
corpsewhen i try to open my  web domain it opens up my router. i have turned off all firewalls and opened all ports and i still get the loop back. i also do not seem to beable to access it from outside of the network00:38
abhibeckerti'm setting up an Ubuntu 10.04 LAMP server, to be run inside a virtual machine on my workstation00:47
abhibeckertis it possible to give the VM 128MB of ram? I'd like to keep as much memory free as possible on the host machine00:47
abhibeckertIt will only be used for apache/php/mysql and I'll be the only person it serves requests to00:47
hggdhabhibeckert: 128M may be a bit too low... but the best option is to try it, since you can always increase if needed00:49
abhibeckertthanks. i'll be following the slicehost ubuntu setup, which is full of config tips to get lamp running smoothly even with high traffic on their entry level 256MB VM's00:50
abhibeckerti'm hoping i can get it down a bit, since my workstation can be starved for ram... especially when i'm testing internet explorer in another virtual machine00:50
qman__abhibeckert, I run ubuntu server 8.04 on real hardware with 256MB, doing a whole lot more than LAMP01:04
qman__so I assume 128MB should work if you tweak it right01:04
ruben23hi what are the added features and goodness of the new version 10.04 LTS...?01:21
therianhey guys, can someone help me with ndiswrapper please?01:22
ccheneyanyone happen to know how to have uec use lp logins, i can't remember what you have to do to make that work02:42
ccheneyah uec-run-instances -l (user id)02:43
cefargh, why does grub2 have stupid defaults for a server install? I want a menu damnit!03:00
cefok, great.. 2.6.32-22-server breaks my kvm setup. grrrrrr03:04
ccheneycef, 22.35 ?03:05
cefprobably.. got it from security today03:11
cefhold a sec I'll check (on an old kernel now -19-)03:11
cefyup, 2.6.32-22-server_2.6.32-22.3503:13
lifeless35 is known broken, being fixed03:21
MaletorI'm trying to share my music through DAAP with RythmBox. Can I access this stream from work?03:21
keescef: yes, known (bug 589163), fix will be published in a few hours.  :(03:24
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 589163 in linux "Cannot start kvm guest" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58916303:24
sludge321Was wondering if anyone can help me with a strange issue on a new Ubuntu 10.04 server. /var/log/messages is empty, and cron.daily does not seem to be being processed.03:27
ccheneyanyone happen to know what causes not tested instances when running uec-testing-scripts?03:27
KurtKrautsludge321, does the /var/log/messages modified date and time change? Is it being written and them wiped out? I'm clueless about what it might be, but certainly this is an important part of a diagnosis.03:29
cefkees: cool ta03:30
=== Maletor_ is now known as Maletor
a3istOk so I've been drooling over the docs all day; can someone recommend a way to set up a new box w/ ubuntu server 10.04 and gdm/gnome with several simultaneous x sessions?  One will be for the HDTV its plugged into via HDMI, and the rest over the network.03:33
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sludge321KurtKraut: looks like it isn't being modified, date on "ls -la" is 25th of May.03:42
KurtKrautsludge321, but is this partition mounted with an option that will update the 'last modified' that?03:44
cefalso, is the partition mount rw?03:44
sludge321KurtKraut: cef: Hmm, "fdisk -l" results in "cannot open /proc/partitions" and "cat /etc/fstab" only has entried for /proc and /dev/pts03:46
cefsludge321: what does 'mount' say? it should list all the mounts03:46
sludge321cef: /dev/vzfs on / type reiserfs (rw,usrquota,grpquota)03:48
sludge321Maybe this is due to the type of virtualisation. I believe this server is a Parallels OpenVZ/virtuozzo vm.03:48
MaletorSSH seems slow from work. How can I speed up my ssh connection?03:48
sludge321kern.log is empty as well03:49
sludge321but mail and apache logs are being written to correctly03:50
lucas_mdadm reports that i have three spare disks in my system, but the system only has three disks total, how can i remove these from the set?03:50
PcCowboyI have a quick question. I'm trying to setup a home server for FTP, windows file sharing, HTTP, and any other cool servers i can come up with ;-P  I have baan using a windows XP box but i was thinking using ubuntu might mean it would run cooler (less heat), use less electric, ect..  My question is would server or desktop better suit my needs?03:55
twblucas_: pastebin /proc/mdstat03:56
twbPcCowboy: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/FtpMustDie03:56
twbPcCowboy: if you want a server, install Ubuntu Server, not Ubuntu Desktop.03:57
lucas_pastebin gave a command not found, heres a cat03:58
lucas_root@hackintosh:/proc# cat mdstat03:58
lucas_Personalities : [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] [raid10]03:58
lucas_md1 : active raid1 sdb2[2] sdc2[1]03:58
lucas_      1429225472 blocks [2/1] [_U]03:58
lucas_      [=============>.......]  recovery = 68.0% (972788352/1429225472) finish=112.8min speed=67427K/sec03:58
lucas_      03:58
lucas_md0 : active raid1 sdb1[0] sdc1[1]03:58
lucas_      524287936 blocks [2/2] [UU]03:58
lucas_      03:58
lucas_unused devices: <none>03:58
twb!pastebin > lucas_03:58
ubottulucas_, please see my private message03:58
a3istOk so I've been drooling over the docs all day; can someone recommend a way to set up a new box w/ ubuntu server 10.04 and gdm/gnome with several simultaneous x sessions?  One will be for the HDTV its plugged into via HDMI, and the rest over the lan03:59
twba3ist: if by "LAN" you mean ethernet, that doesn't make sense.04:00
twbYou can run X over TCP/IP over ethernet, but those are remote heads, not local heads.  So it'd be a normal terminal server plus a local head connected to your TV.04:01
a3istgot a new box that's doing media pc type stuff for the tv; gonna do mythTV or something there.  But I also want others on the lan to be able to log in and use a desktop environment without interrupting it04:01
twbYeah, that's just a normal thin client/server setup.04:01
twba3ist: will these other users be booting from the network, or will they be running (say) Windows and just opening some apps on your server?04:01
a3istThe latter.  Two mac osx boxes in my dad's home office04:02
a3istI don't need DE's for my own use; I'm perfectly comfortable with CLI04:02
twba3ist: OK, then then basically all you do is install (say) the ubuntu-desktop package for the TV head, and any apps you need, and set up openssh-server.04:03
twba3ist: the OS X user runs (in X11.app) "ssh -X <server> <app> <app's args>"04:03
twbe.g. ssh -X mythtv firefox google.com04:04
a3istI have gdm and the gnome desktop environment starting up fine, but I was looking for a way for my father to VNC in or something and get a normal GDM gui login.04:04
a3istRight now it doesn't seem to let multiple gnome-sessions run at once04:05
twba3ist: multiple sessions as the same user?04:05
a3istno, different users04:05
a3isteach getting their own session04:05
twbIt should.  I haven't tried it for a couple of years, but it should Just Work04:05
twbYou can use VNC instead of X11 by installing vnc4server.04:06
PcCowboytwb: Im using an HTTP server too. whats a good way to do this on linux04:06
twbPcCowboy: have you read the Ubuntu Server Guide?04:07
a3istI have x11vnc installed, but having multiple people use it just gets them the same display (:0)04:07
twba3ist: that's because x11vnc is the wrong tool.04:07
a3istah, I'll try vnc4server04:07
twba3ist: x11vnc exports an EXISTING display, like Windows VNC servers.  You want to export a NEW display, separate from the local head.04:07
a3istOk, that would explain my problem then04:08
twbWindows VNC servers don't do that because Windows licenses (usually) only allow one user at a time.04:08
PcCowboynope.just looking into thiss buddy...plus the only "info" i can find on server is cloud, Cloud, CLOUD, oh and more cloud....lol04:08
twbPcCowboy: install ubuntu-serverguide (or find it online) and read it.04:08
