
ddecatornigelb: ಠ_ಠ07:09
nigelbabuddecator: I poked you about taking a class for UUD, looks like I needn't have bothered ;)07:10
ddecatornigelbabu: nope, haha, now that it's postponed i'll be able to help if i'm needed07:10
nigelbabuddecator: oh yes, you can take the 'Using Launchpad' one07:11
ddecatorsure, if that's what the board needs07:12
dholbachgood morning07:56
nigelbabudholbach: thanks for merging that code.  I was struggling to get it to work and got an OOOPs too07:57
dholbachno worries07:57
nigelbabualso, sorry about last night.  That storm caused a tree to fall on power lines.  Was out of power till late night07:58
nigelbabuWere you able to merge back those corrections to cleansweep.py?07:59
nigelbabuIt might be nice to have them for future reference.07:59
dholbachyeah, they're all in the branch08:00
dholbachand don't worry - having no power must have sucked :/08:00
nigelbabuyep, big time08:00
nigelbabuforced candle-lit dinner alone is not fun08:00
dholbachno chat with the neighbours who were out of power too?08:02
nigelbabuWe're launching today whatever, if I'm not around, you can go ahead and blog about it announcing the launch :)08:02
nigelbabuI came home first, everyone else got stuck in the traffic08:02
dholbachoh ok08:02
dholbachthere's always something going on in India :)08:02
nigelbabuhaha, true08:02
dholbachI so need to get back to India08:03
nigelbabua few of the roads were flooded and I drove on the foothpath08:03
dholbachbut I've said this a hundred times already :)08:03
nigelbabusay that to jono and say you're suicidal unless you have a vacation08:03
nigelbabuor say you're feeling particular homicidal to your boss :p08:04
dholbachnigelbabu: I'm afraid that "only a holiday in India can rescue me" might be a tad too melodramatic for somebody who produces death metal albums08:08
nigelbabudholbach: lol, he might torture you to listen to is songs08:08
nigelbabuI should perhaps hide from jono :p08:08
nigelbabudholbach: I'm making a list of things that we should be doing.  I'll get around to it in the evening or night.  At least before 0000 UTC Jun 5 http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/Cleansweep08:20
nigelbabuAdd things you want me to fix there08:20
dholbachok cool08:23
dholbachlooking forward to it! :)08:23
nigelbabudholbach: I'm thinking of hitting the planet every day from today till next with clean sweep project.  Can you pick a day and blog about it?  I'll ask more people for help.12:09
hyperairwoo planet spam12:13
nigelbabuhyperair: wanna join in?12:13
hyperairi don't have a blog =)12:14
nigelbabuhyperair: well, what are ya waiting for?12:14
nigelbabugo to wordpress.com and sign up for one :D12:14
hyperairbut i'm lazy.. =p12:14
hyperairwell i *micro*blog =p12:15
nigelbabuhyperair: microblog is for the lazies :P12:19
nigelbabuanyway, whats your twitter/identi.ca handle?12:19
dholbachnigelbabu: definitely - just pencil me in for some day12:19
dholbachnigelbabu: might be good if you write something up and ask folks, maybe in #ubuntu-community-team, to re-blog12:19
dholbachand expand on the topic12:19
nigelbabudholbach: I'll get to work on something when I get home12:20
nigelbabuI wonder what happened to persia12:20
dholbachnigelbabu: awesome12:21
dholbachI don't know either12:21
hyperairnigelbabu: hyperair2. someone took hyperair first. =(12:25
nigelbabuhyperair: where? twitter? then switch to identi.ca12:26
hyperairnigelbabu: why switch?12:27
nigelbabuidenti.ca is open source :)12:27
hyperairer besides that reason? =p12:28
hyperairi honestly don't really care about web services being open source or not -- they host it, it's not like i could dive into the source code and change anything i want even if i wanted to.12:29
nigelbabumy main reason is, I need not bother following people, I just follow groups that I care about12:30
hyperairah. i see.12:30
hyperairgroups. that sounds interesting, i suppose.12:30
nigelbabuso, I follow ubuntu, debian, linux, and few others and I get all the news around it12:31
hyperairso it's like planet for microblogging eh12:32
nigelbabuSimilar to planet, yes :)12:32
hyperairwell i still don't have any strong feelings about it12:33
hyperairmy gwibber's off half the time anyway =D12:33
nigelbabuI dont use gwibber, it doesn't play nice with identi.ca12:34
nigelbabuchoqok is my only kde vice.  I can't live without it.12:34
nigelbabuIts got some memory leaks, but thats okay.  I still love it12:34
