[00:00] fregl: ping [00:00] is anyone actually here? [00:01] everyone is always here [00:01] oh [00:01] shtylman! [00:16] pinkrobotking: pong [00:16] JontheEchidna: too late :P [00:16] JontheEchidna: http://apachelog.wordpress.com/2010/06/04/fluffy/ [00:16] in case you got improvement suggestions [00:31] pinkrobotking: moin [00:32] fregl: honey you are late ... http://apachelog.wordpress.com/2010/06/04/fluffy/ [00:32] pinkrobotking: I know, I'm old and slow... [00:33] pinkrobotking: what is a "granding technique" ? :p [00:33] wil +l [00:34] granding is when you grand something [00:34] ah, perfecting [00:34] pinkrobotking: what did you drink "epsecially"? [00:35] at least you called rekonq rekonq [00:35] I can hardly call it recum in public [00:35] ohw [00:35] sry [00:35] :/ [00:36] lol [00:36] fregl: Judging from your photos you've got some time yet before you can get away with the "I'm old" excuse. [00:36] ScottK: hush :) [00:36] oh [00:37] dont let photoshop foul you [00:37] in reality he looks WAY older [00:37] * ScottK is open on the question of slow though. [00:37] fregl: was that all? [00:37] my receding hairline makes me weep every morning for an hour at least [00:38] pinkrobotking: looks good as far as I can tell :) [00:38] ♥ Stay Fluffy ♥ [00:38] lovely [00:41] fregl: just keep telling yourself that it is result of too much thinking [00:41] works for me :P [00:41] * pinkrobotking should blog about that [00:42] * fregl still has an unfinished blog post about fluffy, no idea what's in there :) [00:42] being unshaved is result of being too important and tired eyese are a result of being too efficient [00:43] fregl: does it come with stars and balloons? [00:46] * pinkrobotking really needs to unfollow people on twatter he is following on denteist's dream already :/ === keffie_jayx_ is now known as keffie_jayx [00:46] no stars included, baloons might be.. need to check later [00:47] and I tried earlier to unbreak the krunner opaque themeing but that was sadly not possible as plasma doesn't like to behave [00:47] (surprise) [00:49] fregl: what is broken with it? [00:49] the misrendering (black)? [00:52] round corners → black splots (despite having a mask for that) but that seems to be a general problem here [00:52] and the horizontal bar pixmap is scaled [00:53] but maybe it is just my broken plasma, no clue how yours looks :) [00:56] hm scaling I did not notice [00:57] however sometimes plasma decided to scale without reason when switching between opaque and translucent === pinkrobotking is now known as apachelogger [04:10] [libqapt] jmthomas * 1134711 * trunk/playground/libs/libqapt/src/worker/workeracquire.cpp Correctly set errorText and failedItem. (They had been reversed. Oops.) [04:11] [libqapt] jmthomas * 1134713 * trunk/playground/libs/libqapt/src/ (backend.h worker/worker.cpp) Move download started signal to right before when downloading actually starts. I had been a bit confused on the issue due to poor libapt-pkg API. [04:12] [libqapt] jmthomas * 1134714 * trunk/playground/libs/libqapt/utils/qapt-batch/qaptbatch.cpp I had forgotten to implement a dialog for fetch errors :S Implement one. === jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna [04:12] ^what all the network drops were for [04:15] [libqapt] jmthomas * 1134716 * trunk/playground/libs/libqapt/src/worker/worker.cpp Forgot to remove these events after the "download started" signal emission moved further down the function [04:19] Hrm, the transaction question stuff needs a rework and I just wrote it this afternoon... v.v [04:20] will do tomorrow though. g'night === valorie is now known as valorie2 === valorie2 is now known as valorie [11:31] my blog post about cd building is gonna be epic [11:31] also [11:31] * apachelogger hugs Nightrose [11:32] * Nightrose hugs apachelogger :) [11:33] hm [11:33] it appears to me that installing the base system now indeed does not try to install fluffy-desktop [11:33] * apachelogger keeps fingers crossed to get a working install this time [11:50] !fluffy [11:50] Sorry, I don't know anything about fluffy [11:50] apachelogger: ^ [11:51] jussi: ^ [11:51] apachelogger: no, write the factoid so someone, like I, can add it then (: [11:51] I dunno what to write [11:51] fregl: ^ [11:51] ahhhh [11:52] it seems my installation did not go as well as I hoped [11:52] no kdm :( [11:52] hrrr [11:52] meh [11:52] meeeeeh [11:53] it did not install fluffy at all -.