
Rorschachdigitalsigh this must be a network thing00:12
Rorschachdigitali cannot get kismet or aircrack to work00:13
Typos_King.... I don't use either00:15
Rorschachdigitalwhich do you use?00:15
Rorschachdigitalif any00:15
Typos_Kinguse for?00:15
Rorschachdigitalnetwork security00:15
Typos_Kingohh... ahemm... I guess nothing :/00:16
Rorschachdigitalanyone know of a good dock for kde?00:25
=== jarrett is now known as Vegeta
=== user__ is now known as Whammo
cullenis this a good place to ask about bugs?01:58
Whammoi hate bugs01:59
culleni keep trying to mount my ipod but kubuntu wont recognize it.02:00
culleni check the "DEvices recently plugged in" and nothing shows up.02:00
Whammoput it in MSC mode02:01
cullenhow would i go about doing that?02:02
Whammosorry, don't know ipods, but there should be some option in the device02:03
cullencant find anything on the ipod02:04
WhammoI don't use ipods because they generally require iTunes to do anything with them. any media player with a MSC (media storage class) mode is plug-and-play02:06
jelangAh! I just discovered that by right clicking the KDE logo on the panel you can select to toggle between "Kickoff Application Launcher" and "Application Launcher Menu" -- Cool!02:07
Rorschachdigitalwhammo you around?02:28
=== hagebake is now known as hagabaka
WhammoRorschachdigital: hi02:31
maco2Whammo: ipods dont do usb-mass-storage02:33
maco2cullen: ipods should work with amarok. have for a few years now02:33
maco2cullen: unless.... are you using an ipod touch with something older than 10.04?02:34
Whammomaco2: heh I thought they might include the feature by now02:34
maco2Whammo: no. thatd be interoperability. how else would apple lock you in then?02:35
Whammomaco2: idunno, throw a pile of marketing dollars out there?02:35
daedaluzOpinions, please. :3 http://opendesktop.org/content/show.php?content=12590302:35
Rorschachdigitalsorry about that...i forgot what i was going to ask you :-/02:40
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Rorschachdigitalcan anyone recommend a good dock for kde?02:46
Rorschachdigitalmac style stuff02:47
maco2Rorschachdigital: i think the panel can be used that way...02:49
Rorschachdigitali haven't seen a way to make it so  but thanks for the tip i'll ask google if anyone has accomplished this02:51
cullenmaco2 im using amarok and kubuntu 10.04, recently upgraded from 9.1003:00
cullenipod touch 2nd gen 3.1.303:00
cullenwhen i plug it in the computer doesnt even recognize that its there03:00
cullenwhen i plug it in the computer doesnt even recognize that its there03:00
cullenoops.. anyway the ipod still charges03:01
maco2do you have libifuse?03:03
maco2cullen: please report a bug on hmm it's probably usbmuxd03:03
lucas_Boa noite!03:08
cullendunno what libifuse is, or hmm, but ill report it.03:09
lucas_Good evening! :D03:09
wizardslovakhello people03:42
wizardslovakhow do i add hard drive to kubuntu 10.04?03:42
wizardslovakis there any gui partitioner?03:43
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goodtimeno there isnt wizardslovak03:52
goodtimeyou just gotta make sure that you set your jumpers right03:52
goodtimet order i think03:53
Rorschachdigitalcan anyone perhaps guide me to a better media player than amarok?04:13
goodtimeaudacious: Rorschachdigital04:17
goodtimeits a bit like winamp04:17
Rorschachdigitalthank you kindly04:17
goodtimexmms is almost the same as audacious04:18
wizardslovaki mounted 2nd hard drive but i cant write on disk04:18
wizardslovakhow do i change permissions?>04:19
goodtimeyou might need to format the drive with fstab04:19
wizardslovakno problem , its empty anyways04:19
goodtimethen get permissions after04:19
wizardslovakfstab? whats the command or is there gui for it?04:20
wizardslovaki got that PartitionManager04:20
goodtimei for get right now04:20
wizardslovakhuh can you settup command for me?04:21
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goodtimei think that you could just use gparted04:22
goodtimeapt-get install gparted04:23
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jerome__can anybody xplain to me what "CD" means, in regards to using "TERMINAL"? thanks04:24
wizardslovakhuh installed it04:24
wizardslovakbut cannot run it04:24
wizardslovaki need to be root04:24
Rorschachdigitalchange directory jerome__04:25
goodtimeone of the oldest commands known to man04:26
goodtimedir / cd04:26
wizardslovakok i got gparted04:30
wizardslovakhow do i change permissionns to ahrd drive?04:30
goodtimeidk i forgot lol04:34
goodtimeim kinda new to linux also04:35
Rorschachdigitali need a damn dock04:40
DarthFrog fstab is not a command, it is a list of partitions and their mount points used by the system at boot time.  The file is /etc/fstab.   It has nothing to do with formatting partitions or file permissions.04:44
DarthFrogjerome_ : "cd" is a short form of "chdir".  It means "change directory".04:45
DarthFrogI imagine fstab is representative of "file system table".04:46
DarthFrogFor much more on fstab, issue the command "man fstab". :-)04:47
genoriserHello Everyone, Im trying to use Rhythmbox to play my music but when I try to play a song it gives me this error "The autoaudiosink element is missing" I'm running Kubuntu 10.04 64bit does anyone know how to fix this problem?04:54
sylbotHey could you help me. I can't find the visual effects option. Like enable and disabling them.05:40
Rorschachdigitaldo you have compiz?05:47
Rorschachdigitalhey james05:47
sylbotRorschachdigital: I don't know. I can't find it.05:48
sylbotIs it installed by default?05:48
Rorschachdigitalno youd haave to download it05:48
Rorschachdigitaleasiest way would be to go into kpackagekit and search for it05:49
sylbotOkay thx.05:50
Rorschachdigitalno prob05:50
Rorschachdigitalthis i just a shot in the dark but anyone happen to have kooldock?05:51
sylbotWhat is it?05:53
sylbotOsx style dock?05:53
James147sylbot: is there anyreason you need compiz? kwin has similar effects built into it06:05
sylbotI just like the effects. Loom06:05
sylbotLooks all fancy.06:05
James147sylbot: do you not like the kwin effects then?06:06
sylbotWhat are the kwin effects06:06
sylbotAre they enabled already?06:06
James147sylbot: they are installed to enable them go to System settings > desktop effects06:06
Rorschachdigitalhey james06:07
James147sylbot: for the most part they are simialr to the compiz ones (although I think compiz has more)06:07
sylbotI have been looking for an effects option. It is not directly under system06:07
sylbotOr at least I can't find them.06:07
James147sylbot: sorry, System settings > desktop > desktop effects06:08
sylbotErr. I click the k and then system settings06:08
sylbotOh okay06:08
sylbotWish. These are awesome!06:08
sylbotCool. My gpu is supported out of the box.06:09
sylbotIs it on the latest drivers?06:10
sylbotI tried to check but got an error06:10
sylbotNo proprietary drivers are being used.06:10
sylbotOr something like that06:10
James147sylbot: run "jockey-kde" (hardware drivers in th menu) and if there are any availble for your system it should tell you (what card do you have)?06:11
sylbotGtx 26006:11
sylbotAnd I don't have Internet.06:11
sylbotOn the kubuntu box06:11
James147sylbot: you will need the internet to enable the drivers :(06:12
sylbotYeah. It's okay. I am getting wifi to work06:12
sylbotBut I'll do that tmmrw.06:12
sylbotI like moving my window around. It's fun.06:12
Rorschachdigitaljames how do you respond with someones name06:13
bazhangRorschachdigital, tab complete; type three or so letters then hit tab06:13
James147bazhang: ^^ on most irc clients06:14
James147Rorschachdigital: ^^ sorry :)06:14
bazhangRorschachdigital, what client06:14
James147Rorschachdigital: mostlikly it will work though :)06:14
James147Rorschachdigital: Then it does06:15
Rorschachdigitalforgive me i dont relay chat much'06:15
RorschachdigitalJames147: ooh06:15
