
shrinigodbyk: hai00:59
shriniso far any luck with tamil fonts?00:59
godbykHey, shrini00:59
godbykA bit, yeah.00:59
godbykBut now it's finding some errors in the translations.00:59
godbykLet me upload the PDF and log file for you.01:00
godbykshrini: You can see the PDF here: http://builds.ubuntu-manual.org/builds/ubuntu-manual-ta.pdf01:01
godbykshrini: And the log file (that shows error messages) here: http://builds.ubuntu-manual.org/builds/ubuntu-manual-ta.log01:01
shriniplease send me the po file01:03
shrinithen, we need to change the font01:03
shrinifont is not correct01:03
godbykshrini: I'm just using the po file that's in bzr.01:03
godbykI can change the font if you like.01:03
shriniletters are being splitted01:03
godbykshrini: I may not have all the settings right yet.01:04
shrinithe heading are still in boxes01:05
godbykYeah, I haven't fixed the heading fonts yet. Just the main font.01:05
godbykAnd it's only halfway there. :)01:06
godbykAlso, you might take a look at the translator's chapter in the style guide: http://files.ubuntu-manual.org/style-guide.pdf01:06
godbykIt looks like you've translated some of the \label{} commands and it doesn't like that.01:06
godbyk\label, \chaplink, and \seclink should be left untranslated.01:07
shriniis there any way to find mising }01:11
godbykJust a moment and I'll help you track it down.01:12
godbykWhat font did you recommend we should use?  (It'll have to be an open font that's freely available.)01:15
shriniwhat is the current font you used?01:21
shrinigodbyk: ?01:21
godbykshrini: The current font is TSCu_Paranar.01:23
shrinican you try lohit tamil?01:23
godbykLet me see if I have that one.01:25
godbykI have that one. Let me set it up.01:27
shrinigodbyk: wow01:27
shrinithats great01:27
godbykshrini: You can download the pdf from the same link as before.01:28
godbyk(It still fails to compile, but you can see a bit of the new font.)01:28
shrinigodbyk: ok01:28
shrinithis font is awesome01:29
shrinigodbyk: great font01:29
shrinibut the works are being splitted often01:29
shrinihow to avoid that?01:29
shriniwe do not use justify01:29
godbykThe text isn't being justified.01:30
shriniwords should not be splitted01:30
godbykI don't know yet. I've told it that the text is Tamil, so the font should connect the letters appropriately.01:30
shriniit should be like that only01:31
shrinigodbyk: you there?02:11
shrinitroubling you much?02:11
godbykI'm here.02:11
shrinigodbyk: ok02:11
shrinigodbyk: how can we find the mising }02:12
godbykWell, we have to find it first.02:12
godbykIt'll be someplace not far after page 8.02:12
godbykIf you can skim through the translations and make sure that each { has a matching }, you should find it fairly quickly.02:12
godbykIt looks like a \marginnote{ wasn't closed with }.02:13
shrinipage 8 in LP?02:13
godbyk(On my end, the translations in Launchpad up as boxes, so I'm not much help there, I'm afraid.)02:13
godbykpage 8 in the PDF.02:13
godbykbasically, while latex was generating that pdf and started to work on the next page and got stuck.02:14
godbykI'm going to take a break for a little bit. But I'll be back in a while.02:26
shrinigodbyk: ok02:28
shrinigodbyk: how did ubuntujernkins found the mising } ?03:26
godbykshrini: I don't know.03:39
shrinigodbyk: i am getting it03:39
shrinifixing onebyone03:39
shriniwhat is the time now for you?03:39
shrinihow long i can trouble you?03:39
shriniif possible teach me on how to set lohit tamil font myself03:40
godbykshrini: You can try.  If you open the um-tamil.clo file, you'll see the lines like \newfontfamily\tamilfont. (Ignore the lines that start with %.)  Just change the font name at the end of that line.03:44
shrinigodbyk: great03:45
shrinigodbyk: that file is not available with me03:46
shriniother languages are there03:46
godbykrun 'bzr pull' to make sure you have the latest updates.03:46
shrinigodbyk: ok03:47
shrinigodbyk: got that file03:48
shrinigodbyk: how to mention lohit tamil?03:49
