
=== DrPepperKid is now known as MacSlow
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
thorwildjsiegel1: you might enjoy this, conceptually, at least: http://nixos.org/nix/12:47
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
djsiegel1thorwil: yes, thanks, have seen this13:49
thorwildjsiegel1: cool. so what's the timeline for ubuntu to switch to that? ;)13:54
djsiegel1ask an astrophysicist13:54
seb128vish, nautilus-elementary is a fail in collaboration14:57
seb128or how to not do things...14:57
vishseb128: ;) well , when there is someone interested in making the change happen *now* , there was no other way than to fork , else there wouldnt even have been as much a discussion over nautilus changes.14:58
vishseb128: but i dont disagree it was a wrong approach ;)14:59
seb128vish, well what you set up for is something which will not benefit ubuntu users14:59
seb128since we are not going to switch from nautilus to a project which do changes without interest to work with upstream on those14:59
vishseb128: even for papercuts , we have so many papercuts with MDC1s patches just lying there , just because upstream is not moving on them14:59
seb128because you failed in communication15:00
seb128upstream uses mailing list15:00
seb128bugzilla is to spammy they are not subscribed15:00
vishseb128: MDC1 has on several occasions used the mailing list as well , but no response15:00
seb128I don't think it's true15:01
adayvish: i'm working on making nautilus bz more useful. the bugs are getting triaged and tracked now15:01
seb128I'm subscribed to the nautilus list for years15:01
seb128they are usually reviewing much changes there15:01
seb128it might take some time when they are busy15:01
vishseb128: i can find the mailing list , where he sent out the request to review patches ;)15:01
seb128or when you come during freeze times etc15:01
adayvish: we're low on manpower. that's why bugs aren't getting fixed. the solution to that isn't a fork15:01
* vish searches15:01
vishaday: i dont disagree :)15:01
seb128vish, if some things are not reviewed and elementary ship those fair enough15:02
seb128but not sending changes or not discussing before doing it is wrong15:02
seb128you could benefit to common design15:02
seb128and find something which work for both teams15:02
seb128and go in nautilus15:02
seb128and to ubuntu users15:02
seb128rather than having something sitting in a ppa which will never reach our users15:03
vishseb128: well , it all started with MDC1s neglected patches , like the stop/reload button and a few other stuff , then eventually it started gathering more features , since there was DanRabbit1 able to get the ideas implemented right now :)15:03
adayvish: can you send me links to those patches?15:04
seb128vish, let's try to fix that now15:05
vishseb128: aday: this was the last mail MDC1 sent to the nautilus mailing list > http://mail.gnome.org/archives/nautilus-list/2010-April/msg00008.html , i had to request him to poke the list , but no reponse , [these were for the papercuts]15:05
vishand probably a few other bugs he had worked on15:06
jcastrohey vish 15:06
vishjcastro: hey :)15:06
jcastrois that marcus guy a natuilus-elementary person?15:06
jcastroI mailed two of them but only danrabbit responded. :-/15:07
jcastro(and we already know him, heh)15:07
vishjcastro: marcus earlier started working on a lot of papercuts , but ammonkey is the one from the elementary team15:07
DanRabbitjcastro: hey no there is no marcus working with us15:07
DanRabbitlast i heard we was working with upstream15:07
seb128vish, the first 3 got fixed it seems15:08
DanRabbitjcastro: we've been having a talk with upstream over the past week or so and we've come to the conclusion that there are some areas we want to work together on, but there are many more areas that upstream is simply not interested in15:08
jcastroDanRabbit: do you chat with ammonkey alot? He never responded to my mail. :-/15:09
seb128jcastro, we are talking with him on #nautilus15:09
DanRabbitjcastro: yes he available pretty much daily in #elementary15:09
seb128and I exchanged some email with him today15:09
adayvish: thanks15:09
vishaday: ammonkey probably has a bigger list of feature patches ;)15:10
jcastroseb128: ok so they're at least talking15:11
seb128jcastro, yes, for some definition of talking15:11
seb128the elementary guys for some reason think the way to get their improvement to users is to work on a nautilus clone15:11
seb128rather than getting the changes to nautilus15:12
DanRabbitseb128: I don't appreciate your destruction comments and assumptions15:12
DanRabbitseb128: we ARE trying to get the changes upstream15:12
DanRabbitplease stop spreading misinformation15:12
DanRabbitboth ammonkey and I have already told you this15:12
seb128danRabbit: I don't see that from his comments15:14
seb128things like the editor are clear "why would we change our working code to work on something that upstream would use"15:15
DanRabbitseb128: you have to understand that ammonkey is highly irratated from people (like you) attacking his hard work.15:15
DanRabbitUpstream REFUSES to use our toolbar editor implementation15:15
DanRabbitwhy? because its a little different than what they want15:15
DanRabbita lot of our changes are right that15:15
DanRabbitthey DON'T WANT TO USE IT15:15
DanRabbitI don't understand why this is a hard concept15:15
seb128they said they want the same editor as GNOME use15:15
seb128the one in eog etc15:16
DanRabbitright, which is not the one that we have15:16
seb128you could update your work15:16
seb128and they would take it15:16
seb128well, you should work to get it thebn15:16
DanRabbitfeel free to submit a patch ;)15:16
seb128if you are interested to get things upstream15:16
DanRabbitif you think it is so easy we could use help15:16
seb128I don't think it's easy15:17
seb128but I don't see where you go by doing it in a way which GNOME will not take 15:17
seb128sure it's extra efforts to work with them15:17
seb128but it's less than having to maintain and rebase your changes15:17