PcCowboythanks ttyl04:10
ScottKThe link to the server guide is in /topic.04:12
* ccheney wonders if he has the test misconfigured or he is seeing some kind of bug04:15
twbScottK: last time I looked that link was busted04:17
ScottKWorks for me.04:18
twbI guess someone fixed it.04:18
ccheneykirkland, ping, you happen to around still?04:28
panfistI need to upgrade the nic on a server that I didn't set up. I will be replacing the onboard nic with an intel add-on04:48
panfistthe nic was detected automatically, which is great, except it's named eth1 and the other is named eth004:48
panfistis this difference relevant in any of the config files? or is it all config'd by IP?04:49
cjsOooch. The 2.6.32-22 kernel upgrade killed all of my kvms.04:55
kirklandcjs: there's another update that fixes it05:14
kirklandcjs: sorry about that, we spent most of today unbreaking that05:14
cjsIs that update out yet? I just did the update a half hour ago, and discovered the problem.05:15
cjsI downgraded to confirm that it was the kernel upgrade, and it started working again, and I updated again just a few minutes ago but now I'm getting virt-manager complaining that it can't attach to dbus or something like that.05:16
cjsI suspect that that might be unrelated, but do you have any idea how I might fix that?05:16
cjsI don't appear to have a .gconf or .gconfd file in my home dir....05:17
cjsAh, those were under root's home dir. Removing both .gconf and .gconfd entirely fixed the issue.05:18
cjsAnyway, so how do I get this new update that fixes this?05:19
kirklandcjs: should be out soon tonight/tomorrow05:25
cjsGot it, thanks. Will this then be -23?05:26
qman__panfist, all interface configuration is based on eth0, eth1, etc...05:39
qman__if you want the second NIC to replace the first one, you can change that setting in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules05:39
cjsHm. How do I get a guest to boot single-user so that I can run a manual fsck?05:41
cjsIt always seems to try to boot multi-user, tells me I need to run fsck manually, and then won't give me a shell prompt.05:41
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cjsWell, I just booted an install CD and selected recovery mode.05:54
hallynhmm - 'man lsof' gives a weird result in the options section06:01
habananyI don't get to get out of the black screen06:28
habananyAny Spanish speaker  ?06:29
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.06:29
habananythanks ubottu06:31
twbhabanany: try Ctrl+Alt+F1 (just a guess).06:32
habananyI will try twb , thanks06:32
twbI guess he was dual-booting06:36
MasterZuFuHello everyone. I'm using ubuntu 10.04 for my server and am hosting a mybb forum site on it. For some reason captcha isn't working. I did some looking around and some people say I need something called "GD Library" or "AdEnhanced" installed on my server. Any idea what this is or how to install it?06:42
MasterZuFunevermind, i figureed it out06:54
abhibeckertMasterZuFu: did you find a good tutorial? can you post it?06:55
MasterZuFuabhibeckert: http://www.redmezzanine.com/?p=360&lang=es06:56
MasterZuFuyou just need these two commands: sudo apt-get install php5-gd06:57
MasterZuFuand service apache2 restart06:57
MasterZuFudepending on which version of apache ur running and whatnot06:57
MasterZuFuthose commands might change depending on that, but that's the basic.06:58
MasterZuFuhow do i block entire countries at once with a single command? (ip block)07:09
abhibeckertMasterZuFu: why would you do that?07:11
MasterZuFubecause there's some countries I don't want to have access to my site.07:11
MasterZuFuwhy should it matter?07:11
abhibeckertonly reasons i can think of are discrimination and security07:12
abhibeckertif it's security... i don't think it'd help any07:12
MasterZuFuit'd help a lot believe it or not07:12
abhibeckerthow? IP blocks are easy to work around07:12
MasterZuFublocking entire countries gets rid of a lot of spam and ddos attacks if07:12
MasterZuFubecause no one's going to re-route their entire botnet through a proxy, then they'd ddos themselves07:13
abhibeckertit'd have a lot of false positives for spam, and just because you stop responding to ddos attempts doesn't mean they stop coming in and flooding your bandwidth07:13
MasterZuFulook. i don't have to justify why. i just asked how to do it.07:13
abhibeckerti've never done it, but i'm guessing you'll want to do it with iptables. that should help with googling at least07:15
ttxGood morning07:15
MasterZuFusomeone said something about "cid" blocks or, something, i don't know exactly what it's called07:15
MasterZuFubut it allows you to block whole countries at once or something07:16
abhibeckertip addresses aren't broken up by country07:16
abhibeckertthey're broken up by ISP or something like that07:16
MasterZuFui know07:16
ajmitchfinding all addresses associated with a particular country would be tedious & error-prone because they're usually allocated in quick small non-contiguous blocks07:16
MasterZuFui'm sure i'll find a way07:17
ajmitchespecially for those allocated from certain places like APNIC07:17
abhibeckertso if you're trying to find all IP address ranges from, say, china... then it's probably going to be a huge list that changes all the time07:17
abhibeckertand it seems useless... since the USA is the second largest country sending out spam (as far as i know) and i'm assuming you don't want to block those?07:17
MasterZuFuspam isn't what i'm worried aobut07:18
abhibeckertmaybe you'd be better off looking at what IP you're getting lots of traffic from, and blocking those07:18
abhibeckertmost likely there's only a few massive ISP's in china? you could find out what their IP blocks are07:18
MasterZuFuwho mentioned china?07:18
abhibeckertno-one, i just gave it as an examlpe07:19
MasterZuFuok. i'm just cautious as a chinese ip just tried to gain access to port 22 :)07:19
abhibeckertsince you implied you're trying to block spam and ddos attacks... of which many come from chinese bots07:19
MasterZuFuwhich is why china is on my list to be blocked ;)07:20
abhibeckerti'm not a sysadmin... but i'm told it's a basically suicide to have port 22 on a public port07:20
MasterZuFuit's not public07:20
MasterZuFuonly i can access it07:20
MasterZuFubut he was trying07:20
abhibeckertall of the servers run by our sysadmin either have a whitelist of a few IP's who can talk to 22, or run it on a random port07:20
MasterZuFuwhich is why i knew he was trying to access it07:21
abhibeckertdo you have a fixed IP? maybe you could whitelist your IP and block everyone else's?07:21
MasterZuFuno i have dhcp07:21
abhibeckertit probably wasn't "he" who was trying to get into port 22, it was probably a botnet07:21
twbDisable password-based auth and use only key-based auth.07:21
jefimenkodoes anyone know of any util for automatically restarting services when they crash?07:22
MasterZuFuhmmmmmmmm didn't think of that07:22
jefimenkoor is a cron hack the best practice?07:22
abhibeckerta lot of bots are in china, but not all of them. some people suggest most bots are in the USA07:22
MasterZuFui know this07:22
twbjefimenko: put them in upstart07:22
abhibeckertanyway, you're best off making sensitive ports like 22 only available from specific IP's, perhaps find out what your ISP's allocated range is07:22
abhibeckertand then either use a crazy-ass long password, or use a private key07:23
twbabhibeckert: password length isn't relevant, since it'll hash down to a finite set07:23
cefI tend to run ssh on a non-standard port, not for security (the way I have it set up does that).. I do it to reduce the massive amount of logging from failed attempts that I would otherwise have on port 2207:23
twbcef: I would use hashlimit for that07:23
abhibeckerttwb by "crazy-ass long" i just meant "too long to keep in your head"07:24
ceftwb: I did.. still fills up07:24
jefimenkotwb: looking at it now07:24