- [11:53] man [11:53] what is fluffy? [11:54] ah, it's the kubuntu without amarok, right? :) [11:54] yes [11:54] actually [11:54] it is a kubuntu without kde [11:54] or so says my vm :( [11:54] yay ... not :( [11:55] * fregl hugs apachelogger, even without kde [11:55] * apachelogger rehugs fregl crying because he does not know why the install fails so horribly [11:56] because distribution building needs sacrificing pink bunnies to the FSM? [11:57] the FSM? [11:57] flying spaghettin monster? [11:57] OMG [11:57] no! [11:57] omg!!!!!! [11:57] * apachelogger falls over [11:58] apachelogger: actually that image in the article would also fit... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_Spaghetti_Monster I wonder about the license [11:59] not free - fail :( [12:01] oh my [12:01] hm [12:01] * apachelogger is wondering if taskel might be the failure here [12:02] hm [12:02] this almost makes sense [12:05] apachelogger: what is a "mhall119"? [12:05] fregl: i dunno? [12:05] your esquimo identica friend wants to send you one (?) [12:06] oh [12:06] maybe an artist [12:06] someone should tell him that KDE theming is superior to xfce and xfce will never be as attractive [12:06] also, did he call me a girl? [12:13] fregl: can you help him find out what he wants :P [12:13] * apachelogger is busy fighting tasksel [12:17] d-i pkgsel/include string fluffy-desktop [12:17] that should do it for now ... [12:17] * apachelogger rebuilds image the 7th time today === keffie_jayx_ is now known as keffie_jayx [12:39] !fluffy [12:39] Sorry, I don't know anything about fluffy [12:40] apachelogger: have you a fluffy homepage yet? [12:40] not yet :( [12:40] fregl: ^ we should do something about that [12:41] eean faild us homepage wise, didn't he? [12:41] apachelogger: as soon as you get a homepage Ill add one for you. just let me know what it is. [12:41] :( [12:41] if its just server space you need, see tsimpson about something on jussi01.com [12:42] fregl: pretty much [12:42] oh [12:42] see [12:42] fregl: the nice ubuntu family already welcomes us :D [12:43] jussi: that is amazing *hug* [12:43] :) [12:43] apachelogger: although, where do you have kubotu running? [12:43] is it on jussi01.com? [12:43] I think so [12:43] * apachelogger is confused with the hostnames [12:44] ok, maybe we should take up that offer, the question is what to put there... my design skillz are so amazing that we really should find someone else to do a homepage [12:44] we can link something into your homedir then. [12:44] fregl: just make a nice wordpress theme :P [12:44] oh, silly old wordpress [12:44] but wordpress is a good starting point [12:44] we can have a fluffy distor blog right away then [12:44] * apachelogger is wondering if he broke the install again :/ [12:45] well [12:45] the thing is [12:45] or just tell us what you want, django, joomla, drupal etc [12:45] http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/tags/pink [12:45] if it is in my home I need to maintain it :P [12:46] hm [12:46] apachelogger: if its wordpress it doesnt need to be [12:46] ;) [12:46] all web done ;) [12:46] debian-installer apparently does not like not having a tasksel defined :/ [12:46] jussi: then we shall use wordpress ^^ [12:46] :) [12:46] right, Ill get tsimpson to add another instance and give you the keys whne its done [12:47] awesome [12:47] * apachelogger