Rorschachdigitalbazhang: thank you06:16
James147Rorschachdigital: Hitting tab a second time will cycle through the names that start with what you typed06:16
bazhangRorschachdigital, no problem :)06:16
James147Rorschachdigital: most of the time it is smart enough to guess what you mean (it prioritises the last names you typed and I think the last names to ahve said sopmething)06:17
RorschachdigitalJames147: yea it seems to just...know....help...me....run06:17
Rorschachdigitalguys why does kool dock hate me06:19
James147Rorschachdigital: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=12097? that looks like its kde 3.2.x :S06:19
njathanfolks... i am trying to change the default time to boot in grub... but it seems its changed since the last time i used it.. i cannot find a grub.conf or menu.1st :-(06:20
James147Rorschachdigital: you might conisder Daisy instead http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Daisy?content=102077 (might be in  repos under plasma-widget-daisy)06:20
James147!grub2 | njathan06:21
ubottunjathan: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub206:21
James147njathan: edit /etc/defaults/grub06:22
RorschachdigitalJames147: thank you  heh lets see how thhis one works out06:22
James147njathan:  then run update-grub06:22
njathanthanks James147... :-)06:23
RorschachdigitalJames147: lol yeah so starting this..daisy?06:25
James147Rorschachdigital: right click the desktop (once its installed ofcourse ;) ) -> add widget -> search for "daisy" -> drag it onscreen06:26
James147Rorschachdigital: everything on the desktop in kde4.x is a widget and can be found the same way (this includes everything on the panel)06:26
Rorschachdigitallmao it crashed kde06:28
James147Rorschachdigital: how did you install it? (from the repos or the site?)06:31
RorschachdigitalJames147: not to worry i downloaded it from the repos06:35
Rorschachdigitalits fine now'06:35
RorschachdigitalJames147: like i said earlier  been having too many hiccups06:36
James147Rorschachdigital: need any help with them?06:37
RorschachdigitalJames147: oh kind sir you have been quite helpful to me today06:39
RorschachdigitalJames147: i cant think of anything offhand i just need to better familiarize myself with kde06:40
James147Rorschachdigital: :)06:40
RorschachdigitalJames147: do you use daisy?06:53
James147Rorschachdigital: Havent as of yet (although I just installed it)... dont like how it cannot overlay windows (or at least that I can see)06:55
RorschachdigitalJames147: aye theres an option for that06:56
James147Rorschachdigital: to let it cover windows with an auto hide?06:56
RorschachdigitalJames147: its in hiding allow other windows to cover?06:56
RorschachdigitalJames147: im wondering why it is vetoing the removial of the icons06:57
James147Rorschachdigital: Problem is it wont cover windows to makes it all but useless to me unless I have now indows open(which is rare)06:58
James147Rorschachdigital: and setting it so that windows wont cover it takes up more space then I like06:58
RorschachdigitalJames147: im with you i dont think they thought the hiding and accessabilliy of this dock through enough06:59
James147Rorschachdigital: you can hit ctrl+F12 to show the dashboard but if you have it at the top of the screen(where I would want it) then it gets covered by the "Hide dashbord" button07:00
RorschachdigitalJames147: ah yeah i see what you mean07:01
James147Rorschachdigital: would probally be fine wiht having it or the panel, but I find the panel has more to offer (sys as a systray)07:01
RorschachdigitalJames147: im inclined to agree with you i wonder if a systray could be added?07:02
James147Rorschachdigital: Probally, but I have no clue how long that would take the developers07:03
RorschachdigitalJames147: i heard of this cairo dock as well and its in the repos but i couldnt seem to find it after installing07:04
James147Rorschachdigital: looks like an application that you can run07:06
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Guest21036Hi World :D07:06
RorschachdigitalJames147: perhaps but the name is unclear and run command cant find it07:07
Guest21036Where in the world are you Rorschachdigital?07:07
James147Rorschachdigital: try "cairo-dock" (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CairoDock)07:09
RorschachdigitalJames147: aye no go their either07:11
James147Rorschachdigital: heres another (fancy tasks) http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Fancy+Tasks?content=99737  (repo: plasma-widget-fancytasks )07:14
James147Rorschachdigital: but it doent look as functional as daisy :(07:17
RorschachdigitalJames147: im checking it out atm07:17
RorschachdigitalJames147: not worth it?07:18
James147Rorschachdigital: you can always try it but it has allot less options the daisy07:18
RorschachdigitalJames147: the majority of the sites ive seen seem to recomend this unabtainabl cairso dock07:21
RorschachdigitalJames147: splendid news my friend07:28
* James147 lissens07:28
* James147 listen instead :)07:29
RorschachdigitalJames147: i got cairo working you should check it out its quite functional07:29
Rorschachdigitalnight all08:08
SkEmOhow can i manage my internet connections on lucid? if i check on the icon it says "unmanaged"08:15
SkEmOanyone has this issue?08:15
jussiIs there a way to save the annotations on a pdf in okular?08:16
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hagabakaI think they are saved automatically, but only okular can view them. It doesn't use the same annotation as acrobat08:17
jussihagabaka: doesnt seem that way here, I close and reopen and they have gone...08:20
jussistrike that :P08:21
jussihagabaka: so do you know any tools that allow acrobat users to view my annotations08:24
hagabakayou can use flpsed to add text, but they are not annotations, and its UI is very basic08:26
hagabakahttp://www.gnurou.org/blog/2008/09/09/finally_real_pdf_annotating_under_linux --actually using wine08:27
jussiI wonder, does the real adobe app do them?08:29
* jussi installs...08:29
hagabakaI think the document needs to be "enabled" for the adobe reader to do it, which I thought ridiculous08:30
jussithat is ridiculous, lets see if we can do it...08:30
hagabakahttp://www.hrstc.org/node/31 I haven't tried that instruction for acroread, or Mendeley08:33
hagabakagood night08:34
solo-pcjc-g31777Hello.  Is this the right chat room for ubuntu.  If not, how do I connect to #ubuntu?08:35
SkEmOknetworkmanager shows as "unmanaged" what does this means?08:47
bdgraueSkEmO: u can try to delete /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state and restart08:53
SkEmOit says it doesent exist08:53
bdgrauei think there is a bug sometimes, if the sytem is not properly shutdown or suspended08:53
SkEmObut i can find it manually08:55
SkEmObesides all the values there are set as true08:55
SkEmOwell the only problem is, i cant connect to the wireless08:56
SkEmOeven sudo restart network-manager doesent work :S08:58
SkEmOrestart: unknown job: network-manager08:58
bdgrauei think this is the bugreport08:58
=== andrei is now known as ^nomercy^
ScorpKing!clone | ScorpKing09:28
ubottuScorpKing, please see my private message09:28
Fleckxorg uses 270MB of RAM, is this normal?10:23
Fleckamarok 194MB of RAM10:24
Fleckkrusader 140MB of RAM10:24
Fleckktorrent 110MB and chrome 100MB10:24
Fleckwell_laid_lawn possible reasons?10:25
Fleckok, i have 8GB of ram but i can tell you - everything is laggy and sooo slow :(10:25
well_laid_lawnmaybe muktiple instances of each app - ps aux | grep appname    will tell10:25
Fleckone instances10:27
well_laid_lawnyou could logout/login and it should drop  the mem usage10:28
Fleck280MB ram xorg now :(10:28
Fleckyeah but it keeps going up all the time10:29
Fleck281 allready10:29
Fleckafter xorg restart works well for ~20min then starts to lag10:30
Flecki just dunno how to debug this ;(10:31
well_laid_lawnmust be something to do with the vid card drivers then10:31