MasterZuFumy pass is already above 150 chars XD :P. I'm not familiar with ubuntu so I'm not entirely sure how to secure it. i did just pick up a copy of "Linux Server Security" published by O'reilly07:24
twbThe big problem with using a nonstandard port is that most QoS heuristics won't bucket ssh traffic correctly07:24
jefimenkotwb: it's installed by default in ubuntu?07:24
twbjefimenko: "it"?07:24
jefimenkotwb: upstart07:24
twbUpstart has been Ubuntu's default (and only supported) init system for a LONG time.07:25
abhibeckerti gotta go guys, 5pm here07:25
twbPoor bastard must be a kiwi...07:25
MasterZuFuif it helps any i'm only an hour behind him XD07:25
MasterZuFuit's almost 4 pm here07:25
ajmitchtwb: given that it's after 6pm in NZ..07:25
cefit's 4:30 here in melb07:25
cef(or close to)07:26
ajmitch5pm, must be on a boat in the tasman07:26
MJenningsHi.. If i just installed ubuntu-server on a new pc and have two processes in D state that won't go away after reboot, what should i do?07:26
MasterZuFunah, 5pm in australia in NSW07:26
cefhis ip points him to qld07:27
MasterZuFuooooo so close07:27
cefstill only 4:30pm their time.. methinks he was confuzzled07:28
MasterZuFuok, guys I gotta start reading this book or crazy chinese ppl are gonna hax my server XD07:28
ajmitchcef: easy when it's that close to beer o'clock on a friday07:30
cefajmitch: heh07:30
a3istanyone know exactly what the -query parameter of xvnc / xdmcp instances does?  Restricts it to that hostname?  All the examples are just for localhost.07:34
cefyay for kernel updates07:38
cefand there goes security.ubuntu.com's throughput as everyone else starts hitting it. ;)07:41
keesyeah, it should be on the -updates mirrors soon07:41
cefkees: yup.. it's up there now07:42
* kees goes to bed now07:42
cefahh hang on.. -updates.. yeah.. I think the aus mirror is doing an rsync.. it's complaining at me. ;)07:43
keescopying from -security to -updates usually takes an hour.  it just published on -security, so hopefully in an hour it'll be in -updates.07:44
cefyay! all good now07:48
riz0nhey guys, I have Ubuntu Server and a procmail filter system-wide that filters incoming mail flagged as spam to "Junk Mail" folder. I have a user receiving unwanted mail from an email address that wants to have mail from the email address moved to an IMAP folder (probably Junk Mail) can anyone here assist me in setting this filter up?07:51
SpamapSriz0n: if you're delivering to real system users, then adding the rule to ~user/.procmailrc will work just fine.07:57
* SpamapS passes out07:57
riz0nyeah thats what im trying to do, but im not sure about how to write the rule.07:58
riz0nwould this work? Line 1 :0:; Line 2 * ^From:.*\<email@ddresstofilter.com>; Line 3 Junk E-mail07:59
=== shade_ is now known as \shade\
jefimenkotwb: i already have an initscript for my service, but if it crashes, it doesn't come up08:11
jefimenkodoesn't come back up08:11
jefimenkoi've been reading the upstart docs and haven't found out yet how to auto restart a service that dies08:12
jefimenkoif you know by experience how to do this, please point me into that direciton08:12
ab2anyone know how to change the default tty?  since installing xubuntu-desktop on my headless server i can no longer logon to ttyS008:25
uvirtbotNew bug: #589556 in unixodbc (main) "package odbcinst 2.2.11-21 failed to install/upgrade: error writing to '<standard output>': Input/output error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58955608:26
twbjefimenko: talk to #upstart about it08:42
twbI don't use it myself08:42
MJenningsyou have an option not to use upstart? how do you disable it08:43
twbBy installing 8.0408:44
twbwhere upstart is really only a token implementation08:44
ab2how do you get vlans on top of bonding working using /etc/network/interfaces in 10.04?  i can't seem to find the proper configuration online.08:45
MJenningscan xen be used on 10.04? i tried installing ubuntu-xen-server and there's dependencies problems08:46
\shMJennings, you should read http://noone.org/blog/English/Computer/Debian/xen-tools%2520back%2520in%2520Debian%2520Unstable.html by axel beckert...xen-tools are missing in ubuntu and I think that's your dependency problem, right?08:47
MJennings\sh: correct08:48
\shab2, auto vlan<id> \n iface vlan<id> inet static\n <do the usual stuff> \n vlan_raw_device <your bond interface with out /dev/>08:48
\shab2, just like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/444460/08:49
\shMJennings, axel beckert took over upstream and debian maintainership for this package...as far as I understand he provides as well xen-tools package for ubuntu08:50
\shab2, the format is for lucid working with upstart08:51
MJennings\sh: what kind of name is axel beckert08:57
\shmjeanson__, german ;)08:58
ab2thanks \sh =)  that worked.08:58
\shab2, np08:58
=== elnur_ is now known as elnur
twbb k e09:21
RoyKt w b09:21
twbI was trying to M-x s b k e09:22
twbLike so...09:22
cybrocopHi All, I'm having problems with virsh. I accidentally did an init 0 while a kVM instance was running and after restarting my system I am no longer able to run any instances.10:23
cybrocopVirsh reports the instances as "started" but they don't produce any console output nor can I see anything with VNC (just a black screen).10:23
TRElliscybrocop: can you ping the ip's of the kvm instances ie are they up?10:42
TREllisthere was a kernel bug affecting kvm recently (no instances started) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/58916310:42
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 589163 in linux "Cannot start kvm guest" [High,Fix released]10:42
ranjanHi all..how can i block google talk using squid proxy??11:11
\shranjan, google talk is xmpp...I wonder if they talk http / https at all11:13
\shranjan, or do you mean google talk on the google mail website?11:13
ranjan\sh, google talk on the google mail website  is the first priority11:13
ranjan\sh, how can i do that??11:14
ranjan\sh, i have a squid running here11:14
\shranjan, check the website for the javascript / html tag and try to block that...11:14
ranjan\sh, how..?? i want a solid solution. can you please help me?11:15
cybrocopTRellis: Thanks I think this is my problem.11:16
\shranjan, sorry..I can't help...I don't know anything about squid content filters...as I don't use gmail on the website11:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #589611 in apache2 (main) "client sent HTTP/1.1 request without hostname (see RFC2616 section 14.23)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58961111:16
ranjan\sh, oj11:16
TRElliscybrocop: should be a kernel upgrade available for it, it was a regression11:17
cybrocopTrellis: I may have done and apt-get upgrade to get a new kernel yesterday but I forgot to reboot. Right when I did an "init 0" (inadvertantly) the system was running several KVM images fine. As soon as I restarted, I started experiencing this problem. I'll check for updates.11:19
TRElliscybrocop: good idea11:24
cybrocoptrellis: thanks, you saved me a lot of headache11:48
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twb`I'm installing Lucid on a router, PXE-booting the d-i netboot kernel.13:41
twb`When it prompts for my "primary" interface, the eight ports are listed higgledy-piggledy.13:41
twb`Is there an easy way to tell which one is the "real" eth0?13:41
twb`Hm, never mind.  I just started brute-forcing them, and the first one worked (unlike the last boot).13:42
ttxtwb`: heh13:43
=== mathiaz_ is now known as mathiaz
twb`Argh, now it's falling over trying to wget the Release file, despite me being able to fetch it from the same URL from my own machine, with the same proxy settings.13:51
sommermorning :)14:00
twb`My own fault.  Apparently dhcp-range=vendor:PXEClient,[...] will still match DHCP requests from d-i :-/14:01
ccheneyDaviey, i got a huge amount of not tested instances when i ran the test last night, and most of them according to the script were 'null', not sure if that is a bad thing or if it means the script itself is buggy14:06
ttxjdstrand: if you do some sync processing today, I'd appreciate if you could push tomcat6 (bug 582312, filed 2 weeks ago). I have a few work items blocking on this.14:07
