
josemy dad was about to throw away my PC yesterday for messing it up with ubuntu00:00
orangegloappl6: i guess my question is, how can i execute a command at a file?00:00
nero_help (rpt) i just did the upgrade and sound is non existent.  i.e. i go to sound and there are no longer any hardware devices for it : /  ... any help would be great00:00
josethe bad part about ubuntu is that it can read .EXE00:00
josei dont think theres a way to fix the SOUND DRIVER00:00
usr13orangeglo: exactly what are you trying to do?00:00
Appl6orangeglo: I don't understand your question.  The installation instructions give you a specific command to run; why are you trying to run some other command?00:01
joseis there a way to use a .EXE in a ubuntu OS00:01
nero_gahh, i had sound in my 10.04 ... i do a stupid little update and now i don't have it00:01
nero_jose,  "wine"00:01
orangegloAppl6: im just trying to do what the command told me to. it told me to execute the given command to the octoshape file. how do i do that??00:01
AstroeAnybody here have any experience with installing rockbox from ubuntu?00:01
usr13orangeglo: Bring up a terminal and do as instructions said:  ./OctoshapeClient -url:octoshape:BROADCASTER.channel00:01
orangeglousr13: i have, but it tells me that the file doesnt exist00:02
josei used to like ubuntu00:02
josei used to use ubuntu ever since 8.000:02
Appl6orangeglo: You have to give us specific error messages.00:02
usr13orangeglo: ./OctoshapeClient -url:octoshape:BROADCASTER.channel #Where -url:octoshape:BROADCASTER.channel is the actual URL.00:02
Briar_RoseOMG! There are like 1000 people on here!00:03
Zikel1477 :P00:03
usr13orangeglo: Did you cd to the directory where OctoshapeClient actually resides?00:03
orangeglousr13:bash: ./OctoshapeClient: No such file or directory00:03
bmacki just installed restricted drivers and now the plymoth boot logo is really huge, how do i change the resolution of the boot logo?00:03
orangeglousr13: yes, i am currently in my downloads file00:03
usr13orangeglo: ls  #Will give you a list of files in the current directory00:03
Briar_RoseIf I have a virus, can anybody help me?00:04
josedoes anyone know how to get a clearcase for a HP pavilion?00:04
Briar_RoseNope. Sorry.00:04
edbianBriar_Rose, Yeah I bet we can.  What makes you think you have one?00:04
orangeglousr13: the file is in my downloads folder, i just ls'd but when i enter the command it says no such file or directory00:04
joseBriar_Rose:Ubuntu has only like 2 viruses00:04
edbianBriar_Rose, Did you just answer your own question?00:04
Appl6orangeglo: Please "ls -l" and use http://paste.ubuntu.com for the output.00:05
Briar_RoseOh no, I was just making sure there were some helpful people here.00:05
edbianjose, only 2?  Where do you get that from?00:05
usr13orangeglo: Bring up a terminal and do as instructions said:  ./OctoshapeClient -url:octoshape:BROADCASTER.channel #Where OctoshapeClient is the actual name of the executable / bin file and where octoshape:BROADCASTER.channel is the correct target URL.00:05
ZikelBriar, there's like 1468 people here, I bet one of them could :P00:05
usr13orangeglo: ls  #And then look at the list.00:06
joseedbian,Thats just what i think00:06
Briar_RoseWow! I thought there was already 2000 people here!00:06
orangegloappl6: http://paste.ubuntu.com/444838/00:06
usr13orangeglo: pastebin the output of   ls00:06
edbianjose, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_malware00:07
orangeglousr13: ive tried that. i entered the EXACT file name, but it still says no such file or directory00:07
edbianBriar_Rose, Do you have a question about Ubuntu?00:07
joseedbian is there any way i can contact you while im recovering my windows 700:07
Appl6orangeglo: The file isn't in that directory.  Try "cd octoshape" and "ls -l" again.00:07
Briar_Roseedbian: A friend told me that there was almost 1000 people here.00:08
edbianjose, I don't think I can help with windows 7.  I've never even used it before!  I'm more of a linux guy.  Debian to be specific.00:08
edbianBriar_Rose, There are 1464 people in here00:08
usr13What is in the directory octoshape/00:08
edbianBriar_Rose, Do you have a question about Ubuntu?00:08
joseedbian you should try wnidows 700:08
joseits great00:08
edbianjose, Eh, it costs money00:08
josedo you have a 64bit Computer?00:08
orangegloAppl6: http://paste.ubuntu.com/444839/00:09
dassoukiwould a laptop consume less or more battery if it was runnign the os from an sdkey00:09
edbianjose, No.  But if I did I would use 64 bit Debian.  Please PM me if you want to stay off topic.  I'd be happy to talk but not in the channel if it's not about support for Ubuntu.00:09
ohir!ot | jose00:09
ubottujose: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:09
Appl6orangeglo: OK.  Now try the command you were trying to run before.00:09
orangegloAppl6: i just did, and there was no input00:09
usr13orangeglo: Did you run ./octosetup-linux_i386.bin and follow the installation instructions?00:09
orangegloAppl6: sorry output00:09
Appl6orangeglo: Be specific.  Was there an error?  What did it say?  What did you expect to happen?  What command did you enter?00:10
josewhats the chat to recover windows 7 and partition the hard disk to a NTFS?00:10
bastid_raZororangeglo: what are you expecting that command to do?00:10
bastid_raZorjose: ##windows00:10
orangegloAppl6: i typed in the exact directions, but there was nothing. no output.00:10
josethank you00:10
usr13Hold on everone....00:11
usr13orangeglo: Did you run ./octosetup-linux_i386.bin and follow the installation instructions?00:11
orangeglobastid_razor: i dont know exactly what it was supposed to do, it just told me to do it00:11
bastid_raZorjose: /join ##windows00:11
joseoh wait00:11
bastid_raZororangeglo: no output doesn't mean something bad.. it normally means it did what it was suppose to do.00:11
Appl6usr13: He's on step 2.00:11
pfifowhat is the point in having packages that end in *-dev?00:11
Briar_RoseWhat do you people think about Google Chrome?00:12
orangeglogot it working00:12
orangeglothanks guys :)00:12
acerimmernew sudo man page  http://i.imgur.com/rDnh3.jpg00:12
usr13orangeglo: very good00:12
dassoukii'm on a live cd ... is there an easy way to replace the ubuntu on the har drive ?00:12
BitEncryptanybody know of a good EQ for audio00:13
FloodBot4huhuhu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:13
Briar_Rosetoo many people00:13
bastid_raZorhuhuhu: go away with your retardation00:13
mermalinux warez lol00:13
Briar_RoseBye everybody!00:13
bacon1989is there any way to make indicator applet work with pidgin?00:14
pfifoi pirate gnu apps all the time :D00:14
BitEncryptanybody know of a good EQ for audio for ubuntu 10.0400:15
edbianCoinKoin, Audio Equalizer00:16
JLDahmerHow can I uninstall Ubuntu on a Windows 7 dual-boot setup without using Windows restore (Which I do not have) to restore the master boot record?00:16
CaptainTrekJLDahmer:  a Windows boot CD00:17
pfifoBitEncrypt, i remeber i had a nice one that worked with jack, but i cannot remember the name off the top of my head. look into all the cool apps for jack and see if you cant find one (there are several)00:17
usr13JLDahmer: You don't have to restore the MBR.  YOu can continue to let GRUB boot MS Windows.00:17
JLDahmerThe last time I just deleted the ubuntu partition and a grub error would prevent my computer from booting up.00:17
usr13JLDahmer: Just set MS Windows as the only option.00:17
natjoQuestion: I have the 10.04 Ubuntu Netbook Remix and I'd like to install it on a 16GB thumbdrive i have but i can't find nothing but Live installs to let me look at it but I want to install on the thumdrive00:18
acerimmerJLDahmer: wubi or actuall dual boot?00:18
acerimmernatjo: Startup disk creator00:18
JLDahmerActual dual boot00:18
BitEncrypt@pfifo i thought jack only worked with external media00:19
acerimmerJLDahmer: borrow a windows dvd so you rewrite your mbr after ubuntu is gon00:19
natjoi don't want to dual boot i want to have this thumbdrive because my HDD is being replaced and i want a backup just in case00:19
lewqHey. I'm having real trouble with a 10.04 server I've installed on /dev/sdb, with a data drive on /dev/sda. I told the installer to install grub2 on /dev/sdb and the BIOS to boot straight off that disk. Grub booted the first time, I installed some updates (possibly a new kernel / grub loader, not sure) and upon reboot, I get "error: out of disk"00:20
usr13JLDahmer: You can probably still do   fdisk /mbr00:20
usr13JLDahmer: Try it and see.00:20
lewqfollowing http://superuser.com/questions/89307/grub2-error-out-of-disk gives me "error: out of disk" when I try and do step 5, ls /boot/00:20
lewqAny ideas? It's gone midnight and I'm in the data centre tearing my hair out!00:20
pfifoBitEncrypt, no, jack is more like also or oss00:21
jessonchanwhat a u talking00:21
Scunizilewq: also ask in #ubuntu-server00:22
solid_liqanyone know why there's been kernel updates two days in a row for 10.04?00:22
Scunizisolid_liq: security patches?00:22
pfifosolid_liq, because the third time's a charm?00:22
Appl6lewq: Possibly https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/477430 ?  It's the alternative option to the first solution given on your superuser link.00:22
aj_____Hi I am currently having a problem with creating a new user in ubuntu server 10.04, when ever I create a new user their terminal will open and then immediately close.00:22
solid_liqanyone know without guessing?  ;)00:22
FlameTai1Can anyone help me get the visual effects working? When ever I try to enable them it flashes a few times and says Desktop effects could not be enabled, I'm on Ubuntu 10.04 using a NVidia GeForce 8400 GS PCI 512MB DDR2, can anyone help me please...?00:23
alkemannso im a newb. just installed wubi. I have only my user, i verified that it is the administrator. typing 'su' and giving the password gives a authentication failure00:23
Beyecixramddo you guys know the name of the tiny distro that permits you to boot DSL, or TinyCore, or the Ubuntu/Debian/Fedora netinstallers?00:23
pfifoFlameTai1, possibly manually downgrade your nvidia drivers00:23
acerimmerBeyecixramd: damn small linux00:23
edbianFlameTai1, I can hang on a second00:23
usr13lewq: What part of the instructions did not work?00:24
Beyecixramdacerimmer: no... there's a specific distro that presents you some famous distros in a GRUB menu00:24
edbianalkemann, You can't su to root in ubuntu.  It's set up to use sudo instead.00:24
Beyecixramdaaah, there it is http://www.netboot.me/00:24
FlameTai1Alrighty hangin on edbian lol.00:24
edbianFlameTai1, Try this script.  It's very helpful for your sort of problem! :) http://forlong.blogage.de/entries/pages/Compiz-Check00:24
jessonchanhey anyone knows longene?00:24
alkemannedbian: what does that mean? trying to follow this guide http://tinyurl.com/r22tz . what do i do instead of "su" ?00:25
pfifodose mingw32 not get along with amd64 or something? Im having soooo much trouble building this cross compiler00:25
FlameTai1edbian: I don't dare run it, I dun want it to tell me it's incompatable T-T lol xD *Runs the script*00:25
Picialkemann: Why would you use xampp? There is a lamp stack in Ubuntu.00:26
acerimmerpfifo: that's entirely possible....00:26
Pici!lamp > alkemann00:26
ubottualkemann, please see my private message00:26
alkemannPici: because i am somewhat familiar with xampp from my windows machine00:26
BedManMMmmmmMMmm lamp00:26
dassoukiumm is there a way i can reinstall ubuntu from a live cd without going through the partition manager ?00:26
Appl6alkemann: It's encouraged to use sudo, which elevates your permissions for the next command only.  If you need a root shell, use sudo -i.00:26
FlameTai1edbian: It says  More than one graphics chip detected -- sorry, the script can not handle that.00:27
FlameTai1 Aborting.00:27
wildbatdassouki, y you want to do it ?00:27
FlameTai1Good sign or bad? lol.00:27
alkemannAppl6: but with only me using this machine. can't I tell it to just do whatever I say?00:28
dassoukiwildbat: well for some reason, ubuntu 10.04 on my netbook drops to busybox saying /dev/hda1 is missing .. i don't have /dev/hda1, i just have /dev/sda1 ... i'm not sure how to fix that, so i'm thinking of reinstailling00:28
MarcWeberHow is /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/pygtk.py generated? dpkg can't find a package owning it00:28
Appl6alkemann: I don't understand what you mean.  You can type "sudo trash_my_system" to execute that command with root privileges.  What's missing?00:28
acerimmerdassouki: keep the same parts, make sure you don't format and install over the top of the existing system.  or so I'm told00:29
evonI have searched the repositories and the net and I can't seem to find the QT toolkit.  Can someone help me please?00:29
alkemannAppl6: missing was the instruction to prefix commands with sudo :)00:29
dassoukiacerimmer: i've screwed it up before; i've got a fobia00:30
=== fbianconi_ is now known as fbianconi
FlameTai1Anyone able to help me? =|00:30
wildbatdassouki, hmmm ~ you could have maually mount the root back but anyway you can have selected Manual when picking partition and Don't click format where assigning /, /boot, etc~00:30
acerimmerdassouki: well, you could back up your /home, reinstall normally and then reinstall your /home...00:30
FlameTai1I ran the script edbian gave me and it said "More than one graphics chip detected -- sorry, the script can not handle that.00:31
FlameTai1 Aborting.00:31
alkemannok trying with sudo and lamp instead00:31
BokoCan Please00:31
BokoSome One00:31
BokoHelp me00:31
CoggeshallI've gotten ubuntu to install, but now it is requesting a password. On my windows side that account has no password. Any suggestions as to why this is happening?00:31
BokoInstall an00:31
FloodBot4Boko: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:31
pfifodose anyone know if ubuntu has a pre built cross-compiler that has both SDL and Lua libs built in. Like in a unofficial repo. (im starting to feel lazy)00:31
evonI have searched the repositories and the net and I can't seem to find the QT toolkit.  Can someone help me please?00:31
alkemannproblem with ubuntu isnt that it is difficult, just doesnt follow expectations of a long time windows user00:31
dassoukiacerimmer: currently, the data sits on a windows partition ... and i'm not sure there is even a / root anymore. I see 4 ntfs drives, an ext4 and a linux-swap .. no /00:31
acerimmerdassouki: is this a wubi install00:32
=== Trek is now known as CaptainTrek
evonI have searched the repositories and the net and I can't seem to find the QT toolkit.  Can someone help me please?00:33
bastid_raZordassouki: ext4 is probably / .. / is only a mountpoint not the fs type00:33
dassoukiacerimmer: no it's not .... live usb .. netboook remix ..00:33
FlameTai1Appearently no one can help me eh?00:33
dassoukibastid_raZor: so i should specify the ext4 as root ?00:33
CoggeshallI've gotten ubuntu to install, but now it is requesting a password. On my windows side that account has no password. Any suggestions as to why this is happening?00:33
bastid_raZordassouki: no idea, i haven't been following your issues.00:34
dassoukiCoggeshall: did you enter a password while installation ? ubuntu always asks for ap assword00:34
evonflametail: what was your question?00:34
chilicui1why the package firefox-3.5 install ff 3.6.4?, is there a way I can install the real ff 3.5 in ubuntu 10.04?00:34
alkemannso i did "sudo tasksel install lamp-server" and it seemed to install ok. but what now?00:34
dassoukialkemann: read the manual or at least skim through it00:35
dassoukialkemann: i didn't mean it in rude way00:35
bastid_raZordassouki: yes, use the ext4 partition as your / and linux-swap as /swap00:35
Coggeshalldassouki: Not that I'm aware of. I ran the wubi installer and it was running through. I left it and came back and my windows side was running. I didnt actually input anything. Is there a default?00:35
pfifoChiliblue, i believe mozilla keeps previous releases of firefox in both source and .deb form on their site00:35
FlameTai1evon: Can anyone help me get the visual effects working? When ever I try to enable them it flashes a few times and says Desktop effects could not be enabled, I'm on Ubuntu 10.04 using a NVidia GeForce 8400 GS PCI 512MB DDR2, can anyone help me please...?00:35
bastid_raZordassouki: format both, unless i'm missing something in your previous posts00:35
dassoukibastid_raZor: thanks ....00:36
FlameTai1evon: Then edbian gave me this script to run "FlameTai1, Try this script.  It's very helpful for your sort of problem! :) http://forlong.blogage.de/entries/pages/Compiz-Check"00:36
alkemanndassouki: no offence taken. im just so lost.00:36
subsumeI keep losing a variable defiled in my .profile =( What am I doing wrong? I have to source it every time I open a screen window and its annoying.00:36
FlameTai1evon: Then when ran it gives me this "It says  More than one graphics chip detected -- sorry, the script can not handle that.00:36
FlameTai1<FlameTai1>  Aborting."00:36
evonflametail: are you running sli?00:37
=== pepee_ is now known as pepee
Coggeshalldassouki: Not that I'm aware of. I ran the wubi installer and it was running through. I left it and came back and my windows side was running. I didnt actually input anything. Is there a default?00:37
FlameTai1evon: I'm on Ubuntu 10.04, and IDK what sli is xD00:37
alkemannfor one. the file structure is really making me confused. how do I figure out where it installed [in this case lamp-server] ?00:37
dassoukiCoggeshall: interesting, have you tried entering no password ?00:38
jasper_Ok, so i'v managed to finish everything else, and i was wondering if somone could help me find my video drivers..00:38
bastid_raZor!filesystem > alkemann .. read this it will help you understand00:38
ubottualkemann, please see my private message00:38
Coggeshalldassouki: yeah. it says 'authenication failure' or something like that. are you at all familiar with windows XP?00:38
josehow can i open a iso file00:38
FlameTai1evon: What would sli be? o=00:38
bastid_raZor!mount | jose00:38
ubottujose: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount00:38
bastid_raZor!iso | jose .. rather00:39
ubottujose .. rather: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.00:39
alkemannbastid_raZor: thanks00:39
wildbatjose, just double click it00:39
evonflametail: it's when you have 2 video cards installed on your computer.  anyway have you tried envy?00:39
joseumm how about a simple way to mount it from ONE person00:39
evonflametail: it that will install the drivers automatically for you00:39
dassoukiCoggeshall: i'm not sure it copies the password over00:39
dassoukiCoggeshall: try logging in as root00:39
FlameTai1evon: Not that I know of, and I have a PCI video card and the other is an intergated motherboard one00:40
evonflametail: it should be in the repos00:40
bastid_raZorjose: do what ubottu said.. and replace ISO-filename with the iso and replace mountpoint with an empty directory00:40
Klojumjasper_:  which videocard?00:40
Coggeshalldassouki: how do I go about logging in 'as root'?00:40
FlameTai1evon:  K I'll check.00:40
evonI have searched the repositories and the net and I can't seem to find the QT toolkit.  Can someone help me please?00:40
MrDudleCoggeshall, sudo?00:40
CoggeshallMrDurdle: I'm sorry?00:41
acerimmerCoggeshall: Login name: same one you created during installation:  Password: same as you created during installation00:41
VCoolioCoggeshall: there is no root account in ubuntu; try to reset your password by booting in recovery mode; find a howto somewhere00:42
josewhat does he mean by monut point00:42
Coggeshallacerimmer: Thats the thing. I ran the wubi installer and left it alone. When I came back I was on my windows partion for whatever reason. I never input any information.00:42
acerimmerCoggeshall: have you rebooted00:43
Coggeshallacerimmer: multiple times00:43
bastid_raZorjose: an empty directory.. create a directory .. for example ~/iso   then use ~/iso as your mountpoint00:43
FlameTai1evon: "Envy is no longer supported starting from Ubuntu 10.04. Please use Jockey instead.00:43
josei wanta simple easy way im new to ubuntu00:44
Appl6evon: I have a hard time believing that you searched the net and didn't find anything on installing qt libraries on Ubuntu.  What exactly are you trying to do?00:44
joseall i want to do is switch back to windows >_<00:44
josecan you open a remote connection?00:44
acerimmerCoggeshall: when you boot wubi, the first screen is the windows bootloader.  You choose an OS (windows or ubuntu) .  Do you get the bootloader?00:44
bastid_raZorjose:  put in the windows cd and install.. that is simple enough.00:44
josei cant00:44
FlameTai1jose: Why would you want to do such a thing?00:44
josethe hard disk needs to be NTFS00:44
evonappl6: maybe i'm searching for the wrong thing. I've been typing qt toolkit. I'm trying to install ophcrack00:45
josei find ubuntu extremley confusing00:45
alkemannis it an ubuntu setting or convetion that the area where the mouse pointer turns to a window resize is half a pixel?00:45
evonjose: what do you need help with?00:45
br0ken85i need some help. i recently upgraded from 9.04 to 10.04 and i was updating all of my repositories to refelect the upgrade but now i get the following error:00:45
br0ken85E: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/ppa could not be found.00:45
josecan anyone open a Remote Desktop Viewer and open this iso file for me please00:45
Appl6evon: ophcrack is in the repos.  Did you run into a problem installing it?00:45
dassoukiwould it be more power efficient to run ubuntu off a live cd or of hdd ?00:46
br0ken85anyone have an idea what this might be? haven't been able to find much after googling it00:46
Coggeshallacerimmer: yeah. I choose ubuntu00:46
evonappl6: actually i just saw that it was in the repos.  I already installed it.  Thanks. but for future reference, what should i search for with regards to installing the qt toolkit00:46
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acerimmerCoggeshall: then you get the grub menu.  right?00:47
BitEncryptanybody have a computer cooled by flourinert??00:47
bastid_raZorjose: you need to create liveCD with that iso then format the partition/drive and leave it blank/unformatted .. then boot into the windows CD and off you go00:47
josecan anyone tell me the easiest way to unpack a iso file00:47
evonbr0ken85: i don't know what that means and i would personally just do a fresh install00:47
josebut how do i make it a live cd00:47
joseoh my god im sooo confused00:47
josethank god today is friday00:47
acerimmerjose: learning curve00:47
bastid_raZorjose: use brasero to burn it to a cd00:47
bob__Trying to get Netgear Poserline USB Adapter runing on karmic.  How do I connect?00:47
evonjose: use a burning program to burn and image00:48
chilicui1why the package firefox-3.5 install ff 3.6.4?, is there a way I can install the real ff 3.5 in ubuntu 10.04?00:48
josehow do i get brasero00:48
Appl6evon: I used Google and typed in "install qt toolkit ubuntu" and the second hit was perfectly relevant.00:48
BitEncryptISO image00:48
evonjose: make sure you choose the 'image' option then choose the .iso file00:48
evonjose: then boot the computer with that CD00:48
joseoh found brasero00:48
Coggeshallacerimmer: by grub I assume you mean the BIOS looking screen where it asks Win XP or Ubuntu. From there it asks me if I want to boot Ubuntu, Ubuntu (recovery), etc...00:48
joseevon i boot with the livecd or windows cd00:48
evonappl6: i didn't try that. I will check it out. thanks00:48
judgetjust installed fresh Ubuntu studio 10.04 replacing my 9.10 with a fresh install NOT upgrade. No wifi what did i miss?00:48
acerimmerCoggeshall: right/  boot (recovery)00:49
Coggeshallacerimmer: yeah. I tried that. It still asks for login account and password00:49
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acerimmerCoggeshall: good00:49
=== Guest34885 is now known as Jay__
acerimmerCoggeshall: and that account is the one you created during the install process00:49
bastid_raZorjose: process what i've just told you. if you follow the directions you will be back installing windows in 15 minutes00:50
Coggeshallacerimmer: again, I never created an account00:50
josecan you tell me the instructions again bastid00:50
Coggeshallacerimmer: it said it was installing and I left around 80%. When I came back it was on my windows desktop00:50
evonjose: what is your ultimate goal00:50
natjookay i'm using ubuntu netbook remix but it's still a live install nothing gets saved like apps i've added or anything i'm using a 16GB thumbdrive and would like to do this any ideas?00:50
joseto get windows 7 up and running again00:50
evonappl6: thanks i didn't get any of those links when i searched. I guess the way you typed it worked better then what i typed "download qt toolkit .deb"00:51
evonjose: then just pop in the windows CD and boot from it00:51
acerimmerCoggeshall: for some reason you appear to have rebooted with installation incomplete.  I suspect a screen saver interrupt of just plain old funky windows,  Anyway, go into windows, delete ubuntu, then reinstall it.00:51
josei cant00:52
josewither a NTFS error or it just wont let me boot00:52
Klojumjose: why not download the rescue-cd of Windows7 and use that to get Win7 going?00:52
acerimmerCoggeshall: and give serious thought to dual booting - much less heartache00:52
judgetdont have the wifi picker on my task bar after the fresh install opf 10.04 any ideas what did i miss00:52
bastid_raZorjose: burn the ubuntu iso to a disk using brasero. boot to the liveCD you just created. format the partition/drive and leave it blank or to NTFS ... boot the windows cd and install00:52
evonjose i don't understand what you mean00:52
joseso i make the live cd partition to NTFS and install win7?00:53
Coggeshallacerimmer: 1) how do I uninstall ubuntu00:53
Coggeshall2) what do you mean by dual boot00:53
evonand please type my name before you say something to me so i know when you're talking to me00:53
Appl6bastid_raZor: Why not tell the Windows CD to use the entire disk for the install?00:53
bastid_raZorAppl6: windows can not see the ext* partition/disk and therefore can not partition it00:53
acerimmerCoggeshall: start windows.  go into add/delete programs.  delete ubuntu.00:53
evonjose: win7 will do that all for you when you boot from the C00:53
hopeless8009hay does any one know how to ID an IBM mobo00:54
evonJose: CD00:54
hopeless8009i need and audio driver bad00:54
EvanzoAre there any plans to ship Ubuntu with BCI enabled and the sub-pixel rendering patches applied? My understanding is that some of the relevant patents are now out of date and others would be unlikely to stand up to legal scrutiny. It would make the out of box experience so much better, as right now the default font rendering is terible00:54
josei tried to partition it to NTFS it didnt let me00:54
evonjose what didn't let you?00:54
Appl6bastid_raZor: It just has to overwrite the partition table; it's not like it has to read from the ext filesystem or interpret the filesystem codes in the partition table.00:54
Coggeshallacerimmer: and what do you mean by dual boot?00:54
FlameTai1Can anyone help me get the visual effects working? When ever I try to enable them it flashes a few times and says Desktop effects could not be enabled, I'm on Ubuntu 10.04 using a NVidia GeForce 8400 GS PCI 512MB DDR2, can anyone help me please...?00:54
josethe cd instsllation00:55
bastid_raZorAppl6: windows = fail  ..00:55
acerimmer!dual boot|coggeshall00:55
ubottucoggeshall: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot00:55
joseok im burning the image00:55
josehow do i boto from the live cd?00:56
pfifoFlameTai1, purchase a new video card00:56
ubottuevanzo: Post your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!00:56
bastid_raZorjose: once you get into the liveCD install gparted .. use gparted to format the drive00:56
db_locohas anyone exprienced the following. When logging out and trying to log back in all i get is a blank purple screen. it has happened many times now, ramdomly.  Is this normal or am I  missing some updates?00:56
josebut isnt the live cd a .EXE?00:56
acerimmerFlameTai1: see pfifo. you just might have to lay out some $ for eyecandy00:56
evonjose: make sure that your computer is set to check the CDrom for boot media before it boots from the HD, then turn on your computer making sure that the CD you want to boot from is already in the drive00:57
FlameTai1acerimmer: $ is one thing I don't have00:57
joseso i boot from hte live cd i used gparted then partition it00:57
josethen install the win 700:57
joseok im done burning it00:58
josewhat now?00:58
evonbastid_razor: why would jose have to format the drive before he installs windows 7 when windows 7 will do that for him? am i missing something?00:58
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evonjose: what did you just burn and do you already have the windows 7 cd?00:59
bastid_raZorevon: windows install disk will not see any drive available if it is partition ext3/4 .00:59
josei just burned the live cd00:59
evonbastid_razor: ok i was unaware of that01:00
evonjose: put the CD in the drive and restart your computer01:00
josethe live cd?01:00
Notch-1hi, i've noticed that the networkmanager issue that i'm having is wellknown, there is any workaround for that? it just wont work after the update from karmic to lucid...01:00
evonjose: yes, which live CD did you burn? was it an ubuntu live cd?01:00
josethe 10.0401:00
bastid_raZorjose: be sure to install gparted while booted to the liveCD01:00
pfifobastid_raZor, live cd comes with gparted01:01
evonjose: ok so put the CD in the drive and restart your computer. then open a terminal and type gparted01:01
josehow do i install gparted?01:01
josejust type in gparted?01:01
evonjose: gparted is already on the liveCD01:01
CaptainTrekjose: sudo apt-get install gparted01:01
evonjose: gparted is already comes with ubuntu. don't worry about installing it01:02
bastid_raZorpfifo: last liveCD i used was 8.10 and it didn't. good to know it has changed01:02
evondoes anyone know if xchat or any other irc programs are pre-installed in ubuntu liveCD so Jose can rejoin the chat?01:02
joseso what do i do when i partition it?01:02
evonhe will need instructions on how to use gparted01:03
abuayyoubAnyone here know anything about usenet / hellanzb?01:03
josethe live cd wont have xfire01:03
pfifobastid_raZor, yes its a welcome change, specially for older memory constrained systems01:03
Notch-1evon: empaty maybe?01:03
wildbatevon lubuntu do but no gparted01:03
josejust tell me the instructions now so i right it down01:03
evonjose: then restart the computer with the win7 CD in01:04
josethats all?01:04
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Appl6evon: Yeah, Notch-1 is right, Empathy is there.01:05
evonappl6: ok thanks01:05
Notch-1Appl6: don't know about the irc support anyway...01:05
joseevon: is that all i do from there?01:05
evonjose: use empathy to rejoin this channel so i can walk you through the rest01:05
alkemannwhats the command for printing the contents of a small text file in the terminal?01:05
evonjose: yes that is all if you figure out to reformat the drive to ntfs01:06
joseempathy is preinstalled?01:06
evonjose: yes01:06
Appl6alkemann: Use "cat" if you want to dump all of it; use "less" if you want to be able to scroll up and down with arrow keys.01:06
josebut how will i join the chat with it01:06
joseits just a IM client01:06
alkemannAppl6: thanks01:06
evonjose. i honestly don't know. i dont use it01:07
Appl6jose: evon: Notch-1: Empathy is also an IRC client.01:07
joseill use xfire if i dont figure it out01:07
joseow do i boot from live cd01:07
evonjose ok ttyl01:07
Notch-1anybody know how to fix networkmanager or the networking in general in lucid? after the update it's all nonfunctioning... i've tried anything...please01:08
Notch-1i can't do a fresh install i need to update..01:08
josehow do i boot from the live cd01:08
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BluesKajjose, open your bios and set the boot sequemce to cdrom as first01:09
Notch-1jose just put it in, if you are talking about the ubuntu cd, i don't know windows...01:09
josewait i know now i just remembered01:09
joseif you guys want soem help about windows to mabye get you a head start with it for better support email me at josescomputershow@comcast.net01:10
joseim oging to boot wish me luck01:10
BluesKajerr boot sequence01:10
jannonoI copied the "Music" folder on my computer running OS X to an external usb drive, formatted the drive--long story--and now i'm running ubuntu and it tells me i don't have the permissions necessary to view the folder. it also says the drive is read-only. what do i do now?01:10
aSSogueroZen_SXguys, getdeb repo/site got broken?01:10
Notch-1jannono: partition type?01:10
jannonoNotch-1: sorry, don't know how to check that (you mean of the drive, right?)01:11
BluesKajjannono, right click on folder choose prperties/permissions , make executable01:11
Notch-1use gparted, it's preinstalled i think01:11
catyHeya, I've been having some problems with getting my graphics tablet to work on ubuntu OS. I found this website online and was wondering if I should follow these instructions or not http://frankgroeneveld.nl/2010/04/11/get-wacom-bamboo-fun-pen-working-in-ubuntu-lucid/ . Many thanks :).01:12
Notch-1or just type "mount" in a terminal with the drive mounted in wathever way01:12
pfifojose, I was tricked into deleting my system32 folder and then tricked into putting my windows CD into the toaster to burn it. How to fix?01:12
simple_mindhi. I've just installed gnome-shell. how do I enable it?01:13
blalbso when i log into ubuntu it complains that my cpu has security features disabled and tells me to check-bios-nx --verbose01:13
blalbwhen i do that it tells me that i can enable nx protection in my bios, but this is not true01:14
musanteis there a channel for ubuntu netbook remix?01:15
blalbi found out that "nx01:15
sebsebsebmusante: yes this one01:15
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homehi.  I justinstallaed qcad but i can't find it under applications.  Where could it be?01:15
Bisu[Shield]on ubuntu where would i find the php error logs?01:15
blalbi found out that "nx protection" is the same thing as "xd protection", but my bios doesnt mention that either. the only settings it has involve boot order and passwords01:15
jannonoin response to my earlier issue, it says i can't edit the permissions because i'm not the owner01:16
pfifohome, sometimes you need to restart gnome in order for it to show up, you can always just open a terminal and type qcad though01:16
blalbis there a way you know i can enable this anyway? also, does it really matter?01:16
homepfifo: ok i'll re startmy pc. thanks01:16
jannonoit says the owner is "99 -user # 99" but i don't know what that means01:16
abuayyoubhi, is there someone here who can help me with hellanzb/lottanzb01:16
mikubuntumy volume icon that was usually over in the right side of the top panel has distappeared, and i can't find it anywhere.  also, only my headphones work now, not my speakers on acer laptop01:16
abuayyoubor anyone know anything about usenet01:17
codebrainzmikubuntu, right click on the panel, click Add to panel, add the volume plugin back in, and then use it's menu to access the sound preferences, in there unmute the audio output for your speakers.01:18
netbooklvrim using easypeasy, is there a way to make the desktop not "steal focus" whenever i switch alt tab betweek applications01:18
mikubuntucodebrainz, its not in the list thats what i don't get01:19
mikubuntucodebrainz, its like it was abducted01:19
codebrainzmikubuntu, did you uninstall anything related to alsa or pulse audio?01:20
mikubuntucodebrainz, i'm not sure :(01:20
mikubuntucodebrainz, i think the volume control disappeared, and then i (re)installed pulseaudio, thinking it might be there01:21
NoCodeHow can I repair my Ubuntu partition with a LiveCD?01:21
mikubuntucodebrainz, but that was couple days now, and i'm fuzzy about it01:21
codebrainzmikubuntu, give me a sec, i'll track down the package name01:22
codebrainzNoCode, repair?  what's wrong with it?01:22
mikubuntucodebrainz, thx, i'm losing it01:23
NoCodecodebrainz, Tried the xorg-edgers in Lucid and now xorg isn't working01:25
NoCodexorg-edgers ppa01:26
codebrainzmikubuntu, try using the old volume applet, press Alt+F2 and then run the program "gnome-volume-control-applet"01:26
codebrainzmikubuntu, the new volume icon is part of something called "indicator applet" btw01:26
codebrainzNoCode, can you not select the "recovery" option in grub when your computer boots?01:27
NoCodeI don't want to do that just yet.01:27
codebrainzNoCode, it just drops you to a root shell at an early runlevel, won't hurt anything.  then you can uninstall the offending package, reinstall the proper xorg package and remove the ppa from apt sources list01:28
codebrainzthe reboot of course :)01:28
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:28
NoCodeCan I, "mkdir /media/chroot" "sudo mount /dev/sda3/ /media/chroot"01:28
codebrainzNoCode, why?01:29
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jose__im bacl01:29
homebrewciderhey there, is there a way to write directly to the sd card in my canon printer01:29
mikubuntucodebrainz, the gnome volume control works but only for the headphones01:30
codebrainzNoCode, you just need to uninstall the bad package and reinstall the right one from the repos.01:30
Guest91237waht's this01:30
codebrainzmikubuntu, go to "Sound Prefences" by right clicking, and check the configuration, I'll bet something is muted in there01:30
mikubuntucodebrainz, what's that indicator applet you speak of01:30
mikubuntucodebrainz, right clik where?01:31
jose__can anyoone help me01:31
zoidfarbhey, I've been having a miserable time getting wifi working on 10.04, I finally got it sort of working by following the steps  here: http://www.ctbarker.info/2010/05/ubuntu-1004-wireless-chipsets-and-wpa.html   and it kinda works, but most of the time it will not get an IP address correctly (even though it associates with the AP). Where should I start troubleshooting a problem with DHCP?01:31
codebrainzmikubuntu, on the gnome-volume-control-applet icon.  indicator applet is the one that you have running that used to show the volume icon but stopped for unknown reasons01:31
abuayyoubhi, is there someone here who can help me with hellanzb/lottanzb01:32
^Peteits a left click on mine - by the way --- on the speaker icon ?01:32
codebrainz^Pete, right click here, and yes01:32
NoCodeSays it's not a block device01:32
sebsebsebjose__: What are you trying to do?01:32
jose__how can i partition my hard disk?01:33
jose__i want it to be a NTFS to recover windows 701:33
codebrainzNoCode, it sounds like you're making your life hard01:33
codebrainzjose__, use the program called gparted, it's in the repos and maybe already installed01:33
mikubuntucodebrainz, i don't have an applet icon01:33
NoCodeWell, I want to chroot from the LiveCD so I can fix my problem while looking at a webpage.01:33
jose__i dont have it installed one second01:34
NoCodei don't want to do it in a tty01:34
wildbatNoCode, you can do it in terminals01:34
codebrainzmikubuntu, yes, if you run 'gnome-volume-control-applet' like i said, you will have a volume icon appear in the panel01:34
^Petemikubuntu - try system > preferences > sound01:34
NoCodeWell, it's not what I want to do.01:34
jannonohow do i make my usb drive not read-only01:34
ubottuchroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot)01:34
Typos_Kingjannono:    do, nothing :)01:35
alkemannbeen reading up on that help.ubuntu.com site. kudos. it is very very good.01:35
homebrewciderhey there, is there a way to write directly to the sd card in my canon printer01:35
jose__i finished installing gparted how do i open it01:35
codebrainzNoCode, do you not just want to get your X server back?  it's like two or three commands from the terminal.01:35
Guest91237god can't figure out of these\01:35
jannonoTypos_King, what?01:35
dkIs there a FUSE module for squashfs?01:35
codebrainzjose__, type gparted at the shell or in the Alt+F2 run box01:35
Typos_Kingjannono:    do, nothing :), easy no?01:35
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jose__it says i need root privileges01:36
Notch-1anyway, it's still networkmanager the default network manager in lucid?01:36
wildbatjose__, or System > Admin. > Gparted01:36
wildbatjose__, gksu gparted01:36
codebrainzjose__, so type sudo gparted from the shell or gksudo gparted from the Alt+F2 dialog, or find it in the menu01:36
jannonoTypos_King, I don't know what you're saying. I have a portable drive and i need to chmod a folder in it but i can't because it's read-only01:36
wildbat!gksu | codebrainz01:37
ubottucodebrainz: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)01:37
jose__i have gparted open now what01:37
codebrainzwildbat, bullshit01:37
NoCodealright, I think I did it01:37
wildbatcodebrainz, lol01:37
codebrainzwildbat, in this case anyway :)01:38
br0ken85i have a question about 10.04. the close, maximize, and minimize buttons on windows is now on the left side instead of the right. i have found where to change the order of these buttons but i cannot find how to move them back to the top right side of the window. anyone know how to do this?01:38
dev2I'm installing ubuntu server.  I'm in the apt screen and there doesn't seem to be any way to get to the next step.01:38
Typos_Kingjannono:    you can't make a usb non-readonly, that'd be like asking how to make a duck meow, is a duck, it doesn't meow, you're assuming that's the case, why not just give us details instead of assuming, I gather your issue is a U3 partition one01:38
codebrainzbr0ken85, in gconf-editor01:38
wildbatjose__, do what you wanna do ?01:38
mikubuntucodebrainz, and pete, i have the sound prefs box, but nothing shows as muted01:38
dev2I can open the package trees and install items  but I can't "proceed"01:38
^Peteset a new theme in preferences, br0ken8501:38
webroastershey guys, need help bigtime! I'm trying to cancel a file operation and all I get is a greyed out box!01:38
jose__i want to transform /dev/sda1 to a NTFS01:39
wildbat!controls | br0ken8501:39
ubottubr0ken85: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d601:39
webroastersI'm doing an ftp file operation and i wanted to cancel it01:39
codebrainzmikubuntu, check the other settings, i'm betting it's something in there :)01:39
br0ken85codebrainz, i saw how to change the order of the buttons in gconf-editor but now their position on the window01:39
Typos_Kingwebroasters: ctrl-c :) maybe01:39
webroasterswhat do you mean01:39
webroastersthat's copy01:39
mikubuntucodebrainz, i went under every tab in the dialogue box01:39
CaptainTrekwebroasters:  not in terminal01:39
wildbatjose__, you need to backup the data from sda1 frist then format it to ntfs in gparted01:39
webroastersoh ok 1 sec01:40
codebrainzmikubuntu, not sure then, ask again maybe someone else can help01:40
jose__i didnt install anythnig or need anything01:40
^Petesystem > preferences > appearance > theme - br0ken8501:40
webroastersso im supposed to do ctrl + c in terminal01:40
webroastersto cancel the file operation??01:40
mikubuntucodebrainz, how can i get the volume control to stay up in the panel?01:40
jose__so what do i do01:40
codebrainzmikubuntu, Alt+F2 and then type it in there, it will last for your session01:40
wildbatjose__, i hope your linux isn't installed in sda1 thou01:40
jose__it is :(01:41
wildbatjose__, ubuntu can't run on ntfs ~01:41
mikubuntucodebrainz, not a perm solution, but it helps01:41
br0ken85so ^Pete, after changing to a new theme there, the buttons will be on the other side?01:41
jose__i know01:41
jose__i want to take off ubuntu01:41
jose__and run wnidows with NTFS01:41
br0ken85put in windows install disc and reboot01:42
mikubuntujose, why?01:42
codebrainzmikubuntu, yeah, i'm not sure what's up with the new indicator applet, but it's been annoying thus far.  looks nice though :)01:42
br0ken85install it after clearing partitions and formatting them NTFS01:42
wildbatjose__, you just run Windows Setup CD and repartition from there01:42
jose__ubuntu is to confusing01:42
jose__it wont let me01:42
Notch-1does anybody experienced the networkmanager explosion after the upgrade to lucid, like i am?01:42
mikubuntujose__, why01:42
Radiohow do I go about moving where notifications appear01:42
jose__it doesnt let me partition01:42
br0ken85what do you mean explosion Notch-1?01:42
br0ken85sure it does01:42
codebrainzjose__, gparted will do anything commercial partitioners will do and then some01:43
Typos_Kingjose__:   got a cd burner?01:43
br0ken85jose, it will show you partitions and you can delete what is there then create an NTFS partition with the newly freed space01:43
mikubuntujose__, partition for what01:43
Notch-1there is no way to get the network working, i've tried anything, several machines and several times01:43
wildbatjose__, that's windows issue ~ .... you can do gparted in liveCD thou ~01:43
jose__i tried to boot with out installing01:43
evonjose: i'm back. what's the update01:43
jose__wasnt working01:43
jose__evon can boot from livecd01:43
jose__tried quite a few tmies01:44
br0ken85i know someone having issues with networking manager after upgrading Notch-1, but i don't know their exact issue or how/if they fixed it01:44
Notch-1it just wont work, it gaved me this strange message during the update, and now it only tell network disabled or networkmanager not running...01:44
jose__either im screwed or i need to fix something01:44
br0ken85maybe your HDD is booting before you cd drive and you need to change boot order01:44
toolbearhello.  i see some "hotkeys" that are labeled <Alt>Button3 (or 4,5,6, etc...).  my question is, what button is Button#?01:44
evonjose: well that sucks. try downloading "system rescue cd" and burning and booting from that01:44
evonjose: it has gparted on it too01:44
wildbatjose__, you need to umount the partition be4 you can gparted01:44
Notch-1br0ken85: do you have some way to track them down?01:44
Notch-1i'm desperate01:44
Notch-1i really need to update, i'm stuck in karmic01:45
br0ken85Notch-1, possibly, i'll text him now and see what he did01:45
evonwildbat: isn't he saying that he can't even boot from the live cd?01:45
jose__wild: if i unmount SDA1 wont it affect it on installing win7?01:45
Notch-1i can only connect by typing dhclient eth0, every times, and always with lan off course01:45
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Notch-1br0ken85: thank you so much!01:45
br0ken85jose__, is your cd drive booting before you hard drive? you can change that in the bios if not. it sounds like a possible easy fix to your issue (if this is even what the problem is lol)01:45
abuayyoubhi, is there someone here who can help me with hellanzb/lottanzb01:45
codebrainzNotch-1, did you muck around in /etc/network/interfaces?01:46
wildbatjose__, one thing you can try thou ~ BUT it will wipe your disk, do you have other data in the disc/ partition?01:46
Notch-1no, it is the same as it was in karmic...01:46
john725hey guys could anyone recommend the best theme/package to make ubuntu (10.04) look like mac os X? is mac4lin the best? Also, what do you recommend, docky do or AWN (avant window manager)? Thanks01:46
mikubuntujose__, what are you trying to do, install ubuntu?  or you already installed?01:46
codebrainzNotch-1, did you try rebooting to let network-manager restart?01:46
jose__wild i have a livecd and the win7 installation cd01:46
Notch-1codebrainz: yes, and also restarted it in any ways01:46
jose__so unmounting it will be a alternative partition way?01:46
Typos_Kingjose__:   got a cd burner?01:47
br0ken85mikubuntu, he's trying to remove ubuntu and reinstall windows01:47
Notch-1codebrainz: even purged and reinstalled01:47
br0ken85but can't format his hdd to NTFS via the windows install CD01:47
mikubuntujose__, have you lost your mind? :)01:47
BluesKajNotch-1, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart01:47
abuayyoubjohn725, there are many themes out there that can make your desktop look just like OSX, docky is probibly the best as far as docks go. CairoDock is really fancy if you like that kinda thing01:47
codebrainzNotch-1, just in case, check in the file /etc/network/interfaces and make sure eth0 or your interface(s) aren't defined in there01:47
jose__maybe lol01:47
br0ken85lol i feel the same way mikubuntu01:47
wildbatjose__, one thing you can try thou ~ BUT it will wipe your disk, do you have other data you wanna keep in the disc/ partition?01:47
Typos_Kingjose__:   http://www.hirensbootcd.net/   <-- burn it, boot it, it has a  bunch of win32 tools, along with a bootable live-win32 as well01:47
abuayyoubjohn725,  however, I think there are many gnome themes that put osx to shame.01:48
jose__i have iwn7 64bit01:48
br0ken85Notch-1, my friend replied that he hasn't been able to get it fixed himself yet either.. sorry i was no help :(01:48
mikubuntujose__, stay with ubuntu and work your problems out one at a time01:48
br0ken85jose__, if you don't mind me asking, why is ubuntu too confusing?01:48
abuayyoubjohn725, if I were you I would check out www.gnomelook.com and check out some of the themes there and why copy apple if you can make something that is alot more awesome01:48
jose__trashbin,programs,taskbar,switching desktops,finding programs,installing programs,how to use the .exe files01:49
john725abuayyoub, thanks. could you please explain what you mean about cairodock being fancy? Also, I would love it if you could recommend some themes (which one is your fave)?01:49
zorzIs there a way to run the grub 2 script again, that Ubuntu runs during install.  It seems I reinstalled windows and the UUID changed,01:49
Notch-1codebrainz: nono, in interface there are just 2 lines: "auto lo" and "iface lo inet loopback", as always01:49
br0ken85there are no .exe files.01:49
br0ken85it just takes time to learn is all.01:49
mckaycrhey all, I installed ubuntu 10.04, and I no longer can find the 3D window option in my Compiz Manager01:49
br0ken85and trust me, it could be MUCH more confusing (for example, at work we use gentoo)01:49
LordStanleyquestions...so I'm trying to watch the live stream of MLG, and i've got the octoshape part down and still need to install sun-java6-bin...however when i try to do it, it says it couldn't find the package01:49
mikubuntujose__, and those arent even problems01:49
Notch-1br0ken85: it's all i can find on the net, everybody gaved up and reinstalled from scratch, even no bug filed...01:49
jose__i know mik01:50
jose__i just dont like ubuntu01:50
wildbatjose__, Do : sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=4096 count=1024;     this will wipe your disk first 4M , clear the mbr and partition table01:50
Notch-1br0ken85: anyway thank you, let me know if something changes01:50
mckaycrI love ubuntu01:50
mikubuntujose__, those are challenges that we have all learned from each other one process at a time01:50
zorzIs there a way to run the grub2 script again, that Ubuntu runs during install.  It seems I reinstalled windows and the UUID changed,01:50
br0ken85Notch-1, that sucks. i hate when the only option available is a fresh install :-/01:50
jose__wild so that will partition it and make it NTFS or jut partition01:50
jose__i need it NTFS also01:50
Notch-1br0ken85: yeah, it's a shame, all that work...01:50
abuayyoubjohn725,  Cairodock ( or XGL dock i think its called now ) it has all kinda nifty compiz features, the icons spin and burst into flame and jump all over the place if you into that kinda thing CairoDock is what you want. If you want just a simple dock that looks good and is stable go with Docky. I love Docky but it is stil buggy, they are all buggy actually AWN never really did anything for me. I actually find myself using DockbarX which is a windows 701:51
abuayyoubinspired dock bar which is amazing01:51
LordStanleycan someone help me install sun-java6-bin or point me instructions01:51
codebrainzNotch-1, it's not a fix per se, but you could try uninstalling network-manager alltogether and use 'wicd' http://wicd.sourceforge.net/01:51
wildbatjose__, windows setup will make it~ it looks the drives as if it is new01:51
br0ken85i love ubuntu. even though ubuntu is usually considered a ubuntu distro for newer users, i work in IT and maintain 5 or more linux servers so i'm fairly experienced and i still prefer ubuntu personally01:51
hiexpoevening all01:51
codebrainzNotch-1, it's debatably better anyway01:51
Notch-1codebrainz: really?01:51
abuayyoubjohn725, basically, cairo dock has a whole hell of a lot of features. you can spend hours configuring it01:51
BluesKajwhen wicd is installed ,it disables nm by default01:52
hiexpoBluesKaj, yes01:52
br0ken85now that people are talking here, maybe someone can help me out. how can i move the exit, maximize, and minimize buttons to the top right corner of the window? after upgrading to 10.04, these buttons are on the left and it's driving me wild01:52
jose__but wild the cid for installiton is a upgrade cd01:52
codebrainzNotch-1, yep, or alternatively, you can just configure your network within the /etc/network/interfaces file and ditch the gui's altogether01:52
abuayyoubhi, is there someone here who can help me with hellanzb/lottanzb01:52
jose__will it still work?01:52
Notch-1codebrainz: i never really tried but the new networkmanager let me connet with my nokia in 2 clicks, i'm afraid to change right now01:52
codebrainzbr0ken85, someone answered you up there ^^01:52
wildbatjose__,  nope then ~01:52
codebrainzNotch-1, wicd is user-friendly01:53
john725abuayyoub, mmm thanks. ill look into. yeah, i saw the dockbarx on the gnome-look site and it looks real good. Another quick question, hopefully you can help me out. if i want to customize my desktop environment so that i can have multiple desktops and use a 3d cube or soemthing, do i need compiz fusion or is there something better?01:53
wildbatjose__, you need a OLD windows, in order to upgrade !01:53
Notch-1codebrainz: nono, i have  a live system, it's on a usb pen that i attache everywere, i can't reconfigure the network anytime, i need an automatic system...01:53
br0ken85hmm i saw someone give me a URL that said that bug was a nonfix and i don't believe it can't be changed01:53
BluesKajcodebrainz, /etc/network/interfasces is easier to configure with eth0 than wlan001:53
jose__so im stuk with a ubuntu?01:53
jannonoOkay, I tried to do some research but Typos_King, I don't understand what you're saying whatsoever. How is a USB connected drive not writable? USB connected drives have always been both readable and writable in my experiences except when specifically set not to be. I have no idea what you're saying.01:53
hiexpobr0ken85, right click on them unclick lock to panel than right click again and move01:53
Notch-1codebrainz: i'm sure tring it, thanks01:53
codebrainzBluesKaj, agreed01:53
br0ken85codebrainz, can you show me what someone said? i can't find anything but that URL01:54
br0ken85hiexpo, not exactly what i was talking about but thank you lol01:54
Notch-1but still, i'd like to get networkmanager back...01:54
bastid_raZor!gparted | jose__ get a gparted liveCD to format your drive01:54
ubottujose__ get a gparted liveCD to format your drive: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php01:54
hiexpobr0ken85, ok01:54
viper6looking for advice on firefox video since latest upgrade01:54
BluesKajcodebrainz, ,I've tried and it's too arcane for my wifi abilities01:54
codebrainzbr0ken85, out of my scrollback, hang on a sec01:54
hiexpo!firefox | viper01:54
ubottuviper: firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.501:54
hiexpo!firefox | viper601:55
ubottuviper6: firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.501:55
wildbatjose__, get a non-upgrade version of windows ~ http://forums.mydigitallife.info/threads/7126-The-Official-Windows-7-Repository and ask in #windows01:55
viper6since upgrade, lots of green screen in firefox, suspect java01:55
br0ken85codebrainz, it really shocked me when i logged into 10.04 for the first time and those buttons were on the other opposite side haha01:55
mckaycrall, I can't find 3D Windows in my CompizConfig Manager after moving from 9.10 to 10.04.01:55
rodriesphello to all this community01:55
mewshimy right-click isn't working anymore.  can someone please help me fix it?01:55
jose__ubott and bastid i have aupgrade cd of windows 701:55
wildbatjose__, we are getting offtopic ~ pm me if need ~01:55
hiexpomckaycr,  make sure simple ccsm is installed01:56
codebrainzbr0ken85, yeah, not too many people like them, but it's not a democracy unfortunately.01:56
rodriespi wonder if you could help me with some problem I'm having with Xubuntu 10.0301:56
padhuI am having problem in empathy for yahoo messenger01:56
abuayyoubjohn725, for all the cool effects like the cube and such all you have to do is download CCSM (compiz config settings manager ) you can get it from the software center just search for it. It lets you enable all the cool little effects.01:56
padhuanybody help me to rectify it01:56
lenoxOHhello, i am trying to install ubuntu netbook for the first time and am hoping someone can help01:56
br0ken85codebrainz, well it's linux so it should be changeable lol01:56
wildbat!restristed | viper601:56
abuayyoubAnyone here know anything about usenet / hellanzb? help me with a big problem I have01:56
hiexpopadhu,  switch to pidgin better in my aspect01:56
mckaycrhiexpo: I have advanced CCSM...01:56
codebrainzbr0ken85, under gconf-editor, apps->metacity->general->button layout, i have 'menu:minimize,maximize,close'01:56
rodriespwhen i press ctrl-alt-f1 it doesn't go to console01:57
wildbat!restricted | viper601:57
ubottuviper6: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:57
kosharilenoxOH: whats the prob01:57
br0ken85yea codebrainz, that controls what order they show up on the window01:57
br0ken85unfortunately, not which side01:57
viper6thank you01:57
rodriespwhen i press ctrl-alt-f1 it doesn't go to console01:57
hiexpomckaycr, never heard of that one maybe new to ubuntu 10.0401:57
codebrainzbr0ken85, and i believe the colon in there control the side, mine are on the right01:57
br0ken85ah ok01:57
br0ken85let me double check then01:57
jannonoI have a WD Passport that I've always been able to write to from OS X but right now, via Ubuntu, it is "read-only" and I don't know why. I don't know what other information is relevant.01:57
padhuhiexpo: Pidgin in Ubuntu 8.10 also gives trouble01:58
mckaycrhiexpo: sorry, Advanced Desktop Effects Settings (ccsm)01:58
codebrainzjannono, pastbin the output of the command 'mount' or just paste the relevant line here01:58
mckaycrhiexpo: I will install simple ccsm01:58
pfiforodriesp, you need to goto #xubunt as you will only get help regarding gnome here01:58
lenoxOHi used Universal-USB-Installer as directed and put the Netbook Edition ISO on it as directed01:59
hiexpopadhu, i have been using pidgin for years and never had any probwith it at all useing it on 9.10 right now01:59
rodriespohh thanks01:59
Typos_Kingjannono:   exactly my point, they're always by far R/W, but there are very few proprietary exceptions when they aren't, but you started asking as if it was the norm, reason why I though you are dealing with some proprietary read-only stuff like U301:59
toolbearis there any central location for "default settings" stored on ubuntu?  for example, when you create a new user, their account is endowed with a set of default settings01:59
lenoxOHi cannot for the life of me get the netbook to boot to the USB drive01:59
br0ken85haha that did it codebrainz. i had edited that same exact line 4-5 times. mine is how i want it now but before button_layout was "minimize,maximize,close:"01:59
mikubuntujose__, i wonder if you just din't get enough support from the start .. i know when i first came over to the Force i wanted everything now, now, now .. but the help channels don't really work that way01:59
Logicwrathanyone know where i can get a LogAnalyzer 3.0 package from?01:59
acerimmer_toolbear: there config is usually in the /home01:59
john725abuayyoub, thanks so much for all the help. it's nice to be back #ubuntu , people here are so much nicer and more helpful (not to mention smarter) than the generally d1cks over at #mac01:59
padhuhiexpo:  tell me your configuration setting01:59
codebrainzbr0ken85, yeah, i think the menu: means the menu, then the title, then the rest on the right01:59
kosharilenoxOH try a usb pendrive and unetbootin01:59
mikubuntuyou have to do/learn things sort of one at a time01:59
br0ken85codebrainz, i changed it to what yours said, but left the ":" at the end and they switched side, just with no ecit button. i removed the ":" and they were all there02:00
jannonoit says mount failed because it's already mounted, according to "mtab"02:00
hiexpopadhu, to use yahoo02:00
hiexpopadhu, with pidgin02:00
pfifolenoxOH, can you boot the stick in a different computer? if so check you laptops bios settings and/or press the hotkey at boot time that brings up the boot menu02:00
br0ken85thank you very much for the help codebrainz, that really was bothering me lol02:00
padhuhiexpo: yes., yes02:00
codebrainzjannono, just the output of the command 'mount' with no options02:00
Typos_Kingjannono:   so is mounted then :)02:00
codebrainzbr0ken85, no worries, it bothered me as well02:00
lenoxOHkoshari, i did use pendrive to create the USB, but i have no idea what unetbootin is02:00
jannonooh, sorry. yes, it's mounted02:00
hiexpopodhuone sec let me see you need a package02:00
codebrainzjannono, pastebin the output of that command, i want to see the mount options used02:01
toolbearacerimmer_: yes, but that's only AFTER the user gets created.  these settings have to come from somewhere, I just want to know if there's one (or a few) central location(s) for them, or if it is just program-specific?02:01
acerimmer_toolbear: understood.  IDK02:01
kosharilenoxOH: its a util that does the same as the usbcreator but give choice of isos, so you have a bootable usb pendrive? try it in another machine to prove it if you can02:01
toolbearacerimmer_: thanks anyways02:01
mikubuntubut i have often thought that the channel should offer some set times to start clean installation sessions, and set new users up with as complete a starter system as possible, based on their wants and needs, and what their hardware will allow02:01
lenoxOHpfifo, it seems there is a step missing in ubuntu's instruction page.  is there some point where an installation should occur, or does it just work by booting to the usb?02:02
kosharilenoxOH: you dont need to use unetbootin if you have used the ubuntu boot tool instead02:02
codebrainztoolbear, the default user profile comes from /etc/skel afair02:02
abuayyoubjohn725,  It used to be that linux was behind in the game but with this new release of Lucid and the upcoming releases of Gnome and Gnome_shell, windows & Mac are gonna be playing catch-up linux is the future man seriously.02:02
mckaycrhiexpo: now I have CCSM and simple CCSM.  Still can't find the 3D option.  in 9.10 I only needed CCSM02:02
kosharilenoxOH: you may need to enable f12 bootmanu or something similar in the bios02:02
linux_is_my_heromy sound on my computer doesn't work.02:03
mikubuntumaybe even a separate 'installation' channel to start group installation sessions at appointed times each day02:03
codebrainzjannono, it's mounted R/W.  what is the error you get again?  (Specifc text of the error)02:03
acerimmer_mikubuntu: #ubuntu-beginners02:03
pfifolenoxOH an installation of what? Im assuming you mean installing the live system to a usb stick, but you could also mean installing ubuntu to the hard drive02:03
mikubuntuand of course, i'm just talking to myself02:03
linux_is_my_heroin my panel, i have a hollow speaker with dotted lines instead of the regular speaker with sound waves02:03
toolbearcodebrainz: ok, thanks!02:03
jannonochmod: changing permissions of `Music': Read-only file system02:04
john725abuayyoub, yeah, id been using ubuntu for like 2 years, but then I bought a macbook pro for college (for the resale value) and havent really run ubuntu natively on it since over at #mac an apple tech tells me he fixes fried/over heated boards allegedly caused by natively running OSes other than mac os x...02:04
lenoxOHno, it's ubuntu's own instructions for "trial" found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/netbook/get-ubuntu/download02:04
hiexpomckaycr, ok now go to system\apperance\visual effects and select custom02:04
lenoxOHi am attempting the stick in another laptop02:04
codebrainzjannono, and you get this on the /media/Password mount?02:04
mikubuntuooops, somebody heard me ... well, i've been coming to #ubuntu for three years, and thats the first i hear of ubuntu-beginners .. hahaha02:04
clayganyone willing to give me there sources.lst?02:05
acerimmer_mikubuntu: I'd say install that as one of the default urls in firefox02:05
jannonocodebrainz, the error when i mount is that it's already mounted, the error when i try to do anything is that it's read-only02:05
abuayyoubjohn725,  he's a fanboiii02:05
mckaycrhiexpo: already checked that out after install. none of the tabs give me the 3D option02:05
codebrainzjannono, on the HFS filesystem right?02:05
=== sid__ is now known as sid-
mckaycrhiexpo: CCSM actually has a lot more options available then simple CCSM02:06
padhuhiexpo: are you there?02:06
hiexpook did u install the [propitory video drivers02:06
pfifolenoxOH, is the stick known to boot corectly?02:06
hiexpopadhu, yes still looking sorry02:06
mckaycrhiexpo: duh.... my bad let me go do that now02:06
codebrainzjannono, could be your problem: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/hfsplus02:06
boingtrying to install adobe-flashplugin err adobe-flashplugin is virtual02:06
lenoxOHkoshari, i finally did figure out how to get into the bios and i even set it to boot from nothing other "than removable device".  It does not find any with the stick in any of the three USB ports02:07
abuayyoubjohn725,  I started using linux off and on for the last 10 years, went to a windows machine then a mac then back to a windows machine, starting using ubuntu from Daper Drake and fell in love. Lucid tho is amazing I lvoe this distro man friggin fantastic02:07
lenoxOHpfifo, i am trying it in another laptop now02:07
Typos_Kingclayg:   http://paste2.org/p/86501402:07
padhu hiexpo: see my private message02:07
jannonocodebrainz: thank you so much. This is exactly what I needed.02:07
john725abuayyoub, lucid seems nice, just installed it today on my desktop, going to try and sell my mbp02:08
kosharilenoxOH can you enable the f12 boot menu in the bios, my notbook is fickle boting from the usb unless i tell it in the f12 screen02:08
kzmanwhich is the mono package to execute clr binaries (.NET framework)?02:08
claygTypos_King, thanks how do i remove the numbers from the left side?02:08
codebrainzjannono, no prob02:08
boingtrying to install adobe-flashplugin error adobe-flashplugin is virtual02:08
lenoxOHon the other laptop, i get "missing operating system"02:08
zetherooI am wondering if it's at all possible to only accept updates of certain packages from a certain source and not from the default source?02:08
claygTypos_King, oh nm it worked, thanks alot02:09
lenoxOHi am positive now that ubuntu's instructions are incomplete02:09
mikubuntuacerimmer, i'm gonna lurk in ubuntu-beginners and see how they work ... i'm not a codewonkie like a lot of these hotshots here in ubuntu, but i have helped a lot of friends switch to ubuntu, and NONE have ever gone back ..02:09
hiexpopadhu, did you click add new that select yahoo add user name and password02:09
zetheroolenoxOH: which instrauctions?02:09
zetheroolenoxOH: instructions*02:09
lenoxOHzetheroo, these instructions: http://www.ubuntu.com/netbook/get-ubuntu/download02:10
Ls2can somebody help me install octoshape if they know how02:10
Ls2i've got most of it done...but i don't know what else i'm doing wrong02:10
abuayyoubjohn725,  noone can argue that apple has the sickest hardware, osx is good too dont get me wrong I do like it.  but Linux just gives you freedom ( for better or worse ) that you just dont have on osx and windows.  OsX is a good OS IMO and Windows 7 ( shoot me for saying it ) is actually ALMOST decent, but really nothing beats ubuntu these days for people who really love computers.02:10
codebrainzdoes anyone know how to get the textbox back for the address bar in nautilus, instead of these buttons?02:10
zetheroolenoxOH: what part?02:10
padhuhiexpo: already working one. But it troubles from 2 month bfore02:11
zetherooI am wondering if it's at all possible to only accept updates of certain packages from a certain source and not from the default source?02:11
Typos_KinglenoxOH    IIRC, to boot a live-usb you will  need to include Grub in the stick, -> sudo grub-install /dev/USBDEVICEHERE;  and you also need to have the boot sequence in the machine BIOS to  usb before any other device02:11
edbiancodebrainz, I'd also like to know...02:11
abuayyoubjohn725,  Ubuntu on a MBP = Win in my opinion02:11
pfifolenoxOH, it seems that the stick setup didnt work, google unetbootin and try that method instead02:11
lenoxOHzetheroo: i accomplished steps one and two, but then three makes it sound like it "just works"02:11
acerimmer_abuayyoub: why?  *hackintosh cough cough*02:12
hiexpopadhu, ok u need libpurple and a microblogging agent that is only available through getdeb which is down02:12
lenoxOHzetheroo, i have a feeling there's an installation program i haven't run or something02:12
zetheroo lenoxOH: and I gather it doesn't for you02:12
ubuntu2hello all02:12
ubuntu2when i put my usb in my gsm02:12
zetheroo lenoxOH: you are set to boot from USB in your BIOS, yes?02:12
ubuntu2and not found partition of memory card02:12
codebrainzedbian, press Ctrl+L and the breadcrumbs buttons turn into a text box.  woohoo!02:12
lenoxOHzetheroo, neither computer i tried sees the USB stick as having an OP system on it02:12
lenoxOHzetheroo, yes02:13
edbiancodebrainz, There are a couple other shortcuts02:13
abuayyoubacerimmer_, Best hardware, best software = win02:13
john725abuayyoub, yeah the would be amazing, in my opinion no other manufacture makes laptops as sexy as macbook pros, but their specs arent that great and i think there is a lot of truth behind what the main guy (branes) over at #mac says, there problem has something to do with this apple propertary  power management thing i forget what its called02:13
codebrainzedbian, oh, but it doesn't stay a textbox!?02:13
edbiancodebrainz, It doesn't stay02:13
zetheroo lenoxOH: did you create the bootable USB from Windows, Mac or Linux?02:13
lenoxOHzetheroo, windows02:13
edbiancodebrainz, I'd love to change the default.  I don't particularly care for the buttons although I do see their advantage02:13
hiexpo!pm | padhu02:14
ubottupadhu: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.02:14
zetheroo lenoxOH: and you have inspected the USB and made certain that there are indeed the files present ...02:14
twomashiHi.. Im trying to install haskell-network but its not showing up in an aptitude search02:14
lenoxOHzetheroo, windows... using the Universal USB Installer found at the site02:14
twomashithough it seems to exist: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/haskell-network/
codebrainzedbian, in thunar file manager in xfce, it's just under the view menu, to toggle views, where it logically makes sense to have it02:15
edbiancodebrainz, Tell me about it!  I love gnome and I hate gnome :P02:15
lenoxOHzetheroo, yes, there are several directories and files including autorun, usb-creator, and wubi02:16
eccin vlc, for option "adjust vlc priority", is a negative offset or positive offset give higher priority to it?02:16
mckaycrI can't find the restricted drivers for my Dell D63002:16
Don9307Is the next version of Ubuntu Linux going to be known as Maverick McCain?02:16
abuayyoubjohn725, not sure. OSX is based on Unix and it uses intel chips so I dont see how there could be a problem. But Thats a question for someone alot smarter than me lol02:16
acerimmer_Don9307: DOH02:16
zetheroo lenoxOH: ok ... and when you created the bootable USB did you tick the box to format the drive?02:16
edbianDon9307, ha ha haha02:17
edbianDon9307, That would be great.02:17
lenoxOHzetheroo, yes02:17
acerimmer_mckaycr: what driver's do u need02:17
lenoxOHzetheroo, do i need to run autorun IN windows first, then go back and boot from the stick?02:17
zetheroo lenoxOH: believe me when I say that I know how frustrating it is when things are written as if they should "just work" and they just don't02:17
mckaycracerimmer_: video... I'm trying to enable 3D windows.. I thought I had it working in 9.10 but it might have been a D620 then02:17
zetheroo lenoxOH: no, it should be working on it's own 100%02:18
stevecammckaycr, what graphics card have you got?02:18
acerimmer_mckaycr: ubunut-restricted-extras installed??02:18
lenoxOHzetheroon, yeah it's just that i have spent most of this evening getting this set up, and now I cannot even see if i like it on my netbook02:18
zetheroo lenoxOH: I have done this only twice in the past ... and once it was an absolute hassle ... and the other time it was a breeze ...02:18
pfifo10.10 is Merry Moo Moo Cow02:18
lenoxOHzetheroo, i KNOW i don't like XP on there02:18
mckaycracerimmer_: if its not stock, probably not.  Checking now02:18
ac1dburnzmckaycr,  check System > Administration > Hardware Drivers02:19
zetheroo lenoxOH: I am going to give this a shot here and see what happens - ok?02:19
lenoxOHzetheroo, much appreciated!02:19
mckaycrac1dburnz: already checked... only thing showing there is wireless dirvers02:19
zetheroo lenoxOH: do you have any Ubuntu systems there?02:19
stevecamhave you got compizconfig-settings-manager installed?02:20
lenoxOHzetheroo, nope this is my first shot02:20
mckaycrstevecam: yup02:20
edbiannagi, Hello02:20
lenoxOHi tried jolicloud and liked it, but there's not tethering option02:20
zetheroo lenoxOH: oof, not going to well they ay ... ;)02:20
nagiI'm Japanese02:20
Don9307Anyone know how to get your favorite programs to startup at boot time in Ubuntu like you can do in the other OS (Win)?02:20
ubottunagi: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい02:21
jrib!startup | Don930702:21
ubottuDon9307: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot02:21
hiexpomckaycr, what exactly are you trying to use in compiz?02:21
edbianDon9307, System -> Preferences -> Start-Up (or maybe it's called sessions)02:21
Don9307ubottu:  Thanks.02:21
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)02:21
eccin vlc, for option "adjust vlc priority", is a negative offset or positive offset give higher priority to it?02:21
edbianDon9307, Damn bot.  Beat me to it!02:21
stevecammckaycr, that's all i can think of, what GPU did you have again?02:21
abuayyoubAnyone here use HellaNZB or other usenet binary program?\02:21
padhu hiexpo: what will be choice to get it?02:21
mckaycrhiexpo: when I rotate the cude desktop, my windows don't float over the cube anymore like in 9.10.  It's trivial I know, but I really liked it02:22
ChaosmosI use NZB.02:22
hiexpopadhu, your trying to make it more complicated that it really is all u need ro do is click add click yahoo add username than password routind address etc not needed02:23
zetheroolenoxOH: an you did this from Windows XP or 7?02:23
Don9307edbian:  In 10.04 it's System | Preferences | Startup Applications02:23
Euthanatoswhatever happened to menu.1st?02:23
hiexpomckaycr, did u make sure rotate cube was still checked ?02:23
edbianDon9307, There ya go.  Thanks.  Having any trouble using it?02:24
mckaycrhiexpo: of course02:24
acerimmer_Euthanatos: grub2 - menu.lst - menu.cfg02:24
hiexpomckaycr, ok u'd be amazed lol02:24
lenoxOHzetheroo, i ran the Universal USB Installer in W7, but it is for a netbook currently running XP02:24
mckaycrhiexpo: it rotates just fine, the windows just don't have that hover effect02:24
padhuhiexpo: ok, I will try it one more time :-)02:24
edbianmckaycr, You can get that back in ccsm02:25
mckaycrhiexpo: totally understand, I work in a service desk02:25
Euthanatosno menu.cfg either02:25
codebrainzEuthanatos, some confusing heap of shell scripts that's hard to edit02:25
mckaycredbian: the option isn't in CCSM anymore since I moved from 9.10 to 10.0402:25
padhuhiexpo: thanks for your ideas02:25
edbianmckaycr, You're kidding!02:25
wildbat!grub2 | Euthanatos02:26
ubottuEuthanatos: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub202:26
FyreFoXwhen I add a disk to ubuntu and set it up with luks, when it comes time to reboot will ubuntu luksClose and umount the device or is that something I need to configure manually02:26
mckaycredbian: I can't find it, even in the advanced manager02:26
edbianmckaycr, Man Ubuntu is really taking things into a less customizable state.  You can't customize that or your log in splash anymore either!02:26
well_laid_lawnecc: there is #videolan if noone here knows02:26
Euthanatosi've been out of the loop since hardy =P02:26
hiexpomckaycr, make sure you have animations checked and go into simple ccsm and check settings it's weird sometimes they conflict each other but have to have them both to work02:26
edbianmckaycr, I guess we both should just switch to gentoo ;)02:26
mckaycredbian: i don't think its ubuntu, I think I just don't have my restricted drivers installed02:26
davem__on lucid i only boot up on a black screen and a blinking cursor on the top left afterwards comes de GDM log in, is this normal?02:27
acerimmer_edbian: of COURSE you can customize login!  http://maketecheasier.com/change-login-and-boot-screen-in-ubuntu-lucid/2010/05/1302:27
mckaycrhiexpo:  I have played with that option already... still no go02:27
knoppiesedbian Im still on 9.04 so that I can customize GDM, I dont know if 10.04 allows you to yet.02:27
zetheroolenoxOH: ok no worries .. just going to load my Windows 7 VM then02:27
codebrainzEuthanatos, you have to edit/add shell scripts under /etc/grub.d now02:27
anand_Hi people. Im trying to install the Linux Version of Descent Freespace. and am getting the following. /home/anand/.setup2973: symbol lookup error: /home/anand/.setup2973: undefined symbol: GTK_TYPE_SPIN_BUTTON_UPDATE_POLICY02:27
edbianmckaycr, Doubtful.  You missing / having different drivers is not going to edit what code was compiled into the CCSM package :)02:27
edbianacerimmer_, I love the spirit of linux02:27
lenoxOHzetheroo, okay... in the meantime i am going to launch the autorun that's on the stick (on the netbook) and see what damage i can do02:27
anand_Hi people. Im trying to install the Linux Version of Descent Freespace. and am getting the following. /home/anand/.setup2973: symbol lookup error: /home/anand/.setup2973: undefined symbol: GTK_TYPE_SPIN_BUTTON_UPDATE_POLICY02:28
rycarI'm on 10.04, and have a workstation setup with samba and lighttpd.  I can connect to it just fine from my mac, but when I try connecting from my windows machine it just sort of sits there and the connection doesn't seem to go anywhere.  Any suggestions?02:28
codebrainzanand_, try installing the gtk2 dev packages, look on package search02:28
anand_codebrainz: thanks02:28
knoppiesthanks acerimmer_02:28
mckaycredbian: very disappointing then, I really liked that feature02:28
Don9307Maybe the next version of Ubuntu will be called Mischievous Mer-cat02:28
boingneed help setting p for dual monitors02:28
edbianmckaycr, Like I said.  Switch to gentoo! ha ha :)02:28
clgy15So what happens if you just compile the kernel and nothing else? All you have on the hardrive is the kernel02:28
mckaycrUbuntu forever!!02:29
hiexpoedbian,  bad lol02:29
davem__does lucid the graphical boot is called plymonth?02:29
edbianhiexpo, XD02:29
mckaycrlol, never played with Gentoo, have to check it out sometime02:29
acerimmer_davem__: yes02:29
hiexpoedbian,  - or maybe pentoo02:30
edbianmckaycr, Customizability : Unparalleled02:30
cardamonHaving trouble getting a video playing when my EeePC is splitting display across it's screen and an external monitor (in this case, a HD television via the VGA out)02:30
anand_codebrainz: Hi, they already seem to be installed02:30
cardamonIt plays fine without the TV hookup, but apparently they don't want to play video together.02:30
clgy15So what happens if you just compile the kernel and nothing else? All you have on the hardrive is the kernel02:30
Euthanatosoffhand why might my grub menu fail to load up given I've not messed with grub yet at all since installing.  All I changed was popping another IDe HDD and a PCIe1 wifi card into the box I can't for the life of me figure out why it would cause the grub menu to fail to appear and also adjust my display resolution so my monitor fails.  Now my monitor is broken and i can't boot in failsafex02:31
kosharii dont like raid or lvm, limits recovery options02:31
codebrainzanand_, then it pretty much sounds like a bug in the s/w or you're missing something else02:31
oblukoshari: lol lame02:31
hiexpoedbian,  - ubuntu is easiest for the green02:31
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edbianhiexpo, Definitely02:31
boinghow can i up set up for dual monitors02:31
obluboing: google it02:31
anand_codebrainz: ok. Ill try to catch icculus02:31
edbianhiexpo, I learned on ubuntu then I switched to Debian02:31
anand_codebrainz: thanks02:31
Euthanatosand this new grub stuff is definately not idiot friendly02:31
well_laid_lawnclgy15: there's no initrd to get it booting and no grub to select it02:31
acerimmer_Euthanatos: different hdd would do it.  the device has a unique ID number that grub seeks out.  Change the device and ...02:31
boingoblu, then why is this channel here02:31
mckaycrhiexpo: I'm pretty green, only been playing with ubuntu for 4 years02:31
mckaycrlinux for that matter02:32
Euthanatosacerimmer_, all i did was add an IDE HDD the system boots off a SATA drive02:32
codebrainzEuthanatos, maybe try 'update-grub' ?02:32
edbianmckaycr, You're not green ;)  Some people on here don't even know what compiz is.02:32
obluboing: google it02:32
hiexpoedbian,  - ubuntu more green friendly lol almost crash proof02:32
well_laid_lawnEuthanatos: it is the same as the old grub just the ## options are moved to files02:32
edbianhiexpo, "ubuntu more green friendly lol ALMOST crash proof02:32
boingoblu dont waste the bandwith with ur lame comments02:32
clgy15okay so if you include initrd and grub what happens? what commands does it run after the kernel moves to its protected space? Is there a way to tell it to run a home made graphical manager02:32
Euthanatoscodebrainz, yeah i see that but can i run that from a liveCD02:33
obluboing: love you too02:33
cardamonClarification: Video is not visible when EeePC and external monitor are working in extended desktop.  Works fine on one, the other, or cloned.02:33
well_laid_lawnclgy15: what are you trying to do? - sounds like you need linux from scratch02:33
ne0futurhi all, i m trying ubuntu 10.04 and I cant have my external monitor working02:34
knoppiescardamon, sounds very similar to what happens with windows media player on some laptops with winXP. Im not sure how to solve the issue, but I thought it might be hardware related (ie. the vid card does not support it)02:34
ne0futurit was ok with previous ubuntu versions, I m speaking of the console mode02:34
codebrainzclgy15, if you look under arch/x86/boot you will see the code that is the boot protocol directly after the bootloader02:34
hiexpoedbian,  - i don't think he'd make in gentoo02:34
ne0futuri could have the external display for xorg, but not for the console mode02:35
clgy15Well kinda sorta lfs. I have my own graphical interface made completly made from the gtk+ libraries and the standard C libraries. So all I want to do is to have nothing that isnt required to run the UI02:35
ne0futurctrl+alt+f2 display02:35
knoppiescardamon, for your sake I hope it can be fixed, and that its not too difficult either.02:35
well_laid_lawn!lfs | clgy1502:35
ubottuclgy15: LFS is linux from scratch www.linuxfromscratch.org; not to be confused with  LTS which is the long term support version of ubuntu (6.06 and 8.04)02:35
edbianhiexpo, I wouldn't know.  I've never actually tried gentoo :)02:35
ne0futurcould it be related to a newer kenrnel not supporting very old external monitors (  800x600 )02:35
codebrainzclgy15, find a small distro with gtk and skip Xorg and use the framebuffer interface02:35
hiexpoedbian,  - thats like sending him to pentoo or backtrack02:35
cardamonI have. I like Gentoo, but it's not really worth it for the casual user.02:36
codebrainzclgy15, you can compile gtk2 with framebuffer support iirc02:36
well_laid_lawn!minimal | clgy1502:36
ubottuclgy15: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD02:36
codebrainzclgy15, then just remove cruft until you have the kernel, your deps and your stuff.02:36
cardamonIt requires a lot of cycles and effort to build EVERYTHING from source, and even past that point administrating it is heavily involved.02:36
edbiancardamon, Yeah I've heard those horror stories.02:37
codebrainzclgy15, also see the buildroot system, i think it has gtk2 packages02:37
hiexpogentoo is not green frciendly   :)02:37
cardamonUnless you have a specfic reason for it, Ubuntu and other package based systems are best.02:37
clgy15sorry I meant LFS.. Hmmm okay okay so is buildroot its own distro?02:37
cardamonhiexpo: Now I wouldn't say that.02:37
codebrainzclgy15, buildroot will give the absolute minimal system for your needs02:38
clgy15Perfect... I feel kinda stupid that I made my own UI and Im having a hard time running it with the lowest possible number of packages02:38
codebrainzclgy15, been there02:39
codebrainzclgy15, use gtk2 and the framebuffer, it'll be tiny, like under 25MB i bet02:39
roadfishif a filename began with "---\nxyz" how could I use "mv" to rename it to "xyz"02:39
codebrainzroadfish, did you try single quotes '    '02:40
clgy15Perfect because I have a Tegra 2 processor and 256 mb of hardrive storage and a screen! Hope this works02:40
codebrainzclgy15, easy02:40
knoppiesclgy15, I hope that is just for fun, and your not using that machine because its the best you have.02:40
judgetI just installed Ubuntu Studio 10.4 fresh install but have no wifi working It was working before when I had Ubuntu Studion 9.10 any suggestions would be appreaciated02:40
Unislahey guys, i'm trying to recover my grub bootloader after installing windows, but i'm coming across a small issue...02:41
clgy15So talk to me about the framebuffer codebrainz and yes its just for fun. If it works maybe itll be the next itouch02:41
karamorfthe motherboard i was using broke so I put a spare in. Now the sound doesn't work (checked volume/mute settings...), what do i need to do to figure out what its not doing?02:41
Fudgehi, having problems getting pine to recieve imap.gmail.com mail02:41
Unislaunfortunately, my /media/<disk name> has a space in it, and my grub-install command won't take it whatever i do02:41
MedquinTrying to add a cd drive.  It shows up in Computer:///, but when I insert a cd it disappears and doesn't mount.  Any help ideas?02:41
acerimmer_judget: you have a broadcom wifi?02:41
codebrainzclgy15, it just makes gtk/gdk use the framebuffer interface instead of xlib calls, so you don't need xorg at all02:41
codebrainzclgy15, you enable it by passing some options to the kernel in the bootloader02:42
UnislaI've tried quotes, i've tried the escape character, and it seems that the install command is copying different instances of the name to different commands02:42
roadfishcodebrainz:I keep getting ... mv: unrecognized option `---02:43
clgy15Ahhhh yeah then thats the way I really want to go! so what kind of commands should I be looking for to pass to the kernel to run my personal UI02:43
Unislafor instance, when i use quotes it gets pretty far in the process, but if i use the escape character it just stops at makedir... and when i use both, the error actually returns two escape characters!02:43
roadfishcodebrainz: however, I have found a workaround ... use KDE dolphin to rename the file ... now I'm just in curiosity mode02:43
judgetacerimmer - not sure i will do a lshdwr02:43
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Unislaso, i guess i must rename my disc name in /media. does anyone know how to do this correctly?02:43