shrinithe real font name is lohit_ta.ttf03:49
godbykgive it the actual name of the font (not the file).03:50
shrinigodbyk: with space?03:50
shrinias "lohit tamil"?03:50
shriniany caps?03:50
godbykJust make it look exactly how it does in the font dialog or menu of OpenOffice, for instance.03:50
shrinigodbyk: fine03:53
shrinigodbyk: got it03:53
shrinipdf is good03:53
shrinibut still there are boxes in many places03:53
godbykyeah, I know.03:54
shrinigodbyk: need help03:57
shrinipower may go down here for 3 hrs03:57
shriniI request you to fix the font issue asap03:57
shriniand mail me if i am not there in irc03:57
shrinihave to finish the full pdf today03:57
shrinitrying our best to bring the pdf for release party03:58
godbykI'll work on the font stuff, but I can't make any promises.03:58
godbykDoes the Lohit Tamil font look okay for the body text or is it still messed up?03:59
shrinilohit tamil is perfect03:59
shrinibut when we mix english with that, it shows only boxes03:59
godbykAh, right. That's because the Lohit Tamil font doesn't have the English letters in it.04:00
godbykTo work around that, you can add \textenglish{Ubuntu} to get it to use the English font.04:00
godbyk(Just wrap the English words in \textenglish{...})04:00
shrinilohit tamil has english with it04:01
godbykNot that I see.04:01
shriniany fix?04:01
godbykWhen I load Lohit Tamil into my font viewer and tell it to show me all the glyphs, I see the Tamil glyphs, the numbers, some punctuation, and that's it.04:02
shriniuse in OO04:02
godbykIt must be using a fallback font.04:03
shrinigodbyk: anyother easy fix?04:07
shrini\textenglish{Ubuntu} adding this is a tedious job04:07
godbykYes, it is.04:08
godbykThe easier fix is to select a font that has both Tamil and English glyphs.04:08
shrinigodbyk: okey04:09
shrinione good news04:09
shrinifixed the existing missing }04:10
shrinigot the pdf without any error for 196 pages04:10
shrinistill index are missing04:10
shrininot an issue for now04:10
shrinithanks a lot04:10
shrininow, only font issue is there04:10
shrinilet me search for that04:10
godbykyeah, the index and glossary are separate issues.04:10
shrinihow to find wether a font has both english and tamil in it?04:11
godbykwell, you can just give it a try and see. :)04:12
godbykor run 'otfinfo -s myfont.ttf'04:12
godbykIt needs to list Tamil and Latin04:12
humphreybcgodbyk: so what's the story with translations anyway?04:14
godbykWhat story?04:16
humphreybcwhen are we going to see em? :P04:16
godbykWe might see the Greek edition this week.04:17
humphreybchooray for progress04:17
shrinihumphreybc: trying to bring tamil pdf today for our ubuntu release party04:19
shrinistuck with font issue04:19
shrinigodbyk is helping me a lot04:19
shrinihe is really like god04:19
shrini otfinfo -s lohit_ta.ttf04:21
shrinigodbyk: lohit tamil has only one04:21
shrinigodbyk: i am finding the font04:30
shriniplease look on other font issues04:30
godbykshrini: Which other font issues?04:31
shrinisome heading are still in boxes04:31
shrinisome marginnotes04:31
godbykshrini: Ah, once you find a font, I can fix that.04:33
shrinitesting with some fonts04:33
shrinigodbyk: your current time?04:59
godbykIt's 23:0004:59
shrinitroubling you much05:00
godbykNot at all.05:00
shrinistill finding a suitable font05:00
godbykI'm a night owl.05:00
godbykI'll be up for a while yet.05:00
shrinigodbyk: please have the font "TSCu_Paranar" for now05:03
shriniand get the pdf05:03
shriniyou can see boxes in headings and in some places05:03
shrinigodbyk: please fix those05:03
shrinigodbyk: can we use arial unicode ms ?05:06
shriniit is the font comes with MS Office05:06
godbykWe should stick with open fonts if we can. Otherwise, many people won't be able to compile the PDF.05:08
shrinithe font "tscu paranar" is perfect in OO05:09
shrinibut some splitted in pdf05:09
shrinigodbyk: any idea?05:09
godbykI've uploaded the PDF and LOG files again, so you can see that TSCu_Paranar looks like.05:11