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 582312 in tomcat6 "Please sync tomcat6 6.0.26-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58231214:07
jdstrandttx: ok14:09
ttxjdstrand: thanks !14:09
mathiazttx: o./14:11
ttxmathiaz: yo14:11
mathiazttx: got some time for some hadoop talk?14:11
ttxmathiaz: sure, joining14:11
ttxmathiaz: btw you should still assign yourself to 1-2 bugs in https://launchpad.net/server-papercuts/+milestone/maverick-alpha-214:12
mathiazttx: yeah - on my TODO list14:12
ttxI intend to push ivoks on bug 321091, fwiw14:12
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 321091 in bacula "Bacula fails to install correctly if mysql wasn't installed before" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32109114:12
twb`Is there *ANY* downside to installing ext3 and then remounting as ext4 at some later date?14:14
ccheneymathiaz, what causes uec-testing-scripts to return 'null' for not-tested instances? i ran a 1000 run test last night and 721 of them showed up as not-tested 'null'14:14
ccheneytwb`, you don't get all the features unless it is formatted as ext414:15
ccheneytwb`, but i don't happen to remember the details14:15
twb`"all the features" boils down to some minor optimizations, plus extents.14:15
ccheneytwb`, probably something like that, yes14:16
twb`And if I enable extents, I lose the ability to mount as ext3, which has screwed me a few times in the past14:16
ccheneyah, so perhaps its not a feature in your case anyway :)14:16
twb`I'm not saying extents aren't useful14:16
twb`(I'm installing what will be our new mission-critical router.)14:17
twb`Actually, I'm installing onto a CF card, so ext*2* is almost attractive.14:18
Davieyccheney: saw your email.. i don't know tbh.. hggdh might be a better person to ask14:18
ccheneyDaviey, ok14:19
ccheneyhggdh, ping14:19
twb`I picked ext3 for now, since I can easily migrate to ext2 or ext4 at a later date.14:24
rgreeningScottK: hey. how doth bug 589188 fare?14:32
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 589188 in lucid-backports "Backport tacacs+ from Maverick" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58918814:32
ScottKrgreening: Approved.  Just waiting for an archive admin to execute it (if you ask Riddell nicely ...)14:33
twb`When doing a priorty=low d-i install, linux-generic is i686, and linux-386 is for i386?14:39
\shScottK, any clue on "when do sync requests be processed?"14:41
ScottK\sh: In theory every day by the archive admin of the day.  In practice it seems like on Tuesday's when it's Riddell's day.14:41
\shoh well...14:41
twb`Paraphrasing: what differentiates linux-image-386 from linux-image-generic?14:43
* twb` digs out their .configs...14:43
twb`Apparently there's bugger-all difference14:52
wise_cryptis it possible to copy squid cache file from other squid server ?14:53
twb`wise_crypt: try #squid.14:53
twb`It'll depend on the internal format squid users14:54
wise_crypttwb`: ex. from an oss squid server to ubuntu squid server14:55
twb`wise_crypt: oss?14:56
wise_cryptopen suse14:57
twb`SLES makes *RHEL* look good.14:58
wise_crypttwb`: opensuse and it uses amd processor15:01
wise_crypttwb`: the ubuntu uses intel, can it be done ?15:02
sjmwise_crypt: why do you need to?  The cache should regenerate on its own15:02
twb`wise_crypt: squid is extremely unlikely to give a shit what CPU you run15:03
wise_cryptsjm: it tooks time to generate, a couple of moths ahead with high traffic will have plenty of resources15:04
twb`So this whizzo encryption of /home -- will it DTRT if deployed on a multi-user CIFS/NFS NAS?15:04
sjmwise_crypt: and you can use wget with the --delete-after option to help generate it if you know what pages you want in there.15:05
twb`sjm: it'll still involve a second request to the internet, unless he points one squid at the other15:05
sjmwise_crypt: run the wget jobs overnight (or off-peak)15:06
twb`Actually... you can tell squid about "peer" caches.  If the old SUSE junk will continue running, you could just leave it there.15:06
sjmwise_crypt: what twb said.  use the SUSE cache as a parent of the new one.15:06
wise_cryptsjm twb` to do that i have to buy a new server :) unfortunately the budget is too low for this15:09
twb`Yeah, I thought he might be reflashing15:10
wise_cryptmigrating is always pain15:11
twb`Migrating from SUSE is, sure15:11
wise_cryptthe hell let them bugging15:12
wise_crypt*the hell let them bugging me with me the connection (solved)15:13
wise_cryptthanks twb` sjm15:13
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mathiazccheney: hm - not-tested returns null - I don't know what can leads to that15:32
mathiazccheney: do you have a log of the test run somewhere?15:32
ccheneymathiaz, yes15:40
ccheneymathiaz, will email you the log, it doesn't have debug info in it but if needed i can probably generate one with debug with nulls too15:40
mathiazccheney: coudl you put on people.canonical.com instead of emailing it?15:40
ccheneymathiaz, http://people.canonical.com/~ccheney/ccheney.log.2010-06-04_01011515:41
mathiazccheney: null probably comes from the fact the instance didn't have an Instance id set15:43
mathiazccheney: looking at the log: WARNING:root:Instance failed to start: FinishedVerify: Not enough resources available: addresses (try --addressing private)15:43
mathiazccheney: ^^ so it seems that instances were not started at all (thus not instance id was available)15:43
ccheneyoh ok15:44
ccheneyhow many ips do i need to have available for it to not fall over when testing like that, i have 2 threads and 16 ips15:44
ccheneyi noticed that before but didn't realize that was what caused all the nulls15:44
ccheneywhen i looked at the running box i noticed it seemed to get to the end of the pool and never reuse the ips that were no longer in use15:45
mathiazccheney: hm - good question - I don't know exactly15:45
mathiazccheney: the script will not start instances if there aren't enough ressource available15:45
mathiazccheney: however it seems that UEC may take some time to give back public ip addresses15:46
mathiazccheney: you may have run into that issue where there was enough ressource available but no public ip were available yet15:46
ccheneyyea and it we are going through an ip every 30 seconds when testing (seems that way on my laptop anyway) then it could use quite a lot15:46
Nicd^I just installed Ubuntu Server 10.04 and cannot get gnome to install, "Depends: swfdec-mozilla but it is not going to be installed"15:46
mathiazccheney: IIRC it should check if there are enough ressource available every 30 seconds or so15:47
mathiazccheney: 16 ips should be enough though - if you just have two cores on your laptop15:48
ccheneyyea just a 2 core laptop15:48
mathiazccheney: 2 cores means you can run up to 2 instances at the same time15:48
mathiazccheney: so something else is fishy here15:48
mathiazccheney: you may have encountered an UEC bug then15:49
ccheneyi may have done something wrong or found a bug15:49
ccheneyi'm new to UEC, but i followed the directions as far as i can tell :)15:49
mathiazccheney: rerun the test script with debug mode15:49
ccheneymathiaz, ok15:49
mathiazccheney: is this running on maverick?15:49
* Daviey laughs at mathiaz for suggesting any success on maerick15:50
ccheneymathiaz, lucid all updates but the 22.35 kernel15:50
ccheneyand with my new sru roll15:51
mathiazccheney: I'd try to start a couple of instances by hand15:52
mathiazccheney: I don't think it's an issue with the script15:52
ccheneya small 20 debug run probably will show up the nulls i'll try that first15:52
ccheneymathiaz, yea its been working all this time, i thought maybe i screwed it up somehow, heh15:52
twb`Hm, git is still git-core in lucid15:54
twb`I thought it post-dated the removal of the old git package15:54
ccheneyits still saying i'm out of ip addresses15:55
ccheneyoops, forgot to run the test as debug, grr :-\16:00
