=== timboy_ is now known as timboy [01:59] when will windicators be available [02:20] Hello :) [02:20] Hi [02:29] do you know why Cheese stopped working on my computer? [02:31] maverick uninstalled it, I reinstalled it but it doesn't work, it "auto quits" [03:06] when will windicator be out [03:08] when will windicator be out [03:09] when will windicator be out [03:24] mininessie, I don't know [03:24] mininessie, I don't know [03:24] mininessie, I don't know [03:24] xD [03:28] mininessie, but I'm looking forward to it too :) [03:28] NinoScript: i think its going to be too distracting [03:29] I too have my worries, but I'd love to see how it turns out === jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna [04:16] i've had a HUGE problem for more than 4 hours [04:22] 00000001010100100000101010101100101002010010100100011010101010100101010 [05:12] I used update-manager -d to upgrade from 10.04 to 10.01a1 but nothing is offered as an update. Is there another way without using the live cd? [05:13] try do-release-upgrade -d [05:14] same, "no new release found" [05:15] someone else had the same problem here, I didn't read any solution to it, so it might not work right now. [05:15] you have to change settings to enable normal upgrades [05:15] by default 10.04 is set to be upgraded to lts [05:15] ahh ok [05:15] (i.e. to 12.04) [05:16] after changing to normal releases, which is better ? "update-manager -d" or "do-release-upgrade -d" [05:16] both do the same [05:16] kklimonda: where is this set? and also, why does that happen on 10.04 when I upgraded from 9.10 ? [05:16] ok [05:16] excellent, it worked. Thanks guys. [05:18] ah, it's a setting in update-manager [05:19] i changed it in software sources [05:19] I changed the setting in update-manager and then -d works as expected [05:20] no need to fiddle in the apt.sources files [05:21] i used the software sources gui :) [05:21] hm i'm starting to like gnome-shell :D [05:30] froyo [07:05] Hi [13:23] what can i do to make java applets properly working? right now i only see a grey rectangle [13:38] grml, some applets show up with sun-java6-plugin, but others freeze firefox [13:38] icedtea wouldn't show any applets at all [13:41] and no sound in sun's java [13:41] arghl :D [14:41] mdeslaur: you there ? [15:39] dupondje: yes, I'm here [15:40] you merged newest virtinst already ? on mom you say its done, but its not uploaded ? [15:46] mdeslaur: ? [15:50] dupondje: that's an old comment, let me remove it [15:51] I did the merge btw, before I saw the comment :P https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/virtinst/+bug/590068 [15:51] Ubuntu bug 590068 in virtinst (Ubuntu) "Please merge virtinst (0.500.3-1) main from debian unstable" [Undecided,New] [15:51] dupondje: cool! [15:52] dupondje: I'll take a look at it monday [15:53] maby a small question about the transitional package .. should it be removed, or still keep it ? [15:53] dupondje: uhm...hmm...I guess it can be removed [15:54] will ubuntu ever have a dock standard [16:00] mininessie: There's no indication as to that currently, apart from the general copying of mac features... [16:44] hehe I love dependency hell, makes me feel all scared and stuff [16:45] Do I go ahead and remove 300 or so packages that all seem like they need to be installed to run the OS? decisions decisions [16:45] :) === yofel_ is now known as yofel === |Alexia_Death| is now known as Alexia_DEath_ === Alexia_DEath_ is now known as Alexia_Death_ [18:47] Hi, I have just upgraded to 10.10, and my fglrx driver stopped working. When I try to install from Hardware drivers, it fails. Am I doing something wrong? [18:47] MotherMGA, FGLRX isn't compatible with Maverick yet. [18:48] ah. is there another option? [18:48] Opensource driver? [18:48] is there an open source driver with 3d accelleration? [18:48] Which card? [18:48] ATI mobility 4750 [18:49] There is some 3D Accel, I think [18:49] Run glxinfo | grep direct on a terminal [18:50] X Error of Failed Request: Bad Request [18:50] Uh.. Eh.. [18:51] yeah. I'm guessing 10.10 just isn't going to work for me. [18:51] right now. [18:51] MotherMGA, you might want to remove fglrx first [18:51] Yeah. right now. [18:52] coz_ ok. and then? [18:52] MotherMGA, I would reboot then try hardware drivers but actually the open source driver should work once you reboot [18:52] ok. I'll try it. [18:53] is that the xserver-xorg-video-radeon package? [18:53] Yeah. [18:53] MotherMGA, not real sure since I dont use ati at all [18:53] That or radeonhd, I'm not sure which one of them works better. [18:54] ok. I'm giving it a whirl. [18:54] thanks for the suggestions [18:55] MotherMGA, I can tell you this from out #compiz bot ompiz requires at least a Radeon 7000 (or M6). For 7000 to HD4xxx series cards, you can use the open source "radeon" driver. HD2xxx and later series cards are also supported by the proprietary "fglrx" driver. [18:55] our compiz bot [18:55] ok. [18:57] direct rendering: Yes [18:57] looks like the open source driver is giving me 2d acceleration at least. === effie_jayx_ is now known as keffie_jayx === odhinn_ is now known as odhinn [19:48] is there gui to