Fleckyeah i think so too10:31
Flecki have dula monitor10:31
well_laid_lawndid you make an xorg.conf?10:32
Flecknvidia-settings did, wait, i will paste it10:32
Fleckany ideas well_laid_lawn ?10:36
well_laid_lawnthat looks fine afaik10:37
Flecki guess i will try to disable 2nd monitor10:37
well_laid_lawnno wait - why is there no section for the second monito?10:37
Fleckdunno, maybe because xorg "thinks" there is only one, just big10:38
Flecknvidias xinerama function10:38
well_laid_lawnare they both the same type?10:38
Fleckthe same resolution10:39
Fleckbut not the same models10:39
Fleckone is CTX, one Samsung10:39
well_laid_lawnit might pay to google for nvidia twinview xorg to see if others have two monitor sections10:41
phoenix_is anyone there.10:57
well_laid_lawnmost wait to see if the question is something they know so just ask it :]10:58
amichairif only they were that patient...10:58
shadeslayerwell_laid_lawn: i was about to say hi and wham hes gone10:58
shadeslayeri think i know who he is...10:59
Fleckwell_laid_lawn few minutes up and xorg now takes 253MB of RAM10:59
well_laid_lawnFleck: on a single monitor?10:59
Flecklet me try one monitor...11:00
well_laid_lawnwhat did you do? - logout?11:00
shadeslayerhmm.. well one of my gmail contacts has a nick phoenix and his ip does indicate that hes from Delhi :P11:00
Flecki should have restart x too?11:00
well_laid_lawntry a single monitor - if it still happens the try a diff driver11:01
well_laid_lawnthe logout does that afaik11:01
amichairwell_laid_lawn: logout doesn't restart x, at the logout menu there's an option to do that11:02
Fleckok i will try that11:02
well_laid_lawnmem use for x went down but then it went back to climbing it seems11:02
amichairI meant at the login screen, after you've logged out, there's an option to restart X (in the shutdown menu). Not to get the menus confused :-)11:03
Fleckafter restart (updated kubuntu) - i have xorg 25MB, then after i started kmail, kvirc and skype 31MB11:09
Fleck33.6MB after krusader starup11:10
well_laid_lawnso it was the dual monitor setup then fleck?11:12
Fleckand what is virtuoso-t ?11:12
Fleckdunno, i have two monitors at the moment11:12
shadeslayerFleck: thats the indexed11:13
Fleckhow can i disable it? takes 130MB of RAM11:13
James147Fleck: virtuoso is the indexer that strigi uses11:13
amichairit's a resource hog, that's what it is :-P11:13
James147Fleck: disabled the indexer (system settings > advanced > desktop search )11:13
shadeslayerFleck: K > Systemsettings > Desktop Search11:14
Fleckwell_laid_lawn but keeps going up, now 36MB allready11:14
Fleckthank you11:14
shadeslayerFleck: you can set the amount of memory its supposed to use11:14
* shadeslayer has it set to 50 MB11:14
James147Fleck: It should only be using memory while its indexing once its finish it should be fine, it will also disable itsself if toher programs are using the resourcces11:14
Fleckwell_laid_lawn juuhuu, xorg is 150MB now :)11:17
Fleckok let me try one monitor11:18
zlatanHi everyone!11:19
zlatanI need some good irc cilent for Kubuntu11:19
zlatanQuassel looks good but DCC does not work11:19
amichairzlatan: I like konversation11:19
James147zlatan: quassel and konversation are the two most used for kde11:19
zlatanThanks, I will try Konversation11:20
Fleckok now one monitor 31MB at the moment11:24
amichairFleck: what version of kubuntu/kde are you on?11:26
Fleck10.04 latest11:27
Fleckkde 4.4.211:27
amichairFleck: and how is your plasma-desktop process doing?11:27
amichairI used to have all sorts of memory leaks in xorg/plasma, though finally I think they are over (pending a fix to ktorrent plasmoid)11:28
well_laid_lawnFleck: been having a google and it seems some others have had similar issues - using diff vid cards and single or dual monitors - kde seems to be the common factor11:29
=== shadesla1er is now known as shadeslayer
=== shadesla1er is now known as shadeslayer
Fleckamichair i have desktop folder view, wheather forecast and color picker11:43
Fleckthat's it11:43
Flecknothing else11:43
Fleckat the moment 39MB RAM xorg takes11:43
Flecki have unchecked everything in desktop search - but still have that virtuoso-t thing :/11:45
Flecktadaa... xorg just jumped up to 160MB11:46
francesco_c'è qualcuno esperto in matematica a cui posso chiedere una cosa 2 minuti?11:47
bazhang!it | francesco_11:49
ubottufrancesco_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:49
well_laid_lawnFleck: where are you getting the info for the mem X uses?11:51
FleckCTRL + ESC11:52
well_laid_lawnFleck: can you post the buffers/cache line from   free -m   ?11:52
well_laid_lawnk - uses alot...11:54
Fleckand i have open kmail, skype, kvirc, konsole and chrome11:57
Fleckthat's it11:57
Fleckohh - krusader11:57
Flecklet me try nv drivers...11:57
jorgehello good morning12:12
jorgei have the same problem yet with the audio12:13
jorgei do not listing anything12:13
James147!sound | jorge12:15
ubottujorge: If you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:15
jorgei do not have idea how to do that12:17
Fleckwith nv i have now 123MB but now i have clone view :P12:34
Fleckanyway - nv driver is soo fast12:38
Flecknothing lags12:38
Fleckperfecto ;)12:39
Fleckeven xorg is now at 124MB :)12:39
Flecki haven't seen so fast kde from kde 3.5 i can tell you! :))12:42
Renovatiohi there, does anybody know how to install a lowlatency kernel on lucid?12:54
Fleckamichair still here?13:00
Fleckcan i use nv and get somehome working glx?13:00
amichairFleck: still here, but I dunno :-/13:01
shadeslayerFleck: of course you must be prepared to test git packages13:01
shadeslayerFleck: they will be unstable....13:02
amichairFleck: btw my X process is 160M RES, but I don't think it's growing, so it's not a leak13:02
shadeslayerso if your looking for something stable,forget it :P13:02
Fleckamichair yeah but after few days i got allready 280MB :D13:02
Fleckshadeslayer ok, then i will try some more things, and then if nothing works - i will use nv without glx ... because it's sooo faast... :)13:03
amichairFleck: are you looking at RES memory or total/virtual/shared memory? I use htop to view the stats13:03
Flecknot RSS, but RSS is near... shared mem for xorg is noly 10MB13:04
shadeslayerFleck: hehe13:04
amichairFleck: RES is the 'physically taking up space' memory, and is probably what's important to you13:05
FleckRES is 74MB13:05
Fleckat the moment13:05
Guest64102hey shadey13:06
amichairFleck: try to see if it really grows with time or not13:07
shadeslayerGuest64102: hey :)13:08
Fleckamichair well i can tell you - at the moment nvidia driver is so slow...13:08
Fleckreally slow13:08
amichaire.g. my plasma-desktop on karmic used to grow to 1G RES over a couple weeks of use13:08
Fleckcompared to nv13:08
shadeslayerHey everyone Guest64102 is one of my friends and hes new to kubuntu13:08
amichairwelcome, Guest64102 :-)13:09
Guest64102hey ami :-)13:09
Fleckamichair can you imagine - typing new mail - and letters are not showing up, they later comes on screen :P13:09
James147Guest64102: Hello and welcome :)13:09
amichairFleck: how strange. I'm using nvidia drivers with no such problems13:10
Fleckbut it's not happening with nv driver...13:10
amichairlucid desktop does feel more snappy to me (mostly window operations), but it's with the same nvidia driver version I had in karmic13:10
James147Fleck: I use to have osmehting similar when using nvidia with dual monitor and xinerima13:10
FleckJames147 ok but i tried single mon13:11
Fleckstill the same thing13:11
amichairI use TwinView13:11
James147Fleck: amichair: I use twin view now as well, was so much better when I switched13:11
mojodojo87I have a question, if I have always been a windows user would KDE serve me more or Gnome im confused about the two13:11
Guest64102ok guys now since u know m a newbie pls help me understand this thing :)13:11