ccheneyi did get 80% failure on a 20 instance test though which seems rather odd16:00
ccheneyer not failure, -> not tested16:01
twb`Wow, sensible-editor(1) prompts you to pick an editor now?16:01
hggdhccheney: pong (sorry, but had to get a voters registration done)16:03
ccheneyhggdh, ok np, mathiaz is looking at my uec-testing-scripts logs to see why its outputting lots of not-tested 'null' items16:04
hggdhccheney, mathiaz: these are sessions that failed even to start16:04
ccheneyhggdh, appears to be, seems to possibly be an issue with running out of ips16:04
ccheneyhggdh, it seems it takes a long time before they are returned to the pool after an instance termination16:05
hggdhccheney: yes, make sense16:05
hggdhccheney: I was told that "eventually they return to the pool"16:05
ccheneyheh and when doing load testing eventually can be long enough to cause not-tested16:06
hggdhccheney: most certainly16:06
ccheneyi probably need 32 ips for a 2 thread system from a hunch i have16:06
ccheneyat least if they are actually released after they no longer show up in euca-describe-instances16:07
ccheneyhowever i was having problems with no ips even when there weren't many in that list, so i think it might not be related to that16:07
hggdhccheney: I think it goes beyond that, yes16:08
habananywhich one u recommend eBox, ISPConfig or Webmin ?16:08
cloakableI recommend /bin/bash :P16:09
pmatuliscloakable: what about /bin/zsh?  :)16:09
cloakablepmatulis: get thee from my sight, heretic ;)16:10
twb`zsh is for csh refugees16:10
pmatulisthe zee shell!16:10
cloakablebash is for people who like to get work done ;)16:10
twb`The zsh author chose the name because it collided with one of his lecturers.  That shows how unconscionably rude he is.16:11
twb`*collideded with one of his lecturer's names, that is16:11
twb`I would say: bash is for people who have more important things to do, when being told to fix a new server, than installing another shell.16:13
cloakablepmatulis: next you'll be suggesting that emacs be put into ubuntu's /etc/shells ;)16:13
twb`cloakable: that breaks scp/sftp; emacs -c does The Wrong thing.16:14
twb`It works OK as init, though.16:14
ccheneyhmm it seems like euca ate my ips but one16:14
ccheneyer ate all16:14
cloakabletwb`: file a bug report ;)16:15
twb`Incidentally, tmux got that right.16:15
twb`"tmux -c foo" will just run foo in a "real" shell.16:15
ewaitanyone know about channel scanning for a backend non gui server?16:21
twb`ewait: as in 802.11?16:21
ewaitno, as in atsc or dvb-c (tv channels)16:21
twb`No idea.16:22
ewaitthx anyway16:22
twb`Try looking at the packages that depend upon <the dvb library package>16:22
ewaitI have dvb-util and dvb-apps but they seem like there is no US channel presets16:23
ccheneymathiaz, the other two are in the same spot now16:27
ccheneymathiaz, of the two new runs the first one was without debug by accident and then ran the second one after it16:28
ccheneymathiaz, it seems to be stuck only using, my pool is
osmosisi did a fresh install of ubuntu server 10.04 64bit. Im getting super slow disk access times. Not sure why.16:30
osmosisany ideas on how I can test / troubleshoot?16:30
bcessahi, I'm trying to set nginx as a proxy to handle static files while let apache proccess the php code, how ever I'm getting a 502 Bad Gateway error, can someone give a hand with it?16:30
twb`bcessa: examine the entire response with curl -v.16:31
osmosistwb`, whats that?16:31
habananyebox vs webmin , help me to decide16:31
twb`iostat               (1)  - Report Central Processing Unit (CPU) statistics and input/output statistics for devices and partitions16:32
twb`hdparm -i is another obvious one -- check it's using DMA16:32
bcessatwb`: this is what I get back http://pastebin.com/vbjcFPFY16:32
* ccheney going to reboot his cloud and see if it passes after doing that16:33
twb`bcessa: ask the nginx people; I don't know.16:33
osmosistwb`, dma modes look okay. I have two brand new western digital drives, ubuntu 10.04 install with software raid1 and LVM16:34
* ccheney thinks the not-tested are a combination bug/feature, in that if the ips are all used and you get to 12 attempts to get an ip it probably permanently ignores the instance16:34
twb`osmosis: are the partitions/filesystems aligned on block boundaries?16:34
bcessaI'm already on their forum so far nobody is answering :O thnx anyway16:34
twb`though that may constitute ricing...16:34
osmosistwb`, uhmm...it was all through the ubuntu installer.16:34
ccheneybut there seems to also be a bug on my box where all but one ip is never released16:34
twb`osmosis: then probably not16:34
twb`osmosis: ref. http://thunk.org/tytso/blog/2009/02/20/aligning-filesystems-to-an-ssds-erase-block-size/16:35
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osmosistwb`, these are not SSD drives. just normal drives.16:35
twb`Are they 2TB drives?16:35
osmosistwb`, yes16:36
twb`Still largely, then applicable.16:37
bcessais weird, the problem is specifically with php files, plain html files works fine, example: http://ve.6pprv6tr.vesrv.com/index.html16:37
twb`*still largely applicable, then16:37
bcessaand this don't work: http://ve.6pprv6tr.vesrv.com/test.php16:37
osmosistwb`, i dont see any CPU slowing on my munin charts though. if it was overhead, it should be high iowait.16:38
twb`osmosis: block misalignment will result in IO waiting, not in CPU load16:38
twb`Anyway, if this is a fresh install, how do you know it's slower than it should be?16:39
osmosistwb`, because i have a slower server that was running the same load just fine. this is unusable.16:40
osmosistwb`, i dont have any graphs showing a lag...but the server is often unresponsive16:40
osmosistwb`, actually i do see a lot of iowait on the munin cpu chart.16:40
twb`Define "slower"16:41
osmosistwb`, tcp connections being dropped, slow apache load time, and i have had disk corruption as well16:41
osmosistwb`, its definitely IOWAIT16:42
osmosistwb`, the article you sent is just talking about SSDs though. not sure i understand it yet16:42
bcessaI notice that the php request is not being redirected to apache, and instead handle directly by nginx, so that what's causing the bad gateway, now the question is why :O16:43
twb`disk corruption isn't the same as "it's slow"16:43
twb`That indicates that something is really, seriously wrong.16:43
osmosistwb`, yes16:43
edwin-svhi everybody, someone know about a package or related procedures with gnu/linux commands to make an "image" of an ubuntu server that is running but it must not being shutdown to make an image (maybe with Nort*nGhost or related software) because it is providing a critical web service. The purpose of the task I want to do is to keep a backup image of the server that actually it does not exists. :(16:43
twb`osmosis: you should indicate that first.16:43
twb`OK, I'm obviously too tired and drunk to be helping16:44
osmosistwb`, investigate? i dont have much to go on. cant reproduce it16:44
edwin-svthanx in advance! :)16:44
osmosistwb`, but my IOWAIT is high, and thats my best lead.16:44
ccheneyon a fresh rebooted setup it seems to be working ok, at least for a while16:48
ccheneyi might need to have it run for a few hundred instances with debug logging16:48
ewaithow many things will break when doing a sudo do-release-upgrade?16:49
ewaitMy concern is with backuppc, virtual hosts in Apache2, mysql, etc. with the release upgrade17:03
edwin-svhi everybody, someone know about a package or related procedures with gnu/linux commands to make an "image" of an ubuntu server that is running but it must not being shutdown to make an image (maybe with Nort*nGhost or related software) because it is providing a critical web service. The purpose of the task I want to do is to keep a backup image of the server that actually it does not exists. :( < Thanks in advance! :-) >17:06
ccheneyno nulls on a rebooted box with 32 run, trying 256 run without rebooting first17:07
oru_workwhich program from repos can I install to be able to traceroute ?17:13
ubottukvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM17:18
