52
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dupondjeyou need to create a bug to fix a FTBFS right ?22:52
geseronly if you need sponsoring22:55
ubottuUbuntu bug 589908 in synce-kpm (Ubuntu) "Fix FTBFS due to changed Python options" [Undecided,New]23:04
dupondjethere it is :D23:04
BlackZdupondje: last time remember to update the maintainer to "Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com>" or run update-maintainer instead23:08
BlackZBTW it isn't an error, but that address would be preferred23:09
dupondjeargh, I didn't know it for sure, so I checked the wiki ... :p23:09
BlackZalso, I think there's no need to generate a new debdiff, for this time let what you have set23:09
BlackZbut please, the next time remember to do that23:09
dupondjei'll do for sure23:10
* dupondje bookmarks https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebianMaintainerField23:11
BlackZdupondje: if you're bored to update it manually, remember there's update-maintainer23:13
micahgBlackZ: I would think update-maintainer is preferred in case the policy changes again23:13
BlackZmicahg: but the ubuntu-devel-discuss address would be preferred, am I wrong?23:14
dupondjeyea indeed, just didn't know that command yet :)23:14
micahgBlackZ: I thought that's what it sets everything to23:15
BlackZmicahg: in some packages there's still the MOTU address as maintainer23:15
BlackZs/as maintainer/set as maintainer23:16
dupondjedid a bugreport in debian also btw, to get issue fixed on this package23:16
micahgBlackZ: ah, yeah, well, idk then :)23:16
ScottKUsing MOTU as maintainer is obsolete.23:17
BlackZmicahg: I think it should get updated23:17
BlackZScottK: ^23:17
ScottKThey should all be Ubuntu Developers now.23:17
ScottKIt's not worth an upload just for that, but when you are changing a package for other reasons, fixing that too is good.23:17
micahgScottK: should update-maintainer be patched for htat?23:18
BlackZmicahg: it's23:18
dupondje'/usr/bin/install' -o root -g root -m 644 debian/build-qmail.1 debian/tmp-src/usr/share/man/man123:18
dupondje/usr/bin/install: cannot change ownership of `debian/tmp-src/usr/share/man/man1/build-qmail.1': Operation not permitted23:18
ScottKmicahg: No, you should just fix it.23:18
dupondjehuh ? isn't it building as root ?23:18
micahgScottK: k23:18
BlackZah, you mean update-maintainer, yeah sorry23:18
ScottKIt will already DTRT if it's not an ubuntu.com address as maintainer.23:18
BlackZmisunderstood :P23:19
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dupondjeBlackZ: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/49689035/fix3.debdiff => bit improved :)23:53
dutchieif I build using pdebuild, is there a way to get stuff like config.log out for debugging?23:58

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