James147Guest64102: Just ask what you want to know :)13:12
shadeslayerGuest64102: btw you can type half a nickname and press tab to complete it13:12
Guest64102nick bulldog9813:13
Guest64102what ?13:13
amichairGuest64102: you forgot the slash - /nick13:13
shadeslayerGuest64102: no like, bull<tab>13:13
James147mojodojo87: Its purly a personal choise, I would try both and use the one you like more13:13
amichairGuest64102: if you were trying to change your nick, that is :-)13:14
amichairmojodojo87: it's mostly a matter of taste. I came over from windows xp and enjoy kubuntu. windows vista/7 are just as different from xp as any other OS or desktop nowadays...13:14
Guest64102it ain't changing13:14
shadeslayerGuest64102: the nick bulldog98 is already taken :)13:14
James147mojodojo87: you can install gnome on kuubntu by installing the package "ubuntu-desktop" (or kubuntu-desktop from ubuntu) and selecting which one you want to use at login13:15
=== Guest64102 is now known as netcruiser
shadeslayernetcruiser: :D13:15
netcruiseryeah its changed :) thnks13:15
amichairwelcome, netcruiser :-)13:16
shadeslayernetcruiser: you might want to register this nick so that only you can use it :)13:16
shadeslayer!register | netcruiser13:16
ubottunetcruiser: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode13:16
* James147 should probally also do that13:16
* amichair as well13:16
shadeslayeramichair: James147 netcruiser you might also be intrested in cloaks :P13:17
mojodojo87thanks for the response i am installing kde now to see how i like it13:17
shadeslayersame faq :)13:17
mojodojo87I was looking at SUSE and Slackware i swear all these linux versions are like pokemon wanna try them all13:18
James147shadeslayer: cloaks?13:18
shadeslayerJames147: yes like [GuS]13:18
shadeslayerJames147: ~MysT@unaffiliated/gus/x-66340213:18
shadeslayer[GuS]: :P13:19
James147shadeslayer: Might look at that later :)13:20
shadeslayerJames147: yeah,theres a 14 day waiting period for that :P13:21
amichairok, registered. Now I have to figure out where to change konversation's config...13:22
Fleckshadeslayer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUwnirG5ecs << this is how my kde works ;P13:24
shadeslayerFleck: im uploading kdeartwork right now,will watch later :P13:25
amichair24" should be enough for anyone. bleh.13:32
mojodojo87well just installed kde and i will say kde beats gnome in my mind its oh how can you say absolutly beautiful13:32
amichairmojodojo87: you've come to the right channel ;-)13:33
mojodojo87so am i right by saying ubuntu and kubuntu are the same thing just the different GUI right?13:33
James147mojodojo87: Basically13:34
amichairmojodojo87: basically, yeah. GUI being both the desktop environment and some of the default applications.13:34
mojodojo87how do i make kde use max visual settings :P i love eye candy13:35
skramer_how to properly set up Amarok & Ampache to get access the Ampache server through Amarok?13:36
skramer_I already could access the server from my laptop using the webbrowser13:36
skramer_but in Amarok, it doesn't show anthing13:36
amichairmojodojo87: you can play with system settings -> desktop -> all effects and pick/configure the ones you like. There's also system settings -> Appearance for themes, colors, etc...13:37
amichairmojodojo87: wobbly windows is a favorite of mine :-)13:38
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mojodojo87well i selected some stuff and some things came back as unable to start should i restart the pc13:39
amichairmojodojo87: never happened to me... maybe just deselect them and try one by one13:40
mojodojo87next what is compositing, and with my ati 4650 1gb card should i use opengl or  xrender13:40
mojodojo87where is the restart and shutdown options13:43
James147mojodojo87: in the kmenu under one of the tabs (or as I do it Alt+F2 > type shutdown/reboot :) )13:44
mojodojo87odd it will not let me enable even wobbly windows keeps saying failed to start13:47
amichairmojodojo87: which drivers are you using?13:48
mojodojo87idk what drivers im using on gnome i had ati's drivers installed13:48
crashevanyone experienced strange kernel panics on kubuntu 10.04 with iwl-4965 wifi driver, usually under higher traffic ? (http://3paste.com/s/1745)13:50
mojodojo87odd kde restarted itself after i told it to install screensavers lol13:51
mojodojo87since kde giving me errors should i just try to install kbuntu that way i dont have ubuntu installed?13:53
mojodojo87cool i figured out why my screen has been flickering on my ati card, it was pluged into crt2 port instead of crt1 why that made a difference idk but it did, but i still can not get kde to turn on different effects just keeps telling me it cant start them14:06
BluesKaj-LaptopHiyas all14:12
shadeslayerBluesKaj-Laptop: hey :)14:13
BluesKaj-Laptophi shadeslayer14:13
BluesKaj-Laptopsomebody chastized me for using the -laptop with my nick, accused me of one upmanship or bragging or some such ...just an elcheapo acer for travelling etc , nothing fancy ...strange14:17
Fleckshadeslayer dunno what - but now works cool14:22
Flecki have enabled font aliasing14:22
Fleckand added some options to xorg.conf14:22
Flecknow i need to find - what did this huge speed improvement14:23
shadeslayerFleck: hehe :)14:23
shadeslayerFleck: saved the original files?14:24
shadeslayerthen just do diff -u new.conf old.conf14:24
Flecki know what i added14:25
Fleckbut i added more at a time ;)14:25
Fleckso now i will try to set font aliasing back14:25
Fleckback to disabled and see what's hapen14:25
Flecklol, it's font aliasing14:26
Fleckwhen disabled - everything is slow14:27
shadeslayermmm... shouldnt that be the other way round?14:27
Fleckdunno, as i read in forums - when aliasing is disabled - CPU does font rendering wich is slow14:28
Fleckthe problem is - fonts look really uggly with AA turned ON14:30
Flecki have allways turned AA off14:30
Renovatiohi there, does anybody know how to install a lowlatency kernel on lucid?14:30
* shadeslayer only knows how to install new kernels packaged from kernel team14:31
bazhangRenovatio, a rt kernel?14:32
Renovatiobazhang - on internet I found it is standard kernel on Ubuntustudio: i don't know if "low latency" and "real time" are same thing14:33
BluesKaj-Laptoplowlatency ..wow haven't heard that for years in reference to a kernel :)14:34
bazhangRenovatio, what are you trying to do? audio? something similar?14:34
Renovatiobazhang yes14:34
bazhang!info ubuntustudio-desktop14:34
ubottuubuntustudio-desktop (source: ubuntustudio-meta): Ubuntu Studio Desktop Package. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.70 (lucid), package size 9 kB, installed size 36 kB14:34
BluesKaj-Laptopbetter go ...bbl14:34
Renovatiobazhang ok, but i don't need ubuntustdio, only realtime kernel14:37
shadeslayeri thought the kernel _was_ realtime :P14:44
a1cscWhere is the default httpd.conf file for apache 2 when installed on ubuntu server?14:55
a1cscI want to change the default location of the web pages from /var/www/ to something else..14:55
Picia1csc: /etc/apache2/httpd.conf , but its setup to use conf files in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default by default.14:55
Fleckshadeslayer btw - 20min and xorg only takes 16MB :P14:56
* shadeslayer faints14:57
shadeslayerFleck: are you even running a WM ?14:57
Flecknow would be great to find out - how can i "tell" nvidia to render non antialiased fonts ;/14:57
Flecksorry - 42MB14:58
Fleckbut not 140:P14:58
* shadeslayer watches xorg eat his RAM14:58
Fleckshadeslayer have you AA enabled?14:58
Fleckdefault is enabled14:59
shadeslayerthen enabled it is :P14:59
Fleckwhite fonts on black background looks so bad :( when AA is enabled14:59
shadeslayerFleck: are you counting the virtual,resident and shared memory as a total of 42 MB?14:59
FleckRSS ir 5715:00
