
thorwilawesome. this is the third release where i get sticky tooltips on the workspace switcher, sometimes14:04
=== snubby is now known as Wulfgar
Cimiso tired16:10
kwwiiCimi: out late last night?16:53
sammihi, are there any old fashion artists here?17:43
sammiim trying to draw scenes but, unfortunately, the real world cant be put on pause to notice all of the details...17:46
thorwilsammi: hi! with old fashion, you mean "knows how to use a pencil"?18:22
sammithrowil, yes. thats what i meant18:32
thorwilsammi: i have some experience with life drawing, but often work with either photos or no reference at all18:37
sammiah, ya,  i have basically concluded that i need to get a digital camera18:38
thorwilsammi: a camera produces something that is quite different from what you see, once you look closely18:39
thorwilsammi: what are you trying to draw and why?18:39
thorwilthe "why" can make a difference regarding acceptable shortcuts18:40
sammii understand. i like drawing animals mostly18:43
thorwilsammi: if your problem is that they won't hold still or if you actually want to draw them in movement, you might have to work on your technique to enable you to draw fast and capture the important stuff with few strokes18:46
thorwilyou would do sketches "life" and later on refine the best of them or base a new drawing on them18:47
sammiya, thats what i did in drawing class, like 1-5 minutes figure drawings18:48
thorwilso you should have plentiful of cheap paper to not worry about wasting it18:48
sammii think im gonna start carrying arround a sketch pad again18:48
sammilol yep18:48
thorwilirc can't compete with an actual drawing class :)18:49
thorwili guess you have been shown how to construct bodies from simple geometry?18:49
samminope, not really. he was an anti-line nazi, lol18:50
sammicontour lines i mean18:50
sammitaught us to build shapes by mostly shading.18:50
thorwilthat's painting, not drawing, then, isn't it?18:50
sammilol kinda18:51
thorwilsammi: explore both approaches18:51
sammibah, pandora keeps freezing on me and i have to restart firefox18:51
thorwileven among artists working in the digital realm, you can find both approaches18:51
sammidont digital artists begin on paper? most i mean19:00
thorwilmany tend to start with sketches/outlines on paper19:01
thorwila few sketch digital or paint digital from the get go19:02
sammii tried the latter before, it as a disaster. looked like a preshchool drawing, lol19:04
thorwili don't recommend it, especially if you lack training with the real thing. although it can make building large/complex scenes quite a bit easier19:06
thorwilsammi: do you have examples of your work online?19:10
sammiim not a beginner, but not a professional.19:15
thorwilsammi: ah, then i guess i don't have to ask if you can construct perspectives with 1, 2 or 3 vanishing points :)19:17
sammidepends how complex the secne is, lol19:17
thorwilthe people who make me feel inferior: http://forums.cgsociety.org/forumdisplay.php?f=13719:20
sammihehe. ya they are incredible. i wish i had the patience to do something like that. i get bored after 3 hrs or that unless i really love it.19:22
Cimikwwii: no no... I'm too old instead23:19

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