godbykI just downloaded a new copy of the translation from Launchpad.  Uploading a new PDF now.05:12
godbykOkay, it's uploaded.05:12
shrinigodbyk: wow05:16
shrinifound the proper font05:16
shriniit is listted here too http://www.wazu.jp/gallery/Fonts_Tamil.html05:17
shrinigodbyk: please us this font and create pdf05:18
shrinicheck for other box issues05:18
shrinithanks a lot for bearing my troubles05:19
godbykshrini: Uploaded.05:23
shrinigodbyk: link?05:23
shrinilost the link05:23
shriniwith which font?05:24
godbykWith Akshar Unicode.05:24
shrinithanks a lot05:25
shrinilet try making here05:25
shriniur pdf version shows all fonts perfectly05:26
shrinimy version shows some boxes05:26
godbykBecause I have some newer versions of files that you don't.05:27
godbykI've just committed those files to bzr.05:27
godbykSo run 'bzr pull' and recompile.05:27
godbykThere are will errors in the build.05:27
shrinibzr pull gives 3 conflits05:28
shriniUsing saved parent location: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-manual/ubuntu-manual/main/05:28
shrini M  gloss-tamil.ldf05:28
shrini M  po/ta.po05:28
shriniRN  um-tamil.clo => um-tamil.clo.OTHER05:28
shriniText conflict in po/ta.po05:28
shriniContents conflict in um-tamil.clo05:28
shriniConflict adding id to um-tamil.clo.OTHER.  Unversioned existing file um-tamil.clo.05:28
shrini3 conflicts encountered.05:28
shriniNow on revision 868.05:28
godbykrun: bzr resolve po/ta.po05:29
godbykthen: bzr revert po/ta.po05:29
godbykoh, and: bzr resolve um-tamil.co05:29
godbykand: bzr revert um-tamil.po05:29
shrinino use05:32
godbykrun 'bzr status' and tell me what it says.05:32
shriniI moved the two files ta.po and um-tamil.clo05:32
godbykdelete the po/ta.po* and um-tamil.clo* files05:32
godbykthen run 'bzr revert po/ta.po um-tamil.clo'05:32
shrini1shrinivasan@shrinivasan-laptop:~/ubuntu-manual/lucid-e1$ bzr status05:36
shrini1  po/ta.po05:36
shrini1  um-tamil.clo05:36
shrini1  m/05:36
shrini1  screenshots/ta/05:36
shrini1  Contents conflict in um-tamil.clo05:36
shrini1  Conflict adding id to um-tamil.clo.OTHER.  Unversioned existing file um-tamil.clo.05:36
godbyktype 'bzr resolve um-tamil.clo' then run 'bzr status' again. see if anything's changed.05:38
shrini1godbyk: power problem05:38
shrini1i moved the existing um-tamil.clo to another folder05:38
shrini1need to get updated from repo05:38
shrini1only that file and the po file05:39
shrini1how to pull those files?05:39
shrini1powercut here05:40
shrini1godbyk: working with ups05:40
shrini1very soon will go down05:40
godbykjust run 'bzr revert um-tamil.po po/ta.po'05:40
godbykand it should restore those files to match what's in bzr.05:41
shrini1bzr: ERROR: Path(s) are not versioned: um-tamil.po05:42
godbykrm um-tamil.po*05:42
godbykbzr pull05:42
godbykthen run 'bzr status' and tell me what it says.05:42
shrini1if disconnected, will rush to any friend home in 20-30 min05:44
godbykheh. okay.05:44
shrini1  po/ta.po05:45
shrini1  um-tamil.clo05:45
shrini1  m/05:45
shrini1  screenshots/ta/05:45
shrini1this is output of bzr status05:45
shrini1bzr pull says tat05:45
shrini1Using saved parent location: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-manual/ubuntu-manual/main/05:45
shrini1No revisions to pull.05:45
shrini1messed anything?05:46
shrini1godbyk: ?05:46
godbykbzr revert po/ta.po05:46
godbykbzr revert um-tamil.clo05:47
godbykthen run 'bzr status' again.05:47
shrini1bzr revert po/ta.po05:47
shrini1 N  po/ta.po05:47
shrini1  um-tamil.clo05:47
shrini1  m/05:47
shrini1  screenshots/ta/05:47
godbykbzr revert um-tamil.clo05:47
shrini1it worked05:48
shrini1got those files now05:48
shrini1are they latest?05:48
godbyknow you can run 'make clean' and 'make ubuntu-manual-ta.pdf'05:48
shrini1did it05:49
shrini1got the same pdf as u gave05:49
shrini1thanks a lot05:49
shrini1any way to generate index?05:49
godbykWe have to do some work to make the index.05:51
godbykThe indexer doesn't understand Tamil, so we will have to teach it.05:51