create a custom kernel [19:50] mininessie: i think we should go ask that in #ubuntu-beginners [19:50] thats a good question [19:50] we=you ;) [19:54] mininessie: If you unpack the kernel source you can do make xconfigure that gives you a gui for the configuration menu, I'm not sure if there si a similar setup if you want to build proper debian kernel packages [19:57] is it possible to update an lucid to maverick alpha 1 ? [19:57] "update-manager -d" is not offering a new version# [20:00] sorry didn't read the alpha page on ubuntu ... :-/ [20:01] even thou it tells me just that .. [20:05] LOL, installing "gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad" to play some files in rhythmbox, uninstalls rhythmbox and empathy :S [20:07] This is my first time trying software that is SO ALPHA! hahaha, it's kind of fun how unpredictable can things get :P [20:08] did you force installing it [20:10] hifi, no, Rhythmbox suggested it [20:13] http://media.riemurasia.net/albumit/m10002/takaapain.jpg [20:13] oh, crap, I hate putty [20:16] hifi: huka dig så ska jag kuka dig [20:16] wat? [20:18] sorry :p i saw a word in the bubble in the pic that means something vulgar in swedish. couldn't resist :) [20:18] not swedish :p [20:18] i know [20:18] looks like finnish [20:19] just if other people look up the toon, the bubble says "I have to take him from behind whoever he is" [20:20] who gave me the link to the kernel [20:20] hifi: my comment was basically the same but it rhymes :) [20:20] http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ === jesperhenriksen is now known as LeAstrale [22:20] Is there some CPU burner that has multi-core support ? [22:20] :) [22:21] CPU burner? [22:22] cpuburn is only 1 thread :s [22:32] dupondje: Could a CD Burner really benefit from multi-core support? [22:33] cpuburn - a collection of programs to put heavy load on CPU [22:33] Acording to apt-cache search cpuburn [22:33] * penguin42 finds running an md5sum /dev/zero & for each core works pretty well [22:34] /dev/zero ? [22:34] Where the hell does that point to? [22:34] Daekdroom: A magic device that just returns blocks full of 0 bytes [22:34] it's very important on Unix systems [22:34] penguin42, ah. I suppose /dev/one will return blocks full of 1 bytes? :P [22:34] no, just 0 [22:34] I know. [22:35] I like /dev/urandom :P [22:35] ooo magic tricks I didn't know about [22:35] 9852 michael 20 0 4072 548 460 R 100 0.0 0:16.36 md5sum [22:36] Odd. The CPU fan still isn't as noisy as it is when I'm enconding something or messing up with images. [22:37] Daekdroom: OK, so md5sum /dev/zero probably doesn't heavily use memory bandwidth or cache (although it might - not sure how it pans out), but it also doesn't do any bus traffic [22:37] I see. [22:37] http://dpaste.com/203636/ [22:38] md5sum /dev/urandom x 4 [22:38] My computer still works just fine :P only mild lag [22:38] in windows... I wonder what'd happen :P [22:38] it was going to 79°C [22:38] not good :P [22:39] I've seen this box go to about 85 flat out - I'm not sure what it's supposed to go upto [22:39] I had my laptop up over 101 deg C a few times [22:39] Laptops are meant to handle a little more.. [22:39] not that much more.. [22:40] 70 deg C is about average for when this starts feeling warm [22:40] I have no idea how hot this system runs because I didn't care about the sensors.. [22:40] its to hot anyway here :p [22:41] the hottest this thing ever got was about 110 deg C [22:41] It didn't run right for a little while [22:41] i lied btw - 50-60 deg C is average for this thing [22:42] Aww. Ubuntu doesn't detect any sensor :( [22:42] Daekdroom: acpi -t ? [22:42] CPU Temperature: +50.0°C (high = +90.0°C, crit = +125.0°C) [22:42] :D [22:42] Daekdroom: if it's an i[35]7 try modprobe coretemp [22:42] acpi -t is a blank [22:46] lib0-sensors-applet got them [22:47] Should I look at coretemp or for the whole CPU? [22:48] Could one of you tell me what 'file /usr/share/gconf/defaults/ln' shows you? [22:48] pfft [22:49] I hate this, computer crashing to much :( [22:49] 73oC seems quite a lot for a E4300 O.O [22:50] MTecknology: I don't seem to have one - everything in that dir is number_name [22:50] penguin42: thanks [23:05] supid mobo company : [23:05] :( [23:05] they add new CPU to support list [23:05] and its so foobar :( [23:05] crashed all the time :( [23:05] How so? [23:05] So you switched CPU and it started to crash? Sue them! D: [23:07] yep :( plugged in a new cpu that got on their support list [23:07] and since then it crashes randomly :( [23:29] dupondje: It could just be a bad chip, or maybe not seated properly or the like [23:29] dupondje: But if it's a new cpu into an older model board make sure you have the very latest BIOS [23:30] although runnining a BIOS upgrade on an unstable system probably isn't good [23:34] penguin42: I have the BIOS that is recommended (aka latest :)) [23:34] ah ok [23:35] dupondje, have you tried reseting the BIOS configs to default? [23:35] I did :) [23:42] what up with dhclient not autostarting , after removing network manager that won't work either ? :) [23:44] err after removing network manager that doesn't connect