ccheneyedwin-sv, a fs snapshot might work, but even then it might leave it in inconsistent state for apps17:18
ccheneyedwin-sv, i think there are some tools to do backups utilizing snapshots17:18
ccheneyedwin-sv, but i don't have any experience with them17:19
ccheneyits not failing at the moment but it definitely looks like it might be eating ips17:21
ccheneyat least based on how its reusing them17:21
edwin-svccheney, that is the situation, actually i have an ubuntu server providing a critical service to our enterprise, but it doesn't have a backup of configurations of its apps17:21
ccheneyedwin-sv, this might be useful, but i am not sure if there is already something in ubuntu that makes it easier: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/snapshots_backup.html17:22
osmosisim still not sure why im getting such high IOWAIT on these new WD 2TB drives.17:24
xperiahello to all. i have a question related to uploading stuff to the server. why does i get allways a 405 Error Message "The requested method PUT is not allowed for the URL" everytime i try to upload something as follow "curl -T file.gz http://serverip/dir/file.gz"17:24
edwin-svccheney, do you know if a fs snapshot could take an image of the boot procedure, too?17:24
xperiado i need to change some server settings as ubuntu prevent this and if yes where do i need to change this ?17:25
ccheneyedwin-sv, you would probably have to reinstall grub, but if the (i assume raid) complexity is hidden from the OS then it probably would work otherwise17:25
ccheneyedwin-sv, i have no idea what you would need to do to restore if you are using softraid17:25
* ccheney is a newbie server guy so doesn't know detail about a lot of these things17:26
ccheneyhmm yep euca is eating my ips at least its doing it somewhat slowly17:27
osmosisI have two 2TB western digital drives, on software raid1 and LVM. Im getting high IOWAIT. How can I determine the cause?17:27
xperiaanybody know how i can resolve this Problem here "The requested method PUT is not allowed for the URL"  ?17:31
guntbertxperia: for apache problems there is the channel #httpd too17:32
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xperiaguntbert: but nobody answer there. tryed allready !17:35
edwin-svccheney, actually I want to have an image of the ubuntu server that is running, and if fail the one that is running just turn on the image in other server the image and keep running the apps17:36
guntbertxperia: I cannot help you either - sorry - it was only meant as additional ressource :-)17:36
edwin-svccheney, actually I want to have an image of the ubuntu server that is running, and if fail the one that is running just turn on the image in other and keep running the apps :-)17:37
hggdhsmoser, mathiaz, ccheney: can I reboot the UEC test rig?17:37
mathiazhggdh: sure17:38
RoyKhm. ubuntufying zimbra would be a nice project17:39
ccheneyhggdh, yep thats fine, i'm running uec testing on my local setup17:39
hggdhccheney: thank you17:41
ccheneymathiaz, did you happen to see my debug log i posted earlier?17:42
mathiazccheney: not yet17:42
mathiazccheney: could you repost the url?17:42
ccheneymathiaz, http://people.canonical.com/~ccheney/17:42
ccheneymathiaz, the latest timestamp is the full debug log17:42
ccheneymathiaz, its looking like eucalyptus will reuse an ip immediately until some trigger and then either never reuses it or takes a very long time to do so, which appears to be why i was running out of ips, not sure if that was the cause of the 'null's though17:43
mathiazccheney: well - the script is running as expected IMO17:49
ccheneyso a null just refers to something that never got an ip address?17:49
mathiazccheney: the second time an instance is trying to run, uec fails: DEBUG:root:Instance start output: FinishedVerify: Not enough resources available: addresses (try --addressing private)17:49
mathiazccheney: so null refers to the fact that an Instance object has been created in but it failed to start (which means that no instance Id are unkown for the object)17:50
mathiazccheney: that's why there is a null in the report17:50
ccheneyoh i see17:50
mathiazccheney: hm - no instance Id are *known* to the testing script17:51
mathiazccheney: that's why it fails to null17:51
hggdhand which is why is I left it as 'not-tested'17:51
mathiazccheney: the script reveals a problem with UEC though17:51
mathiazccheney: not a real bug in the script ;)17:51
ccheneymathiaz, ok17:52
ccheneyi'm at the last ip on a debug log 256 run, so maybe it will be of some help to determine whats going wrong17:54
ccheneyhmm i think i'll reboot so its the full log from a clean system17:55
ccheneyit got to the problem in under 30m17:55
ccheneyi see this in the cc.log is that bad: [Fri Jun  4 12:05:35 2010][001251][EUCAWARN  ] vnetInitTunnels(): in MANAGED-NOVLAN mode, priv interface 'eth0' must be a bridge, tunneling disabled18:08
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Tim_Rcan anybody tell me how to setup quota for webspace because I want to offer my customers 25mb free webspace18:16
g-hennuxfrom 9.10 to 10.04, apparently the dovecot-config file has changed18:16
g-hennuxand i denied the upgrade of the config file at dist-upgrade18:17
g-hennuxhow can i get the default config file from the deb file to compare the two files manually?18:17
ccheneyhmm lease time for euca dhcp is 20m if its not shut down properly18:17
coafcvhow can I override the user password? I have a VM running ubuntu server, but I forgot both username and password. it's on my local LAN, and re-installing the OS would take too long.18:17
ccheneyer 20m, which is  maximum time of lease if its not shut down properly is more accurate18:17
Davieyccheney: yeah, so 20m suggests a bigger pool would hide that concern18:19
Davieyccheney: did you recieve kirklands mail?18:19
DavieyIf you have a branch or debdiff you want me to have a gander over, let me know (via email ideally)18:20
ccheneyDaviey, just saw it yea18:20
DavieyTim_R: i would first point you towards disk quota18:20
* Daviey goes afk18:20
ccheneyDaviey, now that i know what to look for i am going to make sure the problem is really just the lease time and then bump my pool size18:20
Tim_Rok Daviey afterwares18:20
ccheneyi have a doctor appointment (should be ~ 15m) and a house closing (~ 30m) today also, as noted on my calendar18:22
ccheneyDaviey, i'm not sure but it doesn't look like the 'public' addresses are assigned by dhcp18:25
ccheneyDaviey, and from what i recall when you log into a instance you see the internal ip eg 172.x18:26
ccheneyit might still be related to the 20m lease time for the internal 172.x addresses but not certain, i'll get a good debug log and then up the number of ips18:26
mathiazkees: hi - do you know if there is a package that provides the Debian CA certificate?18:34
mathiazkees: I'm trying to connect to alioth over ssl and firefox doesn't recognize the CA18:34
keesmathiaz: hm18:35
keesmathiaz: I thought ca-certificates came with it18:36
mathiazkees: http://ca.debian.org/ -> says it's from SPI18:36
keesor rather: http://www.spi-inc.org/secretary/spi-cacert.crt/view?searchterm=cert18:37
* ccheney thinks he found out his problem but isn't quite sure what the minimum ip range is yet, still reading a comment from developer about a similar user issue18:39
ccheneyi think maybe i have to tweak VNET_ADDRSPERNET=32 to something smaller18:44
elysrumHi, looking for a little help here.  Every time my server reboots something is resetting the permissions on /tmp to 755.  Anybody have any ideas?18:44
elysrumServer Version is 10.04, it is an upgrade from Karmic (not a clean install).18:49
hggdhkirkland: I wonder if Deji's systems really have KVM disabled, or if the KVM mods were not loaded -- just had the same issue on sapodilla18:54
hggdhDeji1: ping18:56
Deji1hggdh : pong18:57
=== Deji1 is now known as Deji
ccheneyactually it seems that was not the issue as the user was seeing their dhcp show up with all 0's18:59
hggdhDeji: did you reboot your NC?19:01