codebrainzUnisla, what about  "my\ name\ with\ spaces"02:44
alisneakyyey first login into an IRC chat ever....can you tell im a newb02:44
edlikI am using a live cd to try to move my home file to a usb storage device, it tells me I dont have permission, is there a simple way to get this done? I need to save my home in order to do a reinstall ubuntu and yes I will be creating a seperate home partition this time:)02:44
ubottualisneaky: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:44
wildbatUnisla, just mount it in easier name then?02:44
Unislacodebrainz: it returns an error citing "my\\ name\\ with\\ spaces" oddly enough02:44
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judgetI have an Atheros AR9285 wifi02:44
Unislawildbat: that's what i'm thinking... how do we go about doing this correctly?02:45
acerimmer_judget: yup.02:45
codebrainzUnisla, or "my\x40name\x40with\x40spaces"02:45
arleslieI'm getting a lot of packages reporting "Cannot be authenticated!" any ideas why?02:45
alisneakyubottu: well thanx for the warm welcome and would love to help anyone if i can...i do have a question though...02:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:45
judgetacerimmer it is an ATheros AR9285 wifi02:45
acerimmer_judget: HOWEVER you got that puppy working before, you need to repeat.  pretty sure it wasn't working out of the box02:46
ubottualisneaky: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:46
judgetit just worked on the last install02:46
alisneakymy background: i'm 25, just started using ubuntu for the first time about a couple of weeks ago..running 10.04 desktop on my little netbook and loving it...i've been a windows person all my life and never saw anything in linux to attract me to it until i found ubuntu and tried it...02:46
clgy15codebrainz So I can pass to the kernel through the bootloader what programs to run after the kernel loads? Is that really what the bootloader does?02:47
alisneakyits AMAZINGly fast and attractive...02:47
Unislacodebrainz: mkdir complains, saying cannot create directory `/media/Ubuntux40System/boot'02:47
clgy15Unisla sudo?02:47
codebrainzclgy15, no i mean you can enable the kernel frame buffer with bootloader options02:47
alisneakyhow do i add a channel?02:47
Unislacodebrainz: and if i use quotes, it puts two \\ in there02:47
acerimmer_judget: suprising.  ok googlfu and see if you can find a linux driver for it - preferabbly  a .deb package02:47
methodsmy sound is allot lower in the new ubuntu... anyway to make it louder ?02:47
wildbatUnisla, umount the drive, and make dir ~ and mount the drive with mount /dev/sdX1 /dev/newDirX02:47
browsericecan anyone tell me if 10.04 has a problem with ATI cards ?  I tried both ubuntu/xubuntu live cd and my monitor blacks on on the trial !02:47
Unislacldy15: yup, sudo'd02:47
codebrainzclgy15, use some initialization system to load your stuff02:47
acerimmer_alisneaky: /join #ubunttu-beginners02:47
codebrainzclgy15, buildroot has packages for init systems02:47
arlesliealisneaky, what do you mean by "channel"?02:47
acerimmer_alisneaky: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList02:48
clgy15Hmmm okay so is frame buffer inside the kernel or its a lightweight xorg?02:48
Unislawildbat: and would installing grub with this mount reference work... correctly?02:48
codebrainzclgy15, it's part of the kernel02:48
codebrainzclgy15, either a module or built-in i believe02:49
clgy15Nice this just gets better and better02:49
MedquinAny thoughts on my cd drive issue?02:50
clgy15codebrainz so tell me what you think a good mobile media device like the itouch should be? Opensource is a given02:50
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alisneakyim trying apply themes on my ubuntu but anything that i've tried doesnt affect my panels on the top and the bottom: i already know i can change the background colour of them by properties02:50
wildbatUnisla, it should02:50
browsericecan anyone tell me if 10.04 has a problem with ATI cards ?  I tried both ubuntu/xubuntu live cd and my monitor blacks on on the trial !02:51
Unislawildbat: trying it out... :)02:51
codebrainzclgy15, some of them are using matchbox.  it's pretty sweet02:51
arlesliealisneaky, System > Preferences > Apperance02:51
codebrainzMedquin, when you click the cd-rom icon what happens?02:51
clgy15So what does matchbox do?02:51
Medquincodebrainz: It goes to an empty directory.02:52
codebrainzclgy15, it's a windows manager and a desktop manager and some other stuff, that's super lightweight, and i think it'll run on the framebuffer as well, maybe not02:52
EuthanatosIsn't there a file I can edit on my installtion from a LiveCD to change the default resolution02:53
codebrainzMedquin, can you try the cd in another computer?02:53
MedquinThe cd is fine.  It works in the other drives.02:53
well_laid_lawn!xrandr | Euthanatos02:53
ubottuEuthanatos: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1202:53
clgy15It says it uses x window system so no but I see the source code. Its interesting how they use applications02:53
well_laid_lawnEuthanatos: it's not just for dual screens02:53
browsericecan anyone tell me if 10.04 has a problem with ATI cards ?  I tried both ubuntu/xubuntu live cd and my monitor blacks on on the trial !02:53
clgy15ATI graphics card driver is required!02:54
browsericeLIVE CD02:54
codebrainzclgy15, i bet it'll build against directfb02:54
browsericeI am trying out the live cd 10.04, so they should be already installed02:54
browsericecannot even see desktop, monitor blacks out after clicking TRIAL02:55
clgy15Your probably right, though it might need some dependency fixes.... Hmmmm well Im comparing my source code to these ones, I have a LOOOOONG way to go02:55
Euthanatoswell_laid_lawn, i see that but it's less than clear how to change the res on my installation from a LiveCD session02:56
rafaelsoaresbris it possible to upgrade to lucid using local repositories?02:56
codebrainzbrowserice, on the bootloader menu, see if there is a safe graphics mode option somewhere, under advanced options or something02:56
arleslieMy updates are unable to authenticate and I'm pretty sure I'm using non-third party sources except for google.02:56
browsericebut does 10.04 installed works with ATI ?02:56
well_laid_lawnEuthanatos: in terminal   xrandr -s 1280x1024   or similar02:56
Euthanatoswell_laid_lawn, that won't fix my system02:57
Euthanatosi'm talking about chaning the res on my installation because grub fails and i can't use failsafex02:57
clgy15codebraiz Your probably right, though it might need some dependency fixes.... Hmmmm well Im comparing my source code to these ones, I have a LOOOOONG way to go02:57
jose___need help02:57
dassoukidoes a fresh install of ubuntu recognize ntfs02:57
Euthanatosbecause ubuntu just boots up and flakes out02:57
arleslie!ask jose___02:57
arleslie!ask | jose___02:58
ubottujose___: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:58
codebrainzclgy15, what language are you using?02:58
jose___how can i partition my hard drive?02:58
codebrainzjose___, gparted02:58
clgy15Im only using the C standard library and the GTK+ libraries. Its in C. All my own functions02:58
browsericecan I get one on one discussion for my problem ?  This chat is a pain when it comes to get answers02:59
jose___how do i used gparted02:59
dassoukijose___: if you are gonna ask how to use gparted, then don't02:59
dassoukiuse it02:59
well_laid_lawnEuthanatos: i answered - "Euthanatos> Isn't there a file I can edit on my installtion from a LiveCD to change the default resolution" - there is no file to edit02:59
jose___i need to partition my hardrive to a NTFS02:59
jose___how do i do it02:59
Euthanatosso i'm screwed02:59
Euthanatosand ubuntu will randomly flake out on me for no reason03:00
xanguajose___: with gparted thru que ubuntu live cd or gparted live cd03:00
acerimmer_Euthanatos: you running wubi?03:00
Euthanatosno windoze tyvm03:00
codebrainzclgy15, you're all set then :)  check out the directfb lib too while you're at it03:00
jose___my live cd doesnt work03:00
yjcsuperh i every one03:00
Euthanatosi'll just go back to slack03:00
jose___is there anyway to do it with terminal?03:00
browsericecan I get one on one discussion for my problem ?  This chat is a pain when it comes to get answers03:01
ubottuyjcsuper: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!03:01
Euthanatosonce you go slack you never go back rofl03:01
arleslie!gparted | jose___03:01
ubottujose___: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php03:01
alisneakyi've tried that but i dunno what type of file or package im looking for to pick..anything i pick doesnt seem to be accepted03:01
clgy15hmmmm what does that include? Oh and if I install the Nvidia driver how do I increase graphic capabilities?03:01
codebrainzjose___, use another live cd like the gparted livecd03:01
Euthanatoscan't say i don't miss ubuntu's wonderful repo though.03:01
john275Hey guys. Im running ubuntu 10.04 (great so far), and would like to know if there is any way to play back HD video (.m2ts, .mkv, etc) or flash video with hardware acceleration. I have an ATI card (radeon 4650) btw. Thanks03:01
codebrainzclgy15, do you need fancy 3d stuff?03:01
jose___isnt there a way to do it with the terminal?03:02
arlesliejose___, sudo apt-get install gparted03:02
jose___i have it already03:02
clgy15Well no not with the code I have now. But you know how it goes, once it works it needs to be improved until it breaks!03:02
arlesliejose___, then type "sudo gparted"03:02
EuthanatosSo there's no way to fix my installation which is *ONLY* screwed up because somehow the default res got screwed up (no clue how ubuntu could screw this up because I didn't)03:03
jose___now what?03:03
Euthanatosgrub fails, no way to edit installation from a live CD03:03
xangua!gksu | arleslie jose___03:03
ubottuarleslie jose___: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)03:03
codebrainzEuthanatos, why not?03:03
arlesliejose___, gparted should be open03:03
Euthanatosidk i'm trying to find out03:03
jose___it is03:03
g-unotman em03:04
Euthanatosand everyone is saying i've got no recourse beyond a reinstallation which i've already done03:04
jose___what do i do when it open03:04
g-unotexcuse me03:04
g-unoti have question03:04
MrDudleask away03:04
codebrainzEuthanatos, do you see the bootloader at all?03:04
Euthanatosno i don't03:04
browsericecan someone help me with my problem ?  10.04 Live CDs are OK, md5 checksums are OK, all previous versions work ok on my monitor but not 10.04 live cd03:04
Euthanatoswhich is frustrating and confusing03:04
g-unotsometimes my netbook doesnt boot up. and sometimes it does when i choose ubuntu from menu03:04
codebrainzEuthanatos, and the live cd won't boot?03:04
g-unotany ideas how to fix this?03:04
clgy15codebrainz Well no not with the code I have now. But you know how it goes, once it works it needs to be improved until it breaks03:04
Euthanatoslivecd boots fine i'm on the same computer in luvid liveCD session03:04
arlesliebrowserice, does your monitor have an "auto" button?03:04
codebrainzclgy15, worry about it later then :)03:05
MaletorHey guys. I've come to the decision to put Ubuntu on my MacBook. I've backed up my data a read the wiki for my MacBook 5,1. Anything else I should know before I go through with it?03:05
hiexpog-unot,  yah 9.1003:05
clgy15yeah okay,  well thanks alot codebrainz!!03:05
arlesliebrowserice, or do you get an error while using the CD?03:05
EuthanatosTrying to figure out if I have a way from here to edit the files on my installation03:05
g-unotLOL hiexpo u dont like 10.4?03:05
browsericearlesli, why ?  It works ok with all previous versions of Ubuntu03:05
jose___how do i partition it03:05
codebrainzEuthanatos, absolutely03:05
browsericearlesli, no CD error, md5 checksum OK03:05
dmlinuxi have delete the top panel how do i get it back on lucid lynx03:05
jose___how do i partition with GParted03:05
Euthanatosor some other way to fix either grub to boot in failsafex or fix the default resolution on my installation03:05
codebrainzEuthanatos, if you're in the live cd does your installation drive not show up in the places?03:06
arlesliebrowserice, when some live cds boot it messes with the screen, try booting the cd and hitting the auto button and see if it'll bring the screen back03:06
Euthanatosbut apparently everything has been upgraded beyond usefulness03:06
Euthanatoscodebrainz, it boots fine and access all my drives perfectly I'm trying to figure out which files to edit03:06
browsericearlesi, what if that doesn't work ?03:06
jose___how do i partition my hard drive and make it NTFS with GParted03:06
dcamp25what is the ubuntu 10.04 wireless help03:06
codebrainzEuthanatos, which directory does it get mounted to?03:06
codebrainzEuthanatos, under /media somewhere03:07
dmlinuxpls help delete gnome top panel on lucid how do i get it back?03:07
xangua!panels | dmlinux03:07
ubottudmlinux: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »03:07
arleslie90% of all of updates are reporting "unable to authenticate" any ideas?03:07
jose___CAN ANYONE HELP?!03:08
dcamp25need help with Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g03:08
dmlinuxok let me try sir03:08
jenueguys, how can I check missing drivers in laptop?03:08
Euthanatoscodebrainz, /media/1911856e-e65c-4ef4-bcb1-1df41407465703:08
xanguaarleslie: open synaptic, reload teh repositories and you will get a message with the keyy that you miss; add teh with: sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com "numberofthekey"03:09
codebrainzEuthanatos, haha, lovely.  i can probably help you, but it involves a series of command line stuff, if you want03:09
Euthanatosi have a 2TB drive divided into 4 partitions (swap, root, home, and another i mount as /home/data for extra media)03:09
Euthanatoscodebrainz, i'm coming back from slackwarte, command line doesn't intimidate me03:09
codebrainzEuthanatos, pm me03:10
NateWto add a command at startup, i put it in /etc/rc.local ???03:10
jose___how can i partition my hard drive and make it a NTFS?03:11
dmlinuxthanks mr ubottu03:11
arlesliexangua, reloaded and it didn't say I was missing any03:11
well_laid_lawnNateW: if the command doesn't need X then yes03:11
AmethBIOS RAID or OS RAID? What is more secure?03:11
marikhow can i tell ubuntu to automatically mount a partition at startup? is there a GUI thing that does this?03:11
jose___why wont anyone help me?03:11
john275Hey guys. Im running ubuntu 10.04 (great so far), and would like to know if there is any way to play back HD video (.m2ts, .mkv, etc) or flash video with hardware acceleration. I have an ATI card (radeon 4650) btw. Thanks03:11
NateWwell_laid_lawn: okay.. thanks03:11
marikAmeth, neither. they're both the same thing03:12
TheMozartcan I rip my DVD to a small AVI file using Ubuntu only?03:12
well_laid_lawn!fstab | marik03:12
ubottumarik: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions03:12
marik!restricted | john27503:12
ubottujohn275: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:12
astrocubmy usb drive is mounted, but i can't remove anything from it. i'm told read-only file system in the command line03:12
astrocubi've tried mounting with -w but no luck03:12
dcamp25need help with Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g ?03:13
Amethmarik, then bios offloads raid onto the os after startup?03:13
well_laid_lawnastrocub: what filesystem is the usb?03:13
NateWastrocub: you would have to run nautilus as root, did you have this as a live usb drive?03:13
marikAmeth, yes. in linux it will show up as a virtual drive in the /dev/mapper/ folder, but it's the same thing as OS raid03:13
NateWive had it where i made a bootable usb drive and the filesystem became read only03:13
arleslie90% of all of updates are reporting "unable to authenticate" any ideas? All repositiories are there03:14
astrocubNateW: it was a live usb drive03:14
marikarleslie, are you running behind a proxy?03:14
astrocubwell_laid_lawn: i believe it's vfat03:14
arlesliemarik, no03:14
NateWastrocub: did you reformat it after you used it?03:14
marikTheMozart, probably. i haven't done it personally, but dvd::rip and such exist03:14
well_laid_lawnastrocub: you could try   sudo chmod +rw /path/to/usb/mount03:14
TheMozartcan I rip my DVD to a small AVI file using Ubuntu only?.. anyne know pls?03:15
well_laid_lawnastrocub: you could try   sudo chmod -Rv +rw /path/to/usb/mount03:15
astrocubhrm..lemme try that03:15
sumodunohi, my indicator applet wont show. i tired adding it, but nothing happens. and if it helps, my ICE autheority is missing.03:15
timbalerohello everyone, amarok doesn't sound after install, what should I do?03:15
marikwell_laid_lawn, is there a way to do it without having to edit /etc/fstab manually?03:15
jasperHow would i "Steal" some of my partition, to make a little more room on another?03:15
marikjasper, install gparted03:15
astrocubwell_laid_lawn: still told that i can't remove the contents and that it's a read only file system03:16
Amethmarik, would it be a bad idea to use os raid in windows 7 and dual boot linux, or should it be ok?03:16
NateWastrocub: ive always just reformatted using System -> Administration -> Disc Utility.. so try doing that03:16
arlesliejose___, you use gparted03:16
marikjose___, mkfs.ntfs /dev/sdaX03:16
xanguasumoduno: have you tried to reset the panel¿¿03:16
NateWastrocub: that should fix it03:16
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »03:16
Amethjose___, use the live cd partitioner for ubuntu.03:16
jose___im on gparted but i cant figure out how03:16
jose___i tried live cd didnt work03:16
Fudgehow can you make an iso form a cd?03:16
jaspermarik, and i can take some from my drive and move it to my unallocated?03:16
sumodunoxangua: reset panel?03:16
marikAmeth, i know very very little about Windows 7 except that I don't like it03:16
astrocubNateW: if i had gnome...i er, removed it03:16
well_laid_lawnmarik: no gui way that I know03:16
xangua!panels | sumoduno03:16
ubottusumoduno: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »03:16
marikwell_laid_lawn, =(03:16
Amethyou cant partition until you unmout a filesystem03:16
astrocuboh, there's an idea03:17
Ameththats why the live cd03:17
astrocubumount and run fdisk on it03:17
well_laid_lawnastrocub: the -Rv option should have given some info as to why03:17
marikFudge, dd if=/dev/cdrom of=backup.iso03:17
astrocubrm: cannot remove `syslinux.cfg': Read-only file system03:17
jose___i just want to partition my hard disk03:17
jose___how dod i do it03:17
AmethThanks marik!03:17
marikAmeth, sure thing03:17
astrocubchmod: changing permissions of `/mnt/usb/syslinux.cfg': Read-only file system03:18
astrocubfailed to change mode of `/mnt/usb/syslinux.cfg' to 0644 (rw-r--r--)03:18
astrocubthat's all -v gave us03:18
sumodunoxangua: cool it worked, but my volume contorl is missing03:18
well_laid_lawnastrocub: use   ls -l   on the usb - who owns it?03:18
astrocubi'm going to try fdisk03:18
marikwell_laid_lawn, the "Disk Utility" in system -> administration *almost* does that.. but not quit03:18
astrocubwell_laid_lawn: it doesn't specify an owner03:18
astrocubjust 399 39903:19
marik399 is the uid of the owner03:19
timbaleroamarok doesn't sound after install, what should I do?03:19
marikif you don't have the same uid, then it won't let you, and you have to escalate your priviledge level03:19
astrocubi'm root03:19
alisneakyrandom question...has Login Window changed names to Login Screen on 10.04?03:19
mariktimbalero, open up System -> Preferences -> Sound03:19
timbalero<marik> and?03:20
astrocubk, going to use the fdisk method of clearing it03:20
mariktimbalero, make sure the mute box isn't checked03:20
alisneakycoz i can see login screen but no login window...by the way..im trying to change my login window theme...03:20
timbalero<marik> ok thanks, but, others  programs sound perfect, that "mute box" is only for amarok?03:21
iwatkinsanyone here have expirence w/ setting up TwinView (nVidia)?  The nv driver seems to have no problem running both monitors, but the nvidia driver only runs 1 monitor @ 640x48003:22
mariktimbalero, go to the "Applications" tab and make sure amarok isn't muted03:22
willwill100im running proprietary drivers fine03:22
timbalero<marik> ok03:22
willwill100twin view has been working fine with nvidia03:23
Linehello! is there a virtual server for ubuntu in the repositories?03:23
marikLine, what/03:24
iwatkinswell, i've tried pretty much everything, with the nvidia driver.  i've downgraded drivers, i've tried swapping monitors, different cables, etc.03:24
huhuhuInstall Windows: problems solved03:24
chalkhi, i can't seem to listen to music from rhythmbox, it keeps on crashing03:25
Linemarik: I'm looking for a vnc server that I can run and administrate through a web, are there any such services in the repositories? I am on a headless ubuntu 9.04 server03:25
willwill100im using the most up to date drivers; used nvidias own app to apply settings, worked first time03:25
huhuhuInstall Windows: problems solved03:25
willwill100they are a bit buggy tho03:25
huhuhuInstall Windows: problems solved03:25
qm7I've been having programs freeze randomly for about 30 seconds, this happens every 10-20 minutes or so, randomly. I checked /var/log/messages and it says something about the "Ubuntu Network Kernel" and "Unrecovered read error - auto reallocate failed". Could anyone please help me with this?03:25
huhuhuInstall Windows: problems solved03:25
huhuhuInstall Windows: problems solved03:25
huhuhuInstall Windows: problems solved03:25
marikLine, Xvnc will do that for you03:26
chalkhi, i can't seem to listen to music from rhythmbox, it keeps on crashing03:26
chalki'm using ubuntu 1003:26
qm7I've been having programs freeze randomly for about 30 seconds, this happens every 10-20 minutes or so, randomly. I checked /var/log/messages and it says something about the "Ubuntu Network Kernel" and "Unrecovered read error - auto reallocate failed". Could anyone please help me with this?03:26
marikLine, it's not particularly easy to set up from what I remember though03:26
Lineoh no i want to set up virtual machines on my server03:27
marikLine, virtualbox then?03:27
Linedoes it have a web interface that lets me administrate the machines?03:27
qm7can anyone at least troubleshoot with me?03:28
timbalero<marik> ok still the same, I better check on the web site thansk aniway03:28
ZachK_qm7: what's up bud03:28
marikLine, i don't know. i've never bothered with virtual machines03:28
Linemarik: i set up vmware server 2 in ubuntu server before but that was a pain i was hoping there was something open source and convenient03:28
Linemarik: alrighty03:28
qm7ZachK_: I've been having programs freeze randomly for about 30 seconds, this happens every 10-20 minutes or so, randomly. I checked /var/log/messages and it says something about the "Ubuntu Network Kernel" and "Unrecovered read error - auto reallocate failed". Could anyone please help me with this?03:28
ZachK_qm7: ubuntu version/release03:29
AndrewX192How can I toggle the capslock light at the command line?03:29
ZachK_qm7: desktop notebook remix server03:29
timbalerook bye03:29
qm7desktop ZachK_03:29
ZachK_qm7: ok and did you do an upgrade or a full install03:30
qm7ZachK_: on a notebook03:30
qm7ZachK_: upgraded but this problem didn't appear until some time later03:30
Architeuthisi have opened port 5353 what do?03:31
ZachK_qm7: ok..gimme a sec and i'll see what i can find ok?03:31
imthenachomanis there anything i can install in linux that will let me mount linux drives in xp through SSH without having to install anything in xp?03:31
Architeuthisgive me exploit for port 535303:32
jribimthenachoman: I don't think windows knows anything about ssh by default...  Why do you want to use ssh?03:32
edbianimthenachoman, For a windows computer to ssh at all you need putty.  I'm not aware of any other way...03:32
imthenachomanjrib: well anyway i suppose03:32
imthenachomani just want to be able to edit my files in notepad on xp03:32
imthenachomandont ask why....03:32
jribimthenachoman: you want to mount drives on another machine in your network?03:33
chalkhi, i can't seem to listen to music from rhythmbox, it keeps on crashing03:33
imthenachomanjrib: yes, mount linux drives on xp03:33
edbianimthenachoman, You can set up a samba file server (I'm not sure you can do that on the internet)03:33
jribimthenachoman: use samba03:33
edbianimthenachoman, samba is windows native so you don't have to install anything on a stock windows install03:33
imthenachomanlet me see03:33
Architeuthisexploit DC.store? mac03:33
edbianimthenachoman, I'm sure if you opened that up to the internet though it would be a security flaw03:34
jribimthenachoman: you can just right click -> properties -> share (that's samba)03:34
imthenachomanjrib: this is server ubuntu, no x03:34
imthenachomanedbian: humm03:34
imthenachomanedbian: i can set up ssh tunnel03:34
imthenachomanand then samba03:34
edbianimthenachoman, sudo apt-get install samba03:34
jribimthenachoman: you said on your network though so presumably that's not an issue?03:34
Architeuthisdoes any one know the answer to my FUCKING question03:34
edbianimthenachoman, Yep.  But then you need to install putty on your windows clients03:34
jribArchiteuthis: that gets you ignored, not help faster...03:35
Architeuthisword brutha03:35
imthenachomanArchiteuthis: what is your f***ing question.....i'm no expert but no girls ever complained....03:35
ac1dburnzArchiteuthis,  be patienst03:35
jribArchiteuthis: and it's not even an ubuntu question... you're in the wrong channel03:35
edbianimthenachoman, :P03:35
imthenachomanedbian: already have tectia installed03:35
macoimthenachoman: watch your language03:35
dcamp25wireless help03:35
ZachK_qm7: you know how to use the terminal?03:35
edbianimthenachoman, tectia.... ?03:35
Architeuthiso sry, i just want tho know...lolz03:35
ZachK_dcamp25: wireless eh?03:35
macoimthenachoman: obfuscated swearing is still swearing, and watch your attitude too03:35
qm7ZachK_: yes03:35
jribArchiteuthis: ask elsewhere, this channel is only for ubuntu support03:35
macoArchiteuthis: watch your language as well03:36
john275Hey guys. Im running ubuntu 10.04 (great so far), and would like to know if there is any way to play back HD video (.m2ts, .mkv, etc) or flash video with hardware acceleration. I have an ATI card (radeon 4650) btw. Thanks03:36
ZachK_qm7: ok open it up and type in the following without quotes "lspci"03:36
imthenachomanmaco: ......i star it out and he says it for real and i'm scolded? and attitude? i was just joking with him03:36
dcamp25Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g [14e4:4315] (rev 01) ubuntu 10.04 64 bit03:36
imthenachomanmaco: wont happen again03:36
macoimthenachoman: i told him not to swear too03:36
dcamp25shows up as eth103:36
ZachK_!pastebin | qm7 put the output here03:36
ubottuqm7 put the output here: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:36
dcamp25not wlan003:36
xanguajohn275: with hardware acceleration you will neet to wait to the next version of vlc, 1.2 i believe03:36
qm7ZachK_: I have to go.03:37
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imthenachomanedbian: like putty03:38
ZachK_qm7: oh..ok03:38
dotblankjohn275, Also I know you have an ati card but HW playback works with nvidia cards using vdpau03:38
imthenachomanedbian: but not open source03:38
edbianimthenachoman, oic.  That'll do it then.03:38
john275dotblank, thanks, yeah, id heard about vdpau, too bad i have ati03:38
john275xangua, thanks, hopefully theres another way to get hardware acceleration03:38
edbianimthenachoman, I suggested samba because you didn't need to install anything on the windows client.  If you already have a ssh client installed than you can file transfer over that.  If it's only one file it's not terrible03:39
dotblankIf I owned an ATI card I might know more about it03:39
imthenachomanedbian: im trying to figure out a way to edit the files in an editor on xp remotely03:39
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dotblankimthenachoman, you can install cygwin and run x forwarding03:40
edbianimthenachoman, ssh into the server, navigate to the file, use nano, or vi, or another cli based text editor03:40
imthenachomanedbian: ....lol. was looking for a more robust editor03:40
imthenachomanedbian: i've been using vi for now03:40
edbianimthenachoman, emacs03:40
jribmore robust than vim or emacs? is there such a thing?03:40
edbianimthenachoman, emacs is about as robust as you can get, some people joke that it's an operating system03:40
dotblankimthenachoman, http://www.cs.caltech.edu/courses/cs11/misc/xwindows.html03:41
qm7ZachK_: you still there?03:41
edbianimthenachoman, Sorry we've gone in circles a bit.  I think we're at a very good solution though.03:41
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imthenachomanedbian: can't install anything else on this work laptop...03:41
qm7ZachK_: is there a way to do this without me making public all of the personal details about my pc?03:41
imthenachomanedbian: but i think samba willw ork03:41
mac9416Hello, Lucid is not recognizing my Verizon mobile broadband. Any ideas?03:42
edbianimthenachoman, ?Then you need to install samba server....03:42
imthenachomanedbian: i can instlal on my linux server, just not on my xp laptop03:42
ZachK_qm7: do what03:42
qm7ZachK_: is there a way to do this without me making public all of the personal details about my pc?03:42
ZachK_qm7: is there a way to do "What"03:42
edbianimthenachoman, You have an ssh client.  That's all you need.  vi or emacs or vim or whatever is on the server.03:42
ZachK_the what is the question03:42
=== The is now known as Guest52130
hiexpomac9416, probally need a usb swap03:43
qm7ZachK_: fix my problem03:43
imthenachomanedbian: i know, but i want to use komodo edit as it will make things a lot easier with cut and paste and what not03:43
ZachK_qm7: ok did you do the lspci command03:43
qm7ZachK_: yes03:43
dshbusinessWhy I cannot visit a website with 8080 port under ubuntu? I can do this under windows?03:43
ZachK_!pastebin | qm703:43
ubottuqm7: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:43
mac9416hiexpo, speak noob, friend. What's usb swap?03:43
hiexpols usb03:43
jribdshbusiness: you can03:43
ZachK_qm7: paste the output there and give me the url03:43
edbianimthenachoman, komodo installed on the windows xp client?03:43
qm7ZachK_: i dont want to  make all my details public03:44
mac9416dshbusiness, go to website.com:808003:44
imthenachomanedbian: ea03:44
imthenachomanedbian: yeah03:44
ZachK_qm7: its not public my friend03:44
ZachK_qm7: http://paste.ubuntu.com/03:44
ZachK_qm7: paste the output there and give me the URL03:44
qm7ZachK_: can you just tell me what to look for?03:44
edbianimthenachoman, seems like a round-about way to do it but should work.  ssh tunnel to a samba file server...  I think it can be done.03:44
dshbusinessjrib: well, I must visit this site: http://cbt.etest.net.cn:8080. It was said the connection was reset. However, when I visit it under windows, it works03:45
edbianimthenachoman, No offense but it seems like emacs or vim is much much easier.  That's just me though.03:45
ZachK_qm7: honestly no i cannot as i need the info from that command to get an idea of what could be wrong...03:45
ZachK_qm7: i'm not trying to steal your data or something03:45
jribedbian, imthenachoman: I'm not sure why ssh is coming in, didn't imthenachoman say they machines were on the same network?03:45
edbianimthenachoman, You know you can copy / paste text into / out of your ssh client windows03:45
edbianimthenachoman, If that's true you don't need ssh at all.  I only suggested it to gain security if you planned on connecting over the internet.03:45
dshbusinessI use firefox and chrome under ubuntu. Both do not work. But chrome under windows works03:45
ZachK_dshbusiness: what do you mean chrome doesn't work on linux03:46
edbiandshbusiness, Then you don't really use them do you>03:46
imthenachomanjrib: no they are not sir03:46
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* jrib agrees with edbian03:47
jribimthenachoman: ok (that's not what you said earlier)03:47
imthenachomanedbian: i know emacs, and i do like it, but it wont work for my purposes03:47
dshbusinessZachK_: I mean, when I visit the connection under ubuntu, both chrome and firefox said the connection was reset.03:47
edbianimthenachoman, ok03:47
simple_mindhi. anyone knows how to enable gnome-shell?03:47
codebrainzdshbusiness, that site shows up here, but i can't understand what it says03:47
dshbusinessZachK_: But when I use chrome under windows, I can visit it straightforward.03:48
codebrainzdshbusiness, do you have internet in ubuntu?03:48
dshbusinesscodebrainz: yes03:48
marikAndrewX192, echo -e "\033[3q"03:48
AndrewX192marik, that does nothing03:49
marikAndrewX192, *iff* the terminal supports that escape sequence.  man console_codes for more info03:49
marikAndrewX192, are you using gnome-terminal?03:49
marikit doesn't support that sequence03:49
AndrewX192konsole maybe?03:49
GhostFreeman_How do I add a beep to run when ubuntu starts up?03:50
mariki'd try xterm03:50
codebrainzdshbusiness, and you can visit other sites?03:50
chalkhow come on ubuntu 10 my internet connection is so slow03:50
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thansomhey, how can I sync video and music to my ipod touch?03:50
AndrewX192marik, doesnt work either ._.03:50
marikGhostFreeman_, in the preferences -> startup applications, tell it to run: echo -e "\007"03:50
chalkthansom: try gtkpod?03:50
thansomgtkpod doesnt seem to support video?03:51
xanguathansom: maybe woth banshee then03:51
codebrainzin canada, gtkpod is soon to be illegal03:51
dshbusinesscodebrainz: yes. But this site http://cbt.etest.net.cn:8080, I can't visit under ubuntu.03:51
qm7ZachK_: get that?03:51
chalkhmm, i was able to do so03:51
codebrainzdshbusiness, well, firefox has never failed me.  no idea what's going on03:52
codebrainzdshbusiness, unless it's blocked in your /etc/hosts or something03:52
codebrainznot a networking guru03:52
dshbusinesscodebrainz: Yes, perhaps it was my configuration's problem. I will check it. Thanks, codebrainz.03:53
peglerhi all03:53
peglerI have a quick question03:54
hiexpo!hi  pegler03:54
peglerrun you run a process, it will terminate when you logout.  is there any way to let the process keep running?03:54
qm7ZachK_: HELLO03:54
peglerspeciafically, I am looking to run long jobs via ssh and not have them die when I close the connection03:54
hiexpo!hi | pegler03:54
ubottupegler: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!03:54
jrib!screen | pegler03:54
ubottupegler: Screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen03:54
acerimmer_codebrainz: wth?? rly?03:55
* qm7 splashes ZachK_ with bucket of ice cold water03:56
codebrainzacerimmer_, yeah, totally.  it's not like me, but some things i need a hard copy03:56
edbianWho asked about gnome-shell?03:56
simple_mindi asked :)03:57
codebrainzacerimmer_, whoah, wrong channel, sorry03:57
ZachK_qm7: excuse me but i'm doing fifty different things at once...managing a team for one and editing the wiki for another...please be patient03:57
edbiansimple_mind, Did you install the package?03:57
pegler3sorry, safari reloaded on me.  just wanted to say thanks03:57
=== root__ is now known as ralphv
simple_mindgnome-shell? yes edbian03:58
edbiansimple_mind, Did you run it yet?03:58
=== root__ is now known as ralphv
alexandreSomeone from brazil?03:59
simple_mindedbian, yes. but didnt work. but i think I found the reason on internet. I need do disable compiz before running gnome-shell03:59
edbiansimple_mind, gnome-shell is a window manager, it conflicts with compiz03:59
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz03:59
edbiansimple_mind, try this: gnome-shell --replace04:00
simple_mindok. thanks edbian04:00
edbiansimple_mind, That's how I got it running.  I didn't have to touch compiz (the system manually stopped it for me)04:00
imthenachomanpegler3: nohup04:00
* imthenachoman gives hiexpo a band aid04:02
imthenachomanwhy did nobody recommend nohp? screen works but un-necessary04:02
sumodunohi, my volume controller is not showing in the applet indicator, i tried restarting it,but it didnt work04:03
jribimthenachoman: you mean nohup?  That's fine too.  Or you could just disown the job before logging out04:03
edbiansumoduno, What is "the applet indicator?"04:03
sumodunoedbian its in the panel04:04
larry_w how to use wpg2odg from the command line?04:04
edbiansumoduno, The volume applet is not part of the notification area04:04
jriblarry_: no idea what that is but try passing it --help, or calling « man wpg2odg » or reading the documentation in /usr/share/doc/PACKAGE04:04
sumodunoedbian well it was part of the indicator applet04:05
edbiansumoduno, Pardon me, it's not part of the indicator applet it's part of the notification area applet04:05
larry_it's a converter package for converting wordperfect graphics files to openoffice draw04:05
sumodunoedbian oh i see. how do i bring it back, i just turned on my computer and it just disappeared!04:05
edbiansumoduno, Add the notification applet to your panel04:06
edbiansumoduno, I don't know why it left :P04:06
sumodunoedbian hmmmmm i did that, its not showing04:06
edbiansumoduno, mmm, odd, does the actual sound work?04:06
uzerwhat irc client(s) you are using??? which is best???04:07
edbianuzer, I like xchat04:07
jrib!best | uzer04:07
ubottuuzer: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.04:07
Shodan__Does 10.04 desktop have an activated firewall by default on a fresh install?04:07
edbianuzer, But that's a bit off topic :P04:07
acerimmer_Shodan__: no.04:07
edbianShodan__, No04:07
sumodunoedbian actually it does. if it helps when i turned on my comp, it says that ICEauthority is mising04:07
acerimmer_uzer: chatzilla addon to ffox04:07
edbiansumoduno, I'm not sure.  I don't think I can help!  Sorry :(04:08
codebrainzShodan__, yes, ufw04:08
sumodunoedbian ahh its ok.04:08
Shodan__Codebrainz: ufw?04:08
edbianShodan__, no prob.  Is this machine at your home?  Do you have a router?04:08
codebrainzShodan__, uncomplicated firewall, at least on my install04:08
edbianShodan__, ufw is easily installed but it is not installed and running by default04:08
codebrainzShodan__, man ufw04:08
uzeroops bot didn't like that question04:08
Shodan__yea i'm at home, trying to get ssh up and running. Ubuntu 10.04 is installed in a VM04:09
codebrainzedbian, it was on mine!?04:09
codebrainzShodan__, ufw allow ssh04:09
edbiancodeabit, tuchet, it is installed, just not running04:09
edbiancodebrainz, it is installed by default, just not running04:10
codebrainzedbian, i c04:10
uzer!hello | #ubuntu-bots04:10
ubottu#ubuntu-bots: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!04:10
edbianShodan__, ufw shouldn't be running unless you told it to.04:10
jribubottu: #ubuntu-bots is a channel that you can visit and see which irc clients people like and use04:10
ubottuI'll remember that, jrib04:10
edbianShodan__, If you have a router that protects your LAN from the internet than that is acting as a firewall already.  Default behavior: all ports closed.04:10
* jrib thinks it's time to go to sleep...04:11
jribuzer: #ubuntu-bots is a channel that you can visit and see which irc clients people like and use04:11
edbianShodan__, I don't recommend setting up firewalls on every machine in your house04:11
edbianShodan__, Especially not on the linux ones.04:11
dotblankedbian, just because your running linux does not give an excuse to not run firewalls04:11
IdeAleSs_anyone here use a wifi tether on android 2.1 with ubuntu 10.04?  I need some help04:11
codebrainzedbian, i think he's trying to connect to a vm on his pc.04:11
uzer join #ubuntu-bots04:11
uzerjoin #ubuntu-bots04:12
codebrainzShodan__, try another network setting like Bridged or NAT (i'm not an net guy)04:12
Shodan__I got it, I was using NAT for the VM which was causing the problem04:12
Shodan__thanks for the help04:13
edbianShodan__, awesome!04:13
jimtuvGot a quick question. What is the Maximum password length in Ubuntu 10.04?04:13
edbianjimtuv, I don't think there is one...04:13
codebrainzjimtuv, probably 256 or greater, why?04:13
jimtuvJust want a killer strong password for my admin I had an attempted intrusion04:14
codebrainzjimtuv, i think you'll be safe typing 255 characters each time :)04:15
jimtuvlol I was thinking more like 2504:15
edbianjimtuv, Use the password generator.  It generates very strong passwords.  Double it up if you're still skeptical04:15
edbianjimtuv, 25 is sooo long :)04:15
codebrainzwell_laid_lawn, the first part04:15
mturnerjimtuv: if possible limit the IP scope04:16
edbianjimtuv, Did they attempt to break in via ssh?04:16
jimtuvI have done that and added a 64 character passphrase to the wireless04:16
edbianjimtuv, Nice.04:17
codebrainzjimtuv, describe the incident, i'm interested04:17
edbianjimtuv, Hide the essid as well.04:17
qm7ZachK_: are you there?04:17
jimtuvall the sudden my printer printed out without any input.04:17
codebrainzjimtuv, is that it?04:17
edbianjimtuv, Some hacker with style! :)04:17
mturnerhiding the essid doesnt always protect it ..that is more suceptible to different types of attacks04:18
jimtuvso I checked the router and it said a DOS attack was underway04:18
kopjimtuv, it was only ascii Pr0n ... D'Oh04:18
jimtuvI shut it down04:18
dotblankjimtuv, yikes04:18
edbianmturner, How does it make the network MORE susceptible ?04:18
codebrainzmturner, more?  i would say as succeptible, no?04:18
mturneryes agreed04:18
jimtuvThen I changed the passphrase and just for safeness all the passwords04:19
codebrainzjimtuv, my router shows non stop DOS attacks04:19
jimtuvbut does your printer print out pictures of sunglasses04:19
dotblankI think its becauses some statistical reporting software counts pings as an attempted attack04:19
edbianjimtuv, Did you find out anything about them?  Did they have a dhcp address?  Did you get a hostname or an IP or anything?04:19
codebrainzjimtuv, heh, sometimes?04:19
dotblankjimtuv, That is awesome04:20
kopdid the sunglasses have ... nipples ?04:20
jimtuvyes it was an aol account is sent them a abuse report04:20
yshavithas anyone here had difficulty with the clock applet? Mine was broken for a couple weeks... finally figured it out, and I don't know if it's common enough that I should report it somewhere04:20
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un214does anything break if I disable sudo?04:20
dotblankun214, um yes04:20
kopjimmy51_, aol ? abuse online ?04:20
edbianun214, Youre ability to sudo...04:20
un214don't need it04:21
edbianjimtuv, Good call04:21
iWolfYou shouldn't04:21
edbianun214, Do you have a different way to be root?04:21
un214root password04:21
dotblankun214, really its a bad idea04:21
edbianun214, Then you can safely remove it.04:21
acerimmer_un214: I wouldn't do this if I were you...04:21
jimtuvBad bad idea un21404:21
jribun214: most of the things in your administrator menu will break for starters...04:22
cpatrick2008_who has tried ubuntu 10.10 alpha 1 yet04:22
edbianun214, It's not a bad idea.  Lots of distros use su root  instead of sudo.  Red Hat / Fedora does for example04:22
jimtuvI set up a admin account and it has the only sudo rights everyone else cant sudo04:22
un214you know the rule about sudo in its own manual: "secure the sudoer's account like you would the root account"04:22
codebrainzyshavit, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/gnome-bugs probably04:22
edbianun214, Oooo, good point jrib The menus may phreak04:22
yshavitcodeabit: alright, thanks04:22
un214huh I've never used them04:22
edbianun214, Is this a server?  Do you not have a gui ?04:23
un214yeah but I believe in using console for admin04:23
edbianun214, nice, hardcore!  Then I think you're safe.04:23
jribun214: sudo is used in a console :/04:23
edbianun214, Obviously though, I've never done it so good luck!04:23
edbianjrib, but in the term su root can do anything sudo can do.04:23
un214you see if anybody wanted to attack sudo they'd patch bash in ram to launch the wrong sudo04:23
jribedbian: no it can't04:24
un214but Ctrl+Alt+F1 provides a secure console04:24
edbianjrib, What can su root not do?04:24
dotblanksome scripts make use of sudo so you may break them04:24
jribedbian: sudo allows for more refined privileges for starters04:24
un214the only thing I saw that didn't like running as root was fakeroot04:25
un214(and freeciv but who cares)04:25
dotblankun214, fakeroot?04:25
jribedbian: the converse is certainly true though.  Anything you want to do as root can be done with a sudo user with full privileges04:25
edbianjrib, more refined privileges?  I don't think that file permissions are effected at all by sudo or su root04:25
jribedbian: you can restrict what user's can sudo04:25
jriberm, delete the '04:26
un214fakeroot is used to fool certain scripts to thinking they have root when they don't -- e.g. the script that packages up java04:26
codebrainzdotblank, fakeroot allows a regular user do stuff only root can, iirc04:26
codebrainzor what un214 said04:26
edbianjrib, Now that's true.04:26
jribun214: it's your system, do whatever you want.  Running all the time as root is certainly not recommended though04:26
dotblankcodebrainz, un214 right but why use fakeroot when your already root04:27
un214I don't run as root all the time04:27
princeanyone having problems with the new java update?04:27
edbianun214, jrib whoa whoa.  Nobody said it's a good idea to be root all the time!04:27
edbianun214, That is a bad idea.04:27
un214I know04:27
edbianun214, k04:27
koproot root root root !04:27
jrib"the only thing I saw that didn't like running as root ..."04:27
un214jrib: you could postfix that with "that I tried"04:27
jimtuvyou cant su fakeroot it only give an error Unknown id: fakeroot04:28
kop"the only thing I saw that didn't like running as root ..." was my gf's myspace account04:28
edbianfakeroot is not an account it's a shell command04:28
IdleOne!ot | kop04:28
ubottukop: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:28
edbiankop, :D04:28
un214the only time I wish they gave you root automatically was the rescue cd04:29
catyHeya, I've been having some problems with getting my graphics tablet to work on ubuntu OS. I found this website online and was wondering if I should follow these instructions or not http://frankgroeneveld.nl/2010/04/11/get-wacom-bamboo-fun-pen-working-in-ubuntu-lucid/ . Many thanks :).04:29
dotblankun214, um they don't?04:29
un214in that particular case, requiring prefixing root commands with sudo is pointless04:29
codebrainzun214, the live cd does04:29
edbianun214, sudo is just ubuntu's way of doing it.  If they took it out than they would have inconsistency.04:29
codebrainzcaty, i'm surprised it didn't work out of the box04:29
edbianun214, Like codebrainz said, you can get to a root shell in the live CD can't you?04:30
dotblanksudo isn't "just" ubuntu04:30
jribun214: you know you can just issue « sudo -i », if typing "sudo" repeatedly is what bothers you?04:30
uzer where do i get ruby.h, i have installed ruby-dev | jrib04:30
uzerwhere do i get ruby.h, i have installed ruby-dev04:30
un214jrib: no, that's not it04:30
catycodebrainz, yes i am too, as my older version of the tablet did.04:30
dotblankuzer, looks like your trying to compile from source04:30
un214jrib: I believe sudo is less secure than logging in to a secure console04:30
codebrainzcaty, does wacom by chance offer a linux driver?04:30
codebrainzi never tried04:30
uzeryou are right04:30
jribun214: that's the right package04:31
edbianun214, I have seen lengthy articles about how it is not.04:31
jribuzer: erm, why?04:31
dotblankuzer, What are you trying to compile04:31
edbianun214, That's all I'll say.04:31
catycodebrainz, no, i don't think they do04:31
jribun214: erm, why?04:31
SeanInSeattleHey all.  Any thoughts on which version of ubuntu my wife should be installing?  She's got an ASUS 1201hab (11in laptop).  Its running the atom proc.04:31
jribuzer: weechat is in the repositories, don't compile it04:31
un214jrib: trojan can easily patch bash in ram to run its own sudo, grab the password, and have a heyday04:31
un214sure it's detectable but do you check every time?04:31
codebrainzcaty, what was the model again?04:31
sheerzSean:  There is a Ubuntu Netbook remix I believe.04:32
jribun214: if I can easily patch X, I think you have more pressing issues....04:32
un214jrib: patch bash, not X04:32
jribun214: oh, it's only easy to patch bash?04:32
sumodunoi have problems with the ICEauthority. when i turn on my computer, it says its missing04:32
jribun214: I meant X as a variable04:32
un214jrib: ah04:32
=== ZachK_1 is now known as ZachK_
* jrib tries to remember that is a bad choice when dealing with linux04:33
catycodebrainz, http://www.amazon.co.uk/Wacom-Bamboo-Pen-Graphics-Tablet/dp/B002Q4U4AE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1275708758&sr=8-1 here's the version04:33
princeSean I put ubuntu regular on that one .... works great04:33
un214jrib: I've patched programs in RAM to do other things then the author intended before04:33
SeanInSeattle@prince seriously?  She's having issues with it crashing.04:33
dotblankuzer, if you still want to compile it from source run sudo apt-get build-dep weechat04:33
SpazStaticHey, could someone give me a hand fixing my resolution? I can't get it to go above 640x480 which makes it hard to do anything.04:33
jribun214: but if you patch bash and when you login with root you use a bash shell...04:34
un214jrib: you see, patching software on disk requires admin but patching the running image can be done by attaching as a debugger04:34
princeSean ... it has to be a newer version .... 9.10 or 10.0404:34
dotblankSure SpazStatic. can you give me some more information like how long it has been like that.. did you make a change and it broke or was it never above that resolution04:34
codebrainzcaty, if it's a new model, it might be worth straying from the xorg drivers in the repo and compiling the newest ones04:34
SeanInSeattle@prince Yep, she installed the latest, 10.04.04:34
edbianun214, Is that true?  Is it difficult?04:35
jribun214: I don't think this is a good reason to remove sudo in favor of logging in as root.  Just keep sudo installed.  If you prefer to login as root for some tasks, that's fine04:35
princeif it is intel 8xx chipset it won't work04:35
uzerwasn't really good idea 0.5G bild deps!04:35
connorhey everybody04:35
catycodebrainz, ah okay then, thanks04:35
princeSean if it is intel 8xx chipset it won't work04:35
un214edbian: true it's difficult but I've done it before so I can do it again. Sooner or later somebody else is going to figure it out.04:35
sheerzSean: Just try the netbook remix.  There is a compatibility page so you can check on the support for your lappy. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks04:35
jimtuvThere really is no good reason to log in as root. It is way dangerous.04:35
dotblankuzer, lots of deps,,, sure you still wan't to compile from source?04:35
jribuzer: install weechat directly from the repositories04:35
SpazStaticdotblank : I changed monitors. I've seen this monitor at higher resolutions on other computers, so I know it can go to something more reasonable.04:36
connorsince when is root dangerous?04:36
edbianun214, What kind of debugger are you using that lets you edit your programs while they're running?04:36
edbianun214, Are these programs compiled c code?04:36
dotblankok SpazStatic can you pastebin the output of "xrandr"04:37
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:37
connorcould anybody help me with python?04:37
un214edbian: I wrote my own patching program that patched them as if they were assembly code04:37
jribconnor: it's dangerous in the sense it has the power to do dangerous things...  Why are you asking?04:37
shaunoand how does altering the user's bash instance reflect on sudo at all?04:37
edbianjimtuv, Anytime you sudo something you're effectively root for that command.  Sudo is no less dangerous than the root account04:37
codebrainzconnor, i could, but there's #python for that04:37
edbianjimtuv, It is dangerous to be root all the time04:37
jribconnor: if it's about programming in python, #python is a better place.  Otherwise just ask your question04:37
un214shauno: easy, sudo root-command now runs ~/.trojan/sudo04:37
jordy82question to anyone who will be interested in my idea i wanna create an theme for kde/gnome for karamba and it should be created for an netbook.. easy to read mail, chat, music adn so one all on your desktop who will work with me ?04:37
edbianun214, c programs are not compiled (or running) as assembly code.  They're binary files.04:38
edbianun214, Again, what language was the program you "patched" ?04:38
sheerzSean: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks#Asus Eee 1201HA04:38
un214edbian: I don't know the language that I patched. I saw it as binary code04:38
edbianun214, Does "patch" mean edit the code of the program?04:38
SeanInSeattleSheerz:  the compat page that you linked to, is that a list of reviews where ubuntu normal / desktop was installed, or the netbook remix?04:38
edbianun214, So you changed the binary code of a program as it was running?04:38
un214edbian: yes04:38
edbianun214, yes to which question?04:39
un214edbian: I changed the binary code while it was running04:39
SeanInSeattlesheerz:  thx.  thats a really great link.  I appreciate it.04:39
edbianun214, So you used a debugger to gain access to the portions of the memory (ram) that you needed to edit.04:40
un214edbian: yes04:40
SpazStaticdotblank: Actually, I need to go. I'll be back later.04:40
edbianun214, What program did you use to convert your commands to binary code?04:40
un214edbian: nasm04:40
codebrainzun214, can you describe your issue again, i'm interested04:41
un214codebrainz: I was asking if anything would break if I turned off sudo. I see it as unsafe to sudo from my primary account to root in comparision to logging in as root.04:42
edbianun214, He says he can use a debugger, attach it to a running instance of sudo or bash (or any program) and live on the fly edit the binary code while the program is running.  Therefore sudo is insecure04:42
edbianun214, If you can do something like that then the entire system is insecure04:42
edbianun214, Did I get all that right?04:43
un214edbian: it's impossible to do it to processes that aren't running as you04:43
codebrainzun214, you can remove yourself from /etc/sudoers04:43
edbianun214, Unless you're running the debugger as root...04:43
un214so I modify bash to spawn a fake sudo that captures the password04:43
Jordan_Uedbian: No, strace and similar programs do not work with setuid binaries. He would only be able to do that if the debugger were already running as root, in which case what's the point?04:44
un214Jordan_U: easy. trick user to providing password to trojan then trojan uses it to sudo and have fun04:44
Jordan_Uedbian: NVM, I see you were making that point yourself :)04:45
tauhi, i am using ubuntu + kubunt-desktop, when i initialize the gnome the screen resolution works perfectly but when i run the kubuntu it set back to the old configuration, i looked for Xorg.conf at /etc/X11 but no there is such file. what can I do to fix it ?04:45
edbianJordan_U, :)04:45
edbianun214, I defy you to trick me into giving you my root password.04:45
manishun214: It is an interesting topic. I am a newbie, but its really interesting.04:45
edbianun214, I welcome the challange04:45
princeupdated my adobe flash and now my camera won't work online ..... anyone else????04:45
codebrainzun214, the whole system is designed to stop what you said04:46
un214If I gave you such a trojan (I don't have most of the pieces on hand) and somehow got you to run it you would have to decontaminate your account04:46
codebrainzun214, ok, so maybe access to $HOME04:46
un214codebrainz: anyway you can simulate it by creating a ~/.trojan/sudo and placing ~/.trojan in your path04:46
edbianun214, Yeah, if I was an idiot and ran code that some stranger gave me.04:46
jimtuvun214 I don't even know my root password. I wrote it down locked it in a safe and have no clue what it is so asking wouldn't do any good ;P04:47
Jordan_Uun214: True, and what's your alternative to sudo? su has the same problem. The only possible way around a trojan like that is to use alt+sysrq+k before ever logging in.04:47
dewmandecontaminate? wow, that sounds like a windows issue... lol04:47
un214Jordan_U: my alternative is Ctrl+Alt+F1 yielding a console that has not been logged into04:47
codebrainzun214, tty1 is for kernel messages i think :)04:48
manishJordan_U: can you please elaborate on alt+sysrq+k??04:48
Jordan_Uun214: How do you know it hasn't been logged into? It's just as easy to mimick login as it is sudo.04:48
un214codebrainz: yeah but there's a getty ghere04:48
un214Jordan_U only if you already have root04:48
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un214Jordan_U if you can walk up to my computer you can compromize it by booting CD anyway04:49
edbianun214, So your method of attaching a debugger comprimises the system how?  Really the comprise comes from the trojan...04:49
codebrainzun214, if you can get a user to "become root" the world is your oyster. so?04:49
edbianun214, If you have physical access you can set the computer on fire.04:49
speirosI am having trouble with OBM.  It seems to not work on my computer, and is stopping me from downloading other stuff.  Can someone help me to get my computer to download properly again?  Thanks.04:49
un214codebrainz: I'm willing to wait until the user wants to become root the next time around04:50
=== abby_ is now known as n8cat
kmystanybody know why creating an ad-hoc wireless network fails on intrepid? it used to work on gutsy...i don't use it often but need it to work now04:50
codebrainzun214, ok, so it's kinda pointless, all systems everywhere in the world on every pc will let you f it up if you have root access/physical access.  where's the challenge?04:50
manishun214: I am really interested in your code.04:50
jimtuvun214 I have use Ubuntu now for 3 years and still haven't every logged in as root. You may have a long time to wait04:51
Jordan_Uun214: It kills any program running on the current tty and starts login, going through the kernel directly. Anything else can be spoofed.04:51
un214jimtuv: when's the last time you used sudo?04:51
edbianjimtuv, sudo is not a whole lot different ;)04:51
=== wave is now known as gops
jimtuvI cant sudo from my account04:51
edbianjimtuv, How do you update your software?04:51
well_laid_lawnshouldn't this hacking accounts stuff be in #ubuntu-offtopic?04:51
un214Jordan_U: I know about alt-sysrq-k. I also know that nobody I don't trust has access to the console thanks to a locked door04:52
codebrainzwell_laid_lawn, if other questions were going unanswered, yes04:52
jimtuvI have to log into the admin and let him do the update. That is why I have the 25 character login04:52
well_laid_lawnI didn't think it mattered what else was happening...04:52
un214jimtuv: then I think you're safe04:53
edbianjimtuv, Then you're logging in as root :)  It's very secure though with that password04:53
codebrainzwell_laid_lawn, maybe04:53
Inconis !04:53
jimtuvbut only for a few minuets every week or so04:53
well_laid_lawncodebrainz: seen the channel topic?04:53
shaunoIt's an interesting theory.  I believe selinux can prohibit processes from attaching like a debugger, if you're genuinely that paranoid04:53
kazagistarI am building an application that outputs MIDI to a channel... is there some other application I can use to GET the control signals and, dunno, play sounds?04:53
codebrainzwell_laid_lawn, just messin around.  seems pointless to enforce o/t when nothings happening04:54
Jordan_Uun214: Even though I've taken your invalid argument having root login enabled and given you a valid one, the decrease in security from logging in as root (the human factors of it) far outway this one benefit. And without alt+sysrq+k even that advantage is gone.04:54
edbianThe debugger can only attach to processes that are owned by you so no matter what code you inject you can only do things you could do normally04:54
well_laid_lawncodebrainz: just it was a boring conversation there04:54
codebrainzwell_laid_lawn, agreed04:54
calibrehow come some days my memory says different numbers, like some days it will say 256 of mem used and now it says 50004:55
codebrainzcalibre, did you spill wine in your cpu?04:55
Euthanatosi can't help but think they shoudl have stuck with more reliable versions of integral software with an LTS04:55
princecalibre: alzhimers04:56
well_laid_lawncalibre: bad mem stick or mobo socket maybe04:56
calibrewell the numbers jump04:56
codebrainzcalibre, push the ram in harder, then drink the wine04:56
calibrea lot04:56
un214Jordan_U: Anyone who can reach the console can interact with the bootloader. I didn't use EFS so it's game over at that point.04:56
shaunocalibre: Is it the total that's changing? Or the amount used / free04:56
well_laid_lawncalibre: or maybe the mem stick just needs reseating04:56
calibreIts like04:57
calibrethe MiB is like 200 and now it just jumped to 600.04:57
calibreMem and swap history04:57
codebrainzcalibre, are you watching the 'free' command?04:57
well_laid_lawncalibre: where are you seeing that pls04:57
calibreSystem monitor04:58
calibreunder resources04:58
codebrainzcalibre, the kernel is smarter than us, she knows when to use resources better than we do.04:58
calibrei see04:58
codebrainzcalibre, if you're not using it, the kernel's gonna use it04:59
calibreso I shouldn't worry about it?04:59
calibreThe numbers jump when i listen to music and stuff04:59
calibreor have multiple windows open in firefox04:59
Binary0010that is normal04:59
sumodunohow do you remove something installed by a script?05:00
codebrainzcalibre, probably not, that is what happens, that's why those programs let you watch it05:00
well_laid_lawn!checkinstall | sumoduno05:00
ubottusumoduno: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!05:00
shaunocalibre: the amount used will vary depending on what you're doing.   and what you've done recently enough to be cached.  and what housekeeping is happening behind the scenes, etc05:00
well_laid_lawnsumoduno: you do it one file at a time05:00
sumodunowell_laid_lawn well the problem is my friend did it and it's causing problems on my computer. he used app runner to install it. the program is called vettle05:01
Jordan_Uun214: There ways to exploit vulnerabilities to print to tty's you aren't on without root access. And you are making the common mistake of only thinking about security in the technological sense. Most attacks exploit wetware. By logging in as root you are making youself more vulnerable to human error, which is what you should be most concerned about.05:02
peglerhello all again05:02
acerimmer_sumoduno: two words: "Guest Session"05:02
well_laid_lawnsumoduno: I don't know that prog - you might find all the files if you can locate them with the   find   command05:02
WXZthe tomboy drop-down, it's not a launcher05:03
sumodunowell_laid_lawn i did, but nothing shows up05:03
WXZso what is it?05:03
sumodunowell_laid_lawn i think its an add on for firefox but it doesnt show there05:03
WXZand how do I create something similar to it05:03
peglerI am setting up a software raid using mdadm, and I keep trying to create a raid5 array with 6 2TB drives.  but in /proc/mdstat it says UUUUU_, which means one of the drives isn't being added to the array.  or does that mean one of the drives is bad?05:03
codebrainzWXZ elaborate.  which drop down, where?05:04
well_laid_lawnsumoduno: I don't know it so since it isn't a package from ubuntu and was installed by a script...05:04
WXZon the panel which shows you all your notes05:04
sumodunowell_laid_lawn so to uninstall it i have to find the files and delete it?05:04
kazagistardoes anyone know any application at all that plays "live" midi data directly from an input, as opposed to from a file?05:05
well_laid_lawnsumoduno: yep - i would start in /usr/bin05:05
Binary0010sumoduno: if it is a script you should be able to parse through and trace exactly what was done05:05
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codebrainzWXZ, you want to have your program show up in the panel, with a menu?05:05
WXZwell actually I want to change the tomboy menu05:06
peglerand 1 spare05:06
WXZbut first I have to understand it to change it05:06
WXZand in general, that's not a bad thing to know if I ever want to write an app05:06
peglerI just checked mdadm --detail md0 and it lists 5 active, 6 working, and 1 spare.  is that just because it is not entirely built yet?05:06
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codebrainzWXZ, other than the configuration provided by the program, you'd have to check out the source and hack on it a bit.  It's written in C# i think, which is nice.05:07
WXZyeah, I understand I'll need to hack the code a bit05:07
brezwow, takes longer to transfer this distro onto a USB then it did to download ;|05:07
WXZbut I don't understand, is the menu like another program or something05:07
WXZfrom which you can open the tomboy interface05:07
well_laid_lawnWXZ: you can do   apt-get source application-name   to get the source if your os is set up for it05:07
SwedeMikepegler: cat /proc/mdstat instead, there you'll see what is going on.05:07
WXZwell_laid_lawn: I have the source already05:08
codebrainzWXZ, it's a gtk program that uses the notifyicon to put an icon and menu in your tray05:08
WXZalright, so it is a seperate app05:08
codebrainzWXZ, it's likely using Gtk#05:09
WXZso tomboy = 2 apps, the actual tomboy interface + the menu05:09
codebrainzso get monodevelop and explore the source05:09
well_laid_lawnWXZ: so you are asking how to read the programming language the source is written in?05:09
SumitI have attached LCD tv to my laptop. But dont know how to get display on the TV.05:09
WXZno well_laid_lawn05:09
Sumitany idea05:09
WXZcodebrainz answered it pretty much05:09
WXZI understand what a launcher is, and what an app is.. didn't know into which category the tomboy menu fell into05:10
sumodunowell_laid_lawn i found it. thanks!05:10
well_laid_lawn!xrandr | Sumit05:10
ubottuSumit: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1205:10
auser-userhow can I upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 without using the live cd? I tried update-manager -d but no updates/upgrades offered05:10
well_laid_lawnsumoduno: np :]05:10
bastid_raZorauser-user: ask in #ubuntu+105:11
Sumitthanks will check the details05:11
well_laid_lawnauser-user: tried in #ubuntu+1?05:11
aruntomari'm trying to install lucid by using the localnet+pxe method, but it gives a debootstrap error, has anyone else faced the same issue, i'm using the dvd dump+http for access it05:12
Parabolawould it be safe to assume that ubuntu has an HFS driver builtin ?05:13
codebrainzaruntomar, what is the specific error?05:13
codebrainzParabola, yes, but it may or may not be r/w05:13
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE05:13
Parabolai just need read05:14
codebrainzParabola, you're gold then05:14
Parabolamaybe not05:14
Parabolaits an external that has my iphoto backup on it05:14
Parabolaand my mac got wiped for win7 for a dev project :(05:14
Parabolaand i cant find a backup on my freenas box05:14
Parabolayears of pictures gone :(05:14
codebrainzParabola, unless you dd the drive, the data is never gone!05:15
Paraboladd ?05:15
Parabolai crashed the bot05:15
codebrainzParabola, unless you wiped the disk, the data is still there05:15
Parabolaah yeah05:15
well_laid_lawn!info dd05:15
ubottuPackage dd does not exist in lucid05:15
Jordan_UParabola: Linux can mount hfsplus just fine. What problem are you having specifically?05:15
Parabolamotor is dead i think05:15
ParabolaJordan_U,  me being a dumbass05:15
Parabolaand not using my NAS05:15
Parabolaand then the cheap HDD my mac used for time machines died :)05:16
Parabolai have it in the freezer now05:16
aruntomarcodebrainz, Debootstrap Error  couldn't retrive package dists/lucid/main/binary-i386/Packages. This may be due to a network problem or a bad CD, depending on your installation method.05:16
Parabolai've actually had that work temp.05:16
codebrainzParabola, linux will read your HFS disk if the motor will spin05:16
Parabolacan you just spin it fast for me plz?05:16
Parabolatry to get it around 7200 ;)05:16
Jordan_UParabola: I recommend that you use ddrescue to get as much off the disk as possible, before you do more damage.05:16
codebrainzaruntomar, do you have a solid internet connection?05:17
Parabolajordan: what is that, and how will that help with a bad motor05:17
punkmexichi anybody knows about the more secure firewall or the more secure way to avoid someone try to hack me if im using ubuntu_?05:17
Jordan_UParabola: i.e. Don't do anything with the drive except use ddrescue (gnu ddrescue specifically, as there are two different utilities with the same name)05:17
Sumitinstalled XrandR, but its not listing my LCD tv05:17
Parabola!info ddrescue05:18
ubottuddrescue (source: ddrescue): copy data from one file or block device to another. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.14-1 (lucid), package size 19 kB, installed size 84 kB05:18
naiad2if I have 2 drives in my lvm, both on the same group, but only systems files on one drive.  if I remove the non system drive will it 'cause issues?05:18
Jordan_U!gddrescue | Parabola05:18
bastid_raZorpunkmexic: fail2ban is nice for those ssh'ers who don't belong05:18
codebrainzParabola, i agree totally with Jordan_U05:18
aruntomarcodebrainz, i've mounted the dvd iso image and created a symlink to /var/www/ubuntu , so that i can access it via http05:18
Parabolai'll install it05:19
Jordan_U!info gddrescue | Parabola05:19
ubottuParabola: gddrescue (source: gddrescue): the GNU data recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.11-1 (lucid), package size 51 kB, installed size 152 kB05:19
Jordan_UParabola: Use the gddrescue package.05:19
aruntomarcodebrainz, it boots the system, even partitions the disk properly, but in the installation of base components, it throws this error05:19
codebrainzaruntomar, it sounds like a network issue05:20
jordy82does anyone here own a asrock ion 330 ??05:20
peglerdoes someone have experience with mdadm?05:20
Parabolajordan please tell me it has a gui05:21
Parabolai dont know where the file i need is, i want to get it quickly05:21
Parabolaitll be faster with the file names to browse in gui05:21
Jordan_UParabola: It will first try to read the entire drive / partition without retrying (which the kernel would normally do if you mounted the partition, and which risks causing more damage). If it hits an error it logs where the error was and tries to recover that after everything else that is read without errors is recovered.05:21
codebrainzParabola, http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/gddrescue05:22
jordy82or does anybody here have an remote controll for linux i am wonder if it it possible when you update your system the remote wont work again05:22
Parabolai dont want the whole drive recovered05:22
Parabolajust one bit of data05:22
Jordan_UParabola: I recommend that you read the man page completely if this data is important to you, as it explains well the concepts of data recovery.05:23
ablyssjordy82: like a tv remote?05:23
Parabolawill do :)05:23
TonisiusHow can I debug my preseed/kickstart system, the append paramter is not being used:   append auto preseed/url= initrd=ubuntu/lucid/amd64/initrd.gz -- quiet05:23
jordy82ablyss yes05:23
shaunojordy82: as a rule, configuration shouldn't be touched unless absolutely necessary when updating.  so it "shouldn't" happen (unless it really has to)05:23
Jordan_UParabola: What percentage of the data on the drive is data that you need?05:24
Tonisiusbut the PXE client is booting from the correct kernel, and i can cat /proc/cmdline and it shows what is appended to the kernel command, but the installer is still asking me questions....05:24
codebrainzjordy82, the program/package is lirc, google for how to configure it, might help05:24
TonisiusI am doing a tail -f on my apache log for that server, the installer never tries to download it, any ideas?05:24
Parabolajordan: less than 1005:24
Parabolaits like, 700mb of photos, maybe05:24
Parabolaon a 160gb drive with 100gb of data05:24
Euthanatosokay so the xrandr wiki proved to be totally useless and I'm unsure where to go next to manually set up a second display that isn't being detected or otherwise configure xorg to support my 1080p monitor05:25
codebrainzParabola, just recover the whole disk.  you can use photorec in the testdisk package05:25
aruntomarTonisius, use the key combination ctrl+shift+f405:25
jordy82shauno when i update the kernel i also should reinstall my nvidia drivers so i am wondering if that can happend also to the remote05:25
Tonisiusaruntomar: and what do I need to look for?05:25
Tonisiusaruntomar: I don't see any errors, and its not letting me scroll up05:25
ablyssjordy82: what type of remote? hauppauge ?05:25
Jordan_UParabola: If it's not much (like 1 GIG of a 1TB drive) then you are better off trying to mount it and just grab those files, if it's a signifigant amount then your best bet is to just try to get it all with ddrescue and grab individual files out later from the image ddrescue creates (which you can mount and browse through the GUI)05:26
codebrainzjordy82, what does linux detect it as?05:26
codebrainzmaybe check dmesg after re-plugging it in05:26
aruntomarTonisius, yes, it won't let u scroll05:26
jordy82i downloaded the driver from the asrock website05:26
aruntomarTonisius, what is the problem u r facing for which u would like to debug05:26
Tonisiusaruntomar: but what could I be looking for, I see DEBUG stuff, but no ERROR or ALERT's there05:26
shaunojordy82: drivers are very tied to the kernel.  *very*.  that'll happen.  lirc isn't a driver tho.  (the driver in that case would be between the receiver and the kernel, and lirc sits between the kernel and the application.  it's on a much more stable interface)05:27
jordy82my remote works but i am just wondering if it can give trouble when i update ubuntu05:27
aruntomarTonisius, if there r no errors, then ur setup is working fine :)05:27
codebrainzjordy82, just backup the lirc config files05:28
Tonisiusbut it's asking me questions, when the config I have should solve all that, the cfg file is never downloaded05:28
phoenix__where can i find the aac settings05:28
jordy82can you tell me how ?05:28
brezI downloaded ubuntu 10.4 iso from my ISP's FTP so it would be unmetered, how do I install the .iso from within 9.0405:28
phoenix__or faac settings05:28
Tonisiusaruntomar: the whole point of a preseed and using the auto kernel option is that it shouldn't be asking me any questions05:28
Tonisiusbrez: mount it to your CDrom, and use the cdrom location as an apt-get source05:28
Tonisiusand do an update, then upgrade05:29
brezah ok05:29
aruntomarTonisius, ok, so basically ur kickstart file is not getting used or accessed for installation05:29
codebrainzjordy82, if you haven't tweaked em, don't worry.  otherwise, a google search will reveal the location(s) of lirc config file(s)05:29
Tonisiusaruntomar: correct05:29
jordy82oke thanks for your help05:29
Tonisiusaruntomar: it's not getting accessed at all, I'm watching all logs that pertain to the webserver hosting it05:30
Tonisiusaruntomar: I can continue the installation, and when installing packages it will obtain them from my webserver, so I know i'm watching the right place05:30
Jordan_Ubrez: Tonisius: You can only upgrade with the alternate CD, and only from one release to immediate next one (you can't skip directly from 9.04 to 10.04)05:31
aruntomarTonisius, u need to insert a different line, rather than the preseed stuff, just a min, i'll tell u that05:31
TonisiusJordan_U: oh, I missed that... sorry05:31
Tonisiusi like my unmetered network connection :D05:32
Jordan_Ubrez: If your ISP provides unmetered isos they probably also provide unmetered repositories that you can use to upgrade (and when just normally installing packages)05:32
Euthanatosis there nowhere I can go to figure out how to support my new monitor?  Or am I just just screwed because hardware is a gamble with linux?05:33
ablyssEuthanatos: often I find out its a simple setting in the bios05:34
john275Hey guys, what's the best itunes replacement for ubuntu?05:34
SwedeMikejohn275: what aspect of itunes?05:34
Euthanatosbios settings for monitor support?05:34
Euthanatosit's not an IGP05:35
john275SwedeMike, well, i want podcast support. and if it looks like itunes thats  a plus05:35
jordy82john275 i use vlc05:35
SwedeMikeEuthanatos: have you even mentioned what gfx card you're running?05:35
SwedeMikejohn275: what does "podcast" support imply?05:35
brezTonisius: It's saying "failed to mount cdrom"05:36
SwedeMikeEuthanatos: then you should start looking in that area, "how do I get multiple monitor support on my ATI card".05:36
brezfirst time i type the command not using sudo, and it found the CD then gave me permission denied ;x05:36
aruntomarTonisius, in ur text.cfg file append install=url_to_ur_kickstart_file05:36
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breztried again using sudo; no dice.05:36
john275SwedeMike, being able to subscribe to podcast feeds, hopefully support for password protected rss feeds05:36
Tonisiusaruntomar: I'll try that05:37
Jordan_Ujohn275: Rhythmbox (which is the default for Ubuntu) is pretty good. "best" is subjective.05:37
EuthanatosSwedeMike, i'm not looking for multiple mointor support i only have one 1080p monitor that i want to use i was trying to get it working as a second monitor from using my old 19" 3:4 as a failsafe because ubuntu flaked on me05:37
Euthanatossince then i just switched the VGA output and it works fine but it still can't detect this monitor to save it's life05:37
SwedeMikeEuthanatos: sorry, no experience with ATI for me.05:38
aruntomarTonisius, i'm getting debootstrap error when it tries to install the base component, r u facing anything like that05:38
EuthanatosSwedeMike, i'm pretty sure it's not an ATI issue but okay05:38
Tonisiusaruntomar: no, nothing like that, and it still ignores the append options05:38
Euthanatosimm try bios settings maybe i did miss something05:38
Euthanatosbbl count on it05:38
Tonisiusand I' know the kernel is getting them, because the cat /proc/cmdline shows the options for install=  and url=05:39
Tonisiusoooh, I'll try saying which netcfg interface to use05:40
Tonisiusaruntomar: I got the problem, and I know what it is now05:42
TonisiusI have to specify the language settings at the boot time too05:43
jenueguys, what package that can burn iso image file in ubuntu?05:43
plutonium45hi guys , does ubuntu has zenity installed by default ?05:43
jimtuvBrasero Disc Burner will burn an iso05:46
vitamin-carrotright click on your ISO file and click wright to disk if i rmeember correctly05:47
john275Hey guys, what's the best (in your opinion) itunes replacement for ubuntu?05:48
Jordan_Ujohn275: Rhythmbox (which is the default for Ubuntu) is pretty good. "best" is subjective.05:48
mobius2greetings ubuntu channel05:48
Euthanatosi can't stand music managers personally.  but if you need ipod support john275 gtkpod doesn't support the new 5's05:49
Euthanatosso no music manager will support your ipod for a while until gtkpod catches up to apples hate05:50
mobius2can someone explain to me please how to patch an executeable file which resides inside of a crossover bottle? I can easilly browse a standard wine file system but rosetta stone won't install under wine standard......05:50
ZenMastai ran aptitude safe-upgrade about a half hour ago and it seems to be stuck on this phase: Unpacking replacement linux-headers-2.6.32-22 ...   what should I do?05:50
mobius2I cannot seem to be able to find the file browser for each bottle instance05:51
SeanInSeattleHey all.  I'm having issues installing xmms.  I tried using "sudo apt-get install xmms" but that can't find the pkg that I'm requesting.  :(  I've also tried downloading the tarbal, except that when I run the .configure cmd it barks about glib, which I just installed.05:51
mobius2SeanInSeattle,  I had luck manually compiling it05:51
mobius2but my hardware is old05:51
EuthanatosZenMasta, kernel headers can be big and compression high so if your computer is old it might just take a while05:51
mobius2I think i have the installer here somewhere05:51
mobius2link i mean05:51
ZenMastaEuthanatos modern dual core cpu 3ghz with 2gb ram... so just be patient?05:52
EuthanatosZenMasta, no something is wrong, that shouldn't take oyu more than 10 or 15 minutes tops05:52
mobius2does anyone in here run crossover for any reason?05:52
ZenMastamaybe reboot and try again?05:52
Euthanatospersonally i always avoid upgrades because they fail every time05:52
Euthanatosback up and reinstall imho05:53
tauhey, how can I do to remove completely the kubuntu ? i tried apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop but it still exists in here.05:53
mobius2SeanInSeattle,  why not just use vlc or another crispy native player05:53
ZenMastaits a fresh install of 10.04 but i was just followinga guide online05:53
mobius2or are you installing 2.0?05:53
Dr_Willis!puregnome | tau05:53
Dr_WillisHmm. what is that pure gnome factoid..05:53
SeanInSeattle@mobius I'm used to running winamp on windows, and I saw how xmms was modeled after it.05:53
vagothcpp_Hey, i just installed ubuntu on an lvm, anyway, i go to mount my directorys, and /dev/lvm0-vg/ubuntu-root does not exist, the names are however correct05:53
EuthanatosZenMasta, why not use the standard update manager?05:53
tauDr_Willis:  hum05:53
mobius2SeanInSeattle,  me too ;]   a long time ago05:54
Dr_Willistau:  theres a bot factoid on  that topic. but i cant rember the package you need to remove05:54
jimtuvI have done 3 upgrades now and none have had trouble. I made sure and read the release notes first05:54
tauDr_Willis:  ;~05:54
EuthanatosZenMasta, you don't want to upgrade because you don't want 10.10 (Right?)05:54
vagothcpp_anyone got an idea as to why?05:54
brezhrm not having an easy time upgrading ubuntu105:54
SeanInSeattle@mobius so what's another "crispy native player" that would work well for my needs?  I'll need to be able to listen to shoutcast radio, play mp3s, etc...05:54
brezi should of copped the usage from my isp ;x05:54
mobius2does anyone happen to have a stylus for an m-275 gateway laying around..... I think ive lost this one for the last time05:54
ZenMastaEuthanatos just following an online guide to the letter that's all. i dont necessarily care if I upgrade or not.05:54
EuthanatosZenMasta, what guide?05:55
Dr_WillisSeanInSeattle: mosta ll the players can handle those jobs just fine05:55
mobius2Dr_Willis,  it's a nostalgia thing  ^_^05:55
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs05:55
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama05:55
jimtuvsunbird is kinda cool05:55
vagothcpp_i'll just add in there, i had to reboot into livecd again before i chroot'd but after the install05:55
mobius2and xmms was pretty kewl05:55
mobius2the new one blows the original out of the water05:56
Dr_Willisxmms was cool but always had odd quirks :)05:56
mobius2check out their new dev page05:56
mobius2if your hardware can take it05:56
mobius2Dr_Willis,  indeed05:56
vagothcpp_is there a way for me to let the livecd see the lvm volume group? and i have installed lvm2 already05:57
thune3SeanInSeattle: xmms2 is available in universe repo, but i don't know if it is the same as xmms05:57
mobius2the really weird thing is,  I used to be able to run the real winamp  in wine with only a little shakiness when  re positioning the app  gui.... but after  some updates the program cannot play music anymore :p  not worth trying05:57
SeanInSeattle@thune3 thx.05:57
brezcan someone help, I have the ISO for ubuntu, I want to upgrade my 9.04 -> Lucid, I didn't download through update-manager as I'm limited by speed, so I used the free alternative on their site.05:57
EuthanatosZenMasta, sorry man that's above my tech level, has it been sitting on unpacking the kernbel for an hour and a half or you started the upgrades an hour and a half ago? you might just let it sit for a while05:58
ZenMastaEuthanatos thanks anyway but it seems the server may have crashed or somethign because I tried opening a new session and couldn't connect... guess I have to wait till I get back to the office on Monday05:58
Dr_Willisbrez:  is it the Desktop cd? or the alternative cd iso file?05:58
mek8630can anyone help me figure out why when I try to install Xubuntu it wants to play the disc live instead of install, I am trying to install on a AMD k6-3D 500mhz 192MB ram05:58
Jordan_Ubrez: Have you checked if they offer uncapped repositories as well?05:58
jimtuvyou have to upgrade to 9.10 then 10.0405:58
ZenMastaEuthanatos it has been sitting on unpacking for about a half hour05:58
Dr_Willisbrez:  well if it was the alternative cd - i THINK you could mount the iso file and upgrade from that.. but not sure about the  desktop iso05:58
slideIs there a way to make any and all files added to a directory automatically a certain UID/PID?05:58
brezJordan_U: I work for them, they don't :P05:58
vagothcpp_Does anyone know what the problem is?05:58
taudoes it work if do 'apt-get remove --purge `dpkg -l 'k*' | gawk '{ print $2 }' ` to remove all packages of kubuntu ?05:59
EuthanatosZenMasta, yeah sounds like your server crashed or restarted after it finsihed updating the kernel05:59
brezI've tried apt-cdrom add05:59
brezbut I keep getting e: "failed to mount cdrom"05:59
Dr_Willistau:  i recall there being a much simpiler command/pacage to remove then that.05:59
ZenMastayep. okay well thanks anyway05:59
vagothcpp_brez: apt-cdrom add or sudo apt-cdrom add?05:59
tauDr_Willis:  yes, but i looked at google i didn't find.05:59
brezdoesn't work :|06:00
mobius2media check?06:00
brezi keep getting an error.06:00
thune3tau: remove everything that starts with k? sounds drastic06:00
mobius2memory test?06:00
Euthanatosokay, i'm reinstalling....again....if that fails then it's back to slack....dependancy management be damned06:00
wowotohi all    i cant extract ISO file in ubuntu , and this is the error report :  This disc contains a "UDF" file system and requires an operating system  that supports the ISO-13346 "UDF" file system specification.06:00
vagothcpp_tau: Hope you don't have any packages that start with 'k' that you need =P06:00
tauvagothcpp_:  lol06:01
vagothcpp_wowoto: define extract06:01
tauvagothcpp_:  yeah, it was what i thought.06:01
Dr_Willistau:  the bot has a factoid on it.. someone will rember what it is if you ask.06:01
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »06:01
wowotovagothcpp_:  sorry , whats define extract06:01
vagothcpp_tau: You don't have any idea what is bugging me do you?06:01
tauDr_Willis:  sure, i hope.06:01
jimtuvyou have to burn the iso to cd then mount it06:01
vagothcpp_wowoto: I want you to define how you are extracting it06:01
brezonce the .iso is mounted to disk, how can I upgrade the distro?06:01
brezI seem to have mounted it with gmount-iso.06:02
mobius2wowoto,  what are you trying to do?06:02
wowotovagothcpp_: cilck it , choose the "extract it here"06:02
vagothcpp_wowoto: using ...06:02
wowotomobius2: trying to extract the ISO06:02
Dr_Willistau:  or just fire up the package manager searc for 'kde' and strt removing stuff.06:02
wowotovagothcpp_: using what ?06:02
vagothcpp_this guy is hopeless06:03
vagothcpp_wtf are you using to extract it06:03
wowotovagothcpp_: :(06:03
tauDr_Willis:  sure, i will try it, but they will not remove all packages i guess.06:03
mobius2I think i might actually be of some help ...* maybe *06:03
Dr_Willistau:  thats part of the limitations of the package manager system and their use of the meta-packages to install whole desktops like that.06:03
FlameTai1Anyone know of a file crypting software for Ubuntu?06:03
tauDr_Willis:  yeah06:03
FlameTai1With a nice GUI06:03
mobius2wowoto,  how many .iso images does the program you are trying to install consist of?   or are you wanting to extract a data archive which is in an iso format?06:04
Jordan_Ubrez: You will need at least two alternate CD isos and some bandwidth for software not in the default install06:04
wowotomobius2: i want to extract the windows7.ISO06:04