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a1cscok i changed the apache 2 conf file and 000-default to point to a diff directory, but now when i access the webserver from localhost to test it it says forbidden15:23
a1cscanyone have any ideas?  i changed the directory from /var/usr/WWW to /home/computer/WWW15:24
a1cscAnyone here?15:34
James147a1csc: lots of people are :) most are just listening in the background. If you have a question someone will probally answer it :)15:36
a1cscI have asked a question, no response tho15:36
a1cscI can't figure it out :(15:36
James147a1csc: you might want to try asking in #ubuntu you might find more luck there. Afraid I dont know much about apache (and looks like no one else here does :S )15:37
chuckfa1csc: did you change permissions on /home/computer/WWW to be readable by apache?15:52
a1cschow do i do that?15:53
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geos_deI've installed some self-compiled kernel modules and now I want to have the original ones.15:55
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a1cschow do change permissions to be readable by apache?15:56
bobbert_join #bmoreonrails15:56
chuckfa1csc: check the permissions on /var/usr/WWW and apply the same to /home/computer/WWW using chown or similar depending on the situation15:56
geos_dehow ist /lib/modules/2.6.32-22-generic/ filled again by the packet manager?15:56
geos_dejust install the kernel image?15:56
=== shadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer_
a1csci can't, i don't see root as a option to set permissions15:58
chuckfa1csc: use sudo15:58
a1cscin terminal? do sudo chown and what?15:58
chuckfin terminal, do sudo chown user:group /home/computer/WWW to match the user and group of the /var/usr/WWW directory16:01
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a1cscinvalid user16:02
chuckfcan you pastebin the permissions of the /var/usr/WWW directory and the command and output of your chown command?16:03
chuckfhow what? to use pastebin? http://pastebin.ca16:05
tsimpsona1csc: apache runs as www-user, so any file needs to be readable to www-data16:06
tsimpsonand it should be /var/www (not /var/usr/WWW)16:06
zeltakhi guys. anyone know of a way to add merge my deleted windowz partition to my current /home partition?17:03
Torchzeltak: what do you mean by "add merge"? and if it 's deleted, it's gone, right?17:04
zeltaki wanna delete my win partition and add the space to the current home partition17:05
zeltakis that possibie?17:05
Torchzeltak: yes17:05
Torchzeltak: http://docs.kde.org/development/en/extragear-sysadmin/partitionmanager/index.html17:05
Torchzeltak: the app is installable, but you cannot resize your home partition as long as it is mounted.17:06
zeltakhmmm so i need to boot up with a live cd..install it and then do the procedure?17:06
Torchzeltak: so you're probably better off using the CD version: http://sourceforge.net/projects/partitionman/files/17:07
Torchzeltak: exactly. you could also boot from the kubuntu dvd/cd and install kde partition manage in the live system. it's not, however, on the cd/dvd.17:07
zeltakhmm cool. just wondering (though im a huge kde fanboy) since doing that procedure isnt kde related is there maybe a livecd with tools already included that would be simpler?17:08
James147zeltak: if you go down the kubuntu live cd route make sure you update the package lists first (sudo aptitude update)17:08
Torchzeltak: see the link i posted to sourceforge17:08
Torchzeltak: that is your live cd17:08
zeltakahh gothca..k thx torch ill look into it :017:09
James147zeltak: using the kubuntu cd is as easy as booting it and running "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install partitionmanager" then launching the partition manager17:09
zeltakhmmm gothca so its in the repos17:10
James147zeltak: it is17:10
zeltakcool, and it wont screw my home drive right?17:10
James147zeltak: there is also gparted in the repos (a gtk version)17:10
Torchzeltak: there's always a risk involved in this.17:10
Torchzeltak: if you want 100% safety, don't mess with your partitions.17:11
zeltakheheh i see.. :)17:11
James147zeltak: make sure you back up anything important, it is unlikly to screw up but there is a chance17:11
zeltaki mean i have this 60 GB win partiton i never use on my HD and im getting low on space on my /home dir17:11
zeltakJames147: yeah will do..i just have a shitload of stuff to backup17:11
Torchzeltak: you could also just make a file system on that partition and mount it somewhere.17:12
Torchzeltak: that's completely risk-free17:12
Torchzeltak: and would not require booting a live cd.17:12
James147Torch: zeltak: thats not "completely" risk free... the software wont screw up but you can always delete the wrong partition by mistake :)17:12
zeltakhmmm maybe ill do that..ill see..i do preffer to expand home but maybe ill just do that untill my /home dir is 100% backedup17:12
TorchJames147: under that assumption you shouldn't turn on your pc, though ;-)17:13
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zeltakk thx guys..ill give it some thoght..appriciate the help!17:13
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James147Torch: :) its jsut a warning to be careful17:14
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Rorschachdigitalhey guys17:37
Rorschachdigitalanyone a fan of kismet?17:41
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a1cscI still can't get this thing to have the proper permissions for apache18:06
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hyper_chhi there, I have something strange happening to me:  the network manager got disabled18:19
shadeslayerhyper_ch: ok you probably need to get the daemon running again,press alt+F2 > kded > check for nm18:20
hyper_chshadeslayer: what to look for? network status daemon: running,  network watcher: running18:21
hyper_chthe network applet is running18:22
shadeslayerthen? you cant see networks right?18:22
hyper_chwhen I click on it, I get a greyed out popup:  Network management disabled18:22
hyper_chI needed to enable eth0 in the interfaces file to get a connection at all18:22
shadeslayerhyper_ch: yeah ive seen this,though cant remember how to fix it18:23
hyper_chby installing wicd? ^^18:23
hyper_chfinally I actually like the network manager and now for some strange reasons, it did not want to start anymore18:24
James147hyper_ch: first turn off network-manager (sudo service network-manager stop)18:24
hyper_chJames147: I'm still not used to "service" ..... :) ok, it's stopped18:24
* hyper_ch huggles the good old /etc/init.d/xxx18:25
James147hyper_ch: then delete /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state (or change "NetworkingEnabled=false" to true)18:25
James147hyper_ch: then start network-manager again18:25
* hyper_ch gives James147 a very, very, very big cookie18:26
hyper_chJames147: what happened?18:26
* James147 eats the cookie18:26
hyper_chyou know what happened there?18:27
James147hyper_ch: did that work?18:27
hyper_chJames147: it did... otherwise you wouldn't have gotten a cookie18:27
James147hyper_ch: I think it got disabled for some reason (might have something to do with syspend doing something funky) and dident get reenabled18:27
hyper_choh, I think I know what might have caused it18:28
James147hyper_ch: what?18:28
James147hyper_ch: (I was only guessing would like to know what can cause it)18:29
hyper_chJames147: I did tell kubuntu to power off and then shut the lid of my netbook... I noticed now at home that it didn't properly shut down and started doing so agai once I opened the lid again18:29
hyper_chand I think when running on batteries the behaviour upon closing the lid is to suspend18:30
James147hyper_ch: yeah, think that can cause it... networking gets disabled by suspend but suspend dosnt resume properly due to the system shutting down18:30
hyper_chso there might have been a complication there18:30
hyper_chfirst time I've seen that... do you mind if I mention you in my blog?18:30