godbyk(It needs to know how to alphabetize Tamil words.)05:51
shrini1really great05:53
shrini1easy task?05:53
shrini1or a time taking one?05:53
godbykI have no idea. I hope so!  I'll have to find the documentation to see how we do that.05:54
godbykAnd you'll have to teach me how to alphabetize Tamil words. :)05:54
godbykOnce we've taught the indexer how to alphabetize Tamil words, the glossary and index should start working.05:54
shrini1why can we see how it works normally?05:55
shrini1think it will work fine05:56
godbykIt won't.05:56
godbykBecause the indexer doesn't understand the Tamil letters at all.05:56
godbykSo it gives up.05:56
godbykWhen you run 'make ubuntu-manual-ta.pdf', it's trying to create the glossary and index. But it's failing. (That's why you don't see the index and glossary in the PDF.)05:57
shrini1i say the alphabetization will work fine with unicode05:58
shrini1may be05:59
godbykI don't know if the indexer knows anything about unicode, though.05:59
godbykI'll have to read some of the documentation and see what we have to do.05:59
shrini1godbyk: okey05:59
shrini1thanks a lot for your patience and help06:00
shrini1will fix missing translations and06:00
shrini1try our best to release alpha version of tamil manual in release party06:00
godbykcool.  let me know how it goes!06:00
godbykIf you translate the \title and \author strings, I'll have thorwil make a title page.06:01
shrini1will do06:06
shrini1godbyk: thanks a lot06:18
shrini1getting good pdf06:18
shrini1hope enough for alpha release06:18
godbykAlpha releases are to work out the kinks. :)06:18
shrini1godbyk: kninks means?06:28
godbykIn this context, it refers to small problems, bugs, etc.06:29
shrini1godbyk: okey06:33
ubuntujenkinsmorning all07:39
humphreybc-minihey Luke07:41
godbykbedtime for me. see you all in some number of hours.07:43
godbyk(gonna read before I go to sleep)07:44
ubuntujenkinshey humphreybc-mini07:44
ubuntujenkinsnight godbyk07:44
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc-mini: I started pointing the wiki to the website, removed the "get involved page" and changed some of the links07:48
humphreybc-miniyeah I saw that, thanks07:50
ubuntujenkinsI am not sure what else needs moving over apart from quickshot when I sort out web content07:51
humphreybc-miniI'm going to do a new website for Quickshot soon07:51
ubuntujenkinscoll I finish exams in 9 days so I have time to do more quickshot stuff07:52
humphreybc-miniit'll probably live on ubuntu-manual.org/quickshot for the meantime until someone buys quickshot.org07:52
* humphreybc-mini thinks ubuntujenkins should buy quickshot.org07:52
ubuntujenkinsI think we decided on quickshot.ubuntu-manual.org , I don't have much money at the moment07:52
humphreybc-mini$15 USD a year07:54
humphreybc-miniyou could probably find it cheaper somewhere07:54
humphreybc-minibut yeah, subdomain of ubuntu-manual.org is all good07:54
ubuntujenkinswe figured until we got tons of publication adn used by other teams there wasn't much point doing it07:55
humphreybc-minifair nuff07:56
dakerhello :)11:48
ubuntujenkinshello daker11:59
ubuntujenkinswhat versions of linux should the quickshot team make quickshot work for? I currently have ubuntu debian fedora I need to sort out all the virtual machines i can before i finish this uni year12:00
dakerAll linux version ubuntujenkins :D12:05
ubuntujenkinsyea theres a lot I am aiming to make virtual machines of as many as i can12:06
popeyubuntujenkins: suse?12:09
ubuntujenkinspopey: does suse use qt? how does it handle gtk?12:09
* ubuntujenkins get suse12:09
thorwilubuntujenkins: for ubuntu, one could argue that you only need to support the release in development12:10
ubuntujenkinsthorwil: I think we shoudl support the current release12:11
thorwilubuntujenkins: otherwise, fedora, open-suse and arch-linux seem to be the other big ones, now12:13
thorwilarg, plus debian, of course12:14