mobius2FlameTai1,  try true crypt06:04
mobius2melt your ram port closed :)06:04
stondHi am new to Ubuntu and just installed ubuntu 10.04 on my PS3 and I was wondering what is a good toorent app easy to use06:05
stondI meant torrent app06:05
FlameTai1mobius2: Will try right now =]06:05
Dr_Williswowoto:  mount the cd via the loop option. copy files from teh mounted dir to whever you want..     is one way06:05
Dr_Willis!torrents | stond06:05
ubottustond: Lucid can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/lucid/desktop/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/lucid/server/ubuntu-10.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture.  Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com/06:05
mek8630stond: transmission06:05
nisstyre65stond: transmission, or rtorrent + rtorrent frontends06:05
mobius2was only joking about the RAM port thing..... reference to the cold boot attack vulnerability06:05
mobius2but damn good algo's06:05
brezF IT! I will just use update-manager!06:06
Dr_Willisstond:  there was a review of a lot of them at the webupd8 web site.  basically any of them do the basics of the job. its all about the extras you may want06:06
vagothcpp_Is there a way to 'rescan' (don't flame my terminology =P) disks so that my LVM gets recognized and i can mount it's partitions? I have LVM2 installed already06:06
stondthanks misstyres6506:06
Dr_Willisbrez:  proberly a better choice. :)  Or a reinstall clean.06:06
stondwhich one is better transmission or rtorrent06:06
Dr_Willisstond:  depends on your needs.06:06
vagothcpp_stond: tias06:07
nisstyre65rtorrent is command line only but there are GUI frontends for it06:07
bazhangstond, rtorrent is command line06:07
Dr_Willisstond:  try them both and see. rtorrent will proberly take some learning.06:07
bunnyhopxdcc send 506:07
tauhey, does the gnome use the alsa packages to run its system sound ?06:07
mek8630hey can anybody help me figure out why when I click to install Xubuntu it wants to run the cd live06:07
=== aprilus_ is now known as aprilus
Dr_Willisstond:  http://www.webupd8.org/2010/04/best-linux-bittorrent-client.html06:07
ParabolaJordan_U, you here06:07
Parabolaor codebrainz06:08
Parabolaso hooked into my macbook it spins up fine, on my desktops, it does not06:08
stondwell I think I will go with transmission since I not that familar with command line apps yet06:08
Parabolai'm assuming power06:08
Dr_Willismek8630:  you mean from within windows - you are installing xubuntu via the WUBI install method?06:08
Parabolaso im copying data off now06:08
Docteh_vagothcpp_: try running lvs, otherwise you might have to take a look at vgscan06:08
rdunnioni am having trouble getting my canon pixma mx860 to work on Lucid x64. The printer is seen but I get the error that pstocanonij failed06:08
shrzslide: isolate your directory on one filesystem. add a mount option to ext3 that makes it just stomp on the uid/gid of new files.06:08
brezI hope the update-manager doesn't screw me!06:09
rdunnionwhen I try to print test page06:09
brezbecause it's a headless box, and I don't feel like walking a monitor down stairs.06:09
mek8630Dr_Willis: no I am installing on a amd k6-3d 500mhz and 192mb ram and I have installed xubuntu on another computer no problem, well with this 500mhz computer everytime I hit install from boot it wants to run the cd live06:09
slideshrz, thats what i thought06:09
mobius2I swear to god I have the most vocal cat in the world....06:09
nisstyre65brez: forward X to your local computer06:09
vagothcpp_mount /dev/lvm0-vg/ubuntu-export /target/export gives me mount: special device /dev/lvm0-vg/ubuntu-export does not exist06:09
breznisstyre65: ??06:09
brezI'm still connected via VNC06:10
nisstyre65brez: your problem is you can't use GUI programs because it's headless right?06:10
vagothcpp_mobius2: Does it understand you?06:10
nisstyre65oh VNC06:10
nisstyre65I thought you were on ssh06:10
nisstyre65nevermind then06:10
shrzslide: "add" meaning write a kernel mod. good luck :)06:10
=== zver is now known as uzer
brezI am, but I can still vnc to it ;o06:10
Docteh_vagothcpp_: did you punch in lvs?06:10
brezmade sure that was set prior to leaving it in the garage.06:10
mobius2vagothcpp_,  if he see's ANY emptiness in the dish ... he wails... I have to act like im adding some  but i really just stir it around06:10
FlameTai1mobius2: I don't see it in the Software center, I found a GUI for TrueCrypt though06:11
vagothcpp_mobius2: Tried telling him to shut up? =P06:11
vagothcpp_doesn't work for me though06:11
subsumeWhat role will the ubuntu foundation play in the gulf oil clean-up given that tarballs are now regularly washing up on shore? They haven't released a statement and as a gulf coast resident I am outraged.06:11
mobius2FlameTai1,  one moment06:11
rdunnionmobius2 next time put in dog food, he'll stop06:11
Dr_Willismek8630:   if you mean its booting the cd instead of the hard drive. it could be the bootloader never got installed to the HD. or the bios boot order is  wrong.06:11
Docteh_!offtopic | subsume06:11
ubottusubsume: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:11
Jordan_Ubrez: You can use do-release-upgrade06:12
sebersolei just finished upgrading to 10.04 (laptop) and now my external monitor is all "fuzzy"06:12
subsumeI'm asking about tarballs. that's on topic.06:12
Jordan_U!upgrade | brez06:12
ubottubrez: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade06:12
mobius2FlameTai1,   http://www.truecrypt.org/06:12
mek8630Dr_Willis: no I am trying to install it for the first time06:12
uzerhi | uzzr06:12
FlameTai1mobius2:  I downloaded it from there and got the tar.gz but can't figure out how to install06:12
bazhangsubsume, no its not. take it to #ubuntu-offtopic06:12
brezall good, I'll just pay for the badnwidth D:06:12
mobius2one moment06:12
Dr_Willismek8630:  check that the cd can boot on other machines, double check the bios boot order.   is about all i can suggest.06:12
subsumeI want an answer!06:12
uzzrhi | uzer06:13
stondI am also looking for a really good and easy to use app to convert rvmb file to MP4 for my PSP06:13
mek8630Dr_Willis: thanks yeah its booting fine06:13
bazhanguzzr, /msg ubottu please06:13
uzerhello | uzzr06:13
vagothcpp_Docteh_: My network is frail, once i loss connectivity i have to reboot ubuntu just to get it back, anyway, while i was chrooted into my installed ubuntu system (from livecd), i lost connectivy before i could apt-get install lvm2 on my system, so i rebooted into livecd again, installed lvm2, and went to mount and hit a brickwall at 100kmh06:13
Dr_Willisstond:  winff, or mencoder or other front ends to ffmpeg/mencoder06:13
uzeri'm from weechat-curses | uzzr06:14
vagothcpp_hello | uzzr06:14
bazhanguzer, uzzr please chat elsewhere06:14
Docteh_next time fake a reboot ;-;06:14
stondthanks Dr_willis I will try Winff tomorrow06:14
vagothcpp_Docteh_: Got any idea why i can't mount? i did lvs, pvscan06:14
mek8630stond: if you just installed Ubuntu you should already have transmission06:14
vagothcpp_no luck for me06:15
uzzrand i'm from irssi | uzer06:15
bazhangstond, handbrake as well06:15
Docteh_vagothcpp_: when you run lvs is it mentioning that something is missing?06:15
bazhang!ot | uzzr uzer06:15
ubottuuzzr uzer: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:15
Jordan_Umek8630: I don't understand what you mean by "it wants to run the liveCD"? What are the symptoms of the problem you are having?06:15
sebersoleforgot to mention it was perfectly fine before the upgrade :)06:15
stondwhat is handbrake06:15
vagothcpp_It finds the lg fine, pvscan finds the pv fine, lvscan finds the lv's fine06:15
vagothcpp_i just cannot mount06:15
uzzrdoes anybody else read this | uzer06:15
bazhang!handbrake | stond06:15
ubottustond: handbrake is a an open-source, GPL-licensed, multiplatform, multithreaded video transcoder, available for MacOS X, Linux and Windows. - http://handbrake.fr06:15
rippsDoes anybody have Unity working on there Lucid desktop? I can't seem to get it to start, something about widget class `GtkImage' has no property named `x-ayatana-indicator-dynamic'06:16
mek8630Jordan_U: ok you know when you put a iso disc in to install Xubuntu?06:16
stondThanks I will also try handbrake06:16
uzzri mean this piping see only you and me??? | uzer06:16
mobius2FlameTai1,  my friend just extract that file you downloaded to the desktop06:16
bazhanguzzr, please stop it06:16
mobius2then double left click it06:16
mek8630Jordan_U: and a menu will come up and the first option will be to try xubuntu without installing06:16
mobius2<code>  double left click   </cod>06:16
kinksI have eth0 set up to use a static ip in /etc/network/interfaces, but every time I boot, DHCP is used. Invoking "ifdown eth0; ifup eth0" is a workaround for now.. any ideas why this is happening?06:16
mek8630Jordan_U: the second option will be to install06:17
kinkser.. as to why this is happening*06:17
uzerno i'm testing irssi vs weechat-curses06:17
Docteh_vagothcpp_: do ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid and see if you've been typoing the device name06:17
mobius2pardon me FlameTai1  double left click the EXTRACTED file06:17
sebersoleis there a better place to go for video/monitor issues?06:17
bazhanguzer, try #test06:17
aarcaneubuntu screwed up and decided to use nvidia 173 for my graphics card instead of nvidia current..  who do I report that to ?06:17
Jordan_Umek8630: When you boot from the CD? Then yes, I know what you are taling about.06:17
mek8630Jordan_U: well if you pick the first option it will do what I am talking about and just run the op system without installing it, if you hit install then it will install the op system, which is what I am wanting to do but itstead its just running it.06:18
vagothcpp_hmm, it shows the lv as ../../mapper/lvm0--vg-ubuntu--export06:18
FlameTai1mHm mobius206:18
FlameTai1Already did that06:18
mobius2FlameTai1,  the  True Crypt gui launcher should appear by way of your apps drop down after that06:18
mobius2under accessories06:18
mobius2i drive it manually06:19
mobius2but its easy with the gui06:19
mobius2really it is06:19
Jordan_Umek8630: There is very little difference between the two options from a technical perspective, and in 10.04 you are by default given the choice after X (the GUI) has started.06:19
Docteh_vagothcpp_: the /dev/vg0/logicalvolume style names is an option, maybe its accidentally off06:19
mobius2it mounts a pre defined area of hard drive space as a new drive letter06:19
mobius2a very powerful piece of software06:19
mobius2worth learning06:19
vagothcpp_Docteh_: Know how to enable it without rebooting?06:20
vishnuI am an sbolute beginner of thge linux ubuntu. how do i enable the app center ? because it says "authentication" error.. it cant be resolved by me. i  want to install stellarium but it can[t .  also for other apps in app center. itt says the  same06:20
Docteh_vagothcpp_: no idea, You could just work around it and use /dev/mapper/stuff-here06:20
Dr_Willisvishnu:  you are logged in as your initial user? the one you made during the install proces?06:20
uzzruse apt-get |06:20
vagothcpp_Docteh_: That did not seem to work for me when i first tried06:20
FlameTai1mobius2: I have the GUI installed06:20
mek8630Jordan_U: yes I know what you are talking about. Being able to install once your desktop comes up. When I try to do it that way since it won't work the other way it crashes on me.06:21
uzzruse apt-get install stellarium06:21
Jordan_Umek8630: You can get the screen as you would see it in previous versions by pressing a key during early boot, but there isn't much of a reason to do that.06:21
vagothcpp_but i have ran 100's of commands so i'll try again06:21
katrielkinks: Are you using Network Manger? If so, try setting up your wired connection though that06:21
FlameTai1mobius2: I can't get the actual True Crypt itself to install06:21
mobius2FlameTai1,  now you wanna create a new volume06:21
vishnuDr_Willis: yes.06:21
mobius2did you sudo?06:21
mobius2at install?06:21
kinkskatriel: no, I am not using network manager.06:21
Dr_Willisvishnu:  as a test try from a terminal 'sudo apt-get install PACKAGENAME'06:21
Jordan_Umek8630: Then it will almost certainly crash with the install option also.06:21
vishnuDr_Willis:  by computer's ubuntu has only one user and that is me.06:21
FlameTai1I never did a sudo command mobius206:21
kinksor perhaps it's installed and I don't even realize it.06:22
vagothcpp_you know why it wasnt working and i spent 1hour smashing my keyboard06:22
kinksso I'll make sure it's not..06:22
vagothcpp_i spel ubuntu as ubuntu06:22
obludont you just love this ?06:22
mobius2FlameTai1,  you see a true crypt icon in your accessories list?  what happens when you clik it?06:22
mobius2or is there no icon there?06:22
mek8630Jordan_U: I don't understand why its crashing. I mean well its not really crashing its generating errors and semi crashing.06:22
Jordan_Umek8630: But if you want to try it then just press any key during early boot (when you see just the accessability icon at the bottom of the screen)06:22
mobius2crash spectacularly or not at all i always say :D06:23
FlameTai1mobius2: There is no "True Crypt" Icon it's just "Easy Crypt"06:23
mobius2ahh isee06:23
artistxMikeHey sorry to interrupt, is it possible to get some help setting up my firewire audio interface?06:23
Docteh_vagothcpp_: ouch, just keep in mind to look in /dev/disk/* in the future06:23
Chak82hello everyone06:23
artistxMikeI don't need drivers for mac, will I have to somehow install them on my live cd?06:23
mobius2FlameTai1,  which package did you download?06:23
mobius2back at the truecrypt site?06:23
mek8630Jordan_U: I think it has something to do with the fact its such an old computer06:24
vagothcpp_Docteh_: I was not aware of that feature, i'll keep it in mind for i waste more of my, and others time06:24
lookwhere is grub in ubuntu 10.04?06:24
vagothcpp_Docteh_: Thanks for the help06:24
Docteh_vagothcpp_: yw06:24
Chak82how can i change the login window in ubuntu 10.04?06:24
FlameTai1mobius2: Linux Standard 32 bit (x86)06:24
kinkskatriel: well, network-manager was indeed installed (and no longer is); hopefully that fixes the issue, thanks.06:24
lookwhere is grub in ubuntu 10.04?06:24
katrielkinks: n/p06:24
Chak82how can i change the login window in ubuntu 10.04?06:24
Jordan_Umek8630: If you have integrated graphics then you just barely don't have enough ram for the liveCD installer. Try the alternate (text based) install CD06:24
bazhang!grub2 | look check here06:25
ubottulook check here: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub206:25
mobius2FlameTai1,  making sure that is in fact the one you downloaded,  open a terminal and sudo up,    then start nautilus06:25
vishnuDr_Willis: for some reason that i dont know, the app center stated that error yesterday. but it doesnt show that error today. also terminal installing works. thank for reply.06:25
=== dabomb69 is now known as Chazz
Jordan_U!alternate | mek863006:25
ubottumek8630: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can  also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal06:25
Chak82how can i change the login window in ubuntu 10.04?06:25
mobius2find the archive you downloaded from the truecrypt site and extract it again,  REPLACE the existing one06:25
Dr_Willisvishnu:   i never use the ap center, synaptic or apt-get is what i do 90% of the time06:25
Chak82how can i change the login window in ubuntu 10.04?06:25
WolfyCROHeloo..... I cant make login on 10.0406:25
nisstyre65Chak82: google gdm themes06:25
Dr_WillisChak82:  depends on what you want to change about it.  Theres a few gdm tweak tools06:26
phoenix__any advanced users here06:26
vagothcpp_woohoo, now that i have chroot'd into my installed ubuntu, it cant resolve anything =D06:26
vishnuDr_Willis: I am an absolute beginer.  i will use advanced tools now. where is synaptic06:26
Dr_WillisChak82:  10.04 uses gdm2 - so the old gdm themed dont work06:26
mek8630Jordan_U, ubottu: I can't use this cd to switch to that one you are talking about some how?06:26
mobius2FlameTai1,  open a terminal and type sudo,  then enter your password,    then  after that  type    nautilus06:26
Dr_Willisvishnu:  in the system -> admin menus somewhere06:26
Jordan_Umek8630: No.06:26
vishnuDr_Willis: thank. Bye, Happy day06:26
g-unotsudo rm -rf *06:26
hikariSystem > Administration > synaptic06:26
mobius2FlameTai1,  a file system browser named......nautilus  will appear06:26
Chak82actually, before version 9.10, ubuntu was become with a module (login window) in the preferences menu06:26
mobius2its awesome aint it06:26
FlameTai1I see o-o06:27
mek8630Jordan_U: oh man figures....Alright well thanks for your help]06:27
vagothcpp_curious, even though i chroot into my target, does it still not use my livecd network connection?06:27
Dr_WillisChak82:  that was the old GDM.. its now using GDM2 and has been radically redone.06:27
Jordan_Umek8630: You're welcome.06:27
mobius2FlameTai1,  re extract the archive as root  then install06:27
artistxMikeAnyone think they can help me set up my Presonus Firepod firewire interface with Ardour? I think I need drivers (I didn't need them with my mac), is it even possible to install drivers onto this live cd?06:27
mobius2double click the extraced file then read everything06:27
Dr_WillisChak82:  its not as themeable/tweakable as it used to be06:27
TomGDoes anyone know if it's possible to backup a list of installed packages and run that list in a new install?06:27
Chak82Dr_Willis: so, how can i change the login window in gdm2?06:27
mek8630ubottu: thanks for your help06:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:27
sebersolei just finished upgrading to 10.04 (laptop) and now my external monitor is all "fuzzy".  Worked fine before ugrade.  Anyone have ideas?06:27
Dr_WillisChak82:  i asked earlier what Sort of changes do you want to do?06:28
Dr_WillisChak82:  theres a few 3rd party tools that let you do some tweaking.06:28
vagothcpp_Would i be correct in my assumption?06:28
mek8630holy crap I just said thanks to a bot06:28
Jordan_UChak82: https://edge.launchpad.net/gdm2setup06:28
Chak82Dr_Willis: i want to change the usplash and login window06:28
hikariTomG  :  sudo dpkg --get-selections > installedsoftware06:28
mek8630nobody say that right06:28
* mobius2 is attempting to install Rosetta Stone German 1-5 under Crossover Pro06:28
ac1dburnzsebersole,  check the drivers System > Administrator > Hardware Drivers06:28
Dr_WillisChak82:  usplash is not used any more. its 'plymouth' now. thats not part of gdm.06:28
vishaltelangreTomG, apt-get install aptoncd06:28
Chak82Dr_Willis: i will probe this package06:29
Dr_WillisChak82:  and what parts of the login window do you want to change?06:29
mobius2But I cannot seem to figure out how to  get to the  bottle instance file browser06:29
sebersoleac1dburnz: it only showed wireless driver06:29
Dr_WillisChak82:  the wallpaper is easy to change. other bits are a little harder.06:29
TomGtwo different answers, I think hikari is closer06:29
TomGhikari: How would I run that against apt?06:29
Chak82Dr_Willis: yeah, i want to change ONLY the wallpaper06:29
Chak82Dr_Willis: how can i change it?06:29
Dr_WillisChak82:  find the default wallpaper, edit it/copy somethintg else over it.. is one way. or use that gdm2setup tool mentioned earlier06:30
hikarithis command will make a file with ALL of your installed packages06:30
vishaltelangreTomG, Apt on CD allows you to make CD/DVDs of installed packages on your machine to use them on non-internet-connected machine06:30
Chak82Dr_Willis: ok, let me work with this option06:30
Chak82Dr_Willis: please wait06:30
Dr_WillisChak82:  its in /usr/share/backgrounds/06:30
FlameTai1mobius2: It's still giving me the error T-T06:30
Dr_WillisChak82:  i just copy some other image i perfer over that Ugly purple slotchy image.06:31
mobius2FlameTai1,  could you chmod your extraction folder 0777?06:31
TomGI am looking into not just knowing what packages I previously had, but to run that list all in a single command with little to no hassle06:31
mobius2FlameTai1,  lemme know if you dont follow06:31
tauDr_Willis:  i guess i commited a mistake.06:31
TomGI suppose with apt on CD, I could create it and remove all other repositories06:31
FlameTai1mobius2:  I way don't follow xD06:32
=== aburch is now known as ansgar
Chak82Dr_Willis: python-gdm2setup?06:32
sebersolei have this realy nice big monitor, sure would be nice to be able to use it06:32
Xcalibargreetings all , who here is an expert with dual boot ? i have a macbook pro booting windows and mac os x , but i intend to format windows partition and have it replaced with ext4 ubuntu operating system , ive got rEIFT installed , im not sure if i have bootcamp i hope im not complicated06:32
mobius2FlameTai1,  no problem, we are going to make sure the permissions are correct for the program to be able to install06:32
tauDr_Willis:  i looked for the dependences and recommendeds packages with dpkg -s kubuntu-desktop, later i did a script to remove all dependeces and recommendeds packages which are descrited there.06:32
CppIsWeirdhow do i install zlib headers?06:32
mobius2FlameTai1,  open a terminal06:32
hikariTomG to run the file just type: sudo dpkg --set-selections < installedsoftware06:32
vagothcpp_Does apt-get download a dpkg of what i want and install it or...?06:32
TomGhikari: Thanks.  That's what I needed.06:33
hikariand will install all the packages of the file06:33
FlameTai1mobius2:  can we go into a pm? lol this text is bugging me xD06:33
TomGhikari: I appreciate it, both of you06:33
hikaribut u need an internet connection06:33
mobius2hit me up06:33
Jordan_U!clone | TomG06:33
ubottuTomG: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate06:33
Dr_Willistau:  did you ask in #kubuntu ? they proberly rember a better way to do it.06:33
vishaltelangreTomG, you can use the CD made by Apt on CD on other machines as a offline repository, you don't need any internet connection neither to download and install packages again!06:34
tauDr_Willis:  it doesn't need anymore, i guess my system is death.06:35
TomGI think I got it all now, thanks again for the help06:35
mondragonanyone know why 10.04 won't let me set the MTU on my ethernet interface where 9.10 did?06:35
hikaribut in apt on CD what if you clean the system downloads?06:35
hikariyou can select them if they are already installed but not the .deb in the downloaded packages?06:35
Xcalibarcould any1 help me with mactel?06:36
mondragonSIOCSIFMTU: Invalid argument :-/06:36
Dr_Willistau:  boot to console, install  some desktop/window manager.. rebuild it better, faster, stronger06:36
Chak82Dr_Willis: it works !!!06:36
Chak82Dr_Willis: thank u so much !!!06:36
tauDr_Willis:  yes, i will.06:36
vishaltelangrehikari, yeah... It only backups installed ones via aptitude06:36
tauthank u Dr_Willis06:37
akavI'm getting screen glitches like crazy in Lucid whenever I use vim. Anyone have an idea what might cause that?06:37
Dr_Willisakav:  using vim on the console? or in a gnome-terminal?06:37
akavDr_Willis: Actually gvim.06:38
Dr_Willisakav:  ive not noticed any issues with using vim under 10.0406:38
Dr_Willisahh - never use gvim. so cant say06:38
CppIsWeirdim trying to install zlib lib and zlib headers. i downloaded zlib and configured and installed it. the program i was trying to compile no longer asks for the lib but still cant find the zlib headers. any help please?06:38
akavoh, just got it here. Maybe not connected directly to gvim.06:38
Xcalibarkind attention to the fellow experts in ubuntu who knows or owns a mac , i really need a quick help , i havent been here since the feisty release06:38
akavjust mostly see it when I'm using that.06:38
Dr_WillisCppIsWeird:  why did you not use the versions in the package manager?06:38
Dr_Willis!find zlib06:38
ubottuFound: libcompress-raw-zlib-perl, libruby, libruby1.8, perl, perl-modules (and 16 others)06:38
CppIsWeirdcuz none of the packages available sounded like they would work06:39
Dr_WillisCppIsWeird:  and what are you trying to compile?06:40
viatechanyone know how to enable network devices in Ubuntu Studio? I  lshw -C network and it shows both adapters as disabled?06:41
silv3r_m00nI have xp and ubuntu together , and a virus comes on xp , is there any risk that it will do anything to ubuntu ?06:41
CppIsWeirdalso from source06:41
Dr_WillisCppIsWeird:  you can use the apt system to 'install' the needed building dependenciues automatically06:41
Dr_WillisCppIsWeird:  since the (older?) version is in the repos. that makes it easier to get all the dev packages installed thatway06:42
CppIsWeirdyeah well for whatever reason nothing could find xen_tools06:42
CppIsWeirdand since no one would help me there, ive gone running head first down another path06:42
CppIsWeirdzlib headers06:42
CppIsWeirdhow do i get them?06:42
Dr_Willislibzlcore-dev - ZLibrary cross-platform development library (development files)06:42
XcalibarDr_Willis have you got experience with mactel?06:43
viatechsilv3r_m00n: As long as you're not emulating ubuntu inside of xp they should be seperate and it's also unlikely that your windows based virus will have any effect on Ubuntu even if it does find your files.06:43
Dr_Willisassuming zlib = ZLibrary06:43
CppIsWeirdfrom what i can tell in the output of the make install on the zlib source, it put zlib.h in the /usr/local/include06:43
Dr_Willis!find zlib.h06:43
ubottuFile zlib.h found in autoconf-archive, doc-linux-ja-html, erlang-doc-html, libboost1.40-dev, libboost1.40-doc (and 37 others)06:43
vagothcpp_oh how helpful, AFTER ALL THIS TROBULE, it doesnt work06:44
CppIsWeirdvagothcpp_, welcome to linux.06:44
Dr_Willisvagothcpp_:  assume we have the attention span of a newt... we dont know what you are talking about.06:44
vagothcpp_Dr_Willis: Installed LVM to Livecd, made PV's, VG, LV's, installed ubuntu on it, livecd crashed, rebooted, rebooted livecd, installed lvm again, mounted lvm, chroot'd into it, installed lvm to that06:45
vagothcpp_and it doesnt work06:45
RudyValenciaI think there's a bug in b43.06:45
Dr_WillisI am reminded of why i dont use LVM's and such things :)06:46
gewti wish my wifi cards driver didn't suck so much06:46
Dr_WillisRudyValencia:  i was thinking theres some alternative drivers now to the b43 . One of my old laptops used that one. I think it canuse the 'sta' driver now06:46
vagothcpp_This is why i was a CentOS users, built-in support for LVM so i didnt have to do all the effin around06:46
gewtit joined a network06:46
gewtpulled an ip06:46
gewtbut nothing worked06:46
gewtcouldn't even ping the router06:46
RudyValenciaDr_Willis: I had to use ndiswrapper to get it up.06:46
Xcalibarsilv3r_m00n as for your question , i think its better to always backup ur important files in an external harddisk and save ur repository   list so you can load them for installation in ur next format if things go wrong , as for your added  repository ,  you can locate them somewere in ur ubuntu and copy that file so later on you will have your system as it was whenever you have ubuntu in a...06:47
Xcalibar...fresh install you can load your system previous settings at its exact , for your settings in GUI theyrs a way to save your work , ask along the experts ;)06:47
Logicwrathis anyone using phplogcon and snare agents with rsyslog06:47
vagothcpp_im gonna crawl up in a hole now, goodnite06:47
CppIsWeirdDr_Willis, the apt-get install that dev package seems to have worked, however, since half of this is installed from source and the other half from package, i would still like to know how I would manually get the zlib headers in the future.06:47
CppIsWeirdactually, i spoke too soon. it failed again.06:48
viatechwhy is "System>Preferences>Hardware Information" missing in Ubuntu Studio? I've installed it and feel like it's completely different than normal Ubuntu.06:48
Dr_WillisCppIsWeird:  In theory the following would Pullin all the needed files -->   sudo apt-get build-dep xen-hypervisor06:49
RudyValenciaCppIsWeird: sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev06:49
zver_which one is the best DE?06:51
zver_which is better gnome or kde???06:51
Xcalibarzver: depends on choice :D how old are you ;)06:52
soreau! best06:52
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.06:52
Dr_Williszver_:  try them both. decide for yoruself06:53
viatechwhere is the "gnome-device-manager"?06:53
viatechor is that not installed by default?06:54
vishnuhello.. i m a absolute begginner. ijus have doubt, y ubuntu is not prone to viruses even when the source codes are avialable..06:54
vishaltelangre!find gnome-device-manager | viatech06:54
ubottuviatech: Found: gnome-device-manager, libgnome-device-manager-dev, libgnome-device-manager006:54
sebsebseb!virus | vishnu06:54
ubottuvishnu: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus06:54
goddardI installed a new video card and I want to make sure I have the right drivers installed....It appears as if everything is working great..my old card was Nvidia and my new card is Nvidia and I was using the propritary drivers...thanks06:54
RudyValenciaDr_Willis: so you suggest I try Broadcom's STA driver?06:54
vishaltelangreviatech, install it w/ aptitude06:55
vishnusebsebseb: thank u06:55
sebsebsebvishnu: Oh that factoid has changed since I last used it.06:55
Dr_Willis!info hardinfo06:55
ubottuhardinfo (source: hardinfo): Displays system information. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1-1.1ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 240 kB, installed size 684 kB06:55
Xcalibarzver_ , an operating system is an operatinggggg way of operating a system depending on your confidence , i tried all kinds , im in love with Gnome because of flexibility , the rest are flexible but the way Gnome gives flexbility is just simple to my brain analogy , i only use 1 panel with some cool gadgets and a dock that appears as a screenlet whenever i click F4 , so whenever im on a...06:55
Xcalibar...fullscreen app and i want to see my favirote applications i click F4 , or mouse gesture mousebutton 3.06:55
viatechvishaltelangre: what if my network devices are disabled?06:55
kiamohow do I repair bad sectors on my hard drive?06:55
Dr_WillisRudyValencia:  try it and see. I just used whatever the Hardware Drivers tool suggested. I recall it having STA and some BM### entry for me. Sta worked.06:55
vishnusebsebseb: what is it now?06:55
sebsebsebvishnu: the message the bot showed you06:55
wildbatkiamo, you don't repair them ~ to mark them and prevent system form using it06:56
vishnusebsebseb: fine06:56
wildbatkiamo, man fsck or badblocks06:56
RudyValenciaI seem to have better luck with ndiswrappwe06:56
RudyValencia* ndiswrapper06:57
nomad77RudyValencia: try this if you know how to compile an app. works fine on my bcm94311 rev 02 b43 does not06:57
sebsebsebvishnu: ok bye06:57
vishaltelangreviatech, no idea! :(06:57
nomad77RudyValencia: http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php06:57
RudyValenciaI do know how to compile things06:57
TomGkiamo: I believe hdparm has an option to repair bad sectors, although they suggest not using it haha06:57
gewtrealtek chipsets are absolutely great.06:57
RudyValenciabut I think I will use ndiswrapper until b43 stops panicking.06:57
kiamoThe smart data thing picks up on them and reallocates them.  Is that good enough?  Or should I still try fsck or badblocks as you say?06:57
vishnusebsebseb: i compiled a program in g++.. no errors.. how to viw the output.. plz tell06:58
nomad77RudyValencia: if your kernel updates a major version,will need to rebuild the module06:58
gewtthe windows driver works properly06:58
gewtmaybe ndiswrapper would work.06:58
goddardI installed a new video card and I want to make sure I have the right drivers installed....It appears as if everything is working great..my old card was Nvidia and my new card is Nvidia and I was using the propritary drivers...thanks06:58
sebsebsebvishnu: uh you said your new, and already doing stuff like that06:59
vishnusebsebseb,  how to view the output in gcc?06:59
RPG-MasterOK, why when I create a business card for my Avery paper in OpenOffice, there is allot of space on the left but none on the right? My cards end up being cut off.06:59
gewtgoddard: why thank us, we did nothing!06:59
=== titaniumbrella is now known as Carbonish
vishnusebsebseb,  jus seein how linux rocks...06:59
XcalibarRPG-Master you want to reset to defaults in openoffice?06:59
vishnusebsebseb,  mind answering it , dude?07:00
XcalibarRPG-Master i would check openoffice wiki07:00
RPG-MasterXcalibar: It can't be the settings, I've tried it both on my laptop and my other computer which I have barely touched07:00
sebsebsebvishnu: programming help isn't really Ubuntu support.  or do you mean your compiling a program from source?07:00
Dr_Williscould be wrong default settings...07:00
goddardgewt its a proactive thanks07:01
vishnusebsebseb, no buddy, how could i all do that when i m a begginner? jus an ordinary beginner program.. anyway thanks.07:01
well_laid_lawnvishnu: man gcc gives the options for it07:02
vishnuwell_laid_lawn, thank u very much07:02
Sa[i]nTIs there a program for LED circuit layout for ubuntu?07:02
RudyValenciandiswrapper works finr.07:02
goddardgewt hahahaha07:02
RudyValenciaI'll use it until/unless they fix b4307:03
Dr_WillisSa[i]nT:  ages ago there was 'spice' i recall.. but not sure how a LED circuit differes from  electrical circuit07:03
RudyValenciaI wonder if providing kern.log data will help07:03
Sa[i]nTDr_Willis: Is there one for elec circuits?07:03
Dr_WillisRudyValencia:  im not sure theres much work on B43 any more. I thought it got all shifted to the STA driver07:03
Dr_WillisSa[i]nT:  fire up package manager and search. There should be some07:03
RudyValenciaI've blacklisted b43 anyway07:04
Dr_Willis!info spice07:04
ubottuPackage spice does not exist in lucid07:04
Sa[i]nTDr_Willis: I am.07:04
Dr_WillisHmm. perhaps the name is different now.. been years ago07:04
zhobbs___anyone know what package provides the "kdb" xorg module?07:04
RudyValenciaah, I'm wrong07:06
RudyValenciait's called ngspice07:06
RudyValenciahttps://electronics.wiki.usu.edu/ngspice_Install <- install guide07:06
Dr_Willis!info ngspice07:06
ubottungspice (source: ng-spice-rework): A Spice circuit simulator. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 20-1 (lucid), package size 2357 kB, installed size 8256 kB07:06
RudyValenciarather, https://electronics.wiki.usu.edu/ngspice%20Install07:06
Dr_WillisRudyValencia:  install -> sudo apt-get install ngspice       :) who needs a guide.07:06
RudyValenciaThere we go.07:06
RudyValenciaI didn't know07:07
Dr_WillisNow actually USING it.. that may need a guide07:07
kiamohmm, so is it a bad idea to fsck my root filesystem?07:07
RudyValenciaWhy doesn't Ubuntu have Blackjack anymore?07:07
Dr_Williskiamo:  ive often booted a live cd. and fscked my fileystems befor  (when they get badly trashed)07:07
viatech!network | viatech07:08
ubottuviatech, please see my private message07:08
SprungeHello all.07:09
kiamoDr_Willis, Do filesystems often get trashed?  Iv been trying ubuntu periodicly for the last year and every time my fs gets trashed somehow.  Gets remounted as read only, and I have never successfully repaired it.  :(07:10
kiamoits rather discouraging :\  but I DO want to use linux instead of windows lol07:10
gewtridiculous hacker rap is weird07:10
RudyValenciabtw, I wasn't offered the Broadcom STA driver for my BCM4306 card07:10
Dr_Williskiamo:  ive rarely had it happen.07:10
kiamoDr_Willis, could it be these bad blocks that are causing it?07:11
Dr_Williskiamo:  power outages while doing things is about the only time i have the issue. Or harddrive faulure07:11
Dr_Williskiamo:  possibaly07:11
Dr_WillisHard drives are the weakest link these days it seems07:11
remanifestDoes anyone know where the default Xubuntu background is located, or what it's called?  I can't find it07:11
Dr_Willisand they are rather easy to change. :)07:11
Dr_Willisremanifest:  perhaps  in /usr/share/backgrounds or /usr/share/wallpapers07:12
kiamopower outages aren't an issue for me, hasn't happened and im on a laptop anyway.  Yea I've wondered about the integrity of my hdd, however it runs perfectly fine in windows.  I don't quite believe windows is doing something better than linux... is that possible? lol07:12
RudyValenciadarn gnome-games programmers removed blackjack from their package07:12
RudyValenciaI want blackjack, darn it!07:12
remanifestDr_Willis: nevermind... found it right after I sent the message07:12
remanifestthank you07:12
Dr_Williskiamo:   if the hd is partitioned into space for wundoiws and linux. its possiuble the bad part of the HD is  allocated to the linux half.07:12
SprungeSo I screwed up installing GRUB2 during my Lucid update. Guess I should have just done a fresh install.07:13
kiamoit is07:13
mobius2I have blackjack07:13
mobius2i think it comes installed?07:13
RudyValenciain lucid?07:13
Dr_Williskiamo:  one of the best upgrades i did for my laptop was upgrading its HD to a faster/bigger one.. well worth the effort.07:13
remanifestXubuntu's running great on my nb20507:13
mobius2ahhhh im just getting back in here07:13
RudyValenciagnome-games doesn't install blackjack07:13
RudyValenciathey removed it.07:13
kiamohowever, i was using the current linux partition in windows fine too.  Although it wasn't a root partition07:13
RudyValenciaI want to find a blackjack game and I don't want to play on a site like bodog07:14
wildbatkiamo, you can do a full rw scan of your hd with badblocks thou if you want.07:14
mobius2has anyone gotten one of those infra red metal webcams to work in linux?07:14
mobius2has six little IR sensors on em07:14
mobius2fine little cam07:14
kiamothe badblocks man page suggest not running badblocks, and instead running fsck though...?07:14
mobius2ill prolly have to install frikkin vmware to get it working07:14
RudyValenciaoh I found something07:14
mobius2there ya go07:15
mobius2i like my little blackjack game07:15
mobius2I think i finally got out of debt07:15
wildbatkiamo, also update the hd firmware if it have one ~ manufacture doing lousy job on firmware nowadays that can crash systems and even data lost07:15
mobius2i was down BAD07:15
mobius2for the longest07:15
mobius2then one night i got drunk nad started making crazy bets07:16
SprungeOn boot I have a single entry for Win7 that starts a different GRUB2 install which has all the normal options, yet its Win7 simply references itself apparently. So I can only boot into Ubuntu, and only by going through two GRUB2 installs. Anyone care to touch this one? Heheheh07:16
mobius2now i have almost a half a mil07:16
kiamowildbat,  ooo good call.  Didn't think of that07:16
mobius2well its midnight fifteen in colorado07:16
mobius2good night people07:16
mobius2good luck07:16
RudyValenciamobius2: hey07:16
RudyValenciayou're in CO too?07:16
mobius2Fort Collins07:17
RudyValenciaI'm in greeley07:17
mobius2oh wow07:17
RudyValenciaclose by!07:17
mobius2what are the fucking odds of that07:17
dan14is there any good reason to move from heron to lynx?07:17
Jordan_USprunge: Can you pastebin the output from this script: http://sourceforge.net/projects/bootinfoscript/ ?07:17
RudyValenciamobius2: one in a million?07:17
mobius2well thats my night :D07:17
RudyValenciapm me real quick07:17
sebsebsebI found a guy once from here, that lived near me07:17
karmstAnyone around?07:18
sebsebsebkarmst: yes07:18
wildbatkarmst,  nope ~ ^^07:18
karmstSo I have a question hopefull someone can help me with07:18
karmstWhat is the fastest file system to use for Karmic?07:19
Jordan_USprunge: And also the output of "debconf-show grub-pc".07:19
SwedeMikekarmst: fastest for what?07:19
FyreFoXanyone familiar with luks?07:19
goddardwhats the easiest way to monitor system temp07:19
karmstin reads and writes07:19
SwedeMikeFyreFoX: yes.07:19
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.07:19
FyreFoXSwedeMike: if I don cryptsetup luksClose a device and the machine gets powered off uncleanly...07:19
SwedeMikekarmst: duh, that's like answering "what is the best car?" -"for what" -"for rolling forward with"07:20
karmstbasically to build a NFS server with07:20
karmstto store backupexec disk backups07:21
SwedeMikeFyreFoX: was that a question?07:21
SwedeMikekarmst: I personally prefer xfs for such usage.07:21
FyreFoXSwedeMike: Ok I have a luks setup using cryptsetup on a second disk right, I am wondering what the ramifications of not issuing a cryptsetup luksClose device and having the power go out, what state is that device in when I power back on ?07:22
SwedeMikeFyreFoX: I've never had any problems, luksClose is as far as I know only to free the device from the OS point of view, it doesn't really write anything to the luks header.07:22
FyreFoXSwedeMike: is it locked or unlocked? potential corruption? loss of data?07:22
goddardis 31 C good for cpu?07:22
darttthere is sudden visual tearing of my display....nyone know wats hppenig...i got intel 965 series07:23
SwedeMikeFyreFoX: from luks point of view, there shouldn't be any problems.07:23
FyreFoXSwedeMike: Ok, I suspected as much07:23
SprungeJordan_U: Here's the debconf output: http://pastebin.com/zSXU0UA007:23
SwedeMikegoddard: good for what? it's low and nice for normal operating temperature.07:23
FyreFoXSwedeMike: thanks07:23
karmstso xfs is faster the ext407:23
SwedeMikekarmst: again, you have to quantify what you need it for. there is no such thing as a "fs best at everything"07:24
Docteh_karmst: that probably depends on whats on the filesystem07:24
karmstwell for backup and restore07:24
SwedeMikekarmst: for nfs server reads and writes of large files, there isn't really any difference afaik07:24
Docteh_karmst: ext4 would be better for large files07:24
FyreFoXkarmst: depends what you need it for.. ie type of setup raid, type of files big small etc etc07:24
karmstI want something that for DR will require the least amount of time for restore07:24
goddardSwedeMike I just cleaned my system of all the dust that was in it and put some new thermal paste on the CPU wanna make sure everything is working correctly07:24
goddardAlso installed a new fan07:24
SwedeMikegoddard: your cpu can go to 50-60 C before you really have to worry, 31C is excellent for running system.07:25
=== [SW]Dodge`oFF is now known as [SW]Dodge
Docteh_karmst: fastest to restore one file or all files?07:25
karmstall files07:25
SwedeMikekarmst: you need a few hundred megabits/s right, then all fs should work properly.07:26
darttthere is sudden visual tearing of my display....nyone know wats hppening...i got intel 965 series07:26
Jordan_USprunge: You should install grub to the mbr, and never to a partition. "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" to get that setting correct.07:26
SwedeMikedartt: don't repeat your question without adding more information, in the last 3 minutes there really won't be anyone new who knows anything, so most likely you're not providing enough information.07:26
SwedeMikeJordan_U: there are times where you want grub on a partition, so please don't use "never" in that context.07:27
Jordan_USprunge: You will be asked other questions, leave them at their defaults (some will be blank, that's OK).07:27
Docteh_karmst: if you're using slow disks for backups, compressed tarballs on ext407:27
Jordan_USwedeMike: Very rarely is it ever the best solution.07:27
Docteh_i'd recommend trying a few ideas out though07:27
SwedeMikeJordan_U: "best" is subjective. it's not common to do it, but there are prefectly valid scenarios to do it.07:28
SprungeOk, yeah the message box during the Lucid update had me clueless. I recommended installing grub to every partition if I wasn't sure what I needed. So I just chose What I thought was the MBR. *shrug*07:28
zver_how do i ssh to windows machine?07:29
Dr_Williszver_:  install a ssh server on the windows machine...07:29
Jordan_USwedeMike: It's unreliable to install a bootloader to a partition because it requires blocklists, and I can only think of one good use case for installing grub to a partition.07:29
foxmulderzver_: putty is all you need.07:30
SwedeMikeJordan_U: chain loading is perfectly good use case.07:30
j0rdi'm connecting to internet via WiFi on my laptop, can i share my internet to other computers via WiFi as well with just one wireless card?07:30
kiamoDuring startup, ubuntu doesn't ask me which OS to boot.  How do I enable that and add my windows partition to the list?07:30
j0rdor am i full of crazy07:30
SwedeMikej0rd: you can share it via another wifi card, yes.07:30
zver_thanks | Dr_Willis07:30
Jordan_USwedeMike: What is the use case for chainloading grub from a partition?07:30
j0rdSwedeMike: can i share it using the same wifi card?07:30
foxmulderzver_: I run WinSSHD on my Windows server and use putty to connect/manage from Linux.07:31
SprungeJordan_U: Hmm, the very first step asks me to verify a command line extracted from /etc/default/grub but it's just blank.07:31
SwedeMikej0rd: not easily.07:31
zver_what about telnet | Dr_Willis07:31
j0rdSwedeMike: that sounds like yes :) I assume i can createa a virtual interface or something?07:31
SwedeMikeJordan_U: to havle multiple installs completely separated from each other, so you load install2's grub from install1's grub.07:31
Jordan_USprunge: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/bootinfoscript/index.php?title=Boot_Problems:Boot_Sector to get windows booting again.07:31
SwedeMikej0rd: I'm not touching that with a 100 foot pole. yes it can be done, no, I'm not going to help you.07:32
SprungeAwesome, thanks.07:32
Jordan_USprunge: That is normal.07:32
j0rdSwedeMike: if you have any howtos I'll take a read. or some useful keywords for me to search on google it would be appreciated07:32
j0rdSwedeMike: ok thx07:32
Sam_FisherWhy does Grub suck so bad when it breaks?07:32
Sam_FisherHowdy Ya'll!07:32
SwedeMikej0rd: look for masquerading, that's the term used in linux for NAT.07:32
Jordan_USwedeMike: A more reliable way to load grub2 in that case is to use "multiboot /boot/grub/core.img"07:32
Docteh_Sam_Fisher: mbr's are tiny is why07:32
zver_i tryed telnet it says `Connection refused` who refused? | Dr_Willis07:32
j0rdSwedeMike: ok07:32
Docteh_zver_: the other computer07:33
Sam_FisherDocteh_: the area for memory?07:33
foxmulderzver_: Don't use telnet.07:33
Jordan_USwedeMike: Or rather, since you are talking about loading from grub legacy "kernel /boot/grub/core.img"07:33
Dr_Williszver_:  You installed what ssh server to the  wineows machine?07:33
aditsu_hi, how can I install adobe flash 64bit in firefox in ubuntu?07:33
SwedeMikeJordan_U: oki, I don't remember grub having that, so if grub2 has a better way, then that use case might be gone.07:33
SwedeMikeJordan_U: I'm from the lilo days of mid 90ties :P07:33
kiamoaditsu_, install the ubuntu restricted extras07:33
kiamoI think.  that's what I am doing at the moment07:33
aditsu_kiamo: how do I do that?07:34
loopoolWhen i run 'sudo apt-get update' in the terminal, it does everything normally and 'hits' everything, but at the end it says 'W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 5A9BF3BB4E5E17B5'07:34
kiamosearch for "restricted" in the ubuntu software center.  It should come up among some other stuff07:34
Jordan_USwedeMike: Correct, grub legacy can't be loaded via multiboot, so it does sometimes make sense to install grub legacy to a partition.07:34
loopoolhow do i fix this?07:34
Docteh_Sam_Fisher: first stage is ~400 bytes, which is enough to point somewhere but not enough to go looking for it if it moves07:34
kiamoit installs support for various video codecs, mp3, flash, java and other stuff07:35
uchigo46373i need help!!!07:35
SwedeMikeloopool: try googling for the error message, I'm sure you'll find hints on how to solve it.07:35
SwedeMike!ask | uchigo4637307:35
ubottuuchigo46373: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:35
uchigo46373i need a driver for a sony bd player07:35
zver_no have't, i cant access it | Dr_Willis07:35
Dr_Willisloopool:  you dident install a 'key' for some repo you have. thats just a warning i recall. not critical07:35
uchigo46373on my laptop07:35
uchigo46373for verson 10.4 desktop07:36
aditsu_kiamo: that seems to pull in zillions of things07:36
insaneNessHi, I want to partition my hard drive so I can install Ubuntu side-by-side with Windows 7, and I have 150GB of free secondary memory. If I'm going to use Ubuntu for light use (creating documents, not media manipulation), how much should I give the Ubuntu partition?07:36
Dr_Williszver_:  then you are out of luck I guess. unless you can go physically to the windiows box or some how remote in to install some services07:36
SwedeMikeuchigo46373: what part of "in one line" was hard to understand?07:36
SprungeJordan_U: So /dev/sda rather than /dev/sda# will install it to the MBR, correct?07:36
foxmulderzver_: You'll have to setup a ssh daemon/server on the windows system before you'll be able to connect to it.07:36
Dr_WillisinsaneNess:  10-20gb is Plenty for many people i find.07:36
Jordan_USprunge: Yes.07:36
kiamoaditsu_, it does, but on my screen ubuntu restricted extras is 4rth down the list07:36
foxmulderzver_: What about rdp?07:36
mariya!package gnome07:37
insaneNessDr_Willis: ok, thank you so much07:37
Sam_FisherinsaneNess: 149gb07:37
Sam_FisherinsaneNess: ok maybe a little less. I use 25gb and have room to spare.07:37
Sam_FisherinsaneNess: I don't use a swap file area eaither cause I rool like that!07:38
mariyawhat is a command to reinstall a gnome desktop?07:38
uchigo46373what i need is drivers for a sony optiarc bd rom 5500s07:38
Sam_Fisheropps misspelling roll is not kool07:38
ZonkieNutinsaneNess: Normal Ubuntu installation only took up about 3.4G on my system07:39
zver_ok, i got it first i need sneak some remote control app into winbox | Dr_Willis07:39
Sam_FisherDocteh_: any experience with CDLinux? They say they can't build a reliable partition installer!07:39
insaneNessSam_Fisher: I'm not comfortable with much anyway, I'm not very good with manipulating things07:39
loopooli fixed it, i just needed to download the keys from the error :)07:40
foxmulderuchigo46373: Perhaps you'll have better luck on the UbuntuForums.org instead of trolling in here. <rolls eyes>07:40
insaneNessZonkieNut: Ok, thanks07:40
mneptokinsaneNess: is this a desktop or laptop?07:40
Docteh_Sam_Fisher: first i've heard about "cdlinux"07:40
insaneNessmneptok: laptop07:40
sebsebsebmariya: Don't think there is one, whats the problem?07:40
loopoolmy other problem is i cant connect to my wireless network. My wireless driver is working fine; it can pick the signal up okay, it just won't let me connect. Is there a way I can manually do this in the terminal? I get no error message, it just fails.07:40
uchigo46373thanks dick07:40
mneptokinsaneNess: do you want to be able to suspend or hibernate?07:40
Sam_Fishermariya: hello friend how are things?07:40
Docteh_Sam_Fisher: extlinux might be hardier than grub07:40
insaneNessmneptok: Yes07:41
mneptokinsaneNess: then you should create a swap partition of 2x the physical RAM07:41
foxmulderuchigo46373: You're welcome.07:41
Blue1i use 1.507:41
Sam_Fishermariya: What did you do to your desktop?07:41
sebsebsebfoxmulder: already left07:42
Blue1but then otoh if it's gotta swap 2 g of ram, you're in trouble anyway07:42
Docteh_loopool: if you're using wpa the wpa supplicant handles associations and encryption, otherwise fiddle with iwconfig07:42
mariyasebsebseb, gnome does not start normally, all I see is an empty background without pannels, here is a xsession-errors file http://pastebin.com/fzf3HWuF07:42
mneptokBlue1: not when suspending or hibernating.07:42
foxmuldersebsebseb: Great. It worked.07:42
mneptokBlue1: during those time everything in physical memory is dumpoed to swap07:42
Blue1mneptok: i never do that.07:42
insaneNessmneptok: I'm not sure how to do that, would it be ok to leave out suspending/hibernating?07:43
Docteh_I have zero swap :-/07:43
mneptokinsaneNess: sure.07:43
loopoolDocteh_: im using WEP07:43
Sam_FisherZero swap rules!07:43
mneptokinsaneNess: 15GB as a primary Linux system partition is probably enough for light work.07:43
Blue1Sam_Fisher: indeed07:43
mneptokSam_Fisher: not on laptops it doesn't.07:43
sebsebsebmariya: That doesn't mean much to me.  Which version of Ubuntu?  Clean install or upgrade07:43
Blue1mneptok: my netbook has 2 g and zero swap07:44
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SwedeMikeI'm only using 5 gigs on my laptop, 15 gigs for / should be plenty.07:44
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Docteh_loopool: disable networkmanager or wicd before you start fiddling with iwconfig. I have a cheapo access point that needs to get reset occasionally07:44
Sam_FisherI have a 2 TB drive so what do I care? I used to partition 150GB X 407:44
SteveThingcan someone help me with mediatomb?07:45
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insaneNessmneptok: Thanks, how might I create a swap partition?07:45
mariyasebsebseb, clean install, 10.0407:45
loopoolDocteh_: i have no idea what iwconfig is - is that where I should be to fix the connection problem? It was working fine on Jaunty07:45
mneptokinsaneNess: it's aprt of the installation procedure. create a partition, choose to use it as swap space.07:46
Blue1insaneNess: gparted07:46
mariyasebsebseb, what is the output of your: ls -l /home by the way?07:46
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info07:46
Docteh_loopool: iwconfig is the cli tool that changes wireless settings, like the essid it should connect to/ the mode / wep key07:46
Blue1swap on/swap off reminds me of the clapper07:46
Inzi1985hello everyone07:46
sebsebsebmariya: on this computer,  I only have Ubuntu in vm, since another distro07:47
Docteh_loopool: so you could manually give the wireless card settings and see if that helps :-/07:47
insaneNessmneptok,Blue1: Thanks, would I have to create two partitions then, or will it do this in the installer?07:47
Sam_FisherBlue1: lol07:47
sebsebsebmariya: anyway so the panels never showed properly?07:47
Inzi1985does anyone know if ubuntu supports the intel x3100 graphic card natively07:47
Docteh_mariya: network install or from the livecd07:47
Sam_FisherInzi1985: no we don't07:47
Inzi1985or are there proprietary drivers that need to be installed07:47
SwedeMikeInzi1985: define "natively" ?07:47
Blue1insaneNess: if you are installing linux from say the live cd there should be an option to do that - but honestly don't remember07:47
kmystanyone use nm-applet to create an ad-hoc wireless network?  mine keeps failing...used to work back it gutsy which is when i used/needed it last07:48
Sam_FisherInzi1985: have you tried it yet?07:48
Inzi1985Swedemike : i belive the vga on my laptop is over heating, i have a compaq 61007:48
SteveThingi'm having some trouble getting mediatomb to start on login, can someone help me out?07:48
Blue1kmyst: what do yo mean by adhoc wireless?07:48
mariyaDocteh_, why does this matter, from a livecd07:49
SwedeMikeInzi1985: what does that have to do with whether ubuntu supports it "natively" or not?07:49
Sam_FisherDocteh_: In CDlinux they have a nice wifi program oh I mean APP that is very visual and I want it on my 10.04 what is the best wifi tool?07:49
hikariInzi1985, have you tried the laptop-mode-tools ?07:49
sebsebsebmariya: remove the GNome .folders from home,  when in something else such as KDE,  then re install Gnome, that might work07:49
Inzi1985Sam_fisher : yes i did install ubuntu on my compaq 610, i had no problem with cpu overheating issues, coz that was the general complain, instead the area under my left wrist seem to heat up alot, and on windows 7, its ice cold07:49
sebsebseb!purekde | mariya07:49
ubottumariya: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »07:49
Sam_FisherSteveThing: dump MT07:49
kmystBlue1: adhoc wireless is two wireless devices (i.e. laptops) in a sort of peer to peer mode07:49
Inzi1985hikari : how do i work with the laptop-mode-tools07:49
mariyasebsebseb, no, it was working well, since I have restarted after an update two day ago07:49
kmystBlue1: no wireless router needed...if that makes sense07:50
Sam_FisherSteveThing: Get PS3Mediaserver and don't look back!07:50
insaneNessBlue1: ok, cool - I'll see how I go installing Ubuntu, then...thanks, everyone!07:50
sebsebsebmariya: ok so the panels won't show is that the only issue or?07:50
SwedeMikeInzi1985: could be that it's running the cpu at full speed, not lowering the clock when cpu is idle?07:50
Blue1kmyst okay I don't have anything like that07:50
Blue1mariya: there's no place, like gnome!07:50
jimmyz80Heya, having a problem. just installed Gentoo alongside Ubuntu, and after i run update-grub, it seems ok, but gentoo is not present in the grub list of OS's when I reboot http://pastebin.com/052whtB0 Anyone have any suggestions?07:50
SteveThingSam_Fisher: any particular reason?07:50
Inzi1985SwedeMike: but the fan isn't running all the time,.. cpu idles at 43 degrees, wheni run sensors07:51
hikariInzi1985, http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Laptop-mode-tools07:51
kmystBlue1: well it is occasionally useful...just left click nm-applet and create wireless network....well that used to work, seems broken now07:51
codeabitmy gnome just crashed.  I re-logged back in.  can anyone tell me the best way to gather information so I can report a bug?07:51
SwedeMikeInzi1985: then I have no idea.07:51
Docteh_43 at the cpu isn't too bad07:51
Blue1kmyst: I have a wireless router -- i am running dd-wrt07:52
mariyasebsebseb, all I see a clean background, and nothing more, that is the issue07:52
Inzi1985Docteh_ : i know.. my cpu is fine, but the region left of the touchpad heats up alot,.. but on win7 it is cold07:52
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Inzi1985SwedeMike : thanks dude07:53
sebsebsebmariya: well I guess do what I suggested before try and install something else, and then remove gnome .folders from home and that.07:53
sebsebsebmariya: or just clean install?07:53
Inzi1985hikari : thanks, i shall check it out soon07:53
kmystBlue1: same here...but i was in a situation where no router was present and wanted to wireless network with another computer which is what adhoc is...used to work once upon a time :)07:53
Docteh_SwedeMike: set the cpu scheduler to uh, take a look what it has and try conservative maybe07:54
sebsebsebmariya: does the log in screen show?07:54
Blue1not fam with that07:54
Docteh_i did that wrong07:54
mariyasebsebseb, I use autologin07:54
sebsebsebmariya: ah07:54
sebsebsebmariya: and you can't even get to the terminal and such anyway?07:55
Inzi1985Swedemike : do u think i should try and older version of ubuntu07:55
SprungeJordan_U: Ok, I'm in testdisk attempting to fix the Win7 boot sector now and that page says to select "BackupBS", but the closest option to that is "Rebuild BS". The other options are "Quit", "List", "Repair MFT", and "Dump". Should I rebuild it?07:55
geekyogiam using Ubuntu 10.04 on Intel i7 860 processor.. I wanna monitor the temperature of the cpu and disks..  lm-sensor doesn't detect the sensors.. any idea which kernel module or package will help me...07:55
SwedeMikeInzi1985: if you decide to, don't try older than 9.10 anyway, because then you'll run out of support soon, and you should also report it as a problem in case 9.10 works better.07:55
sebsebsebmariya: why not clean install,  obviously something has gone pretty wrong07:55
sebsebsebmariya: if you got data on there, you can access it using the Live CD, and then back up and such07:56
Inzi1985Swedemike : intel x3100 is actually this Intel GL960/GM965, do i need to install any drivers?07:56
SwedeMikegeekyogi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto perhaps?07:56
SwedeMikeInzi1985: I don't know, didn't have to do anthing special with my intel 4500.07:56
sebsebsebSwedeMike: Inzi1985  well 8.04 has untill the end of April next year on the desktop07:57
geekyogiswedemike: will try07:57
Docteh_Inzi1985: see if glmatrix screen saver works is easiest test i think07:57
mariyasebsebseb, it's too complicated, and there is no guaranty, that this will not happen again, so what is the point of doing so?07:57
Inzi1985Docteh_ : it works.. no problems.. its just the heat issue i'm worried about07:57
purveshi want to resize my image exact Pixels any Software for that in Ubuntu ?07:58
sebsebsebmariya: right, but my other idea that I am thinking at the moment, may not work either07:58
bazhangpurvesh, clone?07:58
SprungeJordan_U: Ah, I think I found it. *crosses fingers*07:58
shadyabhiI have an NTFS partition... When I run "df" (disk free coammand), its hows as space occupied.. But. the directory which had the ost contents is empty.. Its like directory entry is deleted.. There is a "GetDataBack for NTFS" software for windows, whats the quiivalent for linux?07:58
SwedeMikepurvesh: gimp is a good image editor.07:58
Inzi1985SwedeMike: i shall try and 9.10, and 8.04.. if they work properly.... i'll lodgein a complain to ubuntu07:58
sebsebsebmariya: the point is so you have a system that probably works07:59
purveshSwedeMike, hey but it will not resize exact pixels07:59
sebsebsebmariya: updates don't normally do that kind of thing though07:59
Inzi1985SwedeMike ; Now i have to go look for my cd..07:59
sebsebsebmariya: so something else probably caused it07:59
jacob_Does anyone know of any better music players than Rhythmbox for Linux, or does anyone know of a way to actually be able to customize Rhythmbox, e.g. be able to move the status bar to the top?07:59
SwedeMikepurvesh: no? It resizes by pixel count when I last tried anyway.07:59
Inzi1985SwedeMike :  i'm not a very technical person.. ahah.. so i'm quite a newbie with ubuntu07:59
sebsebsebmariya: maybe you installed a graphics card driver quite recently for example,  and something went wrong with that08:00
SwedeMikejacob_: I use audacious for playing mp3:s08:00
purveshSwedeMike, u can try now i had tried08:00
SteveThingcan someone help me with mediatomb?08:00
SerephI don't havge the little speaker icon anymore in the top right, how can I get it back?08:00
SwedeMikepurvesh: I tried yesterday and it could resize by pixel count then anyway. It could do that all the times I tried the past 5 years as well.08:00
musexuwhat is it08:00
celeritasSereph, try running alsamixer in your terminal08:01
mariyasebsebseb, no, I can get a working gnome manually, by running from a tty DISPLAY=:0.0 gnome-panel, nautilus and so on...08:01
Inzi1985Thanks guys for all ur help.. im gonna go install and try it out now..08:01
Inzi1985catch u soon..08:01
musexuit's my first time enter the software08:01
bazhang!hi | musexu08:01
ubottumusexu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!08:01
sebsebsebmusexu: you can  use tty for some commands,  or recovery mode from the boot loader08:01
purveshSwedeMike, i had said it resize by pixel but i want exact pixel like 192 x 192 that it cant......! :)08:01
musexuare all your guys Chinese?08:02
celeritasSereph, it won't give you the icon back but if alsamixer fails, then there may be a problem with your drivers rather than your interface08:02
sebsebsebmariya: silly auto complete, see above :)08:02
Serephalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory08:02
purveshbazhang, hey clone can resize image exactly like 192 x 192 Pixels ?08:02
bazhang!cn | musexu08:02
mariyasebsebseb, sorry?08:02
ubottumusexu: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk08:02
SwedeMikepurvesh: I don't see why not, or you don't actually mean "resize" and mean something else.08:02
sebsebsebmariya: I just messaged wrong person08:02
bazhangmusexu, /join #ubuntu-cn08:02
celeritasSereph, try sudo alsamixer08:03
Serephno luck08:03
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musexuhow to join ubuntu-cn?08:03
Guest56720wht is it ?08:03
purveshSwedeMike, its k bro......! but i had used word exact ... anyways .. Thanx bro for info. i ll take care of my words08:03
bazhangmusexu, /join #ubuntu-cn    <----type that08:04
celeritasSereph, its failing because you don't have access to the file08:04
SprungeHmm, os-prober outputs "/dev/sda1:Windows 7 (loader):Windows:chain". Should ":chain" be there?08:04
Serephceleritas: I used sudo08:04
celeritasSereph, are you a member of the audio group?08:04
musexuhow to join ubuntu-cn?08:04
bazhangmusexu, I just told you08:04
bazhangmusexu, /join #ubuntu-cn08:04
purveshwinston84, hi08:04
purveshbazhang, hey clone can resize image exactly like 192 x 192 Pixels ?08:05
bazhangpurvesh, you are using GIMP? something other? what have you tried?08:05
sebsebsebmariya: delete the Gome programs and  .folders in home for Gnome, and then re install and it may work.  Can't do that whilst Gnome is running in your install though,  so would have to use another desktop environment such as KDE if that will work without the same problem,  or  a Live CD.  Or recovery mode.  Probably easier and better to clean install.08:06
SwedeMikepurvesh: I just scaled an image to 192x192 pixels in gimp.08:06
celeritasSereph, take a look at your /etc/group and make sure you are a member of the audio group08:06
Serephceleritas: how would that make a difference if i use sudo08:06
purveshbazhang, i had used gThumb and Gwenview08:06
mariyasebsebseb, omg, are you crazy !?! I do not want to break my system? have you ever tried something like this?08:07
purveshSwedeMike, k .... but what is the Procedure can u tell me .....!08:07
SwedeMikepurvesh: imagemagick can do it from the command line.08:07
celeritasSereph, did sudo give you the same error? snd_ctl_open failed?08:07
sebsebsebmariya: uh your system is already broken by the sounds of it08:07
sebsebsebmariya: and yes if I remember correctly I have tried something like this in the past myself08:07
SwedeMikepurvesh: you go to image->scale image, then you enter the amount of pixels you want there, and press scale (undo the "chain" if you dont want to keep aspect ratio)08:08
purveshSwedeMike, so for installing imagemagick i have to type any cmd..08:08
sebsebsebmariya: or I got another idea08:09
Serephceleritas: yes...08:09
sebsebsebmariya: make a new user in recovery mode or   something, and try and log in to that08:09
FullFlannelJackeTrying to open Openoffice Word and am getting an error that "/home/username/%F does not exist."  Is this some problem with Gconf?  how do i fix it?08:09
SprungeOk, time to reboot. Here goes nothing....08:09
celeritastry sudo chmod 666 /dev/snd08:09
cjaedoes anyone else notice adobe flash is quite mem and cpu intensive in ff as of 10.04?08:09
Serephceleritas: dont have a /dev/snd08:09
SwedeMikecjae: it's always mem and cpu intensive.08:10
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aditsu_kiamo: I installed the restricted extras; still no adobe flash08:10
owenllpurvesh: sudo apt-get install imagemagick08:10
cjaeSwedeMike: is there a good replacement yet?08:10
SwedeMikecjae: not that I know of, last I tried gnash it didn't work well.08:10
purveshSwedeMike, Hey Thanx for that Chain.. lol .. Finally done .08:11
SwedeMikepurvesh: just a tip for you, you really should work on your "asking questions" skill, if it was the aspect ratio you didn't succeed in not keeping, saying so would have cut this conversation down by a lot.08:13
cjaeSwedeMike: I am running an old p4 machine with a 1gb of ram, and since 10.04 I can barely watch youtube and download ubuntu at same time08:13
SwedeMikepurvesh: saying "it won't resize to 192x192 but instead I can only choose one figure and it calculates the other" would also have worked.08:13
cjaevia torrent08:13
cjaeusing kde though08:13
purveshSwedeMike, see m bit noob may be .... but every one Starts from there so shortly i ll reach at some level08:15
atroy1994Hello everybody..  for installing ubuntu, ineed atleast 256 mb ram, but i hav only 246. so, i want to do swapping. how will i do?08:15
jacob_SwedeMike, how do I get rid of the numbering on the far left?08:16
jacob_Not the track numbering, but the # for each song..08:16
jacob_I don't want that there08:16
sebsebsebatroy1994: ok yeah swap08:16
sebsebsebatroy1994: have you tried desktop cd on there?08:17
martez89hey all, how can I backup my home folder from a 10.04 live cd  to an external hdd?08:17
sebsebsebatroy1994: for Ubuntu08:17
atroy1994sebsebseb: which one u call the dekstop cd?08:17
SwedeMikejacob_: I have absolutely no idea. read the manual?08:18
sebsebsebatroy1994: are you sure you have a bit under the amount of RAM it says you should have?08:18
jellowmartez89: mount the external hd , and move the files from $HOME to the hd ?08:18
sebsebsebatroy1994: the Desktop Live CD08:18
martez89jellow: ive tried that, but i need permissions08:18
atroy1994atroy1994: yes, iam sure about ram.08:19
celeritasSereph, does lspci show your card?08:19
martez89but i don't know the right sudo commands for that08:19
sebsebsebatroy1994: ok messaged yourself08:19
atroy1994sebsebseb: i hav the liv cd08:19
sebsebsebatroy1994: have you downloaded an Ubuntu ISO yet? no?08:19
sebsebsebatroy1994: ok have you treid booting the Live CD?08:19
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Serephceleritas: its an oss problem apparantly, i tried oss and it blacklisted alsa08:19
atroy1994sebsebseb: oh, sorry.  that was a mistake :-)08:19
atroy1994what is ubuntu ISO? i hav just ordered the ubuntu10.04 cd and got it08:20
sebsebsebatroy1994: ok08:20
jellowmartez89: you need to use chmod -R 777 "Director You want Permission on"08:20
sebsebsebatroy1994: ISO is  what you download when you make your own,  the contents of a CD in a file, then burn contents to CD,  (ideally check its a good download ISO first as well)08:21
celeritasSereph, have you tried running the snddevices script08:21
sebsebsebatroy1994: have you tried to boot from the CD  you ordered?08:21
Serephceleritas: nope08:21
jellowmartez89: sudo chmod -R 777 "Some dir"08:21
atroy1994How ill i boot fom cd? sebsebseb08:21
sebsebsebatroy1994: you were asking about RAM,  so  I thought that maybe you had tried from the CD,  and  things  were really slow to boot up or somethign08:22
Jordan_Uatroy1994: Usually you just reboot with the CD in your CDROM drive.08:22
martez89jellow: ill try that08:22
celeritasSereph, the script builds the device list in /dev/snd. its inside alsa-drivers08:23
atroy1994do u mean, just starting computer, inserting cd, and again restarting?08:23
jellowmartez89: You can get to irc from the live cd so ask for help as you're doing it08:23
sebsebsebatroy1994: yes08:23
martez89jellow: i'm on another laptop currently08:23
sebsebsebatroy1994: might have to go into bios  and make it boot from CD first though.08:23
ZonkieNutatroy1994: if "boot from cd" is enabled in bios08:24
SprungeJordan_U: Hey thanks for all the help. Everything seems to be exactly as it should now. I'm on Win7 right now as a matter of fact. :-)08:24
atroy1994sebsebseb: the next time i restart what will happen?08:24
anodesniI cant install ubuntu. I have 80gb space between windows and archlinux partitions left, however, the arch partitions are not an extended partition and I cant make one in the 80gb space. Can I convert the arch partitions into an extended partition??08:24
sebsebsebatroy1994: lets go back to that08:24
sebsebsebanodesni: why were you asking about RAM?08:24
Jordan_USprunge: You're welcome.08:24
atroy1994sebsebseb: what is bios?08:24
atroy1994sebsebseb: i think its not enabled.....how will i check it?08:25
rwwanodesni: no08:25
sebsebsebatroy1994: You know what RAM and SWAP is, but not a BIOS hrm08:25
anodesnirww, maybe displace partitions?08:25
sebsebsebatroy1994: if the CD boots, it will let you try Ubuntu from CD, and even let you install it,  but  have any data backed up and such first08:26
martez89jellow: it says no such file or directory08:26
sebsebsebatroy1994: the CD boots up into RAM08:26
sebsebsebatroy1994: if you do not have enough RAM, things will be really slow, or not work properly at all08:26
martez89I use this command: sudo chmod -r 777 media/blabla/home/bart08:27
atroy1994sebsebseb: when i restart the pc, no change is there.   ?08:27
sebsebsebatroy1994: with the CD in the drive?08:27
atroy1994sebsebseb: yes08:27
sebsebsebatroy1994:  desktop or lap top?08:27
junglikaushal chutiya08:27
jellowmartez89: can you run "mount" from terminal and paste the results?08:28
bazhangjungli, english here08:28
MyWayhello, after i upgraded my acer 5520 to kernel 2.6.32-22 (using lucid x64) i don't have audio anymore, somebody can help?08:28
martez89jellow: pasting the results will be kinda hard because im working on 2 laptops08:28
sebsebsebatroy1994: ok you will have to change the boot order in the BIOS, make CD the first boot device or it won't load08:29
martez89but can you tell me where to look?08:29
ac1dburnzMyWay,  what sound driver you have ?  desktop or laptop ?08:29
MyWaylaptop, acer 5520, how to check what driver it is?08:29
atroy1994sebsebseb: how will i check whether "boot from cd" is enabled or not08:29
sebsebsebatroy1994: or maybe you should actsually try Ubuntu using Wubi to begin with08:29
sebsebsebatroy1994: except the requrements for Wubi is 256MB RAM, and apparantly you have a bit under08:30
ac1dburnzMyWay, use this command on terminal lspci, see if youre driver recognized08:30
MyWayAudio device: nVidia Corporation MCP67 High Definition Audio (rev a108:30
jellowmartez89: Sounds like there is a problem with your path to the external hd, You sure you have the riigth path?08:30
sebsebsebatroy1994: by going into your computers BIOS, it will say how to do that when it loads up,  then be careful in there,  only change the boot order, nothing else, and save it, and the BIOS will tell you how to change stuff in it08:30
ac1dburnzMyWay,  please use lspci on terminal, and send me the report08:30
jellowmartez89: usually /media/somefolder ?08:31
MyWayac1dburnz: http://pastebin.org/30827508:31
wo_os!! is it proper to pronounce XFCE as "X-force"?08:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:31
atroy1994sebsebseb: how will i change the boot order?08:31
sebsebsebatroy1994: that depends on your BIOS, we don't all have the same BIOS08:31
martez89jellow: i copied the path from the mounted hard drive08:32
atroy1994sebsebseb: from where bios will open?08:32
sebsebsebatroy1994: maybe you should find out what a BIOS is by  doing a Google search or maybe asking in ##hardware before going in there08:32
well_laid_lawnwo_os: it is just x f c e08:32
ac1dburnzMyWay,  youre driver seems to be fine,  try  check the sound if its muted or not08:32
ac1dburnzMyWay,  run alsamixer on terminal08:32
atroy1994sebsebseb: i did the search08:32
well_laid_lawnwo_os: keep it in the channel pls08:33
atroy1994Bsic input output system08:33
ac1dburnzMyWay, make sure Master is not on mute08:33
tauhey, i am having several problems, i installed ubuntu later i installed kubuntu so i got some problems for defining screen resolution , i tried to remove the kubuntu when i did a big mistake and i got my system broken, now i am tring to install from the zero the ubuntu by using the cd which i have, but when i install it still keep having problems it seems to not have formated the initial partitions which were created when i installed the ubuntu at08:33
MyWayac1dburnz: it says no such file/directory08:33
MyWaywhen i do alsamixer08:33
SmartGuywww.numpal.com and pls giv suggestion08:33
sebsebsebatroy1994: and once your booted from the CD and trying out Ubuntu well, this will be useful08:33
sebsebseb!manual | atroy199408:34
ubottuatroy1994: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/08:34
ac1dburnzMyWay,  hmm nhold on a sec08:34
Jordan_Uatroy1994: When you boot there should be a message saying something like "Press F8 for a boot menu" (it may go by fairly quickly). Press whatever button it says to press to get a boot menu and choose to boot from the CDROM drive.08:34
sebsebseb!ops | Cokers08:34
ubottuCokers: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!08:34
tauhow can I install the ubuntu using the cd, i have already the ubuntu installed(it isn`t installing correctly, i don`t know why).08:34
ac1dburnzMyWay,  hmm nhold on a sec08:34
jellowmartez89: can you cd to the external hd and run pwd ?08:34
MyWayyes, sure08:35
SmartGuyany suggestion08:35
martez89jellow: I accidentally used a -r in stead of -R08:35
celeritasMyWay, alsamixer said snd_ctl_open?08:35
atroy1994Jordan_U: in which sreen will it say to open the boot menu ?08:35
martez89jellow: now it seems to work, I can copy the files08:35
MyWayit says: impossible open mixer: no such file or directory08:36
MyWayor something like this, my translation to english may be bad08:36
wildbattau, so now you wanna install the system from zero then ?08:36
uzversudo apt-get install alsa-utils | MyWay08:36
Jordan_Uatroy1994: When you boot your computer it will usually start with a black and white text only screen. Do you see such a screen when you boot?08:36
jellowmartez89: splendid, hopefully you're good now08:36
ac1dburnzMyWay,  try running it with root08:36
MyWayit's already installed/upgraded08:36
atroy1994ok. ill see08:37
martez89jellow: thanks a lot!08:37
celeritasMyWay, try sudo alsamixer08:37
MyWayceleritas: this works, thanks08:37
MyWayac1dburnz: which values should i check?08:37
jellowmartez89: Happy to have helped08:38
martez89jellow: I'm actually doing this for my little brother. ubuntu on my own laptop works great08:38
ac1dburnzMyWay,  make sure Master is not muted08:38
MyWayit's not08:38
celeritasMyWay, make sure that you are a member of the audio group08:38
Sam_Fishernight night08:38
MyWaymyuser adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare08:39
MyWaymaybe i'm not?08:39
Cokerssynch tubesynch tubesynch tubesynch tubesynch tubesynch tubesynch tubesynch tubesynch tubesynch tubesynch tubesynch tubesynch tubesynch tubesynch tubesynch tubesynch tubesynch tubesynch tubesynch tubesynch tubesynch tubesynch tubesynch tubesynch tubesynch tube08:39
FlannelCokers: Please stop that.08:39
KungFuBearthanks chanserv <308:39
Tm_TKungFuBear: please don't use that acronym here08:40
KungFuBear>.< my bad08:40
wildbaty always there are some idiots try to screw up the channel....08:40
jamil_1Hello, Eclipse gets stuck on loading at the splash screen in 10.04 saying loading the Workbench.08:42
celeritasMyWay, add your user to the audio group and try running alsamixer08:42
jellowjamil_1: Does it say any more errors when you launch from terminal?08:42
alpha_sometimes I cannot boot ubuntu and get Gentoo up. It is stuck with an emergency shell because the date & time seems off, so I'll have to run fsck in these cases (and this fixes the problem). I have a laptop. What is the problem?08:42
BPowerHey, how would I mount an additional .disk file (ext4) to my Lucid machine so I can access the files?08:43
martez89after i made a backup of all the files, is there any way to recover ubuntu instead of reinstalling it. because it wont get past the purple boot screen08:43
jamil_1jellow: nothing is printed in terminal08:43
MyWayceleritas: i've added it to the audio group, but i'm still getting no such file directory, should i reboot before?08:43
halliburningHow would one completely remove banshee? trying to reinstall, but old configs show up.08:44
ac1dburnzjamil_1, try to move the workspace directory to a temporary folder then run eclipse08:44
celeritasMyWay, before reboot, chmod 666 /dev/snd08:44
piyushmishrahi anyone here used 3d desktop?08:45
ac1dburnzpiyushmishra, i do08:45
piyushmishraac1dburnz: hi hows it? what do i need to install it on lucid lynx?08:46
ac1dburnzjamil_1, let me know if it works08:46
purveshpiyushmishra, hey hi08:46
jamil_1ac1dburnz: sure08:46
ac1dburnzpiyushmishra, do you want to enable the effects, such 3d cube ?08:46
purveshpiyushmishra, you are from india ?08:46
piyushmishrapurvesh: hiya :)08:46
piyushmishrapurvesh: ya08:46
piyushmishraac1dburnz: yup08:47
purveshpiyushmishra, u know we have our own channel also #ubuntu-in08:47
loopoolI have a Windows 7 Partition on my laptop, as well as my Karmic Ubuntu partition. Is it possible to run Microsoft Word 2007 in Wine? I just tried, but Wine is a bit confusing.08:47
piyushmishrapurvesh coming there too sec08:47
purveshpiyushmishra, howz 3d Desktop08:47
purveshpiyushmishra, k08:47
sebsebsebhalliburning: look in the  hidden .config folder in Home08:48
ac1dburnzpiyushmishra, sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager08:48
pepper_hazewhere do you leave improvement ideas for ubottu08:48
pepper_hazeon irc?08:48
uzverjoin #ubuntu-bots08:49
sebsebsebpepper_haze:  asks ops, or well theres a way to do it in pm with the bot08:49
jellowloopool:  It does work have you tried running the installer with wine?08:49
sebsebseb!bot | pepper_haze08:49
ubottupepper_haze: Hi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins08:49
Jordan_Upepper_haze: /msg ubottu foo is bar08:49
ac1dburnzpiyushmishra, or you can install it through Sypnatic Manager System>Administration>Synaptic Package Manager) and do a search for compizconfig-settings-manager. Check the install box and click apply08:49
piyushmishraac1dburnz: ty working on it08:49
piyushmishraac1dburnz: is there anythin else after this?08:49
ac1dburnzpiyushmishra,  let me know, when you have it installed08:49
jamil_1ac1dburnz: it is still stuck at Loading workbench08:50
piyushmishraE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)08:50
ac1dburnzpiyushmishra,  then ill guide you through the settings08:50
MyWaythank you all, my audio is back :p08:50
ac1dburnzjamil_1, try this Open your Eclipse.ini ( in eclipse's folder ) and add this line: -Dorg.eclipse.swt.browser.XULRunnerPath=/usr/lib/xulrunner08:50
piyushmishraac1dburnz: ohk I had my synaptic package manager installed08:50
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ac1dburnzpiyushmishra,  did you install compizconfig-settings-manager ?08:51
pepper_hazehow do I msg the bot with my improvement ideas?08:51
sebsebsebpepper_haze: asks the ops in #ubuntu-ops08:52
Flannelpepper_haze: Please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks.08:52
piyushmishraac1dburnz: yup finished just now08:52
piyushmishrawht shuld I do now?08:52
ac1dburnzpiyushmishra, Now, if you go to System>Preferences you’ll see that a new menu item has appeared – “Advanced desktop effects settings”. Open the menu08:53
loopooljellow, im unsure how to do that. I have the disc in my CD drive, and i clicked the 'setup.exe' file, and i also went into my windows 7 partition, and selected the 'WINWORD.exe' file. Neither are working?08:53
paky78salve a tutti08:53
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)08:53
jamil_1ac1dburnz: Yay! it is now loading eclipse. Can you tell me what was the original problem ?08:54
piyushmishraac1dburnz: yup its the compzig settings manager there now08:54
ac1dburnzjamil_1, The earlier workaround of deleting the workspace directory contents,08:55
ac1dburnzpiyushmishra, okay, sos do you want the 3d cube ?08:55
piyushmishraac1dburnz: but I cant see the advanced dtop effects08:55
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piyushmishraac1dburnz: ya08:56
loopooljellow, i got it working, but it is saying that one of the files is either corrupted or missing, but that isn't true as it works fine in my PC?08:56
ac1dburnzpiyushmishra,  Under “Desktop” check “Desktop Cube”08:56
piyushmishraac1dburnz: I have that checked already but I was starting rotate cube08:57
mvki messed up my apache config files in /etc/apache2, then after trying to reinstall it...08:57
piyushmishraac1dburnz: it says some conflicts with viewreport 808:57
ac1dburnzpiyushmishra, Goto General Opyions08:57
mvki now get > wtf error is gone08:57
mvkok, ... all ok now ;d08:57
NakkelIm trying to boot from a USB device made with usb-creator but all I get is some icons on the bottom, white box, =, and a circle with a human figure inside?08:57
piyushmishraac1dburnz: yup m thr08:57
xtheunknown0Hi, I'm having trouble with ubuntu and the internet; I hover over the taskbar and I get 'Wireless network connection ['network name'] active: ['network name'] (0%) but Firefox can't load Google.08:57
BPowerHey I'm trying to mount a virtual disk, but it's not working.  My command is $ sudo mount -o loop /home/myuser/Temp/root.disk /wubiD08:57
BPowerAnd i get this error: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0, missing codepage or helper program, or other error08:58
ac1dburnzpiyushmishra,  click on Desktop Size tab08:58
piyushmishraac1dburnz: done08:58
ac1dburnzpiyushmishra,  change the Horizontal Virtual size to 408:58
jellowloopool: you're probally better asking #winehq, Did the /cdrom aswell as Win7 come back as corrupt?08:58
ac1dburnzpiyushmishra, and leave other to 108:59
piyushmishraac1dburnz: how much can it handle I have core2 duo n 3 gig ram08:59
vectorman1why do I keep getting a "nick in use" error? i'm registered..08:59
piyushmishraac1dburnz: vertical is 2 should I set it to 1?08:59
loopooljellow, i will do. and no, it didn't even respond08:59
ac1dburnzpiyushmishra, yes set other to 108:59
piyushmishraac1dburnz: ok :)08:59
Flannelvectorman1: You seem to have a few nicks on.  You can ghost the others to knock them offline so you can have your nick one (you have four on right now?)  /msg nickserv help ghost09:00
piyushmishraac1dburnz: now?09:00
ac1dburnzpiyushmishra,  did you check Rotate Cube09:00
piyushmishraac1dburnz: still says resolve conflicts09:00
MikeChelenthe nvidia driver seems to be working fine with my geforce mx 4000, except that the max resolution in nvidia x server settings is 800x600 (well below card & monitor max)09:01
jellowloopool: look at winecfg , mess around with those setting sometimes helps09:01
piyushmishraac1dburnz: I think its having problems with the view report switcher09:01
piyushmishraac1dburnz: The new value for the key binding for the action Rotate To Face 8 in plugin Rotate Cube conflicts with the action Switch to Viewport 8 of the Viewport Switcher plugin.09:01
piyushmishraDo you wish to disable Switch to Viewport 8 in the Viewport Switcher plugin?09:01
ac1dburnzpiyushmishra,  disable Viewport Switcher09:02
piyushmishraac1dburnz: done :)09:02
pepper_hazedoes ubuntu have a release chat room besides, off toppic, I was wanted to get info on the online software store they are planning on adding to ubuntu's software center09:03
piyushmishraac1dburnz: what abt clone n expo?09:03
piyushmishraexpo is checked09:03
foxmulderpepper_haze: There's probably a development irc channel here somewhere.09:03
ac1dburnzpiyushmishra, try Hold Ctrl Alt and Click And Click on Desktoptry to move it around if it works09:03
bazhangpepper_haze, there is a development channel for testing the unreleased version of ubuntu09:04
piyushmishraac1dburnz: i changed it to windows n arrow keys. ya it works09:04
macopepper_haze: discussion between users and developers happens on ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com09:04
ac1dburnzpiyushmishra, there you go09:04
bazhangpepper_haze, you 'd be better served checking the blueprint/roadmap online09:04
piyushmishraac1dburnz: now how many workspaces can it handle on my config?09:04
TommyHhow do i switch to the root user on Ubuntu, i keep getting "authentication failed", i tried every possible password i installed the system with (i just installed it 5 minutes ago), but none of it works09:05
piyushmishraand what abt the zoom thing?09:05
bazhang!lists > pepper_haze09:05
ubottupepper_haze, please see my private message09:05
macoTommyH: sudo -i09:05
macoTommyH: that'll get you a root shell with root's environment09:05
macoTommyH: if you don't want root's environment, sudo -s09:05
ac1dburnzpiyushmishra,  as much as you like, you can try 6 and so on09:05
jellowTommyH: Root is disabled by default on Ubuntu use sudo09:05
ac1dburnzpiyushmishra, ive tried 10 before lol09:05
TommyHoh i see!09:05
deveahdoes anybody know a minimal Linux distro with gcc on it?09:06
piyushmishraac1dburnz: lol I had 12 workspaces without 3d one09:06
deveahall I need is linux, bash and gcc09:06
ac1dburnzpiyushmishra, lol09:06
piyushmishraac1dburnz: n funny thing i had somethin opened in all workspaces beat that !!09:06
bazhang!minimal > deveah09:06
ubottudeveah, please see my private message09:06
deveahcheers, ubottu09:07
Aidar-Nagatoi have clearly installed ubuntu, but i still can't install fglrx driver, have anybody the same problem?09:07
ac1dburnzpiyushmishra, lol ive only used 3 workspaces with stuff opened, but i have dual monitor that makes em  9 workspaces lol09:07
deveahI mean, cheers, bazhang09:07
piyushmishraac1dburnz: I cant move in y axis?09:07