hugs jussi [12:47] oh, and this could be modified :P http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/kitten-in-pink [12:47] * jussi hugs apachelogger [12:48] hello kitty is also pink :) [12:48] http://www.savingadvice.com/images/blog/hello-kitty-wordpress.png [12:48] NO HELLO KITTY! [12:49] leinir told me all about its evilness! [12:49] I do not want to have anything to do with that [12:49] mhh :) [12:49] lol [12:49] I know nothing more about hello kitty than it is pink [12:49] neversfelde: good, keep it that way! [12:50] * neversfelde has two sisters using a hello kitty windows theme [12:51] windows has themes? o.O other than the standard 2? o.O [12:52] jussi: yes, 3rd party, which might break a lot of stuff [12:52] arrsome [12:52] OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! [12:52] it is installing Qt :'( [12:52] OMG!!!!! [12:52] this is so awesome === apachelogger is now known as pinkrobotking [12:52] <3 [12:53] lol [12:55] anyone remember what the mario clone game was? [12:56] jussi: you mean supertux? (supermario tuxified) [12:56] maybe... /me installs to see [12:58] atleast that one is pretty straight clone, just different theme and a bit different physics [12:59] * pinkrobotking just thought of the ubuntu mario ^^ [13:12] hm [13:12] there is still something wrong :( === pinkrobotking is now known as apachelogger [13:40] seems plasma is a bit broken in my packaging [13:41] coloring is fine though [13:42] fregl: maybe it was luck, but I think I just did the first successfull installation \o/ [13:42] \o/ === EagleScreen is now known as Guest84522 [14:50] jkjhjhjklkjhjhjhjkl [14:50] oups, sory, testing keyboard mapping :) [14:52] what are the actual ppa links for those mentioned in https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuPPAs? [15:32] amichair: https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa#ppas [15:33] tsimpson: thanks [16:28] hi, why isn't the QtMultimedia module packaged in python-qt4 ? [16:38] looks like it was forgotten in the install rule, where should I report this ? (the bug is the same on debian squeeze) [16:41] ubuntu launchpad ? or maybe I should report to debian (I think the ubuntu packages are taken from there ?) ? or maybe both ? :) [16:45] flupke: It would be best to report it to both. [16:46] ScottK, ok (thanks again :) ) [16:46] I'm verifying my patch works and will post it soon [17:05] here it is: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-qt4/+bug/590140 [17:05] Ubuntu bug 590140 in python-qt4 (Ubuntu) "QtMultimedia module missing from python-qt4" [Undecided,New] [17:05] tested on my box and works fine [17:05] IIRC qtmultimedia will be removed in qt 4.7 final [17:06] http://labs.trolltech.com/blogs/2010/05/06/qt-47-scope-change-regarding-qt-multimedia/ [17:07] flupke: ^^^ that perhaps changes things. [17:08] well ATM there is functionnality that's only present in qtmultimedia (recording) [17:09] I wonder why Phonon cannot be used though... oh well [17:11] flupke: If there's multimedia stuff missing from the bindings for Qt 4.6, I think that's a great bug for Debian (they won't focus on 4.7 or later until after Squeeze releases), but it seems for 4.7 here we perhaps ought to wait a bit and see. [17:12] JontheEchidna or apachelogger: kamoso needs a rebuild to drop the old kdebase-workspace-libs4+5 depends. It also FTBFS with the current pkg-kde-tools. Would one of you please fix it up? [17:20] lex79: um.. is 4.4.85 in ktown? [17:21] I don't think so [17:22] ScottK, well that's not a big fix, just adding a lib in the installed files list :) [17:22] ScottK, and 10.04 is here for long [17:22] flupke: I think it's worth considering for us for 10.04 first. [17:22] first/also [17:23] lex79: then why was the wiki page to packaging 4.4.85? [17:23] It's a bit tricky since generally such bugs should be fixed in the development release first and it's