thorwilubuntujenkins: http://distrowatch.com/ if you want to compile a longer list12:15
ubuntujenkinsthanks thorwil I will get arch as well.12:16
ubuntujenkinsI had seen distrowatch but then the list is long!12:16
* ubuntujenkins hmmm fedora 13 is not completing the install12:21
thorwilubuntujenkins: don't worry to much of what could or should be the job of packagers12:21
* thorwil used gentoo for a while, but then decided life is too short for that12:24
popeyubuntujenkins: dunno12:24
ubuntujenkinsthanks popey12:26
ubuntujenkinswhy gentoo dutchie ?12:26
dutchiejust a suggestion of another distro12:31
ubuntujenkinsthanks dutchie I will add it12:32
ubuntujenkinslaptop has locked up from downloading to much at once12:36
* thorwil runs ie6 via wine for testing purposes, but still feels dirty12:51
dakerie6 is very BAB12:53
dutchieJust Don't Bother12:53
dutchieoh dear, it got spammed again12:53
thorwili wouldn't bother, if it wasn't for a client12:54
ubuntujenkinsi like this http://www.ie6nomore.com/code-samples.html12:54
thorwilhow can i do a line break in a bash script and get it to ignore it (act as if the line continues)?13:47
dutchiebackslash at the end of line13:48
Andre_Gondimhow do I get this manual em pt_BR?16:49
thorwilAndre_Gondim: pt_BR is still incomplete. or are you asking how you can build a PDF of the current state yourself?16:52
Andre_Gondimthorwil, yeah, How may I build the PDF?16:53
Andre_GondimI will try, thanks ;)16:56
thorwilyeah, that's a lot easier16:57
thorwilotherwise, if texlive is in place, it should be "make ubuntu-manual-pt_BR.pdf", i think17:00
Andre_GondimI see 7 errors, but I don't know where, is it possible to point the strings with error?17:00
dutchieask godbyk17:01
ubuntujenkinsAndre_Gondim: I will try and fix them before i go to bed tonight and will leave any corrections to be aproved in launchpad. I can't do them now as I am revising17:03
ubuntujenkinsI am going to turn my latop off for a few hours so i can concentrate be back about 9pm bst17:32
shrinigodbyk: hai20:16
shriniwe made the ubuntu release party today20:16
shrinireleased the manual20:16
godbykshrini: Hey. How was it?20:16
shrinithanks a lot for your assistance20:16
shriniand bearing all my troubles20:16
godbykNo problem. That's what I'm here for.20:17
godbykHow's the release party go?20:17
shrinithanks a lot20:17
shrinigodbyk: we need to work on other things like index20:27
shrinican you do one favour?20:27
shriniwe need the screenshots in the pdf20:28
shrinithere is no seperate tamil screenshots20:28
shriniwe can use the english screenshots20:28
shrinican you place the english screenshots and produce the pdf?20:28
godbykDo you use US English or UK English20:39
dutchieITYM "US English" or "English" :P20:40
godbykdutchie: Heh.. Fair point.  But I believe you guys will come around to our way of thinking.20:42
dutchiethough you've already managed it with billions20:43
godbykdutchie: Your language will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.20:44
dakerwho's editing the developers manual ?20:45
thorwildaker: rickspencer, if i don't mix something up20:48
dakerthorwil, thanks20:49
dakerElementary rocks!!!21:13
ubuntujenkinsAndre_Gondim: I will look at your errors now21:27
Andre_Gondimubuntujenkins, sounds good :D21:28
ubuntujenkinsAndre_Gondim: this is wrong \menu{Editar\ e depois em Copiar} the word this bit "\then" should stay in "\menu{Edit\then Copy}"21:36
ubuntujenkinsfull string https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/lucid-e1/+pots/ubuntu-manual/pt_BR/+translate?batch=10&show=all&search=+os+atalhos+de+teclado21:36
Andre_Gondimlet me c21:36
ubuntujenkinsI don't speek pt_BR so I don't know what reads21:37
ubuntujenkinsalso see http://files.ubuntu-manual.org/style-guide.pdf for more detail on what should be translated21:37
Andre_Gondimubuntujenkins, anything else?21:38
ubuntujenkinsAndre_Gondim: not yet I need to just add that phrase in and find the next problem21:39