ac1dburnzpiyushmishra,  meant 6 lol09:07
piyushmishraac1dburnz: vertical move isnt supported or I am doin somethin wrong?09:08
Damascenewere I can find "wink"?09:08
uzvertry removing everything and leave linux bash gcc from ubuntu | deveah09:08
greezmunkeySweet :) Vnc'ing to my ubuntu box through a ssh tunnel09:08
uzver!try removing everything and leave linux bash gcc from ubuntu | deveah09:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:08
ac1dburnzpiyushmishra,  try changing the number of Vertical Virtual size09:09
bazhanguzver, no need to !09:09
piyushmishraac1dburnz: I did I made it 2 but its not workin :(09:09
ac1dburnzpiyushmishra,  change it to 109:09
uzverbazhang: what no need to?09:09
piyushmishraac1dburnz: works with one09:09
jellowuzver: you would end up in dependency hell09:09
bazhanguzver, no09:10
ac1dburnzpiyushmishra,  lol09:10
piyushmishraac1dburnz: :(09:10
TommyHIs there a way to change the Grub bootloader to always automatically boot into Ubuntu (i have a multi-os with Windows 7)09:11
bazhangpiyushmishra, you have tried in #compiz , correct?09:11
Damasceneops, it's not open source. is there any alternative to wink?09:11
piyushmishrabazhang : no lol is there a channel for that!!!09:11
ac1dburnzpiyushmishra, yes there is /join #compiz09:11
bazhangpiyushmishra, sure, /join #compiz09:11
piyushmishraac1dburnz: cool09:12
bazhang!cn | xxg09:12
ubottuxxg: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:12
piyushmishrabazhang ty ty09:12
xxg#ubuntu -cn09:12
bazhangxxg, /join #ubuntu-cn09:13
Jordan_U!grub2 | TommyH (see the part about GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT)09:13
ubottuTommyH (see the part about GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT): GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub209:13
piyushmishrathe zoom is cool :P09:13
Jordan_UTommyH: Though it should auto boot into windows after a timeout by default, if it isn't then that's a different problem.09:15
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=== neural is now known as neuralsim
jacekowskiwhat was name of that app that could create a core dump without killing application?09:15
mariyahow to reinstall all installed packages?09:17
Pirate_HunterI need a simple if not basic spreadsheet app that works in cli, I need to just note a few elements and wont be doing any extensive calculations can anyone tell me the name of such app?09:17
well_laid_lawnjacekowski: strace?09:18
foxmuldermariya: Reinstall from scratch.09:18
well_laid_lawn!clone | mariya09:18
ubottumariya: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate09:18
foxinesshi how can i know what kind of kernel i installed on my server 32 or 64 ? " arch : is this for my CPU , uname -a that what i know for now"09:19
foxmuldermariya: Why exactly do you want to reinstall all packages?09:19
foxmulderfoxiness: That's it "uname -a"09:19
jacekowskiLinux jacekowski.org #1 SMP Tue Dec 29 14:41:12 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux09:20
rwwfoxmulder: run "uname -a" in a terminal. If you see "i686" near the end, it's 32-bit. If you see "x86_64", it's 64-bit09:20
rwwfoxiness: run "uname -a" in a terminal. If you see "i686" near the end, it's 32-bit. If you see "x86_64", it's 64-bit09:20
rwwfoxmulder: sorry, mistab09:20
rwwsoo many foxes :(09:20
foxmulderrww: It's all good!09:20
C-Ottohi there09:20
C-Ottooh, this is a large channel09:20
foxmulderC-Otto: And a busy channel at that.09:21
jacekowskiwell_laid_lawn: no09:21
jacekowskiwell_laid_lawn: strace can only trace system calls09:21
C-OttoI'm administrating one of the mirrors for ubuntu and wonder about the traffic. Is it correct that users first need to update their sources.list manually or download a new release where our mirror is selectable in the installer?09:21
foxinessfoxmulder,rww  thanks :D09:22
foxmulderfoxiness: No worries.09:22
C-Ottostated differently: what do you as an ubuntu user need to do to use a new mirror?09:22
sravanje  how can i execute java servlets and jsp programs in ubuntu using apache-tomcat server manager09:23
C-Ottowith opensuse, mozilla, vlc, eclipse the answer is: nothing :)09:23
gkasinathhello everyone!09:23
CircsCould updates be handled by bitorrent in the future to reduce server load?09:24
arandC-Otto: Edit sources.list, or if you are an official mirror go to souftware sources and choose the mirror from the extended list there..09:24
gkasinathquestion - DVICO Fusion HDTV on 10.04 me-tv no tuner error. How to solve?09:24
=== ac1dburnz is now known as zEr0ToXiC
C-OttoCircs: maybe try a different server? what about http://ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de :)09:24
foxmulderCircs: No.09:24
=== zEr0ToXiC is now known as zer0t0xic
inzi1985installed ubuntu 9.1009:24
C-Ottoarand: okay, thanks - I guess there's not much need to do these steps as long as everything works09:24
CircsC-Otto, I'm not having problems it was more of a technical question to further my understanding09:24
inzi1985hopefully this doesn't overheat too09:25
Circsfoxmulder, Why not?09:25
neuralsimanyone want a free psychic reading? i'm in a rare mood09:25
bazhangneuralsim, wrong channel09:25
arandCircs: yes, there are already, but not heavily in use though09:25
C-OttoCircs: ubuntu CD releases are spread using bittorrent, I remember uploading with close to 2 GBit/sec using bittorrent a while ago09:25
zer0t0xicinzi1985, its not the operating system if youre laptop is overheated, sometimes its caused of the fail HDD09:25
inzi1985anyone here haveing problems with ubuntu overheating ur laptop09:25
foxmulderCircs: Because it's not what torrents are for. And that would require implenting a torrent client/server model into the update manager would isn't really the "correct" thing to do.09:25
thune3jacekowski: gcore maybe09:25
Circsarand, Anything for me to be able to find more info as to educate myself?09:26
rwwCircs: There are various projects that tried to implement bittorrent in apt. None of them really took off :\09:26
foxmulderCircs: As mentioned, try a different server.09:26
inzi1985zer0t0xic windows runs super cool on mine.. and its not the hdd thats heating up, its the left side... my hdd is on the right09:26
rwwCircs: "apt-torrent" would be one example. There's another that I forget the name of.09:26
Circsfoxmulder, Not having any problems on my end I'm just trying to learn and my google-fu was too weak to provide me with much info.09:27
Circsrww, Thanks09:27
zer0t0xicinzi1985, try updating youre BIOS09:27
HaakonKLinzi1985: I had those problems wiht my laptop.09:27
inzi1985HaakonKL : how did u solve?09:27
HaakonKLinzi1985: Basically, my problem was dust in the machine itself.09:27
arand!info apt-transport-debtorrent | Circs look at this for example09:27
ubottuCircs: apt-transport-debtorrent (source: apt-transport-debtorrent): an APT transport for communicating with DebTorrent. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.1ubuntu3 (lucid), package size 27 kB, installed size 124 kB09:27
inzi1985zer0t0xic, i cant seem to find the updated bios for my compaq 61009:27
ter10check server09:28
Circsarand, Ty :)09:28
HaakonKLinzi1985: Thus, I had to blow some compressed air over it. If you know what you're doing, you might want to open up the machine and see for yourself, but this is overkill and should not be done unless you know what you're doing.09:28
C-Ottook, thanks, bye09:28
gkasinathquestion - DVICO Fusion HDTV on 10.04 help?!09:28
shrzjacekowski: memfetch09:28
HaakonKLinzi1985: I just went for the fans and blew them with compressed air, and now my laptop loves me again.09:28
arandCircs: There are apt-torrent servers available for debian at least I think, I don't know about ubuntu, and if they are in use much...09:29
HaakonKLgkasinath: what's the problem?09:29
foxmulderI can't imagine you'd get very good speeds d/loading updates from torrents even if they were available. Even on a slow mirror, it'd still be faster than torrents.09:29
pLrfoxmulder: u underestimate a torrents top speed but ur still right09:29
zer0t0xicinzi1985, i think its caused of the modules on ubuntu09:29
Circsfoxmulder, Probably, it was more curiosity an the desire to understand that drove me than attempt to fix something. Provocative maintenance if you will.09:29
arandfoxmulder: If everyone would use torrents, they would be much faster, but of course, if no one does, they're not09:29
gkasinathHaakonKL - I've never had it working. And am wondering how to. Followed most instructions on ubuntuforums in vain09:29
=== zz_Darky is now known as Darky
HaakonKLgkasinath: what graphics card are you using, which drivers do you use, and how do you connect to the tv?09:30
acidspoonkann mir jemand bei der konfiguration von slim helfen bitte09:30
inzi1985HaakonKL, its not the processor thats over heating.. its the region near my left wrist... processor is fine, idles at 4309:30
Jordan_U!de | acidspoon09:30
ubottuacidspoon: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.09:30
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zer0t0xicinzi1985, try Edit /etc/modules and add powernow-k7 on a seperate line and reboot.09:31
simple_xhi. i just installed cairo-dock but i dont know how to enable it each time ubuntu boots09:31
HaakonKLinzi1985: Yeah, but the fans would cool the entire laptop, no?09:31
gkasinathHaakonKL - Latest error is me-tv starting up with No tuners. But /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0 exists. Nvidia card, DVB card was recognized at startup automagically by the kernel.09:31
inzi1985zer0t0xic : i shall try tat..09:31
arandCircs: One major problems with debtorrents I guess is that many ISPs do traffic shaping...09:31
inzi1985HaakonKL : i thought the fan was only for the processor.. coz thats where it is located09:31
HaakonKLgkasinath: so you're using a media center software thingie? I'm unfortunately not good with that sort of thing... :(09:32
zer0t0xicsimple_x,  System-Preferences-Sessions-Startup Programs-add. enter "cairo-dock" in the command box.09:32
zer0t0xicaz_s_za is offline   Reply With Quote09:32
Circsarand, Yeah, I am fortunate enough to not be impacted directly by that. AT&T however is evil.09:32
HaakonKLinzi1985: Nah... I've had my computer shut down on me for many things. nVidia mobile cards can get quite warm.09:32
zer0t0xicsimple_x,  System-Preferences-Sessions-Startup Programs-add. enter "cairo-dock" in the command box09:32
HaakonKLinzi1985: but you really should clean it out with compressed air anyway, as it is part of laptop maintenance. ;)09:33
=== nitesh is now known as dartt
FinnishWhat's the solution to play blu-ray movies in ubuntu?09:33
atroy1994sebsebseb: r u there?09:33
inzi1985HaakonKL : mine is a intel X3100, GE965 series09:33
sebsebsebatroy1994: yes09:33
CircsGod I hate kernel upgrades, they make me super nervous and lag out the system so hard.09:33
inzi1985HaakonKL: impossible for that o ver heat09:33
zer0t0xicHaakonKL,  he says it runs pretty cool on windows, im sure its the modules on ubuntu is the problem to shutdown the laptop09:33
atroy1994i used ubuntu but its very slow. sebsebseb09:33
HaakonKLzer0t0xic: Okay, I didn't catch that reply. Sorry.09:34
zer0t0xicHaakonKL, dont be lol09:34
sebsebsebatroy1994: well yes09:34
atroy1994sebsebseb: why was it so? due to ram?09:34
zer0t0xicinzi1985,  did you try adding powernow-k7 on the /etc/modules ?09:34
darttis there a performance difference between installing inside windows and a seperate dual boot?09:34
sebsebsebatroy1994: 1.  it will be a bit slow from Live CD.  2.  with a bit less RAM than 256MB RAM,  it may be a bit slower from the CD09:34
drygrainoh herro09:35
=== jackal_ is now known as Guest6267
miskihello guys, the first time i installed ubuntu on my laptop, it detected the bluetooth device automatically, i just formatted my HD but this time it didn't recognize the device...any ideas ??09:35
gkasinathHaakonKL - No media center mate. Just the card and read somewhere to use me-tv, a smallish player to watch TV.09:35
inzi1985i'm adding it now09:35
zer0t0xicsimple_x,  did that fix youre problem ?09:35
Dr_Willisdartt:  i wouls say there has to be one. It maybe  slight. but there proberly is some differance.09:35
drygraini believe something is wacky with my interwebs connection09:35
atroy1994sebsebseb: how will i shut down in ubuntu?09:35
inzi1985zer0t0xic : i'mm adding it now..09:35
greezmunkeydartt: wubi vs. partition install == huge differance.09:35
Dr_Willisdartt:  i suggest doing a normal install.09:35
HaakonKLgkasinath: and it's the me-tv part that's the problem?09:35
=== Guest6267 is now known as jackal__
sebsebsebatroy1994: when its installed, and you got 512MB SWAP,  things will be faster09:35
gkasinathHaakonKL - I m open to other suggestions! :)09:35
chris____hi, my install of 10.4 (i386) version on my laptop seems to have gone a little funny. I now only have access to the command line, no gui. Is there any way to install that from the command  line?09:35
inzi1985zer0t0xic: how do i add it? open it up in gedit?09:35
simple_xzer0t0xic, i'm going to try now09:36
miskihello guys, the first time i installed ubuntu on my laptop, it detected the bluetooth device automatically, i just formatted my HD but this time it didn't recognize the device...any ideas ??09:36
HaakonKLgkasinath: It's just that I don't know anything about those things, so I can't help you. I thought that the problem was getting video to the TV.09:36
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup09:36
sebsebsebatroy1994: plus can use Lubuntu for even more speed, if  the default Gnome is to slow09:36
gkasinathmiski - USB bluetooth or built in?09:36
miskibuilt in09:36
zer0t0xicinzi1985,  sudo gedit /etc/modules09:36
Jordan_Umiski: Stupid question, but does your laptop have a switch for disabling bluetooth / wireless?09:36
gkasinathHaakonKL - ah.. nah.. step one aint working here :)09:37
TommyHis there a way to hide drives in the ubuntu File Browser (I have a windows partition that I want to make sure i never edit delete or modify in any way so i want to hide it in the file browser completely)09:37
darttactually my friend tried installing inside windows n he got a swap of only 256mb tat cannot be changed..does swap matter?09:37
miskijordan_u yes it does have a switch09:37
HaakonKLgkasinath: So you can't get video out?09:37
zer0t0xicinzi1985,  add it on separte line09:37
Jordan_Umiski: It it in the on position?09:37
=== Emil is now known as Guest49716
C-Ottohi again, another thing09:37
miskijordan_u hehehe yes man of course09:37
inzi1985zer0t0xic : thanks.. i just added. it.. i'm setting up my wireless now.. will restart as soon as it can get it working k09:37
zer0t0xicmiski,  try use wubi to install ubuntu09:37
gkasinathHaakonKL - Cuz I cant see if the card is indeed working on Ubuntu or not. How do I scan for channels without a player?09:37
=== meowbuntu is now known as captq
C-Ottocould you please check whether ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de appears as an official mirror in the list of mirrors that is available inside ubuntu configuration stuff?09:38
HaakonKLgkasinath: I have no idea, sorry. :(09:38
miskizer0t0xic- if i install using wubi, i need to install windows first ?09:38
simple_xyes it works :) thanks a lot09:38
inzi1985gkasinath : setting up a dvbcard is such a headache.. i tried so many times with mine.. and i finally gave up09:38
Jordan_Umiski: Was it when you booted? Some drivers have bugs when trying to recover after bluetooth being disabled.09:38
Dr_Willismiski:  wubi installs in windowes.. so yes.09:38
gkasinathmiski - I dont bluetooth at all. But can you check dmesg and see if something comes up indicating what the problem is?09:38
zer0t0xicmiski, yes09:38
inzi1985miski : dont u have windows already installed??09:38
Dr_Willismiski:  i dont reccomend WUBI at all. i see to many problems with it in here every week09:38
zer0t0xicsimple_x,  no rpoblem09:39
Dr_Willismiski:  You may as well set up a Dual boot system if you have NO os installed right now09:39
Notch-1hi, can someone please paste me the content of /usr/share/dbus-1/system-services/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager* file(s) ?09:39
gkasinathinzi1985 - I m with you mate! Especially the DVICo I think. I m stuck with Windows (had to PAY for 7!!) just so I can watch TV!!09:39
inzi1985Dr_willis : do u have any idea, as to wat is usally under the left wrist, on a laptop09:39
inzi1985gkasinath : yah dude.. its terrible..09:39
miskiis there anything like a device manager in ubuntu ?09:39
darttthere is hardinfo09:40
simple_xcairo-dock is much like mac os x dock :) very nice09:40
zer0t0xicsimple_x,  yes09:40
inzi1985gksanith : where are u from?09:40
gkasinathmiski - yes there are.. lspci -v should tell you what pci devices you've got.09:40
arandC-Otto: It does not in Lucid.09:40
C-Ottoarand: hm, thanks09:40
miskithanks gkasinath09:40
C-Ottoit is listed as official, though09:41
inzi1985Dr_Willis : r u there?>09:41
C-Ottoarand: the name is "RWTH Aachen University", maybe hidden in that?09:41
gkasinathinzi1985 - Perth, WA09:41
Dr_Willisinzi1985:  hmm?09:41
[Screamo]does Transmission support RSS feeds?09:41
=== rcsheets_ is now known as rcsheets`
Dr_Willis[Screamo]:  its a rather basic torrent client. It myght have the feature.  Check its docs09:41
arandC-Otto: There is vest.informatik.rwth-aachen.de, but not the one you specified.09:42
inzi1985Dr_willis  i have a compaq610,  only with ubuntu , the region under my left wrist heats up a lot, but on win 7 not so much09:42
C-Ottoarand: k, thanks. do you know if that list is updated automatically?09:42
chris____I'm also getting a "startx: command not found" error message too.09:42
inzi1985anyhardware guys out there could help , i'd appreciate it alot09:42
sebsebsebinzi1985: ##hardware09:42
inzi1985sebsebseb wat do u mean?09:43
chris____is there anyway to get it fixed besides reinstalling?09:43
sebsebsebinzi1985: theres a channel for hardware issues09:43
inzi1985sebsebseb : hardware issues on ubuntu?09:44
Damascenethere is too many updates for the kernel09:44
arandC-Otto: I would guess that it may be defined by a package, by which case it is likely froozen as of the release of an ubuntu version (possibly updated later on if need be, but far from automatically... my guess)09:44
sebsebsebinzi1985: for any OS/hardware09:44
C-Ottoarand: okay, so we need to wait for N* N*...09:44
inzi1985sebsebseb : i just tried.. i cant join there.. it says i need to be invited.. lol09:44
C-Otto(when is that going to be released?)09:45
arandC-Otto: Why not Maverick?09:45
sebsebsebinzi1985: maye you need to be registred on Freenode to join if your not09:45
darttguys there was a gpg key error yesterday for lucid release...its had gone now...but i hv stopped getting security updates09:45
C-Ottoarand: i think we got official (again) after the release of maverick09:45
inzi1985sebsebseb, i dun think im registerd.. i shall do so soon09:45
=== KungFuBear is now known as KungFuBear_aslee
sebsebseb!register | inzi198509:46
ubottuinzi1985: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode09:46
khelvanHello, I am trying to add gconf-editor to my menu - I have right-clicked on applications and chosen Edit Menus, and I see the option for System Tools, but it won't allow me to check it for display. Can anyone tell me why?09:46
arandC-Otto: Maverick is not released yet and is still undergoing heavy changes, so I would assume if you are official it is highly likely that you might get in there09:46
lunikPessoal, alguém aqui sabe algum software no estilo fruity loops pro linux? (mixagem de audio)09:46
zer0t0xickhelvan, i think you need to be root09:46
lunikoh shit09:46
lunikwrong channel09:47
C-Ottoarand: oh, i see. like squeeze? :)09:47
arandDamascene: Not really, there are security updates, which I doubt people would want to miss.09:47
khelvanzer0t0xic, thanks - is there an easy way to do that through the GUI? or do I need to use the terminal?09:48
arandC-Otto: Kind-of, Maverick is somewhat of a rolling release at the moment, but in time for 2010-10 it will get "frozen" and released.09:48
C-Ottowe'll see09:48
C-Ottoi expect a lot of traffic from ubuntu09:48
C-Ottobye :)09:48
zer0t0xickhelvan, try clickin on the application category and youll be able to check what programs you want to show on the menu09:48
zer0t0xickhelvan,  let me know is that fixed youre problem09:49
dartthelp me ....i am not getting security updates after an error in lucid release gpg key....is setting all keys to default in software sources an option?09:50
Euthanatoshttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1364460  <---I have been trying this to get 1080p working but step 5 fails with this http://pastebin.com/j6yRu5KR which seems retarded because of the very last line listing it as displayed09:50
junglihello how can i see in which drive installed the ubuntu like sda8 or sda9 ..etc ?09:50
khelvanzer0t0xic, That's what I did, but when I check it, the checkmark disappears and the new menu doesn't show up for some reason. It unchecks itself without me doing anything, about two seconds after I check it. I don't know why :P09:50
=== ballzee is now known as Sinister
Euthanatosanyone have experience making 1080p work when ubuntu fails to detect?  It's not ATI or a hardware issue because I've had it working before.  For some reason Ubuntu just decided to be a ......09:51
zer0t0xickhelvan, i see that what do you want to add in the menu ?09:52
SwedeMikeEuthanatos: so how far does the monitor work in the bootup process?09:52
junglihello how can i see in which drive i installl the linux09:52
Euthanatosit boots.  I'm in 1440x900 on the monitor now09:52
oCean_jungli: if you use the command "df -h" you can see current partitions. Use "sudo fdisk -l" to list all partitions on all of your drives09:53
EuthanatosI tried reinstalling to no avail same issue.  idk wtf i did to get it working in the first place tbh09:53
zer0t0xickhelvan,you gotta check on the category first, such Accessories, then add the program you want to add09:53
khelvanzer0t0xic, Oh! If I don't have an item checked, the menu won't show up. Sorry, I'm an idiot. :P09:53
simple_xis there a way to change or remove the splash screen?09:53
Euthanatosi do know part of the problem is that i retained my /home partition which will really piss me off to have to get rid of09:54
Euthanatosand reinstall...again...because ubuntu fails09:54
zer0t0xickhelvan,  yes, and no youre not lol :P09:54
gkasinathjungli - Fire up a terminal and type mount.09:54
smart_hello every body09:54
TommyHHow do I change my default media player to be VLC Player for everything?09:54
Euthanatosi mean seriously....this video thing is old as hell09:54
drygrainhello smart_09:54
SwedeMikeEuthanatos: are you sure about that 173Mhz? seems excessive?09:54
gkasinathjungli - if you see something like /dev/sda on / then you know the ubuntu installation is on /dev/sda09:55
zer0t0xicTommyH,  right click onthe file and Click Open With Other Application..09:55
EuthanatosSwedeMike, no i thought that was retarded to but that's what cvt says....furthermore it's NOT 173...it's 6009:55
jungligkasinath: i install two destors in my system09:55
junglione is fedora and second is ubuntu09:56
Euthanatosbut shit if any of that makes sense to a layman or i would know how to change that modeline when it's suppose to just work09:56
oCean_Euthanatos: watch the language09:56
SwedeMikeEuthanatos: and this is via vga, not hdmi/dvi ?09:56
Euthanatosyeah sure09:56
TommyHzer0t0xic:  i do that, but then when i try to open the file again by double clicking it opens some other media player09:56
Euthanatosright vga09:56
jungliok ok i get it09:56
darttis there a way to manually download updates...i hv stopeed getting security updates09:56
zverTommyH:check it in gconf-editor09:56
SwedeMikeEuthanatos: and you don't have DVI? In my experience EDID usually works on DVI09:57
zer0t0xicTommyH,  then choose which program to use, and Checked RememberThis Application for..09:57
foxmulderzver: Do you know the package name? If so, just google it.09:57
Euthanatosi don't have a DVI->DVI cable09:57
SwedeMikeEuthanatos: look here http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Modeline_Database and try some of those modelines09:57
junglibut i ahve one more question how to label it like ubuntu and fedora09:57
erUSULdartt: System>admin...>update manager09:59
Euthanatosoh right because finding a needle in a haystack where my brand isn't even listed is easier than writing it myself09:59
Euthanatosassuming there is a needle09:59
TommyHzver: do i just type in "vlc" as the value ?09:59
=== andrea is now known as Guest53739
OldPeteTommyH: If you install and use Ubuntu Tweak, you can change the default apps for all kinds of media from a single menu.09:59
erUSUL!gpgerr | dartt09:59
ubottudartt: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys <key> && gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »09:59
erUSULdartt: pleaee keep it in channel; thanks10:00
TommyHHow about hiding partitions/volumes in the File Browser? (i hae a windows partition i want to make sure i never touch)10:00
phandoxHi, I have a problem with iPod touch and Ubuntu 10.04. Ubuntu doesnt recognise connected iPod. Do you have any solution? Thanks.10:00
Haagimusis there any way to create my own private room in this IRC10:00
Euthanatosholy crap.  if i'd have know this was such a pitfa fail pos i wouldn't have wasted $170 for 1080p  lame10:01
Haagimusi tried to /join #custom room name but that didnt work10:01
well_laid_lawnHaagimus: try   /j #haagimus10:01
well_laid_lawn /j #haagimus10:01
OldPeteTommyH: If you never want to touch it, just don't mount it at boot.10:02
Haagimusdisregard i figured it out10:02
Haagimuswas just lag10:02
TommyHOldPete:  How do i not mount it at boot?  i just installed ubuntu, and it automounts all my partitions10:03
SwedeMikeEuthanatos: spend another 10USD for a DVI cable and you'll get better picture and easier to get it to work.10:03
SwedeMikeEuthanatos: my 1920x1200 monitor was detected automatically, no problem at all.10:03
EuthanatosSwedeMike, no DVI=HDMI10:03
EuthanatosHdmi is just w/ aduo10:03
Euthanatosso there won't be anything to be had from DVI over HDMI10:04
OldPeteTommyH: Do you know how to edit fstab from the command line?10:04
BPowerAnyone know of file splitting/joining software that works on both Ubuntu and Windows10:04
SwedeMikeEuthanatos: whatever, DVI, HDMI, whatever connectors work for you.10:04
TommyHOldPete: no :'(10:04
Euthanatosit's not a frikin hardware issue10:04
MikeChelenBPower: 7zip with .rar or .tar?10:04
darttits in synaptic10:04
SwedeMikeEuthanatos: ok then, you seem to know best. Have a nice life.10:04
OldPeteTommyH: You know how to use the command line at all?10:04
TommyHOldPete: ya, i know how to enter commands haha10:05
BPowerMikeChelen, Oh. Didn't know you could do that with 7zip. I'll try that out. Thanks10:05
Euthanatosyeah well i'm no guru but i didn't forget to plug it hur dur thanks anyway10:05
damienHi all, I'm occasionally getting Plymouth issues when booting. Instead of seeing the nice purple, I get a broken screen well Dell logos spread suspiciously across the top. Which room should I report this in?10:05
MikeChelenBPower: check which file formats it supports, probably ones allows splitting10:05
Euthanatosback to slack screw it10:06
Dr_WillisTommyH:  you could install/run the ntfs-config command - it might let you just 'check box' the drives to ignore.10:06
lindsaymobil22hey is it advised to run updates on a wubi install?10:06
BPowerMikeChelen, thanks! :) I'm going to try now on the Windows side. brb10:06
OldPeteTommyH: Okay.  I'm not sure what text editor you have installed, so the command I'm going to give will have to be changed for whatever it is.  I use one called pico.10:06
bupssshi all10:07
Dr_Willislindsaymobil22:  I think it can be done. but watch out for  Upgrading to the next release.10:07
OldPeteTommyH: sudo pico /etc/fstab10:07
BoWenLihey, guys. have anyone useing Netbeans 6.8 Developer?10:07
bupsssdoes anyone knows if it's possible to use kde power manager on gnome?10:07
bupsssit has great power schemes... that i really need10:07
lindsaymobil22dr_willis: i know im not upgrading to 9.10, it sucks, and im not upgrading the kernel of 9.04 either10:07
Propelsup folks!!!10:08
OldPeteTommyH: Look for a line that will be labeled showing where the windows partition is currently being mounted.  Comment out the line after that with a #.  Then save.10:08
PropelI finally jumped ship! :D10:08
Propelabout time10:08
Propelofficially a geek :P10:08
AhmedBHhi all10:08
Pinguishas anyone here gone from karmic to lucid? I'm thinking about upgrading but I'm not sure10:08
OldPeteDangit ... Is imagebin.ca down for everyone, or is it just me?10:08
wildbatPropel, did you passed the geek exam ?;p10:09
Dr_Willislindsaymobil22:  personally i wouldent use Wubi at all10:09
lindsaymobil22dr_willis: in the recommend updates it lists an intel display driver for my laptops card, is ubuntu 9.04 any good at upgrading drivers? does anyone get problems, like BIG problems?10:09
fishcookerdr_willis: is it true that writing partition on the first always from the outer cyclinder?!10:09
AhmedBHcan anyone tells me why the hell my HDD is so slow whiling copying from ext4 to ext4 when its fine and fast as hell on NTFS on windows7 SAME DRIVE by the way 7200 RPM it pissed me off @_@10:09
Propelso far, so good wildbat! :P10:09
bupsssPinguis i just did.... :D10:09
lindsaymobil22dr_willis: wubi was my only option, the os that cant be named wouldnt let me shrink the partition, and i dont like GParted10:10
Dr_Willislindsaymobil22:  windows couldent shrink its self? odd...  theres alterantives to gparted.. and you could of used virtualbox..10:11
damienPinguis - All works fine for me except Netbeans now won't start and an occasional Plymouth issue.10:11
Dr_Willislindsaymobil22:  i hopd your wubi setup dosent just self destruct some day like i see many people in here have happen.10:11
lindsaymobil22dr_willis: nope, just came up saying 0 mb to shrink, yet i have like 110GB of free space10:12
lindsaymobil22i tried perfectdisk, didnt work10:12
TommyHOldPete:  There's no windows drives listed there, i guess the issue is not that my drives are being mounted10:12
AhmedBHanyone wanna help me ? jhhhhhhhh10:12
TommyHIt's that they are even listed in my File Browser10:12
Gryllidahow do I check whether a package is installed? I know its name10:12
TommyHI want to remove them from all visibility as if they never existed10:12
erUSULGryllida: apt-cache policy packagename10:13
well_laid_lawnGryllida: dpkg -l | grep packagename10:13
Dr_Willislindsaymobil22:  i always defrag/scandisk befor i resize. never seen the issue.10:13
EgyParadoxAhmedBH: at what rate is the copying?10:13
wildbatAhmedBH, define slow and fast ....10:13
OldPeteTommyH: If it's being mounted, it's listed there somewhere unless you're doing it manuall, which it doesn't sound like you are.10:13
lindsaymobil22dr_willis: ive tried everything under the sun, still dosent work10:13
Gryllidawell_laid_lawn, erUSUL, which one should I use?10:13
well_laid_lawnGryllida: either :]10:14
phandoxHi, my Ubuntu 10.04 cannot recognise connected iPod Touch OS 3.1.3. Does somebody know solution?10:14
TommyHOldPete:  I think i found a post on the ubuntu forums! http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99086&page=2 so i think that will work out exactly what i need10:14
fishcooker1/dev/sda1 is more outer than /dev/sda210:14
erUSULGryllida: both can tell you if it is installed or not10:14
=== mohammad is now known as mohammad6006
lindsaymobil22dr_willis: thats why  switched, i might even dual boot os x and ubuntu on this laptop, ive had enough of windows on laptops,10:14
AhmedBHEgyParadox:  i copied a ripper dvd it was 700mb and it was at 20 to 22 mbps i was so pissed10:14
OldPeteTommyH: Yeah, that should help you.10:15
EgyParadoxMbps or MBps?10:15
EgyParadoxand how did you know?10:15
TommyHthanks all for the help! im going to sleep now!10:15
EgyParadoxit should be MB actually10:15
mohammad6006how can i disable docky?10:16
lindsaymobil22dr_willis: anyway, is ubuntu 9.04 any good at updating display drivers, or xorg, updae manaer as an update for my laptops video card, dont know if its the right update, i kinda need a video update, online videos stutter in fullscreen on ubuntu, fine on windows and os x10:16
mohammad6006help me plz10:17
mohammad6006i want disable docky on ubuntu10:17
Dr_Willislindsaymobil22:  im all 10.04 on all my machines now.   I alwyas keep up with the latest releases10:17
Gryllidahang on10:17
zvermohammad: how you got it enabled?10:17
Dr_Willismohammad6006:  so uninstall it.. or tell it to not start a t login10:17
mohammad6006unistalling is one way to disable docky?10:17
inzi1985Dr_willis: just got my wireless fixed.. do u hve any idea  wats near the left wrist region on a laptop10:18
Dr_Willistht would be ONE way of course10:18
Dr_Willisinzi1985:  i dont have X-ray vision so no..10:18
inzi1985Dr_willis : that area on my laptop is quite hot10:18
mohammad6006how to uninstall docky?10:18
mohammad6006im newbie10:18
[Screamo]inzi1985, you would have to google and look for schematics =/10:18
inzi1985Dr_Willis : i know that.. just figured u might know. ehhe ..10:18
Dr_Willisinzi1985:  gpu, cpu, or hd....10:18
Dr_Willismohammad6006:  use the package manager tools.10:18
mohammad6006dr willis10:19
lindsaymobil22dr_willis: theres some niggles with 10.04 right now, i started with 9.04, and loved it, that was may 200910:19
inzi1985Dr_willils: yah i tried that, but i cant seem to find to the schematics for compaq 61010:19
mohammad6006where is package manager?10:19
AhmedBHwildbat:its about 20 to 2210:19
EgyParadoxSystem-> Administration-> Synaptic Package Manager10:20
inzi1985mohammed6006 : go to system > Administration > Synaptic package manager10:20
Gryllidamohammad6006, applications, Synaptic package manager10:20
wildbatAhmedBH, huh sorry i lost connection?10:20
AhmedBHoh huh10:20
AhmedBHwelcome back10:21
AhmedBHwildbat: so10:21
fishcookeri lost connection too10:21
AhmedBHwildbat:  any idea whats so wrong when its fine on NTFS10:21
wildbatAhmedBH, what is the rate on NTFS and ext4?10:21
fishcooker/dev/sda1 is more outer of cylinder disk than /dev/sda210:22
wildbatfishcooker, usually but not a must10:22
AhmedBHwildbat: i gotta check both are same 7200 RMP but i gotta check wait10:22
AhmedBHbut other sda2 has NTFS on it so ? copying from ext4 to NTSF wont really solve anything10:22
AhmedBHit will have its own spee10:22
BPowerMikeChelen, you're the best :) Thanks for pointing out 7zip for me10:23
junglihello how i install launcy ?10:25
kopBPower, some are actually able to help , I'm just here to laugh at10:25
=== Votan|off is now known as Votan
Gryllidajungli, sudo apt-get install launcy10:25
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate10:26
BPoweroh. poo.10:26
BPowerWould I have any problems if I install Ubuntu to an external hard drive?  The goal is that I could switch between computer systems (like Live USB but more powerful).10:26
jungliGryllida: i think i see you in freenode10:26
MikeChelenBPower: there are tons of good archive programs for linux, 7zip is nice though for being crossplatform :)10:26
jungliGryllida: do you remmber ?10:26
Gryllidajungli, that's right..10:26
BPowerMikeChelen, agreed10:26
kc7zzvThere are some bugs in https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/example-preseed.txt.  Where should I rebort them or how should I fix them?10:26
* jungli jungli hugs Gryllida 10:27
* kop crawls back under a rock10:27
tkbroswill it harm my computer if i power off it directly from ups instead of shutting down it from ubuntu.10:28
Dr_Willistkbros:  always best to properly shutdown10:28
inzi1985tkbros : yes it would, so best shutdown through ubuntu10:28
kc7zzvIt may harm your OS or data if you just cut the power.  The computer should be fine though.10:28
Dr_WillisBPower:  a normal install to a usb hd can work. but moveing theat hd from one box to another. can have issues - depending on the video drivers and so forth t hat you install10:29
unoptkbros, the UPS should signal a shutdown when reaching a minimum threshold10:29
lindsaymobil22should i run the recommended updates in jaunty?10:29
lindsaymobil22its just the xorg that has me worried10:29
junglicat /proc/partitions but what are the blocks ?10:30
zultellmy friend10:31
zultelli need help10:31
BPowerDr_Willis, You think there are ways I can setup conditional drivers? Ex: switch (mac_address_orwhaever) { ... }10:31
lindsaymobil22should i run the recommended updates in jaunty? its just the xorg that has me worried10:31
zultelli got problem when i install my friend with win xp got he display driver detect10:32
zultellbut when i install lucid dont have it]10:32
kc7zzvlindsaymobil22: Any reason you'er worried about the updates?10:32
AhmedBHwildbat: same speed10:32
AhmedBH19 mbps10:32
well_laid_lawnlindsaymobil22: why wouldn't you?10:32
fishcookernumbering of cylinder is started from the outer?!10:32
kc7zzvzultell: What graphics card?10:32
lindsaymobil22kc7zzv: this is a wubi install and ive heard bad things about upgrading xorg with intel graphics chips10:32
zultellcan anyone help me10:33
zultellati radeon 350m10:33
lindsaymobil22i aint upgrading the kernel, no sirrey10:33
well_laid_lawnzultell: you need to tell the channel the prob mate10:33
wildbat!ati | zultell10:33
ubottuzultell: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:33
=== ZachK_1 is now known as ZachK_
kc7zzvlindsaymobil22: In my experence, Intel graphics cards had a lot more bugs in Karmic, but most of the NEW bugs are fixed by now.10:34
AhmedBHwildbat: hello ?:P10:34
[Screamo]ewww intel gfx =/10:34
lindsaymobil22kc7zzv: i hate karmic, im using jaunty,10:34
wildbatAhmedBH, hmmm ?10:34
AhmedBHwildbat: its slow as i told you 20 mpbs10:35
lindsaymobil22screamo: tell me about it, good thing i have a gaming pc with an ati hd465010:35
thune3lindsaymobil22: then update everything but xorg stuff if that concerns you10:35
[Screamo]i cant even run ubuntu on my dell because of the intel card10:35
kc7zzvlindsaymobil22: I don't think any of those updates ever ended up in Jaunty though.  Also, I haven't had any trouble with Intel graphics cards in Lucid aside from general slowness.10:35
lindsaymobil22thune3: its just i think i might need a graphics update because online videos stutter in full screen in ubuntu, fine in windows and os x10:36
kc7zzv[Screamo]: One of the older Dimentions?10:36
wildbatAhmedBH,  that's about the speed HDD writes10:36
[Screamo]kc7zzv, yeah, its pretty old =/10:36
AhmedBHwildbat: Yes but THIS SLOW are you kidding me ?10:36
lindsaymobil22[screamo] try xubuntu10:36
lindsaymobil22or pp linux10:37
lindsaymobil22pp meaning puppy10:37
[Screamo]Speed isnt an issue, its the gfx card driver10:37
wildbatAhmedBH, define fast then ?10:37
kc7zzv[Screamo]: I work on those a lot.  I've found them to not crash, but X is unusably slow in jaunty or above.10:37
[Screamo]well that machine is back to windows10:38
kc7zzv[Screamo]: They used to kernal panic a lot in karmic for a month or two after release.10:38
AhmedBHwildbat: man on ntfs its a way faster and why slow here when it should be at least better on ext410:38
lindsaymobil22does wubi 10.04 work very well?10:38
[Screamo]if i use the proprietary driver for nvidia card, im stuck with like half the resolution =/10:39
Dr_WillisI dont think ive ever seebn the terms 'Wubi and Works Very Well' Ever used together. :)10:40
[Screamo]fucking rat bite me :(10:40
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:41
[Screamo]ooops wrong window =/10:41
wildbatAhmedBH, it depends on fragmentations level and where the data write~ , you may also have disk cache disabled10:41
lindsaymobil22dr_willis: not true, wubi 9.04 is as fast as an ext3 install, just because the install drive is ntfs, i have fragmenting issues10:41
Dr_Willislindsaymobil22:  and i see peopme in here Constantly with their wubi issues...10:41
lindsaymobil22dr_willis: wow, and im the only one were it works flawless?10:41
Dr_Willislindsaymobil22:  yes. i would say you are one of the very very very very few10:42
phlak_userlindsaymobil22: i recently installed and uninstalled wubi on someone's laptop and they lost their windoze 7 along with it!!!10:42
kc7zzvWell, in theory the people who aren't having issues might not come here.10:42
lindsaymobil22phlak_user: now thats crazy10:42
Abrodmainhi evrybody, who knows how to repear windows because it doesnt install, it's a tattoed pc (code purple) ?10:42
wildbatAhmedBH, also you may be running IDE mode ~ check bios setting10:42
Dr_WillisId reccomend using Virtualbox over wubi to 'test' out linux. (actually i use vbox + linux  on windows to get work done) :)10:42
phlak_userlindsaymobil22: no its true; i can see the windoze entry in grub but cant boot; inside lucid, i can see the partition but totally empty10:43
lindsaymobil22is wubi 10.04 with vista any good,10:43
lindsaymobil22phlak_user, since when did grub come up first? for me its the windows bootloader then grub4dos10:43
phlak_userAbrodmain: whats a tattooed PC?10:43
[Screamo]wubi isnt good at all10:43
lindsaymobil22i love wubi, great inventions, just has some issue10:44
Dr_WillisI think this channel in General has a very low opinion of wubi's abilities10:44
phlak_userlindsaymobil22: i then installed ubuntu natively so grub also came up :)10:44
phlak_userlindsaymobil22: which is why i tried to uninstall the wubi installation10:44
* wildbat votes against wubi ~10:44
lindsaymobil22i vote for wubi10:44
vasezWhat is the recommended filesyetm for a media drive with mostly large video files?10:45
phlak_userlindsaymobil22: jolliet?10:45
Dr_Willisvasez:  when in doubt stick with ext3/ext410:45
phlak_userlindsaymobil22: sorry not for you10:45
Dr_Willisvasez:  unless you have to share with windows.10:45
BAHARhello, how can i switch to another languages?10:45
Abrodmaina tattou is a microsoft protection which doesnt allow you to install any other OS10:46
phlak_userlindsaymobil22: nm; the filesystem10:46
kc7zzvBAHAR: In ubuntu?10:46
Abrodmainor qomething like that10:46
qm7I've been having programs freeze randomly for about 30 seconds, this happens every 10-20 minutes or so, randomly. I checked /var/log/messages and it says something about the "Ubuntu Network Kernel" and "Unrecovered read error - auto reallocate failed". Could anyone please help me with this?10:46
vasezDr_Willis: Thanks, of the two which is more stable?10:46
Dr_WillisAbrodmain:  never heard of it.10:46
Dr_Willisvasez:  proberly wont matter. ext4 in theory is  better.10:46
phlak_userAbrodmain: is that legally allowed? i thought they threw that out of the window10:46
lindsaymobil22has anyone had their keyboard not work in lucid?10:47
phlak_userqm7: do a memory test at boot10:47
BAHARkc7zzv:  i  have engish and persian, how i can switch i mean the keybord layout10:47
alkemanni installed lamp server with taskel, and now I have the emberrassing problem that I cant find the htdocs.10:47
phlak_userlindsaymobil22: i had mine freezeup totally; then discovered that i had enabled slow keys by mistake10:47
Dr_Willis!lamp | alkemann10:47
ubottualkemann: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)10:47
oCean_alkemann: htdocs?10:47
phlak_useralkemann: /var/www10:47
vasezDr_Willis: Thank you, a reading said that fscks are faster on ext4, that wins me over lol10:48
qm7phlak_user: why? and do you do that?10:48
BAHARubuntu, could you pls help me10:48
phlak_userqm7: its to check if your RAM is ok10:48
Abrodmaini don't know but the big computer companies such as windows and HP, Dell, Asus.. made an arrangement10:48
alkemannphlak_user: thanks.10:48
lindsaymobil22somebody on youtube had there keyboard not work with a native install, so they had to do there video in vbox10:48
BAHARi want switch persian and english keybord layout10:48
phlak_userAbrodmain: you mean like an OEM version?10:48
kc7zzvThere are some bugs in https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/example-preseed.txt.  Where should I report it or send my fixes?10:48
phlak_userBAHAR: system-preferences-keyboard10:49
oCean_!bug | kc7zzv10:49
qm7phlak_user: is this symptomatic of a RAM issue?10:49
ubottukc7zzv: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots10:49
Abrodmainyes phlak_user10:49
qm7phlak_user: how do you do the test?10:49
phlak_userqm7: sure sounds like it; once you isolate that its not the RAM, we can look at other things10:49
phlak_userqm7: select the memtest option in grub10:49
BAHARubuntu, pls help me10:49
qm7phlak_user: how do I get to that?10:50
phlak_userBAHAR: system-preferences-keyboard10:50
phlak_userqm7: at boot, you get the grub menu right?10:50
phlak_userqm7: no??10:50
thune3qm7: do you have the full line where Unrecovered read error - auto reallocate failed"10:50
r-c-is-mei have ubuntu 9.10 aand installed ps3 media server, followed the steps and when i double click PMS.sh and say RUN i don't see anything happening......can someone pls try and help me10:50
alkemanni have to use sudo to edit files in /var/www ?10:51
Abrodmainin fact the mbr is deleted and the computer doesn't recognise the version of windows (correct me if i'm wrong)10:51
thune3qm7: where that appears10:51
qm7phlak_user: oh do you have to press a key to get that?10:51
Dr_Willisr-c-is-me:  run it from the terminal, look for error messages, not 'double clicking' on it10:51
qm7thune3: yes, do you want to see it?10:51
r-c-is-meDr_Willis: i'm not too happy working in terminal, where can i look at the steps10:52
thune3qm7: yes, just the one full line10:52
oCean_alkemann: default it is owned by root user I think. In that case, you have to sudo moving or editing files there10:52
BAHARphlak_user:  tnx alot,10:52
BAHARbye all10:52
qm7thune3: Jun  2 11:45:01 ubuntu-network kernel: [65446.460760] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Add. Sense: Unrecovered read error - auto reallocate failed10:53
alkemannoCean_: ok now that's just annoying. editing a css file on a localhost is hardly a security hole. can I grab ownership of /var/www ?10:53
r-c-is-meDr_Willis: all the configs and stuff they mention is by double clicking and i don't see anything happening like i said10:53
phlak_useralkemann: yes you can; /var/www/ is normally protected by apache10:53
phlak_userqm7: oh that looks like your hard drive is in trouble (sda)10:54
nyuszika7hi'm now testing kubuntu10:54
oCean_alkemann: you can use "sudo -i" to gain shell with sudo privileges10:54
thune3qm7: to me it looks like your hdd may be developing bad blocks10:54
qm7phlak_user: it says sd, not sda10:54
phlak_userqm7: yes it does --->  [sda] Add10:54
QuiltPantshi all, could someone please help me set up remmina to remote into another machine using dyndns ? :) I'm very confused...10:54
alkemannwhy does this have to feel so hard to someone who thought he was computer proficient..10:55
qm7thune3: what does that mean? hardware damage or software error?10:55
qm7phlak_user: now i see it10:55
oCean_phlak_user: alkemann it's not user apache.10:55
phlak_useralkemann: what user is apache running as?10:56
oCean_alkemann: it's not all that hard, is it? The different users and userprivileges are very basic in the linux security10:56
oCean_phlak_user: www-data10:56
oCean_phlak_user: still, default ownership is root10:56
EgyParadoxQuiltPants: I believe this is an issue not related to ubuntu10:56
qm7thune3: what does that mean? hardware damage or software error?10:57
thune3qm7: hard drives can develop bad blocks. you could try looking at the smart data (internal hard drive reporting): smartctl -a /dev/sda10:57
EgyParadoxoh remmina I apologize10:57
=== OkropNick^ is now known as OkropNick
alkemannphlak_user: how do i find out?10:57
QuiltPantsEgyParadox: no worries :)10:57
{BG}Barbarianhello, is it possible to install ubuntu from a USB stick?10:58
oCean_alkemann: it is www-data, the user running the webserver(-processes)10:58
{BG}BarbarianI have a pc without a disk drive or dvd drive10:58
kiamo{BG}Barbarian, yes10:58
wildbat!usb | {BG}Barbarian10:58
ubottu{BG}Barbarian: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent10:58
kiamothere are instructions on how on the main ubuntu page10:58
QuiltPantsEgyParadox: i tried using the build in remote desktop viewer, but had no luck so i installed remmina instead which seems to work well10:58
oCean_alkemann: but you do not need to become that user. The /var/www directory is default owned by the root user10:58
phlak_useralkemann: ps -fe | grep httpd10:58
oCean_phlak_user: alkemann nope: not grep httpd, it's called apache2 the process10:59
EgyParadoxQuiltPants: the remote desktop viewer worked with DynDNS?10:59
Dr_Willis{BG}Barbarian:  i do that all the time. However the SERVER edition may not work that way. (alternative installer might not also)10:59
QuiltPantsEgyParadox: i have it working on my local network, but can't figure how to set it up so that i can access teh machine via DynDns10:59
alkemannalek      9448  9288  0 11:59 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto httpd10:59
QuiltPantsEgyParadox: no i haven't figured that out yet10:59
EgyParadoxQuiltPants: Some routers can support DynDNS.11:00
phlak_useroCean_: yes youre right; it used to be httpd some moons ago11:00
oCean_phlak_user: on other distro's it still is11:00
alkemannso anywhy i installed a lamp(hp) server but php isnt working11:00
EgyParadoxQuiltPants: you can check your vendor of your router if you need to access it from the internet.11:00
EgyParadoxif can support DynDNS11:01
alkemannthere is a php5 dir in /etc/11:01
QuiltPantsEgyParadox: oh yes11:01
QuiltPantsEgyParadox: sorry i just realised i've made a slight mistake11:01
EgyParadoxQuiltPants: You can also enable port forwarding.11:01
MojodojoI swear Ubuntu rocks lol anyways is anyone here able to answer a wine question?11:01
EgyParadoxno worries.11:01
QuiltPantsEgyParadox: what i'm trying to do is set up a machine here at home that i plan to set up at my dad's house11:01
oCean_Mojodojo: there are lots op people here. Just ask your question in the channel, try to keep it in one single line11:02
QuiltPantsEgyParadox: so i have tried to set up ddclient on his machine11:02
QuiltPantsas i'm not sure how his router works11:02
oCean_Mojodojo: however, wine support is in #winehq11:02
phlak_useralkemann: how do you know that php doesnt work?11:02
PipHello, I want to view the menu.lst file in /boot, where is it ?11:02
alkemannphlak_user: goging to /localhost/index.php it downloads the php file11:02
PipHow to edit the grub booting menu ?11:02
oCean_!grub2 | Pip11:03
ubottuPip: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub211:03
MojodojoI'm trying to run Ragnarok and its extreamly slow even with my duel core pc 3gb ram and ati 4650 1gb video card any idea why?11:03
r-c-is-meis there a ps3 media server support channel somewhere?11:03
phlak_userpip: it has changed since grub2; now there is a /etc/default/grub and /etc/grub.d and /boot/grub/grub.cfg that gets generated11:03
EgyParadoxQuiltPants: you can enable port forwarding on the router which is connected to the computer you try to connect to.11:04
EgyParadoxyou are trying to connect to*11:04
phlak_useralkemann: have you installed and enabled the php module for apache?11:05
alkemannphlak_user: i picked the install everything default option. or so I thought.11:05
QuiltPantsEgyParadox: sorry EgyParadox, i think i've just realised my mistake11:05
alkemannphlak_user: the softerware center lists php11:05
EgyParadoxQuiltPants: No worries11:05
oCean_alkemann: be sure php module is loaded (sudo a2enmod php5) and apache is restarted (sudo apache2ctl restart)11:05
qm7phlak_user: im going to pm you the results11:05
QuiltPantsEgyParadox: on the router i have a different dyndns account to that set up using ddclient11:05
phlak_userqm7: just pastebinit11:05
Pipphlak_user, then how to edit menu.lst file ?11:06
QuiltPantsEgyParadox: thanks for your help11:06
phlak_userPip: there is no menu.lst file; edit /etc/default/grub and run update-grub211:06
{BG}BarbarianDr_Willis: how do I know I need server edition?11:06
EgyParadoxQuiltPants: you can access it through port forwarding without any DynDNS.11:07
qm7phlak_user: you get that?11:07
wildbat{BG}Barbarian, if you don't know then you don't need it11:07
phlak_userqm7: yes; cant make out anything :)11:07
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alkemannphlak_user: yea ithink this taskel install failed completely. following the instructions on how to include phpmyadmin if i get 404, im told the file doesnt exist11:08
EgyParadoxQuiltPants: np11:08
phlak_userqm7: though there are errors thrown when DMA read occurs11:08
mechdave{BG}Barbarian, you only need the server edition if you want to run a mail,database or web server just to mention a few11:08
MojodojoIs there a way to disable disconnected/joined channel messages in the chatroom?11:08
alkemannI love how to the instructions tell you to "use any method" to install the following. that's kinda avoiding the content of the install instructions, imho ;)11:08
thune3qm7: can i see11:09
mechdave{BG}Barbarian, there is no GUI with the server edition11:09
oCean_alkemann: what client are you using? Xchat? then rght click on channel tab > settings11:09
well_laid_lawnMojodojo: depends on the chat client you use11:09
phlak_useralkemann: you could try re-installing with sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php511:09
qm7thune3: just sent it11:09
drygrainscore of 237 in open yahtzee!11:09
alkemannoCean_: no default .. ephinay or something11:10
oCean_alkemann: ah, don't know about that client.11:10
alkemannphlak_user: sais it is already installed11:10
oCean_alkemann: of course it is. Did you see my previous post?11:11
MojodojoI'm using empathy for my IRC is there a way to remove joined and left messages from people?11:11
phlak_useralkemann: check whether enabled and reload apache using oCean_ 's instructions11:11
giuseppe_join picasa11:11
phlak_useralkemann: --> (sudo a2enmod php5) and apache is restarted (sudo apache2ctl restart)11:11
qm7phlak_user: did you see #11:11
giuseppe_hi all... I have a problem with picasa on xubuntu 9.1011:11
giuseppe_anyone can helo om?11:11
giuseppe_help me?11:12
jellywareI'm having trouble getting a logiteck quickcam cool working with skype in ubuntu 10.04 (black screen when I click test) but it works fine with cheese.  has anyone else experienced this issue?11:12
qm7phlak_user: did you see the line about "Airflow_Temperature_Cel"?11:12
alkemann"The Alias directive in /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf at line 3 will probably never match because it overlaps an earlier Alias.11:12
alkemannhttpd not running, trying to start"11:12
oCean_giuseppe_: maybe ask in #xubuntu11:13
alkemannbut yea things seems to be up and running now!11:13
giuseppe_oCean_, ok... thanks a lot11:13
thune3qm7: you have 10 pending "bad" sectors11:14
qm7thune3: what does that mean?11:14
MojodojoI have an ATI 4650 anyone else experiencing flickering with black lines with Ubuntu 10.04 this seemed to be a past issue that was fixed with 9.10 but I cant find anything for 10.0411:15
thune3qm7: it means that 10 separate 512-byte blocks have thrown read errors, but cannot be auto corrected by the drive because they have unreadable data in them.11:15
qm7thune3: does that mean physical damage or something else11:15
bovvI just installed Lucid and my Gnome panel is locked so I cannot move or remove anything.  How can I unlock the panel?11:16
ravenhow to use ifconfig for manual config of eth0 (ip, dns, ...)?11:16
bovvraven: ifconfig eth0 IPADDR11:16
Dr_Willisbovv:  is this the netbook editiion?11:17
gooooooonahHi, I have problem enabling wifi on Dell M230011:17
bovvDr_Willis: yes.11:17
Dr_Willisthats why then bovv.11:17
ravenbovv, but it wont be saved until next reboot and there is no dns specified11:17
mechdaveraven, try opening a terminal and type man ifconfig that will give you the documentation for ifconfig11:17
Dr_Willisbovv:  only fix ive seen is to basically set up the gnome-desktop to clone the netbook edition layout.11:17
phlak_userbovv: at login, you can select GNome instead of Netbook as session11:17
Dr_Willisbovv:  but thats not much of a fix. If you want to cistomuze the netbook setup - thats how you have to do it11:18
bovvDr_Willis: how does one do that?11:18
thune3qm7: drives as they get older start to develop bad blocks. most people just get a new drive. i've corrected bad-blocks before and put a fan on the drive11:18
sachaelanyone remember the name of a small console utility that can make the taskbar button of the console flash (wanting attention)11:18
Dr_Willisbovv:  i saw it discussed at the webupd8.org web site once a few months back.11:18
qm7thune3: would I be able to succesfully backup the entire drive?11:18
Dr_Willisbovv:  or search for 'unlock netbook panel'  there are several similer guides out11:19
phlak_userDr_Willis: bovv i have installed the netbook edition on an eeepc and can login into a standard gnome session11:20
mechdaveqm7, you could try doing it with dd11:20
ravenhow to use ifconfig for manual config of eth0 (ip, dns, ...)?11:20
qm7mechdave: whats that?11:20
bovvDr_Willis: I'll give it a search.11:20
Dr_Willisbovv:  http://www.webupd8.org/2010/05/how-to-add-remove-applets-from-gnome.html11:21
phlak_userraven its all done in /etc/network/interfaces if you are not using the networkmanager11:21
EgyParadoxraven: Manual configuration using networkmanager can work also.11:21
thune3qm7: people have been recommending ddrescue for trouble files, but only 5KB of your drive is known bad, 99.999% will copy out just fine.11:21
Hans_Henrikwhen i compress files with winrar in "default settings", packagemanager has no problem extracting it, however when i choose options "best+solid", package-manager will say "archive type not supported", i guess thats a bug?11:22
qm7thune3: ok11:22
thune3qm7: or gddrescue11:22
phlak_userHans_Henrik: could be losing its magic number11:22
Mojodojoanyone know why the ATI 4650 is causing the screen to flicker during bootup and when I open certain programs?11:22
Hans_Henrikphlak_user: what?11:22
mechdaveqm7, dd is used to take an image of a partition11:22
qm7thune3: do i perform ddrescue before or after the backup?11:22
phlak_userHans_Henrik: when you use the "best+solid" option, what does the command $file archive-name give you?11:23
alkemannhow do I find a partition I created in windows? im currently running both with wubi11:23
gooooooonahalkemann: browse to the filesystem, then look in the host folder11:23
alkemannah yea there thanks11:23
phlak_userHans_Henrik: winrar??11:24
qm7mechdave: do i perform ddrescue before or after the backup?11:24
bovvDr_Willis: thanks.... I'm gonna drop off to try this fix.11:24
Piphow to make gedit in read-only mode via command line ?11:25
thune3qm7: there are better experts than me on gddrescue, i believe that most people would recommened using it as the tool for backing up a trouble drive though11:25
gooooooonahstill trying to enable wifi on wubi installed 10.04 on Dell M2300...11:25
ikonia!wifi | gooooooonah11:26
ubottugooooooonah: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:26
{BG}BarbarianI will be using my music player as USB drive (1,90 GB), the guide says I need a thumb disk of at least 2 GB, before I format all my music could someone give me an educated guess if this 1,90 GB will also be enough?11:26
ikonia{BG}Barbarian: should be, but tight11:26
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gooooooonahubottu: thanks - I'll drop out and read!11:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:26
mechdaveqm7, ddrescue is an enhancement on dd11:27
mechdaveqm7, have a look here --> http://www.gnu.org/software/ddrescue/ddrescue.html11:27
Dr_Willis{BG}Barbarian:  that may not be  a device that can be 'booted'  from11:28
Dr_Willis{BG}Barbarian:  plug it in, and reboot, and check the 'boot options' to see if its even seen as a divice you can boot from11:29
mechdave{BG}Barbarian, I would recommend against using your mp3 player to use as a boot device11:29
Hans_Henrikphlak_user: dont get what you mean by "$file archive-name", shal i try to execute the archive file with the argument "archive-name"?11:30
ikoniamechdave: boot devices don't exist in the Linux world like the windows one11:30
mic32There is no way to restore the default configuration of iptables?11:31
phlak_userHans_Henrik: replace "archive-name" with the name of the archive that you created11:31
ikoniamic32: default is everything open, so just disable it11:31
Dr_Willismic32:  the default would be No rules...11:31
mechdaveikonia, I realise that, just my terminology sort of "crosses over" sometimes11:31
schlaftierHans_Henrik: no, you should execute "file" with the archive file as argument. "File" is a utility that identifies the type of a file11:31
bovvDr_Willis: thanks.... it turns out that I just needed to select the GNOME desktop and not the UNR desktop.... that came out from the article you recommended.  Thanks!11:31
mic32ikonia: how to disable?11:31
fluvvellmic32, iptables -F should flush all rules11:31
{BG}BarbarianI'll see if I can get this plug in card usb stick working instead11:32
phlak_userbovv: isnt that what i said :)11:32
ikoniamic32: iptables -FX should do it just fine11:32
Hans_Henrikphlak_user: compiling.rar: RAR archive data, v1d, flags: Solid, os: Win3211:32
bovvphlak_user: now that you mention it, you did, didn't you.  Thanks, too. :-)11:33
thune3qm7: first, i'd just try backing up your critical data using your normal backup scheme11:33
phlak_userHans_Henrik: ok so maybe package manager doesnt recognize the Solid flag; let me check11:33
phlak_userbovv: yw11:33
mic32ikonia: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name11:33
paulchainanyone know how to fix the flickering Ubuntu does when you open certain programs or log in with the ATI 4650 video card?11:33
Dr_Willisfor some rar archives - ive seen where you need the rar-NON free version,11:33
Dr_WillisIn order to extract them11:33
tkbrosis there any equalizer available for rhythm box media player?11:34
phlak_userHans_Henrik: you could check with unrar if this happens11:34
ikoniamic32: drop the x11:34
vishaltelangreDr_Willis, in that situations, I do prefer winrar w/ winehq11:34
naxaif you had to choose, which is the best currently relatively new laptop for ubuntu? i'm interested in specific models, not "those which come preinstalled" 'couse I cannot really find fast info.11:35
Dr_Willisvishaltelangre:  done that a few times also.. but i rarely use rar these days.11:35
ikonianaxa: there is no best option, it's what you like, just keep in mind nvidia/ati/intel graphics support, same for wirless cards11:35
Dr_Willisnaxa:  theres such a varity its  hard to Tell - I would stick to ones that have nvidia video. and then whatver wirless card you can find that has support.11:36
naxaikonia: well I would prefer one with intel video and wireless cards. I also prefer acer, lenovo and dell11:36
Dr_Willisnaxa:  i would avoide toshiba.11:36
ikonianaxa: ok - so investigate what you want then and shop around11:36
phlak_usernaxa: this might be a starting point -->www.linux-laptop.net11:36
Dr_Willisnaxa:  some Intel video chipsets have issues -  so watch out11:36
paulchaingod I avoid intel at all cost when it comes to graphic cards11:36
naxaDr_Willis: no toshiba then. nvidia is also ok but I don't want it to overheat. i'm not a gamer...11:36
vishaltelangre!info unrar-free | Dr_Willis11:36
ubottuDr_Willis: unrar-free (source: unrar-free): Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20071127-1 (lucid), package size 21 kB, installed size 108 kB11:36
naxapaulchain: i see maybe i should stick with nvidia11:37
Dr_Willisvishaltelangre:  ive seen archives that the unrar-free wont uncompress but the unrar-nonfree does.11:37
naxaphlak_user: thank you! it is too much to read for me just right now but i'll read it later11:37
Dr_Willisnaxa:  check out the preintstalled linux machnes. and see what gpu/wireless they normally use. :) thats a start11:38
vishaltelangreDr_Willis, then free archive extractors are fake liers, eh...!!! ;)11:38
letrozkoGreetings, my ubuntu 10.04 amd 64 freezes randomly on my laptop. Is there a way to find why is this happening?11:38
mic32ikonia: after I have done this configuration http://pastebin.com/zNFcwaFc with iptables i couldnt download or pinging from the internet11:38
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ikoniamic32: tr #iptables for rules support11:39
naxaDr_Willis: my problem was that I cannot find which ones has preinstalled linux... how can I get a list11:39
mic32ikonia: #iptables unable to join channel (invite only) :s11:40
Dr_Willisnaxa:  check google and see what the various linux hardware sites sell11:40
phlak_usermic32: try ufw to get the iptables commands the way you want them11:41
phlak_user!ufw | mic3211:41
ubottumic32: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.11:41
naxaDr_Willis: i actually already had hard time with the too much information... could you provide me some link to a site like this, please? :) i always find *too much* info to handle11:41
letrozkoMy ubuntu 10.04 amd 64 freezes randomly on my laptop. Is there a way to find why is this happening?11:41
ikoniamic32: #netfilter11:42
phlak_usernaxa: heres another one --> http://www.linuxcertified.com/linux_laptops.html11:42
vishaltelangreletrozko, http://blog.ichinmay.com/2010/05/03/ubuntu-10-04-upgrade-from-9-10-usb-keyboard-mouse-problem/11:42
naxaphlak_user: thank you very much11:42
Dr_Willisphlak_user:  now ya gave him too much info! :)11:42
alkemannif i try to use git in /var/www and using sudo, will it not look in ~/.ssh for my public key? I have it set up, but im getting permission denied11:42
goddardHow do I edit the "connect to server" book marks in ubuntu "Places" menu?11:42
phlak_userDr_Willis: this one has only laptops listed :)11:42
letrozkovishaltelangre, ????????11:42
letrozkovishaltelangre, I think you got the wrong person.11:43
sebnerDoes here anybody know how I can configure Azureus how many parallel downloads I want? There is only maximum downloads and maximum active torrents (But as I have a lot stuff I'm seeding it only downloads 1 at a time, it worked somehow with jaunty though)11:43
vishaltelangreletrozko, what problems you are facing?11:43
phlak_userDr_Willis: this one has only *5 laptops listed :)11:43
letrozkovishaltelangre,  My problem is that my ubuntu 10.04 amd 64 on my laptop freezes randomly.11:43
letrozkovishaltelangre,  The laptop is ok, checked the temperatures, they are normal...is there a way to find out why it freezes randomly?11:44
phlak_usersebner: doesnt maximum active torrents indicate parallel downloads?11:44
phlak_usersebner: or uploads11:44
vishaltelangreletrozko, is your mouse and keyboard and other peripheral devices stucks/freezes when you logged in to your 10.04 machine?11:44
goddardHow do I edit the "connect to server" book marks in ubuntu "Places" menu?11:44
sebnerphlak_user: it's both, but when I have 5 maximum active torrents it seeds 4 and downloads 1 here, I'd rather have it the other way round or something in the middle11:45
phlak_userletrozko: it would help if you could narrow down to whether this is due to something that you do at that time11:45
paulchainanyone know how to fix the flickering Ubuntu does when you open certain programs or log in with the ATI 4650 video card?11:45
letrozkovishaltelangre,  Well let me tell you. I login, everything fine, I browser folders, everything fine, but suddently mouse stucks, sound stucks, everything stucks.11:45
phlak_usersebner: I dont know; maybe someone at azureus will know11:46
letrozkovishaltelangre,  It freezes randomly, one time I was in firefox listening to some music on youtube, and suddently freezed...11:46
vishaltelangreletrozko, Yeah right.. My friend also got same problems a few days ago, check the solution on his post, we fixed that: http://blog.ichinmay.com/2010/05/03/ubuntu-10-04-upgrade-from-9-10-usb-keyboard-mouse-problem/11:46
sebnerphlak_user: kk, np11:46
letrozkovishaltelangre,  another time I was organising some folders...:|11:46
phlak_userletrozko: can you switch to console by pressing ctl-alt-f1 when the freeze occurs?11:46
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letrozkophlak_user,  I can't do nothing, everything is stuck, sound, mouse cursore everything.11:47
phlak_userletrozko: another way would be to be logged in to the machine via ssh and tail the system log and see if anything crops up during the "freeze"11:47
letrozkovishaltelangre,  Well I do not have problems with my mouse and keyboard, that's what that link is from.11:47
letrozkophlak_user,  Ok, I will try that. How can I acces the log system via ssh?11:48
vishaltelangreletrozko, your devices' entries are not written in the *evdev.conf file in  /usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf.d directory...11:49
Etheraeljbd2/sda4-8 <--- this process is intermittently causing strange sounding disk IO, ubuntu 10.04, I think it's a journalling manager, is this a known issue?11:49
phlak_userletrozko: once you ssh in, type sudo tail -f /var/log/messages11:49
letrozkophlak_user,  thank you11:49
Etheraelit's like a 3sec long segue of rapid hdd clicks.11:49
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Etheraelabout once every 10 seconds.11:49
letrozkoI hope I resolve this issue, it is so strange and my system is unstable because of this.11:50
mechdaveEtherael, have you got smart configured in BIOS?11:50
phlak_userletrozko: all the best!11:50
vishaltelangreletrozko, your machine stucks might been because of your mouse/keyboard problems...11:51
Etheraelmechdave, Not sure, whatever would be default on a fairly new system, dmesg would tell me right?11:51
vishaltelangreletrozko, no issues... Have a good time!11:51
FrozenOneLooking for some help with a 10.04 live install11:51
letrozkovishaltelangre,  well I'm runing ubuntu on a dell inspiron with a touchpad and obviously internal keyboard11:51
taulant hello all !11:51
letrozkovishaltelangre,  ubuntu didn't stuck when i was on 9.10 that's strange.11:51
letrozkophlak_user,  the same!11:52
Etheraelmechdave, http://pastie.org/99288711:52
mechdaveEtherael, just a sec shall refresh my memory on SMART monitoring11:52
kad_hey all !! i have sony 64-bit process, can i install in it ubuntu 32-bit ?11:53
FrozenOneHow do I get proprietary drivers to save on a live install?11:53
jribkad_: no11:53
vishaltelangreletrozko, Yeah I'm also telling you same thing, on that blog the description about problem is not enough sufficient, but our problem exactly matching w/ your one's..11:53
ikoniaFrozenOne: yse the hardware drivers tool, same as non-live11:53
Dr_Williskad_:   clarify what you mnean.. Sony dosent Make CPU's last i checked.11:53
letrozkovishaltelangre,  ohh ok, I hope we get it fixed.11:53
taulant letrozko, Yeah I'm also telling you same thing, on that blog the description about problem is not enough sufficient, but our problem exactly matching w/ your one's..11:53
jribkad_: I assumed you meant software made by sony11:53
FrozenOneI did that, but when I rebooted they were not there11:54
LjLmechdave, Etherael: there's probably no need to enable SMART in the BIOS; you can install the "smartmontools" package, then run "smartctl -H" and/or "smartctl -A" to check the drive's state, and if it turns out SMART is not enabled, it can be enabvled with "smartctl -s on"11:54
cdoublejj|afkwhere can i find themes for ubuntu11:54
kad_jrib, no11:54
jrib!themes > cdoublejj|afk11:54
ubottucdoublejj|afk, please see my private message11:54
jribkad_: then what did you mean?11:54
vishaltelangreletrozko, If you check that, and not found your these devices were not there, means you have to make manually write their entries there so as they work proper w/ your lappie!11:54
Dr_Williscdoublejj|afk:  for GNOME you can install the gnomeart tool and install them. theres also dozens in the repos and various PPA repos11:54
EtheraelLjL, What would SMART have to do with the symptom I'm talking about here? I don't see the connection?11:54
taulant =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=11:54
jribtaulant: please don't11:54
Etheraelit's not the "click of death" noise, so I don't suspect hardware failure.11:54
letrozkotaulant,  do not spam here11:54
mechdaveLjL, Thanks, was looking for that :)11:54
Etheraelalso, it didn't happen in 9.10 and it doesn't happen in win7.11:55
Etheraelso this makes me think it's a 10.04 specific issue.11:55
Dr_Willisanytime i hear hard drives making lots of clicking noises.. i get scared. :)11:55
taulantwho is spamming here (am not xD )11:55
mechdaveEtherael, what LjL said :)11:55
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit11:55
LjLetherealite: i don't know, i was merely following up on mechdave - but i imagine that mechdave is thinking that a repeated-clicking sound from a drive might be due to the drive retrying reads or writes on some sector, which is often a symptom of a failing drive11:55
kad_jrib,  i got 64-bit process, and i have setup of ubuntu 32-bit!! what i meant ubuntu 32-bit can install on 64-bit11:55
kad_jrib, that what i meant11:55
vishaltelangreletrozko, our problem was, he upgraded to lucid from karmic... but after logging in every time, his computer gets stucked after some times..11:55
EtheraelDr_Willis, Yeah generally I agree, but this just sounds like a rapid sequential activity sequence in a 3 second span once every 10-20 seconds, and iotop shows that it's always this jbda2 process11:55
paulchainanyone know how to fix the flickering Ubuntu does when you open certain programs or log in with the ATI 4650 video card? sorry for reposting just trying to check every 10min or so if anyone new knows how to solve it :)11:56
FrozenOneAny idea why the hardware manager would not save proprietary drivers on a live install11:56
Dr_Williskad_:  your use of the term '64bit process'  is a little confuseing11:56
jribkad_: you mean a 64-bit processOR  I assume?11:56
EtheraelLjL, Yeah that's why I don't think it's a failign drive, works in other OS'. This only happens specifically in ubuntu, and it coincides precisely with iotop shooting the jbda2 process right to the top.11:56
Dr_WillisFrozenOne:  how did you do the 'live install ' ?11:56
Etheraelso I'm wondering if it's something new about the way journalling is configured in 10.04 ?11:56
ackleyFrozenOne: because it's a live install that erases everything when you reboot.11:57
kad_jrib, yes11:57
jribkad_: then yes, you should be able to install 32-bit ubuntu if that's what you want11:57
kad_jrib, aha thx =)11:57
LjLetherealite: well, there is ext4 that's new, or that may be new depending on what you used previously, i guess.11:57
FrozenOneDr_Willis:  It is on a usb thumb drive.  I need a driver for my wireless card on my laptop11:57
Dr_WillisFrozenOne:  and i ask again.. HOW did you do this Live-Install? What tools?11:57
mechdaveEtherael, jbda2 is a fork of ext4 yes?11:58
vishaltelangrevishaltelangre, then to overcome this problem, we added the entries of missing devices such as mouse.keyboard etc via single user mode (alt+ctrl+F1 for this and alt+ctrl+f7 for GUI before log in window being shown)11:58
FrozenOneDr_willis:  I used a program from windows11:58
EtheraelFor what it's worth though, here's smartctl -a /dev/sda (disk in question) http://pastie.org/99288911:58
Etheraelmechdave, I'm not entirely sure actually.11:58
bovvMy gnome-volume-control-applet is not auto starting.... any idea how to have it start auto-matically on login?11:58
FrozenOnedr_willis:  I forgot the name11:58
Dr_WillisFrozenOne:  IF you used unetbootin. then you need to set up a persistant 'save' file (a casperrw) file to have a peristant save file you can make changes to11:58
Etheraelmechdave, my google fu has vague mentions toward links to journalling kernel management.11:58
Dr_WillisFrozenOne:  check out Pendrivelinux for other ways to automate the task11:59
vishaltelangrevishaltelangre, check that w/ your ones, tell what you get then after...!11:59
FrozenOneDr_willis:  yea that is what I used11:59
caacjrib, are you on Gnome?11:59
FrozenOnedr_willis:  thanks I will check it out11:59
vishaltelangreohir, I'm replying to myself instead of replying to letrozko!!! :D12:00
imaginativeonejoin #iphone-dev12:00
jribcaac: I'm never on gnome, just ask though :)12:00
mechdaveEtherael, Maybe if you change it to ext3 or ext4?12:00
caacok jrib, I still haven't found how to change that 2nd pass12:00
mechdaveEtherael, how did you get it?12:00
Etheraelmechdave, downloaded amd64, installed from USB key.12:00
jribcaac: oh.  Describe exactly when you get asked for it and ask the channel, someone may know12:00
Etheraelit's already ext4.12:00
EtheraelI didn't change fs options, it's just the 10.04 default.12:01
svipWhy can't Ubuntu figure out to turn off my speakers when I have my headphones plugged in?12:01
alkemannusing git on ubuntu, is there something special to consider. restart? done everything (created and posted my pub key) but get permission denied12:01
jribsvip: bug (did you search bugs.ubuntu.com?)12:01
alkemanntrying to access my own repo on github12:01
svipjrib: I did not.12:01
jribsvip: that's where I would start12:01
svipjrib: Is it this stupid pulseaudio again?12:01
imaginativeonehow do I make my running programs visible on the panel?12:01
jribsvip: I don't know12:01
caacwell jrib, I'm the guy who wanted to make a new account and everything was ok except for the "keyring" it asks me when I'm logged in, I need to type the old pass again12:01
paulchainanyone know how to fix the flickering Ubuntu does when you open certain programs or log in with the ATI 4650 video card? sorry for reposting just trying to check every 10min or so if anyone new knows how to solve it :)12:01
svipjrib: I am going to remove it anyhow.  Pulseaudio is nothing but trouble.12:01
jribsvip: it has its uses12:02
svipjrib: Too many cons compared to its pros.12:02
mechdaveEtherael, can you pastebin the output from sudo fdisk -l ? (that is a lower case L)12:02
Rob215I have a question12:02
sjokkisRob215: so ask12:02
imaginativeoneheh heh...12:02
imaginativeonehow do I make my running programs visible on the panel?12:02
bazhangimaginativeone, something like conky, but on the panel?12:03
Rob215Is Wubi inside the ISO image or a separate download?12:03
Etheraelmechdave, http://pastie.org/99289512:03
imaginativeonebazhang: don't know what conky is...12:03
BPowerMikeChelen, Okay so I just split the file and was finally able to successfully transfer everything over to my other computer (running Ubuntu).  Now I need to join them again...  I can't find any documentation on how to do this via 7zip's command line....12:04
ManateeLazyCatHi, all. I use Ubuntu 10.04 with Flash 10.1 r53, but it's always crash my desktop when i watch movie use browser. Flash crash when screen dark (long-time no input)12:04
Rob215Is Wubi inside the ISO image or a separate download?12:04
imaginativeonebut I used to be able to see little rectangle icons on the panel12:04
bazhangimaginativeone, not sure what you mean then12:04
ManateeLazyCatSo anyone have same situation? Or just me?12:04
imaginativeonewhich indicated that they were running12:04
Rob215ManateeLazyCat: Try Flash 10.012:04
ManateeLazyCatEven install flashplugin-installer from source is same.12:04
imaginativeoneManateeLazyCat: I recently had that problem12:04
ManateeLazyCatRob215: Same.12:04
sjokkisRob215: how do you expect to use wubi to download the iso, of it's inside the iso?12:05
imaginativeonemy hd had bad sectors12:05
darttdownload chrome it is having inbuilt flash player12:05
ManateeLazyCatRob215: Flash 10.0 crash, so i try 10.1, but same crash.12:05
imaginativeonewhat is conky?12:05
ManateeLazyCatdartt: I use Chromium.12:05
dartttry chrome it may help u12:06
Rob215sjokkis: I just want to download the ISO but I want Wubi inside it? Is Wubi inside the 32-bit Ubuntu 10.4 ISO12:06
sjokkisRob215: no12:06
alkemannah I have to use http when using git on ubuntu?12:06
ackleyIt isn't? It was for me.12:06
vishaltelangre!info conky | imaginativeone12:07
ubottuimaginativeone: conky (source: conky): highly configurable system monitor (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.0-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 31 kB, installed size 68 kB12:07
imaginativeoneto sort through my running programs, I have to use ALT+TAB12:07
sjokkisRob215: actually, yes. probably12:07
sjokkisRob215: there are directions. follow them12:07
sjokkisanyone know where to find MD5 hashes for the lucid ISOs?12:07
alkemannthey way phpmyadmin is added to the localhost (ie not being in /var/www) can I do the same for my own apps (this is a dev machine, not a pub server)12:07
mechdaveEtherael, what are you doing when this happens?12:07
mechdaveEtherael, noise12:08
Etheraelmechdave, typically the more idle the system is, the better chance of it happening.12:08
Rob215sjokkis: The website is messed up12:08
Etheraelmechdave, the more active the system is, the lower the chance.12:08
imaginativeoneI just want to see what is running12:08
ManateeLazyCatdartt: I don't think it can help me, It's a problem of Flash, even Chrome, i think Flash is also will crash it.12:08
imaginativeonewithout having to ALT+TAB12:08
Etherael(or perhaps when active, it just doesn't stick out amongst the normal disk noises)12:08
Rob215Out to Lunch12:09
ManateeLazyCatdartt: The real problem is not crash browser, it's crash gnome make me restart system.12:09
dartthmm...try disabling hardware acceleration in flash settings12:09
ManateeLazyCatdartt: It's just crash when i watch flash movie and screen power-off (long-time no maintain).12:10
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows12:10
jribcaac: you can't right click on "Passwords: login" and select "change password"?12:10
imaginativeoneaaahhh...figured it out12:10
ManateeLazyCatdartt: From my situation, i think Flash maybe have have some bug with Ubuntu 10.04 and not just care browser.12:10
imaginativeoneI wanted to Add a Window List to the panel12:10
caacjrib, sweet!!!! that works12:11
ManateeLazyCatimaginativeone: Any luck?12:11
sjokkisEgyParadox: thanks12:11
Etheraelthis guy seems to have the exact same problem as me; http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148963712:11
imaginativeoneManateeLazyCat: with what?12:11
vishaltelangreimaginativeone, right click on panel -> add to pannel -> window list12:11
darttgo to chromium options, under the hood, content settings, flash settings...a new page wil open in browser....disable hardware acceleration from there....just try it once....if u can't make it..then there gonna be big problem12:11
Dr_Williscaac:  they sort of hide that setting :)12:11
ManateeLazyCatimaginativeone: For avoid this problem, i need always typing something avoid screen power-off to crash desktop.12:11
ManateeLazyCatimaginativeone: Flash crash desktop12:12
imaginativeonevishaltelangre: thanks12:12
caacDr_Willis, apparently yeah, I have a pass for my network and 2 for "desktop couch", what are the ones for desktop couch?12:12
Dr_Williscaac:  no idea12:12
vishaltelangreimaginativeone you're welcome! :)12:12
caacok Dr_Willis12:13
=== lopek is now known as szklarz
ManateeLazyCatdartt: Why do you think it's a problem of "hardware acceleration"? Can you explain it?12:15
darttyeah maybe coz when i use 3d interface of une , my laptop crashes but 2d interface works fine12:16
darttits bcoz there may be no hardware acceleration12:17
ManateeLazyCatdartt: The strangle thing is flash just crash when screen dark.12:17
ManateeLazyCatdartt: If i always typing keyboard (avoid screen dark), flash won't crash.12:17
nignyttramptired of all the spam? join #gnaa on irc.hardchats.com today!12:18
ManateeLazyCatdartt: So i think it's a bug of flash somewhere.12:18
* ManateeLazyCat I hope i won't use Flash anymore, use html5 forever....12:18
dartthmm...may be...than change ur power settings...n turn off the blank or dark screen12:19
a2mCTFtired of all the spam? join #gnaa on irc.hardchats.com today!12:19
TecnaI've just installed 10.04, and now when I boot, the screen shuts off when plymouth starts.  I'm using ye olde nvidia geforce2 mx40012:20
ManateeLazyCatdartt: Yes, i was think about it. I have change my power setting that "never off", but i don't know why screen still power-off .12:20
ManateeLazyCatdartt: Looks "power-settings"  can't work.12:20
krishna_I connected to my friend via team viewer and changed the resolution in the team viewer menu. but now, he is not gotting the mouse pointer all. He restarted and tried the recovery mode by booting in low graphics mode and then to reconfigure graphics. please provide me with commands so that i can tell him over phone and make him enter in root terminal that is in recovery menu.12:21
ManateeLazyCatdartt: Screen still will dark even i have set it.12:21
fggis the screen locked up but does the computer work?12:21
krishna_fgg,  yes.12:22
krishna_fgg, only the mouse pointer does not appear. but he can move it with guess and icons highlight ,.. the problem is that the arrow does not appear for him12:22
krishna_fgg, he can use his terminal and enter commands .12:23
krishna_fgg, his keyboard works. mouse works. i.e the icons highlight when he tries to move the mouse. he can move it to shutdown menu and anywhere but the arrow is not appearing.. .12:23
Tecnawhere's ubottu?12:23
darttManateeLazyCat: in power settings click on make it defualt12:24
Out`Of`ControlWhat is a good tool to convert audio files?12:24
phlak_user!hi| Techna12:24
ubottuTechna: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!12:24
krishna_Tecna, why do you want a bot ?12:24
fggand he has no idea what is causing the mouse to disappear?12:24
krishna_fgg, i changed the resolution in teamviewer's hovering menu.. his resolution changed.12:24
krishna_but his pointer vanished12:24
phlak_userkrishna_: can this help --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=62802812:25
Tecnakrishna_: because no humans are answering me.12:25
ManateeLazyCatdartt: Oh, do you mean "power setting" just update when i click "make it default" ?12:25
fggis this a desktop or laptop?12:25
darttyeah...try it12:25
krishna_phlak_user, it's about Gusty. he uses Lucid lynx12:25
Out`Of`Controlany one?12:25
ManateeLazyCatdartt: Thanks,12:25
mechdaveEtherael, Interesting...  You don't have any swap configured... I wonder if that is a factor?12:25
mechdave<mechdave> Etherael, I don't know where to go, except maybe install and run the smarttools just to see what pops up, maybe Windows isn't picking it up... That's all I can think of, usually when a hard drive starts to die it will let out a staccato chatter12:26
mechdave<mechdave> Etherael, sound12:26
mechdave<mechdave> Etherael, Another thought, maybe the error is actually on part of the disk that is in the Linux partition therefore windows will not access that part of the drive due to it not seeing the Linux partition12:26
FloodBot2mechdave: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:26
krishna_fgg, ubuntu 10.04 lucid lynx desktop edition.12:26
darttm not sure...try it though12:26
krishna_mechdave, please use paste.ubuntu.com12:26
ManateeLazyCatdartt: If this can work, my flash won't crash, even bug still at there.12:26
phlak_userkrishna_: the logic is the same, if its an nvidia card; that link advises you to turn off hardware cursor on he GeoForce 6100 card12:26
darttstay idle for few minutes n check it12:26
krishna_phlak_user, he uses no graphics card.12:26
mechdaveBe alright if I didn't get disconnected!12:27
phlak_userkrishna_: so you might want to start from the beginning12:27
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:27
Etheraelmechdave, hmm, I'm more prone to think it's the journalling kernel manager doing frequent buffer flushes to disk.12:27
krishna_phlak_user, he has a core 2 duo processor.12:27
Etheraelmechdave, iotop is showing all the jbd2 activity as writes.12:27
krishna_phlak_user, what does "beginning" mean12:27
Etheraelmechdave, And no errors are actually being reported.12:27
phlak_userkrishna_: start with providing information on the configuration of his machine12:27
darttkrishna ur frnd got a laptop or desktop...12:28
fggdoes he have another mouse, sometimes a bad mouse can cause weird problems, or a mouse interacting with a touchpad12:28
mechdaveEtherael, whichever way it surely is not good for your disk to have it hammer like that12:28
ManateeLazyCatdartt: I'm curious why "power setting" don't told me i need update it with administor permission if "make it default" is necessary. It's design is confuse user.12:28