Dejihggdh : i have pricklypear up but still no luck with ceylon19:02
hggdhDeji: can you please, on ceylon, run 'initctl status qemu-kvm' and tell me what is the output?19:04
Dejihggdh : the system is down now, i can't even ssh into it. port 22 is not active19:08
hggdhDeji: OK. We wait for it to come back on, and then we check again19:10
a3isthey guys I'm looking for the current config method for xdmcp; I'm not seeing gdm.conf anywhere and I'm assuming it was moved to an auto-generation setup like grub2.  Need to know where to go enable the gdm greeter for remote logins.19:25
a3istnm think I found it19:27
Doonzso my keyboard mapping is all fucked up . where can i change these settings. 10.4 console only no desktop19:41
alvinMy fileserver just died. PSU was broken. I replaced it and booted. It has 4x2TB disks in mdadm RAID5. Now I'm staring at a big purple screen saying" Your disk drives are being checked for errors, this may take some time". I have the option to press C to skip. Now my question is: is this a rebuilt, or an fsck?19:47
alvinWhat I really want now is some output. A message saying fsck, or the ability to look at /proc/mdam. Something more informative than a purple background.19:48
RoyKalvin: reboot into single and check19:48
alvinBut it's checking. I don't know if it is safe to reboot19:49
RoyKpress escape19:49
RoyKthat usually takes it back to the console19:49
alvinmountall terminated with status 1 on some filesystems. And ureadahead-other terminated with status 4. Those are the last lines19:50
alvinthanks btw19:50
uvirtbotNew bug: #589830 in squid (main) "Please ship a ufw application profile for squid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58983019:50
alvinahm the ureadahead message is a bug. It's now continuing. This is pretty fast for an fsck. Must be the ext419:53
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alvinWhy extreme NFS timeouts are great: the fileserver was hosting the qcow image of a virtual mailserver. The mailserver is accessible again and I didn't need to reboot it while it's disk was offline.19:59
alvinMust also be a KVM thing, because my desktop on NFS mounted /home is still unresponsive20:00
mathiazccheney: hey - what's the state of the eucalyptus sru20:03
mathiazccheney: ?20:03
ccheneymathiaz, sent the debdiff to dave and dustin and was trying to do initial testing when i started getting all those weird errors20:03
Deepscan anyone recommend any hackable web interfaces for iptables?20:10
Deepsor possibly suggest a better solution to my conundrum20:12
Deepsi have an ubuntu router for my connectivity20:12
Deepsthe router has multiple upstreams that can be used20:12
Deepsat present, i'm using source based routing using fwmarks to match20:13
Deepse.g., for i in {2..10}; do ip rule add fwmark $i lookup $i; done20:13
ccheneymathiaz, would you like a copy also?20:14
mathiazccheney: yes20:14
Deepsand then mangle rules to match specifiuc client IPs20:14
Deepse.g. iptables -t mangle -I PREROUTING -s -j MARK --set-mark 320:14
Deepswhat i'd like is an easy way for client machines to advise the router what upstream they'd like to use20:14
Deepsso my idea was to have a web interface that would alter the mangle table rules20:15
Deepsand have that run on / interface with the router20:15
ccheneymathiaz, ok sent, let me know if you get it20:17
Deepsnobody? heh20:46
EtienneGquestion, guys: can you define mutliple static per interfaces in /etc/network/interfaces without using stupid eth0:1 type of alias?20:54
DeepsEtienneG: up/post-up lines with ip address add $ip/$mask dev $interface20:55
EtienneGDeeps, ugh.  thanks for the info, though!20:55
Deepsremember to add the corresponding down lines too though20:55
Deepsif you're wanting to add a range of ips, post-up for i in {1..255}; do ip addr add blah.$i/$mask dev $int; done20:56
mathiazccheney: ok - I got your diff21:04
mathiazccheney: could you create a bzr branch instead21:04
mathiazccheney: and create a merge proposal21:04
mathiazccheney: it would easier to conduct the review21:04
mathiazccheney: and subscribe other - rather than just sending debdiff around21:04
mathiazccheney: bzr co lp:ubuntu/lucid-proposed/eucalyptus21:05
mathiazccheney: have you used bzr pkg branches already?21:05
ccheneyno, never did a merge proposal, etc21:06
mathiazccheney: ok - let me guide through this21:07
mathiazSpamapS: around?21:07
ccheneyi have mostly just worked on OOo and some internal oem stuff in the past which didn't use bzr branches21:07
mathiazccheney: right21:07
ccheneyi'm going to have to leave in about 20-30m to go to a home closing (sale)21:07
mathiazSpamapS: I was about to guide ccheney through using bzr pkg branches for doing an SRU21:07
ccheneybut if it doesn't take much time i can do it now :)21:08
mathiazccheney: ok - I can get you started on this21:08
mathiazccheney: I usually start by creating a shared repository to hold all the branches:21:08
mathiazbzr init-repo eucalyptus21:08
mathiaznaming the directory after the source package21:08
mathiazthen cd eucalyptus/21:09
mathiazbzr co lp:ubuntu/lucid-proposed/eucalyptus21:09
mathiaz^^ that gets the code from lucid-proposed21:09
uvirtbotmathiaz: Error: "^" is not a valid command.21:09
mathiazthen I'd create a local branch to work on the sru itself21:09
mathiaz(in this use case I've used lucid-proposed as I know there is already an SRU in place)21:10
mathiaz(if not I'd use lp:ubuntu/lucid/eucalyptus - which would get the version of the src package that is in lucid)21:10
mathiazthen I'd create a local branch to work on the sru itself:21:10
mathiazhm - wait - I usually check out the LP branch in a directory named after the release21:11
mathiazbzr co lp:ubuntu/lucid-proposed/eucalyptus lucid-proposed21:11
mathiazthat would create a sub-directory lucid-proposed/ that holds the relevant code21:11
mathiazotherwise you'd end with eucalyptus as the directory name21:12
mathiazthen I'd create a local branch for preparing the SRU:21:12
mathiazbzr branch lucid-proposed/ lucid-sru21:12
mathiazcd lucid-sru/21:12
mathiazand prepare the SRU in there (patches, changelog edition etc...)21:13
mathiazin our use case you could just apply the debdiff21:13
mathiaz(lucid-sru:$ bzr patch < eucalyptus-sru.debdiff21:13
mathiazonce the sru is ready, do a local commit:21:13
mathiazand then push it to LP under your account:21:13
mathiazbzr push lp:~ccheney/ubuntu/lucid-proposed/eucalyptus/lucid-sru21:14
mathiazonce the branch is pushed to LP you go over to the LP page21:15
ccheneydoes that need to be just lucid?21:15
mathiazand you can propose for merging from the LP page21:15
ccheneyit says no such distribution series21:15
mathiazccheney: ok21:16
mathiazccheney: so try lucid21:16
MaletorCan I access a DAAP share at home from work. I realize we need to forward ports, but doesn't it use bonjour? I would really like to be able to do this....21:16
MaletorSSHFS seems a little slow.......21:16
mathiazccheney: cool - your branch shows up: https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/eucalyptus21:17
ccheneycool :)21:17
mathiazccheney: now if you go on the branch page: https://code.launchpad.net/~ccheney/ubuntu/lucid/eucalyptus/lucid-sru21:18
mathiazccheney: you can propose for merging21:18
ccheneyi'm on the propose merge21:18
ccheneydo i need to type the other url in as the target?21:18
ccheneyit suggests lp:ubuntu/lucid/eucalyptus which seems wrong21:18
mathiazccheney: right - you wanna propose it to lucid-proposed21:19
ccheneyer ok21:19
mathiazccheney: as this is what the branch is based on21:19
ccheneymathiaz, should i change the reviewer to ubuntu-server or something like that?21:20
mathiazccheney: yeah - put ubuntu-server as the reviewer21:21
ccheneyok done :)21:21
ccheneythat was easy with help from you, thanks! :)21:21
mathiazccheney: cool - the merge is ready for review: https://code.launchpad.net/~ccheney/ubuntu/lucid/eucalyptus/lucid-sru/+merge/2683921:22
mathiazccheney: I'd suggest to subscribe a bunch of people to do the review as well21:22
mathiazccheney: I've just claimed the review21:22