James147hyper_ch: sure :)18:31
hyper_chyou do mind?18:31
James147hyper_ch: if you send me a link ;)18:31
James147hyper_ch: I dont mind18:32
hyper_chI actually have to blog entries to make18:32
hyper_chforgot to make one yesterday18:32
hyper_chmaybe you like the other one also :)18:32
James147hyper_ch: :)18:34
James147hyper_ch:  do you ahve a link?18:34
hyper_chJames147: the one I forgot yesterday:  http://www.simplylinux.ch/repogen-update-jetzt-auch-mit-maverick18:35
a1cscThis is driving me nuts18:40
a1cscAll I want to do is switch the god damn folder that the website is in...18:41
hyper_chJames147: http://www.simplylinux.ch/wenn-der-netzwerk-manager-streikt18:47
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chuckfhyper_ch: check out https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-de.org-website/+bug/514775 for more details on that bug you hit18:50
hyper_chchuckf: :)18:51
hyper_chI hate it when bugs hit me :)18:52
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chuckfI hate it when I have to tell my wife 'it wasn't something you did' after asking her what she did to cause it...18:53
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hyper_chchuckf: just blame windows :)18:54
hyper_chchuckf: you're free to check out my repo generator tool also :)18:54
chuckfhyper_ch: she was hit by that networking bug in kubutnu the other night so it really wasn't windows18:55
hyper_chyou could have told her that bill gate's ghost is still in that machine18:56
snarksterhas anyone been able to xdmcp working with kdm?18:57
snarksterIm getting fonts issues18:57
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mojodojo87does anyone know if this laptop would be good for kubuntu http://www.sonystyle.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CategoryDisplay?catalogId=10551&storeId=10151&langId=-1&categoryId=8198552921644570897&parentCategoryId=1615419:09
ikoniamojodojo87: check the hardware support, that's the key19:10
hyper_chmojodojo87: just go into a computer shop and start the live cd on a display model :)19:11
mojodojo87also SSD's seem to be the next generation hard drives anyone have any experience with these, i mean idk how good they are speed wise, graphs just dont beat real people reviews19:11
mojodojo87your right hyper a I forgot that i could just start the live cd most places dont mind if you do that lol thats actually a great idea19:12
snarksterok so no one knows what xdmcp is??19:29
hyper_chJames147: the blog entry ok?19:29
James147hyper_ch:  yup :)19:29
hyper_chJames147: and your opinion to my repogen?19:29
jelangI was surprised last night to find that you can right click the KDE logo on the panel and select Menu Editor. You can also toggle between Application Launcher Menu and Kickoff Application Launcher. I think this is great.19:30
hyper_chjelang: right-click for menu editor was also there in 3.5 IIRC19:30
James147hyper_ch: not entirly sure what it is :S19:32
hyper_chJames147: http://repogen.simplylinux.ch :)19:33
hyper_chJames147: I'm sure you can figure that out :)19:33
James147hyper_ch: yup, nice :)19:33
hyper_chJames147: :)19:34
mojodojo87how to i open up the cube look when switching desktops i have it enabled but dont know how to open it19:35
hyper_chwhat key combo did you assign to it?19:35
James147mojodojo87: you set it to be the effect to take place when you change desktops and there is a shortcut key associated with it (cant rember waht it is though)19:36
mojodojo87i dont know what my shortcut key is for the change desktop thing19:36
James147mojodojo87: ctrl+F1-12  do just switch desktops ctrl+F11 to open the cube in mouse mode19:38
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James147mojodojo87: note: for the ctrl+F1-xx you need to set the System settings > Desktop > desktop effects > "Effect for desktop switching" to th e cube19:40
mojodojo87thanks james ctrl f11 worked :P19:41
mojodojo87some of my friends are so jellous at all the wonderful things and look of linux19:41
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zeltakTorch: James147 : still there?19:54
zeltaki booted with a live cd..deleted the old win partition but i cant find a way to add it to the existing /home partition :(19:55
zeltakused both gparted and the kde one but with no sucess..any ideas?19:55
hyper_chzeltak: what do you mean you can't find a way to add the /home partition?19:56
jelangAdd what to the existing /home partition?19:56
hyper_chah, you want to enlarge the home partition with that deleted win partition?19:57
zeltakyup hyper_ch19:57
hyper_chzeltak: pastebin the output of   sudo fdisk -l19:57
James147zeltak: yup19:57
James147zeltak: you should be able to "resize" the partition19:57
James147zeltak: the partition might need to be next to each other19:57
James147zeltak: if they are not you will probally need to move the other partitions around (that could take a long time)19:57
FloodBotK3James147: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:57
DarthFrogzeltak: Have you tried using partitionmanager?  The documentation specifically addresses your issue.19:58
zeltakDarthFrog: can you paste the doc link by any chance?19:59
hyper_chahem, I don't think you can add it just like that to enlarge it19:59
zeltakmmm bummer :(20:00
DarthFrogzeltak: http://docs.kde.org/development/en/extragear-sysadmin/partitionmanager/index.html20:00
hyper_chzeltak: well, it should be possible.... you need to resize things... and the win partition is not gone yet20:00
James147hyper_ch: zeltak: you can, but the free space need to be beside the partition you want to enlarge20:00
jelangDoes the free space have to immediately follow what you are enlarging?20:01
DarthFrogExactly.  The free space must be contiguous with the partition you want to expand.20:01
hyper_chyou might be required to conduct multiple size adjustements20:01
DarthFrogjelang: Before or after, but contiguous.20:01
hyper_chand then you'll also need need to re-install grub20:02
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James147zeltak: What you need to do is delete the win partition, move the other partition into the free space untill the free space is by the drive you want to expand and the resize the partiotion (note moving will take along time)20:02
zeltakso if the win partiton is sda2 and home is sda7 i need to "move" sda2 to sda6 oram i completly out of it?20:02
DarthFrogpartitionmanager can copy a partition.  Thus you can use it to move partitons around to free up contiguous space.20:02
James147zeltak: Or you can delete it formate it and use it as an extra partition20:02
hyper_chwin is sda120:02
zeltakactaully it wsa both sd1 and sda2..win7 creates a boot partiton on sda120:03
zeltakand installs on sda2 (which i deleted)20:03
hyper_chzeltak: your fdisk -l shows sda1 as windows and sda2 as linux20:03
zeltakcan i also delete sda1 or is the kubuntu boot stuff there20:03
zeltakyeah i deleted sda2 and formated it to ext420:03
hyper_chyou can deleted it but you'll require to reinstall grub on there20:03
zeltakahh ok so for now ill keep it20:04
zeltakso being very confused...again..how do i "move" the sda2 partition to be next to sda7?20:04
hyper_chyou need to delete it20:05
James147zeltak: there should be a move option in partitionmanager20:05
hyper_chthen you'll have empty space20:05
zeltakok so 1)delete sda2 completly20:05
hyper_chJames147: you can just move it?20:05
James147hyper_ch: deleteing it isent required, you can move it20:05
IzinucsHow do I get Akonadi server running before Kontact loads?20:05
Izinucson boot that is20:05
hyper_chJames147: sda2 is primary... as is sda1... the rest are extended ones20:06
hyper_chyou're sure you can just move it around?20:06
zeltaki tried to move it before bit it just gave me a resize option i think20:07
James147hyper_ch: you should be able to mode the primarays around (the extended will have to move togeather20:07