Etheraelmechdave, THat's the other thing, the amount of data being written to the disk per minute is actually ~100k.12:28
Etheraelso although it sounds like it's significant, perhaps it really isn't.12:28
Etheraelthe light is not hard-on for example12:28
Etheraelthe sound is just really weird.12:28
its-me-againhi where is the sorce.lst file found12:29
Etheraelnot like thrashing solid, but like a regular spaced write / read proc.12:29
ManateeLazyCatdartt: Thanks for your help, i will stop typing now for test "power settings". :)12:29
fggand the pointer doesn't show right away, even before logging in?12:29
darttManateeLazyCat: yeah i dunno abt tat...y it is so...also u can download n intasll ubuntu tweak...it has some tweaks for power settings12:29
PipWhat's the best way to upgrade ubuntu from 9.10 to 10.04LTS ?12:30
Dr_Willisits-me-again:  /etc/apt/    check the apt-get manuals/docs befor messing with that file12:30
PipSafe, clean and simple12:30
Dr_Willis!upgrade | pip12:30
ubottupip: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade12:30
krishna_phlak_user, is it possible to edit the xorg file ??   he will tell me the configuration. please wait12:30
mechdaveEtherael, To be honest, the only time I have heard the hard drive hammer is just before it dies... usually it is just a sound from the stepper motor on the head on the older drives... The newer ones are virtually silent, to hear them I need to have the covers off my tower and have it next to me on the desktop12:31
Etheraelmechdave, This is a notebook harddrive, and the sound is nothing like I've heard a drive make before.12:31
vishaltelangreAll freezes here... dartt, what a magic man!!! :)12:31
EtheraelI'm very familiar with the click of death sound.12:31
Etheraelit's nothing like that.12:31
darttits working?12:32
mechdaveEtherael, how is it different?12:32
its-me-againthanks dr_12:32
its-me-againthanks Dr_Willis12:32
darttvishal wat u mean?12:33
phlak_userkrishna_: yes12:33
Etheraelmechdave, ok, you know when a disk is full thrash on a read or write, the clicks are somewhat random, yes?12:34
Etheraelthis is like a frequency of about 10-20 ticks per second with exactly precise spacing between them.12:34
Etheraelfor a duration of 3 seconds.12:34
{BG}BarbarianI wish to upload a support image, is imageshack.us a good host, or is there some recommended paste bin for images?12:34
Etheraelexactly, every time.12:34
xylanderjest koś z polski????12:36
xylanderalbo ktoś zna polski??12:36
user_I have a asus switch and I want to share internet with another machine, which has Xp. is it possible?12:36
well_laid_lawn!ics | user_12:37
ubottuuser_: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php12:37
xylanderkto mi pomoże z tym cholernym xubuntu???12:37
fggis its a router/firewall12:37
well_laid_lawn!pl | xylander12:37
ubottuxylander: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.12:37
fgga normal switch usually won't work unless you get multiple ips12:38
well_laid_lawnmaye it wasn't polish...12:38
Bear10is there a way to make a terminal open up from the directory your currently viewing?12:38
user_which means I need multiple network boards....?12:38
=== keffie_jayx_ is now known as keffie_jayx
basyhi, how to disable staring postgres on reboot, i want to turn it on only when i need, how to do this?12:39
krishna_phlak_user, can you give me a command to recongigure x ?12:40
Zeu5hi i have a problem12:40
Zeu5previously my ubuntu was working just fine12:40
fggthat would be more complicated, the internet machine has 2 netowkr boards and you plug the second host into the linux machine12:40
Zeu5after i did a update, my screen went blank12:40
Zeu5i then logged in with another user account, it was okay12:40
well_laid_lawnbasy: is there a link for it in /etc/rc2.d?12:40
fggyou make the linux machine a router/firewall. its better to get a router/firewall12:40
Zeu5but when i change the resolution of that user account to 1024 X768 it went blank like my fiurst admin account12:41
Zeu5can someone tell me how do i fix this issue?12:41
Zeu5thank you.12:41
fggyou might have old configuration files around,12:41
mechdaveEtherael, Can you create a swap partition on your disk roughly the same size as the amount of ram on your system?12:41
fggin your home directory12:41
Etheraelmechdave, I could.12:42
fggi would renamee your current home directory as root and then log back in and move your files back carefully12:42
basywell_laid_lawn: yes it is there, i need to delete that file? and than i can simple start postgres with /etc/init.d/posgresql start (stop) ???12:43
krishna_can anyone give me a command to reconfigure  x ?12:43
mechdaveEtherael, I wonder if because you don't have a swap it is doing something funny12:43
well_laid_lawnbasy: if you rename that link so it starts with K instead of S it won't start after boot12:44
well_laid_lawnbasy: that's a capital K12:44
{BG}BarbarianI selected USB-ZIP, USB-FDD and USB-HDD as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd boot device, but it is still booting my old system, and not booting my usb stick :-/12:45
paulchainanyone know how to fix the flickering Ubuntu does when you open certain programs or log in with the ATI 4650 video card? sorry for reposting just trying to check every 10min or so if anyone new knows how to solve it :)12:45
Dr_Willisbasy:  you may want tog et in the habbit of useing 'sudo service SERVICENAME start/stop/whatever'  not the /etc/init.d/ type method12:45
krishna_"sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"12:45
krishna_this command12:45
krishna_does not open any window which asks for configuring12:45
krishna_please help12:45
Zeu5hi i canot view my lnux after i switch the resolution to 1024 x 76812:46
Zeu5wat can i do to get the display back12:46
krishna_i know it should get a wizard. i don't get a wizard. i am connected to him via team viewer again12:46
krishna_"sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" i do NOT get a wizard if run this command. can anyone help me ? please ?12:47
ManateeLazyCatdartt: I have test it, "Power Settings" can't work.12:47
darttyeah me too...12:47
ManateeLazyCatdartt: Never mind, I will typing keyboard when i watch movie until someone fix this bug.12:48
ManateeLazyCatdartt: Or all website use html5 replace flash....12:48
ManateeLazyCatFlash is evil.12:48
basywell_laid_lawn, Dr_Willis: thanks12:48
stevecamiphone is all html5 isnt it?12:48
darttthere is smthing like inhibit power...google it...i m sure it will help12:48
well_laid_lawnnp :]12:48
krishna_phlak_user, ,  "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" i do NOT get a wizard if run this command. can anyone help me ? please ?12:49
ManateeLazyCatdartt: Yes, I think some build-in tools control power that make "power settings" failed.12:49
dartthey i found it12:50
v2sunWho can tell me that in chrome how to remove the certificates ,or where are the certificates Chrome uses located?12:50
darttclick add applet on gnome panel and add powe inhibit12:50
ManateeLazyCatdartt: What?12:50
darttproblem solved :)12:50
=== apachelogger is now known as pinkrobotking
darttManateeLazyCat:u found the applet?12:53
v2sunHow to remove the certificates in Chrome ?12:53
ManateeLazyCatdartt: Yeap.12:54
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke12:54
xylanderjest ktos z polski12:54
ManateeLazyCatI have disable "automatic save power" feature, hope it can work.12:54
MrPicardhi guys, would anyone know where i could install Openssl?12:54
darttyeah just go to help n type inhibit in search box12:55
MrPicardive tried sudo apt-get openssl12:55
MrPicardbut i cant seem to find it12:55
fggwhat do you need openssl for?12:56
well_laid_lawn!find openssl12:56
ubottuFound: libcrypt-openssl-bignum-perl, libcrypt-openssl-random-perl, libcrypt-openssl-rsa-perl, libcurl4-openssl-dev, libopenssl-ruby (and 25 others)12:56
jessy90What should take the alternative to firefox? in ubuntu 10.4?12:56
MrPicardfgg webmin12:57
MrPicardim on the rackspace cloud, its the only contorl pannel they currrently support12:57
MrPicardtried to run ebox and failed due to there own DNS servers12:57
imglueanyone can give me a tip regarding manual kernel installation?12:57
MrPicardi ran this command, apt-get install libnet-ssleay-perl libauthen-pam-perl libio-pty-perl libmd5-perl12:57
fggi don't think you need those12:58
MrPicardi do sadly.12:58
well_laid_lawn!webmin | MrPicard12:58
ubottuMrPicard: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.12:58
ikoniawebin is currently not supported12:58
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox12:58
ikoniaMrPicard: that package it not supported by this channel or the ubuntu community, contact rackspace for support12:58
{BG}Barbarianwoa, this is amazing, my pc boots ubuntu in less then 2 seconds :-/12:58
chris11_so is there anyway to repair an install using files from an external hd? I installed 10.4, but part of it failed, so I only have access to the command line, no gui. And I have not had luck burning more cds, I keep getting errors.12:59
MrPicardshall do12:59
blue_annawhen I boot up, I get paused at the keys:S to skip or M: to check manually -- I booted to live cd anbd ran fsck on all my drives in /etc/fstab and its still happening12:59
{BG}Barbariancan anyone recommend an irc client for ubuntu? I normally use chatzilla12:59
ikoniachris11_: how do you know the insall failed ? what error did you get during the install ?12:59
ikonia{BG}Barbarian: there are many, search the package manager for irc and try some out13:00
darttits in synaptic13:00
well_laid_lawnchris11_: any network?13:01
fggchatzilla is still available, xchat works too13:01
chris11_no errors at startup, I just can't get access to a gui, it boots into the command line. I do get errors when I try to load it13:01
chris11_I tried startx, but that command fails13:01
ikoniachris11_: ok so first thing first, are you sure you installed the desktop version and not the server version /13:01
chris11_yes, i38613:01
ikoniachris11_: secondly what video card do you have ?13:02
sjokkisafter breaking my grub install, i've booted from a flash drive and chrooted to the root partition on my harddrive. i'm trying to run update-grub now, but it tells me "/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).". anyone know what's up?13:02
hawkalIf you have a standard ubuntu setup is there a way to boot into command line?13:03
jribhawkal: forever?13:03
chris11_intel gma x3100, i've installed earlier versions of ubuntu before, I just don't currentl have the good live cd13:03
hawkalie not via terminal13:03
jribhawkal: what version of ubuntu?13:03
well_laid_lawnsjokkis: the partitions aren't mounted - use fdisk to check13:03
jribhawkal: as in, lucid?13:04
ikoniachris11_: so you've got an ubuntu 10.04 desktop 32 bit install on a hard disk correct ?13:04
jrib!who | hawkal13:04
ubottuhawkal: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:04
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chris11_64bit, but its a 64bit processor13:04
jribhawkal: stop gdm from starting automatically.  You can do this either by renaming /etc/init/gdm.conf to /etc/init/gdm.conf.disabled or by adding "never" as a condition for it to start in /etc/init/gdm.conf13:04
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.13:04
MrPicardrackspace have given me this statement for the openssl package,  Unfortunately, that is beyond our level of support. Ubuntu has a large user support community with several walkthroughs on installing openssl.13:04
chris11_edit, no I think its 32bit13:04
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots13:05
Rob215ubottu /?13:05
hawkaljrib: thank you13:05
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blue_annawhen I boot up, I get paused at the keys:S to skip or M: to check manually -- I booted to live cd anbd ran fsck on all my drives in /etc/fstab and its still happening -- I dont see anything I recognize in my log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/445087/13:13
Pipis there any default text-based web browser shipped with 10.04 LTS ?13:13
ZachK_Pip what exactly are you looking for13:14
Piplynx or something similar13:14
Zeu5hi i really need help. my screen went blank after i updated my ubuntu lucid i followed the instructions here http://superuser.com/questions/127713/ubuntu-10-04-is-not-booting-and-turns-to-blank-screen-cannot-login. no use. please advise.13:14
darttnyone knows a gud lightweight wysiwyg word processor13:15
Zeu5i spent 3 days to get ubuntu installed and its vv frustrating to have the display not working the moment i did a update13:15
jribdartt: openoffice and abi word are pretty much the ones I know of13:15
ZachK_dartt: Bluefish or Geany13:15
ZachK_hello kiamo13:16
blue_annadartt, abiword is lighter13:16
kiamosmart data tells me that my disk has 10 bad sectors.  However, when I run fsck /dev/sda6 it tells me it is clean13:16
Zeu5anyone can help me? i have asked my  question 3 times. and i seem to get no reply.13:16
wesselhello, is it possible to get a "run menu", I'm used to windows 7 and kubuntu where you can press windows key and then start typing, it will then match applications, when you press enter it runs the first matched application13:16
ZachK_Zeu5: what's up13:16
chris11_ubuntu also doesn't seem to recognize the cd drive, I tried using sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop to install the desktop, but it asks for the cd, and won't recognize the cd when I put it in13:17
Zeu5ZachK_: Xmy screen went blank after i did an update. http://superuser.com/questions/127713/ubuntu-10-04-is-not-booting-and-turns-to-blank-screen-cannot-login i followed instructions here. but didnt help13:17
well_laid_lawnZeu5: tried not updating?13:17
blue_annaZeu5, it's lunchtime in europe .. and dead early in america, I'm amazed there's this many people here now :)13:17
Zeu5well_laid_lawn: please tell me the exact steps to that?13:18
ZachK_blue_anna: I'm always up13:18
Zeu5blue_anna: hi ididnt know13:18
Zeu5blue_anna: i am in Asia.13:18
Zeu5i apologise13:18
ZachK_Zeu5: ah well you back up your pertinent data and then use a Live CD13:18
ZachK_and don't apologize dude that's why we call it IRC13:18
Zeu5ZachK_: okie i just installed like 3 days ago.. not much data inside in the first place13:19
darttblue_anna: thanx...dwnlding abiword niow :)13:19
blue_annaZeu5, I just meant to inform you, not to chide you13:19
ZachK_it's seven am for me and i've not been to bed yet.....been up since 12 the previous day13:19
Zeu5i am talkin on my laptop and working with the PC at the same time13:19
blue_annadartt, :) nps13:19
Zeu5so wat do i do after puttin in the live CD?13:19
ZachK_Zue5 well i'd do a full install13:19
bnagyheya, I have a problem with a bridge interface which is flapping on boot13:19
Zeu5Full install?13:20
Zeu5u mean a reformat?13:20
bnagythe slaved interface comes up, the brdge starts forwarding then the if goes down...13:20
ZachK_Zeu5: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/newtoubuntu/C/index.html13:20
bnagyit eventually stays up, after a random perid13:20
jribZeu5: what have you done since you installed?13:20
blue_annaZeu5, don't reformat your data -- wait13:20
kiamohow can I mark or fix bad sectors so they don't get used?13:20
Zeu5i ve been banging my head trying to get wg311 to work. failed13:20
jribZeu5: like...? (we're trying to help you here)13:20
blue_annaZeu5, you're getting a blank screen at boot -- does it go to the point where you'd expect X to start? or does it seem to halt earlier in the process?13:21
vaagohhow can I restore my panel (with main menu, time, etc.) since I accidentally removed it13:21
jrib!resetpanel | vaagoh13:21
ubottuvaagoh: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »13:21
piyushmishraanyone here experienced with php/mysql cron?13:21
jribpiyushmishra: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)13:21
Zeu5installed this Mac theme http://maketecheasier.com/turn-ubuntu-lucid-mac-os-x/2010/06/0113:21
may_nullHi, my friends want to burn 64 bit ubuntu to usb stick13:21
ZachK_kiamo: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man8/hdparm.8.html13:21
may_nullbut universal usb installer or something like that13:22
Zeu5and installed a bunch of programs like chrome13:22
may_nulldon't support ubuntu 64 bit13:22
ZachK_may_null: one sec my friend13:22
wesselDoes ubuntu come with a "run menu" ?13:22
Zeu5blue_anna: i get a blank screen after i successfully logged in13:22
jribZeu5: please address the person you are speaking to.  Also, try to keep your responses on a single line13:22
Zeu5at the login page i can still see13:22
ZachK_may_null: wait what doesn't support 64-bit13:22
kiamothanks ZachK_,13:22
* kiamo starts reading13:22
ZachK_kiamo: it's hopefully what you need13:22
Roderickwessel, what do you mean?13:22
jribwessel: what is a "run menu"?13:22
Zeu5jrib: sorry . let me try again13:22
may_nullZachK_: he couldn't find 6 bit ubuntu here13:22
Imro456982Hello, has anyone here any experience with Wifi problems in Ubuntu 9.10?13:23
blue_annaZeu5, you get the graphical login from X widows, and once you start logging in it goes blank?13:23
may_nullso how can he burn it to usb stick13:23
ZachK_Imro456982: not me13:23
blue_annaZeu5, it's one of your startup applications13:23
ZachK_Imro456982: unless you need a proprietary driver13:23
Zeu5blue_anna: the moment i logged in i cannot see the screen13:23
ZachK_may_null: one sec13:23
Zeu5blue_anna: which one?13:23
blue_annaanyone know how to edit your start up app preferences from the CLI ?13:23
blue_annaZeu5, let's figure it out.. just a minute13:23
jribZeu5: create a new user and verify everything works fine for that user13:23
Imro456982ZachK Id already downloaded a driver.13:23
* jrib hands off to blue_anna to prevent confusion13:23
blue_annathat's a good idea13:23
ZachK_may_null: do you have access to an Ubuntu system13:23
wessellike alt + F2, but then more easy13:23
blue_annano no13:23
blue_annalisten to jrib that was good :)13:24
may_nullZachK_:  what do you mean ?13:24
Zeu5jrib: i can say that the new user works perfectly. but the moment i switch the resolution to 1024 x 768 it went blank13:24
vaagohit works like a charm, merci jrib13:24
ZachK_may_null: are you running a pc with ubuntu13:24
vaagohworked even :-)13:24
may_nullcurrently I'm using Pardus Linux13:24
piyushmishraI am trying to make a scheduled task manager kinda thing for a site. It will be used to run mailing list or db backups and various posts for twitter etc... I have a basic idea I wanted to discuss it with someone to be sure if I am going in the right direction13:24
may_nullZachK_: ^^13:24
fggzeu5, why are you switching resolution?13:24
Zeu5jrib, blue_anna: previously 1024 x 768 resolution was working. now it isnt13:24
ZachK_may_null: ok....well it'd be easier if you were using an Ubuntu system as Ubuntu comes with a USB Startup disk creator...which does exactly what you're trying to do13:25
Zeu5fgg: its because in the new user the display was not aligned properly .. it went to one side. in my original user, i also changed it to 1024 x 768 without any problems13:25
ZachK_may_null: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick13:25
jribZeu5: what video driver are you using?13:25
kiamoZachK_, hmm, im not sure.  I'm a bit lost with all this fs repair stuff.13:26
Zeu5jrib: i am not sure. how do you tell?13:26
Zeu5jrib: i really apologise for not being more versed. tihs is my very first try with iubuntu ever13:26
jribpiyushmishra: just explain your idea in the channel (on one line; use pastebin if you need to provide more details)13:26
jribZeu5: do you know what video card you have?13:26
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Zeu5jrib: i think i used an onboard one. i cannot recall. the PC was put together > 7 years ago.13:27
ZachK_jrib have him run lspci13:27
jribZeu5: see ZachK_ .  Also, pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log13:27
Zeu5ZachK_: jrib: what is the lspci command to see the video card?13:27
T1750does ubuntu really make files called .ecryptfsrc13:28
kiamooh.  just writing 0s to a bad sector repairs it?  So a slow format would also repair any bad sectors that exist on a disk?13:28
ZachK_Zeu5: it'll list all the card controllers such as wireless and wired ethernet controllers, graphics13:28
may_nullZachK_:  which version exactly my friend need to install in netbootin , it shows 10.04_netInstall 10.04_hdmedia 10.04 live daily_live13:28
T1750these are not good file names13:28
BluesKajZeu5, lspci | grep VGA13:28
blue_annaI get an "disk mount issue-ish" pause at bootup with this as the last line in my dmesg "windfarm: Drive bay control loop started."13:28
may_nullwhich one ?13:28
ZachK_may_null: just 10.0413:29
AnxiousNutwhich is lighter? KDE's plasma in Gnome or Screenlets in gnome?13:29
Zeu5BluesKaj: tks i go try now13:29
may_nullZachK_:  ok13:29
* ZachK_ must go to bed as he's not had any sleep for 20 hours13:30
fggkiamo, low level bad sectors are not repairable, the disk controller will map them out so you can't write to them13:30
Zeu5ZachK_: jrib: i canot see clearly because as i said the display is nto aligned properly. but from what i can read its VGA controller ATI technolgoies Inc RV350 AQ Radeon 960013:30
ZachK_jrib ah what do ya know...lovely ATI13:30
ZachK_Zue5 you need a digital monitor cable13:31
jribZachK_: right13:31
Rob215Hello, I typing this from Windows 2000. I got the problem that it won't detect my wireless network card! Ubuntu 9.10 worked but Ubuntu 10.4 doesn't. Both installed from Wubi13:31
jrib(regarding ati)13:31
Zeu5ZachK_:  wat is a digital monitor cable?13:31
ZachK_Rob215: ok do you have access to a Ubuntu 10.04 Live CD13:31
ZachK_Zeu5: don't worry aboutit13:31
kiamofgg, oh?  My fs regularly gets remounted as readonly, and then I have to reinstall ubuntu.  I thought maybe the bad sectors were causing the problem.  Could it be something else?13:32
ZachK_Rob215: ok you know how to do the "try without installing" right?13:32
Rob215ZachK: Ubuntu 10.04 works fine installed13:32
wesselcan I use the caps key as an extra key so I can bind shortcuts to it?13:32
fggkiamo, how do you know its bad sectors?13:32
Rob215ZachK: It is only the network problem13:32
Dr_Williskiamo:  could be the whole HD going bad..13:32
uchigo46373i am unable to get my bul ray drive to work on my laptop in the 10.4 verson13:32
kiamoi don't really know that that is the cause.  but the disk utility SMART data thing says there are 10 bad sectors.13:33
Zeu5ZachK_: what do you mean dont worry about it? wat do i do now? how do i pastebin /var/log/xorg.0.log?13:33
ZachK_Rob215: yes I know but if you do the "Try without Installing" option BEFORE installing it will recognize that you need a proprietary drive based on your card....you can then install that driver AND THEN install Ubuntu...it'll work fine13:33
kiamoDr_Willis, maybe, but I dont have any spare cash for a new hdd right now :(13:33
ZachK_!pastebin | Zeu513:33
ubottuZeu5: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:33
kiamomy windows install works fine.  Never had any problems.  It just seems to be ubuntu. :(13:33
fggkiamo, i missed it, whats the problem ?13:34
Dr_Williskiamo:  i would be making some backups.13:34
walkkennHelp, just loaded netbook 10.4 into my acer aspire aoa-150 and when I turn it on it wants username/authentication which I didn't set up.  How do I get around this?13:34
Zeu5ZachK_:  hwo do i access /var/log/xorg.0.log? from this terminal i am at?13:34
blue_annaI get an "disk mount issue-ish" pause at bootup with this as the last line in my dmesg "windfarm: Drive bay control loop started." -- http://paste.ubuntu.com/445098/13:34
kiamoDr_Willis, yea I have lol.13:34
Dr_Williskiamo:  if theres some part of the hd that keeps having issues - you cold make some smaller partitions and not use the one that contains the questionable space.13:34
uchigo46373any one know where i can find drivers for it?13:34
Rob215Rob215: Can't do that now, don't have that many time + I want Ubuntu on the NTFS partition.13:35
gimmickless_Morning, y'all.13:35
blue_annaI ran fsck on sdb1 from livecd but still get this (it came up clean too)13:35
ZachK_Zeu5: you would type cd /var/log/xorg.0.log13:35
walkkennHelp, just loaded netbook 10.4 into my acer aspire aoa-150 and when I turn it on it wants username/authentication which I didn't set up.  How do I get around this?13:35
kiamofgg, Over the last year i keep trying ubuntu from time to time, however, every time, after a day or two, my fs turns readonly, and i can boot back into the os.  Any attempts to fix it have failed and I've just reinstalled the os.13:36
ZachK_walkkenn: you had to have set up something13:36
blue_annawalkkenn, you had to create 1 username13:36
Zeu5ZachK_: its not a directory13:36
Dr_Williswalkkenn:  you installed it to a netbook? if so you gave it a user/password13:36
blue_annawalkkenn, use that13:36
Tecnais there a channel in which I may address the Ubuntu developers directly?13:36
ZachK_Tecna: why?13:36
Rob215ZachK_:  Can't do that now, don't have that many time + I want Ubuntu on the NTFS partition.13:36
walkkennOK, username and password doesn't work13:36
uchigo46373help i can not get my cd drive to read at all13:36
kiamoDr_Willis, that's an idea.  But how do I determine the locations of the bad sectors?13:36
ZachK_Rob215: ok13:36
BluesKajTecna, #ubuntu+1 might get you there13:36
blue_annaChristopher Walken was awesome13:36
blue_annawalkkenn, your name just reminds me of him :)13:37
fggkiamo, it could be that the bad sectors are on the disk where ubuntu is13:37
Zeu5ZachK_: i am scared to use vi. last time i did that i get a blank screen and i did not know how to exit13:37
blue_annaZeu5, use gedit instead13:37
blue_annaZeu5, right from the commandline13:37
TecnaZachK_: I have grievances regarding some claims and practices.13:37
kiamofgg, I thought that.  Although, Ive been using that portion of the disk as storage space for my windows partition for months now.13:37
Rob215ZachK_: Heard something called Ndis... It uses your Windows Driver to access Internet.13:37
blue_annaoo -- you are in xwindows right?13:38
jribZeu5: install and use the "pastebinit" command13:38
Zeu5blue_anna: canot open display13:38
walkkennmY username and password doesn't work13:38
Zeu5jrib: okie trying13:38
blue_annaZeu5, try pico13:38
blue_annaZeu5, it's easy, it behaves like a modern editor would13:38
og01how do i get pulse to defualt to using alsa plughw:0,1 ?13:39
Zeu5blue_anna: if pastebin it still doesnt work i will try pico13:39
krishna_can anyone please give a command to reconfigure the graphics ? i have been asking this same question for 50 minutes13:39
fggkiamo, some problems are hard to figure out, i once had a system with lwindows 2000, and the windows 2000 partition kept getting corrupted, it turned out to be a slowly failing motherboard and not the disk drive13:39
walkkennJust installed netbook 10.4 on my acer and username and password doesn't work.  How can I fix this?13:40
BluesKajkrishna_, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg13:40
tauhey, my system sound isn't working , it worked when i installed at first time.13:40
krishna_BluesKaj, that command does not start a wizard ....13:40
Zeu5blue_anna, ZachK_ , jrib: sorry i forgot whom i needed to show this. so i am showing to you 3. sorry if disturbed anyone13:41
walkkennJust installed netbook 10.4 on my acer and username and password doesn't work.  How can I fix this?13:41
Zeu5blue_anna, ZachK_ , jrib: sorry i forgot whom i needed to show this. http://pastebin.com/rnuzSA86  so i am showing to you 3. sorry if disturbed anyone13:41
kiamofgg, ouch.. that sucks!  Hmm, so how can I go about isolating the problem.  I suppose getting another hard drive and seeing if the problem continues is a no brainer.  But I'd like to try and avoid the expense haha.13:41
klaxohello, i have a 8gb 4g ipod nano that ubuntu seems to be recognizing and mounting as a Actions Semiconductor Co., Ltd D-Wave 2GB MP4 Player / AK1025 MP3/MP4 Player... any way to fix this?13:41
BluesKajkrishna_, in the konsole13:41
blue_annaZeu5, that's great, just do it -- you've got a pretty hard issue13:41
bnagyso I still have this bridge issue - the br0 interface just flags, the bonded interface comes up, the bridge enters listening mode and then the slave interface goes down13:41
darttis thr a channel whr we can give direct suggestions to developers13:41
bnagyI have been playing with fd and maxwait and I think it makes a difference, I just can't nail setting that work13:42
bnagybridge maxwait13:42
krishna_BluesKaj, in the terminal , it does NOT start a wizard :(13:42
bnagywoops ww sry13:42
Zeu5blue_anna: actually i have another issue its with my laptop. i went totally ubuntu overnight.. but this PC display issue is critical13:42
blue_annadartt, use ubuntuforums13:42
kiamofgg, If I can figure out the location of the bad sectors, I could try Dr_Willis suggestion and partition around them.13:42
wise_crypt!sound > kau13:42
jribZeu5: this needs to be after having the blank screen issue.  Is that true?  And just so I understand, the issue:  Everything works fine until you change resolution. Once you do that, the screen goes black AFTER THE LOGIN SCREEN ONLY?  Is this true?13:42
fggkiamo, there might be a few places to look, log files might have the problem why the system is mounting read only13:43
BluesKajkrishna_, are you on lucid ?13:43
wesselI wish to add an extra shortcut key for the "close window command", what should I type in the command box?13:43
kiamoyea... except i dont have them right now.  I figured I would try and fix it before the problem occurred again.  haha13:43
og01pulse is using the wrong audio device for output, how can i change it?13:43
wise_crypt /j #ubuntu-beginners13:43
wesselany way I can see what command is being used?13:44
jribwessel: check out wmctrl13:44
Zeu5jrib: the sequence is like this. Did an update in my original user. screen went BLACK. reboot. login screen okay. logged in. BLACK. REboot. Tried another user account. everything okay. Changed resolution. Black.Reboot. login okay. Then Black.13:44
BluesKajkrishna_, the xserver no longer uses a wizard on Lucid or Karmic afaik13:44
Vigowesel: Have you ever looked at the Main Menu or gconf options?13:44
blue_annawessel, you mean besides alt+f4 ?13:44
blue_annawessel, that's already set by default13:45
fggkiamo, this is a recent reinstall?13:45
wesselan alternative to alt+F413:45
jribZeu5: and what does Hardware Drivers say regarding drivers?13:45
Zeu5jrib: how do i access Hardware Drivers?13:45
kiamofgg, yea, well It's not mounted right now.  Im using a live usb so I could fsck the fs13:45
jribZeu5: system → administration → hardware drivers13:45
Vigowessel: Look at Main Menu , is easy GUI there.13:46
Zeu5jrib: i love to, but everything is now black , so i dunno how to acces system13:46
blue_annawessel, where are you setting this, that you can set the command seperately? I'd like to see that myself :) -- It's probably going to be a keyword defined in XkeysymDB in /usr/share/X11 or somesuch13:46
Zeu5jrib: is there a way via terminal?13:46
jribZeu5: you said you could, but with some non-optimal resolution, no?13:46
wesselIn keyboard shortcuts13:46
administrator__hello to all ubuntu users13:46
Zeu5jrib: unless i go create yet another new user account13:47
wesselerror while trying to run (wmctrl)13:47
jribZeu5: sure13:47
BluesKajkrishna_, check this out , it works on lucid as well as karmic, http://ubuntulinux.co.in/blog/ubuntu/ubuntu-9-10/xorg-conf-file-create-on-ubuntu-9-10/13:47
Zeu5jrib: so u are asking me to create another new user via terminal yes?13:47
Vigowessel: and here:> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KeyboardShortcuts13:47
jribZeu5: yes13:47
fggkiamo, when i had my hard disk problem, i went to the hard disk manufacturere and downloaded a disk utility to scan the hard drive,13:47
administrator__my dig is buteffule13:47
Zeu5jrib: sorry to bother u again. wats the terminal command to do that?13:47
jribZeu5: sudo adduser USER13:47
FloodBot2administrator__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:47
blue_annadarn admins :P13:48
darttabiword is really nice...i like fullscreen editor13:48
fggkiamo. the disk test can read over the entire disk and other more invasive tests,13:48
Zeu5jrib: would that autoput USER under admin group?13:48
kiamofgg, ill see what is available.  Good suggestion :)13:48
jribZeu5: no, you'll need to: sudo adduser USER admin13:48
Zeu5jrib: okay i go try. be back in 5 min13:49
fggkiamo, but be careful, some options do a complete read write on the disk13:49
jribZeu5: btw, do you happen to know what packages got updated that started causing this?13:49
klaxohello, i have a 8gb 4g ipod nano that ubuntu seems to be recognizing and mounting as a Actions Semiconductor Co., Ltd D-Wave 2GB MP4 Player / AK1025 MP3/MP4 Player... any way to fix this?13:49
Zeu5jrib: i wish i knew. so i can answer u. its some popup screen asking me to update and i just update13:50
fggkiamo, i side note fsck bad sectors may be caused from corruption, and are fixable13:50
blue_annakiamo, parli italiano?13:51
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:51
blue_annakiamo, ciao :)13:51
Mahjongghello, can I Gnome login a remote user on the remote machine, I do not want to get the display, just need the remote user to login to their system13:51
kiamoblue_anna, no i dont, sorry :)13:51
MahjonggI can access the user through ssh13:51
blue_annakiamo, I'm just learning :) I speak spanish and some portuguese13:51
dancekklaxo, does it affect functionality or is it just annoying? what does 'lsusb' say when it's plugged in?13:51
klaxodancek, Bus 001 Device 004: ID 10d6:1101 Actions Semiconductor Co., Ltd D-Wave 2GB MP4 Player / AK1025 MP3/MP4 Player13:52
wesselhmm blue_anna this file is not really readable wessel@wegumar7:/usr/share/X11$ vim XKeysymDB13:53
walkkennJust installed netbook 10.4 on my acer and username and password doesn't work.  How can I fix this?13:53
kiamofgg, hmm, the bad sectors have existed before and after partition formats.  So they must be low level problems right?13:53
prana_anyone know here problems with installing ubuntu `? I bought new computer and cant install13:53
kiamoblue_anna, I just speak english hehe13:53
wesselXF86Close               :1008FF5613:53
blue_annawessel, it's text mode -- find the X..blahblah..CloseWin..blahblah and use that :P13:53
walkkennJust installed netbook 10.4 on my acer and username and password doesn't work.  How can I fix this?13:53
blue_annawessel, the keyword is what you need .. so XF86Close sure13:54
blue_annawessel, try that13:54
fggkiamo, i don't know that much, but usually bad sectors get mapped out, so only low level disk utilities see them unless the table gets full13:54
blue_annawessel, and then tell me where you are editing this so I can play along13:54
BluesKaj!patience |walkkenn13:54
ubottuwalkkenn: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.13:54
walkkenndid that13:54
klaxodancek, for my ipod to work in gtkpod, i need the iSerial from lsusb -v... but the value it shows is   iSerial                 3 ???K13:54
kiamofgg, sounds like what this is then.  Disk utility picks up on them.  But fsck comes back clean13:55
BluesKajwalkkenn, reinstall and make sure you enter a username and password when prompted13:55
Zeu5jrib: i did this sudo adduser newuser admin it says the user `newuser` does not exist13:56
nikunjm@seek brandon sanderson13:56
Shinydanhello! Running 10.04; Firefox, Chrome and Epiphany crash before I can do anything with them.13:56
jribZeu5: you have to do: sudo adduser newuser    first13:56
wesselI'm not editing any files :-/ I'm using default GUI called "Keyboard Shortcuts"13:56
nikunjm@find brandon sanderson13:56
Vigoklamo: Have you ran any third party utilities like ddrescue or such?13:56
blue_annawessel, it let's you set the action too? not just the key?13:57
dancekklaxo, are you absolutely certain it's a genuine Apple iPod Nano? just checking13:57
kiamonope, not familiar with ddrescue, and I cant find any manufacturer tools.  Seems maybe toshiba dont offer something13:57
fggkiamo, do you know the vendor of the disk?13:57
kiamofgg, its a toshiba13:57
Zeu5jrib: okay done. how do i reboot safely from terminal ?13:57
madurax86did the new ATI 10.5 drivers work out for anyone? i didnt get it to work13:57
jribZeu5: you should be able to get to gdm now with ctrl-alt-f813:57
KlojumAnyone having experience with installing 10.04 on an Asus M3A78-EM in a RAID-setup? Ubuntu is unable to create the partitions on the RAID-disks. Is it possible that there is no default support for RAID on this motherboard?13:57
blue_annawessel, oo I see it. wait ti's not gonna want that keysim, it wants a command --13:58
klaxodancek, yes i am sure13:58
walkkennWhen I reinstall in my netbook (I have a dual boot) how do I just overwrite the original installation only?13:58
DBAlexI'm on IRC via telnet.. wohoo!13:58
Zeu5jrib i press ctrl alt f8 nothing happened13:58
krosonwalkkenn: you replace the new installation over the / of your first installation13:59
krosondo you have separate /home?13:59
jribZeu5: sudo reboot13:59
wesselwell I figured I could just copy Close Window and add assign it another key bind14:00
dancekklaxo, that's weird, looking at http://google.com/search?q=ipod+nano+10d6:1101 there seem to be a lot of fakes/clones around with that chipset14:00
RicardoHey guys, can someone help me? I must find out what this image represents: http://www.desafionacional.com.br/dna_em/console/etapas/swf_pistas/pista_tecnologia_em.jpg14:00
dancekklaxo, also in http://www.linux-usb.org/usb.ids there are a couple of entries for nano 4G with vendor id 05ac (Apple, Inc.)14:01
jrib!ot | Ricardo14:01
ubottuRicardo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:01
VigoDBAlex: That is how I first 'talked' to Sri Lanka.14:02
krishna_sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg this command does not start the wizard in my friend's computer. please help14:02
fggkiamo, thats too bad, you might try a 3rd party disk tool, but i don't have any recommendations14:02
Imro456982Hello, please, how can I delete Ubuntu 9.10 from my disc? I have it installed as the only system, I want to totally uninstall it and then install MS Windows with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS...14:02
krosonImro456982: do you have your data that you want to backup?14:02
kiamofgg, yea, thanks for all your help though, much appreciated :)14:02
wesseloh well, I guess I leave this to the pros then, google isn't of much help either14:03
fggfgg, your welcome,14:03
jribImro456982: just install windows and tell it to use the whole drive then14:03
Imro456982No, I installed it only yesterday.14:03
fggkiamo, you welcome14:03
* phlak_user is back14:03
krosonImro456982: as jrib said, go with windows first, delete all the partitions you have and do a full install there14:03
Imro456982jrib - when I try to boot from Windows CD, it automatically runs Ubuntu14:03
GerwinImro456982: That's a Bios setting14:04
GerwinMost likely14:04
krosonafter installing 7, install ubuntu, and resize the partition of windows, giving the free space you want for ubuntu Xd14:04
VigoImro456982: Lot of manuals on that, first is install Windows, Format Drive MBR stuff, and stuff.14:04
krishna_ sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg this command does not start the wizard in my friend's computer. please help14:04
paulchainanyone know how to fix the flickering Ubuntu does when you open certain programs or log in with the ATI 4650 video card? sorry for reposting just trying to check every 10min or so if anyone new knows how to solve it :)14:04
blue_annawessel, do you want to close the window normally or kill the app? kill {pid of window} would work for the later14:04
Imro456982mg... How do I install Windows? Again, when I try to boot from Windows CD, it automatically runs Ubuntu.14:05
klaxodancek, i bought my ipod nano inside original apple case with all the correct stickers and such, could it still be fake?14:05
blue_annawessel, it's not easy! I can't find how what the reserved strings are for keyboard shortcuts so I don't know what you would pass to the command14:05
krosonImro456982: you have to change the booting order of your devices in the bios14:05
kiamohmm.  Moving onto a new problem.  How do I enable the grub menu?  I dont get a choice to boot into my windows partition :(14:05
phlak_userImro456982: set your bios to boot from CD first14:05
krosonyou have to set the BIOS to boot the DVD drive in first place14:05
wesselyes, I am also looking for the config file used by "keyboard shortcuts"14:05
BluesKajwalkkenn, you can install over the existing OS, by using the manual partitoning without formatting , all your default apps and settings will be retained , just remember to enter a username and pasword when prompted14:05
krosonbefore everything else14:05
dancekklaxo, yes, it could.14:05
madurax86Imro456982: you have to set the CD/DVD drive as 1st boot device, goto BIOS setup and change it14:06
klaxodancek, how can you tell if it is then?14:06
wesselhow do you know any way? what GUI is using what config file?14:06
Imro456982kroson, phlak_user: It boots from DVD, when I run boot menu, it asks me from where i want to boot. I choosed DVD RW Drive, and then... Ubuntu started.14:06
dancekklaxo, I'd definitely contact whomever sold it to you, and possibly you could also e-mail Apple to ask whether they have made ipods with that USB id14:06
krosonthat means your DVD has no bootloader14:06
Imro456982Anyway, I want to install Win XP, not seven.14:07
wessel@ pid of window close, sure, let me try14:07
studenthw2 update clamav?14:07
phlak_userImro456982: do you have windoze or ubuntu on that DVD ;)14:07
VigoImro456982: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation14:07
krosonImro456982: so go with XP14:07
Imro456982phlak_user: :) Funny.14:07
=== sheep73482_ipod is now known as Friction[ipod]
ubottuYour nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with Freenode.14:07
ubottuTo add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo14:08
Imro456982https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation ?? I want to uninstall it.14:08
phlak_userImro456982: has that windoze xp boot disk ever worked on any other pc/laptop before this?14:08
kiamoXD  computer crashed.  Did I miss any replies?14:08
Imro456982phlak_user: ofcourse, on my previous notebook.14:08
krosonImro456982: so it should work as well in that pc14:09
phlak_userImro456982: is the DVD drive ok on this notebook?14:09
Imro456982Right, thanks, I will try bios... Again, thank you :)14:09
Imro456982Yes, it is.14:09
VigoImro456982: Yes, that page rather explains it, look at the bottom.14:09
wesselVigo, do I really need to install xbindkeys-config ?14:10
krosondoes anybody know how to install the newest 195.36.24 driver from nvidia, using a ppa?14:10
Vigowessel: Possibly, some macros may conflict, that is like a workaround/safe feature.14:11
NightHwkDoes anyone know how to change the motd login screen on 10.04?14:12
phlak_userNightHwk: on a shell?14:12
phlak_userNightHwk: edit /etc/issue14:13
T1750find Private -print0 | xargs -0 file >classify14:13
T1750making me do this is making me nto like you ubuntu14:13
T1750i should be able to decrypt my filenames14:13
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
T1750now i have to scan them all with the file command  to classify and rename them by hand14:14
blue_annaI get an "disk mount issue-ish" pause at bootup with this as the last line in my dmesg "windfarm: Drive bay control loop started.". I ran fsck on sdb1 from livecd but still get this (it came up clean too) -- http://paste.ubuntu.com/445098/14:14
Zeu5jrib, blue_anna: okay i am in the hardware drivers part wat do i do?14:15
NightHwkPhlax_user, I trying to change the motd. On 9.0 it use to be motd.tail14:16
ShinydanIs anyone else having browser stability problems with Flash 10.1 RC7?14:16
phlak_userNightHwk: IIRC it still is; man motd.tail tells you it is14:17
pvncaddoes anyone know how to reset irc nickserv password ?14:18
Imro456982Hello, I am back :/ :D14:18
Imro456982I have set as the first option boot from DVD in BIOS, Windows installation runed, but showed an error, and that I have to scan for viruses. Probably, it detects ubuntu as virus. What now?14:18
jribpvncad: #freenode can help you with that14:18
jribZeu5: I must leave soon, but what does  the gui say?14:18
Zeu5jrib, blue_anna:no proprietary drivers14:18
pvncadjrib, thanks14:19
phlak_userImro456982: its an old Windoze installation bug; you need to enable writing on boot record in the BIOS otherwise it wont work14:19
Zeu5jrib: who else can help me? Zach_k whoever he is has just left as well.14:19
IdleOnepvncad: also see /msg nickserv help but #freenode is the place to ask :)14:19
phlak_userblue_anna: are you on a mac by any chance?14:19
NightHwkPhlak_user,  So how do I change the contents?14:20
Imro456982phlak_user I will try :)14:20
jribZeu5: ok.  My advice is to check bugs.ubuntu.com for your issue.  I imagine it's something that has been reported.  As a workaround maybe try downgrading the video driver (you should have a .deb that  you can « dpkg -i » in /var/cache/apt/archives/).  I think the video driver is called radeon?  You'll need to find its package name.  If you do attempt to downgrade make sure it doesn't decide to break a14:20
jribdozen other packages (i.e. pay attention to output).  If you need more help, just try again in this channel in a little bit14:21
jribZeu5: good luck, I'll probably be on later too14:21
visvanathHi. I am a  ubuntu newbie. how do i drag the "computer" icon in places menu on to the desktop ?14:21
visvanatham i visible ?14:21
blue_annaphlak_user, yup14:21
jrib!icons > visvanath14:21
ubottuvisvanath, please see my private message14:21
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:21
=== ylmf is now known as Guest81546
Guest81546有没有说中文 的?14:22
phlak_userNightHwk: that man page tells you that you need to create a /etc/motd.static which should be a symbolic link to /etc/motd so that its not regenerated at boot.. you could try this; I haent14:22
phlak_user!jp| Guest8154614:22
ubottuGuest81546: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい14:22
bazhang!cn | Guest8154614:22
tsimpsonNightHwk: create the file if it doesn't exist14:22
ubottuGuest81546: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:22
=== lun4tic_ is now known as lun4tic
bazhangGuest81546, /join #ubuntu-cn14:22
phlak_userblue_anna: oh ok; that windfarm message is pretty common14:23
blue_annaphlak_user, the part that bothers me is that it stops at boot right now at that message --asking me to skip or manually check a mount14:23
visvanathjrib, that bot message has zero use14:23
phlak_userblue_anna: i normally get mount waits with a message saying that a particular partition cannot be mounted (esp if it was a removeable disk with an entry in /etc/fstab14:23
visvanathhow do i add "computer" icon to desktop like mycomputer of windows ?14:24
blue_annaphlak_user, ok -- no idea what causes it?14:24
bazhangvisvanath, left click drag14:24
phlak_userblue_anna: you can elect to skip and check inside /etc/fstab to see if there is an entry for a disk/partition that shouldnt14:24
_lorinIs there any difference in 'apt-get update && apt-get upgrade' and 'apt-get update; apt-get upgrade'?14:24
NightHwkOk I'll try that14:25
Dr_Willis_lorin:  bash basics i think.. && -> command 2 wont run if command 1 fails... ; it will run14:25
visvanathbazhang, that doesnt work.14:25
bazhangvisvanath, sure it does14:25
visvanathbazhang, ok. i try again14:25
BluesKajvisvanath, the menu structure is different in ubuntu , than windows14:25
blue_annaphlak_user, ther are removables that I added there, but I added them because I want to specificy where and how they mount14:25
Dr_Willisvisvanath:  ubuntu-tweak and other tools let you tweak the gnome settings to show./hide those icons on the desktop14:25
bazhangBluesKaj, drag and drop works with that now14:26
_lorinAnd also, why does history -r, log out, log in, still show that you did history -r!!???14:26
phlak_userblue_anna: you should use pmount for that not /etc/fstab14:26
blue_annaphlak_user, and they are both noauto14:26
Adamantus10How do you get more wallpaper slideshows for Ubuntu please? I've been on the gnome-art site but there's only individual pics14:26
blue_annaphlak_user, pmount?14:26
BluesKajbazhang, yeah but my computer on ubuntu ain't the same :)14:26
phlak_user!info pmount14:26
ubottupmount (source: pmount): mount removable devices as normal user. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.20-2 (lucid), package size 109 kB, installed size 856 kB14:26
=== pinto is now known as Guest26306
visvanathDr_Willis, thanks. it worked. one click - done14:26
blue_annaphlak_user, I want to set defaults for where they mount, why shouldnt IU use fstab for that? that was the prupose for fstab so far as I know14:26
Dr_WillisAdamantus10:  you make a proper xml file to define the slideshow and you can make your own.14:27
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.14:27
_lorinAnd also, why does history -r, log out, log in, still show that you did history -r!!???14:27
bazhangBluesKaj, kde4?14:27
phlak_userblue_anna: i know, but ever since I upgraded to Lucid, i started getting this "unable to mount" error so this is the workaround I found :)14:27
Dr_WillisAdamantus10:  http://www.webupd8.org/2010/02/easily-create-xml-wallpapers-with-xml.html14:28
visvanathDr_Willis, thanks very much.14:28
crash_388play on linux14:28
BluesKajbazhang, dunno , I never bothered with trying to emulate windows icons on linux , the menu is fine for my taste14:28
Imro456982phlak_user: You said that I have to enable "boot record" or what, right? I opened BIOS and there is not any option like that, so I enabled Quick Boot, but the problem repeats.14:28
phlak_userImro456982: in older BIOSes, there used to be an option to prevent writing to boot sector and Windoze used to complain. I dont know if it is available on yours14:29
_lorinAnd also, why does history -r, log out, log in, still show that you did history -r!!???14:29
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.14:29
Dr_Willis_lorin:  does it really matter? It makes since to me.. history file is saved  when you log out14:30
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »14:30
Imro456982phlak_user: Can I formate disc or what from terminal? I dont need my data, just delete ALL ON DISC and then install MS Windows.14:30
BluesKajbazhang, maybe nautilus or a file manager would substitute14:30
bazhang!it | crash_38814:30
_lorinDr_Willis: so no way to completely remove it?14:30
ubottucrash_388: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:30
Adamantus10Dr_Willis, Thanks.14:30
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »14:31
dekroningi just installed the window ttf fonts package, and it installed my missing font "Trebuchet_MS" however how do i make sure google chrome loads this fill when websites use this font as well ?14:31
Dr_Willis_lorin:  remove what? if you want to disable history then disable history.14:31
=== no is now known as Guest17555
phlak_userImro456982: sure, just run sudo fdisk /dev/sda and then delete all partition; create a new one, write and exit14:31
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.14:31
bazhangcrash_388, this is not a file sharing network14:31
crash_388java ??14:31
phlak_user!hi | crash_38814:32
ubottucrash_388: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:32
Imro456982phlak_user: is there any possible problem? maybe that computer wont work at all?14:32
crash_388ok thanx14:32
bazhangcrash_388, /join #ubuntu-it14:32
crash_3887join #ubuntu-it14:32
Imro456982phlak_user: did you typed anything? I closed pidgin... (mistake) :D14:33
phlak_userImro456982: nope i didnt; but i dont think theres any problem if you did this14:34
Imro456982phlak_user: then thank you very much. I will try it from terminal..14:34
Imro456982BTW, how do I delete partitions? I am really a newbie... Runed sudo fdisk /dev/sda, what now?14:35
eryn_1983anybody know what this mean on ssh14:35
eryn_1983debug3: channel 0: status: The following connections are open:14:35
eryn_1983  #0 client-session (t4 r0 i3/0 o3/0 fd -1/-1 cfd -1)14:35
phlak_userImro456982: i finally dug out the article that talks about boot sector protection in BIOS --> http://web.inter.nl.net/hcc/J.Steunebrink/virwarn.htm14:35
arandImro456982: Would recommend using gparted instead.14:35
eryn_1983its preventing me from using sftp i can use ssh just fine14:35
phlak_userImro456982: if you are a newbie; dont play with fdisk; use parted or gparted14:36
Imro456982phlak_user: thanks14:36
Imro456982arand: I tried GParted, but dont know how to delete that partitions. just click on one and "Delete" doesnt work...14:36
arandImro456982: If it doesn't there, using fdisk is likely a bad idea... was the parititon mounted?14:37
bdeskhi i have a 64 bit ubuntu and i want to run a 32 bit app.  it wants libfoo, and when i run ldd app, it is finding its libs in /lib32 and /usr/lib32.  so how should i install this libfoo?  apt-get seems to install the 64 bit version because i am using 64 bit ubuntu.14:37
phlak_userImro456982: are you trying to delete the partitions of a running system14:37
Greek-Boymy gconf says it filed to connect to the configuration server, I get something like Conf-CRITICAL **: gconf_value_free: assertion `value != NULL' failed. i googled but can't seem to find a solution for my case. This started happening after distro-upgrade when trying to run mythbackend14:38
Imro456982arand: i think the partition is mounted.14:38
Imro456982But look. I have Gparted opened, I see there 3 partitions.  ext4, extended and linux_swap. But cant delete anything... like I have to run it as root or what...14:38
NightHwkphlak_user: Didn't work14:38
Imro456982I see there a "Delete", but its not clicable.14:38
arandImro456982: Why are they mounted, are you using the system they reside on, or are you using a liveCD?14:39
Imro456982I am not using LiveCD. Its installed.14:39
phlak_userNightHwk: did writing to /etc/motd.tail work? just tested it14:39
arandImro456982: Then of course you can't delete them, since it would delete the installed system you are already running.14:40
phlak_userImro456982: you need to boot off a livecd or usb and then run gparted14:40
BluesKajImro456982,  you can't edit the OS/partition you are running14:40
arandImro456982: By the way, why exactly do you want to delete them?14:40
=== forkup is now known as fork-
Imro456982Okay, so, I can just run Ubuntu 10.04 LiveCD, open GParted and delete them? Thats all? And create a new one? btw I want to delete them because I want to install also MS Windows, and then Ubuntu 10.04.14:41
=== fork is now known as forkup
=== fork- is now known as fork
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.14:41
PipHello, is there any way to install ubuntu from an ISO image located on hard drive ?14:42
BluesKajImro456982, yes that's the method14:42
bdeskHi, how do i install a 32 bit library on a 64 bit ubuntu?14:42
Imro456982BluesKaj: right, I will try it... thank you for now ;)14:42
arandImro456982:  easiest way is to simply let the windows installer take care of wiping the whole disk, which it should be able to do.. Provided you don't want to save anyithing on it of course...14:42
antivirtel!webcam > attila14:42
antivirtel!webcam > attila3814:43
Imro456982arand: the windows installer cant boot. it detects a "virus" - ubuntu and cant continue.14:43
antivirtel!webcam > antivirtel14:43
ubottuantivirtel, please see my private message14:43
NightHwkphlak_user: Thanks it work :}14:43
wesselhmm, can someone give me the command to install java? sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre doesn't work, sudo aptitude install java-package installs something else :-/14:43
BluesKajImro456982, actually running a gparted livecd is best, the ubuntu live cd isn't as easy to use as an partition editor14:43
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.14:44
krosonor simply install ubuntu-restricted-extras14:44
bazhangwessel, activate the partner repo14:44
bazhang!partner | wessel14:44
ubottuwessel: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »14:44
derspanksterUpgraded to Lucid and now occasionally my window decoration fails to load at boot correctly. Run Compiz and boot to gtk.14:44
arandImro456982: Hmm, since when did the windows installer care about viruses?14:44
Imro456982BluesKaj: I know, I tried LiveCD today about 5 times, when I was trying to run Wifi... thats why I am uninstalling 9.10 - Wifi doesnt work. Thanks. Ill return if it wont work ;)14:44
BluesKajImro456982, do you have gparted live cd?14:45
Imro456982arand: I dont know :) I just got a blue screen and "A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. ........... etc"14:45
Imro456982BluesKaj: I have Ubuntu 10.04 LTS live cd. There isnt gparted or what?14:45
bazhang!cn | liuxu14:46
ubottuliuxu: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:46
wesselthe restricted extras worked14:46
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php14:46
BluesKajImro456982, gparted ia available as a live cd separately , just DL and burn the iso14:46
bazhangliuxu, /join #ubuntu-cn14:46
BluesKajthanks Vigo14:46
Imro456982BluesKaj: could you give me a download link? Im sure I wont find it myself...14:46
krosonwessel: it installs java and many other proprietary codecs14:46
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BluesKajImro456982, look at Vigo post above14:47
bazhangImro456982, check distrowatch.com its 60MB iso14:47
BluesKajhttp://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php , Imro45698214:47
Imro456982Ah, yes. Thank you. Downloading.14:47
Imro456982Wait a minute.14:47
Imro456982If I run ubuntu 10.04 LTS LiveCD, how do I run gparted live cd? i have only one DVD mechanic.14:48
DaekdroomYou don't have to run both14:48
bdeskok i eventually figured out that you can apt-get install lib32foo instead of libfoo to force it to get the 32 bit version.14:48
DaekdroomGParted Live CD is an OS itself14:48
Imro456982Daekdroom I just heard that its not... :D :D Everybody has its own idea..14:49
Imro456982Right, I am moving to Live CD...14:49
T1750do any of you use home directory encryption?14:50
krosonppl is x-swat a stable repo for nvidia drivers?14:50
krosonor should i keep with the default version of the proprietary driver in lucid?14:50
BluesKajImro456982, use the gparted live cd firsat to edit your partitions , then when you run the ubuntu install just use the manual partitioning option to install to the partition you formatted for linux , but if you dual boot install windows first then ubuntu14:50
liuxuhow get chinese xchat?14:50
T1750is there anyone here who has their home directory encrypted with ecryptfs14:50
liuxuI don't know14:51
T1750if you do please say yes i do i want to ask of you a question14:51
BluesKaj!cn | liuxu14:51
ubottuliuxu: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:51
Greek-Boymy gconf says it filed to connect to the configuration server, I get something like Conf-CRITICAL **: gconf_value_free: assertion `value != NULL' failed. i googled but can't seem to find a solution for my case. This started happening after distro-upgrade when trying to run mythbackend14:51
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T1750liuxu: so you do use it?14:51
BluesKajliuxu, they'll know14:52
KurtKrautI have a small computer network (5 PCs running Ubuntu). How can I unify logins, passwords and home folders?14:52
liuxuMy english14:52
bazhangliuxu, chinese language in #ubuntu-cn14:52
piyushmishrahow can I download all packages I have installed on my ubuntu to keep and Install again offline or how can I make a new installation disk of ubuntu with all settings and softwares it has in its present state?14:53
liuxuI know14:53
bazhang!aptoncd | piyushmishra14:53
Pipliuxu: then why are you here ?14:53
ubottupiyushmishra: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline14:53
Pipliuxu: do you use ubuntu ?14:53
piyushmishra!offline| piyushmishra14:53
bazhangliuxu, here is ubuntu support only14:53
ubottupiyushmishra, please see my private message14:53
bazhangPip, no need for that14:54
bazhangliuxu, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic  chinese in #ubuntu-cn14:54
nicalvarois there a reason why keyserver.ubuntu.com appears to be down to me ?14:54
Pipbazhang: I thought he is a bot14:54
liuxuwhere are you Pip14:54
LjLnicalvaro: probably becuse it's down!14:54
bazhangliuxu, this is not a chat channel, as I have told you.14:54
Pipliuxu: that's offtopic14:54
BluesKajpiyushmishra, you can reinstall and save your default apps and settings if you install on the existing partition with manual partitioning without formatting14:55
nicalvarohttp://keyserver.ubuntu.com says "It Works!"14:55
BluesKajpiyushmishra, with the live cd14:56
liuxubot? what,s mean?14:56
PipOkay, guys, I have this question: right now, I have a computer with a window partition of about 10G, a USB stick of 1G, I want to install ubuntu on that partition, no burning CD14:56
IdleOneliuxu: bot is a abreviation for robot14:56
bazhangPip, try unetbootin14:57
PipI don't have 2G USB stick, is that possible ?14:57
IdleOnePip: you need a USB of 2gig minimum I think but you can try what bazhang suggested14:57
liuxuoh , I know14:57
Vigo!usb | Pip14:57
ubottuPip: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:57
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PipSo that can't be done unless I have a 2G stick ?14:57
IdleOnePip: try and find out14:58
jugglerbryhi all.  i'm in the process of creating a website for complete newbies to ubuntu, and wondered if i could get some constructive feedback ? either through here, or via contact us form on the site ? would anyone mind if I posted the url here ?14:58
bazhangseems not if IdleOne is correct, Pip ; I always use much larger ones as 1GB are not sold here14:58
HaakonKLAnyone here know about which programs can change the update frequency of your monitor?14:58
VigoPip: You can always do a minimal and or Live Install.14:58
bazhangjugglerbry, try #ubuntu-offtopic14:58
CT1Hi. How can I mount this: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/yfzH34ej disk at every boot?14:59
jugglerbryok thanks for that bazbang, will do.  although tis ubuntu related, hence asking here too :-)14:59
piyushmishrablueskaj: If I have to install using the same settings and packages I have right now on a diff hard disk? I am actually going to do that once I move back to my hostel14:59
Zeu5how to go to trash from terminal?14:59
bazhang!trash | Zeu515:00
ubottuZeu5: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash15:00
BluesKajpiyushmishra, not a diff hdd, on the same partition .15:00
PipVigo: minimal installation is exactly what I want :D15:01
piyushmishrablueskaj: I think aptoncd is good just that I cant keep my updates also that will need a redownload15:01
VigoPip: Right, it seems to fit what you were asking.15:01
mobo5686CiaU gente di Ubuntu!15:01
LjL!it | mobo568615:01
ubottumobo5686: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:01
PipVigo: But the next step is to look for the minimal installation ISO15:02
BluesKajpiyushmishra, sorry, i must have misunderstood15:02
VigoPip: I am fetching the link now...15:02
* arsak Good afternoon.15:02
mobo5686ahh ok !15:02
CT1Hi. How can I mount an ntfs partition at every boot automatically?15:02
melrokzI'm running Ubuntu 10.04 on i845 h/w : Error is a blank screen with these words written all over : could not write bytes: broken pipe.15:03
piyushmishrablueskaj: no that info was cool too as that will help me reinstall if I have some error15:03
piyushmishraCT1 1+15:03
BluesKaj!fstab | CT115:03
ubottuCT1: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions15:03
CT1BluesKaj: thankyou15:03
melrokzI've KMS enabled15:03
VigoPip: here is one: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/desktop/get-ubuntu/download15:03
IdleOne!minimal | Pip15:04
ubottuPip: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD15:04
mobo5686ok so good this channel!15:04
Pipthanks, let me check it15:04
VigoPip: See section 2?15:05
PipVigo: the USB way ?15:05
mobo5686ma rispetto e dccmule... è più complesso, che cambia ?15:05
piyushmishra13 mb lol15:06
VigoPip: Yes, I am also looking up the alternate CD,15:06
PipVigo: I think after reading IdleOne 's offer, and apply the USB way is the WAY15:06
Piplet me check the size of the alternate CD15:06
mobo5686but is similar or has more difficult??15:06
PipOh, no, alternate is big15:07
piyushmishracan we use the minimal cd and choose apps and make a cd out of the apps and upgrades?15:07
PipI need minimal ISO :D15:08
IdleOnemobo5686: you are welcome to stay here but you have to speak English in this channel. In #ubuntu-it you can speak in Italian if that is easier for you15:08
IdleOne!remaster | piyushmishra15:08
ubottupiyushmishra: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility15:08
wesselhow can I access my windows pc which is in the same network ?15:08
IdleOne!samba | wessel15:08
ubottuwessel: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.15:08
mobo5686i copy but is difficult in english...15:09
VigoPip: I agree with IdleOne on that also,15:09
IdleOnemobo5686: /join #ubuntu-it e poi parlare in italiano tante que voi15:10
piyushmishraapart from no GUI whats the diff between a server n normal installation for ubuntu?15:10
Imro45112Hello. I tried to do what you told me, delete that partitions. But only first partition could be deleted, and now, I cant restore it. Other partitions couldn't be deleted. This is how it looks: http://img202.imageshack.us/img202/149/screenshottk.png ... What I have to do now, please? [previously, I asked how to delete Ubuntu from my disc, how totally formate it and then install MS Windows]15:10
VigoPip: Here is the Alternate Installer, LiveCD and stuff, http://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/ubuntu-releases/10.04/:but that USB page rocks it15:10
mobo5686ok thanks is good this site for start...15:11
ninole sabbie del tempo15:11
wesselwhy doesn't this work be default? :-/15:11
PipVigo: the URL is broken15:11
IdleOnewessel: what do you mean?15:11
PipAnyway, I see lot of minial.iso on that page from IdleOne15:11
VigoPip: http://ubuntu-releases.eecs.wsu.edu/15:11
VigoPip: These are USA mirrors,15:12
mobo5686Thanks idleOne !!15:12
piyushmishraPip: http://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/ubuntu-releases/10.04/15:12
VigoPip: You can select a mirror here: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download15:12
wesselI would imagine it being possible to access other pc's in the network by default15:12
wesselbut i'm off to install samba now15:12
IdleOnewessel: sharing other pc's is not default in any OS as far as I know15:13
BluesKajpiyushmishra, that waterloo repos is as slow as molasses in jan ...i used to use it :)15:13
KristianDKHow do i give apache access to a file, in a users directory without giviing other users access to it?15:13
IdleOnewessel: that would be a security risk to share your files by default.15:13
wesselnot sharing !15:14
IdleOnewessel: lol ok even greater risk15:14
wesselwhat? :-/15:14
HaakonKLwessel: Are you slightly insane? If other people could read files then they would have read access.... :S15:14
wesselthe windows pc is sharing files to any pc in my home network15:14
testrunhello all you good people15:14
wesselof course it prompts for passwords15:15
frxstremis there a way to manually change the program associated with a file type with gconftool?15:15
IdleOnewessel: what of someone is able to get on your home network without your knowledge. If they have access by default to all your other computers and the files on the computer that is a security risk15:15
testruncan libnotify osd be used to rss feed? So that the information bubbles would show rss feed news? any one has any good tips?15:15
wesselwell then they are inside my house15:15
wesseland they need to know my password15:15
IdleOnewessel: there is also the fact that windows and linux don't play nice. so samba was created to make them play nice with each other15:16
shabbsThere is something strange going on with our downloads from ubuntu mirrors for apt. Any time we do an apt-get update/upgrade and things start downloading, they will go at about 150K/s for maybe 5-10 seconds, then it drops off to 48K then to 12K and finally to about 5000B/s. It happens to every ubuntu machine on the specific network, it's to the point where updates are almost impossible without stopping/starting the process a million times15:17
shabbsI'm wondering if this is a mirror issue or a local network issue? I'm thinking the latter, as our other network does not have this problem.15:18
shabbsThough the strange thing is that on the network where things drop off, I can log on to a website and download a 300 meg file and it'll go full speed the whole time15:18
shabbsit only appears to be apt that is having this issue15:18
KottizenHi, I'd like to make distro based on Ubuntu. Any tip on how?15:19
visvanaththere are some many options for ubuntu  during boot.. and too many recovery.. how do i remove them and have only one ?15:21
ddronehello everybody15:22
visvanathddrone, hello.15:22
chris|visvanath, the will be removed when you remove the old kernels15:22
og01visvanath: look in /boot/grub/15:22
ddronedoes anyone here uses google chrome?15:22
og01visvanath: look in /boot/grub/menu.lst15:22
testrunis there a rss newsreader that gives feeds in the notify bubble of ubuntu?15:23
visvanathchris|, og01 , lplease talk to me in a way that ubuntu newbie can understand. i have intsalled ubuntu only three days back. all these years i used only windows.. i don't undertand what you are saying15:23
ddronei'm asking because i have problem with google chrome in ubuntu15:23
og01visvanath: i will chat to you in private then15:24
chris|og01, there is no menu.lst with grub215:24
chris|remember that15:24
og01ahh ok yeah15:24
Zeu5hi i would like to remove a user account how do i do that while maintaining the programs i have installed?15:24
servus_hi_gruessso can help me installing unix drivers on ubuntu?15:24
visvanathchris|, can you tell me if og01 does not know......15:24
Zeu5for eg i installed chatzilla and chrome15:24
_lorinHi is there a documentation page on adding multiple IP addresses on the same interface using Ubuntu 10.04LTS?15:24
jukhzis there any voice recognition apps out there in deb packages?15:25
Imro45112Hey. I am deleting partitions by gparted, all deleted and created one new, but at the down of the program is 4 operations pending. When I close gparted, changes does not save. How do I save them please?15:25
visvanathchris|, without deleting the karnals or whatever that is . how do i just remove the entry in boot menu ?15:25
HaakonKLImro45112: Do you hit the "apply" or button?15:25
krosonwill ooffice 3.2.1 hit lucid?15:25
og01visvanath: i dont have grub2 but i can help walk you through it15:26
Imro45112haakonKL: ah, not, I am idiot, thank you >D15:26
evilmercenaryhi, dont know if anyone here can help me: i'm thinking about installing ubuntu in wubi as my main linux installation.....15:26
evilmercenaryis there anything i need to consider before i do it?15:26
chris|visvanath, take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Where did my Grub2 boot menu go!?!?!15:26
chris|and replace the XXX with 015:26
chris|then ubuntu will start without showing you the menu at all15:27
HaakonKLevilmercenary: wubi is slightly slower than native install, and you cannot access the windows partitions from wubi.15:27
IdleOneevilmercenary: wubi is good for testing but if you plan on using it long term as your main OS you may want to consider doing a !dualboot15:27
IdleOne!dualboot | evilmercenary15:27
ubottuevilmercenary: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot15:27
evilmercenaryi'm having problems with doing that as, i dont want to lose any data, and i only have one hard drive.....15:28
evilmercenaryand i know that there is some fragmented data at the end of my drive.....15:28
IdleOneevilmercenary: defrag :)15:28
evilmercenaryit wont unfragment =/15:28
IdleOneevilmercenary: also make a backup of your data (always a good idea)15:29
jukhzevilmercenary: chop it off :)15:29
yuhi everyone15:29
IdleOneevilmercenary: well you can install wubi, it installs like any other .exe in windows and can be removed from the add/remove application in windows15:30
evilmercenaryi'm using piririform defraggler, and i can tell which files are actually fragmented15:30
_lorinHi is there a documentation page on adding multiple IP addresses on the same interface using Ubuntu 10.04LTS?15:30
evilmercenaryyeah IdleOne ...thats the only reason i'm considering wubi15:30
izikcan i make the wifi work without login into X session?15:30
wessel/etc/init.d/samba: command not found     hmm, do I need to restart my pc after installing samba?15:30
qm7_lorin: may I ask you what you need to do that for?15:31
IdleOneevilmercenary: but like it was said earlier, it will be slower then a native install. still good for getting an idea of how Ubuntu works15:31
_lorinqm7: I have multiple ips available.. need to set them up?15:31
IdleOneevilmercenary: depending on your hardware you may not even notice the slowness15:31
evilmercenaryi used to use ubuntu as my main install, so i know how it works though ^^15:31
_lorin_lorin: only one in /etc/network/interfaces now. but i have a block!15:31
qm7_lorin: is that like for  a website?15:32
achillesi want to install ia32-lib in ubuntu without using internet connection is it possible..?15:32
wesselbe right back, restarting15:32
evilmercenaryi used to use ubuntu as my main install, so i know how it works though ^^ IdleOne15:32
qm7_lorin: you're talking to yourself15:32
jukhzis there any voice recognition apps out there in deb packages?15:32
qm7linux has voice recognition?!15:32
_lorinqm7: i need to setup multiple ips.. is there a document for this?15:32
jugglerbryhi all.  i'm in the process of creating a website for complete newbies to ubuntu, and wondered if i could get some constructive feedback ? either through here, or via contact us form on the site ? would anyone mind if I posted the url here ?15:33
palkiI need help understanding the following iptables rules: ACCEPT     all  --  
palkiREJECT     tcp  --             tcp dpt:51 reject-with icmp-port-unreachable15:33
evilmercenaryin fact, i still have my old ubuntu main install.....it's a regualr install done to a USB external HDD (500GB)...it's on the logical partition IdleOne.....but since i got my new PC, despite bios updates i keep getting Grub error 1815:33
palkiWhat does ACCEPT all -- mean?15:33
Azalisanyone know how to setup so java works in Konqueror?15:33
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qm7_lorin: may I ask why you need to do that? (By the way I can't really answer your question, I'm just curious)15:33
oCean_palki: maybe ask in #netfilter15:34
evilmercenarydoes anyone here know how to fix that grub error 18? IdleOne ?15:34
Xzil0evilmercenary are you trying to dual boot with windows?15:35
evilmercenaryi've been able to boot it from various PCs just by selecting to boot from the ext HDD.....15:35
AzalisI just installed the newest jdk and now i need to get konqueror to recognize where the jre is, do i just tell it where the java runtime directory would be?15:35
evilmercenaryXzil0, i'll begin at the beginning:15:35
evilmercenaryi've used ubuntu as my main install before, but i'm sconsidering installing it again15:36
oCean_evilmercenary: try to keep description in one single line, please15:36
LjLjukhz, qm7: for large-vocabulary recognition, there is Sphinx, but it's not really ready for prime time i believe.15:36
evilmercenaryok oCean_15:36
LjL!info julius | jukhz you can also try this, i have no experience with it though15:37
ubottujukhz: julius (source: julius): speech recognition engine. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.1.2-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 1086 kB, installed size 2480 kB15:37
jukhztanks, LjL15:39
evilmercenaryi tried my old ubuntu 9.04 install, which is on the logical partition of a 500GB external HDD, and i got grub boot error 18 on startup despite being able to boot it on many PCs before.....also, i'd definately do a full install of ubuntu on my main HDD alongside windows, but there are fragmented files at the end of my drive, which will not defragment, no matter what i try to do.15:39
evilmercenaryhopefully thats a bit better as an explanation.15:39
SwedeMikeevilmercenary: the ubuntu installer will offer to shrink your windows partition regardless, it'll move the files.15:39
SwedeMikeevilmercenary: or it's the installer that wont move them (when you say fragmented files wont degrafment)15:40
AzalisAnyone else have trouble getting java applets to run in Konqueror?15:40
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evilmercenary=/ i'm trying to defragment from within windows actaully.... SwedeMike..... didnt think the ubuntu installer would move the files....15:41
ReHsArKanyone can help me? i can't boot up my ubuntu 10.4 rig! after choosing the kernel in grub the screen goes black and it shows a message saying "Out15:41
evilmercenarybut SwedeMike , wouldnt that mean that the files would be rendered unusable in windows?15:41
ReHsArK"Out Of Range"... i suspect its trying to use a resolution too high for my system15:42
simon_hey all15:42
SwedeMikeevilmercenary: no, it's probably that windows are using the files and thus wont move them when it's running, linux wont be running files on the windows partition, thus they can be moved then.15:42
simon_iam trying to get my mouse to work in ubuntu 9.1015:42
simon_fresh install15:42
nerdy_kidi managed to screw up my user account, is there anyway to fix it?  any temp files i can rm besides /tmp/ and /var/tmp/?  ive removed all my hidden files to.15:42
simon_i have a pointer but it wont move15:42
evilmercenarywhat i mean, SwedeMike , is, will the files be still usable by windows after the installation of ubuntu has finished?15:43
T1750is there anyone here who has their home directory encrypted with ecryptfs15:43
SwedeMikeevilmercenary: yes, they should be.15:43
SwedeMike!anyone | T175015:43
ubottuT1750: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:43
oCean_T1750: better ask your real question. Try to keep description in one single line15:43
nerdy_kidT1750 i do but have no idea about how it works lol15:44
evilmercenarySwedeMike: do i need to select any specific options to be able to have the files moved without destroying them?15:44
SwedeMikeevilmercenary: the default is to keep files intact, I've done several installs and it's always "just worked".15:44
T1750ubottu: OK then, does anyone have a file in their home directory called .encryptfsrc15:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:44
SwedeMikeevilmercenary: backup is of course recommended before doing this.15:44
simon_when i do sudo modprobe psmouse nothing happens15:44
evilmercenaryofcourse....though, i have no disk big enough to carry a whole backup =/ SwedeMike15:45
SwedeMikeT1750: no, I don't. I hvae a .Private dir, though15:45
evilmercenarySwedeMike: sorry about this, i'm just paranoid about losing data xD15:46
T1750SwedeMike: can you do a locate on .encryptfsrc15:46
T1750i can't decrypt my filenames it's driving me nuts15:46
SwedeMikeT1750: no file found.15:46
phong_sup all15:46
ReHsArKanyone can help me? i can't boot up my ubuntu 10.4 rig! after choosing the kernel in grub the screen goes black and it shows a message saying "Out of Range" i suspect its trying to use a resolution too high for my system15:46
phong_why is the upgrade of ubuntu 9 to 10 is so slow15:46
electrehello, somebody knows how to define shortcut to edit name of file15:46
phong_can't i just straight install ubuntu 10?15:46
T1750electre: mv15:47
SwedeMikephong_: fresh install is always an option.15:47
oCean_phong_: sure you can. Download image, burn image & install!15:47
frxstremdoes anyone have any recommendations regarding replacements for Windows Live Messenger on Ubuntu?15:47
evilmercenaryfrxstrem, pidgin15:47
electreI mean how to define key to edit this15:47
T1750frxstrem: i think empathy and pidgin are the ims people like now15:47
Xzil0T1750 you home directory is encrypted. you sellected that when you installed ubuntu. login as user of that home dir and they should be decrypted.15:47
evilmercenaryamsn is better if you can get it to work xD frxstrem15:47
phong_is it better to do a fresh install?15:47
T1750Xzil0: my disk is screwed up and that's impossible15:47
phong_oCean_, but i have multiple HD in my pc15:48
SwedeMikeT1750: lrwxrwxrwx  1 swmike swmike        24 2009-05-01 17:17 .ecryptfs -> /var/lib/ecryptfs/swmike15:48
simon_any one able to help me with my mouse prob15:48
oCean_phong_: yeah, so?15:48
Xzil0T1750 can you login to your ubuntu?15:48
T1750no i can't15:48
T1750so i'm trying to rescue the files from another machine running opensuse15:48
electreT1750: I know but how to define key to edit name of file, just like in windows15:48
Xzil0T1750 w8 a sec pls15:48
phong_oCean_, it will right boot in other HD15:48
T1750it will decrypt the file data just fine but it won't decrypt the filenames15:48
phong_oCean_,  i want to learn to do a manual boot15:49
oCean_phong_: change bios settings15:49
=== simon_ is now known as slops_
phong_oCean_,  manual installation15:49
oCean_phong_: edit bios settings so that it will boot from cdrom first, before booting from hdd15:49
frxstremevilmercenary, T1750: well, I use Pidgin right now (and I really, really like it), but it and Empathy aren't exactly the best *MSN* clients out there - it's more just a general IM client. I'll try amsn though15:49
phong_oCean_,  u dont get it....let say HD-1  <--- install ubuntu,, then it write the boot thing to my windows HD-215:49
phong_oCean_,  that i knwo man15:49
slops_i just installed 9.10 on a machine and have no mouse15:50
evilmercenaryfrxstrem: i really liked amsn when i did use it, so ohpe you like it15:50
oCean_phong_: you can perfectly run both os15:50
phong_oCean_,  god...15:50
slops_i have a mouse pointer but it does not move15:50
phong_oCean_,  you still don't get it...jsut tell me how to do a manual partition installation15:50
T1750there's a really important symmetrically encrypted file on there so currently im running a script trying to decrtypt all the encrypted files with it, oddly it's decrypting lots of files which wern't the right one at all15:51
phong_i want to install it as it is only one HD in my system15:51
T1750but file names would be a milllion times better15:51
dsnydersHow do I disable my pc speaker?15:51
phong_oCean_, boot sector write to same as the ubuntu drive15:51
T1750dsnyders: bios settings15:51
slops_can any one here me15:51
oCean_phong_: I give up15:51
dsnydersT1750, No such setting in bios.15:52
phong_oCean_,  i'm going to do a manual installation and search for how to make the grub locate15:52
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ReHsArKanyone can help me? i can't boot up my ubuntu 10.4 rig! after choosing the kernel in grub the screen goes black and it shows a message saying "Out of Range" i suspect its trying to use a resolution too high for my system15:52
T1750dsnyders: open the case and cut the wire :)15:52
kevin009slops_: i'm using text-to-speech, so as a matter of fact, i can!15:52
lexecutable irc.epiknet.org15:52
dsnydersT1750, I was hoping for a less drastic solution.15:52
wesselI wish to slice screen shots in an easy to use pixel picture editor, and paste them into an open office presentation, what software should I use to edit images?15:52
albertoHave you ever tried installing Ubuntu on a Kno Tablet?15:52
phong_is kubuntu differ from ubuntu?15:52
T1750i don't know if pc speakers is a module on linux15:52
albertoKNO information: http://www.tested.com/news/knos-dual-screen-linux-tablet-is-bigger-than-3-ipads/375/15:53
slops_kevin009: can you help fix my mouse problem15:53
T1750but it's not a very drastic solution it will take 5 min to cut the wire and put a bit of electricians tape round it15:53
kevin009slops_: whats the problem? i might be able to help15:53
achillesi want to install ia32-lib in ubuntu without using internet connection is it possible..?15:53
krosonphong_: kubuntu is ubuntu with kde, it is not maintained by canonical i think, so generally ubuntu is better and has the main features15:53
dsnydersT1750, ... however, if no other solution is available, I suppose I could unplug the wire from the motherboard.15:53
T1750you might even be lucky and find it's plugged in to the mainboard so just unplug it15:53
Miondsnyders: laptop or stationary?15:53
terry_how can I join here"IRC Server: irc.savethecoratee.org15:53
terry_Channel Name: #invites "15:53
terry_Please help15:53
oCean_terry_: ask in #freenode, not here15:53
slops_kevin009: i did a fresh install of 9.10 and have a mouse pointer but no mouse it does not work15:54
Daekdroomkroson, I swear I thought it was mantained by Canonical. The KDE packages in the repo are.15:54
achilleshello anyone there to help me out15:54
phong_kroson okay15:54
Mionterry_: read the manual for your irc client15:54
phong_kroson,  how about xubuntu15:54
kevin009is it a usb mouse?15:54
Xzil0T1750 you can try this http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2009/03/mounting-your-encrypted-home-from.html15:54
legend2440i am using lucid and there was a kernel upgrade just now.  since the upgrade i can't get into the grub menu by pressing the Shift key. any ideas?15:54
kevin009slops_: is it a usb mouse? if it is, try running lsusb in a terminal and seeing if anything about a mouse shows up15:54
krosonphong_: the same, with xfce15:54
dsnydersmion, It's an HP desktop.  I ran a program called alsamixer, and was able to mute the PC's speaker, however mplayer unmuted it.15:54
slops_kevin009: i am using a usb mouse that going through a kvm anc comining out as ps215:54
phong_kroson, so stick with ubuntu?15:54
T1750Xzil0: i have15:54
krosonid truly recommend you :)15:55
Xzil0and nothing?15:55
phong_i love ubuntu better then fuking mac15:55
phong_i hate mac shlt15:55
slops_kevin009: the mouse works on my 10.4 desktop and my win 7 box15:55
oCean_phong_: stop that language15:55
ReHsArKanyone can help me? i can't boot up my ubuntu 10.4 rig! after choosing the kernel in grub the screen goes black and it shows a message saying "Out of Range" i suspect its trying to use a resolution too high for my system15:55
slops_kevin009: just not on this box15:55
Miondsnyders: unload the pcspkr and snd-pcsp modules15:55
phong_ubuntu is way better then Mac oS x15:55
T1750Xzil0: i've even learned all the -o options to ecryptfs mounter so i can do it manually they complain about that file i was asking being missinig so i wonder if it's significant15:55
krosonphong_: so why change? ubuntu is better than its derivatives, at least for me and most15:55
Miondsnyders: blacklist them in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf15:55
KFPHi. I upgraded my other computer from 9.04 to 9.10 today, but now whenever I try to start up that computer, the OS hangs about 20-30 seconds after login.15:55
kevin009slops_: have you tried powering down after connecting it? i don't think ps/2 is hotpluggable and it doesn't work until you restart, which is a pain. i have a usb kvm and it works great15:55
KFPDoes that sound familiar to anyone? What could cause it and how to fix?15:55
MionReHsArK: what gfx card?15:55
krosonso if you like it, stick with it, you are using a great operating system that matches win or mac15:56
phong_kroson, can linux get virus or spyware?15:56
Xzil0T1750 ~/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase this file is missing ????15:56
krosonthe easy answer is NO15:56
ReHsArKMion: it's a Geforce Fx5200... it's a rather obsolete system15:56
evilmercenaryphong_, all i can say is: pay ridiculous amounts of cash to do little  but office and video on mac, or pay ridiculous amounts to be tormented by genuine advantage on windows....linux is pure win15:56
slops_kevin009: yes i have rebboted and still the same15:56
T1750Xzil0: i also tried the method onthe ubuntu community wiki which was the same thing but he did the --fneck think manually unwrapping the password without inserting it15:56
T1750Xzil0: nope15:56
dsnydersMion, What does the blacklisting do?  Prevent reload on reboot?15:56