seb128and it would reach users15:17
DanRabbitseb128: uh... right15:17
DanRabbitwe have lots of users15:18
DanRabbitand some distributions are starting to ship nautilus-elementary15:18
DanRabbitbut that is not what its about15:18
DanRabbitits about getting postitive change out there15:18
DanRabbitand for the last time, we are working with upstream as much as possible, but they are not interested in our changes and its not just implementation details15:19
DanRabbitwe have different ideas and goals for Nautilus than they do15:19
DanRabbitso please stop beating a dead horse15:19
DanRabbitwe are not anti collaborative15:19
DanRabbitwe want all our changes to go upstream15:20
DanRabbitupstrteam doesn't want all of our changes15:20
DanRabbitwe are going to work together as much as possible15:20
seb128danRabbit: sorry I was on the phone15:27
seb128danRabbit: I'm sure you have users, you will just never get as many getting the cool changes by having 2 different nautilus than by improving the default one15:27
seb128danRabbit: and I don't see distributions switching away from the GNOME one15:27
DanRabbitseb128: I think you still don't understand. I don't know how I can make this clearer15:28
DanRabbitseb128: upstream DOES NOT WANT all of our changes15:29
DanRabbitseb128: Its not about how many users we have15:29
seb128they don't want all15:29
seb128they want a some of those though15:29
DanRabbitseb128: yes there are distrubitions switching away no matter how skeptical you are15:29
seb128the editor being a perfect example15:29
DanRabbitI am done talking about it. you refuse to listen to what I'm telling you.15:29
seb128I don't see Debian, Fedora or Ubuntu changintg15:30
seb128so sure maybe gentoo is going to change or some random small distributions15:30
seb128but as you said that's not the point15:30
seb128those changes could benefit all users15:30
vishalrightly .. moving on...15:34
vishaday: also , MDC has done a lot on interesting unreviewed patches > https://bugzilla.gnome.org/page.cgi?id=describeuser.html&login=gnomebugzilla%40mejlamej.nu , you might be interested15:43
adayvish: i go through those15:44
seb128vish, I pinged cosimoc15:48
vishseb128: yup , saw that  , thanks :)15:49
seb128he said he would try to review the one list in the email you copied the url before15:49
=== DrPepperKid is now known as MacSlow
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|afk
=== bratsche is now known as br-lunch
=== br-lunch is now known as bratsche
=== MacSlow|afk is now known as MacSlow
ScottKIs there a moderator for the ayatana mailing list around?19:40
* ScottK sent a couple of messages with some (small) screenshots attached and I fear the got stuck in moderation.19:41
ScottKActually one of them just appeared, so maybe not.19:41
vishScottK: moderator? i dont think there is any moderation for ayatana mailing list , else it would be less noisier ;)   got the mail with the rekonq pic , but sometimes lp mails are kinda slow/delayed19:42
ScottKvish: Yeah, I think it's just slow.19:42
ScottKUsually an admin will have access to a moderation queue.19:43
ScottKAFAIK, LP lists are just mailman lists.19:43
vishScottK: got the next one with 3 attachments too 19:43
ScottKYeah, that's the one I just saw.  That's the one I was missing.19:44
ScottKtedg: http://imagebin.ca/view/5uEWkq7.html20:02
tedgScottK, Yeah, I knew what you meant.  I think that the KWin guy had some shots on his blog, no?20:03
ScottKtedg: Yeah.  That's mgraesslin's screen shot.20:04
jcastrohey bratsche 20:23
jcastro"Load an application with this env. variable: GTK_MENUPROXY="libappmenu.so" gnome-terminal"20:23
bratscheHey jcastro20:23
jcastrobratsche: can you make it so this goes away before thursday?20:23
jcastrobasically we want it that way ootb20:23
bratscheI think so.20:23
jcastrowe talked about this last week for a bit, just making sure it won't be a problem20:23
hyperairlibappmenu? O_o20:24
bratschejcastro: Yeah we did talk about it last week.  Right now I need to shift over to fixing some RGBA related issues, but I've almost got those under control now already.20:24
jcastrobratsche: bah, totally forgot you were fire extinguishing20:25
bratscheI'm being spread a little thin at this stage of Meerkat, but it's cool.. I'll get this module loading worked out before Thursday.20:25
bratscheScottK: fwiw, I have the same problem with ayatana list.  Whenever I try to send a mail there from my @canonical.com or @ubuntu.com email it seems to be sucked into some dark vortex, never again to see light.  But if I write from my @gnome.org address it goes through.  But that's only strange to me because all the mail goes TO my @canonical.com address, not my @gnome.org address. :)20:28
bratscheIt's okay, I usually have nothing worth saying on that mailing list anyway.20:32
kermiactedg: did you see my comment in bug 583174? Do we have a more "user friendly" name for indicator-applet-complete? Apart from that small issue, the indicator-applet apport hook is ready for deployment in the Maverick packages.22:44
ubot5Launchpad bug 583174 in Indicator Applet "Apport hook for indicator-applet (affected: 1, heat: 12)" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58317422:44
tedgkermiac, Yeah, I saw that.  I can't think of anything -- I think few enough people have it that it's probably fine.22:44
tedgkermiac, It's really only for testing, so if someone has it they should know it.22:45
kermiacok, that's what I thought. Thanks :) I'll link the branch to that bug report. Do you want/ need me to package the hook?22:45
ShroudedCloudA few people in OMG!Ubuntu! use it and they dont' have any problems with it.22:45
kermiactedg: if you want me to package the hook, which branch should I use for Maverick? There are quite a few branches at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/indicator-applet22:48
kermiactedg: Is the the correct branch to use for packaging the hook in Maverick? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/indicator-applet/ubuntu22:58

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