hyperairspeaking of memory leaks, chromium sure has a lot of them =\12:42
hyperairjust when i start thinking firefox's lousy, sluggish, and a memory hog, chromium sends my machine into swapping hell.12:43
nigelbabuI sometimes use epiphany when I don't want all the bells and whistles12:45
nigelbabuwhen I go really extreme, lynx :p12:45
hyperairokay, i haven't gone all the way to that extreme before.12:51
hyperaireh actually i might have, once, when i really needed a browser and X wouldn't coem up12:52
nigelbabuI like lynx and w3m.  Its faster and avoids the drag of pictures, flash, etc.  Fun when your X crashed and you're trying to find fixes on wiki.ubuntu.com :p12:54
nigelbdholbach: how long more will you be online?16:17
dholbachnigelb: not very long16:17
nigelbdholbach: gimme 10 minutes to finish the last minute wiki edits and we'll launchd :)16:18
dholbachnigelb: awesome16:18
nigelbdholbach: How do you want to do the query? shall I remove the old query away?16:24
dholbachnigelb: which one?16:24
nigelbthere is the patch-<reviewedtags> and the -<reviewed-tags>16:24
nigelbthe -<reviewedtags> would be around 1995 bugs and the other one around 29316:25
nigelbThe query in Review guide16:25
dholbachnigelb: we should have them all there16:26
nigelbok,I'll write it up16:26
dholbachso if somebody wants to go and work on the stuff that was accepted upstream for example, they can go and do it16:26
dholbachor stuff that was forwarded upstream and not touched for alonger while16:26
nigelbWhat I'm talking about is not that16:28
nigelbWe have a query in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReviewersTeam/ReviewGuide#Workflow16:28
nigelbThis query is for all open bugs - ones with reviewed tags16:28
nigelbbut it has only the new ones, can I change that to have both old and new?16:29
dholbachoh yeah16:29
nigelbShall I change that to have both old and new and then have all the different queries in the Knowledge base page?16:30
dholbachthat sounds good to me16:31
nigelbone momment16:34
nigelbdholbach: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReviewersTeam/ReviewGuide16:34
dholbachnigelb: great16:36
nigelbdholbach: shall we go for it? I'll write up the post? :)16:36
dholbachmaybe I'll write something up over the WE16:37
dholbachif not then at least something on Monday16:37
dholbachso we'll keep the message on Planet :)16:37
nigelbyes, planet spam :P16:38
nigelbI'm writing up here http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/Cleansweep16:38
nigelbFeel free to add16:38
nigelbdholbach: ok, thats the best I can do.  Can take a look?16:42
dholbachsure, hang on16:43
dholbachnigelb: shall I add a quick paragraph about how the team works?16:44
dholbachor the process rather16:44
nigelbplease do!16:44
dholbachjust a little bit16:44
dholbachnigelb: looks OK?16:48
nigelbdholbach: yep :)16:49
nigelbdholbach: gimme 2 minutes to get the formatting on wordpress right16:53
dholbachsure sure16:54
nigelbdholbach: http://justanothertriager.wordpress.com/2010/06/04/operation-cleansweep-launched/17:01
nigelbWe're away!17:01
dholbachgood work!17:02
dholbachand with that I'll start into the weekend :)17:02
* dholbach hugs nigelb17:02
dholbachrock on, have a good time over there in India! :)17:02
nigelbdholbach: thank you for all the work you've done over the week! We've finally launched17:03
dholbachyou too17:03
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bencrisfordnigelb: congratz :)17:22
nigelbbencrisford: you can congratulate me when the number of bugs in the queue is 0 :D17:23
bencrisfordnigelb: heh :) i'll try and review as much as I can between now and november ;)17:23
bencrisfordoh yeah :S17:24
=== CieD is now known as Ciemon
bencrisfordnigelb: so I review as much as possible and thats it?  no other ways I can contribute as well? :)17:38
bencrisfordas well as obviously spreading the word about the project :)17:39
nigelbbencrisford: well, you can write a plugin for ubottu or a facebook app to show the image17:39
bencrisfordnigelb: hmm, that does sound like fun, but i'm not sure how great i'd be at that, ive never looked at facebook apps properly17:41
bencrisfordI guess i'll be concentrating my efforts on the reviewing then :D17:41
nigelbme neither.  I ahve to catch hold of whoever wrote the facebook countdown17:41
=== CieD is now known as Ciemon
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg

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