krosonwell it can, but its very difficult thanks to the kernel structure and admin privileges system15:56
MionReHsArK: try adding the option "nomodeset" to the grub entry you are booting15:56
krosonso probably not :)15:56
phong_evilmercenary, cool15:56
evilmercenarysays me running this IRC on windows xD though phong_15:56
Miondsnyders: yep15:57
T1750Xzil0: and I can decrypt the _data_ of the files, but the file names are all nonsense15:57
slops_kevin009: i think its something on this box15:57
phong_evilmercenary, using wine?15:57
slops_kevin009: as the mouse works on others15:57
ReHsArKMion: i've tried that, readed before in a forum... with no success15:57
T1750Xzil0: ECRYPTFS_FNEK_ENCRYPTED.FZYNHAkXI96gmURcMgLr8rHqnvyea7VgjpphzO.g4HSLXY1uujEflmNwdYp65bUMNqQZNbKWw1aF2VWY3YrUNL8UGlJ8phRa1Fb-725qW9RaeM0liFCSKdsgUE--15:57
kevin009slops_: perhaps someone else can help then. i'm not sure what to do. you may want to try googling "ubuntu ps/2 kvm" and seeing if anything comes up15:57
evilmercenaryphong_, ...nope...i'm on windows 7 ultimate x6415:57
T1750i tried using the key from Private.sig in the .encryptfs dir15:57
nerdy_kidhow would i repair my user account?15:58
T1750that moaned about something else being missing15:58
slops_kevin009: i have15:58
evilmercenaryphong_,  i feel dirty xD15:58
nerdy_kidor reset my user account15:58
MionReHsArK: add nomodeset and the number 3, and then try to boot15:58
phong_evilmercenary, i can browse porn website and virus worry free ;)15:58
oCean_!ot | phong_15:58
ubottuphong_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:58
Xzil0T1750 they all say that sudo ecryptfs-add-passphrase --fnek is solving problem with that file missing thing :S15:59
T1750Xzil0: yup, but not for me unfortunately15:59
T1750Xzil0: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory#Recovering%20Your%20Data%20Manually16:00
T1750I only got one line for some reason16:00
T1750but i think these numbers are the same as the ones in .encryptfs/Private.sig anyhow16:00
phong_ubuntu is faster then windows for sure16:01
oCean_phong_: drop this disscussion, please.16:01
GhostFreeman_How do I configure the grub menu in 10.0416:01
bazhangphong_, keep it on topic here please; chat in #ubuntu-offtopic16:01
T1750Xzil0: I'm trying to install ubuntu in a VM in the opensuse to see if i can make it work like that16:02
Xzil0T1750 man i cant help you theres is only one solution going round and round on internet. sorry16:03
Xzil0maybe any1 know how to help you16:03
T1750Xzil0: I've spent a long time trying to do this i read all those thanks for trying16:04
T1750nobdoy knows nothing so far16:04
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terryhow to join a channel?16:04
Avaszif i want to save deb files from /var/cache/apt/archives.. then how do i find out what are the lib used by files?16:04
Mionterry: read the documentation for whatever irc client you are using16:04
T1750if i go digging in the source code for the final _mounter file made by the IBM guy i might work it out16:04
dsnydersterry, /join channe.16:04
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Avaszfor eg. if i want to save vlc's .deb then i need to save its libs too.. how do i know which libs are used by vlc?16:05
dsnydersterry, eg /join #ubuntu16:05
chilli0Hello , would anyone have any clue on how to get my mini SD card reader to work >? Its onboard if that helps.16:05
kermithow do i make apps run as root from a shell work in X?  i think it's something to do with .Xauthority16:06
Xzil0Any1 tryed to install dream linux(based on debian)on usb over virtual box. its on 90% for half of hour16:06
chilli0kermit, You have to set the display iirc.16:07
kermitchilli0: i did that part16:07
phong_should i cancel my update to unbuntu 10 ..i have 5 minutes left wo wait16:07
chilli0kermit, gksu DISPLAY=:0.0 app16:07
chilli0And the problem ?16:07
kermitchilli0: (gksu:15907): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.016:08
T1750chilli0: lshw | less would be a good start then see if there is a driver16:08
achilles i want to install ia32-lib in ubuntu without using internet connection is it possible..?16:09
chilli0T1750, What do i want to look for?16:09
xynta_Anyone know if there are any Linux drivers to Gigabyte motherboard?16:09
achilleshelp me please16:09
kermitchilli0: oh i see, you mean to do that as a user.. i'm sorry i meant how do i run apps in X from a root shell16:09
T1750chilli0: the name of the device16:09
chilli0kermit,  Oh not sure sorry.16:09
T1750name, manufacturerer16:09
T1750chilli0: what was it again, a card reader? probably runs on the usb bus, do lsusb16:10
chilli0T1750, I'm not sure what they are , but ill try to guess hehe.16:10
kermitchilli0: but your way works, that's better than nothing! thanks.16:10
T1750and pastebin the lsusb16:10
chilli0kermit, =] nps16:10
Mionachilles: donwload the packages somewhere else, move them over to your box using a usb stick or whatever, and then install them16:10
scriptwarlockdoes anyone here has an idea about legal issues abou tlinux for cyber shops?16:10
chilli0T1750, http://pastebin.com/wJCkPzRN16:10
Mionxynta_: the card is most likely supported out of the box by the kernel16:10
scriptwarlocki mean ubuntu16:11
Mionthe floodbots are flooding!16:11
m_anishHi, I'm trying to learn the ropes of ubuntu-packaging ... and have succeeded in creating a deb ... only it doesn't contain any useful files. I'm trying to make a deb out of "http://code.google.com/p/cannon-camp/" following the steps in "https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete". I have been able to compile the source code, (debuild executed the Makefile) and run debuild but the resulting deb doesn't contain the binary 'cannon_camp_amd64'. (http:/16:13
m_anish/dpaste.org/TLb0/).  debuild log @ http://dpaste.org/JG0S/ ... which contains "rm -f bin/cannon_camp_amd64 ", not sure why16:13
KFPHi. I upgraded my other computer from 9.04 to 9.10 today, but now whenever I try to start up that computer, the OS hangs after about a minute. Any ideas?16:14
shiftingcontrolunable to burn dvd using Brasero and gnomeBaker can some help me out??16:14
nerdy_kidm_anish i always use checkinstall for stuff i compile16:14
scriptwarlockanyone has an idea of legal issues in ubuntu for cyber cafes?16:14
xynta_Mion: are you sure? should the CPU be on 25% on idle in ubuntu or do i need drivers?16:14
MyWayKFP: why don't you upgrade to 10.04?16:14
KFPMyWay: That was my intention.16:14
m_anishnerdy_kid, checkinstall?16:14
KFP...But now, the computer can't be used.16:15
T1750chilli0: your thing isn't a card reader it's some kind of video device?16:15
achillesMion, u there..?16:15
KFPIf I stay in the login screen, it freezes. If I log in normally, it freezes. If I log in failsafe, it freezes and if I log in xterm, it freezes. :(16:15
Mionxynta_: run htop to see what's eating your cpu16:15
Mionachilles: sort of16:15
chilli0T1750, Nopp.. Its a, MMc , Ms , MS pro , SD , SD pro , xD16:16
KFPAlways about one minute after the login screen appears.16:16
chilli0a little thingo in the front of my computer to plug it into.16:16
shiftingcontroli am unable to burn dvds using brasero in 10.04 ,???16:16
achillesdoes anyone here uses 24online client16:16
achillesfor their net connection16:16
chilli0T1750, lenovo ideapad Y530 if that means anything.16:16
KFPMouse cursor doesn't move and the keyboard doesn't work. Only option is to reboot. :(16:16
Mionshiftingcontrol: in my experience, brasero is buggy, check if you can burn using wodim16:16
xynta_Mion, it says "root" is consuming 15% CPU, is this normal?16:17
shiftingcontrolMion:hw about gnomebaker?16:17
Mionxynta_: "root" is a user, not a process16:17
Mionxynta_: the actuall process name is on the far right16:17
T1750chilli0: http://www.ideasonboard.org/uvc/16:17
Mionxynta_: if you press F6, then move to CPU%, then it will sort by cpu usage16:17
T1750this driver supports you16:18
xynta_Mion, ok.. it says something /usr/X11R6/bin/X is consuming 15%16:18
xynta_Mion, and if i just move the window of the terminal it jumps to 35% CPU16:18
chilli0T1750, It's not a video device..... Its a Mini SD card..16:18
monkey_d_luffyIs there a way to read/edit (maybe with some disk editor) a particular location of the disk from a inode number?16:18
m_anishnerdy_kid, the deb produced by checkinstall doesn't contain any binary either16:18
nerdy_kidm_anish yeah, its in the software channel.  say i wanted to compile a program, after make id just do sudo checkinstall make install and it would make a deb for me.  very easy :)16:18
T175004f2:b105  Lenovo EasyCamera (Lenovo IdeaPad Y530 notebooks)  Chicony Electronics16:19
nerdy_kidm_anish then the compile didnt produce a binary....16:19
MasterZuFu how do i install a GUI management for exim4?16:19
chilli0T1750, My webcam works fine...... I want my SD card to work.16:19
MasterZuFuI found this: http://silverwraith.com/vexim/download.html but i have no idea on exactly how to install/use it16:19
Mionxynta_: what gfx card do you have?16:19
T1750i cant rememember how to make lshw dump to a file16:19
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MionT1750: >16:20
T1750chilli0: try lshw >hardware16:20
MionT1750: >> to append instead of owerwrite16:20
T1750then pastebin that16:20
xynta_Mion: Radeon HD 5770, i have installed the ati drivers for my graphic card ...16:20
MionT1750: install curlpaste and run lshw | curlpaste16:20
* T1750 wonders if suse has that16:20
T1750no :(16:21
m_anishnerdy_kid, it did in the /bin subdirectory16:21
m_anishnerdy_kid, ah...16:21
Chak_82Hello Everyone16:21
m_anishnerdy_kid, i think the problem is that make produces the binary in the local subdirectory ... and make install doesen't copy it to some /usr/share/bin or similar location16:22
chilli0Mion, How do i install curlpaste?16:22
chilli0Its not a package.16:22
phlak_1507 nicks16:22
Chak_82i want to connect an ubuntu lucid lynx with a cisco vpn gateway, how can i do this?16:22
aciculaChak_82, you can add a vpn via the network applet16:22
m_anishnerdy_kid, http://dpaste.org/wot6/16:23
nisstyre65does network manager have support for cisco VPNs?16:23
xynta_Mion: are you there16:23
m_anishnerdy_kid, maybe I need to fix the makefile16:23
Mionchilli0: bha, silly ubuntu for not having it in the repos :(16:23
Chak_82acicula: network-manager applet?16:23
chilli0T1750 http://pastebin.com/2ycfhSVh16:23
jukhzanyone have any idea how to use julius16:23
aciculaChak_82, may have to install the network-manager-openvpn-gnome and network-manager-openvpn plugins for it to show VPN options16:23
aciculaChak_82, correct16:23
Mionchilli0: you can grab it from http://github.com/Kiwi/curlpaste16:23
scriptwarlockanyone has an idea on legal issues of ubuntu to be used for cyber cafes?16:23
nisstyre65acicula: he wants to connect to a cisco vpn16:23
shiftingcontrolmion:can yu give syntax of wodim cmd ?16:24
aciculanisstyre65, how is a "cisco" vpn special, they use a custom protocol?16:24
nisstyre65acicula: they don't support the openvpn protocol afaik16:24
Chak_82acicula: i was do this integrating the network-manager with the package vpnc package16:24
Mionxynta_: known bug with catalyst16:24
arandm_anish: #ubuntu-motu has more of a focus on packaging, and might be helpful if not this channel is16:24
aciculanisstyre65, pptp?16:24
Mionxynta_: asuming you are using catalyst16:24
xynta_Mion: yes16:24
nisstyre65acicula: nope16:24
nisstyre65that's a different one16:25
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Chak_82acicula: and i was connected, but about 3 / 4 minutes the connection brokes16:25
aciculaChak_82, actually that looks like a better choice16:25
Mionxynta_: there is some patches for xorg-server that can help16:25
m_anisharand, ok thanks .. I'll ask around if fixing the Makefile doesn't help16:25
nerdy_kidm_anish idk, all i know is that checkinstall just redirects the output of make install into a deb.  so yeah maybe its the makefile, idk16:25
Empty_Net_GoalHey everyone. I too have a networking questions. I bought a Linksys E2000 yesterday and my question revolves around why my network card, a Asus PCE N13 doesn'16:25
jukhzhow to install build deps of app16:25
xynta_Mion: where can i get them?16:25
LjLjukhz: sudo apt-get build-dep <package>16:25
Empty_Net_GoalHey everyone. I too have a networking questions. I bought a Linksys E2000 yesterday and my question revolves around why my network card, a Asus PCE N13 doesn't work. I don;t know where to start16:25
T1750curlpaste vs pastebinit, which is best and why16:25
arandm_anish: Editing the original source is generally not recommended, if you want to do things *properly*16:25
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:25
Chak_82acicula: so, i was try to install a official vpn cisco client for linux without succesful results16:26
Mionxynta_: I'm running cataluyst 10.5 with a patched xorg-server 1.8  and it works nicely (as nicely as the horrible catalust drivers can work, anyway)16:26
aciculaChak_82, well it seems connecting works but you lose connection to the vpn after awhile16:26
shaw1337hi i dnt knw how to install the android sdk , after extraction ..i need yor help16:26
T1750acicula: and sometimes there is a program which has one option and another which allows you to choose which site to pastebin to, duration, etc16:26
T1750it's a valid question16:26
MaletorI have a serious issue. The font size on Chromium for the URL and tabs is *far* too small. I went into the "Under the Hood" settings, but to no avail. How can I increase the font size so I can read it? :D Thanks guys!16:26
Chak_82acicula: so, im here looking for someone who archieve this with some tool or something16:26
nisstyre65Chak_82: so you got the vpnclient package installed?16:26
Empty_Net_GoalHey everyone. I too have a networking questions. I bought a Linksys E2000 yesterday and my question revolves around why my network card, a Asus PCE N13 doesn't work. I don;t know where to start. Any help?16:27
jukhzLjL: Thanks!16:27
Avaszif i want to save deb files from /var/cache/apt/archives.. then how do i find out what are the lib used by files?16:27
wikiikis it possible to generate static libraries from header files??16:27
wesselhello, could someone recommend me some software to crop an image ?16:27
m_anisharand, I'm just experimenting, besides i'm the sole author of the original source :) .. but I am curios to hear of a possible workaround16:27
aciculawikiik, no16:27
MionT1750: the author of curlpaste is a nice dude that actually listens to complaints/suggestions, so that's one reason to use it16:27
Chak_82nisstyre65: no, i cant install it, the process of installation show me a lot of errors16:27
LjLAvasz: "apt-cache show packagename" shows it in the Depends line (although those libs might themselves have other dependencies, etc)16:27
aciculawikiik, different purpose/things altogether16:27
wesselit needs to be able to zoom it at pixel level to select the correct corner position of the selection16:27
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leandroalI need to mount a windows share, I tried mount.cifs but this command does not exist for my ubuntu 10 64bits. Any clue?16:27
AvaszLjL, ok.. thanks.16:28
LjLAvasz: you can use the site http://apt.alturl.com/ to get an idea of what dependencies you would need on a standard system16:28
nisstyre65Chak_82: when you do sudo apt-get install network-manager-vpnc can you paste the errors you get to pastebin.com or a similar site and link it here?16:28
T1750chilli0: did you pastebin your lshw yet?16:28
chilli0T1750, I linked you.16:28
T1750chilli0: i missed it, sorry16:28
xynta_Mion: how do i download and install a patched xorg-server 1.8?16:28
chilli0T1750 http://pastebin.com/2ycfhSVh16:28
wikiikacicula, i'm truing to generate a static library from a .c program16:29
shane2how we can completely remove php,mysql and apache on ubuntu LTS16:29
wikiikin order to use this library, the c code needs also some header file16:29
aciculawikiik, thats possible16:29
wikiikthere is no way to pack it all toguether?16:29
Chak_82nisstyre65: no, the process is with cisco vpn client... the process of installation of vpnc package finish without problems16:29
shane2 i am trying to reinstall but i cannot do this16:29
=== Avasz is now known as M-Player
wikiikacicula, how can i do it?16:29
nisstyre65Chak_82: start the vpn client from the command line, and paste the errors you get from the terminal16:29
MaletorI have a serious issue. The font size on Chromium for the URL and tabs is *far* too small. I went into the "Under the Hood" settings, but to no avail. Screenshot: http://lookpic.com/d2/i2/3471/hukLQwuX.png16:29
aciculawikiik, make a header file and a c file, and compile it into a library16:30
Mionxynta_: might be in ppa16:30
T1750chilli0: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76689216:30
Mionxynta_: I don't run ubuntu so that makes it easier for me16:30
shane2how i can remove php,mysql and apache16:30
shane2on my ubuntu16:30
wikiikacicula, the fact is that the header file is only necessary for the program that is going to use the library16:30
Chak_82nisstyre65: ok, i will try one more time and paste the errors16:30
shane2any body can do help me16:31
aciculawikiik, err yeah i believe so16:31
Chak_82nisstyre65: please wait16:31
T1750chilli0: also try sudo insmod sdhci-pci16:31
MasterZuFui guess no one knows the answer to my question.16:31
T1750then see if it works16:31
KFPCan I upgrade 9.10 to 10.04 with the installation CD? Or do I have to do a clean install?16:31
chilli0T1750, No such file or dir16:31
Mionshane2: apg-get remove16:31
T1750im not an ubuntu expert16:32
T1750i think apt-cache search sdhci-pci16:32
T1750might help16:32
shane2Mion hi thanks for reply16:32
T1750otherwise just do what fluke said put a disk with data in it, and reboot16:32
chilli0T1750, just went to next line. thanks anyway ill try to reboot.16:32
shane2it will remove all directories and files16:32
IdleOneshane2: sudo tasksel remove lamp I believe should do it16:32
T1750chilli0: hold a sec16:32
T1750chilli0: do lsmod >/root/before_reboot16:33
chilli0nm it works.16:33
shane2tasksel ?16:33
T1750chilli0: do sudo lsmod >/before_reboot16:33
T1750chilli0: oool16:33
chilli0T1750, It works.16:33
shane2what is this16:33
=== M-Player is now known as Avasz
doorknobhello. i'm trying to enable 4.1 surround on lucid for my HDA ATI SB (onboard). it's only doing stereo currently.. google is fairly sparse with recommendations.. any ideas?16:33
Mionshane2: almost. Anything created at runtime will be left behind16:33
chilli0T1750, http://sourceforge.net/projects/sdricohcs/ worked fine.16:33
IdleOneshane2: man tasksel in terminal for more info16:33
T1750if you do the reboot before and after you can diff the mod lists and make it get loaded on booot16:33
Zeu5hi is there some kind of post it notes like program for ubuntu lucid?16:34
T1750chilli0: solve your own problem then see if i care16:34
IdleOneZeu5: Tomboy16:34
chilli0T1750, ?16:34
Striking7shane2: this is news to me too... interesting.16:34
T1750chilli0: joke :)16:34
shubbar i m installing a printer and it requires libstdc++5, but on synaptic i can find only libstdc++6 and its already installed16:34
chilli0T1750, oh lols , thanks alot for your help.16:34
rehsarki'm having issues to boot up my ubuntu 10.4 rig... it's a fairly obsolete system, with a GeForce FX5200 GPU in it... and when i boot up, the screen goes black with the inscription "Out Of Range", rendering my rig useless... i suspect it is trying to use a resolution too high for my rig... anyone can help me?16:34
Striking7This is cool. IdleOne.16:34
MasterZuFuForget it, this crap is too complicated and no one wants to help anyways, so screw it.16:34
Striking7IdleOne: (tasksel, that is)16:34
aciculashubbar, trying a very old driver?16:34
IdleOneStriking7: yeah16:35
Striking7MasterZuFu: sup? Sorry I was away.16:35
optimusPhow to register a nicknname16:35
acicula!register | optimusP16:35
ubottuoptimusP: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:35
T1750oh yeah i need to relog16:35
shubbaracicula,  latest from manufacturer16:35
MaletorThe font size on Chromium for the URL and tabs is *far* too small. I went into the "Under the Hood" settings, but to no avail. Screenshot: http://lookpic.com/d2/i2/3471/hukLQwuX.png16:35
shane2"apt-get remove"  is it right16:35
aciculashubbar, none ubuntu supplied ones work?16:36
MasterZuFuStriking7: I'm trying to setup an email server on my ubuntu 10.04 server. unfortunately when I installed it on linode.com it came completely bare, with NOTHING installed, at all. so i have ot figure out how to do all of this manually from scratch. I got exim4, it's working and all, but I'm trying to get a GUI for it so I cna read emails and whatnot.16:36
wikiikacicula, then is it possible to include this header file inside the library?16:36
Mionman apt-get has the extra options you can trow on to make it behave differently16:36
MasterZuFuStriking7: I can't find any gui stuff for it, so I went looking, and found something called vexim. trying to install it and it's all manual stuff and I have no idea what i'm reading.16:36
shaw1337hi , i use a dsl connection to connect to internet , but after upgrading to 9.10 from 9.04 , i wasnt able to connect , aftr applyin  sudo pppoeconf , it startd workin !!! nw i need to boot everytime i configure it why ?16:36
shubbartheirs one for a close model, but it didn't work16:37
doorknobrehsark, out of range indicates you're driving at too high a resolution or frequency. check xorg.conf16:37
Striking7MasterZuFu: So you're trying to get a gui on the server, so you can remote desktop in?16:37
Striking7MasterZuFu: Or are you trying to get a web admin panel installed?16:37
aciculawikiik, no you cant put the header file inside the library, not in any standard way i should think16:37
MionMasterZuFu: I wouldn't run a gui on a server16:37
MasterZuFuStriking7: web admin16:37
wikiikok thanks acicula16:37
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.16:37
Zeu5tks idleone16:37
Striking7MasterZuFu: unfortunately I never bothered setting up my own e-mail... it's too complex and annoying. I just host my mail on gmail16:38
shubbaracicula, i ll try the ubuntu supplied model again, may be it can work this time.16:38
aciculawikiik, you make a lib by tellin the linker to treat the object code slightly different16:38
IdleOneZeu5: welcome, hope that is what you were looing for16:38
rehsarkdoorknob there is any parameter to use which permits me install ubuntu 10.4 in a safe graphics mode?16:38
MasterZuFuIdleOne, webmin isn't working, all i get from it is "Error - File not found", i tried asking for help about that for the last two weeks and all i get from help here is "webmin isn't supported anymore"16:38
aciculashubbar, well maybe you can get libstd5c++ somewhere still, but iirc its getting old16:38
MionMasterZuFu: just install a nice cli email client for local use on the server, and eg a webmail too16:38
Striking7MasterZuFu: if that isn't an option for you bummer, but if it is all you have to do is set your mx records for your DNS to point to google...16:38
IdleOneMasterZuFu: does that tell you anything? try !ebox16:38
Striking7MasterZuFu: and then sign up with Google to have them host your mail16:38
Zelawhat does linux-generic mean?16:38
doorknobrehsark, there should be a low-graphics mode offered in the installer. or you could try the alternate disc.16:39
MasterZuFuStriking7: the problem is google. the mailing list site i'm using for some reason google blocks, so i'm trying to set it up on my own site and it's not working16:39
doorknobZela, generic = works on anything, not tuned to a specific cpu.16:39
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox16:39
Striking7MasterZuFu: Bummer... sorry then I wouldn't be much help to you :(16:39
erUSUL!gneric | Zela16:39
erUSUL!generic | Zela16:39
ubottuZela: Background to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed)16:39
scriptwarlockany legal advisers here from ubuntu?16:40
IdleOnescriptwarlock: your lawyer would be better suited for any legal questions, also it is offtopic for this channel. You could try asking in #ubuntu-offtopic16:40
shubbaris cups-pdf also getting old? it was autoremoved on my last upgrade16:41
Ganymededid anyone notice how the panel starts looking terrible when its size is increased because the background image starts tiling? i'm using the dark default theme from 10.0416:41
jonathan__Whenever i put in the ubuntu live cd and then rebbot into windows ubuntu changes the time. is there any way to make it stop doing this?16:41
infidyesterday and today when i woke up and turned my screensaver off my left monitor keeps doing some weird thing where it kinda pulses on and off but is ba black screen the whole time. yesterday i rebooted and it fixed it though so im not sure if it's my monitor dying or something ubuntu is doing to it. any ideas?16:41
erUSULshubbar: all gnome apps can print to file (ps or pdf) now16:41
MasterZuFuFFS! >_>. I'm trying to install the ebox thing, and yeah, nothing's working with that either. it's say "deb" isn't a correct command.16:41
shubbarerUSUL, so no need for cups-pdf anymore16:42
doorknobGanymede, Use a different background bitmap, perhaps. Or try Xfce.16:42
erUSULshubbar: unless you use some odd app that needs it16:43
jonathan__Whenever i put in the ubuntu live cd and then rebbot into windows ubuntu changes the time. is there any way to make it stop doing this?16:43
Mionjonathan__: tell windows to use UTC instead of localtime16:44
Mionjonathan__: for the hw clock16:44
MasterZuFuwhat's it mean when it says "root@li116-92:/var/www/vexim2# deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ebox/1.5/ubuntu lucid main16:45
MasterZuFubash: deb: command not found" ?16:45
Chak_82nisstyre65: i have the errors16:45
Chak_82Making module16:45
Chak_82make -C /lib/modules/2.6.32-22-generic/build SUBDIRS=/home/carlos/Downloads/vpnclient modules16:45
Chak_82make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-22-generic'16:45
Chak_82  CC [M]  /home/carlos/Downloads/vpnclient/linuxcniapi.o16:45
Chak_82In file included from /home/carlos/Downloads/vpnclient/Cniapi.h:15,16:45
Chak_82                 from /home/carlos/Downloads/vpnclient/linuxcniapi.c:30:16:45
FloodBot4Chak_82: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:45
phlak_userMasterZuFu: it means you shouldnt type that out as a command; it needs to be added to your sources list16:45
=== Votan is now known as Votan|off
MasterZuFuphlak_user: yeah....I'm a windows user running a remove ubuntu server. Lol I have no idea what you just said XD16:46
kermitover the last decade, ~/.* has 20000 files in it.. how do i know what are settings i actually set that i want to backup, and what is essentially temp space for apps?16:46
phlak_userMasterZuFu: System-Administration-Software Sources16:46
Chak_82nisstyre65: did you see it?16:47
jukhzhelp julius gives ERROR: m_chkparam: you should specify at least one LM to run Julius!16:47
phlak_userMasterZuFu: if you dont have a graphical environment, add that line to /etc/apt/sources.list and then run sudo apt-get update16:47
MaMoUsmicrophone is not working ubuntu 10.0416:47
MasterZuFuok, one sec16:47
=== Jungli is now known as Jack666
phlak_user!cn| cy16:48
ubottucy: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk16:48
nisstyre65Chak_82: paste it to paste.ubuntu.com and send the link16:48
=== optimusP is now known as bumbblebee
phlak_user!jp| cyq16:48
ubottucyq: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい16:48
musahanyutheloo all16:48
wesselhow do I run the "task manager" in ubuntu?16:49
Chak_82nisstyre65: ok16:49
phlak_user!hi | musahanyut16:49
ubottumusahanyut: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:49
wesselctrl + shit+ esc doesnt work16:49
musahanyutany body know.. how to install point blank in ubuntu16:49
MagicJwhat file does 10.4 store the keyboard shortcuts in16:49
MasterZuFuphlak_user: you mean this line: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ebox/1.5/ubuntu lucid main16:49
MagicJI would like to be able to edit myself16:49
phlak_userMasterZuFu: yes16:49
Chak_82nisstyre65: http://paste.ubuntu.com/445165/16:49
phlak_user!cn| cyq16:49
ubottucyq: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk16:49
IdleOnewessel: System > Admin > System Monitor16:49
IdleOnecyq: /join #ubuntu-cn16:50
musahanyuti use winehq.. but cant not play16:50
underclockHow do I enable "jumperfree mode" on my Asus motherboard, I need to bump up my cpu speed, thanks.16:50
MasterZuFuphlak_user: W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 5F99A088342D17AC16:50
musahanyutanybody know?16:50
phlak_userMasterZuFu: in the same page you would have the public key also. you need to import that16:50
qwertyjustinHello - How Can I change my latop name?   it is currently justin-laptop16:51
qwertyjustinim in Lynx16:51
phlak_userqwertyjustin: sudo hostname new-name16:51
erUSUL!hostname | qwertyjustin16:51
ubottuqwertyjustin: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.16:51
wesselit says I have 8 CPU's :-/16:51
wesselI'm pretty sure I only have 416:51
Jack666phlak_user: phlack is boring16:51
evilmercenarySwedeMike, just a little feedback for you, and some thanks: i'm going to install ubuntu 10.04 x64 doing a full install later tonight or tomorrow. thanks for the help before16:51
phlak_userwessel: are they all dual core?16:51
phlak_userJack666: huh?16:51
Avaszis there default app. from whihc i can schedule poweroff time?16:51
wesselno, I think I have i7 quad core16:52
erUSULwessel: in some intel CPU --> four cpu cores + HT == 8 logical cpu's16:52
wesselhmm, okay16:52
nisstyre65Chak_82: it looks like you're trying to compile a kernel module...16:52
MasterZuFuphlak_user: *sigh* well, seems like i've instaled the wrong version key. I just copy and pasted without looking. how do i undo it?16:52
MasterZuFuI ran this: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 342D17AC16:52
Oerwessel, you do have 4 cores, but HT hyper treading gives 4 more instances, and so your system thinks you have 8 cores, is oke.16:52
Chak_82nisstyre65: mmm, no... im using some libs of SO to compile the package using make16:53
Chak_82nisstyre65: but it fails16:53
phlak_userMasterZuFu: use apt-key del keyid16:53
MasterZuFuphlak_user: wait, nvm, my mistake, it's the right key16:53
nisstyre65Chak_82: why can't you install the binary using apt-get?16:53
phlak_userMasterZuFu: ok16:53
nanoinusahi everybody16:53
nanoinusa<- new to ubuntu16:54
phlak_user!hi | nanoinusa16:54
ubottunanoinusa: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:54
xynta_Anyone know why my Ubuntu is consuming so much CPU? (i have installed the drivers for my graphic card)16:54
underclockDoes anybody here know about "jumperfree mode" on Asus?16:54
nisstyre65also Chak_82 it is a kernel module you're trying to compile16:54
nanoinusathe graphical installer is asking me for user and password16:54
MagicJdid I not ask my question properly or does no one know the answer16:54
nanoinusawhat should I use there?16:54
DaZxynta_: check in top16:54
IdleOneunderclock: ##hardware maybe16:54
Chak_82nisstyre65: theres no .deb official cisco package in the repositories of ubuntu16:54
Oeruser : ubuntu pass : empty ?16:55
xynta_DaZ: it says that Xorg is consuming 12% CPU16:55
liminalim getting an error when i try to mount a 2ndry harddrive16:55
IdleOneMagicJ: possible nobody knows try asking again :)16:55
nanoinusathanks oer16:55
nanoinusai'll try16:55
liminalubuntu is reporting a hardware fault, but i know the disk is not faulty16:55
Chak_82nisstyre65: and the alternate option is use vpnc but doesnt work properly16:55
MagicJok - ty - just wanted to check I had not done something wrong16:55
xynta_DaZ: 20% is idle16:55
bidis there a chan for ubuntu server?16:55
wesselthere is this default chat client which comes with ubuntu "eufemin" or something, I'm logged in to my msn account, but I can't actually chat to people :-/16:55
MagicJI want to edit the keyboard shortcuts myself16:55
wesselis this program not meant for chatting ?16:55
MagicJI want to do it in the file not using the gui16:55
DaZxynta_: what environment are you using?16:55
MagicJwhat file are they stored in16:55
xynta_DaZ: GNOME?16:56
wessel"Empathy" *16:56
MagicJon 10.416:56
DaZxynta_: with compiz?16:56
xynta_DaZ: yes16:56
nisstyre65Chak_82: I think it's related to the kernel16:56
liminalhere is my error16:56
nisstyre65there might be a patch for this version of the ubuntu kernel16:56
erUSULwessel: default IM client in ubuntu is "empathy"16:56
IdleOneMagicJ: there is your issue. ask your question in one line so that it does not get lost in the scroll16:57
DaZxynta_:i don't have any idea why,  it's weird. :f16:57
liminalpidgin is best16:57
Chak_82nisstyre65: im using 10.04 and its compliance with patches and updates16:57
nanoinusahello guys16:57
zipperhi i wanna know how come i am unable to move pictures to usr/share/backgrounds?16:57
nanoinusamy installation is not allowing me to go in16:57
MagicJty idleOne - I will try again16:57
nanoinusaI tried root user16:57
nanoinusai tried ubuntu user16:58
MasterZuFuphlak_user: I followed the directions here: http://trac.ebox-platform.com/wiki/Document/Documentation/InstallationGuide and ran the code to install ebox office and ebox all and it says it can't find the package.16:58
nanoinusabut is giving mew16:58
mzamanhow to see hide folder in ubuntu 9.0416:58
MagicJI want to edit the keyboard shortcuts on gnome - ubuntu 10.4 - what file are they stored in?16:58
nanoinusaauthentication failure16:58
nisstyre65Chak_82: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?s=f70b5a44da2e0be5ef8817b1bc6cb8aa&p=5553960&postcount=1216:58
joeyeyePlease help me solve frequent (every 2-3 days) gdm hangs in Lucid with 2.6.32-2216:58
nisstyre65though that's old16:58
zipperhi i wanna know how come i am unable to move pictures to usr/share/backgrounds?16:58
Oernanoinusa, user <empty> and pass : ubuntu ?16:58
atroy1994hello evry1!!!16:59
terryhow can I use RatioMaster.NET 0.42 here?16:59
phlak_userMasterZuFu: what packages are you installing?16:59
Chak_82nisstyre65: this is the procedure i was user16:59
xanguazipper: gksu nautilus ; make sure to not break anyting17:00
MasterZuFuphlak_user: I went to install them all, and it wouldn't let me, so I used their example.17:00
nisstyre65Chak_82: file a bug report, also try and find another option17:00
phlak_userMasterZuFu: ebox-all?17:00
MasterZuFusudo apt-get install ebox-office17:00
atroy1994how to shut down in ubuntu, is there no turnoff button like in windows?17:00
nisstyre65I think there's a client that cisco offers that you can compile and will work17:00
bidhow can i debug my internet problem? i dont have network access, netstat -i show the network device, ifconfig also show it but it's not brodcasting17:00
MasterZuFuand sudo apt-get install ebox-all17:00
terrywhere can I get help?17:00
mzamanhow to see hide folder in ubuntu 9.0417:00
terrytell the channel17:01
SwedeMike!ask | terry17:01
evilmercenaryanyone: i'm not in ubuntu right now, so i cant follow any instructions, but does the hardware driver application in ubuntu install nvidia proprietry graphics drivers?17:01
ubottuterry: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:01
Chak_82nisstyre65: where can i report this bug?17:01
bidping result with unreachable network17:01
xanguahas anyone tried this libpurple plugin¿¿ i can install the prpltwtr protocol but i can't install the gtkprpltwtr plugin http://code.google.com/p/prpltwtr/17:01
phlak_usermzaman: right-click and select "show hidden files" in nautilus17:01
evilmercenaryon 64 bit i mean17:01
SwedeMikeevilmercenary: it should.17:01
terryHow to install RatioMaster.NET 0.42 here?17:01
atroy1994which terminal?17:01
nisstyre65Chak_82: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ also search cisco's site for another client17:01
phlak_userMasterZuFu: did you run the sudo apt-get update before you ran these commands?17:01
Binary0010mzaman: in nautilus click on view and then show hidden  files17:02
MasterZuFuphlak_user: yes17:02
terryhelp me please17:02
phlak_userMasterZuFu: did it return with no errors?17:02
Chak_82nisstyre65: thank you17:02
Enguhl1how do i add repositories?17:02
MasterZuFuterry !anybody17:02
evilmercenaryok. thanks SwedeMike  ^^ much appreciated all your help17:02
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?17:02
E3bhello all, I'm using ubuntu 10.04, I have 2 users account, on the ubuntu login screen, I want to hide one user, is it possible?17:02
RocketLauncherMy MX518 mouse is scrolling pretty slowly. How do I fix this?17:02
phlak_user!patience | terry17:02
ubottuterry: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.17:02
MasterZuFuphlak_user: no17:02
atroy1994did not understand.!!17:02
phlak_userMasterZuFu: you mean it returned with errors?17:03
MasterZuFuphlak_user: no, it had no errors.17:03
RinkinHi all...anyone know how to get autocad 2010 to run in Ubuntu 9.10??17:03
MasterZuFuphlak_user: should I add the 4.1 backport mentioned on the page?17:03
phlak_userMasterZuFu: ok; does the remote box have ubuntu-server?17:03
erUSUL!appdb | Rinkin17:03
ubottuRinkin: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help17:03
MasterZuFuphlak_user: It has Ubuntu server 10.0417:04
xynta_Anyone know why my Ubuntu is consuming so much CPU? (i have installed the drivers for my graphic card) it says that Xorg is consuming 25% CPU usage -- What should I do?17:04
NailbarHey yall17:04
TecnaUsing a 8.04.1 LTS Live CD.  Brasero fails to burn.  Log: http://pastebin.com/cjGbRzvD  Attempted to run brasero as root to test/circumvent permissions: http://pastebin.com/Ws2m2TNz17:04
toolbearhello.  when i try to download the source code for a package, i get "gpgv: Can't check signature: public key not found".  what does this error mean and how can i prevent it?17:04
SwedeMikexynta_: check what application is running that uses graphics a lot, could be browser (flash), or something else.17:04
HaakonKLNailbar: What exactly is consuming the CPU power?`Can you pastebin the output from top?17:04
phlak_userMasterZuFu: can you remove that ppa and add the ones here --> http://trac.ebox-platform.com/wiki/Document/Announcement/1.517:04
MasterZuFuphlak_user: ok, one moment17:05
Rinkinubottu: ty17:05
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)17:05
NailbarHaakonKL, you got the wrong guy. I got no problem with my CPU17:05
toolbearubottu: ty17:05
Elad-hello all, I'm using ubuntu 10.04, I have 2 users account, on the ubuntu login screen, I want to hide one user, is it possible?17:05
_pg_how do i enable internet sharing -->ethernet to wireless in lucid?17:05
erUSUL!ics | _pg_17:06
ubottu_pg_: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php17:06
HaakonKLNailbar: Sorry... :) xynta_ :Can you pastebin the output of the top program?17:06
MasterZuFuphlak_user: I did that and ran sudo apt-get update, then ran the install for ebox again. same thing, error.17:06
_pg_erUSUL: can it be done from a live cd?17:06
phlak_userMasterZuFu: what is the error/17:07
_pg_sweet jesus thats so complicated.17:07
erUSUL_pg_: do not see why not...17:07
MasterZuFuphlak_user: E: Couldn't find package ebox-office17:07
erUSUL_pg_: try first the graphical way via Network Manager17:07
erUSUL_pg_: is the first paragraph17:07
xynta_HaakonKL, how do i do that?17:07
wesselhow can I remove this empaty from my task bar, and have pidgin instead?17:07
liminalhow do i run a chkdsk on an 2nd harddrive?17:07
edbianwessel, sudo apt-get install pidgin17:08
_pg_erUSUL: ah. didnt see that lol17:08
wesselits there already17:08
wesselits both running in the screen shot17:08
HaakonKLxynta_: open a terminal and type "top" and you'll get a neat report saying which programs use what resources.17:08
erUSUL_pg_: Ubuntu 9.10 method17:08
xynta_HaakonKL, it says that Xorg is using 16 % CPU17:08
HaakonKLxynta_: a pretty good indicator of the offending program will be found that way.17:08
edbianwessel, I see.  I don't think that pidgin is integrated into the user switcher applet like empathy is.17:09
HaakonKLxynta_: then your desktop is using a lot of resources somehow. Are you running any special effects or something similar17:09
toolbearubottu: tell me what "gpgv: Can't check signature: public key not found" means17:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:09
phlak_userMasterZuFu: can you follow this thread --> http://forum.ebox-platform.com/index.php?topic=3804.0 They seem to suggest a way17:09
edbianwessel, One guess: sudo apt-get remove empathy17:09
RocketLauncherMy MX518 mouse is scrolling pretty slowly. How do I fix this?17:09
liminalive got a  corrupted NTFS partition is there anyway i can save it ubuntu?17:09
MasterZuFuphlak_user: ok, I'll read it now17:09
xynta_HaakonKL, im running "Normal" on visual effects17:09
edbianwessel, You can set pidgin to show its own icon though17:09
wesseledbian, hmm, empaty would be fine it it would actually let me chat to people17:09
skeledrewhi. trying to install Lynx via Wubi. but i get the message "Error fsyncing/closing /dev/loop2: Input/output error" when it's completing the install. selecting retry gave "Operation not supported during write on /host/ubuntu/disks/swap.disk". choosing ignore "The creation of swap space in partition #1 of /host/ubuntu/disks/swap.disk failed". then it goes to the install screen for repartitioning, etc. quitting that causes it to r17:09
wesselif I click it I can't get my buddy list17:10
edbianwessel, Ha ha.  Is it being stubborn?17:10
erUSUL!undelete | liminal17:10
ubottuliminal: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel17:10
HaakonKLxynta_: If you shut all of them down, how's the cpu affected? (IT shouldn't have a huge impact, but you never know... :)17:10
wesselyes, its not empathetic at all17:10
phlak_userskeledrew: Lynx??? isnt that an RTOS?17:10
toolbearubottu: you good-for nothing lazy weasel of a bot.  help me for crying out loud!17:10
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:10
_pg_erUSUL: yeah i see it now thanks17:10
_pg_appreciate it! :D17:11
toolbearubottu: help17:11
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:11
xanguahas anyone tried this libpurple plugin¿¿ i can install the prpltwtr protocol but i can't install the gtkprpltwtr plugin http://code.google.com/p/prpltwtr/ and this is what i get from make && sudo make install http://pastebin.com/6Tu66GnL http://pastebin.com/PsqHef1m the plugin should be there, but is not :(17:11
xynta_HaakonKL, it's still 16 and is still consuming much CPU usage17:11
HaakonKLxynta_: That's really weird. At least we know that your desktop effects are not to blame.17:11
HaakonKLxynta_: what do you run on your desktop then? compiz/gnome?17:12
NailbarWhat information is meant to go into the Username, Password, and Network fields when adding a Mobile Broadband connection with NetworkManager?17:12
phlak_userxynta_: run top in a terminal; the process that's hogging cpu should be the one on the top17:12
xynta_HaakonKL, compiz and gnome .. is it because of my graphic drivers?17:12
Xzil0Can i install linux on reiserfs partition???17:12
Zeu5is tomboy notes sticky?17:13
judgetnot get my Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter  to work with 10.04 studio17:13
phlak_userNailbar: the settings that your mobile operator gave you; generally its blank; some places its the phone number itself17:13
B-r00tXzil0: :)17:13
Zeu5as in it will stay there even after reboot?17:13
HaakonKLxynta_: Not very likely. :) Did you recently install them, and then had these problems?17:13
judgethas anyone got a solution for the Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter in 10.04 studio?17:13
phlak_userZeu5: only if you add it to startup17:13
erUSULjudget: System>Admin...>hardware drivers ?17:13
RocketLauncherMy mouse is scrolling pretty slowly. I had to manually fix it for Firefox to scroll at the speed I'd like. Is tehre any way I can just fix it all-around? It's pretty slow.. usable.. but slow.17:13
HaakonKLxynta_: Do you have an old machine byw?17:13
Avaszhow can i schedule poweroff time?17:13
phlak_userAvasz: crontab17:14
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm17:14
Zeu5phlak_user: how do i add to startup17:14
Nailbarphlak_user: And after adding a connection, how do I get it to show as a left-click option?17:14
edbianAvasz, You can write a cron job or you can simple use the shutdown command if it's a one time deal.17:14
HaakonKLAvasz: you should check out the shutdown utility. Look up man shutdown in the terminal. :)17:14
SwedeMikeAvasz: "man shutdown"17:14
xynta_HaakonKL, No, it's a new machine.. The CPU usage was higher before I installed the drivers ..17:14
phlak_userZeu5: System-Preferences-Startup Applications17:14
Enguhl1could i get some help installing MOL? (mac on linux)17:14
ubottuFor PPC discussion, join #ubuntu-powerpc. For discussion on Mac software, or help with same, please visit ##apple.17:15
judgeterUSUL that only offers the video driver and i want to keep usin g the foss version17:15
HaakonKLxynta_: Then it's not likely that then.17:15
phlak_userNailbar: it will show up automatically if your USB dongle is recognized after its plugged in17:15
judgeteverything is great with 10.04 except the wireless not working17:15
zverneed help with julius, keeps saying ERROR: m_chkparam: you should  specify at least one LM to run Julius!17:15
MasterZuFuphlak_user: it's letting me install the ebox by itself, i'm wondering if that had to be installed first and THEN it installs the rest. it made no mention of this int he instrcutions though17:16
zverneed help with julius, keeps saying ERROR: m_chkparam: you should  specify at least one LM to run Julius!17:16
judgeteven cinelerra works with opengl w/o crashing :)17:16
phlak_userMasterZuFu: ok17:16
Nailbarphlak_user, Thanks17:16
MasterZuFuphlak_user: No, it's still saying package can't be found when trying to install the other modules (sudo apt-get install ebox-all)17:16
BluesKajmy memory fails me again , what's the path to rc.d /runlevel .so file17:16
judgetno device shows up for the wireless Atheros17:16
=== enzotib_ is now known as enzotib
mr-woofanyone having problems with awn not starting up in 10.04?17:17
phlak_userjudget: does it show up when you run lspci?17:17
HaakonKLxynta_: It seems to be some similar issues on launchpad, but that's with older drivers... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-96/+bug/17840017:17
GhostFreeman_How do I add a user so he can access sudo17:17
peter_curryHello.  I would like to do a re-installation of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx).  It is that complicated - or do I simply burn it onto one of my DVD-R's off the Ubuntu website - and then run the CD and follow the steps?17:17
phlak_usermr-woof: awn wont start if you dont run compiz17:17
zverneed help with julius, keeps saying ERROR: m_chkparam: you should  specify at least one LM to run Julius!17:17
liminalhow can i tell if a harddrive is mounted or not?17:17
mr-woofhmm compiz is running i think17:17
celeritasGhoseFreeman_, edit /etc/sudoers17:17
peter_curryI've already backed up my important stuff ...17:17
soreaujudget: What model atheros chip is it as reported by lspci?17:17
phlak_userGhostFreeman_: sudoers (but simpler way is to add him to the admin group in System-Administration-Users and Groups)17:17
zverliminal: run mount17:17
phlak_userliminal: mount17:18
liminalive run a fdisk -l and it shows the disk is on sdb217:18
banker247hey guys, rather new to ubuntu been using it for awhile now pretty familiar with it.. i'm still dual booting it since i have windows vista installed first.. i'm ready to make the full switch. is there any benefit to wiping out windows completely and just boot ubuntu?17:18
HaakonKLxynta_: Do you by any chance have an intel graphics card?17:18
GhostFreeman_thanks phlak_user17:18
nanoinusaSorry guys but I am starting to HATE ubuntu17:18
banker247will it make it run more efficiently?17:18
liminalbut when i select it in my computer i get an error about Failed to mount '/dev/sda517:18
xynta_HaakonKL, no it's Radeon HD 577017:18
nanoinusaI am trying to install17:18
Xzil0Can i install linux on reiserfs partition????17:18
phlak_userbanker247: nope17:18
TecnaSomebody please just tell me how to burn a cd using a live cd17:18
judgethavent used winblows for 3 years and i dont miss it at all17:18
liminali think my fstab might be messed17:18
phlak_userbanker247: unless you installed it using wubi17:18
nanoinusaand it starts and asks for user and password instead of asking to create one17:18
rskXzil0: yes.17:18
Xzil0rsk: kk tnx17:19
banker247i just installed it with the windows install download from ubuntu17:19
ianwizardStrange...  I just noticed that my machine shows 4 CPUs... on a dual core Atom.17:19
phlak_userTecna: install brasero and then burn17:19
gsp2009good morning... when I try to switch to tty, my fonts are so small that the text only appears basically as dots... anyone know where to fix this?17:19
Tecnaphlak_user: Doesn't work17:19
aosyshello. i am about to install xubuntu 10.04 but first i am trying to figure out the best way to partition my 60gb c:\ into 3 parts: 1 for Xubuntu, 1 for data (/home) & 1 for Linux-Swap RAM. I read I could do this by running Gparted Live off a USB (which I have already created). Is this a good way?17:19
judgetstill looking for a solution for  Atheros Communications Inc. AR928517:19
phlak_userTecna: what is the error?17:19
Tecnaphlak_user: I've been posting logs of the errors from that.  Let me get them up and paste again17:19
chalkhow come on ubuntu 10 my internet connection speed is slower?17:19
phlak_userjudget: did you run lspci?17:19
banker247so dual booting it causes no problems and i probably shouldn't go through all the aggravation of wiping windows and doing a clean install?17:20
peter_currybanker247: I don't see any need for Windows - unless you feel you still need to use it for some reason (certain functionality or certain application).  Personally, I would just remove it and save the disk space.  That's just my opinion.  However, if you think you are still going to need Windows for whatever reason - then I guess keep it on your system so you don't have to go purchase a CD for it if you want it back on ...17:20
judgetlspci shows 02:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)17:20
edbianbanker247, Dual booting is no more difficult than wiping and doing a clean install.17:20
judgetbut it does not appear in network manager17:20
erUSULjudget: if you do « iwconfig » does it show a wlan0 ? iface ?17:20
banker247edbian when i installed ubuntu i gave it a 15gb install size.. is there a way to increase it then?17:21
pelandrithello folks17:21
ianwizardaosys: There will be an option for that scheme when you install Xubutu.  Also, it gives you the option to manually partition on install.17:21
Tecnaphlak_user: http://pastebin.com/cjGbRzvD http://pastebin.com/Ws2m2TNz17:21
judgetjudget@tjlaptop:~$ iwconfig17:21
judgetlo        no wireless extensions.17:21
judgeteth0      no wireless extensions.17:21
peter_curryedbian: How do you wipe and do a clean install.  That's exactly what I want to right now for Ubuntu 10.04 LTS17:21
edbianjudget, That means that the system recognizes you have a device and that it is a wifi device but it doesn't have a driver (kernel module) loaded for it.17:21
celeritasgsp2009, check you kernel boot options for vga. you can change to vga=ask and remove splash to see the text17:21
xanguahas anyone tried this libpurple plugin¿¿ i can install the prpltwtr protocol but i can't install the gtkprpltwtr plugin http://code.google.com/p/prpltwtr/ and this is what i get from make && sudo make install http://pastebin.com/6Tu66GnL http://pastebin.com/PsqHef1m the plugin should be there, but is not :(17:21
peter_curryedbian: ???17:21
erUSULjudget: sudo rfkill list --> pastebin17:21
judgeti found a posting and tried to creat the module but it still dont work17:21
erUSUL!paste | judget17:21
ubottujudget: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:21
banker247peter_curry, you just download the .iso mount it on a cd-rom or usb disk then reboot and you can do it17:21
Zeu5phlak_user: thanks17:21
judgeti thought it was short enough17:22
edbianbanker247, There is.  You can resize / edit any partition you're not mounted on using gparted.  You can use a live CD so you're not mounted on any of them.  gparted is installed on a live cd by default.  It might be called "partition editor" it's in system -> admin17:22
zverhow had ever tried julius or sphinx and whant to share some info17:22
edbianpeter_curry, You use the live CD and manually partition using gparted (partition editor)17:22
gsp2009celeritas: so I am running lucid... that should be grub2 right?17:22
musictotohi! is there a way to install ubuntu on an old iBook G4? it's processor is PowerPC architecture17:22
liminalim having problems mounting a 2ndry harddrive, fdisk shows it to be on sdb2 however when i try to mount it i receieve errors refering it to sda517:22
celeritaslook in your menu.lst17:22
edbianpeter_curry, Do you have the system handy?  Can we talk while you work?  I can step you through it.17:22
jakswacan I bother anyone to help a poor unfortunate soul to brainstorm at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=150234617:22
gsp2009celeritas: ok.. thanks.. brb17:22
judgetI tied this posting http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130907217:23
judgetbut it dont work 4 me17:23
peter_currybanker247: I see.  So I just go onto the Ubuntu website and burn it onto a CD - and then run it?17:23
phlak_userTecna: did you follow this instruction --> message = "The system is too slow to write the CD at this speed. Try a lower speed"17:23
aosysianwizard: I have tried to install Xubuntu 10.04 before and when I reached step 4 it gave me the 2 choices you stated. The 1st automatic one said that it would wipe out my C:\ drive (the drive that contains XP). I was scared off from installing because of this. So are you saying to just go ahead with it?17:23
banker247peter_curry yea jsut download the ISO theres instructions on how to mount it on cd or usb, then restart system.. and it'll boot from that cd or usb and go through the install17:23
Tecnaphlak_user: It gives me errors at any speed.17:23
phlak_userTecna: 4x is ideal17:24
xangua!ppc | musictoto17:24
ubottumusictoto: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ17:24
zverliminal: output of your mount fdisk17:24
pelandriti have a driver package that needs libcupsys2 as dependancy, but now libcupsys2 is a virtual package of libcups2 in 10.04 and the package manager doesn't recognice that i have installed libcupsys2 althought the package manager itself says it is, any idea to solve the dependancy trouble?17:24
judgetwhat module should i be loading for the Atheros wifi does anyone know?17:24
peter_curryedbian: I don't want to do any partitioning.  I am currently running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.  I don't have any other OS installed or any other partition currently.  How could you walk me through it if I'm on the same system?  I don't have another computer handy ...17:24
musictotoxangua: thanks!17:24
phlak_userjudget: generally ath9k17:24
gsp2009celeritas: no menu.lst on my system... hmmmm17:24
peter_currybanker247: K.  Then it will completely wipe my hard drive install over the current installation, right?17:25
edbianpeter_curry, If you're running ubuntu 10.04 what are you burning / installing?17:25
banker247peter_curry i believe you'll get an option to format the drive at install17:25
judgetath9k is the module? can I get that from synaptic?17:25
erUSULjudget: ath9k iirc17:25
edbianpeter_curry, You can install and use an IRC client on the live CD.17:25
celeritasshould be somewhere in you boot partition17:25
banker247peter_curry are you just trying to test out ubuntu?17:25
phlak_userjudget: its already included in the kernel17:25
erUSULjudget: it comes in the kernel package17:25
soreaujudget: Ok, you have an AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01) which may be too knew for the kernel driver you're using. Can you show the output of 'lsmod|grep ath'?17:25
soreaujudget: pastebin it17:26
banker247peter_curry, because what i did was download the windows installer version and just launch it out of windows and it installed everything fine and i just dual boot it17:26
erUSULjudget: you can also install « linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic »17:26
edbianbanker247, wubi?17:26
soreaujudget: ath9k is a kernel module. It's provided by the linux kernel17:26
peter_curryedbian: I just want to a fresh install for my own reasons.  I also don't have Ubuntu 10.04 LTS burned to a CD yet.  I started with 9.10 - and then it automatically upgraded me to 10.04 through the Update Manager.17:26
zverwho had ever tried julius or sphinx and whant to share usage info17:26
banker247edbian, yes wubi i believe17:27
apparlehi guys, I had a powercut and I am running a desktop without a UPS. So it seems it corrupted my fs somehow, now I get run fsck manually. I cannot go into recovery mode as well. I am running a wubi installtion of lucid. Plz help17:27
celeritasgsp2009, try /boot/grub/menu.lst17:27
banker247edbian is that a bad choice?17:27
aosysianwizard: i should mention that Step 4 of the Xubuntu 10.04 installer is a bit different than Step 4 of the Ubuntu 10.04 installer.17:27
edbianbanker247, no17:27
phlak_userceleritas: gsp2009 nope, since Karmic, its now grub2 and theres no menu.lst17:27
judgethere is the pastebin http://pastebin.com/hXaX5wd917:27
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.17:27
soreau! who | judget17:27
edbianbanker247, It is just difficult to get support for.  Many people don't like to deal with it because it isn't real and it is very difficult to fix when broken17:27
ubottujudget: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:28
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub217:28
banker247edbian i guess what i'm trying to ascertain is... is it better/more efficient to do a clean install of ubuntu after you wipe windows.. so its not dual booting17:28
peter_curryedbian: Now, is this "Live CD" essentially what I will be burning off the Ubuntu website?17:28
edbianpeter_curry, Then yeah just burn the CD and in the installer choose "use entire disk" and ubuntu will erase everything.17:28
soreaujudget: Ah, looks like someone installed madwifi at one point17:28
gsp2009phlak_user: thanks.17:28
banker247edbian i'm running lucid version 10 somethin17:28
tshirthi everyone. How can I make my account as root. I added to admin group but i didnt work.17:28
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:28
soreaujudget: Try this: sudo rmmod ath_pci && sudo modprobe ath_pci && iwconfig17:28
judgetsoreau yues i did17:28
edbianpeter_curry, Yes.  You download from the website an .iso file.  Which is an image of a CD.  Once you burn it to a CD using and .iso burner you have a live CD.17:28
aosysI remember when I installed Ubuntu 10.04 I had 3 options at Step 4. And the 1st option (the automatic one) did not say my entire drive would get wiped.17:29
edbianpeter_curry, Didn't you do this with 9.10?17:29
phlak_usertshirt: you need to type sudo before every command to run it as root17:29
soreaujudget: madwifi is out-pf-date and no longer maintained. You should be using the ath*k kernel modules17:29
banker247edbian, i thought its just an installer so i'm really using wubi?17:29
soreaujudget: gah, I gave you wrong command sorry17:29
soreaujudget: Try this: sudo rmmod ath_pci && sudo modprobe ath9k && iwconfig17:29
celeritasgsp2009, its grub.cfg instead of menu.lst17:29
Tecnatshirt: Ignore ubottu.  There is a root password, but it's scrambled by default because logging in as root poses a serious security risk.17:30
judgetsoreau plse see this pastbin http://pastebin.com/Q5bF5SL217:30
aosysSo that is why I am thinking I should shhrink C:\ from 60gb to 25gb thus creating free space. Maybe that will allow Xubuntu to recongize that it can install it with out wiping the drive17:30
soreaujudget: Try this: sudo rmmod ath_pci; sudo modprobe ath9k && iwconfig17:30
edbianbanker247, Does "ubuntu" show up in your add / remove programs in windows?  Do you have an ext3 or 4 partition?17:30
Digistrashi all17:30
phlak_usertshirt: you can do a sudo -i to get a root shell17:30
Digistrasi'm new to ubuntu17:30
banker247ubuntu is in my add/remove yes17:30
celeritasgsp2009, nevermind, you are not supposed to edit that file17:30
edbianbanker247, Than you have wubi.17:30
=== noplamodo_ is now known as noplamodo
judgetsoreau how to remove the mad wifi ?17:30
edbianDigistras, Welcome! :)17:30
banker247edbian, how do i check my et3 or 4?17:30
phlak_userceleritas: gsp2009 you should edit /etc/default/grub17:30
peter_currybanker247: What you can do is - while you are running the Ubuntu install - it will simply ask you if you want Ubuntu on the entire drive or only on a portion.  If you choose to have it on the entire hard drive, then Windows is automatically erased.17:30
aciculaTecna, check shadow, there is no root password set17:31
Digistrasi need to know...are major manifactures creating drivers for ubuntu?17:31
soreaujudget: Depends on how you installed it. But for now, let's just make sure ath9k works for you. So run sudo rmmod ath_pci; sudo modprobe ath9k && iwconfig17:31
banker247edbian i believe i'm using ext417:31
edbianbanker247, Well no offense but if you don't know if your harddrive is partitioned than it probably isn't.  wubi is a tricky.  It actually installs linux in a big file in your NTFS partition.17:31
peter_curryedbian: Yes, I did already did this with 9.10.  But I would also like 10.04 LTS as a live CD.17:31
RocketLauncherMy mouse is scrolling pretty slowly. I had to manually fix it for Firefox to scroll at the speed I'd like. Is tehre any way I can just fix it all-around? It's pretty slow.. usable.. but slow.17:31
gsp2009phlak_user: perfect.. thanks.. .so there should be an option in there to fix my fonts being too small in tty?17:31
edbianpeter_curry, Than download and burn it! :)17:31
Tecnaacicula: Really?  That's weird, because I change my root password all the time.17:31
celeritasgsp2009, you can edit the command at boot time17:32
edbianaosys, What?17:32
aciculaTecna, well if you set it yourself then obviously there will be one, its not set by default however17:32
judgetsoreau look at this pls http://pastebin.com/RQt3zxVH17:32
phlak_userRocketLauncher: there is no known way to do that system-wide; you need to do it application wise; use smoothwheel for firefox etc etc17:32
phlak_usergsp2009: maybe (havent tried to change font size though)17:32
zverwho had ever tried julius or sphinx and whant to share usage info17:32
gsp2009celeritas: ok thanks.17:32
banker247edbian ok so i should prolly just reinstall everything off my .iso i downloaded and wipe windows?17:32
soreaujudget: yay, now you have wlan0. So so should have wifi stuff working (check your $GUI)17:32
gsp2009phlak_user: cool. thanks.17:33
judgetsoreau after that last command my wifi led is now blue as it shoud be17:33
aosysedbian: do you think I should create free space on my drive by shrinking C:\ partition from 60gb to 25gb so I can install Xubuntu 10.04?17:33
soreaujudget: Now let's get rid of madwifi. How did you install it?17:33
peter_curryedbian: Yes. Indeed :)  One more quick question.  I will have to re-install this IRC client (Konversation).  Will my username and such be retained - or will I have to set up everything again?17:33
banker247edbian i still have a recovery drive auto partitioned onmy HD since i have a laptop that i can't get rid of so i think windows is on there for recov17:33
tshirtthe thing is that i dont wanna type SUDO each time or go the terminal sudo gedit /var/www/addclient.php ....17:33
edbianbanker247, Well if you want to get rid of windows.  A proper linux install has it's own partition (does not use wubi) :)17:33
edbianaosys, Do you need space in linux and do you have extra space in windows?  Then yes.17:33
judgetsoreau I followd this post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130907217:33
sravanjehello friends, how to excute java servlets, jsp programs in ubuntu using tomcat-apache17:33
phlak_usertshirt: if you type sudo -i, you would get dropped into a # shell17:33
banker247edbian ok i'll be back.. L: ) i'm going to cleansweep everything17:34
Tecnaacicula: Seriously...  I read about the scrambled password in docs written by ubuntu devs.  Also, if there were no password, you'd be able to login without entering a password.17:34
edbianpeter_curry, I'm unclear on why you're reinstalling the irc client.  Are you re installing your operating system?  I thought you were just gonna burn 10.04 just to have a live CD copy of it.17:34
edbianbanker247, Have a great time! :D17:34
magn3tsDoes anyone know of a torrent client that works well with an encrypted home drive?17:34
peter_curryedbian: I'm sorry I wasn't clear.  Yes - I am reinstalling 10.04.17:34
tshirtbut sudo -i is temporal isnt it17:34
edbiantshirt, You can sudo -i and then you don't have to again until you restart the term / session17:35
xanguatshirt: don't use sudo with a graphic app, use gksu17:35
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)17:35
soreaujudget: ok first open /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and make sure ath9k is *not* in the file. If it is, comment out or remove any lines that say ath9k17:35
aosysedbian: yes i need space for linux data but i would like to have 3 partitions for my Linux install: 1 for Xubuntu 10.04, 1 for data (\home) and 1 for the Linux-Swap RAM.17:35
edbianpeter_curry, You will have to reset everything.  If you clean install you lose EVERYTHING.17:35
tshirtwhat is gksu _17:35
banker247edbian, i'm looking at my mounted iso and it has wubi.exe in it..17:35
celeritassudo su would work right. is that the same as sudo -i?17:35
soreaujudget: You can un-blacklist ath5k too if you want (optional)17:35
phlak_usertshirt: yes; it is generally believed (rightly so) that one needs to carry out tasks as superuser only certain times not always17:35
edbianpeter_curry, It will be like the computer you have now (in every virtual sense) will be gone forever.17:35
RocketLauncherphlak_user, I thought Ubuntu had mouse settings. This is counter-intuitive.. christ17:36
edbianbanker247, The live CD has the wubi installer built it.  It also has the proper installer.17:36
ht1hi!!! after quite long time i still can't find a solution to my ubuntu who won't boot http://yfrog.com/fvdscf6958j what can i do?17:36
peter_curryedbian: OK.  So after installing the IRC client again - what are the steps for getting back into this chat room?17:36
aciculaTecno, the password by default is set to a value that is never valid, so you cant enter any password that will be valid, until you set one, and authenticate as root.17:36
judgetsoreau we now have this result for iwconfig http://pastebin.com/RtH5HMVb17:36
soreaujudget: Next in /etc/modules, open the file and remove ath_pci from this file. This should stop it from trying to load ath_pci17:36
edbianpeter_curry, Well I think it will automatically find it for you because you're using ubuntu.  But /server irc.freenode.net17:36
jakswarestricting root (or very root-like user) from writing to a partition -- is it possible?17:37
edbianthen /join #ubuntu17:37
aosysedbian: so my question is: how do i insure that I get these 3 partitions made when I install? do i have to create them manually before installing? or will all 3 be made automatically?17:37
tshirtin graphic mode i cant create a program. i have to terminal sudo gedit bla bla17:37
soreaujudget: I already know what iwconfig looks like. We are removing madwifi right now, please pay attention17:37
sravanje hello friends, how to excute java servlets, jsp programs in ubuntu using tomcat-apache17:37
MaletorHow do I remove the "Genre" from RhythmBox?17:37
edbianpeter_curry, We're in the #ubuntu "channel" on the freenode server (irc.freenode.net)17:37
edbianaosys, I'm sorry I don't follow.  What 3 partitions do you want to have after your install and what do the partitions look like now?17:38
phlak_userjakswa: unless they ran inside a chroot jail, cant see how17:38
soreaujudget: Finally after those two files are edited, from the madwifi-ng directory, run 'sudo make uninstall'17:38
jakswaphlak_user: thanks17:38
aosysedbian: I have one 60gb partition right now. XP is on it.17:38
judgetsorea OK i removes the entries fro blacklist17:38
ffelfDigistras: no. if they create drivers for the linux kernel, those will be picked up by ubuntu and other systems.17:38
aosysedbian: I want to shrink the C:\ from 6ogb to 25gb.17:38
co_klatsswaduh jumpa org2 yg seiman di sini17:39
aosysedbain: then I want to use the other 35gb  for my Linux17:39
edbianaosys, That's only 2 partitions.17:39
zversravanje: try icedtea6-plugin17:39
MasterZuFuphlak_user: i'll have to deal with this tomorrow. it's 2 am here and I have to get up at 6 am to go to work. I'll ask again tomorrow. Thanks for the support.17:39
Digistrashow is ubuntu as compared to fedora?17:39
judgetsoreau uninstall is done17:39
rskDigistras: pretty much the same17:39
phlak_userjakswa: this might help (though i havent tried it myself) --> http://olivier.sessink.nl/jailkit/17:40
aosysedbian: but I want my Linux partition to contain 3 sub-partitions: 1 for Xubuntu, 1 for data and 1 for Linux-Swap17:40
judgetwhat next?17:40
phlak_userMasterZuFu: yw17:40
aosysedbian: that is what is recommended here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PartitioningSchemes17:40
soreaujudget: Did you remove ath_pci from /etc/modules file?17:40
judgetsoreau do I rebpoot or tey to load the module now?17:40
=== MasterZuFu is now known as MasterZuFu|Bed
judgetsoreau I will check17:40
edbianaosys, Ok, excellent!  You want to do things the proper way! :)17:40
aosysedbian: totally! :)17:41
edbianaosys, Do you have the Live CD running on the machine right now?  Can we talk while you do this?17:41
edbianaosys, There are a lot of steps involved.17:41
freedom1heya, my kde has extra LARGE fonts in what file was the config for this17:41
oCean_jakswa: just read your forum message. You can restrict sudo command options, configuring /etc/sudoers17:41
sravanjezver: how can i use this plugin to my java jsp&servlet programs17:41
aosysedbian: i am finishing CHKDSK right now.17:41
edbianaosys, wow.  Good call.17:41
judgetsoreau it is in there 2 times as ath_pci17:41
edbianaosys, You really do things right the first time huh.17:41
soreaujudget: Get rid of both17:42
aosysedbian: that is what they recommend at the help section. i dont want to screw it up.17:42
aosysedbian: will you be on here later?17:42
judgetsoreau done got rid of both17:42
edbianaosys, I should be.17:42
soreaujudget: Now look at the output of 'lsmod'. This lists all currently loaded kernel modules. Since both the ath_pci and ath*k drivers have 'ath' in their name, we can conveniently pipe to grep to see which is loaded. So we use 'lsmod|grep ath' and since you have a wlan0 iface, I assume ath9k is loaded17:42
edbianaosys, Well, how much later?17:42
aosysedbian: if not is there a way i could get your email? i will be back in 2.5 hours.17:43
zversravanje: how you whant use them?17:43
sravanjeto execute the java programs in my system17:43
soreaujudget: At this point you shouldn't even have to reboot, but you're system is setup so that on next reboot, it will load the correct driver for your card with is ath9k. In the future, check the date on the guide you're reading17:43
jakswaoCean_ thanks, do you know how I'd restrict a command -- say the "mount" command?17:43
edbianaosys, Probably should've /msg'd that17:43
edbianaosys, ha ha17:43
soreauyour* and which*17:44
brontoeeevirtualbox, how would i share same settings and machines with multiple users on the system (lucid)17:44
oCean_jakswa: let me show you17:44
aosysedbian: yeah man, i was thinking bad idea. maybe you should change your address soon. :)17:44
freedom1where was that config where u put dpi in ? my fonts are way too laarge17:44
shubbarprinter Canon LBP 3300 and 3360 are almost identical, yet the ubuntu driver for 3360 does not work for 330017:44
judgetsoreau here is resulkt of lsmod | grep ath --> http://pastebin.com/kx4up7B417:44
aosysedbian: so how much longer do you think you will be on for?17:44
edbian!ops Can I somehow get that bit taken out of the logs?17:44
soreaujudget: So check wicd or whatever wifi thingy in your panel for wifi17:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:44
edbianMaybe 2 hours17:45
edbianCan't say for sure.17:45
xanguahas anyone tried this libpurple plugin with success¿ i can install the prpltwtr protocol but i can't install the gtkprpltwtr plugin http://code.google.com/p/prpltwtr/ and this is what i get from make && sudo make install http://pastebin.com/6Tu66GnL http://pastebin.com/PsqHef1m the plugin should be there, but is not :(17:45
IdleOneedbian: #ubuntu-ops17:45
judgetno thingy in panel?? soreau17:45
oCean_jakswa: don't say it is completely watertight, but this is an example you can start with: http://paste.ubuntu.com/445181/17:45
soreaujudget: I thought you said.. hang on17:45
nhandleredbian: The only people who have access to the logs on irclogs.ubuntu.com are the canonical sysadmins. You would need to file an rt ticket (email rt@ubuntu.com) to do that17:45
edbianIdleOne, Thanks17:45
aosysedbian: ok cool. either way i will be in touch.17:45
aosysedbian: take care17:45
judgetonly thing in panel is netywork monitor soreau17:46
edbianaosys, Thanks17:46
judgetI think my notification area is not showing17:46
jakswaoCean_: thanks greatly!  I'll check this out.17:46
aosysedbian: sure thing and thank you17:46
sravanjezver: plz reply me17:46
soreaujudget: ok well run wicd or whatever17:46
rundmctemp01--> hi17:46
soreaujudget: You're already ready to go, you can connect through CLI (if ubuntu NetworkManager doesn't interfere)17:47
soreaujudget: You can add a notification area to your panel..17:48
oCean_jakswa: your welcome. Sudo it pretty powerful, you may have to extend the config to suit your needs.17:48
Pirate_Hunter!themes > Pirate_Hunter17:48
ubottuPirate_Hunter, please see my private message17:48
judgetsoreau I added a notification area but it does not shjow anything17:48
MaletorI don't have any panels - how do I add a panel?17:49
soreaujudget: Do you have nm-applet or wicd running?17:49
tshirtthanks a lot ubotu, xangua, phlak_user17:49
Xcelldid you delete them ?17:49
bradpittaloha.. anybody successfully run android sdk on ubuntu lucid?17:49
MaletorXcell: yes17:50
Xcellnow you want them back ?17:50
MaletorI went to superuser to try and restore my notifications and i used gconftool17:50
jazballanyone used ubuntu music store? I brought some music didn't download to rhythm player just hung. was able to retrieve the music from my Ubuntu one account.17:50
Maletorthen it died. i want them back17:50
AppGuyi am having problems with ubuntu 10.04 being stretched to far to the left off the monitor screen17:50
judgetsolreau i tried CLI to start nm-applet says it is alreaDY RUNNUNG17:50
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode17:50
soreaujudget: Well if you can't see it in your panel, not sure what to tell you. Maybe try restarting X or reboot17:51
judgetsoreau yes i am gonna reboot now ill be back and thanks17:51
ffelfDigistras: fedora won't play mp3 files out of the box, because they're somehow not in a position to distribute mp3 decoders.17:51
mosnocool, 404 on ubuntu.com17:52
edbianDigistras, Neither is ubuntu or any distro that cares a lot about software freedom17:52
XcellMaletor-  try this :  http://www.watchingthenet.com/restore-panels-in-ubuntu-back-to-their-default-settings.html17:52
MaletorXcell: resolve http://www.watchingthenet.com/restore-panels-in-ubuntu-back-to-their-default-settings.html17:52
prodigelHi all. I have problems usin php mail() function, and I guess it has to do with my machine configuration. I have sendmail installed, but it takes too much time, and probably timeouts. Any idea is appreciated17:52
Maletoralmost beat you :D17:52
ffelfedbian: ?? http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/libmad017:52
zversravanje: for running java program you need jre17:53
tshirtbut is there a simple way to create text files (programs) on graphic mode without gksu  by privilegees things ...17:53
badnaamcan someone help me with my wireless please, it stopped working all of a sudden17:54
soreaubadcloud: Which wifi chip is it?17:54
judgetsoreau back after reboot for some reason I do not see network manager in notification area17:54
toon_hey, i use ubuntu and in the software center i noticed17:55
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Picitshirt: Why would you need to be root to create a text file?17:55
badnaamnot sure, how do I find out?17:55
toon_grub efi amd64.. should i use that tto improve boot speed?17:55
Picitshirt: Where are you trying to create this file?17:55
soreaujudget: Ok well that is a different issue unrelated to your driver. The driver seems to be in working order. If you'd like, I could show you how to use iwconfig and dhclient to connect via cli17:55
soreau! who | badcloud17:55
ubottubadcloud: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:55
soreau! who | badnaam17:55
ubottubadnaam: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:55
soreaubadnaam: If it's a pci card, use 'lspci'17:56
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zversravanje: have you install jre?17:56
tshirtpici. yes i have to go terminal then gedit /var/www/addclient.php otherwise when a try to save i cant17:56
KurtKrautprodigel, what sendmail logs says?17:56
zversravanje: and did you try with icedtea6?17:56
badnaamok cool, it's Intel Corporation WiFi Link 100 Series17:56
soreau! who | badnaam17:57
badnaamsoreau that was to answer your question17:57
platypus_Alright, as with every Ubuntu install, trying to get wireless up and running is giving me a headache. I've done some browsing, but it's early, not enough coffee, and lost. Could someone send me a link to a good walkthrough?17:57
tshirtpici i looking a way to simple open text editor write and save without terminal17:57
soreaubadnaam: Yea please use my nick in what you say because it makes it so much easier for me to help you17:57
Picitshirt: you could add your user to the group that owns the file17:58
azlonfor some reason my sound isn't working17:58
prodigelKurtKraut, I think it's working, but it takes minutes to send the email. I don't know where sendmail logs are stored by default17:58
badnaamsoreau, got it. so it was working just fine and then it stopped, won't get an ip from the router and now it keeps prompting me to password17:58
tshirtpici i did but i doesnt work17:58
soreaubadnaam: Now, can you explain exactly what is not working about it or what changed since it began to fail?17:58
prodigelKurtKraut, even restarting sendmail service took a minute or so ..17:58
Guest579i am having a problems with ubuntu lts latest version, when i boot, the dhcp client seems hang right after reboot, works if i retry, any ideas?17:58
judgetsoreau sure17:58
Picitshirt: What does ls -al say about that file?17:58
badnaamsoreau I am connected to the same router over ethernet which works fine,17:59
soreaubadnaam: Ah ok, so your driver is probably fine but every time you go to connect, it just goes back to prompting for password17:59
wikiikhi i've created a header file from a c program17:59
badnaamsoreau that's correct17:59
umislackif i install ubuntu 64bit, will wine also emulate a 64bit version of windows ?18:00
Daekdroomumislack, no18:00
soreaubadnaam: have you tried anything to fix it yet like reboot or anything?18:00
KurtKrautprodigel, I don't know where sendmail logs are stored because I don't use sendmail. But the first step to find what is wrong is reading the logs. I'll have to find where they are and read them.18:00
wikiikthe problem is that when i use function declared in this c file from another file including the header file, it doesn't find the funcion when it links18:00
umislackDaekdroom, ok, thank you18:00
wikiikhow can i solve the proble?18:00
badnaamsoreau yes i rebooted, disabled wireless and enabled again, entered the passwords multiple times18:00
soreaujudget: Yea I don't know how to make nm-applet appear in your panel though it should be relatively trivial18:00
tshirtpici i cannot create diretly from gedit.  gedit must have privilegees and that via terminal18:01
prodigelKurtKraut, K thanks very much. I have to go now18:01
Picitshirt: Yes, you'd need to make an intial change via the terminal to be able to make or edit files there18:01
azloni checked my sound settings in System > Preferences > Sound, but still no audio (and i did check the volume levels)18:01
soreaubadnaam: What encryption type is it?18:02
badnaamwep 64 bit18:02
badnaamsoreau wep 64 bit18:02
judgetsoreau it seems that my notofocation area is not functioning properly becoz nothing i have open creates an icxon there?18:02
soreaubadnaam: The only thing I can think is that NetworkManager is being weird.. can you trying killing this process as well as nm-applet then try connecting through CLI?18:02
soreaujudget: I know how to do some wifi and graphics driver stuff but ubuntu GUI stuff, their panel on all that notification stuff is beyond me18:03
badnaamsoreau, sure..how do I do that? I don't see a way to kill the process over networking manager ile. if Nm is the applet you see when you click on the taskbar18:03
tshirtpici. all files are -rw-r--r--18:03
soreauit either works or it doesn't, seems it's not in your case :P18:03
=== gnome is now known as lawford
tshirtpici on /var/www18:04
Guest579anybody have any problems with dhcp right after boot?18:04
soreaubadnaam: pastebin the output of 'ps ax|egrep -i "net|nm"18:04
=== marcio is now known as Guest77121
Guest77121e ai alguem do brasil18:04
soreaubadnaam: pastebin the output of 'ps ax|egrep -i "net|nm"|grep -v grep'18:04
judgetsoreau yea it has always just worked for me in the past but it seems to be misbehaving on this new install18:04
judgetdo u know how to add network manager to the panel?18:04
soreaujudget: What encryption type do you have?18:04
Picitshirt: Then you'd need to let them be writable by anyone in that group: sudo chmod -R g+w /var/www/18:04
judgeton my home wifi i have wep18:05
Guest77121e ai alguém pode me ajudar como eu posso gravar um filme no DVD que eu não estou sabendo pelo ubuntu18:05
soreaujudget: network manager is sort of the backend to nm-applet, which provides the little icon18:05
soreaujudget: In sys>prefs>startup programs, is it starting network manager and nm-applet?18:05
soreaujudget: but you said your notification area is broken because it displays notifications from no program18:06
tshirtpici BIG THANKS18:06
Picitshirt: np18:06
badnaamsoreau. here it is..http://pastebin.org/310182, an update, I jst deleted the connection and set up another connection and now its connected. but I still wonder why it happened and why wireless is pain in general18:06
gimpyI have a media center with Ubuntu and sound stopped working out of no where.  PulseAudio is running, all volume is turned up, neither audio jacks give any sound, any ideas?18:06
azloni can get audio through my ip phone when i make that the default audio device, but not through the motherboard... how can i configure this?18:06
MaT-dgSometimes ubuntu doesn't respond to mouseclicks anymore. I can move the pointer, interact with the keyboard but can't click anywhere.18:06
judgetsoreau NM is checked in sys prefs startup18:07
judgethmmm also have wicd network manager tray18:07
MyWaygimpy: did you upgrade it?18:07
judgetmaybe i should remove wicd18:07
FlaffyBEhi, can anyone explain me the benefits (if they exist) of Grub-efi-amd64 over grub-pc18:08
soreaubadnaam: No idea, but I suspect the automagic handling they attempt with network manager and gui stuffs. I usually can all of that and connect manually when my ubuntu boots so it always gets connected and doesn't annoyingly ask for keys and passwords all the time18:08
azlongimpy: im having the same problem, let me know if you find a fix18:08
gimpyMyWay: No recent changes, this was originally a clean install of Karmic18:08
kermitwhy is my atop.log 200MB?18:08
judgetsoreau do I need wicd?18:08
soreaujudget: No18:08
judgetok i thought not18:08
badnaamsoreau, am I using the coreect network manager?18:08
judgetin the past it just worked in 9.1018:08
soreaubadnaam: The correct one for ubuntu, yes18:09
Guest579why is update server so slow18:09
MaT-dgFlaffyBE: are you on a mac by any chance?18:09
soreaujudget: Like I said, it's already working. It's just your panel is screwed up. Have you tried restarting it? (with 'killall gnome-panel')18:09
badnaamsoreau, ok, well I guess thats just the way it is eh? thanks for your help!18:09
gimpyGuest579: I'm having no problems with the servers.18:09
IdleOneGuest579: try changing servers in System > Admin > Software Sources18:09
soreaubadnaam: so you just deleted something from the panel and re-added it?18:09
Digistrasso which 1 is more recomended? fedora or ubuntu...read up a few but still can't see the difference?18:10
badnaamquestion for the forum in general, how many have upgraded to the latest 10.x version, is it stable enough for a noob to try?18:10
MyWaygimpy: because i had the same problem today and i solved doing: sudo adduser $USER audio then rebooting18:10
judgetsoreau yea did that just now18:10
soreaubadnaam: yea 10.04 should be fine (worksforme)18:10
badnaamsoreau, that's correct, deleted my existing wireless connection and readded the same thing18:10
soreaubadnaam: ok18:10
|dastan|i hve xp & win7. want to delete win7 & install ubuntu. how to go about it?18:10
gimpyMyWay: I'll try that18:10
badnaamsoreau, may be an upgrade will fix the nm kinks18:10
judgetsoreau i think i will do some search for issues with gnome panel in 10.0418:10
Guest579gimpy, IdleOne, why is dhcp hanging right after reboot (works fine if i retry)?18:11
gimpydastan: XP and 7 in a dual boot on the same machine?18:11
soreaujudget: good idea.18:11
|dastan|gimpy, yes. it also contains fedora 1118:11
IdleOneGuest579: no idea18:12
Guest579gimpy, IdleOne, must have something to do with the quick boot implementation18:12
zversravanje: you still need my help?18:12
gimpydastan: If you have free space on your hard drive, just run the Ubuntu installer, it will see the other OS and do a multi-boot for you.  But BACK UP FIRST.18:12
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judgetbecoz there was always a network icon and if i clicked it would show me the wireless net avail18:12
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gimpydastan: Figurte out which partition Windows 7 is and remove it during the install of Ubuntu and tell ubuntu to use that partition18:13
kermithow much free space do i need to upgrade to 10.4?18:13
|dastan|gimpy, what about the mbr of win7 that has overwritten xp's? won't that cause a prob?18:13
bittinHello, i was trying to Update my Grand Paretns Kubuntu, system but Kpackagekit failed when it was 22minutes left of installing packages and i rebooted the computer, to see what happend and now i got a broken Kubuntu system, is there anyway to let it continue the update, or check what packages its missing?18:14
XVampireXHi I'm using 10.04 can anyone please help me out with optimizing intel graphics?18:14
gimpydastan: Ubuntu will over-write that with GRUB18:14
Guest579gimpy, IdleOne, archive.ubuntu.com is very slow for me, ~10 kb/s :(18:14
acicula|dastan|, xp and win7 will have boot information on their own partition, so you should be able to safely change the MBR18:14
parejitaalguna parejaa?¿18:14
acicula(and boot the partitions directly via chainloading, but ubuntu should detect those)18:15
alkemanni want to shift+ctrl drag and drop a file to create a symlink, but i get permission denied. how do I sudo a drag and drop?18:15
kermitwill upgrading check to see if i have enough space before starting?18:15
zver!servanje anyway for running your java applets you can use appletviewer18:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:15
aciculaalkemann, you could run nautilus as root via gksu, but its not really recommended, what are you trying to symlink?18:15
IdleOneGuest579: change servers in System > Administration > Software Sources.18:15
Guest579i did18:16
solowI just installed phpmyadmin, and used sudo apt-get remove phpmyadmin to remove it *because I did something wrong* But now it's no longer asking me the config questions..18:16
