
justgregi am having trouble with my xfce00:11
justgregthe menu bars disappeared when i updated to lucid lynx00:13
knomejustgreg, press alt+f2 and run "xfce4-panel"00:13
justgregthis happened once before and i forgot how i fixed it in the terminal00:13
knomeis there anything else we can help you with?00:14
knome!hi | xubuntu08200:38
ubottuxubuntu082: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:38
xubuntu082iḿ afraid i have to leave again, my install does noot work properly, so i got to look into it :(00:40
pteaguei just did an update that updated my kernel to 2.6.32-22 & for some reason it's not working with the nvidia drivers02:50
gr8m8you have to redo the nvidia drivers for each new kernel pteague02:52
pteagueso remove & re-install?02:58
gr8m8same steps as you did to install it in the previous kernel02:59
pteaguejust did a fresh install of lucid & used the proprietary driver installer03:00
gr8m8try that again then :]03:00
visitor1funny thing, my xubuntu apllications menu is sometimes losing one order in which is wine, vice,....06:35
visitor1would probably have to kill and restart xfce4-panel06:36
keekleshey guys im having trouble compiling something, i think its my makefile http://pastebin.com/6dH1rCPB08:26
keeklesi dont know what else to change in the makefile08:26
Renovatiohi, there is a way to change Xubuntu default file manager?08:43
=== ManicMalkavian is now known as MalkavianManiac
PhillipSouzaDoes Google Chrome work with Xubuntu?15:59
eev2hey all. the following line appears several times in my ~/.xession-errors "xfce4-panel-Message: Xfce4-panel already running". Any ideas on how to fix that?16:52
BreetaiIs there any other way to rotate wallapers besides a cron job that does a killall -USR1 xfdesktop and is that even the proper way with 4.6?17:50
Sysi-you mean to have swithing background image?17:56
Sysi-that's straight option in desktop background settings17:57
BreetaiSysi: yes, but I want to rotate images every few minutes18:00
Renegade15would somebody please tell me how to autoconfigure X under xubuntu? my father is already mocking linux for requiring that much work for something as simple as changing the resolution x_x20:23
Renegade15I had to load the failsafe xorg.conf 'cause he changed the graphics card and monitor, and I really don't feel like manually adding lines to it for hours20:24
Breetaisudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg20:39
Renegade15tried that20:39
Renegade15didn't work - and multiple forum posts point out that that method is outdated and was dropped in favor of autoconfiguration20:39
BreetaiWhat model of computer/video card20:40
Renegade15Geforce 2; I'm currently installing the proprietary nvidia drivers and hoping that will beat the configuration into submission20:40
BreetaiHow are you installing, from Nvidia or using the ubuntu repos?20:41
Renegade15yepp, that did it20:41
Renegade15all hail closed source20:41
Renegade15somebody might want to update the documentation to give proper instructions, rather than outdated or non-existent ones20:41
Renegade15thank you for your attempts to help, though20:41
Whammohi I'm coming to xubuntu from kubuntu and I'm wondering if anybody here uses jack exclusively for their audio needs?23:45

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