James147zeltak: hmm20:07
hyper_chJames147: well, don't know if that works... it's been ages since I used the partitioner20:07
hyper_chbut my suggestion is to (1) delete sda 1 and 2 (if neither are wanted anymore) and then start resizing the extended partition20:08
James147hyper_ch: have only used to it do stuff with pirmary, I tend to stay away form extended :S20:08
jelangWindows frequently has a recovery partition and a production partition. I think that your sda1 was the recovery partition and sda2 was the production partition.20:08
hyper_chresizing back and forth until you have the final desired sizes20:08
zeltakjelang: yeah i think so to20:08
zeltakhyper_ch: resizing all the time sounds complicated20:08
zeltakman im confused LOL20:09
hyper_chzeltak: you have backup of your important data?20:09
jelangany partition number greater than 5 is a "logical" partition within the sda5 extended partition.20:09
James147zeltak: yeah, backup anything important20:09
hyper_chzeltak: then you have nothing to worry about :)20:09
zeltakJames147: hyper_ch did that :)20:09
jelangYou cannot readily move in and out of the extended partition.20:09
James147jelang: but can you expand/move the extended block?20:10
jelangI think so20:10
* James147 is tempted to test it in a vm20:10
* hyper_ch starts taunting James147 until he tests it in a vm20:11
zeltakheheh :)20:11
jelangI was recently partitioning a usb thumb drive. Lots of fun and games!20:12
* James147 think testing it on a flash drive would be easier :)20:12
jelangfdisk did not like the thumb drive. Partitionmanager and gparted both saw it as a single partition of the whole drive.20:14
James147jelang: found one with an old live cd on it will reformat it and try :)20:14
zeltakshould i try anything in the meantime?20:15
jelangI succeeded at long last20:15
jelangwith fdisk that is20:15
jelangIt mounted as sdc rather than sdc1 before the repartitioning20:16
James147zeltak: jelang: It works and is simple with partition manager20:21
lovrehi a20:21
lovrehi a20:21
zeltakreally..so should i boot up with a live cd and apt-get partition manager and try it there?20:22
lovrehow do i compile a program source?20:22
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)20:22
lovrePici: thank you20:22
hyper_chJames147: we're waiting for a screencast20:22
James147zeltak: yes (just run sudo apt-get update first)20:22
Picilovre: you're welcome.20:22
zeltakkk James147 will try it now...hope it works..thx again20:23
James147hyper_ch: screen shot? if you really want...20:23
hyper_chJames147: screencast.... record your desktop while you're doing that resizing and give the video to zeltak20:23
James147hyper_ch: ahh, that makes more sence :)20:23
James147hyper_ch: zeltak: give me a min20:23
zeltakkk cool np20:24
FloodBotK3hyper_ch: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:24
Picihyper_ch: please stop that.20:24
James147hyper_ch: lol20:24
lovrePici: i have no configure script in the folder, there is however a Config.mk file, that seems to be make config file, but this topic is not covered.... What do i do now?20:27
Picilovre: Is there a README or INSTALL file in that directory.20:27
lovrePici: yes, but README file covers only windows installation...20:27
Picilovre: What software is this for?20:27
lovrePici: Ponyprog.. check it out at: http://www.lancos.com/prog.html20:28
Picilovre: The 2.07c beta tarball on their website has an INSTALL file that has linux instructions.20:31
PiciAlso, have you looked for an avr programmer in the software repositories? At a glance I see a few in there.20:32
lovrePici: i havent since i have hardware setup by instructions for this specific one, im not sure if it woud work with any other....20:33
lovrePici: seems i have downloaded the oldest 1.17 version :(/20:34
lovrePici: what is V? INSTALL says that i should set variabe HOMEV to my v absolute path...20:35
Picilovre: The v folder suggets that its some sort of c++ framework, see the Readme in that folder.20:37
lovrePici: why is it so hard to install a simple program.. nvm.. how do i find out my "current kernel headers" ?20:37
Picilovre: Because you're compiling it from source.  Install the linux-headers-$(uname -r) package20:38
James147hyper_ch: :( dam it failed to record the video, what would you recomend for it?20:41
hyper_chJames147: I think I used recorditnow the last time20:42
lovrePici: lots and lots of errors... i will never get this running20:45
lovrei dont understand why there couldnt be a binary version for download. for me, this is like the program doesnt exist...20:46
lovrecuz i cant get it to work. not now not ever.20:46
James147hyper_ch: where do you recomend I upload it?20:49
hyper_chJames147: don't have space?20:50
hyper_chhow about youtube?20:50
James147hyper_ch: kk20:50
a1cschow do i make something start at startup, like sudo ./sc_serv20:54
hyper_cha1csc: make an init script, put that script into /etc/init.d and then run update-rc.d scriptname defaults20:56
hyper_chsc_serv -> starcraft server?20:57
a1cscNo, shoutcast server20:57
hyper_chand you want to start it at every boot?20:57
a1csci need to run sudo ./sc_serv and sudo ./sc_trans_linux automaticlly20:57
hyper_chand you want to start it at every boot?20:58
a1cscit would be sudo /var/www/sc_serv and sudo /var/www/sc_trans_linux actually right?20:58
hyper_chrun:  sudo nano /etc/init.d/shoutcast.sh   and add that:  http://www.pastebin.ca/187864021:00
hyper_chthen run:  sudo chmod 0755 /etc/init.d/shoutcast.sh21:00
hyper_chtne run:  sudo chown root.root /etc/init.d/shoutcast.sh21:01
hyper_chthen go into the dir:   cd /etc/init.d/21:01
hyper_chand then run:   sudo update-rc.d shoutcast.sh defaults21:01
hyper_chpastebin the output of the last one21:01
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a1cscAlmost done Hyper21:08
a1csck all set21:08
hyper_chlooks good... now at reboot it should auto-run that script as root and hence start the server and the other binary21:09
James147hyper_ch: dosnt seem to want to capture properly :(21:12
hyper_chhmmm, there are other screen caputre programs21:13
kierenHey, does anyone know where the .menu file is that stores the xml info for KMenu?21:13
hyper_chone is called istanbul or byzanz... something like that21:13
Torchzeltak: still having issues?21:13
* Torch is back for a sec or two.21:13
hyper_chkieren: my guess is somewhere in ~/.kde/share/ somewhere21:13
kierenThere are no .menu files in there21:14
hyper_chare you sure they are called .menu files?21:15
hyper_chshouldn't it rather be .dekstop?21:15
kierenNo, but everything I read seems to think it is21:15
kierenWell maybe if I explain my problem...21:15
James147hyper_ch: bah I am to tired to try and make this work now :p21:16
hyper_chcat sleep > /dev/brain21:16
kierenI have created a desktop file for my application and placed it in /usr/share/applications. That worked fine and showed my application in the menu with the icon21:16
* James147 falls asleep21:16
kierenI have now changed the icon and installed it but KMenu seems to show the old image, even though it doesn't exist anymore21:17
James147kieren: it has caahed it somewhere, cant remember how to flush its buffers though :S21:18
kierenUsing KMenu editor If I click on the icon it updates to the new one but this doesn't change anything in KMenu21:18
kierenYeah, that's what I assume21:18
kierenBut I can't find any settings/cache21:18
zeltakTorch: yup21:27
zeltakJames147: i tried partition manager but no go21:27
James147zeltak: why ddient it work?21:28
zeltaki think it has to do with the fact that /home is an extended partition21:28
James147zeltak: (needs to be run as root "kdesudo partitionmanager")21:28
zeltakJames147: yeah i know21:28
zeltakit didnt let me move partitions21:29
James147zeltak: I was able to move the extended partition fine (enlarged the base of the exdended partition then move the partitions inside it21:29