gimpyMyWay: Nope, that didn't fix the auio problem18:16
Guest579IdleOne, changed from server from united states to main server18:16
zver!servanje anyway for running your java applets you can use appletviewer | servanje18:16
aciculasolow, remove it with --purge to remove configuration files also18:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:16
=== sean is now known as Guest28306
zverservanje: anyway for running your java applets you can use appletviewer18:16
Leonis this working?18:16
Guest28306can someone help me out?18:16
solowacicula, so, sudo apt-get remove phpmyadmin --purge18:16
=== Leon is now known as Guest83248
Guest83248someone talk please18:17
aciculasolid_liq, yeh18:17
zverwhat you whant?18:17
IdleOneGuest579: select a server that is closer to you geographically18:17
aciculasolow, yeah,  may have to put --purge right behind the remove18:17
Guest28306anyone else having an audio issue?18:17
solowacicula, purge in the ende worked just fine. thanks :)18:17
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.18:17
Guest28306i just installed the newest version of ubuntu18:17
acicula!hi | Guest8324818:17
ubottuGuest83248: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:17
bazhangGuest83248, did you have a support question? if so please ask18:18
Guest28306and i have no sound at all18:18
Guest579IdleOne, it doesn't give me a list of geographically marked servers18:18
Guest28306i've tried installing alsa, and nothing seems to work for me18:18
Guest579IdleOne, never mind, found it18:19
badnaamsoreau, i spoke too soon, it looked like it connected but it actually isn't18:19
azlongimpy: were you able to fix your audio?18:19
IdleOneGuest579: click on the dropdown menu where the server is listed and select other18:19
badnaamsoreau, it never got an ip address and now its back to prompting to18:19
azlonMyWay: I just tried adding my user to AUDIO and restarted but still no luck...18:19
IdleOneGuest579: that will bring up a list and then you can navigate to a server that is better for you18:19
gimpyazlon: Nope, still broken.18:19
Guest579IdleOne, right, got it18:19
mondragonoh realtek 8111C, how I hate thee.....18:20
tshirtpici: i created a test  and i got18:20
Mekzholan1Hi, what's the correct upstart trigger to wait wait for (start on ...) if I need to wait till all networking interfaces are ready, including DHCP?18:20
tshirtCould not save the file /var/www/eraseme.php.18:20
tshirtYou do not have the permissions necessary to save the file. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again.18:20
Guest579IdleOne, now if only i could fix this network issue18:20
FloodBot4tshirt: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:20
IdleOneGuest579: also in that window list there is a Select best server button18:20
rosco_yDoes anyone have a recommendation for a favorite cdrom burning software?18:20
Dr_Willisrosco_y:  to make audio cd? or just data cd? I tend to use k3b mainly18:20
rosco_ydata cd18:20
aciculatshirt, its a system directory thats not writeable by everyone, which is proably what you want when you are running a php webserver18:20
bazhang!burners | rosco_y18:20
ubotturosco_y: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto18:20
rosco_yThank you peoples!18:20
tshirtpici tried to save /var/www with -rw-rw-r--18:21
Guest28306can anyone help me figure out how to get my audio working on by ubuntu 10. installation?18:21
rosco_yGuest28306: try playing with alsamixer18:21
Guest28306i did18:22
Guest28306i installed alsamixer and nothing happened18:22
soreau! audio | Guest2830618:22
Mekzholan1Oh, it was a bit bussy, so I dare to ask again:18:22
ubottuGuest28306: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.18:22
Mekzholan1what's the correct upstart trigger to wait wait for (start on ...) if I need to wait till all networking interfaces are ready, including DHCP?18:22
rosco_yGuest28306: did you run the alsamixer at the command line?18:22
Guest28306yeah i did18:22
jdneatAnyone in here with experiance creating massive raid groups?  I'm building a 30 disk raid 5 and curious how long this will take...18:22
Ek|mu5hello all, anyone here have problems with network-manager-openvpn adding an extra route?18:23
rosco_yshoot, that always worked for me18:23
Guest28306i don't think that it is recognizing my motherboard as a sound device18:23
badnaamcan someone help me with my wireless problem please?18:23
solowacicula, It's still not doing what I want it to do. I just want to remove everything I've done and start over18:23
gimpyjdneat: You sure 30 in a RAID5 is a good idea?  Why not a 50 or something?18:24
mondragonanyone know why when you use dhcp for an interface in /etc/network/interfaces, you can't set any other options?18:24
rosco_y What software should I use to make an iso?18:24
wensleydaleHi all. Is there a linux equivalent for "VirtualWifi"? I want to connect to multiple access-points at once.18:24
rosco_y(of a directory tree and it's files)18:24
aciculasolow, dunno what other configuration files remain behind18:24
Dr_Willisrosco_y:  k3b can do that also... and most of the other burning tools.18:25
solowacicula, I just did "sudo apt-get install mysql-server" and it doesn't ask me to set a database root password.18:25
zverhow to hide my real machine address in irc i'm new to ircs i see people have ~xxx@asa.szs.sdfs.vfv.df how do i get like that?18:26
rosco_ysolow: try #mysql18:26
bazhang!cloak | zver18:26
ubottuzver: Want to hide your IP while connected to freenode? See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks  More information available in #freenode18:26
rosco_yDr_Willis: Thank you :)18:26
bazhangzver, /join #freenode18:26
peter_curryDoes anyone know why I don't get anything happening - when I put in a Memorex Printable DVD-R into my IBM Thinkpad (Running Ubuntu 10.04)?  Does it have to be formatted or something?18:27
badnaami think I my system acquired a virus!18:27
badnaamplease help!18:27
aciculasolow, hmm guess it doesnt purge the db settings, you'll have to manually reset the mysql root password(its not related to the system root account) then.18:27
rosco_ybadnaam: you are running ubuntu?18:27
rosco_ybadnaam: what makes you think you have a virus?18:28
tshirty como lo hago18:28
wensleydaleanyone know how to connect to multiple access-points?18:28
solowacicula, how is this done?18:29
badnaamrosco_y, my wireless stopped working and now I see all this gibberish wireless networks, hundreds! on my network applet18:29
cvasolow: sudo mysqladmin password "newpassword"18:29
badnaamrosco_y the wireless was working just fine, until last night and now it just won't get connect to a compeletely functional router and I see all this weird networks18:30
solowcva, thanks :)18:30
rosco_ybadnaam: sorry, that's out of my pay-grade....18:30
azlonhow can i tell what my current sound device is? when i do lspci i see: 00:0d.0 Multimedia audio controller: nVidia Corporation CK804 AC'97 Audio Controller (rev a2)18:31
wensleydaleno worries. much love, people.18:31
badnaamcan someone please help!18:31
peter_curryDoes anyone have any thoughts regarding my DVD-R not working?18:31
sporedihow do add ipv6 support to ubuntu i have server configure18:31
bazhangbadnaam, this is ubuntu? that's not a virus then18:31
rosco_ybadnaam: are you in a very populated area?18:32
donerbadnaam try to reboot your computer18:32
badnaamrosco_y no, this is not normal, I have already rebooted18:32
solowdoes anyone happen to know, how i can get a list of available php5 modules?18:32
badnaamyou can tell that theset nwroks are not really real or something else is going on, virus or whatever it is18:32
=== zver is now known as muzer
rosco_ybadnaam: maybe you can get by ignoring those weird connections18:33
donersolow, find in synaptic "php"18:33
=== muzer is now known as aretrfre34
rosco_ymaybe it'18:33
rosco_ymaybe it's sunspot activity18:33
badnaamsure only if I can connect to the one I want to18:33
rosco_ysignals are bouncing farther than they normally do18:33
rosco_yhave you gone into your modem's admin menu?18:33
goddardIs it possible to use an onboard GPU plus PCI express GPU?18:33
rosco_ycheck if everything is ok in there18:34
badnaamYep, I have been setting up this connection, everything is set up just fine18:34
rosco_ybadnaam: can you delete your current connection, and create a new one?  (alert: I'm a newbie--don't even know if you can do that in Linux)18:34
daneel_having trouble with opengl after upgrade to lucid18:35
daneel_window compositing works fine with my nvidia 9500GT, but glxinfo gives error18:35
peter_curryDoes anyone have any insight into why Ubuntu is not recognizing my DVD-R?18:35
ratonplayerjoin #empathy18:35
goddardpeter_curry did you reboot?18:36
aciculagoddard, yes18:36
goddardacicula how?18:36
Guest579man, all mirrors are slow as hell18:36
=== thibow is now known as thb|Ou7
peter_currygoddard: that would help?  I'm in the middle of downloading the ISO for Ubuntu 10.04, though ...18:36
BenFrankhi all.  I was just on my courscompass site doing trig homework, and in the middle of the lesson, buttons such as "pi, square root" quit working.  I know certain areas of the site require correct java and flash config, but that's all I know18:37
dEx_wich vnc client can manage to connect to a realvnc server?18:37
ActionParsnipdEx_: any as vncprotocol is standardised18:37
dEx_vncviewer always dies saying Connection reset by peer (104)18:37
dEx_after giving him the PW18:37
aciculagoddard, think you have to run a second X server for the second gpu18:37
BenFrankI usually research way before asking, but im sure the problem is unique18:37
ActionParsnipdEx_: the server app is moot, as long as its vnc, then vnc is vnc so any client will do18:38
goddardacicula ahh interesting18:38
aciculasomething like switching or hybrid(or hydra) is not supported though18:38
rosco_ypeter_curry: wait until your download finishes, and then reboot18:38
dEx_so why does vncviewer dies after the pw prompt?18:38
dontknowwhere2lohi there..18:39
ActionParsnipdEx_: launch it from a terminal, what is output? it may give clues18:39
rosco_ydEx_: I wonder if your password is the same on both ends?18:39
dEx_it is18:39
dontknowwhere2loi'm looking for sis vga drivers for peppermint os18:39
=== mohammad is now known as mohammad6006
peter_curryrosco_y: can you explain to me how rebooting helps? what's the issue?  Usually it will just recognize the CD without a problem.  Or am I still thinking like a Windows user?18:39
dEx_it says connected to host <IP>18:39
dEx_prompt the protocol version18:39
dEx_and ask for the pw18:39
rosco_ydEx_: what about your ports, do you need to specify a port?18:39
bazhangdontknowwhere2lo, then seek peppermint os support; this is Ubuntu18:39
victor_всем привет18:39
dEx_then it says read: Connection reset by peer (104=18:39
bazhang!ru | victor_18:40
ubottuvictor_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:40
ActionParsnipdontknowwhere2lo: peppermint isnt supported here, this is ubuntu support only18:40
dEx_i did and its forwarded18:40
BenFrankany java, flash geniuses in here?18:40
* BenFrank asks respectfully18:40
rosco_ypeter_curry: I'm a newbie.  All my solutions involve either rebooting or reformatting :)18:40
PipHello, I have multiple system(Linux) on this drive, including ubuntu, but I don't want to install ubuntu's grub, so how to add ubuntu's entry into the existing grub booting menu ?18:40
ActionParsnipBenFrank: i can install the plugins for browsers is as far as i go18:40
ActionParsnip!grub2 | pip18:40
ubottupip: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub218:40
BluesKajhmm, dhclient and /etc/network/interfaces don't seem to be starting at boot up ... any ideas ?18:40
rosco_yI'm more comfortable recommending a reboot tho--it seems more benign18:41
PipActionParsnip, The existing grub is grub 118:41
ActionParsnipPip: grub and grub2 are the same on any Linux as its the same project18:41
ActionParsnip!grub | pip18:41
ubottupip: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.18:41
peter_currygoddard: can you explain to me how rebooting helps? what's the issue?  Usually it will just recognize the CD without a problem.  Or am I still thinking like a Windows user?18:41
BenFrankActionParsnip: thank you.  That should be all i need; however, my box is amd and not supported much18:41
e68606:D :D :D18:42
e22749:D :D :D18:42
e37378:D :D :D18:42
BenFrankfirefox off course18:42
e87995:D :D :D18:42
e69507:D :D :D18:42
e61678:D :D :D18:42
e44139:D :D :D18:42
ActionParsnipBenFrank: amd cpus are supported just dandy :)18:42
e53222:D :D :D18:42
maco e53222 stop18:42
ActionParsnipBenFrank: there is no of course in linux18:42
DaekdroomI was about to use the ops call o.o18:42
macooh dang they're all different nicks18:42
ActionParsnipBenFrank: there is a 64bit flash ppa too :)18:43
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:43
Daekdroom!es | mariengs18:43
ubottumariengs: please see above18:43
macomariengs: #ubuntu-es18:43
BenFranki have seen something that worked before, and i got it working.  the problem is that it stopped working in the middle of a homework assignment.  i went back to previous problems, and it wouldn't work there either18:44
ActionParsnipBenFrank: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash18:44
PipActionParsnip, I didn't install grub on ubuntu, I just want to add kernel and intird lines on the existing grub menu so that I can boot into ubuntu18:44
BenFrankheard of anything like that before?18:45
ActionParsnipPip: then you can copy one of the existing entries which currently work and change the partition referenced18:45
linuxthis just an ubuntu channel?18:45
BenFranki guess i'll just have to go through the process again unless you have heard of a quick fix18:45
bazhanglinux, yes18:45
=== mondragon_ is now known as mondragon
MotherMGACan someone direct me to the merkat channel?18:45
ActionParsnipBenFrank: not really. Can you give the output of: uname -a; dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf    use http://pastebin.com18:45
gimpylinux: No, in here we only support Fedora18:46
ActionParsnipMotherMGA: #ubuntu+118:46
MotherMGAthank you sir.18:46
bazhangMotherMGA, #ubuntu+118:46
bazhanggimpy, ??18:46
e2467:D :D :D18:46
e67069:D :D :D18:46
e16562:D :D :D18:46
e97486:D :D :D18:46
e62730:D :D :D18:46
murkysomeone can tell what the best website i can download ubuntu them form it18:46
ActionParsnipoh jeez18:46
murkyro through it18:46
e77866:D :D :D18:46
e22255:D :D :D18:46
e69992:D :D :D18:46
e35836:D :D :D18:46
ActionParsnip!download | murky18:46
ubottumurky: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Lucid, and help keeping the servers' load low!18:46
ActionParsnip!torrents | murky18:46
ubottumurky: Lucid can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/lucid/desktop/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/lucid/server/ubuntu-10.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture.  Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com/18:46
* ActionParsnip thinks maverick is spiffy18:47
BluesKajActionParsnip, do you know of any reason why dhclient and /etc/network/interfaces have to be invoked in the cli at startup  ? the dhclient daemon isn't enabling at bootup18:47
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots18:48
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: could disable it then re-enable it, may kick it into life18:49
scrollhello #ubuntu18:49
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: or add a command in /etc/rc.local18:49
scrollI was wondering how to dissable te scrolling on the windows list on the bottom panel18:50
murkythat about installing theme18:50
murkyor not18:50
murkyor not18:51
Janhousehow can I make some service start last when computer boots?18:51
scroll(for some reaon it doesn't immediatly pop up when googling it, unless I'm doing it wrong or something)18:51
LauJensenI have a vhost with 4mb of free memory, how can I get a list of the top memory consumers?18:51
Janhousedhcpd3 in particular18:51
BenFrankActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/n1PVHyjw18:51
e29728:D :D :D18:52
e73179:D :D :D18:52
e14797:D :D :D18:52
e69451:D :D :D18:52
ActionParsnipBenFrank: ok well you have too many flash plugins and they are conflicting18:52
e6753:D :D :D18:52
e42280:D :D :D18:52
e27900:D :D :D18:52
e93700:D :D :D18:52
e98864:D :D :D18:52
e82468:D :D :D18:52
ikoniaMEGABRAKER: please don't add to it18:53
ActionParsnipBenFrank: http://pastebin.com/pncJQCZK18:54
JamesMRwhat is happening?18:54
ActionParsnipBenFrank: all as one command will remove all flash packages then give you the 64bit plugin alone, this will work fine18:54
LauJensenI have a vhost with 4mb of free memory, how can I get a list of the top memory consumers?18:54
ActionParsnipJamesMR: the trolls got out again18:54
BenFrankall right!18:54
ffelfLauJensen: top -o size18:54
BenFrankthats great18:54
ActionParsnipLauJensen: run: top    in a terminal18:54
LauJensenffelf: thanks18:54
ouyeshi all , I have a command cat `find ./ -type f` | wc, when I ran it in a folder there came out three numbers  477    1142    8139, but I do not know what are the numbers for?18:55
nick[0]hi.  My pulse misconfigures my usb audio device as an input rather than an output.  Where can I fix this?18:55
murkyi think no exposed to this problem18:55
kaushalhow do i empty multiple files18:55
wieshkais there somebody who has success on installing calendarserver on ubuntu karmic 9.04 ?18:55
BenFrankActionParsnip: i'll do it.18:55
DeliriumNocturnuLinux noob here...I am trying to install an application, have the c++ compiler installed, but am getting an error 'C++ preprocessor 'lib/cpp' fails sanity check'18:55
* BenFrank is waiting anxiously for his command18:56
nick[0]ouyes: newline work bytecount18:56
wieshkacorrection - 9.1018:56
ActionParsnipBenFrank: i gave a link to a pastebin for you to use18:56
ActionParsnipBenFrank: http://pastebin.com/pncJQCZK18:56
BenFrankok thanks18:56
kaushalActionParsnip, hi18:56
nick[0]ouyes: err, newline word bytecount18:56
kaushalhow do i empty multiple files18:56
ouyesnick[0], you mean word18:56
rethushave connected my wm6.5 pda with xubuntu 10.04. and i see eth2 (RNDIS) as conected device. How can i act with it?18:56
ActionParsnipouyes: you don't need cat there dude18:56
tripelbHello, I want something SIMPLE ok here goes the "big words" - I want a panel launcher icon for my ongoing "notes-of-the-day" file in gedit. I tried. It failed. Hey now, please tell me what to do!  [AND <color=appreciative purple> thanks. I am so glad for this channel</color>18:56
ouyesnick[0], so they are lines  words and bytes count18:57
ouyesActionParsnip, what ?18:57
azlonok, so i found out i have 3 audio devices, my graphics card, my motherboard, and my internet phone... how can i force linux to use the motherboard? this is the output of my cat /proc/asound/cards: http://www.pastebin.org/31036518:57
ouyesActionParsnip, why I do not need18:57
jribtripelb: what did you try exactly?18:57
DeliriumNocturnuno dice, eh?18:57
=== kaushal is now known as krssup
mondragondoes ufw remember the applications I've allowed, and where?18:57
ActionParsnipouyes: you don't need the cat or `s in the command18:57
Azur12hola hay alguna persona que hable español?18:57
Dr_Willistripelb:  one way. make a 2 line 'shell script' that  has the following lines. '#!/bin/bash      gedit /path/to/your/file.txt'   (on 2 lines) then chmod +x the script. and make a launcher that launches the script.18:58
jrib!es | Azur1218:58
ubottuAzur12: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:58
nick[0]ouyes: yes.  subfolders will be counted as "files"18:58
enzoI have a PCI wifi card in a server, and sometimes, I'd like to avoid wifi emission (really no wifi at all), do you think a simple ifconfig wlan0 down is enough ?18:58
ActionParsnipouyes: you can just use: find ./ -type f | wc   and it will work18:58
Dr_Willistripelb:  or make a launcher that runs 'gedit /path./to.your/thing.txt18:58
ActionParsnipenzo: i'd say so18:58
nick[0]actionparsnip: ouyes: exactly.  :-)18:58
ouyesActionParsnip, nope18:58
ActionParsnipenzo: you could even rmmod the driver module18:59
ouyesActionParsnip, I need to get all the information about the files in the fold18:59
enzoyes ActionParsnip18:59
ActionParsnipouyes: works here.18:59
ouyesActionParsnip, 3       3      40 I got this by find ./ -type f | wc18:59
enzoand ifconfig wlan0 up, then, even if wifi is misconfigurred, there'll be wifi emission right ?19:00
ActionParsnipenzo: it will routinely scan as far as i remember19:00
enzook ActionParsnip so wifi emission...19:00
BenFrankActionParsnip: "add-apt-repository: command not found"19:00
=== krssup is now known as kaushal
=== dEx_ is now known as dEx|bnc
BenFrankActionParsnip: all other commands worked fine19:01
ouyesActionParsnip, what is the first  319:01
ActionParsnipBenFrank: are you on karmic or lucid?19:01
rethushave connected my wm6.5 pda with xubuntu 10.04. and i see eth2 (RNDIS) as conected device. How can i act with it?19:01
BenFrankActionParsnip: i don't know19:01
DeliriumNocturnuwhat is the name of the package to install kernel-source?19:02
BenFrankActionParsnip: which command to find that out?19:02
ActionParsnipBenFrank: what's the output of: lsb_release -c19:02
DragonuvIs it possible to tell grub that next time I want to boot to windows and not to linux? (without having to touch the grub at boot)19:02
RaglanRoadhello, i've a nasty problem here with 10.04, i don't know why, but ram use is set on 95% and i'm not using it , i'm on 64-bit with 4 Gb Ram,19:03
PipActionParsnip, Actually I tried to add ubuntu's booting entry into the existing grub menu, but failed, saying: Error 15: File not found,19:03
DeliriumNocturnuI need to install kernel-source, apparently, can someone at least point me to a website?19:03
BenFrankActionParsnip: hardy.  that's another issue.  i can't upgrade19:03
tripelbjrib Dr_Willis -- what I tried was dragging the icon to the panel. Then I got a dialog bog asking me what application to use. I typed in gedit <enter>  -- then tried it, fail. === what I see now is it's more complicated and so I copied what you said to the file and will pick it up later on. Thanks.19:04
ActionParsnipBenFrank: http://ubuntu-tweak.com/source/sevenmachines-flash/19:04
enzoActionParsnip: I could test is a ifconfig wlan0 down is enough by launching a soft that detect wifi emission, you know a soft to do that ?19:04
PipActionParsnip, there is a grub.cfg file in /boot/grub on ubuntu /boot, and I referenced that file when adding the entry19:04
RaglanRoadeverything is responding slowly19:04
enzomaybe wifi radar ?19:04
ActionParsnipPip: then it'll need tweaking, i'm not good with grub as I only single boot19:04
PipActionParsnip, Does it have anything to do with encrypted file system ?19:04
BenFrankActionParsnip: wow.  i couldn't find this 9 months ago.  it would have made it easier the first time.  thank you very much!19:05
PipActionParsnip, even I do purely manually command line in grub> , could not find the kernel image with kernel command in /boot, weird19:05
GameFreakDoes anybody know of some good graphing software that does polar?19:05
Dragonuvhi, Is it possible to tell grub that next time I want to boot to windows and not to linux? (without having to touch the grub at boot)19:07
ouyesDragonuv, yes it is19:08
ouyesDragnslcr, you need to change the default options to windows19:08
Dragonuvwhere can I read about it?19:08
ouyesDragonuv, what version of ubuntu are you running ?19:09
ActionParsnipDragonuv: edit the default in /etc/default/grub then run: sudo update-grub19:09
Dragonuvright now 8, But im going to upgrade to 1019:09
DragonuvActionParsnip: wait, I said I want to restart to windwos from windows19:09
Dragonuvso I do not have a linux command line19:10
ouyesDragnslcr, search the file menu.lst19:10
azlonok, so i found out i have 3 audio devices, my graphics card, my motherboard, and my internet phone... how can i force linux to use the motherboard? this is the output of my cat /proc/asound/cards: http://www.pastebin.org/31036519:10
ouyesDragonuv, why you do not have ? you are not in linux now?19:10
ffelfGameFreak: at the gnuplot prompt, enter: set polar; plot sin(t)*sqrt(t)19:10
ouyesDragnslcr, ah then nothing we can do19:11
ouyesI have a blackberry 9520 the storm, how can I share its internet with my ubuntu ?19:11
DeliriumNocturnuI need to install the kernel-source, apparently, can someone at least point me to a website?19:12
christjohnpilarhey guys19:14
PFAHi, I need some help setting up my Internet connection on Ubuntu 10.04. I plugged the computer (a notebook) into my router via an ethernet cable, but nothing seems to be happening. Unfortunately I don't remember how I got this set up last time. Can anyone tell me what I should be doing?19:14
bazhangPFA, sudo dhclient eth019:15
ActionParsnipbazhang: beat me to it ;)19:15
ffelfouyes: is your blackberry having an ip address you can ping from your computer?19:15
PFAOkay, and what is this going to do?19:16
bazhangPFA, try to get a lease19:16
DeliriumNocturnuit's not going to work for me, thats for sure, hah I have the same problem19:16
ActionParsnipPFA: request an ip from the router19:16
PFA"No working leases in persistent database - sleeping."19:16
tic^DeliriumNocturnu: sudo apt-get instal linux source19:16
tripelbTell TWIMC: show desktop, workspace switcher "quit unexpectedly." I was trying to get more contrast on my panel and I lost a "workspace". Also "sorry, indicator applet closed unexpectedly." (I will report. They collect information.) That is all. 10.04 liveCD -- I have some "obsolete package versions installed. Well, they should change the liveCD then and give us an updated one. This sucks. There's a list of 20. I'm only using the livecd cause I'm-in-tro19:16
FloodBot2tripelb: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:16
ouyesffelf, I do not know19:16
tripelbsorry bot. I'm done.19:17
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode19:17
=== KungFuBear_aslee is now known as KungFuBear
DeliriumNocturnutic^: couldnt find package19:17
ubottuYou can identify automatically by using your NickServ password as the server password in your IRC client. When identifying manually, do NOT send the command from a channel's tab, or a typo may give away your password. If that happened, type « /msg NickServ set password <new-password> » in the server tab as soon as possible.19:17
tic^DeliriumNocturnu: i just searched for it in synaptic, it's there19:18
ffelfouyes: if you don't have tcp/ip between your blackberry and your ubuntu, you can't expect the blackberry to be an internet router for your ubuntu19:18
tic^DeliriumNocturnu: you have sources checked in software sources?19:19
PFAbazhang, ActionParsnip: it said "No working leases in persistent database - sleeping." What I do.19:19
aretrfre34anyone had gnome-voice-control working?19:19
LjL!zh | ylmfos19:19
ubottuylmfos: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk19:19
DeliriumNocturnutic^: i have linux-libc-dev, linux-generic, and linux-firmware19:19
Dragonuvhow do i access a linux partition from windows? I have tried numerous programs but none of them work19:20
ActionParsnipPFA: are ther elights flasing around the system's ethernet port?19:20
tic^DeliriumNocturnu: search for linus-source, i might have miss spelled it.19:20
ouyesffelf, I have usb data of my storm line connect to my pc19:20
tic^DeliriumNocturnu: linux-source19:20
PFAActionParsnip: yes19:20
ht1hi!! i've tried to make a bootble usp drive of ubuntu altarnate but it doesnt booted. why?19:21
strings@dragonuv, try ext2fsd19:21
azlonhow can i force linux to use one sound card over another?19:21
DragonuvI did, it didn't work19:21
merquis ht1: is your pc bios set up to accept USB as a boot source?19:22
ht1merquis, yes19:22
azlongimpy: any luck on that sound? i think i found my problem...19:22
saykouhello people any one o tried and installed successfully veetle for watch???19:22
ht1merquis, it's altarnate version19:22
infidi have dual monitors and after performing ubuntu updates the left monitor no longer turns on when ubuntu loads. it just pulses on and off. yet it works fine the whole time during the bios load up and the gnome login screen, but once i'm logged in it stops working. any ideas?19:22
bmathiseDragonuv: This is the way I do it: In /boot/grub/menu.lst I added a line after the first OS I use (ubuntu) with this text savedefault=4  After the last OS (Windows) I added a line that says savedefault=0  You may have to change the numbers according to the number of entries in your menu.lst Just count the lines starting with title and remember to start counting from 0 (first OS is number 0) This way, when I reboot from Ubuntu, Windows will be chosen, and whe19:22
DeliriumNocturnuno linux-source19:22
DeliriumNocturnuthis is a fresh install...19:22
dagny_ta1gartsaykou: I use Veetle with Firefox19:22
aretrfre34anyone tried gnome-voice-control, is it working?19:22
ActionParsnipsaykou: how does one "veetle" something?19:22
stringsdragionuv,is it detecting the partitions and failing while access or not detecting at all?19:22
PFAerr... it's working now19:22
merquisht1: ah, sorry :( not had any dealings with the alt version19:22
PFAthanks bazhang and ActionParsnip19:22
ActionParsniparetrfre34: i've seen videos of it, not tried it myself19:23
bazhangPFA, working?19:23
PFAno clue why :S19:23
saykoudagny_talgart how do you do, i cant install in my new ubuntu19:23
ActionParsnipPFA: gold is reached. who cares :)19:23
ht1when i will be able to install linux without any downloading??19:23
PFAwhile i'm here, how do i switch the close-minimize-maximize buttons to the other side of the window bar?19:23
ActionParsnip!controls | pfa19:23
ubottupfa: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d619:23
tic^DeliriumNocturnu: check your software sources and make sure "source code" is selected.19:24
bazhangPFA, /msg ubottu controls19:24
saykouActionparsnip its a program to watch channels online in veetle.com19:24
ActionParsnipht1: well you will need to download SOMETHING. The oS wont magically appear19:24
PFAtake care all19:24
prodigelHi all. Sending mail from a php script is really slow. Although it returns a true value it takes about 1 minute to execute. I think it's related to sendmail, as restarting the service takes a long time too. Any ideas why this behavior occurs?19:24
DeliriumNocturnuI can ping inside my network, but I don't have any internet access19:24
Dragonuvstrings: I have added 2 partitiosn to "my computer" and called them F and G and when I try to access them it asks me if i want to format them19:25
ActionParsnipsaykou: just downloading the .sh now, lets have some fun19:25
dagny_ta1gartsaykou: I installed the veetle software, and when I go to a veetle link in firefox it plays.  not in chrome though19:25
visofmy laptop has sim card slot  how can i investigate that ?19:25
dagny_ta1gartsaykou: i'm on karmic19:25
DeliriumNocturnuany ideas>19:25
=== Votan|off is now known as Votan
ffelfouyes: does the internet sharing work with windows?19:25
DeliriumNocturnutic^: thanks for the help, i'll get by without this application installed for now19:25
ActionParsnipDeliriumNocturnu: run: gksudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf   empty the file out and add these on 2 seperate lines: nameserver                nameserver
saykouActionparsnip: if you get any look tell me19:26
DeliriumNocturnuif I can get my internet up and running, I'll be set19:26
bmathiseI'm using Ubuntu 10.04. About a week ago, I ran some automatic updates. When I rebooted, Gnome wouldn't start anymore. I tried to install kubuntu-desktop and that works. However, I prefer Gnome and would like to have it back. I posted a thread about this here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1500721&page=2  Any suggestions?19:26
ActionParsnipDeliriumNocturnu: then save the file, close gedit and try the web19:26
=== Mion is now known as lvl1_housecat
DeliriumNocturnuthe nameservers i am using should be working19:26
ht1ActionParsnip, why the bios can't have extra program for installing an os?19:26
tic^DeliriumNocturnu: it's there, i see it in my synaptic.19:26
DeliriumNocturnuthey are working on my other systems19:26
=== Assurbanipal_ is now known as Assurbanipal
DeliriumNocturnutic^: i swear to you, it is not there when I look lol19:26
DeliriumNocturnuthe actual package name is linux-source?19:26
=== lvl1_housecat is now known as Mion
dan14has anyone used the 'perfect server' setup for ubuntu from HowToForge?  is that a worthwhile base?19:27
DeliriumNocturnusudo apt-get install linux-source can not find the package19:27
=== dEx|bnc is now known as dEx_
tic^DeliriumNocturnu: yes, make sure you have "source code" selected in "Software Sources" app.19:28
ActionParsnipht1: you can PXE boot the system from the network if your BIOS supports but you will need a PXE server, theres a distro which will boot off a server online but i forgot its name19:28
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ dan14 check this19:28
infidi have dual monitors and after performing ubuntu updates the left monitor no longer turns on when ubuntu loads. it just pulses on and off. yet it works fine the whole time during the bios load up and the gnome login screen, but once i'm logged in it stops working. any ideas?19:28
=== beachbrake is now known as SpecificMaximus
DeliriumNocturnuActionParsnip: bitchin, thanks for the help19:29
dan14bazhang: i read the ubuntu server guide by rankin and mako hill already19:29
shubbari installed Canon printer drivers v 2.0, but the statusmonitor gives me "Check the DevicePath of /etc/ccpd.conf", but its as I registed it /dev/usb/lp019:29
dan14im just not certain if ive caught everything i need to19:29
ActionParsnipDeliriumNocturnu: you need to add those servers in network managers config or the change will be lost on boot19:29
darttnyone knows a gud mmorpg on ubuntu?19:29
=== Tofu is now known as konbon
konbonHello everyone19:29
ht1ActionParsnip, why there is any need to anything more than a very simple software?19:29
ActionParsnipdartt: WoW runs excellently in wine19:29
DeliriumNocturnuaction: ok, thanks19:29
bazhangdan14, better to stay away from the perfect server guide; stick with Ubuntu wiki stuff19:30
ActionParsnipht1: how do you mean?19:30
tic^DeliriumNocturnu: open System/Administration/Software Sources and make sure "Source Code" is selected.19:30
dan14bazhang: ok i will trust you. thanks!19:30
darttActionParsnip: i wanna try smthing native19:30
MrPicard!ubuntu server19:30
ActionParsnip!games | dartt19:30
ubottudartt: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php19:30
ActionParsnipdartt: maybe something on there19:30
ht1ActionParsnip, just support to the internet and a simple downloading and extracting software19:30
konbonI have a question. I just installed ubuntu-desktop on ubuntu 10.4 server edition. My question is, how do i go to the GUI from ssh, once its all downloaded and configured?19:31
MrPicard!ubuntu server | MrPicard19:31
edbianWhere does banshee store it's album art?19:32
=== SpecificMaximus is now known as GenralMaximus
Docteh_konbon: "start gdm" or "startx" depending on exactly what you want ;)19:32
ActionParsnipht1: thers this: http://www.slitaz.org/en/  30Mb aint bad at all :)19:32
guntbert!askthebot | MrPicard19:32
ubottuMrPicard: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".19:32
konboni assume gdm is Gnome Destktop Manager?19:32
konbonam i right?19:32
soreaukonbon: you can either use ssh -X <app> or get X running then a vnc server so you can use a vnc client to vnc view the desktop19:32
Docteh_oh from ssh, didn't see that whoops19:33
konbonOh, nice, thanks :)19:33
edbiankonbon, if you're ssh ing into the server you need to forward the X session using the -X option when you connect initially.19:33
guntbertkonbon, gnome display manager19:33
konbonyeah, its a vpn i rented19:33
Docteh_konbon: ssh -X and gnome-session if you're hardcore and want everything19:33
=== root is now known as saykou
soreaukonbon: Does the server have a physical monitor connected to it? if not, gdm/X may not want to start19:33
konbonthought it was desktop, turns out its ssh + vnc only19:33
=== GenralMaximus is now known as beachbrake
RedXIIIhttp://www.slitaz.org/en/devel/index.html#kiss <- lol. "Keep it simple."19:34
konboni dont think it does19:34
konbonits a vpm19:34
RedXIIIMissed an S in there.19:34
saykouActionParsnip, any luck on installing veetle?19:34
florian_Hi. Is it possible to force the Ubuntu Soundconfiguration to use the PulseAudio Server at
[diablo]evening all.... anyone managed to get 10.04 running with an ATI Xpress 1250 please?19:34
ActionParsnipsaykou: yeah i got it, audio is a bit of but its working19:34
soreau[diablo]: Yes, what's wrong with it?19:34
=== effie_jayx_ is now known as keffie_jayx
konbonWell, it's still downloading a whole list of things19:35
konbonI'll try some of those triggers when its all done :)19:35
Docteh_konbon: VPN as in virtual private network, or do you mean like a vm (virtual machine)19:35
[diablo]hi soreau well... I installed it on my parents Samsung R20 laptop, on graphics...19:35
konbonvirtual private network19:35
[diablo]soreau, sorry, no graphics19:35
saykouActionParsnip, i couldn't install, i runned the script with root and all but no luck, i have the newst version of ubuntu19:35
ActionParsnipsaykou: i ran the script with sudo, hed down enter then copied the .so files in ~/.mozilla/plugins to /usr/lib/chromium-browser/plugins/19:35
soreau[diablo]: You will have to elaborate on what you mean by 'no graphics'19:35
ActionParsnipsaykou: you dont run it as root, run it as your user with sudo19:35
[diablo]soreau, Xorg does not run19:36
soreau[diablo]: Is it a clean install or an upgrade?19:36
[diablo]soreau, should it find the correct ATI driver by default? (And yes, clean install)19:36
saykouActionParsnip, i know19:36
soreau[diablo]: Did X work in the live session?19:36
ActionParsnipsaykou: why are you running it as root?19:36
saykouActionParsnip, thats what i deed, thats what i ment by saying as root19:36
[diablo]soreau, yep on live was OK,19:36
Dr_Willisflorian_:  its possible to have one machine play sound out of the speakers of a different machine on the same lan via pulse audio settings.19:36
ActionParsnipsaykou: ok19:37
saykouActionParsnip, but no luck with me dont know why,19:37
[diablo]soreau, with the radeon.modeset=019:37
ActionParsnipsaykou: possibly a bad download then19:37
soreau[diablo]: Can you pastebin the X log from the failed session?19:37
[diablo]soreau, not right this second... their using it atm (Windows yuk)... will be back later tho19:37
saykouActionParsnip, by the way, i dont have an /~mozzilla folder, hum, i have the new ubuntu maybe thats the problem19:38
soreau[diablo]: well I might not be here later. Better to ask for support when you actually have access to the machine (and time to mess with it)19:38
netechhow do i force my wireless usb nic to use the rt2870 drivers?19:38
jakexksperhaps you have a ~/.mozilla folder, if not a /~mozzilla one ;)19:38
ActionParsnipsaykou: make sure you either make the folder or launch crappy firefox19:38
[diablo]soreau, ok thanks19:39
PipIs there a way to load ubuntu installed with grub2 from grub ?19:39
saykouActionParsnip, gonna try19:39
EntityRebornIs there any way I can get a copy of the ubuntu repo? I'd mirror it, but my internet is crap slow.19:39
[diablo]ok thank you soreau19:40
ActionParsnipPip: sure, if you install grub2 it should detect the OSes afaik19:40
ActionParsnipPip: could as in #grub19:40
ouyesffelf, yes it works in windows19:41
soreau[diablo]: If you don't get a response here later, pastebin your X log and show the link to #radeon (you must have a registered irc nick to speak there)19:41
[diablo]ok soreau ciao19:41
Docteh_Pip: grub just needs to know where the kernel and initrd are, and to get passed a root device, so yes. you can even boot from grub to grub2 if you want19:42
ouyesffelf, in windows , the system will recognise my storm a modem and I can get internet by the modem on my cell phone19:42
PipActionParsnip, First of all, I'm not sure if I installed grub on the partition where ubuntu is installed ; secondly I'm not on ubuntu, and I can't get ubuntu booted after installation since there is no loading program that loads ubuntu successfully, there is an existing grub installed on MBR, but I tried to edit the menu.lst file on another Linux dist , but still could not get newly installed ubuntu booted19:42
PipDocteh_, that's the problem, I got Error 15: File not found19:43
ActionParsnipPip: you can boot to the other OSes and install grub2 there, or boot to ubuntu livecd and install grub2 thre19:43
Docteh_Pip: probe around for the right (hd0,1) etc from the grub prompt19:43
PipThere are vmlinz and  initrd file there in /boot19:43
PipActionParsnip, why do I need to install grub2 ?19:43
Docteh_just type "kernel (hd" and hit tab twice19:43
PipSince I have a grub on MBR already19:44
PFAback again -_-19:44
tundrayeti311from the command line, is there a way to launch a program on a seperate thread? ( if im using the terminology correctly ) e.g. id like to do 'gedit test.txt' and launch gedit and had the command prompt returned19:44
Docteh_Pip: ubuntu is currently in the push grub2 to everyone phase ;)19:44
PipDocteh_, yes, I did that too, at first the root line works fine, but the following kernel line just didn't give me anything19:44
Pipkernel /boot/ and I got messed characters19:44
stringsdragonuv, check this link http://tiny.cc/078t0. look at the comments. hth19:45
Docteh_Pip: oh tab completion was a no go in the grub prompt?19:45
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga19:45
lindsaymobil22hey, in ubuntu jaunty, fullscreen online videos stutter, its fine in windows, is there anything to fix it?19:45
PipDocteh_, tab should work, but I got messed characters19:45
lindsaymobil22offline videos are fine19:45
PipI don't know why19:45
EntityRebornlindsaymobil22, upgrade your distro19:46
ActionParsniplindsaymobil22: do you mean flash video or embedded videos?19:46
HollowPointAnyone know why, after installing a LAMP server with Lucid, and then browse to a php file on the server, it downloads the file, instead of displaying the page?19:46
tundrayeti311HollowPoint: you don't have apache or an equivalent running then afaik19:46
lindsaymobil22Actionparsnip: i think flash, its only when their in fullscreen, say i wanna watch family guy online, i have to go to windows19:46
Docteh_Pip: skip the root line and try for like kernel (hd1,0)/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-22-generic19:47
HollowPointtrust me tundrayeti311 apache is running19:47
lindsaymobil22EntityReborn: No, i like jaunty19:47
ActionParsnipHollowPoint: run: sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php519:47
HollowPointdone ActionParsnip19:47
piyushmishrai think i have made some upgrade which I shouldnt have made19:47
MrPicardhi guys, im trying to install shoutcast on a ubuntu box, does anyone have any wiki guides for this?19:47
PipDocteh_, let me show you19:47
piyushmishramy comp hangs n gives read errors on restart19:47
ActionParsniplindsaymobil22: can you use: http://pastebin.com   and give the output of:  uname -a; dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf19:47
PipDocteh_, hd1 ?19:47
Piphere it should be hd0,419:48
ActionParsnipHollowPoint: I got that from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP   which has exactly what you described under troubleshooting19:48
HollowPointyeah I know19:48
PipDocteh_, ActionParsnip please take a look ---> http://pastebin.com/RuqErpn119:48
lindsaymobil22ActionParsnip: are uname -a and things like that to be done in the terminal?19:48
HollowPointremember I'm actually an IT engineer mate, but I've had this on three different machines, with three different installs of Lucid now, and it's p****ng me off19:49
tundrayeti311HollowPoint: is there a config file to specify file formats? need to list '.php' maybe? should be dfault but just brainstorming here19:49
HollowPointthe fact is, this shouldn't happen at all19:49
ActionParsniplindsaymobil22: yes, run it as one command and use the site to give the output, copy the address bar when you click submit19:49
HollowPointsudo apt-get install php5 mysql-server apache2 should not have this problem following it, Karmic never did.19:49
piyushmishracan anyone tell me how to revert last 24 hours installations?19:49
ActionParsnipPip: i'm not good at grub dude, i've never had to mess wit it as I never dual boot19:49
xnoxi did something horrible...... I've just deleted the partitions map of my main harddrive using gparted. I'm still logged in. is there way to restore?19:49
PipDocteh_, ActionParsnip when booting, it chose it to boot from grub menu and I got Error 15, File not found19:49
PipActionParsnip, Okay, thanks all the same19:50
piyushmishrasudo tasksel then lamp server will be the best19:50
xnoxxnox, it should be gpt19:50
ActionParsnipPip: use: sudo blkid   to make sure the UUID is right and that the boot files you specified are correct19:50
xnoxand it's a dualboot with mac os x19:50
bmacki just installed the restricted drivers for my video card and rebooted now the ubuntu plymoth boot logo is really huge, how do i change the resolution size of the boot logo?19:50
Docteh_Pip: verify the boot device in the grub command line, the syntax looks good but sometimes linux and grub see things differently19:50
BluesKajxnox,  open edit /undo19:50
lindsaymobil22ActionParsnip: Linux ubuntu 2.6.28-11-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 01:57:59 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux19:50
lindsaymobil22ii  adobe-flashplugin                                                Adobe Flash Player plugin version 1019:50
aretrfre34how do i record sound without mic, like using espeak pipe it in /dev/dsp?19:50
ActionParsniplindsaymobil22: is that the only output?19:50
dagny_ta1gartxnox: did you write your changes to disk?19:50
Docteh_Pip: grub command line as in, at the menu it has, press c before you boot :)19:51
lindsaymobil22straight for the terminal actionparsnip19:51
stonddoes anyone know how to install a GDM theme on ubuntu 10.0419:51
ActionParsniplindsaymobil22: ok cool, you should have used the pastebin but 2 lines is ok19:51
PipDocteh_, I know that19:51
TravelerHey! Hey! I need help! I need help with EKIGA SOFTPHONE....yeah yeah!19:51
lindsaymobil22ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/jdLrwrMq19:51
xnoxBluesKaj, dagny_ta1gart - i believe changes are written "i've clicked applied" but i haven't created new parition map19:51
ActionParsniplindsaymobil22: ok run: sudo apt-get --purge remove  adobe-flashplugin; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree19:51
dagny_ta1gartxnox: sorry, not familiar with gui19:52
Docteh_Pip: what is hd(0,4)? sda5?19:52
PipDocteh_, yep19:52
ActionParsniplindsaymobil22: you downloaded the deb from the adobe site, the package you need is on the repo and you don't need to visit the adobe site19:52
xnoxdagny_ta1gart, partition map is removed. I need to somehow recreated from thin air to match what it used to be moments ago =)19:53
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BluesKajxnox,  is undo greyed out /19:53
lindsaymobil22ActionParsnip: i ran the command you gave me, its flash player is installed19:53
PipDocteh_, correct syntax ?19:53
PipDocteh_, in kernel line, it says file not found19:54
stondI need help installomg a GDM theme on ubuntu 10.04 on my PS319:54
ActionParsniplindsaymobil22: ok then restart the browser and retry19:54
xnoxBluesKaj, yes19:54
lindsaymobil22actionparsnip: lets see19:54
PipBut I Just installed it, there are them located in /boot19:54
xnoxBluesKaj, yes, gray & no pending actions19:54
ActionParsnip!theme | stond19:54
ubottustond: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy19:54
BluesKajxnox,  bummer19:54
infidhow can i access the system > admin > hardware drivers from the command line?19:55
ActionParsnipinfid: gksudo jockey-gtk19:55
xnoxBluesKaj, yeah =) my laptop is plugged in & I hope none of the applications will freeze19:56
lindsaymobil22Actionparsnip: nope, still got stuttering and lines across fullscreen online video19:57
bmathiseI can only boot into the command line (Lucid). Any way I can get Gnome back? There is more detailed info here : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1500721&page=219:57
ActionParsniplindsaymobil22: what is the output of:  lspci | grep -i vga19:57
ActionParsnipbmathise: sudo apt-get --reinstall install gdm19:57
lindsaymobil22ActionParsnip: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)19:58
bmathiseThanks ActionParsnip :)19:58
tundrayeti311from the command line, is there a way to launch a program on a seperate thread? ( if im using the terminology correctly ) e.g. id like to do 'gedit test.txt' and launch gedit and had the command prompt returned19:58
lindsaymobil22ActionParsnip: my graphics card is an inte gma4500m, as i say it works fine in windows19:59
ActionParsniplindsaymobil22: yeah those things aren't great. you may need to form an xorg.conf file to specify better options to make it run nice19:59
ActionParsniplindsaymobil22: what windows does is moot19:59
trismtundrayeti311: gedit test.txt &19:59
tundrayeti311trism: nice tyvm20:00
wieshkaQUESTION: how secure is to do ubuntu jaunty server update to lucid by just editing sources.list file for apt ?20:00
lindsaymobil22ActionParsnip: there is an update in the update manager for xorg, but it only specifies for certain intel cards, ive been to hardware devices, only a spare wireless driver. i also tried editing xorg with sudo gedit xorg.conf, it was blank20:00
wieshkaanybody has ever had after problems /20:00
wieshkabasicly running apache/postgresql/mysql/zimbra20:01
wieshkasome custom perl scripts also20:01
ActionParsniplindsaymobil22: you use gksudo for gedit, not sudo20:01
erUSULwieshka: use the recomended method ? do-release-upgrade ?20:01
stondI need help install a theme for the login screen20:02
erUSUL!upgrade | wieshka20:02
ubottuwieshka: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade20:02
hypn0ActionParsnip, is there a command to create an xorg.conf file?20:02
PFAif i'm going to back up my files and do a clean install of 10.04, do i need anything outside of my home directory?20:02
lindsaymobil22Actionparsnip: should i try that?20:02
ActionParsniplindsaymobil22: lucid doesn't ship with an xorg.conf file, but if one is present it woll be obeyed20:02
ActionParsniplindsaymobil22: you will need to hunt online for sample files to use20:02
erUSULPFA: maybe something you tweaked in /etc/ ?20:02
lindsaymobil22ActionParsnip: i use Jaunty20:02
PFAerUSUL: don't think i've done anything in there...20:03
stondhow do I install a login screen theme in Ubuntu10.0420:03
wieshkaerUSUL: erUSUL from documentation i supouse that at first i have to do update from jaunty to karmic20:03
ActionParsniplindsaymobil22: yeah it doesn't have one20:03
wieshkaand than jump to lucid20:03
erUSULPFA: then should be ok; i guess20:03
erUSULwieshka: correct20:03
ActionParsniphypn0: lindsaymobil22: use: sudo Xorg -configure20:03
lindsaymobil22ActionParsnip: i typed in gksudo xorg.conf and nothing happened20:03
lindsaymobil22this is what happened actionparsnip: reece@ubuntu:~$ sudo Xorg -configure20:04
lindsaymobil22Fatal server error:20:04
lindsaymobil22Server is already active for display 020:04
lindsaymobil22If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock20:04
lindsaymobil22and start again.20:04
lindsaymobil22Please consult the The X.Org Foundation support20:04
FloodBot2lindsaymobil22: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:04
wieshkaerUSUL: thx - already migrating to karmic :)20:05
erUSULwieshka: good luck20:05
ActionParsniplindsaymobil22: use pastebin for multiple lines like that, spamming te channel isn't cool20:05
wieshkai dindt know that command :/ every day there is oportunity to learn something new20:05
erUSULlindsaymobil22: try « sudo Xorg -configure :1 »20:05
inohplaces, system etc has been removed from my top panel, how do I put it back?20:06
PFAi'm trying to back up using the instructions at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=35087 but i get an error about creating an empty archive... what's going on20:06
PFAinok: right click, add to panel, look for it in there20:06
erUSULPFA: what was the exact command you used ?20:06
BluesKajnope, dhclient won't auto start :(20:06
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inohPFA: unable to find it in there20:07
lindsaymobil22ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/RQ8pdFW120:07
PFAerUSUL: tar cvpzf backup.tgz --exclude=/backup.tgz20:07
erUSULPFA: you need to specify what do you want to backup ...20:07
PFAjust the whole folder that i'm in. i copied and pasted it from the thread, just eliminated the excludes20:08
aretrfre34i figured catting /dev/dsp gives mic input and writing gives output sound but when i'm doing espeak 'test' --stdout > /dev/dsp gives horrible noise, help20:08
PFAsince i'm not in the root directory20:08
prodigaldaxI have a question20:09
erUSULPFA: your home folder? where do you want to create the backup file ?20:09
MrPicardHi guys, im having issues installing shoutcast on a ubuntu server, here is what ive done20:09
PFAerUSUL: on my external hard drive20:09
prodigaldaxI'm running the most recent Ubuntu for Netbooks and need to access configure.help, does it still exist for this build?20:10
PFAoh it seems to be working now20:10
aretrfre34i want fake mic input by dumping in it my wav mp3, how?20:10
erUSULPFA: then it is « tar cvpzf /path/to/your/external/drive/backup.tgz ./20:10
aretrfre34i can bring mic to dynamics close, but i think there's other way, help pls20:12
prodigaldaxI need to enable Packet Socket support for Netbook Ubuntu20:13
james296hey has anyone here at all noticed issues when trying to add third party ppas in synaptic?20:14
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aciculaprodigaldax, you mean pcap?20:14
james296when I try to add any, it fails after about 3 minutes or so of a frozen synaptic20:14
prodigaldaxacicula, yes20:14
underclockanyone familiar with "jumperfree mode" on Asus motherboards, thanks.20:15
old-oldgot a problem where the nvidia restricted drivers are not detecting monitor right (westinghouse lcd) and so won't go above 640x480.  how can I fix this?20:15
BluesKajjames296,  pgp key probs maybe20:15
aciculaprodigaldax, you can install pcap and the pcap-dev libraries20:15
jribunderclock: just ask your ubuntu-related question20:15
james296for any pgp??20:15
prodigaldaxok, thanks20:15
aciculaprodigaldax, via apt-get20:15
james296its not just one20:15
underclockI am, I am running Ubuntu on the board mentioned20:15
prodigaldaxi thought there was a configure.help setting to allow packet capture20:15
jribunderclock: ok.  But what is your question?20:16
erUSULjames296: maybe keyserver.ubuntu.com is down ? (it happens a lot)20:16
james296but its not I went on that and it said its up20:16
underclockhow do I enable jumperfree mode on my motherboard so I can set my cpu clock properly20:16
aciculaprodigaldax, configure is used to compile a source package, or rather to make it ready for compilation, not sure what you are trying to do really20:16
jribunderclock: that's not an ubuntu question, try ##hardware maybe20:16
chazcoHi... Ubuntu keeps logging me out... it's a fresh 9.10 install... no prompts or anything, it just suddenly goes to the login screen... any ideas?20:17
james296I go there and in big bold letters says the words It Works!20:17
underclockI don't understand ##hardware20:17
prodigaldaxi'm prepping my netbook for wireshark20:17
aciculaprodigaldax, wireshark is a package also20:17
james296so whats up with the pgp issues Im getting?20:17
jribunderclock: asus has support forums, try there20:17
mneptokunderclock: that's a BIOS function, mot an OS function.20:17
aciculaprodigaldax, via apt-get20:18
prodigaldaxit says i need to ensure that my netbook will allow packet capture,20:18
prodigaldaxfollowing instructions :/20:18
aretrfre34I want fake mic input by dumping in it my wav mp3s, how do fake mic, is it possible?20:18
xynta_Hello, Im running Ubuntu 9.04 and when im watching Youtube with the Epiphany browser, in TOP it says it's using 60% CPU usage -- is this normal? (its a new machine)20:18
james296I wonder if the issue Im having is related to synaotic itself?20:18
underclockI understand that, but in bios it tells me to enable jumperfree mode to change clock speed/s, I cannot figure out how to make jumperfree mode20:19
jribxynta_: yes, flash sucks20:19
edbianxynta_, flash on linux is not very efficient.  It takes a lot of cpu20:19
erUSULunderclock: probably it uses a windows only app to tweak things ... we  can not help with that here sorry20:19
aretrfre34xynta_: what machine you are running on?20:19
underclockno problem20:19
BluesKajjames296,  normally the pgp key is added by the cli not the package manager20:20
bidwhat do i need to install on the server in order to use sz from my ssh client?20:20
xynta_aretrfre34, AMD Phenom II (multicore), 4 gb memory, Radeon HD 557020:20
jribbid: "sz"?20:20
prodigaldaxacicula: I have more questions about wireshark configurations relating to ubuntu and my wlan card settings, are you ok with tips on this?20:20
james296well I dont want to have to add it from command...20:20
lindsaymobil22ActionParsnip: did you see my pastebin? http://pastebin.com/RQ8pdFW120:20
james296and I did that before and it timed out20:21
bidit let you copy files from your local machine to the remote20:21
jribbid: you mean scp?20:21
james296anyway, I have to get to bed as I work tonight bye20:21
aciculaprodigaldax, what do you need wireshark for exactly?20:21
bidlet me google it for a sec20:21
jribbid: sz seems to be in the zssh package20:22
prodigaldaxacicula: i'm experimenting with packet capture and network security, it seems to be the easiest app to learn on20:22
aretrfre34xynta_: what plugin you are using to play flash?20:22
erUSUL!find sz20:23
ubottuFound: funcoeszz, lrzsz20:23
xynta_aretrfre34, adobe flash20:23
PFAokay so... while trying to make my backup it randomly quit in the middle with the error "file too large" -_- what can i use that doesn't have file limits20:23
PFAthere's definitely enough space left on my drive20:24
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aretrfre34xynta_: try looking for ugly plugins20:24
scuniziPFA: is the drive formatted with fat32?20:24
EntityRebornguys, http://localhost refers to the current machine. How can I add pseudo domains (ie test.localhost) so I can test virtual domains in apache?20:24
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decoEntityReborn: read the apache docs20:25
PFAscunizi: i believe so20:25
MrPicardhi guys, how do you switch off iptables?20:25
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »20:25
scuniziPFA: then that is the issue.. you had/have a file that is larger than 4 gigs.. fat32 can't handle that..20:25
PFAFML :)20:25
aretrfre34xynta_: nevermind20:26
aciculaEntityReborn, i'd assume you can define those in hosts too(and separately in the apache virtual host definitions)20:26
ZonkieNuthi guys, this might not be the right place to ask but can anyone recommend an ebook reader for ubuntu that supports .lit and .epub files?20:27
WarlordHi, I'm using ubuntu 10.04 with the latest offical nvidia drivers and well, I'm getting video tear movie players like vlc, mplayer etc.. I tried few guides and here was one: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/01/how-to-stop-video-tearing-vlc-nvidia.html and it still continues to act up.. and my nvidia card is 275gtx.20:27
aretrfre34I want to fake mic input by dumping in it my wav mp3s, how do fake mic, is it possible?20:27
WarlordAlso I have compiz on the highest setting. I tired to disable it still does same thing.20:28
Warlordany idea?20:28
luigihshey i have question i trying to connect my ipod to ubuntu, but it doesnt work in my gktpod \20:28
aretrfre34dumping in /dev/dsp any ideas?20:28
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aretrfre34Warlord: remove compiz20:29
WarlordWhy? I don't wanna lose the 3d effect. :/20:29
randomhelperWarlord: sudo killall compiz20:30
xanguaWarlord: if yu are using the open source drivers then try with the propietary drivers20:30
soreauWarlord: The issue is with the nvidia driver, which compiz exposes. Maybe you can try making sure vsync settings are enabled in ccsm and nvidia-settings, then check ccsm>workarounds sync options there20:30
KyleLi installed the desktop version of ubuntu on my netbook and it runs fine but whenever i restart from ubuntu my bios resets to the default settings, it doesnt do this when i restart from windows 720:30
orangegloim streaming a tournament using octoshape plug in, and it was working fine up until recently. I havent made any changes to my computer so i dont know what to do to get it back and running. can anyone offer some advice?20:31
soreaurandomhelper: PLease don't suggest a command that will leave a user without a window manager. Instead, replace it with another one 'metacity --replace'20:31
randomhelpersoreau: was just about to suggest that, okay20:31
azlonhow can i view the status of a currently running fsck.32?20:32
Warlordstill does it. :/20:32
wieshkawhat is correct syntax for mysqldump to dump all databases at once ?20:33
wieshkai used --all-databases option but it outputs we a correct usage help20:33
urkitarkebuenas tardes20:35
pipHello, how to know the package name from a specific file name that belongs to that package20:35
icerootwieshka: mysqldump -u username -p --all-databases > mydump.sql20:35
icerootpip: apt-file20:35
randomhelper!ask | langslammr20:36
ubottulangslammr: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:36
urkitarkealguien puede ayudarme con el ssh y una maquina virtual??20:36
randomhelper!es | urkitarke20:36
ubottuurkitarke: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:36
wieshkaiceroot: thx - i dont no way it does not worked with specified hostname20:37
wieshkabecouse i did the same20:37
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wieshkabut now i have a dump :)20:37
urkitarkesee you later20:37
icerootwieshka: -h hostname20:37
langslammrHave Ubuntu 10.04. I notice the login time is extremely slow. Any solution?20:37
dob1hi, i have an acer 5100 and with the new relase of ubuntu this problem https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/44627  again, with karmic the problem wasn't present, with juanty the problem was present, i know is very difficult to find the cause but there is something in common between the 9.10 and juanty that can generate this problem?20:37
hawkalcan anyone think of a reason why sound would work but songs would skip like a scratched lp?20:37
wieshkaiceroot: i know but i didnt worked with specified hostname - strange20:37
wieshkamaybe becouse i have specific ets/hosts20:38
icerootwieshka: that doesnt matter20:38
randomhelperhawkal: i have seen this with slow processors playing too high bitrate songs20:38
wieshkawhatever - i have a dump :) now the same with postgresql :)20:38
langslammrSlow logins...someone have a solution?20:38
wieshkait will be a huge dump file20:38
icerootlangslammr: lock at /var/log/syslog and /var/log/auth.log20:38
randomhelperlangslammr: you could research a new graphical manager, such as fluxbox20:39
hawkalrandomhelper: running dual core amd I can't see that being the issue20:39
DeeTahwhat's the easiest way to edit a file on UFS2 partition in ubuntu?20:39
johnny_007hi, is it here where I can get suppost for pidgin Messanger?20:39
malchiasthen how about disk subsystem or irq type conflicts (hawkal)20:39
xanguajohnny_007: suppost¿20:40
randomhelperjohnny_007: Chat on IRC: #pidgin on Freenode20:40
adilalpmanhi all20:40
donerhey adilalpman20:40
erUSULDeeTah: mount the partition ? dunno if ufs support is ap to par though20:40
adilalpmani have use xchat for irc20:40
adilalpmanbut i dont like it20:40
adilalpmancan anybody advice me an irc client like mirc20:41
doneruse mIRC20:41
adilalpmanin ubuntu?20:41
DeeTaherUSUL: can't mount it, the default drivers are read-only. that won't do.20:41
randomhelperadilalphman: pidgin20:41
adilalpmanok 1 min20:41
donerno pidgin no way20:41
malchiasI'm trying to setup wordpress securely on a shared hosting but don't want customers to see each others files or be able to hack because of permissions and the ability to create their own php scripts (by editing wordpress theme).    What permissions should I use, or is there a best practices checklist i can do for configuration?20:41
erUSULDeeTah: then you can not edit20:41
doneruse irssi20:41
doneror bitchx20:41
hawkalmalchias: it could be but I don't see why it would skip it seems like an decoder problem maybe20:41
doneror someshit20:41
FloodBot2doner: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:42
donermalchias RTFM!20:42
ubottudoner: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.20:43
donermalchias also.. you can make 777 permisions for some time20:43
DeeTaherUSUL: thank you very much indeed, that was very helpful of you20:43
langslammrAnd what am I to see at var/log/syslog and auth.log?20:44
BluesKajhmmm, interesting my /etc/dhclient.conf is empty...no wonder i have run it at boot up20:44
erUSULDeeTah: what else can i say. read only filesystem == you can not edit. is like asking how to edit a file in a cd-rom.20:44
donerDaz, what is jfgi?)20:45
Docteh_BluesKaj: i dont even have an /etc/dhclient.conf :-/20:45
DeeTaherUSUL: it's the drivers issue. the partition is editable :p20:45
DaZdoner: just google it20:45
BluesKajDocteh_,  yeah, same thing20:45
langslammrhow do I get a faster login on U 10.04?20:45
wise_crypt!server > malchias20:46
ubottumalchias, please see my private message20:46
DaZJewish Federation of Greater Indianapolis20:46
Docteh_BluesKaj: /etc/network/interfaces and NetworkManager/wicd would be where to look for dhcp20:46
malchiasdoner: which would you recommend I read, that's what I'm asking.   And 777 doesn't seem like a good way, at all :)20:46
erUSULDeeTah: from linux point of view ufs is read only like ntfs was for a long time until ntfs-3g arrived... the thing is that there is no driver.20:46
malchiaswise_crypt: want me to move that question to server channel?20:46
DeeTaherUSUL: pretty weird since the filesystem code's BSD20:47
wise_cryptmalchias : try it20:47
langslammrLogin in is extremely slow, any suggestions?20:47
malchiastry a different os, or different channel?20:47
aretrfre34how to espeak raw file?20:47
BluesKajDocteh_, yeah i have /etc/network/interfaces already setup for static IP , and /etc/host.allow for IPs and portmap , but this is the first time the dhclient daemon is nonexistent at startup20:47
wise_cryptmalchias : #ubuntu-server for server related issue20:47
malchiasok, thank you for the direction20:48
aretrfre34erUSUL: how to espeak raw file?20:48
donermalchias try 60020:48
wise_cryptmalchias : no problem20:48
malchias600 doesn't let the plugins work20:48
BluesKajerr /etc/hosts.allow is for ssh mostly tho20:48
erUSULDeeTah: no one seems to care enough to fix it... afaik BSD's can not access linux filesystems either20:49
AngryUbuntuUseri can't understand this shit! i've managed to install ubuntu 10.4 in my rig with the "nomodeset" parameter... but now i can't boot up the system... i got "out of range" messages from my monitor20:49
langslammrExtremely slow login with new version. What's up with that?20:49
inktrihow can I do "Disable/Enable Wireless" in command line?20:49
ActionParsnipyo yo yo guys20:49
randomhelperinktri: sudo ifconfig down wlan020:50
ActionParsniphttp://www.adobe.com/support/security/advisories/apsa10-01.html    may affect users using flashplugin-nonfree20:50
thune3langslammr: do you have numbers, or approximate numbers for this release vs. older ones?20:50
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adilalpman_hi again20:50
adilalpman_i have try to install XpGnome in ubuntu20:51
adilalpman_everything looks like ok20:51
adilalpman_but at the end20:51
langslammrthune3: I am using 10.4 which I upgraded from 9.x which was a whole lot faster.20:51
hawkalwhats the best channel for general questions (i.e not distro specific)?20:51
adilalpman_login windows change cant appear20:51
randomhelperhawkal: #linux20:51
hawkalrandomhelper: thank you20:51
ActionParsniphawkal: #linux20:51
adilalpman_and i cany change login windows wiev20:51
adilalpman_i cant20:51
adilalpman_can anybody help me?20:52
aretrfre34how to espeak raw files not wav?20:52
hawkalActionParsnip:Thank you20:52
=== themill_ is now known as themill
ActionParsnipadante: http://maketecheasier.com/change-login-and-boot-screen-in-ubuntu-lucid/2010/05/1320:52
randomhelperadilalpman: you can Alt+Ctrl+F1 (then Alt+Ctrl+F7 to return) to get a terminal, login, and sudo apt-get install fluxbox and select that before login20:52
ActionParsnipfluxbox ftw :)20:52
adilalpman_i cant understand random :S20:53
langslammrwhere can I find solution to slow login with 10.4?20:53
guntbertAngryUbuntuUser: I understand your frustration - but please don't take it out on us - as a first step try to boot into recovery mode, there you can even reconfigure the X system20:53
adilalpman_ ineed fluxbox u mean?20:53
AngryUbuntuUserguntbert: i've tried... just to get an "Out Of Range" right in the face again20:53
randomhelperadilalpman: no, buts its a solution to a problem, there maybe other solutions that do not involve a secondary window manager20:53
thune3langslammr: it is slower getting to the login screen? or after?20:54
langslammrthune3: at login getting to open screen.20:55
adilalpman_i click20:55
adilalpman_alt+f1 but i cant see a black screen whole20:55
adilalpman_i can see only20:55
guntbertAngryUbuntuUser: I don't know what "nomodeset" does -- who told you to use it?20:55
adilalpman_a black screen20:55
adilalpman_nothing on it20:55
thune3langslammr: so from the time you hit enter on your password, to the desktop showing up is slow?20:55
randomhelperadilalpman: its alt+ctrl+f1, then alt+ctrl+f7 to return to here, and it gives you a terminal to login and install apps through apt-get20:55
langslammrYES...thank you20:56
langslammrSlower for all accounts.20:56
adilalpman_cant i try to install it via synaptic?20:56
mneptoklangslammr: is your home directory encrypted?20:56
langslammrNo it is not20:56
doneradilalpman_ you have black background20:56
AngryUbuntuUserguntbert one guy here suggested to use this parameter to force a low resolution20:56
doneradilalpman_ and you mouse just don't work20:56
adilalpman_no doner20:56
AngryUbuntuUsermy monitor don't support resolutions higher than 1024x76820:57
adilalpman_i use20:57
adilalpman_ubuntus like red desktop20:57
adilalpman_red and pink20:57
adilalpman_default desktop20:57
mneptok!enter | adilalpman_20:58
ubottuadilalpman_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:58
randomhelperadilalpman: my soultions are usually advanced, maybe someone here has a simpler solution, keep asking every so often in here20:58
doner!thanks | mneptok20:58
ubottumneptok: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)20:58
adilalpman_thnx random20:58
langslammrthune3: any ideas about slow login?20:59
doneradilalpman_ are you using gdm?21:00
=== silverra1ndog is now known as silverraindog
pipHello, hello which package owns file /boot/grub/grub.cfg ?21:00
adilalpman_i think that doner21:00
langslammrI even tried to shut off some processes that may not be needed....but still horribly slow and much slower than previous version.21:00
adilalpman_everything is set to default in my system now21:00
doneradilalpman_ and it's loading normal?21:00
wieshkayeah - do-release-upgrade update is so massive, but ~736 mb update downloaded under 1 minute :)21:00
randomhelperpip: grub-pc21:00
ActionParsniplangslammr: set your swappiness low if you have more than 1Gb RAM21:00
piprandomhelper: are you sure ?21:00
=== Sniper is now known as Guest93904
MaletorHow can I install mPlayer with VDPAU?21:01
MaletorDoes it come with it already?21:01
doneradilalpman_ so.. then I idk21:01
guntbertAngryUbuntuUser: I see ... unfortunately I'm no good with configuring X -- please ask the channel for a method to fix your screen resolution at 1024x768, probably by creating/editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:01
piprandomhelper: I have removed that package, but grub.cfg remains21:01
randomhelperpip: in ubuntu i don't think its grub2, i think they call the package grub-pc, let me double check21:01
luigihshey i have question i trying to connect my ipod to ubuntu, but it doesnt work in my gktpod \21:01
randomhelperpip: you have to purge the package with sudo dpkg --purge grub-pc to remove config files21:01
randomhelperpip: but you might need to reinstall in order to run that command21:01
piprandomhelper: I did : sudo apt-get purge grub-pc21:01
piprandomhelper: but it remains21:02
ActionParsnippip: its generated with: sudo update-grub21:02
randomhelperpip: that might be a new feature, but i thought purge was only for dpkg and not apt-get, i think apt-get only removes21:02
AngryUbuntuUserguntbert i read in some foruns that ubuntu lucid lynx don't use xorg.conf, leading the kernel to do the dirty work...21:02
adilalpman_i have try to install GnomeXP theme but it cant change my login screen, how can i resolve it?21:02
ActionParsniprandomhelper: dpkg has -P option to purge21:03
guntbertAngryUbuntuUser: it comes without one - but if there is one it uses it21:03
pipActionParsnip: then I can manunally remove it as well as other files located in /boot/grub ?21:03
randomhelperActionParsnip: i use the --purge option21:03
ActionParsnipadilalpman_: i gave a link dude, you can change the login screen as you wish21:03
scottjcommand | highlight word <-- what would be the command highlight? grep --color almost works but I want to see lines that don't have matches as well as those that do, just with the word highlighted21:03
=== kiran is now known as Guest91520
siddhionhi everyone :)21:03
adilalpman_to what?21:03
ActionParsnippip: sure, if you need it again just run: sudo update-grub21:03
randomhelper!hi | siddhion21:03
ubottusiddhion: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:03
adilalpman_i cant get any link21:03
adilalpman_can u pls resend it dude21:03
siddhionrandomhelper : ) hey21:03
pipActionParsnip: and why are those files in /etc/default/grub/21:04
randomhelperActionParsnip: I think he trying to remove it, so he has to reinstall with apt-get and sudo dpkg --purge grub-pc after installing again i think21:04
ActionParsnipadilalpman_: http://maketecheasier.com/change-login-and-boot-screen-in-ubuntu-lucid/2010/05/1321:04
randomhelperpip: you are right, they should be in /boot21:04
ActionParsnippip: those files configure grub, the grub.cfg file is generated using those scripts21:04
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub221:04
pipActionParsnip: what package owns those files ?21:05
randomhelper!hello | tetracomm21:05
ubottutetracomm: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:05
TetracommDoes anyone know of any weather applets or programs which would actually show me a map sort of like what you see on the weather channel of storm systems moving?21:05
pipOkay, I got it21:05
ActionParsnippip: not sure there dude, probably grub221:05
pipMust be grub-pc or grub-common21:05
thune3langslammr: could you put your /var/log/syslog to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and give ptr?21:05
adilalpman_but i dont wanna make my wishes login page21:05
randomhelperTetracomm: GoogleMaps with kml files from the National Weather Service21:05
pipI have removed them both21:05
adilalpman_i just wanna let to install GnomeXP s installer to change my login screen21:06
adilalpman_but it cant do it21:06
phong_i have ubuntu 10 now.. i play wc3 in full screen mode. how to switch between desktop and games?21:06
mneptok!enter | adilalpman_ (last warning)21:06
ubottuadilalpman_ (last warning): Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:06
scuniziTetracomm: www.wunderground.com21:06
randomhelperbe right back21:06
hyperhackerhey, anyone know how many chickens I need to sacrifice to get nVidia drivers working in 10.04? I'm getting "no drivers available" error from X21:06
ActionParsnipadilalpman_: I think you need to run the script with gksudo for that21:06
mneptokadilalpman_: there is absolutely no need for a single inputline that contains only an emoticon. stop.21:06
ActionParsniphyperhacker: i use the nvidia vdpau ppa then install nvidia-glx-18521:07
scunizihyperhacker: you trying to install the binary from nvidia or the ones that are supplied by ubuntu?21:07
adilalpman_i used that script when i am root21:07
hyperhackerI installed nvidia-glx-185 but I have no idea what "ndivia vdpau ppa" means21:07
hyperhackerin older versions that was enough but I guess not anymore21:07
ActionParsniphyperhacker: you may need: sudo nvidia-xconfig21:07
hyperhackeryes, did that as well21:07
wise_crypt!nvidia > hyperhacker21:07
ubottuhyperhacker, please see my private message21:07
=== emwymer is now known as nolanbostich
PureRumbleIs there something wrong with php 5.3 in ubuntu? I can't get error_reporting to work properly.21:08
ActionParsniphyperhacker: did the dkms run? you can try: sudo apt-get --reinstall dkms     may help21:08
hyperhackerinvalid operation dkms21:09
adilalpman_no :S21:09
siddhioni am about to install Xubuntu 10.04 on my older laptop. my current laptop is running XP. it has a 60gb hard drive with one C:\ partition. what i seek to do is to shrink the C:\ down to 25gb thus freeing up 35gb. at this point i would like to use that 35gb of free space to install Xubuntu 10.04 onto it. Well it's not that simple. i assume i'd have to create a new 35gb partition, then create 3 sub-partitions: 1 for Xubuntu 10.04, 1 for data (\home)21:10
siddhionand 1 for Linux-Swap RAM. what is the safest and best way to do this?21:10
langslammrthune3: can't find swap to adjust.21:10
randomhelpersiddhion: you can create a swap file or swap partition, the safest way would be to use wubi to install inside of windows xp21:10
adilalpman_it cant change again too :S21:10
mneptoksiddhion: you do not need a separate partition for /home, but you can use one if you prefer21:11
Tetracommrandomhelper: I mean an actual program, not websites. Or is there a GoogleMaps program for Ubuntu?21:11
ManDayI've set a string in /etc/hostname but that hostname does not propagate to the network. In the router I only see my IP!21:11
ManDayCan anyone help?21:11
siddhionrandomhelper: i would like to do a full install because i hear Wubi does not perform as well as a dual-boot version.21:12
randomhelperTetracomm: Google Earth is the program21:12
mneptoksiddhion: and i would not use Wubi if i were you. use an XP partition manager (like partition Magic" to create free space. then use the Xubuntu installer to create partitions inside that free space.21:12
adilalpman_i cant do it again...21:12
nelson_why do flash drives stop working on unbuntu21:12
=== rww is now known as Guest65193
randomhelpersiddhion: you heard correctly, yeah, then leave a parition for xp where it is, one ext2/3 for xubuntu, and a small swap partition (ext 2/3 to read them in windows)21:12
siddhionmneptokL i would like a seperate partition for /home because if at a later date I want to change the Linux distor I can do so with out backing up all my data.21:12
mneptoksiddhion: OK, just be aware that you are limited to 4 primary partitions21:13
randomhelpersiddhion: then yeah, four primaries using gparted from sourceforge's website21:13
mneptokrandomhelper: there is no need to download GParted from SF21:13
randomhelpermneptok: he asked for the safest method21:13
langslammrthune3: Guess I lost you....thanks any way21:14
siddhionrandomhelper: mneptok: i have already created a USB Gparted Live boot drive.21:14
mneptokrandomhelper: and the safest method is to use a Windows partition utility to shrink C:, create free space, and let the installer create partions in the free space.21:14
Tetracommrandomhelper: Thank you, do you know how to set it up with the NWS kml files?21:14
adilalpman_GnomeXP can change everything but cant change login window :S21:14
scottjIs there a command I can pipe a bunch of output to and it will highlight a word? (but still display all the output). grep can almost do this but I can't find a way to have it show lines w/o matches.21:15
randomhelperTetracomm: try to open these files inside of GoogleEarth with the File Open (or Import), or you can double click them in Ubuntu and open then with googleearth21:15
konbonguys, how long does Ubuntu Desktop usually take, to install?21:15
hyperhackerk, I'm looking at the wiki and all I see are instructions for 8.04 and 8.1021:15
Tetracommand where do I get the kml files?21:15
konbonfrom 10.4 server to Desktop21:15
TetracommWhere on the NWS website.21:15
hyperhackerin 8.10 it was enough to install nvidia-glx-185 and it'd work great21:15
hyperhackeronly as of 10.04 that's not working21:15
thune3langslammr: see pm21:15
randomhelperTetracomm: give me a minute and i'll link you21:15
langslammrthune3: ok...21:16
wise_crypt!info gdesklets | Tetracomm21:16
ubottuTetracomm: gdesklets (source: gdesklets): Architecture for desktop applets. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.36.1-4 (lucid), package size 2802 kB, installed size 5776 kB21:16
siddhionrandomhelper: mneptok: i heard that using Gparted is a safer way to shrink a pre-existing partition rather than using disk management. additionally one does not have to worry about defragging before hand when using Gparted.21:16
randomhelperTetracomm: http://radar.weather.gov/ridge/kmzgenerator.php21:16
TetracommThank you, randomhelper. *pat* :)21:16
pratik_narainmy bash-completion is acting wierd. it is not auto completing any word after the first command. eg if i do sudo apt-g<tab>, it doesn't work. but it works in apt-g<tab> and gives apt-get21:17
pratik_narainplz help21:17
mneptoksiddhion: yes, you must defrag. you must turn off Windows automatic backups. and you should use a Windows partition utility to manipulate NTFS partitions. IME, they are far more reliable than is GParted. GParted is great for Free, open filesystem types. not so much with NTFS.21:18
siddhionmneptok: so are you saying that Xubuntu 10.04 installer will recognize that there is free space to install to? becaiuse when i tried to install previously, it said that it would install onto the partition/device and erase everything.21:18
randomhelperpratik_narain: another solution would be to use wildcards (*) when using terminal in Ubuntu, maybe someone can explain why your tab isn't autofilling with sudo21:18
mneptoksiddhion: you need to manually create partitions, not tell the installer to choose for you.21:18
randomhelpersiddhion: you can add ideas to ubuntu at https://brainstorm.ubuntu.com (sounds like a good idea)21:19
mneptoksiddhion: you will not get a separate /home partition if you let the installer choose how to create partitions.21:19
Horussomeone knows a chat channel about networks stufs........?????????21:19
randomhelperhorus: maybe #linux21:19
adilalpman_i try to install GnomeXP, everything is ok but i cant change login screen21:19
mcnellisHow can I add Fn hotkeys? If I try to use the Fn key in the keyboard shortcuts dialog it doesn't pick it up21:19
mcnellisI'm looking to set the X86NextTrack and X86PreviousTrack key combinations21:20
siddhionmneptok: is the built in disk management tool a good way to shrink my C:\ and create new ones? or do you suggest other ones?21:20
darttsystem-preferences-keyboard shortcuts21:20
siddhionrandomhelper: what idea?21:20
bilkulbekari want to start triage..21:20
mneptoksiddhion: the XP built-in?21:20
randomhelpersiddhion: the ability to let the ubuntu installer find free space on your windows and shrink it and auto-partition21:21
bilkulbekartriage the bugs.. how do i go about it21:21
mcnellisdartt: that doesn't work simply like that21:21
PureRumbleWhy has display_errors been set to false by default in php 5.3? Is this a special case for ubuntu or in general?21:21
=== ZonkieNut is now known as DumberThanHomer
siddhionmneptok: yes21:21
mneptoksiddhion: yes, that tool is quite good at resizing NTFS21:21
siddhionrandomhelper: oh that is a given. it should be intelligent enough to do this.21:22
mneptoksiddhion: turn off automatic backups and defrag before using it.21:22
pratik_narainrandomhelper: thnx for suggestion. its not just no working after sudo, but its not working for any command/option after the first one. eg not even apt-get i<tab> is working. its not giving me install, but is listing the files of home directory starting with i. may be this explains the problem better.21:22
siddhionmneptok: i see. also run CHKDSK?21:22
mneptoksiddhion: sure. better safe than sorry.21:22
randomhelperpratik_narain: did you look around in the gnome-terminal options/preferences?21:23
siddhionmneptok: ok i understand what i pretty much have to do. im still a little foggy on how to create a new partition and then create 3 partitions with in that one for: Xubuntu 10.04, /home (data) and Linux-Swap. any ideas?21:24
pizzleNeed some help. I have a dual boot machine Ubuntu 10.04 and Win 7. No swap space was created. How would I go about adding swap space?21:24
randomhelperpratik_narain: i don't see anything in those options, maybe someone else might know, sorry21:24
randomhelperpizzle: you could reduce your linux partition if you have less than 4 primary partitions and create a new swap partition, or you could create a swap file inside of ubuntu21:25
bilkulbekarrandomhelper: but does creating a swap file really a necessary?21:26
randomhelperbilkulbekar: its an option, not required21:26
pizzlerandomhelper: I currently have 4 partitions. 1 for win 7 1 for ubuntu, 1 for data accessed from both and the other system partition21:26
mneptoksiddhion: when you run the installer, choose to *MANUALLY* define partitions. do NOT let the installer automatically create them for you.21:27
randomhelperpizzle: let me link you to some websites that detail making a swap file, its been a while since i've used that21:27
pizzlewell in my case the computer runs slow at times and my load is high21:27
lxleeWhen I use ssh where can I find my IP to use in it?21:27
wieshkaPROBLEM: i am doing do-release-upgrade, and it stuck at the Setting up javascript-common (6) ...21:27
darttgparted can help in making swap21:27
wieshkano CPU load21:27
randomhelperpizzle: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq21:27
pizzlerandomhelper: thanks21:27
randomhelperpizzle: welcome21:27
mneptoksiddhion: you probably have a hidden recovery partition. that means you wil exceed the 4 primary partition limit. create an extended partition in the free space, and then your 3 Linux partitions inside that.21:27
siddhionmneptok: so you are telling me that i can create them in step 4 of the installer. i thought you were telling me to use disk management tool in XP to create these 3 sub-partitions21:28
randomhelpermneptok: siddhion: or you could use a swap file and not swap partition following the link above or here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq21:28
darttif u got gud ram like 2 gb then u don need swap21:29
siddhionmneptok: yes on my XP machine the recovery is hidden, unlike on my Vista machine.21:29
gloriousquestion: I did something that caused my boot and shutdown splash screens to say Lubuntu in light blue.  How do I return it to say Ubuntu in purple?21:29
mneptoksiddhion: no, use the XP disk manager to shrink NTFS and create free space. use the Xubuntu installer to define new partitions inside that free space.21:29
siddhionmneptok: ah yes. i see. interesting. i thought i might have to do it this way. pretty interesting.21:30
randomhelpersiddhion: i agree with mneptok that would be the safest way for you, though a little slower21:30
siddhionrandomhelper: thanks for the verification. slow i do not mind.21:30
thatryanhi guys21:30
randomhelper!hi | thatryan21:31
ubottuthatryan: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:31
con-mandoes pms-linux have an irc chan I can visit cause I'd rather not go off topic with questions here21:31
thatryanI just bought a media temple ve server, just installed 10.04 on it21:31
thatryanis there an article somewhere how to install FTP?21:32
vectcon-man: #ubuntu-women, jk21:32
randomhelper!ftp | thatryan21:32
ubottuthatryan: FTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd21:32