not clearly appropriate here. [17:23] flupke: If Debian picks up the change for 4.6, I'll figure out how to push it here too. [17:24] shadeslayer: I just prepared the page, doesn't mean nothing :) [17:24] ah ok :D [17:25] lex79: btw are you in the kubuntu council as well? [17:25] shadeslayer: considering we are at 4.4.82 currently [17:25] shadeslayer: no [17:26] lex79: ah ok :) [17:26] Tm_T: yes i saw that :) [17:26] :) [17:32] ScottK, ok thanks, got to go, I'll post the bug to debian tomorrow [17:32] Thanks. Let me know how it works out. === shadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer_ [17:52] ScottK: just noticed the added ppas in the wiki page... many thanks! [17:52] amichair: Was that what you wanted? === yofel_ is now known as yofel [17:53] ScottK: much more :-) [17:53] Great. [18:40] apachelogger: Is kubuntu-dev-tools still useful? I notice it didn't change at all in the last cycle? [18:52] Would someone please have a listen to http://www.nixnews.tk/kubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx-netbook-remix-first-look and let me know if the reviewer liked it? I'm pretty sure it's in German. [19:02] ScottK: if only I knew [19:07] I just noticed you have to explicitly pass --buildsystem=kde when overriding dh_auto_* [19:07] this can be a problem as debian doesn't do anything in dh_auto_{install,clean} so they won't notice when it's missing [19:13] * apachelogger needs to get wasted so he can come up with good code designs [19:13] Nightrose, fregl, ScottK: if you need something creative from me, tonight is your chance [19:13] hmmmm [19:13] * Nightrose ponders [19:14] apachelogger: can you write a chapter of my paper? [19:14] the one about splines? [19:14] * apachelogger is not much into splines unfortunately [19:14] :/ [19:14] but if it just needs to be blah blah, then I suppose I can do that ^^ [19:15] hehe [19:15] that said, I still need to write stuff for my knowledge management assignment [19:15] oh my [19:15] should be a bit more than that unfortunately [19:15] cant help then, sorry :( [19:15] apachelogger: what do you need? [19:15] you could use my workwork's awesome wiki :D [19:15] I did :P [19:15] \o/ [19:15] :* [19:15] * apachelogger doesnt even know what is up this week [19:16] we are drifting towards madness I am afraid [19:16] see, we have these scenario companies that each group has to add knowledge management stuff to [19:16] almost every week another area of knowledge management [19:17] suffice to say our companies are basically knowledge factories already [19:17] the amount of explicit knowledge scares me already ^^ [19:17] hehe === effie_jayx_ is now known as keffie_jayx [19:43] Thus it needs management. === shadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer_ [21:17] ScottK: On it. Though I think I recall seeing it have a gcc 4.5 FTBFS in the rebuild logs last cycle... [21:17] We'll see what happens [21:17] Thanks. [21:18] It at least needs update for the new pkg-kde-tools. Then I guess we'll see. [21:18] hello guys, I've just upgraded to Maverick, it is awesome. [21:19] ScottK: hum. No pkg-kde-tools build-dep. Must've been using an ancient kde.mk file from cdbs [21:20] Ouch. [21:36] txwikinger: ichthux-desktop still depends on kwin. Would you please change it to kde-window-manager. [21:36] (kwin is an obsolete transitional package in Maverick) [21:37] ScottK: right... I will put that on my list [21:37] txwikinger: Similar issue with ichthux-docs and khelpcenter [21:37] I have to do several things for ichthux [21:37] IIRC it should be khelpcenter4 [21:37] OK. [21:37] ok [21:50] ScottK: fixed kamoso uploaded [21:50] JontheEchidna: Thanks. [21:53] <_Groo_> hi/2 all [21:53] <_Groo_> who did the amarok 2.3.1 build in kubuntu ppa? i have a question [21:54] [libqapt] jmthomas * 1134949 * trunk/playground/libs/libqapt/src/ (workerdbus.cpp workerdbus.h) SVN_SILENT: svn add [21:55] <_Groo_> im building amarok from git but the upcming events and such that are dependent of liblastfm isnt building (lucid) and i do have the dev files installed.. [21:55] <_Groo_> anything im missing? [21:55] _Groo_: It looks like Riddell uploaded it, but he's offline this weekend. [21:56] <_Groo_> ScottK: ok scott, tks [21:59] <_Groo_> ScottK: can you help me? im using debuild as usual to build stuff but after the inicial build (sucessfull) if i try to rebuild i get this error [21:59] I'm a bit busy at the moment, but I can take a quick look. What error? [22:01] <_Groo_> ScottK: http://pastebin.com/Rv0vQYt7 [22:01] <_Groo_> ScottK: sorry kde was giving em a hard time pasting it lol [22:03] <_Groo_> i know its a generic error but i dont know what could be polluting it, i removed debhelper files, obj-, doint know what is going on [22:03] Not sure. [22:03] I'd start with a clean package and try again. [22:03] * ScottK needs to run. [22:05] <_Groo_> ScottK: k, tks.. yeah it works, but after the first compile i always get this [22:05] <_Groo_> and its amarol, so its huge to regit :P [22:05] <_Groo_> amarok [22:07] well [22:07] use bangarang then :P [22:07] * apachelogger does not have a clue about the context here though :P [22:23] <_Groo_> apachelogger: i found it, nvm [22:28] JontheEchidna: when you have time there are still some packages in my ppa that need upload [22:28] thanks :) [22:29] and digikam merge in bzr :D [22:30] oh [22:30] and ktorrent :D [22:30] [libqapt] jmthomas * 1134952 * trunk/playground/libs/libqapt/src/ (CMakeLists.txt worker/worker.h) Build fix(es). No clue how this built before [22:30] now that I fixed the build I'll get on that :) [22:31] :) [22:32] lex79: http://paste.ubuntu.com/445296/ [22:33] lol [22:33] uhm [22:33] huh [22:33] redownloaded and it worked [22:34] must have been corrupted during download [22:34] good [22:38] o/ [22:38] \o [22:38] \o/ [22:38] yo yo [22:38] * apachelogger is beyond ballmer's peak now [22:38] :D [22:43] Quintasan|Szel: where's your ktorrent merge again? [22:46] JontheEchidna: btw, from a quick look at the backend it seems like you got the connection logic inverted [22:46] apachelogger: oh? [22:46] like downloadMessage(int, const QString&) [22:47] that should be emitted by the backend [22:47] connected to a slot in worker [22:47] unless I get the function of this thingy wrong [22:47] the worker sends that over dbus to the backend over dbus, which emits the signal to our apps [22:47] hmm, I said over dbus twice there... [22:48] basically we're re-emitting the signal we receive over dbus [22:48] that souds wrong if you ask me [22:48] JontheEchidna: the app access the backend? [22:49] yes [22:49] then this seems wrong [22:49] app -> worker -> backend [22:49] you have app -> backend -> worker [22:49] the worker only does root stuff [22:50] JontheEchidna: the then app needs both [22:50] imagine an app that does only display stuff [22:50] it would not require the worker at all, would it? [22:50] that is correct [22:50] so why should the backend enforce the worker startup? [22:50] it doesn't [22:50] the worker will only start when sent a signal over dbus [22:50] how so? [22:51] that seems overly dirty [22:51] JontheEchidna: you are trying to do convenience at the cost of library sanity if you ask me :/ [22:56] JontheEchidna: well, this all leads back to the question why the worker implements so much logic :P [22:56] all of the signals you get from the worker seem like stuff that should be in the lib to begin with [22:58] because what the worker does needs authorization to run [22:58] running only the stuff that needs root to work has obvious security benefits [23:00] running the whole GUI as root led to issues in adept's case, too: bug 290695 [23:00] Launchpad bug 290695 in adept (Ubuntu Jaunty) "Adept allows editing filenames in Details view" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/290695 [23:01] that is not what I implied [23:01] bad programming aside, it's best to run as little as root as you can get away with [23:07] JontheEchidna: why is the worker dbus btw? [23:07] required for policykit [23:08] unless there's an alternate form of between-process communication I don't know about... [23:08] hm [23:08] JontheEchidna: worker talks to policykitd getting auth and then does its magic? [23:09] apachelogger: yeah [23:09] but since we have to do it inside worker, it can't talk to the backend normally, so we have to use dbus [23:09] to notify of progress, warnings, errors, questions, and such [23:09] hm [23:10] JontheEchidna: worker talking to authorizedbackend, authorizedbackend being instancified by backend [23:10] app -> backend -> authbackend -> worker [23:10] sort of 2 way each -> actually ... <-> [23:12] which process is authorized backend? [23:12] which process is authorized backend in? [23:13] hm [23:13] good question [23:15] any policykit worker is run entirely as root, and relies on polkitd to see if it really should do $action [23:16] so e.g. if you had an app that does "touch /etc/fluffy", but you didn't want the gui to run as root, you could create a worker that has a function to touch /etc/fluffy [23:17] if you don't want the worker to be an all-the-time daemon, you'd give it a dbus service xml file that tells dbus to start /usr/bin/fluffytoucher [23:17] whenever a org.fluffy.toucher method is called [23:18] fluffytoucher, which runs as root, asks polkitd to see if it really should touch /etc/fluffy, and polkitd asks polkit-kde to pop up a dialog for auth [23:18] if auth comes back good, it touches. If bad, it returns from the touchFluffy() function without doing anything [23:19] hm [23:19] policykit sounds like one bloody work around [23:19] and would probably send a boolean signal back over the bus depending on success [23:19] instead of fixing posix they work around its limitations -.- [23:20] JontheEchidna: why does fluffytoucher run as root to being with? [23:20] where is this defined? [23:20] apachelogger: presumably, $user doesn't have write access to /etc [23:21] the root-havingness is definied in the dbus service xml file [23:21] this is qaptworker's http://pastebin.com/zBS8M4Rt [23:21] (src/worker/org.kubuntu.qaptworker.service.in) [23:22] and this conf file ensures that only polkitd running as root can start it: http://pastebin.com/tBfQBCDx [23:22] brb, pizza [23:23] I recon dbus is using like a libloader here [23:23] * apachelogger either misses a piece to understand this propery or policykit is the greatest workaround in the history of linux [23:23] s/using/used [23:29] * JontheEchidna back [23:29] yeah, though sudo is sort of working around posix deficiencies as well [23:29] it's just a well established workaround ;) [23:31] well [23:32] sudo carries out posix [23:32] policykit actually works aroudn it [23:33] http://kdeatopensuse.wordpress.com/2010/06/05/week-22-kde-at-opensuse/ <- we should really be doing a similar blog about kubuntu dev activities [23:33] Sure. [23:34] Of course that one includes the standard opensuse strategy of just disabling things with problems rather than fixing them. [23:34] heh [23:46] ScottK: About that video link you posted earlier. It is in german. He tested a alpha version off the netbook remix in march and was verry impressed "wunderschön"= wonderfull beautiful, he named no disadvantage or wat so ever. [23:47] siegie: Thank you. [23:47] From his tone, it sounded good, but I had no idea. === shadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer_ [23:52] ScottK: np, my german is beter than my English :) [23:56] [libqapt] jmthomas * 1134972 * trunk/playground/libs/libqapt/src/ (globals.h package.h) Move the UpdateImportance enum to globals.h, where it belongs. I'll commit a PackageState move next, after I port things for the API change