mathiazccheney: https://code.launchpad.net/~ccheney/ubuntu/lucid/eucalyptus/lucid-sru/+merge/2683921:23
mathiazccheney: on the merge proposal page you can request another review21:24
mathiazccheney: I'd suggest to add Daviey as well21:24
* ccheney gotta run to sell his house, bbiab21:25
mathiazccheney: as for the branch itself, I would subscribe kirkland and Daviey as well21:25
mathiazccheney: I'll do the later as you're running out21:25
mathiazccheney: good luck!21:25
ccheneyi didn't see where to subscribe other people, i saw where they are subed21:28
ccheneybut not how to add more21:28
ccheneylooks like only me and james westby were subscribed by default21:28
mathiazccheney: on the branch page, there is a link that says subscribe someone else21:29
ccheneyoh i was under the proposal page, oops21:30
mathiazccheney: right -it's a bit confusing21:30
ccheneythanks for the help :)21:30
mathiazccheney: https://code.launchpad.net/~ccheney/ubuntu/lucid/eucalyptus/lucid-sru21:30
mathiazccheney: ^^ that the bzr branch page21:31
* ccheney leaving now, bbl21:31
mathiazccheney: that's all for now!21:31
SpamapSmathiaz: argh, I missed your message earlier21:37
* SpamapS saves the log21:37
mathiazSpamapS: that's ok - let me know if you have some questions21:38
MrPicardHey guys22:24
MrPicardive got a rackspace cloud server22:24
MrPicardim trying to configure ubuntu to work with the server and run ebox on top22:24
bventurahello!  I'm setting up a mail server with ubuntu and am wondering what the deal is with DKIM/DomainKeys.  I want to do everything I can to get my mail through to yahoo users.  Do I need to implement both DKIM AND DomainKeys?  Or is DKIM the new way of doing it, and DomainKeys obsolete?  From what I've read online so far it seems unclear as to which one to use or if I need both22:28
ScottKbventura: Yahoo! is rolling out DKIM and will retire DomainKeys.  I'd just worry about DKIM for something new.22:51
LowValueTargetim running an apt-mirror and im checking the logs every few days. I see something that says 959.3MiB can be freed.... run clean.sh22:53
LowValueTargeti run clean sh22:53
LowValueTargetand it says removing 260 unnecessary files..... done. but it doesnt seem to be removing them.22:54
bventuraScottK: thanks.22:54
bventuraif you have a link to where you found that info on yahoo i'd appreciate it22:54
guntbertLowValueTarget: as what user are you running it? always the same one?22:55
ScottKbventura: I've worked on DKIM development.  In the community there I'm active in it's common knowledge.  I can't give you a specific link, although I'm sure it's public information.22:59
qman__so, I had a NIC fail in a server, and I replaced it23:03
qman__and in order to make the new NIC be eth0, I removed the old line in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net23:03
qman__but it's not giving the new one a name23:04
qman__how do I force detection of new cards?23:04
qman__it shows up in lspci23:04
qman__this is a hardy server, btw, 8.04.423:05
ScuniziI've just turned on my server after several days of being off and it has no connectivity to the network.  ifup & down don't resolve the issue.. double checked wires and routers with no results.. before I go changing the nic what else can I test?23:23
Scuniziqman__: what does ifconfig say?23:24
qman__ifconfig doesn't see it23:24
qman__nothing in dmesg either23:24
Scuniziwhat does lspci call it?23:25
qman__Intel corporation 8-something gigabit adapter23:25
Scuniziqman__: was the original nic built into the motherboard?23:26
qman__yes, nforce 4, using the forcedeth driver23:26
qman__I turned it off in the BIOS23:26
=== mathiaz_ is now known as mathiaz
Scunizitry sudo lshw .. in the resulting output it will show the logical name for the card.  Even with the internal turned off it might be named eth1 or something23:27
qman__it's not getting one23:29
qman__lshw says it's unclaimed23:29
qman__that's the function I'm trying to find, how to have it detect and assign one23:29
qman__I know it normally does that automatically but for some reason it isn't23:29
Scunizithat's strange.. it should automatically discover and assign a logical name23:30
Scunizimaybe try a different pci slot?23:30
qman__it's PCI express, I could, but that'd be a waste of an x16 slot for an x1 card23:30
qman__and it is clearly getting detected23:30
qman__just not configured23:31
qman__google hints that maybe that card isn't supported with hardy's e1000 driver23:32
Scuniziqman__: possible.. you're still on hardy huh?  What's the content of /etc/network/interfaces?23:34
qman__just a normal single interface, eth0, with a static IP23:35
Scunizialthough this is a slackware post it might shed some light on it. http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/slackware-linux-help/63049-detecting-network-card.html23:35
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 513292 in linux "Heron LTS 8.04.3 and 20100126's 8.04.4 don't support Intel 82574L NICs" [Medium,Fix released]23:35
qman__no workaround was posted, so it looks like the only fix is to compile the new driver from source23:39
qman__which should be an interesting trick without network connectivity23:39
qman__I don't think that machine has build-essential on it23:39
Scuniziouch.. or look in packages.ubuntu.com for the driver?23:40
mathiazccheney: hey - what's the status of bug 566793?23:41
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 566793 in eucalyptus "[SRU] euca-get-console-output gives first 64k of output, not most recent" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56679323:41
hggdhmathiaz: there?23:41
mathiazccheney: IIUC the fix will be reverted in the lucid SRU you're preparing?23:41
mathiazhggdh: I hope so - otherwise something is fishy here...23:42
hggdh:-) I asked before I read the backlog...23:42
mathiazhggdh: ah ok23:42
mathiazhggdh: what are you up to/23:42
mathiazhggdh: ?23:42
hggdhmathiaz: is there a compelling reason for the sources.list in the test rig to all point to
hggdhmathiaz: I just reinstalled topo2, after having 100% failures23:43
mathiazhggdh: which install media are you using?23:43
mathiazhggdh: the isos or the archive?23:43
hggdha locally donwloaded iso...23:43
hggdhof course23:43
mathiazhggdh: if you're using the isos it's normal that sources.list points as this is where the isos are unpacked23:43
hggdhmathiaz: so I can reset them all, correct?23:44
mathiazhggdh: sure23:44
mathiazhggdh: they will just reinstall everything if you set them to on tamarind23:44
hggdhmathiaz: why?23:45
mathiazhggdh: well - I'm not sure I fully understand what you're trying to do/ask23:45
hggdhmathiaz: I reinstalled from 10.04, ran some tests, and now I want to apply current fixes to 10.0423:46
mathiazhggdh: so you're testing -proposed23:46
mathiazhggdh: ?23:46
hggdhyes, that's the intention23:46
mathiazhggdh: ah ok23:46
hggdhand starting to change the code to add in more tests23:47
mathiazhggdh: so - you probably wanna install from the archive then23:47
mathiazhggdh: instead from the iso23:47
mathiazhggdh: (although it should be the same)23:47
hggdhyes inideed. I will change the sources.list, and see what happens. Should just update23:47
mathiazhggdh: if you're installing from the archive the sources.lists should not point to
hggdhmathiaz: thank you23:48
Davieymathiaz: i have seen a debdiff from ccheney that fixes bug 56679323:49
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 566793 in eucalyptus "[SRU] euca-get-console-output gives first 64k of output, not most recent" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56679323:49
mathiazDaviey: hm - fixes?23:49
hggdhit's in his branch23:49
mathiazDaviey: my understanding was that the patch was actually reverted23:49
Davieyi haven't tested it, but he did have a debdiff ready IIRC23:49
mathiazDaviey: https://code.launchpad.net/~ccheney/ubuntu/lucid/eucalyptus/lucid-sru23:50
mathiazDaviey: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eucalyptus23:53

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