aretrfre34how to make espeak generate raw files not wav?21:32
randomhelper!ftp-server | thatryan21:32
ubottuthatryan: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP21:32
bilkulbekarhow do i start contributing to ubuntu?21:32
wieshkai figured it out - i killed background running apache221:32
scunizithatryan: lots.. google "ubuntu pureftp" but be warned.. you'll loose some hair trying to set it up21:32
thatryanlol nice21:32
aretrfre34bilkubekar: answer my question21:33
thatryanive never had to set it up before, always has just been there on my old srvers :)21:33
aretrfre34bilkulbekar: answer my question21:33
randomhelperbilkulbekar: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/get-involved21:34
bilkulbekararetrfre34: which one? lolzz.. i meant contribiting in development..21:34
bilkulbekararetrfre34: not support21:34
U-b-u-n-t-uwhat is stdin: error 021:34
aretrfre34how to make espeak generate raw files not wav?21:34
gloriousbilkulbekar: or you could answer my question. :-)21:34
U-b-u-n-t-u!stdin error21:34
AngryUbuntuUserguntbert i managed to start the system and i've installed the nvidia driver (my gpu is a GeForce FX5200) but now i can't choose a resolution higher than 640x48021:35
bilkulbekarrandomhelper: thanks, already gone through it. how do i start triaging bugs21:35
aretrfre34bilkulbekar: you are on right way21:35
glorious question: I did something that caused my boot and shutdown splash screens to say Lubuntu in light blue.  How do I return it to say Ubuntu in purple?21:35
DumberThanHomeraretrfre34: use sox to convert those wav files to raw21:35
randomhelperbilkulbekar: #ubuntu-devel is the channel to ask that (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment)21:36
aretrfre34DumberThanHomer:didn't waste my night21:37
guntbertAngryUbuntuUser: a) congrats b) sorry to hear that - it seems there is a communications problem between your monitor and your gpu - but I cannot help you there - sorry (my gpu is always *so* low end...)21:37
bilkulbekarrandomhelper: thanks.. wil get to that room21:37
randomhelperbilkulbekar: thank you for your will to help ubuntu21:38
siddhionmneptok: so when i choose to manually create partitions at Step 4 in the installation process, i will have to create 1 extended partition & then create 3 new sub-partitions with in that extended partition. is this correct? also, what format should i make those partitions? i ask because i saw quite a few.21:38
DumberThanHomeraretrfre34: sox -V yourfile.wav -r 44100 -w -c 2 -s yournewfile.raw21:38
siddhionmneptok: randomhelper mentioned ext2 ext321:39
kevin_Okay guys, first off, how are ya? Second off... I have no sound...Running lubuntu btw, if however, I believe I know somewhat about this...21:39
scunizisiddhion: ext3 or 4.. /swap doesn't get assigned a file system..21:39
randomhelpersiddhion: for the ubuntu partitions (excluding swap), select ext2 or ext3 to read in windows with additional software, or if you don't care about that ext4 for speed21:39
siddhionscunizi: thanks a bunch21:40
kevin_I am looking for the driver for me sound card, believe it's an hda_intel driver....21:40
randomhelperkevin_: since you say you are knowledgable, i would recommend compiling pulseaudio from source, that fixed it for me21:40
tom-ubuntuhello all21:40
IdleOnerandomhelper: I thought ext4 could read ntfs also21:40
siddhionrandomhelper: thanks for the extra info that ext4 is faster but does not show up on XP21:40
etherealiteWhats the minimal system memory I need for a apache+mysql+php dev server?21:41
kevin_ahh, good idea, I will check to see if pulseaudio's even install first, thanks randomhelper :)21:41
ilembitovIs there a way to manually set fsck to be run on my HDD after a reboot (it's a root partition)?21:41
siddhionrandomhelper: what is the difference between ext2 and ext321:41
randomhelperIdleOne: in xp, ext4 is not readable yet with additional software like ext2 and ext3 is21:41
IdleOnerandomhelper: ahh ok sorry I missread21:41
etherealiteits kills your wife21:41
randomhelpersiddhion: ext3 is journaling (indexes) and ext2 does not, but ext3 is safest for systems that randomly turn off, like killing a laptop21:42
IdleOne!ot | etherealite21:42
ubottuetherealite: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:42
DarkStar1Evening people. Does anyone here use pidgin?21:42
randomhelper!pidgin | darkstar121:42
ubottudarkstar1: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete21:42
tyler__We all know who is the clear winner here: Btrfs.21:42
IdleOneDarkStar1: yes, now ask the real question you need answered :)21:42
siddhionrandomhelper: is there a benefit to using ext3 over ext4?21:43
randomhelpersiddhion: backwards compatibility to read and write with additional software in windows, ext4 does not have that ability at this time21:43
DarkStar1:) is there a way to disable some message  types in it? like the join room announcements.21:43
scuniziDarkStar1: don't use it for IRC.. it's a good IM client but not for IRC.. use xchat or irssi .. xchat is gui, irssi is cli21:44
xanguaDarkStar1: yes, enable join/leave plugin21:44
randomhelper!hi | skyrocket21:44
ubottuskyrocket: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:44
DumberThanHomer!xchat | darkstar121:45
siddhionrandomhelper: so your saying that with additional software that runs in XP, i will be able to peer into these ext3 partitions and manipulate data? why would anyone really want to do this?21:45
magicianlordDoes anyone know where to edit the startup text when you open LXTerminal? Removing the calendar for example.21:45
xanguaDarkStar1: if is not aviable then install pidgin-plugin-pack and restart pidgin21:45
thatryanso is pureftp the best to install? and once installed will i be able to use Transmit for ftp?21:45
randomhelpersiddhion: say you have music on your Desktop in Ubuntu you want to play from Windows21:45
DarkStar1xangua: Thanks21:45
etherealiteWhats the minimal system memory I need for a apache+mysql+php dev server?21:45
siddhionrandomhelper: i understand. thank you so much for all the info.21:45
DarkStar1DumberThanHomer: why !xchat?21:45
randomhelpersiddhion: my pleasure21:45
scunizietherealite: no gui 25621:46
xanguaother useful plugins for irc in pidgin are irc more and irc helper21:46
etherealitescunizi thanks, that seems pretty steep for a shell and a unloaded web server though.21:46
scunizietherealite: check the minimum requirements for an ubuntu server install. that should do it21:47
randomhelperetherealite: you can use previous versions (which are less secure) for less memory footprints21:47
etherealiterandomhelper what if i strip out app amor of the latest release? will that make any difference?21:48
DumberThanHomerDarkStar1: IMO XChat is better for irc, but if you prefer Pidgin use it by all means :)21:48
randomhelperetherealite: sorry, i only know limited information about apache+sql21:48
rhpHi all. I had ubuntu 9.04 running as dual boot on my macbook 4.1. After upgrading to 10.04, I could not boot into it anymore. I got some grub error. I tried to burn a live-cd and boot from that, but for some reason also that fails. The 9.04 live-cd still boots, but trying to run grub-install from a chrooted environment also gives me errors. Any idea's on what the best root is to proceed this?21:48
DarkStar1DumberThanHomer: It's the only one I've tried and the interface is simple21:49
randomhelper!ru | tema_21:49
ubottutema_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:49
scunizirhp: did you go direct from9.04 to 10.04?21:49
rhpscunizi: on second thought it was actually 9.10.21:50
scunizirhp: then you did an unusual upgrade.. typical requirements make you go from 9.04 to 9.10 then to 10.04  so you short circuited the process.. try21:50
scunizirhp: ah ok..21:50
rhpI looked at the wrong install CD (since the macbook can do 64bit, I installed the amd64 version)21:50
DarkStar1rhp: I'll tell you this much. There seems to be issues with the upgrade route. Even I had issues, but when I wiped and re-installed everything worked fine. I know about 5 people that had the same problem21:50
randomhelper!hi | kad_21:51
ubottukad_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:51
mneptoksiddhion: i would use ext421:51
rhpDarkStar1: any idea why the live-cd won't boot?21:51
bilkulbekarDarkStar1: yes, i had issues upgrading too. wireless stopped working.21:51
scunizirhp: I think 9.04 used grub legacy and 10.04 tries to upgrade to grub2 if you give it permission.. you might need to use a 10.04 live cd to chroot and fix grub if that was the case21:51
ferranhi to all21:51
randomhelper!hi | ferran21:51
ubottuferran: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:51
DarkStar1rhp you tried getting into it from the apple boot manager?21:52
GuTecHello all, could someone help me with a networking problem? An Ubuntu/Windows 7 share problem, to be exact.21:52
ferrananyone cognise an Iphone SDK that works under ubuntu?21:52
kad_need to ask! i have Windows7 and Ubuntu 32-bit... i download Ubuntu 64-bit coz my processor work on 64-bit, if i install Ubuntu 64-bit, Does the boot loader remove the Windows 7 loader?21:52
rhpDarkStar1: yes, but then I only get a black screen with the cursor blinking on the left-top side.21:52
xanguakad_: yes21:52
GuTecWindows 7 on my media center just blew up, so I figured I'd install 10.04, but it fails to see any of the shares on my Windows 7 server.21:52
FlameTai1Hey guys I have a question about the Ubuntu 10.04 Switch Desktop function, Is it possible to like basically "Merge" by like Control-Left click on more than one of the desktops and see all the apps running on those ones?21:52
scuniziGuTec: install samba or sambafs21:53
scunizi!samba | GuTec21:53
ubottuGuTec: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.21:53
kad_xangua, how i can then config it on boot choose between Windows and ubuntu ?21:53
GuTecscunizi: Already installed, no difference.21:53
rhpRunning straight from the CD, I do not get into the usual menu, but it boots directly. However after a while it seems to go idle. Even the CD stops spinning...21:53
DumberThanHomer!bye | DumberThanHomer21:53
ubottuDumberThanHomer, please see my private message21:53
IdleOneha! ubottu teaches you French too21:54
scuniziGuTec: samba requires at least one user to be listed.. that's done with a different process .. check the docs for how to add a user (you) to the samba server21:54
sdohertyhello people dose anyone no why my ipod touch wont mount all of a suden21:54
FlameTai1No one knows?21:55
meltingw1xis ubuntu complient with the nation of islam?21:55
PFAmeltingw1x, no, some of it is made out of pork21:55
DarkStar1Another question. Does anyone here use one of those HP PSC all in one printers?? I'd like to know if you have issues with Linux drivers before I get mine out of the box21:55
IdleOne!ot | meltingw1x21:55
ubottumeltingw1x: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:55
IdleOnePFA please don't21:55
PFAsomeone please help me before my head explodes in a frothy tidal wave of blood, brains and gristle21:55
m4n1shi installed proprietary nvidia drivers from the binary i downloaded from nvidia's site21:56
PFAi'm trying to install 10.0421:56
PFAentered my location21:56
PFAit hangs21:56
PFAwhat i do.21:56
FloodBot2PFA: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:56
m4n1shhow do i now get back to Nouveau21:56
erUSULPFA: check the disk for errors ?21:56
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:56
m4n1shI mean only enabled Nouveau instead of propritayr ones21:56
KukManCan I remove gnomepanel ?21:56
kad_need to ask! i have Windows7 and Ubuntu 32-bit... i download Ubuntu 64-bit coz my processor work on 64-bit, if i install Ubuntu 64-bit, Does the boot loader remove the Windows 7 loader?21:56
KukManor kill it21:56
PFAKukMan, sure21:56
kad_sorry wrong upward, xangua, how i can then config it on boot choose between Windows and ubuntu ?21:56
sdohertyi have bolth21:56
tyler__kad_: It should be done automatically.21:57
FlameTai1lawl PFA: I lol'd so hard about that " no, some of it is made out of pork"21:57
DarkStar1m4n1sh: https://launchpad.net/~nvidia-vdpau/+archive/ppa21:57
niekieFlameTai1: I'm afraid not :(21:58
sdohertyipod wont mount plz help have listened to same songs for 3 long weeks21:58
PFAFlameTai1, thanks :)21:58
m4n1shDarkStar1, thanks. looking at i21:58
sdohertyvery  long weeks21:58
niekiesdoherty: have you tried putting it in disk mode?21:58
FlameTai1niekie: Really? Crap, They should Impliment that it'd be useful.21:58
kad_tyler__,  thx21:58
niekieThat usually solves the problem.21:58
hawkalcould any problems occur from removing a meta package?21:58
sdohertyhow do you do that21:58
thatryanWill this work on 10.04 also? http://wiki.mediatemple.net/index.php/Setting_vsftpd_on_Ubuntu_9.1021:58
niekiesdoherty: what specific iPod are we talking about here?21:59
sdohertythe ipod touch 3g21:59
sdohertyit was working21:59
DaekdroomiPod Touch 3G? O.o21:59
sdohertybut it stoped21:59
Slarthawkal: nothing major21:59
Dragonuvdoes anyone know where the grub has its config file?21:59
sdohertythreed generation21:59
SlartDragonuv: /etc/default/grub22:00
SlartDragonuv: if you're using grub222:00
Slart!grub | Dragonuv22:00
ubottuDragonuv: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.22:00
wildbat!grub2 | Dragonuv22:00
ubottuDragonuv: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub222:00
sheerzsdoherty:  Check --> libimobiledevice.com22:00
hawkalslart: okay thanks22:00
Slartoh.. grub2.. forgot about that one22:00
sdohertyok thx brb22:00
niekiesdoherty: see http://www.methodshop.com/gadgets/ipodsupport/diskmode/index.shtml for more information about putting your iPod into disk mode.22:00
niekiesdoherty: remember that you'll need to restart the iPod afterwards to resume normal operation.22:00
sheerzOh my mistake.  It's a .org  http://libimobiledevice.org22:01
astroboyis there a way to record just the audio of the desktop? I mean to record everything that I hear coming out of my speaker22:01
=== DumberThanHomer is now known as TheCubeAteMyHome
=== TheCubeAteMyHome is now known as DumberThanHomer
dominicdinadaok so my disk space keeps erroading i started off with 5 gigs free and have about 700 mb of files on my system. I keep my apt cache cleared but even without installing new software it just keeps decreasing. I run computer janitor and well about 2gigs does not free up22:01
MatrixOkay, here goes22:01
erUSULdominicdinada: check what /var/log/ is taking up22:02
MatrixI can't change anything on my gnome panel22:02
Arskenderfirefox wont start due to gnome-ui warning authentication rejected, i tried reinstall but no dice. what should i do?22:02
Slartdominicdinada: logs? some fragmentation? anything else growing?22:02
astroboypossibly recording the sound on hard disk and not on ram22:02
Arskenderfirefox 3 on 8.0422:02
erUSULdominicdinada: sudo du -hs /var/log/22:02
Matrixwhen I right click, the settings are greyed out22:02
randomhelperdominicdinada: also try Application -> Accessories -> Disk Usage Analyzer to see further details where the space is being taken up (install application if needed)22:02
Slartdominicdinada: removing old kernels might also get you some space back22:03
=== jesperhenriksen is now known as LeAstrale
zaafourii search for a software like real player or internet downlaod manager for linux for my ubuntu 9.10 to have  a link to downlaod any video22:03
Matrixand I can't find a place to right click and add a new panel or anything22:03
erUSULdominicdinada: then follow randomhelper advice...22:03
gasperzhelp meh pls22:03
dominicdinadayeah recently it prompted me for 2 kernal updates22:03
sdohertyNERD NOTE: The iPhone, iPod Nano, iPod Shuffle and iPod Touch don't have "hard drives" they have "flash media drives." So you can't put them into disk mode. Just the other iPods.22:03
gasperzhelp meh22:03
sdohertyRead more: http://www.methodshop.com/gadgets/ipodsupport/diskmode/index.shtml#ixzz0q0yvYqJ922:04
gasperzi need acx wireless card support22:04
dominicdinadayou mean the caCHE does not clean itself EVER ?22:04
Slartdominicdinada: well.. it doesn't remove the kernels once they are installed22:04
wieshkagasperz: maybe folks on #linux-wireless can help you out22:04
Slartdominicdinada: it just adds the new kernel next to the old one22:04
dominicdinadawhat is the safest way to "clean" move to trash lol22:04
ActionParsnipsdoherty: i think disk mode means act like a normal usb drive rather than an ipod22:04
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »22:04
=== xfact is now known as d0od
jribdominicdinada: what do you mean?22:04
ActionParsnipdominicdinada: why is that funny?22:05
gasperzif i install firefox, what firefox version is gonna install?22:05
ActionParsnipgasperz: what release are you on?22:05
sdohertyi cant do what they say there is no butons22:05
Slartdominicdinada: if you go into synaptics and search for linux-image  you should be able to remove the older kernels.. use completely remove, not just remove22:05
gasperzlubuntu newest22:05
dominicdinadaActionParsnip: it doesnt give many actions and the one it does says move to trash22:05
zaafourii search for a software like real player or internet downlaod manager for linux for my ubuntu 9.10 to have  a link to downlaod any video22:05
asdwerHi, anyone knows how to send files with empathy? (msn protocol)22:05
ActionParsnipgasperz: firefox-3.5   you can add the mozilla ppa and get all the way up to 3.722:05
AkifTariqcan somebody help . I need to install 3c509 module as my old system has 3c509 Etherlink III ISA lan card. When I do "sudo modprobe 3c509" I get error: "FATAL: Module 3c509 not found." How can I install this module?22:06
Slartzaafouri: real player is available for linux.. from the their site.. not sure if it's called real player or something like helix though22:06
avornturhi people, got a system the freezes when gdm is started22:06
aciculaAkifTariq, guess the module is not build?22:06
Arskenderi guess i'll try the complete removal22:06
avornturhow can I start it and fix the xorg.conf or whatever is causing it without it  freezing?22:06
zaafouriand ican have a link to download any video like in windows22:06
avornturie: how can I start the system without it starting gdm service22:07
AkifTariqI do not exactly know what modules are and how to install them ...22:07
dominicdinadaSlart: ok i have 3 images their hmmm22:07
thressdevive been having issues with my trackpad, every now and then its stops working, and sometimes my keyboard stops working as well. same issue as http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1470117 but i havent found a good solution. anyone have any suggestions?22:07
Slartenzo: do you have a question about ubuntu? since this is the ubuntu support channel and all22:07
=== d0od is now known as xfact_
sdohertywhat makes me mad is it was working fine no prob but now ..... nothing i have reinstalled ubuntu 10.04 and it still dident do the triclk22:07
Slartdominicdinada: remove all but the newest.. the one with the highest version number22:07
=== xfact_ is now known as xfact
dominicdinadaSlart: correct but one of the kernals is requestion to remove linux-generic with it ?22:08
Slartdominicdinada: oops.. better not do that then22:08
AkifTariqacicula:: I do not exactly know what modules are and how to install them ... Is it preinstalled in Lucid? or I need to compile it and add it to Kernel ... Please guide me22:08
dominicdinadabut that is not the newest22:08
kzmanwhat does midi driver (or emulator) use ubuntu?22:08
randomhelperAkifTariq: i see the page you are following, try a "sudo find / -name 3c509" in terminal without the quotes to search your system for the module22:09
aciculaAkifTariq, it would seem you have to build the driver as a module, or perhaps even the kernel to support an ISA bus22:09
dominicdinadaSlart: it is 32.22.23 and 32.22.36 is22:09
zaafourii just want a soft ware like internet downlaod manager in windows22:09
Slartdominicdinada: installed kernels from somewhere else?22:09
Slart!info linux-image-generic22:09
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)22:09
dominicdinadano just the update manager22:09
MEGABRAKERahla bzaafouri22:09
siddhionrandomhelper: i was writing down all the steps i would need to take to prepare for and do the installation correctly and i still do not have one bit of info. at step 4 of the installation, mneptok said i should create an Extended partition in the 35gb of free space. will i have to specifiy a partition format there (such as ext3 ext4)? or is 'Extended' the format?22:09
MEGABRAKERahla b zaafouri22:09
randomhelperzaafouri: Applications -> Ubuntu Software Center -> search Download Manager22:09
Slartdominicdinada: 22.23 is the latest official one.. not sure where you got 22.36 from22:10
ne0futurhi all, what is the command line to access System->Preferences->Display ? I run wmaker so I dont have the gnome or kde menu22:10
con-manin the synaptic package manager what should I be looking for, to find the mythtv media server22:10
zaafouriMEGABRAKER w bik hak wild bléd22:11
AkifTariqacicula:: can you please give me a link which tells me how to compile my own kernel with my own selection of modules added in it ?22:11
Slartne0futur: gnome-display-properties on my 10.04 64bit ubuntu22:11
Arskenderhelp firefox has fallen and can't get up22:11
dominicdinadaSlart: crap that one also wants to remove linux-generic and another file as well maybe just mark for removal not complete22:11
randomhelpersiddhion: Extended is not the format, Extended only lets you have more than 4 partitions, you should only parition the windows, linux, and swap partitions, not the extended22:11
erUSULne0futur: gnome-display-properties ?22:11
acicula!kernel | AkifTariq this should detail it22:11
ubottuAkifTariq this should detail it: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages22:11
avornturfound it on forums guys, nvm my question22:11
zaafourii cant find it22:12
dominicdinadaSlart: oh i know where i might have gotten it from i have the medibuntu repos added :(22:12
randomhelpersiddhion: I'm finding a screenshot on the internet now to better explain22:12
Slartdominicdinada: not sure if that will help.. you haven't enabled the proposed-repository, have you?22:12
Walexupgraded kernel to 2.6.32-22 and now I can no longer boot. My root fs is JFS. I have added the 'jfs.ko' to the initrd. I cannot mount the root filesystem or any other from the BusyBox prompt in the initramfs. Suggestions?22:12
sdohertythats it im going back to windows22:12
AkifTariqacicula:: thank you very much for the support ... the page looks good ... I will give it a time ...22:12
zaafouripleaz give me the name or a link to downlaod22:12
DarkStar1whoever mentioned the "Pidgin-plugins" feature... Thanks..22:12
randomhelpersiddhion: http://tavdash.com/my_images/partitions.png and you will see sub partitions where they (each subpartition) has a format, not the extended -> http://tavdash.com/my_images/partitions.png22:12
gloriousquestion: I did something that caused my boot and shutdown splash screens to say Lubuntu in light blue.  How do I return it to say Ubuntu in purple?22:13
ne0futurerUSUL: ok I ll try to apt-get install gnome-control-center22:13
michael___I know i probably am screwed, but ubuntu formatted my windows drive, can i recover it at all?22:13
con-manin the synaptic package manager what should I be looking for, to find the mythtv media server22:13
Slart!recover | michael___22:13
ubottumichael___: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel22:13
ne0futuri cant access ubuntu config tools without installing gnome ?22:13
dominicdinadaslart no i dont have proposed releases but after a further inspection a repo was added the dl.google.com debain stable was added22:13
erUSULne0futur: maybe better just installing grandr as an alternative with less dependencies22:14
Slartdominicdinada: oh.. debian stable is probably a very bad idea.. I would remove that22:14
rethushave try to install a package which need kde (but i won't install it) but now, if i make aptitude update, he show me always kde-packages to install.22:14
erUSUL!info grandr | ne0futur22:14
rethushow can i remove this preseection22:14
ubottune0futur: grandr (source: grandr): gtk interface to xrandr. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1+git20080326-1ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 25 kB, installed size 128 kB22:14
ActionParsnipmichael___: restore from backup22:14
dominicdinadaSlart: yeah i can remove that repo but it still doesnt help me get rid of that other kernal22:14
rdunnionhi is libcups2 the updated and therefore equal to libcups?22:15
ActionParsnip!info libcups222:15
ubottulibcups2 (source: cups): Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - Core library. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4.3-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 211 kB, installed size 448 kB22:15
Slartdominicdinada: I'm not sure.. but removing it is at least a good start.. it's not like you really really need the linux-image-generic package.. it's just a meta package22:15
ActionParsnip!info libcups22:15
ubottuPackage libcups does not exist in lucid22:15
michael___Do you think recovering a whole OS from a ext4 format will be at all posible?22:15
FlameTai1Hey guys is there a manual that comes included with the install of Ubuntu 10.04?22:15
Slartdominicdinada: you can always reinstall it again when you're done changing stuff22:15
ubuntujenkins!manual | FlameTai1:22:16
ubottuFlameTai1:: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/22:16
SlartFlameTai1: there are man-pages.. lots and lots of manuals for all the commands..22:16
dominicdinadaSlart:  let me give it a go if it fails ahwell22:16
FlameTai1Ty guys22:16
Slartdominicdinada: well... they say reinstalls are almost painless these days ;)22:16
ra21vii want to add a user on my Ubuntu 10.4 (server) to sudoers.. i thought adding it to grp admin would work.. but there is no admin grp22:17
sdohertyneed help ipod touch wont mount ( it did mount than just stopped ) i am running ubuntu 10.04 and have a threed gen ipod touch plz help22:17
ActionParsnip!adduser | ra21vi22:17
siddhionrandomhelper: ok i see the Extended partition is 43.95gb and that it has the 3 sub-partitions under it (ext3 /home, ext3 /media/sda5 & the Linux-Swap). These 3 partitions are created in 43.95 gb Extended partition, correct? If yes, doesn't that mean that one would have had to partition the Extended partition?22:17
ubottura21vi: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo22:17
michael___Do you think recovering a whole windows OS from a ext4 format will be at all posible?22:17
ActionParsnipsdoherty: tried gtkpod22:17
ActionParsnipmichael___: you could use foremost to maybe restore data. You should have a backup if your data is important22:18
dominicdinadaSlart: not with linux the one flaw with it is that so many people build software and dependancies that to remove one application it removes a dependancy for a program or 5 also using it that and then some programs require a depenacy such as 26.32.33 and you have 26.32.34 and 26.32.30 on your machine22:18
corin_ra21vi, echo "username   ALL=(ALL) ALL" >> /etc/sudoers22:18
hztvhi! can anyone help me? i can't boot my computer and i get this for few days: http://yfrog.com/fvdscf6958j22:18
niekiemichael___: how did you format it?22:18
ActionParsnipcorin_: will need sudo22:18
ra21vidominicdinada: learn more..22:18
DJ_HaMsTawhat else can one do in ubuntu ?22:19
Flannelcorin_, ra21vi: you should never modify sudoers without using visudo.22:19
niekiemichael___: testdisk ( http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk ) might sometimes help.22:19
michael___ActionParsnip I do have my documents and such on my dropbox. But im trying to decide if i should reinstall windows22:19
Slartdominicdinada: that's why you're supposed to stick to the repositories of your distro... and if you have to go get something from a weird place just download the deb.. don't add the entire repository22:19
=== marius is now known as Guest40626
rdunnionmy printer driver requires libcups but lucid has libcups2 could this be the reason my driver is failing?22:19
randomhelpersiddhion: did that help at all?22:19
michael___niekie I did it from the ubuntu install. I reallly rememver selecting my other parition but i guess not22:19
gaeloshow can i know my catalyst version ? 1.4 1.5 ?22:19
ra21vicorin_: oh, i want to avoid doint it22:19
michael___niekie using ext 422:19
dominicdinadaSlart: the only repo i added was the medibuntu for the codecs where the debain came from no idea i did not add it22:20
ActionParsnipmichael___: may as well, windows likes to be reinstalled from time to time due to OS degradation which happens22:20
corin_Flannel, why not?22:20
siddhionrandomhelper: ok i see the Extended partition is 43.95gb and that it has the 3 sub-partitions under it (ext3 /home, ext3 /media/sda5 & the Linux-Swap). These 3 partitions are created in 43.95 gb Extended partition, correct? If yes, doesn't that mean that one would have had to partition the Extended partition?22:20
Slartdominicdinada: but generally speaking I think packagers put the dependencies to high.. does all the gnome stuff require the very latest gnome? from looking at the repos it seems that way22:20
dominicdinadara21vi: MIND your own business k thanx22:20
Flannelcorin_: Because visudo does some syntax checks and stuff upon saving, to make sure you don't break sudoers horribly.22:20
ra21vidominicdinada: :) gr8 .. carry on22:20
rethushave try to install a package which need kde (but i won't install it) but now, if i make aptitude update, he show me always kde-packages to install.how can i remove this preselection?22:20
niekiemichael___: hrm. Don't really know if it'll work with what the Ubuntu installer does. All I know is it saved me one time when running mke2fs on the wrong drive :)22:20
hztvhi! can anyone help me? i can't boot my computer and i get this for few days: http://yfrog.com/fvdscf6958j22:20
macoSlart: when a library is rebuilt all of the packages depending upon it often have to be rebuilt as well22:20
randomhelpersiddhion: yes, if it appears like the screenshot its good22:21
Flannelra21vi: Please be polite and considerate.22:21
corin_Flannel, assuming that one line doesnt get changed... its syntax is clearly fine22:21
michael___niekie sounds good, seems to only support ext 3 though.. But does it find entire OSs?22:21
ra21viFlannel: :) I am.. sorry if he took that other way22:21
BalduinoIs it possible to create a network game between two computers on the local network using glchess? I can't find a way to create a host.22:21
Flannelcorin_: If you're going to give advice in this channel, give the advice to use visudo.  You don't want to teach someone to pipe stuff into sudoers.22:21
randomhelpersiddhion: or course not exactly, but the screenshot is a template22:21
macoSlart: if you rebuilt the packages against an old library, sure you could probably use that old library instead22:21
Flannelcorin_: Let alone the fact that that command wouldn't actully work ;)22:22
niekiemichael___: I'm not very sure. It was quite long ago when I used it.22:22
corin_Flannel, works for me ;O22:22
dominicdinadaslart ummm when i try to mark the latest "assuming it is from the google debain stable it is trying to remove the most current ubuntu kernal as well" should i keep the oldest one and remove the others then just reupdate ?22:22
hztvhi! can anyone help me? i can't boot my computer and i get this for few days: http://yfrog.com/fvdscf6958j22:22
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/22:22
niekiemichael___: As far as I can remember it can.22:22
siddhionrandomhelper: so if it turns out like the screen shot then its good. i understand.22:22
Slartmaco: you're probably correct.. it's probably just my inexperience with packaging that is speaking..thanks22:22
ibqnI do not follow what is going on, I had a working samba environment, and from now on it is gone not even /etc/init.d/samba file is available....22:22
Slart!info linux-image22:23
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)22:23
michael___niekie so i should install this on a ubuntu live cd? and then run it? or does it have its own livecd?22:23
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.22:23
Slartdominicdinada: I would go with that one..   that's the latest one from the ubuntu repos22:23
michael___niekie or do i slave my drive?22:23
Misantropowhen running apt-mirror i am getting "apt-mirror: can't close intermediate file (index-urls.0) at /usr/bin/apt-mirror line 212."22:23
randomhelpersiddhion: brb22:23
Slartdominicdinada: never mind that it wants to remove the linux-image-generic package..22:23
mneptoksiddhion: 1). disable Windows automatic backups. 2). reboot Windows. 3). defrag and chkdisk 4). use XP disk management to create free space 5). boot off the Xubuntu CD and install 6). Manually define partitions. 7). make all partitions extended.22:24
dominicdinadaSlart: but like i said when i mark that otherone for complete removal it is trying to take out the most current ubuntu one as well :/22:24
siddhionrandomhelper: so to be clear, the first thing I do in Step 4  of the installation process is to install Manually. now once i am at the Manuall Partition window what do i do first?22:24
FirstSgtI have a php file that prints out a space-deliminated list of files... I want to mv those files to a dir name failed... how do I do it?22:24
gloriousquestion: I did something that caused my boot and shutdown splash screens to say Lubuntu in light blue.  How do I return it to say Ubuntu in purple?22:24
niekiemichael___: It should work on Ubuntu or Windows. (whether live or installed). I wouldn't recommend messing around with it too much though. It's quite an "expert" tool.22:24
=== thb|Ou7 is now known as thibow
acerimmerglorious: http://maketecheasier.com/change-login-and-boot-screen-in-ubuntu-lucid/2010/05/1322:24
FirstSgtI am trying: php file.php | xargs mv failed/22:24
Slartdominicdinada: odd..22:24
=== WindPower_ is now known as WindPower
dominicdinadaok i set the most current ubuntu for reinstall and the others for complete removal22:25
siddhionmnetok ok. so i will manually define 3 partitions then?22:25
Slartdominicdinada: you've removed those other repositories?22:26
mneptoksiddhion: http://i42.tinypic.com/nlehcz.jpg22:26
ActionParsnipglorious: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9034192&postcount=51022:26
un214FirstSft: echo -e '#!/bin/sh\nmv $1 failed/' > ./mvhelper.sh &&  pfp file.pgp | xargs --maxargs 1 ./mvhelper.sh22:26
ibqndoes anybody use samba here?22:26
un214FirstSgt: echo -e '#!/bin/sh\nmv $1 failed/' > ./mvhelper.sh && pfp file.pgp | xargs --maxargs 1 ./mvhelper.sh22:26
dominicdinadawell kept the medibuntu :/ but that repo didnt have an kernal update and i will make sure i dont update to that kernal22:26
Slartdominicdinada: well.. give it a try.. see what happens22:27
dominicdinadaSlart: according to synaptic it is complete :/ ? no reboot ? ha22:27
gloriousthankyou acerimmer!22:27
siddhionmneptok: ok thank. so i see 1 extended partition and with in that i see 3 ext2 partitions.22:27
siddhionmneptok: so there is 1 Extended partition, not 3.22:28
mneptoksiddhion: correct. and 3 partitons inside that.22:28
dominicdinadagrr still 400mb in the cache22:28
mneptokdominicdinada: sudo apt-get clean22:29
erUSULdominicdinada: sudo apt-get clean22:29
dominicdinadaalready been done22:29
ibqndoes anybody use samba here?22:29
dominicdinada.cache from my home folder cache22:29
Slart!anyone | ibqn22:29
ubottuibqn: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:29
gloriousthankyou ActionParsnip22:29
mneptokdominicdinada: apt-get does not store its data in ~/22:29
amereservantIs there a way to change the menu in 10.04 Netbook Remix so it's in the same place as the Desktop version and not all over my desktop?22:30
dominicdinadamneptok: you think ? about 45mins ago i said i had cleaned my aptitude cache22:30
DarkStar1.wave " ActionParsnip22:30
dominicdinadathis is the cache from my home folder22:30
nickname1238what is the status of bug #574462?22:30
rethus1have try to install a package which need kde (but i won't install it) but now, if i make aptitude update, he show me always kde-packages to install.how can i remove this preselection?22:30
mneptokdominicdinada: cleaning the apt cache has *no* effect on anything in your home22:30
* ActionParsnip waves to DarkStar122:30
erUSULdominicdinada: that's where miniatures of files (and other stuff) are stored22:30
ibqnSlart, ubuntu's documentation is even wrong https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/samba-fileserver.html, there is no such a init script anymore /etc/init.d/samba22:30
rethus1have try to install a package which need kde (but i won't install it) but now, if i make aptitude update, he show me always kde-packages to install.how can i remove this preselection?22:31
mneptokerUSUL: actually, those are stored in ~/.thumbnails22:31
ActionParsniprethus1: you can't. the packages are deps of the deb you installed22:31
rethus1but the installation abort, cause of broken dependeciys22:31
randomhelpersiddhion: back, any knots in the installation?22:31
siddhionmneptok: so to be clear on the order of operations at Step 4. At Step 4 I will: 1) Make one single  Extended partition. 2) Make 3 sub-partitions (1 ext4 partition for Xubuntu, 1 ext4 partition for data and 1 Linux-Swap parition) with in that single Extended partition.22:32
erUSULmneptok: i stand corrected22:32
dominicdinadamneptok: nevermind your wasting my time and yours i know all this you jumped into an issue 3/4 the way through22:32
mneptoksiddhion: you said you want your home on a separate partition. you have to tell the installer to use that partition as /home22:33
siddhionrandomhelper: mneptok came on and kind of took over. haha. but yeah i am just trying to verify the order of operations at step 422:33
SeanInSeattleHey all.  Is it possible to install tweetdeck (adobe air app) on ubuntu 10.04?22:33
Exilastry it?:P22:33
blockyis it possible to run wget on a local html file which contains links to websites22:33
perla24AaronM hola22:33
SeanInSeattleI was successful in installing adobe air, but when I try to install tweetdeck it does work by clicking on the link (via chrome).22:33
perla24que tal22:33
siddhionmneptok: i know. i am just trying to verify the order of operations. can you verify if my second to last message is accurate?22:33
* perla24 envia saludos a todos22:34
mneptoksiddhion: it is. is this a laptop?22:34
tyler__SeanInSeattle: I heard there was problems with Adobe Air on 64-bit Linux systems.22:34
siddhionmneptok: yes it is.22:34
dominicdinadaok these folders are taking up the most, .cache .wine .thumbnails .config .mozilla is their a safe way to clear the data?22:34
mneptoksiddhion: do you want to be able to suspend and hibernate?22:34
tyler__SeanInSeattle: But, there was a work around... I would have to find it again though.22:34
SeanInSeattle@tyler__ I'm not running 64bit.  I'm running 32bit.22:34
siddhionmneptok: good question. thanks. yes that would be nice.22:34
mneptoksiddhion: then make the swap partition at least 2x physical RAM22:35
erUSULdominicdinada: in .wine is where all windows programs are stored so you do not want to touch it ...22:35
tyler__SeanInSeattle: You can try Googling 'installing Tweetdeck on 32-bit Ubuntu.'22:35
tyler__That might get you somewhere.22:35
erUSULdominicdinada: .cache and thumbnails should be safe to clean up22:35
mneptokdominicdinada: rm -r ~/.thumbnails/*22:35
=== Fanskapet is now known as Styrbjorn
dominicdinadaerUSUL: that may be but i dont have 300mb of programs in there i got 2 installed programs :(22:35
mneptokdominicdinada: and then use gconf-editor to set a size mimity for thumbnails22:36
scuniziSeanInSeattle: gwibber is kinda like tweetdeck22:36
siddhionmneptok: thank you for this tip. very good. i was originally going to make the swap partition 1.5 x the size of my RAM which is currently 512mb.22:36
mneptoksiddhion: make at least 1.1GB of swap22:36
masterslakkhey, anyone know any applications for audio recording.... like cool edit adobe audacity pro tools.... but free in ubuntu22:36
murkyanyone have any idea about installing the games by playonlinux22:36
mneptokmasterslakk: yes. audacity.22:37
mneptok!info audacity22:37
ubottuaudacity (source: audacity): A fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.12-2 (lucid), package size 2588 kB, installed size 6952 kB22:37
tyler__SeanInSeattle: You might have to grab the .air package and install it that way (instead of through the web interface).22:37
GothSparkmurky I know how =322:37
=== jacky is now known as royjac52
dominicdinadaerUSUL: mneptok as for the wine ? why would it take up 300mb the programs are really small and only 2 ?22:37
siddhionmneptok: right on. now is there an order as to which of the 3 sub-partitions I should create first? should i make the Linux-Swap parition 1st? the Xubuntu 10.04 paritition 1st? etc.22:37
SeanInSeattle@tyler__ I got the .air app, but its not executable, and I'm not sure what the adobe air app is to be able to execute it.22:38
mneptokdominicdinada: no idea. i don;t use WINE.22:38
masterslakkmneptok, thanks a lot...22:38
=== mike_h is now known as Guest44907
mneptoksiddhion: i'd make / and swap first, and then allocate all remaining space to /home22:38
ActionParsnipSeanInSeattle: you use the installer in the menus and then point the installer at the file22:38
Arskenderi can't even get seamonkey to run22:39
GothSparki tryed to run  the 3d tchat Imvu on wine witch was unsuccesfull due to lag issue , is there are still an equivalent to wineX or Cedeca that is free ?22:39
SeanInSeattle@actionparsnip the adobe air installer?22:39
nrunecan anyone help me with [Errno 40] Too many levels of symbolic links: '/usr/share/gconf/defaults/ln22:39
siddhionmneptok: ok cool. how much space should i allocate to '/' ?22:39
VCoolioArskender: does it say anything useful when you launch it from a terminal?22:40
IdleOnemneptok: should /swap be at beginning or end of drive?22:40
ActionParsnipSeanInSeattle: yes if you want to install air apps you install them there22:40
goddardwhats the best video card for 80 bucks?22:40
goddardor 7022:40
mneptoksiddhion: 10GB should be sufficient22:40
ActionParsnip!ot | goddard22:40
ubottugoddard: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:40
Arskenderseamonkey says nothing22:40
=== Guest44907 is now known as Lloyd_H
Arskenderfirefox gives a gnome-ui warning about authorization rejected something22:40
IdleOnegoddard: we are not a google service nor comparison shoppers :)22:40
Misantropoi am having the mentioned problem with apt-mirror, can someone help, please?22:41
goddardIdleOne K, thanks baby girl.22:41
=== Lloyd_H is now known as Ubuntu_Pro
Arskender"GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:22:41
ArskenderAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed."22:41
macogoddard:  that wasn't really appropriate22:41
IdleOnegoddard: Please read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines and channel topics22:41
IdleOnegoddard: also Please read http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/22:42
goddardIdleOne I went to off topic thanks for telling me22:42
VCooliogoddard: the offtopic channel is the place to ask this; I'd go for nvidia anytime, but opinions differ22:42
goddardmaco its a joke dude22:42
U-b-u-n-t-uwhats the command to move the close min max to the left22:42
macogoddard: its creepy22:42
mneptokgoddard: it's still inappropriate22:42
MTecknologyblocky: ya.. but you'd need a loop22:43
deusrsomeone help me? - http://pastebin.com/UjsbanHd22:43
siddhionmneptok: so how much slower is 'ext3' than 'ext4' ?22:43
=== Ubuntu_Pro is now known as techhelp_mike
Arskenderi'd google for help but i can't launch a browser22:43
scunizisiddhion: you won't really notice22:43
=== visof_ is now known as visof
goddardmaco haha really thats even more funny then :D22:44
MTecknologyblocky: while read line; do wget $line; done < yourfile22:44
goddardmneptok lighten up man you only have one life to live22:44
siddhionscunizi: hmm. ok.22:44
FelixMargaritaI tried to make a new panel by right clicking on the the bottom bar and choosing "New Panel" but all that happened is that now I have a border (transparent) on the right side of my screen. I can't seem to add any icons to it, and I can't get rid of it now either???22:44
mneptoksiddhion: i don't worry about benchmarks like that.22:44
nruneI upgraded rhythmbox and there seems to be a error with symlinks. it keeps giving me this error [Errno 40] Too many levels of symbolic links: '/usr/share/gconf/defaults/ln  Any ideas?22:44
U-b-u-n-t-uanyone know the command to move the |close min max| to the left22:45
mneptokgoddard: last time. it was inappropriate, and donlt do it again.22:45
erUSUL!controls | U-b-u-n-t-u22:45
ubottuU-b-u-n-t-u: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d622:45
MTecknologynrune: what does 'file /usr/share/gconf/defaults/ln' show you?22:45
goddardmneptok what ever dude get a life22:45
siddhiongoddard: this room is for ubuntu related issues. videocard info is better acquired in another channel. its only logical.22:46
goomba5454Hey everyone.  I am a an ubuntu newbie.  recently whenever i minimize windows they dont appear on the bottom bar.  what should i do?22:46
techhelp_mikeis say to try a toolbar add-on22:46
erUSULgoomba5454: maybe you deleted the windows list applet by mistake? add it again22:46
dominicdinadaerUSUL: to flush the logs ?22:46
erUSULdominicdinada: flush the logs ?22:47
nrune<MTecknology> that command results in :  /usr/share/gconf/defaults/ln: symbolic link in a loop22:47
dominicdinadaerUSUL: my var/logs is 200 mb22:47
siddhionmneptok: perhaps I am getting over precise but should i create the '/' partition before the 'Linux-Swap' partition or vice-versa or does it not matter?22:47
techhelp_mikegoomba trygoing through the taskbar add- on list22:47
mneptoksiddhion: doesn't matter22:47
scunizisiddhion: ditto22:47
erUSULdominicdinada: i would try to find out what is spamming the logs ...22:48
dominicdinadaerUSUL: normally i wouldnt care but this is a laptop i saved and space is critical on this machine as it has a 10gig drive22:48
siddhionthanks mneptok and scunizi22:48
alcornsoooo, Plymouth.... Has anyone actually gotten this to work properly? I have Ubuntu 10.04 installed on 3 different computers with 3 different NVidia graphics cards and ALL of them are showing a LOWER resolution boot screen than previous Ubuntu version.22:48
DJ_HaMsTathe time will not change, any ideas ?22:48
SeanInSeattle*Hurray*  Tweetdeck is installing!! :)22:48
michael___i am a ubunto22:48
Arskenderdoes anyone have any insight as to why ff3 wont start in 8.04?22:49
erUSULdominicdinada: check /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog and then you can look into make logratate more agrassively delete/compress logs22:49
DarkStar11what's a good program for zipping(compressing) files?22:49
claoi have a laptop with xubuntu lucid on it, but the wifi seems fried, its not beening detected.... is there aney way i can check to see if the wifi modem is ok? the ethenrnet coneection work, but the wifi, wiich i shoiuld be able to turn on  changing the wifi icon blue is not working anymroe22:49
claoplease help me, someone22:49
alcornDarkStar11, the one defaultly installed. Right click and select Compress22:50
erUSULclao: which wifi chip is?22:50
claohmm broadcom22:50
LinuxAdminhi guys22:50
DarkStar11alcorn: Sorry Blod moment :)22:50
erUSULclao: sudo aptitude install b43-fwcutter22:50
DarkStar11alcorn: blond*22:50
LinuxAdminI'm getting problems with drbd22:50
erUSULclao: then reboot22:50
alcornDarkStar11, =P22:50
tuxlinuxi have lucid on a netbook "Asus Eee1050HA", using eee-control-daemon fails to connect. The only solution to this is adding acpi_ois=Linux on the kernel line in grub and reboot. Adding that also to your custom file in /etc/grub/ does not work, why do these settings always get lost after each Ubuntu release? Any way to permanently implement this?22:50
claoerUSUL, o try that right now, thanks22:50
LinuxAdminI had it working until  today22:50
dominicdinadaLukeL: already done22:51
goomba5454erUSUL: i added the windows list thing but each application doesnt appear on the bar. now they appear on a popup menu under the window selecter icon22:51
MTecknologynrune: hrm... my best guess.. delete the file..22:51
=== FrozenFire[alt] is now known as FrozenFire[work]
dominicdinadaos-prober is spamming the logs22:51
MTecknologydominicdinada: do you have a dual boot?22:51
LinuxAdminjust a reboot and everything blow up22:51
erUSULgoomba5454: !!?? never seen such a thing ...22:51
diogo_79has anyone install wubi sucessfully in windows xp22:52
dominicdinadaMTecknology: no dual boot22:52
=== frxstrem is now known as lucid_lynx
siddhionits amazing just how bad the Xubuntu/Ubuntu installation tutorials are online. maybe there are some good ones but deeply buried in Google search.22:52
dominicdinadathat and UFW is spamming the logs with the rules i put in place22:52
goomba5454erUSUL:  ugh just my luck.  do you have any other suggestions?22:52
erUSULdominicdinada: well that's normal when there is a kernel update ( wich triggers update-grub and that os-prober)22:52
LinuxAdminit seems that ubuntu installed a new version of the kernel and drbd module start getting problems22:52
MTecknologydominicdinada: you could just drop that app - imo it's just a pain - if no dual boot then it's kinda bloat22:52
techhelp_mikei only dual boot without the WUBI22:52
siddhionI got such better info here.22:52
alcorntuxlinux, not related to your issue, I love those EEE's but the last one I bought, 1201n, had a TERRIBLE power port design, sooo SOOOO SOOOO very tiny, it broke within a month, very disappointed in Asus' poor design there, after so much good work from them, then they flop that. Just wanted to vent.22:52
wildbatdiogo_79, 9.10 ya ~ but not recommend to use wubi22:52
LexHello gentlemen.22:52
LexI come to you with a query.22:53
dominicdinadaMTecknology: even if i use wine22:53
LinuxAdminI don't know how to solve this22:53
MTecknologydominicdinada: those two have nothing to do w/ each other22:53
tyler__Anyone know how to stop Empathy from auto-scrolling downwards when new messages appear when you're in an IRC channel?22:53
lucid_lynxdoes anyone have experience with using Ubuntu on Acer Aspire computers (especially the 8943G model or similar models)?22:54
dominicdinadaapt-get purge os-probe ?22:54
MTecknologyLinuxAdmin: I assume you looked at the logs and considered giving a few more details?22:54
alcornLinuxAdmin, drbd, what is that?22:54
sebsebseb!ask | Lex22:54
ubottuLex: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:54
erUSULtyler__: no; i do not think is possible right now... just use a rwal irc client like Xchat :)22:54
nruneMTecknology: will try22:54
LinuxAdminI mean, it seems that if I install drbd from source22:54
MTecknologydominicdinada: yup22:54
sebsebsebLexi ok what is the question?22:54
MTecknology!drdb | alcorn22:54
MTecknology!info drdb | alcorn22:54
tyler__erUSUL: I usually use Xchat but I thought I would give Empathy a try. Because I'm curious.22:54
ubottualcorn: Package drdb does not exist in lucid22:54
LexSurely, ubottu. This is a large channel, something I have failed to realize simply in my petty SearchIRC Java application.22:55
KukManCan I total hide gnome panel from ubuntu 10.04?22:55
tuxlinuxalcorn: gee, that sounds crappy. There is a problem with the battery not holding nearly all it should be providing. I need to speak to Asus about replacing it. Damn Asus.22:55
MTecknologyalcorn: sorry... It's a way to sync virtual drives across systems22:55
LinuxAdminit seems that module drbd can not be load22:55
LinuxAdmindrbd is a shared storage22:56
LexI am currently trying to create the file system known as ext4. I am using mkfs.ext4 to create it, however, whenever I d, I get the "No such file or directory" error. I am trying to create the file system from what is currently "unkown".22:56
sebsebsebLex: Ubottu is a computer program not a person. What do you want help with?22:56
deusrDoes anyone know compile driver here?22:56
erUSULLinuxAdmin: dmesg should give you some clues as to why that's the case ...22:56
alcorntuxlinux, good luck. Asus is know VERY WELL for their utterly terrible technical support and repair... horrible horrible horrible. Read reviews about it if you wana have nightmares.22:56
tyler__Only thing missing from the IRC capabilities of Empathy is the ability to stop auto-scrolling. :C Oh well, back to XChat. I thought Empathy was sexy too...22:56
lucid_lynxdeusr: isn't it just like compiling any other program?22:56
LinuxAdminok just a minute22:56
LexAh. Lovely. Quite an intelligent bot.22:56
MTecknology!enter > LinuxAdmin22:56
ubottuLinuxAdmin, please see my private message22:56
erUSULLex: why ot just use gparted ?22:56
deusrlucid_lynx, webcam ->>> http://pastebin.com/UjsbanHd22:57
LexAnd, for the record, I tried gparted.22:57
LexAnd I recieved the same answer.22:57
alcornanyone having problems with fetching this latest Linux kernel with update manager?22:57
nruneMTeckonology: okay now I get this "IOError: [Errno 40] Too many levels of symbolic links: '/usr/share/gconf/defaults/sudo"22:57
claoerUSUL, b43 was already installede22:58
kzmanis there a better midi emulator for ubuntu?22:58
Lex"could not stat /dev/mapper/blahblah_Lex -- No such file or directory22:58
LexEr, rather, "22:58
erUSULclao: "iwconfig" shows a wlan0 ?22:58
LexQuoth gparted.22:58
T1Hey guys.. just switched to ubuntu... but have this damn problem.....        my mouse freezes every time i type on my keyboard for about 1 sec22:58
deusrlucid_lynx, my webcam the use driver pac7302 and ubuntu only got 731122:58
sllidehow do i use rpm files again?22:58
LexQuite the barrage of questions.22:59
erUSUL!rpm | sllide22:59
ubottusllide: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)22:59
daraanyway to configure graphics drivers on dell mini 10, with UNR?22:59
goomba5454erUSUL:  oops I accidentally added the wrong applet.  I feel so dumb.  Anyway thanks for the help =)22:59
scunizisllide: alien does a conversion but it's not 100% and can lead to problems.. look for a .deb first22:59
T1Any suggestion.. on my mouse freeze?22:59
dominicdinadaok i found what was spamming my logs :O22:59
erUSULgoomba5454: no problem :)22:59
LexThat would be my query, gentlemen.22:59
LinuxAdminas I said after a reboot drbd hasn't started, and it happens because it couldn't load drbd module22:59
alcornsoooo, Plymouth.... Has anyone actually gotten this to work properly? I have Ubuntu 10.04 installed on 3 different computers with 3 different NVidia graphics cards and ALL of them are showing a LOWER resolution boot screen than previous Ubuntu version.22:59
LinuxAdminhere is the error:23:00
LinuxAdminFATAL: Error inserting drbd (/lib/modules/2.6.31-22-server/updates/dkms/drbd.ko): Invalid module format23:00
* sllide is looking for NASM23:00
dominicdinada-rw-r----- 1 root adm  166M 2010-05-30 00:53 error.log.123:00
deusrlucid_lynx, my webcam driver uses the 7302 and ubuntu has only 731123:00
erUSUL!info nasm | sllide23:00
ubottusllide: nasm (source: nasm): General-purpose x86 assembler. In component main, is optional. Version 2.07-1 (lucid), package size 1014 kB, installed size 2868 kB23:00
lucid_lynxdeusr: it seems like you're missing some C header files required to compile the drivers23:00
erUSULsllide: it is aviable in *main*23:00
sllideyay is has a .deb ^_^23:00
daraanyone know anything about the video drivers for UNR on dell mini 10? please23:00
erUSULsllide: sudo aptitude install nasm23:00
claoerUSUL, nope, its note displayed under iwconfig23:00
* Lex yawns and checks his watch, "It appears as if I only have 2 minutes. I apologize for the impatience."23:00
claoerUSUL, but it was working fine before i updated to lucid, as was compiz23:01
erUSULclao: sudo modprobe -r b43 && sudo modprobe b43 && dmesg | tail -n2523:01
tuxlinuxHey anyone having webcam problems with Gnome Cheese trying to record video? Webcam is usually pretty good, but once you start recording video with Cheese, it completely freezes and gets choppy. I also tried xwcam, recording video wasn't any better. Ideas?23:01
LexWe do have other chatters after all who also require assistance. ;)23:01
sllidekay got everyting23:01
erUSULclao: then paste what you get in pastebin23:01
LinuxAdmini've been reading about this and it seems like ubuntu updated the kernel and that kernel was build with a different version of gcc23:01
dominicdinadaerUSUL: ok i found what was spamming the log files but might need a hand ?23:01
erUSULdominicdinada: ask away ...23:01
deusrlucid_lynx, I downloaded the driver with the command... hg clone http://linuxtv.org/hg/v4l-dvb23:02
LinuxAdminthat's why I can't load drbd module23:02
alcornLinuxAdmin, according to DRBD23:02
lucid_lynxdeusr: are you sure you're compiling the right drivers? because that seems to be drivers for TV tuner cards, not webcam drivers23:02
spezticlecan somebody tell me what the apt-get install package name for the kde desktop environment is?23:02
wildbatLex, just like the error said you don't have that device ~23:02
volvehey all, I'm trying to install 10.04 server on a usb thumb drive but when it gets to GRUB it fails, I tried LILO too but that fails also. I can't find details on Google that pertain to 10.04 at all. Anyone know the issue? :/23:02
alcornLinuxAdmin, according to DRBD's website, it should be included in the kernel already... that's weird.23:02
dominicdinadaapache is spamming the bejesus out of my logs. it does not just diplay an error the SOB logs like 1000 errors for one error23:02
dominicdinadaone file is 166mb23:02
daracan anyone help me?23:03
erUSULdominicdinada: well fix whatever apache is complaining about ... i.e the root cause23:03
MTecknologynrune: :S23:03
LinuxAdminI also get this error from dmesg:23:03
LinuxAdmindrbd: disagrees about version of symbol module_layout23:03
dominicdinada!ask | dara23:03
ubottudara: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:03
erUSULdominicdinada: log spamming is only the simptom23:03
MTecknologynrune: what were you installing?23:03
tuxlinuxvolve: I think its best to use UNetbootin to use the .ISO on your USB key23:03
scunizivolve: might be a bit tough as the server release isn't a live cd environment.. are you using the "Create a USB" tool built into ubuntu?23:03
lucid_lynxis it possible to remap mouse buttons to keyboard shortcuts, like with the btnx program, on a program-to-program basis?23:03
deusrlucid_lynx, the driver is here.. http://linuxtv.org/hg/v4l-dvb23:03
dominicdinadaerUSUL: this is a development pc so of course it might encounter errors but i really dont need 1000 lines to tell me about 1 error23:03
daradoes anyone know how to add the videos drivers on UNR on dell mini 10?23:03
Arskenderi got firefox to run but it rage quits every time i try to download something23:03
michael___what systems do window have? I want a great driver23:03
LinuxAdminI think ubuntu updated kernel-headers and drbd module get outdated23:04
nruneMTecknology upgrade to rhythmbox, I went ahead a deleted the sudo link and the system upgraded normaly.  Problem solved thanks very much!23:04
lucid_lynxdeusr: I know, but it everything points to it being DVB (TV tuner) drivers, not webcam drivers23:04
IdleOne!dvd | dara23:04
ubottudara: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:04
erUSULdominicdinada: well; maybe you can configure apche to be less verbose. but i dunno how...23:04
MTecknologynrune: yay- glad it's working for you :)23:04
alcornvolve, like tuxlinux said, use Unetbootin, it does great with putting linux on USB... never fails on me.23:04
LinuxAdminit seems that if I build everything from source it gets start, but I don't want to make such a thing23:05
erUSULdominicdinada: as i said you may (alternativaly) want to tweak logrotate so it is more aggressive deleting old log files23:05
Arskenderthe google searchbar doesn't work, the bookmarks are gone and it wont load any of the backups23:05
dominicdinadaerUSUL: actually i am so Effin sick of "lamp" Apache friends is so much better for development BUT when i ran tasksel a few days ago it errors out with code 100 and i dont want to break anything23:05
LinuxAdminI want my system updated normally, but this kind of situation is risky23:05
dominicdinadaand keep my databases23:05
erUSULdominicdinada: see /etc/logrotate.conf23:06
LinuxAdminthis shared storage is where I have my kvm virtual machines installed. Imagine if I had it under production23:06
claoerUSUL, http://pastebin.com/jgaNPw9C23:06
LinuxAdminI'm just testing it at the moment23:06
dominicdinadaso remove the pos lamp and switch to xampp but keep all mysql tables etc... what is the best way to get rid of the tasksel lamp package23:06
dominicdinadaerUSUL: so remove the pos lamp and switch to xampp but keep all mysql tables etc... what is the best way to get rid of the tasksel lamp package??23:07
LinuxAdmineverything went well, until today23:07
erUSULdominicdinada: keep less weeks of logs. rotate every few days (instead once a week) ...23:07
deusrlucid_lynx, search for 093a:2620 in http://moinejf.free.fr/webcam.html23:07
alcornLinuxAdmin, I am not 100% sure if I am correct on this but this link seems to indicate that 10.04 comes with cluster support built in and does make mention of DRBD in the title. Probably not understanding your needs fully though so forgive me if it does nothing to help you. http://fghaas.wordpress.com/2010/05/03/ubuntu-10-04-with-full-cluster-stack-support/23:07
dominicdinadaerUSUL: umm your missing the point i have had it with on going problems with the LAMP package from tasksel i want to get ride of it and keep the tables... not change log rate23:08
Arskenderif i try to go to anything in the menu it quits23:08
LinuxAdminthanks alcorn23:08
happyhobo1maverick bites23:08
Walexupgraded kernel to 2.6.32-22 and now I can no longer boot. My root fs is JFS. I have added the 'jfs.ko' to the initrd. I cannot mount the root filesystem or any other from the BusyBox prompt in the initramfs. Suggestions?23:08
scunizidominicdinada: then uninstall apache23:08
Arskenderit segfaults actually23:09
SeanInSeattleDoes anyone know how to make the icons smaller on the Ubuntu Netbook Remix?  They're HUGE by default... :(23:09
dominicdinadascunizi: you missed the whole point when i select tasksel to remove lamp it errors out with code 100 and someone warned me about serious bugs with it23:09
erUSULclao: sorry you made a mistake you put & instead of && the second time. can you repeat the paste ? « sudo modprobe -r b43 && sudo modprobe b43 && dmesg | tail -n25 »23:09
LinuxAdminI had it working well, I understand how to configure a cluster, but this has got to be with a kernel update that broke consistency between kernel and it's modules23:09
LinuxAdminhow can this happens?23:09
tuxlinuxSeanInSeattle: Try the appearance settings in the Preferences menu23:09
joobiehey guys, having a routing issue - hope someone can help. I have a firewall with multiple interfaces, currently setup with a default route to the main interface. A secondary interface I have setup pulls a public ip from an attached modem which is in half-bridge mode. I'm trying to setup a static route on the firewall so that a particular host only routes via that half-bridge interface.. All I see though when I do that is the interfa23:09
joobiece saying an "arp who-has <the ip im routing> send to <the half-bridge public ip"23:09
erUSULdominicdinada: tasksel can be used to remove tasks23:09
erUSULdominicdinada: about xammp i do not know anything23:10
scunizidominicdinada: bugs with tasksel? those are meta packages.. lamp installs apache, mysql and php or pearl.. typically php23:10
lucid_lynxdeusr: could you please put than link in a context?23:10
joobieany ideas? I see that in a tcpdump on the half-bridge.. as if it doesnt know its own gateway??23:10
scunizidominicdinada: they can be uninstalled individually23:10
dominicdinadaerUSUL: well removing everything from the repos and ubuntu installers ??? i dont want to kill the system but i want the LAMP package i selected from "tasksel" gone and well like i said it is broken23:10
LinuxAdminand the problem seems to be related with a kernel update that were compiled with a different version of gcc23:11
alcornLinuxAdmin, not  really sure, that's pretty much past my level of Linux understanding. Pretty sure you know more about Linux than me,  sorry I can't be of help.23:11
erUSULdominicdinada: as i said tasksel can be used. "sudo tasksel remove lamp"23:11
deusrlucid_lynx, pac7302093a:2620Apollo model AC-905xpac7302 OK23:11
dominicdinadaerUSUL: ill try that23:12
SeanInSeattle@tuxLinux  Nope, nothing there.  :(23:12
lucid_lynxdeusr: no, why is that site so interesting? what is "OK" with the "Apollo model AC-905x"?23:12
LordasUzeik cia Geras servas http://www.naujas-mu.tik.lt/23:12
LordasUzeik cia Geras servas http://www.naujas-mu.tik.lt/23:12
FloodBot2Lordas: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:12
claoerUSUL, mybad, here it is http://pastebin.com/2nHkb3DT23:12
LordasUzeik cia Geras servas http://www.naujas-mu.tik.lt/23:12
BreetaiI have a laptop that does not like the i915 driver, how do I switch to running vesa?23:13
erUSULclao: still no wlan0 in « iwconfig » output ?23:13
lucid_lynxdeusr: anyway, look at this forum thread with instructions for v4l-dvb drivers in Ubuntu: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130522823:13
alcornAnyone get Plymouth working correctly? The only thing it does for me is make my loading screen low resolution.23:13
pathfind3ri'm trying to make a bootable SD card,  i tried using unetootin and it said ti completed ok, but when i reboot and choose the SD card, it just goes right back to my main drive, what could the problemo be/23:13
claoerUSUL, nope, only lo and eth023:14
dominicdinadaerUSUL: http://pastie.org/993350 hmmm so i need to shut things down ?23:14
deusrlucid_lynx, if you access the link and look for what I sent, you will see that there is a driver for my webcam and it works (OK). in short, I need to just compile and upload the module23:14
peter_curryI need help with re-installing Ubuntu 10.04 LTS using the ISO and other files that I just burned to a CD-R.  Can anyone help me?23:14
daftykinspathfind3r: check the card with gparted, see if it has the bootable flag set23:14
erUSULclao: go to --> system>admin...>hardware drivers ; do the wifi card appear there ?23:14
Odaymdoes Lernid channel not exist on this server?23:15
alcornpathfind3r, you chose SD card? That's not a usb drive. Try looking under your BIOS under your boot order, select your hard drive section if it has the ability to be expanded (has a plus sign) and you should see your usb stick listed in there, put it at the top of that list then back out and save and reboot.23:15
lucid_lynxdeusr: well, where the heck does it stand that you need the v4l-dvb drivers? also, see the link I sent you23:15
Odaymi saw on LFX mag that its here on freenode23:15
tuxlinuxSeanInSeattle: It might be possible your font size needs to be smaller, maybe in font settings under Preferences.23:15
alcornpathfind3r, oh I see I missed that, you are making a bootable SD, my bad.23:15
pathfind3ralcorn: the boot order is set correctly in the bios, and you can choose it by hitting escape at boot23:15
dominicdinada http://pastie.org/993350 hmmm so i need to shut things down ?  also will this kill mysql tables ?23:15
BKTech86WICD is saying my WEP password is bad but i know it's right, can anyone help?23:16
alcornpathfind3r, ya try what daftykins said first.23:16
Tofuhey guys, i managed to install ubuntu-desktop on ubuntu server 10.423:16
Jordan_Upeter_curry: What do you mean "ISO and other files that I just burned to a CD-R"? Did you burn the CD using the iso image as a source, or did you burn a CD that contained the iso as a file on the CD?23:16
deusrlucid_lynx, ok23:16
Tofudo you know i can get the GUI loaded?23:16
pathfind3rdaftykins: i just checked in gparted, the boot flag is set23:16
MaletorWhat distro do I want to download to put on my Macbook 5,123:16
SeanInSeattleDoes anyone know how to install Safari onto Ubuntu 10.04 without using wine?23:16
erUSULdominicdinada: there appear to be problems in your tasksel install ...23:16
lucid_lynxdoes Ubuntu support writing to ISO files when they are mounted (by using the 'rw' flag when mounting them)?23:16
MaletorSeanInSeattle: safari = webkit23:17
Maletorgoogle chrome = chromium23:17
pathfind3ralcorn: gparted says the boot flag is set23:17
Jordan_Ulucid_lynx: No.23:17
scunizierUSUL: can he sudo tasksel -f install like apt-get?23:17
dominicdinadaerUSUL: that is what i was saying before :( error code 100 when i just run tasksel and get the interface23:17
daftykinspathfind3r: weird, i'm out of ideas if it really gives the option to boot that.23:17
peter_curryJordan_U: I simply downloaded the ISO from the website.  Then I opened that file.  It brought up an image burning window.  I then burned the 460.5 MB to my CD-R.  What is the next step?23:17
alcornpathfind3r, when you attempt to boot from it by F8 selection, does it seem to pause like it is trying to then default back to the HDD?23:17
pathfind3rdaftykins: all modern notebooks i've seen let you choose sd cards at boot23:17
peter_curryJordan_U: I got the ISO straight from the Ubuntu website.23:18
erUSULscunizi: http://pastie.org/99335023:18
Jordan_Ulucid_lynx: Closest I've seen to "writing" to an iso is using isomaster.23:18
BKTech86can anyone help me connect my wireless on my laptop? using WICD and it's saying my password is bad23:18
lucid_lynxJordan_U: okay, thanks23:18
daftykinspathfind3r: ok, hadn't seen that myself and don't own any SD cards :>23:18
SeanInSeattle@Maletor what does that mean exactly?  Just because safari is webkit based?23:18
claoerUSUL, i think not, im using xubuntu, so not sre if om looking int he righ plce23:18
MaletorSeanInSeattle: safari is webkit with apple branding. that's it23:19
pathfind3ralcorn: its so fast i cant see if it says anything, its instant.. i choose the sd drive, then the regular drive bootloader comes up23:19
erUSULclao: try « gksudo jockey-gtk » in a terminal23:19
thatryanso I just used Transmit and SFTP'd into my server with user root.  Uploaded my site files but nothing shows  up...23:19
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Jordan_Upeter_curry: Reboot with the CD in the drive and hopefully the LiveCD will boot (which wi.ll let you try Ubuntu from the CD and install it to your hard drive if you want to)23:19
SeanInSeattle@Maletor  Ok.  So are you saying that installing it is pointless?  If so, then why?23:19
alcornpathfind3r, try to put SD at the top of your boot priority in bios and disable boot from HDD then reboot and see if it it says not OS found.23:19
erUSULscunizi: no perl-fu here ... :(23:19
pathfind3ralcorn: it is set like that already23:19
peter_curryJordan_U: Thank you.  That is what I thought ...23:19
pathfind3ralcorn: ah ok i didnt disable the hard drive23:20
Jordan_Ulucid_lynx: You're welcome.23:20
pathfind3ralcorn: brb23:20
MaletorSeanInSeattle: yes install is painless sudo apt-get install webkitkde23:20
Misantropoplease help23:20
BKTech86just installed ubuntu and cant get wireless internet to work, anyone?23:21
scunizierUSUL: or here23:21
SeanInSeattle@Maletor thx dude.23:22
DarkStar11I need a Multi-media player for Lucid 6423:22
Tofuguys, how do i start up the desktop through ssh ?23:22
claoerUSUL, yeah, thats where id looked, and n, theres something about a Software modem, and its activated, still nothing23:22
Tofui just installed ubuntu-desktop and now i want to swicth to the gui. Do you know how?23:23
BKTech86please someone help me get my wireless internet to work23:23
scuniziTofu: are you on the machine with desktop installed or ssh'd into it?23:23
zer0t0xicBKTech86,  check if youre drivers is compatible23:24
Tofuim on remote to the machine23:24
Tofuits a vpn23:24
Tofussh'd into it, yeah23:24
BKTech86zer0t0xic, if i can see the router in network scanning does that mean its compatible?23:24
peter_curryJordan_U: I just tried rebooting with the Live CD in the drive.  It gave me an I/O reading error.  So did the CD not burn correctly?23:24
erUSULclao: ok now can you try « sudo rfkill list » and paste the output ?23:24
zer0t0xicBKTech86, System > Administrator > Hardware Drivers23:24
BKTech86zer0t0xic, i did that, and i activated the driver, it says it should be working23:24
claoerUSUL, sure, one sec23:24
scuniziTofu: k.. you won't see the desktop via ssh but you can start it.  it's either sudo service gdm start or sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start23:24
ActionParsnipTofu: you can run: nautilus   and you will see the desktop (i believe)23:24
lazybughello everybody! i tried plymouth tried different themes 7 works but theme 8 didn't get me to the login screen had to reboot in recovery mode+change to theme 7 again but i would like to uninstall23:24
zer0t0xicBKTech86, yes its mean compatible if it scans networks23:24
claoerUSUL, nothing23:24
erUSULclao: no output ?23:25
BKTech86zer0t0xic, what else can i do? it says my WEP password is bad but i check it 10 times23:25
claoerUSUL, no outut23:25
TofuThanks, i'll try that23:25
=== pavel989 is now known as pvl1
ActionParsnip!player | DarkStar1123:25
ubottuDarkStar11: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs23:25
SeanInSeattleHas anyone used virtualbox to host windows from within linux for development purposes?23:25
erUSULclao: « lspci  » shows the card; does it?23:25
zer0t0xicBKTech86, can you please run this command on termineal lspci23:25
dancek!vnc | Tofu23:25
ubottuTofu: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX23:25
dancek!freenx | Tofu23:26
ubottuTofu: FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX23:26
lazybugi would like to uninstall  plymouth could some one help with the right command?23:26
Tofuscunizi: i tried both and they say that gdm is already started23:26
BKTech86zer0t0xic, ok, now what?23:26
zer0t0xicBKTech86, and pastebin the result23:26
BKTech86zer0t0xic, i can't its on another computer23:26
claoerUSUL, no, only the etehrnet card and the nvidia stuff23:26
BKTech86zer0t0xic, the laptop has no internet23:26
zer0t0xicBKTech86, oh okay, which version of ubuntu you using ?23:26
Tofui have vnc installed, but it takes me to some terminal like log in23:26
BKTech86zer0t0xic, the latest luci23:26
Tofuno desktop23:26
claoerUSUL, but i see nothing about the wireless card23:27
peter_curryCan anyone else help me with this?  I just tried re-installing Ubuntu 10.04 LTS using a Live CD that I burned using the ISO straight from the Ubuntu website.  Upon boot up with this newly created CD in the drive, it gave me an I/O reading error - with the only option to reboot - which then takes you back to the same error.  Should I burn the CD again - or simpy re-install Ubuntu 9.10, which I had on here originally?23:27
scuniziTofu: so it's displaying locally to the machine but not remote.. the link dancek gave you through ubottu is valid if you want to run the full desktop local to you23:27
liam_I have a laptop with switchable graphics running 10.04. When I change the graphics to discrete and try to play a game the game won't load. Any ideas as to why this would happen?23:27
claoerUSUL, it used to work wirth 8.*23:27
erUSULclao: :/ no wonder the driver doesn't see it either... maybe it is disabled in bios somehow? or with a switch in the laptop ?23:28
scuniziTofu: are you vpn'd into the machine? or ssh'd23:28
hztvi need help to restore the content of tomboay and ff bookmarks and evulution contacts. can you tell me how?23:28
BKTech86zer0t0xic, what should i do?23:28
zer0t0xicBKTech86,  run this in terminal iwconfig23:28
Tofuscunizi: its a ssh's using remote desktop viewer23:28
claoerUSUL, but i see nothing about the wireless card23:28
alcornDarkStar11, try VLC, download from their website. Handles almost ALL codecs.23:28
zer0t0xicBKTech86, sudo iwconfig23:28
claoerUSUL, it does have a switch, but its not working, it acutally has never worked with xubuntu before, it just turned on by it self23:29
scuniziTofu: you have to have the vnc server running on the main machine for the client to connect to it23:29
Tofuim using ubuntu desktop 10.4 to ssh into the vpn23:29
Tofui can log into vnc just fine23:29
BKTech86zer0t0xic, ok done23:29
Tofuthe problem is, its a terminal style look23:29
Tofui wanted GUI23:29
ActionParsnipTofu: make sure yo uvnc through an ssh tunnel23:29
CppIsWeirdi installed xen-hypervisor on ubuntu desktop 10.04, now it stops booting just after it loads the login screens background image.23:29
erUSULclao: sorry but i'm out of ideas now... mybe someone else can help you further.., :/23:30
TofuActionParsnip: i have no clue what that mean :(23:30
scuniziTofu: you might be able to connect with ssh -X <ipaddress> and then run x programs from there.. with that you can run the vnc server and set it up to accept connections from outside.. with or without password23:30
TofuI'll try that now23:30
Tofudo i need to config X after i installed ubuntu-desktop?23:30
ActionParsnipTofu: vnc is not encrypted in any way so all keypresses and stuff are sent in clear text23:30
claoerUSUL, thanj anyway23:31
ActionParsnip!vnc | Tofu23:31
ubottuTofu: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX23:31
Tofuhere come the links again, lol23:31
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scuniziTofu: nope  you need to configure the vnc server running on the desktop.. it does not run by default23:31
Tofuic ic23:31
Tofuok, i'll config it now23:31
TofuThanks :)23:31
BKTech86zer0t0xic, still there?23:31
CppIsWeirdi installed xen-hypervisor on ubuntu desktop 10.04, now it stops booting just after it loads the login screens background image.23:32
zer0t0xicBKTech86, yes looking for solution23:32
peter_curryIs there anyone on here who is knowledgeable enough with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS to be able to help with some re-installation issues?  I am currently running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS - and simply want to do a fresh install.23:33
scunizipeter_curry: you have to ask a more specific question.. there's lots of knowledge in this channel.. fresh installs aren't that hard so many will be willing to guide you23:33
acornpathfind3r, you there?23:33
lanksdotI have a laptop with switchable graphics running 10.04. When I change the graphics to discrete and try to play a game the game won't load. Any ideas as to why this would happen?23:34
zer0t0xicBKTech86, try to follow this instruction, this might fix youre problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3141823:34
uLinuxHow can I share the internet connection on other computer?23:35
zer0t0xicpeter_curry, run the installatin with the livecd and format the swap files, and HDD ?23:35
sebsebsebpeter_curry: yep23:35
scunizi!ics | uLinux23:35
ubottuuLinux: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php23:35
IdleOne!ics | uLinux23:35
uLinuxit's wireless connection23:36
uLinuxnot ethernet23:36
CppIsWeirdhow do i choose what kernel i want ubuntu to boot with?23:37
BKTech86zer0t0xic, i figured out the solution23:37
scuniziuLinux: you need 2 nic cards to share.. probably either can be wireless.. by wireless do you mean evdo or some cellular connection?23:37
dominicdinadaefff BS now my laptop is stuck in the memory test WTF23:37
uLinuxi think Network Manager doesnt allow to use ethernet and wireless at same time23:37
peter_curryzer0t0xic: OK - you've already lost me.  So are you saying I can't just re-install over the current 10.04 installation.  I have to swap files instead?  If it's that complicated - I might as well just re-install 9.10 and say "forget it" ...23:37
BKTech86zer0t0xic, uninstalled network-manager, restarted WICD, selected the correct WEP key type, and it works23:37
TofuThanks for all your help fellas23:37
Tofubye :)23:37
BKTech86zer0t0xic, thanks for your help!23:37
hztvhow do i unmount a disk?23:37
uLinuxscunizi, normal connection to router via wireless23:38
dominicdinadahow can i recover my install when it only boots into the memtest mode23:38
hztvi need to unmont to use the partition manager and then mount again23:38
scuniziuLinux: and you want your wireless computer to share with another?23:38
imthenachomanwow. i'm looking through the logs for this room. some strange questions people ask23:38
uLinuxand the other one is using windows23:38
dominicdinadaimthenachoman, its glad to know that there is trollish people around23:39
CppIsWeirdhow do i choose what kernel i want ubuntu to boot with?23:39
imthenachomanCppIsWeird: you can tell the boot loader that...23:39
dominicdinadahow can i recover my install when it only boots into the memtest mode23:39
scuniziuLinux: check the previous link.. you might not be able to use network manager but you should be able to do it by hand coding /etc/networking/interfaces and /etc/resolv.conf .. there's probably ip tables you'll have to edit as well.23:39
CppIsWeirdimthenachoman, no shit sherlock.23:39
IdleOneCppIsWeird: language please23:39
zer0t0xicBKTech86,  no problem23:40
uLinuxedit configs bah23:40
imthenachomanCppIsWeird: humm, okay, what boot loader are you using?23:40
IdleOneCppIsWeird: I believe you hit enter to get grub menu23:40
hztvcan anyone tell me how do i unmout a disk and then mount it again for prartition change?23:40
dominicdinadahow can i recover my install when it only boots into the memtest mode23:40
matthew123can anyone tell me what this error msg means? " Gdk-WARNING **: gdk_window_set_icon_list: icons too large".  How might I go about fixing it.23:40
CppIsWeirdIdleOne, ty.23:40
IdleOneCppIsWeird: it might be ESC23:40
spezticlei'm using command ubuntu server without a desktop environment. what is a command to make a link to a file?23:40
CppIsWeirdi'll pound them both for good measure23:41
ProblemI like UNE23:41
jribspezticle: a symbolic link, or?23:41
spezticlejrib: symbolic link, yes.23:41
ProblemWhere can i get a graphics accelerator driver for a netbook screen?23:41
jribspezticle: ln -s TARGET NAME23:41
spezticlejrib thanks :)23:41
IdleOneCppIsWeird: might not want to break they keys though :)23:42
CppIsWeirdhmm, that does not seem to have worked.23:42
jpstarihello i'm new!!!!23:42
CppIsWeirdfsck the keys, i think i broke my finger. >_<23:42
well_laid_lawnCppIsWeird: hold the right shift key at boot23:42
ubottujpstari: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:42
IdleOneCppIsWeird: right shift key! well_laid_lawn :)23:43
CppIsWeirdwell_laid_lawn, that worked23:43
CppIsWeirdty. :)23:43
IdleOnepaddymelon: don't spam links please23:43
paddymelonIdleOne, sorry, trying to go to their IRC and X-Chat put me automatically in this channel so it came here... at least I wasn't identifying :P (happened before)23:44
sudotuxSomething happened and now ubuntu wont boot it is stuck just booting into the memtest screen how do i fix23:46
hztvcan anyone tell me how do i unmout a disk and then mount it again for prartition change?23:47
hztvcan anyone tell me how do i unmout a disk and then mount it again for prartition change?23:47
matthew123Can i create a launcher that launches a program as root without entering a password?23:48
scunizihztv: sudo umount /dev/<diskname>  .. then sudo mount -a23:48
sudotuxSomething happened and now ubuntu wont boot it is stuck just booting into the memtest screen how do i fix23:48
uLinuxhow do i kill network manager23:48
uLinuxhow do i kill network manager23:48
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.23:48
scuniziuLinux: you have to uninstall it....23:48
thune3sudotux: if you hold shift and go into the grub2 menu, do you have a kernel listed at all?23:49
hztvscunizi, what is under disk name?23:49
sudotuxlet me check on that pc23:49
scunizihztv: you have to know where the disk is mounted.. all disks have a reference in /dev/<something> and/or /media/<something>23:50
sudotuxthune3, wtf no i dont23:50
hztvscunizi, so how do i know it?23:50
=== [SW]Dodge is now known as [SW]Dodge`oFF
plecosotmusHello friends. I am wondering how I can find out if the most recent kernel released through system update includes TRIM support :)23:51
plecosotmusIs there a changelog or something that's published somewhere?23:51
igoryonya_Are there any file downloader that supports redownloading only the corrupted portion of the downloaded file?23:51
scunizihztv: you could sudo fdisk -l to get a list of your partitions.. identify the one you want23:51
thune3sudotux: hmmm, were you cleaning out old kernels or something before this happened?23:51
jribigoryonya_: how does it know it's corrupted?23:51
OerTRIM support > 2.6.33 ?23:52
sudotuxthune3,  yes i followed a person advice to remove old kernals :/23:52
compengiusr_, using a kvm switch?23:52
ubottuTo rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"23:52
plecosotmusOer: I'm running 2.6.32-22 on Lucid23:53
Oerme to, no trim support yet23:53
thune3sudotux: sounds like the plan23:53
igoryonya_jrib: For example, I've downloaded a file, but dew to a computer freeze, the download got corrupted in the place of the file which it was downloading when the computer froze. When you open the file with an archiver, it knows where it got corrupted, so the downloader would also use an archive lib to determine the corruption point and download some bytes, kilobytes from that byte, where it...23:54
igoryonya_...detected the corruption, by using the archiving lib.23:54
hztvscunizi, unmount /dev/sda123:54
AndrewX192Ubuntu network-manager is getting confused about the state of my wireless card, how can I fix this?23:54
hztv didn't worked23:54
sudotuxthune3 if i can find my 10.04 dvd in all these dvds23:54
matthew123I can only launch a program by typing sudo -h...is there a way to include that in a launcher?23:54
igoryonya_jrib: instead of redownloading an entire file again23:54
KF07OK so I just started using ubuntu and there's this little thing that's bugging me. When I right-click somewhere, then I right-click somewhere else it just cancels the first context menu, so I then have to right-click again. If that makes sense.23:54
AndrewX192It works about 1/16th of the time23:54
AndrewX192which requires a ton of reboots to get it to work23:54
jribigoryonya_: you probably want wget -c23:54
aciculaplecosotmus, i think he means to say you need a .33 kernel for trim support23:54
plecosotmusOer: I heard somewhere that originally had TRIM support but Ubuntu removed it. It's expected to be re-added to Does that sound right?23:54
Daekdroomplecosotmus, doesn't look like ubuntu to remove and add things like that after the development cycle is completed.23:55
hztvscunizi, unmount /dev/sda1 didn't worked23:55
FlameTai1Ummm guys I'm having a problem o-o23:55
plecosotmusok, so i probably have to wait for 10.10?23:56
acerimmerFlameTai1: ask23:56
FlameTai1I'm trying to go to google.com right?23:56
krysisIf anyone needs help PM me, i'll be here for a bit23:56
FlameTai1And like23:56
Daekdroomplecosotmus, that or compile/get a kernel that has TRIM support23:56
Oerno, rumours that is, i'm waiting also for the new kernel or next 2.6.34 ..23:56
FlameTai1I keep getting this, I'll PM it to you acerimmer23:56
IdleOne!enter | FlameTai123:56
ubottuFlameTai1: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:56
=== andrew_ is now known as Guest75472
igoryonya_jrib: wget -c is what I use, and it doesn't detect corruption, although, there might be some other option from all of those endless options in it.23:56
scunizihztv: it's sudo umount /dev/sda123:57
jribigoryonya_: tell it to start earlier?23:57
scunizigotta run..23:57
IdleOnekrysis: we encourage everybody to keep the support questions/answers in the channel.23:57
jribigoryonya_: what you are asking is impossible, but you can certainly use wget -c to /continue/ a download from some spot23:57
hztvscunizi, ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo umount /dev/sda123:58
hztvumount: /dev/sda1: not mounted23:58
krysisIdleOne, alright sorry, i figured it could be a bit of a relief on the chat23:58
hztvis it ok?23:58
Oerplecosotmus, look at https://launchpad.net/~kernel-ppa/+archive/ppa , then you want to wait for maverick :-) or test the alpha123:58
igoryonya_jrib: Nothing is impossible, but -c keeps the corruption, as I said, do you know the option, that allows to start earlier?23:59

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