[11:01] Hi there, people. I have installed the 4 launchpad-*-dependencies packages. I am not using rocketfuel. Do I have all the deps to build and run lp? [11:15] Hi there, people. I have installed the 4 launchpad-*-dependencies packages. I am not using rocketfuel. Do I have all the deps to build and run lp? [11:35] Hi there, people. I have installed the 4 launchpad-*-dependencies packages. Do I have all the packages required to build and run launchpad? Can I proceed to run rocketfuel? Will rocketfuel install any more packages? or it will just configure the sys? [11:38] beuno: Hi there! ^^ [12:13] Hi there, people. I have installed the packages launchpad-*-dependencies in the lp ppa. Do I have all the deps and can proceed to download branch now? [12:14] Sorry, people, my connection was lost, so had to join and ask the question again [13:46] Hi there, people. I am having a dependency problem with launchpad. I want to run lp on my computer having a lamp stack already installed. Installing lp will remove PHP, since lp requires apache2-mpm-worker while PHP requires apache2-mpm-prefork. Both of these packages are conflicting. What should I do? Can lp run on prefork? I know PHP cannot run on worker. Please help [14:00] beuno: Please help ^^ [14:00] wgrant: please ^^ [14:00] bilalakhtar: try to install LP into a virtual machine [14:01] adiroiban: just a minute, seeing how to do that [14:03] adiroiban: You mean a chroot? [14:03] bilalakhtar: chroot or a kvm [14:05] adiroiban: ok, thanks for the info, will do it in a chroot [14:19] Hi there, people. I am trying to run lp in a chroot. I have apache already running in host along with php and mysql. Do I need to stop apache in host before starting the one in chroot? [14:39] bilalakhtar: if they are not running on the same IP:PORT you can have them both [14:40] adiroiban: Bot of them will run on the same port by default. I will modify the host one to run on post 8080. Thanks for into [14:40] *info [18:25] lifeless, jml: plane hacking: https://edge.launchpad.net/soupmatchers [18:26] james_w, ooh. /me looks [18:26] * jml is releasing Twisted today [18:26] yay! [18:26] thanks [18:26] there's a README in the branch that will explain [18:27] * james_w -> dinner [20:38] is there a place with information about lp layers which are run during testing? i can't figure out which layer does what or which layers do i need for my tests [20:39] krkhan, not really. your best bet is to copy another test that does something similar, or look at lib/canonical/testing/layers.py [20:58] jml: thanks [21:15] james_w: nice, I shall look more when I get back from the real estate agents === cr3_ is now known as cr3 [23:38] spm: When you appear, can you please kick the i386 buildds back into life? [23:38] Most of them died yesterday for no particularly good reason.