ubuntujenkinsAndre_Gondim: can you change this one to my version please https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/lucid-e1/+pots/ubuntu-manual/pt_BR/297/+translate . I chnaged the end bracket21:43
Andre_Gondimlet me see21:44
ubuntujenkinsit went from ) to } at the end21:44
Andre_Gondimdone it! :D21:44
ubuntujenkinsand this one same thing but half way though https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/lucid-e1/+pots/ubuntu-manual/pt_BR/308/+translate21:46
ubuntujenkinsok there is one error left which is because of the glossry and index needs setting up. I don't know how to do that.21:47
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: can you teach me how to set the glossery and index up at some point please21:48
godbykubuntujenkins: What do you mean by 'set them up'?21:48
ubuntujenkinsmake them work so they appear at the end of the pdf21:48
godbykThey should automatically, assuming that the indexer knows the language.21:49
godbyk(If it doesn't know the language then we have to teach it. I have to read up on that.)21:49
godbykIf you run 'man xindy' and scroll down a ways, you'll see the list of languages it supports.21:49
godbykIf one of those languages matches the language you're trying to compile, then it should Just Work.21:49
godbykIf it doesn't, make sure that the language codes are set up in the langcodes.txt file.21:50
ubuntujenkinsI am trying to do portuguese brazilian xindy supports portuguese21:50
ubuntujenkinshmm in the .txt the xindy langauge is portuguese but it doesn't work21:51
godbykWhat's the xindy program tell you? (what errors?)21:51
ubuntujenkinswhen running make ubuntu.........pdf?21:52
godbykRun: xindy -C utf8 -M texindy -L portuguese ubuntu-manual-pt_BR.idx21:52
godbyk(Assuming that's the right language name for xindy. I didn't look.)21:52
ubuntujenkinslooks good to me21:53
godbykyeah. so the index should work fine.21:54
ubuntujenkinshow come I don't get one in the pdf then?21:55
godbykubuntujenkins: Not sure yet.21:56
godbykMy laptop is regenerating all the PDFs right now, so I can't disturb it.21:56
godbykAny errors in the ubuntu-manual-pt_BR.log file?21:56
ubuntujenkinsrunning xelatex ubuntu-manual-pt_BR gives http://paste.ubuntu.com/445752/ but make worked except for 1 error I thought it was the index. just looking at the log file21:58
ubuntujenkinsmake did work I think i madea typo in the po file22:00
godbykOn mine it's dying due to a LaTeX error (typo in the translation).22:01
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: I will paste bin a better po file in a second22:02
ubuntujenkinsthere are problems with the glossary stuff being translated when it shouldn't22:02
ubuntujenkinsAndre_Gondim: in launchpad can you do a search for \newglossaryentry please and any thing in the first brackets should stay the same in this one22:03
ubuntujenkins\newglossaryentry{conexão discada}{name={conexão discada}, description={Uma22:03
ubuntujenkinsconexão discada é quando seu computador utiliza um modem para conectar-se a22:03
ubuntujenkinsum \gls{ISP} (Provedor de Serviços de Internet} através da linha22:03
ubuntujenkinsthis bit {conexão discada}  should be in english22:04
Andre_Gondimhmmmmmm, ok22:04
ubuntujenkinsIt would be great if you could check those please22:04
ubuntujenkinssee the pdf i linked if you are confused22:05
Andre_Gondimubuntujenkins, like this https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/lucid-e1/+pots/ubuntu-manual/pt_BR/8/+translate22:06
c7pAndre_Gondim: there is a nice document explaining almost everything http://files.ubuntu-manual.org/style-guide.pdf . Check it, find common mistakes, search for them on launchpad and correct them. This way a lot of time is saved ;)22:06
ubuntujenkinsAndre_Gondim: you got it :)22:06
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: ignore any errors i posted before I am getting confused with two different languages :/22:09
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: just e-mailed you the po file paste bin has a fit if i put it in there22:10