hyper_ch+wiping and reinstalling might be faster21:29
James147hyper_ch: there is that :)21:29
zeltakanychance you c an make screens/video of that?21:29
James147zeltak: I can do screen if you want, but the screen recorder failed on me :S21:29
zeltakyeah i may just end up cloneing the  root partiton to a new primary partition delete the /home alltogheter and then create a big new /home21:30
zeltakJames147: screens would be cool if you dont mind21:30
James147zeltak: Start of the process: http://imagebin.org/10032821:37
James147zeltak: Delete the first partition: http://imagebin.org/10032921:38
James147zeltak: Move the second partition: http://imagebin.org/10033021:39
zeltakbut move it where?21:41
James147zeltak: Extend the edtended partition (note sdd3 in this case)21:41
James147zeltak: Move it to the space created from the first deleted partition21:41
zeltak hmmm i see21:42
zeltakso extend the extended partition, then add space to the /home partition?21:43
James147zeltak: Move the first logical partition: http://imagebin.org/10033321:43
James147zeltak: Extend the last partition: http://imagebin.org/100334  (or do this when the free space is next to the partition you want to extend)21:44
James147zeltak: After: http://imagebin.org/100336  then click apply (note clicking apply will start to move everything around, it took about 5 mins to complete on a 1gig stick that was empty... it will probally take servial hours on a real hd)21:46
zeltakok thx James147 ill try that21:46
hyper_chand you'll jneed to update / reinstall grub after having finished21:47
zeltakeven though grub is on sda1?21:47
James147!grub2 | zeltak21:47
ubottuzeltak: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub221:47
James147zeltak: just to make sure follow that guide (the part about installing it from a live cd)21:48
hyper_chzeltak: well, if after reboot it doesn't work anymore, then you'll know you need to update / reinstall grub21:48
zeltakman i may just end up starting from scratch..may even save time ;-)21:48
prefrontalhow can I up the bass? isn't there an equalizer somewhere?21:48
James147zeltak: (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Recover%20Grub%202%20via%20LiveCD)21:49
zeltakanyway thx guys for the help! appriciate it!21:49
James147zeltak: Might do :)21:49
James147zeltak: In linux you can do just about everything anyway you like... just soemtimes the "windows way" is quickest ;)21:50
zeltakheheh yeah true point21:50
hyper_chreinstalling linux is way much less work than reinstalling windows21:50
zeltakk thx again21:50
hyper_chsave the list of installed packages, save the configs and you're good21:50
zeltakyup. k thx again.later guys21:51
James147hyper_ch: I know, but a reinstall when something goes wrong is a windows think to do... and it doent give you much choise most the time about it. You can normaly fix the problem in linux (although sometimes a reinstall is quicker)21:51
hyper_chwell, heavily messing around with partitions isn't just "something goes wrong"21:52
hyper_chbtw, you know the sfdisk utility?21:52
James147hyper_ch: No but its a case where a reinstall is easier then trying to "fix" it21:52
James147hyper_ch: not use it before, i tend to use fdisk21:53
James147hyper_ch: or graphical :)21:54
hyper_chsfdisk is nice to copy partition scheme of one harddisk to another one21:54
hyper_chI use it when i setup new raid disks21:54
James147anyway I should probally go to bed, I have been up way too long21:55
zeltakactually another question if you dont mind. if i just want to mount the deleted partition as a mount under home as someone suggested how would i do that?21:58
zeltakinstead of reinsatlling ill just mount it in addition to home as another drive. how would i do that so that i dont need root permissions to copy/add like /home?21:59
ubottuPartitioning programs: !GParted or !QtParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter22:00
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions22:00
zeltakhyper_ch: can i mount the partition UNDER /home/zeltak as a folder?22:02
hyper_chyou can22:02
zeltakhow do i do it through the fstab?22:02
jelangkieren: In the KDE Menu Editor if you select the menu item you want to alter, the icon is to the right of the name and description fields. Left click that icon and then choose the new icon you want to use. Finally click "OK" and you should have a new icon.22:03
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions22:03
zeltakhyper_ch: ive read that but i wonder how it gets to be like /home so you dont need root permissions to read/write22:04
hyper_chzeltak: there are link with further ifo22:05
zeltakkk thx again22:05
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Andrew129hi! can anyone tell which sound driver kubuntu 10.04 uses by default?22:22
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BluesKaj-LaptopAndrew129, it uses the alsa kernel source driver22:29
Andrew129BluesKaj-Laptop: thanks! that's an odd thing, someone just told me in #ubuntu that kubuntu uses pulseaudio as kubuntu..22:30
Andrew129as ubuntu*22:30
BluesKaj-LaptopAndrew129,pulseaudio is an extra layer of audio processing which may not be necessary on your setup ,depending on the soundcard.22:31
DarthFrogI've not seen pulseaudio be anything but a problem.22:33
DarthFrogAndrew129: Kubuntu uses Phonon.  It can also use pulseaudio.22:34
BluesKaj-LaptopAndrew129, alsa is the default driver which works with most soundcards altho intel sound chips have some "issues" , which have to be solved .There are some tutorial workarounds for thos probs22:34
DarthFrogBasically, sound on linux is a cluster-fsck.22:34
BluesKaj-Laptopi wish there was a clear explanation on which role phonon and alsa play in the sound setup.22:37
hyper_chthe make the sound come out of your speakers :)22:37
DarthFrogALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) is the low-level system that controls the hardware.22:38
hyper_chthat's as much detail as I need :)22:38
BluesKaj-Laptopno they don't , the audio amp does that :)22:38
DarthFrogPhonon is a higher-level layer that provides sound services to KDE apps.22:38
DarthFrogHmm.  Botty doesn't know about Phonon.22:38
BluesKaj-Laptopanother pulseaudio type layer of processing ?22:39
DarthFrogI'm not sure of the relationship between Phonon and PulseAudio.  Other than Pulse usually bollixes up the works.22:39
BluesKaj-Laptop!info phonon22:44
ubottuphonon (source: qt4-x11): Qt 4 Phonon module metapackage. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.6.2-0ubuntu5 (lucid), package size 35 kB, installed size 68 kB22:44
Andrew129oh can you advice me which sound driver has the better output quality?22:45
BluesKaj-LaptopAndrew129, less is more in audio , if you don't mind not running more than one audio source at a time , the simplest is best , the fewer layers of processing sound servers the better the quality22:48
BluesKaj-LaptopAndrew129, the sound driver that works is the one to use , there aren't a lot of choices22:49
Andrew129i notice that under win xp i get a little better sound quality22:50
BluesKaj-LaptopAndrew129, run this command in the konsole , lspci | grep audio , and post the output22:51
Andrew12905:0a.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB0400 Audigy2 Value22:52
Andrew129onder windows it's cold Creative Audigy SB22:52
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BluesKaj-LaptopAndrew129, use this command to test , speaker-test -c2 -Ddefault -t wav22:53
Andrew129yeah, i can hear test voice22:54
TweakedEhHello, I Just installed Windows 7 to find that grub is now gone, I'm having trouble reinstalling Grub-pc I'm following this tut. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Installing (Ubuntu 9.10 and newer) and I get stuck on the 2nd command22:54
TweakedEhI get: grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub.22:55
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