[01:01] * mkarnicki officially thanks verterok for his time and patience [01:02] :) [01:02] * mkarnicki adds to verterok's karma [02:03] honk [03:14] I can't access my contact list in the Evolution from Ubuntu One!! when is it going to be up? [03:47] Any chance anyone has a clue about restoring a missing Ubuntu One address book in Evolution? === cpg is now known as cpg|away === cpg|away is now known as cpg === cpg is now known as cpg|away === cpg|away is now known as cpg [08:22] honk [08:23] Anyone around with U1/Evolution skills, please? [08:41] Well, I guess I will stop by at a better time. Have a nice evening, folks. === cpg is now known as cpg|away === JUMPA is now known as jumpa [13:08] contacts not syncing since lucid install - n.b. evolution settings 'restored' from karmic evolution 'save settings' -any connection? [14:23] Evolution contacts not syncing since lucid installed [on both desktop & netbook]- n.b. evolution settings 'restored' from karmic evolution 'save settings' - any connection? Tried several options from research including evolution-couchdb remove/re-install... all tna -all other parts of U1 aok. [14:39] QUIT [14:58] u1 is really quick today [15:38] Evolution isnt sync`in any contacts tho... ? [18:08] duffydack, right [18:08] so we haven't been able to enable couchdb replication [18:08] we tried last week [18:08] but the big backlog completely killed our servers [18:09] contact syncing and file syncing are independant [18:09] file syncing had a few upgrades applied to it that seemed to improve things [18:09] although we still have a few more fixes, so it should only get better === yofel_ is now known as yofel [18:38] its not that important to me , yet.. === cpg|away is now known as cpg [18:51] simple question: is per folder sync depended on a specific U1 version or on the Ubuntu version? === jumpa is now known as JUMPA === cpg is now known as cpg|biab === cpg|biab is now known as cpg === cpg is now known as cpg|brb === cpg|brb is now known as cpg [23:41] hi [23:45] honk! bug #590540 and bug #590543 are... bad. [23:45] wgrant: Bug 590540 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/590540 is private [23:45] wgrant: Bug 590543 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/590543 is private [23:48] wgrant, so [23:48] I don't quite understand them [23:49] wgrant, I don;t think #590543 is actually possible [23:49] once somebody claims that share, it's done [23:49] beuno: But nobody has claimed it yet. [23:50] ignore that comment [23:50] ok, I see what you mean [23:50] it should be a POST instead of a share [23:50] er [23:50] GET [23:50] yes, you're right [23:50] the first bug, I don't quite understand [23:52] honk i published a file but public link is broken [23:57] s3th, did you publish it from the desktop or the web? [23:57] beuno: from the web [23:58] s3th, what's teh URL? [23:58] (i tried also from the desktop...the same) [23:58] beuno: http://ubuntuone.com/p/6Fu/