ubuntujenkinsthe log for the build is http://paste.ubuntu.com/445758/22:11
ubuntujenkinsis it because of the bit between {} being translated?22:12
ubuntujenkinshopefully by learning now I can save you time in the future :)22:14
ubuntujenkinsthats the secret plane :P22:14
godbykIs this log file with the po file you emailed me?22:14
godbykThere's still a bunch of translation/LaTeX bugs.22:14
ubuntujenkinsthe past bin ^ is the log file for the po file i sent.22:15
godbykokay. there are a bunch of errors in your po file still, then. :)22:15
ubuntujenkinsit builds to the end, I am confused22:16
godbykubuntujenkins: if you search the log file for lines beginning with !, you'll find the errors.22:16
godbykWell, it's building because the Makefile tells LaTeX to just keep going and ignore the errors (if it can).22:16
ubuntujenkinsok some of them are glossry errors which Andre_Gondim is fixing22:17
ubuntujenkinsAndre_Gondim: what is this word in english ? \depois22:17
Andre_Gondimubuntujenkins, hmmmm, I belive is "then"22:18
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: I under stand I will try and fix all these errors22:18
ubuntujenkinsAndre_Gondim: can you do a search for \depois and replace it with \then please22:18
Andre_Gondimjust a minute22:19
ubuntujenkinsno probelm in a \menu{random text } the \then bit should stay . If i rember correctly it makes an >22:20
ubuntujenkinsAndre_Gondim: I think once the \depois and the glossry entires are corrected we shoul have no errors22:25
Andre_Gondimubuntujenkins, I think is everything correct, can you check it?22:26
ubuntujenkinsAndre_Gondim: I will get launchpad to send me a po file and I will find out22:26
ubuntujenkinsit wil be 5 to 10 minutes22:26
ubuntujenkinswhich other pdf did i start on last night? I didn't manage to finish before i went to bed22:27
ubuntujenkinsis a spanish translator here?>22:28
c7psry but from what I see many \gls commands aren't ok, the gls command shouldn't be translated22:30
ubuntujenkinsis that at me c7p ?22:30
c7pno at Andre_Gondim22:31
c7pBelieve me you waste too much time doing this. The command line error finding (through the compilation of the pdf) should be one of the last steps of the whole translation progress. As I said previously the best thing you can do is to search for common command translation bugs etc e.g \gls , \menu, glspl,.22:35
godbykc7p: Not a bad idea.  I could probably write a script to do some of that.  Ensure that things that shouldn't be translated haven't been translated.22:36
godbykI'll work on that in a bit.22:36
godbykc7p: I'm still going through your PDF.  So far everything's looking good.22:37
c7pnice :D22:37
ubuntujenkinsAndre_Gondim: if you change all the \gls{} back to english change all the \depois to \then I think thats most of the errors22:37
godbykc7p: One thing I noticed though (and this is the fault of po4a, not yours) is that po4a screws up the line wraps of some things.22:37
godbykc7p: We need to check the terminal environments (\begin{terminal} .. \end{terminal}) and the credits to ensure that the line breaks haven't been mangled by po4a.22:38
ubuntujenkinsAndre_Gondim: some of the \then have been changed to \e depois22:38
Andre_Gondimlet me fix it, just a moment22:38
ubuntujenkinsAndre_Gondim: no rush :) . just letting you know22:38
c7pgodbyk: So i have to check all terminal inputs and credits to see that everything is fine?22:40
godbykc7p: Yeah, just compare them to make sure the line breaks are where they should be.  If they're not, you can edit them in the ubuntu-manual-el.tex file.22:40
godbykc7p: I know some of the credits are wrapped incorrectly, but I haven't checked the terminal output yet.22:41
* ubuntujenkins finds the extra }22:42
godbykFresh builds should be online at http://builds.ubuntu-manual.org/ now.22:43
c7pall command output are in place and there are no break line issues, appart from the command on 6341 (cd "\textasciitilde/Μουσική/The Beatles/Sgt. etc)22:46
c7pline 6341*22:47
c7pcould you move the ``Lonely Hearts Club Band/"}'' on the same line that the rest of the command is?22:47
godbykc7p: done.22:49
godbykc7p: I'm fixing the credits right now, too.22:50
c7poh man you are quick :D22:51
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: spanish is error free ! which one should i do next?22:52
ubuntujenkinstranlators hout if you want me to fix your latex errors22:52
ubuntujenkinsby error free i mean no ! in. there sin't any thing else i should look for?22:53
godbykubuntujenkins: I'd probably sort by completeness and start at the top.22:54
* ubuntujenkins completes greek :P22:54
godbykHey, c7p, the last three lines of so of the credits.. where do the line-breaks go?22:54
* ubuntujenkins starts on german22:55
* ubuntujenkins completes german22:57
ubuntujenkinsour translators are translating hard, there is loads done22:58
godbykI know.22:59
godbykOur translators rock!22:59
* ubuntujenkins agrees22:59
c7pgodbyk: you mean after \ldots ?23:02
godbykc7p: after Matthew Paul Thomas.  I broke the lines like this:23:04
godbykΟμάδα Τεκμηρίωσης του Mozilla Firefox23:04
godbykΟμάδα Τεκμηρίωσης του Ubuntu23:04
godbykUbuntu Community Learning Project23:04
godbykIs that correct?23:04
godbykc7p: I've uploaded the PDF and log file to http://builds.ubuntu-manual.org/ if you want to take a look at it.23:06
c7pgreat! that's right23:08
ubuntujenkinsare we spelling dialup like dial-up or dialup? in the english uk the \newglossaryentry has it as dialup but the \gls as dial-up23:11
ubuntujenkinsok the whole manual is in consistant in the use of the word23:12
c7pubuntujenkins: wikipedia has it as dial-up. We trust wikipedia !23:12
c7pgodbyk: is there anything that I can do for you?23:14
godbykc7p: I don't have anything else for you yet. I'll let you know, though.23:15
godbyk(I'm just going through the PDF and making a list of all the things I need to check for each translation.  So far everything in yours is looking good.)23:15
c7pvery nice23:16
godbykI may edit the text in the colophon a bit. I need to double-check the fonts we're using.  But if I do, it'll only be a sentence or two that needs to be retranslated.23:16
c7pI have added some new notes on etherpad doc23:16
godbykc7p: Thanks! That doc is going to help a lot.23:16
c7pyes it will23:17
godbykOnce we publish a couple of these translations, I think we'll have quite the checklist. :)23:17
c7pit's very interesting how thing progress23:17
godbykYeah, there are a million details to fret about, it seems. :)23:18
godbykWith the original English text, I can fix most of the little issues myself without bothering anyone.23:19
godbykWith the translations, I have to rely on the translators to help out a lot, since I can't read the text.23:19
godbykI just have to assume that the Greek manual isn't filled with complete gibberish. ;-)23:19
c7pI remember when many people were on this channel telling their opinion about the margin notes, padding etc ... now we have the manual completed and here come the translated edition ... there are also plans for future releases. This project and it's people rock :)23:22
ubuntujenkinsI am off to bed, there are now no errors in Galician,German, Greek, Spanish, English uk and asturian . Top 623:22
godbykubuntujenkins: awesome job! thanks!23:22
ubuntujenkinsdepending on how revision goes tomorrow I will do more. no problem godbyk i like to learn and help :)23:23
godbykubuntujenkins: maybe I'll get time this evening to write a little python script to help find errors more quickly.23:23
c7pgood job ubuntujenkins23:23
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: I am getting quite quick, so don't worry if you don't have time23:24
ubuntujenkinsnight all 0/23:24
c7pnight ubuntujenkins23:24
godbykg'night, ubuntujenkins!23:24
c7pI g2g also23:24
ubuntujenkinsnight c7p23:24
c7pg'night all23:24

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